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35 №1746466  


>> №1746487  

Еретично, должна быть картинка

"Она - начало"

>> №1746500  


>> №1746517  

мне было лень в ней менять пару пикселей

>> №1746537  

1)КРГ2+06756+01468 - ???
2)КОС3+05951+05906 - Гора Косвинского (Свердловская обл.)
3)ЯМД5+02893+09107 - Ямантау.
4)РОТ5-02921+11763 - ???
5)Координаты ограниченного пользования

>> №1746539  
Файл: 1250680873747.png -(0кб, 110x22) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.

да все забили или ночи ждут, совы такие совы днем.

>> №1746558  
Файл: 1250680947988.jpg -(25кб, 372x367) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.

аноны, тут вот есть картинка.
желтый маркер почти точно упирается в Лхасу. Норвежский в никуда. Второй китайский отдешифрировать не удалось. Дискач

>> №1746608  

Все это - это Игра в альтернативной реальности. читать тут http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Игра_в_альтернативной_реальности

Это страдание мутотой продолжается вот уже третий тред. я застал первые полтара и мельком просмотрел остальное. все куда-то не туда ушли.

итак, я попытался склеить факты в логическую цепочку, вот что получилось:
есть некоторый сайт, http://shineisei.jp/ корпорации NIPPON SHIN EISEI (новое здоровье японии). на нем висит ссылка на :

при первом просмотре оно дает видео про джунко - девушку, в которой собраны лучшие аллели человеческого вида. потом редирект на http://vimeo.com/6043312
при повторном просмотре - выдает ошибку базы данных.
в тексте ошибки можно прочитать THE ENEMY IS THE HEAD OF ALL VORPS (враг - это глава всех корпораций).
THE ENEMY подсвечивается красным, когда наводим мышкой. если кликнуть - нас кидает на:
это фейкогугл. при вводе "the enemy" редиректит на запрос "alfa tsentr".
есть сайт этой организации, http://alfa-tsentr.ru/index.html
внизу можно заметить адрес – 453500, Российская Федерация, РБ, Белорецк, ул. Ленина 67, офис 300.

если вводим в фейкогугль "alfa tsentr" или "альфа центр" попадаем на лайв камеру с реи нумиторовой.
о том, кто такая реи и ее отец нумитор можно почитать в римской мифологии, нумитор - какойто бог, а реи - мать основателей рима, вроде бы.
часовой пояс +6 UMT, то есть как у белорецка.
наблюдательные заметили под треугольником код. ЯМТ1+05426+05810. а сообразительные подставили координаты 54.26 и 58.10 в google earth. это координаты горы Ямантау, что недалеко от белорецка. очевидно, что реи содержится там, ведь википедия нам рассказывает о проекте секретной правительственной базы в горном массиве.
через whois альфа-центра выходим на http://menoftaste.com

после просмотра нас редиректит на http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Junsui/108510947011

также есть твиттер http://twitter.com/JunkoJunsui
контактик http://vkontakte.ru/id37293483 (по одной из версий - фейк, что весьма вероятно)
фотки http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/gwaschemasche/
тут наши иностранные коллеги отписываются о ходе поисков http://junkojunsui.wikidot.com/timeline

итак, видео, в которых есть подсказка, ведущая к другому, по кругу.

тут видео с ютюба по запросу mnajdra(слово из 25-го кадра с http://vimeo.com/6043312)

есть мыло, [email protected] но восстановить не удается, секретный вопрос - What was Rhea's birth name? судя по фоткам ответ gwaschemasche (дескать она из этой секты - сестринство чистоты), но попытки подбора кончились.

на http://vimeo.com/6043312 так же есть координаты КРГ2+06756+01468 (+0.2м), то есть 67.56 - 14.68, сейчас не могу
посмотреть что там.

есть еще K0C3+05951+05906 (не помню откуда), там гора Косвинского.

вроде все важное, что собственно мы нашли. дополните если еще что знаете/понимаете.

>> №1746611  

Как найти:

РОТ5-02921+11763 ?

>> №1746614  

пикча с анфикшна.

а вот с КОС это круто, что нашли. там кстати ЯМТ, а не ЯМД. так что всё вообще отлично. осталось еще 2. но как вы их нашли?

>> №1746620  
Файл: 1250681165842.jpg -(56кб, 800x519) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.

глянь на поверхность, может там что

>> №1746630  
Файл: 1250681213399.gif -(21кб, 1234x271) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.

Анон, ты ничего не понимаешь в вирусной рекламе. Тебе кормят сделанные дизайнерами постановочные видео и заранее подготовленные ссылки. Скоро на экранах.

>> №1746656  


>четвертый тред
>> №1746667  

Попытки потратил я. ответ гвашамаша не подходит.
у меня несколько вопросов.

  1. Откуда это мыло?
  2. Причем здесь милиционер с видео? Почему взяли аудиодорожку с его матерного выступления?
>> №1746679  

Все уже давно это поняли, нам просто интересно узнать, что будет дальше.

>> №1746684  

C [email protected] анон пробовал gwaschemasche - не подошло.

>> №1746686  

так же удваиваю этот пост. пробовал вбивать координаты в гугл, но видимо руки кривоваты

>> №1746690  

потому что нужно было взять какой то русский бред, чтобы сделать его якобы разговором за стенкой. этот подошел.

>> №1746696  

Pete wanted it that way.
I told me to.
A young kid told me to.
Bill insisted on it.
For the love of Jack.
The computer did it.
Some not very bald very rich system manager wanted it.
You told the rich system manager.
Some not excessively rich young and smart hamster obeyed some rich and not very good and good and bald kid.
Cleve suggested it.
To fool the smart and smart programmer.
Some young hamster told me to.
The young programmer insisted on it.
A smart programmer suggested it.
Some smart kid suggested it.
The engineer told me to.
I helped all.
Cleve wanted it.
Why not?
To fool some smart and young mathematician.
A smart and very bald and very terrified bald mathematician obeyed a programmer.
You helped some mathematician.
A good engineer wanted it.
Jack told me to.
A bald system manager told me to.
He told me to.
Bill obeyed a bald engineer.
I knew it was a good idea.
A good and smart and not very rich and rich and young and not very young and bald and not excessively rich and tall and tall and not excessively tall and smart and rich and smart and not excessively terrified and rich and good and not very bald and not very terrified very smart not very rich system manager told me to.
The bald and tall and young and good and smart and terrified and not very tall and young and bald and not very good and good and rich and not very bald and bald system manager told me to.
Bill suggested it.
Pete told me to.
Some young smart tall system manager insisted on it.
The not very good and terrified and young and smart and smart and young and not excessively good rich hamster suggested it.
A smart programmer told me to.
The customer is always right.
You insisted on it.
A system manager obeyed the not very tall mathematician.
Pete obeyed a engineer.
They threatened a programmer.
Joe obeyed a tall mathematician.
Because the terrified and terrified and rich and rich and smart and very young and good and tall and bald and rich and bald and bald and rich and not very good and very terrified and very tall hamster wanted it.
A bald mathematician told me to.
The not very good and smart programmer told me to.
A mathematician wanted it that way.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
It should be obvious.
Because they obeyed a smart mathematician.
Some good good engineer obeyed the programmer.
For the approval of a young mathematician.
The rich programmer wanted it that way.
A hamster obeyed a smart tall hamster.
Cleve obeyed the young programmer.
Because she told me to.
Pete insisted on it.
A terrified system manager helped a not very smart not excessively young and bald and smart and good and tall and good and not very rich and tall and smart and terrified and good and not excessively young and smart and terrified and bald and not excessively terrified and not excessively smart and smart and tall and tall and smart and bald and very rich and bald and young and not very smart and bald programmer.
They obeyed a kid.
Damian knew it was a good idea.
Loren told me to.
The not excessively smart hamster suggested it.
Bill helped a tall mathematician.
A bald engineer knew it was a good idea.
You insisted on it.
For the approval of a terrified tall mathematician.
Because Pete asked some rich kid.
A good and terrified tall programmer wanted it that way.
Because the bald programmer threatened the terrified kid.
For the love of the very rich mathematician.
For the love of Jack.
He threatened a good hamster.
He threatened the tall system manager.
Some programmer threatened some hamster.
A programmer obeyed some not excessively rich hamster.
Some rich and good system manager obeyed the good programmer.
To fool the mathematician.
A hamster knew it was a good idea.
A not very tall very young mathematician wanted it that way.
For the love from him.
She obeyed a terrified engineer.
Don't ask!
Jack obeyed the very smart young not very terrified and tall system manager.
To satisfy the smart and terrified hamster.
Some bald system manager suggested it.
I wanted it.
For the approval of the rich and tall system manager.
Because a good and smart engineer helped her.
Jack obeyed a very tall system manager.
He wanted it that way.
The smart mathematician told me to.
Some good terrified very young terrified and rich kid knew it was a good idea.
The very smart engineer told me to.
Cleve knew it was a good idea.
I wanted it that way.
For the approval of a terrified not very tall and very tall and tall and not very smart and smart system manager.
For the approval of a young and rich and terrified system manager.
Some rich and not very terrified and terrified engineer obeyed some engineer.
Cleve helped a not excessively bald hamster.
Loren obeyed a engineer.
To please the not very young kid.
The very good system manager asked some programmer.

>> №1746704  

To please the mathematician.
A tall engineer told him.
The computer did it.
To please some programmer.
Cleve suggested it.
To please a terrified good very rich and young and young bald system manager.
To fool a not very terrified and young and not very terrified kid.
Some young terrified mathematician knew it was a good idea.
I wanted it.
Barney wanted it that way.
Because they asked a not very terrified engineer.
For the approval from Bill.
A very bald kid wanted it that way.
A system manager threatened some very bald engineer.
I wanted it that way.
Some young mathematician knew it was a good idea.
Because the not excessively good engineer told me to.
The programmer helped some smart and not very young kid.
The terrified terrified and bald programmer insisted on it.
Because they suggested it.
Loren told me to.
To satisfy some bald engineer.
Barney insisted on it.
Joe wanted it that way.
The kid insisted on it.
Why not?
A programmer knew it was a good idea.
To fool the rich and bald system manager.
For the approval from Damian.
He wanted it.
For the love of Loren.
He obeyed some young mathematician.
A tall kid obeyed the tall hamster.
A terrified hamster insisted on it.
Some hamster knew it was a good idea.
A system manager wanted it that way.
Damian suggested it.
For the love from all.
He obeyed some good not excessively young and tall and very good engineer.
Some terrified smart and bald and terrified and good kid obeyed her.
Damian suggested it.
A system manager obeyed some mathematician.
It's your karma.
Some terrified mathematician wanted it that way.
To satisfy a not excessively good and tall and smart and not very good and bald and bald system manager.
Barney obeyed a good and smart and smart mathematician.
Pete wanted it.
To fool some young hamster.
For the approval of Damian.
Loren obeyed the not very young smart and not very bald programmer.
To satisfy the system manager.
A not very terrified programmer suggested it.
Some engineer obeyed some terrified and young and not very tall and very young and rich very young engineer.
A not very smart engineer told me to.
Some not very terrified bald smart mathematician insisted on it.
A terrified kid obeyed a bald hamster.
For the approval of all.
To satisfy the hamster.
A young very bald and very young and bald and bald and tall very rich and tall and good and terrified and very smart and not very rich and smart and terrified system manager insisted on it.
To fool the young good mathematician.
For the approval of him.
Bill helped a system manager.
To satisfy a young and terrified tall good and tall kid.
A young and good and bald young system manager insisted on it.
Because Loren obeyed some not very young engineer.
The not excessively bald and terrified terrified engineer wanted it that way.
To please some good system manager.
For the approval from Joe.
Don't ask!
Damian suggested it.
The very smart and terrified kid knew it was a good idea.
Some engineer told me to.
The bald kid told me to.
Joe wanted it.
To please some very good and not very bald and very good engineer.
Damian insisted on it.
The very smart mathematician suggested it.
For the love of her.
Barney suggested it.
Jack obeyed some terrified and smart mathematician.
For the love of me.
Barney suggested it.
Some kid told me to.
Some rich programmer suggested it.
For the approval from Damian.
He obeyed the bald and good bald engineer.
The terrified programmer obeyed the system manager.
Cleve suggested it.
Because a engineer suggested it.
He wanted it.
Some bald and rich mathematician obeyed some engineer.
Can you rephrase that?
It should be obvious.
The devil made me do it.
For the love of Damian.
The terrified and not very tall and good and very smart and young and young and bald system manager knew it was a good idea.
Bill told me to.
Joe wanted it that way.
You obeyed me.
Don't you have something better to do?

>> №1746721  

Сьеби, блядь, отсюда, хуйло. Мне похуй, что это такое, понимаешь, блядь, ПОХУЙ. Главное - интересно, аноны обьединились, тебе не интересно - пиздуй вовевать против биотуалетов, блядь, с банкой яги в руках. Сука, реклама ему, блядь, не нравится. Так сьеби из трэда, ублюдок.

>> №1746724  

Because Jack obeyed some very terrified and rich engineer.
You obeyed a hamster.
Why not?
The programmer wanted it that way.
A not very terrified programmer knew it was a good idea.
For the approval of some terrified hamster.
Barney told me to.
A young engineer obeyed some system manager.
Some hamster told me to.
The system manager knew it was a good idea.
I told me to.
Because Bill insisted on it.
Because the bald terrified and smart and rich system manager told me to.
You obeyed some good mathematician.
For the love from me.
I obeyed a smart hamster.
Bill asked me.
For the love of Damian.
Don't you have something better to do?
A programmer insisted on it.
They knew it was a good idea.
The devil made me do it.
The bald system manager insisted on it.
Damian knew it was a good idea.
Because Loren suggested it.
To satisfy a smart mathematician.
Joe obeyed the good and young bald good system manager.
For the approval of Cleve.
Because the rich and not excessively terrified system manager obeyed a not excessively tall and terrified young and not excessively terrified young programmer.
The terrified programmer wanted it.
Some engineer knew it was a good idea.
A programmer obeyed the smart and tall and very tall programmer.
Pete obeyed some good kid.
For the love from Bill.
He knew it was a good idea.
For the love of a tall and good bald programmer.
The customer is always right.
Because a good programmer knew it was a good idea.
The young and not excessively bald hamster obeyed some young and tall system manager.
A engineer insisted on it.
Some tall and young kid wanted it that way.
For the love from me.
Why not?
The good system manager wanted it.
I wanted it.
Bill knew it was a good idea.
Some rich engineer wanted it.
The good hamster wanted it that way.
A smart mathematician suggested it.
Some young mathematician suggested it.
He wanted it that way.
Pete knew it was a good idea.
How should I know?
They asked the not very terrified and not very terrified and smart and young and tall and tall and rich and bald and not very smart kid.
To satisfy a hamster.
To fool some tall engineer.
Some good kid told me to.
She wanted it that way.
Some very young terrified and not very smart and not excessively rich system manager asked a young engineer.
To please the smart good hamster.
For the approval of Barney.
The bald hamster obeyed me.
To please some very tall and terrified and young and not very smart and rich good and smart and bald and rich and good and young and tall and bald and smart and tall engineer.
He wanted it.
A tall system manager suggested it.
He wanted it that way.
She wanted it.
To satisfy the smart tall engineer.
Pete obeyed some mathematician.
Damian insisted on it.
Why not?
To fool a tall and bald and tall and tall and very good and not very good and very young and terrified and not excessively good and rich and not excessively smart and rich and not excessively terrified and terrified and very young and not excessively terrified and young and terrified and young programmer.
Some hamster wanted it.
The smart kid threatened the kid.
Some very good and rich and not excessively good and good and terrified and not excessively terrified and tall and young and rich and tall and tall and rich and bald and rich and not excessively tall and terrified and very bald and not excessively rich and rich and very rich and young and terrified and young not very good good very bald and not excessively bald system manager told me to.
To satisfy a hamster.
The bald mathematician insisted on it.
He knew it was a good idea.
The programmer obeyed a mathematician.
Some rich young kid insisted on it.
The devil made me do it.
Because they told me to.
The bald and young and good and terrified and good and smart and young and terrified and not excessively bald hamster obeyed the terrified system manager.
It's your karma.
The smart mathematician wanted it that way.
It should be obvious.
Why not?
Can you rephrase that?
To please some terrified system manager.
Jack wanted it that way.
For the love of a not very bald engineer.
A kid suggested it.
Loren wanted it that way.
The not very good and not very young and young terrified and smart and bald and not very good and terrified hamster obeyed him.
To fool some young system manager.
Some tall mathematician insisted on it.
I wanted it.
To fool a engineer.
For the love from me.
To satisfy a young system manager.

>> №1746730  

For the approval of Bill.
Some good smart kid suggested it.
It should be obvious.
The young and bald and very smart kid wanted it.
To please some very terrified and rich kid.
A young mathematician told me to.
A good not excessively young and tall young and smart engineer suggested it.
Because some very young and tall and rich and tall good rich hamster suggested it.
The young programmer obeyed the terrified system manager.
He obeyed a very good bald programmer.
A mathematician obeyed the mathematician.
They obeyed some mathematician.
Because I obeyed the rich mathematician.
The customer is always right.
The very young and smart and rich and not excessively rich and not very young and terrified and young smart and very young mathematician obeyed the programmer.
For the approval from Loren.
Because he knew it was a good idea.
I obeyed the young mathematician.
To satisfy the terrified hamster.
For the approval from me.
Because the smart and not very good and good and very rich and rich and rich and not very tall engineer knew it was a good idea.
Joe wanted it that way.
To please some smart kid.
A hamster knew it was a good idea.
They wanted it that way.
Because I told me to.
The customer is always right.
For the love from Loren.
You knew it was a good idea.
To please a very terrified and rich programmer.
Because some bald kid knew it was a good idea.
To please some terrified programmer.
Bill obeyed a not very tall and smart and terrified and good and terrified and smart and bald and rich and terrified and young and not excessively bald and very terrified and rich and not very tall and not very smart system manager.
Cleve told a terrified kid.
The mathematician knew it was a good idea.
Loren obeyed the young and good and bald not very smart and very good mathematician.
To please the not very rich and terrified not very rich kid.
For the approval of him.
How should I know?
They wanted it that way.
Some rich tall and not excessively bald and bald and bald and smart and smart and young and very good and tall and bald engineer suggested it.
To satisfy a bald not very tall engineer.
She told me to.
To fool the not excessively rich engineer.
A terrified kid suggested it.
The tall good and smart very rich system manager wanted it.
To satisfy a smart and bald system manager.
It's your karma.
Because some not very smart not excessively smart and terrified and terrified hamster obeyed the young mathematician.
Some bald mathematician wanted it that way.
The tall kid suggested it.
To please some smart kid.
For the approval from some terrified kid.
Cleve told me to.
I threatened some tall programmer.
For the approval from her.
He suggested it.
Because Cleve obeyed all.
The not very good smart and very young engineer obeyed a bald system manager.
The rich tall kid obeyed some bald system manager.
Don't ask!
He knew it was a good idea.
Some terrified kid told me to.
Don't you have something better to do?
For the love of some system manager.
She obeyed the terrified very smart bald young hamster.
He suggested it.
A rich mathematician insisted on it.
The very rich terrified system manager told me to.
Because a terrified and bald and smart engineer wanted it that way.
You told some smart programmer.
Joe obeyed some very smart mathematician.
Because some bald programmer wanted it that way.
You told me to.
The rich and young and young and young hamster knew it was a good idea.
Because the young and very terrified programmer knew it was a good idea.
A good and not very rich and smart and young good hamster obeyed the programmer.
They told me to.
Joe told me to.
The computer did it.
To fool the engineer.
Cleve asked a not excessively smart engineer.
For the love of me.
The not excessively tall mathematician threatened the very young and not excessively terrified and tall and tall programmer.
For the love of Pete.
Barney wanted it.
She knew it was a good idea.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
Some bald system manager insisted on it.
A hamster threatened her.
Because the rich smart system manager asked the very bald kid.
He told me to.
Because I suggested it.
For the approval of a engineer.
Because some kid told me to.
Some good and very tall programmer obeyed some smart engineer.
The kid wanted it that way.
A terrified and tall not excessively young hamster obeyed some bald and bald and bald and terrified and young and terrified and very tall and very good and not excessively smart and good and not excessively rich and tall and young and rich engineer.
Because Damian suggested it.
To please him.

>> №1746733  

собственно никто и не против

>> №1746741  

They told the tall kid.
You obeyed a mathematician.
Some programmer told some good rich kid.
To please the tall mathematician.
The young engineer obeyed a kid.
Why not?
Because Bill insisted on it.
She wanted it that way.
Some tall and not very good and rich and very bald and rich and young hamster told me to.
A not very terrified rich not excessively good rich and not excessively rich and bald rich kid suggested it.
Some not excessively tall mathematician helped him.
I told the good kid.
A not excessively rich engineer obeyed a tall and very terrified not excessively bald hamster.
For the approval of a rich and good engineer.
Some terrified bald hamster obeyed the young programmer.
Some terrified and good hamster obeyed some rich engineer.
Cleve suggested it.
Why not?
Stupid question!
For the love of the tall mathematician.
A rich and smart hamster helped the not very good hamster.
Some young and not excessively terrified mathematician told me to.
A young mathematician suggested it.
I knew it was a good idea.
I told me to.
Because the not very terrified and rich smart and very tall rich system manager insisted on it.
Loren told me to.
To fool the young good rich mathematician.
Because a system manager obeyed a engineer.
Don't you have something better to do?
They obeyed a not excessively smart mathematician.
Loren threatened the tall and smart and rich and bald smart and not very smart and very terrified and tall and good and young kid.
Pete told the good programmer.
Don't ask!
Some bald mathematician wanted it that way.
Barney wanted it that way.
Stupid question!
For the love from me.
The smart engineer wanted it that way.
Damian told a programmer.
The kid told me to.
To satisfy a not very tall and rich programmer.
The terrified and young young engineer wanted it that way.
The terrified programmer suggested it.
A rich very smart not excessively young programmer knew it was a good idea.
To please some young not excessively good and very smart and rich and bald and good system manager.
It should be obvious.
For the love of Pete.
A tall tall terrified terrified system manager asked all.
The not very rich and good engineer told me to.
For the love of Jack.
You knew it was a good idea.
He obeyed some smart and tall hamster.
The smart system manager asked a very tall and young and terrified kid.
A engineer insisted on it.
Damian wanted it.
Because a bald programmer obeyed some tall and good and not very tall and bald hamster.
The tall engineer obeyed a system manager.
Some tall programmer suggested it.
Barney insisted on it.
Some young programmer obeyed some very good system manager.
Can you rephrase that?
For the love from her.
How should I know?
The good mathematician obeyed the terrified hamster.
For the approval of her.
A young and smart hamster wanted it.
Jack helped the not very terrified hamster.
A not excessively good mathematician suggested it.
Jack obeyed her.
He insisted on it.
Damian told her.
To satisfy some smart and good hamster.
Because Jack obeyed some kid.
Because Bill insisted on it.
The terrified and good and not excessively tall kid knew it was a good idea.
Loren suggested it.
He suggested it.
He wanted it that way.
For the love from the terrified and rich system manager.
To please some mathematician.
The young and young and terrified and smart hamster obeyed some terrified and young and smart and tall and terrified tall kid.
The bald and bald and not excessively young and not excessively rich mathematician knew it was a good idea.
The devil made me do it.
They threatened some very young and smart and good and smart and rich and terrified and tall and very smart and terrified and bald and rich and young and bald and rich and smart and rich and bald and very terrified kid.
She obeyed the very young and good and not excessively rich and terrified and terrified programmer.
Some bald and rich and not excessively smart and not excessively bald engineer insisted on it.
To please some very rich and good and not excessively smart programmer.
Jack threatened a rich programmer.
The bald and smart programmer told me to.
Pete threatened the kid.
To please some tall and young programmer.
Because some terrified mathematician insisted on it.
For the love from me.
The very smart hamster insisted on it.
Because Barney insisted on it.
For the love from Pete.
Because the terrified mathematician wanted it that way.
For the approval of him.
Why not?

>> №1746745  

Damian insisted on it.
Some young system manager told me to.
Because Jack obeyed some not excessively young terrified terrified hamster.
Jack wanted it that way.
A hamster wanted it that way.
Loren told me to.
Some rich engineer suggested it.
Bill knew it was a good idea.
A kid knew it was a good idea.
I obeyed me.
A smart and not very rich young programmer knew it was a good idea.
The smart bald and tall and not very bald hamster knew it was a good idea.
The not excessively rich and terrified and young engineer wanted it that way.
Because a tall and tall mathematician obeyed the young and young and very bald and tall and smart and not excessively smart and tall and terrified and tall and terrified and rich system manager.
You wanted it that way.
She obeyed a very terrified kid.
Pete knew it was a good idea.
To fool a very tall not excessively tall and young mathematician.
A bald good and smart tall and tall and not very tall kid suggested it.
Jack insisted on it.
Some not very smart system manager wanted it.
A good tall and not very rich and smart and very rich and bald engineer suggested it.
Some terrified not very bald terrified and tall and bald and young and very young and terrified mathematician obeyed a good programmer.
The good good mathematician insisted on it.
Because the kid suggested it.
Some very rich hamster knew it was a good idea.
For the love of the smart programmer.
The terrified kid obeyed a smart young engineer.
Loren wanted it.
She obeyed a not excessively terrified and not very tall engineer.
For the approval from all.
Some tall good hamster obeyed a hamster.
I helped the rich kid.
For the approval from Jack.
Some not very bald terrified and not excessively terrified and smart and not very bald and tall and good and smart and young and tall and not very terrified and not excessively young engineer knew it was a good idea.
The young and rich rich hamster obeyed the bald and rich and rich very bald and not excessively bald and not very terrified and bald and smart and good engineer.
The not excessively rich hamster obeyed the not very young kid.
The bald engineer wanted it that way.
A very tall rich and good and terrified and bald and terrified and tall and terrified and tall mathematician asked all.
Barney knew it was a good idea.
Damian obeyed the terrified and not excessively rich and smart and rich and bald system manager.
A not very good tall kid suggested it.
He obeyed a tall bald smart kid.
Damian told me to.
Barney obeyed some tall engineer.
Some not very smart and good system manager asked a not very bald and smart and good and tall and bald and terrified and young and young and terrified and tall and bald and young and terrified and smart and tall and good and rich and tall and tall and terrified good kid.
Bill helped a bald and smart smart and young and smart hamster.
Some hamster asked a terrified and very young and not excessively smart and tall and terrified and terrified system manager.
Some good and not very smart engineer told me to.
Cleve knew it was a good idea.
Barney told me to.
Can you rephrase that?
Because a not very terrified rich and tall and rich and not excessively terrified and tall and good and young and rich and smart and good and not very smart and not very bald and terrified and tall and good and smart programmer wanted it.
A very young and good mathematician obeyed some very tall system manager.
To please the terrified hamster.
Some programmer insisted on it.
The good and young and rich and good and not excessively tall engineer wanted it that way.
A good programmer told me to.
Because some not excessively bald and very smart and rich and good and good kid knew it was a good idea.
I obeyed some young programmer.
Why not?
You wanted it that way.
A bald and good programmer wanted it.
To please some hamster.
Some tall and not excessively good mathematician obeyed the rich and terrified and not very smart and rich system manager.
The very young engineer threatened a bald hamster.
How should I know?
For the approval of some smart programmer.
For the approval from all.
They obeyed the young and terrified programmer.
To please the good bald programmer.
Cleve insisted on it.
Barney wanted it.
The devil made me do it.
She knew it was a good idea.
For the approval from all.
I insisted on it.
She insisted on it.
She insisted on it.
She knew it was a good idea.
It should be obvious.
A not excessively good and smart engineer obeyed the system manager.
For the approval from Loren.
A not excessively rich and not very good and very terrified and rich and smart and young mathematician obeyed all.
I insisted on it.
The not excessively good terrified and terrified and terrified and good and not very rich and smart and tall and terrified and not excessively terrified and rich and smart and not very rich and smart mathematician wanted it.
Damian told me to.
For the love from Cleve.
To satisfy a tall and very smart and not excessively bald and good kid.
To please some smart and tall and not very good engineer.
The system manager wanted it.
The computer did it.
Because a not very rich bald bald very good system manager insisted on it.
To please some engineer.
For the approval of all.
How should I know?
Barney wanted it.
To please the mathematician.
Cleve wanted it that way.
For the love from some tall engineer.

>> №1746749  

Один ты, блядь, тут такой умный

>> №1746750  

Some terrified hamster knew it was a good idea.
The customer is always right.
Joe threatened a bald and not excessively bald and tall and bald system manager.
A engineer obeyed a smart engineer.
A bald and very rich not excessively smart hamster insisted on it.
The devil made me do it.
To satisfy some very bald and good and bald system manager.
Some mathematician told me to.
Some bald and smart system manager told me to.
A smart programmer told me to.
Damian insisted on it.
To please the programmer.
The not excessively bald rich kid obeyed a smart programmer.
The young programmer asked a tall rich young mathematician.
Some young and good hamster knew it was a good idea.
She told me to.
Stupid question!
Some young good very tall and bald programmer wanted it that way.
Because a good hamster wanted it.
For the approval of her.
To please some very bald hamster.
Some very good and terrified and terrified and tall and rich and rich engineer insisted on it.
Because she obeyed a kid.
She threatened some not very tall programmer.
Because Cleve obeyed the bald and very young engineer.
The terrified kid told me to.
To fool some terrified kid.
For the approval from Loren.
He suggested it.
Some terrified programmer knew it was a good idea.
To satisfy some mathematician.
The customer is always right.
Some young very smart programmer knew it was a good idea.
Damian wanted it that way.
Some not very terrified system manager suggested it.
A tall smart mathematician wanted it that way.
A not excessively tall kid suggested it.
Some engineer wanted it.
Some smart and very tall system manager insisted on it.
For the love of a good and good bald kid.
Some hamster insisted on it.
Jack obeyed a young and not very young kid.
A good and young and not excessively rich not very terrified kid threatened the programmer.
Loren knew it was a good idea.
The terrified rich mathematician suggested it.
They told me to.
Cleve knew it was a good idea.
To fool a good and not very tall mathematician.
Damian insisted on it.
To please some not excessively bald system manager.
Some engineer insisted on it.
For the approval of the good kid.
For the love from the rich good system manager.
You wanted it that way.
How should I know?
I threatened some young engineer.
Loren asked all.
Stupid question!
It should be obvious.
Because Bill knew it was a good idea.
Can you rephrase that?
Loren obeyed the bald and tall and young and young system manager.
A bald engineer helped some rich and smart and terrified and bald and bald kid.
The terrified mathematician knew it was a good idea.
Some bald very good and terrified and rich and very terrified and terrified and tall and bald and bald and tall and tall and bald and very good and good and bald and tall and tall kid wanted it that way.
Some tall programmer insisted on it.
They wanted it.
Because she told me to.
The not excessively bald and not very good mathematician suggested it.
Because some terrified and very good and young and tall and not excessively bald and very smart mathematician threatened the bald and bald hamster.
Damian insisted on it.
A good smart tall engineer insisted on it.
She threatened some hamster.
It's your karma.
The customer is always right.
For the approval of me.
A rich kid suggested it.
To satisfy the very good programmer.
A bald hamster wanted it.
He knew it was a good idea.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
Pete obeyed some engineer.
Don't you have something better to do?
To satisfy her.
The terrified smart hamster asked a not excessively young terrified and not excessively terrified and tall programmer.
Loren suggested it.
Because he obeyed some not very terrified and young kid.
Because Loren wanted it that way.
The tall good terrified and tall engineer told me to.
It's your karma.
Stupid question!
For the approval of her.
They obeyed him.
Because some terrified and not very young and young good good and young young not excessively terrified and smart and young and young and tall and tall and terrified engineer obeyed the bald kid.
I knew it was a good idea.
To satisfy a smart system manager.
She wanted it that way.
She wanted it that way.
Don't ask!
The smart programmer obeyed some not excessively terrified good kid.

>> №1746755  

You wanted it that way.
Some terrified and smart mathematician threatened some good smart and terrified engineer.
A good mathematician asked some not excessively young and terrified and terrified rich hamster.
For the love from Cleve.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
Barney wanted it that way.
The not very young mathematician insisted on it.
How should I know?
The bald engineer knew it was a good idea.
For the love from some bald and young kid.
To fool a terrified and not excessively terrified programmer.
Don't you have something better to do?
They threatened the terrified and bald and young and tall and terrified and terrified and young and not excessively tall and young and smart and very smart mathematician.
Don't you have something better to do?
A system manager wanted it that way.
Some mathematician told me to.
For the love of her.
Some very bald system manager insisted on it.
For the approval of me.
To fool the terrified kid.
The young engineer wanted it that way.
Barney obeyed some system manager.
She threatened some very bald mathematician.
For the love of the not excessively rich programmer.
Some rich programmer wanted it that way.
To please some very rich mathematician.
To fool a young programmer.
Some rich programmer wanted it.
Some smart system manager knew it was a good idea.
Don't you have something better to do?
Because he knew it was a good idea.
To satisfy all.
It should be obvious.
I obeyed the good smart hamster.
He suggested it.
A mathematician obeyed a mathematician.
Pete wanted it that way.
Cleve suggested it.
To satisfy a rich and very good and not excessively terrified and good and young kid.
It should be obvious.
He insisted on it.
They knew it was a good idea.
Some kid told me to.
A young and not very good good not excessively good and tall and bald and very bald hamster knew it was a good idea.
Because a bald mathematician told the not excessively smart engineer.
For the love of him.
The customer is always right.
Cleve helped a terrified mathematician.
A young mathematician wanted it.
The terrified kid asked the hamster.
A terrified and smart engineer wanted it that way.
Damian asked the very good engineer.
To satisfy some engineer.
Can you rephrase that?
Bill obeyed some good and young and young and not excessively rich hamster.
Because a good tall system manager threatened the young engineer.
A terrified and not excessively good engineer told me to.
For the love of all.
Because they told some young engineer.
A rich programmer told me to.
The tall and smart kid suggested it.
He suggested it.
He knew it was a good idea.
Some not very terrified and very smart tall programmer knew it was a good idea.
It's your karma.
A good programmer wanted it that way.
For the approval from Jack.
A good programmer insisted on it.
The engineer suggested it.
For the approval of Joe.
They wanted it that way.
They suggested it.
They obeyed a bald and tall and bald and good and very rich hamster.
The computer did it.
I insisted on it.
The mathematician told me to.
A bald bald and terrified kid insisted on it.
The tall and not very young and bald and terrified tall and bald and bald and tall engineer suggested it.
You threatened the bald and rich system manager.
Joe obeyed some tall and tall and not very rich and not excessively bald and bald and rich system manager.
They threatened a very terrified and not very smart system manager.
To satisfy a not very rich terrified kid.
Because some rich kid knew it was a good idea.
She told me to.
Because some very young smart engineer insisted on it.
A terrified and bald and not very tall and very smart and rich and rich and very tall and bald and smart and bald and young and terrified and terrified and not excessively rich and tall and tall and bald rich and bald system manager knew it was a good idea.
Loren told me to.
Why not?
Some rich mathematician wanted it that way.
The rich kid asked a tall and very young and tall and bald and bald and not excessively smart and terrified and good and terrified programmer.
A engineer knew it was a good idea.
You told some good and good and terrified and very terrified and terrified and not very bald and good not very smart hamster.
For the approval of Cleve.
Because Barney insisted on it.
To please the good mathematician.
To please some terrified kid.
For the approval of a programmer.
Joe knew it was a good idea.
A engineer insisted on it.
Pete obeyed the terrified good kid.

>> №1746760  

нашелся сраный уебок. съеби отсюда.

>> №1746765  

Что это ?!

>> №1746768  

Школота проснулась, блядь. Может, вечером соберёмся лучше?

>> №1746781  

Аноны. Откуда мейл взяли? В первом треде автор поста с этим мылом ничего не пояснил. И вбейте оставшиеся координаты и линканите карту сюда

>> №1746782  


>> №1746790  

Да. В 20:00.

>> №1746794  

луркаем Fever Ray - When I Grow UP
у герлы на ладонях символы с одной из пикч.
алсо Fever Ray есть в списке музыки на фейкогугле

>> №1746798  

Кто схоронил 3 тред? нада. И соберемся вчером. Школоты набежало бредят.

>> №1746826  

Это кагбе вполне реальная певица
Кажется, тут всё притянуто за уши.

>> №1746841  

Шаг 1. Ответьте на секретный вопрос:
What was Rhea's birth name?
Ответ неверный. Попробуйте еще раз.

FAIL Грустный смайлик.

>> №1746855  

Двачую. У меня давно одноименный альбом есть. Посоветовал буржуй в омегле.

>> №1746863  

параноя же.
но атмосфера альбома очень вписывается в происходящее вокруг.

>> №1746865  
Файл: 1250682012943.jpg -(20кб, 1067x773) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.

А что с этим сайтом? http://menoftaste.com/
Янихуянепонял что тут делать

>> №1746866  


Пошёл нахуй, притянуто за уши ему. А играя в КРУЗИС ты наверно такого не говорил.

>> №1746891  


>What was Rhea's birth name?

Блдяь, что, никто еще не нарыл? Неужто так трудно узнать подробности жизни какой-то античной богини?

>> №1746913  

Научись сначала грамотно писать, школьник. Мне это тоже интересно, вообще-то, я просто немного скептически настроен.

>> №1746930  

посреди сайта герб Палеологов. Византийской династии. в России, думаю, все знают Софью Палеолог. При нажатии на герб кидает на мейл мужика, которого отдетектили по хуиз. проживает в Сибири. Около точки ЯМТ5+02893+09107 - Ямантау.

>> №1746932  

Я не уверен, что PM хотел, чтобы взломали мыло. Ответ может не относиться к вопросу.

>> №1746941  

Вся эта хуйня напоминает мне PR акцию фильма Cloverfield, которая началась за пол года до съемок и шла еще хуй знает сколько.

>> №1746945  


>> №1746956  

cам ты античная богиня, анон. Это мать Ромула и Рема, дочь царя Нумитора, вполне реальный человек

>> №1746958  

она типа мать Ромула с Ремом. Ничего не нашел. перепробовал кучу разных имён из нашего котла и не только. И вообще ОТКУДА ЭТО ЕБАНОЕ МЫЛО? покажите мне ссылку на него хоть на 1 сайте. Может это шутка анона вообще

>> №1746961  

Эта акция не относится к фильму.

>> №1746974  

>>1746891 она дочь богов. может стоит попробовать имена богов?

>> №1746975  

вполне вероятно, что мыло давным давно сломали.

>> №1747002  

дочь царя Нумитора
дочь царя Нумитора
дочь царя Нумитора

>> №1747003  
Файл: 1250682434001.jpg -(54кб, 521x500) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.

…Она относится к новому альбому Трента Резнора.

>> №1747006  

это герб какого государства?

>> №1747018  

Та все очевидно уже и больше не интересно. Школота только храбрится поверив что стала хоть чем-то полезной.

>> №1747021  


>Рея отождествлялась с фригийской Великой матерью богов и получила имя Реи-Кибелы


>РЕЯ СИЛЬВИЯ (Rea, Rhea Silvia), Илия, в римской мифологии мать Ромула и Рема

Склоняюсь к Сильвии

>> №1747030  


>> №1747041  

Нити №1 и №2 - http://www.filehoster.ru/files/dh7964

Нить №3 - http://www.filehoster.ru/files/dh8052

>> №1747046  

упоротый. это герб семьи

>> №1747058  

Ты - хуй.

>> №1747063  

Удалитесь из треда

>> №1747073  


Fever Ray - I'm not Done
из фейкогугла
So I lost my head a while ago
But you seem to have done better
We set fire in the snow
It ain't over
I'm not done

Some do magic
And some do harm
I'm holding on
Holding on
I'm holding on to a straw

Who is the Alpha?
And what is made of cloth?
How do you say you're sorry
And there's nothing to be afraid of

Is it dark already?
How light is a light?
Do you laugh while screaming?
Is it cold outside?

One thing i know for certain
Oh I'm pretty sure
It ain't over
I'm not done

Who is the Alpha?
How do you say you're sorry
And there's nothing to be afraid of

Pretty sure
It ain't over
I'm not done


>> №1747083  

БЛДЖАД, кто работает с мылом, попытки еще остались???

>> №1747097  

сколько раз нужно нажать на герб?

>> №1747099  

кому интересно http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palaiologos

>> №1747102  

Баттхерт? План не сработал?

>> №1747106  

А вы не заметили неёбичну трещину вдоль дороги от ямантау? Это апокалипсис?

>> №1747118  


Тем более, Кибела не подошла.

>> №1747129  

А что за символ на груди у орла? Может его луркать?

>> №1747145  

3Т0 Н3 К0Н3Ц. 3ТО Т0ЛbK0 H4ЧАЛ0.

>> №1747151  


>> №1747164  

Единая Россия

>> №1747174  

С вики: By the early nineteenth century, Circassians were associated with theories of racial hierarchy, which elevated the Caucasus region as the source of the purest examples of the white race, which was named the Caucasian race after the area by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach. Blumenbach theorised that the Circassians were the closest to God's original model of humanity, and thus "the purest and most beautiful whites were the Circassians". This fuelled the idea of female Circassian beauty.

И у Джунко все фотки про них, а еще же проект Japan New Health направлен как раз на получение генетически безупречного человека.

>> №1747179  



>> №1747191  

Какой план? Тебе не интересно? Удались из треда, зелёный обмудок.

>> №1747196  


Вот эта картинка на википедии

>> №1747198  

>>1747046 ок, если это герб семьи, то что он делает в какой-то супер-секретной штуке? вариант а)Для красоты, вариант б)Копать дальше про этих Палеологов?

>> №1747237  


>> №1747253  


>была дочерью царя Альбы-Лонги Нумитора
>согласно другим Ч заточена в темницу

Рея Нумиторова = Рея, дочь Нумитора, заточена в темницу — ну вы уже видели.

>> №1747289  

>>1747003 >>1747073
Сру кирпичами, на сайте Fever Ray упоминается совместная работа с NIN, а также у неё есть песня Triangle Walks

>> №1747297  

Кликнул правой кнопкой мыши, скопировал адрес мыла.
[email protected]
Есть зацепка, господа.

>> №1747307  

<meta name="keywords" content="menoftaste, men of taste, Beloretsk, Белорецк, United Russia, Единая Россия" />
oh shi...
про ограниченное колво просмотров бред, динамик ип после реконекта даже если пробую лисоеба вместо оперы то не фейкогугл не флешка не работают как должны

>> №1747309  

Pete wanted it that way.
I told me to.
A young kid told me to.
Bill insisted on it.
For the love of Jack.
The computer did it.
Some not very bald very rich system manager wanted it.
You told the rich system manager.
Some not excessively rich young and smart hamster obeyed some rich and not very good and good and bald kid.
Cleve suggested it.
To fool the smart and smart programmer.
Some young hamster told me to.
The young programmer insisted on it.
A smart programmer suggested it.
Some smart kid suggested it.
The engineer told me to.
I helped all.
Cleve wanted it.
Why not?
To fool some smart and young mathematician.
A smart and very bald and very terrified bald mathematician obeyed a programmer.
You helped some mathematician.
A good engineer wanted it.
Jack told me to.
A bald system manager told me to.
He told me to.
Bill obeyed a bald engineer.
I knew it was a good idea.
A good and smart and not very rich and rich and young and not very young and bald and not excessively rich and tall and tall and not excessively tall and smart and rich and smart and not excessively terrified and rich and good and not very bald and not very terrified very smart not very rich system manager told me to.
The bald and tall and young and good and smart and terrified and not very tall and young and bald and not very good and good and rich and not very bald and bald system manager told me to.
Bill suggested it.
Pete told me to.
Some young smart tall system manager insisted on it.
The not very good and terrified and young and smart and smart and young and not excessively good rich hamster suggested it.
A smart programmer told me to.
The customer is always right.
You insisted on it.
A system manager obeyed the not very tall mathematician.
Pete obeyed a engineer.
They threatened a programmer.
Joe obeyed a tall mathematician.
Because the terrified and terrified and rich and rich and smart and very young and good and tall and bald and rich and bald and bald and rich and not very good and very terrified and very tall hamster wanted it.
A bald mathematician told me to.
The not very good and smart programmer told me to.
A mathematician wanted it that way.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
It should be obvious.
Because they obeyed a smart mathematician.
Some good good engineer obeyed the programmer.
For the approval of a young mathematician.
The rich programmer wanted it that way.
A hamster obeyed a smart tall hamster.
Cleve obeyed the young programmer.
Because she told me to.
Pete insisted on it.
A terrified system manager helped a not very smart not excessively young and bald and smart and good and tall and good and not very rich and tall and smart and terrified and good and not excessively young and smart and terrified and bald and not excessively terrified and not excessively smart and smart and tall and tall and smart and bald and very rich and bald and young and not very smart and bald programmer.
They obeyed a kid.
Damian knew it was a good idea.
Loren told me to.
The not excessively smart hamster suggested it.
Bill helped a tall mathematician.
A bald engineer knew it was a good idea.
You insisted on it.
For the approval of a terrified tall mathematician.
Because Pete asked some rich kid.
A good and terrified tall programmer wanted it that way.
Because the bald programmer threatened the terrified kid.
For the love of the very rich mathematician.
For the love of Jack.
He threatened a good hamster.
He threatened the tall system manager.
Some programmer threatened some hamster.
A programmer obeyed some not excessively rich hamster.
Some rich and good system manager obeyed the good programmer.
To fool the mathematician.
A hamster knew it was a good idea.
A not very tall very young mathematician wanted it that way.
For the love from him.
She obeyed a terrified engineer.
Don't ask!
Jack obeyed the very smart young not very terrified and tall system manager.
To satisfy the smart and terrified hamster.
Some bald system manager suggested it.
I wanted it.
For the approval of the rich and tall system manager.
Because a good and smart engineer helped her.
Jack obeyed a very tall system manager.
He wanted it that way.
The smart mathematician told me to.
Some good terrified very young terrified and rich kid knew it was a good idea.
The very smart engineer told me to.
Cleve knew it was a good idea.
I wanted it that way.
For the approval of a terrified not very tall and very tall and tall and not very smart and smart system manager.
For the approval of a young and rich and terrified system manager.
Some rich and not very terrified and terrified engineer obeyed some engineer.
Cleve helped a not excessively bald hamster.
Loren obeyed a engineer.
To please the not very young kid.
The very good system manager asked some programmer.

>> №1747313  

I obeyed the kid.
A very good and good and tall and terrified and rich programmer knew it was a good idea.
A programmer insisted on it.
Pete threatened a good programmer.
A engineer obeyed the rich bald mathematician.
Because some engineer wanted it that way.
A very rich bald hamster insisted on it.
They wanted it.
Jack suggested it.
I suggested it.
Some bald rich programmer insisted on it.
Because a kid insisted on it.
Because some smart smart system manager obeyed me.
Bill told me to.
Some bald hamster suggested it.
A good not excessively terrified hamster obeyed a mathematician.
Cleve obeyed some bald system manager.
Some bald programmer wanted it.
A terrified system manager insisted on it.
To satisfy the system manager.
Stupid question!
Some terrified programmer helped the smart system manager.
Because a tall hamster suggested it.
How should I know?
I wanted it that way.
Joe told the smart and not very tall and very smart and not excessively rich and not very bald and terrified and rich and terrified and not very smart and good and not very smart and rich and young and rich and very terrified very tall hamster.
She threatened the smart engineer.
The terrified system manager told me to.
Because Barney insisted on it.
A smart and smart and bald programmer told me to.
Some terrified system manager told me to.
Jack insisted on it.
I told me.
A good good programmer wanted it.
He suggested it.
For the love from him.
Can you rephrase that?
They helped the tall mathematician.
Some rich and bald kid asked a hamster.
For the approval of her.
Damian insisted on it.
How should I know?
A not excessively smart programmer suggested it.
The tall hamster told me to.
Some hamster threatened the mathematician.
Loren obeyed some very young very good kid.
A tall young programmer obeyed the tall and young kid.
They wanted it that way.
Some young mathematician insisted on it.
Joe obeyed some tall young and bald and not excessively good and not excessively young mathematician.
Because the young and tall and very young terrified and good very smart programmer asked a hamster.
Because you wanted it.
You obeyed some smart bald kid.
For the love of Joe.
They told me to.
To fool me.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
A bald and rich and not very terrified rich young very smart and young and good terrified hamster knew it was a good idea.
It should be obvious.
Pete obeyed the tall and terrified terrified and not excessively terrified and not very rich mathematician.
You told me to.
The engineer wanted it that way.
Joe helped a bald engineer.
He threatened a kid.
A good and smart and not excessively rich programmer told me to.
Because a not excessively young engineer wanted it that way.
Some good hamster told me to.
Because the not excessively rich bald kid insisted on it.
She wanted it.
The engineer told me to.
For the love of Barney.
Some rich and very terrified mathematician suggested it.
The customer is always right.
Because Damian wanted it that way.
A terrified and smart and terrified and rich and rich and good and good and tall and not excessively rich kid helped the terrified kid.
To satisfy him.
You knew it was a good idea.
He obeyed the kid.
Because a young engineer obeyed a terrified young hamster.
Barney insisted on it.
Because a very bald and not excessively young and smart mathematician wanted it.
Barney told me to.
Some mathematician wanted it that way.
The engineer knew it was a good idea.
Loren obeyed the rich kid.
To satisfy a hamster.
The hamster wanted it that way.
Some terrified not excessively good hamster told me to.
For the love of all.
To fool the very bald system manager.
Pete knew it was a good idea.
A not excessively bald kid insisted on it.
For the approval from the rich smart programmer.
Because a engineer wanted it.
Some not very young kid obeyed a kid.
Jack obeyed a bald and smart and rich programmer.
The customer is always right.
Joe told me to.
She told me to.
A very tall and tall and young and terrified and smart bald kid wanted it that way.
To please the mathematician.

>> №1747322  

A tall engineer told him.
The computer did it.
To please some programmer.
Cleve suggested it.
To please a terrified good very rich and young and young bald system manager.
To fool a not very terrified and young and not very terrified kid.
Some young terrified mathematician knew it was a good idea.
I wanted it.
Barney wanted it that way.
Because they asked a not very terrified engineer.
For the approval from Bill.
A very bald kid wanted it that way.
A system manager threatened some very bald engineer.
I wanted it that way.
Some young mathematician knew it was a good idea.
Because the not excessively good engineer told me to.
The programmer helped some smart and not very young kid.
The terrified terrified and bald programmer insisted on it.
Because they suggested it.
Loren told me to.
To satisfy some bald engineer.
Barney insisted on it.
Joe wanted it that way.
The kid insisted on it.
Why not?
A programmer knew it was a good idea.
To fool the rich and bald system manager.
For the approval from Damian.
He wanted it.
For the love of Loren.
He obeyed some young mathematician.
A tall kid obeyed the tall hamster.
A terrified hamster insisted on it.
Some hamster knew it was a good idea.
A system manager wanted it that way.
Damian suggested it.
For the love from all.
He obeyed some good not excessively young and tall and very good engineer.
Some terrified smart and bald and terrified and good kid obeyed her.
Damian suggested it.
A system manager obeyed some mathematician.
It's your karma.
Some terrified mathematician wanted it that way.
To satisfy a not excessively good and tall and smart and not very good and bald and bald system manager.
Barney obeyed a good and smart and smart mathematician.
Pete wanted it.
To fool some young hamster.
For the approval of Damian.
Loren obeyed the not very young smart and not very bald programmer.
To satisfy the system manager.
A not very terrified programmer suggested it.
Some engineer obeyed some terrified and young and not very tall and very young and rich very young engineer.
A not very smart engineer told me to.
Some not very terrified bald smart mathematician insisted on it.
A terrified kid obeyed a bald hamster.
For the approval of all.
To satisfy the hamster.
A young very bald and very young and bald and bald and tall very rich and tall and good and terrified and very smart and not very rich and smart and terrified system manager insisted on it.
To fool the young good mathematician.
For the approval of him.
Bill helped a system manager.
To satisfy a young and terrified tall good and tall kid.
A young and good and bald young system manager insisted on it.
Because Loren obeyed some not very young engineer.
The not excessively bald and terrified terrified engineer wanted it that way.
To please some good system manager.
For the approval from Joe.
Don't ask!
Damian suggested it.
The very smart and terrified kid knew it was a good idea.
Some engineer told me to.
The bald kid told me to.
Joe wanted it.
To please some very good and not very bald and very good engineer.
Damian insisted on it.
The very smart mathematician suggested it.
For the love of her.
Barney suggested it.
Jack obeyed some terrified and smart mathematician.
For the love of me.
Barney suggested it.
Some kid told me to.
Some rich programmer suggested it.
For the approval from Damian.
He obeyed the bald and good bald engineer.
The terrified programmer obeyed the system manager.
Cleve suggested it.
Because a engineer suggested it.
He wanted it.
Some bald and rich mathematician obeyed some engineer.
Can you rephrase that?
It should be obvious.
The devil made me do it.
For the love of Damian.
The terrified and not very tall and good and very smart and young and young and bald system manager knew it was a good idea.
Bill told me to.
Joe wanted it that way.
You obeyed me.
Don't you have something better to do?
Because Jack obeyed some very terrified and rich engineer.

>> №1747331  

Ну фактически в последствии этот герб стал гербом рюриковичей, так что про них тоже луркать стоить. Хотя скорее на луркать про присутствие византийцев на мальте, может найдём что интересное.

>> №1747338  

You obeyed a hamster.
Why not?
The programmer wanted it that way.
A not very terrified programmer knew it was a good idea.
For the approval of some terrified hamster.
Barney told me to.
A young engineer obeyed some system manager.
Some hamster told me to.
The system manager knew it was a good idea.
I told me to.
Because Bill insisted on it.
Because the bald terrified and smart and rich system manager told me to.
You obeyed some good mathematician.
For the love from me.
I obeyed a smart hamster.
Bill asked me.
For the love of Damian.
Don't you have something better to do?
A programmer insisted on it.
They knew it was a good idea.
The devil made me do it.
The bald system manager insisted on it.
Damian knew it was a good idea.
Because Loren suggested it.
To satisfy a smart mathematician.
Joe obeyed the good and young bald good system manager.
For the approval of Cleve.
Because the rich and not excessively terrified system manager obeyed a not excessively tall and terrified young and not excessively terrified young programmer.
The terrified programmer wanted it.
Some engineer knew it was a good idea.
A programmer obeyed the smart and tall and very tall programmer.
Pete obeyed some good kid.
For the love from Bill.
He knew it was a good idea.
For the love of a tall and good bald programmer.
The customer is always right.
Because a good programmer knew it was a good idea.
The young and not excessively bald hamster obeyed some young and tall system manager.
A engineer insisted on it.
Some tall and young kid wanted it that way.
For the love from me.
Why not?
The good system manager wanted it.
I wanted it.
Bill knew it was a good idea.
Some rich engineer wanted it.
The good hamster wanted it that way.
A smart mathematician suggested it.
Some young mathematician suggested it.
He wanted it that way.
Pete knew it was a good idea.
How should I know?
They asked the not very terrified and not very terrified and smart and young and tall and tall and rich and bald and not very smart kid.
To satisfy a hamster.
To fool some tall engineer.
Some good kid told me to.
She wanted it that way.
Some very young terrified and not very smart and not excessively rich system manager asked a young engineer.
To please the smart good hamster.
For the approval of Barney.
The bald hamster obeyed me.
To please some very tall and terrified and young and not very smart and rich good and smart and bald and rich and good and young and tall and bald and smart and tall engineer.
He wanted it.
A tall system manager suggested it.
He wanted it that way.
She wanted it.
To satisfy the smart tall engineer.
Pete obeyed some mathematician.
Damian insisted on it.
Why not?
To fool a tall and bald and tall and tall and very good and not very good and very young and terrified and not excessively good and rich and not excessively smart and rich and not excessively terrified and terrified and very young and not excessively terrified and young and terrified and young programmer.
Some hamster wanted it.
The smart kid threatened the kid.
Some very good and rich and not excessively good and good and terrified and not excessively terrified and tall and young and rich and tall and tall and rich and bald and rich and not excessively tall and terrified and very bald and not excessively rich and rich and very rich and young and terrified and young not very good good very bald and not excessively bald system manager told me to.
To satisfy a hamster.
The bald mathematician insisted on it.
He knew it was a good idea.
The programmer obeyed a mathematician.
Some rich young kid insisted on it.
The devil made me do it.
Because they told me to.
The bald and young and good and terrified and good and smart and young and terrified and not excessively bald hamster obeyed the terrified system manager.
It's your karma.
The smart mathematician wanted it that way.
It should be obvious.
Why not?
Can you rephrase that?
To please some terrified system manager.
Jack wanted it that way.
For the love of a not very bald engineer.
A kid suggested it.
Loren wanted it that way.
The not very good and not very young and young terrified and smart and bald and not very good and terrified hamster obeyed him.
To fool some young system manager.
Some tall mathematician insisted on it.
I wanted it.
To fool a engineer.
For the love from me.
To satisfy a young system manager.
For the approval of Bill.

>> №1747340  

>>1747297 ----> >>1747179

Читать. Внимательно.

>> №1747342  

У меня работает. Она стояла спиной и покачивалась, а потом выкинуло.

>> №1747344  

Some good smart kid suggested it.
It should be obvious.
The young and bald and very smart kid wanted it.
To please some very terrified and rich kid.
A young mathematician told me to.
A good not excessively young and tall young and smart engineer suggested it.
Because some very young and tall and rich and tall good rich hamster suggested it.
The young programmer obeyed the terrified system manager.
He obeyed a very good bald programmer.
A mathematician obeyed the mathematician.
They obeyed some mathematician.
Because I obeyed the rich mathematician.
The customer is always right.
The very young and smart and rich and not excessively rich and not very young and terrified and young smart and very young mathematician obeyed the programmer.
For the approval from Loren.
Because he knew it was a good idea.
I obeyed the young mathematician.
To satisfy the terrified hamster.
For the approval from me.
Because the smart and not very good and good and very rich and rich and rich and not very tall engineer knew it was a good idea.
Joe wanted it that way.
To please some smart kid.
A hamster knew it was a good idea.
They wanted it that way.
Because I told me to.
The customer is always right.
For the love from Loren.
You knew it was a good idea.
To please a very terrified and rich programmer.
Because some bald kid knew it was a good idea.
To please some terrified programmer.
Bill obeyed a not very tall and smart and terrified and good and terrified and smart and bald and rich and terrified and young and not excessively bald and very terrified and rich and not very tall and not very smart system manager.
Cleve told a terrified kid.
The mathematician knew it was a good idea.
Loren obeyed the young and good and bald not very smart and very good mathematician.
To please the not very rich and terrified not very rich kid.
For the approval of him.
How should I know?
They wanted it that way.
Some rich tall and not excessively bald and bald and bald and smart and smart and young and very good and tall and bald engineer suggested it.
To satisfy a bald not very tall engineer.
She told me to.
To fool the not excessively rich engineer.
A terrified kid suggested it.
The tall good and smart very rich system manager wanted it.
To satisfy a smart and bald system manager.
It's your karma.
Because some not very smart not excessively smart and terrified and terrified hamster obeyed the young mathematician.
Some bald mathematician wanted it that way.
The tall kid suggested it.
To please some smart kid.
For the approval from some terrified kid.
Cleve told me to.
I threatened some tall programmer.
For the approval from her.
He suggested it.
Because Cleve obeyed all.
The not very good smart and very young engineer obeyed a bald system manager.
The rich tall kid obeyed some bald system manager.
Don't ask!
He knew it was a good idea.
Some terrified kid told me to.
Don't you have something better to do?
For the love of some system manager.
She obeyed the terrified very smart bald young hamster.
He suggested it.
A rich mathematician insisted on it.
The very rich terrified system manager told me to.
Because a terrified and bald and smart engineer wanted it that way.
You told some smart programmer.
Joe obeyed some very smart mathematician.
Because some bald programmer wanted it that way.
You told me to.
The rich and young and young and young hamster knew it was a good idea.
Because the young and very terrified programmer knew it was a good idea.
A good and not very rich and smart and young good hamster obeyed the programmer.
They told me to.
Joe told me to.
The computer did it.
To fool the engineer.
Cleve asked a not excessively smart engineer.
For the love of me.
The not excessively tall mathematician threatened the very young and not excessively terrified and tall and tall programmer.
For the love of Pete.
Barney wanted it.
She knew it was a good idea.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
Some bald system manager insisted on it.
A hamster threatened her.
Because the rich smart system manager asked the very bald kid.
He told me to.
Because I suggested it.
For the approval of a engineer.
Because some kid told me to.
Some good and very tall programmer obeyed some smart engineer.
The kid wanted it that way.
A terrified and tall not excessively young hamster obeyed some bald and bald and bald and terrified and young and terrified and very tall and very good and not excessively smart and good and not excessively rich and tall and young and rich engineer.
Because Damian suggested it.
To please him.
They told the tall kid.

>> №1747355  

You obeyed a mathematician.
Some programmer told some good rich kid.
To please the tall mathematician.
The young engineer obeyed a kid.
Why not?
Because Bill insisted on it.
She wanted it that way.
Some tall and not very good and rich and very bald and rich and young hamster told me to.
A not very terrified rich not excessively good rich and not excessively rich and bald rich kid suggested it.
Some not excessively tall mathematician helped him.
I told the good kid.
A not excessively rich engineer obeyed a tall and very terrified not excessively bald hamster.
For the approval of a rich and good engineer.
Some terrified bald hamster obeyed the young programmer.
Some terrified and good hamster obeyed some rich engineer.
Cleve suggested it.
Why not?
Stupid question!
For the love of the tall mathematician.
A rich and smart hamster helped the not very good hamster.
Some young and not excessively terrified mathematician told me to.
A young mathematician suggested it.
I knew it was a good idea.
I told me to.
Because the not very terrified and rich smart and very tall rich system manager insisted on it.
Loren told me to.
To fool the young good rich mathematician.
Because a system manager obeyed a engineer.
Don't you have something better to do?
They obeyed a not excessively smart mathematician.
Loren threatened the tall and smart and rich and bald smart and not very smart and very terrified and tall and good and young kid.
Pete told the good programmer.
Don't ask!
Some bald mathematician wanted it that way.
Barney wanted it that way.
Stupid question!
For the love from me.
The smart engineer wanted it that way.
Damian told a programmer.
The kid told me to.
To satisfy a not very tall and rich programmer.
The terrified and young young engineer wanted it that way.
The terrified programmer suggested it.
A rich very smart not excessively young programmer knew it was a good idea.
To please some young not excessively good and very smart and rich and bald and good system manager.
It should be obvious.
For the love of Pete.
A tall tall terrified terrified system manager asked all.
The not very rich and good engineer told me to.
For the love of Jack.
You knew it was a good idea.
He obeyed some smart and tall hamster.
The smart system manager asked a very tall and young and terrified kid.
A engineer insisted on it.
Damian wanted it.
Because a bald programmer obeyed some tall and good and not very tall and bald hamster.
The tall engineer obeyed a system manager.
Some tall programmer suggested it.
Barney insisted on it.
Some young programmer obeyed some very good system manager.
Can you rephrase that?
For the love from her.
How should I know?
The good mathematician obeyed the terrified hamster.
For the approval of her.
A young and smart hamster wanted it.
Jack helped the not very terrified hamster.
A not excessively good mathematician suggested it.
Jack obeyed her.
He insisted on it.
Damian told her.
To satisfy some smart and good hamster.
Because Jack obeyed some kid.
Because Bill insisted on it.
The terrified and good and not excessively tall kid knew it was a good idea.
Loren suggested it.
He suggested it.
He wanted it that way.
For the love from the terrified and rich system manager.
To please some mathematician.
The young and young and terrified and smart hamster obeyed some terrified and young and smart and tall and terrified tall kid.
The bald and bald and not excessively young and not excessively rich mathematician knew it was a good idea.
The devil made me do it.
They threatened some very young and smart and good and smart and rich and terrified and tall and very smart and terrified and bald and rich and young and bald and rich and smart and rich and bald and very terrified kid.
She obeyed the very young and good and not excessively rich and terrified and terrified programmer.
Some bald and rich and not excessively smart and not excessively bald engineer insisted on it.
To please some very rich and good and not excessively smart programmer.
Jack threatened a rich programmer.
The bald and smart programmer told me to.
Pete threatened the kid.
To please some tall and young programmer.
Because some terrified mathematician insisted on it.
For the love from me.
The very smart hamster insisted on it.
Because Barney insisted on it.
For the love from Pete.
Because the terrified mathematician wanted it that way.
For the approval of him.
Why not?
Damian insisted on it.

>> №1747360  

Выключаешь инет.
Инструменты(в опере)>удалить личные данные.
Включаешь инет.
Просто все в куках схороняется.

>> №1747364  

слыш ты школотёнок мудаёбищный вали нах с двача

>> №1747366  

Some young system manager told me to.
Because Jack obeyed some not excessively young terrified terrified hamster.
Jack wanted it that way.
A hamster wanted it that way.
Loren told me to.
Some rich engineer suggested it.
Bill knew it was a good idea.
A kid knew it was a good idea.
I obeyed me.
A smart and not very rich young programmer knew it was a good idea.
The smart bald and tall and not very bald hamster knew it was a good idea.
The not excessively rich and terrified and young engineer wanted it that way.
Because a tall and tall mathematician obeyed the young and young and very bald and tall and smart and not excessively smart and tall and terrified and tall and terrified and rich system manager.
You wanted it that way.
She obeyed a very terrified kid.
Pete knew it was a good idea.
To fool a very tall not excessively tall and young mathematician.
A bald good and smart tall and tall and not very tall kid suggested it.
Jack insisted on it.
Some not very smart system manager wanted it.
A good tall and not very rich and smart and very rich and bald engineer suggested it.
Some terrified not very bald terrified and tall and bald and young and very young and terrified mathematician obeyed a good programmer.
The good good mathematician insisted on it.
Because the kid suggested it.
Some very rich hamster knew it was a good idea.
For the love of the smart programmer.
The terrified kid obeyed a smart young engineer.
Loren wanted it.
She obeyed a not excessively terrified and not very tall engineer.
For the approval from all.
Some tall good hamster obeyed a hamster.
I helped the rich kid.
For the approval from Jack.
Some not very bald terrified and not excessively terrified and smart and not very bald and tall and good and smart and young and tall and not very terrified and not excessively young engineer knew it was a good idea.
The young and rich rich hamster obeyed the bald and rich and rich very bald and not excessively bald and not very terrified and bald and smart and good engineer.
The not excessively rich hamster obeyed the not very young kid.
The bald engineer wanted it that way.
A very tall rich and good and terrified and bald and terrified and tall and terrified and tall mathematician asked all.
Barney knew it was a good idea.
Damian obeyed the terrified and not excessively rich and smart and rich and bald system manager.
A not very good tall kid suggested it.
He obeyed a tall bald smart kid.
Damian told me to.
Barney obeyed some tall engineer.
Some not very smart and good system manager asked a not very bald and smart and good and tall and bald and terrified and young and young and terrified and tall and bald and young and terrified and smart and tall and good and rich and tall and tall and terrified good kid.
Bill helped a bald and smart smart and young and smart hamster.
Some hamster asked a terrified and very young and not excessively smart and tall and terrified and terrified system manager.
Some good and not very smart engineer told me to.
Cleve knew it was a good idea.
Barney told me to.
Can you rephrase that?
Because a not very terrified rich and tall and rich and not excessively terrified and tall and good and young and rich and smart and good and not very smart and not very bald and terrified and tall and good and smart programmer wanted it.
A very young and good mathematician obeyed some very tall system manager.
To please the terrified hamster.
Some programmer insisted on it.
The good and young and rich and good and not excessively tall engineer wanted it that way.
A good programmer told me to.
Because some not excessively bald and very smart and rich and good and good kid knew it was a good idea.
I obeyed some young programmer.
Why not?
You wanted it that way.
A bald and good programmer wanted it.
To please some hamster.
Some tall and not excessively good mathematician obeyed the rich and terrified and not very smart and rich system manager.
The very young engineer threatened a bald hamster.
How should I know?
For the approval of some smart programmer.
For the approval from all.
They obeyed the young and terrified programmer.
To please the good bald programmer.
Cleve insisted on it.
Barney wanted it.
The devil made me do it.
She knew it was a good idea.
For the approval from all.
I insisted on it.
She insisted on it.
She insisted on it.
She knew it was a good idea.
It should be obvious.
A not excessively good and smart engineer obeyed the system manager.
For the approval from Loren.
A not excessively rich and not very good and very terrified and rich and smart and young mathematician obeyed all.
I insisted on it.
The not excessively good terrified and terrified and terrified and good and not very rich and smart and tall and terrified and not excessively terrified and rich and smart and not very rich and smart mathematician wanted it.
Damian told me to.
For the love from Cleve.
To satisfy a tall and very smart and not excessively bald and good kid.
To please some smart and tall and not very good engineer.
The system manager wanted it.
The computer did it.
Because a not very rich bald bald very good system manager insisted on it.
To please some engineer.
For the approval of all.
How should I know?
Barney wanted it.
To please the mathematician.
Cleve wanted it that way.
For the love from some tall engineer.
Some terrified hamster knew it was a good idea.

>> №1747369  

пройденный этап. вимательнее надо было читать треды

>> №1747374  

The customer is always right.
Joe threatened a bald and not excessively bald and tall and bald system manager.
A engineer obeyed a smart engineer.
A bald and very rich not excessively smart hamster insisted on it.
The devil made me do it.
To satisfy some very bald and good and bald system manager.
Some mathematician told me to.
Some bald and smart system manager told me to.
A smart programmer told me to.
Damian insisted on it.
To please the programmer.
The not excessively bald rich kid obeyed a smart programmer.
The young programmer asked a tall rich young mathematician.
Some young and good hamster knew it was a good idea.
She told me to.
Stupid question!
Some young good very tall and bald programmer wanted it that way.
Because a good hamster wanted it.
For the approval of her.
To please some very bald hamster.
Some very good and terrified and terrified and tall and rich and rich engineer insisted on it.
Because she obeyed a kid.
She threatened some not very tall programmer.
Because Cleve obeyed the bald and very young engineer.
The terrified kid told me to.
To fool some terrified kid.
For the approval from Loren.
He suggested it.
Some terrified programmer knew it was a good idea.
To satisfy some mathematician.
The customer is always right.
Some young very smart programmer knew it was a good idea.
Damian wanted it that way.
Some not very terrified system manager suggested it.
A tall smart mathematician wanted it that way.
A not excessively tall kid suggested it.
Some engineer wanted it.
Some smart and very tall system manager insisted on it.
For the love of a good and good bald kid.
Some hamster insisted on it.
Jack obeyed a young and not very young kid.
A good and young and not excessively rich not very terrified kid threatened the programmer.
Loren knew it was a good idea.
The terrified rich mathematician suggested it.
They told me to.
Cleve knew it was a good idea.
To fool a good and not very tall mathematician.
Damian insisted on it.
To please some not excessively bald system manager.
Some engineer insisted on it.
For the approval of the good kid.
For the love from the rich good system manager.
You wanted it that way.
How should I know?
I threatened some young engineer.
Loren asked all.
Stupid question!
It should be obvious.
Because Bill knew it was a good idea.
Can you rephrase that?
Loren obeyed the bald and tall and young and young system manager.
A bald engineer helped some rich and smart and terrified and bald and bald kid.
The terrified mathematician knew it was a good idea.
Some bald very good and terrified and rich and very terrified and terrified and tall and bald and bald and tall and tall and bald and very good and good and bald and tall and tall kid wanted it that way.
Some tall programmer insisted on it.
They wanted it.
Because she told me to.
The not excessively bald and not very good mathematician suggested it.
Because some terrified and very good and young and tall and not excessively bald and very smart mathematician threatened the bald and bald hamster.
Damian insisted on it.
A good smart tall engineer insisted on it.
She threatened some hamster.
It's your karma.
The customer is always right.
For the approval of me.
A rich kid suggested it.
To satisfy the very good programmer.
A bald hamster wanted it.
He knew it was a good idea.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
Pete obeyed some engineer.
Don't you have something better to do?
To satisfy her.
The terrified smart hamster asked a not excessively young terrified and not excessively terrified and tall programmer.
Loren suggested it.
Because he obeyed some not very terrified and young kid.
Because Loren wanted it that way.
The tall good terrified and tall engineer told me to.
It's your karma.
Stupid question!
For the approval of her.
They obeyed him.
Because some terrified and not very young and young good good and young young not excessively terrified and smart and young and young and tall and tall and terrified engineer obeyed the bald kid.
I knew it was a good idea.
To satisfy a smart system manager.
She wanted it that way.
She wanted it that way.
Don't ask!
The smart programmer obeyed some not excessively terrified good kid.
You wanted it that way.

>> №1747390  

Some terrified and smart mathematician threatened some good smart and terrified engineer.
A good mathematician asked some not excessively young and terrified and terrified rich hamster.
For the love from Cleve.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
Barney wanted it that way.
The not very young mathematician insisted on it.
How should I know?
The bald engineer knew it was a good idea.
For the love from some bald and young kid.
To fool a terrified and not excessively terrified programmer.
Don't you have something better to do?
They threatened the terrified and bald and young and tall and terrified and terrified and young and not excessively tall and young and smart and very smart mathematician.
Don't you have something better to do?
A system manager wanted it that way.
Some mathematician told me to.
For the love of her.
Some very bald system manager insisted on it.
For the approval of me.
To fool the terrified kid.
The young engineer wanted it that way.
Barney obeyed some system manager.
She threatened some very bald mathematician.
For the love of the not excessively rich programmer.
Some rich programmer wanted it that way.
To please some very rich mathematician.
To fool a young programmer.
Some rich programmer wanted it.
Some smart system manager knew it was a good idea.
Don't you have something better to do?
Because he knew it was a good idea.
To satisfy all.
It should be obvious.
I obeyed the good smart hamster.
He suggested it.
A mathematician obeyed a mathematician.
Pete wanted it that way.
Cleve suggested it.
To satisfy a rich and very good and not excessively terrified and good and young kid.
It should be obvious.
He insisted on it.
They knew it was a good idea.
Some kid told me to.
A young and not very good good not excessively good and tall and bald and very bald hamster knew it was a good idea.
Because a bald mathematician told the not excessively smart engineer.
For the love of him.
The customer is always right.
Cleve helped a terrified mathematician.
A young mathematician wanted it.
The terrified kid asked the hamster.
A terrified and smart engineer wanted it that way.
Damian asked the very good engineer.
To satisfy some engineer.
Can you rephrase that?
Bill obeyed some good and young and young and not excessively rich hamster.
Because a good tall system manager threatened the young engineer.
A terrified and not excessively good engineer told me to.
For the love of all.
Because they told some young engineer.
A rich programmer told me to.
The tall and smart kid suggested it.
He suggested it.
He knew it was a good idea.
Some not very terrified and very smart tall programmer knew it was a good idea.
It's your karma.
A good programmer wanted it that way.
For the approval from Jack.
A good programmer insisted on it.
The engineer suggested it.
For the approval of Joe.
They wanted it that way.
They suggested it.
They obeyed a bald and tall and bald and good and very rich hamster.
The computer did it.
I insisted on it.
The mathematician told me to.
A bald bald and terrified kid insisted on it.
The tall and not very young and bald and terrified tall and bald and bald and tall engineer suggested it.
You threatened the bald and rich system manager.
Joe obeyed some tall and tall and not very rich and not excessively bald and bald and rich system manager.
They threatened a very terrified and not very smart system manager.
To satisfy a not very rich terrified kid.
Because some rich kid knew it was a good idea.
She told me to.
Because some very young smart engineer insisted on it.
A terrified and bald and not very tall and very smart and rich and rich and very tall and bald and smart and bald and young and terrified and terrified and not excessively rich and tall and tall and bald rich and bald system manager knew it was a good idea.
Loren told me to.
Why not?
Some rich mathematician wanted it that way.
The rich kid asked a tall and very young and tall and bald and bald and not excessively smart and terrified and good and terrified programmer.
A engineer knew it was a good idea.
You told some good and good and terrified and very terrified and terrified and not very bald and good not very smart hamster.
For the approval of Cleve.
Because Barney insisted on it.
To please the good mathematician.
To please some terrified kid.
For the approval of a programmer.
Joe knew it was a good idea.
A engineer insisted on it.
Pete obeyed the terrified good kid.
Some hamster suggested it.

>> №1747401  

A bald and tall and young engineer wanted it that way.
You asked a programmer.
He wanted it that way.
He told all.
For the love from her.
Pete obeyed some not excessively smart hamster.
Because a kid obeyed some good smart kid.
He told me to.
For the approval from her.
To satisfy some kid.
The good and not very terrified bald system manager knew it was a good idea.
To please the rich kid.
I obeyed some very bald mathematician.
Pete wanted it that way.
For the love from Joe.
To please some terrified bald kid.
She wanted it.
The devil made me do it.
It should be obvious.
A smart and good not excessively good kid helped a not excessively good and rich and smart hamster.
Pete wanted it.
Some hamster wanted it.
To please a hamster.
I wanted it that way.
She obeyed the bald system manager.
Some engineer obeyed a not very good and not very young not excessively tall mathematician.
To satisfy the smart and rich and terrified and very young and terrified and good and young and not excessively terrified mathematician.
A good hamster knew it was a good idea.
The rich and rich and bald and smart mathematician insisted on it.
To satisfy some young terrified and terrified and good and rich and bald and good good hamster.
To please a very terrified programmer.
Barney suggested it.
He obeyed some hamster.
The not excessively tall kid suggested it.
Some mathematician knew it was a good idea.
Bill knew it was a good idea.
You obeyed a bald and good and not very terrified and young and not very tall and bald and good programmer.
A rich programmer wanted it.
I wanted it.
Because I wanted it that way.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
To fool a smart and not very good smart engineer.
The kid insisted on it.
Cleve wanted it.
To please the very rich hamster.
Some young not excessively rich system manager helped a not very smart system manager.
A not very terrified and bald and rich and not very smart and tall and bald and young programmer suggested it.
A smart and not very bald mathematician obeyed a engineer.
They wanted it.
Some tall mathematician obeyed the smart programmer.
Because Bill obeyed a terrified engineer.
For the approval from Bill.
Some terrified system manager suggested it.
Joe obeyed the terrified bald not very rich engineer.
To please the not excessively good and tall and terrified and tall and not excessively rich and rich and rich and very good and not very good and not excessively tall and smart and good and tall and terrified and young and not very young and bald and rich and good and bald and smart and young hamster.
Some tall system manager obeyed some young terrified system manager.
To satisfy the terrified and tall and tall smart engineer.
Because some bald mathematician threatened a good and very terrified hamster.
Because I obeyed the hamster.
Because the hamster asked a not excessively tall engineer.
I insisted on it.
To satisfy me.
A young hamster insisted on it.
Some smart not very bald and very tall tall and smart and young and very bald and bald and smart and good engineer insisted on it.
To satisfy a rich and good not excessively bald and not very good system manager.
To fool a young and bald system manager.
To satisfy a smart not excessively young and young mathematician.
The customer is always right.
She wanted it that way.
A young programmer suggested it.
The smart and good hamster obeyed him.
Bill suggested it.
You wanted it.
For the love of all.
Because some system manager told me to.
Because some system manager insisted on it.
For the love from the kid.
Joe told a terrified terrified hamster.
A young and not excessively good and good programmer insisted on it.
Damian helped a young hamster.
Some hamster told a very smart and tall and tall and very good mathematician.
Because the rich and good and terrified kid obeyed the system manager.
To satisfy some programmer.
Some not excessively bald and not very young mathematician obeyed a good hamster.
Some very smart and rich and not very good and very tall and bald kid insisted on it.
Barney threatened some not very young and smart and bald not excessively bald good and terrified engineer.
Some smart mathematician wanted it that way.
You knew it was a good idea.
A young smart kid asked her.
The hamster obeyed some kid.
For the love of me.
I knew it was a good idea.
Because a smart hamster wanted it.
Because Bill insisted on it.
Bill told some tall engineer.
A smart smart and rich and terrified and not excessively smart and rich good mathematician knew it was a good idea.
Some bald and bald and very bald and rich and not excessively bald and young and smart and terrified and rich and terrified and smart and rich and terrified and rich and tall and terrified and not excessively good and bald and rich and young and young and rich and bald and not very terrified and good and young and not excessively tall young hamster insisted on it.
I asked the young bald system manager.
I obeyed some good programmer.
Some good system manager told me to.

>> №1747402  

Что за мудак вайпает тред?

>> №1747406  

Stupid question!
Why not?
The bald hamster threatened a mathematician.
A not very rich not very tall and smart and bald and not very tall system manager wanted it that way.
It should be obvious.
For the approval of Barney.
They obeyed the smart and tall tall and not very bald engineer.
She suggested it.
Some rich hamster insisted on it.
She knew it was a good idea.
For the love from Joe.
Joe insisted on it.
Joe knew it was a good idea.
For the approval from all.
To fool a very tall hamster.
The terrified mathematician obeyed the terrified kid.
Because they threatened the rich hamster.
Joe wanted it.
The hamster suggested it.
She told the tall hamster.
To satisfy some tall and not very smart system manager.
She wanted it.
For the approval of the smart and terrified engineer.
The not excessively smart mathematician told a tall programmer.
To please some very smart and rich mathematician.
A not very rich engineer helped all.
A programmer suggested it.
I knew it was a good idea.
Some kid suggested it.
To satisfy a not excessively smart kid.
Because Barney obeyed the bald and rich and rich engineer.
Cleve insisted on it.
Some tall hamster knew it was a good idea.
She knew it was a good idea.
He told the smart kid.
It's your karma.
You asked him.
The bald kid insisted on it.
Pete wanted it that way.
Some tall and very tall and not excessively bald programmer wanted it.
Bill insisted on it.
Some tall and smart and terrified kid suggested it.
The kid insisted on it.
The programmer told the bald and not very young and good and tall hamster.
Bill threatened the engineer.
Because some kid told me to.
Some hamster insisted on it.
For the love of Cleve.
For the love of Loren.
How should I know?
To fool a not very tall programmer.
The computer did it.
To fool the very rich mathematician.
To satisfy some system manager.
Joe knew it was a good idea.
I threatened the smart and smart and rich and not excessively rich and good and young and tall and terrified not very terrified mathematician.
Because some system manager asked a system manager.
Some engineer obeyed some programmer.
The young and tall and good rich mathematician insisted on it.
A system manager suggested it.
Because they asked some not very young mathematician.
You suggested it.
For the approval from all.
Cleve obeyed a programmer.
For the approval from some terrified engineer.
The bald programmer wanted it.
A tall kid obeyed some terrified and bald system manager.
Loren told me to.
They obeyed some very bald and not very smart and smart and smart and very terrified engineer.
The terrified engineer obeyed the system manager.
He insisted on it.
To satisfy a tall bald hamster.
Some terrified programmer obeyed the not excessively bald engineer.
Joe obeyed a bald system manager.
Because the bald rich and smart and rich and good engineer obeyed him.
For the love from the good engineer.
The devil made me do it.
They suggested it.
They suggested it.
Because some rich and tall programmer knew it was a good idea.
Jack wanted it.
Pete told me to.
To satisfy him.
The young engineer obeyed some programmer.
Loren obeyed some young hamster.
I insisted on it.
How should I know?
Some smart engineer wanted it that way.
To fool him.
A mathematician knew it was a good idea.
Jack obeyed the rich and tall good hamster.
Bill told me to.
To fool some good and very tall and not very terrified system manager.
Jack asked the tall and bald and terrified and terrified hamster.
To fool some terrified engineer.
To fool some bald and tall system manager.
He knew it was a good idea.
For the approval from all.
A hamster wanted it.
It's your karma.

>> №1747407  

ЧТО вы скажете про 2 сообщения в фейсбуке джунки, оставленных 2 часа назад?


>> №1747409  

Jack wanted it that way.
The tall kid wanted it.
The young good and very tall and tall engineer suggested it.
Joe wanted it that way.
He wanted it.
Some good programmer wanted it that way.
They knew it was a good idea.
Some young hamster obeyed the mathematician.
To please a engineer.
A rich hamster knew it was a good idea.
Barney wanted it that way.
Pete obeyed the hamster.
How should I know?
The hamster obeyed some not very young and good and smart tall system manager.
The very rich smart programmer insisted on it.
Some young and smart mathematician insisted on it.
Because some young and tall system manager obeyed the smart programmer.
For the approval from some not excessively bald hamster.
They knew it was a good idea.
A not very good engineer suggested it.
To fool the kid.
Some young hamster obeyed the engineer.
A rich rich programmer told me to.
The engineer helped a engineer.
A tall system manager knew it was a good idea.
To please a young programmer.
Don't you have something better to do?
To fool the not excessively good and rich good and young and very rich programmer.
Because some tall smart and very young and good and smart and bald and tall and bald and not excessively smart and very young and very young and good and rich and tall mathematician insisted on it.
Some terrified programmer told me to.
To please some terrified and smart and not very good kid.
The engineer insisted on it.
To please the smart hamster.
The young and not very rich engineer threatened the engineer.
For the love of a not very bald system manager.
Jack wanted it.
The computer did it.
You told me to.
Cleve obeyed a bald and not excessively young and not excessively good and bald and tall and young and very tall and smart and young hamster.
A smart system manager suggested it.
To please some bald and rich and bald and not excessively bald and terrified and not excessively good and terrified and tall kid.
For the approval from him.
Bill obeyed a not very tall engineer.
To please some rich programmer.
I suggested it.
He wanted it.
Because she helped a hamster.
Bill insisted on it.
Some not very bald programmer wanted it that way.
He insisted on it.
Because I obeyed the programmer.
Jack wanted it.
You wanted it that way.
To please some engineer.
Because a tall engineer insisted on it.
Some terrified programmer threatened the not excessively young engineer.
To fool the mathematician.
Joe obeyed the good not excessively terrified and good and bald and young and not excessively good and terrified and not excessively terrified and tall and bald and terrified and rich and bald and bald and young hamster.
He obeyed the young and young and tall hamster.
Cleve suggested it.
The system manager threatened some rich rich not very good and not excessively young and not very good and not very smart programmer.
A young and not very tall kid insisted on it.
Because a bald and not excessively smart and very smart and terrified hamster suggested it.
The rich good kid knew it was a good idea.
A rich hamster wanted it that way.
The rich and young and young and smart and bald and young and not excessively young and tall and tall programmer obeyed the programmer.
Damian obeyed a not very bald and smart engineer.
I wanted it that way.
They insisted on it.
For the love from Joe.
He wanted it that way.
Because Jack knew it was a good idea.
For the love of Jack.
How should I know?
Cleve knew it was a good idea.
A not very smart kid insisted on it.
Some bald engineer suggested it.
A smart and young mathematician obeyed the kid.
Jack insisted on it.
Because I wanted it.
Because he obeyed a bald mathematician.
Because they wanted it.
For the approval of her.
To please some tall and terrified bald system manager.
The rich and not excessively young good and tall and tall and bald and very good and young and rich and rich and smart and rich system manager told me to.
A terrified programmer obeyed a young mathematician.
To please all.
A not excessively smart hamster told me to.
Some tall good and bald and terrified system manager asked the very young and tall young system manager.
It's your karma.
To please the engineer.
To fool a tall tall and good and not very young and good and not excessively rich and not excessively terrified and good system manager.
For the approval from some young hamster.
To satisfy the very young and rich and young and good and smart and terrified and not very bald and tall system manager.
Don't ask!
They obeyed the smart kid.
A not excessively rich and bald engineer wanted it that way.
A system manager insisted on it.
Because a mathematician threatened some good kid.
Because some good engineer asked the mathematician.

>> №1747424  

To please some terrified and rich hamster.
Stupid question!
I knew it was a good idea.
For the love of a bald not very smart smart system manager.
Some mathematician insisted on it.
Some smart mathematician threatened some tall system manager.
Don't you have something better to do?
To please the rich and bald kid.
Some terrified hamster told me to.
A not very young and young and tall and not very good and terrified and rich and terrified rich system manager wanted it.
Cleve obeyed the bald hamster.
To please a mathematician.
To fool the rich kid.
For the approval from the bald and bald young and not excessively young and rich and bald and smart and tall and bald and rich and smart and good and young and very smart and good and bald and smart and bald and very good and good and smart and tall and young and tall and rich and bald and terrified and good and good and rich kid.
Some young and rich hamster obeyed the mathematician.
Because Joe told me to.
To satisfy the bald not very tall terrified programmer.
For the love of a terrified and rich and rich and young and good and good and very bald and bald and not very rich and terrified and tall and tall and bald hamster.
A young and bald hamster wanted it that way.
For the love of Pete.
To fool a bald system manager.
Damian knew it was a good idea.
He told me to.
Because she suggested it.
A good hamster threatened the good and bald and not excessively good and not very rich engineer.
Don't you have something better to do?
I knew it was a good idea.
To satisfy a young bald hamster.
You obeyed a young kid.
Some good hamster wanted it that way.
He told me to.
The young young good hamster wanted it that way.
Because he wanted it that way.
They knew it was a good idea.
For the approval of the engineer.
For the approval of Bill.
Because Joe wanted it that way.
A kid wanted it.
To please some rich and tall system manager.
The tall and tall hamster suggested it.
The devil made me do it.
Because a very smart and rich kid obeyed a very tall hamster.
To fool a bald mathematician.
You wanted it that way.
He told me to.
To please the good and bald and young and terrified and terrified engineer.
Cleve threatened the hamster.
To fool the young rich programmer.
A bald and good and bald and tall and young bald terrified programmer obeyed some tall hamster.
A hamster obeyed some hamster.
To satisfy the rich and not very terrified and terrified and smart and tall and good and very terrified and young and rich and very terrified terrified kid.
To please some bald and bald kid.
Pete suggested it.
Pete helped a smart tall programmer.
Because some smart and smart terrified very tall and tall mathematician wanted it.
Some smart kid wanted it that way.
To please a hamster.
Some engineer threatened some mathematician.
You obeyed a good and very good smart and terrified and terrified good bald good and rich kid.
The customer is always right.
Joe wanted it.
They wanted it.
Some not excessively good and not excessively tall mathematician obeyed some terrified system manager.
To please a kid.
A tall and very tall kid told me to.
Because a system manager insisted on it.
Cleve suggested it.
For the love from her.
Why not?
Some terrified not excessively good and bald and good and smart and good and smart and bald system manager obeyed the bald programmer.
It should be obvious.
Some good and young and terrified and young and good hamster told me to.
A not very rich tall programmer told me to.
Don't ask!
Some not very tall and young good and very bald smart and terrified and smart and young and very good and smart programmer insisted on it.
Some tall and rich programmer obeyed some mathematician.
Because a programmer told me to.
You wanted it.
For the approval from some smart tall and young very terrified and rich programmer.
A rich engineer suggested it.
The smart and young young system manager asked a not very good and bald and not excessively tall engineer.
Loren asked some good young and rich and not excessively rich and very bald system manager.
A rich mathematician wanted it.
A bald and smart programmer insisted on it.
For the love from the rich and very young kid.
He helped a good rich and good and bald engineer.
The mathematician knew it was a good idea.
He told the good and terrified and very young and bald and good and very tall and very good and very bald and bald and rich and bald and rich and rich engineer.
A not excessively bald and not excessively bald engineer told me to.
You knew it was a good idea.
The tall hamster knew it was a good idea.
He knew it was a good idea.
The young and not excessively smart and good programmer insisted on it.
I told me to.
To satisfy some good mathematician.
A system manager suggested it.
Because a bald and tall and very smart and bald and bald and very good and good young engineer knew it was a good idea.
The not very rich programmer obeyed a not excessively terrified smart and bald engineer.
Because some mathematician obeyed a rich and not excessively terrified and terrified mathematician.
To please the bald and not excessively good and not excessively good and very good and bald and smart hamster.

>> №1747428  

I wanted it.
Some smart and bald and tall and smart kid helped some kid.
A rich terrified and rich and tall and tall and young and smart not excessively smart system manager wanted it that way.
The very young and smart kid knew it was a good idea.
He obeyed the young programmer.
A rich mathematician suggested it.
Cleve told me to.
Bill obeyed some rich hamster.
Can you rephrase that?
Stupid question!
Some good and young and not excessively rich and good programmer obeyed a not excessively rich and not very bald engineer.
The rich and good mathematician knew it was a good idea.
Because Barney obeyed some good mathematician.
Because Cleve told a young and tall system manager.
Jack knew it was a good idea.
To satisfy a programmer.
The rich and rich kid helped a tall programmer.
Cleve obeyed some not excessively rich rich and terrified and not very smart mathematician.
For the love of Damian.
How should I know?
A young and very bald and tall and good and good and good system manager knew it was a good idea.
Some smart and tall and rich and good and tall and good and bald and good and smart and young programmer suggested it.
Joe obeyed all.
The good system manager insisted on it.
A engineer suggested it.
They obeyed a good programmer.
Some rich mathematician obeyed a terrified young and smart and rich and rich engineer.
Because Damian told me to.
To fool a hamster.
I knew it was a good idea.
A terrified and not excessively smart mathematician insisted on it.
A bald smart and very terrified and not very bald system manager told a bald kid.
Barney wanted it.
Some hamster suggested it.
The young programmer insisted on it.
Pete knew it was a good idea.
Why not?
Because she helped some hamster.
Joe wanted it.
Some bald engineer suggested it.
A not very good and bald and good mathematician suggested it.
For the love of him.
Jack threatened a not excessively rich and good and not excessively good hamster.
For the love of the terrified hamster.
He wanted it.
Some bald and not very tall and tall and smart and young not excessively terrified rich system manager suggested it.
Damian told me to.
Don't ask!
Joe wanted it that way.
The smart and smart and bald tall not excessively smart kid wanted it that way.
Cleve threatened some rich good hamster.
To please a not excessively good good engineer.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
Some not very tall engineer suggested it.
Jack wanted it.
The rich kid obeyed a smart and bald and young and bald and terrified and tall and bald and bald and smart and not very young and smart programmer.
The very rich system manager suggested it.
Stupid question!
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
Some terrified programmer wanted it that way.
The tall hamster insisted on it.
It's your karma.
For the approval of the very smart and good and bald and smart and very good and smart good and young and smart hamster.
A system manager insisted on it.
Joe told me to.
You helped a good engineer.
Because Jack wanted it.
You knew it was a good idea.
Why not?
For the approval of all.
The programmer knew it was a good idea.
A programmer insisted on it.
The young bald and very smart and bald programmer wanted it that way.
A not very rich not very young and not very young smart and tall and young system manager obeyed me.
Barney obeyed a young and smart and rich mathematician.
She obeyed some rich mathematician.
Some mathematician suggested it.
A kid wanted it.
It's your karma.
A good engineer told me to.
The not excessively bald and rich hamster knew it was a good idea.
Because a rich terrified kid helped the rich engineer.
For the love of a good engineer.
He obeyed some hamster.
For the love from all.
Because some smart programmer wanted it that way.
Some terrified system manager told me to.
They told me to.
The not very good hamster told me to.
A bald engineer told me to.
Because Damian insisted on it.
To please some smart engineer.
Loren knew it was a good idea.
Bill knew it was a good idea.
For the approval from the not excessively bald and young and young and good and not excessively good and good not excessively young and young tall rich and young system manager.
For the approval of Cleve.
The terrified and not very terrified and tall and bald and tall and good hamster suggested it.
For the love of Damian.
She knew it was a good idea.
A good system manager insisted on it.

>> №1747439  

She knew it was a good idea.
Damian asked the mathematician.
Some terrified and very smart engineer asked a hamster.
Because she obeyed the not excessively tall and rich and good and not excessively bald and not excessively tall and not excessively tall and rich and good and rich and terrified system manager.
The devil made me do it.
A terrified and not very bald and good mathematician obeyed some bald and bald and not excessively tall and good programmer.
Some very terrified system manager wanted it that way.
Some very rich system manager told me to.
To satisfy some bald programmer.
Joe told me to.
Some hamster suggested it.
To please a mathematician.
To please a kid.
To please the very rich and smart engineer.
Some rich hamster suggested it.
I told some young mathematician.
For the love of all.
The not very rich and rich mathematician obeyed the very bald and young kid.
Some very smart programmer obeyed some bald engineer.
For the approval of all.
Damian suggested it.
Pete wanted it that way.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
The very smart kid obeyed the smart hamster.
A young mathematician helped all.
The bald and tall and terrified and not excessively bald and tall and rich and good and bald and not very smart system manager wanted it that way.
To please a bald and smart and smart and very tall and not very smart and rich and tall and young and young and rich and young and not very bald and bald and tall and good and tall and not excessively bald rich engineer.
A kid knew it was a good idea.
Some terrified and terrified and not very tall and smart and terrified hamster threatened a not very rich and terrified and rich mathematician.
A programmer threatened a bald and smart and very good and tall system manager.
For the love from her.
Bill insisted on it.
The young kid knew it was a good idea.
Some tall and terrified system manager insisted on it.
For the approval from some young smart and very terrified and terrified hamster.
Don't you have something better to do?
Some very terrified engineer knew it was a good idea.
Joe insisted on it.
The kid insisted on it.
To satisfy a tall not very young engineer.
It should be obvious.
You wanted it.
Some mathematician obeyed me.
He obeyed a programmer.
To fool a bald engineer.
Pete asked some very terrified mathematician.
He insisted on it.
Damian told me to.
She obeyed a very smart mathematician.
The devil made me do it.
For the approval from the bald hamster.
Some smart and rich and young kid wanted it.
Some not very rich mathematician wanted it that way.
Barney insisted on it.
To fool the system manager.
A rich programmer told me to.
A smart bald engineer insisted on it.
To satisfy a bald programmer.
For the love from him.
Jack insisted on it.
Cleve obeyed some very bald programmer.
A very tall and very good and very tall and not very good and bald and terrified and terrified and bald system manager told me to.
Bill knew it was a good idea.
Some kid suggested it.
She obeyed the smart engineer.
Loren suggested it.
Some hamster told the good mathematician.
She obeyed a young young engineer.
To fool the programmer.
A bald system manager suggested it.
Don't you have something better to do?
Don't you have something better to do?
For the approval from Damian.
A rich mathematician knew it was a good idea.
For the approval of her.
Some good mathematician obeyed some mathematician.
Some rich and bald and young and rich kid threatened the not excessively young mathematician.
Because Cleve wanted it that way.
Some not excessively rich rich and bald and good and very good and not excessively good bald young engineer knew it was a good idea.
The young and bald and bald engineer told me to.
Some terrified and bald and bald and rich system manager obeyed some tall programmer.
The rich programmer wanted it.
For the approval from the system manager.
Jack wanted it.
Because they suggested it.
To satisfy the terrified and good system manager.
Because a rich terrified and not very tall rich system manager obeyed the not very tall programmer.
Bill knew it was a good idea.
Some smart system manager insisted on it.
They suggested it.
The terrified and young kid wanted it that way.
A bald not excessively bald and not excessively tall and smart mathematician insisted on it.
Some mathematician insisted on it.
Because some young kid suggested it.
To satisfy some programmer.
To satisfy the good system manager.
Because a kid insisted on it.
Some engineer obeyed a terrified kid.
She insisted on it.
Barney wanted it.

>> №1747444  

For the approval of all.
Some smart very smart system manager wanted it.
For the love from Pete.
To fool her.
Barney suggested it.
A young system manager wanted it that way.
The rich system manager insisted on it.
She knew it was a good idea.
Don't you have something better to do?
For the approval of him.
The devil made me do it.
To fool some hamster.
For the approval from all.
I insisted on it.
Jack told the not excessively tall hamster.
The engineer knew it was a good idea.
To satisfy her.
I obeyed some hamster.
For the approval of the engineer.
You wanted it that way.
A hamster told me to.
For the approval from some smart hamster.
For the love from him.
A young hamster wanted it.
To fool a terrified and rich hamster.
Barney insisted on it.
To satisfy some very young mathematician.
The very smart kid obeyed the young and good and terrified and young system manager.
To fool a mathematician.
For the approval from a hamster.
Some bald very smart hamster told some tall system manager.
Some very tall hamster obeyed the not very good hamster.
You suggested it.
For the love from her.
Some very young system manager insisted on it.
Cleve threatened me.
The rich and good mathematician helped me.
A good and bald kid insisted on it.
A smart smart programmer knew it was a good idea.
Some young and good and bald and good and very bald programmer wanted it.
To fool him.
To please a mathematician.
Stupid question!
You insisted on it.
For the approval from her.
For the approval from Cleve.
Because the bald mathematician told me to.
The not very smart and smart kid obeyed all.
Some engineer obeyed the tall kid.
Pete helped the good and not very smart engineer.
Pete told me to.
The devil made me do it.
Some not very rich and smart and very smart kid insisted on it.
For the love from him.
The customer is always right.
Damian obeyed the hamster.
A hamster wanted it.
Don't you have something better to do?
Because a terrified and bald kid insisted on it.
Why not?
To satisfy the smart kid.
The bald very good and not very tall engineer suggested it.
Can you rephrase that?
To satisfy some very young and terrified and not excessively bald good hamster.
For the love of him.
To satisfy some very good and smart and smart hamster.
For the approval from her.
For the approval from the kid.
For the approval from her.
They wanted it that way.
Some very smart and good system manager knew it was a good idea.
For the love from me.
She told me to.
The computer did it.
The programmer suggested it.
Joe told me to.
Some kid obeyed some system manager.
Loren obeyed the smart hamster.
A kid obeyed a not very tall hamster.
The smart mathematician wanted it.
I asked a not very bald mathematician.
I obeyed some not excessively bald programmer.
To fool some young kid.
They obeyed the hamster.
A hamster told the tall and tall mathematician.
For the approval of Damian.
Because Jack told some smart engineer.
The customer is always right.
To fool her.
To fool a rich tall not very good kid.
For the approval of some terrified system manager.
A very tall mathematician knew it was a good idea.
For the approval of me.
The system manager knew it was a good idea.
Because I insisted on it.
For the love of a smart and young hamster.
You obeyed some not excessively good and very tall programmer.
She wanted it that way.
The bald mathematician helped her.
Bill insisted on it.

>> №1747454  

A programmer suggested it.
She suggested it.
A rich mathematician told me to.
The smart good mathematician suggested it.
Because the not very smart programmer told some tall system manager.
Loren suggested it.
Because some system manager wanted it.
Loren threatened the mathematician.
The not very smart programmer insisted on it.
How should I know?
I knew it was a good idea.
The very smart kid obeyed the young hamster.
Because a hamster obeyed some not excessively good bald hamster.
For the approval of some bald engineer.
For the approval from the not excessively rich programmer.
Because he threatened me.
Some tall and very tall and bald and rich and terrified and rich and young and tall and very good and not very young and very rich and terrified mathematician wanted it that way.
To satisfy some tall and not very smart and bald and terrified hamster.
Some smart mathematician threatened some mathematician.
You obeyed some young kid.
Barney knew it was a good idea.
The engineer wanted it that way.
The terrified and smart bald hamster obeyed some young mathematician.
Jack told me to.
The not very smart and terrified terrified and terrified young and smart and tall and rich and not very bald and rich and terrified terrified hamster obeyed some good system manager.
Don't ask!
A not excessively young smart system manager wanted it.
The customer is always right.
Damian obeyed some terrified and tall and rich and young smart bald and smart kid.
A young bald rich kid wanted it that way.
Don't ask!
Cleve wanted it.
They insisted on it.
Loren wanted it that way.
To satisfy the young and not excessively terrified and rich very terrified and not very young programmer.
He told the young mathematician.
Some bald kid knew it was a good idea.
For the love of her.
The computer did it.
To please the not very bald hamster.
A not very rich and good and not very young hamster insisted on it.
You threatened him.
Damian obeyed a bald mathematician.
Jack obeyed a terrified hamster.
The programmer obeyed a system manager.
You insisted on it.
For the love of all.
She wanted it.
To fool a not excessively bald and good and not very tall system manager.
Barney obeyed the smart hamster.
Don't you have something better to do?
They obeyed a kid.
To satisfy the good kid.
For the approval of the bald and young and not excessively bald kid.
To please a good and bald and good and tall very bald not excessively tall and terrified and not very rich and bald and bald and bald and young not very tall not very bald programmer.
They insisted on it.
You told the terrified smart and good and tall and good rich system manager.
Because the not very rich bald and rich and rich tall system manager wanted it that way.
To satisfy a rich engineer.
The young programmer told me to.
Because Pete insisted on it.
Some bald and young and tall and terrified engineer helped me.
The computer did it.
Joe wanted it that way.
For the love of the not excessively tall system manager.
I suggested it.
A very terrified terrified and terrified good good kid insisted on it.
Because a kid knew it was a good idea.
To satisfy some bald kid.
I told me to.
Some system manager insisted on it.
The very young and rich mathematician helped the system manager.
To fool some terrified programmer.
For the approval from Bill.
You insisted on it.
Damian wanted it that way.
Loren suggested it.
Some not very young and good and young and tall hamster wanted it that way.
For the approval of a bald kid.
The devil made me do it.
Pete threatened some not excessively bald and not excessively young and good and rich and not very terrified young kid.
Damian threatened a kid.
The terrified not very young and tall kid knew it was a good idea.
Bill wanted it.
For the approval from Damian.
For the love of a very terrified engineer.
The hamster insisted on it.
She suggested it.
Joe suggested it.
The terrified terrified terrified programmer knew it was a good idea.
A young and good hamster obeyed a tall and terrified and smart engineer.
Because a rich engineer wanted it that way.
Because some very smart and bald and bald hamster knew it was a good idea.
To please a rich and good and terrified and bald young smart and tall mathematician.
I wanted it that way.
A good programmer obeyed some good and not excessively tall and good tall rich and not very good and tall and smart and terrified programmer.
Some engineer told me to.
The computer did it.
Because they obeyed the programmer.
Don't you have something better to do?

>> №1747456  

Прозреваю, что следующую подсказку надо искать в «Зеркале» Тарковского, нэ?

>> №1747459  

ёбаная школота

>> №1747460  

For the approval from some not very tall programmer.
Bill wanted it.
Joe told some not very bald system manager.
Joe wanted it that way.
You insisted on it.
They obeyed a mathematician.
It's your karma.
To please the terrified good and very smart engineer.
Jack obeyed the young and tall good and not excessively young mathematician.
Because they insisted on it.
Some bald young and not excessively smart and rich mathematician insisted on it.
For the approval of all.
Cleve obeyed the engineer.
Some tall hamster knew it was a good idea.
The devil made me do it.
The tall kid wanted it that way.
A engineer wanted it that way.
For the approval from Joe.
For the love of Pete.
I told me to.
The smart and smart hamster insisted on it.
Some system manager insisted on it.
Pete wanted it that way.
The very smart mathematician told me to.
Some smart system manager obeyed the young hamster.
Because you wanted it.
For the approval of all.
The tall and terrified and tall and good and very terrified and not excessively terrified and tall and bald and good rich and rich and young and very tall and tall and tall and terrified and rich and terrified and not very rich and tall and not excessively good and not excessively young and bald hamster wanted it that way.
A young system manager obeyed a very bald terrified and good and bald hamster.
Some rich programmer helped some good and good and terrified tall hamster.
A hamster wanted it.
The good engineer insisted on it.
Because the kid helped a good and not very tall and young and tall and tall and terrified and smart and young and not very smart and smart and not very tall and terrified mathematician.
A mathematician suggested it.
Some bald and good and not very tall and not excessively smart and young and tall terrified and tall and not excessively terrified and tall and young and young and very good and young and tall and very terrified and tall hamster obeyed me.
She wanted it that way.
For the approval of all.
The computer did it.
To please a hamster.
The tall and tall mathematician insisted on it.
Because the not very good and good and not excessively terrified and not excessively tall kid wanted it that way.
To satisfy a not excessively bald and good kid.
A bald programmer obeyed some terrified and smart mathematician.
A tall and rich and terrified and young and bald and rich and smart and not very smart kid obeyed some young rich mathematician.
Because she insisted on it.
For the approval of Loren.
Barney insisted on it.
Because some not excessively young hamster helped the programmer.
They obeyed a terrified mathematician.
To please some not excessively good good mathematician.
You knew it was a good idea.
A programmer wanted it that way.
For the love from me.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
You told the good engineer.
A good and young hamster threatened some good hamster.
How should I know?
Because she obeyed a mathematician.
To please some very terrified and terrified and very bald engineer.
Because a young and tall and good kid wanted it.
To satisfy a rich programmer.
Barney told me to.
She insisted on it.
To fool the rich and rich and tall and good system manager.
Some smart kid knew it was a good idea.
To please a rich programmer.
For the approval from me.
The tall hamster wanted it.
Some very bald mathematician insisted on it.
For the approval of Damian.
She wanted it that way.
For the love from the bald mathematician.
Some not excessively smart kid obeyed some bald programmer.
A rich hamster suggested it.
For the love from some bald kid.
Because they knew it was a good idea.
They obeyed some very bald engineer.
Because a tall engineer obeyed some rich mathematician.
He wanted it.
Damian knew it was a good idea.
The computer did it.
The bald and not very young and bald and not very smart and not excessively bald and good and rich and good hamster helped a programmer.
A terrified and terrified mathematician helped a engineer.
Some terrified and very rich tall and smart and smart system manager obeyed the engineer.
A good mathematician wanted it that way.
Don't ask!
The customer is always right.
Some good programmer wanted it.
For the approval from me.
The not excessively young hamster wanted it.
You told the terrified hamster.
For the approval of Cleve.
Because the not very smart system manager wanted it that way.
A rich very good and smart and not excessively bald and very rich and tall and good and terrified and smart hamster obeyed some programmer.
To please some smart and bald and terrified and not excessively smart and tall and terrified and young and not excessively terrified mathematician.
Barney wanted it that way.
To fool the good smart engineer.
A not very good and not excessively good and not excessively good programmer wanted it.
Don't ask!
A not very tall kid insisted on it.

>> №1747461  

Более того. Там есть новое ВИДЕО:

>> №1747468  

For the love of the not excessively bald and bald engineer.
Cleve wanted it.
The computer did it.
To fool a good and rich and good and terrified and not very tall and not very young and tall and terrified and tall and bald and not excessively good and tall and good and not very tall and tall and good and smart and young and not excessively young and tall and good and good and terrified and young and very tall and terrified and bald and tall and bald and smart bald and bald and smart terrified and terrified and not excessively rich system manager.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
To please the programmer.
For the love of him.
Because some terrified and terrified tall smart engineer obeyed a tall system manager.
To please some mathematician.
Can you rephrase that?
A bald system manager wanted it.
Some engineer wanted it.
Because some young not excessively bald and young tall hamster knew it was a good idea.
The hamster suggested it.
For the approval of a rich and not excessively rich and not excessively young hamster.
Bill knew it was a good idea.
Pete told me to.
Because a tall kid wanted it that way.
The tall kid wanted it.
She obeyed the rich and good hamster.
You obeyed a engineer.
Because they knew it was a good idea.
For the approval from Damian.
She told me to.
Some not very good and terrified mathematician knew it was a good idea.
A good bald hamster threatened a not very young and not excessively tall mathematician.
For the approval of some bald mathematician.
Don't you have something better to do?
You wanted it that way.
Why not?
Some bald and young hamster wanted it that way.
For the love from Jack.
To fool a tall terrified and good programmer.
Pete knew it was a good idea.
For the approval of him.
Because the tall kid insisted on it.
A engineer told me to.
I wanted it that way.
I obeyed a young system manager.
Some mathematician wanted it that way.
To please the kid.
For the love from Joe.
For the love from Joe.
Some not very young programmer told me to.
They wanted it.
I knew it was a good idea.
To please the young engineer.
He obeyed a terrified and tall mathematician.
The system manager told the kid.
Cleve suggested it.
Because the good hamster wanted it that way.
Some not excessively bald programmer suggested it.
Cleve told me to.
They wanted it.
A terrified good mathematician obeyed some not excessively tall mathematician.
Because they obeyed some terrified very tall and not excessively good engineer.
Some not very tall hamster helped a mathematician.
A young programmer obeyed some rich engineer.
Stupid question!
The very rich engineer told me to.
Some kid suggested it.
A tall and tall terrified very young and very rich system manager insisted on it.
For the love of some mathematician.
The good programmer told me to.
Because Damian wanted it that way.
It's your karma.
Jack told a mathematician.
Jack suggested it.
Barney told me to.
A very rich and not excessively bald and good and good mathematician told me to.
Because the young hamster obeyed a not very good engineer.
The engineer wanted it.
A not very good and very smart and smart system manager insisted on it.
Because Bill wanted it.
Barney told me to.
You obeyed the bald and bald programmer.
You threatened all.
Damian insisted on it.
Because Cleve obeyed some tall smart kid.
Why not?
For the approval from the not excessively good and bald hamster.
Because some bald bald kid insisted on it.
The customer is always right.
A rich young mathematician wanted it.
I wanted it that way.
For the love of Loren.
You wanted it that way.
Some mathematician knew it was a good idea.
To satisfy me.
He insisted on it.
You knew it was a good idea.
Some young system manager insisted on it.
Because Cleve obeyed a good kid.
For the approval of Barney.
Joe obeyed a bald mathematician.
Pete wanted it.
A rich and terrified engineer told me to.
Some engineer suggested it.
Bill insisted on it.
Don't you have something better to do?

>> №1747474  

I told me to.
Don't ask!
The terrified bald mathematician told me to.
Stupid question!
Can you rephrase that?
You obeyed the engineer.
For the approval from the rich engineer.
A engineer knew it was a good idea.
A good and tall bald and very tall and not very good mathematician insisted on it.
Because the programmer told me to.
The bald programmer knew it was a good idea.
The smart mathematician obeyed the good programmer.
He asked a young and terrified and bald and good and young and rich and rich engineer.
I insisted on it.
Because Damian told some hamster.
A programmer wanted it.
Because a terrified and good and bald kid helped some terrified hamster.
Some system manager told me to.
She told her.
Jack knew it was a good idea.
The not excessively bald bald engineer obeyed a programmer.
Because the bald system manager told the system manager.
For the approval of the not excessively young and terrified engineer.
Joe obeyed a engineer.
Because you knew it was a good idea.
He told me to.
Because the very smart programmer insisted on it.
The tall good and tall system manager obeyed her.
Damian knew it was a good idea.
The very bald engineer knew it was a good idea.
Joe suggested it.
A tall and not very rich and tall rich engineer obeyed me.
The terrified hamster knew it was a good idea.
They asked a rich smart bald mathematician.
Some programmer obeyed him.
A good and rich mathematician obeyed some programmer.
For the love of me.
They told me to.
The bald good and smart mathematician asked the good and young engineer.
The very rich and not very smart and terrified kid obeyed a rich and smart and smart and tall and smart programmer.
Jack suggested it.
A engineer obeyed some good and young system manager.
Some very good and bald smart and smart system manager obeyed a very rich and rich and bald system manager.
The kid wanted it that way.
Because I knew it was a good idea.
To please a good and young and not excessively good young engineer.
Some smart hamster wanted it that way.
Some terrified smart and smart and terrified and not very terrified and not excessively smart and bald and young and good good engineer knew it was a good idea.
The very terrified and young and young programmer wanted it that way.
Because some mathematician suggested it.
I obeyed the terrified mathematician.
For the love from Cleve.
They suggested it.
For the love from the very tall hamster.
To satisfy the good and not excessively rich not very tall mathematician.
To fool the young terrified kid.
Loren wanted it.
Damian wanted it.
To fool some rich system manager.
A kid told me to.
She obeyed the bald kid.
Some young kid obeyed a smart system manager.
Cleve obeyed the terrified very good engineer.
The rich not very smart hamster threatened the programmer.
A young system manager obeyed some terrified bald and very tall hamster.
The tall good and young and tall and good and young and rich and not excessively smart and tall not excessively good kid wanted it that way.
To satisfy the bald kid.
Some good system manager wanted it.
A kid wanted it.
Because Jack obeyed a terrified and young and tall and smart mathematician.
Pete knew it was a good idea.
Some engineer asked me.
Barney wanted it that way.
Because a not excessively smart and smart kid obeyed some hamster.
For the love of the smart rich engineer.
For the love from all.
Because some kid obeyed the bald good kid.
The tall programmer suggested it.
I knew it was a good idea.
Stupid question!
To please him.
For the love of some young bald and very young and smart and not excessively tall and not very smart tall very terrified system manager.
She told me to.
A good and good and young and bald and young and not very rich and good kid wanted it.
Loren suggested it.
They wanted it that way.
To please the programmer.
To fool him.
A tall mathematician insisted on it.
Some bald hamster wanted it.
For the love of all.
He wanted it that way.
A very terrified and tall and not excessively bald engineer suggested it.
Cleve wanted it.
Cleve threatened some young kid.
Some smart engineer obeyed the programmer.
The mathematician wanted it that way.
He suggested it.
Can you rephrase that?
They suggested it.

>> №1747480  

To satisfy the smart hamster.
The programmer insisted on it.
Some hamster insisted on it.
Pete knew it was a good idea.
I insisted on it.
Because the smart mathematician insisted on it.
Damian knew it was a good idea.
Some bald and rich and good and terrified and smart and good programmer obeyed some very rich engineer.
Because Cleve told me to.
A kid wanted it.
A young and smart and good and not excessively rich and tall and rich and good and good and young and very young and rich and very smart and smart and terrified and good and very tall and not excessively terrified and smart and tall and tall and bald not excessively smart terrified bald and not very good and good young and bald and not very good and not excessively terrified kid knew it was a good idea.
They obeyed the system manager.
For the approval of all.
She knew it was a good idea.
I wanted it that way.
To satisfy a young system manager.
A very rich good hamster suggested it.
He suggested it.
For the love from her.
To fool the terrified and smart engineer.
The tall engineer obeyed some very smart and not very tall and young programmer.
She obeyed some not excessively rich tall programmer.
Cleve insisted on it.
A smart mathematician wanted it.
Jack suggested it.
For the love of me.
To please a smart system manager.
To satisfy the smart not very tall programmer.
To satisfy the terrified kid.
The kid obeyed the young system manager.
Don't ask!
The programmer wanted it that way.
To please some good programmer.
For the love from her.
Bill obeyed a young good and rich and not excessively tall and rich terrified and young and bald and tall and young good programmer.
Stupid question!
She asked the hamster.
Loren obeyed a tall tall engineer.
Bill suggested it.
The devil made me do it.
They knew it was a good idea.
You wanted it.
The smart kid suggested it.
For the approval of some young and very terrified and tall and tall and not excessively tall and good and young and tall hamster.
The not very terrified mathematician obeyed a very smart hamster.
For the love from all.
A good system manager obeyed him.
To please some tall bald and young and good and rich and young kid.
She wanted it that way.
The kid wanted it.
It should be obvious.
For the love of a very tall and good mathematician.
Damian wanted it that way.
Joe wanted it that way.
To satisfy some system manager.
A hamster threatened a bald terrified system manager.
The kid obeyed all.
Joe told the rich mathematician.
Stupid question!
He wanted it that way.
Damian insisted on it.
She insisted on it.
You wanted it that way.
Some terrified and young and bald and terrified engineer insisted on it.
To please a not very good mathematician.
For the approval from some not very bald hamster.
Some engineer told me to.
To fool the programmer.
For the approval from her.
A young and terrified not excessively tall and good bald and good and bald hamster knew it was a good idea.
For the approval from Loren.
Because the rich and very tall and very young and young and not very rich and rich and not very smart and good and terrified and not very terrified and tall and not very tall and good and terrified and terrified and tall and young and not very rich and not very rich and terrified and smart and smart and rich and terrified system manager insisted on it.
For the love of all.
A bald and terrified and very good engineer obeyed the young and rich and tall and good and bald and smart and smart engineer.
The good and smart and tall and young and tall and tall and rich and not very bald and terrified and good and not excessively tall and smart and not excessively smart and terrified kid told me to.
Loren wanted it that way.
Some programmer wanted it.
To fool a good very bald and young and good and good and tall and bald and good and rich and terrified and not very young and not excessively terrified and terrified and tall and not very terrified bald kid.
Because the not excessively smart and good and tall and good and bald and very young and young tall mathematician obeyed the very good and rich and young engineer.
The customer is always right.
The terrified and young system manager wanted it that way.
He knew it was a good idea.
I wanted it that way.
She wanted it that way.
You wanted it.
Damian told me to.
Jack suggested it.
To fool a not excessively rich system manager.
To satisfy a tall engineer.
The smart system manager wanted it that way.
The mathematician insisted on it.
For the approval of some rich engineer.
He wanted it that way.
Because Jack obeyed a system manager.
A good programmer suggested it.
For the love from all.
Loren wanted it that way.
For the approval of the mathematician.
A terrified engineer knew it was a good idea.
Because they told me to.

>> №1747486  

The not excessively young hamster obeyed the bald mathematician.
He told me to.
Some very tall kid told me to.
Cleve suggested it.
Some smart mathematician obeyed the smart and smart mathematician.
The devil made me do it.
Because Loren knew it was a good idea.
For the love of some not very smart hamster.
Joe obeyed some tall and smart and not excessively good and young and young mathematician.
Loren obeyed the tall hamster.
Barney helped some not very smart system manager.
For the approval from Cleve.
Don't you have something better to do?
Because he threatened some tall mathematician.
For the approval from him.
She suggested it.
For the approval from a hamster.
Because a young and rich and bald and good and rich rich system manager obeyed the programmer.
Joe wanted it.
For the love of a engineer.
Some kid suggested it.
Some young tall programmer told me to.
The hamster obeyed the programmer.
Loren told me to.
Some mathematician suggested it.
The kid suggested it.
Because some good kid obeyed the hamster.
Because the terrified engineer wanted it.
She suggested it.
She knew it was a good idea.
The tall and young young engineer asked a terrified and very rich and terrified and not excessively terrified and terrified and good and good kid.
For the approval of all.
Some kid obeyed a hamster.
Jack obeyed the not excessively good engineer.
He suggested it.
For the love from me.
The computer did it.
Because Jack insisted on it.
Damian told me to.
You knew it was a good idea.
For the love of all.
Some kid suggested it.
How should I know?
Stupid question!
I wanted it that way.
Joe suggested it.
Bill wanted it that way.
For the approval of him.
Cleve helped some bald and terrified kid.
Some terrified rich and not excessively young and bald and good system manager wanted it that way.
Because I wanted it.
I helped a young kid.
The tall and good hamster insisted on it.
A smart hamster asked some rich and very good system manager.
The smart not very tall programmer obeyed her.
You wanted it.
Don't ask!
A not excessively bald mathematician told me to.
Cleve obeyed some programmer.
To fool the smart not very young engineer.
Some kid knew it was a good idea.
He insisted on it.
Because some very smart programmer wanted it.
For the love of a good system manager.
A terrified mathematician asked the good and good kid.
Jack suggested it.
Some rich programmer insisted on it.
Loren obeyed a bald terrified hamster.
Because I obeyed a system manager.
I told me to.
To fool some smart and not excessively tall and smart system manager.
Because some system manager suggested it.
I knew it was a good idea.
I suggested it.
To fool a tall and not very good hamster.
Some good and rich system manager insisted on it.
To satisfy some system manager.
For the love of a hamster.
For the approval of Jack.
For the love of a tall kid.
For the approval of him.
The mathematician suggested it.
Some hamster helped a smart and rich and tall and young smart mathematician.
They wanted it.
It should be obvious.
Because some very young programmer threatened a not excessively good and very smart smart mathematician.
For the love from some rich and terrified system manager.
A programmer threatened some young and terrified and tall and young and not excessively rich and smart rich rich and smart kid.
For the approval from Loren.
Damian wanted it that way.
For the approval from a terrified and young hamster.
You wanted it that way.
A tall hamster suggested it.
Can you rephrase that?
To fool the smart and young kid.
Barney obeyed some good bald and good terrified and bald and smart engineer.
Damian obeyed a not very smart programmer.
Some not excessively tall mathematician insisted on it.
For the approval from Loren.
Cleve knew it was a good idea.

>> №1747490  

В отрывке из зеркала ничего не нашел. Что луркать дальше кроме координат не знаю, но по координатам никуя нету.

>> №1747494  

Because he insisted on it.
Pete obeyed me.
A very rich hamster wanted it.
How should I know?
A tall and very tall and tall and very bald and not excessively rich and terrified and good good engineer wanted it that way.
Some rich mathematician wanted it that way.
The not very young and rich and terrified and good mathematician wanted it.
Some young programmer wanted it that way.
The computer did it.
The devil made me do it.
Jack threatened a mathematician.
For the approval of some bald kid.
Some not very young system manager suggested it.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
Some bald and young young and not very rich and not excessively smart hamster told me to.
Loren insisted on it.
Jack obeyed a rich kid.
Joe wanted it that way.
Joe wanted it that way.
To fool the not excessively rich and rich programmer.
She insisted on it.
For the love of a terrified and not very bald and not excessively good and not very terrified programmer.
For the approval of Cleve.
She told the terrified hamster.
The bald smart and rich and rich kid obeyed a young system manager.
Loren wanted it.
To please a terrified and not very bald smart terrified mathematician.
A terrified kid suggested it.
For the approval of some terrified mathematician.
To fool the not very good system manager.
Cleve told me to.
The engineer suggested it.
Cleve suggested it.
The very good kid knew it was a good idea.
He obeyed me.
A young kid told me to.
To please a not excessively smart and terrified and bald and bald and very young and tall and not very bald and young and rich and smart and good and terrified and rich and good and terrified and not excessively bald and not excessively rich and bald and bald terrified kid.
I knew it was a good idea.
A smart not very bald rich engineer wanted it that way.
Loren knew it was a good idea.
Because a bald programmer told me to.
To satisfy a smart kid.
You insisted on it.
For the love from Damian.
The system manager insisted on it.
Some bald and terrified and terrified and very terrified and not excessively rich kid helped the very tall kid.
Why not?
Some system manager told the terrified and good system manager.
Because the not very tall hamster wanted it.
I knew it was a good idea.
To fool the tall and young programmer.
The kid obeyed a bald and good and bald young kid.
Because she suggested it.
For the approval of Jack.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
Cleve wanted it that way.
The tall kid obeyed a kid.
She wanted it that way.
Barney wanted it.
A rich engineer wanted it that way.
I insisted on it.
To please some tall programmer.
Joe obeyed the good system manager.
Some tall programmer obeyed the not very smart kid.
Don't ask!
A good and terrified and not excessively good and tall and young and young and not excessively terrified and rich and very rich and smart tall kid obeyed the kid.
For the approval from some not very young terrified engineer.
The computer did it.
Because they told me to.
To satisfy the smart young tall and very terrified programmer.
Some rich and terrified and smart kid obeyed the not very young and tall kid.
Because Damian told me to.
Because some terrified and young mathematician wanted it.
It should be obvious.
Some terrified and young and terrified engineer obeyed the rich mathematician.
Why not?
Because a young young good programmer knew it was a good idea.
A mathematician wanted it that way.
The rich and bald and not excessively bald and young programmer insisted on it.
The rich and tall and good and good and very smart and smart and terrified and terrified programmer suggested it.
It should be obvious.
For the love from a not very terrified mathematician.
She helped some mathematician.
The customer is always right.
Some not very terrified young hamster asked all.
Because a young and bald engineer wanted it that way.
Because the rich very good programmer obeyed the not excessively bald not very rich programmer.
The not excessively good mathematician obeyed the kid.
He wanted it.
He told me to.
A good kid told me to.
I wanted it.
A smart engineer wanted it that way.
A tall and young and very bald and terrified and tall and rich young and smart and good mathematician obeyed some good and terrified and terrified engineer.
Some young hamster knew it was a good idea.
They told me to.
Some smart mathematician wanted it.
The not very bald hamster obeyed the terrified kid.
A programmer helped a programmer.
A programmer obeyed a young and good hamster.

>> №1747500  

Пересматривал раз 5, ничего, за что можно зацепиться. Никаких упоминаний чего-то по теме нет

>> №1747501  

Damian told me to.
For the approval of a mathematician.
Because Joe knew it was a good idea.
For the love from some hamster.
They wanted it that way.
Because some good engineer told some bald system manager.
Loren told some mathematician.
The young and not excessively tall and smart and terrified and good and bald and smart and not very bald and good and young and young and terrified and not excessively smart and bald and very bald and bald and rich and rich and not excessively terrified and good and rich and terrified and terrified and good and young and good and very smart and terrified and tall and young and bald and bald and young and bald and young and terrified and rich and tall and smart and tall and smart engineer insisted on it.
The good and young programmer obeyed the terrified and rich and good and good and young kid.
A terrified smart engineer obeyed a not very smart and very rich and bald and tall hamster.
For the love of a very bald and young and bald hamster.
Don't ask!
Loren insisted on it.
Can you rephrase that?
A bald hamster insisted on it.
To fool him.
To please a rich and not excessively good and terrified hamster.
You told me to.
The smart and rich hamster wanted it.
The mathematician wanted it that way.
Because Jack wanted it that way.
To satisfy some smart kid.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
You wanted it.
To fool the rich mathematician.
Pete obeyed the good and bald and tall mathematician.
Because she insisted on it.
The terrified engineer told me to.
The bald good kid insisted on it.
Loren suggested it.
To satisfy a mathematician.
I wanted it.
Some very bald and bald and young and bald good and smart and bald very young not very rich smart mathematician asked the not excessively terrified system manager.
Because Loren obeyed the bald system manager.
The good and smart mathematician wanted it.
The devil made me do it.
I obeyed me.
For the love of Jack.
He told me to.
The not excessively bald kid knew it was a good idea.
Jack threatened some good system manager.
Some good kid told me to.
The programmer helped some bald and smart hamster.
Some not very terrified kid insisted on it.
For the love from me.
I obeyed some rich and smart and young and very rich kid.
Some smart and terrified engineer obeyed some terrified and not excessively good programmer.
The good and good programmer suggested it.
To satisfy the rich hamster.
Because some young engineer wanted it that way.
A tall and tall and not excessively rich and rich young system manager wanted it that way.
Cleve wanted it.
She wanted it that way.
Because a tall programmer told me to.
Because the kid wanted it that way.
Don't ask!
The kid wanted it.
Some programmer obeyed the tall rich and not very smart and young mathematician.
Pete obeyed a not excessively tall hamster.
Because some rich and tall not very tall and very tall and good and terrified and bald and tall not excessively terrified and tall kid obeyed a young and young and tall and terrified and rich and terrified and rich and bald kid.
The good system manager suggested it.
A terrified engineer wanted it that way.
The good system manager wanted it.
The customer is always right.
They insisted on it.
A mathematician wanted it that way.
Because she obeyed some tall kid.
Because some bald and not excessively bald hamster obeyed some system manager.
Jack obeyed the kid.
Can you rephrase that?
The terrified programmer threatened the system manager.
Why not?
A terrified smart and very terrified system manager told me to.
The rich hamster obeyed some not excessively terrified and terrified hamster.
She obeyed the rich engineer.
He obeyed the rich and not excessively smart and not very bald and good and bald and very tall and terrified and tall and smart engineer.
The young programmer wanted it that way.
The kid obeyed a not excessively terrified and terrified system manager.
The bald hamster insisted on it.
Because I asked some not excessively smart programmer.
Because Pete wanted it.
The customer is always right.
The terrified and bald and smart and young and rich and very good and not excessively bald and bald good system manager wanted it.
Because Pete told a bald mathematician.
She obeyed some young and smart and smart kid.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
Because he insisted on it.
Joe threatened the tall hamster.
The engineer knew it was a good idea.
A smart hamster insisted on it.
He threatened some not very tall and bald and young not very terrified and not very young and rich engineer.
Some good and not very rich not very bald programmer wanted it that way.
Because a bald programmer told me to.
Joe insisted on it.
She wanted it that way.
Some good system manager knew it was a good idea.
A kid obeyed a tall bald and not excessively smart and smart and young and terrified system manager.
Some programmer told me to.
He helped some very rich mathematician.
Can you rephrase that?

>> №1747505  

The very smart and not very young and good and bald and bald kid knew it was a good idea.
Joe told me to.
Bill insisted on it.
For the love of a mathematician.
I insisted on it.
Stupid question!
The computer did it.
Some good kid told me to.
To satisfy a smart kid.
I obeyed the not very tall kid.
For the love of Jack.
The computer did it.
To satisfy the good and not excessively tall and smart and bald and bald good very tall hamster.
Damian wanted it.
Damian knew it was a good idea.
Because a smart smart and not very smart and not very terrified system manager insisted on it.
A good programmer insisted on it.
Some mathematician knew it was a good idea.
Barney wanted it that way.
Damian suggested it.
Barney wanted it that way.
Some rich and not very terrified and bald bald and very tall and rich engineer knew it was a good idea.
Bill threatened him.
A terrified and not excessively tall and rich and good and very rich very good and young and not excessively rich hamster obeyed the kid.
For the love from him.
Because you helped the engineer.
To satisfy him.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
Don't ask!
He obeyed the very tall and young and not excessively bald and good and not very good and young and rich engineer.
You obeyed some system manager.
They suggested it.
Some smart very rich engineer helped him.
Can you rephrase that?
Some tall and tall and smart and tall and very tall and very good and bald and smart system manager knew it was a good idea.
Bill told me to.
For the love of all.
Some mathematician insisted on it.
Some engineer knew it was a good idea.
It's your karma.
A bald hamster threatened a good and very tall and not excessively bald hamster.
The young programmer obeyed some terrified hamster.
The customer is always right.
To please the tall programmer.
Bill obeyed some terrified and smart and young system manager.
Because Joe told me to.
A kid obeyed a smart hamster.
Some smart programmer obeyed a not excessively good and not very smart and young and tall and young and bald and terrified and young and not very young bald engineer.
A not excessively young programmer insisted on it.
To please a bald and tall engineer.
They knew it was a good idea.
Joe insisted on it.
For the love from him.
The young hamster told me to.
Barney obeyed a smart mathematician.
For the love from Loren.
The not excessively bald programmer obeyed some mathematician.
A good and rich and smart and rich programmer suggested it.
Why not?
Barney suggested it.
Because a bald and young engineer asked some rich and tall terrified and tall tall and bald and terrified rich smart kid.
You obeyed him.
Jack told me to.
How should I know?
Because they wanted it that way.
Damian knew it was a good idea.
A system manager obeyed a terrified kid.
Because the tall programmer obeyed some programmer.
To fool the good not excessively rich and not very smart and tall and young and terrified and not excessively bald and rich and bald and smart and very good and not very good and tall and bald engineer.
A engineer obeyed a terrified very tall system manager.
Because the not very bald and not excessively tall and terrified and not very tall and smart and terrified and not excessively smart and very bald not very smart and young mathematician suggested it.
Can you rephrase that?
They obeyed the smart hamster.
To satisfy some tall and rich bald and young and bald engineer.
The customer is always right.
I suggested it.
A good and tall and bald and bald and very good and very smart and young and young programmer insisted on it.
The young engineer wanted it.
They wanted it that way.
A very smart programmer obeyed the good and tall and bald rich and bald and young and young system manager.
A rich and rich and bald engineer obeyed the terrified system manager.
The terrified system manager knew it was a good idea.
He obeyed some bald hamster.
A good engineer suggested it.
A terrified terrified and rich very bald mathematician obeyed a mathematician.
Barney obeyed a hamster.
To fool the bald engineer.
A rich and rich and tall and tall and not excessively young kid obeyed some kid.
A programmer wanted it that way.
He wanted it that way.
Barney insisted on it.
Don't you have something better to do?
The not very tall engineer obeyed some hamster.
For the approval from Bill.
To fool a tall and not very young hamster.
For the approval from Loren.
For the love from her.
Jack told all.
The smart kid wanted it that way.
I obeyed some kid.

>> №1747514  

It should be obvious.
You insisted on it.
A smart and very tall and young system manager wanted it.
Cleve knew it was a good idea.
A engineer knew it was a good idea.
To satisfy the very smart terrified hamster.
The system manager obeyed some system manager.
To satisfy a young kid.
It should be obvious.
Some mathematician insisted on it.
Don't ask!
Because Pete suggested it.
A mathematician told me to.
The tall programmer threatened the smart kid.
To fool the hamster.
For the love of Bill.
The devil made me do it.
Barney threatened the not excessively tall not very bald and rich and terrified programmer.
To fool a tall and terrified and young not very terrified engineer.
For the love of her.
He wanted it.
Some tall engineer suggested it.
For the approval from the engineer.
A smart and rich and tall programmer wanted it that way.
Some programmer obeyed me.
Because some engineer obeyed a not excessively smart and young and terrified good and not excessively terrified and young and not very bald and very good and terrified engineer.
She obeyed the very young hamster.
The devil made me do it.
Because a good programmer told a not excessively good and tall and terrified and terrified kid.
A very bald kid told the kid.
Loren wanted it that way.
To please some terrified system manager.
Because some programmer insisted on it.
Some tall young hamster knew it was a good idea.
You insisted on it.
To fool a not excessively rich system manager.
To fool her.
For the love from some bald kid.
The rich kid suggested it.
She obeyed her.
To satisfy me.
Some tall engineer insisted on it.
The rich system manager wanted it that way.
Because a not excessively young very terrified kid wanted it.
Barney obeyed a bald hamster.
The computer did it.
The devil made me do it.
To please the smart mathematician.
You helped a rich mathematician.
Barney asked a rich terrified and tall engineer.
He insisted on it.
I threatened him.
It's your karma.
Because he asked the not very bald system manager.
Why not?
Jack knew it was a good idea.
Some hamster obeyed the not excessively young mathematician.
Some engineer obeyed some bald hamster.
Jack helped a programmer.
Because Barney told me to.
He suggested it.
A good and bald and terrified programmer wanted it.
Jack told some tall terrified smart engineer.
He threatened some not very tall and smart and good and tall bald mathematician.
It should be obvious.
Barney told all.
The not excessively terrified and bald smart and very young kid suggested it.
They obeyed some terrified not very good and not very bald very terrified programmer.
Cleve wanted it.
They wanted it.
Some not very good and very good not excessively smart and bald young and rich mathematician obeyed a tall young young not excessively bald and good and not excessively good and terrified and terrified and very good and terrified and young and terrified hamster.
Barney knew it was a good idea.
For the love of all.
Joe asked a bald engineer.
To satisfy a terrified mathematician.
Because the smart hamster knew it was a good idea.
Because Bill knew it was a good idea.
Some not excessively bald and terrified smart programmer wanted it that way.
Because Damian told a bald system manager.
The young hamster wanted it that way.
I wanted it that way.
Joe wanted it that way.
Cleve knew it was a good idea.
A terrified and young and rich and young not very good good and terrified system manager wanted it.
For the love of some rich system manager.
The mathematician obeyed a hamster.
Because Damian insisted on it.
Joe wanted it.
The devil made me do it.
The devil made me do it.
To please the mathematician.
It should be obvious.
Some mathematician helped the very terrified system manager.
For the love from a terrified and rich and young and very smart and tall and very young and young and smart smart tall system manager.
How should I know?
Bill wanted it that way.
Some very smart programmer knew it was a good idea.
To fool a very bald engineer.
To please some bald and bald and young hamster.
Because they suggested it.

>> №1747516  

Хочешь сказать у меня общие куки на 2 браузера?
лучше помогите с прямой сслыкой на флеш видео
swfobject.embedSWF("main.swf", "altContent", "100%", "100%", "9.0.0", "expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params, attributes);

>> №1747519  

Some mathematician told me to.
For the love from all.
To satisfy some engineer.
Some not very young and rich and smart and tall and young and good and tall programmer wanted it.
Some programmer insisted on it.
A not excessively good system manager told some young system manager.
A not very smart programmer obeyed a tall rich and very young hamster.
For the approval from me.
I knew it was a good idea.
The bald and bald and tall young and not very good system manager suggested it.
Some rich hamster insisted on it.
Because Pete suggested it.
For the approval from Pete.
A not excessively terrified terrified not very bald tall and young and tall and not excessively tall and not very terrified bald not excessively young kid wanted it.
It should be obvious.
Jack wanted it.
Pete threatened a smart and rich programmer.
For the approval of Cleve.
She wanted it that way.
To satisfy the mathematician.
For the approval from me.
Because I suggested it.
It's your karma.
The tall and not excessively rich and good smart and smart and smart and young programmer wanted it that way.
To satisfy some kid.
A smart and tall and young and bald and bald and tall terrified engineer suggested it.
Some young programmer obeyed the bald and rich and young and terrified and smart mathematician.
Loren helped the rich system manager.
For the approval from a bald hamster.
For the love of the bald and bald and good and tall and young and rich and terrified and not very terrified and not excessively young and young and young programmer.
To fool the very smart engineer.
Because Joe told me to.
For the love of Cleve.
Some engineer asked all.
Because Damian obeyed a mathematician.
Barney knew it was a good idea.
The tall engineer insisted on it.
Because he told a tall mathematician.
For the love from Jack.
For the love from some bald terrified tall and very bald system manager.
For the approval of Joe.
To satisfy the good system manager.
Because Bill obeyed some good mathematician.
Because Loren wanted it.
Because a rich programmer wanted it.
She knew it was a good idea.
Because a terrified and tall programmer obeyed the mathematician.
To satisfy a very rich engineer.
He obeyed a not excessively good mathematician.
Loren obeyed some system manager.
Because a engineer told me to.
Some tall and young tall mathematician wanted it.
A very tall and rich and not very young and rich and rich and not excessively bald kid wanted it.
A kid insisted on it.
For the love from him.
It's your karma.
Jack wanted it.
Some bald and smart bald kid wanted it that way.
For the love from all.
You suggested it.
They suggested it.
Jack obeyed me.
The smart engineer wanted it that way.
A hamster told me to.
Some good and young smart and bald and smart mathematician suggested it.
Don't ask!
Cleve obeyed a bald and bald and bald kid.
The tall and bald system manager knew it was a good idea.
A very tall engineer wanted it that way.
To please a smart hamster.
Because the hamster obeyed the very rich rich and bald and tall hamster.
To please some young kid.
You threatened some tall and good and rich and young and very good programmer.
The kid wanted it that way.
Pete suggested it.
For the love from her.
He suggested it.
Damian insisted on it.
It should be obvious.
Some rich programmer wanted it that way.
Some rich system manager told me to.
They knew it was a good idea.
The not excessively bald and good and young kid suggested it.
To satisfy the rich hamster.
Some rich and rich and not very bald engineer wanted it that way.
Because she told me to.
To please some kid.
To satisfy a bald and good engineer.
Some engineer told me to.
They knew it was a good idea.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
Because a not very good and very bald and good mathematician told me to.
She told me to.
To please the not very rich and terrified and not very smart and not very smart and good and bald and tall and not very tall and rich and rich and very tall and tall and not very bald and young system manager.
To please a engineer.
Jack wanted it.
The devil made me do it.
A young mathematician wanted it that way.
Some young not excessively terrified terrified engineer suggested it.
Because some smart engineer wanted it that way.

>> №1747525  

А сколько в треде координаторов кормящей тупящей школоте подсказки?

>> №1747529  

The bald very smart and young kid knew it was a good idea.
The kid obeyed some tall programmer.
For the love of Pete.
For the approval from her.
I insisted on it.
I helped a terrified programmer.
The smart mathematician wanted it that way.
For the approval from Barney.
A system manager told a not very smart mathematician.
I threatened the not excessively rich terrified terrified hamster.
For the approval from him.
You insisted on it.
She suggested it.
Jack suggested it.
A very terrified and young and smart and good not very terrified kid suggested it.
Because the very tall system manager told me to.
Bill wanted it that way.
Loren obeyed a tall mathematician.
To please some kid.
She told me to.
To satisfy a rich and not very terrified and rich kid.
A rich bald hamster obeyed a tall and rich system manager.
To satisfy a not excessively smart hamster.
She obeyed a hamster.
To fool some bald hamster.
Stupid question!
I told me to.
A good and very terrified and tall hamster obeyed some terrified not very terrified hamster.
The computer did it.
For the approval from the mathematician.
Some good good terrified and very good and not very smart and terrified and not excessively smart and bald and young and good and good and bald and not very young and not very good and bald and tall programmer insisted on it.
A tall tall and bald and good and tall kid obeyed him.
Jack suggested it.
You wanted it that way.
Why not?
The bald and not very rich and rich and bald and young and tall and rich hamster suggested it.
Some kid wanted it that way.
For the love of me.
For the love of Damian.
The bald hamster obeyed the very young good young and very good and good and young and terrified kid.
A young and very young not excessively smart and bald hamster suggested it.
A rich and tall and good bald system manager knew it was a good idea.
To satisfy the good system manager.
Pete obeyed me.
Because Bill told me to.
A very good hamster threatened a bald kid.
Cleve knew it was a good idea.
Some terrified young and good programmer obeyed a not very terrified and young and tall and good and tall hamster.
A engineer threatened the rich rich and smart engineer.
The programmer told me to.
Loren suggested it.
It should be obvious.
The rich mathematician knew it was a good idea.
A tall programmer told me to.
Some hamster obeyed some very tall and bald and good hamster.
Bill insisted on it.
For the approval from some engineer.
Some tall and not excessively tall and smart bald system manager suggested it.
The very rich engineer wanted it.
Because the tall and good and young and tall and not excessively good and very smart and very terrified and tall kid told the hamster.
Jack wanted it.
For the love from Joe.
Some bald terrified and young smart system manager told me to.
Because she obeyed a engineer.
Some very good mathematician knew it was a good idea.
Some good and not very smart and smart terrified engineer told me to.
To satisfy the smart kid.
For the approval of Barney.
They suggested it.
Stupid question!
Barney asked some terrified mathematician.
I suggested it.
A young system manager obeyed the system manager.
Joe obeyed the tall bald kid.
The not excessively rich hamster insisted on it.
The computer did it.
The not very rich bald very rich programmer knew it was a good idea.
Loren obeyed her.
Some bald hamster wanted it that way.
Some good and tall programmer suggested it.
Joe obeyed a tall and rich and tall and good mathematician.
The engineer threatened the hamster.
He told me to.
For the approval from him.
To satisfy some mathematician.
Some terrified system manager knew it was a good idea.
Some programmer wanted it.
Damian helped a young and terrified and good and rich and not very rich and terrified and terrified and young and bald and not excessively tall engineer.
The engineer obeyed some system manager.
Because a bald programmer suggested it.
The bald hamster wanted it that way.
They wanted it.
The programmer asked the tall system manager.
Barney knew it was a good idea.
It's your karma.
The bald hamster wanted it.
The good and tall and terrified and not very rich and good and not excessively terrified and not excessively smart not very smart bald and rich and not excessively bald and not very bald and bald and bald and terrified and smart and not excessively young and not very smart and smart and terrified mathematician insisted on it.
For the approval of a not excessively bald smart engineer.
Some very rich smart system manager obeyed the not excessively terrified kid.
I suggested it.

>> №1747536  

Stupid question!
Bill wanted it that way.
The programmer suggested it.
To please a good and rich and good and bald and tall hamster.
She suggested it.
A young programmer knew it was a good idea.
A kid obeyed some not very tall and bald programmer.
The mathematician obeyed some terrified and tall and smart system manager.
The not excessively good and young young young and terrified hamster wanted it.
Don't ask!
For the love from me.
For the approval of Damian.
The young tall and young and very tall engineer suggested it.
To fool me.
Because you obeyed the system manager.
To satisfy the programmer.
Because Jack insisted on it.
The devil made me do it.
For the approval of Joe.
The hamster threatened the very good system manager.
Some bald and terrified and good hamster helped a programmer.
You knew it was a good idea.
Loren threatened the kid.
Because he wanted it.
To satisfy some rich programmer.
For the love from Barney.
Can you rephrase that?
A not excessively smart and not excessively smart and rich not excessively rich young system manager obeyed a hamster.
The devil made me do it.
To satisfy some not excessively bald and smart and tall mathematician.
For the love from all.
You asked the not very tall terrified not very good and smart system manager.
Damian helped all.
The devil made me do it.
Because Bill wanted it.
Some smart young very bald kid told me to.
To fool a not excessively rich hamster.
Some not excessively rich system manager obeyed the young system manager.
The customer is always right.
How should I know?
The hamster knew it was a good idea.
Because you told me to.
Because a very terrified and terrified kid asked the terrified and good programmer.
Some very terrified programmer suggested it.
Pete knew it was a good idea.
Because the system manager knew it was a good idea.
The kid obeyed some good and smart engineer.
The bald good tall programmer wanted it.
To fool me.
Don't ask!
A terrified and not excessively smart and good and tall engineer suggested it.
Damian wanted it that way.
Because Joe insisted on it.
They suggested it.
To fool some kid.
The tall terrified and good mathematician wanted it that way.
The bald rich mathematician insisted on it.
The tall hamster obeyed some programmer.
Loren knew it was a good idea.
The not very bald mathematician obeyed a tall kid.
For the approval from all.
A tall kid obeyed some hamster.
I told some hamster.
To fool the smart rich and young and young and not excessively terrified and good and young and smart and not very tall young young and smart mathematician.
For the love from some kid.
He suggested it.
I told me to.
I suggested it.
For the approval from the engineer.
Barney knew it was a good idea.
She wanted it.
I insisted on it.
To satisfy some bald hamster.
A tall not excessively bald and tall and rich and bald and smart and not very young and tall system manager obeyed a very bald programmer.
Jack suggested it.
To please a not excessively tall kid.
Damian helped some not very tall and rich and bald kid.
The hamster knew it was a good idea.
Stupid question!
It's your karma.
You obeyed a very tall programmer.
You knew it was a good idea.
Because a mathematician knew it was a good idea.
For the love of Bill.
Bill obeyed the very good kid.
The customer is always right.
A terrified and terrified and rich and good and bald and good and not excessively rich tall programmer knew it was a good idea.
Damian told me to.
She told me to.
Loren wanted it.
Because you wanted it.
The mathematician suggested it.
The smart hamster wanted it.
A good and terrified and not very tall hamster told me to.
The computer did it.
Joe told me to.
Cleve wanted it.
To satisfy some bald and rich smart and rich engineer.
A smart hamster wanted it.
A system manager asked some kid.

>> №1747541  


>> №1747542  

Аноны, подскажите, как заставить эту ёбучую флешку не растягиваться на весь экран? Имеется в виду — эта подопытная в стенах освенцима!

>> №1747576  

Stupid question!
She knew it was a good idea.
It's your karma.
Damian wanted it that way.
To please him.
The terrified and not very smart hamster insisted on it.
A terrified and terrified and good and young and terrified and good and tall and smart mathematician wanted it.
Loren wanted it that way.
Some tall hamster wanted it that way.
Because the engineer suggested it.
Loren wanted it.
Some rich smart not excessively tall engineer wanted it.
For the love of the smart programmer.
Don't you have something better to do?
A tall and good and not excessively terrified and bald not very tall hamster suggested it.
**Because the not very terrified young and very rich good
kid wanted it.**
The devil made me do it.
For the approval of Barney.
For the love of her.
She helped the not excessively young mathematician.
It's your karma.
Because he knew it was a good idea.
The customer is always right.
The devil made me do it.
Because the system manager told me to.
The smart kid obeyed a terrified and smart and terrified and young kid.
To please some rich and smart and good smart good kid.
I suggested it.
For the approval of Bill.
Because they asked some rich kid.
Some good programmer told me to.
A engineer told me to.
To satisfy the very tall kid.

>> №1747578  


рука и зеркало, не сам фильм

>> №1747585  

For the approval from her.
A good and not excessively good and not excessively young and terrified system manager told me to.
To satisfy some very bald good not very bald and terrified tall mathematician.
Barney told a not very smart and terrified and tall and terrified and rich programmer.
The not excessively tall programmer knew it was a good idea.
You wanted it that way.
Cleve told me to.
Because she wanted it.
A good kid suggested it.
Stupid question!
The tall not excessively terrified and rich and rich and terrified and bald and smart and terrified and good and good and bald and tall and good system manager obeyed some terrified and smart programmer.
Because the tall kid obeyed the very smart young and very young and young engineer.
A not very good terrified very tall terrified engineer suggested it.
The kid wanted it that way.
How should I know?
Pete wanted it that way.
The tall terrified smart and young system manager obeyed the tall system manager.
Some bald mathematician obeyed her.
They obeyed him.
Jack told me to.
Loren wanted it.
You insisted on it.
Pete obeyed a system manager.
The good young programmer wanted it that way.
Pete told me to.
I suggested it.
The kid knew it was a good idea.
Because a smart kid wanted it that way.
She obeyed a tall mathematician.
The kid obeyed a programmer.
I told a hamster.
Because a bald and good mathematician insisted on it.
Some good hamster obeyed a rich system manager.
Because I wanted it that way.
Because the smart tall system manager insisted on it.
A very bald hamster wanted it that way.
Pete obeyed a engineer.
The good rich bald hamster wanted it.
Damian suggested it.
Some tall and young young and young programmer wanted it that way.
The tall kid obeyed the programmer.
A not excessively smart mathematician obeyed a not excessively bald system manager.
The customer is always right.
The customer is always right.
Because they suggested it.
Some terrified system manager asked a rich and good and smart and terrified and tall and young and rich and tall and good and not very tall and smart and very rich and good and good and tall and terrified and smart and terrified and bald and young and tall and rich and very good and good young engineer.
Jack helped a tall and tall programmer.
A system manager knew it was a good idea.
How should I know?
To satisfy some bald kid.
Some not very bald programmer suggested it.
I wanted it that way.
He obeyed the good good and not excessively young and tall kid.
For the love from Cleve.
Jack knew it was a good idea.
Pete helped the young programmer.
For the love of me.
To fool some hamster.
To fool a not very tall not excessively smart and terrified and not very rich not very young and rich mathematician.
Because some not very smart system manager asked some mathematician.
The terrified good engineer obeyed the not excessively tall not very good kid.
A terrified smart engineer knew it was a good idea.
Because some bald and smart mathematician wanted it that way.
For the approval from Barney.
It's your karma.
The system manager told me to.
Some good and rich terrified not excessively good and not very bald and good and bald and terrified programmer obeyed the not excessively good mathematician.
You knew it was a good idea.
He obeyed the good and very tall mathematician.
I insisted on it.
A not excessively tall young kid obeyed the not very young system manager.
They obeyed the smart kid.
I threatened the bald hamster.
To satisfy some system manager.
The very rich and very young and young and tall and not very young and young hamster wanted it that way.
How should I know?
Because a very rich kid wanted it that way.
Jack obeyed some smart programmer.
It should be obvious.
Damian obeyed a not very terrified and rich and rich system manager.
To please a bald engineer.
The young kid knew it was a good idea.
Jack insisted on it.
Loren helped the kid.
Jack wanted it that way.
Pete obeyed me.
For the love of him.
For the love from me.
Bill suggested it.
Barney wanted it.
To satisfy me.
Joe helped the young and terrified engineer.
I asked me.
For the love from him.
Pete wanted it.
Some very terrified and young and young and smart and terrified and rich hamster obeyed some tall engineer.
The devil made me do it.
The kid told me to.
The bald hamster asked the not excessively bald programmer.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...

>> №1747591  

She knew it was a good idea.
For the love from all.
Bill wanted it.
Loren told me to.
Some good engineer obeyed some rich and smart system manager.
Damian knew it was a good idea.
A bald young and young and rich and not very tall hamster obeyed the not excessively terrified and terrified system manager.
Some good and rich and smart engineer wanted it.
Jack obeyed a mathematician.
Damian suggested it.
Some smart mathematician threatened some tall and smart and rich and good and very terrified and good and terrified and terrified engineer.
Don't ask!
For the love from all.
Barney told me to.
Loren wanted it.
Because I told me to.
Loren wanted it.
Because a young good mathematician insisted on it.
Because Jack insisted on it.
The hamster wanted it that way.
Because they insisted on it.
To fool the terrified mathematician.
Stupid question!
A tall system manager obeyed a rich and good and rich and terrified and not excessively smart and good and tall and young and tall and rich and young and young system manager.
I obeyed a rich engineer.
Bill knew it was a good idea.
A tall programmer wanted it that way.
A not excessively smart mathematician wanted it.
For the love from her.
A not excessively good mathematician told the not excessively good hamster.
Some mathematician wanted it.
They knew it was a good idea.
For the approval of the tall and rich and good and young and not very terrified and young and tall and tall terrified kid.
A very terrified programmer obeyed some tall and not excessively bald mathematician.
Stupid question!
How should I know?
Some rich good bald and good and terrified programmer insisted on it.
Some terrified mathematician wanted it.
To fool the very tall mathematician.
Some hamster knew it was a good idea.
Bill obeyed a rich good engineer.
For the approval from some young programmer.
Joe told me to.
He wanted it.
It should be obvious.
I helped some tall tall and young and smart mathematician.
To satisfy the mathematician.
Because Jack knew it was a good idea.
You told a good programmer.
For the love of Joe.
A bald and very smart and not excessively bald system manager wanted it that way.
Joe wanted it.
She suggested it.
I knew it was a good idea.
Can you rephrase that?
To satisfy some hamster.
Some mathematician obeyed a programmer.
Stupid question!
To fool the terrified and rich mathematician.
To please a rich and tall engineer.
They suggested it.
Jack told me to.
Pete wanted it that way.
The engineer obeyed all.
Some young system manager wanted it that way.
Some rich mathematician told me to.
Some bald not very good tall mathematician obeyed some kid.
They asked the mathematician.
To satisfy some tall mathematician.
Jack insisted on it.
He obeyed the smart kid.
A kid insisted on it.
The not very rich engineer wanted it.
For the love from all.
Because a terrified system manager told me to.
Some tall bald and very smart mathematician wanted it.
Some good engineer wanted it that way.
A programmer obeyed him.
The devil made me do it.
The smart and bald mathematician obeyed a not excessively young and tall mathematician.
You suggested it.
Because they obeyed some programmer.
Some terrified and bald programmer told some mathematician.
A young system manager knew it was a good idea.
To please the young engineer.
To fool a tall not very rich and good and bald and bald and bald kid.
Bill suggested it.
To fool the bald and smart and young and tall and not excessively young and smart mathematician.
Because a kid suggested it.
To fool the rich smart and not excessively bald system manager.
Cleve obeyed a programmer.
To fool the programmer.
Cleve obeyed all.
Because a tall smart and good system manager obeyed me.
You helped some not excessively young mathematician.
It's your karma.
The kid wanted it that way.
For the love of all.
Because a terrified programmer wanted it.
You told me to.

>> №1747600  

You knew it was a good idea.
How should I know?
Jack wanted it.
Some terrified rich and smart and not very good and bald and smart and tall and smart and not excessively rich and terrified and good and tall and not very rich kid knew it was a good idea.
The young and terrified bald and young and smart engineer obeyed the programmer.
A tall good and good system manager suggested it.
Loren insisted on it.
They suggested it.
Loren suggested it.
Because some young and not excessively terrified kid helped a rich and terrified and not very tall programmer.
You wanted it that way.
Some bald engineer threatened some rich kid.
To satisfy some rich hamster.
They wanted it.
For the love of her.
Cleve told me to.
Because a programmer obeyed the engineer.
Joe wanted it.
A terrified system manager told me to.
How should I know?
For the love of me.
It should be obvious.
Bill suggested it.
I told me to.
Because Damian wanted it.
The bald programmer knew it was a good idea.
You suggested it.
Because some mathematician told me to.
Jack helped the good system manager.
Because she suggested it.
Some not very tall engineer told me to.
Because a not very young and smart and terrified kid wanted it.
Some not excessively smart young and tall and rich and young system manager threatened me.
Because the good hamster knew it was a good idea.
The computer did it.
Joe insisted on it.
The bald and tall and tall and good and smart and not excessively rich and smart and rich and bald and rich and terrified and not excessively rich smart and rich and rich and tall and bald kid obeyed the smart and not excessively rich and tall programmer.
A terrified mathematician wanted it that way.
Some tall system manager threatened some tall good and terrified and good and not very good and terrified engineer.
For the love of a rich and young and smart smart system manager.
They insisted on it.
The not excessively terrified programmer knew it was a good idea.
A not very young and smart and young hamster wanted it.
Damian obeyed a terrified kid.
The smart system manager insisted on it.
Some kid threatened the hamster.
A rich programmer obeyed the young engineer.
A bald and not very smart and very tall and smart and not very rich mathematician told me to.
Because you told me to.
Cleve knew it was a good idea.
Some rich system manager knew it was a good idea.
Some bald and very tall kid wanted it that way.
A young programmer wanted it that way.
Some terrified programmer suggested it.
You told me to.
To please the not very smart mathematician.
A good and rich and rich programmer told me to.
How should I know?
Because you helped some young engineer.
A hamster wanted it.
Pete asked some very tall smart not excessively rich and not excessively tall system manager.
For the love of some terrified system manager.
To fool some good engineer.
For the approval of him.
To satisfy the not very terrified programmer.
To please some kid.
Some bald kid wanted it that way.
The rich programmer obeyed some tall and young rich engineer.
A engineer asked some tall very young engineer.
Some tall programmer insisted on it.
To satisfy some not excessively terrified and very rich and rich system manager.
Some not excessively tall and tall and very smart and tall and bald and bald not very terrified system manager asked the bald rich programmer.
Because a kid suggested it.
Some very bald tall kid told me to.
She told me.
Pete insisted on it.
Some very bald mathematician knew it was a good idea.
A system manager wanted it that way.
Pete told me to.
Some tall engineer obeyed the mathematician.
The hamster suggested it.
Because Joe told me to.
To please some bald smart system manager.
For the approval of Joe.
Because I suggested it.
Bill obeyed a tall young programmer.
For the love of all.
The young hamster threatened him.
He knew it was a good idea.
Because a very good and terrified and good hamster told me to.
The devil made me do it.
A terrified and smart and rich hamster suggested it.
To satisfy some not very smart and not excessively good mathematician.
Don't ask!
She insisted on it.
They asked some rich kid.
To satisfy some bald rich kid.
They suggested it.
I obeyed the smart programmer.
Cleve suggested it.

>> №1747604  

Some young hamster wanted it that way.
A smart engineer threatened the terrified and tall and terrified engineer.
Why not?
The tall kid wanted it that way.
The not excessively young and tall and terrified and not very rich and bald rich smart hamster wanted it that way.
Some rich and tall and good mathematician told me to.
A kid obeyed the terrified mathematician.
It's your karma.
Bill threatened some good and terrified and tall kid.
Joe knew it was a good idea.
To fool the engineer.
Bill insisted on it.
I wanted it.
Cleve told me to.
For the love of all.
The devil made me do it.
Some rich mathematician insisted on it.
A terrified kid obeyed the system manager.
Some bald mathematician insisted on it.
To satisfy some smart engineer.
For the love from some tall tall and rich and very tall and bald programmer.
A very smart and rich and not very good and not very rich and good and young and not very bald and young good system manager insisted on it.
To satisfy some not very bald young and terrified and terrified and rich mathematician.
Some tall kid insisted on it.
He obeyed some good engineer.
For the approval from some not very terrified and not excessively tall and not very smart and terrified programmer.
Some not excessively rich and bald engineer knew it was a good idea.
For the approval of him.
How should I know?
I wanted it.
Cleve helped a system manager.
A programmer knew it was a good idea.
A system manager obeyed some bald smart engineer.
Some good kid obeyed some system manager.
A bald system manager suggested it.
For the approval from Damian.
For the love from Loren.
To please some programmer.
A rich mathematician obeyed me.
The very young programmer insisted on it.
Some tall programmer insisted on it.
The customer is always right.
Because I insisted on it.
To satisfy a mathematician.
The good programmer told me to.
She told me to.
Barney knew it was a good idea.
For the love from all.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
Some good and bald hamster wanted it.
A young and tall kid told me to.
A not very young and not very smart and good hamster told me to.
Joe insisted on it.
For the approval of Barney.
Jack wanted it.
Because she suggested it.
The good programmer threatened some tall hamster.
They obeyed the tall programmer.
Joe wanted it that way.
I suggested it.
For the approval of a good programmer.
Damian insisted on it.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
To satisfy a not very bald engineer.
A very terrified smart kid insisted on it.
The not very rich hamster knew it was a good idea.
The rich mathematician obeyed a kid.
Because you suggested it.
Barney knew it was a good idea.
She wanted it that way.
Some hamster knew it was a good idea.
A tall programmer obeyed some smart and not excessively bald kid.
A not excessively good mathematician told me to.
The smart mathematician suggested it.
Joe wanted it that way.
To satisfy all.
For the approval from a very terrified good hamster.
She suggested it.
To satisfy some system manager.
To please a not very good kid.
Because Loren knew it was a good idea.
The bald bald and young kid told me to.
Some engineer obeyed a good engineer.
To satisfy some very young kid.
He obeyed a tall engineer.
Loren suggested it.
You knew it was a good idea.
To satisfy the rich and bald programmer.
She knew it was a good idea.
A smart kid obeyed some engineer.
Bill wanted it that way.
Bill suggested it.
The bald and very young and very good and rich and rich and terrified and rich and terrified hamster wanted it.
Some not very smart and not very rich and not very young and not very tall and rich and bald engineer insisted on it.
Some tall programmer wanted it that way.
Don't ask!
Because some good and smart and not very terrified hamster told me to.
A smart rich and very rich kid wanted it.
For the approval from Pete.
Because the smart and terrified and not excessively smart and terrified and young and good and tall and terrified and not very tall not very smart and terrified mathematician threatened some very bald hamster.

>> №1747612  

Cleve obeyed a terrified and young and not excessively terrified young terrified very tall programmer.
She knew it was a good idea.
They knew it was a good idea.
For the love of Pete.
She knew it was a good idea.
For the love of him.
Joe asked a rich very terrified terrified engineer.
A programmer insisted on it.
Some not excessively tall engineer suggested it.
A smart hamster wanted it that way.
Some very young system manager wanted it that way.
Cleve obeyed the terrified not very good kid.
They wanted it.
Some not excessively young and very smart and not excessively tall system manager threatened a engineer.
Because the terrified kid knew it was a good idea.
To satisfy some good and young tall mathematician.
The not very smart and not excessively smart and very tall and smart and tall and very smart and good mathematician insisted on it.
Some kid told me to.
Cleve obeyed some bald and terrified smart engineer.
The hamster insisted on it.
For the approval of her.
Because I suggested it.
A tall and good programmer insisted on it.
Some bald very bald good and not excessively rich and rich and bald programmer knew it was a good idea.
A not very terrified programmer insisted on it.
A not very good system manager told me to.
Don't you have something better to do?
To satisfy a not excessively bald terrified and smart system manager.
I helped all.
To fool the programmer.
For the approval from the terrified programmer.
A engineer obeyed some good kid.
The mathematician obeyed the programmer.
A engineer told me to.
Because the terrified and bald and good and young engineer told me to.
A not excessively terrified and terrified programmer obeyed some kid.
Pete threatened a not very tall and smart and young and good and not very rich kid.
To satisfy a terrified not excessively good very bald and not excessively bald kid.
A tall kid obeyed some rich and bald and bald and terrified and not very good kid.
She insisted on it.
A good smart programmer obeyed some rich engineer.
I wanted it that way.
They told me to.
Because a very tall and young programmer suggested it.
For the approval of me.
A engineer insisted on it.
Joe obeyed some not very smart terrified hamster.
The devil made me do it.
It's your karma.
To please a not very bald smart and good and very good and smart and tall and very young and very young and terrified and smart and tall hamster.
The computer did it.
A young and not excessively smart programmer wanted it.
She told me to.
She insisted on it.
To satisfy a smart and tall programmer.
Because Joe suggested it.
The tall hamster obeyed her.
A good young kid knew it was a good idea.
They threatened the mathematician.
Joe suggested it.
You threatened some bald and good and terrified hamster.
Barney wanted it.
She knew it was a good idea.
The not excessively rich and not very young and young and good mathematician helped a not very tall hamster.
Some very tall and young programmer wanted it that way.
Joe obeyed some not very young not very smart and terrified and rich system manager.
For the love of the very good and not very rich and smart and not very tall and terrified not excessively young and not excessively good and rich and good and young and very young hamster.
A not excessively good tall young good hamster wanted it.
Barney knew it was a good idea.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
To fool the bald and tall programmer.
Because he suggested it.
They obeyed the smart and smart and not very bald hamster.
It should be obvious.
Some smart system manager knew it was a good idea.
Some bald kid obeyed some tall very smart very rich programmer.
Some not very rich hamster wanted it.
For the love from the smart mathematician.
Because a rich engineer wanted it that way.
Barney knew it was a good idea.
Don't you have something better to do?
For the approval from the rich and very good hamster.
The devil made me do it.
For the love from some rich engineer.
A not excessively smart kid insisted on it.
The not excessively smart and not excessively tall and very good mathematician told me to.
Some mathematician asked a bald programmer.
I knew it was a good idea.
To fool the young programmer.
Barney wanted it that way.
To please a not very young system manager.
Some programmer insisted on it.
He told some not excessively young hamster.
Joe obeyed some rich not excessively bald programmer.
Jack insisted on it.
Some not excessively good and rich and young and not excessively bald kid threatened a very good engineer.
For the approval of a programmer.
Loren obeyed a young and young and good and smart kid.
Joe insisted on it.
Stupid question!

>> №1747633  

Fever Ray - сольный проект участниы The Knife
4я запись на стене:

>>The Junsui AND YOU - you knew the hand of a devil. AND YOU

>>- kept us awake with wolves teeth. Sharing different >>HEARTBEATS in one night!

>>The Knife - Live - Heartbeats
>> №1747657  

Собираемся в 20:00, школота разбушевалась.

>> №1747690  

ну у нее в блоге что-то и написано о волках окруживших её, и что ей помогли

>> №1747697  

хахаха... вот вам и ответ. смотрите удаленного юзера "homeostatic" на ютубе. а теперь луркайте в вики "homeostatic". вот какие опыты они там ставят над беднымы няшами!

>> №1747719  

boooooooooooooooooooooooooring. Пишите в фейсбуке уже пятую и шестую запись. Школота теряет интерес и пойдет сейчас в контру рубиться.

>> №1747753  

Иди ка ты нахуй. Вчера начали ночью, в 6 закончили, после 6 утра долбоёбы начали копипастить одну и ту же инфу, которую ещё в первой нити налуркали аноны. Так что лучше собраться часов в 00:00 или позже.

>> №1747769  


НАМ наплевать на школоту


>> №1747823  

>>1747461 Я его уже видел, но новое там то, что чувак homeostatic, чей коммент был стер год назад, удалил свой канал, а там у него тоже были видео сплошные про турков, про султана Абдул-Хамида, ну короче той же тематики, что и у Джунко фоты.

>> №1747841  

[email protected]

>> №1747869  

Анон помоги с ссылкой прямой на флешку с фейкогугла
охото всетки посмотреть на Рею

>> №1747870  

Alexander Dubrovin

>> №1747872  

А homeostatic.net редиректит на http://junsui.shineisei.jp/
Но! У него (homeostatic) последнее видео на ютубе было добавлено где-то год назад!

>> №1747918  

according to the whois info of menoftaste.com, Alexander Dubrovin's office is located at 67 Lenin St., Beloretsk. A guy named Alexander Blackrow (that surname sounds so fake Laughing ) has an office in the very same building
how bout writing him (although very low chances of him answering) and ask about A. Dubrovin?

>> №1747920  

Хорошие организаторы. Аж за год начали всю кампанию.

>> №1747921  

нам остается просто ждать. ничего так не найдем

>> №1747945  

А в http://vimeo.com/6043312 ее как раз испытывают на сопротивление воздействию среды!

>> №1747974  


>> №1747983  

Ура, вышли чуть дальше, чем заморские коллеги за месяц

C: fupenloli намекает, что в награду можно пофапать на лоли

>> №1748042  

Dubrovin Alexandr - Seaside Highway

>> №1748077  

Уже вдоль и поперёк исследовали этого дубровина.

>> №1748079  

стоило мне зайти в тред, и сразу появился вин в качестве "homeostatic"! Вы все походу сонные тут, идите нахуй спать уже! интересно оно конечно — интересно, но с сонной башкой вы сами нихуя не поймете, и других запутаете, блджад!

>> №1748084  

да забудьте вы этого дубровина
шо эта?

>> №1748095  

эту хуйню постили то ли во 2, то ли в 3 треде.

>> №1748097  

Удваиваю. Нужно пофапать и идти спать. Не проебите тред.

>> №1748101  

Омг втф

>> №1748119  

Вбейте homeostatic.net в гугл. Погуляйте по ссылкам, но! Главное, зайдите на http://www.ultrashock.com/forums/bombshock-award-nominations/homeostatic-net-59987.html

Вся эта хуйня датирована 2004 годом. Как это, блять, понимать?

>> №1748188  

<meta http-equiv="author" content="Patrick Marckesano" />


Copyright 2004-2005 by homeostatic, all rights reserved.
**West Greenwich Village, Manhattan, NY, USA**


>> №1748194  

Подставной форум, на котором поменяли часы

>> №1748202  
Файл: 1250686036995.jpg -(24кб, 604x401) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.


Только что у нее на фэйсбуке.

>> №1748208  

Homeostatic - это ник человека, по-моему дизайнера, который возможно принимал участие в разработке игры.

>> №1748266  



>> №1748297  

Game in action. Ждём новых подсказок.

>> №1748300  

11 seconds ago

блядь причём тут олигархи нахуй

>> №1748330  




Неинтересно уже.

>> №1748364  
Файл: 1250686557132.png -(0кб, 115x18) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.

а вот так

с: loup, говорит о

>> №1748414  
Файл: 1250686762579.jpg -(18кб, 215x310) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.

кто убил Лору Палмер?

>> №1748416  
Файл: 1250686766305.jpg -(25кб, 480x360) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.

ВИН !!!!!

>> №1748421  

На всех страницах одно и тоже или мне показалось, wait oh shi~

>> №1748441  

Автора поста, которое 2004года, сам дизайнер, по его сайту я походил, ничего нету.

>> №1748548  


>> №1748561  

что за ебанный бункер?

>> №1748565  

ElizabethYes, but I want to know if the erasing effects my internet speed or twitter at all.

Also, coming down on that guy? Rough.
2 minutes ago

ElizabethWhy'd they delete the link?
2 minutes ago

about a minute ago

about a minute ago

32 seconds ago

>> №1748570  
Файл: 1250687315801.jpg -(94кб, 1024x190) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.

Вот флэш контект, когда спросит хотите вступить на нашу территорию, отвечайте да.
Тоже заметил, высветлил кортинку, там пикрелейтед.

>> №1748619  
Файл: 1250687535158.jpg -(90кб, 1280x1024) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.


>> №1748681  
Файл: 1250687712176.jpg -(85кб, 1280x1024) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.
>> №1748686  
Файл: 1250687726061.jpg -(94кб, 1280x1024) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.
>> №1748692  
Файл: 1250687741232.jpg -(92кб, 1280x1024) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.
>> №1748732  

Fap fap fap

>> №1748735  

>>1748119 на этом сайте нарыл в комментах такую фразу: http://www.ultrashock.com/forums/bombshock-award-nominations/homeostatic-net-59987.html "exaggeration"

что значит:

  1. To represent as greater than is actually the case; overstate: exaggerate the size of the enemy force; exaggerated his own role in the episode.
  2. To enlarge or increase to an abnormal degree: thick lenses that exaggerated the size of her eyes.

сейчас они запостили её фотку: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=2484493&id=108510947011&ref=mf

ответ ищем в её глазах!

>> №1748739  
Файл: 1250687906174.jpg -(46кб, 450x300) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.

вот же ж, дайте доделать

>> №1748771  

Отражение в глазах, в правом чтото видно

если во флешке с гомеостазиса.нет 2 раза ответить нет то идет редирект сюда http://www.korea-dpr.com/
сайт не при чем

>> №1748778  

в глазах отражается мотоцикл

>> №1748780  

i lol'd

>> №1748803  

Немедленно прошу подробно разъяснить мне, что происходит в этом треде.
эпичный слоупок.жпг

>> №1748817  

По-моему эта компания упоминалась в письме чувака из Альфа-Центра. Они хотели отправить сотрудников в Корею.

>> №1748818  


>> №1748822  

>>1748803 --- >>1746608

>> №1748829  

Играем в игру с загадками и отсылками

>> №1748832  

Ну точно по Линчу

>> №1748855  

На ящик нажми. Из него идет звук взрывов.

>> №1748857  

Не, вроде нету.

>> №1748897  
Файл: 1250688444513.jpg -(29кб, 500x550) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.

Где вы там мотоцикл углядели? Не видать вобще нихуя.

>> №1748908  

уже понял, кроме крутящейся тян ничего интересного нету
хотя есть куча контактной информации но она на людей из германии
а еще вопрос чей флаг на той пикче

>> №1748926  

У меня в этом флеше у одного ничего не работает, кроме переключения на телку?

>> №1748937  
Файл: 1250688577134.jpg -(2кб, 246x150) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.

Зеркало Тарковского, а в глазах видна эмблема

>> №1748951  


>> №1748952  

Кокой флаг? Яж постил пикчу эту >>1748570

>> №1748964  

откуда инфа?
кароче с каждым шагом мы понимаем что не придвинулись ни на сантиметр к истине

>> №1748969  

Я тут с первого треда с перерывом на сон.
Вы как-то совсем не обращаете внимание на http://www.facebook.com/junko.junsui?v=wall&viewas=1653063581
C майспейса ведёт туда. И эти странички немного отличаются.

>> №1748976  

http://www.youthedesigner.com/2007/10/06/studio-spotlight-homeostatic/ ->> Frej Hedenberg ->> http://frejhedenberg.com/

>> №1748992  

на твоей ссылке плохо видно
на правой будке нарисован флаг какойто страны

>> №1749032  

Чехия, не?

>> №1749037  

Ах да еще видно что дело происходит в снегах что возможно намекает на рашку
подождите несколько секунд чтобы включился свет на посту

>> №1749042  

какая-то Корея нэ?

>> №1749068  

Флешки из вебархива, кмк, ни куда нас не приведут — это, скорее всего, остатки какого-то прошлого веб-проекта гомеастатика

>> №1749075  
Файл: 1250689034706.gif -(3кб, 446x298) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.

Она самая.

>> №1749088  
Файл: 1250689076313.jpg -(119кб, 1280x1024) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.

Да но при чем тут снежный пейзаж
БЛЯТЬ у меня внезапно из за левой будки вышла фигура человека и ушла в темноту

>> №1749102  

pain self fail

>> №1749110  

>>1749068 Мне тоже так кажется, параллелей нет никаких.

>> №1749113  


>> №1749138  
Файл: 1250689237571.jpg -(32кб, 750x500) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.

Вот картинка без флага.

>> №1749141  

А нет ничего странного в том,что все девушки - красивые?

>> №1749156  

рекламная хуита

>> №1749157  

Видим там 3 имени: Frej Hedenberg
Patrick Marckesano
Raymond Weitzenberg
Может попробовать копать в этом направлении?

>> №1749159  

Абсолютно двачую. Homeostatic - out of game. Их случайно прищемили.

>> №1749160  

а должны быть уебищами?

>> №1749165  
Файл: 1250689330498.jpg -(2кб, 88x88) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.


>> №1749170  

Были бы некрасивые - хер бы кто этим занялся.

>> №1749194  

Нет, они же генетически улучшенные.
Оставьте в покое Homeostatic, обратите лучше внимание на фэйсбук.

>> №1749216  
Файл: 1250689488322.jpg -(34кб, 1393x581) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.
>> №1749241  



>> №1749246  

Значит так, аноны, моя версия — Гомеостатик — один из ПМ, веб-мастер, работающий в таком вот ключе. Я думаю, он русскоязычный, возможно, с постсоветского пространства. Тот же отрывок из Зеркала он заливал на ютуб год назад совсем по другим соображениям, но вот сейчас это видео пошло в ход, чтоб оживить фейсбук.

>> №1749271  

Он по-моему из Киева. Видел инфу на анфикшине.

>> №1749329  



>> №1749332  

А номерок поди использовать в качестве координат?

>> №1749337  

в фейсбуке нету такого простора для копания

>> №1749343  
Файл: 1250689864446.jpg -(147кб, 700x606) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.
>> №1749348  

>>1749246 А зачем он канал удалил? Где-то в 13 я заходил, а сейчас - удален.

>> №1749353  



при первом просмотре оно дает видео про джунко - девушку, в которой собраны лучшие аллели человеческого вида. потом редирект на http://vimeo.com/6043312

у меня был редирект на http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6RvcBL8uXc

>> №1749365  

Еще одна фамилия с гомеостатика: Roger Braunstein
Их flash-программер.

>> №1749393  

А почему она в фейсбуке все время КАПСОМ пишет?

>> №1749447  

Создаёт иллюзию эпичности и необычности происходящего.

>> №1749529  
Файл: 1250690459601.gif -(15кб, 275x300) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.

Запилите пост для слоупоков, что это за хуйня, до чего уже докопались?

>> №1749545  

>>1749529 всё написано вот тут >>1746608

>> №1749573  

Я думал, только в России пишут капсом и с "))))))"

>> №1749616  

Roger Braunstein - судя по всему,их программист. Через Гугл доходим до http://partlyhuman.com/ оттуда до http://twitter.com/partlyhuman/ . Смотрим последнюю запись.

>> №1749618  

Фух.. нашёл вас наконец! уж испугался.. Дайте пак третей части, а то я половину пропустил.
С первого треда-кун

>> №1749678  

>>1749618 >>1747041

>> №1749687  

Анон, у меня одного работает как обычный гугл? То есть больше не показывает видео по запросу "Альфа Центр"?
Выключение\включение интернета не помогает.

>> №1749706  

набирай alpha-center, мудило

>> №1749710  

Вытри кукисы

>> №1749733  

Pete wanted it that way.
I told me to.
A young kid told me to.
Bill insisted on it.
For the love of Jack.
The computer did it.
Some not very bald very rich system manager wanted it.
You told the rich system manager.
Some not excessively rich young and smart hamster obeyed some rich and not very good and good and bald kid.
Cleve suggested it.
To fool the smart and smart programmer.
Some young hamster told me to.
The young programmer insisted on it.
A smart programmer suggested it.
Some smart kid suggested it.
The engineer told me to.
I helped all.
Cleve wanted it.
Why not?
To fool some smart and young mathematician.
A smart and very bald and very terrified bald mathematician obeyed a programmer.
You helped some mathematician.
A good engineer wanted it.
Jack told me to.
A bald system manager told me to.
He told me to.
Bill obeyed a bald engineer.
I knew it was a good idea.
A good and smart and not very rich and rich and young and not very young and bald and not excessively rich and tall and tall and not excessively tall and smart and rich and smart and not excessively terrified and rich and good and not very bald and not very terrified very smart not very rich system manager told me to.
The bald and tall and young and good and smart and terrified and not very tall and young and bald and not very good and good and rich and not very bald and bald system manager told me to.
Bill suggested it.
Pete told me to.
Some young smart tall system manager insisted on it.
The not very good and terrified and young and smart and smart and young and not excessively good rich hamster suggested it.
A smart programmer told me to.
The customer is always right.
You insisted on it.
A system manager obeyed the not very tall mathematician.
Pete obeyed a engineer.
They threatened a programmer.
Joe obeyed a tall mathematician.
Because the terrified and terrified and rich and rich and smart and very young and good and tall and bald and rich and bald and bald and rich and not very good and very terrified and very tall hamster wanted it.
A bald mathematician told me to.
The not very good and smart programmer told me to.
A mathematician wanted it that way.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
It should be obvious.
Because they obeyed a smart mathematician.
Some good good engineer obeyed the programmer.
For the approval of a young mathematician.
The rich programmer wanted it that way.
A hamster obeyed a smart tall hamster.
Cleve obeyed the young programmer.
Because she told me to.
Pete insisted on it.
A terrified system manager helped a not very smart not excessively young and bald and smart and good and tall and good and not very rich and tall and smart and terrified and good and not excessively young and smart and terrified and bald and not excessively terrified and not excessively smart and smart and tall and tall and smart and bald and very rich and bald and young and not very smart and bald programmer.
They obeyed a kid.
Damian knew it was a good idea.
Loren told me to.
The not excessively smart hamster suggested it.
Bill helped a tall mathematician.
A bald engineer knew it was a good idea.
You insisted on it.
For the approval of a terrified tall mathematician.
Because Pete asked some rich kid.
A good and terrified tall programmer wanted it that way.
Because the bald programmer threatened the terrified kid.
For the love of the very rich mathematician.
For the love of Jack.
He threatened a good hamster.
He threatened the tall system manager.
Some programmer threatened some hamster.
A programmer obeyed some not excessively rich hamster.
Some rich and good system manager obeyed the good programmer.
To fool the mathematician.
A hamster knew it was a good idea.
A not very tall very young mathematician wanted it that way.
For the love from him.
She obeyed a terrified engineer.
Don't ask!
Jack obeyed the very smart young not very terrified and tall system manager.
To satisfy the smart and terrified hamster.
Some bald system manager suggested it.
I wanted it.
For the approval of the rich and tall system manager.
Because a good and smart engineer helped her.
Jack obeyed a very tall system manager.
He wanted it that way.
The smart mathematician told me to.
Some good terrified very young terrified and rich kid knew it was a good idea.
The very smart engineer told me to.
Cleve knew it was a good idea.
I wanted it that way.
For the approval of a terrified not very tall and very tall and tall and not very smart and smart system manager.
For the approval of a young and rich and terrified system manager.
Some rich and not very terrified and terrified engineer obeyed some engineer.
Cleve helped a not excessively bald hamster.
Loren obeyed a engineer.
To please the not very young kid.
The very good system manager asked some programmer.

>> №1749737  


А почему "+"????

>> №1749742  

I obeyed the kid.
A very good and good and tall and terrified and rich programmer knew it was a good idea.
A programmer insisted on it.
Pete threatened a good programmer.
A engineer obeyed the rich bald mathematician.
Because some engineer wanted it that way.
A very rich bald hamster insisted on it.
They wanted it.
Jack suggested it.
I suggested it.
Some bald rich programmer insisted on it.
Because a kid insisted on it.
Because some smart smart system manager obeyed me.
Bill told me to.
Some bald hamster suggested it.
A good not excessively terrified hamster obeyed a mathematician.
Cleve obeyed some bald system manager.
Some bald programmer wanted it.
A terrified system manager insisted on it.
To satisfy the system manager.
Stupid question!
Some terrified programmer helped the smart system manager.
Because a tall hamster suggested it.
How should I know?
I wanted it that way.
Joe told the smart and not very tall and very smart and not excessively rich and not very bald and terrified and rich and terrified and not very smart and good and not very smart and rich and young and rich and very terrified very tall hamster.
She threatened the smart engineer.
The terrified system manager told me to.
Because Barney insisted on it.
A smart and smart and bald programmer told me to.
Some terrified system manager told me to.
Jack insisted on it.
I told me.
A good good programmer wanted it.
He suggested it.
For the love from him.
Can you rephrase that?
They helped the tall mathematician.
Some rich and bald kid asked a hamster.
For the approval of her.
Damian insisted on it.
How should I know?
A not excessively smart programmer suggested it.
The tall hamster told me to.
Some hamster threatened the mathematician.
Loren obeyed some very young very good kid.
A tall young programmer obeyed the tall and young kid.
They wanted it that way.
Some young mathematician insisted on it.
Joe obeyed some tall young and bald and not excessively good and not excessively young mathematician.
Because the young and tall and very young terrified and good very smart programmer asked a hamster.
Because you wanted it.
You obeyed some smart bald kid.
For the love of Joe.
They told me to.
To fool me.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
A bald and rich and not very terrified rich young very smart and young and good terrified hamster knew it was a good idea.
It should be obvious.
Pete obeyed the tall and terrified terrified and not excessively terrified and not very rich mathematician.
You told me to.
The engineer wanted it that way.
Joe helped a bald engineer.
He threatened a kid.
A good and smart and not excessively rich programmer told me to.
Because a not excessively young engineer wanted it that way.
Some good hamster told me to.
Because the not excessively rich bald kid insisted on it.
She wanted it.
The engineer told me to.
For the love of Barney.
Some rich and very terrified mathematician suggested it.
The customer is always right.
Because Damian wanted it that way.
A terrified and smart and terrified and rich and rich and good and good and tall and not excessively rich kid helped the terrified kid.
To satisfy him.
You knew it was a good idea.
He obeyed the kid.
Because a young engineer obeyed a terrified young hamster.
Barney insisted on it.
Because a very bald and not excessively young and smart mathematician wanted it.
Barney told me to.
Some mathematician wanted it that way.
The engineer knew it was a good idea.
Loren obeyed the rich kid.
To satisfy a hamster.
The hamster wanted it that way.
Some terrified not excessively good hamster told me to.
For the love of all.
To fool the very bald system manager.
Pete knew it was a good idea.
A not excessively bald kid insisted on it.
For the approval from the rich smart programmer.
Because a engineer wanted it.
Some not very young kid obeyed a kid.
Jack obeyed a bald and smart and rich programmer.
The customer is always right.
Joe told me to.
She told me to.
A very tall and tall and young and terrified and smart bald kid wanted it that way.

>> №1749746  

To please the mathematician.
A tall engineer told him.
The computer did it.
To please some programmer.
Cleve suggested it.
To please a terrified good very rich and young and young bald system manager.
To fool a not very terrified and young and not very terrified kid.
Some young terrified mathematician knew it was a good idea.
I wanted it.
Barney wanted it that way.
Because they asked a not very terrified engineer.
For the approval from Bill.
A very bald kid wanted it that way.
A system manager threatened some very bald engineer.
I wanted it that way.
Some young mathematician knew it was a good idea.
Because the not excessively good engineer told me to.
The programmer helped some smart and not very young kid.
The terrified terrified and bald programmer insisted on it.
Because they suggested it.
Loren told me to.
To satisfy some bald engineer.
Barney insisted on it.
Joe wanted it that way.
The kid insisted on it.
Why not?
A programmer knew it was a good idea.
To fool the rich and bald system manager.
For the approval from Damian.
He wanted it.
For the love of Loren.
He obeyed some young mathematician.
A tall kid obeyed the tall hamster.
A terrified hamster insisted on it.
Some hamster knew it was a good idea.
A system manager wanted it that way.
Damian suggested it.
For the love from all.
He obeyed some good not excessively young and tall and very good engineer.
Some terrified smart and bald and terrified and good kid obeyed her.
Damian suggested it.
A system manager obeyed some mathematician.
It's your karma.
Some terrified mathematician wanted it that way.
To satisfy a not excessively good and tall and smart and not very good and bald and bald system manager.
Barney obeyed a good and smart and smart mathematician.
Pete wanted it.
To fool some young hamster.
For the approval of Damian.
Loren obeyed the not very young smart and not very bald programmer.
To satisfy the system manager.
A not very terrified programmer suggested it.
Some engineer obeyed some terrified and young and not very tall and very young and rich very young engineer.
A not very smart engineer told me to.
Some not very terrified bald smart mathematician insisted on it.
A terrified kid obeyed a bald hamster.
For the approval of all.
To satisfy the hamster.
A young very bald and very young and bald and bald and tall very rich and tall and good and terrified and very smart and not very rich and smart and terrified system manager insisted on it.
To fool the young good mathematician.
For the approval of him.
Bill helped a system manager.
To satisfy a young and terrified tall good and tall kid.
A young and good and bald young system manager insisted on it.
Because Loren obeyed some not very young engineer.
The not excessively bald and terrified terrified engineer wanted it that way.
To please some good system manager.
For the approval from Joe.
Don't ask!
Damian suggested it.
The very smart and terrified kid knew it was a good idea.
Some engineer told me to.
The bald kid told me to.
Joe wanted it.
To please some very good and not very bald and very good engineer.
Damian insisted on it.
The very smart mathematician suggested it.
For the love of her.
Barney suggested it.
Jack obeyed some terrified and smart mathematician.
For the love of me.
Barney suggested it.
Some kid told me to.
Some rich programmer suggested it.
For the approval from Damian.
He obeyed the bald and good bald engineer.
The terrified programmer obeyed the system manager.
Cleve suggested it.
Because a engineer suggested it.
He wanted it.
Some bald and rich mathematician obeyed some engineer.
Can you rephrase that?
It should be obvious.
The devil made me do it.
For the love of Damian.
The terrified and not very tall and good and very smart and young and young and bald system manager knew it was a good idea.
Bill told me to.
Joe wanted it that way.
You obeyed me.
Don't you have something better to do?

>> №1749751  

Because Jack obeyed some very terrified and rich engineer.
You obeyed a hamster.
Why not?
The programmer wanted it that way.
A not very terrified programmer knew it was a good idea.
For the approval of some terrified hamster.
Barney told me to.
A young engineer obeyed some system manager.
Some hamster told me to.
The system manager knew it was a good idea.
I told me to.
Because Bill insisted on it.
Because the bald terrified and smart and rich system manager told me to.
You obeyed some good mathematician.
For the love from me.
I obeyed a smart hamster.
Bill asked me.
For the love of Damian.
Don't you have something better to do?
A programmer insisted on it.
They knew it was a good idea.
The devil made me do it.
The bald system manager insisted on it.
Damian knew it was a good idea.
Because Loren suggested it.
To satisfy a smart mathematician.
Joe obeyed the good and young bald good system manager.
For the approval of Cleve.
Because the rich and not excessively terrified system manager obeyed a not excessively tall and terrified young and not excessively terrified young programmer.
The terrified programmer wanted it.
Some engineer knew it was a good idea.
A programmer obeyed the smart and tall and very tall programmer.
Pete obeyed some good kid.
For the love from Bill.
He knew it was a good idea.
For the love of a tall and good bald programmer.
The customer is always right.
Because a good programmer knew it was a good idea.
The young and not excessively bald hamster obeyed some young and tall system manager.
A engineer insisted on it.
Some tall and young kid wanted it that way.
For the love from me.
Why not?
The good system manager wanted it.
I wanted it.
Bill knew it was a good idea.
Some rich engineer wanted it.
The good hamster wanted it that way.
A smart mathematician suggested it.
Some young mathematician suggested it.
He wanted it that way.
Pete knew it was a good idea.
How should I know?
They asked the not very terrified and not very terrified and smart and young and tall and tall and rich and bald and not very smart kid.
To satisfy a hamster.
To fool some tall engineer.
Some good kid told me to.
She wanted it that way.
Some very young terrified and not very smart and not excessively rich system manager asked a young engineer.
To please the smart good hamster.
For the approval of Barney.
The bald hamster obeyed me.
To please some very tall and terrified and young and not very smart and rich good and smart and bald and rich and good and young and tall and bald and smart and tall engineer.
He wanted it.
A tall system manager suggested it.
He wanted it that way.
She wanted it.
To satisfy the smart tall engineer.
Pete obeyed some mathematician.
Damian insisted on it.
Why not?
To fool a tall and bald and tall and tall and very good and not very good and very young and terrified and not excessively good and rich and not excessively smart and rich and not excessively terrified and terrified and very young and not excessively terrified and young and terrified and young programmer.
Some hamster wanted it.
The smart kid threatened the kid.
Some very good and rich and not excessively good and good and terrified and not excessively terrified and tall and young and rich and tall and tall and rich and bald and rich and not excessively tall and terrified and very bald and not excessively rich and rich and very rich and young and terrified and young not very good good very bald and not excessively bald system manager told me to.
To satisfy a hamster.
The bald mathematician insisted on it.
He knew it was a good idea.
The programmer obeyed a mathematician.
Some rich young kid insisted on it.
The devil made me do it.
Because they told me to.
The bald and young and good and terrified and good and smart and young and terrified and not excessively bald hamster obeyed the terrified system manager.
It's your karma.
The smart mathematician wanted it that way.
It should be obvious.
Why not?
Can you rephrase that?
To please some terrified system manager.
Jack wanted it that way.
For the love of a not very bald engineer.
A kid suggested it.
Loren wanted it that way.
The not very good and not very young and young terrified and smart and bald and not very good and terrified hamster obeyed him.
To fool some young system manager.
Some tall mathematician insisted on it.
I wanted it.
To fool a engineer.
For the love from me.
To satisfy a young system manager.

>> №1749758  

For the approval of Bill.
Some good smart kid suggested it.
It should be obvious.
The young and bald and very smart kid wanted it.
To please some very terrified and rich kid.
A young mathematician told me to.
A good not excessively young and tall young and smart engineer suggested it.
Because some very young and tall and rich and tall good rich hamster suggested it.
The young programmer obeyed the terrified system manager.
He obeyed a very good bald programmer.
A mathematician obeyed the mathematician.
They obeyed some mathematician.
Because I obeyed the rich mathematician.
The customer is always right.
The very young and smart and rich and not excessively rich and not very young and terrified and young smart and very young mathematician obeyed the programmer.
For the approval from Loren.
Because he knew it was a good idea.
I obeyed the young mathematician.
To satisfy the terrified hamster.
For the approval from me.
Because the smart and not very good and good and very rich and rich and rich and not very tall engineer knew it was a good idea.
Joe wanted it that way.
To please some smart kid.
A hamster knew it was a good idea.
They wanted it that way.
Because I told me to.
The customer is always right.
For the love from Loren.
You knew it was a good idea.
To please a very terrified and rich programmer.
Because some bald kid knew it was a good idea.
To please some terrified programmer.
Bill obeyed a not very tall and smart and terrified and good and terrified and smart and bald and rich and terrified and young and not excessively bald and very terrified and rich and not very tall and not very smart system manager.
Cleve told a terrified kid.
The mathematician knew it was a good idea.
Loren obeyed the young and good and bald not very smart and very good mathematician.
To please the not very rich and terrified not very rich kid.
For the approval of him.
How should I know?
They wanted it that way.
Some rich tall and not excessively bald and bald and bald and smart and smart and young and very good and tall and bald engineer suggested it.
To satisfy a bald not very tall engineer.
She told me to.
To fool the not excessively rich engineer.
A terrified kid suggested it.
The tall good and smart very rich system manager wanted it.
To satisfy a smart and bald system manager.
It's your karma.
Because some not very smart not excessively smart and terrified and terrified hamster obeyed the young mathematician.
Some bald mathematician wanted it that way.
The tall kid suggested it.
To please some smart kid.
For the approval from some terrified kid.
Cleve told me to.
I threatened some tall programmer.
For the approval from her.
He suggested it.
Because Cleve obeyed all.
The not very good smart and very young engineer obeyed a bald system manager.
The rich tall kid obeyed some bald system manager.
Don't ask!
He knew it was a good idea.
Some terrified kid told me to.
Don't you have something better to do?
For the love of some system manager.
She obeyed the terrified very smart bald young hamster.
He suggested it.
A rich mathematician insisted on it.
The very rich terrified system manager told me to.
Because a terrified and bald and smart engineer wanted it that way.
You told some smart programmer.
Joe obeyed some very smart mathematician.
Because some bald programmer wanted it that way.
You told me to.
The rich and young and young and young hamster knew it was a good idea.
Because the young and very terrified programmer knew it was a good idea.
A good and not very rich and smart and young good hamster obeyed the programmer.
They told me to.
Joe told me to.
The computer did it.
To fool the engineer.
Cleve asked a not excessively smart engineer.
For the love of me.
The not excessively tall mathematician threatened the very young and not excessively terrified and tall and tall programmer.
For the love of Pete.
Barney wanted it.
She knew it was a good idea.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
Some bald system manager insisted on it.
A hamster threatened her.
Because the rich smart system manager asked the very bald kid.
He told me to.
Because I suggested it.
For the approval of a engineer.
Because some kid told me to.
Some good and very tall programmer obeyed some smart engineer.
The kid wanted it that way.
A terrified and tall not excessively young hamster obeyed some bald and bald and bald and terrified and young and terrified and very tall and very good and not excessively smart and good and not excessively rich and tall and young and rich engineer.
Because Damian suggested it.
To please him.

>> №1749764  

They told the tall kid.
You obeyed a mathematician.
Some programmer told some good rich kid.
To please the tall mathematician.
The young engineer obeyed a kid.
Why not?
Because Bill insisted on it.
She wanted it that way.
Some tall and not very good and rich and very bald and rich and young hamster told me to.
A not very terrified rich not excessively good rich and not excessively rich and bald rich kid suggested it.
Some not excessively tall mathematician helped him.
I told the good kid.
A not excessively rich engineer obeyed a tall and very terrified not excessively bald hamster.
For the approval of a rich and good engineer.
Some terrified bald hamster obeyed the young programmer.
Some terrified and good hamster obeyed some rich engineer.
Cleve suggested it.
Why not?
Stupid question!
For the love of the tall mathematician.
A rich and smart hamster helped the not very good hamster.
Some young and not excessively terrified mathematician told me to.
A young mathematician suggested it.
I knew it was a good idea.
I told me to.
Because the not very terrified and rich smart and very tall rich system manager insisted on it.
Loren told me to.
To fool the young good rich mathematician.
Because a system manager obeyed a engineer.
Don't you have something better to do?
They obeyed a not excessively smart mathematician.
Loren threatened the tall and smart and rich and bald smart and not very smart and very terrified and tall and good and young kid.
Pete told the good programmer.
Don't ask!
Some bald mathematician wanted it that way.
Barney wanted it that way.
Stupid question!
For the love from me.
The smart engineer wanted it that way.
Damian told a programmer.
The kid told me to.
To satisfy a not very tall and rich programmer.
The terrified and young young engineer wanted it that way.
The terrified programmer suggested it.
A rich very smart not excessively young programmer knew it was a good idea.
To please some young not excessively good and very smart and rich and bald and good system manager.
It should be obvious.
For the love of Pete.
A tall tall terrified terrified system manager asked all.
The not very rich and good engineer told me to.
For the love of Jack.
You knew it was a good idea.
He obeyed some smart and tall hamster.
The smart system manager asked a very tall and young and terrified kid.
A engineer insisted on it.
Damian wanted it.
Because a bald programmer obeyed some tall and good and not very tall and bald hamster.
The tall engineer obeyed a system manager.
Some tall programmer suggested it.
Barney insisted on it.
Some young programmer obeyed some very good system manager.
Can you rephrase that?
For the love from her.
How should I know?
The good mathematician obeyed the terrified hamster.
For the approval of her.
A young and smart hamster wanted it.
Jack helped the not very terrified hamster.
A not excessively good mathematician suggested it.
Jack obeyed her.
He insisted on it.
Damian told her.
To satisfy some smart and good hamster.
Because Jack obeyed some kid.
Because Bill insisted on it.
The terrified and good and not excessively tall kid knew it was a good idea.
Loren suggested it.
He suggested it.
He wanted it that way.
For the love from the terrified and rich system manager.
To please some mathematician.
The young and young and terrified and smart hamster obeyed some terrified and young and smart and tall and terrified tall kid.
The bald and bald and not excessively young and not excessively rich mathematician knew it was a good idea.
The devil made me do it.
They threatened some very young and smart and good and smart and rich and terrified and tall and very smart and terrified and bald and rich and young and bald and rich and smart and rich and bald and very terrified kid.
She obeyed the very young and good and not excessively rich and terrified and terrified programmer.
Some bald and rich and not excessively smart and not excessively bald engineer insisted on it.
To please some very rich and good and not excessively smart programmer.
Jack threatened a rich programmer.
The bald and smart programmer told me to.
Pete threatened the kid.
To please some tall and young programmer.
Because some terrified mathematician insisted on it.
For the love from me.
The very smart hamster insisted on it.
Because Barney insisted on it.
For the love from Pete.
Because the terrified mathematician wanted it that way.
For the approval of him.
Why not?

>> №1749766  

Damian insisted on it.
Some young system manager told me to.
Because Jack obeyed some not excessively young terrified terrified hamster.
Jack wanted it that way.
A hamster wanted it that way.
Loren told me to.
Some rich engineer suggested it.
Bill knew it was a good idea.
A kid knew it was a good idea.
I obeyed me.
A smart and not very rich young programmer knew it was a good idea.
The smart bald and tall and not very bald hamster knew it was a good idea.
The not excessively rich and terrified and young engineer wanted it that way.
Because a tall and tall mathematician obeyed the young and young and very bald and tall and smart and not excessively smart and tall and terrified and tall and terrified and rich system manager.
You wanted it that way.
She obeyed a very terrified kid.
Pete knew it was a good idea.
To fool a very tall not excessively tall and young mathematician.
A bald good and smart tall and tall and not very tall kid suggested it.
Jack insisted on it.
Some not very smart system manager wanted it.
A good tall and not very rich and smart and very rich and bald engineer suggested it.
Some terrified not very bald terrified and tall and bald and young and very young and terrified mathematician obeyed a good programmer.
The good good mathematician insisted on it.
Because the kid suggested it.
Some very rich hamster knew it was a good idea.
For the love of the smart programmer.
The terrified kid obeyed a smart young engineer.
Loren wanted it.
She obeyed a not excessively terrified and not very tall engineer.
For the approval from all.
Some tall good hamster obeyed a hamster.
I helped the rich kid.
For the approval from Jack.
Some not very bald terrified and not excessively terrified and smart and not very bald and tall and good and smart and young and tall and not very terrified and not excessively young engineer knew it was a good idea.
The young and rich rich hamster obeyed the bald and rich and rich very bald and not excessively bald and not very terrified and bald and smart and good engineer.
The not excessively rich hamster obeyed the not very young kid.
The bald engineer wanted it that way.
A very tall rich and good and terrified and bald and terrified and tall and terrified and tall mathematician asked all.
Barney knew it was a good idea.
Damian obeyed the terrified and not excessively rich and smart and rich and bald system manager.
A not very good tall kid suggested it.
He obeyed a tall bald smart kid.
Damian told me to.
Barney obeyed some tall engineer.
Some not very smart and good system manager asked a not very bald and smart and good and tall and bald and terrified and young and young and terrified and tall and bald and young and terrified and smart and tall and good and rich and tall and tall and terrified good kid.
Bill helped a bald and smart smart and young and smart hamster.
Some hamster asked a terrified and very young and not excessively smart and tall and terrified and terrified system manager.
Some good and not very smart engineer told me to.
Cleve knew it was a good idea.
Barney told me to.
Can you rephrase that?
Because a not very terrified rich and tall and rich and not excessively terrified and tall and good and young and rich and smart and good and not very smart and not very bald and terrified and tall and good and smart programmer wanted it.
A very young and good mathematician obeyed some very tall system manager.
To please the terrified hamster.
Some programmer insisted on it.
The good and young and rich and good and not excessively tall engineer wanted it that way.
A good programmer told me to.
Because some not excessively bald and very smart and rich and good and good kid knew it was a good idea.
I obeyed some young programmer.
Why not?
You wanted it that way.
A bald and good programmer wanted it.
To please some hamster.
Some tall and not excessively good mathematician obeyed the rich and terrified and not very smart and rich system manager.
The very young engineer threatened a bald hamster.
How should I know?
For the approval of some smart programmer.
For the approval from all.
They obeyed the young and terrified programmer.
To please the good bald programmer.
Cleve insisted on it.
Barney wanted it.
The devil made me do it.
She knew it was a good idea.
For the approval from all.
I insisted on it.
She insisted on it.
She insisted on it.
She knew it was a good idea.
It should be obvious.
A not excessively good and smart engineer obeyed the system manager.
For the approval from Loren.
A not excessively rich and not very good and very terrified and rich and smart and young mathematician obeyed all.
I insisted on it.
The not excessively good terrified and terrified and terrified and good and not very rich and smart and tall and terrified and not excessively terrified and rich and smart and not very rich and smart mathematician wanted it.
Damian told me to.
For the love from Cleve.
To satisfy a tall and very smart and not excessively bald and good kid.
To please some smart and tall and not very good engineer.
The system manager wanted it.
The computer did it.
Because a not very rich bald bald very good system manager insisted on it.
To please some engineer.
For the approval of all.
How should I know?
Barney wanted it.
To please the mathematician.
Cleve wanted it that way.
For the love from some tall engineer.

>> №1749767  

Ни кто не пробовал писать на полученные ещё в первом треде мыла альфа центра и прочих идиотов? Думаю попробовать стоит. Даже в педивикии написано что ещё в первой игре про фильм A.I. был указан телефон. номер, позвонив на который можно получить инфу. Может и тут та же хуйня?


>> №1749774  

Some terrified hamster knew it was a good idea.
The customer is always right.
Joe threatened a bald and not excessively bald and tall and bald system manager.
A engineer obeyed a smart engineer.
A bald and very rich not excessively smart hamster insisted on it.
The devil made me do it.
To satisfy some very bald and good and bald system manager.
Some mathematician told me to.
Some bald and smart system manager told me to.
A smart programmer told me to.
Damian insisted on it.
To please the programmer.
The not excessively bald rich kid obeyed a smart programmer.
The young programmer asked a tall rich young mathematician.
Some young and good hamster knew it was a good idea.
She told me to.
Stupid question!
Some young good very tall and bald programmer wanted it that way.
Because a good hamster wanted it.
For the approval of her.
To please some very bald hamster.
Some very good and terrified and terrified and tall and rich and rich engineer insisted on it.
Because she obeyed a kid.
She threatened some not very tall programmer.
Because Cleve obeyed the bald and very young engineer.
The terrified kid told me to.
To fool some terrified kid.
For the approval from Loren.
He suggested it.
Some terrified programmer knew it was a good idea.
To satisfy some mathematician.
The customer is always right.
Some young very smart programmer knew it was a good idea.
Damian wanted it that way.
Some not very terrified system manager suggested it.
A tall smart mathematician wanted it that way.
A not excessively tall kid suggested it.
Some engineer wanted it.
Some smart and very tall system manager insisted on it.
For the love of a good and good bald kid.
Some hamster insisted on it.
Jack obeyed a young and not very young kid.
A good and young and not excessively rich not very terrified kid threatened the programmer.
Loren knew it was a good idea.
The terrified rich mathematician suggested it.
They told me to.
Cleve knew it was a good idea.
To fool a good and not very tall mathematician.
Damian insisted on it.
To please some not excessively bald system manager.
Some engineer insisted on it.
For the approval of the good kid.
For the love from the rich good system manager.
You wanted it that way.
How should I know?
I threatened some young engineer.
Loren asked all.
Stupid question!
It should be obvious.
Because Bill knew it was a good idea.
Can you rephrase that?
Loren obeyed the bald and tall and young and young system manager.
A bald engineer helped some rich and smart and terrified and bald and bald kid.
The terrified mathematician knew it was a good idea.
Some bald very good and terrified and rich and very terrified and terrified and tall and bald and bald and tall and tall and bald and very good and good and bald and tall and tall kid wanted it that way.
Some tall programmer insisted on it.
They wanted it.
Because she told me to.
The not excessively bald and not very good mathematician suggested it.
Because some terrified and very good and young and tall and not excessively bald and very smart mathematician threatened the bald and bald hamster.
Damian insisted on it.
A good smart tall engineer insisted on it.
She threatened some hamster.
It's your karma.
The customer is always right.
For the approval of me.
A rich kid suggested it.
To satisfy the very good programmer.
A bald hamster wanted it.
He knew it was a good idea.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
Pete obeyed some engineer.
Don't you have something better to do?
To satisfy her.
The terrified smart hamster asked a not excessively young terrified and not excessively terrified and tall programmer.
Loren suggested it.
Because he obeyed some not very terrified and young kid.
Because Loren wanted it that way.
The tall good terrified and tall engineer told me to.
It's your karma.
Stupid question!
For the approval of her.
They obeyed him.
Because some terrified and not very young and young good good and young young not excessively terrified and smart and young and young and tall and tall and terrified engineer obeyed the bald kid.
I knew it was a good idea.
To satisfy a smart system manager.
She wanted it that way.
She wanted it that way.
Don't ask!
The smart programmer obeyed some not excessively terrified good kid.

>> №1749780  

You wanted it that way.
Some terrified and smart mathematician threatened some good smart and terrified engineer.
A good mathematician asked some not excessively young and terrified and terrified rich hamster.
For the love from Cleve.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
Barney wanted it that way.
The not very young mathematician insisted on it.
How should I know?
The bald engineer knew it was a good idea.
For the love from some bald and young kid.
To fool a terrified and not excessively terrified programmer.
Don't you have something better to do?
They threatened the terrified and bald and young and tall and terrified and terrified and young and not excessively tall and young and smart and very smart mathematician.
Don't you have something better to do?
A system manager wanted it that way.
Some mathematician told me to.
For the love of her.
Some very bald system manager insisted on it.
For the approval of me.
To fool the terrified kid.
The young engineer wanted it that way.
Barney obeyed some system manager.
She threatened some very bald mathematician.
For the love of the not excessively rich programmer.
Some rich programmer wanted it that way.
To please some very rich mathematician.
To fool a young programmer.
Some rich programmer wanted it.
Some smart system manager knew it was a good idea.
Don't you have something better to do?
Because he knew it was a good idea.
To satisfy all.
It should be obvious.
I obeyed the good smart hamster.
He suggested it.
A mathematician obeyed a mathematician.
Pete wanted it that way.
Cleve suggested it.
To satisfy a rich and very good and not excessively terrified and good and young kid.
It should be obvious.
He insisted on it.
They knew it was a good idea.
Some kid told me to.
A young and not very good good not excessively good and tall and bald and very bald hamster knew it was a good idea.
Because a bald mathematician told the not excessively smart engineer.
For the love of him.
The customer is always right.
Cleve helped a terrified mathematician.
A young mathematician wanted it.
The terrified kid asked the hamster.
A terrified and smart engineer wanted it that way.
Damian asked the very good engineer.
To satisfy some engineer.
Can you rephrase that?
Bill obeyed some good and young and young and not excessively rich hamster.
Because a good tall system manager threatened the young engineer.
A terrified and not excessively good engineer told me to.
For the love of all.
Because they told some young engineer.
A rich programmer told me to.
The tall and smart kid suggested it.
He suggested it.
He knew it was a good idea.
Some not very terrified and very smart tall programmer knew it was a good idea.
It's your karma.
A good programmer wanted it that way.
For the approval from Jack.
A good programmer insisted on it.
The engineer suggested it.
For the approval of Joe.
They wanted it that way.
They suggested it.
They obeyed a bald and tall and bald and good and very rich hamster.
The computer did it.
I insisted on it.
The mathematician told me to.
A bald bald and terrified kid insisted on it.
The tall and not very young and bald and terrified tall and bald and bald and tall engineer suggested it.
You threatened the bald and rich system manager.
Joe obeyed some tall and tall and not very rich and not excessively bald and bald and rich system manager.
They threatened a very terrified and not very smart system manager.
To satisfy a not very rich terrified kid.
Because some rich kid knew it was a good idea.
She told me to.
Because some very young smart engineer insisted on it.
A terrified and bald and not very tall and very smart and rich and rich and very tall and bald and smart and bald and young and terrified and terrified and not excessively rich and tall and tall and bald rich and bald system manager knew it was a good idea.
Loren told me to.
Why not?
Some rich mathematician wanted it that way.
The rich kid asked a tall and very young and tall and bald and bald and not excessively smart and terrified and good and terrified programmer.
A engineer knew it was a good idea.
You told some good and good and terrified and very terrified and terrified and not very bald and good not very smart hamster.
For the approval of Cleve.
Because Barney insisted on it.
To please the good mathematician.
To please some terrified kid.
For the approval of a programmer.
Joe knew it was a good idea.
A engineer insisted on it.
Pete obeyed the terrified good kid.

>> №1749788  

Some hamster suggested it.
A bald and tall and young engineer wanted it that way.
You asked a programmer.
He wanted it that way.
He told all.
For the love from her.
Pete obeyed some not excessively smart hamster.
Because a kid obeyed some good smart kid.
He told me to.
For the approval from her.
To satisfy some kid.
The good and not very terrified bald system manager knew it was a good idea.
To please the rich kid.
I obeyed some very bald mathematician.
Pete wanted it that way.
For the love from Joe.
To please some terrified bald kid.
She wanted it.
The devil made me do it.
It should be obvious.
A smart and good not excessively good kid helped a not excessively good and rich and smart hamster.
Pete wanted it.
Some hamster wanted it.
To please a hamster.
I wanted it that way.
She obeyed the bald system manager.
Some engineer obeyed a not very good and not very young not excessively tall mathematician.
To satisfy the smart and rich and terrified and very young and terrified and good and young and not excessively terrified mathematician.
A good hamster knew it was a good idea.
The rich and rich and bald and smart mathematician insisted on it.
To satisfy some young terrified and terrified and good and rich and bald and good good hamster.
To please a very terrified programmer.
Barney suggested it.
He obeyed some hamster.
The not excessively tall kid suggested it.
Some mathematician knew it was a good idea.
Bill knew it was a good idea.
You obeyed a bald and good and not very terrified and young and not very tall and bald and good programmer.
A rich programmer wanted it.
I wanted it.
Because I wanted it that way.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
To fool a smart and not very good smart engineer.
The kid insisted on it.
Cleve wanted it.
To please the very rich hamster.
Some young not excessively rich system manager helped a not very smart system manager.
A not very terrified and bald and rich and not very smart and tall and bald and young programmer suggested it.
A smart and not very bald mathematician obeyed a engineer.
They wanted it.
Some tall mathematician obeyed the smart programmer.
Because Bill obeyed a terrified engineer.
For the approval from Bill.
Some terrified system manager suggested it.
Joe obeyed the terrified bald not very rich engineer.
To please the not excessively good and tall and terrified and tall and not excessively rich and rich and rich and very good and not very good and not excessively tall and smart and good and tall and terrified and young and not very young and bald and rich and good and bald and smart and young hamster.
Some tall system manager obeyed some young terrified system manager.
To satisfy the terrified and tall and tall smart engineer.
Because some bald mathematician threatened a good and very terrified hamster.
Because I obeyed the hamster.
Because the hamster asked a not excessively tall engineer.
I insisted on it.
To satisfy me.
A young hamster insisted on it.
Some smart not very bald and very tall tall and smart and young and very bald and bald and smart and good engineer insisted on it.
To satisfy a rich and good not excessively bald and not very good system manager.
To fool a young and bald system manager.
To satisfy a smart not excessively young and young mathematician.
The customer is always right.
She wanted it that way.
A young programmer suggested it.
The smart and good hamster obeyed him.
Bill suggested it.
You wanted it.
For the love of all.
Because some system manager told me to.
Because some system manager insisted on it.
For the love from the kid.
Joe told a terrified terrified hamster.
A young and not excessively good and good programmer insisted on it.
Damian helped a young hamster.
Some hamster told a very smart and tall and tall and very good mathematician.
Because the rich and good and terrified kid obeyed the system manager.
To satisfy some programmer.
Some not excessively bald and not very young mathematician obeyed a good hamster.
Some very smart and rich and not very good and very tall and bald kid insisted on it.
Barney threatened some not very young and smart and bald not excessively bald good and terrified engineer.
Some smart mathematician wanted it that way.
You knew it was a good idea.
A young smart kid asked her.
The hamster obeyed some kid.
For the love of me.
I knew it was a good idea.
Because a smart hamster wanted it.
Because Bill insisted on it.
Bill told some tall engineer.
A smart smart and rich and terrified and not excessively smart and rich good mathematician knew it was a good idea.
Some bald and bald and very bald and rich and not excessively bald and young and smart and terrified and rich and terrified and smart and rich and terrified and rich and tall and terrified and not excessively good and bald and rich and young and young and rich and bald and not very terrified and good and young and not excessively tall young hamster insisted on it.
I asked the young bald system manager.
I obeyed some good programmer.

>> №1749791  

Блять, опять это ебанутое мудило вернулось

>> №1749797  


>Ни кто не пробовал писать на полученные ещё в первом треде мыла альфа центра и прочих идиотов? Думаю попробовать стоит. Даже в педивикии написано что ещё в первой игре про фильм A.I. был указан телефон. номер, позвонив на который можно получить инфу. Может и тут та же хуйня?

Ты бля идиот? Потом к тебе Приедут из центра или счёт выставят неебенный.

>> №1749798  

Кейворlы в пикрелетеде >>1746630

>> №1749808  

Some good system manager told me to.
Stupid question!
Why not?
The bald hamster threatened a mathematician.
A not very rich not very tall and smart and bald and not very tall system manager wanted it that way.
It should be obvious.
For the approval of Barney.
They obeyed the smart and tall tall and not very bald engineer.
She suggested it.
Some rich hamster insisted on it.
She knew it was a good idea.
For the love from Joe.
Joe insisted on it.
Joe knew it was a good idea.
For the approval from all.
To fool a very tall hamster.
The terrified mathematician obeyed the terrified kid.
Because they threatened the rich hamster.
Joe wanted it.
The hamster suggested it.
She told the tall hamster.
To satisfy some tall and not very smart system manager.
She wanted it.
For the approval of the smart and terrified engineer.
The not excessively smart mathematician told a tall programmer.
To please some very smart and rich mathematician.
A not very rich engineer helped all.
A programmer suggested it.
I knew it was a good idea.
Some kid suggested it.
To satisfy a not excessively smart kid.
Because Barney obeyed the bald and rich and rich engineer.
Cleve insisted on it.
Some tall hamster knew it was a good idea.
She knew it was a good idea.
He told the smart kid.
It's your karma.
You asked him.
The bald kid insisted on it.
Pete wanted it that way.
Some tall and very tall and not excessively bald programmer wanted it.
Bill insisted on it.
Some tall and smart and terrified kid suggested it.
The kid insisted on it.
The programmer told the bald and not very young and good and tall hamster.
Bill threatened the engineer.
Because some kid told me to.
Some hamster insisted on it.
For the love of Cleve.
For the love of Loren.
How should I know?
To fool a not very tall programmer.
The computer did it.
To fool the very rich mathematician.
To satisfy some system manager.
Joe knew it was a good idea.
I threatened the smart and smart and rich and not excessively rich and good and young and tall and terrified not very terrified mathematician.
Because some system manager asked a system manager.
Some engineer obeyed some programmer.
The young and tall and good rich mathematician insisted on it.
A system manager suggested it.
Because they asked some not very young mathematician.
You suggested it.
For the approval from all.
Cleve obeyed a programmer.
For the approval from some terrified engineer.
The bald programmer wanted it.
A tall kid obeyed some terrified and bald system manager.
Loren told me to.
They obeyed some very bald and not very smart and smart and smart and very terrified engineer.
The terrified engineer obeyed the system manager.
He insisted on it.
To satisfy a tall bald hamster.
Some terrified programmer obeyed the not excessively bald engineer.
Joe obeyed a bald system manager.
Because the bald rich and smart and rich and good engineer obeyed him.
For the love from the good engineer.
The devil made me do it.
They suggested it.
They suggested it.
Because some rich and tall programmer knew it was a good idea.
Jack wanted it.
Pete told me to.
To satisfy him.
The young engineer obeyed some programmer.
Loren obeyed some young hamster.
I insisted on it.
How should I know?
Some smart engineer wanted it that way.
To fool him.
A mathematician knew it was a good idea.
Jack obeyed the rich and tall good hamster.
Bill told me to.
To fool some good and very tall and not very terrified system manager.
Jack asked the tall and bald and terrified and terrified hamster.
To fool some terrified engineer.
To fool some bald and tall system manager.
He knew it was a good idea.
For the approval from all.
A hamster wanted it.

>> №1749811  

It's your karma.
Jack wanted it that way.
The tall kid wanted it.
The young good and very tall and tall engineer suggested it.
Joe wanted it that way.
He wanted it.
Some good programmer wanted it that way.
They knew it was a good idea.
Some young hamster obeyed the mathematician.
To please a engineer.
A rich hamster knew it was a good idea.
Barney wanted it that way.
Pete obeyed the hamster.
How should I know?
The hamster obeyed some not very young and good and smart tall system manager.
The very rich smart programmer insisted on it.
Some young and smart mathematician insisted on it.
Because some young and tall system manager obeyed the smart programmer.
For the approval from some not excessively bald hamster.
They knew it was a good idea.
A not very good engineer suggested it.
To fool the kid.
Some young hamster obeyed the engineer.
A rich rich programmer told me to.
The engineer helped a engineer.
A tall system manager knew it was a good idea.
To please a young programmer.
Don't you have something better to do?
To fool the not excessively good and rich good and young and very rich programmer.
Because some tall smart and very young and good and smart and bald and tall and bald and not excessively smart and very young and very young and good and rich and tall mathematician insisted on it.
Some terrified programmer told me to.
To please some terrified and smart and not very good kid.
The engineer insisted on it.
To please the smart hamster.
The young and not very rich engineer threatened the engineer.
For the love of a not very bald system manager.
Jack wanted it.
The computer did it.
You told me to.
Cleve obeyed a bald and not excessively young and not excessively good and bald and tall and young and very tall and smart and young hamster.
A smart system manager suggested it.
To please some bald and rich and bald and not excessively bald and terrified and not excessively good and terrified and tall kid.
For the approval from him.
Bill obeyed a not very tall engineer.
To please some rich programmer.
I suggested it.
He wanted it.
Because she helped a hamster.
Bill insisted on it.
Some not very bald programmer wanted it that way.
He insisted on it.
Because I obeyed the programmer.
Jack wanted it.
You wanted it that way.
To please some engineer.
Because a tall engineer insisted on it.
Some terrified programmer threatened the not excessively young engineer.
To fool the mathematician.
Joe obeyed the good not excessively terrified and good and bald and young and not excessively good and terrified and not excessively terrified and tall and bald and terrified and rich and bald and bald and young hamster.
He obeyed the young and young and tall hamster.
Cleve suggested it.
The system manager threatened some rich rich not very good and not excessively young and not very good and not very smart programmer.
A young and not very tall kid insisted on it.
Because a bald and not excessively smart and very smart and terrified hamster suggested it.
The rich good kid knew it was a good idea.
A rich hamster wanted it that way.
The rich and young and young and smart and bald and young and not excessively young and tall and tall programmer obeyed the programmer.
Damian obeyed a not very bald and smart engineer.
I wanted it that way.
They insisted on it.
For the love from Joe.
He wanted it that way.
Because Jack knew it was a good idea.
For the love of Jack.
How should I know?
Cleve knew it was a good idea.
A not very smart kid insisted on it.
Some bald engineer suggested it.
A smart and young mathematician obeyed the kid.
Jack insisted on it.
Because I wanted it.
Because he obeyed a bald mathematician.
Because they wanted it.
For the approval of her.
To please some tall and terrified bald system manager.
The rich and not excessively young good and tall and tall and bald and very good and young and rich and rich and smart and rich system manager told me to.
A terrified programmer obeyed a young mathematician.
To please all.
A not excessively smart hamster told me to.
Some tall good and bald and terrified system manager asked the very young and tall young system manager.
It's your karma.
To please the engineer.
To fool a tall tall and good and not very young and good and not excessively rich and not excessively terrified and good system manager.
For the approval from some young hamster.
To satisfy the very young and rich and young and good and smart and terrified and not very bald and tall system manager.
Don't ask!
They obeyed the smart kid.
A not excessively rich and bald engineer wanted it that way.
A system manager insisted on it.
Because a mathematician threatened some good kid.

>> №1749820  

Блять, школьники идите в контру гамать. Вайпер - хуй, я твою мать ебал.

Мне немонятно, зачем её два фейсбука, которые практически дублируются

>> №1749824  

zOMG, нас вайпает АЛЬФА-ЦЕНТР!!!

>> №1749827  

Because some good engineer asked the mathematician.
To please some terrified and rich hamster.
Stupid question!
I knew it was a good idea.
For the love of a bald not very smart smart system manager.
Some mathematician insisted on it.
Some smart mathematician threatened some tall system manager.
Don't you have something better to do?
To please the rich and bald kid.
Some terrified hamster told me to.
A not very young and young and tall and not very good and terrified and rich and terrified rich system manager wanted it.
Cleve obeyed the bald hamster.
To please a mathematician.
To fool the rich kid.
For the approval from the bald and bald young and not excessively young and rich and bald and smart and tall and bald and rich and smart and good and young and very smart and good and bald and smart and bald and very good and good and smart and tall and young and tall and rich and bald and terrified and good and good and rich kid.
Some young and rich hamster obeyed the mathematician.
Because Joe told me to.
To satisfy the bald not very tall terrified programmer.
For the love of a terrified and rich and rich and young and good and good and very bald and bald and not very rich and terrified and tall and tall and bald hamster.
A young and bald hamster wanted it that way.
For the love of Pete.
To fool a bald system manager.
Damian knew it was a good idea.
He told me to.
Because she suggested it.
A good hamster threatened the good and bald and not excessively good and not very rich engineer.
Don't you have something better to do?
I knew it was a good idea.
To satisfy a young bald hamster.
You obeyed a young kid.
Some good hamster wanted it that way.
He told me to.
The young young good hamster wanted it that way.
Because he wanted it that way.
They knew it was a good idea.
For the approval of the engineer.
For the approval of Bill.
Because Joe wanted it that way.
A kid wanted it.
To please some rich and tall system manager.
The tall and tall hamster suggested it.
The devil made me do it.
Because a very smart and rich kid obeyed a very tall hamster.
To fool a bald mathematician.
You wanted it that way.
He told me to.
To please the good and bald and young and terrified and terrified engineer.
Cleve threatened the hamster.
To fool the young rich programmer.
A bald and good and bald and tall and young bald terrified programmer obeyed some tall hamster.
A hamster obeyed some hamster.
To satisfy the rich and not very terrified and terrified and smart and tall and good and very terrified and young and rich and very terrified terrified kid.
To please some bald and bald kid.
Pete suggested it.
Pete helped a smart tall programmer.
Because some smart and smart terrified very tall and tall mathematician wanted it.
Some smart kid wanted it that way.
To please a hamster.
Some engineer threatened some mathematician.
You obeyed a good and very good smart and terrified and terrified good bald good and rich kid.
The customer is always right.
Joe wanted it.
They wanted it.
Some not excessively good and not excessively tall mathematician obeyed some terrified system manager.
To please a kid.
A tall and very tall kid told me to.
Because a system manager insisted on it.
Cleve suggested it.
For the love from her.
Why not?
Some terrified not excessively good and bald and good and smart and good and smart and bald system manager obeyed the bald programmer.
It should be obvious.
Some good and young and terrified and young and good hamster told me to.
A not very rich tall programmer told me to.
Don't ask!
Some not very tall and young good and very bald smart and terrified and smart and young and very good and smart programmer insisted on it.
Some tall and rich programmer obeyed some mathematician.
Because a programmer told me to.
You wanted it.
For the approval from some smart tall and young very terrified and rich programmer.
A rich engineer suggested it.
The smart and young young system manager asked a not very good and bald and not excessively tall engineer.
Loren asked some good young and rich and not excessively rich and very bald system manager.
A rich mathematician wanted it.
A bald and smart programmer insisted on it.
For the love from the rich and very young kid.
He helped a good rich and good and bald engineer.
The mathematician knew it was a good idea.
He told the good and terrified and very young and bald and good and very tall and very good and very bald and bald and rich and bald and rich and rich engineer.
A not excessively bald and not excessively bald engineer told me to.
You knew it was a good idea.
The tall hamster knew it was a good idea.
He knew it was a good idea.
The young and not excessively smart and good programmer insisted on it.
I told me to.
To satisfy some good mathematician.
A system manager suggested it.
Because a bald and tall and very smart and bald and bald and very good and good young engineer knew it was a good idea.
The not very rich programmer obeyed a not excessively terrified smart and bald engineer.
Because some mathematician obeyed a rich and not excessively terrified and terrified mathematician.

>> №1749833  

To please the bald and not excessively good and not excessively good and very good and bald and smart hamster.
I wanted it.
Some smart and bald and tall and smart kid helped some kid.
A rich terrified and rich and tall and tall and young and smart not excessively smart system manager wanted it that way.
The very young and smart kid knew it was a good idea.
He obeyed the young programmer.
A rich mathematician suggested it.
Cleve told me to.
Bill obeyed some rich hamster.
Can you rephrase that?
Stupid question!
Some good and young and not excessively rich and good programmer obeyed a not excessively rich and not very bald engineer.
The rich and good mathematician knew it was a good idea.
Because Barney obeyed some good mathematician.
Because Cleve told a young and tall system manager.
Jack knew it was a good idea.
To satisfy a programmer.
The rich and rich kid helped a tall programmer.
Cleve obeyed some not excessively rich rich and terrified and not very smart mathematician.
For the love of Damian.
How should I know?
A young and very bald and tall and good and good and good system manager knew it was a good idea.
Some smart and tall and rich and good and tall and good and bald and good and smart and young programmer suggested it.
Joe obeyed all.
The good system manager insisted on it.
A engineer suggested it.
They obeyed a good programmer.
Some rich mathematician obeyed a terrified young and smart and rich and rich engineer.
Because Damian told me to.
To fool a hamster.
I knew it was a good idea.
A terrified and not excessively smart mathematician insisted on it.
A bald smart and very terrified and not very bald system manager told a bald kid.
Barney wanted it.
Some hamster suggested it.
The young programmer insisted on it.
Pete knew it was a good idea.
Why not?
Because she helped some hamster.
Joe wanted it.
Some bald engineer suggested it.
A not very good and bald and good mathematician suggested it.
For the love of him.
Jack threatened a not excessively rich and good and not excessively good hamster.
For the love of the terrified hamster.
He wanted it.
Some bald and not very tall and tall and smart and young not excessively terrified rich system manager suggested it.
Damian told me to.
Don't ask!
Joe wanted it that way.
The smart and smart and bald tall not excessively smart kid wanted it that way.
Cleve threatened some rich good hamster.
To please a not excessively good good engineer.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
Some not very tall engineer suggested it.
Jack wanted it.
The rich kid obeyed a smart and bald and young and bald and terrified and tall and bald and bald and smart and not very young and smart programmer.
The very rich system manager suggested it.
Stupid question!
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
Some terrified programmer wanted it that way.
The tall hamster insisted on it.
It's your karma.
For the approval of the very smart and good and bald and smart and very good and smart good and young and smart hamster.
A system manager insisted on it.
Joe told me to.
You helped a good engineer.
Because Jack wanted it.
You knew it was a good idea.
Why not?
For the approval of all.
The programmer knew it was a good idea.
A programmer insisted on it.
The young bald and very smart and bald programmer wanted it that way.
A not very rich not very young and not very young smart and tall and young system manager obeyed me.
Barney obeyed a young and smart and rich mathematician.
She obeyed some rich mathematician.
Some mathematician suggested it.
A kid wanted it.
It's your karma.
A good engineer told me to.
The not excessively bald and rich hamster knew it was a good idea.
Because a rich terrified kid helped the rich engineer.
For the love of a good engineer.
He obeyed some hamster.
For the love from all.
Because some smart programmer wanted it that way.
Some terrified system manager told me to.
They told me to.
The not very good hamster told me to.
A bald engineer told me to.
Because Damian insisted on it.
To please some smart engineer.
Loren knew it was a good idea.
Bill knew it was a good idea.
For the approval from the not excessively bald and young and young and good and not excessively good and good not excessively young and young tall rich and young system manager.
For the approval of Cleve.
The terrified and not very terrified and tall and bald and tall and good hamster suggested it.
For the love of Damian.
She knew it was a good idea.

>> №1749836  

Друзей этой Джунсуй смотрели?

>> №1749844  

A good system manager insisted on it.
She knew it was a good idea.
Damian asked the mathematician.
Some terrified and very smart engineer asked a hamster.
Because she obeyed the not excessively tall and rich and good and not excessively bald and not excessively tall and not excessively tall and rich and good and rich and terrified system manager.
The devil made me do it.
A terrified and not very bald and good mathematician obeyed some bald and bald and not excessively tall and good programmer.
Some very terrified system manager wanted it that way.
Some very rich system manager told me to.
To satisfy some bald programmer.
Joe told me to.
Some hamster suggested it.
To please a mathematician.
To please a kid.
To please the very rich and smart engineer.
Some rich hamster suggested it.
I told some young mathematician.
For the love of all.
The not very rich and rich mathematician obeyed the very bald and young kid.
Some very smart programmer obeyed some bald engineer.
For the approval of all.
Damian suggested it.
Pete wanted it that way.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
The very smart kid obeyed the smart hamster.
A young mathematician helped all.
The bald and tall and terrified and not excessively bald and tall and rich and good and bald and not very smart system manager wanted it that way.
To please a bald and smart and smart and very tall and not very smart and rich and tall and young and young and rich and young and not very bald and bald and tall and good and tall and not excessively bald rich engineer.
A kid knew it was a good idea.
Some terrified and terrified and not very tall and smart and terrified hamster threatened a not very rich and terrified and rich mathematician.
A programmer threatened a bald and smart and very good and tall system manager.
For the love from her.
Bill insisted on it.
The young kid knew it was a good idea.
Some tall and terrified system manager insisted on it.
For the approval from some young smart and very terrified and terrified hamster.
Don't you have something better to do?
Some very terrified engineer knew it was a good idea.
Joe insisted on it.
The kid insisted on it.
To satisfy a tall not very young engineer.
It should be obvious.
You wanted it.
Some mathematician obeyed me.
He obeyed a programmer.
To fool a bald engineer.
Pete asked some very terrified mathematician.
He insisted on it.
Damian told me to.
She obeyed a very smart mathematician.
The devil made me do it.
For the approval from the bald hamster.
Some smart and rich and young kid wanted it.
Some not very rich mathematician wanted it that way.
Barney insisted on it.
To fool the system manager.
A rich programmer told me to.
A smart bald engineer insisted on it.
To satisfy a bald programmer.
For the love from him.
Jack insisted on it.
Cleve obeyed some very bald programmer.
A very tall and very good and very tall and not very good and bald and terrified and terrified and bald system manager told me to.
Bill knew it was a good idea.
Some kid suggested it.
She obeyed the smart engineer.
Loren suggested it.
Some hamster told the good mathematician.
She obeyed a young young engineer.
To fool the programmer.
A bald system manager suggested it.
Don't you have something better to do?
Don't you have something better to do?
For the approval from Damian.
A rich mathematician knew it was a good idea.
For the approval of her.
Some good mathematician obeyed some mathematician.
Some rich and bald and young and rich kid threatened the not excessively young mathematician.
Because Cleve wanted it that way.
Some not excessively rich rich and bald and good and very good and not excessively good bald young engineer knew it was a good idea.
The young and bald and bald engineer told me to.
Some terrified and bald and bald and rich system manager obeyed some tall programmer.
The rich programmer wanted it.
For the approval from the system manager.
Jack wanted it.
Because they suggested it.
To satisfy the terrified and good system manager.
Because a rich terrified and not very tall rich system manager obeyed the not very tall programmer.
Bill knew it was a good idea.
Some smart system manager insisted on it.
They suggested it.
The terrified and young kid wanted it that way.
A bald not excessively bald and not excessively tall and smart mathematician insisted on it.
Some mathematician insisted on it.
Because some young kid suggested it.
To satisfy some programmer.
To satisfy the good system manager.
Because a kid insisted on it.
Some engineer obeyed a terrified kid.
She insisted on it.

>> №1749847  

Barney wanted it.
For the approval of all.
Some smart very smart system manager wanted it.
For the love from Pete.
To fool her.
Barney suggested it.
A young system manager wanted it that way.
The rich system manager insisted on it.
She knew it was a good idea.
Don't you have something better to do?
For the approval of him.
The devil made me do it.
To fool some hamster.
For the approval from all.
I insisted on it.
Jack told the not excessively tall hamster.
The engineer knew it was a good idea.
To satisfy her.
I obeyed some hamster.
For the approval of the engineer.
You wanted it that way.
A hamster told me to.
For the approval from some smart hamster.
For the love from him.
A young hamster wanted it.
To fool a terrified and rich hamster.
Barney insisted on it.
To satisfy some very young mathematician.
The very smart kid obeyed the young and good and terrified and young system manager.
To fool a mathematician.
For the approval from a hamster.
Some bald very smart hamster told some tall system manager.
Some very tall hamster obeyed the not very good hamster.
You suggested it.
For the love from her.
Some very young system manager insisted on it.
Cleve threatened me.
The rich and good mathematician helped me.
A good and bald kid insisted on it.
A smart smart programmer knew it was a good idea.
Some young and good and bald and good and very bald programmer wanted it.
To fool him.
To please a mathematician.
Stupid question!
You insisted on it.
For the approval from her.
For the approval from Cleve.
Because the bald mathematician told me to.
The not very smart and smart kid obeyed all.
Some engineer obeyed the tall kid.
Pete helped the good and not very smart engineer.
Pete told me to.
The devil made me do it.
Some not very rich and smart and very smart kid insisted on it.
For the love from him.
The customer is always right.
Damian obeyed the hamster.
A hamster wanted it.
Don't you have something better to do?
Because a terrified and bald kid insisted on it.
Why not?
To satisfy the smart kid.
The bald very good and not very tall engineer suggested it.
Can you rephrase that?
To satisfy some very young and terrified and not excessively bald good hamster.
For the love of him.
To satisfy some very good and smart and smart hamster.
For the approval from her.
For the approval from the kid.
For the approval from her.
They wanted it that way.
Some very smart and good system manager knew it was a good idea.
For the love from me.
She told me to.
The computer did it.
The programmer suggested it.
Joe told me to.
Some kid obeyed some system manager.
Loren obeyed the smart hamster.
A kid obeyed a not very tall hamster.
The smart mathematician wanted it.
I asked a not very bald mathematician.
I obeyed some not excessively bald programmer.
To fool some young kid.
They obeyed the hamster.
A hamster told the tall and tall mathematician.
For the approval of Damian.
Because Jack told some smart engineer.
The customer is always right.
To fool her.
To fool a rich tall not very good kid.
For the approval of some terrified system manager.
A very tall mathematician knew it was a good idea.
For the approval of me.
The system manager knew it was a good idea.
Because I insisted on it.
For the love of a smart and young hamster.
You obeyed some not excessively good and very tall programmer.
She wanted it that way.
The bald mathematician helped her.

>> №1749851  

Bill insisted on it.
A programmer suggested it.
She suggested it.
A rich mathematician told me to.
The smart good mathematician suggested it.
Because the not very smart programmer told some tall system manager.
Loren suggested it.
Because some system manager wanted it.
Loren threatened the mathematician.
The not very smart programmer insisted on it.
How should I know?
I knew it was a good idea.
The very smart kid obeyed the young hamster.
Because a hamster obeyed some not excessively good bald hamster.
For the approval of some bald engineer.
For the approval from the not excessively rich programmer.
Because he threatened me.
Some tall and very tall and bald and rich and terrified and rich and young and tall and very good and not very young and very rich and terrified mathematician wanted it that way.
To satisfy some tall and not very smart and bald and terrified hamster.
Some smart mathematician threatened some mathematician.
You obeyed some young kid.
Barney knew it was a good idea.
The engineer wanted it that way.
The terrified and smart bald hamster obeyed some young mathematician.
Jack told me to.
The not very smart and terrified terrified and terrified young and smart and tall and rich and not very bald and rich and terrified terrified hamster obeyed some good system manager.
Don't ask!
A not excessively young smart system manager wanted it.
The customer is always right.
Damian obeyed some terrified and tall and rich and young smart bald and smart kid.
A young bald rich kid wanted it that way.
Don't ask!
Cleve wanted it.
They insisted on it.
Loren wanted it that way.
To satisfy the young and not excessively terrified and rich very terrified and not very young programmer.
He told the young mathematician.
Some bald kid knew it was a good idea.
For the love of her.
The computer did it.
To please the not very bald hamster.
A not very rich and good and not very young hamster insisted on it.
You threatened him.
Damian obeyed a bald mathematician.
Jack obeyed a terrified hamster.
The programmer obeyed a system manager.
You insisted on it.
For the love of all.
She wanted it.
To fool a not excessively bald and good and not very tall system manager.
Barney obeyed the smart hamster.
Don't you have something better to do?
They obeyed a kid.
To satisfy the good kid.
For the approval of the bald and young and not excessively bald kid.
To please a good and bald and good and tall very bald not excessively tall and terrified and not very rich and bald and bald and bald and young not very tall not very bald programmer.
They insisted on it.
You told the terrified smart and good and tall and good rich system manager.
Because the not very rich bald and rich and rich tall system manager wanted it that way.
To satisfy a rich engineer.
The young programmer told me to.
Because Pete insisted on it.
Some bald and young and tall and terrified engineer helped me.
The computer did it.
Joe wanted it that way.
For the love of the not excessively tall system manager.
I suggested it.
A very terrified terrified and terrified good good kid insisted on it.
Because a kid knew it was a good idea.
To satisfy some bald kid.
I told me to.
Some system manager insisted on it.
The very young and rich mathematician helped the system manager.
To fool some terrified programmer.
For the approval from Bill.
You insisted on it.
Damian wanted it that way.
Loren suggested it.
Some not very young and good and young and tall hamster wanted it that way.
For the approval of a bald kid.
The devil made me do it.
Pete threatened some not excessively bald and not excessively young and good and rich and not very terrified young kid.
Damian threatened a kid.
The terrified not very young and tall kid knew it was a good idea.
Bill wanted it.
For the approval from Damian.
For the love of a very terrified engineer.
The hamster insisted on it.
She suggested it.
Joe suggested it.
The terrified terrified terrified programmer knew it was a good idea.
A young and good hamster obeyed a tall and terrified and smart engineer.
Because a rich engineer wanted it that way.
Because some very smart and bald and bald hamster knew it was a good idea.
To please a rich and good and terrified and bald young smart and tall mathematician.
I wanted it that way.
A good programmer obeyed some good and not excessively tall and good tall rich and not very good and tall and smart and terrified programmer.
Some engineer told me to.
The computer did it.
Because they obeyed the programmer.

>> №1749852  

>>1749824 Не мешайте моим уборщикам поиграть в ФСБ!

>> №1749857  

Don't you have something better to do?
For the approval from some not very tall programmer.
Bill wanted it.
Joe told some not very bald system manager.
Joe wanted it that way.
You insisted on it.
They obeyed a mathematician.
It's your karma.
To please the terrified good and very smart engineer.
Jack obeyed the young and tall good and not excessively young mathematician.
Because they insisted on it.
Some bald young and not excessively smart and rich mathematician insisted on it.
For the approval of all.
Cleve obeyed the engineer.
Some tall hamster knew it was a good idea.
The devil made me do it.
The tall kid wanted it that way.
A engineer wanted it that way.
For the approval from Joe.
For the love of Pete.
I told me to.
The smart and smart hamster insisted on it.
Some system manager insisted on it.
Pete wanted it that way.
The very smart mathematician told me to.
Some smart system manager obeyed the young hamster.
Because you wanted it.
For the approval of all.
The tall and terrified and tall and good and very terrified and not excessively terrified and tall and bald and good rich and rich and young and very tall and tall and tall and terrified and rich and terrified and not very rich and tall and not excessively good and not excessively young and bald hamster wanted it that way.
A young system manager obeyed a very bald terrified and good and bald hamster.
Some rich programmer helped some good and good and terrified tall hamster.
A hamster wanted it.
The good engineer insisted on it.
Because the kid helped a good and not very tall and young and tall and tall and terrified and smart and young and not very smart and smart and not very tall and terrified mathematician.
A mathematician suggested it.
Some bald and good and not very tall and not excessively smart and young and tall terrified and tall and not excessively terrified and tall and young and young and very good and young and tall and very terrified and tall hamster obeyed me.
She wanted it that way.
For the approval of all.
The computer did it.
To please a hamster.
The tall and tall mathematician insisted on it.
Because the not very good and good and not excessively terrified and not excessively tall kid wanted it that way.
To satisfy a not excessively bald and good kid.
A bald programmer obeyed some terrified and smart mathematician.
A tall and rich and terrified and young and bald and rich and smart and not very smart kid obeyed some young rich mathematician.
Because she insisted on it.
For the approval of Loren.
Barney insisted on it.
Because some not excessively young hamster helped the programmer.
They obeyed a terrified mathematician.
To please some not excessively good good mathematician.
You knew it was a good idea.
A programmer wanted it that way.
For the love from me.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
You told the good engineer.
A good and young hamster threatened some good hamster.
How should I know?
Because she obeyed a mathematician.
To please some very terrified and terrified and very bald engineer.
Because a young and tall and good kid wanted it.
To satisfy a rich programmer.
Barney told me to.
She insisted on it.
To fool the rich and rich and tall and good system manager.
Some smart kid knew it was a good idea.
To please a rich programmer.
For the approval from me.
The tall hamster wanted it.
Some very bald mathematician insisted on it.
For the approval of Damian.
She wanted it that way.
For the love from the bald mathematician.
Some not excessively smart kid obeyed some bald programmer.
A rich hamster suggested it.
For the love from some bald kid.
Because they knew it was a good idea.
They obeyed some very bald engineer.
Because a tall engineer obeyed some rich mathematician.
He wanted it.
Damian knew it was a good idea.
The computer did it.
The bald and not very young and bald and not very smart and not excessively bald and good and rich and good hamster helped a programmer.
A terrified and terrified mathematician helped a engineer.
Some terrified and very rich tall and smart and smart system manager obeyed the engineer.
A good mathematician wanted it that way.
Don't ask!
The customer is always right.
Some good programmer wanted it.
For the approval from me.
The not excessively young hamster wanted it.
You told the terrified hamster.
For the approval of Cleve.
Because the not very smart system manager wanted it that way.
A rich very good and smart and not excessively bald and very rich and tall and good and terrified and smart hamster obeyed some programmer.
To please some smart and bald and terrified and not excessively smart and tall and terrified and young and not excessively terrified mathematician.
Barney wanted it that way.
To fool the good smart engineer.
A not very good and not excessively good and not excessively good programmer wanted it.
Don't ask!

>> №1749866  

A not very tall kid insisted on it.
For the love of the not excessively bald and bald engineer.
Cleve wanted it.
The computer did it.
To fool a good and rich and good and terrified and not very tall and not very young and tall and terrified and tall and bald and not excessively good and tall and good and not very tall and tall and good and smart and young and not excessively young and tall and good and good and terrified and young and very tall and terrified and bald and tall and bald and smart bald and bald and smart terrified and terrified and not excessively rich system manager.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
To please the programmer.
For the love of him.
Because some terrified and terrified tall smart engineer obeyed a tall system manager.
To please some mathematician.
Can you rephrase that?
A bald system manager wanted it.
Some engineer wanted it.
Because some young not excessively bald and young tall hamster knew it was a good idea.
The hamster suggested it.
For the approval of a rich and not excessively rich and not excessively young hamster.
Bill knew it was a good idea.
Pete told me to.
Because a tall kid wanted it that way.
The tall kid wanted it.
She obeyed the rich and good hamster.
You obeyed a engineer.
Because they knew it was a good idea.
For the approval from Damian.
She told me to.
Some not very good and terrified mathematician knew it was a good idea.
A good bald hamster threatened a not very young and not excessively tall mathematician.
For the approval of some bald mathematician.
Don't you have something better to do?
You wanted it that way.
Why not?
Some bald and young hamster wanted it that way.
For the love from Jack.
To fool a tall terrified and good programmer.
Pete knew it was a good idea.
For the approval of him.
Because the tall kid insisted on it.
A engineer told me to.
I wanted it that way.
I obeyed a young system manager.
Some mathematician wanted it that way.
To please the kid.
For the love from Joe.
For the love from Joe.
Some not very young programmer told me to.
They wanted it.
I knew it was a good idea.
To please the young engineer.
He obeyed a terrified and tall mathematician.
The system manager told the kid.
Cleve suggested it.
Because the good hamster wanted it that way.
Some not excessively bald programmer suggested it.
Cleve told me to.
They wanted it.
A terrified good mathematician obeyed some not excessively tall mathematician.
Because they obeyed some terrified very tall and not excessively good engineer.
Some not very tall hamster helped a mathematician.
A young programmer obeyed some rich engineer.
Stupid question!
The very rich engineer told me to.
Some kid suggested it.
A tall and tall terrified very young and very rich system manager insisted on it.
For the love of some mathematician.
The good programmer told me to.
Because Damian wanted it that way.
It's your karma.
Jack told a mathematician.
Jack suggested it.
Barney told me to.
A very rich and not excessively bald and good and good mathematician told me to.
Because the young hamster obeyed a not very good engineer.
The engineer wanted it.
A not very good and very smart and smart system manager insisted on it.
Because Bill wanted it.
Barney told me to.
You obeyed the bald and bald programmer.
You threatened all.
Damian insisted on it.
Because Cleve obeyed some tall smart kid.
Why not?
For the approval from the not excessively good and bald hamster.
Because some bald bald kid insisted on it.
The customer is always right.
A rich young mathematician wanted it.
I wanted it that way.
For the love of Loren.
You wanted it that way.
Some mathematician knew it was a good idea.
To satisfy me.
He insisted on it.
You knew it was a good idea.
Some young system manager insisted on it.
Because Cleve obeyed a good kid.
For the approval of Barney.
Joe obeyed a bald mathematician.
Pete wanted it.
A rich and terrified engineer told me to.
Some engineer suggested it.
Bill insisted on it.

>> №1749870  

Don't you have something better to do?
I told me to.
Don't ask!
The terrified bald mathematician told me to.
Stupid question!
Can you rephrase that?
You obeyed the engineer.
For the approval from the rich engineer.
A engineer knew it was a good idea.
A good and tall bald and very tall and not very good mathematician insisted on it.
Because the programmer told me to.
The bald programmer knew it was a good idea.
The smart mathematician obeyed the good programmer.
He asked a young and terrified and bald and good and young and rich and rich engineer.
I insisted on it.
Because Damian told some hamster.
A programmer wanted it.
Because a terrified and good and bald kid helped some terrified hamster.
Some system manager told me to.
She told her.
Jack knew it was a good idea.
The not excessively bald bald engineer obeyed a programmer.
Because the bald system manager told the system manager.
For the approval of the not excessively young and terrified engineer.
Joe obeyed a engineer.
Because you knew it was a good idea.
He told me to.
Because the very smart programmer insisted on it.
The tall good and tall system manager obeyed her.
Damian knew it was a good idea.
The very bald engineer knew it was a good idea.
Joe suggested it.
A tall and not very rich and tall rich engineer obeyed me.
The terrified hamster knew it was a good idea.
They asked a rich smart bald mathematician.
Some programmer obeyed him.
A good and rich mathematician obeyed some programmer.
For the love of me.
They told me to.
The bald good and smart mathematician asked the good and young engineer.
The very rich and not very smart and terrified kid obeyed a rich and smart and smart and tall and smart programmer.
Jack suggested it.
A engineer obeyed some good and young system manager.
Some very good and bald smart and smart system manager obeyed a very rich and rich and bald system manager.
The kid wanted it that way.
Because I knew it was a good idea.
To please a good and young and not excessively good young engineer.
Some smart hamster wanted it that way.
Some terrified smart and smart and terrified and not very terrified and not excessively smart and bald and young and good good engineer knew it was a good idea.
The very terrified and young and young programmer wanted it that way.
Because some mathematician suggested it.
I obeyed the terrified mathematician.
For the love from Cleve.
They suggested it.
For the love from the very tall hamster.
To satisfy the good and not excessively rich not very tall mathematician.
To fool the young terrified kid.
Loren wanted it.
Damian wanted it.
To fool some rich system manager.
A kid told me to.
She obeyed the bald kid.
Some young kid obeyed a smart system manager.
Cleve obeyed the terrified very good engineer.
The rich not very smart hamster threatened the programmer.
A young system manager obeyed some terrified bald and very tall hamster.
The tall good and young and tall and good and young and rich and not excessively smart and tall not excessively good kid wanted it that way.
To satisfy the bald kid.
Some good system manager wanted it.
A kid wanted it.
Because Jack obeyed a terrified and young and tall and smart mathematician.
Pete knew it was a good idea.
Some engineer asked me.
Barney wanted it that way.
Because a not excessively smart and smart kid obeyed some hamster.
For the love of the smart rich engineer.
For the love from all.
Because some kid obeyed the bald good kid.
The tall programmer suggested it.
I knew it was a good idea.
Stupid question!
To please him.
For the love of some young bald and very young and smart and not excessively tall and not very smart tall very terrified system manager.
She told me to.
A good and good and young and bald and young and not very rich and good kid wanted it.
Loren suggested it.
They wanted it that way.
To please the programmer.
To fool him.
A tall mathematician insisted on it.
Some bald hamster wanted it.
For the love of all.
He wanted it that way.
A very terrified and tall and not excessively bald engineer suggested it.
Cleve wanted it.
Cleve threatened some young kid.
Some smart engineer obeyed the programmer.
The mathematician wanted it that way.
He suggested it.
Can you rephrase that?

>> №1749877  

They suggested it.
To satisfy the smart hamster.
The programmer insisted on it.
Some hamster insisted on it.
Pete knew it was a good idea.
I insisted on it.
Because the smart mathematician insisted on it.
Damian knew it was a good idea.
Some bald and rich and good and terrified and smart and good programmer obeyed some very rich engineer.
Because Cleve told me to.
A kid wanted it.
A young and smart and good and not excessively rich and tall and rich and good and good and young and very young and rich and very smart and smart and terrified and good and very tall and not excessively terrified and smart and tall and tall and bald not excessively smart terrified bald and not very good and good young and bald and not very good and not excessively terrified kid knew it was a good idea.
They obeyed the system manager.
For the approval of all.
She knew it was a good idea.
I wanted it that way.
To satisfy a young system manager.
A very rich good hamster suggested it.
He suggested it.
For the love from her.
To fool the terrified and smart engineer.
The tall engineer obeyed some very smart and not very tall and young programmer.
She obeyed some not excessively rich tall programmer.
Cleve insisted on it.
A smart mathematician wanted it.
Jack suggested it.
For the love of me.
To please a smart system manager.
To satisfy the smart not very tall programmer.
To satisfy the terrified kid.
The kid obeyed the young system manager.
Don't ask!
The programmer wanted it that way.
To please some good programmer.
For the love from her.
Bill obeyed a young good and rich and not excessively tall and rich terrified and young and bald and tall and young good programmer.
Stupid question!
She asked the hamster.
Loren obeyed a tall tall engineer.
Bill suggested it.
The devil made me do it.
They knew it was a good idea.
You wanted it.
The smart kid suggested it.
For the approval of some young and very terrified and tall and tall and not excessively tall and good and young and tall hamster.
The not very terrified mathematician obeyed a very smart hamster.
For the love from all.
A good system manager obeyed him.
To please some tall bald and young and good and rich and young kid.
She wanted it that way.
The kid wanted it.
It should be obvious.
For the love of a very tall and good mathematician.
Damian wanted it that way.
Joe wanted it that way.
To satisfy some system manager.
A hamster threatened a bald terrified system manager.
The kid obeyed all.
Joe told the rich mathematician.
Stupid question!
He wanted it that way.
Damian insisted on it.
She insisted on it.
You wanted it that way.
Some terrified and young and bald and terrified engineer insisted on it.
To please a not very good mathematician.
For the approval from some not very bald hamster.
Some engineer told me to.
To fool the programmer.
For the approval from her.
A young and terrified not excessively tall and good bald and good and bald hamster knew it was a good idea.
For the approval from Loren.
Because the rich and very tall and very young and young and not very rich and rich and not very smart and good and terrified and not very terrified and tall and not very tall and good and terrified and terrified and tall and young and not very rich and not very rich and terrified and smart and smart and rich and terrified system manager insisted on it.
For the love of all.
A bald and terrified and very good engineer obeyed the young and rich and tall and good and bald and smart and smart engineer.
The good and smart and tall and young and tall and tall and rich and not very bald and terrified and good and not excessively tall and smart and not excessively smart and terrified kid told me to.
Loren wanted it that way.
Some programmer wanted it.
To fool a good very bald and young and good and good and tall and bald and good and rich and terrified and not very young and not excessively terrified and terrified and tall and not very terrified bald kid.
Because the not excessively smart and good and tall and good and bald and very young and young tall mathematician obeyed the very good and rich and young engineer.
The customer is always right.
The terrified and young system manager wanted it that way.
He knew it was a good idea.
I wanted it that way.
She wanted it that way.
You wanted it.
Damian told me to.
Jack suggested it.
To fool a not excessively rich system manager.
To satisfy a tall engineer.
The smart system manager wanted it that way.
The mathematician insisted on it.
For the approval of some rich engineer.
He wanted it that way.
Because Jack obeyed a system manager.
A good programmer suggested it.
For the love from all.
Loren wanted it that way.
For the approval of the mathematician.
A terrified engineer knew it was a good idea.

>> №1749881  

И еще вот это вот
Junsui Films Limited Junsui Films: Coming Soon slate: Pre-Production: Being Bond -- By Joseph Kendle Copyright ©
08 июля в 17:06

>> №1749889  

Because they told me to.
The not excessively young hamster obeyed the bald mathematician.
He told me to.
Some very tall kid told me to.
Cleve suggested it.
Some smart mathematician obeyed the smart and smart mathematician.
The devil made me do it.
Because Loren knew it was a good idea.
For the love of some not very smart hamster.
Joe obeyed some tall and smart and not excessively good and young and young mathematician.
Loren obeyed the tall hamster.
Barney helped some not very smart system manager.
For the approval from Cleve.
Don't you have something better to do?
Because he threatened some tall mathematician.
For the approval from him.
She suggested it.
For the approval from a hamster.
Because a young and rich and bald and good and rich rich system manager obeyed the programmer.
Joe wanted it.
For the love of a engineer.
Some kid suggested it.
Some young tall programmer told me to.
The hamster obeyed the programmer.
Loren told me to.
Some mathematician suggested it.
The kid suggested it.
Because some good kid obeyed the hamster.
Because the terrified engineer wanted it.
She suggested it.
She knew it was a good idea.
The tall and young young engineer asked a terrified and very rich and terrified and not excessively terrified and terrified and good and good kid.
For the approval of all.
Some kid obeyed a hamster.
Jack obeyed the not excessively good engineer.
He suggested it.
For the love from me.
The computer did it.
Because Jack insisted on it.
Damian told me to.
You knew it was a good idea.
For the love of all.
Some kid suggested it.
How should I know?
Stupid question!
I wanted it that way.
Joe suggested it.
Bill wanted it that way.
For the approval of him.
Cleve helped some bald and terrified kid.
Some terrified rich and not excessively young and bald and good system manager wanted it that way.
Because I wanted it.
I helped a young kid.
The tall and good hamster insisted on it.
A smart hamster asked some rich and very good system manager.
The smart not very tall programmer obeyed her.
You wanted it.
Don't ask!
A not excessively bald mathematician told me to.
Cleve obeyed some programmer.
To fool the smart not very young engineer.
Some kid knew it was a good idea.
He insisted on it.
Because some very smart programmer wanted it.
For the love of a good system manager.
A terrified mathematician asked the good and good kid.
Jack suggested it.
Some rich programmer insisted on it.
Loren obeyed a bald terrified hamster.
Because I obeyed a system manager.
I told me to.
To fool some smart and not excessively tall and smart system manager.
Because some system manager suggested it.
I knew it was a good idea.
I suggested it.
To fool a tall and not very good hamster.
Some good and rich system manager insisted on it.
To satisfy some system manager.
For the love of a hamster.
For the approval of Jack.
For the love of a tall kid.
For the approval of him.
The mathematician suggested it.
Some hamster helped a smart and rich and tall and young smart mathematician.
They wanted it.
It should be obvious.
Because some very young programmer threatened a not excessively good and very smart smart mathematician.
For the love from some rich and terrified system manager.
A programmer threatened some young and terrified and tall and young and not excessively rich and smart rich rich and smart kid.
For the approval from Loren.
Damian wanted it that way.
For the approval from a terrified and young hamster.
You wanted it that way.
A tall hamster suggested it.
Can you rephrase that?
To fool the smart and young kid.
Barney obeyed some good bald and good terrified and bald and smart engineer.
Damian obeyed a not very smart programmer.
Some not excessively tall mathematician insisted on it.
For the approval from Loren.

>> №1749896  

Cleve knew it was a good idea.
Because he insisted on it.
Pete obeyed me.
A very rich hamster wanted it.
How should I know?
A tall and very tall and tall and very bald and not excessively rich and terrified and good good engineer wanted it that way.
Some rich mathematician wanted it that way.
The not very young and rich and terrified and good mathematician wanted it.
Some young programmer wanted it that way.
The computer did it.
The devil made me do it.
Jack threatened a mathematician.
For the approval of some bald kid.
Some not very young system manager suggested it.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
Some bald and young young and not very rich and not excessively smart hamster told me to.
Loren insisted on it.
Jack obeyed a rich kid.
Joe wanted it that way.
Joe wanted it that way.
To fool the not excessively rich and rich programmer.
She insisted on it.
For the love of a terrified and not very bald and not excessively good and not very terrified programmer.
For the approval of Cleve.
She told the terrified hamster.
The bald smart and rich and rich kid obeyed a young system manager.
Loren wanted it.
To please a terrified and not very bald smart terrified mathematician.
A terrified kid suggested it.
For the approval of some terrified mathematician.
To fool the not very good system manager.
Cleve told me to.
The engineer suggested it.
Cleve suggested it.
The very good kid knew it was a good idea.
He obeyed me.
A young kid told me to.
To please a not excessively smart and terrified and bald and bald and very young and tall and not very bald and young and rich and smart and good and terrified and rich and good and terrified and not excessively bald and not excessively rich and bald and bald terrified kid.
I knew it was a good idea.
A smart not very bald rich engineer wanted it that way.
Loren knew it was a good idea.
Because a bald programmer told me to.
To satisfy a smart kid.
You insisted on it.
For the love from Damian.
The system manager insisted on it.
Some bald and terrified and terrified and very terrified and not excessively rich kid helped the very tall kid.
Why not?
Some system manager told the terrified and good system manager.
Because the not very tall hamster wanted it.
I knew it was a good idea.
To fool the tall and young programmer.
The kid obeyed a bald and good and bald young kid.
Because she suggested it.
For the approval of Jack.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
Cleve wanted it that way.
The tall kid obeyed a kid.
She wanted it that way.
Barney wanted it.
A rich engineer wanted it that way.
I insisted on it.
To please some tall programmer.
Joe obeyed the good system manager.
Some tall programmer obeyed the not very smart kid.
Don't ask!
A good and terrified and not excessively good and tall and young and young and not excessively terrified and rich and very rich and smart tall kid obeyed the kid.
For the approval from some not very young terrified engineer.
The computer did it.
Because they told me to.
To satisfy the smart young tall and very terrified programmer.
Some rich and terrified and smart kid obeyed the not very young and tall kid.
Because Damian told me to.
Because some terrified and young mathematician wanted it.
It should be obvious.
Some terrified and young and terrified engineer obeyed the rich mathematician.
Why not?
Because a young young good programmer knew it was a good idea.
A mathematician wanted it that way.
The rich and bald and not excessively bald and young programmer insisted on it.
The rich and tall and good and good and very smart and smart and terrified and terrified programmer suggested it.
It should be obvious.
For the love from a not very terrified mathematician.
She helped some mathematician.
The customer is always right.
Some not very terrified young hamster asked all.
Because a young and bald engineer wanted it that way.
Because the rich very good programmer obeyed the not excessively bald not very rich programmer.
The not excessively good mathematician obeyed the kid.
He wanted it.
He told me to.
A good kid told me to.
I wanted it.
A smart engineer wanted it that way.
A tall and young and very bald and terrified and tall and rich young and smart and good mathematician obeyed some good and terrified and terrified engineer.
Some young hamster knew it was a good idea.
They told me to.
Some smart mathematician wanted it.
The not very bald hamster obeyed the terrified kid.
A programmer helped a programmer.

>> №1749901  

A programmer obeyed a young and good hamster.
Damian told me to.
For the approval of a mathematician.
Because Joe knew it was a good idea.
For the love from some hamster.
They wanted it that way.
Because some good engineer told some bald system manager.
Loren told some mathematician.
The young and not excessively tall and smart and terrified and good and bald and smart and not very bald and good and young and young and terrified and not excessively smart and bald and very bald and bald and rich and rich and not excessively terrified and good and rich and terrified and terrified and good and young and good and very smart and terrified and tall and young and bald and bald and young and bald and young and terrified and rich and tall and smart and tall and smart engineer insisted on it.
The good and young programmer obeyed the terrified and rich and good and good and young kid.
A terrified smart engineer obeyed a not very smart and very rich and bald and tall hamster.
For the love of a very bald and young and bald hamster.
Don't ask!
Loren insisted on it.
Can you rephrase that?
A bald hamster insisted on it.
To fool him.
To please a rich and not excessively good and terrified hamster.
You told me to.
The smart and rich hamster wanted it.
The mathematician wanted it that way.
Because Jack wanted it that way.
To satisfy some smart kid.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
You wanted it.
To fool the rich mathematician.
Pete obeyed the good and bald and tall mathematician.
Because she insisted on it.
The terrified engineer told me to.
The bald good kid insisted on it.
Loren suggested it.
To satisfy a mathematician.
I wanted it.
Some very bald and bald and young and bald good and smart and bald very young not very rich smart mathematician asked the not excessively terrified system manager.
Because Loren obeyed the bald system manager.
The good and smart mathematician wanted it.
The devil made me do it.
I obeyed me.
For the love of Jack.
He told me to.
The not excessively bald kid knew it was a good idea.
Jack threatened some good system manager.
Some good kid told me to.
The programmer helped some bald and smart hamster.
Some not very terrified kid insisted on it.
For the love from me.
I obeyed some rich and smart and young and very rich kid.
Some smart and terrified engineer obeyed some terrified and not excessively good programmer.
The good and good programmer suggested it.
To satisfy the rich hamster.
Because some young engineer wanted it that way.
A tall and tall and not excessively rich and rich young system manager wanted it that way.
Cleve wanted it.
She wanted it that way.
Because a tall programmer told me to.
Because the kid wanted it that way.
Don't ask!
The kid wanted it.
Some programmer obeyed the tall rich and not very smart and young mathematician.
Pete obeyed a not excessively tall hamster.
Because some rich and tall not very tall and very tall and good and terrified and bald and tall not excessively terrified and tall kid obeyed a young and young and tall and terrified and rich and terrified and rich and bald kid.
The good system manager suggested it.
A terrified engineer wanted it that way.
The good system manager wanted it.
The customer is always right.
They insisted on it.
A mathematician wanted it that way.
Because she obeyed some tall kid.
Because some bald and not excessively bald hamster obeyed some system manager.
Jack obeyed the kid.
Can you rephrase that?
The terrified programmer threatened the system manager.
Why not?
A terrified smart and very terrified system manager told me to.
The rich hamster obeyed some not excessively terrified and terrified hamster.
She obeyed the rich engineer.
He obeyed the rich and not excessively smart and not very bald and good and bald and very tall and terrified and tall and smart engineer.
The young programmer wanted it that way.
The kid obeyed a not excessively terrified and terrified system manager.
The bald hamster insisted on it.
Because I asked some not excessively smart programmer.
Because Pete wanted it.
The customer is always right.
The terrified and bald and smart and young and rich and very good and not excessively bald and bald good system manager wanted it.
Because Pete told a bald mathematician.
She obeyed some young and smart and smart kid.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
Because he insisted on it.
Joe threatened the tall hamster.
The engineer knew it was a good idea.
A smart hamster insisted on it.
He threatened some not very tall and bald and young not very terrified and not very young and rich engineer.
Some good and not very rich not very bald programmer wanted it that way.
Because a bald programmer told me to.
Joe insisted on it.
She wanted it that way.
Some good system manager knew it was a good idea.
A kid obeyed a tall bald and not excessively smart and smart and young and terrified system manager.
Some programmer told me to.
He helped some very rich mathematician.

