диалог с британской школьницей-ведьмой
Stranger: heyy
You: hi
You: im looking for a satanist to hold a theological conversation
Stranger: awesome(:
You: r u a satanist
You: ?
Stranger: nope, but im a wiccan o.0
You: no, fuck this new age shit
Stranger: XD
Stranger: -poke-
Stranger: -pokeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-
You: whats this?
Stranger: im poking you XD
You: the poke thing
You: aa, ok
You: damn hippie
Stranger: i aint a hippy XD
Stranger: well
Stranger: maybe
Stranger: a lil
Stranger: peace bro XD
You: do u praise wooden dicks in the forests?
You: cause in russia pagans do
Stranger: nahh, you would like that too much
Stranger: well i aint in russia o.o
You: good for you!
Stranger: i know right!
You: but i am
You: sad, but true
Stranger: ummm yaay you?
You: all this bears and other stuff
Stranger: whats wrong with bears o.0
Stranger: heard their pretty cuddlely XD
You: they rape you, if u dont give them vodka
Stranger: i didn't spell that right ._.
Stranger: ah, good job i always keep a bottle on meh |-)
You: so tell me more about that wicca, there are no wiccans in russia
Stranger: whatcha wanna know?
You: do you believe in the Nature, or some Harmony, whats it all about?
Stranger: i respeact nature and so on, i hate it when people call me a witch and not even know what witch even means -.- i had that a lot at school, dang retards -.-
Stranger: lol i said dang XD
You: did they want to burn u?
Stranger: haha, nahh o.o
You: respect nature... why should i respect nature when bears rape me?
Stranger: im still here enit? XD way many chavs at my school, i wouldn't survive them o.0 mostly just bitchy girls
You: chavs? uk?
Stranger: oh and like knew much better XD
Stranger: yeahh UK (Y)
Stranger: the bears just like ya(:
Stranger: im sure the birds do allso |-)
You: and how do u respect nature? are u vegan?
Stranger: nah, i eat meat o.0 i dont go that far
Stranger: im not like a hardcore wiccan xD
Stranger: i hate it when people refer the devil to wiccans -.- christainty created the devil -.-
You: so, you support all that animal farms, dont u like cows?
Stranger: o.0
Stranger: i support animal charitys
You: cause cows suffer a lot, when they are killed to be eaten by you
Stranger: true o-o
Stranger: but saying that, everything suffer, no matter what or who you are
Stranger: its a way of live
You: so u are a... let me recall this word...
You: рнзщскшеу!
Stranger: ...? o.o
You: oh...
You: hypocrite!
Stranger: if you say so
Stranger: but hey your the one looking for a satanist
You: its not a disscussion... u r just like those hippies
You: but wiccan is fine too
Stranger: XD
Stranger: if you say so, then it most be true
You: so u dont need to change your consumer way of life to be a wiccan?
Stranger: no o.o i was brought up with it
Stranger: my mum is a wiccan to
You: but u eat meat, that mens u dont respect the nature.
Stranger: its not like i go cutting down trees, i rescycle i try not to waste water and electricty
Stranger: its the lil things that help
You: u dont need to cut them, workers in amazonia cut them for you
Stranger: they cut them down for everyone, they cut them down for you too
You: i am not wiccan
Stranger: and?
Stranger: you can respeact nature and not be a wiccan
You: i don't say i respect nature
Stranger: wiccan is a nature based religion
Stranger: wicca*
You: i cant say that while i consume the products that were brought to me in disrespectful way
You: sorry for my english
Stranger: wow, you really like to pick up on what people say and their faults about it -.-
You: yeah
Stranger: mehh o.o goody for you i guess
You: cause г ефлу ыщьу куызщтышишдшен щт нщгкыуда црут нщг ыфн нщгку ф цшссфт
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: i got nothing of that
You: shit
Stranger: XD
You: you take responsibility when you say you're a wiccan
Stranger: since when?
Stranger: your not a wiccan, you cant say that -.-
You: when somone says hes a christian, i dont expect him to be stealing, killing and so on
Stranger: question, before you carry on, how many people have you pissed of on this thing? im guessed many ._.
Stranger: no, but christians do
You: yes, these christians are hypocrites
Stranger: your religion doesn't make you a better person, in some case you would hope they would, but still you know
Stranger: are you religous in anyway?
You: its comfortable
You: no, im not religious in the common way
Stranger: ok, whats your thoughts on "god"?
You: i am a thelemite^ do what you want, everything is possible
Stranger: umm can you explain what a thelemite is please?
You: to cut a long story short, the min principle is above
Stranger: meh, i like long storys ._.
You: your will is everything, u can do with it what u want
Stranger: sounds smart
Stranger: do as you will aslong as your not harming others, lot people that dont know about wicca think witches harm people -.- i cast spells from time to time, ive never harmed anyone, the three fold law mean it would come back on me three times as wrse, you cna never cast a spell that would change someone, for example, casting a spell to make someone like you, it could work, but you wouldn't be happy, and if you was, for a limited time im sure
Stranger: spells like that can be casted thru comis ordering
Stranger: stating what your looking for and want to the universe
Stranger: for the greater good of course
You: some sort of carma
Stranger: i guess so
You: thats all good, but i think no one can say that he respects/does no harm to the nature while he lives in the modern society
Stranger: respeact is a compilcated word to be honest, people can see and take it in many different ways
You: ok, maybe i should learn more english, im satisfied with the conversation, but i should go to sleep (its 2 am here), bye
Stranger: last question
You: ok
Stranger: can i ask for your age? im going to guess im a lot younger then you
You: 20
Stranger: your very wise
Stranger: would you believe im 15?
You: it the bears
Stranger: lol, bears XD
You: 15& i thought 18
Stranger: haha cool
You: bye :)
Stranger: nice talking to you(: