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74 №701  

Indications that Jesus did have a homosexual orientation:

"In the Gospel of John, the disciple John frequently refers to himself in the third person as 'the disciple whom Jesus loved'." 4 One might argue that Jesus loved all of his followers in a non-sexual way. Thus to identify Jesus' love for John in a special way might indicate a sexual relationship. The disciple was "the" beloved. He was in a class by himself.

During the Last Supper before Jesus' execution, the author(s) of the Gospel of John describes how the "beloved" disciple laid himself on Jesus' inner tunic -- his undergarment. See John 13:25 and 21:20. Robert Goss, assistant professor of comparative religion at Webster University in St. Louis, LA, noted that Jesus and the beloved disciple: "... eat together, side by side. What's being portrayed here is a pederastic relationship between an older man and a younger man. A Greek reader would understand." 5 Jesus appears to have loved all of his male and female followers in a close, trusting, non-erotic manner.

The Gospel references to "the disciple whom Jesus loved" use the word "agape." Whether the authors originally used "eros" and the word was subsequently changed is open to speculation.

"Jagannath" interprets the Gospels differently. He argues that Jesus may have been bisexual. He wrote:

"In the Book of John a word is used eight times that means 'is in love with' with the implication of sexual intimacy. Five times it is used with reference to Jesus' relationship with John. Once it is used to define Jesus' relationship with Lazarus. And it is also used to describe his relationship with Mary and with her sister Martha." 7 During the crucifixion, in John 19:26-28, Jesus is described as seeing his mother and an unidentified man: "the disciple standing by, whom he loved." Again, Jesus probably loved all of his 12 or 70 disciples in a non-sexual manner. But this particular disciple is identified as "the" disciple who Jesus loved. That might indicate a special intimate relationship with one special disciple.

The late Morton Smith, of Columbia University reported in 1958 that he had found a fragment of a manuscript which at the Mar Saba monastery near Jerusalem. It contained the full text of Mark, chapter 10. Apparently the version that is in the Christian Scriptures is an edited version of the original. Additional verses allegedly formed part of the full version of Mark, and were inserted after verse 34. It discusses how a young man, naked but for a linen covering, expressed his love for Jesus and stayed with him at his place all night. More details.

"J Richards" suggested that Mark 7:14-16 shows that Jesus approves of homosexual acts. The critical phrase reads: "There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him..." Richards suggests that Jesus gave great emphasis to this teaching, directing it to everyone. Richards suggests that the sentence refers to dietary laws and also extends to "blood transfusions, medication, organ transplants, and artificial insemination" and to homosexual acts as well.

On the other hand, these words have historically been interpreted as overturning the Mosaic law about eating,
Rollan McCleary, was awarded his doctorate from the University of Queensland in Australia during 2003-MAY for his work researching the sexual orientation of Jesus and his disciples. He obtained about $33,000 US in funding from the government to finance his degree. He concluded that Jesus and at least three of his disciples were gay. He based this conclusion on excerpts from the Gospel of John and on Jesus' astrological chart based on the approximate year, month, day and place where he was born. But not even the year of Jesus' birth is known. Many theologians have concluded that Jesus was born sometime in the Fall, between 4 and 7 BCE. Also, there is disagreement about where Jesus was born. Different theologians argue Bethlehem in Judea, Nazareth, and Bethlehem in the Galilee. The task of creating an astrological chart appears quite impossible. Dr. McCleary told Australian Broadcasting Commission radio that, in the past, "one or two queer theologians" had attempted to show Jesus was gay. "People haven't taken them very seriously because they don't have any evidence and they say things so sensationally that people are not really going to listen or just be very angry. What I'm doing is showing a much more theological and also astrological dimension on all this which will make a lot more sense to people." 9 He has written a book based on his doctoral thesis which was published in 2004.

>> №702  

An anonymous webmaster wrote about a revelation that he received during her/his daily prayer and meditation:

"Suddenly many aspects of the New Testament made sense. Jesus never married. He preached love, tolerance, and forgiveness of sins. He did not condemn and vilify as his so-called followers do today. He surrounded himself with men whom he loved. The Bible says nothing of Jesus' sexuality, yet we are taught that he was both divine and fully man. Why did he never marry? Why is the New Testament silent about his sexuality? It became so clear when I had the insight that Jesus was probably gay and that He understood hatred and bigotry first-hand." 10

Unfortunately, this webmaster merely described a type of vision that he/she had and did not provide any supporting evidence. It is unlikely to be convincing to others. Unfortunately, the statement is no longer online. Mark 14:51-52 describes the incident when Jesus was arrested by the religious police. It describes how one of Jesus' followers was scantily dressed. The King James Version says he had a linen cloth cast on his naked body; the size and location of the cloth is not defined. The New International Version says that he was "wearing nothing but a linen garment." When the police tried to seize him, they were able to grab only his cloth; the man ran away naked. Reverend Peter Murphy wrote: "We don't know from the sources what really was going on, but we do know that something was very peculiar between Jesus and young men." 11 (Emphasis in the original.)

