24 декабря 2023 г. Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна. Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!

/intpol/ General

 Anonymous  28/12/23 Чтв 23:50:58 #1 №123465 
A thread related to discussing politics.

Languages commonly used across post-soviet countries (i.e. russian/ukrainian/belorussian etc., these belong to /po), NSFW content and discrediting the armed forces of Russia are forbidden ITT, also refrain from posting this stuff elsewhere.

Anonymous  23/03/24 Суб 22:27:50 #2 №124966 DELETED
Hi guys. I want you to help me with a certain problem: I really need to chat with Serbs. I’ve been trying to find telegram chats with Serbs, but it brought no result. So, I’m begging you to send me a Serbian group, chat or something. I will really appreciate it
Anonymous  23/03/24 Суб 22:31:50 #3 №124967 DELETED
go to 4chan, /int/
And find the /balk/ thread there.
Anonymous  23/03/24 Суб 22:57:10 #4 №124968 DELETED
Anonymous  23/03/24 Суб 23:34:22 #5 №124969 DELETED
Why would ISIS target Russia after all this time?
Butthurt about Syria and the Caucasus?

What does the average bydlo Russian think about this attack? Do they believe it's a west conspiracy? Or done by ukrainian services?

My condelences to your people for this.
Anonymous  23/03/24 Суб 23:46:45 #6 №124970 DELETED
>West has nothing to do with it
Let's summarize:
- Northern streams exploding.
- Murder of journalist Daria Dugina (daughter of the philosopher Dugin)
- The murder of Vladlen Tatarsky.
- Attempted Murder of Zakhar Prilepin (his friend was killed)
- Support with equipment and weapons of terrorists from the RDK, who level villages and shoot cars with schoolchildren.
- (2014) Shelling of Luhansk Civil Administration from Su-25 with full protection and silence from NATO countries.(video)
- (2014) Burning people alive in Odessa by Ukrainian neo-Nazis with complete silence from the West.
etc etc etc
How much more blood do you need to get your brains working? Tell me honestly.
Anonymous  23/03/24 Суб 23:50:09 #7 №124971 DELETED
>My condelences to your people for this.

Also read this thread from last night to see what's going on.
Anonymous  23/03/24 Суб 23:51:21 #8 №124972 DELETED
>from last night
from last evening*
Anonymous  23/03/24 Суб 23:56:13 #9 №124973 DELETED
>- (2014) Burning people alive in Odessa by Ukrainian neo-Nazis with complete silence from the West.

I remember this episode tbh, it was gruesome.

As for this terror attack specifically, it seems unclear still.
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 00:02:50 #10 №124974 DELETED
Anyway, it seems to me there's more information in this thread than on 4chan /pol/. Me and the guys decided to go into autism yesterday.
If there are any other questions I'll clarify it for you.
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 00:06:54 #11 №124975 DELETED
Thanks, I'm reading the big thread on /b/ with google translation for now. Then I'll read this threda. I don't like /pol/, they're a bunch of idiots, tbh.

It reminds me a lot about the Bataclan attack obviously. And we had similar problems with very slow police intervention.
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 00:13:36 #12 №124976 DELETED
I know about all the terrorist attacks in France, each time they strike me to the core with their cynicism. And every time it's some Muslim refugee who has been welcomed as a family member.
>I'm reading the big thread on /b/ with google translation for now.
There's a lot of 2ch slang that can't be translated by a machine. However, see for yourself.
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 00:16:47 #13 №124977 DELETED
Most of the terrorists in the Bataclan attack were immigrants living in Belgium (but Wallonia is even worse than France when it comes to fanatical islamists), and some Syrian "refugees".
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 00:18:49 #14 №124978 DELETED
The boy did not survive.
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 00:25:04 #15 №124979 DELETED
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 00:26:47 #16 №124980 DELETED
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 00:29:43 #17 №124981 DELETED
Yes, I understand that there are some local differences in the EU regarding the terrorization of some European cities, but in general EU policy is equally humanitarian towards refugees on all fronts. It's all pretty devastating. Russia already had a lot of tension in Russia because of the migrants who come here to do dirty work, now it's just colossal. This is very profitable for Russia's enemies.
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 00:59:34 #18 №124982 DELETED
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 01:56:18 #19 №124984 DELETED
⚡️ISIS terrorists have posted a video, it turns out that in addition to shooting civilians, Tajiks also slit their throats to be sure.
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 06:48:53 #20 №124987 DELETED
I think you are the next one. >>124982
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 09:53:17 #21 №124990 DELETED
The reason for your undermining?
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 11:05:50 #22 №124991 DELETED
If you want to watch A Clockwork Orange I'm sure you can find a Russian dub/sub version of it on ok.ru or vk. If not, you could always try a free movies site like myflixer.
I think when looking into foreign cultures it is easy to find obscure music that the average person of that culture does not know. For example, I have never heard of Redshift before but after listening to the song, I can vaguely remember other similar pieces of music that are only available to people who research on the internet or keep up to date with small labels.
One of the reasons why I like using websites like this is because you can learn a lot of new information and perspectives from different people around the world.
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 11:09:21 #23 №124993 DELETED
It is enlightening to know that these monsters are being used as a proxy force by the supposedly moral West who lead the "rules based international order" against the "axis of evil".
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 11:24:07 #24 №124994 DELETED
Someone has said the ear slicing video was faked. How would it be fake? Was the top of the ear already cut off and the soldiers/police made it appear they had done so by holding a knife and the piece of ear?
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 12:31:26 #25 №124996 DELETED
Even in 2ch not everyone supports cutting off an ear:
a) It's not Christian
b) The Constitution and human rights
My position is unpopular: a terrorist should receive terrorism and fear in return. Only me and Dmitry Medvedev are the only sane people left in the country. This country is fucked :D
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 13:15:12 #26 №124997 DELETED
Yes, I expressed my thought wrong, I meant that I have a queue of movies and books that I spend time on after work. There are no more than 10 in the queue each time. This movie is in my queue. I'm trying to invent my own effective model for organizing life and dealing with chaos and incorporate it into my children's education, should I have them.

In addition, my ISP package includes Internet TV and an unlimited subscription to an online movie theater with 17,000 movies and shows. But you know what's interesting? I still have to pay for the TV antenna in my house because the USSR thought communism would be eternal and TV would be eternally free, so they built the antenna design intentionally into the commieblocks construction of some series. Even though it's micro money, it's impossible to disconnect from the TV antenna without signatures from all the tenants in the house, which makes my perfectionism and optimization mania a little uncomfortable.

>One of the reasons I like using sites like this is that you can learn a lot of new information and views from different people from all over the world.
Exactly. The main thing is to have a reasonable person with a high level of erudition on the other side, not a marginal schizophrenic Nazi with a certificate from a psychiatric hospital.
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 13:25:24 #27 №124998 DELETED
stop crying, you fucking pigger
Moscow сivil war 1993 #1 Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 13:59:43 #28 №125001 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 14:58:09 #29 №125004 DELETED
>My condelences
Stop whining, the best condelences is your dead body in front of your fucking parents, asshole =)
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 15:09:30 #30 №125006 DELETED
>The Constitution and human rights
>in Eurasian Sicily and Calabria
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 17:29:51 #31 №125009 DELETED
Hahaha you sound like you have a better internet package than me, our wifi at home is pretty shit :D
>I'm trying to invent my own effective model for organizing life and dealing with chaos and incorporate it into my children's education, should I have them
You should try to have children if you can, I don't know what the cultural and political landscape in Russia is like now, but there is a good chance you will be able to raise some proper, intelligent children. In Britain a lot of people are pulling up their drawbridges so to speak because our culture has gone down the pan. Schools are brainwashing children with transsexualism, harming their minds early, as well as giving them a poor education. I don't watch TV but I'm sure in Russia there are some more decent and sensible programs being broadcast.
Things aren't perfect anywhere in the world, every centre of media and Government lie all the time, almost everywhere is some kind of shit hole, but we just have to keep on going.
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 18:35:37 #32 №125010 DELETED
Use your brain, kid
This person and his organization consisting of "retired" GRU operatives made a lot of noise and greatly, almost scandalously strained the Russian society again for the same reasons: not everyone liked that openly mercenary structure hired prisoners in prisons for dirty work with military support of the state. Also, NATO allies, faced with their effectiveness at Bakhmut, rushed to initiate an investigation to declare PMC Wagner a terrorist organization. This would have threatened Russia with very serious problems for Russia. It was at the beginning of this point that he began to suddenly "ask for ammunition" to set a precedent to abolish the PMC by publicly cutting ties with Russia. In intelligence services terminology, this is called "asset stripping".
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 18:36:24 #33 №125011 DELETED
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 18:42:48 #34 №125012 DELETED
very cool
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 18:51:51 #35 №125013 DELETED
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 18:53:11 #36 №125014 DELETED
>0 sanctions from "Democratic Countries" for Ukraine
>0 convictions
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 18:59:03 #37 №125015 DELETED
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 19:01:41 #38 №125016 DELETED
Can you roughly translate what they are saying in these videos? Why are they beating them up?
I hope you liked the songs, what do you mean by "taken"?
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 19:10:03 #39 №125017 DELETED
>what do you mean by "taken"?
it means I liked them and I took them for myself
when we like some content from the person who suggested it, we say взял, взято or забрал / took or taken
i'm just not very good at english sorry if wrong
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 19:18:55 #40 №125018 DELETED
Don't worry I understand you, I'm glad you liked the song, the one you sent was good as well. I have not heard of the band you sent, I will have to look into them.
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 19:49:57 #41 №125019 DELETED
i just love the british punk sound, this is unique, I don't know, maybe you have some kind of magical instruments or special lamps in your guitars, all these little red weird brick buildings in the rain that parody the freedom of personal space like in usa - that's literally what I hear in the british sound, it's all atmospheric
you have a special atmosphere, I don't know how to explain it properly.
i hardly ever sit on int, preferring двач and endchan, but glad there are still live people here, lmao
russian punk sound has its own theme, here are two recent tracks from my playlist
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 19:51:43 #42 №125020 DELETED
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 19:59:36 #43 №125021 DELETED
>average bydlo Russian
Peter Tolstoy, descendant of the founder of vegitarinism, was angry with France
If you want a Russian normies opinion, Russian normies have their own reddit
You can read
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 20:07:15 #44 №125023 DELETED
why so why
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 20:09:14 #45 №125024 DELETED
кто вы
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 20:13:25 #46 №125025 DELETED
>Can you roughly translate what they are saying in these videos? Why are they beating them up?
Obviously because they don't want to fight. There's only insults and beatings
also Ukrainian is a disgustingly rustic language and Ukrainians themselves are disgustingly stupid people, that's all you need to know
t. Belgorod-kun
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 20:15:54 #47 №125026 DELETED
некрасиво такие вещи на дваче спрашивать
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 20:19:51 #48 №125027 DELETED
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 20:27:52 #49 №125028 DELETED
okay. Ukraine/fake Galicia can be Calabria and Russia Sicily or vice versa.
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 20:30:28 #50 №125029 DELETED
Bot 2 >>125027
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 20:30:55 #51 №125030 DELETED
Кто ты такой мужик? Че те надо то?
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 20:32:21 #52 №125031 DELETED
I don't watch TV but I have just been told that allegedly the BBC have been claiming or implying that the terrorist attack in Russia was CGI...
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 20:45:50 #53 №125032 DELETED
What don't you like? Did you think cutting off an ear would do the trick? It's just the beginning. Russia is completely changing its concept of terrorism, and I support that. If my thoughts seem wild to you, I agree, they are, but you should also google "social contract". Or when your country is in a critical situation you will realise what it is. It's in your country that life goes on quietly. It has not been so in our country for three years.
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 20:47:11 #54 №125033 DELETED
to terrorism
Whatever, though.
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 20:50:18 #55 №125034 DELETED
Belgorod-kun  24/03/24 Вск 20:51:08 #56 №125035 DELETED
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 20:52:42 #57 №125036 DELETED
who are you >>125035
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 20:53:16 #58 №125037 DELETED
the problem is complete arbitrariness - imagine some guy in police force doing something similar to me or yourself for a lesser motive.
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 20:56:24 #59 №125038 DELETED
Who am I? Who are you?
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 21:00:28 #60 №125039 DELETED
Knight of Belgorod

who are you
Belgorod-kun  24/03/24 Вск 21:17:12 #61 №125041 DELETED
We're talking about a terrorist.
A terrorist and a common criminal are not the same. A terrorist who killed 133 people for money should be deprived of all human rights. Only then will counter-terrorism measures be effective.
If a common criminal is severely injured by a policeman, the policeman also becomes a criminal.
This is exaggerated, but you get the point.
World practice in dealing with terrorism has proven that humanitarian European foundations and values do not work when it comes to terrorism. Terrorists understand only terror and fear. This is their language of communication, after all, this is the rule of empathy - to understand your interlocutor, speak his language.
There is also such a thing as relativity of morality, which you are trying to convict me of, so I remind you, in Europe it is not considered terrorism:
You could say, omitting the rich prehistory of this confict, that Russia is at war in Ukraine, and getting it "justly". Right? But there is a nuance: Russia and Ukraine did not declare war on each other and from the point of view of the law and the Geneva Conventions have the same legal status. So the question is: when will your country impose sanctions on Ukraine for things like this? You don't have to answer that.
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 21:26:09 #62 №125042 DELETED
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 21:36:13 #63 №125043 DELETED
fuck bro, this is done publicly to relieve tension in society because society has a demand for brutality, no one will ever really allow the security forces to go beyond the limits
when a schoolboy in tatarstan shot up a school, the policeman who videotaped his interrogation was fired, but here nobody touches anybody, nobody prevents anything, because if you don't calm the society, the tension will increase even more
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 21:41:15 #64 №125044 DELETED
Pigger's lives don't matter.
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 21:44:51 #65 №125046 DELETED
Someday you'll realise what the concept of Russia is.
Today is a day of mourning.

at the same time:
"The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation announced a celebration of Tajik culture on 25 March.

The Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives will act as a sponsor. The organisers promise to introduce schoolchildren to the ancient Tajik culture, cuisine and sights. "
Belgorod-kun  24/03/24 Вск 21:49:10 #66 №125047 DELETED
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's it.
Everybody got what they needed
Marginalised people are the blood of terrorists
The Christians and other heartbrokens - a celebration of Tajik culture just like you said.

Pigger is a Ukrainian pidorashka, don't get confused.
Two weeks Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 22:01:57 #67 №125048 DELETED
Russia has so far viewed the situation in Ukraine as pest control. And the pest was the West's own Zelensky and his army of Nazis. When dealing with pests, you don't burn down the whole house, you drive out the pests.

The West is concerned that Russia will not be able to hold back for long if there is an escalation like the Moscow massacre. It wouldn't take Russia two years to destroy Ukraine. If it wanted to, Ukraine would turn into a history lesson for Eastern European children in two weeks. It would be a crater in the ground.

I pray that Russia figures out the situation and acts calmly and cautiously. This is more than just an attack by a desperate Ukraine, mark my words.

American veteran author Noctis Draven.

I can't find his twitter for source, no proxy will let me in.
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 22:05:38 #68 №125049 DELETED
hohols take revenge "for the ear of a tajik"

their struggle
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 22:11:32 #69 №125050 DELETED
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 22:12:08 #70 №125051 DELETED
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 22:13:13 #71 №125052 DELETED
Just calls a lawyer. Nobody's violating anybody's rights
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 22:18:53 #72 №125054 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 22:38:34 #73 №125055 DELETED
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 22:39:33 #74 №125056 DELETED
Tajik culture in Chelyabinsk (Russia):
- Storing food in the common aisle;
- always open door to the apartment, from which national music plays loudly;
- 100 people in one apartment (apparently, they gave the rent money all together);
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 22:41:43 #75 №125057 DELETED
A migrant pissed in the street in France
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 23:21:58 #76 №125059 DELETED
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 23:39:55 #77 №125061 DELETED
In a month's time, expect the news "employee who cut off ear is fired" to appease the rebellious liberals on the internet. Although in fact it will be unknown whether he was fired or not, because you can't see his face.

Screencap my post.

And fucking download some books on social manipulation.
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 00:13:50 #78 №125062 DELETED
Yes, the Wi-fi is great too, but I don't need it at all because the package also includes unlimited high speed mobile communication, so it doesn't matter whether you watch a film on your tablet via wifie or mobile communication, the quality will be equally high.
Mobile communication - I don't know how to translate it correctly, in short it's a connection via a SIM card to a tower.
>I don't watch TV but I'm sure in Russia there are some more decent and sensible programmes being broadcast.
It's actually a goislop for normies just like in the UK, but now it's sterile, you used to be able to show natural thrashy shit, now you can't even say a dirty word without censorship. "It's all for the children and the purity of society."
>Schools are brainwashing children with transsexualism
"LGBT advocacy among minors." Yeah, all those teachers from the schools here would go to jail for that.
I thought those bans were pretty crazy, but then I found out who F1nnst3R was. Lol. So the lawmakers here are right that LGBT propaganda just like the biological factor can be a disorder in the formation of personality.
>Things aren't perfect anywhere in the world, every centre of media and Government lie all the time, almost everywhere is some kind of shit hole, but we just have to keep on going.
Absolutely the right idea.
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 00:14:43 #79 №125063 DELETED
==> >>125062
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 00:33:48 #80 №125064 DELETED
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 00:50:13 #81 №125065 DELETED
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 01:10:27 #82 №125066 DELETED
foreignbros, post image what the bedding looks like in your armies
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 01:14:19 #83 №125067 DELETED
what are your thoughts on this?
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 01:52:54 #84 №125068 DELETED
He is right >>125037, one should never sink to such a bottom, the main thing is always not to lose oneself, on the scale of a country and a nation it works too, when a nation sinks to such a bottom it loses itself
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 02:08:39 #85 №125069 DELETED
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 02:18:07 #86 №125070 DELETED
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 02:20:21 #87 №125071 DELETED
1st pic - Special Operations Force HQ
2nd, 3rd pics and video
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 02:22:27 #88 №125072 DELETED
2nd, 3rd pics and video - gendarmerie (still Armed Forces despite during peacetime under control of Interior Ministry)
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 02:42:14 #89 №125074 DELETED
thanks, matte, it's very informative
it looks too homey, despite some of the imperfections shown in the second part of the video.
we have three strips on our army bedspread that must be perfectly or nearly perfectly matched to the other strips of the other bed, we also have wooden tools (kants) to perfectly align the bedspread and give a square shape to the pillows, the shape of the curve of the bedspread should have a sharp angle on the curve as if it were a parallelepiped
also you probably noticed that some of them are pushed together, this is the military regulation to save space in the barracks... yeah, unfortunately that's something you have to put up with 🎃
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 02:51:35 #90 №125075 DELETED
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 03:18:27 #91 №125076 DELETED
Fariduni Shamsuddin, 25, is married and has a child.
The court hearing on him was closed - according to the investigator, there is a risk of disclosure of state secrets.


disclosure of state secrets
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 03:22:57 #92 №125077 DELETED
This is unironic, by the way.
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 03:25:43 #93 №125078 DELETED
In Lithuania, after the local authorities banned flowers to the memorial near the Russian embassy, local Lithuanians also brought a bucket of human shit.

That's where the bottom is, dummy.

t. Belgorod-kun
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 03:27:16 #94 №125079 DELETED
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 03:37:12 #95 №125080 DELETED
Subscriptions Tajik 19 yo in vk:
Single moms
Suburbian women
Dating divorcees
Happiness in Islam
I wish to meet
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 03:39:32 #96 №125081 DELETED
It's a fake public, but it's still funny.
Real public:
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 12:01:28 #97 №125086 DELETED
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 12:19:51 #98 №125087 DELETED
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 12:26:57 #99 №125088 DELETED
The battle for Chasov Yar has begun.

Benefit: further collapse of Ukraine's military logistics system and frontline fortification built here over 8 years (2014-2022)
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 13:56:16 #100 №125089 DELETED
Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said that all terrorist sympathisers should be killed.

Does this apply to Russian liberals writing angry posts about a severed ear?
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 15:35:31 #101 №125090 DELETED
Rumours of police inaction proved unfounded.

The police arrived at the Crocus City Hall five minutes after the Krasnogorsk duty station received information about the shooting. This was stated by the official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Irina Volk, refuting publications about the allegedly inadequate response of law enforcers to the emergency in the concert hall.

Irina Volk also commented on the appearance in the network of a video recording, which allegedly depicts a police-cynologist with a service dog, leaving the scene of the incident immediately after it began.

"A man in camouflage uniform with a dog, depicted on the video, has no relation to the internal affairs bodies has nothing to do with the internal affairs bodies" the Interior Ministry spokeswoman emphasised.

She urged journalists and bloggers to be critical of unverified information and trust only official reports.
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 15:36:50 #102 №125091 DELETED
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 15:59:36 #103 №125092 DELETED
>Someday you'll realise what the concept of Russia is.
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 16:15:20 #104 №125093 DELETED
Absolutely astonished at the Russian violation of human rights. Those terrorists are still people, chud.
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 16:29:04 #105 №125094 DELETED
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 16:36:47 #106 №125095 DELETED
You just don't realise how many supporters and opponents of your post there are, chud. CIA wanted to split the society from inside with neo-Nazism, continuing their line from two sides (on one side radical Islamists of ISIS, on the other neo-Nazis of RDK(in Ukraine)), but the only split they got was total disagreement with each other about the fate of terrorists and their rights.

Why do I think it's CIA? Just look at it, they're just trying to even out the contrast with the neo-Nazis of RDK so that the latter will have more supporters: >>124984

t. other
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 16:38:14 #107 №125096 DELETED
>they're just trying to even out the contrast
Through the inhuman brutality of Islamists*
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 16:42:18 #108 №125097 DELETED
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 16:43:25 #109 №125098 DELETED
>The police arrived at the Crocus City Hall five minutes after the Krasnogorsk duty station received information about the shooting
What is the protocol regarding things like these? Wait out for the police/special forces more adept to storming the terrorists?
While I assume a local police department is not exactly equipped to deal with assault guns, especially not knowing how many shooters there are, couldn't they barricade the roads exiting the place, at least?
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 16:55:23 #110 №125100 DELETED
You know what I think?
I think that when the Americans "shared" information with Russia, they named the wrong place, so all the special forces were in the wrong place. Almost the same thing the Serbian president said, but he said the Americans deliberately didn't share specifics. The Russians and Americans work very closely together to prevent terrorism, no matter what. But here they decided to use their trump card by playing on the trust of the Russians. For what purpose I described above.
I have lived in this country for 32 years and I know for a fact that the FSB are the most professional counterterrorism fighters in the world, I have seen a huge number of terrorist attacks prevented and apprehended, including ISIS, and terrorism is deadly for a country like multinational Russia, so fighting terrorism is a top priority here.
The bastards who say Putin did it can't answer the question why Putin would do such things to increase the popularity of the RDK ("Russian Volunteer Corps" made up of neo-Nazis fighting on the side of Ukraine, also used by the CIA as a major media force), whose main manifesto, in addition to dividing Russia into Slavic republics in tandem with Ukraine, is the extermination of all "churkas" on the territory of "former Russia".
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 17:16:57 #111 №125101 DELETED
>You know what I think?
>I think that when the Americans "shared" information with Russia, they named the wrong place, so all the special forces were in the wrong place
That is pretty much public information. Russia has said that they've got a lot of emergency calls (obviously false) in the few hours preceding the terrorist attack.
But what is interesting, Vucic also said that "there is another (super)power aside from America that also has this modus operandi.
Now, I don't know if he means Israel or even Britain.
>“There is a superpower that is not America whose way of acting is this. We will see what (Director of the Federal Security Service of Russia, Alexander,) Bortnikov will announce about the terrorist attacks. It doesn't mean anything if the terrorists are from Ingushetia or Dagestan, or even from Ukraine, but who is the organizer,” said Vucic.
>I have lived in this country for 32 years and I know for a fact that the FSB are the most professional counterterrorism fighters in the world
Yeah, I have done some reading myself.
Russia has 2-3 decades of experience in counterterrorism operations.
Oerhaps more than any other country in the world.
>The bastards who say Putin did it
There are multiple things wrong with this. But perhaps the biggest: ISIS took responsibility. And the people who committed the attack were muslims.
Russia is not leading a war against the muslims but against... Ukrainians.
Why, in the name of God, would this make anyone think this was a spin for some kind of escalation over Ukraine?
Russia has not even made any sweeping statements about who did it. Simple statement that the terrorist were caught fleeing in the only direction where they could expect to survive: Ukraine. The speech was a speech of unification in the tough times, and a promise of reprisals for the people responsible. Not a sweeping statement about tomorrow morning mobilization to defeat Ukraine or even solely blaming them/anyone.

Russia has said that during the questioning they've gotten information that they won't share publicly, as it is part of state secrets. I presume you have some information about this attack already. We will see.
Part of me wants you to make terror cells in the west (plenty of candidates) and fight fire with fire, but I know this is not how you behave, sadly or luckily.
>whose main manifesto, in addition to dividing Russia into Slavic republics in tandem with Ukraine, is the extermination of all "churkas" on the territory of "former Russia".
I don't think Russians even fight for RDK, 90% of it must be hohols. The formation was made simply so they could make an incursion into Belgorod. As if anyone would give heavy equipment to a bunch of Russians, despite their alignment. Even rare demining and repair vehicles.
Anyways, their first goal is the territorial integrity of ukraine, so, lmao.
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 17:24:34 #112 №125102 DELETED
Anyways, another post to talk about the blaming of every terrorist attack against Russians onto Russian government/Putin.
In my opinion, it's a dehumanization tactic.
No foreigner is concerned about paying condolences to the victims, issuing diplomatic support and so on. After all, no matter who did it, people died.
Issue condolences to Russians themselves if not the government.
Now people are busy talking about how this is Putin's 50D chess. Not a single twitter retard gives a shit about the people.

It is absolutely funny how their regimes operate.
When earthquakes happened in Turkey, Albania, Morocco, Libya, Serbia always offered support to each one, in personnel and/or money. And so do the old-guard countries, with a smidge of honour left. Look at how Lavrov behaves, and then compare his equivalents in the opposing countries.
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 18:32:55 #113 №125105 DELETED
Ukrainian whore manages to get the online frontpage of European version of Politico
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 18:56:09 #114 №125107 DELETED
judging by the fact that her pupils are unresponsive to light, she's also high))
Belgorod-kun  25/03/24 Пнд 19:20:07 #115 №125109 DELETED
The presence of stripes is up to the manufacturer of the quilt, "equal stripes" is a local schizophrenia that has passed into tradition, as is "square bedding"
Porn with disabled war veterans? Ahahahahaha
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 02:57:28 #116 №125111 DELETED
Every news about ukraine is either about depopulation or whores.
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 03:20:45 #117 №125112 DELETED
I hate the army
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 03:26:24 #118 №125113 DELETED
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 13:38:36 #119 №125120 DELETED
Welp, time to conquer the world. Why? Cuz we're so evul, literally the Antichrist Luciferovich Satan. We have all the territory and resources, but WE NEED MORE. Just because! That's how Russia is, if you look up in history it's us who attacked Hitler, Napoleon, and when we got Europe under our influence we took EVERYTHING from it.

Only USA saved them from USSR(Uber Slaughtering Super Regime). And now we're facing it once more...
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 14:14:26 #120 №125121 DELETED
If you look closely, we're not only mean and bad, but we're also careless because we're late according to plan.
ISIS or Ukraine? Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 14:34:57 #121 №125122 DELETED

(c) Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation


Thoughts? Objections?
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 15:44:25 #122 №125126 DELETED
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 16:18:21 #123 №125127 DELETED
Mod asked everyone not to post such things here.
You can post corpses, but it has to be borderline "comfy" (no obvious blood, guts, dismemberment or anything else).
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 16:26:50 #124 №125128 DELETED
At the Vostochny Cosmodrome, the first Angara-A5 flight rocket was brought to the launch table
Based on the results of the launch control tests, a decision was made on the first launch, which is scheduled for April 6-10.
This launch will start flight development tests of the Amur space rocket complex with Angara rockets for future operation of heavy rocket systems at the cosmodrome.
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 16:39:46 #125 №125129 DELETED
In Russia the honorable politician insures that those that do not involve themselves with politics will not have politics involve itself with them. But this is not the case when politicians allow some goatfuckers with guns slaughter 150 people in a theater to send a message. So I assume that Putin will be taking this issue very seriously so that he can retain his political honor towards his people.

But my question is who will receive the bears bite, the Ukrainians or ISIS itself?
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 16:40:32 #126 №125130 DELETED
Yuri Kuklachev, [a famous cat trainer and showman in Russia], has called for bombing Europe after the terrorist attack at Crocus:

"Our people have now seen what the West and Europe will do to us if, God forbid, they defeat us. They will shoot us like partridges, they will implant chips in us to make us their slaves.

They do not understand one thing: after such tragedies they, on the contrary, raise the people's spirit. We all need to come together now and give a powerful response to all this evil that has gathered in Europe. The entire Western world has turned against us.

Are they going to give us long-range missiles? Those who will give them are criminals. So they should be bombed too. Why wait? In European cities, everybody's sitting around, drinking champagne. When they realize that our missile can come to them from Siberia, they will realize that we are not puppies that can be shot. We are strong and powerful people who can fight back very seriously."

Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 16:44:12 #127 №125131 DELETED
=> >>125122

*The Security Council is a very powerful and serious state anti-terrorist structure headed by Dmitry Medvedev (former president of Russia)
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 16:56:51 #128 №125132 DELETED
This is completely retarded if you give it more than 5 seconds of thought. This is obviously a fabrication. There is just no STRATEGIC logic to any of this. The most obvious flaw in this so called "plan" is the predicament of the navy. For one since Finland and Sweden joined nato the Baltic sea is going to be completely dominated by the American navy in the case of war. Turkey will also close the straights to Russian ships the moment soldiers move into the Baltics.
So if Russia REALLY (lmao not a chance, this is a fabrication) chose this course of action they would basically be fighting the war with the complete absence of an effective navy in Europe. Now, if we assume that Russia has hypersonic weapons and other such unconventional arms this move may make sense as they can hit NATO ships with things they can't defend against.
BUT even if they did have a good secret strategy to deal with the naval issue this plan would forecast the Russian intention to invade NATO MONTHS before it actually happens and would give NATO more or less 6 MONTHS to prepare for this invasion. Thats right, the Germans expect us to believe that the Russians would make their intentions clear and give NATO months to prepare for the invasion. This is just stupid.
Any shred of common sense would tell you that the best move for Russia to defeat NATO would be to attack by surprise and act extremely quickly so that they could take as much land as possible before NATO responds. The more time America has to respond the less chance russia has to win.
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 16:57:40 #129 №125133 DELETED
Why did terrorist Putin destroy a bridge in Baltimore? Was it because Francis Scott Key (whom the bridge was named for) was a massive slaveowner and thus an original member of the homo-satano-judeo-vampiro-fascisto collective West?
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 17:02:57 #130 №125134 DELETED
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 17:03:15 #131 №125135 DELETED
Next time I stall my car I will think of the person who stalled a fucking ship and destroyed a bridge to make myself feel better. How does this happen?
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 17:14:53 #132 №125136 DELETED
Yes, everything is as you said, except for a couple of nuances, like AI torpedoes Poseidon, placed by submarine "Belgorod" (the largest in the world) at unreachable depths along the American ports. But even if you take that into account, it's all rubbish. I, for example, have no idea how the occupation of Poland will go at all. Russia simply doesn't have the manpower to contain their Russophobia and constant acts of sabotage. It's utter nonsense.
Russians and Poles have a rich history of relations, like the Irish and the British. Somewhere Poles exterminated tens of thousands of Russians (Polish invasion of Russia in 1612), somewhere Russians exterminated a few thousand Poles (Communist shootings of Polish officers at Katyn). So we cannot be called friendly nations.
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 17:18:56 #133 №125137 DELETED
This is Putin's revenge for the fact that Warhammer board games are no longer being shipped to Russia. It's like he's saying: hey Americans, tell the Brits.....
And with such a terrible Russian accent, as if he had been driving German cars from Estonia to Russia all night.
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 17:22:29 #134 №125138 DELETED
>How does this happen?

Shipping is basically lawless anarchy with Greeks and Filipinos absolutely everywhere. In other words, it's a vision of secular hell. Seems likely that somewhere between 'fuck all' and 'absolutely no' maintenance was carried out on that ship, resulting in an engine room fire, losing power and drifting at the worst possible time. I think the harbour pilot is legally allowed to kill the ship's master in these circumstances.
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 17:25:36 #135 №125139 DELETED
I agree on everything except that RDKs are insignificant. No, dude, RDK is a serious force in the media space. A war on the ground and a war on the mind are the same thing.
I have watched their broadcasts, they have the most excellent framing, professional colour correction, they competently follow the script: they beautifully hijacked an APC, shooting its crew, and some time later they beautifully interrogated a Russian officer whom they had kidnapped from Russian territory. All this has its own special media effect.

By the way, also, here's what Putin said about it just yesterday:

President Vladimir Putin held a meeting with the security services on measures taken after the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall. The head of state said that despite the desire to punish the perpetrators of the terrorist attack, the investigation should be "objective and without bias." The President emphasised that although the attack was carried out by Islamists, Russia is interested in who ordered it. The head of state admitted that the attack "could have been a link in a series of attempts by those who have been at war with the Russian Federation since 2014 by the hands of the Kiev regime." At the beginning of the meeting, Vladimir Putin reiterated his condolences to the families and friends of those killed in the attack on 22 March and wished a speedy recovery to the wounded.

According to the latest data, the shooting and fire in the concert hall killed 139 people and injured more than 180.
According to the president, those who planned the terrorist attack at Crocus hoped to sow panic and discord in Russian society, but "met with unity and determination to confront this evil.""We know that the crime was committed by the hands of radical Islamists.But we also see that the United States is trying to convince its satellites and other countries of the world that there is allegedly no Kiev trace in the Moscow terrorist attack, that the bloody terrorist attack was committed by followers of Islam, members of the organisation ISIS (banned in Russia).

We know by whose hands this atrocity against Russia and its people was committed.We are interested in who ordered it," Vladimir Putin said.
He said it also remains to be seen "whether radical Islamic organisations are really interested in striking at Russia, which stands for a just solution to the Middle East conflict." "These, as well as other, more specific professional questions for an objective investigation of the crime committed in Moscow, remain to be answered," the head of state concluded.

Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 17:27:58 #136 №125140 DELETED
But that was yesterday. >>125139

But today we get this >>125122
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 17:39:14 #137 №125141 DELETED
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 17:40:36 #138 №125142 DELETED
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 17:43:11 #139 №125143 DELETED
Translation of the picture:
A group of Chechen fighters led by field commander Abdul Hakim al-Shishani has arrived in Ukraine to take part in combat operations against Russian troops, the France24 TV channel has reported. This was reported by the France24 TV channel.
According to the publication's journalist Wassim Nasr, who specializes in the study of jihadist movements, the militants took part in the fighting in Syria against government forces - in particular, participated in the battles in Idlib. They are now in Bakhmut.

The news is old, they are no longer in Bakhmut, but there is a fact that ISIS fighters are fighting for Ukraine.
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 17:46:09 #140 №125144 DELETED
Do you have your own boat or yacht?
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 17:54:23 #141 №125145 DELETED
You're the shittiest Russian poster here.
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 17:57:36 #142 №125146 DELETED
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 20:09:50 #143 №125147 DELETED
Latest news on the subject

The terrorist Andrey Zhvakin, who blew himself up with an improvised explosive device, knew Samara public activist Alexander Kudashev, who founded the project "Recycling for Charity" and later went to Ukraine and joined the Russian Volunteer Corps (RDK), an organization recognized as a terrorist organization and banned in Russia. This information is confirmed by Samara eco-activists. Alexander Kudashev is also among the friends of Andrei Zhvakin in the social network "VKontakte".

Andrei Zhvakin himself positioned himself as an eco-activist, for some time he owned a store selling eco-friendly goods on Lenin Avenue. In 2020, the Samara resident became a prize-winner of the contest "Young Entrepreneur of Russia".

According to the FSB, Andrei Zhvakin became a member of the "Russian Volunteer Corps" (RDK, recognized in the Russian Federation as terrorist and banned). According to the version of law enforcers, the Samara resident was planning a terrorist attack at the point of receiving humanitarian aid. According to the FSB, on the instructions of his handler, he took out of the cache, which had been prepared in advance, an explosive device he had made. During the detention it went off, the man was killed. The law enforcers are currently investigating his involvement in the attempt to undermine the support of the railroad bridge over Chapaevka.

Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 20:26:10 #144 №125148 DELETED
Okay, I feel like I'm boring everyone with my sheets of text. Let's take a break. If anything, I'll just throw in a video with a little description or translations.
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 23:09:22 #145 №125152 DELETED
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 23:39:57 #146 №125153 DELETED
To any normal person, this was obvious quickly.
Ukraine, Britain, US.
I don't think anyone else knew. This is mostly subhumanity of their caliber.
If Germany or others knew of this (who are also scared of such shit), they would leak it to Russia. Not only because of the above, but because they're unreliable allies.
Patrushev is just saying what Putin doesn't want to. Since he likes to make status-quo statements, and perhaps even status-quo moves.
But this is a matter of terrorism, so I think Putin might respond and think differently after this. He doesn't like terrorism.
It's fine, I am enjoying these, a change from 4chan's fast paced replies and answers.
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 23:41:59 #147 №125154 DELETED
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 23:42:32 #148 №125155 DELETED
this captcha is sick and fucked up for anons that don't use vodka runes either to accompany a discussion or reply to someone
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 23:46:08 #149 №125156 DELETED
Russian keyboard layout is very complicated to me, because Serbian cyrillic layout is vastly different. It's as difficult for me, as it is for you probably, kek.
I'd wish there was a string of numbers instead.
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 01:00:06 #150 №125158 DELETED
We look forward to comments on this issue. But one anon told me that these are on-duty operatives who were at all major events in Moscow that night, since there was no specificity of where exactly the terrorist attack would take place, their task was first to organize the evacuation of the hall in the right direction, and later to proceed to the arrest of terrorists. That's why three of them in the video yell "close the doors" so that people don't run upstairs. Also here in the video the girl tells how it was, if you have API for neural sound translations from Yandex, you can install them in your browser and understand what is said in the video, or download Yandex browser.
She says a man was giving commands to evacuate.
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 01:03:34 #151 №125159 DELETED
There's nothing easier than that, man. The Serbian bro will prove
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 01:09:45 #152 №125160 DELETED
>The Serbian bro will prove
Okay, I take that back.
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 01:12:42 #153 №125161 DELETED
The captain of the container ship that destroyed a bridge in the US state of Maryland turned out to be Ukrainian Sergiy, 52 years old

Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 01:13:42 #154 №125162 DELETED
=> >>124742
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 01:52:15 #155 №125163 DELETED
It is not about the alphabet Russki, but the layout.
It takes me a while to find the letters, as their placement is very illogical to me.
Maybe it makes sense to you.
I am slowly getting the hang of it.
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 01:52:47 #156 №125164 DELETED
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 01:57:57 #157 №125165 DELETED
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 02:04:26 #158 №125166 DELETED
The mod said he would make a normal captcha. Let's take him at his word. Unless it's a joke "mod". >>124742
Lol. I love that meme
Belgorod-kun  27/03/24 Срд 02:12:25 #159 №125167 DELETED
Where is this map from what time period?
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 02:20:42 #160 №125168 DELETED
Moi boi
Belgorod-kun  27/03/24 Срд 02:24:18 #161 №125169 DELETED
How could I forget, thanks
>one anon told me
He's bullshitting you, wait for the official comments
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 10:01:53 #162 №125170 DELETED
Serbian President said that in the past 48 hours he has received important information about the threat to the country

Aleksandar Vucic said that in the past two days he has received news that is hard for him to talk about:

It is not easy for me now to say what news we have received in the last 48 hours. In the coming days, I will familiarise the people of Serbia with all the challenges that lie ahead of us. It will be hard, harder than ever. We will fight. Serbia will win.
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 10:59:19 #163 №125171 DELETED
Although he could get a quick haircut with a hairdressing machine. Also, the temple doesn't look like. The viewer's is shaved, but the operative's is intact.
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 11:23:36 #164 №125172 DELETED

Divide us by making our keyboards not correlate, despite having similar alphabets! And you're just a sheeple that gets manipulated into being divided. Jews, Anglo-Sexons - they all laugh at how easy it is to make you feel different.

Your live is this vid. And unless you become undivided, you'll remain chained.
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 12:12:16 #165 №125173 DELETED
The shoes don't fit as well. The beard is worn by the Chechen special forces "Akhmat-Russia", which took part in the detention.
It's weird, we'll think about it.
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 12:21:52 #166 №125174 DELETED
What is the grenade launcher in the hands of the Ukrainians?
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 12:27:42 #167 №125175 DELETED
Kiev is drowning in shit again
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 12:35:03 #168 №125176 DELETED
On the street next to the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian Senate), due to a broken water pipe, shit poured out onto the carriageway.
A river of shit is rapidly gaining momentum to run through Kiev. Or maybe the whole of Ukraine.
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 12:42:44 #169 №125177 DELETED
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 13:43:00 #170 №125178 DELETED
This dude asked for all kinds of shizoconspirologists to fuck off.
He went to the concert with his daughter, some of the calmness he attributes to the fact that they thought it was part of the show.
+ some additional details about the course of the terrorist attack
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 13:59:29 #171 №125181 DELETED
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 14:30:49 #172 №125182 DELETED
Putin gave instructions on the production of game consoles and consoles in Russia

Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 14:31:57 #173 №125183 DELETED
>consoles and consoles
consolses and TV set-top boxes*
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 15:55:28 #174 №125184 DELETED
Alexei Druzhkov works as a construction worker, here are his social media accounts:
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 18:55:42 #175 №125189 DELETED
Liberal bloggers and the media believe that the "men in blue" are a distraction from the real problems in the country.

I can't take it anymore.
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 18:56:10 #176 №125190 DELETED
By the way, his daughter is SEXO
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 19:07:10 #177 №125191 DELETED
Good try, comrade FSB major
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 20:35:18 #178 №125193 DELETED
>Moscow fashion
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 20:57:50 #179 №125194 DELETED
Telegraph: Britain won't last two months fighting Russia

Why are they writing all this cringe shit?
Britain will never go to war with Russia alone, lol
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 21:32:09 #180 №125195 DELETED
Serbia's tank fleet is better than the British. That says a lot.
I doubt they'd last two months. With what, forks?
>Why are they writing all this cringe shit?
>Britain will never go to war with Russia alone, lol
Currently the entire Europe (especially border regions with Russia) are going through a fearmongering campaign.
They gradually want to scare people into accepting harder measures (and seeing them as necessary).
Do not be surprised if they reintroduce conscription or do cold-war style exercises. They already are, in some places.
Little do they know that their countries are an economic mess. They're just service-economies. Courtesy of their elites moving industry to China and other Asian countries.
They have no resources, no energy, no workforce (cheap, educated), they have NOTHING. There's unironically thousands of British dying of malnutrition and freezing by their own sources, per year.
They're scrapping fighter aircraft and navy vessels. Their tank fleet is almost nonexistant. They can't produce spare parts, let alone new hulls.
And I mentioned resources above, because they are important for reindustrialisation. You need ALL of those for reindustrialisation, or it won't happen.
EU is effectively a dead alliance. Honestly, the US wanted it to be so.
They can't rule otherwise. And they never learned to compromise on some grounds.

And they're going to have to focus on the Pacific theater. China is getting scary.

They have chosen (or got dictated by the US) to go on a path of fearmongering even though Russia doesn't pose a threat to them.
This is the wrong one for the EU and you will see the bloc slowly disintegrate into internal chaos and bickering over the years.
The future players are Russia, China and the US. Might as well forget Britain exists, other than their Intelligence branch evilry.
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 21:55:21 #181 №125197 DELETED
Как же ебут бензодиазепиновую шлюху, пиздец просто.

Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 23:22:10 #182 №125199 DELETED
A very good and detailed answer, thanks. I don't even have anything to add.
Have you heard anything about it? >>125170

Judging by how much the Iraqis support the American withdrawal, I don't understand how they manage to keep the puppet government there in power at all. Iraqis hate the hohols for that, by the way:

(Ukrainian invasion in Iraq)
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 23:43:25 #183 №125200 DELETED

Belgorod-kun  27/03/24 Срд 23:47:06 #184 №125201 DELETED
Belgorod-kun  27/03/24 Срд 23:51:22 #185 №125202 DELETED
btw lmao, why do they always bring tow trucks with them? Do they really think that artillery will allow them to safely remove a damaged tank from the battlefield?))
Anonymous  28/03/24 Чтв 00:02:53 #186 №125203 DELETED
>Have you heard anything about it?
There will be a vote to invite Kosovo into Council of Europe. Dunno how this is relevant, I don't know how those things work and whether or not we should even worry about it.
While Kosovo is not even in the UN, lol.
>Picture, Russians with captured Strv-122 (most modern Leo2 upgrade/version). Ukraine has only received 10 of them.
Anonymous  28/03/24 Чтв 00:08:03 #187 №125204 DELETED
Because their western partners are probably pissed when they lose one. Not only do they have limited amounts of tanks, they're insanely egoistic. British pulled out Challenger IIs when one got destroyed.
Anonymous  28/03/24 Чтв 00:22:03 #188 №125206 DELETED
For morale
Belgorod-kun  28/03/24 Чтв 13:17:29 #189 №125215 DELETED
I don't believe it, there has to be a realistic reason
>British pulled out Challenger IIs when one got destroyed
Really? I thought it was completely destroyed. That's too bad, because they could analyse the damage
They claim that all their cool toys are being lost in Ukraine because the Ukrainians, who had a huge number of officers trained in the military superpower (before it collapsed) supposedly don't know how to fight because they don't have aviation and so on, but fuck, they each have 100-200 tanks, that's so few that they will lose them even with aviation support and "know how to fight" in the first stages.
>(Автор этого поста был предупрежден.)
That means you have to write in English, btw))
пиши по английски
Anonymous  28/03/24 Чтв 14:37:07 #190 №125216 DELETED
The USSR abolished taxes for everyone in 1960.
Anonymous  28/03/24 Чтв 15:37:03 #191 №125218 DELETED
"The United States and its partners have no plan "B" with regard to what happened. The European Commission has issued a direct directive to ban coverage of the terrorist attack in Russia. Brussels received confirmation from the authorities in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. The heads of the BBC and Sky News have done the same"

Anonymous  28/03/24 Чтв 15:52:59 #192 №125219 DELETED
>There will be a vote to invite Kosovo into Council of Europe.
Pressure on Vucic. Most likely in plans to recognise Kosovo as a NATO member. Difficult, given its non-recognition by some NATO members, but not impossible. I think it's because of the close ties between Serbian and Russian intelligence. Russia and Serbia have no common borders and the whole air corridor is blocked by NATO countries and their accomplices, so Serbia is very vulnerable to another war against NATO. Vucic knows this, so he manoeuvres on the political chair as best he can.

Cool pic.
Also captured Marder. "Ukrainian separatist" (also Russian from Donbass) says that Marder does not pass through our mud and drowns.
Anonymous  28/03/24 Чтв 16:08:07 #193 №125221 DELETED
After the collapse of the USSR there was a civil war in Tajikistan, and both the Taliban and Al-Qaeda intervened in the conflict. Therefore, it is wrong to consider all Tajiks as a single entity. Yes, they are alien culture, strange traditions, the miserable appearance of poor Tajiks and their low level of education, who come to Russia to work, but still they are not one whole, they have their own views, and we do not see rich and educated Tajiks, they all sit at home. Also after that civil war they never recovered and they are a poor country with a shitty economy.
Anonymous  28/03/24 Чтв 17:07:54 #194 №125226 DELETED
"The Gesture of Goodwill" is not the Thing it looks like

Author : Anon Anonimov
Composer : suno.ai
Anonymous  28/03/24 Чтв 18:38:09 #195 №125227 DELETED
>In Russia
So why do foreigners need it? Stupid retard
Anonymous  28/03/24 Чтв 18:38:48 #196 №125228 DELETED
In RussiaN*
Anonymous  28/03/24 Чтв 18:43:39 #197 №125229 DELETED
>Really? I thought it was completely destroyed. That's too bad, because they could analyse the damage
Sorry, lost in translation. I meant that they pulled out the remaining 13 ones. Have you even seen a video of Challenger anywhere? To my knowledge, they've recorded it somewhere driving through some mud (not the training video, another one) in the back lines, but it could be recorded anywhere.
And it's obvious they're not deploying them, if you deploy a tank, eventually it gets destroyed, the reason why we like shitting on their gear in the first place is because they've spent decades overpraising their equipment with big flaws.
I also think they pulled out AMX-10RCs. They're simply bad vehicles and Ukrainians have complained one got disabled by a FRAG GRENADE.
Pulling out a Challie would be good if only to analyse it's Chobham armour. The rest is uninteresting.
>They claim that all their cool toys are being lost in Ukraine because the Ukrainians, who had a huge number of officers trained in the military superpower (before it collapsed) supposedly don't know how to fight because they don't have aviation and so on, but fuck, they each have 100-200 tanks, that's so few that they will lose them even with aviation support and "know how to fight" in the first stages.
Anyone who is familiar with NATO intervention in Yugoslavia knows they've completely embarrassed themselves in the unsuccessful attempt of destruction of our ground forces. Can even be read about on wikipedia, it's not some esoteric cope. If I was them I'd have changed/improved the doctrine just like they did after Vietnam, but they're too full of themselves and/or incompetent.
>Pressure on Vucic. Most likely in plans to recognise Kosovo as a NATO member.
I have started writing sentences about how they can't become one without our recognition but hear this, lol:
>Who can join NATO? NATO says it has an 'open door' policy and any European country can join. The only requirement is that they agree to further the principles of the Washington Treaty and contribute to the security of the North Atlantic area
They actually can, being in the UN/a recognised state is not a clause. What a happy coincidence.
>so Serbia is very vulnerable to another war against NATO. Vucic knows this, so he manoeuvres on the political chair as best he can.
Yes, status quo cuckoldry.

>slight update, I solved 3 captchas in a row without looking at the Russian kb layout, progresss
Anonymous  28/03/24 Чтв 18:46:04 #198 №125231 DELETED
>Anyone who is familiar with NATO intervention in Yugoslavia knows they've completely embarrassed themselves in the unsuccessful attempt of destruction of our ground forces
With the usage of aviation. Remember that they've had ground forces in the form of Albanians (hohols are smarter, but still), FFL, mercenaries and instructors. So there was a direct ground war while we still had to wage a war against their aviation.
Their results were shit. But of course, they won in the end, through other means. Still backed down from initial ultimatum but that's another topic.
Belgorod-kun  28/03/24 Чтв 19:10:28 #199 №125232 DELETED
>I meant that they pulled out the remaining 13 ones. Have you even seen a video of Challenger anywhere?
To be honest, I was disconnected at the time because of my job. So I didn't follow the news from early spring until late September. I'll have to see what's up.
>the reason why we like shitting on their gear in the first place is because they've spent decades overpraising their equipment with big flaws.
Absolutely. If you've seen threads on 4chan in the pol section that start with "another nafo overhyped shit got BTFO from hungry conscripts with rusty shovels" - those are my threads.
>AMX-10RCs. They're simply bad vehicles and Ukrainians have complained one got disabled by a FRAG GRENADE.
It was actually destroyed by a tank shrapnel charge, which is designed to hit infantry. The shrapnel shell exploded nearby and destroyed the entire crew with shrapnel. The French told me it was Russian propaganda and it wasn't a tank at all (lol), although apparently its armor is APC level.
Anyway, I decided it was best not to take it seriously. Misconceptions about NATO equipment can cost lives, in case of a large scale war. Yes, you can see that their equipment is overrated, but you shouldn't underestimate this shit either, after all they have passed some NATO quality bar to be accepted into service.
>Anyone who is familiar with NATO intervention in Yugoslavia knows they've completely embarrassed themselves in the unsuccessful attempt of destruction of our ground forces.
Not only that.
They totally embarrassed themselves when they started this intervention in the first place, I'm more than sure this whole war is their doing. They embarrassed themselves by revealing the true purpose of their "Defense" Alliance.
Anonymous  28/03/24 Чтв 19:33:44 #200 №125233 DELETED
>Absolutely. If you've seen threads on 4chan in the pol section that start with "another nafo overhyped shit got BTFO from hungry conscripts with rusty shovels" - those are my threads.
Kek, probably participated. Mine are over-the-top bait with filenames of the two ukro generals so more people participate. These days I don't do it much because it lost it's magic, only ones shilling for ukros are paid or trannies.
>It was actually destroyed by a tank shrapnel charge, which is designed to hit infantry. The shrapnel shell exploded nearby and destroyed the entire crew with shrapnel. The French told me it was Russian propaganda and it wasn't a tank at all (lol), although apparently its armor is APC level.
My sides. I don't even know what the purpose of that tank is. You don't need it for niggerhunting in Sahara. Not only that, there's better options. French are also deployed in South America, no point using AMX there. Really retarded design and doctrinal choices, but actually that's a trait of the French since at least the WW1, I don't know about before.
>Anyway, I decided it was best not to take it seriously. Misconceptions about NATO equipment can cost lives, in case of a large scale war. >Yes, you can see that their equipment is overrated, but you shouldn't underestimate this shit either, after all they have passed some NATO quality bar to be accepted into service.
>They totally embarrassed themselves when they started this intervention in the first place, I'm more than sure this whole war is their doing
It is. I've read how much Ukrainians got away in diplomatic and economic warfare between you and them, to claim their presidents are Russian puppets is insulting to anyone with a brain. A puppet that isn't in CSTO and leads gas wars every two years. Boring propaganda slopped up by everyone, even some pro-Russians (moreso internationally).
Plus, they've started their propaganda warfare the second Ukraine got independence. Ironically, I think they haven't managed to psyop Ukrainians well enough, and their retardation is more of a domino effect. The primary culprit of this is retarded+bought Ukrainian elite that got used by the west. In standard fashion the hatred and brainwashing is just a matter of causality.
>They embarrassed themselves by revealing the true purpose of their "Defense" Alliance.
Might makes right in the end, but faggots have perfected media warfare to make this seem like an avengers movie, that is what is annoying about their alliance.
Anonymous  28/03/24 Чтв 19:44:53 #201 №125235 DELETED
The Investigative Committee has received data on the receipt of money from Ukraine to the perpetrators of the terrorist attack in Crocus

The investigation has at its disposal confirmed data on the receipt by the perpetrators of the terrorist attack of significant amounts of money and cryptocurrency from Ukraine, which were used in the preparation of the crime," the statement said.

Anonymous  28/03/24 Чтв 19:49:39 #202 №125236 DELETED
Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 00:31:21 #203 №125244 DELETED
Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 00:36:10 #204 №125245 DELETED
Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 01:59:58 #205 №125248 DELETED
>let me put my nightmare goggles
>It's an improvement
Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 02:07:02 #206 №125249 DELETED
Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 09:49:25 #207 №125252 DELETED
Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 09:59:34 #208 №125253 DELETED
Power plants all over eastern and parts of western Ukraine right now

Massive attack on power supply facilities in Ukraine since morning
Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 10:01:21 #209 №125254 DELETED
A man was beaten to death in India's Delhi after asking people not to urinate in the street.
Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 10:13:23 #210 №125255 DELETED
C-70 battletest in Ukraine
Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 10:54:14 #211 №125257 DELETED
Imagine if they had come to power in Russia?
Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 11:05:21 #212 №125258 DELETED
The only thing I like about Russian libertarians is their women.
Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 13:38:25 #213 №125260 DELETED
Denis Frolov, owner of Astra Linux developer has become a dollar billionaire

Thanks to Microsoft for restricting the functionality of Windows and its services for Russians. Sometimes I wonder if this is some kind of conspiracy? No, really, whatever they do, it all benefits my country's economy.
Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 16:18:53 #214 №125263 DELETED
>A man was beaten to death in India's Delhi after asking people not to urinate in the street.
Based, return to tradition.
I wonder how useful Okhotniks are. I mean, they're probably quite expensive toys.
Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 16:23:41 #215 №125264 DELETED
Reminds me
Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 16:44:52 #216 №125265 DELETED
Not him, but all I've heard is that they are an assistant to the Su-57 pilot who gives him voice commands, AI+human, sort of like forming a new Russian aviation doctrine
Although the latter is inaccurate
Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 18:22:54 #217 №125267 DELETED
I think Putin's a pretty cool guy. eh shots Ukrainians and doesn't afraid of anything.
Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 19:15:14 #218 №125269 DELETED
He has a good reason for doing this since 2014 >>124970
Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 20:47:48 #219 №125272 DELETED
The accused in the terrorist attack in "Crocus" said that they were on their way to Kiev for a reward


How is the west going to cope this?
Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 21:15:57 #220 №125276 DELETED
>terrorists are all dressed with Adidas tracking suits
>FSB spooks dressed with Zara Navy Blue pullovers, suits
>muh it was the West giving 5000 euros
It was all some controlled event like a special Slav ethnocide operation where one side wears white or red ribbons and other wears green, blue, yellow ribbons .
Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 21:27:04 #221 №125277 DELETED
Why were the terrorists traveling to Kiev? They were taken near Bryansk. The place has been identified by local anons.
Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 21:28:15 #222 №125278 DELETED
Two sisters Anna and Tatiana Makarskiy, who survived the terrorist attack in Volgodonsk 24 years ago, were killed in the terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall concert hall in Moscow Region. The Emergency Situations Ministry published their names on the list of the dead.


You can't escape your fate.
Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 21:48:33 #223 №125279 DELETED
Conspiracy theory
for false flag operation to blame Ukraine, FSB spook sends telegram message or whatever to them - "please proceed to Kiev, Ukraine border".

other theory
Since Russia-Ukraine border is a warzone easily permeated by ethnic Russian terrorist formations, terrorist Chechen, terrorist Islamists, it is easier to enter Ukraine. Take account that Ukraine has invited Islamists from Syria and Russian separatists, and they fight as co-belligerent.
Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 22:15:53 #224 №125281 DELETED
>it is easier to enter Ukraine.
Maybe it was like that in the days of Prigozhin's hysterics, but now there is a fortress of ССО(Special Operations Forces), tank brigades and territorial defense of Belgorod guarding the border. According to the terrorists' testimony, they were supposed to be met by Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups, and they were also supposed to cover the terrorists' withdrawal by a massive attack from Ukraine.
On March 12, the Ukrainians tried to create an operational direction there by means of a massive offensive to take Belgorod under control, but they failed.

The usual theory is probably that it was a failure of the intelligence services and external operatives were waiting in the wrong place. Internal operatives are responsible for evacuating and controlling the situation in places where terrorist attacks are likely to be expected to minimize casualties. Because it's logical and the right thing to do. I believe that's what any world agency would do.
Why am I so sure? I have a videotape from the afternoon of that day. Armed agency-officers were frantically combing the area around Krokus, and probably bought into a fake cell. You may notice the Crocus Expo sign on the right.
Staging a terrorist attack is dumb and makes no sense. To just accuse Ukraine? You need solid evidence of Ukrainian trace to be presented to the public, in this case to the UN.
Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 22:51:47 #225 №125282 DELETED
German bishop compared Navalny to Jesus

Source: https://www.yahoo.com/news/german-bishop-compares-navalny-treatment-093157603.html

The Great Irony: https://youtu.be/Yba-LJ8clgc?t=123
Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 22:53:21 #226 №125283 DELETED
Please don't saint our clowns.

Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 23:13:38 #227 №125284 DELETED
A terrorist attack has been prevented in Stavropol region, three citizens of Central Asian countries have been detained.

The FSB department also states that the components of IEDs, chemical substances and destructive elements have been seized at the place of residence of the defendants in the case. The terrorist attack was planned in places of mass gathering of people.

Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 23:40:26 #228 №125285 DELETED
>Natasha is the best bride for american incel (me)
Did you see that? Natasha's hand. You never know who's an FSB operative and who isn't. >>125284
Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 23:46:59 #229 №125286 DELETED
Totalitarian bestiality government wants to monitor what citizens watch on YouTube Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 10:06:29 #230 №125292 DELETED
The U.S. Department of Justice has ordered Google to release the names and addresses of YouTube viewers who watched certain videos

"This is unconstitutional, horrific, and happens every day. These YouTube warrants are frightening, allowing police to harass people simply because of the content they consume"

Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 10:11:20 #231 №125293 DELETED
Ukraine losses: +1 vehicle to steal people off the street.
Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 10:14:28 #232 №125294 DELETED
Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 10:24:01 #233 №125295 DELETED
Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 10:26:00 #234 №125296 DELETED
American world
Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 12:39:18 #235 №125297 DELETED
I hate Russian spring. Utility workers don't have time to remove snow from roofs and because of this there are always injuries. Every fucking spring.
Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 12:46:00 #236 №125299 DELETED
Drone flight altitude exceeds 50 meters, which may violate local laws and ordinance, make sure you have the proper... [permission].
Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 13:07:53 #237 №125301 DELETED
I thought this was going to be funny from the thumbnail but it was extremely depressing. If this unemployed woman is bringing 3 strange men (who harass her kids) into her house while her 2 children are sleeping I can barely even call this person a mother. I suspect she is a prostitute of some kind. Imagine how badly the kids are going to be bullied when the people at their school discover this video and realize that their mother gets turned out every night for strangers.
One of these kids is going to grow up to be one of those guys who murders and tortures prostitutes...
Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 13:11:25 #238 №125302 DELETED
I suppose this is so common in America that their most famous artists make songs about it
Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 16:00:43 #239 №125303 DELETED
Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 16:56:10 #240 №125305 DELETED
>thought this was going to be funny
Dude, this is a sad thread :)
>I suspect she is a prostitute
Either owes them money. Modern America in some places resembles Russia of the 1990s. And these guys look like gang members that even the police are afraid to mess with
Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 16:57:57 #241 №125306 DELETED
Yeah, it goes great with the video.
Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 17:30:12 #242 №125309 DELETED
This is a cartoon by one of our most anti Russia political cartoonists. When the anti russia people admit its going bad then thats a promising sign if you are Russian
Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 17:31:04 #243 №125310 DELETED
Oops I forgot the image
Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 17:36:49 #244 №125311 DELETED
While I often don't agree with this particular cartoonist when he starts talking about Trump or Russia, he hits the nail on the head from time to time. This cartoon is a really good one. The absolute state of this country...
Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 19:34:34 #245 №125319 DELETED
That's interesting. Thank you.
What would happen if all the caricaturists in the world got together?
Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 20:55:21 #246 №125324 DELETED
>Russia of the 1990s
I swear people who have never been through a decade like the 90s for Russia will never understand what its like, and will never understand why we give up on democracy. My country passed that threshold after covid so now I know what its like.
My mother is working herself into an early grave doing three jobs to make ends meet, and my father had to leave his family behind to immigrate to America so that he could send remittances home to help our family.
Every week I have to check the electricity schedule to see when the power outages are so I can plan around the blackouts
Every morning when I go for a walk I see unemployed young people outside the bottle shop drinking beer before lunch time. When I get on the bus to the train station I see homeless people injecting drugs in broad daylight on the side of the road.
Every month at the university there are people who have to drop out of their studies completely because the government organization that was created to fund poor university students arbitrarily stops paying people without warning or reason.
Every single day people die of preventable issues on the floor of hospitals because there are no beds for them and not enough medicine or doctors to treat them. At the same time individuals flood in through our open borders because free healthcare is a right to all within our borders.
Every day our cities become more and more rundown because gangsters take control of buildings, and the police are not allowed to help evict the gangsters who take control of the buildings. Because of this our once prosperous city centers have now become massive urban slums. The only way businesses can operate in this environment without being threatened or coerced is to hire private security that guard the buildings with guns.
Education has become so poor that for some subjects 30% (!!!) for final exams is enough to pass. Yet, 20% of students still fail to pass the exams. In rural areas many students, if they need the bathroom at school have to use latrines. Every year there is a story of a student who dies because they fell into the hole while shitting and drowned!
Every month food becomes more and more expensive due to inflation. And this is made worse by the fact that our railway network is so rundown and neglected that everything needs to be transported by trucks, which makes things even more expensive due to how EXPENSIVE petrol has become!
Our postal network collapsed last year, and over 100 post offices closed down because they could not operate anymore. And many big brands will not even import things by mail to this country because theft is so rampant in the postal system that sending anything here is a huge liability.

I could go on and on and on but you get the picture. This is a national NIGHTMARE. And every year our elected politicians come up infront of the cameras to tell us what an excellent job they have done, and how they are on the brink of fixing all our problems. And every day they finf ways to fuck over those that need them most and betray the trust of the nation. If we ever see our own Putin nobody in this country will mourn as long as he actually fixes the problems. At some point things get so bad that you would be willing to give up flowery idealistic ideas like democracy just to have stability and a functional country. And obviously the Americans would weep about the death of democracy and chastise us but I have to ask them, WHAT DID 30 YEARS OF DEMOCRACY BRING US?!
Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 21:04:01 #247 №125325 DELETED
And that is not to say that there are no good things or things I love about this country. There are countless. Thats why I stay. I just want our foreign friends not to be so quick to judge people who support autocracy and dictatorship.
Until you have been in our shoes you will never know what its like to watch democracy fail. And you will never understand our contempt for democracy.
Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 21:55:08 #248 №125327 DELETED
Well, this is a good post.
I didn't know that everything is so shitty in Ilon Musk's homeland, didn't joining BRICS bring any improvements? Even though it doesn't work to its full potential due to western market restrictions, it must still have some upside. Just in case you are into farming, Russia is building villages (30 villages are planned) for South African Boers who, according to Russian conditions, are supposed to farm and develop it, contributing to the Russian economy.

It is widely believed in the west and among Russian liberals that Putin is rigging the results, despite evidence to the contrary from foreign observers, including from the US/Europe. Granted, maybe 87% looks too fantastic, but I can say with certainty that he will at least get his 60% absolutely honestly and deservedly, simply because Russia no longer has the shit it had 24 years ago. Fuck, he just came in and did everything right, put whoever needed to go to jail, whoever needed to be destroyed, whoever needed to be taken by the balls, whoever needed to be put in the right places, prevented the sale of businesses to western corporations, leaving everything to the Russians, people started getting paid(!!!) without delays, there was food on the shelves and many other things, organized crime gangs started to be destroyed with extreme brutality, he literally declared war on them.
Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 22:00:40 #249 №125328 DELETED
>he literally declared war on them.
And won that war.

They burst into my office in the Kremlin, pounded my fist on the table and told me that I was a nobody here and that if they wanted to, they would put another president in office.
(c) V.Putin, a verbatim paraphrase of a quote he gave in an interview last decade.
The hohols are trying to cosplay the Surovikin line Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 22:04:52 #250 №125329 DELETED
Together with the Kiev region, the Dnepropetrovsk region is also preparing for defense. Active construction of defensive structures is underway.

Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 22:15:31 #251 №125330 DELETED
Two news:

Zelensky started hinting at negotiations and discarded the thesis of Ukraine's withdrawal to the 1991 borders. Now he puts Ukraine's borders until 2022 as the initial condition for negotiations.

Peskov responded to Zelensky’s statement on possible negotiations that the geopolitical situation in Ukraine has changed significantly since Russia’s proposal for negotiations: in short, according to him, this means "fuck off, you should have said yes when you were asked earlier".

is related >>125329
Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 22:18:39 #252 №125331 DELETED
Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 22:21:21 #253 №125332 DELETED
I wonder which Ukrainian front will get a drinking song when this war is over.
This song is so jolly, and yet the Volkhov front was more so than most places on the Eastern Front an utterly horrific place to be stationed. 150 000 soviet soldiers ended up as casualties on this godforsaken hellhole. It is where the traitor Vlasov betrayed Russia after being encircled, where the seige of Leningrad was decided

It will probably be the worst one to be in lol. Maybe the Donbass Militias will have a drinking song about holding the line since 2004. I have so far really enjoyed the music from this front. https://youtu.be/K9iYEazk_mw?si=k9v4wqep-9sfbqJJ
Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 22:30:22 #254 №125333 DELETED
>traitor Vlasov
Many of today's RDK faggots fighting on the side of Ukraine wear the patches of Vlasov's army, as if to proclaim the connection and heredity of ideas. It's cool that you like Russian history, interesting.
>Drinking songs
I think it's going to be something like this(lol):
Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 22:36:40 #255 №125334 DELETED
Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 22:36:48 #256 №125335 DELETED
I linked this song but the version you just sent me (live version?) is the best I have heard.
This is not bad at all, but it does not have the right gravity

May I ask, does Operation Bagration have any decent songs about it? I have not heard any
Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 23:25:50 #257 №125337 DELETED
>I linked this song but the version you just sent me (live version?) is the best I have heard.
While I was listening to the first link, at the same time I was writing a post. After I replied I already realized you sent it to me(lol). Sorry.

>May I ask, does Operation Bagration have any decent songs about it? I have not heard any
Unfortunately, I am not well acquainted with the songography of this war, so I can't say anything about it, although a cursory search on the Internet didn't give me any results about it.
Interesting fact:
Some of the songs sung in this war have their origins in medieval Russia, such as "Marusya". This song was used as a march to go to war with the Tatars.
Anonymous  31/03/24 Вск 01:01:48 #258 №125342 DELETED
Fake letter distributed in a village in Portugal calling on alleged elderly ex-soldiers to fight in Ukraine
Anonymous  31/03/24 Вск 09:10:55 #259 №125344 DELETED
Lol. Russians have a saying: "a fairy tale is a lie, but there's a hint in it". Actually, in case you didn't know, in the U.S. the government is encouraging homeless people to volunteer in the Ukrainian army. So most likely the jokers are preparing the Portuguese public :)

More news from Portugal and not only related to Ukraine, like how Luís Eduardo Castro was drinking his Portuguese martini in a bar on the Portuguese coast, but suddenly João Henrique Barreto came up and shit in his martini glass: a stabbing started, 86 people killed, 43 people injured, the bar burned down, witness Cíntia Igrejas (name changed) claims she saw aliens circling in the sky before the fight. ISIS has claimed responsibility for the incident. Are you telling me you don't have that going on? 100% happens every day. You just don't tell.
Anonymous  31/03/24 Вск 09:59:10 #260 №125346 DELETED
Odessa (last night)
Anonymous  31/03/24 Вск 10:06:26 #261 №125347 DELETED
Events you described are common for Brazil, not Portugal. Portugal is ok.
Anonymous  31/03/24 Вск 11:16:43 #262 №125348 DELETED
I just want more different news from different countries. Otherwise I feel like an arrogant white crow who only posts about my country.
Anonymous  31/03/24 Вск 13:27:42 #263 №125350 DELETED
Anonymous  31/03/24 Вск 20:46:54 #264 №125353 DELETED
>Foreigners think annual conscription numbering 150.000 is a new mobilization for SVO
It's getting tiring at this point and they're still going to buy it.
Anonymous  31/03/24 Вск 20:50:06 #265 №125354 DELETED
Moscow has demanded that Kiev arrest and extradite all those involved in the terrorist attacks in Russia, including SBU head Vasily Malyuk, the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

"The Foreign Ministry has conveyed to the Ukrainian authorities the requirements under the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings (ICBT) and the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism (ICSFTU) for the immediate arrest and extradition of all those involved," the ministry said.

The Kiev authorities must immediately stop any support for terrorist activities, extradite the perpetrators and compensate for the damage caused to the victims. Violation of the former Soviet republic's obligations under the above-mentioned conventions will lead to international legal responsibility, the ministry summarized.

Anonymous  31/03/24 Вск 21:03:59 #266 №125355 DELETED
These idiots don't know that Russia has a draft for conscripts in the army? Lol.
Mobilization of reservists and conscription of conscripts for service are not the same thing.
Anonymous  31/03/24 Вск 21:14:46 #267 №125356 DELETED
Funny fait divers don't happen here all the time. take account in your population. Examples: Moscow City (13 millions) > Brazil's São Paulo city (not metropolis or State of São Paulo) 12,4 millions > Portugal's entire pop (10,5 millions). Plus Zeleclown said - former Mariupol population = Lisbon city 500k people - (not metropolitan area)
Anonymous  31/03/24 Вск 21:37:47 #268 №125357 DELETED
Uh oh, I certainly hope Russia hasn't been attacking diplomats. That would be a silly mistake.
Anonymous  31/03/24 Вск 21:57:22 #269 №125359 DELETED
Yes, I realise, I was joking, if anything. I meant that if something happens it would be interesting to read.

Preparing for WW3 like this: >>125354
Anonymous  31/03/24 Вск 22:12:05 #270 №125360 DELETED
WWIII STARTS HERE Anonymous  31/03/24 Вск 23:11:44 #271 №125361 DELETED
The Russian Foreign Ministry has said that an investigation has found a Ukrainian trace in a number of terrorist attacks that took place in Russia recently. The corresponding statement appeared on the website of the Russian ministry.

It said that the terrorist attack in the Crocus City Hall was not the first attack against Russia in recent years, and the investigation showed that "the traces of all these crimes lead to Ukraine".

The Foreign Ministry went on to list all the high-profile assassination attempts in recent years, including the cases of Daria Dugina, Vladlen Tatarsky, Zakhar Prilepin and his driver Alexander Shubin. Also on the list are the bombing of the Crimean bridge and raids by the Russian Volunteer Corps (recognised as a terrorist organisation in the Russian Federation) on Russian border regions.

The ministry demanded that the Ukrainian authorities arrest and extradite to Russia all those involved in the attacks, including the head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), Vasyl Malyuk, citing the provisions of the conventions on combating terrorist bombings and terrorist financing. Kiev is also required to compensate for the damage caused.

Before that it became known that the attacker of the "Crocus City Hall" Faridun Shamsiddin was associated with Tajik extremists living in Turkey.

Earlier it was reported that the FSB received data on the organisers of terrorist attacks in Russia.

Anonymous  31/03/24 Вск 23:33:17 #272 №125362 DELETED
Why do my replies here get deleted sometimes?
I didn't say anything that would warrant my post getting deleted.
Anonymous  01/04/24 Пнд 00:15:12 #273 №125366 DELETED
Here comes one stupid troll who starts posting in Russian, against the rules of the thread, and is constantly banned for it.
If you were responding to a Russian-language post, I assume the mod has an option that deletes the post and all discussion related to it.
So never mind that. It's just that the mod probably didn't think of it when making it.
Anonymous  01/04/24 Пнд 00:15:51 #274 №125367 DELETED
>making it.
do it*
Anonymous  01/04/24 Пнд 01:59:47 #275 №125368 DELETED
>you replied to my post
Well, apperantly it is not deleted, but somehow got hidden.
Anonymous  01/04/24 Пнд 02:18:40 #276 №125369 DELETED
I can read these too. Clear your web cache.
Anonymous  01/04/24 Пнд 03:39:45 #277 №125370 DELETED
Strange. Also >>125369
Anonymous  01/04/24 Пнд 03:41:03 #278 №125371 DELETED
what's the context for this?
i'm not very good at english speaks
Anonymous  01/04/24 Пнд 04:25:52 #279 №125372 DELETED
gay fuckers btw
Anonymous  01/04/24 Пнд 11:44:02 #280 №125373 DELETED
I'm not much of a website builder, but it looks like a good joke for the first of April.
Anonymous  01/04/24 Пнд 11:50:47 #281 №125374 DELETED
The head of the Rostov Emergencies Ministry Sergey Filippov stole a fire engine in Novoshakhtinsk. This is how the lieutenant general decided to teach a lesson to the employees who left the equipment with the keys unattended.

Instead of going to swear at his subordinates, the general simply drove off in the company fire truck, the keys to which were inside.

"I don't know what to do with such security and such people" Filippov summarised.
Anonymous  01/04/24 Пнд 12:32:23 #282 №125376 DELETED
Short version: US diplomats have been randomly getting brain damage for a few years, and it turns out GRU are probably doing it with directed energy weapons of new design. This is highly dangerous - attacks on diplomats undermine the post-Westphalian international order, and do you really want to start a spy fight with the CIA? They have a heart attack gun, you know. Anyway here's the report, it's long and good: https://theins.ru/politika/270420
Anonymous  01/04/24 Пнд 12:40:57 #283 №125377 DELETED

Also Alex Pynya is a very old meme about Navalny
Anonymous  01/04/24 Пнд 12:42:32 #284 №125378 DELETED
Anonymous  01/04/24 Пнд 12:45:41 #285 №125379 DELETED
And a happy first of April to you, too. It's 20+ degrees Celsius in Moscow and snowing at the same time. Nature itself is joking on this day.
Anonymous  01/04/24 Пнд 12:51:38 #286 №125380 DELETED
It looks very funny, it reminds me of old Russian TV from the 2000s, in particular the Ren-TV channel, where the presenter with horror and mystery told us that crows' feathers are getting stronger every generation and that in 100 years they will be like bullet-proof armour. Their intelligence improves every generation and in the future they will enslave mankind. By the way, you have a great writer who hasn't been poisoned by the Novichok yet, his pen name is Victor Suvorov, a former GRU agent, he has a ton of cool books. Try reading his book called Aquarium, I think you'll like it.
Anonymous  01/04/24 Пнд 12:53:48 #287 №125381 DELETED
wtf lmao
Anonymous  01/04/24 Пнд 13:03:46 #288 №125382 DELETED
A new propaganda video from the Russian Armed Forces for Ukrainians, which touches on the theme of class division of society against the background of scandals that almost all children of major Ukrainian officials evacuated abroad (to the USA and Europe), even despite the ban on crossing the border.
Anonymous  01/04/24 Пнд 13:05:10 #289 №125383 DELETED
When one is in Russia where are the best places to enjoy Russian classics? The obvious answer is the Bolshoi, however I have heard numerous reports that the quality of the shows there are not always great because it is pretty much a tourist trap, and that the politics and rivalry between the performers often distracts them.

Mussorgsky's masterpiece Boris Godunov has been my source of comfort for a few years now, especially the scene from the prologue where the peasants are singing outside the Duma and Shchelkalov addresses them. The issue is that Westerners have no fucking clue how to present this opera. I saw one on Youtube and all the clothing was Byzantine instead of Russian for some reason. And non Russian singers just don't have the right intensity and inflection. So I figure I must make an effort to see it whenever I get the chance to visit Russia. I just want to know the best sorts of places for this.
Anonymous  01/04/24 Пнд 13:11:46 #290 №125384 DELETED
I don't see why it would benefit you to read OUR news of all things but just in case, I picked out 4 interesting articles for the week, incase you wanted to read it for some reason.
Anonymous  01/04/24 Пнд 13:45:46 #291 №125385 DELETED
Don't you guys find it interesting that lots of medieval European and Persian maps have a city called 'Grustina' (believed to be from the root word Grusti, which means sadness in Russian. Pretty ominous!) more or less where the city of Tomsk is today. This ancient city was presumably destroyed by the Mongols. But whats even more strange is that near Tomsk there is a Tatar village and tribe called Eushta which is also believed to derive from the word sad in the Turkic languages of the area.
And interestingly in the city of Tomsk construction sights that need to dig underground OFTEN accidentally dig into underground tunnels and burial grounds full of bones. And the tunnel network under Tomsk is absolutely huge. That suggests that the city named after sadness itself was an underground city of ritual importance.
Anonymous  01/04/24 Пнд 15:04:56 #292 №125386 DELETED
i don't know if they celebrate 1 april in portugal, but in russia it's a day of funny jokes
Anonymous  01/04/24 Пнд 15:23:43 #293 №125387 DELETED
Anonymous  01/04/24 Пнд 15:27:01 #294 №125389 DELETED
still looks a little cheap
Anonymous  01/04/24 Пнд 17:18:59 #295 №125390 DELETED
reminds me of this
from 00:31
Anonymous  01/04/24 Пнд 20:38:15 #296 №125392 DELETED
Why is a guy singing about being a spider over a techno beat a meme in Russia? Please explain
Anonymous  01/04/24 Пнд 20:58:42 #297 №125393 DELETED
huh? O_o
Anonymous  01/04/24 Пнд 21:01:09 #298 №125394 DELETED
kek:D but...
it's a kringe
Anonymous  01/04/24 Пнд 21:09:03 #299 №125395 DELETED
Yes, ALTHOUGH I may be loosing something in translation
Its called запрети мне ходить в редане or something
Anonymous  02/04/24 Втр 15:18:28 #300 №125402 DELETED
So you're telling me a Cessna was filled with explosives, turned into a drone and flown 1200km from Ukraine to Tatarstan where it hit a Shahed factory? If there wasn't clear footage, I wouldn't believe a word of it.
Anonymous  02/04/24 Втр 15:20:08 #301 №125403 DELETED
Shit, this is just the boring aftermath. The correct video is attached.
Anonymous  02/04/24 Втр 18:09:17 #302 №125404 DELETED
My honest evaluation is that it is a psychological warfare tactic. Clearly whoever organized that bombing has technology beyond just a cesna with explosives.
BUT making it look like it was a Cesna is a good way to humiliate the enemy. If I were fighting an enemy much bigger than me I would also utilize these mind games to make my attacks disproportionately more relevant.
Anonymous  02/04/24 Втр 18:20:40 #303 №125405 DELETED
I seriously recommend this as mandatory reading while your country is fighting the USA. It helps to know your enemy. I somehow doubt these are translated to Russian though.
Anonymous  02/04/24 Втр 18:38:24 #304 №125406 DELETED
Anonymous  02/04/24 Втр 19:19:24 #305 №125407 DELETED
Turns out it's not an ordinary Shahed factory: the 'employees' are teens and youths on poorly-paid 'training contracts'. Всё для победы indeed.
Anonymous  02/04/24 Втр 21:12:11 #306 №125409 DELETED
This is a college at a factory that trains drone engineers (system programmers), they also do internships with an instructor at the factory. Their "products" don't go into business until they are certified.
Every factory has a college. Are you saying that's not the case in Britain?

The strike was on a college dormitory, the plan was to kill as many students as possible.

The drone itself was launched from Russian territory by people from the Ukrainian security services who had infiltrated into Russia along with the two million Ukrainian refugees (the first place in terms of the number of Ukrainian refugees accepted in Europe).


70 thousand rubles here is equivalent to 4 thousand pounds sterling, not 600 as you calculated. Russia ranks fifth in the world and first in Europe in terms of purchasing power, which means that the average Russian can buy more with his average salary than you can, and numbers and conversion don't play any role here. We have our own economic zone.
Anonymous  02/04/24 Втр 22:19:27 #307 №125410 DELETED
pretty good move on his behalf. the next time they wont be so careless
Anonymous  02/04/24 Втр 22:30:28 #308 №125411 DELETED
>Peskov responded to Zelensky’s statement on possible negotiations that the geopolitical situation in Ukraine has changed significantly since Russia’s proposal for negotiations

but this wasnt recently right? i think there was such a statement a while back
Anonymous  02/04/24 Втр 22:32:40 #309 №125412 DELETED
Looks interesting, thanks anon.
Anonymous  02/04/24 Втр 22:37:16 #310 №125413 DELETED
It states that 13 are injured in translation, but I would translate пострадали as dead, which one is it? Anyways, poor lads.
Anonymous  02/04/24 Втр 22:48:13 #311 №125414 DELETED
13 people were injured. There were no fatalities.
This drone purely physically does not have enough fuel to fly 1,000 kilometres, so it was assembled and launched on Russian territory. Moreover, it did not cause any damage to production. This is just another media propaganda by Ukraine for its domestic audience.
Anonymous  02/04/24 Втр 22:49:11 #312 №125415 DELETED
Interesting, for the collection. The Russians have plenty of such books too.
Anonymous  02/04/24 Втр 22:53:42 #313 №125416 DELETED
That was three years ago. At that time, Russia offered Zelensky to accept neutrality and recognise Crimea. And he agreed, signing part of the documents. But Boris Johnson flew to Kiev and said that they would not allow it and that it was necessary to fight to the last man. Johnson himself admitted this recently. Ukraine is a country sold to Western corporations with their guts, they have no autonomy.
Anonymous  02/04/24 Втр 22:56:36 #314 №125417 DELETED
Peskov also clarified the context and said that Russia was ready to negotiate but that it was necessary to accept the fact that Russia has new regions that are no longer Ukrainian. I.e. both sides have set initial conditions.
Anonymous  03/04/24 Срд 00:08:18 #315 №125419 DELETED
The British publisher deliberately hid the Russian developer of Terminator Dark Fate so that there would be less stink from the hohols and nafo-fags on their Twitter.
Buy for support:
It feels like playing a hybrid of Call to Arms and Fallout Tactics.

From the creators of the masterpiece Syrian Warfare.

They even have the same engine and the same mechanics.
Anonymous  03/04/24 Срд 00:18:48 #316 №125421 DELETED
They also released a technical version of their upcoming game Front Edge (NATO vs Russia in Ukraine). If you like real-time tactical strategy games, this is the news for you.
Anonymous  03/04/24 Срд 00:22:49 #317 №125422 DELETED
>They also released a technical version of their upcoming game Front Edge (NATO vs Russia in Ukraine)
I will buy that, I'm hard as fuck at the notion.
Anonymous  03/04/24 Срд 00:26:29 #318 №125423 DELETED
Thanks man, I'm off to make mods for their Dark Fate.
Anonymous  03/04/24 Срд 13:45:09 #319 №125427 DELETED
I think prices are going up because of instability in the world market. This war is more global than it seems. By the way, they are also rising in our country, but not as fast as in Europe.
The second news story is amazing. I even had to look up the backstory to understand the origins.
This site doesn't like Russians. Although I've gotten used to "Country not allowed" and "Access denied". However, this site loves Americans;)
Taking away land without trial and investigation is a "raider seizure", my father and I were taken away from the land where we grew potatoes to avoid starvation in 1995. Armed men, bandits, simply came and said that it was their land. Militia (now Police) was nothing then and could not help. But for the state or officials to be involved in this is unthinkable.
That's right and I found a new soldier for them - a superhero popular with normies - Chistomen (literal translation Clean-o-men)
Anonymous  03/04/24 Срд 14:01:49 #320 №125428 DELETED
A husky was lost in Kamchatka (far east of Russia). She was searched for and found with the help of a drone. She was walking in the forest with her bear friends and was not going home.
Anonymous  03/04/24 Срд 16:58:38 #321 №125433 DELETED
>The second news story is amazing. I even had to look up the backstory to understand the origins.
Haha amazing is a bit of a flowery word to describe it but I know what you mean. What you have to understand when you read about things like this is that our political corruption relies on a "Bottom Up" system, which is why very small local level politicians and administrators are the victims of assassinations. (See: https://www.timeslive.co.za/news/south-africa/2023-09-06-52-councillors-dead-in-kzn-political-killings/) So it may seem strange that school administrators get targeted but in context this is very typical. Let me explain what I mean

The South African government is bureaucratic to a fault. That means that we have a massive amount of public sector employees. This is a complicated issue but it has a simple source. Since the 1950s and the days of White rule in this country, the government has used the public sector to empower certain groups of people that it favored. In the days of the Afrikaans government between the 50s and 90s the group that received this treatment were Afrikaaners. This was because the Afrikaans government wanted to empower Afrikaaners to reach equality with the more well off English speaking South Africans. But in the 90s the new Black government wanted to do the same thing but instead to help black people reach the level of white people. So basically the government hands out these bureaucratic jobs to help people it Favours. The English word for this concept is "patronage". As a result in our political culture these jobs are viewed as 'favors' that politicians give out to their friends and family to help them.
As a result we have a very strong cancer in our politics that dictates that you must help your friends, and your friends will help you back. So the people on the local level owe their loyalty to the politicians above them who gave them their jobs. As a result, politicians here have become extremely dependent on those under them to facilitate their corruption.
This is made more serious by the fact that unlike in other countries, money goes up from the bottom to the top. That is to say local politicians collect taxes, take their cut of the money, and send the rest to the politicians above them, who take their cut and send it to the politicians above them etc etc until it reaches the top. But the issue is that once the money reaches the top there is so little of it left that EVERYONE has to engage in this practice to give the politicians at the top enough money. This is why politicians at the bottom die if they are not loyal. Their bosses need them to perpetuate the system. So when some upstart with a clear vision and decency makes his way into the system, his rivals have permission and consent from those on higher levels to assassinate him.
Universities like Fort Hare are important in this system because they bring up the next generation of foot soldiers and keep the system of patronage alive.

One day the masses will wake up to the rape of our nation committed by the political class. They will not be able to use their terror tactics against all of us when that day comes. One decent man from the Zulu province trying to het into government, or a university administrator is an easy target. But they will not be able to wipe out an immovable wall of millions of angry people. We need a united front, we need solidarity and we need direction. Our day will come, maybe not in my lifetime but I sleep well at night knowing god is watching. We will wash over them like the unstoppable tide of the ocean.
Anonymous  03/04/24 Срд 20:40:17 #322 №125436 DELETED
<<the initial power of the "Kaliningrad burner" (aka "Baltic jammer") has increased since December 23 and started affecting GPS navigation in 10 European countries: Poland, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The type of device affecting GPS operation throughout eastern and northern Europe remains undetermined>>

lmao muh communist wunderwaffe
Anonymous  03/04/24 Срд 20:57:55 #323 №125437 DELETED
Anonymous  03/04/24 Срд 20:59:51 #324 №125438 DELETED
Anonymous  04/04/24 Чтв 02:03:28 #325 №125442 DELETED
iran will attack israel within 48 hours, vox reports, claiming the csr has already informed the israeli leadership about it https://t.me/dmitrynikotin/18336

Anonymous  04/04/24 Чтв 02:07:13 #326 №125443 DELETED
шhat are we gonna do?
iran have nukes
Anonymous  04/04/24 Чтв 10:28:45 #327 №125446 DELETED
in /b/ a mass uprising against captcha of abu
Anonymous  04/04/24 Чтв 10:29:54 #328 №125447 DELETED
the people are dissatisfied and want the monarch's blood
Anonymous  04/04/24 Чтв 12:06:48 #329 №125448 DELETED
For every such incident, 10 Geraniums or even Calibers are flown in.
The inscriptions on the wreckage usually help you figure out what specific case the counterstrike was for. These are kind of like angry messages on WhatsApp, only in real life.
Anonymous  04/04/24 Чтв 22:22:03 #330 №125452 DELETED
This looks very dank, is it ridiculously stressful to play like Call of Arms where if you lose concentration for 15 seconds you lose the match?

Yep that's the logic of war innit: strike and counterstrike.

Anyway what idiot is selling FPV drones to the Burmese rebels ffs? They're fighting a Maoist-style Peoples' War here, it's going to end it fucking chaos. Look could everyone please try to avoid nuclear war for the next few months? I'm having a Chekhov-style whirlwind love affair and don't want my cervix-slamming action interrupted by the double flash, thanks.
Anonymous  04/04/24 Чтв 22:47:50 #331 №125453 DELETED
I played it on the advice of this anon
its only disadvantage is that it is not polished and just came out, but so it's a good copy of syrian warfare(screenshot) in the setting of terminator they even have the same game engine, so the comparison with call to arms is incorrect
I personally liked it, I give this game a 7\10
developers promised on their vk page that they will continue to polish the game and make dlc
call to arms is a multiplayer grind with no soul, better men of war assault squad 2
Anonymous  04/04/24 Чтв 23:18:26 #332 №125454 DELETED
Looks like a simplified (or worse) version of the Combat Mission games, not so good.
Anonymous  05/04/24 Птн 00:00:55 #333 №125455 DELETED
you should play first, russophobe)
Anonymous  05/04/24 Птн 00:05:42 #334 №125456 DELETED
or 'for start'
I don't know how to spell it
okay, fuck english I've always loved german lmao
Anonymous  05/04/24 Птн 00:46:17 #335 №125457 DELETED
A good game to play is C&C:Zero Hour, with The end of Days (TEOD) mod.
Has Russia as a faction on top of the 3 vanilla ones (China, US, GLA). They will add Europe in 2025.
Each of the faction has 3 unique paths (army styles). So there's plenty of variety.
AI is hard to beat on hard since the latest patch (didn't manage to beat it yet, no bullshit cheats, except it has no fog of war, obviously).
It's based on real life, so you will see familiar, realistic equipment. Kalibr, Kinzhals, Tu-22M3, M270, Abrams, Patriot, so on.
Anonymous  05/04/24 Птн 01:29:38 #336 №125458 DELETED
Anonymous  05/04/24 Птн 11:57:44 #337 №125459 DELETED
Can someone identify the accent?
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  05/04/24 Птн 17:21:05 #338 №125460 DELETED
Anonymous  05/04/24 Птн 18:04:02 #339 №125461 DELETED

What is the limit of threads per section (in the catalog)?
Anonymous  05/04/24 Птн 19:32:40 #340 №125465 DELETED
After-Before 2014
Anonymous  06/04/24 Суб 11:36:14 #341 №125470 DELETED
The pro-Russian """Ukrainian""" resistance destroyed an energy facility supplying the military in Odessa - a fact confirmed by both sides.

Odessa is the most Russian city in Ukraine.
Anonymous  06/04/24 Суб 11:41:22 #342 №125471 DELETED
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  06/04/24 Суб 14:34:50 #343 №125473 DELETED
Anonymous  06/04/24 Суб 19:23:08 #344 №125478 DELETED
there is nothing wrong with this one. you can't see his right arm and hand.
Anonymous  06/04/24 Суб 19:34:45 #345 №125479 DELETED
Anonymous  06/04/24 Суб 21:30:53 #346 №125484 DELETED
Are you serious? A cop took a kid's father away from him. He'll spend the rest of his life blaming himself for it and thinking, "I wish that faggot had beaten her up, but they're both still alive." Domestic violence problems should be solved with a shot in the leg as a last resort, not murder.
Anonymous  06/04/24 Суб 21:33:03 #347 №125485 DELETED
And yes, why do Americans always act like this? They know full well that the cops shoot to kill, but they keep resisting and endangering their lives. Is it part of the mentality? I just don't get it.
Anonymous  06/04/24 Суб 21:54:50 #348 №125487 DELETED
Mein Gott, die sind so was von im Arsch
Anonymous  06/04/24 Суб 22:03:16 #349 №125488 DELETED
this is Kozinka (Russia) - a village on the border with Ukraine
american mercenaries and hohols posed as the "Russian Volunteer Corps"
Anonymous  06/04/24 Суб 22:08:05 #350 №125489 DELETED
I don't think anyone here but me and you give a damn about that.
It's just a cool ending)
You're all powerful and cool, you decide to go on safari to shoot retarded Russians and you're instantly killed by an AGS grenade, lmao
This is ridiculous
Anonymous  06/04/24 Суб 22:28:02 #351 №125491 DELETED
Anonymous  06/04/24 Суб 22:59:20 #352 №125492 DELETED
What is this wunderwaffe?
Anonymous  06/04/24 Суб 23:39:16 #353 №125493 DELETED
After I posted here my comment, I went to look up in youtube since fellow gaymers in trannycord shared the Katana video before and remember that channel.

Surprise Police Officer Fatally Shoots Man Armed With Shotgun Following Domestic Dispute Call
The video's description is the following:
>As the officer turned the corner he encountered Ledesma facing him with a black shotgun in his right hand. Ledesma stated "don't come in".
>As Ledesma stated this, he begins to bring the shotgun up in the officer's Direction. It was at this point the officer fired multiple times, striking Ledesma.
>Officers attempted life-saving measures, however Ledesma passed away on the scene. A shotgun was removed from Ledesma's possession
Anonymous  07/04/24 Вск 00:20:15 #354 №125494 DELETED
>he had an AR-15
>male suspect,..., AR-15
Anonymous  07/04/24 Вск 17:00:29 #355 №125517 DELETED
Meanwhile, Israel abandoned their plans to completely destroy the Gaza Strip, pulled the army out of the South and are redeploying North and West to counter the incoming Iranian-led counteroffensive.

When that day comes, and it's coming very soon, it will be the official start of WW3 - the one that the history books will record. I say 'books', I mean 'etchings on cave walls and clay tablets'.
Anonymous  07/04/24 Вск 19:36:29 #356 №125521 DELETED
There will be a very limited war, with strange and suspicious actions hinting at a backroom deal on both sides, with the same huge number of questions for observers as in Ukraine. Screencap this post. World War III will never happen or will be a very manageable, artificially limited war.
Anonymous  07/04/24 Вск 22:53:35 #357 №125528 DELETED
wtf is a Geely in Belarus?
Anonymous  07/04/24 Вск 23:33:52 #358 №125529 DELETED
>No data
That's Lada, bro.
Anonymous  07/04/24 Вск 23:41:08 #359 №125530 DELETED
And also a Belarusian poster in our pen on 4chan is either proud or complaining about the close trade integration with Russia and China everywhere. The Chinese are even building stadiums there. In short, the Russians and the Chinese have divided the Belarusian market, and all Belarusian goods are sold here in huge quantities - from kvass and milk to agricultural tractors and high-end household appliances And, frankly speaking, Belarusian goods are of very high quality. Lukashenko has turned Belarus into a real candy. Not without Russia's help, of course. This is a big leap in progress from a country isolated by the west, whose population is about 9 million.
Anonymous  07/04/24 Вск 23:43:43 #360 №125531 DELETED
from a country
Anonymous  07/04/24 Вск 23:48:21 #361 №125532 DELETED
Nowadays you can dictate text to a neural network with your shitty accent and it will translate everything into text (not without minor errors, of course), but imagine this shit didn't exist in 2014, i.e. 10 years ago. What's going to happen in 10 years? What are we preparing for?
Anonymous  08/04/24 Пнд 00:36:07 #362 №125534 DELETED
I translated this

Thoughts, opinions? Objections?
Anonymous  08/04/24 Пнд 01:35:41 #363 №125536 DELETED
I didn't understand the ending - the "Saifulo" changed the background of their private messages with the blue and yellow colours of Ukrainian flag?

From this news report can be mostly for internal consumption or some traces shared by "Russophile" "opinion makers" around the world - Scott Ritter, etc. But I live in unfriendly European state to Russia, don't take my opinion into account
Anonymous  08/04/24 Пнд 02:09:01 #364 №125538 DELETED
>to the fact that they thought it was part of the show.
It is probably usual in Russia having immersive theatre with gunfire, the man in blue sweater is right. I remembered this video, news report
Anonymous  08/04/24 Пнд 02:27:27 #365 №125541 DELETED
It's a figurative expression. "A bright touch of this picture." I translated live, though I'm not that good at figurative expressions, I'll have to ask a Brit. The closest analog in meaning is: "The cherry on the cake of it all."

At the end in square brackets I indicated that this is a hint that behind the name "Saifulo" may hide operative Mykola Pidorashko from the Security Service of Ukraine, photos of injured children from Ukraine may be used in correspondence to motivate terrorists that they are doing everything right, to present it as payback. We don't know what's in their chat room. The investigation only released photos. The news correspondent suggested that this is not peculiar to radical Islamists.

One way or another, the criminals had no sense to go to Ukraine, to the war zone for nothing.
Anonymous  08/04/24 Пнд 02:38:48 #366 №125542 DELETED
Wow, this immersive show even caused a scandal and some public condemnation

Anyway, I see where you're going with this. My answer to that is that we should stop all this and go back to 2013 when things were more or less normal, I think you see what I'm getting at.
And the sooner the better.
Anonymous  08/04/24 Пнд 02:39:09 #367 №125543 DELETED
Anonymous  08/04/24 Пнд 02:48:44 #368 №125544 DELETED
It looks like a casus belli formation, but usually nothing happens after he says it. So you can ignore it like Biden, Macron, Sunak and Sholtz. Lol.
Anonymous  08/04/24 Пнд 03:04:31 #369 №125545 DELETED
>Anyway, I see where you're going with this.
Despite whatever you are thinking about Bloc Confrontation, Ukraine, propaganda (alas in the video - the news reporter says at the start Propaganda can be a powerful tool for both sides - Russia vs Ukrainian/NAFO/USA propaganda),

I bought this video because only of theform of the theatre play - blank shots, video, soundtrack of Halloween movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPmXf7K91LM , the USA general speaking with accent "Spend some time! rather than the content or purpose of it. Here, we don't have money for immersive theatre, only dialogues about trannies
Anonymous  08/04/24 Пнд 10:37:36 #370 №125546 DELETED
Remember when him and Kiriyenko were bright young reformers, ready to lead Russia into the techo-capitalist utopia? I remember. Now Kiriyenko is a gauleiter and Medvedev is like a cheap copy of Goebbels. Ah, they grow up so fast!
Anonymous  08/04/24 Пнд 10:47:05 #371 №125547 DELETED
Also - roubles in Kyiv eh? Iron Dimon has bathed in amarone for so long that he's started to rust.
Anonymous  08/04/24 Пнд 15:07:31 #372 №125549 DELETED
>roubles in Kyiv
In Tajikistan rubles are highly valued, so they come here to work
You didn't know that?
A Tajik who works here for 45 thousand rubles a month, at home has the highest class, in Tajikistan usually has his own house and car
In all Old Russian annals, Kiev was called as Kiev. Kyev is a transcription of Galician (real Ukrainians) occupants. t. Professor Putin
Anonymous  08/04/24 Пнд 15:12:51 #373 №125550 DELETED
They brought a huge number of innovations that you, for well-known reasons, do not experience because you do not live in Russia.
One of iron dimon's accomplishments https://sk.ru/
Anonymous  08/04/24 Пнд 15:53:29 #374 №125551 DELETED
>the USA general speaking with accent
Yeah, I realize how ridiculous that is.

So, okay, I hear you. Just so you know Russian propaganda sucks compared to Western propaganda. Because Western propaganda covers literally everything: from books and computer games to "charities" and "do-gooder" organizations. That's one of the reasons why Russian society is so "closed" and "restrictive". Although no one disputes that the weaknesses that led to this are the historical fault of the Russians themselves, and it will take several generations to fix this humiliating shit.

>Here, we don't have money for immersive theatre, only dialogues about trannies
I have nothing against trans people as such, in Russia they are also diagnosed with gender dysphoria, which gives a lot of opportunities that American trans people never dreamed of - free psychotherapist at any time, free tests for periodic monitoring of hormonal background for proper HRT and much more. However, I do not think that trans people should be put at the head of public policy and even more so to propagandize it. Traditional family should be at the head of public policy - traditional family is the engine of society and humanity. If a trans man in Russia says that being trans is more profitable than having a traditional family, then bad things will happen to him:

How is it, though, that wokeism has come to dominate Western society in the first place?
Anonymous  08/04/24 Пнд 17:47:00 #375 №125555 DELETED
Surely Kyiv (the spelling will change if the city changes hands, in the grand Danzig/Gdansk Viipuri/Vyborg tradition) would use greenbacks as a lure, given that they're seen as a US proxy? Also if a Tajik loves a rouble, wouldn't he cum in his pants for a dollar? It's just hard to believe. Then again, the SBU & co seem to be able to run round Russia poking holes in dams and lighting things on fire without much risk of arrest, so it's tough to know what to believe in the face of such intense espionage activity.

Yeah integrated business clusters are a good idea, we have such things in the West too yknow? Old Street in London, Dublin Docks etc.
Anonymous  08/04/24 Пнд 17:50:47 #376 №125556 DELETED
>How is it, though, that wokeism has come to dominate Western society in the first place?

If you keep people distracted with the excitement of a moral panic or any other form of theatre, it's much easier to pick their pockets. It's not a coincidence that all this shit came to a head after the Occupy movement.
Anonymous  09/04/24 Втр 02:03:12 #377 №125561 DELETED
Nizhny Novgorod (not to be confused with Veliky Novgorod) is better than Rome, London and Paris in terms of quality of life...

Anonymous  09/04/24 Втр 02:05:36 #378 №125562 DELETED
Anonymous  09/04/24 Втр 02:09:09 #379 №125563 DELETED
Anonymous  09/04/24 Втр 02:11:00 #380 №125564 DELETED
Anonymous  09/04/24 Втр 02:11:44 #381 №125565 DELETED
Anonymous  09/04/24 Втр 02:12:39 #382 №125566 DELETED
Anonymous  09/04/24 Втр 02:13:57 #383 №125567 DELETED
US plans to throw thugs recruited in prisons into Ukraine Anonymous  09/04/24 Втр 17:44:43 #384 №125573 DELETED
Several hundred representatives of Mexican and Colombian drug cartels, recruited in US prisons, the US authorities plan to send to the war zone in Ukraine, TASS has reported citing the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service. It is noted that the first batch of "thugs" may be sent on a "business trip" as early as this summer.

The first batch of thugs is planned to be thrown into the war zone as early as this summer. The gang will consist of several hundred Mexicans and Colombians" the agency said.

According to intelligence, the prisoners have been promised full amnesty. If the "operation" is successful, the recruitment program may be expanded to include criminals from other countries with a difficult criminogenic situation.

Anonymous  09/04/24 Втр 21:23:07 #385 №125575 DELETED
>techo-capitalist utopia
Unironically, we're closer to that than you are)))
and it is not even about the large number of "naukograds" (science cities), but about the number of resources that ensure this goal
after the bankruptcy of the ussr and the apocalyptic crisis of the 90s, as a result of which Russia turned into an African hole for 10 years, Russia has come a long way on the road to recovery and is returning to its rightful place
You should think about what Britain will be like in the foreseeable future, because, in fact, the digital age and resource poverty have robbed Britain of its independence
Anonymous  09/04/24 Втр 21:23:53 #386 №125576 DELETED
Did they like Prigozhin's idea?))))) Ironic given the abundance of condemnation on their part
Anonymous  09/04/24 Втр 21:26:15 #387 №125577 DELETED
Ukrainian invention repelled by rebel troops
Anonymous  09/04/24 Втр 21:34:59 #388 №125578 DELETED
Sorry for the delay, I've been pretty busy with work shit irl.
See how it turns out: ZA is a damn interesting country
How much tension is there between whites and blacks in your country?
I've read. It's all so familiar from the '90s. It's amazing how the pro-Western forces that are supposed to take your republic out of BRICS haven't come to power yet.
Anonymous  10/04/24 Срд 00:41:49 #389 №125581 DELETED
Anonymous  10/04/24 Срд 12:23:05 #390 №125582 DELETED
No one gives a shit, but you can watch the rocket take off live, if you want.
Anonymous  10/04/24 Срд 12:28:41 #391 №125583 DELETED
Lol, Roscosmos postponed the launch by 24 hours
Anonymous  10/04/24 Срд 12:40:08 #392 №125584 DELETED
A group of Ukrainian refugees, dissatisfied with the Polish authorities' policy of supplying Ukrainian goods and weak military aid, organized an act of retaliation and set fire to the Farmacol pharmaceutical warehouse in Poland's Katowice on the evening of April 8

Ukrainian mentality, btw: full confidence that everyone owes you everything.
Anonymous  10/04/24 Срд 12:57:36 #393 №125585 DELETED
Anonymous  10/04/24 Срд 13:12:37 #394 №125586 DELETED
It's the 50s, we've got zeds under the bed! Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the United Russia Party? Also, how large are your balls, and will you present them to a private subcommittee consisting of me and my lawyer later this evening?

t. Neo-McCarthy
Anonymous  10/04/24 Срд 14:02:42 #395 №125587 DELETED
>Putin terror
This form of presentation is very funny, and Politico calls all Russian media propaganda.

The very content of the articles are examples of ingenious manipulation. My compliments.
Only a very professional journalist who values his high grant can play with contrasts and substitute concepts in such a way.
Anonymous  10/04/24 Срд 14:22:26 #396 №125588 DELETED
The new parameters of the law about mobilization envisage draconian fines for failure to appear on a summons to the TCC and other violations:
Failure to appear - up to 204000 UAH ($5190)
Violation of the rules of registration of persons liable for military duty - up to 17000 UAH ($436)
Violation of the legislation on military duty - up to 85000 UAH ($2182).
In addition, evaders will not be able to use bank cards and their property can be taken away from them.

Human rights violation in all its glory.
Where is the condemnation of this from the European Union?
Anonymous  10/04/24 Срд 14:24:25 #397 №125589 DELETED

Anonymous  10/04/24 Срд 14:27:13 #398 №125590 DELETED
Anonymous  10/04/24 Срд 14:57:36 #399 №125591 DELETED
Why is that so?
Anonymous  10/04/24 Срд 18:13:24 #400 №125597 DELETED
The photo of a possible accomplice of terrorists from "Crocus" hiding in the woods has appeared

According to journalists, during the day he fled from the police in a forest belt. The law enforcers do not rule out that the suspect is armed. The head of the district, Mikhail Sobakin, specified that the municipality had involved officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB in his search. The official also urged residents to remain calm.

All power services of the Moscow region have been raised on alert, the plan "Siren" has been announced.
I think it's interesting because Russia is directly accusing Biden's son's Ukrainian corporation of sponsoring terrorist attacks in Russia.
Anonymous  10/04/24 Срд 18:14:32 #401 №125598 DELETED
>power services
security services*
that's better
Anonymous  10/04/24 Срд 20:52:50 #402 №125599 DELETED
Russian strategy is genuinely fascinating and often overlooked. When Stalin is discussed the conversation always veers towards Stalin the tyrant or Stalin the communist. But Stalin the strategist is never discussed or considered. It is true that in the early years of the USSR strategy was incoherent, but once the house was put in order incredible achievements were made in the pursuit of strategic objectives.
The big one, the one as old as Russia itself, was the achievement of 'Defense in Depth' through the control of vast borderlands. But there is more to be said. It is often forgotten that the Cold War basically began almost completely on the terms of the USSR, and for many decades US policy was simply reactive and not proactive. When the Soviet Union adopted the policy of "expansion" the US responded with "containment". When communist aligned states such as Vietnam and China proved tough nuts to crack, the USA had to abandon the policy of containment momentarily to adopt policies that maintained US "honor" and "prestige" in the face of setbacks.
One author on strategy (John Collins) compels me to think more on why the USSR can be said to have been the true winner of WW2. He cites Liddell Hart in saying "gaining military victory is not itself equivalent to gaining the object of policy. But... there has been a very natural tendency to lose sight of the basic national object, and identify it with the military aim. In consequence, whenever war has broken out, policy has too often been governed by the military aim - and this has been regarded as an end in itself, instead of as merely a means to an end"
I decided to quote this in full because I think it is incredibly profound if you wish to consider why the USA wins battle after battle while still managing to lose wars. And furthermore, I think it explains why Russia has something of a tendency to lose battles but win wars.
Anonymous  10/04/24 Срд 21:03:37 #403 №125600 DELETED
>Won WW2
>USSR collapsed part due to East Slav demographic collapse part by WW2 causalities
Anonymous  10/04/24 Срд 21:20:36 #404 №125601 DELETED
Anonymous  10/04/24 Срд 21:36:10 #405 №125602 DELETED
>People died in a war that you did not declare therefore you lost the war
I don't subscribe to this idea. What was Stalin supposed to do? Ask Hitler nicely to stop?
Even if you subscribe to the idea that the USSR overused costly human wave tactics that led to needless bloodshed (The Russians will be at my throat for saying this. They hate that narrative. But lets assume for the sake of the argument that it is true) the plain fact of the matter is that a majority of all casualties were civilian. 8,668,400 out of 26.6 million war related deaths were military. I hesitate to blame Russia for Hitler for obvious reasons

You can argue that it is Stalin's fault it was so bad because he purged the Red Army, and was ill prepared for Barbarossa but you would need to qualify that.
Anonymous  10/04/24 Срд 21:43:00 #406 №125604 DELETED
>Won WW2
Is that ironic or unironic?
Anonymous  10/04/24 Срд 21:56:30 #407 №125606 DELETED
Fucking kc shits are you here
Anonymous  10/04/24 Срд 22:13:37 #408 №125607 DELETED
>What was Stalin supposed to do? Ask Hitler nicely to stop?
There's a prelude to Nazi Germany invasion to USSR. Alas, someone shared here in /int/ some Russian city that Weimar Republic even used to bypass Versailles treaty to train their Air Forces. There was a long colaboration to train the Armed Forces of a country would massacre a part of population of USSR and make atrocious war crimes.

>During the Weimar era, there was extensive economic interaction between Germany and the Soviet Union, and a component of German re-armament was covertly holding military training exercises in the Soviet Union to hide their extent from other countries. Germany–Soviet Union relations of the interwar period were complex, as bellicosity and cooperation coexisted in tortuous combinations.

In the end, the Baltic nationalists even used the secret clauses of Pact signed by Stalin for independence from USSR and consequent dissolution of USSR.

How can someone be a real winner
Anonymous  10/04/24 Срд 22:31:56 #409 №125608 DELETED
This is just a "photo of solidarity". In reality, the USSR has been an opponent of Germany since the Spanish Civil War, moreover, the USSR is the only country in the League of Nations that condemned Germany's invasion of Czechoslovakia. Also USSR entered Poland not because it needed territories (because it is stupid), but because of the protection of its (ethnically Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian) population from civil unrest (Poles always considered the Russian Empire as an enemy and occupants) because of the fall of the Polish government - this, by the way, is the official reason and prerequisites for the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.
Анек  11/04/24 Чтв 04:29:51 #410 №125612 DELETED
We deplant Chicago province, your actions?
Анек  11/04/24 Чтв 04:32:57 #411 №125613 DELETED
We completely erase plant life at all North America, your PR move? Plz don't waste my time
Анек  11/04/24 Чтв 04:37:14 #412 №125614 DELETED
1984 debt paid, all 1989 free at large
UN International Court of Justice finds Russia not guilty Anonymous  11/04/24 Чтв 13:32:11 #413 №125615 DELETED
The UN International Court of Justice has issued a final ruling in the case involving Russia, the Ukraine v. Russia: Application of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. This decision was announced on January 31:

- The Court refused to recognize Russia as a "sponsor of terrorism" and explicitly stated that the DNR and LNR are not "terrorist organizations. This thwarted the West's plan to use the Court's verdict to impose new restrictions against Russia, including the confiscation of Russian frozen assets. At the same time, the myth of Kiev's alleged "anti-terrorist operation" in Donbas was dispelled - of course, there were no terrorists there, and the troops of the Kievan pro-american nazi regime were waging war against ordinary civilians who did not support the coup d'état in Kiev.

- The International Court of Justice also rejected Ukraine's attempt to portray the crash of the Malaysian Boeing flight MH17 as an "act of air terrorism" and to hold Russia and the Donetsk people's republic responsible for it.

- Contrary to Kiev's expectations, the Court did not find racial discrimination in the application of Russian anti-extremist legislation.

Almost simultaneously, on February 2, the Court announced a decision on its jurisdiction over another lawsuit filed by Ukraine against Russia concerning the Genocide Convention:

- The Court dismissed all charges of violation of the Genocide Convention by Russia on the grounds of lack of jurisdiction.

- At the same time, the Court left under consideration the question of whether Ukraine itself had committed genocide in Donbas.

Anonymous  11/04/24 Чтв 14:14:54 #414 №125616 DELETED
Just reposting something I replied with to another guy.
I am particularly curious about a few things. Namely, why Ukraine never joined CSTO. Was it agreed on elite level that Ukraine would be a neutral country? I wonder why they didn't get status of Belarus.
Secondly, my judgement about the industry situation. I've taken some judgement from another Russian, who said the same thing which I agree with. Mostly, Russia seems to be keen on partnering with China to fight off European sanctions. To me, it look like it has been a very big success.
CNC machines, cars, electronics, even GPUs, so on.
Does my judgement about a potential Russian large-scale production being unlikely make sense? There's not really a way to make something cheaper than the Chinese, and Europeans have a monopoly on some high-tech machines and engineering, with a basis of a long tradition. I wonder how Russian economists see the situation. I think Russian game with using their resources as a method of power projection and a money earning scheme to be the only correct and viable one for Russia.
Anonymous  11/04/24 Чтв 14:16:23 #415 №125617 DELETED
A guy told me Stalin talked about difficulties of industrialising Russia as well. Though at the time I didn't talk further about it because it seemed uninteresting.
Anonymous  11/04/24 Чтв 19:33:46 #416 №125619 DELETED
Belgorod-kun  11/04/24 Чтв 19:44:19 #417 №125620 DELETED
Anonymous  11/04/24 Чтв 21:53:50 #418 №125621 DELETED
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Anonymous  12/04/24 Птн 01:31:09 #419 №125622 DELETED
Center of Kyyyiv (today)
A Russian-speaking human yells that it was a theater.

What was in the theater?
Your guess?
Anonymous  12/04/24 Птн 01:42:20 #420 №125623 DELETED
Russian women dont want to date gamers Anonymous  12/04/24 Птн 10:36:42 #421 №125626 DELETED
About half of Russian women would not agree to go on a date if they found out that their potential partner is a gamer.
Anonymous  12/04/24 Птн 10:37:35 #422 №125627 DELETED
Why are women like this?
Brits are drying tea bags to reuse them Anonymous  12/04/24 Птн 10:42:28 #423 №125628 DELETED
Brits seem to be taking cost-cutting methods more seriously than ever, from reusing old teabags to cutting their own hair and eating outdated food to save a few pennies

Hardened Brits are hanging teabags on a clothesline to reuse them to save money.

A shocking study has revealed that skinny people are also cutting their hair, waving condiment packets around and eating breakfast cereal for dinner as part of a cost-cutting campaign.

More than one in seven - around 15% - leave tea bags out to dry to use more than once, a survey of British adults by vouchercodes.co.uk found.

Women are more likely to leave tea bags out to dry: 16% admit to the habit - compared to 14% of guys. The practice is most common among the over 55s, with almost a fifth of the age group (19%) reusing bags more than once, while the figure drops to 18% for Brits aged 45 to 54 and 15% for 35 to 44-year-olds.

Anonymous  12/04/24 Птн 15:00:58 #424 №125630 DELETED
The news says that in Russia, there are unlimited clean pants for everyone and 1000 teabags per person, plus the women take dick sucking lessons in school and are naturally submissive.
Anonymous  12/04/24 Птн 16:03:29 #425 №125634 DELETED
>Shplendid indeed
Anonymous  12/04/24 Птн 16:35:11 #426 №125635 DELETED
>things that give women the ICK
>row 2340
>"Do not (say you) play videogames"
Anonymous  12/04/24 Птн 17:22:29 #427 №125636 DELETED
Stop burning, bro. You're a gentleman after all.
Anonymous  12/04/24 Птн 17:24:32 #428 №125637 DELETED
Besides, I didn't say anything to upset you, anglobro.
Anonymous  12/04/24 Птн 17:27:39 #429 №125638 DELETED
Disgusting, please don't send this anymore even as irony.
Anonymous  12/04/24 Птн 17:33:25 #430 №125639 DELETED
I think any normal man should cross this type of woman off his list. Games are really just the tip of the iceberg. In fact, it's just a pointer to the fact that such a woman will nag you about anything she doesn't like. I think you know what I mean. I used to be stupid and naive and even married one such, but since I have a brain I just strongly recommend to avoid this type. Women like that are literally the enemy of everything masculine.
Anonymous  12/04/24 Птн 19:22:45 #431 №125641 DELETED
Anonymous  12/04/24 Птн 19:40:10 #432 №125642 DELETED
>Demonstrates the house where Gagarin lived as a child and where authenticity is being preserved in an effort to keep it looking pristine.
I don't even know what to call you after that. You don't look like a dumb westoid, though.
Belgorod-kun  12/04/24 Птн 19:45:29 #433 №125643 DELETED
>thinks the Portuguese is laughing at the wooden fence
Lmao you're just not spoiled by Z-symbolism, pal
Anonymous  12/04/24 Птн 19:45:57 #434 №125644 DELETED
>and where authenticity is being preserved in an effort to keep it looking pristine.
I forgot that that's in Russia, the sucessor of USSR and USSR that spawned those regimes like in DPKR that also have these pristine fake houses with propaganda where the 1st Supreme leader lived. I'm sorry, my mistake.
Anonymous  12/04/24 Птн 19:48:25 #435 №125645 DELETED
*suposedly lived but in reality didn't live there
Belgorod-kun  12/04/24 Птн 19:51:27 #436 №125646 DELETED
BASED once again, the normies have failed to grasp the britsh irony
I bet about the tea though, 1000 bags of normal tea cost ~2000 rubles (£17), so it's not so ironic)))
I can't imagine who needs that much
Anonymous  12/04/24 Птн 19:58:51 #437 №125647 DELETED
>fake houses
Ah... okay
Anonymous  12/04/24 Птн 19:59:57 #438 №125648 DELETED
Anonymous  12/04/24 Птн 20:01:11 #439 №125649 DELETED
The master of postirony is in the room, gentlemens
Belgorod-kun  12/04/24 Птн 20:05:20 #440 №125650 DELETED
Americans have never flown into space, only Russians and dogs have been in space)

What? No)
Anonymous  13/04/24 Суб 00:45:51 #441 №125656 DELETED
are you seroius?
Anonymous  13/04/24 Суб 01:32:28 #442 №125658 DELETED

Me, that's about a year's supply in this house. £17 is quite expensive, considering that here, the good stuff can be had for £27 for 1120: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Clipper-Fairtrade-Unbleached-Biodegradable-Afternoon/dp/B0BHT8W74C?th=1
Anonymous  13/04/24 Суб 01:39:13 #443 №125659 DELETED
And before anyone shits themselves over purchase power parity or similar ideas, consider this: 2h15m of labour at the minimum wage will buy you a year's supply of tea here, or about 45m based on my salary, and I'm very much the most bourgeois post-national Westoid you're likely to encounter, outside traditional hunting grounds like Amalfi or Alpe d'Huez. By no means an oligarch, but a fair representative of your much-vaunted Golden Billion. Let's compare: how many hours of work does it take youto buy a year's worth of tea where you are?
Belgorod-kun  13/04/24 Суб 11:55:57 #444 №125661 DELETED
>£27 for 1120
Yeah, it's always cheaper in bulk. I calculated prices based on 10 packs of 100 pieces. On your link one of these costs 930 rubles (£7.35), in Russia a very good tea for 100 pieces can be bought for 250-300 rubles (£2 - £2.50), anything higher is already ultra premium from the Ceylon mountains, on which passed the feet of virgins in the full moon, for real hedonists. Frankly speaking I have never seen a pack of 1000 pieces, I don't even know a person who is ready to drink the same tea for a year. In Russia it is as popular as in Britain, the difference is that it has not influenced Russian culture and local customs, and Russians love to change tea, so there are many varieties.
Belgorod-kun  13/04/24 Суб 12:18:37 #445 №125662 DELETED
Of course I could now make a Phyton working time calculator and calculate the results to surprise you, but your proposal is too primitive: the calculation of the purchase of tea per unit of working time will not give you anything, because you need to take into account many factors, such as such a vulnerable for the British as payment of bills for household services, taxes, which actually do not affect the Russians, because it is done by the employer before the delivery of the salary, and all salaries in vacancies in Russia are indicated with the deduction of 13% tax.

It is better to use more traditional methods of obtaining information: stories of russian friends who lived in Britain, and according to their stories you live no better and no worse than Russians.
So the "Borelle's Garden" propaganda is most likely utter nonsense. We should also take into account such factors as the fact that Russia is in a state of economic war and indirect armed war with the "Western world", including Britain. Which affects all participants in this without exception.
Measuring the water level during a storm is a tradition of French sailors (see, I'm making a British joke now)
Belgorod-kun  13/04/24 Суб 15:14:07 #446 №125664 DELETED
LMAO another "Mr. Proper" is on the loose again.
btw who's interested: the most dangerous and safest place on earth (in english)
Belgorod-kun  13/04/24 Суб 15:37:05 #447 №125665 DELETED
Anonymous  13/04/24 Суб 15:46:16 #448 №125667 DELETED
Anonymous  13/04/24 Суб 16:41:41 #449 №125668 DELETED
fake houses
Anonymous  13/04/24 Суб 17:42:13 #450 №125669 DELETED
Anonymous  13/04/24 Суб 21:08:27 #451 №125674 DELETED
btw nothing ever happens
Anonymous  13/04/24 Суб 21:40:09 #452 №125675 DELETED
I remember some dudes on 4chan/int/ created a thread in February 2022 three days before the famous events, and then an American broke into the thread and said that they are all stupid, will never ever go to war in Ukraine because it's impossible in today's world, UN, conventions, economics, threat of nuclear war and so on.
By the way, mentally I supported him then... because I got banned for the My Little Pony in the meme:D

As you can see, we were both wrong. Just be skeptical - the most correct strategy for a mere mortal in a total information hurricane of events.
Anonymous  13/04/24 Суб 21:51:19 #453 №125676 DELETED
It's time to be cubed, shlomo, get in!
Anonymous  13/04/24 Суб 22:37:41 #454 №125677 DELETED
I enjoyed reading people's surgically operated minds say how this hero is actually evil.
In the west words replaced actions in value.
Anonymous  13/04/24 Суб 23:06:26 #455 №125678 DELETED
Here tea is commonplace, all ritual fell away long ago save for slap-fights over the addition of sugar. I drink three cups a day unless I'm sick, and know people who drink 10. We like very bitter tea though, it consistently shocks people expecting Earl Grey and lapsang souchong everywhere.

So local taxes, district heating bills, communal maintenance costs etc are paid from gross/brutto in Russia? Really? And the Western world is always at war with something or other, or it has been for as long as I've been alive anyway, so that shouldn't really factor.
Anonymous  13/04/24 Суб 23:37:32 #456 №125679 DELETED
>the "West" is a board of shitposters, contrarians and baiters plus astroturfers+bots
Don't forget to post with a valid email specially personal e-mail in 4chan /biz/
Anonymous  13/04/24 Суб 23:57:07 #457 №125680 DELETED
>So local taxes, district heating bills, communal maintenance costs etc are paid from gross/brutto in Russia? Really?
You didn't quite get what he wrote right. Russians really don't have to deal with taxes, unless they are private entrepreneurs, the employer pays everything for us, that's why all salaries on job search sites are listed with taxes deducted, also all Russians don't pay for health insurance like in the UK. But for housing and utilities you have to pay separately through a personal account or an app in your phone downloaded from rustore, or through a special terminal in every store or bank, which is available in any shithole if you are a very old grandfather from the USSR and modern cyberpunk is difficult for you. However, utility bills in Russia are much cheaper than in Britain. This red-green guy >>125674 was outraged that Russians were making streamings on tweets about burning a gas stove 24/7.
Because in Russia it costs next to nothing.
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 00:02:08 #458 №125681 DELETED
Yeah, it was fun to read what they wrote about it. You haven't been on Reddit yet, kek.
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 00:14:05 #459 №125682 DELETED
Axios: Iran has launched hundreds of attack drones at Israel


They will reach the border at 2:30 Moscow time (i.e. in 2 hours and 15 minutes).
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 00:14:51 #460 №125683 DELETED

the Israeli border
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 00:42:08 #461 №125684 DELETED
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 00:43:24 #462 №125685 DELETED
Already there
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 01:12:40 #463 №125686 DELETED
Mind posting a link, want to read.
Btw, eat shit mutts.
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 01:27:14 #464 №125687 DELETED
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 01:32:33 #465 №125688 DELETED
>The matter can be deemed concluded.
Time to disperse. Nothing ever happens.
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 01:41:37 #466 №125689 DELETED
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 01:41:49 #467 №125690 DELETED
British Royal Air Force also involved in defence of the true hegemon of the "Free World"
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 01:49:14 #468 №125691 DELETED
The admin of the Hrukov(Kharkov) telegram news channel always throws epic tantrums during Russian bombings, which then become meme'd, not only by russians, but also by ukrainians. English does not convey this folklore, the cosmic effect is achieved in "surzhik" (crazy mixture of Ukrainian and Russian).
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 02:00:00 #469 №125692 DELETED
I don't think anything will happen here anytime soon. This hot spot will be presented to the Americans at the end of the redivision of the world between geopolitical entities to further increase the strain on the American financial system and collapse it. I'm not an expert, just a guess.
The British are among those who created Israel. Protecting your child is pretty logical)
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 02:02:48 #470 №125693 DELETED
Looks like a first wave that should deplete the air defense system, we do that too. The main moment of destruction will likely be 30 minutes from my post.
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 02:05:46 #471 №125694 DELETED
Why does he condemn the right to defense?
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 02:29:45 #472 №125695 DELETED
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 02:35:18 #473 №125696 DELETED
Ну фсё, вам пизда, неверные! Осуждаю, осуждаю
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 02:41:59 #474 №125697 DELETED
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 09:09:46 #475 №125698 DELETED
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 09:13:59 #476 №125699 DELETED
Jews, what's up with your faces?!
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 09:36:40 #477 №125700 DELETED
My experimental check for 19 bucks. I made it when Tucker Carlson lied to his American audience that you could fill a $100 dollar food cart in Russia. You can saddle that up for $19 if you don't fuck around buying premium brands like he did.
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 09:45:13 #478 №125701 DELETED
how can you eat that shit
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 09:48:24 #479 №125702 DELETED
With a fork, stretching eating it for days.

another anon walking by
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 09:49:28 #480 №125703 DELETED
Maybe because I'm originally from Dagestan?
Shut up
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 09:50:50 #481 №125704 DELETED
ah.. mm-ok
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 10:02:29 #482 №125705 DELETED
Is Iran part of the Russian military-industrial complex? What were the reasons for dragging it into a war with Israel?
Why did Iran refuse to escalate further in the conflict with Israel?

Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 10:53:23 #483 №125706 DELETED
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 10:57:31 #484 №125707 DELETED
>YouTube has gotten better once again
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 12:43:52 #485 №125708 DELETED
TRANSLATED TO ENGLISH FOR BROS (sorry for if errors)

The pictures show the anguish of Russian liberal immigrants confronted with German reality. The ironic thing is that Russian liberals often idealize Germany in their propaganda and cite it as a more winning comparison to Russia.
The gist:
In Germany, people are removing trays from washing machines and putting locks on electric plugs.
Germans and those living in Germany should buy locks for washing machine electrical plugs so that other Germans don't wash things in their washing machines and rack up your electric and water bills, because in Germany you can't put a washing machine in rented housing. Given that more than 50% of Germans don't have their own homes, this is a pressing problem, which is also exacerbated by rising energy costs due to anti-Russian sanctions, which are primarily driven by the interests of the collective west, not the national interests of Germany (yes, yes, portubro).

Dynamics of electricity price increases in Germany:
Percentage owning their own home in Germany:

Pics link:
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 13:14:21 #486 №125709 DELETED
Это хуйня, в америке вообще негров линчуют.
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 13:26:10 #487 №125710 DELETED
Lakhtashiz, re-login, please
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 20:51:07 #488 №125715 DELETED
>Given that more than 50% of Germans don't have their own homes,
Russians live in these communal flats and pay 15000 rubles (per person?)
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 21:46:23 #489 №125716 DELETED
>15000 rubles (per person?)
I pay 9800 thousand rubles a month for a 4-compartment apartment, and I have a server running, which is used to broadcast the gas stove 24/7 as a render farm for 3D graphics (crazy power consumption).

In the same way, only 2% of housing is on the communal sector. And that number is dwindling.
As conceived by the USSR, this was temporary housing, and the state was responsible for the maintenance of the living space. But the USSR collapsed and its ideas were gone.

The funny thing is that part of the house looks good, the utilities do their job, but the tenants are typical faggots who don't need anything, so everything looks shabby and neglected, because for repairs you have to negotiate with neighbors and throw money together, which is not always possible if. By the way, a fine of 4 thousand rubles for smoking in the stairwell, the old whore, of course, ignores everything.
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 21:49:46 #490 №125717 DELETED
>In the same way
I forgot to erase it when I edited the text. Sorry. I APOLOGIZE. S O R R Y
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 22:00:32 #491 №125718 DELETED
I forgot to say that in Russia it is also impossible not to have a REGISTRATION (binding to the living space) or sell the last housing(it is simply illegal, you can't sell your last home unless you own another home to which you can be registered, If you need to sell your last home, you must at the same time sign a contract to buy another home), so even if a person rents housing, he has a REGISTRATION in his own living space somewhere, for example in the house of his parents from which he left.
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 22:51:43 #492 №125720 DELETED
I think you need to slow down, liitle guy, or there's gonna be no one left.
Would you like it if a Portuguese man was proving 24/7 that Portugal is a superpower? I don't think so. You'd say "What a stuffy poster" (yes, you'd say)
Belgorod-kun  14/04/24 Вск 23:10:13 #493 №125721 DELETED
What exactly do you mean by that? Rent or utilities? Looks like rent. In Belgorod, you can rent a full-fledged one-room apartment for a small family of three for that kind of money kek

i think we are talking about rent, not ownership; if the apartment is owned, you pay 3k per month for all services (electricity, water, heat, etc.) and not for each person registered in the apartment, but for all of them
I don't know where you found this, but the conditions from the video are total shit))0)0
I'd find another (((rentlord)))
Belgorod-kun  14/04/24 Вск 23:13:05 #494 №125722 DELETED
>>125678 --T-H-I-S--> >>125680
Anonymous  15/04/24 Пнд 10:29:53 #495 №125734 DELETED
Нахуй путешествуй, клоун ёбаный
Anonymous  15/04/24 Пнд 10:30:51 #496 №125735 DELETED
Anonymous  15/04/24 Пнд 11:44:29 #497 №125736 DELETED
Hello, this is their discussion club.

I try to stay out of their way🙂
Anonymous  15/04/24 Пнд 12:12:14 #498 №125737 DELETED
I just want our retarded government to stop giving ukraine aid.
Anonymous  15/04/24 Пнд 12:12:16 #499 №125738 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)
Anonymous  15/04/24 Пнд 15:00:35 #500 №125740 DELETED
This is reported on his page in "Wiki".

It says that for 14.5 years Lushchai made more than 86 thousand edits, wrote more than two hundred articles and completely revised about fifty more.
In his last month on Wikipedia, he ranked 122nd among all participants in the Russian-language section in terms of edits. He made his last edit on March 25, 2024.

On March 28, he was reported missing after the shelling of a village near Bakhmut. Later it became known that he died that day.
Lushchai got into the AFU a year ago - in January 2023.
In December 2023, he said that most of the edits are made in hospitals.

Goodbye dumb faggot, I'm sick of fucking re-editing after him.
Anonymous  15/04/24 Пнд 15:06:28 #501 №125741 DELETED
Btw he worked as a historian at Kiev University, specializing in the History of Ukraine.
>Homer was actually a hohol
>The Gauls came to France from the Lvov region
Anonymous  15/04/24 Пнд 17:33:48 #502 №125743 DELETED
My ISP switched to AI adpathing speed and internet yesterday, I'm not really sure what that means, but I've noticed that the speed increases 4 times when I download a gigarepack of some movie in UHD4k, as a result it takes very little time and loads the SSD heavily

It's just funny to see all this in my village shithole
If Japan has stepped into the future, Russia has stepped into cyberpunk
Anonymous  15/04/24 Пнд 17:39:28 #503 №125744 DELETED
in my shitholsk
Major cities have been using all of this for 4 years, and I didn't know it
Anonymous  15/04/24 Пнд 18:36:13 #504 №125745 DELETED
It is not productive to LARP as troll, NAFO, Ukrainian specially in year 2. Go outsource some Ukrainian refugee, some tranny from ugh /pol/ or /k/ for shitflinging here. Plus a poortuguese calling someone poor or homeless is "the pot calling the kettle black".
of course, there are regional differences between different regions of a country. I also pay less for a good lunch in some interior or northern continental portugal compared to Lisbon.
But (((Jon Stewart))) and some anons in /po/ dismantled Tucker Carlson narrative in which a average Russian earns X monthly compared to a American.
Of course, the rent is cheap in Belgorod. It is terrorised by Zelensky every day.
Anonymous  15/04/24 Пнд 18:47:42 #505 №125746 DELETED
USA annually compiles a list to get good stuff.
Anonymous  15/04/24 Пнд 19:44:26 #506 №125747 DELETED
>of course, there are regional differences between different regions of a country. I also pay less for a good lunch in some interior or northern continental portugal compared to Lisbon.
No, bro, I live 3 kilometers from Moscow. I'm just not russkiy(In Russia, russkiy and rossiyanin are different words). I shopped at a Moscow store. It's just that in Russia there are different categories of stores: peremium, medium and economy class. Tucker shopped in Auchan(Ашан), a French middle-class store, and I shopped in economy class. But that doesn't mean that the products there are total shit, you can't make a product below the specifications set by the state (ГОСТ), otherwise YOU DIED, like in Dark Souls. Just that these products have a weak brand, or it could be an internal brand of store.
Anonymous  15/04/24 Пнд 20:05:07 #507 №125748 DELETED
It's the same with games on styme. Mad hohol unironically made a list of all games made in Russia, helping Russians support their gamemade.

And I and many others don't care at all what lists Americans make (they are useful though, thanks lol). I think we've adapted pretty well over the last three years. The only thing that bothers us is american videocards and processors, but they are made in China and alternative China(Taiwan).
It's going to be terribly painful for us for a while. But as they say, demand stimulates supply, and there is a Mikron plant in Zelenograd, where they are building a line to produce МЦСТ and Байкал processors. Russia will lose a lot of Western programs built for Intel and AMD and it's going to hit the business organization hard, but we will not be left without electronics.
Anonymous  15/04/24 Пнд 20:06:51 #508 №125749 DELETED
Smartphone with KasperskyOS operating system. From scratch, without using the Linux kernel. Anonymous  16/04/24 Втр 00:31:04 #509 №125754 DELETED
Evgeny Kaspersky presented a smartphone from Aquarius with the KasperskyOS operating system at the Innovation Summit - 2024. He emphasized that all software, starting from the boot, is developed by the company and does not use the Linux kernel. Aquarius, one of the largest developers and manufacturers of computer hardware in Russia, has completed porting the Aurora operating system to Aquarius Cmp NS220RE tablets.

Anonymous  16/04/24 Втр 00:37:44 #510 №125755 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)
Anonymous  16/04/24 Втр 00:40:57 #511 №125756 DELETED
I started using Yandex Alisa 3 to paraphrase large news texts. It works well, I will continue to do so.
Anonymous  16/04/24 Втр 01:25:08 #512 №125757 DELETED
A Russian company is making a new FPS, they released trailer, that got removed form Youtube sadly.

Independent game development studio "Noname Company"
Creators of the game "The Best in Hell".
The team's goal is to develop the direction of game creation in Russia and popularize it worldwide.
"We haven't been asked any questions, so we don't aim to make answers.
We just want to create good games."

Best in Hell - a game in the genre of "tactical cooperative first-person shooter", based on a similar movie, tells the story of the daily exploits of the fighters of PMC "Wagner". At the moment, these heroes are among the best warriors performing the most difficult tasks to protect the interests. Homeland. Our game is not a mindless shooting gallery. These are tough battles with a smart opponent, where you are nobody without your team. Our game is not mindless ultra-patriotism. We want to tell the story of the horrors of war, without which, unfortunately, sometimes you can't do without it
Anonymous  16/04/24 Втр 02:39:26 #513 №125758 DELETED
Looks cringe already at the concept announcement stage. But let's hope for the best.
Now there is a flurry of activity on all fronts and the feeling is that Russian society is trying to catch up on some lost ground, but they are doing it so quickly and decisively that in some places it looks ridiculous and retarded. Thank you for the news.
Anonymous  16/04/24 Втр 02:52:51 #514 №125759 DELETED
The main 155mm artillery shell factory in the US caught fire

I had nothing to do with it.
Anonymous  16/04/24 Втр 13:58:19 #515 №125764 DELETED
Anonymous  16/04/24 Втр 20:49:19 #516 №125766 DELETED
Как местные иностранные анона разгадывают капчу, без русской раскладки?
Или вся это доска один сплошной фейк?
Anonymous  16/04/24 Втр 21:57:37 #517 №125767 DELETED
Read rules of thread.
Anonymous  16/04/24 Втр 22:04:06 #518 №125768 DELETED
>Как местные иностранные анона разгадывают капчу
We suffer through it and learn the weird Russian keyboard layout.
Anonymous  16/04/24 Втр 23:55:59 #519 №125769 DELETED
Прочитал тебе защеку, проверяй.

Anonymous  16/04/24 Втр 23:56:10 #520 №125770 DELETED
a)Install Russian language package in Microsoft wIN 11.
b)Use Microsoft Windows own virtual keyboard
or other.
Anonymous  17/04/24 Срд 02:15:50 #521 №125773 DELETED
I'll answer for him because he turned out to be a retard and won't answer you again:
how beautiful Portuguese is, when I read these Portuguese words I feel like a handsome Pedro Henrique Morais (an ordinary gardener from a poor family) with whom Santa Maria Ribeiro (daughter of an influential merchant linked to an influential cartel specializing in the theft of rare flowers) from a Latin TV series is in love, although it still doesn't change the fact that you are a schizo with fake houses.
Anonymous  17/04/24 Срд 02:21:18 #522 №125774 DELETED
>muh fake houses don't exist
>The town was oriented so that the bright blue roofs and white sides of the buildings next to the massive DPRK flag would be the most distinguishing features when viewed from across the border. Scrutiny with modern telescopic lenses, however, has led to the conclusion that the buildings are concrete shells lacking window glass or even interior rooms, with building lights turned on and off at set times and empty sidewalks swept by caretakers in an effort to preserve the illusion of activity.
Anonymous  17/04/24 Срд 02:56:44 #523 №125775 DELETED
>Muh USSR and DPRK are the same thing
Lol. I'll tell you just in case:
USSR was a socialist country building communism based on Marxism-Leninism, a real leftist totalitarian regime from the fantasies of American trannies with pink hair + death penalty and labor camps, the only ideological heirs of which are Cuba and Vietnam.
The DPRK is a national-socialist totalitarian regime based on the Juche ideology developed by Kim Il Sung, inspired by and in opposition to Stalin's interpretation of Marxism.
The ideology of the PRC in turn is Maoism - a heavily reworked Marxism-Leninism-Stalinism by Mao Zedong, with an emphasis on market (rather than planned) economics and with plenty of Chinese specifics adapted to Chinese society.
Now you'll know it's not all the same.

And as for fake cities, the USSR had no need for it, because in the USSR (excluding some moments of its inception) people lived quite well (have you ever thought that there is something missing in the terminology of the first world and the third world? It is this missing element - the 2nd world, and called the USSR), and to fake the houses of famous people - makes no sense and complete schizophrenia, like the doctrine of eternal ice or the conspiracy of pharmacologists.
The DPRK is using these houses for inter-Korean propaganda aimed at their fellow South Koreans, not you. They're just so cut off from the outside world that it's hard for them to realize how infantile this shit is.
Anonymous  17/04/24 Срд 03:01:00 #524 №125776 DELETED
Tucker Carlson published an interview with Pavel Durov (creator of Telegram and before that Vkontakte). It was recorded in Dubai and lasts 58 minutes.

"In this clip, Durov talks about the pressure tactics the U.S. government used against him, including sending FBI agents to his home" reads the abstract of the interview on Carlson's Telegram feed.

Anonymous  17/04/24 Срд 03:52:59 #525 №125778 DELETED
>>125777 →
Democracy in your country is an illusion, if only because there will never be a party that wins in your country that will make Australia equal to or independent of the USA. The Americans simply won't allow it.

I think you should also read The Green Book by Muammar Gaddafi and understand why democracy only works in propaganda; it is a short, well-structured book that you will enjoy from the first pages and will answer all your questions about democracy.

Mummar Gaddafi was the leader of Libya, who led his country to prosperity, was assassinated by democratic countries and killed by democrats without trial, the reason: Gaddafi's desire to dedolarize Africa and create a unified African Economic Union. After his death, Libya became a "democratic country" - a gang-shithole with hunger and bandits.
Anonymous  17/04/24 Срд 03:55:26 #526 №125779 DELETED
>was assassinated by democratic countries
subjected to attempted murder by democratic countries

editing error
Anonymous  17/04/24 Срд 04:19:46 #527 №125780 DELETED
>>muh fake houses don't exist
you're needed there like batman to gotham -->> https://2ch.hk/zog/
Anonymous  17/04/24 Срд 15:59:37 #528 №125782 DELETED
The Colonel fucked us, very specifically the UK, and he died for it after we fucked him - that's the way it goes in life. A certain rubber-assed gnome took the wrong lesson from this, because he's paranoid and too headstrong to convince otherwise.
Anonymous  17/04/24 Срд 16:20:17 #529 №125783 DELETED
I think it was a bit the other way around, as it didn't make sense for a man from a tent living among the Bedouins to be the first to attack world powers.
Anonymous  17/04/24 Срд 17:30:27 #530 №125785 DELETED
There are two chairs... Anonymous  17/04/24 Срд 22:37:28 #531 №125787 DELETED
No we now know that Pavlik is a lover of famous Russian moral dilemmas.
Anonymous  17/04/24 Срд 22:40:08 #532 №125788 DELETED
fix, lol
Anonymous  17/04/24 Срд 22:55:34 #533 №125789 DELETED
British company BAE Systems investigates cause of munitions factory explosion in South Wales. Employees uninjured, company says.
Explosion occurred at BAE Systems plant in Glascoyd, Monmouthshire, on April 17. Company says all safety measures were taken. Cause of explosion unknown.
Plant built bombs for Royal Navy in 1938, currently employs 550 people. BAE Systems is largest defense company in UK.
Anonymous  18/04/24 Чтв 01:12:59 #534 №125790 DELETED
He was rightly angry because the US killed his family, but he was stupid enough to take it out on UK civilians because of age-old Airstrip One memes and our obvious relative weakness. I don't see how heinous shit like the Lockerbie bombing or the embassy hostage bullshit is a fair response.
Anonymous  18/04/24 Чтв 14:25:34 #535 №125797 DELETED
Anonymous  18/04/24 Чтв 15:51:41 #536 №125799 DELETED
Anonymous  18/04/24 Чтв 17:47:29 #537 №125800 DELETED
Anonymous  19/04/24 Птн 03:09:55 #538 №125804 DELETED
Anonymous  19/04/24 Птн 11:54:09 #539 №125805 DELETED
dniepr today
Anonymous  19/04/24 Птн 11:57:42 #540 №125806 DELETED
Anonymous  19/04/24 Птн 12:16:51 #541 №125807 DELETED
orenburg (russian empire)
Anonymous  19/04/24 Птн 12:55:59 #542 №125808 DELETED
Anonymous  19/04/24 Птн 13:23:25 #543 №125810 DELETED
goyim heating
Anonymous  19/04/24 Птн 13:35:07 #544 №125811 DELETED
I've learned from experience that Natasha doesn't know how to keep a family together, in fact it has a culturally shitty premise ("the cult of the prince on a white horse"(Exaggerated expectations, "a man has to") and "the cult of the crystal figurine"(Positioning yourself as a princess)), but the Portugal... WHAT THE FUCK? There's only 10 million of you!
The surprising result is the same with the Brits. After winning WW3 and establishing a British occupation government on their island, I will definitely get myself a British wife😁
Anonymous  19/04/24 Птн 15:22:24 #545 №125812 DELETED
What is wrong with these obsessives, why do they think Russia will attack NATO? It's ridiculous xD
Anonymous  19/04/24 Птн 15:31:36 #546 №125813 DELETED
Anonymous  19/04/24 Птн 15:45:02 #547 №125814 DELETED
Anonymous  19/04/24 Птн 16:04:20 #548 №125815 DELETED
do you have a greenfield?
Anonymous  19/04/24 Птн 16:16:09 #549 №125816 DELETED
Bon appetit
Anonymous  19/04/24 Птн 16:16:44 #550 №125817 DELETED
Anonymous  19/04/24 Птн 16:43:38 #551 №125818 DELETED
Anonymous  19/04/24 Птн 20:16:34 #552 №125819 DELETED
tumen (russian empire)
Anonymous  19/04/24 Птн 21:17:45 #553 №125820 DELETED
something similar happened near my hometown in 2019 ( two levees / dikes / Дамба collapsed) and the environment minister back then said that people were to blame for building or buying houses on the Floodplain / Пойма ( https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D0%BE%D0%B9%D0%BC%D0%B0 ) and not taking account Climate change.
Anonymous  19/04/24 Птн 22:32:54 #554 №125821 DELETED
yeah, it's funny how these faggots say it's the people's fault, even though people literally pay taxes to keep the dams regularly inspected and functioning
in russia there also a scandal because shortly before the dam collapsed, the head of the region came to inspect it and approve its serviceability
Anonymous  19/04/24 Птн 22:34:57 #555 №125822 DELETED
thanks for the link in russian, I do the same for foreigners when I need to explain something to them
Anonymous  19/04/24 Птн 23:39:20 #556 №125824 DELETED
Hey bro, is it true what they say that Russians and Portuguese are brothers?
Anonymous  20/04/24 Суб 01:05:04 #557 №125825 DELETED
nope if not rethorical question, neither some ancestors Portuguese, "Spanish" Galicians or Gauls come from that Polish-Ukrainian region. The one major similarity is European Portuguese being a stressed-time language ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isochrony#Stress_timing ) like Russian and other stuff. there was a theory for that - its due to Germanic Suevi migration to Galicia influencing the Vulgar Latin back then.

you must look at crude marriage rate and crude divorce rate. what you presented is a ratio, a difference. that line saying
percentage of marriages end in divorce is fake.

Anonymous  20/04/24 Суб 19:12:28 #558 №125827 DELETED
drama in western ukraine
ukrainian armed forces soldiers trafficking stolen weapons shot at police officers
at the end of the video a civilian came running asking what happened, to which a calm policeman told him to get in his car, to which the civilian(?) hysterically told the policeman to get out of the car, he would drive him himself (apparently to the hospital?)
Anonymous  20/04/24 Суб 19:26:11 #559 №125828 DELETED
Hohols seem very stressed, what's up with them?
>Ukrainian crowd attacks Territorial Defense conscription commissars in Chernovtsi
>"The vehicle of the representative of the Territorial Defense Headquarters and Security Service (TCC) was blocked, and force and threats were applied to it," the Chernovtsi Regional Territorial Defense Headquarters reports. The TCC officer fired a warning shot.
>Looks like recruitment officers aren't the most popular people in Ukraine.
Anonymous  20/04/24 Суб 22:41:03 #560 №125829 DELETED
Wow, I didn't expect an answer! I read it with interest, thanks for the info, now I see it's not such a meme.

Yes you are right, it is a more honest calculation formula. Everyone in Russia marries thoughtlessly and divorces very easily. I hate it. There used to be even a possibility to divorce remotely online with the consent of the parties through a special service to which Russians are obliged to transfer part of their lives (https://www.gosuslugi.ru/), but the supporters of moral values insisted that this possibility was removed from there. That's how shitty it is in Russian society. Marriage has lost its value.
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 00:09:55 #561 №125830 DELETED
It's the same in much of eastern Europe... and I don't think they even marry that much in western Europe. The society is generally in total decay. Even the muslims are getting fucked and they've got underdeveloped ape brains, plus a master-slave religion.
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 00:58:04 #562 №125831 DELETED
>Information about your child's school performance
fucking great, i wish I had kids
i see them as victims of the circumstances nato put them in and I feel sorry for them, after all they are not strangers
but the enemy is the enemy
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 13:03:54 #563 №125832 DELETED
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 13:18:06 #564 №125833 DELETED
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 13:45:33 #565 №125834 DELETED
What's the opinion of Russians in 2ch about this video?
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 13:45:42 #566 №125835 DELETED
Kidnapping by officers of a military office in Ukraine
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 14:06:02 #567 №125836 DELETED
-1 american, good.
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 14:10:47 #568 №125837 DELETED
Вut that means that pretty much everyone who marries in Portugal then divorces?
So nobody even care to marry then.
In Russia everyone marries then majority divorces
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 14:21:58 #569 №125838 DELETED
Normally who marries in a certain year is mostly zoomers and who divorces is mostly a boomer right? Young people aren't getting married, plus 1/3 young people escapes this Iberian Gaza Strip.

The ratio, or the diferences means the difference of number of marriages minus number of divorces in a specified year [that can be multiplied by 100%, to give the percentage.
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 14:23:20 #570 №125839 DELETED
Our marriage rate is very low which will skew the figures - if you own a house together, it's like a de-facto marriage because you'll likely have to go to court to split the house. Anecdotally, I'm almost 40 and know 2 married couples and about 6-7 unmarried couples. Stats here: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/marriagecohabitationandcivilpartnerships/bulletins/marriagesinenglandandwalesprovisional/2020

>I will definitely get myself a British wife

Hahahaha you fuckin idiot, the only place near Europe with worse women is Ireland. Fat, mentally ill or 2+ kids: choose now. Get yourself a sturdy German who can give good handjobs or a French madame who forces your cock up her shitter, unasked.
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 14:27:09 #571 №125840 DELETED
and take account in demography of Portugal (so it is easy for 40-60 boomers to overcome newlywed numbers of marriages) plus immigration - foreigners can divorce here.
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 14:27:13 #572 №125841 DELETED
It's not known here, pic somewhat related - sold in the post-Soviet and Spain, oddly. I drink Yorkshire Gold and Clipper, readily available from local shops and solid utilitarian beverages.
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 14:31:08 #573 №125842 DELETED
*difference of number of divorces minus number of marriages
in theory, it can even surpass the 100% threshold so it cannot ever be "percentage of marriages that end in divorce"
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 14:32:57 #574 №125843 DELETED
You can't kill a man without a trial. He could have been shot in the leg instead of killed.
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 14:41:56 #575 №125844 DELETED
I add to this Russian zoomer >>125811 the following facts:
Most Russian men are like some British men, so we have just as high a suicide rate, with men leading the way
Most of them have to do with excessive attachment to a woman
blue - mans
red - womans

the first picture is from 10-29 years old. The second is Russia's overall suicide statistics.
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 14:43:47 #576 №125845 DELETED
Not the same, but much higher, just for the same reasons*

Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 15:16:29 #577 №125846 DELETED
>Normally who marries in a certain year is mostly zoomers and who divorces is mostly a boomer right

Do you have any data to support that claim? I don't sure that you are right, young whores love to divorce
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 15:18:44 #578 №125847 DELETED
>The ratio, or the diferences means the difference of number of marriages
How is it? Ratio is divorces/marriages (quotient not difference)
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 15:25:48 #579 №125848 DELETED
That could be truth. Russia has similar demography. But i think that if you look at divorce rate by age you'll see that different age groups have different divorce age.
People who live together all their lives don't normally divorce.
On the pic american stats, i don't think that Portugal has different situation.
You just need to calulate weights of age groups and find out their contributions
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 15:26:54 #580 №125849 DELETED
greenfield is russian tea, do you think they import that mediocre crap? They have their own mediocre creap
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 15:37:39 #581 №125850 DELETED
you're right lol. mentally collapsed. this is why you should sometimes stop thinking in English but in your native language.
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 15:38:25 #582 №125851 DELETED
Not him (proof)
Although I like more coffee, Greenfield's is a good tea.
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 15:45:19 #583 №125852 DELETED
> see them as victims of the circumstances nato put them in and I feel sorry for them
Russian soul. I consider them brainwashed and polonised retarded villagers that are too far gone.
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 15:45:51 #584 №125853 DELETED
Also you're just another 2cher whose goal is to write a toxic post for the sake of toxicity. Typical "Zhopogolic" (literal translation - Assholic).

t. >>125851
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 15:47:30 #585 №125854 DELETED
Don't listen to him. Hohols is a cancerous tumor of Rus'.
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 15:49:55 #586 №125855 DELETED
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 15:56:12 #587 №125856 DELETED
Retard, pls
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 16:03:33 #588 №125857 DELETED
It's pointless to talk about them. Ukrainians don't exist, only Russians do. And all I've seen is compliance for mobilization in Ukraine. They maybe deserve sympathy from some 3rd party, but not from Russians, because they're shooting at your soldiers and citizens.
No amount of money and brainwashing can change a person's mind unless he agrees to it.
That's my stance at least, I don't want to tell what you or the other guy should think, not my business.
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 16:19:41 #589 №125858 DELETED
No, i drink greenfield too. It's mass-market mediocre tea and that's ok.
Majority of people drink mediocre tea, since it's affordable.

My point was that average english tea is pretty much same so nobody need to import tea from russia. Most of brits and russians drink crap from tea bags anyway
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 16:29:11 #590 №125859 DELETED
Which nations of Yugoslavia do you think would be like hohols to Serbs?
I'm just starting to learn about the Balkan wars and it would be cool to start with your opinion.

Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 16:30:48 #591 №125860 DELETED
Montenegrians and Macedonians are hohols to Serbs and Bulgarians
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 16:34:38 #592 №125861 DELETED
>average English tea is the same mediocore as tea from Russia.

Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 16:38:00 #593 №125862 DELETED
Iranian tea, one of the best I've tasted, they also have fucking big and salty pistachios
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 16:44:10 #594 №125863 DELETED
One day you'll know that Sri-Lanka produces different types of tea, but not today.
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 16:47:36 #595 №125864 DELETED
The point is not the type of tea, /k/oper. It's that you call them English and Russian.
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 16:50:31 #596 №125865 DELETED
So? Brands can be russian or english, retard. Of course i know that England doesn't grow tea near Newcastle.
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 16:57:20 #597 №125866 DELETED
That's a tough question because the immediate response of many would be Croats - WWII ustashe, like how modern-day Ukraine is based on Galician nationalism and villagespeak, and they've fought for Germany in the same fashion as Ustashe.
But unlike Ukrainians, Croats are actually not fake people with zero identity. They've been noted together with Serbs by Constantine, and by numerous other sources even before that (though, it's "disputed" because names sound a bit differently, and you can't really prove or say anything concrete if you go too far back in history).
So you could say hohols are Croats in the spirit, but there's some differences.
Bosniaks would make more sense to be compared to hohols, they're completely a product of a brain damage and schizophrenia. Had the highest per capita SS involvement in WWII.
Montenegrin identity got sponsored by commies in the same fashion as hohols but there's so few of them I don't even know what their coherent ideology/opinion is.
>I'm just starting to learn about the Balkan wars
Fake and gay wars, honestly. It's much less black&white than people tell you. Most of the offensives and cessations of land were planned by both sides in coordination.
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 17:22:20 #598 №125867 DELETED
This is a valuable and what's even better unfolded, thank you. I was interested in your opinion.
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 17:23:44 #599 №125868 DELETED
Just a normal captcha for Anglo-Saxons.
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 17:24:07 #600 №125869 DELETED
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 17:34:16 #601 №125870 DELETED
I don't know what you both are talking about, but I've come to the conclusion that all of today's young women are total crap. Some of them get better with age, but that's only because they lose some of the privileges given to her by hormone tricked men.
I once did a course using neuroleptics prescribed by a doctor for depression and I felt a real freedom, the world around me became "equalized" for me, I stopped wanting a woman every second, I stopped looking at her as the opposite sex at all, I had zero libido, I started thinking more about my surroundings, I saw their true essence. But then the course ended and everything came back, all these male weaknesses, it's horrible. But one thing I've learned for sure:
Woman is an illusion.
A woman is a deception of the brain.

No, I'm not schizo or gay. It's just that the brain is a mechanism in which you can turn off certain things, like sexual orientation, with varying degrees of success.
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 19:27:46 #602 №125871 DELETED
He was a 67-y paedophile.
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 19:34:45 #603 №125872 DELETED
I'm not excusing a pedophile. I'll tell you how it works in the US: a group of cops get together and pretend to be underage girls. Basically provoking a crime. In Russia, such actions are a criminal sentence of several years for police officers. And there, provoking crimes or creating conditions for them is the norm. In any case, he should have a lawyer and a court so that a jury can convict him. Murder in custody and execution is an atavism of primitive societies.
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 19:49:35 #604 №125873 DELETED
"The U.S. Army now does not need to fight defending NATO countries. Ukrainians are doing that. And the civilized world only provides ammunition, and I think this is a good solution," Zelensky said in an interview with NBC News.

What does 2ch think of this man?
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 20:36:52 #605 №125874 DELETED
the paedophile goes for the gun and tries to shot the cops. If Scott Ritter did the same, do you think that he would be alive today ready to defend Russia and for memetic purposes?
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 21:20:02 #606 №125875 DELETED
This jew remembers pogroms and will never forgive that.
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 21:24:02 #607 №125876 DELETED
For those who don't know.
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 21:31:20 #608 №125877 DELETED
Honestly, I'd also freak out at strangers coming out of my house or the house I was going to and grab my gun. Self-preservation instinct.
Btw, you recently defended a terrorist from the local cannibals, now you're in their shoes.
Here's another video of a guy adjusting his pants while under fatal stress from a cop's commands.
I still think he's a pawn of Putin's 4D chess game. That's a topic for /zog/ though.
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 22:08:19 #609 №125878 DELETED
thank the Lord that I am not Ukrainian
Anonymous  21/04/24 Вск 22:12:17 #610 №125879 DELETED
>thanks to this cop, all cops in America or in Russia, or in the rest of World shouldn't be allowed self-defence.
Anonymous  22/04/24 Пнд 11:42:50 #611 №125887 DELETED
yes, it's interesting to see what i haven't seen. in russia, yokshir and organic fairtrade can be bought by online delivery through finland via yandex market, but it will be much more expensive than the same tea produced in russia under a different brand, but it's funny that such an option is even available given the closure of the border and the breakdown of diplomatic relations
Anonymous  22/04/24 Пнд 19:02:12 #612 №125899 DELETED
Lawyers reported disappearance of Ukrainian "coordinator of attacks on Nord Streams" (according to the Der Spiegel investigation, which of course I don't believe) in Ukraine
Anonymous  22/04/24 Пнд 20:08:58 #613 №125900 DELETED
⚡Shock!⚡ The hoholians turned a TV tower into an air defense communications center and this is what happened(pregnant women do not watch!!!):
Anonymous  22/04/24 Пнд 20:46:09 #614 №125901 DELETED
UK criminalizes the sale of tobacco to young people
That's the news I'm applauding Britannia for. In Russia, it is an administrative monetary fine, and criminal liability comes only for the second time, after which forced labor is imposed.

Serbian Interior Ministry: A powerful aerial bomb from the 1999 NATO aggression was neutralized in Nish. The munition was identified as a Mark 84, a general purpose unguided bomb, the U.S. has used them since the Vietnam War.

The Gagarin lesson "Space is Us" developed by the Kirov Children's Space Center was held in the vicinity of Lisbon (Portugal).
The "Gagarin's Lesson" from Vyatka popularizers of cosmonautics from the Children's Space Center has already been tested in the vicinity of Lisbon in a training center for children studying Russian language and culture.
Anonymous  22/04/24 Пнд 20:47:40 #615 №125902 DELETED
>"Gagarin's Lesson"
I still don't get the concept, as long as it's fun for everyone.
Anonymous  22/04/24 Пнд 21:34:03 #616 №125903 DELETED
Ocheretino fell (I assume in normal speech it's called Ocheretino, not Ochoretyne). Important, highgrounds.
>Serbian Interior Ministry: A powerful aerial bomb from the 1999 NATO aggression was neutralized in Nish. The munition was identified as a Mark 84, a general purpose unguided bomb, the U.S. has used them since the Vietnam War.
Lol, thanks for keeping me up to date about my own country, I don't read our news.
Anonymous  22/04/24 Пнд 22:53:26 #617 №125904 DELETED
>Ocheretino \ Очеретино
I wondered for a long time why they went up there until you showed me the elevation map.

Also the breakthrough to Chasov Yar (vidreal)
Also a kind of fortress, not like Bakhmut, which was fortified for 10 years, but still there will be difficulties there. The entire Donbass is solid fortresses and underground Soviet Cold War cities with repair shops, as well as a military logistics system developed over 10 years.
Anonymous  22/04/24 Пнд 23:04:04 #618 №125905 DELETED
Zelensky said he was preparing his soldiers for a major Russian offensive expected in the coming months, probably before summer.

The British media once again piously believe that this will stop "Putin's war machine"
Anonymous  23/04/24 Втр 19:52:45 #619 №125910 DELETED
Thanks. I don't live in Lisbon or near Lisbon. I don't know what is a Yuri Gagarin lesson.

ua Zelenskyy restricts online casinos to curb troop gambling addictions Some are skeptical a ban will work given the existence of illegal casinos.

>The new regulations, laid out in a decree by Ukraine's State Security and Defense Council, came after prominent activist and Ukrainian army serviceman Pavlo Petrychenko launched a campaign highlighting gambling addictions among soldiers and called on Zelenskyy to impose stricter controls on online casinos. Petrychenko died in combat April 15.

rs 25th Anniversary of Deadly NATO Bombing of Serbian State TV Marked
Anonymous  23/04/24 Втр 23:21:54 #620 №125912 DELETED
>a campaign highlighting gambling addictions among soldiers
Yes, they lost a whole salary given to them by the state, and as a result they did not have enough money for additional uniforms that were not part of the official supplies (better boots, higher grade body armor, uniforms, better quality helmets, and other things, up to and including non-army food and civilian transportation to get home).
>I don't live in Lisbon or near Lisbon.
It's the country that matters, not the city, of course no one is aiming to deanonize anyone in this thread. Relax, bro, it's sacred.
>25th Anniversary of Deadly NATO Bombing
Maybe a kino for that occasion?
Anonymous  23/04/24 Втр 23:29:22 #621 №125913 DELETED
Anonymous  24/04/24 Срд 02:06:28 #622 №125914 DELETED
Ukrainian corruption tank enters Moscow Anonymous  24/04/24 Срд 12:46:54 #623 №125916 DELETED
The famous(in RuNet) Ukrainian tank "Azovets" became an amusing exhibit of the Patriot Park in Moscow. It is famous for being announced in 2014 as the most innovative and modern tank (based on the T-64 chassis) for fighting in urban environments, for the development of which 5 million dollars were spent. However, in 2015 it failed tests and after the Ukrainian media began to take an interest in it from a criminal point of view the tank simply disappeared, but Azov commanders from rare assured the public that the tank is still working for the benefit of defense.

The Russian Armed Forces with the help of local residents found this tank, it turns out that, anticipating a criminal case Azov Nazis simply buried it 8 years ago, having previously removed from it everything that can be sold.

A legend, meme generator and symbol of Ukrainian corruption, after all. The trophy is more symbolic than NATO equipment.
Anonymous  24/04/24 Срд 16:29:24 #624 №125917 DELETED
Ukrainians could've entered the history if they made a tank like that, but about 10 times bigger. Yes, RF would've annihilated such a huge target, but imagine the impact on the world's culture, ideas? If they would've seen an actual giant machine being assaulted and defeated? In a long run, it could've helped Ukraine much more.

Plus it's always possible to make it survive longer, since it'll work closer to a battleship than a tank.

Being a meme is an infinitely more powerful state than being a moment in history. It's deep when you think about it...
Anonymous  24/04/24 Срд 18:42:19 #625 №125918 DELETED
Looks pretty damn cool and epic as idea, but I think the basic battle concept of this tank was a clever misappropriation of $5 million, one million of which was spent on buying bogus gauges and fake armour. And this tank did its job perfectly.
Anonymous  25/04/24 Чтв 22:20:06 #626 №125923 DELETED
Anonymous  25/04/24 Чтв 23:59:01 #627 №125924 DELETED
Anonymous  26/04/24 Птн 00:01:39 #628 №125925 DELETED
Russian cop vs. drunken company
Anonymous  26/04/24 Птн 00:02:43 #629 №125926 DELETED
Anonymous  26/04/24 Птн 00:14:35 #630 №125927 DELETED
It's a ‘neighbourhood officer’ (uchastkovyj)
Something like an American sheriff, but one for the whole village with his cosy little 10x10m office and a police Lada

Fat, drunken, cheeky pig is some classic type, lol:D
Anonymous  26/04/24 Птн 01:21:42 #631 №125928 DELETED

Cost of maintenance of a private house in Russia and one-time expenses (for example, drilling a well to water, if the village where the house is located there are no central communications)

Perfectly translated via YaGPT built into Yandex-browser if you open an article in it.
Anonymous  26/04/24 Птн 16:35:12 #632 №125931 DELETED
One foreigner can't take account in due currency and wage earning disparities. Like Tucker's grocery store trip in Moscow
Anonymous  26/04/24 Птн 23:30:23 #633 №125933 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)
Anonymous  27/04/24 Суб 12:53:29 #634 №125937 DELETED
Akshually, these days most British tea is grown in our former colonies in Africa, mainly Kenya and Rwanda. Real proper Assam from actual Assam is rare and sought after.

Yes, they're just people like you or I.

18.8% interest on the mortgage!? EIGHTEEN POINT EIGHT PERCENT?!?!?! They're laughing in Tel Aviv, fucking hell.
Anonymous  27/04/24 Суб 15:51:12 #635 №125942 DELETED
>18.8% interest on the mortgage!? EIGHTEEN POINT EIGHT PERCENT?!?!?! They're laughing in Tel Aviv, fucking hell.
If that's what you mean, it's a real estate company website, they just advertise themselves through a calculator at the end.
18 percent is the cap. If you're referring to the picture, it's the website of a real estate company that unobtrusively advertises its services with a calculator at the end of each of its articles.

If you look here, the mortgage rate varies from 2 to 18 percent depending on the region and the bank. The cheapest is a house in the far east, obviously because the population density there is very low, and the state not only subsidizes mortgages, but also gives a free hectare of land to those who move to the far east. The most expensive housing is the "top five cities" and Sochi. But these top-tier cities are worth their money, and russian "liberal travelers" often whine on Twitter that there are no similar cities in Europe that provide as many resources to develop their lives, including their careers. You can believe them, you can disbelieve them.

Also people in special categories get support from the government, such as family with children, IT professionals and others. I know for a fact that for IT specialists the rate in Moscow is usually up to 6 percent and no more.
Anonymous  27/04/24 Суб 15:52:45 #636 №125943 DELETED
I wrote the same thing twice when I switched my tablet, sorry
Anonymous  27/04/24 Суб 15:59:55 #637 №125944 DELETED
Anonymous  27/04/24 Суб 18:21:39 #638 №125947 DELETED
Awesome movie, btw.
Anonymous  27/04/24 Суб 22:55:33 #639 №125949 DELETED

Anonymous  28/04/24 Вск 00:02:21 #640 №125951 DELETED
Late reply but that was a good thread (on 4chan).
Anonymous  28/04/24 Вск 05:00:42 #641 №125953 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)
ßiden pidor
aß den
Anonymous  28/04/24 Вск 05:16:45 #642 №125954 DELETED
Joe biden
Anonymous  28/04/24 Вск 13:56:01 #643 №125955 DELETED
Back to /rf/
Belgorod-kun  28/04/24 Вск 17:22:20 #644 №125956 DELETED
Anonymous  29/04/24 Пнд 05:03:31 #645 №125957 DELETED
Anonymous  29/04/24 Пнд 13:30:03 #646 №125961 DELETED
Anonymous  29/04/24 Пнд 18:05:30 #647 №125963 DELETED

So why did the Nazis burn down the institute that quite literally invented a reasonable facsimile of modern Geschlechtkampf ideology, including facial feminisation surgery and hormone treatment?
Anonymous  29/04/24 Пнд 21:00:06 #648 №125964 DELETED
Unironnically, thank you for your erudition. That's interesting, i didn't even know about it, lol
Anonymous  30/04/24 Втр 05:22:38 #649 №125965 DELETED
Looks like he's decided to talk to all the Russians in the world :D

Anonymous  30/04/24 Втр 07:00:14 #650 №125966 DELETED
A mass rally was held in Hamburg by radical Islamists whose demands included the establishment of a caliphate in Germany - Bild.

"With the authorization of the authorities, they demanded that Germany be turned into an Islamist dictatorship ruled by a religious leader - without any rights for women, homosexuals, Christians, Jews and dissenters"

"It is unbelievable, unacceptable and incomprehensible how people who have found a home in Germany turn against Germany"
Anonymous  30/04/24 Втр 07:47:26 #651 №125967 DELETED
What if that's what their government originally intended? They can't say "guys, we're fascists now", they need to set a precedent for society to do that, they need society to want fascists in power.
Anonymous  30/04/24 Втр 10:11:29 #652 №125968 DELETED
Btw, archiver of 2ch.


In February this year they made a mistake in encrypting the disks(in case of FSB intrusion) and lost the 14 years of threads database, so the threads are recorded from February this year.
Anonymous  30/04/24 Втр 10:18:52 #653 №125969 DELETED
Most sections are archived, except for the most unpopular ones, like /int/. All you have to do is click on the search field.

It was also December 2023*
A classic example of hands out of ass:
Anonymous  01/05/24 Срд 02:50:43 #654 №125975 DELETED
Anonymous  01/05/24 Срд 03:07:51 #655 №125976 DELETED
Western democracy works less than 4/5 years thinking always at the polls. The men in charge can't think ahead. Also they prefer not alienating woman's electorate in short term rather forcing to have 2/3 children to have that Total Fertility Rate above 2,1 after 2nd and 3rd wave of feminism or even LGBT population.

Alas this problem was already discussed in 80's and 90's according to Samuel Huntington's The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order a book based on a reply to his former student that per coincidence Dugin mentions in 9:46 >>125965 . they did polls to the French back then significant part knew that the North Africans were less assimilated. All this in 1980 and France is in that state that we all know.
Anonymous  01/05/24 Срд 10:09:34 #656 №125977 DELETED
Anonymous  01/05/24 Срд 13:17:24 #657 №125978 DELETED
I've been there, there are even NEW military specimens with fresh paint, like British APCs.
Anonymous  01/05/24 Срд 13:23:36 #658 №125979 DELETED
Anonymous  01/05/24 Срд 14:33:58 #659 №125980 DELETED
Anonymous  01/05/24 Срд 14:36:05 #660 №125981 DELETED
In Brief:
AstraZeneca has admitted that its COVID-19 vaccine provokes thrombosis.
Anonymous  01/05/24 Срд 14:37:13 #661 №125982 DELETED
And Pfizer is modifying DNA
Anonymous  01/05/24 Срд 16:20:32 #662 №125983 DELETED
Anonymous  01/05/24 Срд 17:17:43 #663 №125984 DELETED
Anonymous  01/05/24 Срд 19:54:43 #664 №125985 DELETED
Anonymous  01/05/24 Срд 19:56:33 #665 №125986 DELETED
they are lowering the cannon in the first .mp4 for more propaganda purposes or something I can't understand?
Anonymous  01/05/24 Срд 22:00:22 #666 №125988 DELETED
This is part of Russian culture since World War II. Initially, all German tanks in Soviet museums were subjected to "lowering" if the mechanics allowed it. The culture originates from the disabled German Tigers, whose barrel always lowered after being hit, essentially creating "art of defeat". This happened due to a malfunction in the fragile hydraulic system of the main gun, which essentially represented a modernized barrel of an anti-aircraft gun and all its subsystems.
Anonymous  01/05/24 Срд 22:10:25 #667 №125989 DELETED
Anonymous  01/05/24 Срд 23:52:55 #668 №125990 DELETED
Gogi Maidan steps it up a notch. Can Boyar Ivanishvili keep a clean head and cool hands, or will Tsar Rubber-Ass have to dispatch his Praetorian Rosgvardia to the beleaguered province? Imperialism is hard fucking work, isn't it?
Anonymous  02/05/24 Чтв 01:25:56 #669 №125993 DELETED
This is the pro-American opposition, overseen by our MUTTual friends. The protests are about the law on foreign agents, which is essentially designed to limit the influence of foreign foundations and organizations in the country's politics. Georgia is sharply opposed to this law in the United States, despite the fact that they themselves have it.

By the way, fun fact: after the 2008 conflict, in response to Georgian sanctions, Putin banned Georgia from using Russian airspace. And recently he just out of the blue allowed it by personal decree. And in the Georgian parliament there was a fight between deputies because of this (supporters and opponents of the resumption of flights). Funny.
Anonymous  02/05/24 Чтв 01:28:40 #670 №125994 DELETED
>Georgia is sharply opposed to this law in the United States, despite the fact that they themselves have it.
United States sharply opposed to this law in Georgia, despite the fact that they themselves have it.*
LOOOOOOL it's time for bed)))
Anonymous  02/05/24 Чтв 01:46:43 #671 №125997 DELETED
Also the president of Georgia is a French citizen, she also supported the riots and protesters. Surrealism
Anonymous  02/05/24 Чтв 02:10:15 #672 №125998 DELETED
Sweet, ein Praktiker der Realpolitik. You will surely know about the Socratic method? As a dyed-in-the-linen Westerner, I feel obliged to adopt it. So, do these Gogi rebels fight for free or are they paid? If they are paid, how much? How effective are they at fighting per dollar/ruble/gram of gold/IMF Special Drawing Right/manhour/let's call it arbitrary unit (AU)? Are they more effective per AU than e.g. the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine? Are they more likely to achieve results that justify the AU spent compared to the AU that Russia & pals spend in Ukraine? How does the AU spent by the West in Ukraine compare to the AU spent by Russia in Ukraine? What does the cost:benefit chart look like, and how would you measure this? How did the USSR lose the Cold War? How much has changed since then, and how much does it matter? How did the Central Powers lose WW1 when Prussia won so many wars beforehand? We could go on, but should we?
Anonymous  02/05/24 Чтв 04:11:17 #673 №125999 DELETED
fresh video

just imagine: look at these rings after a shock war, how safe are they for humans even at a distance of 100-200 meters?
Anonymous  02/05/24 Чтв 04:12:37 #674 №126000 DELETED
after a shock wave
Anonymous  02/05/24 Чтв 04:16:19 #675 №126001 DELETED
They're not fighting, they're just stupid liberal sheeple piously convinced that their freedom of speech is being destroyed. Although, having foreign agents is in no way conducive to freedom and free speech in particular.
Sorry, such a complex pretentious creative question on your part, and such a simply ascetic answer on mine. But it happens too, it happens because it's reality.
Anonymous  02/05/24 Чтв 04:23:19 #676 №126002 DELETED
Russia is not spending a ruble, a dollar, or any other currency on the war in Ukraine. I think you should wonder why things are as I said. And why it puts your countries at a disadvantage in case of war.
Anonymous  02/05/24 Чтв 06:35:22 #677 №126004 DELETED
пашла нахуй, хохлушка
Anonymous  02/05/24 Чтв 10:15:26 #678 №126005 DELETED
Belgorod-Kun  02/05/24 Чтв 10:57:13 #679 №126006 DELETED
What are you talking about? The Russians have never held this region, or rather, they have only held South Ossetia, which had been asking to be annexed to North Ossetia as part of Russia for 20 years, and had lost control since 2008 due to the events of August when Saakashvili, with NATO support, attacked South Ossetia and Tskhinvali. Although Georgian troops were destroyed, without any irony, after two weeks of fighting, US and NATO integration into the country was unstoppable.
All of these protests are against a law that the degenerates believe is being pushed through by Russia because there is an active anti-Russian propaganda campaign going on there through US foundations that don't want to get “foreign agent” status because it would impose a number of restrictions. Restrictions = weakening U.S. influence in the region.
Belgorod-Kun  02/05/24 Чтв 11:14:17 #680 №126007 DELETED
Biden called China, Russia and Japan(checkmate, ally) xenophobic countries that don't want to accept migrants.
I wonder why?
Anonymous  02/05/24 Чтв 21:13:10 #681 №126008 DELETED
Do Russians wear those clothes like Dmitry Medvedev and Solovyov? Can you spot some in the street?
Anonymous  02/05/24 Чтв 22:56:11 #682 №126009 DELETED
No, their clothes have been an internet meme for a long time.
Anonymous  02/05/24 Чтв 23:52:16 #683 №126010 DELETED
>they are not fighting

>Russia is not spending a ruble, a dollar, or any other currency on the war in Ukraine

>The Russians have never held this region

U wot m8s?


These are the old styles of the Global South, or what Russia now calls the World Majority. Solovyov's double-breasted Nehru is so 80s I can hear Duran Duran and taste tequila sunrise, blech. Old men.
Anonymous  02/05/24 Чтв 23:56:20 #684 №126011 DELETED
>European Fashion
How often do you see people wearing these jeans in Europe?

Anonymous  03/05/24 Птн 00:05:20 #685 №126012 DELETED
Belgorod-Kun  03/05/24 Птн 00:08:16 #686 №126013 DELETED
>The Russians have never held this region
Because Russia after the collapse of the USSR was too weak to do cool geopolitical stuff, lost all its zones of influence and was out of competition with the West, which you guys rushed to take advantage of by increasing the number of invasions of other countries to create a unified financial dollar system and integration into the governments of former Russian zones of influence (such as the Baltics, Georgia and Ukraine, for example).

Bonus link:

The rest of the posts are not mine.
Anonymous  03/05/24 Птн 01:01:38 #687 №126014 DELETED
is a manned or AI-driven Jupiter-80 dump truck from Kamaz Corporation
Anonymous  03/05/24 Птн 01:11:48 #688 №126015 DELETED
Currently, simpler drones are mainly used in the trucking and mining industries
Anonymous  03/05/24 Птн 03:15:29 #689 №126016 DELETED
US intelligence: Russia may be helping China with preparations for an attack on Taiwan.

▪️ Director of National Intelligence Avril Haynes told Congress that Moscow and Beijing are cooperating more closely on military matters, including a possible invasion of Taiwan
▪️ "This is the first time we're seeing China and Russia cooperating in dealing with Taiwan and recognizing that this is a place where China definitely wants Russia to cooperate with them, and we see no reason why they wouldn't" Haynes said
▪️ Intelligence assessments point to growing cooperation in a "borderless partnership" between Russia and China in really all sectors of society
Anonymous  03/05/24 Птн 10:40:44 #690 №126018 DELETED
The Novzad charity organization, along with the rescued animals, was evacuated in the first place on the orders of Boris Johnsan instead of local government employees working for NATO. This testimony was given by Josie Stewart, an employee of the Foreign Office, who was sacked after the testimony.

Now the Nowzad charity has moved to Ukraine and rescues animals there, while the border is closed for the men to leave.

Anonymous  03/05/24 Птн 11:19:59 #691 №126019 DELETED
Bojo is henpecked to fuck and back: his (completely lacking in tits, arse and sex appeal in general) wife likely prefers animals to ragheads, given that she is a patron of many animal-based charities, and none based on the post-colonial trials of the Middle East. At least she's fertile, that's rare enough these days.
Anonymous  03/05/24 Птн 11:24:29 #692 №126020 DELETED
Lmao, I was right to think that way. Thanks for the details.
Anonymous  03/05/24 Птн 11:28:52 #693 №126021 DELETED
Anonymous  03/05/24 Птн 12:21:37 #694 №126022 DELETED
4chan-sister trolls /k/...

Also, there were a lot of foreigners there, French, British, Americans and more...
Rare footage: https://youtu.be/HBdf4Dk_LqY?t=66 (timecode)
Anonymous  03/05/24 Птн 12:37:09 #695 №126023 DELETED
https://youtu.be/9kWmrz85CRw (is that a british accent?)
Anonymous  03/05/24 Птн 13:00:07 #696 №126024 DELETED
A refrigerator exploded in Moscow. The Prosecutor's Office and the Investigative Committee are conducting an inspection.

Storing unstable compounds for a terrorist attack in a refrigerator is very stupid.
Anonymous  03/05/24 Птн 13:01:48 #697 №126025 DELETED
Funny how the windows are intact but the walls aren't
Anonymous  03/05/24 Птн 15:17:15 #698 №126026 DELETED
NATO is losing Africa
Anonymous  03/05/24 Птн 19:16:45 #699 №126030 DELETED
According to the Moscow Region Prosecutor's Office, the house was not gasified (electric stoves are used).

The owner of the apartment in Khimki near Moscow, where the explosion occurred on the morning of May 3, turned out to be an interior designer. The 29-year-old woman lived there with her husband and child, but before the emergency the whole family went to the dacha.

The young family made repairs, bought all the necessary modern household appliances. In particular, in the kitchen, where the explosion took place, there were an oven, microwave, dishwasher, stove, washing machine and refrigerator from a Japanese company. Everything was bought in two well-known stores, the appliances had a warranty.

This year, with the onset of warm days, the family moved to the dacha. The owners closed the windows in the apartment, but they did not disconnect the appliances. And the refrigerator was connected to a battery in case of power outages, and only then to a socket. Most likely, it was this battery that exploded.

The last time the family came to the apartment was on April 29 to check the apartment and take their things

Because it's likely to open a criminal case against the developer of the building. AHAHAHA
Anonymous  03/05/24 Птн 21:50:12 #700 №126033 DELETED
The UK has advised its citizens to avoid any trips to Ukraine, as well as within 50 km of the border with Belarus.

⚡️So, what should we expect? Opinions? Assumptions?⚡️
Anonymous  04/05/24 Суб 00:13:20 #701 №126037 DELETED
Georgian Prime Minister accused the US of twice supporting attempts to stage a revolution in the country in 2020-2023. They were carried out also through non-governmental organizations that were financed from external sources, Irakli Kobakhidze wrote in social network X: “If they had succeeded, a second front line would have been opened in Georgia”.
Text Source:

>they are not fighting
Oh yeah, I forgot that fighting solely for your ass and not fighting for the nation is also a fight. Sssorry

>Russia is not spending a ruble, a dollar, or any other currency on the war in Ukraine
Unlike Britain, Russia does not buy equipment, resources and machinery in other countries, but gets everything on the domestic market, leaving all the money at home. Moreover, unlike British military corporations, ALL military corporations in Russia are considered State Corporations (more than 51% of shares, up to 100% in them belongs to the Russian Federation), such as Concern Kalashnikov or Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) (the largest tank factory in the world, which has not only factories and dozens of laboratories, but also reverse-engineering laboratories to study the enemy's equipment, and even its own mines to extract raw materials). Russia does not spend any money on war, instead it buys raw materials, products and technologies from itself, creating a fast and powerful financial circle in the economy, which is also known to condition Russia's development. The only thing Russia loses is people.
[mailto:Sage] Anonymous  04/05/24 Суб 00:27:49 #702 №126038 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)

Передавай привет всей своей семье, американец
Anonymous  04/05/24 Суб 01:08:49 #703 №126039 DELETED
A former Portuguese communist, former visitor to USSR says that Russians are starving - and pensioners, college students are trying to get food in garbage.
Anonymous  04/05/24 Суб 02:13:11 #704 №126041 DELETED
>Russians are starving.
Yes, the Russians are starving. I remembered that it was a long time since I ate chicken from KFC or nuggets from Burger King, I should order now in the middle of the night (checkmate, Europeans), thank you for reminding.
Students and pensioners dig in the garbage in search of food. Well, it is true only that this happens to be isolated cases, but not mass (as the Communist tries to present this ideology to the PR) but it is not the pensioners' money, but the mentality of some individuals. But students just don’t know how to plan their expenses.
First things first:
In Russia, free education (pre-school, school, secondary, specialized secondary (college)) up to higher education. Higher education becomes free if the student has a good school and has passed all the exams well (either if he is from an orphanage, or a master of sports, or he has the status of a public figure, or the Russian Armed Forces, who served a certain number of years under contract, or part of the family of a veteran of the war with NATO and other categories of special citizens)All these people are also granted a university scholarship (This is usually small and is 15,000 per month, but if you live in a dorm, do not spend on booze and condoms, focusing on school, twice a week to hand out leaflets on the subway evenings, it is enough). Orphans also receive a free State apartment for the duration of their studies (the State pays for living in it, at least in 2013) and they have the largest scholarship corresponding to the median salary in Russia, After studying, they are given their house or apartment forever (but not in all regions, unfortunately, in some will have to stand in line and wait several years). People who went to crap school pay for their higher education. But in general in Russia, as well as in the US, Japan, Britain, China and other countries, it is customary for parents to support their children in education with money.
Pensioners: In Russia, pensioners' pensions are calculated from work experience, so if you were in the USSR or in Russia a bad boy and were constantly in prison, worked little or not at all (in the USSR, by the way, not to have a job was illegal)Your pension will correspond to the subsistence minimum, ensuring you don’t starve to death. More decent people, such as «labor veterans», employees of government departments and companies, scientists and other excavators and drivers, receive good pensions, corresponding to their merits in life and length of service, plus any allowances for disability and other characteristics of the pensioner, so the pension can reach up to 100 thousand rubles, but on average it is 40-45 for each, which is enough for a comfortable life, especially if it is a family of pensioners. Also, all pensioners have 100,500 different benefits, they have the right to buy food at a 30% discount in stores (including the campaign), medicines (some they can get free in the nearest clinic), they have privileges to pay for communal services of the apartment up to 50%. Also, all pensioners have a «personal servant» from the state (social worker, who is assigned to up to 10 families of pensioners), who goes to the store, goes to make a document for the pensioner, brings him FREE FOOD (day ration) from the state every day, carries out the cleaning of the apartment, accompanies them to hospitals and has intimate conversations with lonely old people. (Also, a pensioner cannot legally write on them any inheritance, if you suddenly wonder, lol)

Pensioners who dig in the trash (usually near supermarkets) do it for various reasons - for example, find super expensive deli sausage, by the way, it is not only pensioners, in Norway it is called "dumpster diving". https://vk.com/wall-28460520_154663
If a pensioner will press for pity by telling him how to eat nothing, then most likely he is lying for the reasons described above.
Again, everything depends on the person and his upbringing. The most unstable psyche of those who survived the Russian 1990s. Here my grandmother had a good pension, but still canned leftovers of bread - "For a rainy day". Things like the '90s are buried deep in the subconscious.
Anonymous  04/05/24 Суб 02:58:04 #705 №126042 DELETED
What kind of English is that? )))0
Anonymous  04/05/24 Суб 03:09:49 #706 №126043 DELETED
Okay, I won't post here anymore
Anonymous  04/05/24 Суб 03:18:53 #707 №126044 DELETED
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 01:20:04 #708 №126058 DELETED
I've met many many Baltic Russians and Baltic Balts through both work and recreation (sex) and my impression is you just fucking hate each others' guts and can't live together.
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 01:25:00 #709 №126059 DELETED
Their English is better than some of the crap I see spewed up by my countrymen and is likely more grammatically correct than mine, however English grammar is a nympho and the natives can fuck that bitch sideways if we so choose, and it'll be right. Certainly, you can tell it was written by a Russophone, but so what?
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 02:56:24 #710 №126063 DELETED
don't lie, dvachers don't have sex.
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 03:05:13 #711 №126064 DELETED
you will never guess who pays an additional reward to a soldier (or platoon) from his personal fund for each abrams or leopard shot down
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 03:12:52 #712 №126065 DELETED
repent, my children
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 03:17:27 #713 №126066 DELETED
Goyda!!! Or Goida!!!
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 03:31:02 #714 №126067 DELETED

ok, here's a normal picture of him

what we have here:
- father of a large family of russian people is a definite plus
- biker tattoos are a definite disadvantage
- spends most of his acting salary on volunteer missions in which he personally (with his wife) participates and helps children in donbass - that's a plus
- has a unique acting charisma and amuses the crew by breaking the scenario in normie-TV-shows https://youtu.be/YY3aAiJP1MI
"winter, moscow suburbs, it's romantic, we can go to my house, but in advance I want to warn you that of all the entertainment at my house only dick."
- filmed this masterpiece, which is a plus https://youtu.be/TZCZ9DWCwuI
now, his character is revealed
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 03:35:32 #715 №126068 DELETED
ah yes
he was a priest, but he was kicked out of the church for taking up acting
an actor and a priest are incompatible in the orthodox religion
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 06:55:24 #716 №126069 DELETED
>an actor and a priest are incompatible in the orthodox religion
He made the right choice.
Being anything but surf is incompatible in the orthodox religion.
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 08:49:43 #717 №126070 DELETED
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 08:50:57 #718 №126071 DELETED
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 11:32:37 #719 №126075 DELETED
Do you want to banish all foreigners from this board?
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 12:39:37 #720 №126076 DELETED
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 16:36:15 #721 №126079 DELETED
Христос воскресе, фриендс.
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 16:42:36 #722 №126080 DELETED
Заиста воскресе

(Moderator, it's Serbian)
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 17:41:35 #723 №126081 DELETED
>it's Serbian
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 21:41:55 #724 №126082 DELETED
Мдауш, а убитые чубатые и не воскреснут.
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 23:32:10 #725 №126083 DELETED
>Serbian allowed
>Russian and Ukrainian not allowed
A loophole.
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 23:55:18 #726 №126085 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)
So guys, why did they do it?
Anonymous  06/05/24 Пнд 00:02:07 #727 №126086 DELETED
You can buy loose black tea in supermarkets and brew it in a Turkish tea kettle or samovar. Personally the best tea for this is the rize black tea which you can buy off the internet or Turkish shops
Anonymous  06/05/24 Пнд 00:02:51 #728 №126087 DELETED
You don't understand the theme party of this thread. Also, no one here likes the hohols, you need to calm down.
Anonymous  06/05/24 Пнд 00:05:35 #729 №126088 DELETED
Хохол, ты заебал со своими 5 копейками. В каждую бочку затычка чтоле?
Anonymous  06/05/24 Пнд 00:13:34 #730 №126089 DELETED
We don't brew tea in a samovar, a samovar is basically a unique water kettle. I have three made back in the USSR, but they are all electric. The original samovar requires wood to burn, and a hussar boot to fan the fire. A real Imperial samovar looks just like the picture. The peasants had simpler samovars, the richer people had more refined and handmade ones.
>Personally the best tea for this is the rize black tea which you can buy off the internet or Turkish shops
Thank you for the recommendation.
Anonymous  06/05/24 Пнд 00:14:21 #731 №126090 DELETED
Anonymous  06/05/24 Пнд 00:19:06 #732 №126091 DELETED
Zatknis' nahuy uzhe, pidor, zaebal ty srat', suka.

(Moderator, it's French)
Anonymous  06/05/24 Пнд 00:27:24 #733 №126092 DELETED
You probably will be able to find the tea locally as well.
Quite interesting, I imagined that the Russians still used it, but an electric kettle is easier to use.
In Britain as the other brit showed you, we have tea bags and place them in boiled water then add milk. Brits rarely if never drink black tea by itself. Personally I prefer my tea with milk, you get a longer drink and it's more warming.
The people pictured are Dmitry Baksheev and Natalia Baksheeva. Dmitry left his phone and a road worker found it, opened it and saw he had pictures of severed limbs saved. He contacted the Police and they found some body parts that had been preserved or photographs (the picture I sent) where the body parts have been served as food.
I don't know if these stories are publicised in the media as propaganda against Russia, as if to imply Russians are unhinged and dangerous
Anonymous  06/05/24 Пнд 00:35:06 #734 №126093 DELETED
Here is a web archive of a collection of images someone uploaded to reddit. To get the button up to move the pictures along, click somewhere within the white space to the right-hand side of the image, with the top being marked by '1/17' and the bottom 'Upvoted'
Anonymous  06/05/24 Пнд 00:42:46 #735 №126094 DELETED
>other brit
The more the better.
>electric kettle is easier to use
In fact, Russians do not differ much in everyday life from Europeans.
>Brits rarely if never drink black tea by itself. Personally I prefer my tea with milk, you get a longer drink and it's more warming.
We share common tastes here. I also like to drink it with lemon and lime honey. If Italy is the country of all kinds of cheese, Russia is the country of all kinds of honey.
It's a terrible story, it's strange that I haven't heard of it. In general, it's very strange how such creatures come together to form a family: a family of maniacs, a family of pedophiles, a family of thieves, there must be some microsocial transformation factor here, I don't believe that two random bastards, despite many factors such as distance, upbringing, social environment, find each other for a common black deed. One of them clearly influences the other by transforming personality.
Anonymous  06/05/24 Пнд 00:54:26 #736 №126095 DELETED
I think Russians are quite similar to Brits but I haven't met any in real life. It is not tea but we have a cold remedy here called a 'hot toddy' which is boiled water, lemon juice, whisky and honey.
When it comes to people forming families they tend to find people who are similar to them. There is a theory called the 'genetic similarity theory' which tries to explain this.
Anonymous  06/05/24 Пнд 03:29:35 #737 №126096 DELETED
I've seen something similar to 3rd and 4th pics in some Madrilean spaniard youtuber living in Moscow video or imitates it.
Anonymous  06/05/24 Пнд 10:32:15 #738 №126100 DELETED
This is how to shit your pants in public. God save the queer, man!
Anonymous  06/05/24 Пнд 12:09:03 #739 №126101 DELETED
why all russian
Anonymous  06/05/24 Пнд 14:37:03 #740 №126102 DELETED
Slavic themed cafe he went to for content.
These samovars were practical everywhere from the aristocratic home, when living in the rural hinterland of the Russian Empire, when exploring the straits on sailing ships and expeditions to Siberia, when you need hot water and warmth in a makeshift tent sheltered from the wind, easy to heat and civilized to drink from a cup (pouring from a tap, not a ladle).
Anonymous  06/05/24 Пнд 14:38:37 #741 №126103 DELETED
Lol, it's like he's begging, "let me go please, enough of all this, I'm old now"
Anonymous  06/05/24 Пнд 15:48:19 #742 №126105 DELETED
Well I'm a tourist, not a dvacher. This is your chance though: even in the glorious invincible hyperculture that is the West, there's a palpable and growing sense of doom, and it's making everyone hornier, probably because of terminal investment. Thankfully, most people are barely fertile these days, so it doesn't matter.


As British as the Second Amendment.

It's too much of a faff when you drink 3-6 cups a day though.
Anonymous  06/05/24 Пнд 16:57:27 #743 №126106 DELETED
He was close, we do call northerners 'monkey hangers'
>It's too much of a faff when you drink 3-6 cups a day though.
Cleaning the pot out isn't that difficult but you do have to do a lot of waiting
Anonymous  06/05/24 Пнд 17:54:42 #744 №126107 DELETED
The French Foreign Ministry has denied the information about the dispatch of Foreign Legion soldiers to the territory of Ukraine, which was earlier circulated in the mass media

Lmao, and I even know the specific person who threw that shit in :D
a former U.S. advisor to something:
Anonymous  06/05/24 Пнд 19:06:01 #745 №126108 DELETED
I typed 'Чеченская кухня' into pikabu and didn't get relevant results. Is my translation wrong?
Anonymous  06/05/24 Пнд 20:02:33 #746 №126109 DELETED
Made Жижиг-галнаш with томатный берам (or however you spell it).
I have cooked this dinner many times before but this was the first time making the tomato sauce. I think too much oil went into the sauce, I usually only make the broth with garlic or sour cream sauce, however it was very nice.
I drank this dinner with broth, now I'm drinking something a little less halak ;)
Anonymous  06/05/24 Пнд 21:28:33 #747 №126110 DELETED
It's a scandalous social site for normies, everyone there is only interested in memes and scandals and personal stories.
This should be searched for on vk publics.
Well, take a picture next time, I'd be interested to see it.
Anonymous  06/05/24 Пнд 21:41:04 #748 №126111 DELETED
Thanks I'll check VK, I would have thought some recipes would be on pikabu but obvious there is none.
The picture I sent is of my dinner I made tonight, but if you are asking for a galnash with a stock and garlic sauce, I'll do one next week. I only have it once as week.
Anonymous  06/05/24 Пнд 22:23:29 #749 №126112 DELETED
Only if you're inspired to do so, everything should be extremely organic, no responsibilities. Obligations are the stress that ruins everything.
The funny thing is that Chechens of all genders sit there and talk to each other in Russian. Sometimes they even share recipes and troll the visiting Russians. https://vk.com/public49076009
>There is a theory called the 'genetic similarity theory' which tries to explain this.
Maybe genetics affects only indirectly, like intelligence depends on genetics. I'm a materialist.
>It is not tea
Are you trolling?:) In Russia, drinking tea with milk, honey and other things is the basis of tea drinking culture. The British Empire was not the only one who imported tea from India and China.
A complete (or is it?) list of what Russians put in black tea:
Herbal seasonings:
- Mint
- Melissa
- Lemongrass
- Chamomile
- Sage
- Rosemary

- Cinnamon
- Ginger
- Cloves
- Cardamom
- Nutmeg

Natural additives:
- Honey (for sweetness)
- Lemon (for sourness)
- Citrus zest (for flavor)
- Vanilla (for warmth)
- Berries (for a fruity flavor)

Unusual combinations:
- Basil and cinnamon
- Ginger and cardamom
- Mint and cloves
- Lemongrass and vanilla
- Rosemary and honey
Anonymous  06/05/24 Пнд 22:40:34 #750 №126113 DELETED
I think there may have been a 'lost in translation moment' hahaha
When I said 'It is not tea' I am referring to this section:
>we have a cold remedy here called a 'hot toddy' which is boiled water, lemon juice, whisky and honey.
This is not referring to tea, but a cold remedy. I mentioned this in reference to: 'we share common tastes here. I also like to drink it with lemon and lime honey'. The mention of lemon and lime honey reminded me of this drink so I decided to share the recipe as I thought Russians would not know what a 'hot toddy' was.
>The funny thing is that Chechens of all genders sit there and talk to each other in Russian. Sometimes they even share recipes and troll the visiting Russians. https://vk.com/public49076009
It is very interesting browsing foreign language social media
A dream of mine would be to visit all the major residential areas of Russia, ending in yakutia or the bearing straights, it is only a dream however
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 00:28:14 #751 №126120 DELETED
Amazing view of the countryside. What part of Russia are these men in?
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 01:45:25 #752 №126121 DELETED
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 01:53:45 #753 №126122 DELETED
this board has completely deteriorated, instead of normal posters 10 years ago, now there are dumb kids there, so we, including imaginary russian janny, stopped creating our general there
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 01:59:47 #754 №126123 DELETED
by the intensity of the squealing in the ukromedia within 24 hours ukros should attack the сrimean bridge with everything they've got
and we'll see what happens itt :)
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 02:34:21 #755 №126125 DELETED
>I think there may have been a 'lost in translation moment' hahaha
From the very beginning of the tea era in Russia, we, like you, brewed tea in classic cute teapots. In Russian traditions, including in the USSR, it was also customary to drink tea from a saucer (this tradition came to us together with Chinese tea from China).
>'hot toddy'
We also have a cold remedy, but we just call it “Vodka with Honey” because no water is used
The recipe is as follows:
- a glass of vodka; (meaning a Soviet cut glass of 250 ml)
- half a cup of honey (preferably lime or buckwheat);
- a teaspoon of cinnamon;
- a small cube of butter.

Although maybe it has a name in another part of the country. I am from Moscow (not the Dagestani who posted in this thread), and sometimes I am surprised how some things are called differently by people from distant Russian cities.
>A dream of mine would be to visit all the major residential areas of Russia, ending in yakutia or the bearing straights, it is only a dream however
Similarly, I was a fan of British media culture, I even had a best friend with whom we were fans, but then I came to the conclusion that I was not only a consumer, but also a content maker, that it was necessary to strengthen and expand modern Russian mediaculture, since my abilities and knowledge allow me to do this. The British mediacontent is a good reference, but the insufficient level of Russian cultural influence in the world does not suit me.
Does Britain have its own image boards? I have asked this question several times in /brit/ on 4chan, but no one has answered me.
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 02:42:52 #756 №126126 DELETED
I once told a Belarusian that creating threads about advertising his country is a Pole-level cringe. Now this schizophrenic does it with the help of a VPN.
Kek. The destruction of federal infrastructure violates Russia's nuclear security doctrine. That is why the British advise leaving more than half of the Ukrainian regions.
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 02:44:26 #757 №126127 DELETED
I just went to 4chan main page and I found this. I just wanted to read /mug/ general in /sp/ after Crystal Palace x Man U. Nowadays, I rarely go to 4chan. Alas when I came here in 2ch, it was on recommendation from some Russian in /pol/ during 2022 24th Feb happening initial days, I didn't go to 4chan /pol/ for 2 years due to vaccine schizo spam and other spam.

Don't know how is 4chan /pol/, /int/ and /sp/ like nowadays and I don't care plus I don't have the time to come back.
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 02:46:00 #758 №126128 DELETED
>a Belarusian
The Belarusian
Because I'm sure it was him.
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 03:05:09 #759 №126129 DELETED
are you even interested in us? the funniest things on 2ch don't happen in this section, which is surprising because the link to internetional hangs right in front of three very popular sections
unlike 4chan anons, 2ch anons can join together in a giant troll (or justice-seeking) role and together they can disrupt elections in some city, some beauty contest (where the ugliest girl will be chosen), investigate some strange social anomaly, destroy the russian pornographic whore who was a slut before marriage and now promoting traditional values, hound a famous american rapper in his tweets, destroy a russian esportsman's career, and much more
this board is already being howled about on tv, anger reports, I'm surprised it hasn't been shut down already
of course this board from the outside seems to a foreigner a dull shit with a funny captcha, but it is literally a full-fledged Internet organization with its own culture of existence
traffic here is about ~100k unique {browser caches+IP+OS} everyday, which is about 1/3 of global 4chan traffic
no, we'll see
we've had two of them in /rus/

there aren't enough pictures in the thread, I'll add one
Total kek Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 03:22:04 #760 №126130 DELETED
A US Army sergeant who beat and robbed a local resident has been detained in Vladivostok.

According to known information, the American met the woman on the Internet, after which he came to visit her in the city. The couple lived together for a while, but later the military man began beating and strangling his Russian cohabitant.

“As a result, he stole 200 thousand rubles and alcohol from her” - said the source of the edition.

On Monday, the White House said it was aware of the detention of a US citizen in Russia. The US presidential administration specified that the American arrived in Russia from South Korea.
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 03:22:51 #761 №126131 DELETED
From here:
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 04:01:40 #762 №126133 DELETED
>are you even interested in us?
Just compare the time google translating the catalog of your /po/ (i don't even delve into threads or 1000 post threads) or this pinned thread to following the event via twitter, TV news reports and biweekly commentary segment with TV 2 NAFO-tier opinion makers.
Plus it is mostly lurking and nothing ever happens in Portugal - news, etc.

Plus Russia is new to me or other Portuguese (except Portuguese communist cultists) because we don't what happens there. And I only visited 4chan since 2016, I didn't know that bots suposedly used to spam Givi and Motorola in 2014-5 or whatever was the Donbass.
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 04:37:24 #763 №126135 DELETED
Z-trolls pelt Ukrainian M113 with underbarrel grenades for fun
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 04:46:57 #764 №126136 DELETED
To understand at least the meaning of what is written you need to translate Dvach using a very strong neural network from the future, because the posts on it are written not only in super creative profanity, but also in the original slang. So it's really a waste of time.
(t. Not him)
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 10:17:52 #765 №126137 DELETED
Gm steppe chads
Kalmyk tea and cheese
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 14:25:51 #766 №126138 DELETED
Aaaand where DESTROYED BRIDGE? Putin's inauguration has already taken place.
- Henceforth, the interests and security of the people of Russia will be paramount;
- Russian citizens have confirmed the correctness of the country's course in the elections;
- Russia does not refuse to dialog with Western countries, the choice is theirs;
- Key priorities for Russia: people's preservation, preservation of age-old values and traditions;
- I would like to bow to our heroes, participants of the SMO, all those who fight for our Fatherland;
- Russia is ready for a dialog on security and strategic stability, but only as equals;
- Let us do our utmost to ensure that people who have proved their loyalty to the Fatherland by deeds take leading positions in state administration;
- We must remember the tragic cost of internal turmoil and upheaval, so the political system of the Russian Federation must be stable;
- Russia is confidently looking forward, its people are united and great;
- Russia holds the answer to the thousand-year history and ancestors who took inaccessible heights.
Putin concluded his inaugural speech with the words “together we will win”.

I'm fucking sick of this humanitarian bastard. It feels like we misunderstand this conflict, we want to see Russia as a relentless conqueror, when in fact it's some great martyr who is sacrificing himself for stability and preserving life on the planet. Do I like the latter option? No, I don't, because there are no direct Russian interests here, only indirect ones (preserving a just world order), but for some reason we do this job for everyone.
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 14:41:49 #767 №126139 DELETED
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 15:17:04 #768 №126140 DELETED
>- Let us do our utmost to ensure that people who have proved their loyalty to the Fatherland by deeds take leading positions in state administration;


>fuck the current elite, let's replace them with shit-coated muzhiks and fart-sniffing churkas from the muddiest izba in Central Asia, who were stupid enough to trade their lives for $3-5k/month

Very based, sure to lead to the birth of a strong, efficient Russian state.
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 15:37:14 #769 №126141 DELETED
>fuck the current elite, let's replace them with $System.Shit-happens.Nation_tweak()

I don't think you're very smart
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 16:19:15 #770 №126142 DELETED
You think money and power make you elite? It's your bloodline lad, or more practically, whatever vulva you burst forth from. Might be different in Russia with the post-class society, but it's the old ways here.
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 17:21:00 #771 №126144 DELETED
The stupid thing is that you look at Russia like an infantile degenerate. Like Russia from BBC propaganda without trying to analyze it. For example, that anyone who fought in Ukraine can become a governor. In Russia, you cannot hold a government position if you do not have a higher education in a field that allows you to qualify for the position, and during mobilization people of all "classes" were drafted, not just cab drivers and janitors, there are teachers, engineers, there are even some famous actors there. Also you can't do it if you have dual citizenship (this applies to “churkas”).
We don't have such a backward class society as you have because the USSR destroyed it, that's why a beggar and a rich man can live on the same street and visit each other, and a person who has nothing can reach the heights by applying his abilities. Everyone here cares about your personal success story. Although I do not exclude that somewhere in Russia they can copy western fashion.

Of course on Streamble (or wherever you sit there) they only show ugly village skoofs and their failures because that's the theme of the Russophobes there, but sitting there, buddy, you're missing 90% of the content of this war about young and handsome guys shooting British “mercenaries” in the heads or cutting them down in first-person hand-to-hand combat.
The reason he made that point is that for 30 years Russia has been westernized, and accordingly elites with western thinking, western orientation, citizenship of “fancy countries” and so on have been formed, this has led Russia into dependency and inefficient development, and now Putin has made it clear that they need to be abolished by a more efficient and patriotic alternative, because the Westernization of society without benefit is destructive progress.
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 17:26:41 #772 №126145 DELETED
>ecause the Westernization of society without benefit is destructive progress.
I'll make a correction: if there's no benefit from the West.
>destructive progress.
A reference to the “negative progress” meme.
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 19:58:10 #773 №126146 DELETED
I had Uzbeki Plov tonight.
Tasty as always.
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 20:13:31 #774 №126147 DELETED
This looks delicious, I like the whole head of garlic in the pilaf, which gets very soft after cooking. What kind of meat did you use for the pilaf?
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 20:14:20 #775 №126148 DELETED
Do many Russians known about this?
Also, very interesting site:
When searching for 'The Holy Way of the Fool' which I gather is a hodgepodge of several previous esoteric teachings not invented by the author, I discovered the above website.
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 20:17:18 #776 №126149 DELETED
I used chicken legs as that is what I had saved in my freezer.
Plov is one of my favourite dinners to cook, I always have left-overs so I reheat them and have them for lunch over several days.
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 20:29:54 #777 №126150 DELETED
It's not bad, but I recommend fresh lamb, it's the original recipe.

Yeah, it's an improved version of Facebook. There's a lot of crap on there. There are two main social networks in Russia: Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte.
There you can listen to music(with ads every n-tracks) until you buy premium.
Is this some sort of auction of rare items?
I wonder if you have a Russian friend who tells you how to search the Ru-net?
>Do many Russians known about this?
Never even heard of it, but in the late 80's to early 2000's, Russian society was in economic and social decline due to the bankruptcy of the USSR, there were many different sects, organized crime groups, fake research institutes with fake scientists who sold their “experimental pendulums for energy purification (proven by science)”. Sorry if I disappoint you, but I am not a fan of isotericism, as I said, I am a materialist, although I have lived (and fought) with such a person most of my life, so I am not without understanding of his kind.
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 20:32:02 #778 №126151 DELETED
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 20:40:30 #779 №126152 DELETED
>It's not bad, but I recommend fresh lamb, it's the original recipe.
I have used Lamb and Beef before to cook this dinner, whatever I used, it always comes out great.
>Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte
ok.ru is easier to stream movies from ;)
Both services I have found host rare media content not usually found in the western internet and so they are very useful.
I have found websites like meshok through independent research, maybe it's a bit strange but I find great enjoyment in discovering such sites.
Such sects like the Ashram Shambala are always cons, they are made by weirdos to gain power over others and make money from them
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 21:05:58 #780 №126153 DELETED
Interesting post ;)
Ok. Well...
How do you plan to overcome sanctions? (payment, delivery)
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 21:20:19 #781 №126154 DELETED
one way or another it's good to have you with us
it's boring without foreigners, the world would be a pale shit if you didn't exist=)
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 21:21:25 #782 №126155 DELETED
what's your opinion on that video?
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 21:22:50 #783 №126156 DELETED
I think I first found Night Watch/Ночной Дозор on ok.ru as well as other foreign language movies not easily discoverable, so it holds a special place in my heart :D
It might have been available on torrent or some live streaming service but I used ok.ru and vk first
>How do you plan to overcome sanctions? (payment, delivery)
It seems unlikely in the first place that anyone would send anything to the UK but you never know, it depends on the person. I doubt sanctions would get in the way
I would like to try some Russian brand vodka though... probably can't buy that on there
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 23:14:55 #784 №126159 DELETED
I'm afraid you have fines for torrent downloads there because of the open DHT table, so I never recommend torrenting to foreigners. Although an Indian from the US told me that he just doesn't pay and doesn't care, haha. I wonder if he's behind bars now or not?
>It seems unlikely in the first place that anyone would send anything to the UK but you never know, it depends on the person. I doubt sanctions would get in the way
Every year, of course, the number of opportunities shrinks and in the future we will probably be cut off from each other altogether.
>I would like to try some Russian brand vodka though... probably can't buy that on there
I never realized what the vodka tasted like, because it was disgusting. Although some bottles say “purified with milk”, “purified with charcoal” and other heresy, vodka always has a consistently pungent, disgusting flavor. We hear a lot about beer connoisseurship clubs, but haven't found any vodka connoisseurship clubs, lol.

I for one appreciate people who can cook, that's a big plus to your social karma:)
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 23:20:23 #785 №126160 DELETED
watching eurovision with other dvachers
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 23:26:17 #786 №126161 DELETED
>63 users
I like it if there are 4-5 people, you can have a normal discussion about the movie, but otherwise it's a noisy kindergarten
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 23:28:25 #787 №126162 DELETED
you're losing your fun
Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 23:30:46 #788 №126163 DELETED
Okay, this is a must-see
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 00:21:48 #789 №126164 DELETED
Пашёл-ка ты нахуй со своим чайком, пидорундель. И другого гнилозуба забери.
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 00:47:21 #790 №126165 DELETED
what's the point of you coming here, retard?
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 08:26:57 #791 №126169 DELETED
for mocking assholes like you, pigger
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 12:24:23 #792 №126170 DELETED
Shit, I thought he was black, lmao
>We met in South Korea on a street bordering a U.S. base
Natasha is such a hunter, a lioness, a predator
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 12:54:53 #793 №126171 DELETED
Ah yes, an internal revolution in the middle of wartime, that's a great idea that's sure to work out just wonderfully. What next, wasting manpower and resources on an industrial-scale genocide? Allying with Italy? It's like you actually believe this is anything more than a slap-fight between international oligarchs who are pooing their pants over their slice of the pie starting to shrink as Mother Nature starts to return fire. No passing bells for those who die as cattle!
Belgorod-Kun  08/05/24 Срд 14:15:03 #794 №126173 DELETED
"In Belgorod region, a migrant raped the Alabai of the family he worked for

The owner of dog noticed bleeding and semen discharge from his dog's anus and checked the surveillance footage. What he saw killed him."
Belgorod-Kun  08/05/24 Срд 14:26:29 #795 №126174 DELETED
I heard he stole something else from the store along the way
But it has no serious sacred significance, unless you wear a military uniform and honor the flag to which that uniform belongs
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 14:52:24 #796 №126175 DELETED
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 15:00:38 #797 №126176 DELETED
minus one
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 15:11:19 #798 №126177 DELETED
This is a good illustration how you fuck off, pigger.
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 15:40:58 #799 №126179 DELETED

What is this, 2015? It's an old person brand now, the kids all wear techy outdoor kit like Arc'teryx and Fjällräven these days.
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 15:42:03 #800 №126180 DELETED
>This is a good illustration how you fuck off, pigger.
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 16:11:20 #801 №126181 DELETED
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 16:11:41 #802 №126182 DELETED
The Germans' headache in 1941
The only copy left
Does anyone like airplanes?
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 16:21:42 #803 №126183 DELETED
Funny schizo
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 16:23:47 #804 №126184 DELETED
The Crocus terrorist wore all Adidas. I don't if they were dressed by (((Blue Sweater Men))) on purpose.
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 16:53:42 #805 №126185 DELETED
The Telegraph - https://archive.is/xniMf
AstraZeneca withdrawing Covid vaccine worldwide
Company says decision is purely commercial as jab has been superseded by alternatives
>The vaccine can no longer be used in the European Union after the company voluntarily withdrew its “marketing authorisation”. The application to withdraw the vaccine was made on March 5 and came into effect on Tuesday.
>Similar applications will be made in the coming months in the UK and in other countries that had approved the vaccine, known as Vaxzevria.

The decision to withdraw it brings to an end the use of the jab, which was heralded by Boris Johnson as a “triumph for British science” and credited with saving more than six million lives.
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 16:57:16 #806 №126186 DELETED
Someone has to defend Israel.
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 17:30:34 #807 №126187 DELETED
Vaccinated with Sputnik-V and Sputnik-Lite, flight is normal.

Speaking of vaccines. Have you been vaccinated with what vaccine?

Without vaccination you can't get a job in Russia ^_^
The applicant needs a special certificate.
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 17:33:21 #808 №126188 DELETED
Zero mutant
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 18:46:32 #809 №126192 DELETED
i think he's right, the reporter just doesn't understand what real “fun” is
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 18:47:47 #810 №126193 DELETED
also it was fun at tivach yesterday=)
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 19:57:03 #811 №126194 DELETED
It's winter in Moscow again -_-
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 21:46:15 #812 №126196 DELETED
Old style and only the style. There's no other style.
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 21:48:04 #813 №126197 DELETED
Заплачь ещё, хохлушка лiл.
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 21:49:57 #814 №126198 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)
On the left is the only photo of Nikolai Gogol. On the right is the only photo of Alexander Pushkin. They were best friends, by the way. Gogol fell into a lethargic sleep when he lived in Moscow, as a result of which he was buried alive due to the ignorance of others about this fact. After the coffin was opened, the corpse was found in an unnatural pose. Pushkin was the grandson of an Ethiopian “slave” who was given to Peter the Great by Russian soldiers who found a small slave in a Swedish camp after defeating the Swedes at the Battle of Poltava in 1709. Peter the Great gave him the name Ibrahim Hannibal and brought him up as his son, giving him the best education. Under Peter, he became one of the best military engineers, made many innovations in the engineering forces, reaching the rank of general-ansheff, and was also one of the best provincial administrators (governor of Estland (now the Baltics). After the death of Peter I, in 1742, he was elevated to hereditary nobility by Empress Elizabeth. He was also granted a coat of arms reflecting his African origin. The writer Pushkin himself was in frequent conflicts with the Emperor Nikolai I Romanov because of his liberal criticism of the latter, for which he was sent into two exiles as punishment, as all his works before publication the Emperor read personally, so that there was not written what should not be written.

Pushkin died in a duel with a Frenchman for NATASHA's honor. Although other sources claim that the Frenchman Dantes and his adoptive father (Dutchman) spread ridiculous rumors about the adventures of his Natasha to troll the groom.

Exile was a punishment in the Russian Empire for political criminals. Convicts were sent to remote areas such as Siberia or the Caucasus. The conditions of exile were harsh and the climate was harsh. Exile was also used for colonization and development of new territories, and convicts were often used for forced labor. At the same time, exiles in remote settlements usually lived in private homes and had to report their whereabouts to the imperial police every time. The exiles were abolished by the Communists in 1917. To create a prototype of the Gulag labour camp system, called "SLON," in one year HAHAHAHA
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 22:06:35 #815 №126199 DELETED
Ты опять начинаешь, чубатроннн ёбаннный? Офнись плеасе...
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 22:36:47 #816 №126200 DELETED
>Ты опять начинаешь, чубатроннн ёбаннный? Офнись плеасе...
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 22:38:29 #817 №126201 DELETED
Лмао, съеби нахуй отсюда, хохлоскот
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 22:48:59 #818 №126202 DELETED
Как же блядей корёжит, найс...
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 22:53:06 #819 №126203 DELETED
>Нежелает ловить ланцеты ебалом
>Трусливо наскреб на русский прокси
Да тут хохлопидорашье бинго, лмао
Сдрисни нахуй отседава, хуита подзалупная.
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 22:55:48 #820 №126204 DELETED
Ещё и с картиночкой обосрался, чубатилло ёбаннный, лол.
Что тибе копытца ни доют пичатать, мразь чубатая свиная, лiл?
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 22:57:55 #821 №126205 DELETED
Не читал
Твое место у параши https://2ch.hk/po/
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 22:59:07 #822 №126206 DELETED
haha you just shit yourself by forgetting to put the quote mark, hohol
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 22:59:31 #823 №126207 DELETED
Ныряй в тису и пливи подгребая чубом.
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 23:01:03 #824 №126208 DELETED
hohol is your mother whore, fucked her on your hohol-batya's back
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 23:01:27 #825 №126209 DELETED
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 23:03:12 #826 №126210 DELETED
hohol, pls
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 23:03:57 #827 №126211 DELETED
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 23:04:29 #828 №126212 DELETED
Понятно. Собирай портфель свиной порриджанин, зафтро ф школу.
Wait, your school doesn't exist anymore, sorry about that not really lol)))
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 23:10:25 #829 №126213 DELETED
Dollchan+cyrillic autohide script, so that you don't scare away with your stupid insanity the only audience friendly to Russia that hasn't been destroyed by Western homopropaganda wokeism
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 23:11:45 #830 №126214 DELETED
Made in Hoholstan. Would not recommend due to security.
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 23:12:29 #831 №126215 DELETED
Спокнись, пиггераст.
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 23:12:57 #832 №126216 DELETED
hah?? i didn't know that, okay
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 23:16:07 #833 №126217 DELETED
>Спокнись, пиггераст.
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 23:19:01 #834 №126218 DELETED
Подписываюсь под каждым пикселем этой картиночки, хохлушка ты плаксивая.
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 23:21:46 #835 №126219 DELETED
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 23:24:45 #836 №126220 DELETED
Съеби уже, довн-говно.
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 23:26:38 #837 №126221 DELETED
Нах ты сажу нацепил, тупой хохлоскот? Тред в закрепах
Давай уёбывай из тредика
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 23:27:29 #838 №126222 DELETED
Соси/губой тряси, хохлоскотина чубатая.
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 23:28:58 #839 №126223 DELETED
Typical pikabu post:
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 23:30:01 #840 №126224 DELETED
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 23:31:53 #841 №126226 DELETED
Тупой пидоран, это не твой батя на фото случайно
Anonymous  09/05/24 Чтв 00:03:51 #842 №126229 DELETED
wot u depon fi di victory day? so i say bwoy
Anonymous  09/05/24 Чтв 00:40:59 #843 №126230 DELETED
>Тупой пидоран, это не твой батя на фото случайно
Anonymous  09/05/24 Чтв 00:45:41 #844 №126231 DELETED
>пиггер прикинулся порком
Терпи, говно.
Anonymous  09/05/24 Чтв 00:51:10 #845 №126232 DELETED
>хохлопидорашка насосала у ципсобарина-куратора на прокси, потому что пиндосы бюджеты порезали
Кек, ты просто неисправимый хохлопидорас
Anonymous  09/05/24 Чтв 00:54:49 #846 №126233 DELETED
Хохлопидорас твой батя, свыння. Не прикидывайся русским.
Belgorod-Kun  09/05/24 Чтв 01:00:52 #847 №126234 DELETED
Мод, въеби ты ему уже пермачь по ренджу на всех бордах, заебал ты с ним цацкаться
Anonymous  09/05/24 Чтв 01:03:45 #848 №126236 DELETED
На нахуй ноющая свиння. Твои соплеменники-черти на видео срут в покеты и кричат.
Anonymous  09/05/24 Чтв 01:22:35 #849 №126238 DELETED
Janssen (the 1 dose vaccine), Moderna and 2023 - Pfizer
Anonymous  09/05/24 Чтв 11:39:19 #850 №126240 DELETED
Don't you have people forced to vaccinate when a new mutation strain comes out?

Also, sorry for the local clown who raids our discussions in Russian.
Anonymous  09/05/24 Чтв 18:52:03 #851 №126245 DELETED
none forced anyone to vaccinate.

They forced more to wear the mask even on streets (even the then-biggest opposition party went further (went full retard) that even managed the govt to approve the temporal extension of measure) in the initial year of the pandemic than forcing people to vaxx. Imagine in clear empty streets, you had to wear the mask. Plus those regional government in Portuguese archipelagos - Azores - and Madeira where Cristiano Ronaldo was born - went even further retard and enforcing quarantine against Portuguese Constitution to newly arrivals to the islands.

Plus when the vaccines arrived, you could still go to restaurants without vaccine. Or just 1) have the digital certificate with QR code - that you made 1.a) lab analysis by PCR or 1.b) recently recovering from Covid or 2) do one of those self rapid tests with sticks before you enter the restaurant.

The only obligatory vaccines here are against Tetanus and Diphteria. But in extreme cause, they could even enforce obligatory Covid-19 vaccine, it would still be approved in parliament and no party/coalition back then had absolute majority.

There was a Schwabian-tier proposal to force the installation of some background - mobile app bloatware that used RAM and bluetooth to track Covid users and stay away from them but it was too much controversial and never reached the Parliament. Of course with BT on, it sucked battery from mobile devices
Anonymous  09/05/24 Чтв 23:14:31 #852 №126246 DELETED
Anonymous  09/05/24 Чтв 23:22:25 #853 №126247 DELETED
Anonymous  10/05/24 Птн 00:01:28 #854 №126248 DELETED
Anonymous  10/05/24 Птн 00:12:49 #855 №126249 DELETED
Happy independence day, glory to all the heroes that fought for our side.
Anonymous  10/05/24 Птн 00:14:01 #856 №126250 DELETED
PS mini-kotel.
Anonymous  10/05/24 Птн 01:08:11 #857 №126251 DELETED
>cringe avatar
Anonymous  10/05/24 Птн 01:09:10 #858 №126252 DELETED
(failed attempt to escape to romania)
Anonymous  10/05/24 Птн 01:19:27 #859 №126253 DELETED
thank you, brother
cool, but rather an exception to the rule, for some reason usually the russian army does not close the cauldron, but allows ukrainian soldiers to get out of it, probably to minimize resistance and losses on both sides
what a shitty and nasty enemy the hohols are
the shittiest enemy in history, it is easy to defeat them, it is possible to wipe out this nation of faggots in two weeks, but it is impossible for various purely humanitarian and kinship (for many families in russia) reasons
they are considered tough, supposedly because they are strong and brave, fighting against the mighty and powerful mordor, but they are not, in fact they are just lucky, and their luck is that they are mixed relatives of russians, so they don't get even 1\10 of the total fucking and lethal weapons they deserve
russia would be happy to show itself 100%, but this would cause a lot of internal tension in russian society
t. half-hohol
Anonymous  10/05/24 Птн 02:06:09 #860 №126254 DELETED
fucked up. Until the last Ukranian goy.
back in same topic of escape from ukraine, /po/'s 2 days or 1 day ago about Ukrainian trying swimming a river was relatively good. I only did non-federated swimming until 10th grade and summer Atlantic beach, still don't know have the ability to cross the river (without regular clothes obviously). even Maybe with Swimfins/ Ласты (дайвинг) like someone suggested in the thread
Anonymous  10/05/24 Птн 03:34:39 #861 №126255 DELETED
yeah, swimming is for fags, that's why cool kids like us can't swim)0
i'm always catching news from ukrainian tg groups about someone trying to swim across a river and getting killed
i just don't save it anymore because it's become so commonplace
Anonymous  10/05/24 Птн 18:13:46 #862 №126258 DELETED
Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 00:11:10 #863 №126260 DELETED
Can you post here with AV1 codec ?
Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 00:58:51 #864 №126261 DELETED
You can't imagine the cool things local anons do here armed with ffmpeg, like dynamically extending webm resolution to create fun media
Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 11:05:34 #865 №126263 DELETED
Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 11:11:53 #866 №126264 DELETED
Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 11:14:35 #867 №126265 DELETED
Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 12:03:39 #868 №126266 DELETED
Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 12:11:54 #869 №126267 DELETED
Russia launched an offensive on Kharkov - White House
There's all-out fighting all along the border

Official 2chNews by Abu:
Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 12:21:15 #870 №126268 DELETED
Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 13:51:05 #871 №126269 DELETED
I think if Live.Leak still existed - Russia and Ukraine could surpass temporarily Brazil videos.
Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 14:00:25 #872 №126270 DELETED
It's one thing to have a war - it's another to have cops on the rampage in "civilized" countries.
Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 14:14:28 #873 №126271 DELETED
Another thing is cops doing nothing and let 144 die at hands of 4 manlet Adidas users. It is better to let them rampage.
Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 14:17:16 #874 №126272 DELETED
Someone in the Russian Armed Forces needs to take a semiotics course, because you done fucked up the design of Gungnir and people who care about such things are quite irate. It's a very bad omen.
Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 14:27:02 #875 №126273 DELETED
Done fucked up the design of Gungnir?
What? We just made him better. We're the armed forces of the Russian Federation, not Disney. Lol
Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 14:56:24 #876 №126274 DELETED
Where? Where are those 70 people?

Are the Hohols starting to suspect something?
Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 15:22:44 #877 №126275 DELETED
A population that fills a coffin with a corpse with Coca-Cola, a happy meal, lego (if it isn't Photoshop or GIMP) shouldn't have the minimum IQ to suspect something. And forget: if President Putin says Ukrainians are Russians, if I were Russian I wouldn't be proud of that.

Plus that is probably some diversional maneuver. But a good move from Russian Armed Forces.
Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 15:31:28 #878 №126276 DELETED
It's been objectively simplified, so it looks like a waffle. It's an amusingly appropriate choice though: doesn't matter who throws Gungnir, it always hits its target. Odin also killed himself with it.
Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 15:40:03 #879 №126277 DELETED
>Novgorodians have no right to wear Gurgnir
I think you should apologize on behalf of the whole of Britain. I'm waiting.

Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 15:50:03 #880 №126278 DELETED
The local Belgorodian will be thrilled
The picture is from yesterday, today the Russian Armed Forces have occupied a bunch of villages and micro-towns on the border and continue to squeeze out the Ukrainians. Although, I don't think they will take Kharkiv, it's more about a sanitary zone for Belgorod.

A new tactical sign has been discovered on the military equipment of the Russian Armed Forces. It is used by the "North" grouping in the zone of the special military operation (SMO). The said units are conducting offensive operations in the Kharkov direction.

When Ukrainians draw Star Wars clones on official Ukrainian chevrons, for some reason it doesn't make anyone angry. Nobody cares.
Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 15:54:05 #881 №126279 DELETED
In Hungarian, Russia is called "Oroszország", which literally translates as the Land of the Vikings. Did you know that?
Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 15:56:11 #882 №126280 DELETED
That's Google's way of correcting grammatical errors in words, kek. No Google, it's not a mistake.
Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 16:04:17 #883 №126281 DELETED
Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 16:06:01 #884 №126282 DELETED
Hungarian from 4chan confirmed. Interesting
Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 16:20:35 #885 №126283 DELETED
Haha, do you get triggered by their funerals too? In runet Ukrainian funerals are schizome and called Blinokatchka (literally "Pancakepumping") because of the mangled words in the Ukrainian funeral song.
Mass push-ups? Covering the deceased's body with Snickers? Tumbling and twirling around the body? Christmas tree on the deceased's forehead? These are all Ukrainian funerals. By the way, in defense of "Russian" hohols, I will say that this type of funeral is common only in western Ukraine.

Although, truth be told, I'm not in favor of the association theory with them. Russia is a distinctive nation. It's just a fact, even our ancient gods were very different.
Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 16:30:39 #886 №126284 DELETED
Today I found out that this is a Russian guy named Sergei, he used to have a channel on YouTube where he filmed traveling to different countries (then the truth disappeared somewhere). The video was made 10 years ago.
Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 18:29:49 #887 №126285 DELETED
Donetsk now.
Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 18:30:27 #888 №126286 DELETED
Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 18:33:35 #889 №126287 DELETED
Where are the War Crimes Prosecutors?
Or are they different things?
So many questions and so few answers...
Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 18:41:54 #890 №126288 DELETED
Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 18:43:56 #891 №126289 DELETED
Nevertheless, I agree with the Brit, you could have gotten East Slavic signs. They're cooler.
Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 20:24:47 #892 №126291 DELETED
AFRF chose what they could see best on the ground to accomplish the task. All other arguments on this topic are of no serious value
Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 22:48:43 #893 №126292 DELETED
somehow firefox beta translator works simultaneously. but will check out /pol/, /mu/ and /int/ in 4chan
Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 23:04:13 #894 №126293 DELETED
beeteewee, we have own, homegrown technology
on the video, yandex speech technology and their neural network for retelling videos with key points (you can also use retelling+translation at the same time), there is also a neuro-search in addition to the standard yandex search and a couple of other interesting things, like yandex alice (neuro-assist) - all of this is useful for learning and self-learning
although I don't know if it's available to foreigners or not
firefox btw, steals cool stuff from yandex all the time, like “screen in screen”, youtube mini window, for example, while you're reading 2ch
Anonymous  12/05/24 Вск 00:24:41 #895 №126294 DELETED
Do you even get paid for this?
Belgorod-kun  12/05/24 Вск 14:13:39 #896 №126295 DELETED
Belgorod yesterday/today.
I decided to go with the contract. It's time to cut off the pig ears
Belgorod-kun  12/05/24 Вск 14:15:08 #897 №126296 DELETED
Anonymous  12/05/24 Вск 16:26:16 #898 №126297 DELETED
A kitty cat was found at the site of a collapsed entranceway in Belgorod, local volunteers are looking for its owners

Have the injured people been pulled out of the rubble yet?
Anonymous  12/05/24 Вск 16:32:08 #899 №126298 DELETED
The missile launch on Belgorod was tentatively carried out by the AFU from the Kazachaya Lopani area in Kharkov Region, TASS reported citing security agencies.

In Belgorod for the second time declared an air alert. It is possible that the Ukrainian military will try to hit the area where rescue work is underway.

Anonymous  12/05/24 Вск 16:43:00 #900 №126299 DELETED
Anonymous  12/05/24 Вск 18:20:13 #901 №126300 DELETED
if it's any consolation, Belgorodbro...
Anonymous  12/05/24 Вск 19:58:44 #902 №126301 DELETED
Translated by me
Anonymous  12/05/24 Вск 19:59:51 #903 №126302 DELETED
Anonymous  12/05/24 Вск 20:47:08 #904 №126304 DELETED
Have you even been paid for your hard work, mate?
Anonymous  12/05/24 Вск 20:49:26 #905 №126305 DELETED
No, when is there going to be a normal captcha? I'm getting tired of it.
Anonymous  12/05/24 Вск 20:50:20 #906 №126306 DELETED
Anonymous  13/05/24 Пнд 01:46:23 #907 №126308 DELETED
I did the photoshop in AliveColors 9.2.

Russian photoshop replacement for Linux.
Anonymous  13/05/24 Пнд 01:50:52 #908 №126309 DELETED
Battle for Kharkiv region: Russian army advances, taking control of more and more settlements
- The analytical resource DS, which works for the Main Directorate of Intelligence (Ukraine), reports on the dangerous situation of the AFU in the Kharkiv region.
- Liptsy area: Russians have actually occupied the settlements of Morokhovets-Oleynikovo-Zelenoye and continue their movement towards Liptsy village. Active battles continue for Lukyantsi, which they have almost completely occupied. The Russians are trying to gain a foothold in Hlubokoye, advancing with infantry, but the constant fire of the AFU makes it much more difficult to move, although, unfortunately, this does not stop them.
- Volchansk area: the enemy continues to get closer to Volchansk, consolidating in the vicinity for further entry into the city. The AFU is making efforts to contain the pressure. The city is under heavy fire, evacuation is underway. There were numerous reports of the Russian occupation of the village of Dacha, but the information is being clarified. The fighting continues.
- Today the “Muscovites” are concentrating on attempts to consolidate on the existing borders for further advancement. The AFU's fire makes movement more difficult, the Russians are regrouping in some places and are focusing more attention on shelling AFU positions in populated areas, using the opportunity to bring in additional reserves.

Anonymous  13/05/24 Пнд 17:47:41 #909 №126312 DELETED
Anonymous  13/05/24 Пнд 21:58:55 #910 №126313 DELETED
Anonymous  13/05/24 Пнд 22:11:42 #911 №126314 DELETED
is this a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neoprene swim suits that Russians talked about?
man, only Ukrainian retards would allow that stuff in 2024 - now every Russian troll, propagandist would spam the poor guy corpse and his mother forever - even after this "special operation" just to bait/troll Ukrainians. specially since he was part of that Mariupol tiktok unit" considered terrorist in Russia that is literally boogeyman for Russians, Russophiles not counting the neonazi symbol (wiki says wolfsangel-like symbol (N with a line in middle).
Anonymous  14/05/24 Втр 00:25:41 #912 №126316 DELETED
>Ukrainian funerals are funny
You do realize. This meme is impossible to undo. Foreigners encounter it for the first time, but Russians have known for centuries how much of a circus nation the Ukrainians are.
Anonymous  14/05/24 Втр 00:41:37 #913 №126317 DELETED
Odessa resident Antonina Tokmakova told how a Millitary Office employee beat her with a crutch.

The girl published a video of a man in military uniform and with crutches attacking her.

The victim claims that she started filming the video during the detention of her boyfriend and was beaten with a crutch by one of the Millitary Office employees.
Anonymous  14/05/24 Втр 00:42:02 #914 №126318 DELETED
Anonymous  14/05/24 Втр 00:46:17 #915 №126319 DELETED
Anonymous  14/05/24 Втр 01:40:42 #916 №126320 DELETED
Anonymous  14/05/24 Втр 12:46:11 #917 №126321 DELETED
Anonymous  14/05/24 Втр 14:12:24 #918 №126322 DELETED
Western piggers, just demonstrate your fucking mouth now?
Anonymous  14/05/24 Втр 16:49:55 #919 №126323 DELETED
Anonymous  14/05/24 Втр 17:12:11 #920 №126324 DELETED
Faggot, I told you not to post that picture because I sometimes eat when I read bwach. Fuck you in the mouth.
Anonymous  14/05/24 Втр 18:35:20 #921 №126325 DELETED
What's the reason of your shivering, fucking mammal?
Anonymous  14/05/24 Втр 21:32:38 #922 №126327 DELETED
Anonymous  15/05/24 Срд 11:06:19 #923 №126329 DELETED
National Representative Lilia Lemoine became the first Secretary of the Commission on Science, Technology and Productive Innovation of the Argentine Chamber of Deputies, after this appointment to the post her video published in January 2019 went viral.

In the video, she spreads conspiracy theories that have no scientific basis. Thus, Lemoine talks about the flat Earth theory, the fact that man has not reached the moon, and that Antarctica is a wall of ice around a flat Earth, according to the publication Chequeado.

Anonymous  16/05/24 Чтв 02:42:09 #924 №126341 DELETED
Anonymous  16/05/24 Чтв 04:16:45 #925 №126344 DELETED
Anonymous  16/05/24 Чтв 11:31:47 #926 №126346 DELETED
Get HIV.
Anonymous  16/05/24 Чтв 14:45:33 #927 №126349 DELETED
Anonymous  16/05/24 Чтв 19:51:04 #928 №126353 DELETED

Well, I was mid-mouthful of dinner, but since you're so insistent...
ESL-Pro  16/05/24 Чтв 23:52:03 #929 №126354 DELETED

Anonymous  17/05/24 Птн 01:49:24 #930 №126355 DELETED
Do any of you bastards feel old?
Anonymous  17/05/24 Птн 03:37:06 #931 №126359 DELETED
Anonymous  17/05/24 Птн 08:59:31 #932 №126374 DELETED
Have never seen the cunt with teeth before, disgusting.
Анек  17/05/24 Птн 09:17:13 #933 №126375 DELETED
Курилы принадлежат Айнур.
Anonymous  17/05/24 Птн 10:32:12 #934 №126376 DELETED
Yes, yes, freak shows with creepy personalities are popular in Russia. Russian Federal TV is literally Peter the Great's kuntz-camera.
Specifically you have an entertaining lightshow with trolling themes for some people over 50. There's "worse". To a foreigner, of course, it seems that Russians seriously, without irony believe this, but Russians watch such shows to laugh or experience other strange emotions from funny goofballs.
Anonymous  17/05/24 Птн 11:03:14 #935 №126377 DELETED
Anonymous  17/05/24 Птн 15:43:02 #936 №126378 DELETED
Pro-Russian ukrainian channel O_O
Anonymous  17/05/24 Птн 15:45:08 #937 №126379 DELETED
There are a lot of Kharkov citizens in the comments, everyone is waiting for Russia
Anonymous  18/05/24 Суб 00:44:58 #938 №126382 DELETED
Kharkov was one of the rebellious cities in 2013-2014 whose uprising was crushed by the Ukrainian army. Good morning.
Anonymous  18/05/24 Суб 00:47:18 #939 №126383 DELETED
Moderator, how about we create a fixed General detached from politics and dedicated to culture and fun?
Anonymous  18/05/24 Суб 01:41:16 #940 №126386 DELETED
and a some kind of tutorial to bypass cyrilic captcha without installing bloatware, spyware.
Anonymous  18/05/24 Суб 06:54:29 #941 №126389 DELETED
and also suck my dick please
Anonymous  18/05/24 Суб 06:58:46 #942 №126390 DELETED
Nobody wants a fucking culture and no fun allowed!
Anonymous  18/05/24 Суб 09:42:53 #943 №126393 DELETED
You've been sitting here for years. Just buy a passcode already.
You'll be able to upload 8 photos of Portugal's beaches here at maximum MB limits instead of 4.
Shut up. At least you'll get banned there, you lowlife.
Anonymous  18/05/24 Суб 09:45:29 #944 №126394 DELETED
Anonymous  18/05/24 Суб 10:40:43 #945 №126395 DELETED
I support that idea
Anonymous  18/05/24 Суб 16:23:26 #946 №126397 DELETED
I made cabbage kvass
Afraid me
Anonymous  18/05/24 Суб 20:47:34 #947 №126400 DELETED
Today, new mobilization rules have started to take effect in Ukraine. Since the morning, the cities have been deserted - representatives of the military office are looking for men wherever they can. Military commissars and police officers are actively hunting for people who have gone to work.

All courier deliveries have stopped, men have stopped going to stores, near which military detachments are now on duty.

sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  18/05/24 Суб 21:15:46 #948 №126401 DELETED

Sorry fellas, I can't help you with captcha or whatsoever. And no more other generals required: just make another thread and discuss it there with no problem.
Anonymous  18/05/24 Суб 21:22:05 #949 №126402 DELETED
We just want the same General but without /pol/, one with /pol/, one without /pol/, both infinite.
/colony/ has ceased to fulfill its function and turned into trash, the information from it can be moved to the section header, and /intgeneral/ can be made instead.

This need is necessitated by the specifics of the conversations, when there is a lampooning of tea discussion that is interrupted by frantic videos and news with destruction it's not very cool.

Also the /colony/ function can be transferred to pastebin or other service allowing volunteer interaction (so that users themselves add links to other boards).
Just as a reasonable idea.
Anonymous  18/05/24 Суб 21:26:33 #950 №126403 DELETED
Although, if it increases the burden on the moderator to check the thread posts for the rule, then don't.
Anonymous  19/05/24 Вск 00:21:41 #951 №126404 DELETED
Russia strong
Anonymous  19/05/24 Вск 00:30:43 #952 №126405 DELETED
Slovenia stronk
Anonymous  19/05/24 Вск 08:30:30 #953 №126408 DELETED
Anonymous  19/05/24 Вск 15:44:12 #954 №126409 DELETED
That beard has been smeared over more cunts than you've seen with your own eyes, I reckon.

There are maybe 10 people who post, a second general would slow things to a crawl. Vox populi, vox dei after all.
Anonymous  19/05/24 Вск 17:03:08 #955 №126412 DELETED
Okay, as soon as I'm free irl, I'll do an experiment here on this subject.
Anonymous  19/05/24 Вск 18:32:51 #956 №126413 DELETED
Ukrainian attempts to build fortifications on the approaches to Kharkov
Anonymous  20/05/24 Пнд 00:47:08 #957 №126416 DELETED
They call us "2chan" :D
Anonymous  20/05/24 Пнд 13:19:07 #958 №126417 DELETED
drowning as a sport
another day another drower
it seems to me that not only evaders but also people undesirable for the authorities or bandits drown in the tisza {border river with romania}
there are too many drownings
Anonymous  21/05/24 Втр 02:48:45 #959 №126428 DELETED
Former Boeing executive John Barnett, who publicly highlighted safety problems with the company's new airliners, has been found dead after testifying for several days.

Police have determined it was a suicide. A common coincidence, as with the past two whistleblowers.

He had previously publicly stated that Boeing employees, under pressure from management, were forced to install substandard parts on airplanes being produced to prevent delays on the production line.


Anonymous  21/05/24 Втр 11:48:48 #960 №126431 DELETED
Anonymous  21/05/24 Втр 19:34:53 #961 №126433 DELETED
It's all understandable. When is picreels coming to the consumer market?
[mailto:[email protected]Anonymous  21/05/24 Втр 23:22:36 #962 №126434 DELETED
I'm working at MCST(Elbrus CPUs). Short answer is never.
Anonymous  21/05/24 Втр 23:57:59 #963 №126435 DELETED
stop lying
why would elbrus make pr attempts by asking war thunder developers to compile the game specifically for elbrus?


Anonymous  22/05/24 Срд 00:13:20 #964 №126436 DELETED
In Tyumen city (Russia), a girl was almost killed by a pole that fell on her car. But there is good news: she was called to marry

The accident occurred on Maurice Thorez Street when a truck transporting a stall hit a cable, causing two poles to collapse. One of them literally pierced the “Lada” of 23-year-old Regina. “Lucky I was driving alone,” said the girl who was on her way to pass her diploma.

The shocked girl called her boyfriend, and he decided not to delay and made her an offer right at the scene of the accident. The young people are already planning a wedding.

[mailto:[email protected]Anonymous  22/05/24 Срд 00:18:19 #965 №126437 DELETED
I'm not lying dude. We even ran Doom with ray tracing on 7900xtx and e8c2(8 cores). There is even a dude, who's only purpose is porting and compiling games.
[mailto:[email protected]Anonymous  22/05/24 Срд 00:21:59 #966 №126438 DELETED
This article is old as shit, there's no news about elbrus in recent years, cause we can't produce CPUs now. Many employees are quitting and going to other companies like Yadro(Syntacore)
Anonymous  22/05/24 Срд 00:56:32 #967 №126441 DELETED
That's confidential corporate information that you could be sued for. Obviously that anon is right, you're a liar.
[mailto:[email protected]Anonymous  22/05/24 Срд 01:00:29 #968 №126442 DELETED
Nah, first of all that's not how it works here in Russia. Also i don't care much, they don't pay me high enough
Anonymous  22/05/24 Срд 02:08:01 #969 №126443 DELETED
Take a picture of the portion of the MCST pass that the employee wears around his or her neck.
Anonymous  22/05/24 Срд 02:27:16 #970 №126444 DELETED
>t. Comrade FSB Colonel Ivan Ivanovitch
Anonymous  22/05/24 Срд 03:28:11 #971 №126445 DELETED
Stop imitating Russians via VPN. It's not funny. Being Russian is not funny.
Anonymous  22/05/24 Срд 09:22:09 #972 №126447 DELETED
#test flag
[mailto:[email protected]Anonymous  22/05/24 Срд 13:24:36 #973 №126448 DELETED
There's no such thing here. I have blank card as a pass.
Anonymous  22/05/24 Срд 14:59:06 #974 №126449 DELETED
This circus is no longer as fun as it was in the beginning. You need to try harder.
Anonymous  22/05/24 Срд 18:54:42 #975 №126450 DELETED
>This article is old as shit
>mid 2022
Anonymous  22/05/24 Срд 18:56:28 #976 №126451 DELETED
>we can't produce CPUs now

Anonymous  22/05/24 Срд 19:02:02 #977 №126452 DELETED
Anonymous  22/05/24 Срд 20:10:33 #978 №126454 DELETED
I'm Portuguese.
Anonymous  22/05/24 Срд 21:28:29 #979 №126455 DELETED
Hi, Portuguese. I'm Russian.
Anonymous  22/05/24 Срд 21:32:05 #980 №126456 DELETED
There's a dude on 4chan resenting why the Russians don't show own FPV-killcams. I'm banned there (because I'm a bully) and can't reply. That's too bad. I would.
Anonymous  22/05/24 Срд 21:38:56 #981 №126458 DELETED
Crime and Punishment.
Anonymous  22/05/24 Срд 21:44:56 #982 №126459 DELETED
You could have asked janny for a porn thread, but you asked for this, silly boy =)
Anonymous  22/05/24 Срд 23:57:48 #983 №126460 DELETED
there are special sections for people like you, just hover over it with your mouse and make 1 click
Anonymous  23/05/24 Чтв 00:07:17 #984 №126461 DELETED
>porn thread
>>61993 (OP)
Anonymous  23/05/24 Чтв 00:49:46 #985 №126463 DELETED
Thanks, buddy
Anonymous  23/05/24 Чтв 00:58:34 #986 №126464 DELETED
he\she\they bashkir, not russian
of course russian but bashkir, u know
no difference between “russkiy” and “rossian” in english
Anonymous  23/05/24 Чтв 01:08:45 #987 №126465 DELETED
Useless post
Patriotism for Russia has no gender or race, remember this useful post
Anonymous  23/05/24 Чтв 01:14:19 #988 №126466 DELETED
of course, сhurlie
Anonymous  23/05/24 Чтв 01:19:46 #989 №126467 DELETED
Glad you turned out to be savvy
Anonymous  23/05/24 Чтв 01:37:00 #990 №126469 DELETED
Why do the Natashas like to travel so much?
Anonymous  23/05/24 Чтв 12:30:56 #991 №126479 DELETED
Anonymous  23/05/24 Чтв 12:36:53 #992 №126480 DELETED
Anonymous  23/05/24 Чтв 13:19:24 #993 №126481 DELETED
What? Natasha shot down Storm Shadow with a big gun and then took a photo with both Storm Shadow and the big gun shell?
Anonymous  23/05/24 Чтв 13:21:09 #994 №126482 DELETED
I don't understand puzzles
Anonymous  23/05/24 Чтв 13:34:06 #995 №126483 DELETED
>I don't understand puzzles
Anonymous  23/05/24 Чтв 16:04:54 #996 №126485 DELETED

>Russia's border guard removed more than 20 buoys demarcating shipping lanes from the Narva River on Thursday (May 23), Estonia's PPA said. The government is seeking clarification.

Is the Baltic Sea a NATO lake? Are the pribalts scared little bitches or true Aryan inheritors of the Waffen-SS? Can 200+ hours of Squad actually teach anyone small arms tactics or the layout of Narva? Well we'll soon find out as it's all to play for in this decade's edition of GENERAL EUROPEAN WAR!
Anonymous  23/05/24 Чтв 16:58:12 #997 №126486 DELETED
Are you sure this news outlet can be trusted?
The most read news in my country right now looks like this:
Anonymous  23/05/24 Чтв 17:02:14 #998 №126487 DELETED
Although, the news of May 17 says that there were plans to exchange territories between Estonia and Russia.
Anonymous  23/05/24 Чтв 17:13:02 #999 №126488 DELETED
Yes I agree that is a dubious source however Reuters and the Estonian government have now picked up on it:


It's all very exciting isn't it? This must have been what the Berlin Crisis was like, except random Johns and Ivans can shitpost at each other.
Anonymous  23/05/24 Чтв 17:40:54 #1000 №126489 DELETED
In fact, I have met more supporters of Russia under the American flag on the internet than opponents. As a rule they are people whose text looks intellectually developed and you can really have a good conversation with them, while the opponents' text is soyjaks\killclips and aggressive primitive trolling with stupidity.

Every time I cite Reuters as a source, I'm told it's some sort of blog by various authors that you can shit all you want into. OK, let's say the little Nazis are being trolled by taking away the lake, although I don't think that's a significant action that will lead to war.

Also, in case you're wondering, Russia has a law on media fakes, every media outlet is obliged to verify the source of information, even if they are reprinting another outlet. So Yellow Press in Russia is something from the wild 90s.

Also, nice level design

BTW, the tension around Taiwan is starting to build there, it's worth starting to keep an eye out so you don't miss the most delicious stuff.
Anonymous  23/05/24 Чтв 17:55:23 #1001 №126490 DELETED
Porn is easy to find on the internet, retard. Unlike foreigners who are ready to talk.
Anonymous  23/05/24 Чтв 18:09:09 #1002 №126491 DELETED
>I have met more supporters of Russia under the American flag on the internet than opponents.

Do they support Russia itself, or the values Russia claims to represent, or the idea of multipolarity? I see a lot of the last two but few of the first one.

>I'm told it's some sort of blog
It's a news agency, like a journalism aggregator, the Canadian equivalent of TASS. The other big news agencies are AFP and AP, they're usually quite reliable.

>every media outlet is obliged to verify the source of information
How droll. It works on trust and sourcing here: print lies if you want, soon your audience will be coprophages and the clickthrough rate on the ads you run will increase. Wait a minute...

>tension around Taiwan is starting to build

Tripwire force established.
Anonymous  23/05/24 Чтв 20:46:15 #1003 №126495 DELETED
>Do they support Russia itself, or the values Russia claims to represent, or the idea of multipolarity? I see a lot of the last two but few of the first one.
Perhaps it depends on which places on the internet you visit according to your interests. I certainly don't visit reddit. Plus, there is this theoretical mechanism: 'personal experience', which can be opposite in truthfulness for each person and which is never reliable.

TASS is not an aggregator, but a full-fledged federal news agency existing at government expense, whose name translates from its Russian acronym as “Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union.” I was even inside there in the early 2000s. This massive building with thick walls in the style of “Soviet Constructivism” can withstand an aerial bombardment.

>Wait a minute...
Yes, I know that the basis of news media popularity in the West is reputation. Although average “everyday” people don't think that much about the reputation of the source of information. Which is what agencies like La Stampa take advantage of by taking photos of Ukrainian shelling of Donetsk and passing them off as the aftermath of Russian shelling of Ukraine. Here's a funny case:

We should probably prepare for the fact that microelectronics prices are likely to rise. Microelectronics is an instrument of hegemonic power. That's why the US managed to move the TSMC plant from Taiwan to the US in a few years. That's why they impose sanctions against anyone who tries to advance in microelectronics, such as China and Russia. This was the case even during the time of Boris Yeltsin.
Anonymous  23/05/24 Чтв 20:57:44 #1004 №126496 DELETED
Anonymous  23/05/24 Чтв 20:58:59 #1005 №126497 DELETED
Anonymous  23/05/24 Чтв 21:00:58 #1006 №126498 DELETED
Anonymous  23/05/24 Чтв 22:15:34 #1007 №126499 DELETED
There's some news agency that still cooperates with RIA if this is too a Russian news agency, I think it is this one.
>Are you sure this news outlet can be trusted?
First, journalism isn't impartial. Here, in my country, obviously the journalist lobby, editors, news media company tries to merchandise that "journalism is impartial" due to get revenue to pay their wages, but it is fake and they are taught in their college course the other way around.

Secondly, at least, in Anglo-Saxon media, you can take account the political alignment to identify some bias. The press (including Portuguese) that follows French sucks at this and even editorial lines try to hide political alignment

Thirdly, there is legislation in Russian about "collective Western" stuff that I think you know better than I know like you said >>126489

Fourthly, countries that carry out external psyops - you should take account that they have the capacity to carry out psyops to internal populace (quell some unrest).

Fifthly, glowies infiltration passing as journalists; b) journalists fooled by glowies.
Anonymous  24/05/24 Птн 12:05:46 #1008 №126502 DELETED
Good debriefing.
Major media outlets risk nothing when they quote government officials because they are the official source. Officials also have personal reputations, official duty, and the reputation of the country they represent - all of these things are connected. If Blinken says that the Russians failed to destroy a super-modern Patriot with a retarded hypersonic Kinzhal system, it will be true. If Peskov says that the Patriot could not physically destroy an object traveling at 10 times the speed of sound, and the Patriot itself was destroyed, that would also be true. The truth published in the media with reference to official sources.

>Fifthly, glowies infiltration passing as journalists; b) journalists fooled by glowies.
This role should logically go to the editor-in-chief or controlling shareholder. All articles go through the editor-in-chief's edits before publication, and the controlling shareholder (which can be another company) can change the editor-in-chief. The “another company” can also act as a grantor to the media outlet, thus controlling the media outlet's operations.

Emmm... Legislation?
The Collective West is an official political term used, including by some Western media, to describe a group of countries with a common political, economic and cultural identity. It is often used to refer to a set of countries united by common values, interests, and close cooperation in all spheres. The core of the Collective West is the United States, not only as the strongest nation, but also as the regulator of the Jamaican monetary system into which the economies of the Collective West are closely integrated. Collective West interests tend to be more prioritized over national interests. For example, Germany, which has suffered significant losses due to the destruction of the Nord Streams and the anti-Russian sanctions that have virtually destroyed its industry, is guided primarily by the interests of the Collective West.
Anonymous  24/05/24 Птн 12:32:40 #1009 №126503 DELETED
Anonymous  24/05/24 Птн 14:17:41 #1010 №126504 DELETED
Before vs. After
Anonymous  24/05/24 Птн 14:21:19 #1011 №126505 DELETED
Anonymous  24/05/24 Птн 15:26:30 #1012 №126506 DELETED
Ah now the West is purely systemic/institutional, not cultural, to wit: France is Western and European, Russia is not Western but it is European, Japan is Western but it isn't European. See what I mean?

Bojo a failure? Hahahaha, hahaha, haha, ha. He is, in a completely non-hyperbolic sense, the most consequential British politician of the 21st century so far. If organised human life survives the next decade or so, he'll be back.
Anonymous  24/05/24 Птн 21:18:10 #1013 №126507 DELETED
Yeah, some Irish journalist I don't know anything about.
Judging by the wall of every 10th Irish house from google maps, these guys want to rape and kill you for some reason(order doesn't matter). I haven't delved much into the subject of your historical confrontation yet, but the reason is probably a very good one.

Arabs, tranny and PRISM... Ah! I'm sorry! Freedom, democracy and equality, yea:) Also you completely forgot to mention Borelle's Garden;)
Russia's constitution, sacredly guarded by the constitutional court, contains some of the most liberal provisions that even Britain and the United States would envy, and the social institutions and government agencies differ little from those in Europe. Thus it is a strange argument.
Parliament in Russia is called the Federal Assembly, and the building in which they decide state issues is called the State Duma. Duma is literally from Russian for “thought process”. Thus Russia's form of government (republican form of government) is more progressive and liberal than a parliamentary monarchy with Aunt Fanny.

>not cultural
Wokeism is not part of the culture and core value of the Collective West? It is literally one of the connecting links of the collective West as a geopolitical structure.
As far as Japan and South Korea are concerned, the structure of the collective West has a hierarchy:
- Center for the Collective West. UNITED STATES. The top of the pyramid and the chief economic regulator. I don't know what sterling looks like, but I know what the dollar looks like.
- Equal allies. The likes of Britain, France, Canada, Germany can get equal or nearly equal slices of the pie with the US.
- Less significant allies. Such as Romania, Poland, New Zealand, Portugal, Bulgaria. They have a role in the economy, a strategic role in the military alliance, and generally cannot pursue independent policies.
- Situational allies: such as Pakistan, Turkey or Egypt. Countries that may receive some treaty benefits from the collective West, such as Pakistan supplying arms to Ukraine, receiving priority for investment in their economy.
- Forced allies: Japan, South Korea, and others. Japan is an occupied country that lost World War II, a country bound by numerous treaties, political and economic chains with the US. In addition, Japan has an unresolved territorial issue with Russia, which alone cannot resolve. South Korea, in turn, is facing China and North Korea and in need of a protectorate. In turn, South Korea (like Taiwan, like Hong Kong earlier) creates a springboard to pressure China.
- Blatantly puppet regimes. Countries like ECOWAS and Ukraine. These countries are not part of the Western world, but they are a basic element or tool of the “Collective West” structure. Niger is literally a colony of France, its role in the European economy is to supply cheap uranium at throwaway prices, while 80% of Nigerians have no access to electricity. In return, France has supported the narrow stratum of the family oligarchy that rules Nigeria both financially and with its military. When Victoria Nuland came to negotiate with the rebels (odd that it wasn't some French woman, eh?), what was the first point she announced? That's right: “if you don't release the president of Niger, Niger will lose Western investment.”

How did the U.S. forge and hold this power?
In short: as World War II was coming to an end, Europe needed to rebuild. While the USSR was rebuilding its area of influence through a planned economy, market economies needed finance and credit, which the US was happy to provide. Thus was born the Bretton Woods monetary system - most currencies were pegged to the US dollar at fixed rates. The dollar was in turn pegged to gold at $35 per troy ounce. The U.S., being a reserve currency country, could print money to finance lending to allies (through the IMF and World Bank, which it created for this purpose). Thus was born the credit bondage for Europe. This system existed until 1971 and was replaced by a more favorable system for the U.S., which owes its emergence to Charles de Gaulle, president of France, who, thanks to his political and economic genius and competence, managed to pay off all American debts of France in gold. The latter did not like it much in terms of benefits, so the Jamaican currency system appeared, which did not differ from the previous one, except that the dollar could not be exchanged (converted) for gold. By the way, this system exists to this day: the U.S. can print dollars to cover its own deficit, which leads to global inflation.

Russia has had an impressive influence on European culture and science, as Europe has on Russian culture and science, but still Europe and Asia are fictitious abstract designations for areas of land used also in the collective attitude of the countries located on these continents. Russia was indeed considered a European country for a long time, more than 70% of Russia's population lives in the European part, but in terms of its goals, cultural aspirations and philosophy, Russia is no longer Europe and Asia. It is its own unique part of land without its own name.
Anonymous  24/05/24 Птн 21:29:02 #1014 №126508 DELETED
Auto-replacement kicked in.
Anonymous  24/05/24 Птн 22:21:08 #1015 №126509 DELETED
>VK plans to shut down ICQ messenger from June 26
Gone is the era
Anonymous  24/05/24 Птн 23:02:06 #1016 №126510 DELETED
>English Wiki - Criticism
Anonymous  24/05/24 Птн 23:07:32 #1017 №126511 DELETED
Anonymous  24/05/24 Птн 23:09:35 #1018 №126512 DELETED
better for you to not know.
Anonymous  24/05/24 Птн 23:15:21 #1019 №126514 DELETED
Ah, the crux of the “Russia uses buoys as a weapon against Estonia” problem is this:
The border between Estonia and Russia runs along the Narva River. Buoys are placed on the water instead of border posts. However, the river bed is a fickle thing. Therefore, every spring the buoys have to be reinstalled and corrected.
There used to be no problems: Estonians used to put buoys by agreement with Russia. But after the beginning of the "SMO" and "Russophobic statements" on behalf of Estonia, Russia stopped allowing Estonians to put buoys themselves.
The Estonians decided to do it anyway. Not a week later, Russian border guards came in boats and removed the Estonian buoys. Anyway, just a standart technical procedure.
Estonians were very offended. So much so that the head of their Foreign Ministry complained to Josep Borrel.
The latter called the buoy affair a new hybrid aggression and demanded that the buoys be returned. Lol.

eestoneean neews

Anonymous  24/05/24 Птн 23:16:14 #1020 №126515 DELETED
You're weirder than usual today:)
Anonymous  24/05/24 Птн 23:20:03 #1021 №126516 DELETED
Odessa. Flags are set up in honor of the fallen soldiers of the great Ukraine.
Anonymous  24/05/24 Птн 23:48:31 #1022 №126517 DELETED
The Indophiliacs or indomaniacs of Odessa in designated shitting roundabouts.
Anonymous  25/05/24 Суб 00:06:11 #1023 №126518 DELETED
Yes, it's very funny and ironic.
30 years is negligible for the existence of a state from the point of view of history. In 300 years historians will call this shit "The Age of Instability in Russia", and descendants of former adversaries will gather together for some mourning holiday like a cuckold "Day of Reconciliation" in Europe. That is, of course, if the Russian army manages to return the Ukrainian territories to Russia within 299 years.

Btw, Hunter Biden's company (Son of Big Joe) is now the only monopolist in the funeral market of Ukraine, having absorbed more than 8 thousand companies. This is not even post-irony anymore, but tetrahedron-irony.
Anonymous  25/05/24 Суб 00:37:44 #1024 №126519 DELETED
Putin said he did not consider Zelensky to be a legitimate president, so there would be no negotiations.
“Reuters source from the Kremlin” can go fuck himself. Kek.


Earlier, Reuters reported that Moscow was allegedly ready for talks when the borders along the current frontline are fixed.

“This is not true,” Peskov denied the agency's report.

Anonymous  25/05/24 Суб 00:42:13 #1025 №126520 DELETED
illegitimate *
Anonymous  25/05/24 Суб 11:54:46 #1026 №126522 DELETED
you can start checking the text before you send it
just a tip)
Anonymous  25/05/24 Суб 12:25:11 #1027 №126523 DELETED
>Do they support Russia itself, or the values Russia claims to represent, or the idea of multipolarity?
i can indirectly confirm his words, many of the Americans with whom I have communicated in real life for 10 years believe that the American domination (the so-called unipolar world, formed after the CCCP collapsing) has not brought anything good to their lives
and there are enough of such people in the USA, enough for such ideologues of “right america” as Tucker Carlson to get enormous popularity and support
Anonymous  25/05/24 Суб 12:28:33 #1028 №126524 DELETED
america needs competition to develop
unipolar state sooner or later falls into stagnation and begins to degenerate
we"ve been seeing this since the days of the Roman Empire
Anonymous  25/05/24 Суб 19:50:48 #1029 №126533 DELETED
Elbrus manufactures all its electronics except 8-core and 16-core processors at Micron, it's strange that such a successful specialist didn't know about it LMAO

t. employee of Baikal Electronics
Anonymous  25/05/24 Суб 20:01:29 #1030 №126534 DELETED
The 48-core Baikal flagship was also manufactured in TSMC's factories using 16nm technology. Now Russia does not have all this, but it has a great desire and a lot of money.
Anonymous  25/05/24 Суб 20:07:18 #1031 №126535 DELETED
>Now Russia does not have all this, but it has a great desire and a lot of money.
but no ten years to debug and develop the production line
you"re so smart......
Anonymous  26/05/24 Вск 00:40:21 #1032 №126540 DELETED
Are Windows builds from craftsmen skilled in the art of trimming and modification popular in the “Collective West”?

Anonymous  26/05/24 Вск 01:11:39 #1033 №126541 DELETED
For the love of Our Lord, don't ever push those things again.
Anonymous  26/05/24 Вск 01:18:46 #1034 №126542 DELETED
I think people use activation keys and some retards buy keys. Customised ISOs by unknowns...
Anonymous  26/05/24 Вск 01:44:56 #1035 №126543 DELETED
How do Russians salute each with honorifics btw?

Here it is Senhor/Senhora = Sir/Madam
it is similar to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honorific#Spanish-speaking_cultures
Anonymous  26/05/24 Вск 02:10:26 #1036 №126544 DELETED
In Russia there is a whole cult of manual Windows builds:
gamer builds with all libraries and drivers for games, Windows builds with optimization tweaks (saving 600MB of RAM wow!), Windows for weak PC, Windows without telemetry and Windows Guard, the minimum 400 mb version of Windows 10 capable of running from a flash drive, (and of course fucking builds from schoolchildren and young hackers) and so on and so forth. Hundreds of famous authors compete with each other for the hearts of fans of installing builds. Dozens of Russian-speaking youtubers make their reviews on builds (sometimes very sarcastic, sometimes very informative). Windows builds are a kind of imitation of Linux distributions.
>activation keys
Btw the KMS Activator source code is open on GitHub. You can compile this creation of the dusky Russian genius with Microsoft Visual Studio of your favorite version. If you don't trust the author.
Is there something similar to the winget package manager in Linux? I want to install, uninstall, patch and do other scary things with programs directly from the PowerShell Core console.

That's not a real ICST employee. Just like you.

Real employee of MultiClet Corporation (I get paid very little)
Anonymous  26/05/24 Вск 02:13:18 #1037 №126545 DELETED
And of course I don't install Windows builds, but use original clean microsoft images, because I'm not a retard, kek

Real employee of MultiClet Corporation (I get paid very little)
Anonymous  26/05/24 Вск 03:17:41 #1038 №126547 DELETED
yup, I wanted to say "microsoft activation scripts" instead of activation keys.
Nearly 80 of Americans now consider fast food a luxury due to high prices Anonymous  26/05/24 Вск 13:48:48 #1039 №126554 DELETED
- A recent nonprobability survey conducted by LendingTree found 78% of consumers now consider fast food to be a "luxury" purchase due to how expensive the meals have become.

- Half of those polled said they view fast food as a luxury because they’re struggling financially. This is especially true among Americans who make less than $30,000 a year (71%), parents with young children (58%), and Gen Zers (58%).

- Americans love their fast food, but a majority say they are pulling back on their consumption due to high prices. The findings show 3 out of 4 Americans typically eat fast food once a week, but 62% of respondents said they are eating it less frequently due to the cost.

Anonymous  26/05/24 Вск 17:13:37 #1040 №126555 DELETED
What will they feed on?
Anonymous  26/05/24 Вск 19:29:34 #1041 №126558 DELETED
Anonymous  26/05/24 Вск 22:30:01 #1042 №126559 DELETED
And no kidding, how is that possible? the U.S. is a self-sufficient, self-reliant nation, right?
Anonymous  27/05/24 Пнд 00:58:09 #1043 №126560 DELETED
Anonymous  27/05/24 Пнд 01:10:14 #1044 №126561 DELETED
Anonymous  27/05/24 Пнд 01:14:12 #1045 №126562 DELETED
Anonymous  27/05/24 Пнд 02:31:22 #1046 №126563 DELETED
Children in the Orlyonok camp smashed doors and windows, broke sinks, scattered mattresses and destroyed mosquito nets. So the guys "celebrated" the last day before departure.

According to Mash, 13 and 14-year-olds came to the Bashkir camp from Belgorod under the state program. And for 19 days they behaved well - went on excursions, participated in competitions. But on the last - 20th - day something clicked in their heads. And anarchy began.

Chairs flying from the windows, cheerful tearing of nets and mess in the room from the category "to spite mom" - on the video. The camp declined to comment.

Belgorodbro what's going on?
Anonymous  27/05/24 Пнд 12:42:08 #1047 №126565 DELETED
“Allahu Akbar” was the campaign slogan in the UK local elections
Islamist candidates won local elections in the UK because they are in the majority. And the UK is not alone in this.

Anonymous  27/05/24 Пнд 22:37:40 #1048 №126579 DELETED
Anonymous  27/05/24 Пнд 23:21:25 #1049 №126580 DELETED
Yeah, funny, now Russian liberals will write derogatory posts not only about Nvidia+Russia, but also about Nvidia+Germany.... although, no. They won't. BECAUSE IT'S DIFFERENT, WE JUST DON'T GET IT.
Anonymous  28/05/24 Втр 00:56:37 #1050 №126582 DELETED
Where did all the non-Russian posters go?
Anonymous  28/05/24 Втр 01:41:11 #1051 №126583 DELETED
São bons rapazes e fizeram tudo corretamente: descobriram o covil dos ratos, rastreando-os para prevenir mais vítimas, a paralisia de recursos e a infraestrutura do FSB na luta contra os sabotadores ucranianos durante o 'chantagem terrorista dos países ocidentais', sobre o qual Vladimir Putin falou pouco antes do ocorrido. Agora, os porcos e seus aliados esconderam-se para não serem rotulados como 'estado terrorista' pela ONU. Sim, apesar de os 'funcionários de azul' e as 'mulheres de fato rigoroso' terem organizado a evacuação (o que provavelmente notaste numa série desses vídeos), muitas pessoas ainda assim sofreram, é uma tragédia para a Rússia, mas num país que está em estado de guerra por procuração com a NATO, um bloco cuja meta declarada é a 'derrota estratégica da Rússia' (literalmente: desintegração em colónias africanas - a chamada 'Rússia descolonizada') e a ameaça altamente provável de aniquilação nuclear do mundo, a forma de moralidade muda de uma doméstica para uma mais prática, para prevenir um massacre total e salvar muitas vidas. Nem imaginas em que perigo está o teu rabo neste momento, tontinho.
Anonymous  28/05/24 Втр 02:36:21 #1052 №126584 DELETED
Anonymous  28/05/24 Втр 02:39:16 #1053 №126585 DELETED
Belgorodian oldscool
Anonymous  28/05/24 Втр 11:18:41 #1054 №126587 DELETED
How could Gromozeka(in honor of the robot from the third planet) be confused with Homosexual? Why is the editor so centered on homosexuality ?
Anonymous  28/05/24 Втр 11:23:01 #1055 №126588 DELETED
In 2024, Rosatom plans to present a 50-qubit quantum computer and to implement a service to provide cloud access to the created quantum computers using quantum algorithms.

What does that mean for gaming? Nothing.
Anonymous  28/05/24 Втр 11:39:43 #1056 №126589 DELETED
The Ministry of Digital Development (of Russia) is discussing the introduction of an additional tax levy on Russian companies that continue to use foreign software. This should “equalize” foreign software with Russian software, said Minister of Digital Development Maksut Shadaev, speaking at TAdviser SummIT.

I told that in the future Russia will become the center of Linux development and apps. No one believed me (lel)
Anonymous  28/05/24 Втр 14:37:44 #1057 №126590 DELETED
Anonymous  28/05/24 Втр 14:47:01 #1058 №126591 DELETED
I think 500 posts is a lot, should be cut down to 250 per thread.
- The thread is laggy on my phone
- the thread lags when opened in a browser in PC (sometimes).

>I think
U know
Anonymous  28/05/24 Втр 15:27:57 #1059 №126592 DELETED
Second hand shops in Ukraine are coming to an end.
There will be no more cheap things in second hand shops.
Rada(Parlament) will close the ways used by suppliers of things.
This will lead either to a significant increase in the prices of such goods or to a complete cessation of the supply of second-hand things.

Ukraine is the world's third-largest importer of pre-owned things in the world, after Pakistan and Malaysia
Anonymous  28/05/24 Втр 15:28:23 #1060 №126593 DELETED
Anonymous  28/05/24 Втр 15:28:51 #1061 №126594 DELETED
Anonymous  28/05/24 Втр 15:29:17 #1062 №126595 DELETED
Anonymous  28/05/24 Втр 15:32:10 #1063 №126596 DELETED
Anonymous  28/05/24 Втр 19:44:35 #1064 №126600 DELETED
Good European Portuguese translator, despite some failures.

Forgot to add in the pasta "I trained at Wagner base in gorilla warfare", "You're dead, kiddo". It's weird that the translator doesn't translate NATO to OTAN but it translate UN to ONU.

Wikipedia says that ICQ is easily acessible or cooperates with the Russian Men in Blue Sweaters but it quotes probably a publication banned in Russia, that's why I stopped mentioning the subject. But it's normal.
Plus Americans probably have more ways to access stuff and will get more stuff to get collected like future Legal Spyware like Recall.
Anonymous  28/05/24 Втр 20:33:08 #1065 №126601 DELETED
>Good European Portuguese translator, despite some failures.
I bought access to OpenAI services (don't ask me how I did it) and tested GPT-4o, which marketers assure me is the best and most optimized for languages than regular GPT-4 and Google Gemini Pro. Now you have an example that this is not entirely true. The prompt was: "translate this into Portuguese(Portugal) with the most accurate adapatation of words possible."
>Wikipedia says that ICQ is easily acessible or cooperates with the Russian Men in Blue Sweaters but it quotes probably a publication banned in Russia, that's why I stopped mentioning the subject. But it's normal.
Every intelligence agency in the world has the right to request citizen data, buddy. It's anti-terrorist security. To emphasize this is very pointless.
There is not a single fact that proves that the Russians abused it, unlike the Americans, who don't consider you and me human beings:
There are millions of shit about the government on 2ch, there is a whole /po/ board where liberals and hohols rule, no one has been arrested and taken to GuLaG in a black car yet, unlike the American Minecraft killing enthusiast from 4chan. This board is French in general and the owner is Japanese. Can you imagine the scope of the American services?
I don't know how things were with this messenger in Portugal, but ICQ is just a happy childhood for Russians whose dawn of consciousness came in the noughties. That was the point of the post: maybe someone has similar nostalgia. Now, apparently, they don't.
Anonymous  28/05/24 Втр 20:38:10 #1066 №126602 DELETED
>Wikipedia says that ICQ
Ah, yes of course... Wikipedia...
This will come as a shock to you, but...
Anonymous  28/05/24 Втр 20:45:07 #1067 №126603 DELETED
I remember my brother having multi instant messaging client for IRC that could add ICQ account?. Don't know about ICQ in Portugal.
IRC is still almost dead here, but probably used by older people specially nostalgic.

ptnet - largest Portuguese IRC community
>18:40 [254]257 channels formed
>18:40 [255]I have 176 clients and 1 servers
>18:40 [265]Current local users: 176 Max: 361
>18:40 [266]Current global users: 462 Max: 676
Anonymous  28/05/24 Втр 21:07:02 #1068 №126604 DELETED
IRC\FTP, my favorite authentic toys, although I haven't used them in a long time. How popular is linux in Portugal? Are there any large communities?
Anonymous  28/05/24 Втр 21:33:24 #1069 №126605 DELETED
Okay, you don't have to answer that, I'll find it myself.
Anonymous  28/05/24 Втр 21:45:51 #1070 №126606 DELETED
nope, it doesn't have. even Spain desktop stat counter reaches near 4% here it is 1,98%. all former popular portuguese phpbb imageboards sections and general threads are dead.

somehow ubuntuportugal telegram has 261 members, 30 online, still haven't checked their matrix room or debian's one
but their ubuntu physical meetings round up 5-6 people in lisbon metropolitan area in the entire country.

debian ptnet IRC channel 4 users
Anonymous  28/05/24 Втр 21:50:15 #1071 №126607 DELETED
forgot that the higher numbers are on facebook groups - they reach 1-3 thousand members.
Anonymous  28/05/24 Втр 22:00:53 #1072 №126608 DELETED
Meaning that OS usage statistics don't lie about linux users being only 2% of the global market. The situation is fucking shitty when there are monopolists.
Thanks for info. I just thought I was asking boring questions for you, so I took them back to keep you motivated to post on /int/. IRL I don't talk to anyone at all except anonyms from the board and my employer (freelance). Communicating with foreigners is more interesting than with Russians, there is some uncharted territory and mutual interest to be cherished.
Anonymous  29/05/24 Срд 19:03:38 #1073 №126611 DELETED
The Telegraph changed the headline of their article: from the first pic to the second pic. What happened? Did the grantor call the editor-in-chief?
Anonymous  30/05/24 Чтв 00:34:25 #1074 №126615 DELETED
Anonymous  30/05/24 Чтв 02:10:19 #1075 №126618 DELETED
Israeli intelligence services have been spying on ICC prosecutor Karim Khan

This is about large-scale surveillance of the staff of the International Criminal Court in The Hague and attempts to interfere in its work to prevent the investigation of the actions of Israeli security forces in the Palestinian territories

According to journalists, among the targets of the surveillance was acting ICC prosecutor Karim Khan, who asked the court in The Hague to issue arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the country's Defense Minister Yoav Galant in connection with alleged war crimes in the Gaza Strip.