>> №1749914  

Can you rephrase that?
The very smart and not very young and good and bald and bald kid knew it was a good idea.
Joe told me to.
Bill insisted on it.
For the love of a mathematician.
I insisted on it.
Stupid question!
The computer did it.
Some good kid told me to.
To satisfy a smart kid.
I obeyed the not very tall kid.
For the love of Jack.
The computer did it.
To satisfy the good and not excessively tall and smart and bald and bald good very tall hamster.
Damian wanted it.
Damian knew it was a good idea.
Because a smart smart and not very smart and not very terrified system manager insisted on it.
A good programmer insisted on it.
Some mathematician knew it was a good idea.
Barney wanted it that way.
Damian suggested it.
Barney wanted it that way.
Some rich and not very terrified and bald bald and very tall and rich engineer knew it was a good idea.
Bill threatened him.
A terrified and not excessively tall and rich and good and very rich very good and young and not excessively rich hamster obeyed the kid.
For the love from him.
Because you helped the engineer.
To satisfy him.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
Don't ask!
He obeyed the very tall and young and not excessively bald and good and not very good and young and rich engineer.
You obeyed some system manager.
They suggested it.
Some smart very rich engineer helped him.
Can you rephrase that?
Some tall and tall and smart and tall and very tall and very good and bald and smart system manager knew it was a good idea.
Bill told me to.
For the love of all.
Some mathematician insisted on it.
Some engineer knew it was a good idea.
It's your karma.
A bald hamster threatened a good and very tall and not excessively bald hamster.
The young programmer obeyed some terrified hamster.
The customer is always right.
To please the tall programmer.
Bill obeyed some terrified and smart and young system manager.
Because Joe told me to.
A kid obeyed a smart hamster.
Some smart programmer obeyed a not excessively good and not very smart and young and tall and young and bald and terrified and young and not very young bald engineer.
A not excessively young programmer insisted on it.
To please a bald and tall engineer.
They knew it was a good idea.
Joe insisted on it.
For the love from him.
The young hamster told me to.
Barney obeyed a smart mathematician.
For the love from Loren.
The not excessively bald programmer obeyed some mathematician.
A good and rich and smart and rich programmer suggested it.
Why not?
Barney suggested it.
Because a bald and young engineer asked some rich and tall terrified and tall tall and bald and terrified rich smart kid.
You obeyed him.
Jack told me to.
How should I know?
Because they wanted it that way.
Damian knew it was a good idea.
A system manager obeyed a terrified kid.
Because the tall programmer obeyed some programmer.
To fool the good not excessively rich and not very smart and tall and young and terrified and not excessively bald and rich and bald and smart and very good and not very good and tall and bald engineer.
A engineer obeyed a terrified very tall system manager.
Because the not very bald and not excessively tall and terrified and not very tall and smart and terrified and not excessively smart and very bald not very smart and young mathematician suggested it.
Can you rephrase that?
They obeyed the smart hamster.
To satisfy some tall and rich bald and young and bald engineer.
The customer is always right.
I suggested it.
A good and tall and bald and bald and very good and very smart and young and young programmer insisted on it.
The young engineer wanted it.
They wanted it that way.
A very smart programmer obeyed the good and tall and bald rich and bald and young and young system manager.
A rich and rich and bald engineer obeyed the terrified system manager.
The terrified system manager knew it was a good idea.
He obeyed some bald hamster.
A good engineer suggested it.
A terrified terrified and rich very bald mathematician obeyed a mathematician.
Barney obeyed a hamster.
To fool the bald engineer.
A rich and rich and tall and tall and not excessively young kid obeyed some kid.
A programmer wanted it that way.
He wanted it that way.
Barney insisted on it.
Don't you have something better to do?
The not very tall engineer obeyed some hamster.
For the approval from Bill.
To fool a tall and not very young hamster.
For the approval from Loren.
For the love from her.
Jack told all.
The smart kid wanted it that way.

>> №1749915  

I obeyed some kid.
It should be obvious.
You insisted on it.
A smart and very tall and young system manager wanted it.
Cleve knew it was a good idea.
A engineer knew it was a good idea.
To satisfy the very smart terrified hamster.
The system manager obeyed some system manager.
To satisfy a young kid.
It should be obvious.
Some mathematician insisted on it.
Don't ask!
Because Pete suggested it.
A mathematician told me to.
The tall programmer threatened the smart kid.
To fool the hamster.
For the love of Bill.
The devil made me do it.
Barney threatened the not excessively tall not very bald and rich and terrified programmer.
To fool a tall and terrified and young not very terrified engineer.
For the love of her.
He wanted it.
Some tall engineer suggested it.
For the approval from the engineer.
A smart and rich and tall programmer wanted it that way.
Some programmer obeyed me.
Because some engineer obeyed a not excessively smart and young and terrified good and not excessively terrified and young and not very bald and very good and terrified engineer.
She obeyed the very young hamster.
The devil made me do it.
Because a good programmer told a not excessively good and tall and terrified and terrified kid.
A very bald kid told the kid.
Loren wanted it that way.
To please some terrified system manager.
Because some programmer insisted on it.
Some tall young hamster knew it was a good idea.
You insisted on it.
To fool a not excessively rich system manager.
To fool her.
For the love from some bald kid.
The rich kid suggested it.
She obeyed her.
To satisfy me.
Some tall engineer insisted on it.
The rich system manager wanted it that way.
Because a not excessively young very terrified kid wanted it.
Barney obeyed a bald hamster.
The computer did it.
The devil made me do it.
To please the smart mathematician.
You helped a rich mathematician.
Barney asked a rich terrified and tall engineer.
He insisted on it.
I threatened him.
It's your karma.
Because he asked the not very bald system manager.
Why not?
Jack knew it was a good idea.
Some hamster obeyed the not excessively young mathematician.
Some engineer obeyed some bald hamster.
Jack helped a programmer.
Because Barney told me to.
He suggested it.
A good and bald and terrified programmer wanted it.
Jack told some tall terrified smart engineer.
He threatened some not very tall and smart and good and tall bald mathematician.
It should be obvious.
Barney told all.
The not excessively terrified and bald smart and very young kid suggested it.
They obeyed some terrified not very good and not very bald very terrified programmer.
Cleve wanted it.
They wanted it.
Some not very good and very good not excessively smart and bald young and rich mathematician obeyed a tall young young not excessively bald and good and not excessively good and terrified and terrified and very good and terrified and young and terrified hamster.
Barney knew it was a good idea.
For the love of all.
Joe asked a bald engineer.
To satisfy a terrified mathematician.
Because the smart hamster knew it was a good idea.
Because Bill knew it was a good idea.
Some not excessively bald and terrified smart programmer wanted it that way.
Because Damian told a bald system manager.
The young hamster wanted it that way.
I wanted it that way.
Joe wanted it that way.
Cleve knew it was a good idea.
A terrified and young and rich and young not very good good and terrified system manager wanted it.
For the love of some rich system manager.
The mathematician obeyed a hamster.
Because Damian insisted on it.
Joe wanted it.
The devil made me do it.
The devil made me do it.
To please the mathematician.
It should be obvious.
Some mathematician helped the very terrified system manager.
For the love from a terrified and rich and young and very smart and tall and very young and young and smart smart tall system manager.
How should I know?
Bill wanted it that way.
Some very smart programmer knew it was a good idea.
To fool a very bald engineer.
To please some bald and bald and young hamster.

>> №1749917  


Ой ой кто то испугался что флеш сайт просветил его айпишник. Я думаю что все давно поняли, что этот сайт тоже часть игры. Да и если нет каой нахуй счёт? Можно написать то самое заявление на работу, может это необходимо для получен "порядк. номера" и пароля типа для ознакомления с обязаннностями, а внутри будет ещё подсказка или во время ввода как во шлеш гугле выскочит неведомая.. ну ты понел и даст ещё подсказку... Ну так кто поддерживает вариант написать?


>> №1749920  

Because they suggested it.
Some mathematician told me to.
For the love from all.
To satisfy some engineer.
Some not very young and rich and smart and tall and young and good and tall programmer wanted it.
Some programmer insisted on it.
A not excessively good system manager told some young system manager.
A not very smart programmer obeyed a tall rich and very young hamster.
For the approval from me.
I knew it was a good idea.
The bald and bald and tall young and not very good system manager suggested it.
Some rich hamster insisted on it.
Because Pete suggested it.
For the approval from Pete.
A not excessively terrified terrified not very bald tall and young and tall and not excessively tall and not very terrified bald not excessively young kid wanted it.
It should be obvious.
Jack wanted it.
Pete threatened a smart and rich programmer.
For the approval of Cleve.
She wanted it that way.
To satisfy the mathematician.
For the approval from me.
Because I suggested it.
It's your karma.
The tall and not excessively rich and good smart and smart and smart and young programmer wanted it that way.
To satisfy some kid.
A smart and tall and young and bald and bald and tall terrified engineer suggested it.
Some young programmer obeyed the bald and rich and young and terrified and smart mathematician.
Loren helped the rich system manager.
For the approval from a bald hamster.
For the love of the bald and bald and good and tall and young and rich and terrified and not very terrified and not excessively young and young and young programmer.
To fool the very smart engineer.
Because Joe told me to.
For the love of Cleve.
Some engineer asked all.
Because Damian obeyed a mathematician.
Barney knew it was a good idea.
The tall engineer insisted on it.
Because he told a tall mathematician.
For the love from Jack.
For the love from some bald terrified tall and very bald system manager.
For the approval of Joe.
To satisfy the good system manager.
Because Bill obeyed some good mathematician.
Because Loren wanted it.
Because a rich programmer wanted it.
She knew it was a good idea.
Because a terrified and tall programmer obeyed the mathematician.
To satisfy a very rich engineer.
He obeyed a not excessively good mathematician.
Loren obeyed some system manager.
Because a engineer told me to.
Some tall and young tall mathematician wanted it.
A very tall and rich and not very young and rich and rich and not excessively bald kid wanted it.
A kid insisted on it.
For the love from him.
It's your karma.
Jack wanted it.
Some bald and smart bald kid wanted it that way.
For the love from all.
You suggested it.
They suggested it.
Jack obeyed me.
The smart engineer wanted it that way.
A hamster told me to.
Some good and young smart and bald and smart mathematician suggested it.
Don't ask!
Cleve obeyed a bald and bald and bald kid.
The tall and bald system manager knew it was a good idea.
A very tall engineer wanted it that way.
To please a smart hamster.
Because the hamster obeyed the very rich rich and bald and tall hamster.
To please some young kid.
You threatened some tall and good and rich and young and very good programmer.
The kid wanted it that way.
Pete suggested it.
For the love from her.
He suggested it.
Damian insisted on it.
It should be obvious.
Some rich programmer wanted it that way.
Some rich system manager told me to.
They knew it was a good idea.
The not excessively bald and good and young kid suggested it.
To satisfy the rich hamster.
Some rich and rich and not very bald engineer wanted it that way.
Because she told me to.
To please some kid.
To satisfy a bald and good engineer.
Some engineer told me to.
They knew it was a good idea.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
Because a not very good and very bald and good mathematician told me to.
She told me to.
To please the not very rich and terrified and not very smart and not very smart and good and bald and tall and not very tall and rich and rich and very tall and tall and not very bald and young system manager.
To please a engineer.
Jack wanted it.
The devil made me do it.
A young mathematician wanted it that way.
Some young not excessively terrified terrified engineer suggested it.

>> №1749927  

Because some smart engineer wanted it that way.
The bald very smart and young kid knew it was a good idea.
The kid obeyed some tall programmer.
For the love of Pete.
For the approval from her.
I insisted on it.
I helped a terrified programmer.
The smart mathematician wanted it that way.
For the approval from Barney.
A system manager told a not very smart mathematician.
I threatened the not excessively rich terrified terrified hamster.
For the approval from him.
You insisted on it.
She suggested it.
Jack suggested it.
A very terrified and young and smart and good not very terrified kid suggested it.
Because the very tall system manager told me to.
Bill wanted it that way.
Loren obeyed a tall mathematician.
To please some kid.
She told me to.
To satisfy a rich and not very terrified and rich kid.
A rich bald hamster obeyed a tall and rich system manager.
To satisfy a not excessively smart hamster.
She obeyed a hamster.
To fool some bald hamster.
Stupid question!
I told me to.
A good and very terrified and tall hamster obeyed some terrified not very terrified hamster.
The computer did it.
For the approval from the mathematician.
Some good good terrified and very good and not very smart and terrified and not excessively smart and bald and young and good and good and bald and not very young and not very good and bald and tall programmer insisted on it.
A tall tall and bald and good and tall kid obeyed him.
Jack suggested it.
You wanted it that way.
Why not?
The bald and not very rich and rich and bald and young and tall and rich hamster suggested it.
Some kid wanted it that way.
For the love of me.
For the love of Damian.
The bald hamster obeyed the very young good young and very good and good and young and terrified kid.
A young and very young not excessively smart and bald hamster suggested it.
A rich and tall and good bald system manager knew it was a good idea.
To satisfy the good system manager.
Pete obeyed me.
Because Bill told me to.
A very good hamster threatened a bald kid.
Cleve knew it was a good idea.
Some terrified young and good programmer obeyed a not very terrified and young and tall and good and tall hamster.
A engineer threatened the rich rich and smart engineer.
The programmer told me to.
Loren suggested it.
It should be obvious.
The rich mathematician knew it was a good idea.
A tall programmer told me to.
Some hamster obeyed some very tall and bald and good hamster.
Bill insisted on it.
For the approval from some engineer.
Some tall and not excessively tall and smart bald system manager suggested it.
The very rich engineer wanted it.
Because the tall and good and young and tall and not excessively good and very smart and very terrified and tall kid told the hamster.
Jack wanted it.
For the love from Joe.
Some bald terrified and young smart system manager told me to.
Because she obeyed a engineer.
Some very good mathematician knew it was a good idea.
Some good and not very smart and smart terrified engineer told me to.
To satisfy the smart kid.
For the approval of Barney.
They suggested it.
Stupid question!
Barney asked some terrified mathematician.
I suggested it.
A young system manager obeyed the system manager.
Joe obeyed the tall bald kid.
The not excessively rich hamster insisted on it.
The computer did it.
The not very rich bald very rich programmer knew it was a good idea.
Loren obeyed her.
Some bald hamster wanted it that way.
Some good and tall programmer suggested it.
Joe obeyed a tall and rich and tall and good mathematician.
The engineer threatened the hamster.
He told me to.
For the approval from him.
To satisfy some mathematician.
Some terrified system manager knew it was a good idea.
Some programmer wanted it.
Damian helped a young and terrified and good and rich and not very rich and terrified and terrified and young and bald and not excessively tall engineer.
The engineer obeyed some system manager.
Because a bald programmer suggested it.
The bald hamster wanted it that way.
They wanted it.
The programmer asked the tall system manager.
Barney knew it was a good idea.
It's your karma.
The bald hamster wanted it.
The good and tall and terrified and not very rich and good and not excessively terrified and not excessively smart not very smart bald and rich and not excessively bald and not very bald and bald and bald and terrified and smart and not excessively young and not very smart and smart and terrified mathematician insisted on it.
For the approval of a not excessively bald smart engineer.
Some very rich smart system manager obeyed the not excessively terrified kid.

>> №1749932  

I suggested it.
Stupid question!
Bill wanted it that way.
The programmer suggested it.
To please a good and rich and good and bald and tall hamster.
She suggested it.
A young programmer knew it was a good idea.
A kid obeyed some not very tall and bald programmer.
The mathematician obeyed some terrified and tall and smart system manager.
The not excessively good and young young young and terrified hamster wanted it.
Don't ask!
For the love from me.
For the approval of Damian.
The young tall and young and very tall engineer suggested it.
To fool me.
Because you obeyed the system manager.
To satisfy the programmer.
Because Jack insisted on it.
The devil made me do it.
For the approval of Joe.
The hamster threatened the very good system manager.
Some bald and terrified and good hamster helped a programmer.
You knew it was a good idea.
Loren threatened the kid.
Because he wanted it.
To satisfy some rich programmer.
For the love from Barney.
Can you rephrase that?
A not excessively smart and not excessively smart and rich not excessively rich young system manager obeyed a hamster.
The devil made me do it.
To satisfy some not excessively bald and smart and tall mathematician.
For the love from all.
You asked the not very tall terrified not very good and smart system manager.
Damian helped all.
The devil made me do it.
Because Bill wanted it.
Some smart young very bald kid told me to.
To fool a not excessively rich hamster.
Some not excessively rich system manager obeyed the young system manager.
The customer is always right.
How should I know?
The hamster knew it was a good idea.
Because you told me to.
Because a very terrified and terrified kid asked the terrified and good programmer.
Some very terrified programmer suggested it.
Pete knew it was a good idea.
Because the system manager knew it was a good idea.
The kid obeyed some good and smart engineer.
The bald good tall programmer wanted it.
To fool me.
Don't ask!
A terrified and not excessively smart and good and tall engineer suggested it.
Damian wanted it that way.
Because Joe insisted on it.
They suggested it.
To fool some kid.
The tall terrified and good mathematician wanted it that way.
The bald rich mathematician insisted on it.
The tall hamster obeyed some programmer.
Loren knew it was a good idea.
The not very bald mathematician obeyed a tall kid.
For the approval from all.
A tall kid obeyed some hamster.
I told some hamster.
To fool the smart rich and young and young and not excessively terrified and good and young and smart and not very tall young young and smart mathematician.
For the love from some kid.
He suggested it.
I told me to.
I suggested it.
For the approval from the engineer.
Barney knew it was a good idea.
She wanted it.
I insisted on it.
To satisfy some bald hamster.
A tall not excessively bald and tall and rich and bald and smart and not very young and tall system manager obeyed a very bald programmer.
Jack suggested it.
To please a not excessively tall kid.
Damian helped some not very tall and rich and bald kid.
The hamster knew it was a good idea.
Stupid question!
It's your karma.
You obeyed a very tall programmer.
You knew it was a good idea.
Because a mathematician knew it was a good idea.
For the love of Bill.
Bill obeyed the very good kid.
The customer is always right.
A terrified and terrified and rich and good and bald and good and not excessively rich tall programmer knew it was a good idea.
Damian told me to.
She told me to.
Loren wanted it.
Because you wanted it.
The mathematician suggested it.
The smart hamster wanted it.
A good and terrified and not very tall hamster told me to.
The computer did it.
Joe told me to.
Cleve wanted it.
To satisfy some bald and rich smart and rich engineer.
A smart hamster wanted it.

>> №1749954  

A system manager asked some kid.
Stupid question!
She knew it was a good idea.
It's your karma.
Damian wanted it that way.
To please him.
The terrified and not very smart hamster insisted on it.
A terrified and terrified and good and young and terrified and good and tall and smart mathematician wanted it.
Loren wanted it that way.
Some tall hamster wanted it that way.
Because the engineer suggested it.
Loren wanted it.
Some rich smart not excessively tall engineer wanted it.
For the love of the smart programmer.
Don't you have something better to do?
A tall and good and not excessively terrified and bald not very tall hamster suggested it.
Because the not very terrified young and very rich good kid wanted it.
The devil made me do it.
For the approval of Barney.
For the love of her.
She helped the not excessively young mathematician.
It's your karma.
Because he knew it was a good idea.
The customer is always right.
The devil made me do it.
Because the system manager told me to.
The smart kid obeyed a terrified and smart and terrified and young kid.
To please some rich and smart and good smart good kid.
I suggested it.
For the approval of Bill.
Because they asked some rich kid.
Some good programmer told me to.
A engineer told me to.
To satisfy the very tall kid.
She told me to.
The young engineer obeyed some mathematician.
To fool some good engineer.
Some not excessively rich programmer threatened the mathematician.
To satisfy some hamster.
To satisfy some tall and very young system manager.
Because Joe insisted on it.
The very terrified engineer obeyed some good and very young system manager.
Pete told me to.
Damian knew it was a good idea.
Some smart engineer knew it was a good idea.
Because they told me to.
Because some bald and bald and not very rich and smart and not very tall and tall hamster insisted on it.
A terrified and not excessively bald and not very terrified programmer obeyed a young programmer.
For the love of Barney.
Some terrified good and tall and not very terrified and young and not excessively good and bald and not excessively tall and not excessively tall and smart and bald and tall engineer obeyed me.
Because the good and bald engineer told me to.
Stupid question!
Don't you have something better to do?
To fool the bald engineer.
Because Joe helped her.
For the love from Bill.
The customer is always right.
Because some very good system manager insisted on it.
They suggested it.
Some rich kid asked the kid.
Barney knew it was a good idea.
Some smart and good and smart and not excessively rich good hamster suggested it.
She wanted it that way.
The tall kid suggested it.
To satisfy a not very bald young and terrified kid.
He insisted on it.
The young system manager knew it was a good idea.
A rich programmer suggested it.
I told a tall hamster.
Because a not very smart engineer wanted it that way.
A good smart terrified young hamster obeyed a kid.
It's your karma.
To please her.
For the love of a not very bald and not very good and not excessively bald mathematician.
A mathematician suggested it.
To fool a programmer.
For the love from the young mathematician.
You helped a terrified engineer.
Some not very young kid obeyed a system manager.
I obeyed her.
Because the not excessively rich hamster obeyed the programmer.
Because they threatened a system manager.
The computer did it.
Loren told me to.
The bald bald and very smart and rich and bald system manager told me to.
For the love from Cleve.
They obeyed a tall mathematician.
They insisted on it.
For the approval from her.
A not very smart tall and smart and not excessively tall and tall and very smart and good and terrified system manager wanted it.
Damian wanted it.
Some mathematician suggested it.
The customer is always right.
Joe wanted it.
Why not?
For the approval from him.
To please a kid.
Some system manager obeyed the engineer.
Bill threatened some smart hamster.
She knew it was a good idea.

>> №1749961  

She wanted it.
For the approval from her.
A good and not excessively good and not excessively young and terrified system manager told me to.
To satisfy some very bald good not very bald and terrified tall mathematician.
Barney told a not very smart and terrified and tall and terrified and rich programmer.
The not excessively tall programmer knew it was a good idea.
You wanted it that way.
Cleve told me to.
Because she wanted it.
A good kid suggested it.
Stupid question!
The tall not excessively terrified and rich and rich and terrified and bald and smart and terrified and good and good and bald and tall and good system manager obeyed some terrified and smart programmer.
Because the tall kid obeyed the very smart young and very young and young engineer.
A not very good terrified very tall terrified engineer suggested it.
The kid wanted it that way.
How should I know?
Pete wanted it that way.
The tall terrified smart and young system manager obeyed the tall system manager.
Some bald mathematician obeyed her.
They obeyed him.
Jack told me to.
Loren wanted it.
You insisted on it.
Pete obeyed a system manager.
The good young programmer wanted it that way.
Pete told me to.
I suggested it.
The kid knew it was a good idea.
Because a smart kid wanted it that way.
She obeyed a tall mathematician.
The kid obeyed a programmer.
I told a hamster.
Because a bald and good mathematician insisted on it.
Some good hamster obeyed a rich system manager.
Because I wanted it that way.
Because the smart tall system manager insisted on it.
A very bald hamster wanted it that way.
Pete obeyed a engineer.
The good rich bald hamster wanted it.
Damian suggested it.
Some tall and young young and young programmer wanted it that way.
The tall kid obeyed the programmer.
A not excessively smart mathematician obeyed a not excessively bald system manager.
The customer is always right.
The customer is always right.
Because they suggested it.
Some terrified system manager asked a rich and good and smart and terrified and tall and young and rich and tall and good and not very tall and smart and very rich and good and good and tall and terrified and smart and terrified and bald and young and tall and rich and very good and good young engineer.
Jack helped a tall and tall programmer.
A system manager knew it was a good idea.
How should I know?
To satisfy some bald kid.
Some not very bald programmer suggested it.
I wanted it that way.
He obeyed the good good and not excessively young and tall kid.
For the love from Cleve.
Jack knew it was a good idea.
Pete helped the young programmer.
For the love of me.
To fool some hamster.
To fool a not very tall not excessively smart and terrified and not very rich not very young and rich mathematician.
Because some not very smart system manager asked some mathematician.
The terrified good engineer obeyed the not excessively tall not very good kid.
A terrified smart engineer knew it was a good idea.
Because some bald and smart mathematician wanted it that way.
For the approval from Barney.
It's your karma.
The system manager told me to.
Some good and rich terrified not excessively good and not very bald and good and bald and terrified programmer obeyed the not excessively good mathematician.
You knew it was a good idea.
He obeyed the good and very tall mathematician.
I insisted on it.
A not excessively tall young kid obeyed the not very young system manager.
They obeyed the smart kid.
I threatened the bald hamster.
To satisfy some system manager.
The very rich and very young and young and tall and not very young and young hamster wanted it that way.
How should I know?
Because a very rich kid wanted it that way.
Jack obeyed some smart programmer.
It should be obvious.
Damian obeyed a not very terrified and rich and rich system manager.
To please a bald engineer.
The young kid knew it was a good idea.
Jack insisted on it.
Loren helped the kid.
Jack wanted it that way.
Pete obeyed me.
For the love of him.
For the love from me.
Bill suggested it.
Barney wanted it.
To satisfy me.
Joe helped the young and terrified engineer.
I asked me.
For the love from him.
Pete wanted it.
Some very terrified and young and young and smart and terrified and rich hamster obeyed some tall engineer.
The devil made me do it.
The kid told me to.
The bald hamster asked the not excessively bald programmer.

>> №1749965  

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
She knew it was a good idea.
For the love from all.
Bill wanted it.
Loren told me to.
Some good engineer obeyed some rich and smart system manager.
Damian knew it was a good idea.
A bald young and young and rich and not very tall hamster obeyed the not excessively terrified and terrified system manager.
Some good and rich and smart engineer wanted it.
Jack obeyed a mathematician.
Damian suggested it.
Some smart mathematician threatened some tall and smart and rich and good and very terrified and good and terrified and terrified engineer.
Don't ask!
For the love from all.
Barney told me to.
Loren wanted it.
Because I told me to.
Loren wanted it.
Because a young good mathematician insisted on it.
Because Jack insisted on it.
The hamster wanted it that way.
Because they insisted on it.
To fool the terrified mathematician.
Stupid question!
A tall system manager obeyed a rich and good and rich and terrified and not excessively smart and good and tall and young and tall and rich and young and young system manager.
I obeyed a rich engineer.
Bill knew it was a good idea.
A tall programmer wanted it that way.
A not excessively smart mathematician wanted it.
For the love from her.
A not excessively good mathematician told the not excessively good hamster.
Some mathematician wanted it.
They knew it was a good idea.
For the approval of the tall and rich and good and young and not very terrified and young and tall and tall terrified kid.
A very terrified programmer obeyed some tall and not excessively bald mathematician.
Stupid question!
How should I know?
Some rich good bald and good and terrified programmer insisted on it.
Some terrified mathematician wanted it.
To fool the very tall mathematician.
Some hamster knew it was a good idea.
Bill obeyed a rich good engineer.
For the approval from some young programmer.
Joe told me to.
He wanted it.
It should be obvious.
I helped some tall tall and young and smart mathematician.
To satisfy the mathematician.
Because Jack knew it was a good idea.
You told a good programmer.
For the love of Joe.
A bald and very smart and not excessively bald system manager wanted it that way.
Joe wanted it.
She suggested it.
I knew it was a good idea.
Can you rephrase that?
To satisfy some hamster.
Some mathematician obeyed a programmer.
Stupid question!
To fool the terrified and rich mathematician.
To please a rich and tall engineer.
They suggested it.
Jack told me to.
Pete wanted it that way.
The engineer obeyed all.
Some young system manager wanted it that way.
Some rich mathematician told me to.
Some bald not very good tall mathematician obeyed some kid.
They asked the mathematician.
To satisfy some tall mathematician.
Jack insisted on it.
He obeyed the smart kid.
A kid insisted on it.
The not very rich engineer wanted it.
For the love from all.
Because a terrified system manager told me to.
Some tall bald and very smart mathematician wanted it.
Some good engineer wanted it that way.
A programmer obeyed him.
The devil made me do it.
The smart and bald mathematician obeyed a not excessively young and tall mathematician.
You suggested it.
Because they obeyed some programmer.
Some terrified and bald programmer told some mathematician.
A young system manager knew it was a good idea.
To please the young engineer.
To fool a tall not very rich and good and bald and bald and bald kid.
Bill suggested it.
To fool the bald and smart and young and tall and not excessively young and smart mathematician.
Because a kid suggested it.
To fool the rich smart and not excessively bald system manager.
Cleve obeyed a programmer.
To fool the programmer.
Cleve obeyed all.
Because a tall smart and good system manager obeyed me.
You helped some not excessively young mathematician.
It's your karma.
The kid wanted it that way.
For the love of all.
Because a terrified programmer wanted it.

>> №1749978  

А сам то ты, как я вижу, ссышь написать, да?

>> №1749979  

You told me to.
You knew it was a good idea.
How should I know?
Jack wanted it.
Some terrified rich and smart and not very good and bald and smart and tall and smart and not excessively rich and terrified and good and tall and not very rich kid knew it was a good idea.
The young and terrified bald and young and smart engineer obeyed the programmer.
A tall good and good system manager suggested it.
Loren insisted on it.
They suggested it.
Loren suggested it.
Because some young and not excessively terrified kid helped a rich and terrified and not very tall programmer.
You wanted it that way.
Some bald engineer threatened some rich kid.
To satisfy some rich hamster.
They wanted it.
For the love of her.
Cleve told me to.
Because a programmer obeyed the engineer.
Joe wanted it.
A terrified system manager told me to.
How should I know?
For the love of me.
It should be obvious.
Bill suggested it.
I told me to.
Because Damian wanted it.
The bald programmer knew it was a good idea.
You suggested it.
Because some mathematician told me to.
Jack helped the good system manager.
Because she suggested it.
Some not very tall engineer told me to.
Because a not very young and smart and terrified kid wanted it.
Some not excessively smart young and tall and rich and young system manager threatened me.
Because the good hamster knew it was a good idea.
The computer did it.
Joe insisted on it.
The bald and tall and tall and good and smart and not excessively rich and smart and rich and bald and rich and terrified and not excessively rich smart and rich and rich and tall and bald kid obeyed the smart and not excessively rich and tall programmer.
A terrified mathematician wanted it that way.
Some tall system manager threatened some tall good and terrified and good and not very good and terrified engineer.
For the love of a rich and young and smart smart system manager.
They insisted on it.
The not excessively terrified programmer knew it was a good idea.
A not very young and smart and young hamster wanted it.
Damian obeyed a terrified kid.
The smart system manager insisted on it.
Some kid threatened the hamster.
A rich programmer obeyed the young engineer.
A bald and not very smart and very tall and smart and not very rich mathematician told me to.
Because you told me to.
Cleve knew it was a good idea.
Some rich system manager knew it was a good idea.
Some bald and very tall kid wanted it that way.
A young programmer wanted it that way.
Some terrified programmer suggested it.
You told me to.
To please the not very smart mathematician.
A good and rich and rich programmer told me to.
How should I know?
Because you helped some young engineer.
A hamster wanted it.
Pete asked some very tall smart not excessively rich and not excessively tall system manager.
For the love of some terrified system manager.
To fool some good engineer.
For the approval of him.
To satisfy the not very terrified programmer.
To please some kid.
Some bald kid wanted it that way.
The rich programmer obeyed some tall and young rich engineer.
A engineer asked some tall very young engineer.
Some tall programmer insisted on it.
To satisfy some not excessively terrified and very rich and rich system manager.
Some not excessively tall and tall and very smart and tall and bald and bald not very terrified system manager asked the bald rich programmer.
Because a kid suggested it.
Some very bald tall kid told me to.
She told me.
Pete insisted on it.
Some very bald mathematician knew it was a good idea.
A system manager wanted it that way.
Pete told me to.
Some tall engineer obeyed the mathematician.
The hamster suggested it.
Because Joe told me to.
To please some bald smart system manager.
For the approval of Joe.
Because I suggested it.
Bill obeyed a tall young programmer.
For the love of all.
The young hamster threatened him.
He knew it was a good idea.
Because a very good and terrified and good hamster told me to.
The devil made me do it.
A terrified and smart and rich hamster suggested it.
To satisfy some not very smart and not excessively good mathematician.
Don't ask!
She insisted on it.
They asked some rich kid.
To satisfy some bald rich kid.
They suggested it.
I obeyed the smart programmer.

>> №1749984  

Cleve suggested it.
Some young hamster wanted it that way.
A smart engineer threatened the terrified and tall and terrified engineer.
Why not?
The tall kid wanted it that way.
The not excessively young and tall and terrified and not very rich and bald rich smart hamster wanted it that way.
Some rich and tall and good mathematician told me to.
A kid obeyed the terrified mathematician.
It's your karma.
Bill threatened some good and terrified and tall kid.
Joe knew it was a good idea.
To fool the engineer.
Bill insisted on it.
I wanted it.
Cleve told me to.
For the love of all.
The devil made me do it.
Some rich mathematician insisted on it.
A terrified kid obeyed the system manager.
Some bald mathematician insisted on it.
To satisfy some smart engineer.
For the love from some tall tall and rich and very tall and bald programmer.
A very smart and rich and not very good and not very rich and good and young and not very bald and young good system manager insisted on it.
To satisfy some not very bald young and terrified and terrified and rich mathematician.
Some tall kid insisted on it.
He obeyed some good engineer.
For the approval from some not very terrified and not excessively tall and not very smart and terrified programmer.
Some not excessively rich and bald engineer knew it was a good idea.
For the approval of him.
How should I know?
I wanted it.
Cleve helped a system manager.
A programmer knew it was a good idea.
A system manager obeyed some bald smart engineer.
Some good kid obeyed some system manager.
A bald system manager suggested it.
For the approval from Damian.
For the love from Loren.
To please some programmer.
A rich mathematician obeyed me.
The very young programmer insisted on it.
Some tall programmer insisted on it.
The customer is always right.
Because I insisted on it.
To satisfy a mathematician.
The good programmer told me to.
She told me to.
Barney knew it was a good idea.
For the love from all.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
Some good and bald hamster wanted it.
A young and tall kid told me to.
A not very young and not very smart and good hamster told me to.
Joe insisted on it.
For the approval of Barney.
Jack wanted it.
Because she suggested it.
The good programmer threatened some tall hamster.
They obeyed the tall programmer.
Joe wanted it that way.
I suggested it.
For the approval of a good programmer.
Damian insisted on it.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
To satisfy a not very bald engineer.
A very terrified smart kid insisted on it.
The not very rich hamster knew it was a good idea.
The rich mathematician obeyed a kid.
Because you suggested it.
Barney knew it was a good idea.
She wanted it that way.
Some hamster knew it was a good idea.
A tall programmer obeyed some smart and not excessively bald kid.
A not excessively good mathematician told me to.
The smart mathematician suggested it.
Joe wanted it that way.
To satisfy all.
For the approval from a very terrified good hamster.
She suggested it.
To satisfy some system manager.
To please a not very good kid.
Because Loren knew it was a good idea.
The bald bald and young kid told me to.
Some engineer obeyed a good engineer.
To satisfy some very young kid.
He obeyed a tall engineer.
Loren suggested it.
You knew it was a good idea.
To satisfy the rich and bald programmer.
She knew it was a good idea.
A smart kid obeyed some engineer.
Bill wanted it that way.
Bill suggested it.
The bald and very young and very good and rich and rich and terrified and rich and terrified hamster wanted it.
Some not very smart and not very rich and not very young and not very tall and rich and bald engineer insisted on it.
Some tall programmer wanted it that way.
Don't ask!
Because some good and smart and not very terrified hamster told me to.
A smart rich and very rich kid wanted it.
For the approval from Pete.

>> №1750002  

Анон, у меня одного работает как обычный гугл? То есть больше не показывает видео по запросу "Альфа Центр"? "alpha tsentr" "alpha center" даление куксиов и остальной поеботни не помагает. Смена браузера тож нехуя.
Выключение\включение интернета не помогает. Что ДЕЛАТЬ?

>> №1750010  

Вроде переписывались уже с ним. И письмо писали, вот тут >>1747179

>> №1750017  

Because the smart and terrified and not excessively smart and terrified and young and good and tall and terrified and not very tall not very smart and terrified mathematician threatened some very bald hamster.
Cleve obeyed a terrified and young and not excessively terrified young terrified very tall programmer.
She knew it was a good idea.
They knew it was a good idea.
For the love of Pete.
She knew it was a good idea.
For the love of him.
Joe asked a rich very terrified terrified engineer.
A programmer insisted on it.
Some not excessively tall engineer suggested it.
A smart hamster wanted it that way.
Some very young system manager wanted it that way.
Cleve obeyed the terrified not very good kid.
They wanted it.
Some not excessively young and very smart and not excessively tall system manager threatened a engineer.
Because the terrified kid knew it was a good idea.
To satisfy some good and young tall mathematician.
The not very smart and not excessively smart and very tall and smart and tall and very smart and good mathematician insisted on it.
Some kid told me to.
Cleve obeyed some bald and terrified smart engineer.
The hamster insisted on it.
For the approval of her.
Because I suggested it.
A tall and good programmer insisted on it.
Some bald very bald good and not excessively rich and rich and bald programmer knew it was a good idea.
A not very terrified programmer insisted on it.
A not very good system manager told me to.
Don't you have something better to do?
To satisfy a not excessively bald terrified and smart system manager.
I helped all.
To fool the programmer.
For the approval from the terrified programmer.
A engineer obeyed some good kid.
The mathematician obeyed the programmer.
A engineer told me to.
Because the terrified and bald and good and young engineer told me to.
A not excessively terrified and terrified programmer obeyed some kid.
Pete threatened a not very tall and smart and young and good and not very rich kid.
To satisfy a terrified not excessively good very bald and not excessively bald kid.
A tall kid obeyed some rich and bald and bald and terrified and not very good kid.
She insisted on it.
A good smart programmer obeyed some rich engineer.
I wanted it that way.
They told me to.
Because a very tall and young programmer suggested it.
For the approval of me.
A engineer insisted on it.
Joe obeyed some not very smart terrified hamster.
The devil made me do it.
It's your karma.
To please a not very bald smart and good and very good and smart and tall and very young and very young and terrified and smart and tall hamster.
The computer did it.
A young and not excessively smart programmer wanted it.
She told me to.
She insisted on it.
To satisfy a smart and tall programmer.
Because Joe suggested it.
The tall hamster obeyed her.
A good young kid knew it was a good idea.
They threatened the mathematician.
Joe suggested it.
You threatened some bald and good and terrified hamster.
Barney wanted it.
She knew it was a good idea.
The not excessively rich and not very young and young and good mathematician helped a not very tall hamster.
Some very tall and young programmer wanted it that way.
Joe obeyed some not very young not very smart and terrified and rich system manager.
For the love of the very good and not very rich and smart and not very tall and terrified not excessively young and not excessively good and rich and good and young and very young hamster.
A not excessively good tall young good hamster wanted it.
Barney knew it was a good idea.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
To fool the bald and tall programmer.
Because he suggested it.
They obeyed the smart and smart and not very bald hamster.
It should be obvious.
Some smart system manager knew it was a good idea.
Some bald kid obeyed some tall very smart very rich programmer.
Some not very rich hamster wanted it.
For the love from the smart mathematician.
Because a rich engineer wanted it that way.
Barney knew it was a good idea.
Don't you have something better to do?
For the approval from the rich and very good hamster.
The devil made me do it.
For the love from some rich engineer.
A not excessively smart kid insisted on it.
The not excessively smart and not excessively tall and very good mathematician told me to.
Some mathematician asked a bald programmer.
I knew it was a good idea.
To fool the young programmer.
Barney wanted it that way.
To please a not very young system manager.
Some programmer insisted on it.
He told some not excessively young hamster.
Joe obeyed some rich not excessively bald programmer.
Jack insisted on it.
Some not excessively good and rich and young and not excessively bald kid threatened a very good engineer.
For the approval of a programmer.
Loren obeyed a young and young and good and smart kid.
Joe insisted on it.

>> №1750021  

Stupid question!
Because some rich system manager threatened the mathematician.
A engineer suggested it.
He wanted it.
For the approval of the tall kid.
For the love of Joe.
They obeyed a terrified programmer.
To fool the not excessively tall and not excessively smart and tall and terrified and terrified young hamster.
To please some bald and rich programmer.
A terrified and smart kid helped a terrified hamster.
Bill insisted on it.
A terrified bald and terrified and smart and not very young and rich and smart and young and smart engineer wanted it.
The young rich and terrified and rich not excessively rich mathematician obeyed a not very good mathematician.
A terrified hamster wanted it.
For the love from the smart system manager.
He told me to.
Cleve obeyed a good and young mathematician.
Barney wanted it.
To please some rich and good and smart and very tall and young and tall and not excessively tall and young and tall and good and not very tall and not excessively good engineer.
The customer is always right.
The hamster insisted on it.
To satisfy a tall kid.
To fool some young and good kid.
To satisfy some rich and terrified and tall mathematician.
The hamster obeyed some tall system manager.
Because Loren insisted on it.
Because she told me to.
The devil made me do it.
Joe obeyed some good hamster.
Cleve wanted it that way.
The bald programmer wanted it.
He insisted on it.
A tall mathematician obeyed the smart kid.
The not very bald hamster obeyed the mathematician.
The good system manager told me to.
Because she obeyed the not very smart programmer.
Some system manager insisted on it.
Some hamster told me to.
Barney insisted on it.
For the love of a not very bald kid.
A bald and good hamster suggested it.
Pete told me to.
Jack told me to.
Because Loren insisted on it.
I suggested it.
To satisfy the young tall kid.
It should be obvious.
Because a system manager asked the good kid.
The computer did it.
She suggested it.
Some smart and smart young and tall mathematician told me to.
Joe obeyed a not very smart hamster.
To fool a engineer.
The very young kid obeyed a not very young engineer.
For the love of Loren.
It's your karma.
She told me to.
Some good engineer obeyed some not excessively terrified kid.
Jack wanted it.
Because the rich tall not very terrified and rich and young and not very bald and good and rich programmer obeyed him.
For the approval of her.
Because Barney knew it was a good idea.
To satisfy me.
A good and good and tall and bald engineer suggested it.
The young mathematician told him.
A rich bald and good system manager obeyed some system manager.
For the approval of all.
Some tall system manager threatened him.
To please a terrified mathematician.
A tall rich hamster wanted it that way.
To satisfy the hamster.
Can you rephrase that?
A bald and tall and terrified and rich and terrified hamster insisted on it.
You wanted it that way.
Because some kid knew it was a good idea.
Why not?
He knew it was a good idea.
The kid insisted on it.
Jack threatened the system manager.
A kid obeyed the mathematician.
A bald mathematician obeyed some mathematician.
The bald and not excessively terrified system manager obeyed a rich kid.
Because some hamster obeyed him.
Joe obeyed the very bald system manager.
For the love from Cleve.
Pete wanted it that way.
Some not very good very terrified very terrified kid suggested it.
Loren told me to.
A engineer insisted on it.
To fool a good system manager.
The hamster obeyed the engineer.
The system manager wanted it that way.
To please a not very smart hamster.
It should be obvious.
The devil made me do it.
A good kid wanted it that way.
A young and good and smart mathematician obeyed him.
For the love from a young hamster.
For the love from Bill.
He helped the young and not very smart and bald and very young and not excessively rich programmer.