Michael Kelly wrote of Jesus' attitude towards a same-sex couple as described in Matthew 8:5-13: and Luke 7:2: "One day a Roman Centurion asked him to heal his dying servant. Scholars of both Scripture and Ancient History tell us that Roman Centurions, who were not permitted to marry while in service, regularly chose a favorite male slave to be their personal assistant and sexual servant. Such liaisons were common in the Greco-Roman world and it was not unusual for them to deepen into loving partnerships....Jesus offered to go to the servant, but the centurion asked him simply to speak a word of healing, since he was not worthy to welcome this itinerant Jewish teacher under his roof. Jesus responded by healing the servant and proclaiming that even in Israel he had never found faith like this! So, in the one Gospel story where Jesus encountered people sharing what we would call a 'gay relationship,' we see him simply concerned about — and deeply moved by — their faith and love." Kelly implies that Jesus' sensitivity towards the gay couple might have arisen from his own bisexual or homosexual orientation.

Some commentators argue from silence. They note that there is no passage in the Christian Scriptures (New Testament) that directly describes anything about Jesus' sexuality. There are many direct and indirect references to Jesus' sensuality. He was accused of being a "drunkard and a glutton" and of partying with "prostitutes and sinners." He apparently enjoyed a tender foot massage from a woman. Yet, neither Jesus' sexuality nor his celibacy is mentioned. Yet, sex is referred to, elsewhere in the Bible, quite often. One might argue that the books in the Christian Scriptures might have once described Jesus' sexual relationships, but that these passages have been vigorously censored by the later church because they were unconventional.

Other commentators have noted that Jesus is silent towards homosexuality in the Gospels. Yet, Paul's opinions and those of many other authors in the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) are clearly stated. They conclude that Jesus might have been gay. Odler Jeanlouie speculated: "Is it meaningful that, in the Sermon on the Mount, central to his teaching, he offered a one-way trip to the Kingdom of God, to anyone who is persecuted?

>> №703  

А я говорил, говорил.

>> №711  

Если бы онъ былъ геемъ, его бы не пускали въ Храмъ.

>Whether the authors originally used "eros" and the word was subsequently changed is open to speculation.

Ололо. Iисусъ былъ украинцемъ, но клятые москали все повырезали.

>"In the Book of John a word is used eight times that means 'is in love with'

Ура, Библiя написана на англiйскомъ.

> a fragment of a manuscript which at the Mar Saba monastery near Jerusalem

Классный источникъ.

>Richards suggests

I suggest he's an idiot.

>He obtained about $33,000 US

Ололо. Куда же эти деньги пошли?

>He has written a book based on his doctoral thesis which was published in 2004.

Oh wow.

>very peculiar between Jesus and young men

А Iисусъ почему былъ одетъ? Ничего, что раньше люди спали раздетыми?

>Roman Centurions, who were not permitted to marry

Во-первыхъ, получить можно было, если получить разрѣшенiе.
Во-вторыхъ, Лк.7:5 ибо он любит народ наш и построил нам синагогу.
Не взяли бы у него деньги. Алсо, и Iисуса бы тогда просто предали бы смерти за мужеложество, что доказать куда проще.

>Если кто ляжетъ съ мужчиною какъ съ женщиною, то оба они сдѣлали мерзость; да будутъ преданы смерти.
>Jesus is silent towards homosexuality

Онъ и про идоловъ ничего не говорилъ. Это очевидно.

>Матф.5:18 Ибо истинно говорю вамъ: доколѣ не прейдетъ небо и земля, ни одна iота или ни одна черта не прейдетъ изъ закона, пока не исполнится все.

Алсо, могъ хоть нормально скопировать.

>> №713  


>> Если бы онъ былъ геемъ, его бы не пускали въ Храмъ.

Не "онъ", сука и нехрiсть, а Он, не "въ Храмъ", а "во Храминон". Далее не читалъ.

>> №715  
Файл: 1244995748960.jpg -(38кб, 189x210) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.


>> №734  
Файл: 1245004279932.jpg -(108кб, 450x475) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.

Что плохого в том что Исус гей. Разве гей не может быт сыном Бога? Фамилия Моисеев вам ни о чем не говорит? муррр :З

>> №736  

Иисус не мог быть геем. Он любил Марию Магдалину и лобзался с нею. И у них были дети, которые дали начало роду Синклеров.
Такие дела.

>> №737  

хаха, христианские пидоры.
ОП треда про жечь церкви

>> №738  
Файл: 1245017451896.jpg -(26кб, 283x394) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.

Моисеев истинный Бог. Покайтесь еретики.

>> №739  

ОП, ты пишешь "Jesus did have a homosexual orientation" так, словно в этом есть что-то плохое.

>> №744  

Забавно, а ведь я давно подозревал, рад что это теперь доказали.

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