Возвращайся на форчан
Нет ты!
Тупая хуйня, такая же как и Грифины с Симпсонами. Ебутся те же силиконовые порноактеры, что и в обычной порнухе, только одетые как мудаки. Все. И кстати, пиздуй в 34 тред. Там любителей такого полно.
Сажа скрыл.
Лоурен одобряе :)
Двач, я это скачал, там такая игра, спецеффекты лучше, чем у Бэя, после просмотра возможно, что вы испрожнитесь.
Ты бы так курсачи писал.
Пока ждал что это выложат на торренты, успел заняшить одного няшу ИРЛ, теперь уже не интересно будет смотреть ((
Ну и пидарас, надеюсь что вы загнётесь от СПИДа.
>Твайлайт - мужик
сразу дропаю это говно
Лол блядь. Судя по любительским навыкам как актёров, так и оператора, это проект каких то в конец обезумевших брони.
> Судя по любительским навыкам как актёров,
Актерские навыки
Оно хоть дрочибельно смотрибельно?
Окей. Состав:
Даск Шайн, сыгранный аутистом.
РД, сыгранная проституткой.
Флаттершай, сыграннаясифозной дистрофичной проституткой.
Женская версия Дискорда, сыгранная жирухой, потому что она еще более плохой оператор, чем Оператор. Либо Оператор тоже жируха.
Рарити, сыгранная шлюхой.
Пинки Понк, сыгранная тоже шлюхой какой-то.
ЭйДжей, сыгранная няшкой без актерских навыков.
Оператор, снимавший все это под кокаином, с недостатком водки в организме, что видно по трясущимся рукам, и стараясь при этом не проблеваться от зрелищ.
Все снято на даче одного из актеров, с хуевыми костюмами, спизженными из секонд хенда, и на ебаную любительскую камеру-наладоник.
Вердикт: Ебал я смотреть такое порно. Лучше уж дрочить на картинки с понями.
Нет. Постарайся забыть, что вообще узнал о его существовании. Не губи свою жизнь.
Но мне же интересно. А раньше выходных скачать не выйдет.
>ЭйДжей, сыгранная няшкой без актерских навыков.
Доставьте картинку с ней, может хоть баба симпаитичная.
>Рарити, сыгранная шлюхой.
100%-ое попадание в образ же.
>Там любителей такого полно.
Нам такого не надо.
А онлайн где-нибудь есть?
xhamster там, или cliphunter?
Кому таких яблочек :)
Дискорд у них ничего так вышел
Няша пухляша - есть за что взяться и мягонькая.
Несколько неудачный грим, но она лучший оператор из всех.
Двачую этого.
В первой сцене есть единственная более-менее красивая в фильме тян - Рэрити. Но лежит она как кукла, без эмоций, откровенно скучая. Другая симпатичная - пухляша AJ с постоянно слетающим париком, которая хоть как-то старалась, лол, в отличие от других, но раскрыть свой потенциал ей не дали. На Дэш же без слез вообще не взглянешь, подзаборная блядь-наркоманка, нахуй так жить. Сцена с Шай и Дискордом просто 0/10, грим Дискорда выглядит как грязь, ракурс - говно, сценарий сцены - полное говно. Всех кунов набирали будто в бэ, они еще хуже, чем тяны. Да, и никаких камшотов вы тут не увидите, видимо, даже они не смогли кончить, лол. На весь фильм только три более-менее интересных момента, но и они не тянут ни на что. Качество видео говно, косплей тоже говно, никаких кьютимарок не завезли, хотя казалось бы что проще нарисовать на бедре у шлюхи молнию или бабочек. Характеры поняш не раскрыты.
Все очень плохо.
>никаких кьютимарок не завезли
Вангую банальные копирастопроблемы.
Есть видео с трапом, который сношает сам себя огромным конским дилдо на постели среди кучи плюшевых поняш, косплея Шай, с кьютимаркой, и ничего. Или Хасбро разрешило?
На бухте нет вроде, на порнолабе ищется по запросу "pretty pony".
>подзаборная блядь-наркоманка
Но ведь живи Дэш ирл, процентов восемьдесят что она такой бы и стала.
Какой-то у него ебальник страшный, конский какой-то.
Это для реалистичности
Они ебутся за наши грехи, а вы их ещё критикуете.
Залейте куда-нибудь онлайн, провайдер торренты режет.
The PixelVixen's "My Little Porny" adult film was recently released on DVD. The cast of the film have been kind enough to grant Horse-News a series of Q&A's to get a bit of insight about themselves, as well as the film.
Tonight, Kara Chiffon, the Rainbow-haired-character actress, and self-proclaimed "dick wild, dirty mouthed, gun slingin, tobacco chewin, smut peddler" gave us a few minutes of her time.
Name: Kara Chiffon (aka Jessi Slaughter)
34" 26" 38"
Where are 'yall from?
We're from all over the world!
Were you a fan of My Little Pony before the film?
Every since I was a kid.
Are you involved in the fandom in any way (other than this project)/do you frequent any brony/nerd sites?
No I do not.
Whose idea was this project?
Why Noel Cypress of course!
How many people were on the production team?
....uhhhh, I'm not sure.
About how many copies do you think this project might sell?
Oh I think we are going to do very well with this project.
People constantly ask me when they DVD will be for sale. I'm excited!
Who IS your favorite pony?
Favorite Episode?
All of them.
Our readers are very interested in your ink, can we see any close-up pics?
I have lots of pictures of my ink via abcdHIV.tumblr.com or on Instagram @abcdHIV
What was your favourite scene?
Um def my threesome anal scene in the barn!
Cosplay seems to be a hobby of yours, who is your favorite character (not necessarily pony) to cosplay as?
Bible Black, forever and always.
What other hobbies do you have?
I sew a lot, like a lot A LOT. Also hanging out with my pups, and cooking. Lol
What is your favorite cartoon besides ponies?
Old school black and white cartoons from the 1920's
Which of the characters in the show do you think has the best sex life?
Dash, and Applejack. They totally get together and I know they get freaky.
Did you know any of your co-stars before this film?
Yes I did.
Which pony do you think tastes the best?
Thats hard to say when they're all so sweet :P
Do you clop?
Do you?
How many other flicks have you been in?
Only just this one unless you count my first girl/girl video with Noel I did last year as stockings and kneesocks for PixelVixens.com Oh and I also just did a super hardcore guy/girl Valentines video for PV as Misty from Pokemon. That was awesome!
What was the most fun/interesting scene you've ever been involved in?
Anal barn scene. For sure.
Do you think there needs to be more male characters involved?
I think we had the perfect amount. Though I do think a Dashie gang bang would have been awesome!
Have you ever gone to/would you consider going to a brony convention, or any other nerdy con?
I did think about going to bronycon last year, didn't make it but there is always this year!
How long is it? (The movie we mean)
You know what, I'm not actually sure. Long enough to clop! Lol
Who picked the name "Jessi Slaughter"?
I gave myself that name my first year ever at Dragoncon
If you had a cutie mark, what do you think your special talent would be?
Deep throating, for sure hah!
Is there anything you want to tell our readers about yourself or the movie?
It was really fun and is going to be really hot and goofy and everyone needs to own a copy!
Do you have any other upcoming projects?
PixelVixens.com has a few things in the works yes, let me just say it is going to be a bad ass year for our site :)
Can we expect a sequel (My Little Porny 2: Erotic Scootaloo)?
If the first video does well I should say so. So make sure you tell all your friends!
Who else should we talk to?
All my other ponies of course!
The PixelVixen's "My Little Porny" adult film was recently released on DVD. The cast of the film have been kind enough to grant Horse-News a series of Q&A's to get a bit of insight about themselves, as well as the film. Noel Cypress, Apple enthusiast and "nerdy porn emperor" told us a little about herself and the recently released Pony-Porn-Parody, following Rainbow-pony Kara's interview earlier tonight. Second place again!
Bold: Horse-News
Responses: Noel
Noel Cyprus
I am 23!
That's for me to know ;)
Where are you from?
The internet? Yes. I live in your internetzz.
Were you a fan of My Little Pony before the film?
Yep! It's my go-to show when Im feeling down or sick. I've blasted through the first and second seasons so many times I can't even count everytime Im sick.
Are you involved in the fandom in any way (other than this project)/do you frequent any brony/nerd sites?
I frequent r/mlp and r/clopclop but I never post anything - too shy I guess! Haha
Whose idea was this project?
The fans! We made the idea to make a DVD - however we left it up to the contributing fans on what we would parody. MLP won by a land slide.
How many people were on the production team?
Well there were six actors, one of the actors (me) was also apart of the crew. So in total there were...about 11 of us on the team. Very small production.
About how many copies do you think this project might sell?
Who knows? :)
Who IS your favorite pony?
Pinkie! Definitely pinkie. Pinkie is totally best pony.
Favorite Episode?
Ooo that's a toughy. I'd have to say...The Sonic Rainboom episode when you get to see all the origin stories of the mane six.
What was your favorite scene?
In that episode? Pinkies hair fluffing up! Oh wait.. you mean the DVD. Oh man, probably the Flutters/Discordia scene. The girls were so funny and perfectly in character. Plus all the hijinks behind the scenes were simply hilarious. Loved every moment of it!
Who is your favorite character (not necessarily pony) to cosplay as?
Alice from Alice in Wonderland! She's my all time favorite cosplay ever. Period. Close second would be Saria from Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
What other hobbies do you have?
Oh the usual - video games, phone apps, reading, watching anime, and all that jazz!
What is your favorite cartoon besides ponies? Can I use an anime? If so - The first and second season of Digimon.
Which of the characters in the show do you think has the best sex life?
Oh god. Fluttershy. Behind that shy demeanor I just -know- there's this awesome dominatrix that will spank your ass and demand you call her daddy. We actually use this theory in the DVD for our "flutters".
Did you know any of your co-stars before this film?
Yep! I knew most of them, actually. Cupcake, Rhyan Rotten, and Stud Muffin were the only ones I'd not met in real life yet. But I'd known all the others decently well before shooting. We're all close friends now! It's super great.
Which pony do you think tastes the best?
Pinkie. She's called "pie" for a reason! ;)
Do you clop?
Like... masturbate? Yes I masturbate.
How many other flicks have you been in?
Well I've been in many short videos for Pixel Vixens and my own site - but this is the first full feature film.
What was the most fun/interesting scene you've ever been involved in?
As I said before, acting wise this is the first full feature film I've been apart of, so I only really have my scene to come to mind! So... I guess my threesom scene with Jessi Slaughter and Raiden Centaur!
Do you think there needs to be more male characters involved? Well that really matters. When we put together projects for Pixel Vixens, we ask the girls first who they're willing to work with. We never go straight to them and go "ok you're in a boy girl scene today annnnnd...". I just feel like that over steps boundaries. So when girls say "I'll do a scene with this person, that person, and this person." all I have to say is GREAT! because they're wanting to be apart of it. So long as people enjoy watching the sex, I dont really mind if it's girl/girl, boy/girl, ect ect!
Have you ever gone to/would you consider going to a brony convention, or any other nerdy con?
We've gone to many conventions already! And we may be making an appearance at a pony con in the near future, so keep your eyes open on our updates!
How long is it? (The movie we mean) :
An hour and a half!
If you had a cutie mark, what do you think your special talent would be?:
A hitachi magic wand? haha. That or food -because Im pretty good at eating. Im a glutton. hah.
Is there anything you want to tell our readers about yourself or the movie?
I just hope everyone enjoys it! I think the main thing I'd want to remind people is this is a PORN PARODY - meaning don't take it seriously! We purposely made it silly and jokey! You should be able to laugh AND fap.
Do you have any other upcoming projects?
Many! We're still in planning for our next few DVDs.
Can we expect a sequel (My Little Porny 2: Erotic Scootaloo)?
Probably not erotic scootaloo, but the talks of sequels -have- come up. If we -did- do a sequel, it'd probably be about the main six background ponies (Lyra, BonBon, Dr.Whooves, Derpy, Octavia, and DJPON3)
Who else should we talk to?
I think you've pretty much covered all the ladies! Neither of our male actors have social media yet for their porn personas :)
Our crew is covering BABScon in San Francisco and Bronycon in Baltimore this year - would you or the girls be interested in attending either of those?
Its a possibility. The con would have to approach us about having us on for entertainment.
The PixelVixens "My Little Porny" cast interviews continue, and this morning we get a little chaotic with the "Saint of Sexuality" from Cin-city; Reverend Arielle. The Reverend gave Horse-News a few minutes to talk about herself and the film.
Bold: Horse-News
Responses: Arielle
Where are you from?
-Cin-City, OH
Were you a fan of My Little Pony before the film?
-Yes! I'm a big Trek nerd and when I realized that John de Lancie was basically playing Q in cartoon form I knew I HAD to watch the show and I'm so glad I did!
Are you involved in the fandom in any way (other than this project)/do you frequent any brony/nerd sites?
-I go to MLP conventions but as a general rule I tend to stay away from online fan communities.
Who IS your favorite pony?
Favorite Episode?
-Keep Calm and Flutter On! It's soooo cute and it gives me all the happy feels...plus DisQord.
You played a female version of Discord - if you had his powers to create and control, what would be the first thing you do with them?
-Make it rain chocolate milk of course!
What was your favorite scene?
-Besides my own scenes, I am particularly fond of the Pinkie/Mr. Pie scene! Those two are absolutely delicious together. wink wink
Who is your favorite character (not necessarily pony) to cosplay as?
-Right now I would have to say Velma. I debuted her at Colossalcon 2013 and every time I wear it I have such a positive experience that it's easily become my favorite. It just makes people so happy! Especially if I'm doing a group cosplay with the rest of Mystery Inc. People getting really excited and want to hug us and take pictures with us. It's like being a character at Disney World. lol
What other hobbies do you have?
-Besides baking and hosting parties most of my hobbies are work related. lol I play webmistress for several different companies as well as for myself on multiple social networking sites, write/choreograph/perform in fetish and burlesque shows, go to cons and interview guests, do photoshoots, and study like a fiend for school!
What is your favorite cartoon besides ponies?
-Favorite cartoon is pretty much impossible to answer for me so I'll go for the one I've been watching most recently which is The Powerpuff Girls (yay Tara Strong)!
Did you know any of your co-stars before this film?
-Yes actually! I've actually been close personal friends with Lola Hart and Rhyan Rotten for several years. I met Noel Cypress and Raiden Centaur at Colossalcon 2013 and we became fast friends.
Which pony do you think tastes the best?
-Mmm...I'll have to sample all of their flavors and get back to you on that one. lol
Do you clop?
-lol No. blushes But I've never been able to get off to porn that wasn't live action so maybe My Little Porny will fix that. ^_~
How many other flicks have you been in?
-Porn flicks? None! This is my very first porn DVD and I couldn't be more excited. I always said that if I ever did porn films it would have to be parody porn, so it was a crazy coincidence that Pixel Vixens had a parody porn DVD in the works when I started working for them as a model.
What was the most fun/interesting scene you've ever been involved in?
-I did a video where I was covered in like two cans of shaving cream and had to put on red lipstick and then smoke four cigarettes at once without using my hands. That was pretty interesting. lol
What's your favorite position?
- 69 with the guy or girl on top!
Would you have preferred more male characters in the video?
- I would be open to it but I'm not going to turn down some hot girl lovin'. Maybe next time. ^_~
Have you ever gone to/would you consider going to a brony convention, or any other nerdy con?
- I have been to a brony con and will be doing more this year. I've been going to conventions since 2006 and don't plan on stopping anytime soon...or ever.
What was the funniest thing that happened to you while shooting?
- There was a hilarious bee incident while shooting my outdoor scene with Rhyan Rotten, but if you want to hear the full story you'll have to listen to the DVD commentary!
If you had a cutie mark, what do you think your special talent would be?
- My cutie mark would be a hitachi magic wand and my special talent would be giving orgasms to beautiful ladies! lol
Is there anything you want to tell our readers about yourself or the movie?
- I really hope that my love for the character (and puns) shows through in my performance and that I do Discord justice. We all did a lot of work studying our characters and the show to try and make the best parody ever!
Do you have any other upcoming projects?
- I'm always working on new stuff. Check me out online to stay updated on all of the chaos I'm creating!
Would you return for a sequel?
-Definitely! There is much more potential chaos that Discordia could cause! maniacal laughter
Where can people find more of you?
-I'm all over the social medias! But keep in mind friends that all of my pages are NSFW!
Part 4 of our ongoing series of interviews with the cast of PixelVixen's "My Little Porny" movie has been transcribed and in some cases paraphrased for clarity, below. CupcakeCodex, who plays "Pinkie" in the adult film parody, talked with Horse-News for nearly an hour yesterday evening on everything from anime to cosplay, to her mid-orgasm near-death experience on set.
Bold: Horse-News / Rarifag as host
Responses Cupcake - AKA "Pinkie"
34-it kinda varies I work out alot-34-28-40 tends to be my average
Where are you from?
Currently in Chicago.
Were you a fan of My Little Pony before the film?
Yes every episode that has aired so far, I was introduced to them because I live on netflix, and I saw equestria girls, I was one of the 5 adults in the theater that had a child with me, dressed AS a pony.
Were you a fan of any of the original generations; 1, 2, or 3?
Uhh I was a little too young. My mom was.
Are you involved in the fandom in any way (other than this project)/do you frequent any brony/nerd sites?
Uhh actually I'm on reddit, not necessarily posting but reading a lot, both on "clopclop" and on "mylittlepony", but I don't know, I just don't post alot. Sometimes I post things about it on my tumblr.
Who IS your favorite pony?
Hah, okay so it is kind of a two-way tie, I have this issue. Personally I really love Pinkie Pie. I call her my spirit animal all the time, but umm I really really really love Rainbow Dash.
Favorite Episode?
Too many Pinkies.
What was your favourite scene?
So we haven't really all gotten together to watch it yet, but from what I HAVE seen, of clips and stuff, Discordia and Flutters cheat things. Uhh tiny spoiler alert at one point we [REDACTED]
Cosplay seems to be a hobby of yours, who is your favorite character (not necessarily pony) to cosplay as?
Okay, so I definitely love being Harley Quinn, uhh 100%. I have 2 costumes and am working on a third one. That might change a little bit. I am working on an Annie from League of Legends costume, a reverse annie, so I can walk around in footie pajamas all day, I'm kinda super psyched for that, it's going to be super comfortable.
Which Harley Quinn, from the Animated series?
Animated series actually my mom picked me up it, that was my very first cosplay.
She has a different fashion going on in the Arkham City games, would you be conisdering picking that up as a cosplay?
I have an Arkham Asylum costume. I really want to do an Arkham City costume eventually, but right now I'm working on-DC released this figurine in thier "Bombshells" series and right now I'm working on that actually.
Do you ever pair up with a male cosplayer that dresses up as the Joker and just sort of hit cons together?
Actually one of the guys in the film, played Mr. Pie, actually we're good friends, he has been the Joker with me a couple of times at conventions. Actually I was the TARDIS once and he was a screwdriver. Came up to me once and said "Are you bigger on the inside?"
TARDIS? How did you pull that off? Did you just wear a box?
Okay, so I went the really cheap way with this costume, I went and bought the dress they had at HotTopic, and we made a headband for me that had a light on it that was pulsating. So it was a lot of fun, but I just didn't want to do something really elaborate.
What other hobbies do you have besides cosplaying?
I'm an avid rollerskater, I like to speed-skate. Cosplay. Video games.
What's your favorite?
Right now it's "The Last of Us" I'm actually cosplaying as Ellie right now.
Rarifag: The voice-actress did a fantastic job in that; and I'm sure you do a fantastic job in that cosplay.
Well know that At PixelVixens all of the characters we portray are 18 years of age or older at time of shooting.
What is your favorite cartoon besides ponies?
Cartoon or Anime?
Either or.
Uhh anime...Madoka?
Have you ever watched Lucky Star?
Uhh actually no, I have like 3 pages in a notebook with a list of animes I'm supposed to watch
Which 2 characters do you think would make the best couple, would make the best ship?
I'm kind of Discord-Pinkie Pie ship. I think it's called like "DiscoPie"? How I found this ship is I went into "clop research" for the movie, and me and Arielle, who played Discordia, we send each other or like tag each other in stuff on tumblr, of different clop that Pinkie Pie or Discord are in, and we thought it was the greatest thing ever. I really appreciated it. But talking of something that might be a little bit closer to being canon, AJ and Rainbow Dash.
Rarifag: Not Rarity?
Rarity is a cunt.
Rarifag: Those are fighting words Miss.
They are I know, I don't like her because of her actress. Okay so Lola Hart, love her to death. She is a good friend of mine. She was prepping for her scenes. And her scenes are her and Rainbow Dash. And we don't often hear each other, and just out of nowhere we hear "well I AM the best pony."...and everyone just stopped like [shocked face]...And Noel, who was the director, walked out from where we were filming, left the camera man, and says "she did NOT just say that". We were all like "She fucking did!" We were really pissed about it. The entire weekend it was "I'm the best pony, and then I'm the best pony" but then we dropped it and felt bad. I was really pissed.
Is that in the final cut of the film?
I'm pretty sure it's in the final cut, I don't think it would be left out.
Rarifag: I'm a big Rarity fan, but wow, shots fired.
Shots Fired!
Which of the characters in the show do you think has the best sex life?
Rainbow Dash. She could probably get almost any pony she wanted. Either that or Fluttershy. That's based off the idea that in Fluttershy's sex life she would be very dominant.
Did you know any of your co-stars before this film?
I had talked to Noel and Lola quite a bit online. All the rest of the girls were completely new to me. I knew StudMuffin, who was Mr. Pie, because he's an actual friend of mine. We had a script given to us so we all kinda knew what was going on.
Which pony do you think tastes the best?
Pinkie Pie
What do you think it tastes like?
Pie, because Pinkie Pie...Medically I know this that at least with diabetic people, people who eat sweeter stuff, especially diabetic people, if they have too much sugar in their system, their system is a sweeter flavor.
Do you clop?
I have...it wasn't exactly for me, depending on the situation I might do it again, but it was definitely a moment for me. Everyone's got that one thing that they're secret about, and clopping is definitely like, yeah I did it a few times and okay we're just going to leave this here, I might go back to it one day.
What was the most fun or interesting scene you've ever been in?
I think in that Harley Quinn Arkham Asylum thing I just did, its kind of a "oh the joker has escaped but Harley is still here, so she's kind of interrogated".
From the film itself?
I was only in one scene, and it was in the sweet bakery which was me and Mr. Pie - and I need to clarify this because I have seen some comments on this, "Mr. Pie" is the name we used because of parody law, we don't call me "Pinkie Pie" in the movie, I'm "Pinkie" those two are not of relation. Mr. Pie is a parody of Mr. Cake.
What's your favorite position?
69 with a guy and a girl.
Would you have preferred more male characters in the video?
Well we had 5 girls to 2 guys. I feel like it worked out. And Discordia does her thing to change that up a little bit.
Rarifag: I was wondering why Twilight was a boy.
Well in the preview that we had released, the audio was a little off in the video, but all of that is fixed post-production now though, Discordia has cast a spell on all of "PonyTown", a mating spell pretty much, but when she did it, she made herself a "she", and she wanted to make Twilight's life a living hell, and made Twi into Lusty Shimmer. The only way to reverse the spell is if Discordia has the best orgasm ever.
Have you ever gone to/would you consider going to a brony convention, or any other nerdy con?
I've seriously debated going to BronyCon, if it wasn't halfway across the country.
We might head out there ourselves, might dress up in costume, I have a some ponies. I have Vinyl Scratch, I have Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, so I'm ready.
Is there anything you want to tell our readers about yourself or the movie?
Fun fact; In my scene I eat food throughout the scene. I almost died on-set. I was choking to death on a Twinkie. So warning; Eating food while having an orgasm causes choking. We actually had to stop production, and someone had to give me the Heimlich. Mind you I'm completely nude. We had to stop production for like 3 minutes, and make sure I was okay.
Is eating during intercourse a pass-time of yours?
Not really no, it was first-time thing for me like "Well this is what Pinkie would do!" And like I said I researched for the role a little bit on /r/clopclop, I really wanted to see what the community for clop really kind of expects for Pinkie, this was really my whole discovery of clop. So it was like "Pinkie would totally eat food during sex", and I was like "Okay noted!" and I had cookies, and cupcakes, and Twinkies, and all sorts of stuff, and yeah I almost died. It was a good time. And they also told me I had to break the fourth wall so, there might be some of that in there too.
Do you keep any Pinkie Pie merchandise around your home, any pony items?
Above my main computer system there's a "Build-a-Bear" Fluttershy, a Rainbow Dash statue, I have a Pinkie Pie piggy bank. I have several WeLoveFine t-shirts, and a pony bag withy Vinyl on one side and all the ponies on the other, all my costumes, I have a fabric banner...Oh and I have the comic books.
Do you have any other upcoming projects?
I'm always working on new projects for PixelVixens, and for my own personal stuff, lots of new content.
I have upcoming for PixelVixens, I have my Pinkie set that is going to go up eventually. There is a Pinkie and Mr. Pie set, that's going to go live. I have a female Spiderman set that I have submitted for them. I plan on working with Reverend Arielle soon.
Would you return for a sequel?
If they wanted me to be Pinkie I'd be Pinkie, if they wanted me to be Vinyl, I'd be Vinyl.
Actually we have Vinyl Scratch on PixelVixens. My debut set was called "Wub Wub Wub", I wear these awesome glowy headphones, I have the glasses. I forgot to pack my tail when I went to go shoot that.
Where can people find more of you?
You can find me on Twitter, which I'm not humongously active on Twitter. I'll be going back to myfreecams eventually, tumblr you can find me the-tasty-cupcake.tumblr.com, and I have a Facebook, not a whole lot on it.
Any last comments for our readers?
I hope you guys in the community, who are of age and whatnot, really enjoy it so we can make a sequel!
Посоны доставляйте фотсеты.
The fun keeps on coming! The "My Little Porny" cast interviews continue with Miss Lola Hart giving us a Rare look behind the scenes of the newly released PixelVixens Pony Porn Parody. Last night Codex Cupcake joined us for a fun (albeit technically challenged) video stream - we plan to have that transcribed later. Lola also sent us along plenty of great photos. Check them out!
Bold: Horse News
Responses: Lola
26 (Turning 27 soon enough though! CELEBRATE WITH ME!)
Well, 32DD is the important one. I'm also 5'3" on a good day and don't weigh too much.
You go by the name "Lola Hart", have you ever used any other names in this line of work?
I don't. I love my name <3
Were you a fan of My Little Pony before the film?
I was, actually! A friend of mine sat me down and said "You like adorable things. Shut up and watch this." And, my first thought was "My Little Pony? I remember watching that as a kid... And I thought it was kind of silly..." But, by the halfway point of the first episode, I was hooked!
Are you involved in the fandom in any way (other than this project)/do you frequent any brony/nerd sites?
I am not, actually. Kinda wish I was a bit more involved. I do check up on E.D. every now and again though. I get most of my pony news through friends.
Whose idea was this project?
Well, we knew we wanted to do some sort of DVD, but, we weren't sure as to what exactly it would be. So, when the offbeatr went live, we left it up to the investors as to what we would be doing a parody porn of, and, out of all the options submitted, My Little Pony won, and we were all quite happy with it!
About how many copies do you think this project might sell?
I have no idea, but I hope it sells more than we expected!
Who IS your favorite pony?
Oddly enough, before we started working on the DVD, my favorite pony was Cheerilee. But, when we started filming, and I started getting in character as Rare, I started to like her more and more.
Favorite Episode?
Oooh! Hard question! I'm gonna have to say ""Princess Twilight Sparkle (part 1)" because we get to see Luna transform into Nightmare Moon! When I saw the preview footage from Comic Con, I couldn't WAIT for the season to start!
Your twitter lists cosplay as a hobby of yours, who is your favorite character (not necessarily pony) to cosplay as? According to my friends, I have way too many costumes, so, picking just one is a bit difficult. I'd have to say my 'signature' costume is Poison Kiss from Street Fighter/Final Fight.
What other hobbies do you have?
I'm an avid roleplayer (I do LARP, tabletop, and I GM one of the largest RP sims in SecondLife) I sketch and draw, dabble in clothing/costume design, and I enjoy choreography, which comes in to play with my love of Burlesque!
What is your favorite cartoon besides ponies?
Ooh, another tough question. I love shows like "Family Guy" and "American Dad" but as far as Anime goes? I'm a bit of an oldie. Evangelion stole my heart back when we were paying $40 for a two episode VHS tape. However, I haven't gotten to see any of the new Evangeion series. I hear it's an absolute mind-trip though.
Which of the characters in the show do you think has the best sex life?
Easy. Pinkie Pie. She's so carefree, and is more than likely to try anything at least once!
Did you know any of your co-stars before this film?
I did! I met Noel and Jessi at a convention a few months before filming, (Noel and I bonded by singing MLP songs at 2 in the morning) and I've known Arielle since high school. It was my first time meeting Cupcake and Rhyan though
Which pony do you think tastes the best?
I honestly have no idea!
Do you clop?
Only to my ladies in the DVD!
How many other flicks have you been in?
This is my first!
What was the most fun/interesting scene you've ever been involved in?
Well, as far as DVD scenes? It was all fun and interesting! I do have to say, Noel and I doing a full photoshoot in a bathroom the size of a small closet was interesting!
Do you think there needs to be more male characters involved?
I don't see why that would be a bad thing!
Have you ever gone to/would you consider going to a brony convention, or any other nerdy con?
I go to conventions all the time, and would LOVE to go to a brony con! (If anyone wants to take me to one, I'm small enough to fit in your luggage!)
How long is it? (The movie we mean)
I have no idea~
If you had a cutie mark, what do you think your special talent would be?
I'd likely have some sort of cutie mark having to do with cosplay!
Is there anything you want to tell our readers about yourself or the movie?
Well, I've been yelled at for saying "I am best pony" so, I'm not gonna say it. I'm just going to say that I am defiantly not worst pony.
Do you have any other upcoming projects?
Lots of photoshoots! Lots and lots and lots of photoshoots~
Can we expect a sequel (My Little Porny 2: Erotic Scootaloo)?
Holy Crap, I love that name! Honestly, I think the idea of a second My Little Porny depends on how well the DVD does. Although, I am looking forward to seeing what else people want us to do!
Who else should we talk to?
А тут где-то есть слово из спам-листа, поэтому придется ограничиться ссылкой.
жаль кольта ей не дали...
> жаль кольта ей не дали...
Ага. Single Action Army делает девушку на 20% круче.
Не могу не удвоить. А уж тем более такую девушку, как Рэрити!
А ведь это моя ровесница. Как-то плохо она для 24 лет сохранилась.
Где ебаный мод? Какого хуя до сих пор этот тред на нулевой?
Гею печет ))))))) аж лес горит
Петушок хотел усатых, но нет не показали их )))))
Двачую, лютый пиздец, хотя здоровым мой образ жизни назвать сложно.
В b тем временем ФУРОР
За такой скрин я отдам тебя тому Твайлайту на случку.
Но он же Тволикорн. И он неплох... http://2ch.hk/b/res/65855343.html
Рэр годнота, графонистая, чуть актерствует (В сравнении с другими).AJ неплоха, хоть и не развита.
Остальные пиздец какой-то.
Pinkie каэш сладкожрунья, но схуяль жируха, она ж не на месте сидит, а постоянно летает по кадру, так что думаю проблем с обменом в-тв у нее нет.
RD - наркоманка какая-то, блять, она ж спортсменка, ладно короткая прическа, ну чуть быдлозамашки, но блять, татуированная шлюха с пирсингом фубляфунахуй.
Закатную коньку превратили в мужика - слоллировал, но тему можно было и развить, да и вообще, не её одну, Биг Мака б взяли, ну нах.
Короче идея доставила, но реализацию проебали...
Эх, был бы я прон режиссером, я б блять оскароносный прон снял!
У меня походу талия тоньше, чем у Ранбодас, не говоря уж об остальных.
Мимодрищ с 92х76х93 181 67
Залейте уже куда-нибудь онлайн
Вроде бы в архиваче >>2350628 выкладывали:
/ultrasmaria?w=wall209762086_1895 - в пашкином детище.
> /ultrasmaria?w=wall209762086_1895 - в пашкином детище.
Посмотрел. Говно. Не могли лучше сделать. Без души.
Действительно, сам не проверял, извини, няша.
Попробуй вот это.
Это только пробный камень, тут они могут включить дурака, это же просто глупая треш-пародия, что тут такого?
Если Хасбро не закатает их в асфальт, появится и более качественный контент, ведь есть спрос, а значит будет и предложение.
> /video-58813747_168599793
Ок, спасибо. Сейчас посмотрим.
>Хасбро не закатает их
Ну вроде же норм живется кучам пронпародий на разные фильмы, никто пиздюлей не дает. Всякие прон-пираты карибского моря или звездные войны там, все так же переименовано, чтобы не прикопирастились, поэтому все довольно неплохо.
Держи ещё.
На трекерах не нашёл.
Здесь дело не только в правах на франшизу.
Если Хасбровцы решат, что это вредит имиджу компании, а это, безусловно, вредит детскому мультсериалу в сотни раз сильнее, чем какой-нибудь Игре Престолов, то карающий меч копирастии правосудия найдет творцов сего шедевра.
Я это, конечно, не одобряю, так как рубить чужой оригинальный контент - далеко не то же самое, что выпиливать свои серии с Youtube.
До сих пор бомбит от зарубленного Fighting Is Magic.
>До сих пор бомбит от зарубленного Fighting Is Magic.
Проигрываю с дурачков вроде тебя. Более чем уверен, что авторы просто поняли, как обосрались, допилить не получится, а начали рассказывать о злобном Хасбро. Валяется же версия с шестью персонажами (сколько они пилили её, три года?), вполне официально, и на ЕqD пост видел, о трибьют едишн. Если бы Хасбро хотели, запретили бы даже такое выкладывать. Да и сами мудаки, кабы пилили анонимно, точно бы с такими проблемами бы не столкнулись.
>Более чем уверен, что авторы просто поняли, как обосрались, допилить не получится, а начали рассказывать о злобном Хасбро.
Во-первых, злобное Хасбро, к сожалению, не страшилка для брони-новичков, а вполне реальная корпорация со своими интересами. Аск-блог Молестии, Button's adventures закрыли явно не из-за творческого кризиса авторов.
Во-вторых, проект закрыт вполне официально, так что они должны были сами связаться с Хасбро и попросить закрыть их проект, что звучит откровенно бредово для фанатов MLP.
Да, им не надо было заниматься пиаром, и подставились они сами, но все равно, гнобить людей, продвигающих твой продукт почти на халяву, довольно сомнительное занятие.
>Аск-блог Молестии
Вообще-то на тумблере полно чудаков, готовых ради лулзов нести дестрой в массы. Тот же блог smittyg загоняли в даун несколько раз. Иногда одной громко и истерично вопящей сучки достаточно.
Но ведь они в самом деле обосрались - взяли древний движок и героически жрали кактус. Я читал их девлог, когда они расписали, сколько усилий потратили на создание нормальных хитбоксов для четвероногих персонажей и на рисование альтернативных версий персонажей, сразу понял - нихуя они не кулумбеки. Смею напомнить, что игры на этом движке делали команды профессионалов на фулл-тайме, а не пяток школьников после учёбы.
Мне печёт больше не от закрытия файтинга, а от того, что нельзя оттуда вытащить ресурсы в человеческом виде.
А, ну и да, mane6 сами сразу запретили использовать их ресурсы (спрайты, музыку, анимации) в других проектах. Так что поделом.
Ты представляешь какой вой могут поднять порностудии стоит их тронуль? Не тронь добро, вонять не будет.
Кастинг на роль искорки - режисер был гей :( и взял кольта
Там Dusk Shimmer, вроде.
И вообще, скажи спасибо, что взяли не трапа.
Порноиндустрия и индустрия детских товаров имеют примерно одно влияние.
Хасбро достаточно поднять вой на тему педофилов, развращающих детей, чтобы соснули все.
Casus belli, в данном случае, можно считать посыл фильма в виде письма Молестии от Даск Шиммер про то, что ебля - это хорошо.