Israel has waged a secret “war” against the court for nearly a decade, involving not only surveillance but also hacking attacks.

Khan's intercepted correspondence revealed that he had intended to request arrest warrants for Israeli leaders some time ago, but was under “extreme pressure from the US” to do so.

Anonymous  30/05/24 Чтв 20:08:12 #1076 №126623 DELETED
A girl worth fighting for xD
Anonymous  30/05/24 Чтв 20:40:20 #1077 №126624 DELETED
Why there aren't soy/leftists massive protests or/and muslim protests about Palestine situation in Russian Federation except that quasi-pogrom in Dagestan? Or it doesn't get to Western media? I even think it is weird considering the propaganda about multipolar world and other stuff? I don't believe that such protest could turn into anti-special operation or anti-current govt protest.
Anonymous  30/05/24 Чтв 21:12:25 #1078 №126625 DELETED
Not my type, sadly.
Anonymous  30/05/24 Чтв 21:15:23 #1079 №126626 DELETED
“Concern” was from Russian Muslims, Muslims are 6% of the total population in Russia. Other than the pogrom you described, the protests were only on the internet. “Russian” liberashkas(soyists\leftists) mostly love Israel (Yes, loving Israel in Russia is very leftist). A Russian liberal is in most cases an ethnic Jew. This is what practice and their biographies show. The main wave of them went to Israel to protest against the “Russian aggression in Ukraine” and got repatriation there by renouncing Russian citizenship, the remnants left when Hamas attacked Israel, probably for patriotic reasons: and these people never lived in Isarel, they lived in Russia from birth, they just have Jewish roots. Ethnic Russians are neutral towards Palestinians, and Israel is supplying weapons and military advisors to Ukraine so that the Russian “move into the basement”. So a serious protest has not formed on either side.
If Russians protest it must be for a serious reason: for example, the arrest of a favorite governor who was doing a very good job.... but, uh. in the '90s was involved in an organized crime ring.
Anonymous  30/05/24 Чтв 22:41:42 #1080 №126628 DELETED
New rules in Belgorod region and other border regions
Anonymous  30/05/24 Чтв 23:34:43 #1081 №126630 DELETED
looks french
Anonymous  31/05/24 Птн 02:35:54 #1082 №126632 DELETED
“We realize that there are almost no civilians left in Belgorod. At the moment, it is full of military facilities, and we see the same thing starting to happen in neighboring regions” Matthew Miller said.
>We realize that there are almost no civilians
>there are almost no civilians
>no civilians

Is this animal stupid or dumb who would believe you can evacuate a 340,000 city?
Anonymous  31/05/24 Птн 22:37:22 #1083 №126640 DELETED
One way to interpret this would be 'everyone in the city is a combatant so go ham'. In other words, sabre-rattling.
Anonymous  31/05/24 Птн 23:46:19 #1084 №126641 DELETED
If Russia attacks NATO, America, having entered that war, can legally cancel its colossal national debt through the Federal Court. It is not necessary to be directly involved in the war, the main thing is to have legal status.
Anonymous  31/05/24 Птн 23:48:28 #1085 №126642 DELETED
Is English as a second language for communication in Portugal?
How cringe to communicate in English on ptchan? :)
Anonymous  01/06/24 Суб 01:33:48 #1086 №126643 DELETED
at the start, why Stalker (1979) is yellow supposedly in the torrents but in Mosfilm Youtube channel is grey?
Anonymous  01/06/24 Суб 02:00:44 #1087 №126644 DELETED
it's not cringe since it had formerly a /int/ board.

Yup, mostly a second language. My parents still learnt French at that mid and high school time instead of English because it was still considered as lingua franca. at university they had to read portuguese, french and spanish publications. But that paradigm has changed.
Now, English is taught already in primary school (first 4 years).
Anonymous  01/06/24 Суб 02:04:49 #1088 №126645 DELETED
As far back as I can remember he's always been gray
I remember one dude posted a picture comparing a video from a porn site and the same video from MPC-HC. MPC-HC had the same picture as yours. Either a player rendering or a “special edition” of the movie.
You didn't answer me: if I communicate in English on ptchan, will I be looked at as a retard? Or is that the order of the day?

Also, try it
Anonymous  01/06/24 Суб 02:05:41 #1089 №126646 DELETED
Okay, thanks for the reply, buddy.
Anonymous  01/06/24 Суб 02:07:53 #1090 №126647 DELETED
>Also, try it
Oh, yeah, you have linux. I'm sorry.
Anonymous  01/06/24 Суб 02:18:02 #1091 №126648 DELETED
the movie is being played here https://stream.ptchan.org with FFmpeg
Anonymous  01/06/24 Суб 03:59:29 #1092 №126649 DELETED
is literally like Tivach https://tv.2ch.hk/r/random
I love these things.

Either the problem is in the decoding settings, or it was done by the person who did the English subtitles: you know the kind of person who doesn't appreciate the “original art” and adds “self-made”. Or it's really some special edition. Although in sepia loses the atmosphere of the movie as far as I'm concerned. The gray post-filter is there for a reason.
He told me he had some Russian friends.
I told him I didn't have any friends so he wouldn't confuse me with any of them. I hope he wasn't offended by that answer. Kek.
Anonymous  01/06/24 Суб 16:10:03 #1093 №126656 DELETED
A dude with olegophrenia was drafted into the army in Odessa.

Anonymous  01/06/24 Суб 16:14:51 #1094 №126657 DELETED
In Samara, a chemistry teacher swore a profane word at a student.

Anonymous  01/06/24 Суб 16:39:14 #1095 №126658 DELETED
Alexei Navalny's wife met with Macron and talked about the basics of democracy and liberalism.
Anonymous  01/06/24 Суб 19:27:36 #1096 №126659 DELETED
I use dual boot. If I paid for the laptop - and the price probably counts with Microsoft Windows 10 that time, with ASUS drivers + ASUS bloat that doesn't exist in Linux, I use that too. some Linux 3rd party software doesn't cover some laptop profiles that exist in Windows+ASUS software, etc.

Plus if something weird happens and I need quickly an alternative, I boot Windows.
Anonymous  01/06/24 Суб 19:58:45 #1097 №126660 DELETED
he probably doesn't know what he is talking about and lies to appease American citizens that there won't be any Russian civilian deaths afterwards.
Anonymous  03/06/24 Пнд 12:09:49 #1098 №126667 DELETED

It's fake, we were rused. Very good fake though, props to the creator.
Anonymous  03/06/24 Пнд 13:32:15 #1099 №126668 DELETED
Anonymous  03/06/24 Пнд 13:35:23 #1100 №126669 DELETED
>russia manufactures deepfake
russia had nothing to do with it
Anonymous  03/06/24 Пнд 13:36:55 #1101 №126670 DELETED
the point of the forgery was to create tension in belgorod and put pressure on pynia
Anonymous  03/06/24 Пнд 13:39:13 #1102 №126671 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)
rashka square vatnik
Anonymous  03/06/24 Пнд 14:36:25 #1103 №126672 DELETED
shut up
Anonymous  03/06/24 Пнд 16:18:56 #1104 №126674 DELETED
>The video recording of Miller’s statements about the absence of civilians in Belgorod, which I commented on, turned out to be fake. Unfortunately, it differs little from the actual position and actions of the State Department .

Aka 'yes it's fake but it could be real' which is just silly.

'Some shitter on Telegram trolls us all' won't get the clicks though.
Anonymous  03/06/24 Пнд 16:48:22 #1105 №126675 DELETED
we'd better ask a local city resident how he feels about the issue >>126295 >>126296
the u.s. state department says one thing, but in reality, it does the opposite
words and actual behind-the-scenes dealings tend to be at odds >>126585
Anonymous  03/06/24 Пнд 16:52:11 #1106 №126676 DELETED
Anonymous  03/06/24 Пнд 16:54:11 #1107 №126677 DELETED
Anonymous  03/06/24 Пнд 16:55:53 #1108 №126678 DELETED
iknow a movie that does that style well
Anonymous  03/06/24 Пнд 18:53:38 #1109 №126679 DELETED

apt update
apt upgrade
apt search
apt show
apt install
apt purge
apt remove
apt autoremove
apt autoclean
apt clean

for ubuntu
Anonymous  04/06/24 Втр 02:53:22 #1110 №126681 DELETED
>The video was published on Russian websites and spread via other media but none mention it is a deepfake.
The troll did a good job, I'll take your word for it. Also, none of the major Russian media outlets mentioned him (which is why I suspected something wrong). The article also accuses the Human Rights Council (Russia) of supposedly publishing the video and claiming it was true, but it was the Russian HRC that first said the video was a deepfake. Although he added that Kirby, Miller are clowns like Jenny Psaki. So there's not much difference. Every country is responsible for how its weapons are used, there are documented facts of Czech Vampire use, there are documented facts of HIMARS use on targets in Belgorod region.
Thanx, bro
Anonymous  04/06/24 Втр 03:05:50 #1111 №126682 DELETED
TOS Result. The excessive pressure destroyed even the sleeping soldiers under the dugout. TOS was originally designed to destroy strongholds (trenches, fortified defense points), its principle of operation is to create a red-hot fireball after the explosion of a projectile that sizzles the enemy, and a deadly overpressure of oxygen at the end of the reaction that destroys the internal organs of those who were sheltered from the fireball. The only thing keeping it from full-scale use is FPV drones.
Anonymous  04/06/24 Втр 14:02:57 #1112 №126685 DELETED
Flightradar: U.S. Air Force RQ-4B Global Hawk UAV disappears from radar over the Black Sea near Crimea

Before that, Russian fighter jets were raised to intercept.
Anonymous  04/06/24 Втр 14:09:41 #1113 №126686 DELETED
The Americans, by the way, are using their drones to aim Ukrainian missiles at targets in Crimea in case anyone didn't know
Not only that
Since 2014, on Dvatch in the /wm/ and /b/ there have been threads about how the same drone flies along the frontline in Donbass every six months, collecting information.
Anonymous  04/06/24 Втр 14:11:41 #1114 №126687 DELETED
UPD: The drone, scared of the fighters, simply turned off the identification equipment, everything is normal. World War III won't start today.
Anonymous  04/06/24 Втр 14:34:09 #1115 №126688 DELETED
president of belarus visits mongolia
mongolia looks like this now
who haven't video mongolia here's a unique chance
Anonymous  04/06/24 Втр 15:15:29 #1116 №126689 DELETED
Microsoft has blocked a workaround that allowed you to create a local account during Windows 11 deployment
Windows 11 requires you to enter the email address associated with your Microsoft account. If you don't have one, you will be prompted to create one before you can begin setting it up.

Anonymous  04/06/24 Втр 15:16:50 #1117 №126690 DELETED
Allright, so now fighter jets pilots who were tracking the drone on the flightradar of course, will get back to the air bases? Saying fuck, the drone dissapears from flightradar - we gonna go home now drink some vodka, you fucking schmuck?
Anonymous  04/06/24 Втр 15:25:08 #1118 №126692 DELETED
Shut the fuck up, faggot.
Anonymous  04/06/24 Втр 15:26:08 #1119 №126693 DELETED

Anonymous  04/06/24 Втр 15:27:19 #1120 №126694 DELETED
It looks like a complete launch of Linux era in Russia. But no... Pirates will ruin everything. The only case when pirates harm progress.
Anonymous  04/06/24 Втр 15:32:18 #1121 №126695 DELETED
Too bad we didn't land him like the Chinese or the Iranians. I'm so fucking sick of this cuckoldry.
Anonymous  04/06/24 Втр 23:01:23 #1122 №126696 DELETED
Сасай хуй, чувырло.
Anonymous  05/06/24 Срд 00:52:59 #1123 №126697 DELETED
something new

the expected evolution of warfare:
- infantry in exoskeletons
- ai fighters and ai bombers
- unmanned tanks on gravity pads
- giant humanoid mechs with plasma
Anonymous  05/06/24 Срд 03:14:17 #1124 №126698 DELETED
Britain is in danger. How do we respond, britbros?
Anonymous  05/06/24 Срд 04:09:46 #1125 №126699 DELETED
There is no such thing as propoganda, there is national interest. (с) Anonymous Dvatcher, 4:00 a.m
Anonymous  05/06/24 Срд 04:11:25 #1126 №126700 DELETED
The collective west is a collective interest. (с) Anonymous Dvatcher, 4:03 a.m
Anonymous  05/06/24 Срд 04:13:28 #1127 №126701 DELETED
Truth and morality are relative when it comes to the national interest. (с) Anonymous Dvatcher, 4:05 a.m
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  05/06/24 Срд 10:18:59 #1128 №126702 DELETED
Anonymous  05/06/24 Срд 12:58:31 #1129 №126703 DELETED
Portugal's merchandise supplies to Russia increased by 7% over the year https://www.gazeta.ru/business/news/2024/06/05/23175781.shtml

Thus, Portuguese companies' profits rose by 7%, which they will keep in their giant rocks in which they live.
Anonymous  05/06/24 Срд 13:24:50 #1130 №126704 DELETED
Of course, it looks sovl, but when you realize that there may be problems with pipes, sewage, clean water, lack of gas, low-speed internet, you have to walk for groceries and not wait for them lying on the couch, this sovl disappears after a month of living in such a house. Thanks, bros, but I'd rather live in the commiblock.
Anonymous  05/06/24 Срд 15:16:46 #1131 №126708 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)
Anonymous  05/06/24 Срд 15:55:36 #1132 №126709 DELETED
Ban yourself
Anonymous  05/06/24 Срд 16:01:40 #1133 №126710 DELETED
I found a strange video.
There are a lot of LGBT flags. This kind of unhealthy centrism on minorities is scary. It's so vivid and intrusive, as if other people besides LGBT don't exist.
Anonymous  05/06/24 Срд 16:28:00 #1134 №126711 DELETED
Btw, it's okay if a tipsy person wishes you well. Hmmm... I'm embarrassed for him, though.
Anonymous  05/06/24 Срд 17:38:33 #1135 №126714 DELETED
>>126705 (OP)
Anonymous  05/06/24 Срд 18:17:16 #1136 №126719 DELETED
Hippity hoppity, Lebanese territory south of the Litani is about to become Israeli property. At least temporarily.
Anonymous  05/06/24 Срд 19:13:05 #1137 №126722 DELETED
>you have to walk for groceries and not wait for them lying on the couch
Are you this man?
Anonymous  05/06/24 Срд 19:26:41 #1138 №126723 DELETED
>The out of nowhere Coronavirus that weakened the economy (mostly western).
>Hot spots and total global destabilization from Africa to Oceania.
It seems like a conspiracy of people not wanting to buy greenbacks (aka candy wrappers not backed by gold) and Lockhead Martin (and other companies) stock, to the detriment of their economy, to keep the US economic bubble from bursting.
Anonymous  05/06/24 Срд 19:49:55 #1139 №126724 DELETED
Yes, that's me.
I can buy anything I want, from fresh ground beef and tomatoes to furniture and over-the-counter medications at the drugstore. Without leaving my cozy commieblock.
And if I want to throw out the garbage, I just get up from the sofa, put aside my Wacom drawing tablet, from which I view Dvatch, put on my slippers, take a garbage bag, go to the entrance and throw it into a special garbage chute - one of the best inventions of the USSR. The bag drops smoothly into a special garbage can, and the Azerbaijani from downstairs unloads it into the garbage truck every morning at 8 o'clock.
Anonymous  05/06/24 Срд 19:53:37 #1140 №126725 DELETED
Only weaklings go to the store with their feet.
Anonymous  05/06/24 Срд 19:56:27 #1141 №126726 DELETED
insert Obese Americans on Scooters at Wallmart footage
Anonymous  05/06/24 Срд 20:01:54 #1142 №126727 DELETED
Kek lol
Anonymous  05/06/24 Срд 20:23:08 #1143 №126728 DELETED
>special garbage chute - one of the best inventions
Как же. Там. Воняет.
Anonymous  05/06/24 Срд 20:26:30 #1144 №126729 DELETED
There's a special ventilation system.
Anonymous  05/06/24 Срд 20:30:34 #1145 №126731 DELETED
Anonymous  05/06/24 Срд 20:46:48 #1146 №126733 DELETED
how is he wrong? mcdonalds could have stayed in russia, but it betrayed its loyal customers
Anonymous  05/06/24 Срд 20:47:38 #1147 №126734 DELETED
this action is misunderstood by foreigners
he's not protesting because he won't get a coke and a burger, he's protesting because he's been betrayed
Anonymous  06/06/24 Чтв 00:06:24 #1148 №126736 DELETED
Рассадник крыс, мух, антисанитария и вонь. Сколько лет твоему дому? Расплата за годы сранья отходами в железную трубку всем подъездом - это въедливая вонь, которую источают жилища этих несчастных.
Anonymous  06/06/24 Чтв 01:12:04 #1149 №126738 DELETED
McDonalds is franchising company, it doesn't own the fast food joints/restaurants in Russia neither in Portugal. He is being betrayed by a brand. He will eat the same goyslop with recipe of McDonalds. McDonalds can even return after this special paintball operation. Now if he survives before their return in time with that obesity, I'm not sure.
Anonymous  06/06/24 Чтв 01:42:48 #1150 №126739 DELETED
>Russian/Ukrainian languages ... are forbidden ITT
Anonymous  06/06/24 Чтв 04:56:32 #1151 №126740 DELETED
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  06/06/24 Чтв 07:19:25 #1152 №126741 DELETED
Пiшов нахуй, гной.
Anonymous  06/06/24 Чтв 08:31:14 #1153 №126742 DELETED
He's just stupid, you should have noticed by now.
Anonymous  06/06/24 Чтв 10:18:13 #1154 №126744 DELETED
The Ukrainian Energy Ministry has accused the British newspaper Financial Times of working for Russia, the Ukrainian daily Strana has quoted the ministry's statement as saying.
Earlier, the Financial Times newspaper, citing Ukrainian officials, reported that Ukraine should prepare “for life in cold and darkness”, the country's residents will be without light for most of the day by winter.

“The Financial Times article titled ‘Russia has destroyed more than half of Ukraine's energy sector’ has signs of an information and psychological operation, is manipulative in nature and promotes the narratives of the enemy” - Strana said in its Telegram channel.

Anonymous  06/06/24 Чтв 10:20:52 #1155 №126745 DELETED
Anonymous  06/06/24 Чтв 10:26:57 #1156 №126746 DELETED

Ukraine's Energy Ministry says it has lost half of its energy infrastructure (July 2023)

Anonymous  06/06/24 Чтв 11:17:00 #1157 №126747 DELETED
Anonymous  06/06/24 Чтв 11:43:22 #1158 №126748 DELETED
This you and your Ukraine do not confuse, pidoran, brushes with atomizers of liquid shown on the scheme >>126731 you have still taken away for scrap metal in the 90s.
Anonymous  06/06/24 Чтв 14:32:52 #1159 №126749 DELETED
А вот и мелкая шлюшка подсосала, кек.
Anonymous  06/06/24 Чтв 14:35:41 #1160 №126750 DELETED
Я твою украину вместе с твоей матерью блядищей у тебя на спине ебал, пиггерок.
Anonymous  06/06/24 Чтв 15:01:05 #1161 №126751 DELETED
The underpaid MCST employee, that's you?
Anonymous  06/06/24 Чтв 15:08:58 #1162 №126752 DELETED
The Tisa River through which Ukrainians escaped or attempted to escape from military service in Romania is now officially mined along the Ukrainian coast.

Anonymous  06/06/24 Чтв 15:28:48 #1163 №126754 DELETED
Anonymous  06/06/24 Чтв 17:30:43 #1164 №126755 DELETED
Is it fashionable to thank the englishmans in this thread?
Thanks, englishmans. Now I can build my dream computer and play the newfangled cool game Quake II, with maximum graphics settings!!!

Also, better than DosBox\DosBox-x. If only because PCRem gives access to the specific hardware of those years, not the methods they used (DosBox).
Anonymous  06/06/24 Чтв 19:14:53 #1165 №126757 DELETED
Dushu tvoyu yebal, ashton-chertillo mocheratorsky bitch.
Anonymous  06/06/24 Чтв 19:16:33 #1166 №126758 DELETED
My deskmate will squeal like a bitch when he finds out I'm running Unreal Tournament 1999 at 60FPS!1!
Too bad it doesn't record video for some reason. Probably need to install a TV tuner and record on a VHS tape or something
Anonymous  06/06/24 Чтв 21:16:21 #1167 №126759 DELETED
no, mcdonalds owned and operated their stores in russia directly and did not franchise
although they actively use this model outside of russia and the usa, over 80% of their business is franchise
i am a former employee of the mcdonalds main office in moscow i had a good job for five years, now i work at vkusno i tochka and it's just as good a job

you are also missing some facts about this fat man's action: none of the ordinary customers of the restaurant at that time knew that nothing would change with the departure of mcdonalds, nothing has changed except the branding, some items have become better, more fries for the same price, burgers became cheaper because the money stopped going outside russia
the taste of the burgers hasn't changed because russian mcdonalds suppliers have always been russian, and the new dobry cola is made at the same plant using the same recipe sold to them by coca-cola

the reason for this is this: what is mcdonalds? It's patented “fast, cheap and tasty” technology, proprietary equipment, and a fine-tuned production line.
when mcdonald's was leaving it could have violated the rf law on labor protection and paid a huge fine exceeding all costs, instead it decided to sell its restaurants and its technology to a new owner, but with the condition that vkusno i tochka will not open a business in those regions of the world where mcdonald's is located
Anonymous  06/06/24 Чтв 21:40:26 #1168 №126760 DELETED
and mcdonalds was a full-fledged owner of the restaurants because
russia is one of the few countries where it is possible to create a full cycle of production and logistics. i remember back in the late noughties, there was an advertisement where mcdonald's invited everyone to visit its organic farms (in russia), because in addition to restaurants, mcdonald's owned one of the largest potato farms (tilitskaya) and one of the largest livestock farms (yucca) in russia.
in short, russia also had its own mcdonald's culture, both corporate and consumer; there were even regional exclusives for russia, such as mcflurry with cranberries and honey, or a burger with kebab flavor, rolls with chicken and mushrooms, happpy meal with characters from popular russian cartoons, such as masha and the bear or fixiki, and many other based things
Anonymous  06/06/24 Чтв 21:42:10 #1169 №126761 DELETED
Isn't dosbox enough for gaming?
Anonymous  06/06/24 Чтв 22:11:17 #1170 №126762 DELETED
Anonymous  06/06/24 Чтв 22:12:46 #1171 №126763 DELETED

Now if I were a shareholder in Russian McDonald's, I'd be bitterly disappointed that the board weren't maximising my fucking value by starting a property racket.
Anonymous  07/06/24 Птн 14:22:48 #1172 №126768 DELETED
not a bad analytics, but the author deliberately emphasizes that fast food is of secondary importance to the company, and supposedly real estate comes first. it isn't. the core of the company is mcdonald's research and development (mr&d) department , where about 200 people spend 8 hours every day developing a new flavor for a new burger, patenting technologies and “conveyor belt” for production, everything else directly depends on it
mcdonald's as a real estate brand is nothing without its burgers, just as the burgers are nothing without their real estate
brand is a complex system of rules, internal processes, external perception and much more than just an illusion (as fans of practicality assure)
Anonymous  07/06/24 Птн 14:23:44 #1173 №126769 DELETED
Anonymous  07/06/24 Птн 14:44:37 #1174 №126770 DELETED
in addition to the funny fatboy bear, there have also been cases like this:
mcdonald's haters have covered mcdonald's with stickers with words that can be literally translated as “get the fuck out of here"
there are also many such mcdonald's haters in russia, from ordinary citizens to editorial boards of major media outlets, which have repeatedly organized information attacks against the company and conducted aggressive investigations into the harm of the fast food sold at mcdonalds
sometimes it was served up under the sauce of “american mcdonalds is poisoning us for profit” or something like that

ok, there's too much mcdonalds in the room from me, sorry
Anonymous  07/06/24 Птн 18:08:38 #1175 №126776 DELETED
⚡️ Grandfather lost two grandchildren and dogs with whom he was walking in the woods, but as he is after a stroke he is confused in words.
They are being searched by drones with thermal imaging cameras, a helicopter, Liza Alert, police, Rosguard and dvatchers (without leaving home, of course).
https://2ch.hk/b/res/305622365.html (live)
https://arhivach.top/thread/1024114/ (past)
Anonymous  07/06/24 Птн 18:14:03 #1176 №126777 DELETED
iIt's unstable, unfortunately.
Anonymous  07/06/24 Птн 18:54:53 #1177 №126778 DELETED
List of missing children in Tyumen for 20 years. Some were found dead.
Putin called Russia the center of European values Anonymous  07/06/24 Птн 19:44:19 #1178 №126779 DELETED
Russia is becoming the center of traditional European culture and traditional European values. This was announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin at the plenary session of SPIEF (St. Petersburg International Economic Forum).

Anonymous  07/06/24 Птн 21:14:24 #1179 №126780 DELETED
fuck yea
all that's left is to put these words into practice
Anonymous  07/06/24 Птн 22:53:43 #1180 №126781 DELETED
Anonymous  08/06/24 Суб 10:53:21 #1181 №126783 DELETED
Anonymous  08/06/24 Суб 11:46:35 #1182 №126784 DELETED
I thought about posting the sad outcome here, but the kids were found.
>Allegedly, the kids were in the woods eating quail eggs and grass. They slept in the arms of dogs.
5 days in the woods.
Anonymous  08/06/24 Суб 13:52:49 #1183 №126785 DELETED
Finished, it's finished, nearly finished, it must be nearly finished.
Anonymous  08/06/24 Суб 15:12:17 #1184 №126787 DELETED
Just imagine this old man with trembling hands examining the button he unscrewed from the nuclear case.
Anonymous  08/06/24 Суб 15:20:21 #1185 №126788 DELETED
Anonymous  08/06/24 Суб 17:13:47 #1186 №126789 DELETED
Today is exactly one year since the beginning of the famous Ukrainian counter-offensive with an advertising budget of several Hollywood movies.
Anonymous  08/06/24 Суб 17:21:40 #1187 №126790 DELETED
Anonymous  08/06/24 Суб 17:38:54 #1188 №126791 DELETED
Ukrainians launch Soviet Yak-52 airplanes to shoot down Russian ZALA drones. One pilot, the other a gunner with an AK rifle.
Anonymous  08/06/24 Суб 18:09:55 #1189 №126793 DELETED
Anonymous  08/06/24 Суб 18:41:41 #1190 №126795 DELETED
Not to worry: brave, heroic Jake Sullivan will dive into action and de-escalate everything into a dull beige mass.

The press secretary of the White House reports with great sadness and sorrow that today, at 8 a.m., after suffering through an incurable disease, without regaining consciousness, Joe Biden has started his work as the President of the United States of America.
Anonymous  08/06/24 Суб 20:48:35 #1191 №126796 DELETED
Anonymous  08/06/24 Суб 21:34:27 #1192 №126797 DELETED

ignore the fool above
Anonymous  09/06/24 Вск 00:11:13 #1193 №126800 DELETED
Any luck with discord?
Anonymous  09/06/24 Вск 10:00:35 #1194 №126802 DELETED
Anonymous  09/06/24 Вск 10:05:52 #1195 №126803 DELETED
Account age
Anonymous  09/06/24 Вск 11:21:46 #1196 №126805 DELETED
Anonymous  09/06/24 Вск 15:17:29 #1197 №126806 DELETED
Try now.
Anonymous  09/06/24 Вск 16:35:51 #1198 №126807 DELETED
Ooooh that looks expensive
Anonymous  09/06/24 Вск 19:50:01 #1199 №126815 DELETED
Yes, the Russians are dumb enough to put their top secret planes close to the front line so the Ukrainians can destroy them with a cheap drone. If it was a Su-37 I would believe it, but I will never believe that the Su-57 is an accidental victory for the hohols. There's a range of aircraft awesomeness that I believe in. Anything beyond that, I don't believe in. It's either CG or a secret plan by people in blue sweaters.
Anonymous  09/06/24 Вск 21:21:07 #1200 №126816 DELETED
They've been sitting there since Xmas 2022 though.
Anonymous  10/06/24 Пнд 00:12:50 #1201 №126820 DELETED
It looks quite intact. Repairs will be expensive, but not impossible for the Russian economy(lol). Just a PR action, like "Kremlin at fire!!1". Probably worked on by mambets from Kazakhstan who, like Russian liberals, get parts for drones from special services and assemble them by hand in a garage to launch them from some forest.
Anonymous  10/06/24 Пнд 04:44:51 #1202 №126822 DELETED
European gas consumers and taxpayers including specially Germans will pay for this. We pay Russian to build and maintain their air fleet, and pay Ukrainians to do more of this stuff until I don't know maybe one time - Zelensky and his team are backed into a corner to negotiate.
Anonymous  10/06/24 Пнд 10:01:30 #1203 №126823 DELETED
Anonymous  10/06/24 Пнд 11:58:29 #1204 №126825 DELETED
Anonymous  10/06/24 Пнд 17:30:40 #1205 №126827 DELETED
Anonymous  10/06/24 Пнд 18:00:22 #1206 №126829 DELETED
stupid zoomers
Anonymous  10/06/24 Пнд 19:44:34 #1207 №126830 DELETED
This looks like a fake. I've done funnier things in photoshop.
Anonymous  10/06/24 Пнд 23:59:22 #1208 №126834 DELETED
2 months of repairs at the expense of the British taxpayer.
Anonymous  11/06/24 Втр 00:04:43 #1209 №126835 DELETED
The very same non-fighting prototype that was used to test the new Su-57 engines during their development was damaged. For the armed forces, it's a zero loss. For military researchers, it is a tangible loss.
Anonymous  11/06/24 Втр 00:38:47 #1210 №126836 DELETED
Anonymous  11/06/24 Втр 02:06:57 #1211 №126837 DELETED
Anonymous  11/06/24 Втр 13:19:08 #1212 №126839 DELETED
Nothing's going to happen
Anonymous  11/06/24 Втр 17:27:22 #1213 №126840 DELETED
Ambulance personnel vs. military recruiters.
Anonymous  11/06/24 Втр 17:29:59 #1214 №126841 DELETED
Cunning military recruiters, took the ambulance employee and did not let him out of the military recruitment center, but he, citing high blood pressure called an ambulance, in which his friends arrived and began to fight for his comrade.
Anonymous  11/06/24 Втр 23:41:49 #1215 №126842 DELETED
Teenagers in US face up to 10 years in prison for defacing LGBT flag painted on pavement - Daily Mail


Thank God I'm Russian.
Anonymous  13/06/24 Чтв 11:32:10 #1216 №126846 DELETED
First time a trebuchet has been used by regular military forces since the fall of Tenochtitlan afaik.

Anonymous  13/06/24 Чтв 19:23:54 #1217 №126847 DELETED
Wtf is going on? Have the IDF gone out of control?
Anonymous  13/06/24 Чтв 23:19:15 #1218 №126848 DELETED
Anonymous  13/06/24 Чтв 23:23:21 #1219 №126849 DELETED
The T-90 is getting the Javelin. Or rather, the Javelin catches BTFO because of the new veil staging system.

Anonymous  14/06/24 Птн 18:16:44 #1220 №126851 DELETED
Anonymous  15/06/24 Суб 21:46:07 #1221 №126860 DELETED
Vova did not stoi.
Anonymous  15/06/24 Суб 22:05:29 #1222 №126861 DELETED
Anonymous  16/06/24 Вск 01:55:40 #1223 №126862 DELETED
I'd like to ask the anons from us. I hear you've got a congress that's decided to push through automatic registration for future enrollment in the draft lottery.

So.....Ready for World War III?
Anonymous  16/06/24 Вск 02:01:26 #1224 №126863 DELETED
Yeah it's disgusting to be picked up off the battlefield by a retard who forgets to tie you to something so you don't fall.
But it's still better than that >>126456

Americans who post here don't like /intpol/.
Anonymous  16/06/24 Вск 03:59:57 #1225 №126864 DELETED
Are you concerned about Jamal Tyrone and García Martinez Sanchez getting conscripted?
Anonymous  16/06/24 Вск 05:06:55 #1226 №126865 DELETED
> Are you concerned about Jamal Tyrone and García Martinez Sanchez getting conscripted?

Is this some kind of joke or am i supposed to be intimidated by athletes?
Anonymous  16/06/24 Вск 12:55:37 #1227 №126866 DELETED
You should have written "kek" but you decided to be a stuffy
Anonymous  16/06/24 Вск 12:56:46 #1228 №126867 DELETED
Literally names from the name generator I use for my Portuguese jokes.
Anonymous  16/06/24 Вск 12:57:49 #1229 №126868 DELETED
Oh dear, now you get the full 'my ancestors are smiling at me, Imperial!' treatment. The West has given me everything: an easy life with the ability to make lots of money and a permissive social environment where I can do as I please. I also live in the UK which has the class system, another exploitable loophole that gives me access to fun perks such as infinite pussy and very cheap credit. I watch the struggles of those benighted billions who live outside these golden gates with horror and disgust. If maintaining this system requires an orphan grinder in every city, so be it. If it deems nuclear war necessary to defend itself, so be it.

I don't need talking heads on the TV telling me swarms of demonic Judeonazis are massing at the border and it's our holy duty to exterminate them. I know what I have, I know what it's worth and I'll die for it if necessary.
Anonymous  16/06/24 Вск 13:00:32 #1230 №126869 DELETED
I wanted to do a post about how ISIS terrorists took over a prison in Rostov, but that ended before it could start.
Anonymous  16/06/24 Вск 13:03:21 #1231 №126870 DELETED
How do you say "stuffy" in English to a person who doesn't get jokes and becomes boring? Is "stuffy" the right word?
Anonymous  16/06/24 Вск 13:12:03 #1232 №126871 DELETED
t.Other btw
Anonymous  16/06/24 Вск 13:58:49 #1233 №126872 DELETED
'Stuffy' is more used for ignorant people with old-fashioned views who refuse to change them. The word I would use for the meaning you describe is 'dour' but it's dialect really. Another useful English word here is 'crass', meaning extremely indelicate conduct, such as cracking jokes about a large millions-slaying war which both sides are actively, visibly preparing for...
Anonymous  16/06/24 Вск 14:48:20 #1234 №126873 DELETED
Okay, I wrote those words down. I remember on tg there was a group of a Russian-speaking Brit who every day posted British profanity and other folklore with explanations of meanings and uses. Now I can't find this group. Sad.

a sign on the fence that says, "Happy Housewarming!" (C новосельем!) (advertisement of some residential complex on a fence in Ukraine)
Anonymous  16/06/24 Вск 14:53:30 #1235 №126874 DELETED
I'm just tired of being bland in this language. It doesn't fit my personality.
Anonymous  16/06/24 Вск 16:42:02 #1236 №126875 DELETED
Sure, the Mandarin would be much better.
Anonymous  16/06/24 Вск 17:42:00 #1237 №126876 DELETED
Ok. For geopolitical reasons, I think it's worth learning it, me if I'm going to produce content for export.
Anonymous  16/06/24 Вск 19:27:24 #1238 №126877 DELETED
а есть флажки с москва-сити на фоне?
Anonymous  16/06/24 Вск 21:09:01 #1239 №126881 DELETED
Anonymous  16/06/24 Вск 21:37:47 #1240 №126883 DELETED
Anonymous  16/06/24 Вск 22:43:29 #1241 №126884 DELETED
Anonymous  17/06/24 Пнд 01:12:19 #1242 №126887 DELETED
the last american soldiers killed in action were all afro-americans killed by Iraqi militia sponsored by Iran. That COD:MW2 meme of Sgt. Foley and Martinez fighting Russians will be true with current demographics.

The problem is that Russian central asian immigrants in large scale can't be recruited by Russia to fight in "kuffar/infidels wars" and there won't be time to recruit mercenaries so Ivan Ivanovich will have to fight against homossexual/non-binary white women, Afro-Americans, Indostanics and """Latin""" Americans. Prepare your arse.
Anonymous  17/06/24 Пнд 03:01:44 #1243 №126888 DELETED
A resident of the UK went to the doctors with complaints of penis injury received during sex. According to him, the accident occurred when his penis was sharply pushed into his partner's crotch. After that he heard a characteristic crunch.

The victim underwent an MRI scan. The image showed that the fracture is not directed across, but along the penis. British doctors for the first time encountered such a variation of trauma to the sexual organ.

The patient was successfully operated on. After a six-month rehabilitation period, he was able to return to a normal sexual life. The injury did not affect either the appearance of his penis or erectile function.

Earlier, a resident of Moscow decided to make a sculpture in the form of his penis and filled it with cement. To free his penis from the trap, he had to call an ambulance crew

June 16, 2024
Anonymous  17/06/24 Пнд 07:43:44 #1244 №126889 DELETED
иди на хуй, подтирач русская борда
Anonymous  17/06/24 Пнд 17:17:55 #1245 №126890 DELETED
Anonymous  17/06/24 Пнд 23:45:57 #1246 №126891 DELETED
Anonymous  18/06/24 Втр 01:17:15 #1247 №126892 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)
Hello niggers
Anonymous  18/06/24 Втр 21:24:34 #1248 №126893 DELETED
a) what's the list of NOT approved e-mail? b) Why is proton "ebil"?

2. is there any RSS feed of 2ch? b) where is the faqs page of 2ch.hk

3. https://2ch.hk/static/tracker.html# - pretty nice btw
Anonymous  18/06/24 Втр 22:29:32 #1249 №126894 DELETED
Fellas is it gay to enter the limo second? I say: yes, because if you enter the limo second, it's like you enter the woman second, and if you enter the woman second your cock gets coated in all the cum of the day and frankly speaking, there are few things gayer than aggressively smearing the ejaculate of at least one other male all over your own penis, even if it's because you're penetrating a vagina. Putin wouldn't last a day in the Zone, he'd be bummed senseless and be sleeping by the toilet if this video is any indication. Or maybe Kim is just too fat to shimmy along into the other seat?
Anonymous  18/06/24 Втр 22:39:56 #1250 №126895 DELETED
there can be some VIP protection meme that you can't seat in passenger seat behind the driver
Anonymous  18/06/24 Втр 23:21:27 #1251 №126896 DELETED
Nvidia overtakes Microsucks as most valuable stock in the world

Anonymous  18/06/24 Втр 23:23:33 #1252 №126897 DELETED
And Portuguese Football National Team sucks too
Anonymous  19/06/24 Срд 00:25:22 #1253 №126898 DELETED
Try gmail, it's fine, if your passcode doesn't come in time - check spam folder. Proton is forbidden in Russia therefore email service will not send a mail to your mail. If any trouble with that - try asking at 2ch discord and we will help you.
There's a faq for /b for example: https://2ch.hk/faq/faq_b.html
The rest of faqs follow this logic when you change b with any board you want.
Also rules if necessary - https://2ch.hk/static/rules.html
Anonymous  19/06/24 Срд 00:53:56 #1254 №126899 DELETED
It's obsolete. Someone hacked it a long time ago and no one noticed (kek).
Anonymous  19/06/24 Срд 00:57:54 #1255 №126900 DELETED
>he'd be bummed senseless and be sleeping by the toilet
Where'd you get that knowledge? In this particular case, your friendship with the Russians didn't work out so well for you.
Anonymous  19/06/24 Срд 15:44:33 #1256 №126904 DELETED
>USA canceled all meetings after Netanyahu's video message to the US administration
What's wrong?
Anonymous  19/06/24 Срд 17:52:04 #1257 №126905 DELETED
when EUR/RUB rises, I wil buy the pass. thanks.
it's insane, non-productive to fail 7 captchas in row
Anonymous  19/06/24 Срд 23:04:52 #1258 №126907 DELETED
I know some things about some things.

>Who the fuckk does he think he is? Who’s the fuckking superpower here?

Bill Clinton on Bibi in 1996.
Anonymous  20/06/24 Чтв 15:40:10 #1259 №126908 DELETED
white board says you are nigger
Anonymous  20/06/24 Чтв 22:51:08 #1260 №126909 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)

Recep Tayyip
Anonymous  21/06/24 Птн 13:05:32 #1261 №126911 DELETED
let's hope Saturday this happens.
Anonymous  21/06/24 Птн 14:52:02 #1262 №126912 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)
Hello american peoples, how are you'll doing?
Anonymous  21/06/24 Птн 18:18:22 #1263 №126913 DELETED
привет, всё харашо. я и хоть и не американецъ, но хотел бы сказать этому ёбаному обаме даю им на клыка, и гнилозубатым тоже.
Anonymous  21/06/24 Птн 19:08:18 #1264 №126914 DELETED
Моча, заплыви говном. Ах, да! Чтобы твоя мать здохла сию же секундочку, лол)
Anonymous  21/06/24 Птн 19:21:09 #1265 №126915 DELETED
dude... wow, where i can sign your petition?
Anonymous  21/06/24 Птн 19:43:04 #1266 №126916 DELETED

A very interesting article about the growing Sovietisation of the West.
Anonymous  22/06/24 Суб 23:46:49 #1267 №126927 DELETED


Anonymous  24/06/24 Пнд 09:38:01 #1268 №126939 DELETED
Not becoming schizoid or casting doubt like a Ukrainian/NAFO shill - explain why some 4 Tajiks cower themselves in fear and don't retaliate against their imminent capture while the rest of Islamist terrorist in Russia and rest of the world fight to the death like yesterday. What's wrong with these Tajiks? Sidenote: Condolences for the Russian people on the Crimea beach and Dagestan.
Anonymous  24/06/24 Пнд 14:50:20 #1269 №126940 DELETED
>>123465 (OP) + ... + DollarPrinter
Anonymous  24/06/24 Пнд 23:00:22 #1270 №126941 DELETED
Anonymous  25/06/24 Втр 01:37:05 #1271 №126942 DELETED
Anonymous  25/06/24 Втр 16:11:01 #1272 №126944 DELETED
Unironically: Persian cucks vs Turkic bulls.
Anonymous  26/06/24 Срд 20:34:59 #1273 №126947 DELETED
Anonymous  26/06/24 Срд 20:58:49 #1274 №126948 DELETED
Anonymous  26/06/24 Срд 21:07:39 #1275 №126949 DELETED
Anonymous  26/06/24 Срд 21:56:53 #1276 №126951 DELETED
Yesterday: West is sending in the PMCs

Today: East is sending in the North Koreans

Mite be coll? Be interesting to see how a cluster warhead impacts a swarm of Norks, equally interesting to see if we can counter lancets yet.
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  26/06/24 Срд 23:18:24 #1277 №126952 DELETED
Вынь хуй изо рта, гнилозубый, и утри говно с лица, когда заходишь на ДВАЧ пообщаться с русскими.
Anonymous  26/06/24 Срд 23:50:56 #1278 №126955 DELETED
Stop thinking about dicks like your Soviet leaders
Anonymous  27/06/24 Чтв 01:56:30 #1279 №126956 DELETED
this is probably an agent provocateur paid by """someone""" making these statements in Twitter then afterwards Russian media, etc mentions him or baits someone.

but Langley and Washington D.C glowies and elites probably do or continue to do the same described by him. but they aren't the ones importing more Central Asians to Russia.
Anonymous  27/06/24 Чтв 06:42:17 #1280 №126957 DELETED
Ну заплачь ещё, пидормот...
Anonymous  27/06/24 Чтв 11:17:22 #1281 №126958 DELETED
He's much more dangerous:


>Gunther worked as General Secretary of SME UNION, and before for Business Europe, in Brussels for 6 years & since 05 as development & investment consultant in Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo, Northern Macedonia, Moldova and is based in Ukraine since 2016. Gunther serves as President of Europeans for Tax Reform & twitters for ETR @GunterFehlinger

He's a representative of the Mittelstand, so he really truly is in it for the money and nothing else. He's a herald of the West, in other words, and who better to administer the cure to the East than an Austrian? You could say it's in their blood.
Anonymous  27/06/24 Чтв 16:20:47 #1282 №126959 DELETED
Вынь хуй изо рта, гнилозубый, и утри говно с лица, когда заходишь на ДВАЧ пообщаться с русскими.
Anonymous  28/06/24 Птн 01:40:01 #1283 №126963 DELETED
In the West, virtually anyone is willing to say it for free, like Joseph Borell or Lindsey Graham. And you know it very well, gentlemen. There's no point in spending state rubles to buy hatred of Russia from some unknown official - it's rubbish; the West's intentions towards the Russians are best illustrated by the two-year-old girl who died on a Crimean beach, whose body was mangled by cluster shrapnel from an ATACMS munition that was sent to the beach by a US Global Hawk drone. 153 sunbathers lie in hospital with serious injuries and 4 others will never see the light of day again. The US goal is to provoke a NATO response from Russia in order to draw it into a war in which even after victory it will suffer a "strategic defeat" as it will suffer fatal losses from which it will never recover and will sink its economy, so they are ready for any methods, even terrorist methods, as they themselves are on the verge of economic collapse. Russia's special economic operation of dedollarisation is a threat to US national security, it's time you learned that.
Anonymous  28/06/24 Птн 01:44:13 #1284 №126964 DELETED
Anonymous  28/06/24 Птн 04:58:05 #1285 №126967 DELETED
Anonymous  28/06/24 Птн 11:37:23 #1286 №126969 DELETED
Looks like the RuAF needs to upgrade its radars if they can't see the drones, wouldn't want a mid-air collision now would we :3
Anonymous  28/06/24 Птн 13:04:48 #1287 №126971 DELETED
In fact, the intensity of cooperation between the US/NATO and Ukraine is still the same as in 2013-2021: high.
Anonymous  28/06/24 Птн 21:42:29 #1288 №126976 DELETED
And that's just with AIS on. Imagine how many dark flights are occurring. Why, there's a chance there's a Global Hawk over your house right now!
Anonymous  29/06/24 Суб 21:06:48 #1289 №126980 DELETED
Anonymous  30/06/24 Вск 00:42:13 #1290 №126981 DELETED
Anonymous  30/06/24 Вск 11:42:47 #1291 №126982 DELETED
Famous person.
Anonymous  30/06/24 Вск 11:59:13 #1292 №126983 DELETED
>Wikipedia says
Anonymous  30/06/24 Вск 12:13:22 #1293 №126984 DELETED

Anonymous  30/06/24 Вск 13:18:20 #1294 №126985 DELETED
NLAW is crooked shit. Opinion?
Anonymous  30/06/24 Вск 18:29:36 #1295 №126986 DELETED
Anonymous  30/06/24 Вск 18:32:00 #1296 №126987 DELETED
Anonymous  30/06/24 Вск 18:33:35 #1297 №126988 DELETED
Anonymous  30/06/24 Вск 18:40:36 #1298 №126989 DELETED
Anonymous  30/06/24 Вск 18:50:35 #1299 №126990 DELETED
Anonymous  30/06/24 Вск 18:55:32 #1300 №126991 DELETED
"The Our Guys Band" - 1, FPV (Faggot's Pride Valet) - 0
Anonymous  30/06/24 Вск 20:38:28 #1301 №126992 DELETED
what is habr . ru ? tech russian reddit?
Anonymous  30/06/24 Вск 21:09:38 #1302 №126993 DELETED
I haven't seen anything like this on reddit:

From my personal experience, Habr turned out to be much more useful. Besides, it is not just a site with blogs, but a real helper in IT development in Russia, thanks to their free and open training conferences, which they organize very often (at least 7 times a month): https://habr.com/ru/events/

Also there is the same in usefulness and contribution https://render.ru/ dedicated to artists of 3D-graphics (also used as an analog of Artstation, but not so obvious)

The oldest, the largest minimalistic gamedev forum in the Russian-speaking segment, the platform on which all indie projects bearing the Made in Russia label are formed and grow. Generator of tons of memes and useful information about development. One of the few places where you can successfully gather a development team. Created and maintained by a Russian developer from Crytek.

The closest analog to reddit in your context is this blog site for normoids right here.
It's very fitting. Even the atmosphere and communication style of the normoid bastards is preserved.
Anonymous  30/06/24 Вск 21:13:22 #1303 №126994 DELETED
>Government Edition
Lol. Is it called something else?
Those stupid bastards still can't close the loophole in PowerShell Core 7 through which Russians can download the original Windows 11 image.
Anonymous  01/07/24 Пнд 00:39:03 #1304 №126995 DELETED
I couldn't resist translating it.

Anonymous  01/07/24 Пнд 00:45:02 #1305 №126996 DELETED
Anonymous  01/07/24 Пнд 01:44:06 #1306 №126997 DELETED
Anonymous  01/07/24 Пнд 03:37:47 #1307 №126998 DELETED
Ukrainian Aleksey Tatarov, known for a video in which he sits on a glass jar, has died on the front line

Ukrainian media reported that he was forcibly mobilized and then died of a shattered(shrapnel) wound.

Anonymous  01/07/24 Пнд 10:08:43 #1308 №126999 DELETED

Tatarov shoved that jar up his anus 16 years ago (2008).
YET. His picture from present day, when he was allegedly in the army, shows he hasn't aged a single day!

If you ask me, the average IQ to believe such a fake story is dangerously low, bordering on medical retardation. And it seems Russians on average do believe such an obviously false story :))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Anonymous  01/07/24 Пнд 10:15:29 #1309 №127000 DELETED
This is why I say that we must send ALL russians back to their country. It's for their own good. They don't belong here.
Anonymous  01/07/24 Пнд 15:03:31 #1310 №127001 DELETED

Oh... Famous Tizapidorashka... you're on my turf now. Play nice, if you know what I mean;)
Anonymous  01/07/24 Пнд 15:22:38 #1311 №127002 DELETED
Do all hohols shove a jar up their ass? Is this some new element of Ukrainian identity? I just can't keep up
Anonymous  01/07/24 Пнд 20:04:24 #1312 №127005 DELETED
Anonymous  01/07/24 Пнд 20:27:14 #1313 №127006 DELETED
Anonymous  01/07/24 Пнд 22:19:34 #1314 №127007 DELETED
Huh, the USA is in constitutional crisis. Convenient.
Anonymous  01/07/24 Пнд 22:49:04 #1315 №127008 DELETED
That's not their biggest problem.

I'm also wondering why Kanye West came to Moscow. Officially, to pick a venue for a concert in evil tyrannical Russia (isn't he afraid of condemnation from lesbians on Twitter?). Although I think he's just a political envoy for an alternative political force in the US (Republicans). Maybe this is from the ZOG theories category, but it all seems strange.
Anonymous  01/07/24 Пнд 22:50:44 #1316 №127009 DELETED
Like, that's how they communicate with Putin - through Kanye West:D
Anonymous  01/07/24 Пнд 23:09:52 #1317 №127010 DELETED
I wanted to post probably this AI generated song in the other chan - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bg5y_v-FzCo - it looks catchy. There is nothing very wrong with the lyrics right if some Ukrainian diaspora activist starts seething so hard and cancelling the website right? I dont understand Russian nor Ukrainian I will post without video webm obviously.
Anonymous  02/07/24 Втр 00:34:42 #1318 №127011 DELETED
The song is titled "Draft Dodger" and is (post-?)ironic in its subject matter.
Anonymous  02/07/24 Втр 00:41:28 #1319 №127012 DELETED
Also the famous (in 4chan) example of a draft dodger
who swam across the Tisza River: >>127000

Anonymous  02/07/24 Втр 01:02:00 #1320 №127013 DELETED
Ukrainian identity in practice
Anonymous  02/07/24 Втр 01:48:12 #1321 №127015 DELETED

Working Class Hero
Anonymous  02/07/24 Втр 06:10:22 #1322 №127018 DELETED
Anonymous  02/07/24 Втр 06:17:14 #1323 №127019 DELETED
Anonymous  02/07/24 Втр 17:18:32 #1324 №127025 DELETED
Anonymous  03/07/24 Срд 00:58:24 #1325 №127031 DELETED
Anonymous  03/07/24 Срд 13:50:58 #1326 №127036 DELETED
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 00:31:00 #1327 №127040 DELETED
left custom logo only on discord; right - normal logo in other social media and website
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 00:31:56 #1328 №127041 DELETED
There was an explosion at a Javelin and Hellfire missile manufacturing plant in the U.S.
A blue sweater was found at the scene of the tragedy.
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 01:40:28 #1329 №127042 DELETED
We can only publish news from reputable western media? Uh-huh
Okay, kek.
That's funny. If you knew why Daemon Tools developers are wanted for extremist activity in Russia...
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 01:43:34 #1330 №127043 DELETED
The little bigshit got what he deserved
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 09:28:46 #1331 №127044 DELETED
Location (Barracks) of the 13th Battalion of the Ukrainian National Guard vs. FAB-3000 (with UPMK)

Who will win?
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 09:30:28 #1332 №127045 DELETED
The $34.5 trillion U.S. national debt is the biggest threat to America

This is the conclusion reached by The National Interest analysts William Ruger and Thomas Savage.

Thoughtless spending by politicians will soon force them to cut defense spending, as a significant part of budget revenues will be spent on servicing foreign debt, the experts warn.
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 09:33:17 #1333 №127046 DELETED
They noticed their gigantic national debt, which they had not noticed for 10 years, preferring not to talk about it, because it was believed that they would be able to pay it off sooner or later (maybe in 1000 years or at the expense of other countries' economies). If they are talking about it, it means that the US feels its position in the world is weak.
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 09:39:12 #1334 №127047 DELETED
Negoda legendary Soviet enterprise Yuzhmash, is subjected to decommunization of Ukraine.
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 09:40:11 #1335 №127048 DELETED
The place from where the local Brit leaves his posts.
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 09:42:23 #1336 №127049 DELETED
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 09:43:19 #1337 №127050 DELETED
Russia was ranked among the countries with the highest incomes (according to World Bank)
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 09:49:30 #1338 №127051 DELETED
The NY Times decided that Slovo Potsana was funded by Iran because of a translation error
Apparently dumb degenerates have the acronym IRI (internet development institute) translated as Iran.
But that's okay, the crowd will eat it up.
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 09:51:13 #1339 №127052 DELETED
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 09:55:23 #1340 №127053 DELETED
Ivan Welder goes on the innovationpath
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 09:58:38 #1341 №127054 DELETED
According to Bloomberg, Russian multipurpose nuclear-powered submarines have conducted unprecedented military operations in the Irish Sea between Great Britain and Ireland.

According to the report, there have been at least two such operations, one about a year and a half ago and one more recently. The unusual presence of Russian submarines so close to the British coast forced the Ministry of Defense in London to conduct a series of maritime security operations around Britain and Ireland.

Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 10:00:24 #1342 №127055 DELETED
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 10:04:21 #1343 №127056 DELETED
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 10:05:00 #1344 №127057 DELETED
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 10:09:44 #1345 №127058 DELETED
The hohols make ukrainian subtitles for the Russian speech of their policemen 🤪
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 10:14:19 #1346 №127059 DELETED
A Portuguese Nazi who executed a Russian prisoner has been killed in a pigsty

Faggot from Portugal Rico Chavez fought in the neo-Nazi battalion "Carpathian Sich". In November 2022, the mercenary boasted photos and videos of a Russian prisoner he executed.

Hopefully he was blown to bits and suffered a long time before he died.

Lol, I thought Portuguese were swarthy like Spaniards or Romanians. That's weird. The Mandella Effect.
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 10:18:59 #1347 №127060 DELETED
Ukrainian men are waiting for total mobilization and the European authorities will help send them to the front. Some political forces in the EU naively believe that all Ukrainians support the Zelensky regime and are ready to die for it. Other authorities are simply fed up with the "zakhistniks" sitting on benefits.

The Guardian writes that even before the last wave of mobilization, more than 20,000 people left Ukraine. Ukrainian men who do not want to fight are fleeing across rivers and mountains, through border checkpoints for bribes or buying fake diagnoses with which they are allowed to go abroad.

Very interesting article, by the way. Ukrainians who fled to Russia made the right choice, and Ukrainians in Europe (according to Guardian) will later realize who their real enemy is (lmao).

Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 10:21:55 #1348 №127061 DELETED
That's right, military medics are needed at the front (the previous ones have run out).