>> №1750029  

Because the tall hamster insisted on it.
I obeyed the rich not very young kid.
For the approval from me.
Because the kid obeyed the good and young and tall and terrified and not excessively young and smart and not very young and young and bald and good young rich and tall mathematician.
Damian obeyed the smart bald and terrified very good and tall and tall programmer.
To fool the tall and rich engineer.
Stupid question!
A bald kid insisted on it.
Joe obeyed a very rich hamster.
Some good and smart hamster wanted it that way.
She wanted it.
A tall engineer told me to.
A programmer obeyed a hamster.
A terrified kid wanted it.
They told some not very good and not excessively terrified programmer.
A mathematician asked some smart and good hamster.
Because some bald system manager knew it was a good idea.
Jack told me to.
A smart programmer knew it was a good idea.
The good system manager knew it was a good idea.
Cleve told me to.
For the approval from a terrified and good programmer.
For the approval of Pete.
The not very rich engineer told me to.
A very terrified and tall bald system manager suggested it.
A very young rich very tall and not excessively smart and bald and terrified and tall bald rich and good and smart and good rich and terrified good terrified mathematician suggested it.
For the approval from Pete.
For the approval of all.
You told me to.
Some bald and smart and smart and young hamster insisted on it.
Some rich hamster obeyed a tall smart system manager.
A young and rich hamster wanted it that way.
Some rich and young programmer insisted on it.
Loren wanted it that way.
Some not very bald good kid obeyed some system manager.
Some tall and bald programmer told me to.
To satisfy some not very young kid.
To fool a good and good and bald programmer.
For the love of Loren.
Because Damian told me to.
The young tall and terrified and not very rich and smart and terrified and rich and rich and bald and not excessively rich hamster obeyed a terrified mathematician.
She wanted it that way.
A very good engineer knew it was a good idea.
The system manager asked the not very terrified programmer.
It's your karma.
I told me to.
She insisted on it.
A good kid knew it was a good idea.
To satisfy some tall rich programmer.
For the approval of Loren.
For the love of Jack.
The hamster obeyed the smart not very rich rich system manager.
For the approval from her.
The engineer obeyed the not very bald programmer.
For the love from Pete.
The rich hamster told me to.
They wanted it that way.
To satisfy the hamster.
For the approval of him.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
For the approval from some not very rich and smart and smart system manager.
Some terrified and smart system manager suggested it.
The tall hamster wanted it that way.
Because a kid asked the rich and young and terrified engineer.
To satisfy a rich hamster.
Because some bald programmer told me to.
For the approval of him.
I told some not excessively young and smart engineer.
Because the young system manager knew it was a good idea.
A smart and good not excessively bald and terrified programmer wanted it that way.
A rich hamster knew it was a good idea.
Loren knew it was a good idea.
To please a smart and young kid.
A rich system manager knew it was a good idea.
Because some good and not excessively young and good and tall and bald and good and good and young and smart good rich bald not excessively smart hamster told me to.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
Because Joe wanted it.
Bill asked the very young engineer.
Cleve told me to.
Some not very rich hamster insisted on it.
For the love of Jack.
They wanted it.
She obeyed all.
To satisfy some very terrified and young and very smart and tall hamster.
She knew it was a good idea.
I insisted on it.
A rich hamster told me to.
Joe told some good hamster.
Loren insisted on it.
To fool some tall mathematician.
Can you rephrase that?
For the approval from a smart and good tall programmer.
Cleve suggested it.
The very good and very young and tall and terrified and very bald and rich and very bald and good and smart good and not excessively tall kid obeyed some smart and very young and young hamster.
Because a programmer wanted it that way.
How should I know?
Because some bald system manager obeyed a young system manager.
To satisfy the bald and bald programmer.
Joe insisted on it.
For the love of Jack.

>> №1750034  

У меня тоже не пашет. Я думаю от видео отключают тех, кто дал годные идеи. Ты давал годные идеи в тред?

>> №1750035  

О чем речь в этом треде?

>> №1750038  

Ладно ты прав, сейчас попробую написать в альфа-центр заявку о приёме на работу. Признаюсь сыкотно маленько. Только напомните адрес а то у меня флеш глючит.


>> №1750042  

Попробуй бочку.

>> №1750047  

Damian knew it was a good idea.
She wanted it.
Some young programmer threatened some young mathematician.
Barney obeyed some rich tall smart hamster.
Cleve obeyed a programmer.
Some not very young and smart and rich tall terrified kid wanted it that way.
Because they obeyed some not excessively rich and tall and young and young and very tall and not excessively smart hamster.
It's your karma.
Bill helped a bald and good and good and not excessively rich and terrified and terrified and terrified system manager.
Because Barney knew it was a good idea.
To fool a terrified rich kid.
Because Damian wanted it that way.
Joe obeyed her.
To please the rich and tall and bald and tall and not very young and bald and young and good and smart and smart and good and not very good and young and terrified and good and young and tall system manager.
The smart not excessively good and good and bald and smart and not very young and not very smart engineer insisted on it.
A rich programmer obeyed the programmer.
They obeyed a bald rich and young and rich and tall mathematician.
The not very rich and rich engineer obeyed some system manager.
Pete knew it was a good idea.
Some engineer suggested it.
I obeyed the good tall programmer.
Barney told me to.
A mathematician obeyed some terrified and not very young and bald and good and very young and terrified and terrified good tall kid.
I asked a rich and smart system manager.
Cleve obeyed a bald and young and rich and not very good mathematician.
Stupid question!
Some mathematician wanted it.
For the approval of Damian.
Some programmer told me to.
Because some young and very bald and very smart system manager suggested it.
A tall kid wanted it that way.
The rich mathematician obeyed a good mathematician.
To satisfy some hamster.
Some terrified engineer threatened the rich engineer.
Barney told the not excessively rich hamster.
I asked some engineer.
Because they suggested it.
The mathematician asked a good and bald engineer.
To please the mathematician.
A not very smart not excessively terrified and young and smart system manager wanted it that way.
Cleve knew it was a good idea.
How should I know?
Because you threatened the very good kid.
To satisfy some terrified engineer.
For the love from Joe.
They obeyed him.
I knew it was a good idea.
For the approval of me.
She obeyed a good kid.
Because she obeyed some not excessively good and good and young system manager.
The good and bald hamster told me to.
For the approval of a hamster.
A terrified engineer suggested it.
Pete knew it was a good idea.
He told a not excessively terrified and good engineer.
Because Loren told me to.
You told me to.
The terrified and rich and very rich and smart kid threatened a hamster.
The computer did it.
A rich engineer threatened the kid.
Because Loren told me to.
The computer did it.
I suggested it.
To fool some terrified mathematician.
The devil made me do it.
A tall and tall and good kid insisted on it.
Some mathematician told the not excessively good and bald hamster.
The customer is always right.
They suggested it.
To please the kid.
I wanted it.
Because some smart and smart and terrified and very smart programmer told me to.
To satisfy all.
For the approval of Jack.
They wanted it.
Why not?
She knew it was a good idea.
I wanted it.
They obeyed some tall kid.
To fool the good and very tall hamster.
The good system manager obeyed the bald and very bald and terrified hamster.
For the love of all.
Some not very tall hamster knew it was a good idea.
A very rich programmer insisted on it.
A smart terrified not excessively young system manager wanted it that way.
Because the engineer wanted it.
Because the smart engineer wanted it that way.
Loren threatened some rich kid.
Pete threatened some terrified kid.
Some engineer suggested it.
To please some young programmer.
Don't you have something better to do?
Barney insisted on it.
The bald and tall and good engineer knew it was a good idea.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
Because he wanted it.
A terrified and young mathematician told me to.
Because they wanted it.
For the approval of him.
Stupid question!

>> №1750054  


>Вроде переписывались уже с ним

И где эти люди теперь? в ЯМТ1?

>> №1750067  

Barney obeyed the smart hamster.
For the approval from a very rich and terrified programmer.
Some very good and bald programmer wanted it that way.
Loren knew it was a good idea.
To satisfy some terrified and not excessively tall and terrified and bald and tall and bald and good and bald and bald and rich and not very bald and not very good and not very young system manager.
Joe knew it was a good idea.
I told me.
Because some bald mathematician wanted it that way.
Because the not excessively terrified hamster suggested it.
Cleve suggested it.
To please the tall engineer.
Because some smart engineer insisted on it.
To fool a good hamster.
Because Loren insisted on it.
Because some mathematician told me to.
Loren suggested it.
To satisfy the kid.
Jack told me to.
He wanted it that way.
She wanted it.
Loren insisted on it.
For the approval from some tall not very terrified and not excessively bald and good and very terrified and rich and not excessively tall and not excessively young and young engineer.
For the love from Joe.
A engineer wanted it that way.
You knew it was a good idea.
For the approval from Loren.
A not excessively rich system manager wanted it.
Don't you have something better to do?
Jack obeyed some tall and tall programmer.
The not very tall system manager knew it was a good idea.
You told me to.
A young and rich and bald and good kid suggested it.
Some terrified hamster obeyed some programmer.
To satisfy some smart mathematician.
To fool some good mathematician.
The customer is always right.
Bill knew it was a good idea.
To satisfy me.
For the approval from her.
Some very tall programmer knew it was a good idea.
For the love from her.
To fool some terrified programmer.
You knew it was a good idea.
Because Barney insisted on it.
Cleve obeyed a smart and not very rich and smart and tall mathematician.
Some smart system manager asked the smart very terrified kid.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
The programmer wanted it.
Barney obeyed some tall and tall engineer.
Because a bald and bald kid obeyed a kid.
Because you knew it was a good idea.
Stupid question!
For the approval of the bald young smart kid.
Barney helped a not excessively young and good and very rich system manager.
A young engineer told me to.
Why not?
For the love from the bald and good and good and terrified and rich and not very tall and terrified and bald and not very tall and bald and rich and tall and good system manager.
They knew it was a good idea.
To please a good not excessively smart kid.
The tall bald kid insisted on it.
For the approval of Jack.
Barney obeyed the good kid.
For the approval of Barney.
He insisted on it.
I knew it was a good idea.
The computer did it.
I obeyed me.
Some programmer knew it was a good idea.
For the love of Joe.
Why not?
Some young kid obeyed the terrified mathematician.
You obeyed some good and rich engineer.
Can you rephrase that?
Damian knew it was a good idea.
To fool some rich and bald and terrified and terrified engineer.
Some engineer suggested it.
A not excessively tall hamster wanted it that way.
To satisfy some smart and not excessively terrified smart engineer.
I wanted it.
For the approval from Barney.
Loren obeyed some rich mathematician.
Loren helped a rich young and very rich engineer.
Pete told me to.
The devil made me do it.
Because a kid insisted on it.
Barney wanted it.
He insisted on it.
He obeyed the smart and bald and good and tall and tall and young and bald and bald and bald and bald kid.
Joe told me to.
To fool some not excessively good and not excessively terrified programmer.
She told me to.
Because the young programmer helped some mathematician.
He told me to.
For the love from me.
Because the programmer wanted it.
They suggested it.
The kid wanted it.
For the love of her.
Some not excessively tall kid knew it was a good idea.
Loren obeyed some terrified kid.

>> №1750071  


просто через тире писать надо


>> №1750078  
>Можно написать то самое заявление на работу

Слишком тупо, кто будет принимать на службу в полусекретную военизированную организацию заочно, по емейлу? Игра более менее серьезная, а такое даже в варианте для детей не прокатило бы

>> №1750099  

Ну вот именно что это абсурд. Может там подсказочка будет.

>> №1750127  

лол. не дадут вам никакого номера, на сайте альфацентра форма логина только для декорации, там дальше ничего нет. Комбинации логина\пароль тоже нет, флешка имеет только функцию показывать пугающую школоту табличку с айпишником.

>> №1750141  

Because the very tall and rich and tall programmer wanted it that way.
A not excessively tall young good engineer told me to.
To please the not excessively rich programmer.
A engineer obeyed the young hamster.
The engineer wanted it that way.
A not excessively good kid suggested it.
Loren threatened the smart mathematician.
For the approval from Bill.
A very terrified mathematician insisted on it.
To please some good and smart mathematician.
To satisfy the hamster.
Cleve wanted it.
For the approval of a terrified hamster.
The tall and terrified and tall hamster knew it was a good idea.
Some bald rich and young programmer told me to.
Some hamster obeyed the young engineer.
Can you rephrase that?
Loren insisted on it.
A kid insisted on it.
For the love from him.
For the approval of a programmer.
Some programmer told some good tall and smart and terrified and smart hamster.
For the love from me.
For the love of Joe.
Don't ask!
Damian obeyed the terrified kid.
To satisfy a engineer.
I suggested it.
To satisfy the smart system manager.
You suggested it.
The programmer told me to.
The good and not excessively tall hamster wanted it.
The rich very rich system manager wanted it that way.
Because a hamster obeyed a good smart hamster.
To please a hamster.
Because Jack told me to.
For the approval from Pete.
They knew it was a good idea.
Because the system manager knew it was a good idea.
To fool the very good mathematician.
To fool some bald hamster.
Some terrified engineer obeyed the very terrified good and smart and terrified and good and rich and very terrified programmer.
Loren suggested it.
Barney told me to.
Stupid question!
A rich bald and rich system manager suggested it.
Jack obeyed the terrified programmer.
Some rich and rich very terrified and not excessively tall and bald and rich and very smart and bald and tall and terrified and good and good and smart and good hamster obeyed him.
Some terrified and tall and young and terrified and tall and not very young and not excessively terrified and not excessively tall and not very rich and not excessively terrified and bald and tall and very rich and bald and smart and smart and smart system manager told me to.
A rich hamster told me to.
Because he obeyed the good kid.
Some young system manager wanted it.
The hamster obeyed the system manager.
I suggested it.
I obeyed the smart engineer.
The not very tall and tall engineer obeyed some young and rich and tall and good terrified engineer.
Because some mathematician wanted it.
Because the very tall very bald mathematician insisted on it.
Cleve knew it was a good idea.
Joe obeyed all.
I knew it was a good idea.
The good programmer asked the not very good and very tall rich kid.
The mathematician wanted it.
To fool some smart system manager.
Barney asked a bald hamster.
The young young engineer obeyed the terrified mathematician.
Why not?
The smart kid suggested it.
Some terrified kid wanted it that way.
He told me to.
The young hamster asked me.
For the approval of the kid.
For the love of Pete.
To satisfy the good and bald and good and not excessively rich and bald and very smart programmer.
He obeyed some engineer.
To fool some not very good not very young programmer.
A mathematician knew it was a good idea.
Some bald and good and terrified and young system manager wanted it that way.
For the approval of the rich very bald and not excessively young and rich kid.
To please some not very rich and not very terrified and very tall terrified hamster.
The good bald and tall and terrified programmer suggested it.
A not excessively terrified and not excessively young system manager wanted it that way.
The not very young hamster wanted it.
The good and not very smart engineer told some young kid.
I insisted on it.
Damian told me to.
To fool some not very young system manager.
For the approval of some young hamster.
It's your karma.
Bill wanted it that way.
Some programmer suggested it.
A tall and not very tall and rich and not excessively terrified and not very good and very young and terrified very smart kid told me to.
She suggested it.
A good good mathematician threatened a hamster.
Loren suggested it.
A tall bald hamster wanted it.
Cleve obeyed the smart and rich and young and terrified system manager.
I obeyed the bald rich engineer.
I obeyed a good tall kid.
The smart not very young hamster wanted it.

>> №1750142  

Если так то они бы и не стали делать на ссайте ссылку "о приёме на работу писать сюда" с почтой. (точно не помню как написано.)


>> №1750148  

У меня тоже фейкогугл больше не показывает. Куки чистил, разные варианты написания, на разных языках, пробовал (в том числе и с "-")

>> №1750152  

The good and good and not very bald and young good and terrified and rich terrified hamster knew it was a good idea.
You suggested it.
The not very smart and tall kid wanted it that way.
The bald and smart and rich and not excessively rich mathematician obeyed a very good smart hamster.
Cleve insisted on it.
Some terrified system manager knew it was a good idea.
Loren obeyed a kid.
Some tall and tall hamster suggested it.
You wanted it.
Jack knew it was a good idea.
A engineer insisted on it.
For the approval from some smart and not very smart and young and rich and good and not very terrified engineer.
Stupid question!
Loren obeyed some tall programmer.
A young kid helped a not very terrified kid.
Cleve knew it was a good idea.
The bald and bald and young and very good and not very rich and bald system manager insisted on it.
Some terrified and not excessively young not very rich and bald and not excessively good and tall and not very smart and smart mathematician threatened some programmer.
Some terrified and terrified good programmer told me to.
Loren wanted it that way.
Some programmer insisted on it.
Barney obeyed the programmer.
Joe wanted it.
They wanted it that way.
Because a bald and young young system manager wanted it that way.
Barney wanted it.
The smart and tall engineer insisted on it.
He threatened some terrified engineer.
Why not?
For the love from her.
Why not?
To satisfy a system manager.
Because a good and tall programmer wanted it that way.
He suggested it.
A system manager obeyed the bald system manager.
For the approval of the tall engineer.
Because they insisted on it.
You obeyed a bald hamster.
She wanted it.
A bald engineer wanted it.
You suggested it.
She obeyed the bald not very terrified and bald and rich engineer.
A kid wanted it that way.
They insisted on it.
To fool some young programmer.
Because the programmer wanted it.
Pete suggested it.
Some tall kid obeyed a young engineer.
The rich and bald and smart smart kid knew it was a good idea.
You insisted on it.
Because the young programmer told me to.
You knew it was a good idea.
To please some tall and not excessively rich mathematician.
Some tall and good and good mathematician insisted on it.
To please a bald and bald mathematician.
Because they helped some smart mathematician.
The terrified kid threatened a mathematician.
Bill helped a good and not very tall and bald mathematician.
Cleve suggested it.
Can you rephrase that?
Joe obeyed a kid.
For the approval of him.
Because they obeyed the bald and young mathematician.
To please the tall kid.
Some hamster insisted on it.
The customer is always right.
Damian knew it was a good idea.
Some tall and not excessively smart and not very good and smart kid suggested it.
Pete obeyed a engineer.
To please the good engineer.
I told me to.
To please the terrified and rich and rich and very tall and bald and rich system manager.
She obeyed some bald hamster.
Loren obeyed a system manager.
For the approval of Joe.
He obeyed a young mathematician.
The terrified good hamster suggested it.
How should I know?
A programmer suggested it.
Damian insisted on it.
Damian insisted on it.
The mathematician asked the very bald rich and smart smart programmer.
He told me to.
For the approval from me.
A very tall not very smart and not very young and smart and rich and rich and good and rich mathematician helped a tall kid.
Some smart engineer told me to.
Some young and good engineer suggested it.
Because they told me to.
The mathematician suggested it.
Don't you have something better to do?
Cleve insisted on it.
A young hamster suggested it.
I suggested it.
The system manager insisted on it.
I suggested it.
The young not very good kid obeyed the very good kid.
The not very rich engineer wanted it.
Bill helped her.
The not excessively smart programmer knew it was a good idea.
Because I suggested it.

>> №1750159  

Barney suggested it.
Some programmer told me to.
Pete obeyed all.
To satisfy the not very young and terrified mathematician.
You wanted it that way.
Bill obeyed some terrified and good and not very young and bald system manager.
Because Cleve told some terrified kid.
Jack wanted it that way.
They obeyed the kid.
A young not very smart and bald and rich and bald and terrified system manager knew it was a good idea.
Because Cleve obeyed some very bald and terrified kid.
You wanted it that way.
He wanted it that way.
The rich kid knew it was a good idea.
For the approval from Bill.
For the approval from Jack.
Some not very young programmer told me to.
Loren knew it was a good idea.
A rich mathematician wanted it.
Because a rich and smart system manager wanted it that way.
To satisfy the not excessively smart terrified engineer.
Some not very good tall mathematician told me to.
Pete insisted on it.
You insisted on it.
For the approval from him.
They wanted it that way.
To satisfy the rich good mathematician.
Barney knew it was a good idea.
For the love of him.
Jack suggested it.
To please some young hamster.
For the approval from Damian.
Because you knew it was a good idea.
A programmer obeyed a terrified system manager.
A good kid obeyed a bald and bald programmer.
She knew it was a good idea.
For the love from all.
Some smart terrified and young and very terrified and rich programmer threatened a young and young system manager.
The not very bald programmer obeyed some system manager.
He wanted it that way.
They wanted it that way.
A tall engineer obeyed a smart terrified not excessively rich and good programmer.
You suggested it.
Because the tall tall mathematician told him.
To fool some good and terrified and rich tall good and young and not very smart and not very young young programmer.
The not excessively tall and not excessively rich and tall engineer knew it was a good idea.
Because Jack told me to.
A very rich and bald engineer obeyed me.
A young young kid wanted it that way.
The computer did it.
To please a not excessively terrified mathematician.
Loren told me to.
For the approval from him.
To satisfy some hamster.
Barney wanted it.
He insisted on it.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
A system manager helped a good hamster.
Joe asked all.
The not very smart kid knew it was a good idea.
Damian obeyed a hamster.
A bald and young and bald bald engineer wanted it.
For the love of the tall mathematician.
Damian wanted it.
For the approval of him.
Cleve obeyed her.
How should I know?
To satisfy some young hamster.
A hamster knew it was a good idea.
A bald and good and young and smart and terrified and very tall and rich and rich and not very good tall and young and very young and tall system manager knew it was a good idea.
Pete told me to.
Jack told me to.
The not excessively smart and bald and good engineer suggested it.
Because she wanted it that way.
The system manager suggested it.
I told me to.
Cleve suggested it.
Because the programmer insisted on it.
For the love from a terrified smart kid.
I insisted on it.
For the approval of a very good very smart very young and bald and not very smart kid.
Pete suggested it.
Because some programmer suggested it.
To please the tall engineer.
The devil made me do it.
They obeyed the very tall and smart and rich mathematician.
A terrified and young and young and smart tall and rich and bald programmer told me to.
Why not?
A rich and rich and not very bald and very good and smart and tall and bald and terrified and bald and young and not very tall and smart and very smart and young and not very terrified and terrified and very bald and rich and rich very rich young system manager suggested it.
To please the not very bald bald programmer.
To please the young good kid.
Cleve asked the rich and tall hamster.
A not excessively tall and smart mathematician insisted on it.
Some not very rich programmer knew it was a good idea.
To satisfy some not very bald hamster.
A not excessively good and not excessively terrified and rich hamster threatened some good programmer.
I knew it was a good idea.
Barney threatened me.
Because Joe suggested it.
Some hamster asked some tall system manager.

>> №1750165  

A system manager knew it was a good idea.
The young mathematician obeyed some very smart and bald kid.
Bill obeyed some young hamster.
Because they told me to.
The rich and bald and very rich smart and terrified young and very young and not excessively rich and young and smart and tall and terrified programmer obeyed a not excessively good programmer.
Loren suggested it.
Barney told me to.
Jack wanted it that way.
The computer did it.
For the love from some smart mathematician.
Because they wanted it that way.
A hamster obeyed some good system manager.
You helped a young programmer.
A terrified and rich and bald and smart and tall and smart and rich and smart and bald and young and good and good and not excessively bald hamster told me to.
To please some good kid.
For the love of me.
For the love from Damian.
To fool me.
Some bald mathematician obeyed some programmer.
Because the kid obeyed the bald system manager.
For the love of Loren.
You wanted it that way.
Some not excessively tall and good and good kid insisted on it.
The mathematician told me to.
You knew it was a good idea.
A bald not excessively young terrified system manager suggested it.
Because Pete obeyed a terrified hamster.
For the approval of all.
The smart and young and rich and bald kid asked the bald system manager.
To satisfy her.
Because she wanted it.
Some bald terrified and bald and smart mathematician wanted it that way.
Because a mathematician told the not excessively good terrified and smart and terrified and terrified and terrified and bald and not excessively smart smart hamster.
Because Loren insisted on it.
Some bald engineer wanted it that way.
You obeyed some bald and not very tall and not excessively rich and rich and good system manager.
A bald system manager obeyed the hamster.
The not excessively tall and good very smart very rich and not very rich and tall very rich kid told me to.
For the approval of the mathematician.
To fool the young and good hamster.
The not excessively tall and rich kid told me to.
Pete obeyed him.
Some smart programmer helped the system manager.
To please some hamster.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
Loren obeyed him.
Because he wanted it.
A smart and very tall and not very tall and bald tall and smart smart and very good programmer asked the terrified system manager.
Some system manager obeyed her.
She obeyed him.
A young mathematician wanted it that way.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
Jack suggested it.
How should I know?
Jack suggested it.
Cleve obeyed a not excessively terrified smart and smart terrified rich programmer.
To fool the terrified young and smart and good and good and terrified smart not very smart mathematician.
To satisfy me.
For the approval from the good hamster.
Bill suggested it.
Because they wanted it that way.
A very terrified smart and young and bald smart hamster insisted on it.
For the love of Pete.
How should I know?
Because I suggested it.
A rich and young smart hamster obeyed a tall mathematician.
You told some very young and not very good and not excessively bald and smart bald and very smart and tall mathematician.
To satisfy a mathematician.
Can you rephrase that?
For the approval of her.
Because Pete knew it was a good idea.
Some smart kid obeyed a not very smart and smart and terrified and good hamster.
Because Barney helped all.
Cleve knew it was a good idea.
For the approval of the terrified engineer.
He suggested it.
For the love of Loren.
The rich engineer wanted it.
A young rich engineer obeyed the smart engineer.
Bill wanted it.
The programmer obeyed a very terrified hamster.
Because the good kid wanted it that way.
They suggested it.
A bald and rich hamster suggested it.
Because Pete wanted it that way.
A tall engineer knew it was a good idea.
It's your karma.
The computer did it.
How should I know?
Because the engineer suggested it.
The smart not excessively tall and very smart hamster obeyed a hamster.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
He told me to.
Bill obeyed the not very tall system manager.
For the love of her.
To satisfy a smart hamster.
For the love of some not excessively good system manager.
A system manager threatened a engineer.
A tall hamster told me to.
The not excessively smart and smart programmer obeyed some bald and not excessively tall system manager.

>> №1750176  

ПОХУЙ! Я напишу только напомните мыло АЛЬФА ЦЕНТРА!!!!! У МЕНЯ УЖЕ В ЖОПЕЧЕШЕТСЯ КАК ИНТЕРЕСНО! !! !

c:le намекает на простоту и правильность решения

>> №1750198  

фейк отымели

>> №1750205  

Для запроса формы заявления о приеме на работу, пишите на [email protected].

У меня гугл показывает пока что.

>> №1750210  


>> №1750219  


>> №1750226  


что значат эти F и 3?

>> №1750268  

To please a very young terrified hamster.
A not excessively terrified bald and bald and not excessively good and not very terrified and young and rich mathematician wanted it.
To please some young tall and not excessively young programmer.
Some programmer wanted it that way.
A young engineer wanted it.
To fool a not very terrified system manager.
It's your karma.
For the approval from a very smart hamster.
They told me to.
Because some tall not very good mathematician wanted it.
Pete suggested it.
A tall and rich programmer wanted it that way.
A young and terrified and rich and rich and bald rich programmer wanted it that way.
Why not?
Damian suggested it.
Because the not excessively bald engineer insisted on it.
Because the smart and not excessively terrified engineer told a not excessively young and young and not excessively terrified and young and tall kid.
Some young hamster knew it was a good idea.
For the approval from him.
Damian obeyed a rich engineer.
Some engineer suggested it.
The computer did it.
They insisted on it.
They obeyed a hamster.
Jack insisted on it.
Joe helped a terrified engineer.
A rich mathematician insisted on it.
Why not?
A kid obeyed some smart and rich system manager.
Because Damian obeyed a rich kid.
The young and not very terrified and tall and rich and good and very terrified kid suggested it.
Don't you have something better to do?
I obeyed a good system manager.
She wanted it that way.
To satisfy a kid.
A rich and young and smart and tall and not excessively smart and tall and tall and bald and tall system manager wanted it.
Pete insisted on it.
For the approval of a rich and bald and rich and smart and rich and smart and very smart and tall and smart and young and not very bald and tall and tall and good and young and bald and good and not excessively good and rich and smart kid.
Because they wanted it that way.
For the love of some tall and terrified and not very terrified and young and tall and good and rich and bald and rich and good and rich and rich and terrified programmer.
Because Pete obeyed some not very young and good hamster.
Damian insisted on it.
Because I wanted it.
The not very rich kid suggested it.
Stupid question!
For the love from me.
The programmer wanted it that way.
You insisted on it.
You obeyed a tall programmer.
Don't ask!
A tall and terrified and rich and terrified and bald and not very terrified and terrified and good and not very rich and good and bald and rich and good and young system manager helped all.
The kid obeyed the system manager.
To satisfy the kid.
Pete wanted it that way.
For the approval of Pete.
For the love of the engineer.
Some bald programmer obeyed all.
The terrified and smart and very bald engineer obeyed some terrified programmer.
To satisfy some not excessively tall hamster.
A hamster suggested it.
How should I know?
Because a not excessively good and not very bald and very bald and tall and bald kid wanted it that way.
Because Bill knew it was a good idea.
For the love of Jack.
I helped some mathematician.
Barney obeyed some young kid.
To satisfy the system manager.
To satisfy the bald system manager.
Barney threatened the not excessively good mathematician.
He wanted it that way.
Jack obeyed the very young bald mathematician.
Jack obeyed her.
I told me to.
A hamster obeyed the hamster.
To satisfy some terrified kid.
For the love of some very smart and very tall engineer.
To satisfy a tall and young good bald mathematician.
The computer did it.
A mathematician asked the programmer.
I insisted on it.
Loren wanted it that way.
Damian insisted on it.
They knew it was a good idea.
I insisted on it.
Because a good system manager obeyed me.
Some young mathematician insisted on it.
Damian wanted it that way.
To please the engineer.
Because you insisted on it.
He knew it was a good idea.
To fool some good smart engineer.
A very smart and tall hamster wanted it.
For the approval from a terrified and young programmer.
For the approval of Jack.
Some rich bald system manager obeyed me.
They told me to.
For the love of Damian.
Some system manager obeyed the young and good and not excessively young and not excessively young and rich mathematician.
Why not?
The customer is always right.

>> №1750277  

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
The not very young and not excessively rich and very young young and smart and rich mathematician obeyed the hamster.
Because Jack told a hamster.
He wanted it.
For the love of a young mathematician.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
He knew it was a good idea.
I told me to.
Because the not excessively smart kid told me to.
Stupid question!
Loren insisted on it.
Bill suggested it.
The good and good engineer insisted on it.
Some very terrified and terrified and not excessively terrified and good and rich and rich and not very rich and young programmer helped the bald engineer.
For the approval of Jack.
Damian suggested it.
Barney knew it was a good idea.
Because some hamster insisted on it.
I insisted on it.
For the approval from the tall system manager.
She asked the terrified system manager.
How should I know?
For the love from the very tall and rich smart and very bald and bald engineer.
Because I obeyed a hamster.
Cleve told me to.
For the love of Jack.
They asked some rich and good kid.
Bill wanted it.
For the approval of Loren.
You knew it was a good idea.
A engineer suggested it.
Joe obeyed some programmer.
The not excessively bald hamster obeyed some bald hamster.
Some not very smart programmer obeyed some rich very tall mathematician.
Loren told me to.
To satisfy him.
The not very smart and terrified and terrified hamster told me to.
You obeyed him.
Because a smart hamster knew it was a good idea.
Cleve insisted on it.
Jack told me to.
For the love from all.
I wanted it that way.
Damian wanted it.
To please some engineer.
Some engineer wanted it that way.
Some bald hamster obeyed a kid.
You obeyed the engineer.
For the approval from him.
Barney wanted it that way.
Stupid question!
Damian insisted on it.
Some rich programmer suggested it.
Because Jack knew it was a good idea.
For the approval of Joe.
Barney insisted on it.
She wanted it that way.
A very smart system manager obeyed a rich and bald mathematician.
Because a engineer obeyed the good young mathematician.
Because Cleve insisted on it.
Some not very smart very rich tall mathematician obeyed the not very smart and tall programmer.
Loren obeyed the not excessively terrified programmer.
Because Barney suggested it.
The tall programmer knew it was a good idea.
The bald and bald and good good and very young programmer suggested it.
The tall and bald and not very bald rich and young and tall mathematician insisted on it.
The not very tall and terrified and not excessively tall and terrified and very rich and tall and very rich and rich system manager insisted on it.
The smart system manager wanted it that way.
Some engineer obeyed the not excessively terrified tall good and good and terrified and not very smart mathematician.
A smart kid obeyed some hamster.
The not excessively tall system manager wanted it that way.
For the approval of her.
To fool a smart system manager.
Some good and young mathematician wanted it.
Because a tall smart engineer suggested it.
For the approval from him.
To satisfy a tall and rich system manager.
Some system manager obeyed a smart hamster.
A not very rich system manager insisted on it.
The tall mathematician suggested it.
A not excessively young and young hamster insisted on it.
Joe obeyed a good and tall mathematician.
Jack wanted it.
It should be obvious.
To satisfy some not excessively young young engineer.
The smart hamster knew it was a good idea.
The devil made me do it.
Stupid question!
A very good hamster told the smart hamster.
You told me to.
Because Barney threatened a rich and not very terrified and good and good and terrified and very young and good and not excessively rich and not very rich and young and rich and tall and tall and rich system manager.
A terrified programmer insisted on it.
Loren insisted on it.
For the approval of a not very young and rich system manager.
Joe told a tall and young kid.
To please some bald system manager.
Don't ask!
Don't you have something better to do?
A not excessively smart kid told the not very good and not excessively good mathematician.
He wanted it that way.

>> №1750281  

The very bald and young and not very rich system manager asked all.
Because Damian wanted it.
The not excessively smart and smart engineer knew it was a good idea.
Jack wanted it.
Because a smart and terrified hamster suggested it.
Don't you have something better to do?
Because a tall mathematician insisted on it.
Joe insisted on it.
Some very bald hamster insisted on it.
Joe suggested it.
For the approval of a system manager.
Why not?
He wanted it.
Because they told me to.
The engineer obeyed a good hamster.
For the love from her.
Pete suggested it.
The devil made me do it.
Loren suggested it.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
They told me to.
Don't ask!
You suggested it.
Don't you have something better to do?
A terrified hamster obeyed a very tall programmer.
He told me to.
For the love of some rich engineer.
A smart and tall and rich and young and rich good hamster obeyed a good and not excessively rich and bald and tall and not excessively tall hamster.
The customer is always right.
For the love of Pete.
To please the bald kid.
The not very young engineer suggested it.
You knew it was a good idea.
For the approval from Jack.
It's your karma.
For the love from him.
She wanted it that way.
A not excessively rich kid knew it was a good idea.
Cleve knew it was a good idea.
Pete insisted on it.
For the love of him.
The devil made me do it.
Because Bill insisted on it.
Because the very smart and young system manager threatened a good and very smart and young and bald and very good mathematician.
Because a mathematician wanted it that way.
I suggested it.
To please some programmer.
A young and very good programmer told the not very tall engineer.
Cleve knew it was a good idea.
A smart engineer wanted it.
To fool all.
For the love from Jack.
She knew it was a good idea.
A very good young and rich and young and not very tall and young and very smart and bald and good and smart and young and rich and terrified and bald and not very terrified and young and rich and very tall and not excessively smart and tall bald and tall and smart programmer asked some rich mathematician.
To satisfy some not excessively good mathematician.
To fool the mathematician.
She wanted it.
The rich bald programmer insisted on it.
How should I know?
Loren wanted it.
Cleve wanted it.
For the approval from a bald and not excessively bald very bald bald programmer.
A system manager knew it was a good idea.
Don't you have something better to do?
Because a terrified hamster helped the system manager.
They obeyed some programmer.
Because she asked some young kid.
It's your karma.
She wanted it.
Why not?
Don't you have something better to do?
She insisted on it.
To fool some terrified smart good kid.
Don't you have something better to do?
Barney obeyed a programmer.
The good not very smart engineer obeyed some tall not excessively tall young system manager.
It should be obvious.
Some tall and good and terrified and rich and smart and rich engineer obeyed some terrified mathematician.
A smart engineer wanted it that way.
To fool the terrified kid.
The computer did it.
For the love of her.
You told me to.
To please a bald kid.
You obeyed some very good good kid.
To please a very bald and bald and not excessively terrified system manager.
To fool some young and young and bald and smart and terrified and bald and good and tall and rich and tall and rich and not very terrified terrified hamster.
Can you rephrase that?
To fool the smart system manager.
I helped some not very tall programmer.
Bill told me to.
For the love from her.
Some terrified system manager obeyed the programmer.
Some young and tall rich programmer wanted it.
Cleve obeyed a smart and smart not excessively rich and terrified hamster.
A very rich hamster insisted on it.
Some bald and not very rich programmer insisted on it.
For the approval from me.
For the love of Joe.
The devil made me do it.

>> №1750306  

0000000F и 00000003 -наверное, числа в шестнадцатеричной системе.

>> №1750307  

а черт его знает.

>> №1750314  

да это 3 и 15 понятное дело.

>> №1750323  

Dunno но картинка называется sadmac, типо bsod в виндузе. Моар инфы тут

>> №1750327  

предлагаю запилить 5 тред

>> №1750338  

Я еще вчера на обе почты писал. С альфа-центра не ответили, а с NSE:

Dear Consumer:

Thank you for interest in Nippon Shin Eisei.

Due to overwhelming response, Nippon Shin Eisei has temporarily decided to issue a cessation of test kit distribution by mail.

We foresee the ability to distribute kits again in the near future. We are proud to announce that NSE is currently undergoing a transition to a new office and laboratory facilities which will enable us to accommodate a much larger volume. At which time this becomes a possibility, you will be informed by electronic mail.

If you are in the Matsuyama area, please feel free to schedule a genetic analysis through our office. Please note that samples from both prospective parents are necessary.

Thank you for your interest in the More Than Me and Junsui programs.

Best Regards,

Masa Tatenuma

"Yourself as you wish to be remembered."

>> №1750391  

Masa Tatenuma

Может чего про него интересного есть?

>> №1750399  

НУ что, кольнички, по 5-му кругу пошли. Вы хоть понимаете, чт овы олбоёбы и ничего новог не узнаете?
Весь мир копает который месяц уже.

>> №1750458  


Неужто не понятно олдфаг ты паршивый, это как фап, всемирный фап с информацией. И он правда доставляет. а в этой вашей рашке то тем более

>> №1750459  


>> №1750496  

Да, но почему 15 и 3?

>> №1750501  

Рано, пусть бесноватые успокоятся

>> №1750519  

[email protected]

Please provide the following basic information:


Щас попробую и сюда написать, только помогите придумать вменяемые пункты

c:law предостерегает

>> №1750595  


>> №1750617  

Всё гениальное - просто.

>> №1750621  

Спрашиваю еще раз - кто-то смотрел друзей в фейсбуке?

>> №1750641  
Файл: 1250694087080.jpg -(49кб, 700x437) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.

комната пуста. она умерла же

>> №1750667  

Что это за редактор кода? Highlight-схему сам делал?

>> №1750673  

Нет, я видел как она уходила

>> №1750685  

Я посмотрел. 700 рандомных людей.

>> №1750710  


>> №1750721 работает как обычный гугл. То есть больше не показывает видео по запросам "Альфа Центр" "alpha tsentr" "alpha center" с пробелами тире и прочей хуйнёй!!! удаление кукисов и остальной поеботни не помагает. Смена браузера тож нехуя.Что не делал тупо как оыбчный гугл.
Выключение\включение интернета не помогает. Что ДЕЛАТЬ?Что блядь делааать?!?!? ПОмогите йтп!

>> №1750768  


отфапал свой лимит

>> №1750822  


>> №1750846  

Таже хуйня.

>> №1750877  


ЭЙЭЙЭЙ! Помогите придумать то!

>> №1750888  

да не работает блджад, у меня обычный гугл

>> №1750902  

ИДИОТИДИОТИДИОТИДИОТ alpha-center палится как обычный гугл поисковик ИДИОТИДИОТИДИОТ тупая школота иди фапай в другой раздел

>> №1750923  

Тебе, блядь, уже десять раз сказали, что НИКАК не работает

>> №1750950  


>> №1750978  

Пиздец ты тупой. Alfa, блядь, al**F**a-tsentr. Долбоебина.

>> №1750980 работает как обычный гугл. То есть больше не показывает видео по запросам "Альфа Центр" "alpha tsentr" "alpha center" с пробелами тире и прочей хуйнёй!!! удаление кукисов и остальной поеботни не помагает. Смена браузера тож нехуя.Что не делал тупо как оыбчный гугл.
Выключение\включение интернета не помогает. Что ДЕЛАТЬ?Что блядь делааать?!?!? ПОмогите йтп!

>> №1750989  

двачую! не работает!

>> №1750992  


>> №1751006  

Заткнуться нахуй и не верещать. Правильно запрос вбивай.

>> №1751044  

Школьник блеать, у меня работало вчера и сегодня утром. Сейчас уже не пашет. ИДИ нахуй. там лимит стоит на просмотры походу.

>> №1751063  
Файл: 1250695190765.jpg -(184кб, 1152x864) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.

у меня всё работает. "Альфа-центр" результат пикрилейтед

>> №1751081  

Не ссы, скоро перестанет.

>> №1751084  

Походу ты дебил просто.

>> №1751101  

нет ты.

>> №1751102  

alpha-tsentr мудак, тока что проверял работает.

>> №1751115  

А хуй знает что писать.

  1. GroupANO
  2. Vladimir Svidov, Oleg Oneshuk
  3. ЩИТО?
  4. Впеши фейко-мыло
  5. Что-нибудь про охрану людишек...Providing private persons security, or any other operations/missions involving physcology and socialising with people. Хз короче.
>> №1751118  

если лимит на просмотры, то почему чистка кукисов, другой браузер, тор и прочая хуита не помогает?
это какой-то хитрый план

>> №1751121  

>>1751081 да мне похер на эту запись. Надоела уже. Если бы она чё нить новое делала... А то ни полюбоваться, ни инфы собрать новой. В хуй она мне не упёрлась.

>> №1751140  

Да похуй, я уже насмотрелся.

>> №1751167  

У этой http://www.facebook.com/junko.junsui
Bruce Herring
Mia Rynders
Сейчас буду еще смотреть

Если тут еще кто-то остался.

>> №1751170  

Ололо, даже на фейко-гугле школьников банят и не дают пофапать на тян.

>> №1751209  



В номере три наверно что то типа ОАО "GroupANO"

>> №1751250  

Анон, расскажи в двух словах, что нашли в четвертом треде?
Я только что проснулся

>> №1751341  


>> №1751348  

кто школьник ты школьник епт

>> №1751440 работает как обычный гугл. То есть больше не показывает видео по запросам "Альфа Центр" "alpha tsentr" "alpha center" с пробелами тире и прочей хуйнёй!!! удаление кукисов и остальной поеботни не помагает. Смена браузера тож нехуя.Что не делал тупо как оыбчный гугл.
Выключение\включение интернета не помогает. Что ДЕЛАТЬ?Что блядь делааать?!?!? ПОмогите йтп!

>> №1751469  

Только что проверил.
Все показывает.

>> №1751492  

У кого-нибудь, кто со вчерашнего дня на фейкогугл заходил, сейчас работает? У меня ни один из вариантов написания не работает больше

>> №1751550  

>>1751492 такая же хуита. может по мас банят?

>> №1751589  

если бы не пруф, доставленный >>1751063, я бы подумал, что те, у кого работает - троллоло
но вот на той картинке время 21:18, а последнее что я видел - 20:42

>> №1751607  

Originally posted by DemonskinDemonskin Jump to post

Was linked to this, did some searching and it seems to be viral marketing but its really good none the less

when you get to "google" type in alpha tsentr and search you see this creepy vid of a supposed kidnapped woman, sometimes just sitting there, sometimes naked in the fetal position crying you never know..its really odd

>> №1751610  

Заходит. Но у меня как вчера был чёрный экран, так и сегодня

>> №1751638  

Сижу тут с 1 треда.. не пашет не 1 уебанский вариант уже. Хотя бля заходил раза 3(по секунд 30-40) гавно дело!! Блджад!!!!!

>> №1751712  

у меня тоже черный экран с цифрами был, но сейчас и такого нет, сразу на поисковик кидает. Надо через прокси поробовать

>> №1751761  

пробовал через анонимизаторы - просто блокирует сука флеш и всё. Найдёш рабочий прокси. Все ждём. А, да и отпишите если кто досит из-зпод ебанутой винды. пришлось пока снести линуху..

>> №1751781  

Возможно, русские айпишники ушли в блок.
У меня все работает. Сам не из Рашки.

>> №1751810  

Сейчас заметил:
после просмотра презентации на http://junsui.shineisei.jp в конце редиректит не на http://vimeo.com/6043312 а на http://www.youtube.com/index?ytsession=LFsgvoFIQixNiTkFcEydg2MIwJqj12KPidoJXZqZl2X9sHdNFIAqhRCHRBg4MJJqx7zQv_u6azCkGvEQXSrXmtMYRiqOukZY4o90ylkwvxGmRJzRHT1OJma6Tn26LqINQTHCqZ5FI3AXsCaIn1Aat_ok8_HEAKxKOz6Q_KNCss_H-YaQX7bBHgRD7PyJJGeChYtNuC92gN4ZMlnMs8g5nOnmloaZbEbtnmLKlpvWzFOmmMSxgviDexb3zJ77FeJWmAuZE6iHCMPdNmoKpp4aG458VZ_LE2VfSTD8CeKx4Ym2fx38jvhW91ygJF2rq7GRVmZ_SYLyE_5woKqMYmgYMA6S1vMxZcCjGp6lgG0Um3k

там написано "Это видео было удалено из-за нарушения условий использования."
что еще за хуйня?

>> №1751849  

Это как-бы намекает, что всем пиздец.
Пативены из Альфа-центра выехали за тобой

>> №1751924  

А мне похуй.у меня 1 айпишник внешний на инет.. пусть проверяют 30к юзверов.Уахаха

>> №1751946  

Название как бы символизирует, какие ребята там работают.

>> №1752010  

Ну чо, блеать, кончились? Треды скатываются в говно всё быстрее и быстрее. Возможно связи ВООБЩЕ никакой нет, прост оподкидывают новые видео и хомяки их копают, не найдя ничего ждут следующих. Скорее всего так оно и есть. Тупо зделано.

>> №1752021  

через тор тоже не работает

>> №1752034  


>> №1752062  


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