Онлайн ещё никуда не залили?
В соц. сети, которую здесь ненавидят, уже лежит.
Ну, слушай, заведи себе там фейк, на какую-нибудь левую симку.
Никто же не заставляет тебя там общаться.
Button's adventures за что закрыли то? Вроде ничего там вразрез с сериалом нету, в отличие от блога четырех-глазого мулата извращенца или fighting is magic
Да бля, никто его не закрыл, автор сам слился. Все видео доступны, просто закрыты от публичного просмотра. Зайди на канал JanAnimations да посмотри его последнее видео с обращением.
его мамку все пёрли)))
Не знаю, лол. Может, автор просто идиот и спровоцировал. Про мулата поничую, тот гадюшник давно надо было снести.
>Аск-блог Молестии
Я бы больше поудивлялся, что он столько просуществовал. Шутка ли- блог и куча пикч с верховной богиней мультсериала, переполненный шутками про еблю. Я бы вообще все "официальные" ебле- и гуро- ресурсы позакрывал. Хотите такое творить- творите анонимно.
Мне вот Витчкрафта закрытого разве что жаль. И то там история какая-то мутная. Свои видео удалили, потом новый канал создали, на ютубе в итоге валяются все серии, никто их не удаляет. Фиг поймешь.
Так ведь блог Молестии, а не Селестии, как любят говорить в америкаских сериалах "все имена и герои вымышлены. Любое сходство с реальными лошадьмилюдьми - совпадение".
А сам по себе JJ уже изжил свое,в начале картинки были интересные, с подтекстом, шишка стояла, но потом, он начал сочинять тупые, а главное - не смешные шутки половина картинок стала про консолеблядстующую Луну, а теперь и вообще полностью ей аск-блог посвятил.
> половина картинок стала про консолеблядстующую Луну, а теперь и вообще полностью ей аск-блог посвятил
А еще он постоянно начал впихивать Дерпи и шиппить ее с Луной. Дерпи с Луной! Аутизм полный, блядь. Как эта пара вообще может существовать?
Это да. Пару раз это было интересно, но когда он стал запихивать её в каждый 2й выпуск, это уже перебор. Как если бы Хасбро, после известного скандала сказали: хорошо, мы вернем Дерпи на экран в сериях нового сезона. Stop... oh shi~
Применительно к этой новости, доставляет брони-R34сообщество в-целом, Двач только ретранслирует.
Уже проскакивало мнение, что сценаристы пустились в фансервис. По моему скромному мнению, лучше бы доработкой/переосмыслением/СПГС занимался сам фендом, а сценаристы давали бы пищу для размышлений.
>проскакивало мнение
>Уже проскакивало мнение
И скакало и скакало. Желательно подальше, попытки обсудить конкретику с носителем мнения выливались в везувиеобразную истерику у оного.
Кеп! всплываем...
Предлагаю ставить ставки:
1) Когда Хасбро обратит свой взор на Pixel Vixens?
2) Когда ждать следующего порно на тему MLP?
Мои предположения:
1) Когда нужно будет сделать новый вброс для разогрева сообщества, либо после гневного обращения какой-нибудь организации по защите детей.
2) Когда (если) Pixel Vixens получит неплохую прибыль, подтвердив выгодность этого бизнеса.
Тволикорн неплохо преподаёт.
Прочёл как:
>1) Когда Хасбро запилит свой Pixel Vixens?
Актрису AJ бы выебал и был бы не прочь пялить на регулярной основе. Других - ноуп.
>2014-ый год
Меня уже трудно удивить. Даже если окажется, что вселенная плоская и на 99.9999999999% состоит из виртуальных частиц.
Курс на фэндом :)
Няша. Я бы УПОРЯДОЧИЛ ЕЁ ХАОС, если вы понимаете, о чем я.
>На трекерах не нашёл.
я не могу постить ссылки на 34-ку, я же мод :3
Как насчет сей почтенной дамы и её ЖЕРЕБЦА?
Если ты зарепортишь свой пост с просьбой удалить, удаление пройдет без последствий
Если ты выключишь вахтёра, это тоже пройдёт без последствий.
Скидывавшемся на продолжение - по рублю :)
Какая же няша флаттершай. Просто мимими. Хочу себе такую тяночку.
откопал древнюю пасту
Уже представил картину новости на первом канале: Сегодня сотрудники ОМОНа прикрыли домашний интим-салон. В квартире было задержано несколько девушек и несколько клиентов от 18 до 45 лет, среди них пара девушек. Данный салон вызвал шок у полиции при обыске: в квартире обнаружено большое кол-во детских игрушек, плакатов, футболок с изображением из мультфильма my little pony и несколько СД-дисков с мультфильмом. Как выяснилось позже, сотрудницы салона одевались в парики цветов гривы пони и разукрашивали себе ягодицы рисунками. Один из служащих закона выразился коротко по данному притону: "Коне*бы, блять"
Реквестирую форчановскую? пасту про чувака, приглашенного на брони-вечеринку.
Соль там, кажется, была в том, что они спустились в подвал, где куны в костюмах поняш друг друга няшили под хвост и предложили это герою пасты.
Нужно ещё худеть и качать пресс до мая, чтобы стать как Футашай.
>вызвал шок у полиции при обыске
Очень мало что способно вызвать шок у полиции. А так забавно.
My Little Porny: Fucking is Magic