Another violation of human rights. Why are EU feminists silent?
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 10:32:39 #1349 №127062 DELETED
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 10:38:51 #1350 №127063 DELETED
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 10:45:54 #1351 №127064 DELETED
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 10:46:52 #1352 №127065 DELETED
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 10:47:34 #1353 №127066 DELETED
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 10:59:00 #1354 №127067 DELETED
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 11:01:25 #1355 №127068 DELETED
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 11:05:06 #1356 №127069 DELETED
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 11:05:41 #1357 №127070 DELETED
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 11:08:39 #1358 №127071 DELETED
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 11:09:25 #1359 №127072 DELETED
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 11:11:36 #1360 №127073 DELETED
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 11:14:53 #1361 №127074 DELETED
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 11:23:48 #1362 №127075 DELETED
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 11:24:46 #1363 №127076 DELETED
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 11:40:18 #1364 №127077 DELETED
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 11:40:53 #1365 №127078 DELETED
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 11:41:45 #1366 №127079 DELETED
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 11:45:02 #1367 №127080 DELETED
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 11:51:34 #1368 №127081 DELETED
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 11:54:30 #1369 №127082 DELETED
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 11:55:18 #1370 №127083 DELETED
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 12:00:12 #1371 №127084 DELETED
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 12:01:53 #1372 №127085 DELETED
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 12:05:52 #1373 №127086 DELETED
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 12:08:40 #1374 №127087 DELETED
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 12:10:41 #1375 №127088 DELETED
Russian jammer for drones
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 12:11:18 #1376 №127089 DELETED
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 12:11:45 #1377 №127090 DELETED
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 12:21:41 #1378 №127091 DELETED
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 12:24:35 #1379 №127092 DELETED
Ukrainian military commissars' vehicles
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 12:33:30 #1380 №127093 DELETED
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 12:39:48 #1381 №127094 DELETED
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 18:34:13 #1382 №127096 DELETED
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 22:38:44 #1383 №127100 DELETED
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 22:39:17 #1384 №127101 DELETED
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 22:42:35 #1385 №127102 DELETED
Zelensky said he rejects the proposal for a cease-fire to start talks with Russia on conflict resolution put forward by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who visited Kiev on July 2.

Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 22:51:33 #1386 №127103 DELETED
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 22:52:07 #1387 №127104 DELETED
All right, it's a cool soundtrack
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 23:33:47 #1388 №127105 DELETED
Beethoven's 5th vs Led Zepplin's Whole Lotta Love, on cello trio(?). A rare case of both originals being better.
Anonymous  05/07/24 Птн 00:55:51 #1389 №127106 DELETED
>A rare case of both originals being better.
Never liked Beethoven or Led Zepplin. It's funny, isn't it?
I've never been a fan of Beethoven or Led Zepplin, but the mash-up from the video I think is very good. Lel.
Anonymous  05/07/24 Птн 00:58:06 #1390 №127107 DELETED
>missed a text
>missed (you)
Okay, good night :D
Anonymous  05/07/24 Птн 10:13:44 #1391 №127110 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)
Anonymous  05/07/24 Птн 12:20:04 #1392 №127112 DELETED
Rusky nigger prays 6 words
The magnet link comrades.
Anonymous  05/07/24 Птн 13:56:55 #1393 №127113 DELETED
No one here has ever figured out what your schizophrenia diagnosis is.
Anonymous  05/07/24 Птн 14:02:08 #1394 №127114 DELETED
Anonymous  05/07/24 Птн 14:23:46 #1395 №127115 DELETED
Another point of attack occurred tonight, west of Kharkiv. Given the Russian Federation's reserves on the border, this depletion of Ukrainian forces could continue for a very long time.
Casualties are mounting, mobilization in Ukraine is getting harder every day. All my Ukrainian co-players and Warface ex-friends I've been playing with since 2012 are already dead (no joke).
Anonymous  05/07/24 Птн 14:34:18 #1396 №127116 DELETED
The Russians are taking New York in pincers. The village is too important for Ukrainian ideological propaganda, so it is guarded by elite Ukrainian fighters. The village is too important for Ukrainian ideological propaganda, so it is guarded by elite Ukrainian fighters, bred in secret former Soviet laboratories using American technology: pig-man, super soldier: dexterity from man, intelligence from pig...
Anonymous  05/07/24 Птн 14:38:40 #1397 №127117 DELETED
I made the text double again.
Found out that my neural network glitches while dictating text and doesn't respond to the word erase lol. How embarrassing. I'm gonna close the browser tab because of the cringe
Anonymous  05/07/24 Птн 15:56:21 #1398 №127118 DELETED
Anonymous  05/07/24 Птн 15:56:59 #1399 №127119 DELETED
Anonymous  05/07/24 Птн 16:49:36 #1400 №127120 DELETED
Riot against Ukrainian commissars in Ivano-Frankovsk
Anonymous  05/07/24 Птн 16:54:33 #1401 №127121 DELETED
FPV training (PMC Wagner, Belarus)
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  05/07/24 Птн 18:20:45 #1402 №127122 DELETED
Anonymous  05/07/24 Птн 18:46:53 #1403 №127123 DELETED

The Russians created it in their dark secret bio-labs to enslave unsuspecting Anglo-Saxons (and eat their childrens), but later the experiment got out of hand...
Anonymous  05/07/24 Птн 18:58:59 #1404 №127124 DELETED
Sosnovsky's Heracleum is an artificially bred species based on its wild relatives. Scientists began working on the "miracle plant" in the 1940s to solve the problem of providing fodder for public herds. In the late 1950s, after corn, borschtovik began its march across the expanses of the USSR. But unlike the harmless queen of the fields, it easily grew wild and uncontrollably disturbed the ecological balance in new territories.
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  05/07/24 Птн 19:38:15 #1405 №127126 DELETED

Anonymous  05/07/24 Птн 23:50:06 #1406 №127127 DELETED
Somewhere in the occupied part of Palestine
Anonymous  06/07/24 Суб 00:16:21 #1407 №127128 DELETED
Anonymous  06/07/24 Суб 00:18:04 #1408 №127129 DELETED
Anonymous  06/07/24 Суб 00:20:15 #1409 №127130 DELETED
A failed escape to Romania
Anonymous  06/07/24 Суб 01:35:18 #1410 №127131 DELETED
This meme works without fail

Anonymous  06/07/24 Суб 02:31:20 #1411 №127132 DELETED
A squad of stormtroopers in the Russian army (usually 6 to 12 men), in photo 5, one takes a photo...
One of them now necessarily carries a backpack with antennas.
This is nothing new, earlier, during World War II, the radio operator in the unit used to run around with a huge satchel. Now it's an electronic warfare station. War is changing with the times (I'm sorry, Ron Perlman), now drones rule the battlefield. Just an interesting example of evolution.
Anonymous  06/07/24 Суб 02:35:18 #1412 №127133 DELETED
Anonymous  06/07/24 Суб 03:03:32 #1413 №127134 DELETED
Rare video. Ukrainian commissars try to mobilize an evader for the second time. Such mistakes are not uncommon in Ukraine: blind people, disabled people without legs, dead people and even people with Down's syndrome receive summonses.
Anonymous  06/07/24 Суб 13:46:10 #1414 №127135 DELETED
The first death of Ukrainian commissars

Using an unmanned aerial vehicle, unidentified people attacked a car with employees of a military recruitment center in Kharkov Region, killing four people.

"The strike was carried out in Chuguev, the investigation believes that local residents were involved, the expert said," the media outlet specified.

Anonymous  06/07/24 Суб 15:43:33 #1415 №127136 DELETED
Iron monies in ES, ain't Español, ecity, ebase, eset, east asia.
China hi, Shanghai.
Anonymous  06/07/24 Суб 16:35:57 #1416 №127137 DELETED
Anonymous  06/07/24 Суб 16:38:00 #1417 №127138 DELETED
fully russian flag thred
Anonymous  06/07/24 Суб 17:05:37 #1418 №127139 DELETED
It's nobody's fault that someone can't make a separate subsystem for Anglo-Saxon captcha.
Anonymous  06/07/24 Суб 17:09:53 #1419 №127140 DELETED
Approximately, only 5% of origin city back to china, other people is trading on the road.
Anonymous  06/07/24 Суб 17:13:54 #1420 №127141 DELETED
Don't write anything else here. Please
Anonymous  06/07/24 Суб 18:01:12 #1421 №127142 DELETED
Anonymous  06/07/24 Суб 18:02:14 #1422 №127143 DELETED
Now that's a good post.
How difficult is Chinese for you?
Anonymous  06/07/24 Суб 19:51:54 #1423 №127144 DELETED
51st state USA
Anonymous  06/07/24 Суб 20:28:09 #1424 №127145 DELETED
Anonymous  06/07/24 Суб 20:43:47 #1425 №127146 DELETED
Anonymous  06/07/24 Суб 22:52:43 #1426 №127148 DELETED
A touching story of two Ukrainian gays: the second of them, having lost his husband, was heartbroken and shot himself.
Anonymous  07/07/24 Вск 01:02:08 #1427 №127149 DELETED
上粗司機 中表示
Anonymous  07/07/24 Вск 01:13:40 #1428 №127150 DELETED
More dead hohol faggots, the freer the ukraine.
Anonymous  07/07/24 Вск 01:14:12 #1429 №127151 DELETED
Anonymous  07/07/24 Вск 01:31:33 #1430 №127152 DELETED
Anonymous  07/07/24 Вск 01:34:41 #1431 №127153 DELETED
You're a scary person.
I'm afraid of you.
Anonymous  07/07/24 Вск 03:21:00 #1432 №127155 DELETED
What's that faggot doing there?
Anonymous  07/07/24 Вск 03:24:33 #1433 №127156 DELETED
Первак плиз 人大一
Anonymous  07/07/24 Вск 03:25:41 #1434 №127157 DELETED
Ah, that's probably why...
Anonymous  07/07/24 Вск 03:26:19 #1435 №127158 DELETED
Anonymous  07/07/24 Вск 04:22:34 #1436 №127159 DELETED
"No, doctor, the war had no effect on my mental health whatsoever..."
Anonymous  07/07/24 Вск 10:54:15 #1437 №127160 DELETED
Help me.
Anonymous  07/07/24 Вск 11:16:34 #1438 №127161 DELETED
China center ticket-hills-not alchemy(Na)
Anonymous  07/07/24 Вск 11:51:55 #1439 №127163 DELETED
Ex joystick:

Anonymous  07/07/24 Вск 11:53:11 #1440 №127164 DELETED
Just wait for them to come back.
Anonymous  07/07/24 Вск 13:21:59 #1441 №127166 DELETED
This is Ukraine. Also turns out he's a drunken liar.
Anonymous  07/07/24 Вск 13:52:02 #1442 №127169 DELETED
This shit is Chinese.
Anonymous  07/07/24 Вск 14:03:07 #1443 №127171 DELETED
What kind of girly coat of arms is that?
Haha. Look how normal men live.
Anonymous  07/07/24 Вск 14:31:45 #1444 №127172 DELETED

Zieg eye, shadow base.
Anonymous  07/07/24 Вск 14:34:29 #1445 №127173 DELETED
Your English is as scary as Chinese. Are you taking your pills?
Anonymous  07/07/24 Вск 15:36:06 #1446 №127174 DELETED
Anonymous  07/07/24 Вск 15:55:31 #1447 №127175 DELETED
single language, same combos, can match it.
Anonymous  07/07/24 Вск 20:21:48 #1448 №127178 DELETED
Anonymous  07/07/24 Вск 20:27:09 #1449 №127179 DELETED
Does the UK have coat of arms as cool as this? Or is everything boring there?
Anonymous  07/07/24 Вск 20:30:01 #1450 №127180 DELETED
Anonymous  07/07/24 Вск 20:37:08 #1451 №127181 DELETED
Lol. This Oblast is twice the size of the UK, btw
Anonymous  07/07/24 Вск 21:19:37 #1452 №127182 DELETED
Anonymous  07/07/24 Вск 22:06:08 #1453 №127183 DELETED
No such luck
Anonymous  07/07/24 Вск 22:41:56 #1454 №127184 DELETED
Some guy's house near Belgorod.

Yes, several.

It's in the boardgame 'Risk' so it's one of the parts of Russia that people know about.
Anonymous  07/07/24 Вск 23:50:34 #1455 №127185 DELETED
>boardgame 'Risk'
Hasbro... They're the ones who killed the old X-Com.
Actually, Irkutsk is a very nice city, quieter, cozier and better than Moscow (where I live). I traveled to Irkutsk for almost two weeks by train, and I really liked it there in terms of quality of life. The only downside to Irkutsk is its mediocre posters in 4chan and the hostile fauna in the forests that require gun control.
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 00:24:45 #1456 №127186 DELETED
>Yes, several.

Yeah, I like it. Especially the second one (They must have left behind quite a few precious artifacts and abandoned forts.). Interesting coat of arms school.
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 00:56:05 #1457 №127187 DELETED
>Some guy's house near Belgorod.
Yeah, I remembered that video. It dates back to the fall of 2022, shortly before the mobilization of reservists, the year when Russian troops withdrew from Kherson and the Ukrainian media segment promoted a meme (which turned into an information war) claiming that Ukrainian troops were already on the outskirts of Belgorod. The "Belgorod Republic" invented by Ukrainian prop-media, photos of Ukrainian military with BNR flags, etc. The administrator of your favorite channel has nothing else to post.

Of course, I don't rule out that it's some random Ukrainian, of which there are up to 2% of the total population in this region.
( https://www.belpressa.ru/society/drugoe/19333.html# )
But I'm more inclined to conclude that it was filmed on Ukrainian territory at that time.
We have also witnessed blackmail of civilians in Russia by Ukrainian security services: "If you don't set fire to a police car, a drone will fly into your house and kill your children" or "If you don't call the airport and say it's booby-trapped, we'll kill your mother". This is the reason why Russian servicemen wear masks.
The SBU uses some pretty dirty methods because they are not capable of anything else. Blowing up a war correspondent in an IRA-style cafe is their style too.
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 01:31:32 #1458 №127188 DELETED
>The administrator of your favorite channel has nothing else to post.
They also like to pass off Russian killcams as Ukrainian ones. Because content is money. It matters what the plebs want, and the plebs want entertainment: the main thing is to smear the watermark of the Russian channel in tg. And it's absolutely hilarious when some Canadian retard tries to troll me with "Watch your friends die", and the drone interface is in Russian, and dudes with blue stripes on their sleeves are dying below.

Ukrainians don't have "Lower Light On" when dropping a grenade. This is a feature only of Russian drones (which were converted from industrial drones). Of course, there are exceptions when Ukrainians can steal Russian drones, but firstly, they are encrypted and it is not easy to get access to them without special equipment and specialist, secondly, Russians use damaged drones as traps for Ukrainian infantry, so they don't try to take them back after shooting them down.
The Ukrainians don't produce their own drones (Baba Yaga is based on a Chinese agricultural drone), so the interface on them is English.
There are professional drones produced by Russian companies such as Joker, Upyr, Ultimatum and Perun (heavy cargo drone), they all have Russian interface, and there are artisanal ones such as VT-40 and Murz, they can use English interface because of foreign components, but are assembled in Russia by a group of independent volunteers in unknown locations, have characteristic interference from TV antenna during flight. The Ukrainians have a similar one that works on the same principle and has the same TV interference. The main thing is not to mix it up, or you can accidentally gloat over British "mercenaries" and there will be a big cringe, especially if you show it to a Russian or something like that. But administrators of English-language channels can rejoice, because in this case the content for the stupid uneducated English-speaking audience is doubled.
The Murz drone (photo 2) also has a large inscription at the top of the screen "MYR3" or "MURZ" or something beginning with M.
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 01:43:41 #1459 №127189 DELETED
"Lower Light On"
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 01:52:49 #1460 №127190 DELETED
Both VT-40s. The difference is the camera mount. In the interface of the first one it says VT-40, in the interface of the second one it says Sudny Den' (Judgment Day) - the name of the volunteer group that assembles them.
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 02:15:16 #1461 №127191 DELETED
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 02:18:12 #1462 №127192 DELETED
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 02:45:41 #1463 №127193 DELETED
Mariupol is rising from the ashes, but there is more work to be done, although the BBC won't show even that because it's not in the interests of British propaganda.
Russians are evil occupiers who personally rape all Ukrainian feminists on twitter, how can they build and give someone free housing? They can only destroy, because they are hordes of orcs, under the prevarication of an insane dwarf from the KGB! What will the ordinary Harry who watches this over a mug of beer in a pub on the outskirts of Belfast say? "Hey dudes, look, they're building it like it's their territory and those dudes are their people?" No, he'll say he's not Harry, he's Rory O'Neill, and he's Irish, and he's not interested in politics, he's just here to watch soccer and there's some weird shit going on... some houses... "spits after a sip, damn it! Bloody Brits and their shitty beer! One day King Brien will rise from the dead to PUNISH' them for it!!"
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 12:00:45 #1464 №127194 DELETED
The "Patriot" SAM is dead

Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 12:02:34 #1465 №127195 DELETED
Is dead in KYYEEFV

Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 12:36:30 #1466 №127196 DELETED
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 12:51:03 #1467 №127197 DELETED
Concussion and lifetime payments.
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 13:39:47 #1468 №127198 DELETED
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 14:02:43 #1469 №127199 DELETED
S-300 SAM shrapnel fragments.
But the BBC will say it's the evil horrible bloodthirsty Russians deliberately shooting at apartment buildings.
The S-300 can't shoot down Kinzhals and that needs to be accepted as fact.
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 14:16:09 #1470 №127201 DELETED
>the hostile fauna in the forests that require gun control.
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 14:16:55 #1471 №127202 DELETED
Oops, wrong video
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 14:24:32 #1472 №127203 DELETED
Wow, that's not all, it turns out. Two Kalibers in the video, judging by the sound of the engine.
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 15:49:16 #1473 №127204 DELETED
Patriot PAC-3 (anti-aircraft missile).

Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 15:52:32 #1474 №127205 DELETED
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 18:51:00 #1475 №127207 DELETED
It's at tiger, always was a tiger....sigh
Why do we have this scuffed bobr kurva instead of magnificent Amur tiger....
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 19:04:14 #1476 №127209 DELETED
"Babr" in Old Russian and Turkic languages meant "tiger". Curiously, the word "tiger" in Yakut was pronounced in the same way, only a little longer - "baabyr".
It's embarrassing not to know.
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 19:35:17 #1477 №127210 DELETED
Yeah, you're right, I guess.
It was an AIM-120 from NASAMS.
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 19:37:12 #1478 №127211 DELETED
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 20:34:13 #1479 №127212 DELETED
Children with cancer forced out of the hospital after Russians terrorists bombed it
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 21:07:04 #1480 №127213 DELETED
The Russian army destroyed the air defense headquarters of Kiev and Kiev region the other day

The situation around the leadership of the Ukrainian Air Force is rapidly heating up - following Maryana Bezugla ( https://t.me/ukraina_ru/207760 ), well-known Ukrainian Nazi Igor Mosiychuk* has started talking about their total lies.

According to Mosiychuk, the AFU command "methodically lies, hides arrivals, casualties".

As an example, the nationalist cited a "literally recent arrival in Vasylkiv (Kiev region)" where "a large number of military personnel were killed." According to Mosiychuk, the arrival hit the headquarters of the ΠΒΟ Κiiva and Κiivcκοy οblacti, the command center.

Mosiychuk's statement is very similar to the truth - judging by today's video ( https://t.me/ukraina_ru/207729 ), Ukrainian air defense could not intercept a single missile flying at the Artem plant. At the same time, NASAMS SAMs fired quite successfully at a children's clinic. ( https://t.me/ukraina_ru/207755 )

Thus, it seems that the actions of Ukrainian air defense in the Kiev region today were hardly coordinated, hence this result.


Tizabros, how do we respond to this brazen lie?
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 21:15:42 #1481 №127214 DELETED
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 21:21:11 #1482 №127215 DELETED
that's for crimea and belgorod, pidorashka
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 21:36:20 #1483 №127216 DELETED
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 21:37:55 #1484 №127217 DELETED
Russians celebrating the attack on children sick with cancer.
But maybe its not the children who are sick, but the Russian people who are sick. Very sick.
Hopefully we'll find a miracle drug to cure you. May God bring light and kindness into your soul. Amen.
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 21:41:36 #1485 №127218 DELETED
Why did you run away from the war to Romania, leaving your country unprotected, Tizapidorashka? You're a reference coward.
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 21:44:11 #1486 №127219 DELETED
just like the ukrainians celebrated the 15 dead in belgorod and 150 maimed in crimea, just shut the fuck up retard, just as for 10 years they rejoiced over the murdered children in donetsk and luhansk
this also
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 21:52:39 #1487 №127220 DELETED
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 21:53:01 #1488 №127221 DELETED
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 22:00:31 #1489 №127222 DELETED
A hohol recognized army stew at the market that was banned for sale; when asked by the seller, she replied that the stew had been sold to her by an AFU commander in Kramatorsk. And then you hear tearful statements from captured hohols that they are being poorly fed.
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 22:12:22 #1490 №127223 DELETED
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 22:14:36 #1491 №127224 DELETED
&(᨟ ͜● ᨟)&
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 22:23:30 #1492 №127225 DELETED
A cool new old man mask for evading Ukrainian military commissars.
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 22:27:25 #1493 №127226 DELETED
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 22:30:31 #1494 №127227 DELETED
The French, as always. Two cents more on the price of tomatoes? We should fuck up half the country and kill a few people.
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 22:32:15 #1495 №127228 DELETED
Elite of Ukraine
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 22:35:17 #1496 №127229 DELETED
>Ukrainians fenced the Tiza River with barbed wire to prevent anyone else from escaping to Romania

Oh no no no no, Tizabro, how will you get home now?
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 22:46:13 #1497 №127230 DELETED
I'm of Romanian ethnicity, a citizen of Romania who has lived in Romania my entire life.
I hope that helps. Alternatively if you want, I can provide proof in the form of very colorful and explicit swearing aimed at you, your mother, your church, your gods, your religion, your country, your entire lineage - dead or alive - and your ethnicity.
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 22:50:27 #1498 №127231 DELETED
Your people invaded all of your neighbors.
Its for a reason why everybody celebrates Russians dying.
Nobody cares about you. Everybody hates you and will hate you for many generations to come.

And what's more important we will make sure to propagate that hatred of Russians for many decades. This isn't like WW2, there's thousands of videos showcasing the true nature of Russians. Your crimes, your killings, your rapes, your thievery.

And we will show that to people again and again and again until you'll be ashamed to publicly admit that you're a Russian.

"Russian" will be a curse word.
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 22:51:33 #1499 №127232 DELETED
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 22:51:57 #1500 №127233 DELETED
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 22:53:31 #1501 №127234 DELETED
I'd believe this bullshit if you weren't throwing Desuarchive around in 4chan with Russian jannies writing under other people's flags and what they write. Take a walk baby.
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 22:54:05 #1502 №127235 DELETED
Everybody knows that this happens explicitly because what the Russians did. People don't hate Ukrainians for resorting to extreme measures in order to survive the invasion from a pack of genocidal rusnazis.

Everybody blames you, Russians.
We will never accept you. That opportunity is long gone.
Enjoy decades of isolation :)
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 23:10:24 #1503 №127236 DELETED
>I know where you live ;)
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 23:10:51 #1504 №127237 DELETED
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 23:14:33 #1505 №127238 DELETED
Another car of the Ukrainian commissar was destroyed. Note the rear window. Fair enough.
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 23:18:13 #1506 №127239 DELETED
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 23:19:26 #1507 №127240 DELETED
Putin took Modi for a ride in his little carlet.
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 23:25:58 #1508 №127241 DELETED
The missile came from the west side, if you check this place with Google maps and it's called AIM-120 NASAMS, which ran out of fuel because it couldn't shoot down Kinzhal. There's also shrapnel damage typical of an American air defense missile. The X-101 (According to Ukrainian media) has no shrapnel in its warhead, this missile is for destroying fortified bunkers.

You lost, get over it.
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 23:42:31 #1509 №127242 DELETED
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 23:47:01 #1510 №127243 DELETED
Lol. Why do creatures with that kind of build get tattoos?
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 23:50:35 #1511 №127244 DELETED
Tank shell
The probability of this happening is 100000 : 1
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 23:52:14 #1512 №127245 DELETED
Anonymous  09/07/24 Втр 00:14:20 #1513 №127247 DELETED
I don't get it, where are the lauded Patriot SAMs over Kiev? Finished?
Anonymous  09/07/24 Втр 01:16:36 #1514 №127248 DELETED
>The Artem plant. Closed forever.
Anonymous  09/07/24 Втр 01:42:16 #1515 №127249 DELETED
Anonymous  09/07/24 Втр 01:45:10 #1516 №127250 DELETED
Anonymous  09/07/24 Втр 01:47:20 #1517 №127251 DELETED
Anonymous  09/07/24 Втр 12:32:07 #1518 №127255 DELETED
That guy filming seems to approve.
Anonymous  09/07/24 Втр 12:59:09 #1519 №127258 DELETED
He said he saw five missiles and heard a sixth and they all hit the Artem military plant. (Military plant assembles air-to-air missiles)

The Russian Defense Ministry also called the strike on a children's hospital near the plant the result of shoddy work by Ukrainian air defense. I guess if they wanted to destroy children, they would have said so.

There are also 0 dead children, according to Ukrainian sources.
Anonymous  09/07/24 Втр 13:07:22 #1520 №127260 DELETED
>There are also 0 dead children
AA missiles are not very destructive.
Anonymous  09/07/24 Втр 13:18:54 #1521 №127261 DELETED
Yes, but there is shrapnel damage to nearby objects, inherent in anti-aircraft missiles, which is very dangerous. Also, a number of non-children were killed.
According to wikipedia, 10 people died. Yes, hohols, as we know, have already rushed to use wikipedia as documentation of everything that happens to them, rather than as an informative encyclopedia. Wikipedia has become the personal diary of hohols. "Dear diary, today the damned rusnya shelled me 8 times, I'm running out of pants [link to source that proves the pants are running out]".
Anonymous  09/07/24 Втр 13:19:19 #1522 №127262 DELETED
Anonymous  09/07/24 Втр 15:58:35 #1523 №127265 DELETED
No opticians left in Russia?

The funniest part is that you people just do not have the balls to fight a dirty war properly. You can't even admit to yourselves that you're fighting a war of strategic attrition where destroying civilian infrastructure plays a huge part, and most tellingly: where was the double-tap? What better target can you possibly imagine than a site full of police. paramedics, soldiers and firemen? It's right up there with 'funeral of the Islamist you killed yesterday' in terms of target-rich environments. Stop committing such bitchy atrocities and do it properly!
Anonymous  09/07/24 Втр 16:47:30 #1524 №127269 DELETED
NOYOU-answer below.

Wrong. Look, this is you who doesnt have any balls to admit that Russians fight this dirty war properly. We gonna cut your bollocks so long and so lazy way, you probably die until its finished.
Anonymous  09/07/24 Втр 19:32:06 #1525 №127271 DELETED
Pidorashka, you do realize that the X-101 is much shorter in proportions than the crap you showed? That shit you're showing is a Ukrainian CG-craft.
Also, the X-101 has no defeat elements (the shrapnel, which was discovered by the first eyewitnesses). This shrapnel is used in the S-300 and PAC-3.
Anonymous  09/07/24 Втр 19:34:13 #1526 №127272 DELETED
Yes, of course the Russian Armed Forces will definitely unchitotize children to give Ukrainian propoganda a big gift. You're so stupid.
Anonymous  09/07/24 Втр 19:35:47 #1527 №127273 DELETED
P - proportions
Anonymous  09/07/24 Втр 19:37:18 #1528 №127274 DELETED
Anonymous  09/07/24 Втр 19:58:43 #1529 №127275 DELETED
tou have x-55 in your picture, Ukrainian press claims that there were no such missiles, only x-101
Anonymous  09/07/24 Втр 19:59:36 #1530 №127276 DELETED
don't you guys think anything's weird?
Anonymous  09/07/24 Втр 20:08:32 #1531 №127277 DELETED
there's a lot of inconsistencies
Anonymous  09/07/24 Втр 20:19:02 #1532 №127278 DELETED
kek)) Generated through the neural network
<-I can also do this, anyone, Johnny Faggots will believe it if you show it to him on CNN
Anonymous  09/07/24 Втр 20:26:32 #1533 №127279 DELETED
is that a generative photoshop fill?
not bad,but I think that cipso is staffed by people who have ready-made tools and presets for all occasions, 3d-assets, plus unlimited access to american neural networks
Anonymous  09/07/24 Втр 20:29:13 #1534 №127280 DELETED
>is that a generative photoshop fill?
>cipso is staffed by people who have ready-made tools
Of course. I'm just a bug in the big world
Anonymous  09/07/24 Втр 21:03:21 #1535 №127281 DELETED
Ukrainian sources confirm air defense failures yesterday [in Dnipro, not Kiev]

A video has emerged of yesterday's arrival of a heavy Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile at the private Isida maternity hospital in Kiev, killing 7 people. It happened during an attempt to hit Russian UAVs that were controlling the results of the morning launches. [in Dnipro, not Kiev]

Anonymous  09/07/24 Втр 21:09:23 #1536 №127282 DELETED
>[in Dnipro, not Kiev]
No, it's in Kiev, I got it wrong.
Anonymous  09/07/24 Втр 21:13:18 #1537 №127283 DELETED
Go get some sleep, retard
Anonymous  09/07/24 Втр 23:31:50 #1538 №127285 DELETED
Do you have any objections?
Anonymous  09/07/24 Втр 23:36:14 #1539 №127286 DELETED
The children's hospital is called Okhmatdet. You can find it on Google Maps.
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 10:43:53 #1540 №127288 DELETED
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 10:44:44 #1541 №127289 DELETED
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 10:45:24 #1542 №127290 DELETED
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 10:46:21 #1543 №127291 DELETED
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 10:47:49 #1544 №127292 DELETED
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 11:00:41 #1545 №127293 DELETED
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 11:01:12 #1546 №127294 DELETED
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 11:02:08 #1547 №127295 DELETED
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 11:05:27 #1548 №127296 DELETED
>Just atmospheric
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 11:06:32 #1549 №127297 DELETED
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 11:07:06 #1550 №127298 DELETED
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 11:07:37 #1551 №127299 DELETED
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 11:18:37 #1552 №127300 DELETED
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 11:21:04 #1553 №127301 DELETED
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 11:23:21 #1554 №127302 DELETED
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 11:23:42 #1555 №127303 DELETED
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 11:24:18 #1556 №127304 DELETED
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 11:36:41 #1557 №127305 DELETED
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 11:37:12 #1558 №127306 DELETED
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 12:04:56 #1559 №127308 DELETED
New York almost has fallen
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 12:25:20 #1560 №127309 DELETED
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 12:50:37 #1561 №127310 DELETED
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 12:54:49 #1562 №127311 DELETED
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 12:57:38 #1563 №127312 DELETED
Is that funny?
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 12:58:09 #1564 №127313 DELETED
>White British
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 13:04:03 #1565 №127314 DELETED
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 13:05:00 #1566 №127315 DELETED
Okay, that's not funny.
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 13:06:24 #1567 №127316 DELETED
Turkey became the 18th most populous country in the world among 194 countries
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 13:10:16 #1568 №127317 DELETED
Ah, Belgorod, targeted shelling of residential buildings and stores. One more time.
But that's different, and irrelevant, which is why the BBC will never show it.
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 13:11:26 #1569 №127318 DELETED
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 13:20:22 #1570 №127319 DELETED
Ahahh yes yes yes it's evil Putin's fault they died, damn Putin, because of him the girls people supposedly couldn't find asylum. Ugh, damn Putin, that's not according to European values.
>January 4.
Where is the new news about the dozens of shelling of Belgorod this year?
Oh, right, it's the BBC. Okay.
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 13:22:18 #1571 №127320 DELETED
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 13:28:25 #1572 №127321 DELETED
Hohols will have a holiday today, Merry Christmas or something.
For the Belgorod, bitch.
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 16:38:41 #1573 №127323 DELETED
Zelensky and the Prime Minister of Luxembourg signed a bilateral security agreement.

It was a most unfavorable agreement for Luxembourg. I think.
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 17:38:45 #1574 №127324 DELETED
Blinken: "The transfer of F-16 airplanes is underway."

Russian Foreign Ministry: Russia will perceive F-16s in Ukraine as nuclear weapons carriers

Congratulations to all supporters of a nuclear strike on %country_name%.

If you've set aside some cool game for the last dying days of your life, I recommend you start playing.
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 19:12:26 #1575 №127325 DELETED
>Congratulations to all supporters of a nuclear strike on %country_name%.
Nothing ever happens
The guy was a volunteer firefighter, most of them in Portugal are volunteer, not professional and they earn poorly. The professional are "sapper firefighters". His parents were emmigrants in France to earn more money, he emmigrated with them, he joined French Foreign Legion, he was a former legionnaire. He saying "I'm saying that he is a Nazi, just a non-OPSEC retarded move if it is true audio. But joining some other people´s war is even more retarded. If Slavs love killing each other like the confirmed cannibal posting above, let them be kek.
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 21:08:51 #1576 №127326 DELETED
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 21:27:05 #1577 №127327 DELETED
>"Carpathian Sich"
Wait a minute, it's been a while since I wrote this post. And guess what? The mercenary Philipp Siman from the same battalion(Carpathian Sich) was arrested in the Czech Republic. He started telling a lot of very interesting things, for example, that they participated in embezzlement of Ukrainians' property, said that he witnessed rapes committed by his comrades (who exactly, it was not said, probably Ukrainian women), murders of civilians ("We were the police, we were the court, we were also the firing squad, for that matter.").
And do you know where it was? In Bucha.

>If Slavs love killing each
>let them be kek
You are literally a cannibal. No one in their right mind would allow each other to be killed in front of their own eyes, much less plant a weapon on them from time to time to do it, lmao
>Nothing ever happens
I remember when there were a hundred threads on the eve of the Russian-Western war in 2022, and everyone wrote in them like you did. kїk 🐷
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 22:16:41 #1578 №127328 DELETED
>No one in their right mind would allow each other to be killedin front of their own eyes, much less plant a weapon on them from time to time to do it,
good bait. have a (you)
Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 23:42:43 #1579 №127329 DELETED
in the same merc subject,
Anonymous  11/07/24 Чтв 01:01:30 #1580 №127331 DELETED
Funny thread, lots of retard far from the truth due to underdeveloped intelligence and children (as always).
>criminal with a 38 on his waist
Suka, it sounds so wild to me, but muttie sure lives in the first world country, kek

This community tracks the actions of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine and reports on their biographies and deaths. There really are tons of them out there.

You can open the link in your browser, but you can't watch videos weighing more than a few megabytes. You can download Telegram App or Telegram Desktop on PC (more convenient). And be happy. (I don't know how much content there is in original Portuguese, though)
Anonymous  11/07/24 Чтв 01:24:44 #1581 №127332 DELETED
Interesting dissection of the technique of Ukrainian lies about casualties. Report on losses as a means of manipulation of society (not only Ukrainian society).
Anonymous  11/07/24 Чтв 01:51:35 #1582 №127333 DELETED
This analysis seems reasonable to me because I do not feel that "panic" and those "mechanisms" in society that should be at such losses of Russian soldiers. I also don't see hundreds of memorials on Russian social networks, as on Ukrainian sites. I also don't see media hysteria (media in Russia loves to hysterics, if something is really wrong in society from a rational point of view, for example a migrant committed a crime against a minor, there are hundreds of news about it and criticism of politics in one top). I also don't see total mobilization with violation of rights. Although the Although Western media probably paint a different picture, but in Russia the society is calm and stable.

Also the BBC Russian service earlier this year conducted its own investigation based on data and social networks and found out that the losses of the Russian Armed Forces amounted to 43,014 soldiers. Give or take a margin of error. That is negligible for a full-scale war.
Anonymous  11/07/24 Чтв 01:56:54 #1583 №127334 DELETED
>that should be at such losses of Russian soldiers.
I am referring to the losses claimed by the Ukrainian side.
Anonymous  11/07/24 Чтв 12:27:47 #1584 №127335 DELETED
Rostec: Russia has conducted the first tests of armored panels to protect oil depots and gas reservoirs from FPV drone attacks.

War of the Future: Expectation/Reality. (kek)
Anonymous  11/07/24 Чтв 12:30:28 #1585 №127336 DELETED
You can shut up already, pidorashka, you've spammed the whole thread
Anonymous  11/07/24 Чтв 14:23:50 #1586 №127337 DELETED
>You can shut up already, pidorashka, you've spammed the whole thread
Anonymous  11/07/24 Чтв 14:28:49 #1587 №127338 DELETED
It's an old video that everyone's forgotten about.
Anonymous  11/07/24 Чтв 16:22:04 #1588 №127341 DELETED
Anonymous  11/07/24 Чтв 20:30:51 #1589 №127345 DELETED
big if true
Anonymous  11/07/24 Чтв 20:56:19 #1590 №127346 DELETED

There used to be a dude who did an archive of stuff like this, but then he disappeared somewhere.

Reverse situation:
Also infuriated Bandera makes a list of Russian games, which are not recommended to buy a Ukrainian.
There's a lot of stuff here. Legendary and cool projects, and reference shit that no one plays except for 2chers from /vg/. Real autistic.
I use this list for my purchases for support a domestic developer. Lmao.
Anonymous  11/07/24 Чтв 21:28:53 #1591 №127347 DELETED
Rosatom created the BN-800 reactor based on its own patented technology for pilot operation of low-actinide fuel.
A reactor that runs on toxic waste while making it less harmful.
The BN-800 was the first reactor in the world to run for a year on fuel made from nuclear waste.
In fact, it is the next step towards a closed cycle of nuclear energy (a conditionally infinite source of energy).
Another interesting fact: all of these accomplishments belong to a state-corporation existing on my tax peso, not a private corporation.
Just another example, according to which all critical industries (medicine, weapons, space and nuclear power) should be given under the control of the state, and not to cunning bastards.

Anonymous  12/07/24 Птн 01:16:50 #1592 №127349 DELETED
That's funny.
Allegedly the niece of Russian Defense Minister Sergei Belousov, who lives in the United States asks him to stop and think about his behavior and stop shelling Ukraine.
In fact: Sergei Belousov's brother denied their family has any relatives in the US.


Btw, the woman turned out to be a Kiev resident.
Anonymous  12/07/24 Птн 02:08:55 #1593 №127350 DELETED
I think he's a prisoner. I think he'd probably love to stop being president and die in a rocking chair by the fireplace after praying Thanksgiving prayers, but he can't.
Anonymous  12/07/24 Птн 03:57:36 #1594 №127353 DELETED
in St. Petersburg everything is stable
Anonymous  12/07/24 Птн 12:38:09 #1595 №127355 DELETED

At least there's one person in Russia who isn't a bitch. Sad that they have to publish in a schizo magazine though. Effective atrocity propaganda isn't even that hard to carry out: don't deny it, don't admit it, just let the images tell their own story. Never deflect or - god forbid - apologise either, that shows weakness through an inability to cope with the consequences of your actions.
Anonymous  12/07/24 Птн 13:45:45 #1596 №127357 DELETED
Anonymous  12/07/24 Птн 14:37:34 #1597 №127358 DELETED
0. You didn't understand the context of this article, and the administrator of your propaganda channel either doesn't speak Russian well himself or it is in his hands to present everything the way it should be presented. This is part of information and psychological warfare: if the enemy supposedly accepts the fact of his "crimes", then it is true. As in this case: >>127349
You can get your enemy to accept your "crimes" even if he never did. I believe that the CIA and Ukrainian intelligence knew about the impending strike on the plant, so they conceived this provocation in anticipation of NATO. It's probably stupid to believe in "blue sweaters" at the Moscow Theater, and not believe in it, isn't it? ;)
1. According to Ukrainian sources, no children were killed there.
2. No one can find a high quality video of a screenshot of a missile that looks nothing like the X-101 or the X-55. If it was a nuclear missile, the war would have been over long ago and would have taken fewer lives than it will in the future. You also didn't respond to my post: >>127285
3. Killing the enemy's children is a great gift for propaganda. In my opinion, this is not obvious only to an idiot. No one in Russia will do this. Putin's entourage is a desire for peaceful negotiations and humanism towards Ukrainians, this is one of the reasons why the conflict is localized in a small area: life support facilities (hospitals, electricity, sewage stations and collectors). If we had been British in Yugoslavia in 1999, all this would not have happened in the first week of the war.
4. I have never been a humanist to my enemies. People who have been gathering at Nazi Pride parades in Kiev for 30 years and shouting "Cut the Russians" with the full support of society and government - are getting what they deserve. People who wrote into their laws discrimination against the Russian language and banning Russian media culture are Nazis, people who wrote into their constitution to join NATO - did not worry about my safety, so my conscience about their safety is clear.
5.. Technically I am a pure central Ukrainian, but I was born in Russia and consider myself a Russian, because Ukrainianism is in 80% of cases an ideology, and only in 20% of cases a separate nation located only in the west of Ukraine, alien to Russian, central and eastern "Ukrainians" by its culture, dialect and mentality. The creation of Ukraine, the annexation of native Russian territory and the destruction of the Russian state is a crime of the USSR communists against Russians.
6. The Brit whose country tacitly and with approval (money, weapons) supports Ukraine's war crimes against the easterners of his country cannot teach anyone morality. It is simply a fact. Britain is turning into a third world country and a colony of India. Focus better on that.
7. I don't think you care about anyone else's point of view on this. So you can end this (((MoNty PyThOn'S fLyInG cIRcUs)))
Anonymous  12/07/24 Птн 14:38:52 #1598 №127359 DELETED
anticipation of NATO-summit*
Anonymous  12/07/24 Птн 15:36:00 #1599 №127360 DELETED

In addition to mocking US intelligence, he sometimes publishes cropped and censored versions of what he has (downloadable) so that he doesn't get his Telegram channel banned. There's literally everything on there. From drones to F-35s. Obviously, the Russian security services have been familiar with all this data for a long time, and the fact of the leak has only been made public now.
Anonymous  12/07/24 Птн 16:49:13 #1600 №127361 DELETED
Anonymous  12/07/24 Птн 19:11:39 #1601 №127362 DELETED
The context of the article is 'propaganda for ultranationalist internal consumption', it was even written by someone that the US State Dept (the real one: https://www.state.gov/the-kremlins-efforts-to-covertly-spread-disinformation-in-latin-america/) regards as a Russian state agent.

>defensive actions, justifications

This is counter-productive. Israel kills a dozen kids a day and nobody outside of Palestine cares because they don't ever acknowledge it. NATO dropped graphite wire things on Serbia with the specific aim of disrupting domestic electricity transmission, which is a war crime, but it never acknowledged this so nobody outside Serbia cares. Most of the soldiers on the Highway of Death had surrendered. The RAF had a fair idea there were a lot of civilians on the SS Cap Arkona. The British almost starved the Germans to death during WW1. It goes on and on. Humanism makes you act like a bitch, and if you act like a bitch, you'll get fucked like a bitch.

Also that NATO summit was mainly whinging about China, asking Japan to join (lol) and lowering the threshold for Article 5, none of which involve Ukraine.

>I don't think you care about anyone else's point of view on this.

I do, but not how you think. The leadership of your country appears to see war as a way out of its problems. The leadership of my country, and the wider West, are very likely to come to the same conclusion once they realise that conventional agriculture in traditional breadbasket areas is going to go bye-bye in the next decade or so. Ukraine is just the proximate cause.
Anonymous  12/07/24 Птн 22:18:00 #1602 №127367 DELETED
Anonymous  12/07/24 Птн 22:24:25 #1603 №127368 DELETED
>can't buy a shitty Russian game that's embarrassing.
although I don't think he's not lost anythin ))
Anonymous  12/07/24 Птн 22:54:59 #1604 №127369 DELETED
Anonymous  12/07/24 Птн 23:05:30 #1605 №127371 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)
Дайте приглос в Дискорд двача рабочий.
Или эта форма связи с реальностью больше мартышек не едет?
Anonymous  12/07/24 Птн 23:07:10 #1606 №127372 DELETED
How old are you, buddy? If it's no secret.
(not him)
Anonymous  12/07/24 Птн 23:25:10 #1607 №127375 DELETED
Anonymous  12/07/24 Птн 23:28:31 #1608 №127376 DELETED
the analysis says
<<If before the outbreak of hostilities Russia produced up to 400,000 152 mm shells per year, now this figure has grown to 2 million. At the same time, the annual output of such shells in Europe is 600,000, and in the U.S. - less than 350,000>>
it's not even martial law yet hmm
Anonymous  13/07/24 Суб 08:55:14 #1609 №127380 DELETED
Anonymous  13/07/24 Суб 11:37:01 #1610 №127383 DELETED
It was
Anonymous  13/07/24 Суб 12:53:46 #1611 №127385 DELETED
In Dnipropetrovsk, a guy walked up to a car of military commissars, told them Slava Rossiyi (Glory to Russia) and kicked one of them in the fucking face. Now the police are looking for him.
Anonymous  13/07/24 Суб 13:39:02 #1612 №127386 DELETED
Evade from RPG-7
Anonymous  13/07/24 Суб 14:19:05 #1613 №127387 DELETED
1 - A piece of debris labeled Goodrich Aerospace, a division of Raytheon, a military company that manufactures missiles for Patriot and Nasams air defense systems. Found in Kiev.

2,3,4 - The wreckage of the Patriot SAM system in Kiev. Which fell on apartment buildings and cars in an attempt to shoot down the Dagger.

I'm just keeping this here as fact in case of important negotiations.
Anonymous  13/07/24 Суб 14:24:51 #1614 №127388 DELETED
Morning engine. Kiev.

All this was last year.
Anonymous  13/07/24 Суб 15:00:09 #1615 №127389 DELETED
The heat traps that the X-101 missile shoots off.
Anonymous  13/07/24 Суб 15:03:59 #1616 №127390 DELETED
In Russia it is forbidden to put external insulators, by the way, it is done only by the management company for the whole building. They are so backward there.
Anonymous  13/07/24 Суб 17:26:52 #1617 №127392 DELETED
Anonymous  13/07/24 Суб 17:28:08 #1618 №127393 DELETED
Anonymous  13/07/24 Суб 17:50:50 #1619 №127394 DELETED
Chelyabinsk according to Americans vs. Chelyabinsk from real life.
Anonymous  13/07/24 Суб 17:54:59 #1620 №127395 DELETED
Anonymous  13/07/24 Суб 19:23:44 #1621 №127397 DELETED
Russia is preparing for real war.
Anonymous  13/07/24 Суб 19:24:18 #1622 №127398 DELETED
Anonymous  13/07/24 Суб 20:39:43 #1623 №127399 DELETED
Anonymous  13/07/24 Суб 22:43:36 #1624 №127401 DELETED
The world's first footage of the FAB-3000 with the Universal Guidance and Planning Module has surfaced.
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 00:02:44 #1625 №127402 DELETED
Los Anus. Сраные вонючие ублюдки, собачьи кишки.
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 02:31:19 #1626 №127403 DELETED
Trump assassination attempt, 8 bullets fired at old man, old man survived but wounded in his ear.
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 02:46:40 #1627 №127405 DELETED
Racisi, Fico, now Trump

Well, the CIA is desperate, and so are those behind them.
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 02:54:05 #1628 №127406 DELETED
One Trump supporter has died.
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 02:55:46 #1629 №127407 DELETED

Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 02:58:07 #1630 №127408 DELETED
🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 03:20:25 #1631 №127409 DELETED
>For Trump's ear
The hohols will be held accountable for this
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 07:06:58 #1632 №127412 DELETED
>not securing a giant fucking warehouse with a clear line of site to the rally
bros... the secret service cannot be this retarded
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 11:09:05 #1633 №127413 DELETED
>bros... the secret service cannot be this retarded
The Secret Service can be retarded if it benefits from it. It's the first secret service law from a secret charter disguised as a gay porn magazine.
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 11:17:08 #1634 №127414 DELETED
The FBI officially confirms that the suspect in the Trump assassination attempt is 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks.
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 11:23:33 #1635 №127415 DELETED
Biden the day before the assassination attempt.
Hmmm, can "Threat to the Nation" be interpreted as "Threat to National Security" if the phrase is uttered without specifics? Just a thought experiment. Especially you're young, dumb, and your country sells guns on every corner.
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 11:43:22 #1636 №127416 DELETED
/k/ lost the most active and most toxic poster on 4chan!

But we interrupt this mournful broadcast for a commercial:
If he'd used an AK-12, it would have worked!
(children's choir) ♪ YOU DIDN'T KILL THE AMERICAN PRESIDENT TODAY? YOU JUST DIDN'T USE AN AK! ♪ (children's choir)
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 11:51:13 #1637 №127417 DELETED
"The gunman who carried out the assassination attempt on former President Trump was a lone gunman, preliminary FBI information suggests"
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 11:57:50 #1638 №127418 DELETED
People in their 20s are defenseless because of their stupidity. My opinion.
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 11:59:47 #1639 №127419 DELETED
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 12:02:36 #1640 №127420 DELETED
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 12:06:52 #1641 №127421 DELETED
Pennsylvania voter records show Crooks involved in Trump assassination attempt is a Republican - Washington Post
Oh, how convenient!

Good. Saved.
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 12:11:32 #1642 №127422 DELETED
Crooks donated $15 to Democrats - CNN


Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 12:14:24 #1643 №127423 DELETED
Trump is out of the hospital and feeling good. World War III, which the Democrats assiduously want to start, is being postponed.
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 12:19:31 #1644 №127424 DELETED
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 12:34:38 #1645 №127425 DELETED
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 12:42:39 #1646 №127426 DELETED
Ha ha, Joe, not so funny now, right?
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 12:50:06 #1647 №127427 DELETED
What kind of phenotype is that?
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 12:54:56 #1648 №127428 DELETED
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 12:56:10 #1649 №127429 DELETED
Lol, he has a bite problem.
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 12:57:28 #1650 №127430 DELETED
Map of the shooter's location
How could he be undetected through a sniper scope?
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 13:00:29 #1651 №127431 DELETED
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 13:02:41 #1652 №127432 DELETED
A little more and they'll blame it all on Putin, you'll see
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 13:06:26 #1653 №127433 DELETED
More from the headlines in some of the mainstream Western media about the assassination attempt on Donald Trump:

"Fall during campaign speech" (Focus)
"Incident: loud bangs" (Tagesschau)
"Chaos at the rally" (The New York Times)
"Clapping sounds heard" (MSNBC)
"Loud clapping" (The Washington Post)

>The U.S. has free speech and no censorship
Freedom of speech is a relative concept
But most importantly, understatement is a form of lying.
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 13:08:26 #1654 №127434 DELETED
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 13:16:05 #1655 №127435 DELETED
Just about old enough to remember the USSR, let's put it like that.

The Secret Service is widely known as being full of meatheads who were too stupid for all the other 'cool' government jobs. NSA? Big-brained maths geniuses and Mormons. CIA? Coolguys who were recruited at Yale by one of their dad's m8s. ATF and DEA? You need to do your time as a cop first before you're considered, fuck that. Secret Service will take you if you can see and pass security clearances, that's it. Additionally, if they hire for DEI, the president is going to DIE, lol.
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 13:18:01 #1656 №127436 DELETED
More content
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 13:27:35 #1657 №127437 DELETED
Too much knowledge for a Brit about US domestic life. Even though you live in the same internet area...
On the whole, I can't agree more. The Secret Service is a serious structure, and to understand who exactly is recruited there, you need to look at the internal charter of this structure, where the criteria for admission are spelt out.
>I am old enough to remember the USSR, let's put it this way.
I grew up on the ruins of the USSR. Your children will grow up on the ruins of Britain if Trump loses.
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 13:47:18 #1658 №127438 DELETED
No, dude. The shining elite face, ondi pic, kek.
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 13:59:57 #1659 №127439 DELETED
Yes, indeed, I apologize for my uneducatedness in matters of Habsburg appearance.

Also Amerimutt is a meme character from the American boards.
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 14:03:03 #1660 №127440 DELETED
Okay, so far all the interesting details on the assassination attempt are over. Here's a video of the big bomb.

We'll see you again.
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 14:11:31 #1661 №127441 DELETED
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 14:44:48 #1662 №127442 DELETED
If you've been on the internet for 30+ years and are still ignorant about other cultures, especially co-linguists, you only have yourself to blame!


Ha ha, remember where you are. Regardless of who wins, there's going to be some Troubles in the USA, their society is fractured like an AIDS patient's ribs. Remains to be seen whether it's Ireland-style shamfighting Troubles or Russia-style 'Elon Musk as Kuzma Minin' Troubles.
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 14:49:46 #1663 №127443 DELETED
Do you know how to use any graphic editor?
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 15:19:22 #1664 №127444 DELETED
I pointed that out differently:
>the same internet area...

Russia and Iran are testing their own SWIFT analog, SPFS. The BRICS is developing a new gold-backed currency. The collective West is not only a political and military, but also an economically integrated system. So if there are problems in the US economy, Britain will also feel them. Russia is creating conditions that destroy the US economy. For example the collective West has lost access to uranium in Africa, and now the Americans are dependent on Russian uranium. Also an artificially extended war in Ukraine is a tool for waging an economic war.

As a liberal democratic country with freedom of speech we wanted to be friends with the west and integrate into the EU on the principle of the "Coal and Steel Union" but there were stupid people like Biden... >>127426
Stupid people like Biden saw the outstretched hand as weakness and didn't want equality. They wanted submission. It was a monstrous mistake with regard to Russia.
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 15:35:33 #1665 №127445 DELETED
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 16:32:05 #1666 №127446 DELETED
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 17:01:30 #1667 №127448 DELETED
C - classics
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 17:04:29 #1668 №127449 DELETED
Rustroyka couldn't resist a bit of mute sarcasm.
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 17:14:59 #1669 №127450 DELETED
I can't find the original social network, is it Linkedin or Instagram? I wonder what video he was watching there
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 17:18:17 #1670 №127451 DELETED
Instagram by button design.
Instagram doesn't like Russians, even with a VPN (because VPNs block instagram from being banned in Russia).
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 17:24:42 #1671 №127452 DELETED
Got it. Thanks to PowerShell 7 Core.

Really it's not a video from the channel (just a watermark of the news), I'm an idiot. >>127448 >>127449
I thought he downloaded the video and started taking apart "vile Russian propaganda", lol. Now I'm ashamed. Don't tell anyone about this.
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 17:28:53 #1672 №127453 DELETED
No, i don't. How?
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 19:23:01 #1673 №127455 DELETED
I thought so too:D but the joke is that he put his watermark on that video before he posted it to make it look like trump's assassin was subscribed to his channel too. That's the whole dumb joke
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 20:08:19 #1674 №127456 DELETED
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 20:18:23 #1675 №127458 DELETED
Explosive devices were found in the car of a suspect in the attempted assassination of former US President Donald Trump - WSJ

"Authorities found explosive devices in the car of a man who officials say tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump"
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 20:33:33 #1676 №127459 DELETED
It's the white man's fault
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 20:39:28 #1677 №127460 DELETED
Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks is featured in a BlackRock commercial in 2023, for example at 00:19

Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 20:45:09 #1678 №127461 DELETED
Beginning movement of F-16s, equipment and other maintenance personnel. All on schedule (Today at 14:00 Moscow time)

The area of NATO airfields in Bulgaria and Romania. With the cover of flying electronic warfare stations.

1. Boeing Poseidon 8E U.S. Navy
2. 2. Cirrus SR22 small airplanes
3. Bombadier Challenger 6000
4. Canadian Air Force C130J (CFC2932)
5. C17 Globemaster British Air Force (RRR6132)
6. Airbus KC2 Voyager UK Air Force (RRR2301)

Personnel are of course not Ukrainian. And maybe even the pilots, too.
After a while, all F-16s in Ukraine will be destroyed. This is a primal era aircraft that is inferior to ~80% of the Russian air fleet military fighter fleet.
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 20:46:30 #1679 №127462 DELETED
I can't make no mistakes.
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 23:38:25 #1680 №127463 DELETED
Self-obsessive-schizoid mental disorder on a national scale
Anonymous  15/07/24 Пнд 00:32:59 #1681 №127464 DELETED
Anonymous  15/07/24 Пнд 01:56:59 #1682 №127466 DELETED
So who manages appartment buildings in Russia are 100% management companies including those commieblocks?

Here, there are flats, most of them - the owners don't outsource to one of those companies - specially summer flat building, they choose a flat owner as administrator with a mandate for a year. Plus there are yearly reunions with flat owners. ´
Some Slav made a review of that game, it could enter that "Russophobic category schizophernia", said that the creator of Soviet space program was Ukrainian and Russians are taught alternative history like those Afro-Americans that believe most Egyptians were Subsaharians
Anonymous  15/07/24 Пнд 02:58:51 #1683 №127468 DELETED
In Russia there is such a legal concept as "State Corporation". That is, a corporation whose shares are 51% to 100% owned by the state. Most of the critical areas of life in Russia belong to state corporations, the state appoints top managers and gives them a percentage of income, the state removes inefficient managers. As for the residential building maintenance market, there are a large number of private and state-owned companies, the transfer of an apartment building under their care is decided at a meeting of tenants, as well as a special bank account for the apartment building. The management company is obliged to keep the building clean and in good condition. As for the visual part and repairing the appearance of Soviet apartment buildings, the difficulty is not in money as the stupid kids from 4chan think, but in the lack of hands that will do it. As a rule Russians are shunned for this kind of work (it's true), mostly Tajiks and Uzbeks work on it, which are also very limited in number. But it is worth noting that they do their work very well.
Based on the problem described above, my relative's house is in the queue for renovation of the exterior facade only for the year 2029. There are a lot of apartment buildings in Russia. The percentage of home ownership in Russia is 91%.
>said that the creator of Soviet space program was Ukrainian
Not him, but I can't leave it at that: the creator of the Soviet space program, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, was born to a Russian father and Belarusian mother in what is now Ukraine. They couldn't even remove this from the Ukrainian wikipedia.
Anonymous  15/07/24 Пнд 13:45:34 #1684 №127471 DELETED
Cartogram of iodine deficiency in Ukraine
Anonymous  15/07/24 Пнд 14:05:50 #1685 №127472 DELETED
Anonymous  15/07/24 Пнд 14:12:28 #1686 №127473 DELETED
Anonymous  15/07/24 Пнд 14:27:11 #1687 №127474 DELETED
Armoured blanket🤡
Anonymous  15/07/24 Пнд 16:17:28 #1688 №127475 DELETED
You can cover any lightweight machinery with it. It is quite practical.
Anonymous  15/07/24 Пнд 17:23:16 #1689 №127476 DELETED
A review of the Polish assault rifle.

Some bolts, rivets, looks like archaic dumb shit.
Anonymous  15/07/24 Пнд 17:24:50 #1690 №127477 DELETED
Forgot to add: the former owner is rotting in the field.
Anonymous  15/07/24 Пнд 17:29:36 #1691 №127478 DELETED
>Some bolts, rivets, looks like archaic dumb shit.
For comparison, the Russian AK-74М (The differences with the AK-12 are small)
Anonymous  15/07/24 Пнд 18:00:39 #1692 №127479 DELETED
that certainly wasn't a partial assembly, you wouldn't do that much for field maintenance
Anonymous  15/07/24 Пнд 18:37:11 #1693 №127480 DELETED
The dude in the video at 00:00 - 0:03 says, "We will perform a partial disassembly of the assault rifle." >>127476
A partial disassembly of the AK: >>127478
It's fair.

All AK cleaning accessories are stored in the AK itself: in AK-74 cleaning accessories are stored in the buttstock, in AK-12 (in all modifications) - in the pistol grip. In all AKs, the barrel cleaning rod is located under the barrel.

It is possible to perform full maintenance of the AK in combat conditions, if low intensity of combat operations allows, or partial, if high. In heat or cold, rain or snow. The AK is an ultra-reliable weapon designed for war, not for laundering European taxpayers' money (as the weapons of the Bundeswehr showed).
Anonymous  15/07/24 Пнд 18:51:49 #1694 №127481 DELETED
Anonymous  15/07/24 Пнд 19:04:06 #1695 №127482 DELETED
I understood what he said, that's why I mentioned it wasn't partial disassembly (I actually wrote "assembly", my mistake)
while it's debatable whether Grot is a good rifle (I shot it and it's very comfortable and accurate, but soldiers report that it's very prone to mechanical damage and overly finnicky so we can at least agree here) I don't think it makes any sense to compare it to AK because they're completely different guns. Regarding maintenance, it's not DI like AR-15 style rifles but rather short-stroke piston, so it's less prone to jamming overall.
as for laundering taxpayers' money, don't forget about AK-12. Although to be fair, FB Radom certainly did their best to waste lots and lots of money while pretending to be developing Grot, back when no one thought these rifles will ever see combat.
I haven't shot AK for a few years now but I'm looking into buying one soon, and regarding Grot I'll also be in the army in August (I don't own one myself), so hopefully I'll be able to give a more informed opinion in a few months.
Anonymous  15/07/24 Пнд 19:13:57 #1696 №127483 DELETED
AK-12 is a weapon in constant development: the AK-12 - 2019 and the AK-12 2023 are not the same thing
the lower variant is the current version, with many changes from the first one
Many American observers often complain that they cannot grasp the forend for firing as in the NATO doctrine (they say it is too short and there is a risk of getting burned), but in Russia, unlike NATO, Russia does not use such a doctrine, as it is very situational, so the emphasis was on the weight of the design, which affects other useful indicators.. For fans of NATO doctrines, there are accessories of the Russian company Zenit

(not him)
Anonymous  15/07/24 Пнд 19:18:52 #1697 №127484 DELETED
>they cannot grasp the forend for firing as in the NATO doctrine (they say it is too short and there is a risk of getting burned)
What did I mean by that
No one shoots like that when storming enemy positions. You just can't do it without taking a bullet
Anonymous  15/07/24 Пнд 19:38:23 #1698 №127485 DELETED
>while it's debatable whether Grot is a good rifle (I shot it and it's very comfortable and accurate
I've shot all of the AKs and they are all very accurate. Because any weapon has certain requirements for acceptance into service.
but soldiers report that it's very prone to mechanical damage and overly finnicky so we can at least agree here)
Like most(if not all) NATO assault rifles.
>I don't think it makes any sense to compare it to AK because they're completely different guns.
You can if it's the primary assault rifle of a particular army.
>Regarding maintenance, it's not DI like AR-15 style rifles but rather short-stroke piston, so it's less prone to jamming overall.
Okay. Let's put that as a plus compared to AR-15.
>as for laundering taxpayers' money, don't forget about AK-12.
The first model of the AK-12 was pretty average, but subsequent models are highly successful and lickable weapons. The AK-12 has an internal subseries of modifications that has no name, the new modification is simply dated by year of manufacture, example in anon's post >>127483
>FB Radom certainly did their best to waste lots and lots of money while pretending to be developing Grot, back when no one thought these rifles will ever see combat.
Yes, thank you, it will now serve the cause of exterminating the Banderites. You could have given them to us directly instead of through intermediaries.
>I'll also be in the army in August
Do Poles have conscription? Or do you go on contract in the hope that Russia will attack NATO?
Anonymous  15/07/24 Пнд 19:39:10 #1699 №127486 DELETED
>AK-12 is a weapon in constant development
so is Grot since you mentioned it, but that's not really the main point here, both were in development for a long time and both had shown certain problems on the battlefield, which wouldn't have happened if both the manufacturers and the militaries adopting these rifles conducted their tests responsibly.
>cannot grasp the forend for firing
that wouldn't be the problem if you could at least reliably fire when resting your hand on the magwell like you can do in AR-15 style rifles, but I believe this might jam the gun because you're pushing the mag? honestly there's very little space to comfortably grab the gun.
for reference, I own a SAR-80 and while grabbing it like in this picture >>127484 is impossible because my hand would obstruct the line of sight, there's still lots of space to grab from under the barrel, which I find very convenient when firing from different positions.
>there are accessories of the Russian company Zenit
I've also heard complaints that all the stuff that Zenitco developed for AK-74 is incompatible with AK-12. supposedly that was especially problematic with optic mounts, since the early versions of AK-12 had problems with dust cover and gas tube being too loose, which would make it impossible to correctly use optics mounted on the rails
Anonymous  15/07/24 Пнд 19:39:29 #1700 №127487 DELETED
>but soldiers report that it's very prone to mechanical damage and overly finnicky so we can at least agree here)
Forgot to put a quote mark.
Anonymous  15/07/24 Пнд 19:55:40 #1701 №127488 DELETED
>Like most(if not all) NATO assault rifles.
such is the price of innovation I'd say, AK hasn't really brought anything new to the table since almost 80 years
>You can if it's the primary assault rifle of a particular army.
but they're different constructions and they have different operating principles, you can obviously argue that one is modular and the other is more reliable and so on, but honestly it's a pointless argument because the results mostly boil down to infantry tactics. In my opinion it makes more sense to compare guns which operate on the same principle AND fill the same tactical niche, so for example AK and FNC or Galil, or Grot and HK416 or G36 or CZ Bren.
>Yes, thank you, it will now serve the cause of exterminating the Banderites. You could have given them to us directly instead of through intermediaries.
no need to be hostile, I came to discuss guns and not the war
>Do Poles have conscription?
conscription was halted back in 2008 and hasn't been brought back since. Insane if you ask me, but it is what it is
>Or do you go on contract in the hope that Russia will attack NATO?
Why would you assume I have a death wish? I'm joining Territorial Defence Force for extra cash and to spend more time doing tacticool shit (which I enjoy), I'm not homicidal.
Anonymous  15/07/24 Пнд 19:57:38 #1702 №127489 DELETED
first paragraph ok

second paragraph ok

third paragraph: there are universal accessories, there are compatible only for a certain series

I will add just one detail at the end: the Kalashnikov is a collective experience of many conflicts on earth, it is a series proven by battles and time, and the Grot is still too young to be considered an "experienced" weapon
this is my opinion
Anonymous  15/07/24 Пнд 20:15:15 #1703 №127490 DELETED
>such is the price of innovation I'd say, AK hasn't really brought anything new to the table since almost 80 years
What else can be added to this weapon?
>but honestly it's a pointless argument
>results mostly boil down to infantry tactics
>In my opinion it makes more sense to compare guns which operate on the same principle AND fill the same tactical niche
Okay, that's fair. Also, I'm not that good with NATO weapons, I have knowledge but no practical experience.
My specialty is mostly Russian weapons.
You can't have an assault rifle at home in Russia. Only hunting weapons (e.g. Saiga or Vepr).
But, nevertheless, you can buy yourself the opportunity to shoot any weapon at a shooting range.
>no need to be hostile, I came to discuss guns and not the war
I was just kidding, /k/-bro
>conscription was halted back in 2008 and hasn't been brought back since.
>Insane if you ask me, but it is what it is
>Territorial Defence Force
It's kind of like the internal troops of the Russian Armed Forces, yeah that's cool. Everything in the army is cool except night duty, I hate being awake for two days(with a 5 hour sleep break - it's a tease).
Anonymous  15/07/24 Пнд 20:17:45 #1704 №127491 DELETED
We also have our own /k/
Here is a separate discussion of street self-defense weapons
Anonymous  15/07/24 Пнд 22:30:07 #1705 №127495 DELETED
Florida Congressman m former U.S. Army sniper Corey Mills suggests that the U.S. Secret Service's negligence may have been intentional.
Anonymous  16/07/24 Втр 03:11:05 #1706 №127496 DELETED
American bought passcode and trolls Russians on /b/. Fat bastard)
Anonymous  16/07/24 Втр 03:11:40 #1707 №127497 DELETED
Anonymous  16/07/24 Втр 03:24:47 #1708 №127499 DELETED
Anonymous  16/07/24 Втр 03:27:30 #1709 №127500 DELETED
Anonymous  16/07/24 Втр 03:48:12 #1710 №127501 DELETED
Ridiculous conscript zoomers
Anonymous  16/07/24 Втр 03:49:35 #1711 №127502 DELETED
Damn, I have to edit that
Anonymous  16/07/24 Втр 06:45:19 #1712 №127504 DELETED
Yeah, that's much better
Anonymous  16/07/24 Втр 06:47:20 #1713 №127505 DELETED
Goodluck, Helldivers 🤡
Anonymous  16/07/24 Втр 15:51:04 #1714 №127510 DELETED
Now they're burning military vehicles with signs on them.
Odessa is a Russian city, hello from Kot Begemot (Hippo the cat)
Anonymous  16/07/24 Втр 15:52:44 #1715 №127511 DELETED
Anonymous  16/07/24 Втр 16:06:52 #1716 №127512 DELETED
Look, they are all imbued with pride in their country, the local liberals don't make up sarcastic nicknames for them. They all wear MAGA or KAG caps, and it's not considered cringe, and they're not called “vatnik”. No one draws memes about them in liberal mephedrone addict communities. When I asked an American if they have an equivalent of “vatnik”, no one could answer me anything because they have it as a matter of course.😁
Anonymous  16/07/24 Втр 16:17:01 #1717 №127513 DELETED
That's a funny joke
Anonymous  16/07/24 Втр 16:19:04 #1718 №127514 DELETED
I didn't Photoshop the lettering, another joker did.
Anonymous  16/07/24 Втр 16:45:43 #1719 №127515 DELETED
Anonymous  16/07/24 Втр 19:43:12 #1720 №127518 DELETED
A Ural private corporation has announced a 15 million ruble bonus for the Russian military for the first American F-16 fighter jet shot down in a special operation zone. Plus a cash bonus from the state, and other companies.

15 million rubles is a brick three-story house by the sea with all amenities and a 1 or 2 hectares plot.

My condolences to all the hohols who will climb into this garbage can.
Anonymous  16/07/24 Втр 20:09:44 #1721 №127519 DELETED
HAPPENING! Anonymous  16/07/24 Втр 22:09:11 #1722 №127520 DELETED
Washington recently received intelligence from an agent about an “Iranian plot” to assassinate U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump, sources tell CNN. The channel emphasizes that there is no confirmation that the shooter of Trump Thomas Matthew Crooks was involved in the plot.

At the same time, it is not clear whether the US intelligence shared data on the “Iranian plot” with the Trump team.

CNN recalls that Iran has repeatedly threatened the US with retaliation for the assassination of General Qassem Suleimani by the US military in January 2020.


Those who expected the US intelligence services to blame Russia lost. That'll be $20 each. Or didn't we place a bet?
Anonymous  16/07/24 Втр 22:14:55 #1723 №127521 DELETED
>Everyone who's against Biden is an FSB operative
Anonymous  17/07/24 Срд 11:07:34 #1724 №127530 DELETED
ethics of primitive world
Anonymous  17/07/24 Срд 11:43:51 #1725 №127531 DELETED
The above is an alternate history.
Below is the present day.
Anonymous  17/07/24 Срд 11:45:05 #1726 №127532 DELETED
Anonymous  17/07/24 Срд 15:25:01 #1727 №127535 DELETED
Anonymous  17/07/24 Срд 15:44:37 #1728 №127536 DELETED
Who's gonna show you that but me? You sit there in your americas, portugals, britains and australias and don't see the world at all
Anonymous  17/07/24 Срд 15:54:39 #1729 №127537 DELETED
The Yak-52, from which the Ukrainians allegedly shot down drones with AKs, was officially destroyed.


Entered the captcha correctly 5 times, but each time there was an error, I have some suspicions about this....
Anonymous  17/07/24 Срд 17:09:58 #1730 №127538 DELETED
Anonymous  17/07/24 Срд 20:06:30 #1731 №127541 DELETED
More questions
Anonymous  17/07/24 Срд 20:37:11 #1732 №127542 DELETED

it's in the game
Anonymous  17/07/24 Срд 21:04:43 #1733 №127543 DELETED
Anonymous  17/07/24 Срд 21:27:47 #1734 №127544 DELETED
It's funny, but that joke is outdated. They are in the process of getting 6 fighter jets now according to Kirby.
Anonymous  18/07/24 Чтв 20:28:26 #1735 №127563 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)
Anonymous  18/07/24 Чтв 23:06:38 #1736 №127565 DELETED
A sharp increase in the number of regions that have introduced restrictions or bans on the work of migrants.
I wonder why?
Anonymous  18/07/24 Чтв 23:47:57 #1737 №127567 DELETED
>35 out of 89 constituent entities of Russia have restricted employment of migrants - the tightening of migration policy at the regional level has surely turned into a nationwide trend
Anonymous  19/07/24 Птн 10:45:26 #1738 №127573 DELETED
⚡️ A massive failure in the operation of the Windows operating system has hampered the functioning of companies in banking, air transportation, media and a number of other industries

The cause was a critical error in the booting of devices running on this operating system, known as the blue screen of death (BSOD), reported the American portal The Verge.

- The failure has caused chaos at airports around the world: check-in counters are inaccessible and display an “error” screen, passengers cannot get their luggage;

- Britain's Sky News stopped broadcasting due to cyberspace disruptions. Also, the media reports a disruption in the London Stock Exchange;

- In the US, “blue screens of death” started appearing on PCs at police stations, prison administrations and medical facilities;

- Indian airline SpiceJet reported technical problems affecting online services, including booking and check-in for flights.
Anonymous  19/07/24 Птн 11:07:41 #1739 №127574 DELETED
Is that a big problem to reset your fucking pc and reboot your fucking windows?
Anonymous  19/07/24 Птн 11:45:03 #1740 №127575 DELETED
Yes, this is a big problem at the scale of a massive network infrastructure.

Your system administrator.
Anonymous  19/07/24 Птн 11:48:19 #1741 №127576 DELETED
Anonymous  19/07/24 Птн 11:50:23 #1742 №127577 DELETED
Anonymous  19/07/24 Птн 11:55:04 #1743 №127578 DELETED
Anonymous  19/07/24 Птн 12:16:14 #1744 №127579 DELETED
By his logic, Emanuel Kant was Russian
Anonymous  19/07/24 Птн 12:17:08 #1745 №127580 DELETED
Anonymous  19/07/24 Птн 13:05:02 #1746 №127582 DELETED


The website of UnitedHealth Group, the world's largest insurance company, also failed to open.

According to the site Downdetector, users report problems at Lloyds Bank, payment systems Visa and Mastercard.

Australian portal ABC News reported problems in the work of banks NAB, ANZ, Commonwealth Bank, Bendigo Bank and Suncorp, because of which stores and businesses in the country are closed.

Ukrainian delivery service Novaya Pochta, several mobile operators Vodafone, Sense Bank (Sense Bank, formerly Alfa Bank Ukraine) and virtual bank monobank also reported difficulties in operations, TASS reported.

Microsoft shares fell 2.96% to $427.35 on the premarket, according to data from the NASDAQ exchange as of 11:01 Moscow time.

Experts: Russia is unlikely to be affected by Microsoft's global failure, as most systems are switched to domestic software.
Anonymous  19/07/24 Птн 13:20:48 #1747 №127583 DELETED
In the Perm Krai, a competition to throw dried manure was held.

Hundreds of Russians came to take part in it, causing huge queues to build up.

The manure throwing competition is held every year, but there are only more people who want to participate, the organizers said, adding that they have already opened a reservation for next year's event.

Anonymous  19/07/24 Птн 13:23:09 #1748 №127584 DELETED
No, no, no, tell me this is a joke.
Anonymous  19/07/24 Птн 13:25:45 #1749 №127585 DELETED
Anonymous  19/07/24 Птн 15:16:19 #1750 №127587 DELETED

Books and Articles:
- Hybrid Warfare: The Next Generation of Global Conflict (Frank Hoffman)
- Information confrontation: theory and practice (A.V. Manoilo)
- Psychological operations in information warfare (A.I. Utkin)
- Information Warfare: New Dimensions in Conflict (Richard A. Clarke)
- Information warfare in the context of modern international relations” (A.A. Grozin)
- Information Warfare and Ethics (Eneken Joasäär)
- Truth and Lies in the Age of Information Warfare (Timothy V. Cole)

Articles of Vladimir Putin:
- Information Warfare: Threats and Challenges (2013)
- Information security: challenges and ways to overcome them” (2015)
- Information Warfare and National Security (2017)
Anonymous  19/07/24 Птн 15:52:03 #1751 №127589 DELETED
Two shirts for filming. With different sleeve lengths.
No change in the sneakers, though.

Well prepared. This dude was deliberately filmed from every angle.
Anonymous  19/07/24 Птн 15:59:29 #1752 №127590 DELETED
Meanwhile, in Israel.

Russian speech, to be expected.
Anonymous  19/07/24 Птн 16:05:38 #1753 №127591 DELETED
The first small but serious uprising against forced mobilization in Odessa
Anonymous  19/07/24 Птн 16:11:25 #1754 №127592 DELETED
Another arson attack on a military vehicle in Odessa.
Anonymous  19/07/24 Птн 16:53:19 #1755 №127593 DELETED
In Lidsey, UK, gypsies staged an uprising.

Against what? Does anyone know?
Anonymous  19/07/24 Птн 16:54:12 #1756 №127594 DELETED
Anonymous  19/07/24 Птн 16:58:27 #1757 №127595 DELETED
Anonymous  19/07/24 Птн 20:04:46 #1758 №127610 DELETED
Beach women in the Ka-52 targeting system.
Anonymous  19/07/24 Птн 20:07:44 #1759 №127611 DELETED
Art of war
Anonymous  19/07/24 Птн 20:33:29 #1760 №127613 DELETED
There is something about the Permians from the hohols...
Anonymous  19/07/24 Птн 22:01:19 #1761 №127617 DELETED
Where lul, you mean in Leeds? Fucking teadrinkers stole something from Gypsies, can you imagine, to stole anything from fucking Gypsies? Their kids, dude, they stole kids from Gypsies and that's fucking insane!
Anonymous  20/07/24 Суб 01:26:30 #1762 №127626 DELETED
Anonymous  20/07/24 Суб 19:07:01 #1763 №127637 DELETED
Nonce wars m8, government nonces stealing kids from Roma procurers. Some smelly helot shit, of no interest to a based Spartiate like me. I worry about it as much as you worry about being mogilised.
Anonymous  20/07/24 Суб 19:37:26 #1764 №127638 DELETED
this nigger
Anonymous  20/07/24 Суб 20:06:24 #1765 №127639 DELETED
analizer number zero
Anonymous  20/07/24 Суб 20:10:21 #1766 №127640 DELETED
You write like a gay man. Are you gay?
Anonymous  20/07/24 Суб 20:15:16 #1767 №127641 DELETED
Anonymous  20/07/24 Суб 21:10:33 #1768 №127643 DELETED
this nigger
Anonymous  20/07/24 Суб 21:28:49 #1769 №127644 DELETED
Still don't get the point of your posts
Anonymous  20/07/24 Суб 21:34:34 #1770 №127645 DELETED
define dead fire nigger
Anonymous  20/07/24 Суб 21:41:43 #1771 №127646 DELETED
Gherardini Goblin here are did nigger
Anonymous  20/07/24 Суб 22:00:36 #1772 №127647 DELETED

Shut the fuck up.
Anonymous  21/07/24 Вск 03:12:39 #1773 №127648 DELETED
The Regiment 2 is canceled: now there will be no one to tell you in videos between levels what a badass former special forces officer you are.
Anonymous  21/07/24 Вск 06:53:08 #1774 №127650 DELETED
Anonymous  21/07/24 Вск 13:11:31 #1775 №127653 DELETED
Anonymous  21/07/24 Вск 13:15:55 #1776 №127654 DELETED
I found a Ukrainian pro-Russian channel with very cool analytics.
Anonymous  21/07/24 Вск 13:23:53 #1777 №127655 DELETED
Does anyone else know what that means?

Uh huh, and Crimea will be retaken any day now, after Putin dies of rectal cancer. In truth, there are certainly Western military assets in Ukraine - someone has to show them how to rig up the Hellfires - but they're sitting around in underground bases deep in ragul territory. An acquaintance of mine is contracting in Kyiv right now actually, apparently all you can hear is the drone of generators.
Anonymous  21/07/24 Вск 13:27:18 #1778 №127656 DELETED
Say goodbye to your gay friend, 90% of the time he won't come home.
Anonymous  21/07/24 Вск 13:46:47 #1779 №127657 DELETED
>Still not out of the Middle Ages
>Consider themselves an advanced civilization
Anonymous  21/07/24 Вск 14:13:03 #1780 №127658 DELETED
Gay friend space program
Anonymous  21/07/24 Вск 15:04:47 #1781 №127660 DELETED
Gay car in the sunshine
Anonymous  21/07/24 Вск 15:11:41 #1782 №127661 DELETED
Unfortunate gay pride
Anonymous  21/07/24 Вск 16:20:32 #1783 №127662 DELETED
Gay flashbacks
Anonymous  21/07/24 Вск 16:28:15 #1784 №127663 DELETED
Anonymous  21/07/24 Вск 16:53:57 #1785 №127664 DELETED
>queef of rotten cunt
Anonymous  21/07/24 Вск 17:28:50 #1786 №127665 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)
icki icki general
Anonymous  21/07/24 Вск 17:49:30 #1787 №127666 DELETED
You're lost, the section for people with mental disorders is here:
Anonymous  21/07/24 Вск 17:53:54 #1788 №127667 DELETED
Abu has a sense of humor.
Anonymous  21/07/24 Вск 18:40:11 #1789 №127668 DELETED
All the Westoids who donated to the AFU will be 1C pre-enterprise programmers in hell when they die.
Anonymous  21/07/24 Вск 18:49:13 #1790 №127669 DELETED
I is tard.
Anonymous  21/07/24 Вск 22:42:12 #1791 №127671 DELETED
Anonymous  21/07/24 Вск 22:50:20 #1792 №127672 DELETED
Dwarfs under 186 centimeters. How do you survive?
Anonymous  22/07/24 Пнд 00:12:07 #1793 №127674 DELETED
Russian github with AI assistant.

One of the Russian advanced neural networks, can also draw well. (For now only for Russians (you need Sber ID to use it)).
Anonymous  22/07/24 Пнд 00:18:46 #1794 №127675 DELETED
One of the advantages of Gigachat over ChatGPT is that the neural network is incredibly careful with the user's time. If ChatGPT pretends that a non-existent program or a non-existent library exists and “helps” you, Gigachat will tell you that such programs and libraries do not exist and recommend something similar in description or functionality.
I consider this an advantage.
Anonymous  22/07/24 Пнд 02:35:00 #1795 №127677 DELETED
Anonymous  22/07/24 Пнд 11:00:25 #1796 №127678 DELETED
Anonymous  22/07/24 Пнд 11:31:51 #1797 №127679 DELETED
Anonymous  22/07/24 Пнд 12:49:21 #1798 №127680 DELETED
Anonymous  22/07/24 Пнд 13:57:16 #1799 №127681 DELETED
Uh huh(c), very uncomfortable video, britbros...
Anonymous  22/07/24 Пнд 22:00:17 #1800 №127692 DELETED
Anonymous  23/07/24 Втр 10:29:15 #1801 №127698 DELETED
Anonymous  23/07/24 Втр 18:46:28 #1802 №127703 DELETED
Anonymous  24/07/24 Срд 03:28:27 #1803 №127711 DELETED
British mercenary Harry Potter has died in Ukraine - BBC.
Anonymous  25/07/24 Чтв 02:51:57 #1804 №127729 DELETED
>>127728 →
Anonymous  25/07/24 Чтв 03:35:26 #1805 №127731 DELETED
Another bullshit from the fans of grants for fake research. Fake research companies - this is the bitch of modern society in general, and most of all it is “believed” by all sorts of Western retards, like the Americans, who banned gas stoves in their country because they allegedly cause cancer. This ban coincided with the fact that Russian gas supplies to Europe dropped to a minimum, after it was locked in, the price of gas on the US domestic market suddenly dropped, making it more or less acceptable to sell to Europe via LNG. You feel the moment?

Official data from Rosstat (state bureau of statistics): average life expectancy in Russia in 2022 is almost 73 years.

Anonymous  25/07/24 Чтв 20:13:34 #1806 №127754 DELETED
я мечтал трахнуть фарион, а теперь все пропало. русня мрази.
Anonymous  25/07/24 Чтв 21:28:46 #1807 №127756 DELETED

The equivalent of 'gay sex is illegal in Russia': shitty propaganda for retards.
Anonymous  25/07/24 Чтв 22:43:02 #1808 №127757 DELETED
The stupid Nazi old pig calling for the murder of Russian-speaking Ukrainians is dead, the killer is a Russian-speaking Ukrainian. >>127679
Nothing unusual.

Just sign up as a defender of your dumbass (((homeland))) and get your personal FAB(today! If you call a friend, you'll get another one as a gift! Completely free!) in your fuckface and be done with it.
Anonymous  25/07/24 Чтв 22:54:32 #1809 №127758 DELETED
That time, the government got its way and prevented gas price increases from breaking a 13-year record
This incidentally also affected the "don't pay", the all just failed
Anonymous  25/07/24 Чтв 22:55:51 #1810 №127759 DELETED
Anonymous  26/07/24 Птн 02:33:05 #1811 №127760 DELETED
Russia's depressed regions are being revitalised by industrial boom - Financial Times

▪️ The military conflict in Ukraine has fuelled a boom in industrial production in Russia. This is particularly strong in previously depressed regions such as Chuvashia, home to 1.2 million people, where Soviet-era factories have been revived and are now operating around the clock,’ the UK's Financial Times ( https://www.ft.com/content/b9749a86-b8dc-4eaa-a1d1-ebccf179d747 ) found.

▪️ Overall, this has led to an industrial boom and rapid growth of the Russian economy, despite Western sanctions. Russia's economy is forecast to grow by more than 3 per cent this year, much higher than in the US and most European countries

▪️ By the end of 2023, industrial production has grown in almost 60 per cent of Russian regions. Chuvashia ranked second, with factories producing 27% more than a year earlier

▪️ Industrial enterprises have sharply increased wages. A young worker's salary has at least doubled. ‘My salary has increased from about 40,000 roubles a month before the conflict in Ukraine to 120,000 roubles today,’ said a worker from Chuvashia

▪️ The average monthly salary in Chuvashia reached a record 68,657 roubles last December, which, according to official data, is almost double the level before the start of the military conflict

▪️ Unemployment has plummeted in Russia.Not only young people are involved in the production process.
Skilled workers of pre-retirement age are returning to the Soviet-era factories they left in the 1990s

▪️ "At the beginning of the military conflict in Ukraine, Western politicians hoped that the effect of sanctions and inflation would help turn the Russian public against the government, and that emptying wallets and fridges would counterbalance what people were seeing on state television. But more than two years later, the TV and the fridge are working in sync" - the Financial Times concluded
Anonymous  26/07/24 Птн 03:01:11 #1812 №127761 DELETED
It's those Westoid mantras again:
>Russians are willless slaves who watch TV and are zombified there.

Do you really fucking think that people here are incapable of analysis and are being zombified by Putin's horrible propaganda?
Even if that's true (in the fantasy case), I might as well say it about Britain, because there's good propaganda and bad propaganda. That's right, isn't it?
Anonymous  26/07/24 Птн 11:02:06 #1813 №127763 DELETED
The killer was arrested. He is also a member of a group of radical Ukrainian(and pro-ukrainian) Russian-speaking Nazis(they took responsibility) responsible for attempts on Russian journalists. The reason for the murder of Nazi Iryna Farion was ‘to divide Ukrainians among themselves’. In short, an internal war, a standard case for a third-world country that lacks adequate social institutions, nothing special.
Anonymous  26/07/24 Птн 17:01:49 #1814 №127768 DELETED
Anonymous  26/07/24 Птн 17:42:02 #1815 №127769 DELETED
шо за ёбнутая сельдь?
Anonymous  26/07/24 Птн 18:09:56 #1816 №127770 DELETED
So if he's concerned about Russian language so much, why does he wear clothes with latin script and probably with american locations "Los Angeles"? Fuck, eastern slavs are retarded
Anonymous  26/07/24 Птн 19:06:28 #1817 №127772 DELETED
The daughter of a murder victim. The same pro-Ukrainian Nazi bitch calling for the death of Russian speakers. The murderer is a pro-Ukrainian Nazi from another Nazi wing (Right Sector organisation). They have inner Nazi wars there.
Anonymous  26/07/24 Птн 19:12:46 #1818 №127773 DELETED
For disguise, didn't you think of that? It's not about letters and language, it's about the different ideologies of Ukrainian Nazism. He's been preparing for this for three months at the behest of a White Power/National Socialism handler. They paid him all the expenses of his stay in Lvov.
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Socialism_/_White_Power )

Iryna Faryon (murdered) claimed that only Galicians(Western Ukrainians) are true Ukrainians, subhumans from Right Sector and WP/NS think that Ukrainians from all regions are one nation.

Influential varieties of Nazi shit are killing each other while the European Parliament screams from the rostrums that there is no Nazism in Ukraine. You might want to think about that.
Anonymous  26/07/24 Птн 22:45:39 #1819 №127776 DELETED
In short, there is a group where dead Ukrainians are posted, originally it was created to post corpses.
Ukrainian mothers and wives are so desperate that under each post they try to find out who it is, where the photo and video was taken, in what neighbourhood and so on.
The admin of this group is so fucked up by their number in 2023 that he created a special bot, a database of discovered Ukrainians (and asked ‘content providers’ at the front to also take photos of military tickets and badges of destroyed Ukrainians) so that these women and other relatives would not clog the chat, but they keep coming and coming, and every time they have to explain that there is a bot where they have to write.
Here are a couple of my screenshots:
Anonymous  27/07/24 Суб 13:28:01 #1820 №127783 DELETED
Ladies and gentlemen, I have to tell you, this is a tremendous moment, one of the greatest moments. We’re standing here, right by the Rubicon, a beautiful river, beautiful, one of the best. And people are talking, they’re talking a lot about what we should do. Some people say we should just cross it, go straight into Rome. Others say, "No, don’t do it, don’t do it, it’s too risky." But you know what? We have to think big, folks, we have to think big. That's how you win, believe me.

Julius Caesar, great guy, tremendous leader, some say the greatest, he did it. He crossed that river, and you know what happened? He changed everything. Changed it bigly. But Caesar didn’t have the same challenges we face today. I mean, he didn’t have the fake news media saying, "Oh, crossing the Rubicon, bad idea, terrible." He didn’t have the naysayers, the losers, trying to stop him at every turn.

But let me tell you, if we cross, and I’m not saying we’re going to cross, but if we do, it’s going to be huge. Epic. The people of Rome are going to love it. They’re tired of the mess in the Senate, folks. They want action. They want strong leadership. They want someone who’s going to get the job done, and believe me, I know how to get things done better than anyone.

Some of my advisors, very smart people, very successful, they came up to me, tears in their eyes, saying, "Mr. Trump, if you cross that river, it’s a bold move, a very bold move." And we like bold, don’t we? We love bold. We don’t do things halfway. We go all the way. We go big or we don’t go at all. That’s the Trump way.

So maybe we do it. Maybe we make history. Or maybe we wait. But whatever we decide, it's going to be the right decision. The best decision. Because we’re winners, and we’re going to keep on winning. The best legions, the best people.

Thank you, thank you very much. We’ll see what happens, folks. We’ll see what happens. But I can tell you this: whatever we do, it’s going to be fantastic. The best. Thank you!
Anonymous  27/07/24 Суб 17:31:40 #1821 №127784 DELETED
Listen, I've got a brilliant idea. Can you somehow pretend to be an American and vote for Trump? Just dress like a retard and try to say ass instead of arse. And never speak with an earl Gaysesex (County of Faggotshire) accent, listen to how rednecks speak. It'll work. I'm thinking.
The West stands not only on the threshold of World War III, but also on the threshold of cultural degradation.
Anonymous  27/07/24 Суб 19:50:37 #1822 №127785 DELETED
Anonymous  27/07/24 Суб 19:52:19 #1823 №127786 DELETED
Okay, welcome
Anonymous  27/07/24 Суб 20:21:42 #1824 №127787 DELETED
People are still feigning outrage at French laïcité. And I thought the plan was for Trump to lose, claim he won then ignite civil conflict, leading to a reduction in overseas US troop deployments, and then Xinnie pops up and says 'werr harro, Taiwan custom and border poricy now administer by China Coast Guard and Peopres Maritime Miritia' and then real chaos breaks out as the stock market crashes, Seoul gets nuked etc etc. Cool story brat.

Anonymous  27/07/24 Суб 23:41:25 #1825 №127788 DELETED
You're very old-fashioned, zoomer Brits don't talk like that. Okay, nice plan, grandpa.
Brat in English is something annoying, small and shouty. You thought I didn't know;)
Anonymous  28/07/24 Вск 02:01:17 #1826 №127789 DELETED
kek lmao lol
an angel in a cop uniform came down to save a dude from imminent death
Anonymous  28/07/24 Вск 02:03:42 #1827 №127790 DELETED
>You're very old-fashioned

Guilty as charged, and very proud of it. I'm so old I wear blazers, chinos and derby shoes in my spare time and spend my holidays wandering around Byzantine ruins off my face on oxycontin and THC edibles.

>You thought I didn't know

I pitch just over the heads of the intended audience, it tends to work. Brat is a very current word too, dead-eyed zoomerettes and those who wish to appeal to them use it as a descriptor.
Anonymous  28/07/24 Вск 03:57:35 #1828 №127791 DELETED
I'll just keep it here for the future. Don't touch
Anonymous  28/07/24 Вск 08:29:38 #1829 №127793 DELETED
А Цой? Цой жив?
Anonymous  28/07/24 Вск 15:42:22 #1830 №127797 DELETED
Anonymous  28/07/24 Вск 23:23:16 #1831 №127801 DELETED
Anonymous  29/07/24 Пнд 13:27:14 #1832 №127807 DELETED
Anonymous  29/07/24 Пнд 14:09:45 #1833 №127808 DELETED
>oxycontin and THC edibles.
Yeap, it's evident in your posts

Anonymous  29/07/24 Пнд 19:30:03 #1834 №127810 DELETED
Anonymous  30/07/24 Втр 00:11:37 #1835 №127813 DELETED
>int доска
>все постеры с русским флагом
>зато на пиндосском языке
Anonymous  30/07/24 Втр 00:27:36 #1836 №127814 DELETED
Practice is essential, retard. This is a great place to do it.
Anonymous  30/07/24 Втр 00:28:09 #1837 №127815 DELETED
Does your blood boil when you see this?
Anonymous  30/07/24 Втр 00:32:49 #1838 №127816 DELETED
Anonymous  30/07/24 Втр 03:07:06 #1839 №127817 DELETED

Anonymous  30/07/24 Втр 03:08:22 #1840 №127818 DELETED
Мы думали что США ФЕМКИ ПИДАРЫ ВОКИЗМ сраная Калифорнея пазорит Омеричку перед всем миром.
и тут ОППА - Олимписька Игры в гораде Пориже!!

Anonymous  30/07/24 Втр 03:10:12 #1841 №127819 DELETED

в Швитую Омерику пидарских францов не примут.
даже в Конаду.
(даже в Квебек!!)

пусь пиздуют в Саратов к Жэрару.
Anonymous  30/07/24 Втр 17:11:22 #1842 №127821 DELETED
The State Duma passed a law banning thrash-streams

Anonymous  30/07/24 Втр 17:56:00 #1843 №127823 DELETED
The State Duma passed a law on legalization of cryptocurrency mining in Russia

Anonymous  30/07/24 Втр 17:56:34 #1844 №127824 DELETED
Anonymous  30/07/24 Втр 18:23:52 #1845 №127828 DELETED
Anonymous  30/07/24 Втр 18:26:05 #1846 №127829 DELETED
Anonymous  30/07/24 Втр 20:54:38 #1847 №127833 DELETED
Chelyabinsk video blogger Andrei Yashin (Gobzavr), known for his YouTube streamings and abuse of his mother, in a conversation with Gazeta.Ru supported the ban on trash-streams in Russia. He admitted that he no longer broadcasts violence online, so he is not worried that the new law will affect his activities.

Since 2016, Andrei Yashin (Gobzavr) together with his mother Lyudmila Yashina (Lyudmurik) began to hold YouTube streams in which they drank alcohol and performed various tasks for money. For example, Andrei could kiss his mother on the lips or break an egg on her head.

Subscribers complained about the content of Gobzavr and Lyudmurik, and the prosecutor's office became interested in the immoral videos. In 2023, the court recognized the bloggers' content as prohibited for distribution in Russia and blocked their main channel.

The document introduces the concept of trash-streams, which is understood as “information that offends human dignity and public morality, expresses clear disrespect for society, contains images of actions with signs of unlawful, including violent, and disseminated from hooligan, mercenary or other base motives”.


Anonymous  31/07/24 Срд 10:30:00 #1848 №127839 DELETED
Masscutting of lolies has been reported 1 day ago in Britain. 2 of 8 victims found dead and 1 recently passed away at the hospital. The police has stated that 17 years old suspect has been arrested and they don't feel like it's terror related.

Now hundreds of angry people caused a riot in town by attacking policemen and burning their car. Merseyside Police calls them thugs and states that their action is in fact disrespect for victim's families.

Taylor Swift is still worried
Anonymous  31/07/24 Срд 10:34:04 #1849 №127840 DELETED
+photo >>127815 >>127816 >>127817
Anonymous  31/07/24 Срд 10:36:18 #1850 №127841 DELETED
Anonymous  31/07/24 Срд 10:40:12 #1851 №127842 DELETED
The comments are awesome.
Anonymous  31/07/24 Срд 10:44:46 #1852 №127843 DELETED
Right? Guardian maybe has his tongue tangled, but at least they didn't close their comment sections as BBC did.
Anonymous  31/07/24 Срд 15:46:14 #1853 №127844 DELETED
Oh shit it's an incel uprising! The fake name associated with it is fucking hilarious by the way, I love a multilingual pun and 'I have no gf' in Arabic is truly a rare and amazing 10/10 trolling experience.
Anonymous  31/07/24 Срд 18:42:22 #1854 №127845 DELETED
>Police say the suspect is a Welsh native with no ties to Islam. The incident is being treated as unrelated to terrorism.
Did you know that the fences of most kindergartens in Russia are made of polycarbonate and are translucent in color so that the children have light, pedophiles can't peek at them, and maniacs can't stalk their little victims? It leaves the light in but blurs the silhouettes turning them into a general mass. Also, all children's institutions in Russia have cameras inside and outside. Suggest it in the UK somewhere.
Anonymous  31/07/24 Срд 19:59:06 #1855 №127846 DELETED
Good stuff's going on, innit?
Anonymous  31/07/24 Срд 20:00:28 #1856 №127847 DELETED
Anonymous  01/08/24 Чтв 04:05:17 #1857 №127849 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)
He has Rwandan parents, he's not Welsh.
Anonymous  01/08/24 Чтв 04:06:07 #1858 №127850 DELETED
Anonymous  01/08/24 Чтв 07:49:09 #1859 №127851 DELETED
Anonymous  01/08/24 Чтв 08:02:33 #1860 №127852 DELETED
That's what happens when you decide to put cheaper pork instead of beef in your soldiers' MREs. For the same price.
Spoiler: Jail
Anonymous  01/08/24 Чтв 11:42:54 #1861 №127854 DELETED
Can't be offending Muslims in the army now, you'll have yourself a sepoy mutiny!
Anonymous  01/08/24 Чтв 16:53:42 #1862 №127856 DELETED
I used to think you were writing your weird posts under the influence of substances, turns out they were abstract references.

Yes, there are enough native Muslims in the Russian army that they protest the wrong food and stay hungry. And a hungry soldier is a bad soldier. So it's not just a corruption offense.

You never answered me. Do you have a boat or not? Every British man should have a boat.
Anonymous  01/08/24 Чтв 17:55:05 #1863 №127857 DELETED
Anonymous  01/08/24 Чтв 21:18:57 #1864 №127859 DELETED
>I used to think you were writing your weird posts under the influence of substances, turns out they were abstract references.

Yep, I get that a lot.

>Do you have a boat or not?

Does a paddleboard count? Boat is an acronym: Break Out Another Thousand, and I'm not that rich.
Anonymous  02/08/24 Птн 15:25:34 #1865 №127862 DELETED
>Break Out Another Thousand
Yeah, that's funny.

That'll do it. You're a real Brit. I inherited a lot of Soviet books on boat building, a yacht built from these books was sold a long time ago when I was still walking under a table, most of the terms used there are clearly of British origin, so I consider it an integral part of British culture.
From these books I concluded that in the USSR people built yachts and boats on their own, of course you could buy them, at the end of most books there is a catalog of boats and yachts (from 100 rubles to 3000, with an average salary of 400 rubles per person), but based on the book information, it is better to optimize and customize it all (especially the engines produced in the USSR, which can be overclocked and secured), increase the fuel tank or make a radio-reflective beacon on the mast in a special shape, so that ships at sea could see you on radar while you sleep in the yacht. There were their own Soviet paints, enamels, processing liquids with their own license plates and unique properties that had no world analogues long before any WD-40, i.e. there was their own developed independent chemical industry. Russians (or rather Muscovites) lost it all in the war with pro-Western liberals in the 90s (if you didn't know, according to the results of the referendum people wanted to keep the USSR, but contrary to their opinion party leaders collapsed the USSR, which is considered treason). Now the best stuff is made in China or European production.
Not committing you to this conversation. Just an interesting observation.

Anonymous  02/08/24 Птн 15:39:39 #1866 №127863 DELETED
This is why nymphomaniacs shouldn't do drugs.
Anonymous  02/08/24 Птн 16:03:20 #1867 №127864 DELETED
Brazil, July 7. The unknown object was filmed from multiple angles. Brazilian experts confirmed the authenticity of the video, at a briefing the government said they could not comment on the incident.
Anonymous  02/08/24 Птн 16:07:54 #1868 №127865 DELETED
Honestly, it looks like a badly inflated balloon that moves air. But we don't know if they eventually found it or not. Requires brazilbro for clarification.
Anonymous  02/08/24 Птн 16:24:25 #1869 №127866 DELETED
Over Moscow in 2009 flew a pyramid rotating on a perpendicular axis, periodically stopping, which was seen by many people.

Anonymous  02/08/24 Птн 16:30:43 #1870 №127867 DELETED
Also this pic.
Anonymous  02/08/24 Птн 20:26:25 #1871 №127868 DELETED
Anonymous  03/08/24 Суб 14:02:26 #1872 №127875 DELETED
If you have any doubts, go back and read my posts and see if there are any dropped or misused articles. Backyard shipwrighting is a tradition from the ancient past, nowadays the equivalent would be a plastic sea kayak bought from Aliexpress. I've found that if you like boats, it's better to be on someone else's.
Anonymous  03/08/24 Суб 14:38:50 #1873 №127876 DELETED
Ok, Oldie. I'm gonna call you Oldie.

Like Goldie, only without the G.
Anonymous  03/08/24 Суб 15:35:52 #1874 №127877 DELETED
The Ukrainians decided to just shell apartment buildings in Orel.
Anonymous  03/08/24 Суб 16:32:07 #1875 №127878 DELETED
i got my free glass at vkusno ee tochka, and you can go on being jealous with your macdonaldses

i could even pour kvass or coke in it if I stopped being so lazy and went to the store to get it
Anonymous  03/08/24 Суб 17:12:54 #1876 №127879 DELETED
Has anyone commented on this in Europe as a human rights violation? No? Well, then that's fine with everyone. So European politicians tacitly support it.
Anonymous  03/08/24 Суб 17:20:18 #1877 №127880 DELETED
Ukrainians have become occupiers of themselves.
Anonymous  03/08/24 Суб 19:14:21 #1878 №127881 DELETED
who set the world on fire?
Anonymous  03/08/24 Суб 21:29:35 #1879 №127882 DELETED
boring post
Anonymous  03/08/24 Суб 21:33:54 #1880 №127883 DELETED
👊 Clashes in Britain: Migrant gangs with samurai swords and knives took to the streets of cities, facing off against nationalists and soccer fans

▪️ In Stoke, white British men hide in houses after a series of knife attacks.
▪️ Footage from Stoke shows peoples with samurai swords and people fleeing in a park where there were clashes. Also battles in Liverpool and Newcastle.
▪️ Migrant gangs have become masters of the streets in many neighborhoods, and locals are hiding in panic.
▪️ Dozens injured and beaten are reported.
Anonymous  03/08/24 Суб 22:22:08 #1881 №127884 DELETED
Youtube in Russia is finished. The government says YouTube is to blame, Google says they had nothing to do with it.
Anonymous  03/08/24 Суб 23:55:29 #1882 №127885 DELETED
your mamka is boring
Anonymous  04/08/24 Вск 00:39:17 #1883 №127886 DELETED
In Kovel (Western Ukraine) people are trying to free captured people from the Military Commissariat.

Since this is all useless information for me and foreigners, we can bet so it won't be so boring: will it turn into riots? I bet Zelensky's anus that it won't.
Anonymous  04/08/24 Вск 01:07:41 #1884 №127887 DELETED
Жиды есть? Оправдывайтесь, нахуй, почему теперь вас ебут все кому не лень, от топ-тапочников до великого Султона?
Anonymous  04/08/24 Вск 12:04:43 #1885 №127889 DELETED
Anonymous  04/08/24 Вск 13:34:51 #1886 №127890 DELETED
The Ukrainian Armed Forces purposefully aimed an FPV drone at an open window of a residential building in the border town of Shebekino (Belgorod Region).
An elderly woman who was in the apartment was killed.

Still not terrorists?
Anonymous  04/08/24 Вск 13:35:30 #1887 №127891 DELETED
Anonymous  04/08/24 Вск 14:02:23 #1888 №127894 DELETED
Liverpool are just boiling
Does Britain have some analog to Rosgvardia for such cases? Or is it all down to the police?

The Rosgvardia differs from the police and internal troops in its broader specialization and powers. It has the right to use a wider range of special means and to create special units such as OMON and SOBR.

The tasks of the Rosgvardia:

- Ensuring public security and public order
- Combating terrorism and extremism
- Protecting important state facilities and officials
- Control over the circulation of weapons and special means
- Assisting in the protection of the state border
- Participation in anti-crime and counter-terrorism operations
Anonymous  04/08/24 Вск 14:08:04 #1889 №127895 DELETED
British Civil War. That's what excessive tolerance is.
Anonymous  04/08/24 Вск 14:11:50 #1890 №127896 DELETED
In Britain, right-wingers burned down a library that was famous for replacing children's books with Sharia books.
Anonymous  04/08/24 Вск 15:15:42 #1891 №127897 DELETED
>British Civil War
i thought it was the irish lol
until you wrote that they were migrants
Anonymous  04/08/24 Вск 16:47:48 #1892 №127898 DELETED
Anonymous  04/08/24 Вск 17:19:41 #1893 №127899 DELETED
it is better that they create a /cis/ board and invite russophones including non-cis - Russian language students, whatever along this Cyrillic captcha exists. it's fucked to trying to solve captchas - 7-10 times just to reply with one liner.
>but muh just buy a pass to reply on an 1 almost dead board
Anonymous  04/08/24 Вск 17:20:15 #1894 №127900 DELETED
a) I'm not the only one here.
b) As you've noticed, there aren't many posters here to discuss anything else. Unfortunately for me.

If you had informed Abu that his solution with Cyrillic captcha for int is counterproductive even for Serbs (who have a different keyboard layout) the situation could have been much better. Until then, shut up.
Anonymous  04/08/24 Вск 17:22:24 #1895 №127901 DELETED
>7-10 times
Speaking of which, that's my problem, too. My record is 15 times. I think the captcha is cheating by not allowing the AI to be trained to solve it.
Anonymous  04/08/24 Вск 19:57:03 #1896 №127904 DELETED
here in Portugal there is no cement sidewalk in the same dreadful state as in that video.
Anonymous  04/08/24 Вск 21:15:42 #1897 №127905 DELETED
The poorest city in Russia (Togliatti):

Anonymous  04/08/24 Вск 21:51:07 #1898 №127906 DELETED
I like how the mod made everything in BIG letters. Especially for dumbasses.
Anonymous  04/08/24 Вск 23:18:55 #1899 №127910 DELETED
but there are no armed aggressive blacks, no homeless, no psychos with shizofrenia that the state has thrown like garbage prefers not to notice and no crowds of drug addicts lying around
like that famous country everyone likes to compare everything to
poor but clean and quiet place.
Anonymous  04/08/24 Вск 23:31:34 #1900 №127911 DELETED
Anonymous  05/08/24 Пнд 02:19:50 #1901 №127912 DELETED
Portugal doesn't have them either.
Anonymous  05/08/24 Пнд 02:23:06 #1902 №127913 DELETED
Zelensky got 7 F-16s and said that the Russian orcs would now be finished.
Anonymous  05/08/24 Пнд 02:23:59 #1903 №127914 DELETED
>Zelensky got 7 F-16s and said that the Russian orcs would now be finished.
I'm really not kidding or misrepresenting the meaning of what I said.
Anonymous  05/08/24 Пнд 02:42:30 #1904 №127915 DELETED
Mali is breaking off diplomatic relations with Ukraine "because of Kiev's support for international terrorism".

A spokesman for the Malian government, Abdoulaye Maiga, said this on national television

Just to refresh your memory a bit: the hohols leaked intelligence to the local Alqaeda branch to ambush one of PMC Wagner's units in Mali.
Anonymous  05/08/24 Пнд 19:38:14 #1905 №127918 DELETED
>but muh just buy a pass to reply on an 1 almost dead board
we really appreciate your service to our dead community, sitting on a dead board for so many years and not leaving it, i consider it a feat leel
it's yours
Anonymous  06/08/24 Втр 04:11:09 #1906 №127922 DELETED
The UK is no longer in the top 10 global industrialized nations.
Russia, Mexico, Italy and Taiwan have overtaken it in this list.

Sad story, bro
Anonymous  06/08/24 Втр 16:28:16 #1907 №127931 DELETED
No, the UK has nothing like this. No internal troops, no gendarmerie, just normal police, police with guns á la SOBR, then the full-on army.
Anonymous  06/08/24 Втр 16:58:11 #1908 №127932 DELETED
Yes, what you really need is something between the army and the police. And I'm sure that after the current events, something similar will appear in Britain. I just look at what's happening in British cities now and it's mind-boggling. I haven't seen anything like this in my country for 23 years. The threat from migrants outweighs the benefit from them because of their gigantic numbers, they have literally become invaders and the state is on their side, lol. Liberalism is only justified when society is consolidated and mono-ethnic, in all other cases liberalism becomes poison.
Anonymous  06/08/24 Втр 18:01:37 #1909 №127933 DELETED
What you prefer carry on the streets - machete or knife?
Anonymous  06/08/24 Втр 19:47:26 #1910 №127934 DELETED
Anonymous  07/08/24 Срд 02:15:05 #1911 №127935 DELETED
❗️Niger breaks diplomatic relations with Ukraine - AFP
Anonymous  07/08/24 Срд 02:36:54 #1912 №127936 DELETED
Anonymous  07/08/24 Срд 07:48:01 #1913 №127937 DELETED
да что этот ниггер себе позволяет!
Anonymous  07/08/24 Срд 13:23:09 #1914 №127939 DELETED
Colonial bros. is that true?
Anonymous  07/08/24 Срд 14:53:31 #1915 №127940 DELETED
Indians in Ibero-America mostly died with "16-19th century Covid fake pandemia" and slavery
Bandeira (portuguese) is Bandera (spanish) or flag. Why do that Ukrainian person, terrorist, etc. of 20th century that Russians and Ukrainian spammed along these 2 years and half has the same surname as Portuguese (like a colleague of mine has Bandeira surname) and Spanish is weird.
Anonymous  07/08/24 Срд 15:00:13 #1916 №127941 DELETED
Thank you, dear SIR. I would give you reddit gold but instead have this video. Please, enjoy it.
Anonymous  07/08/24 Срд 17:01:01 #1917 №127942 DELETED
Anonymous  07/08/24 Срд 19:23:28 #1918 №127943 DELETED
Russia... home...
Anonymous  07/08/24 Срд 22:56:58 #1919 №127944 DELETED
Look what those subhumans did to the monastery in Suja.
Anonymous  07/08/24 Срд 23:14:18 #1920 №127945 DELETED
>He's still surprised by the antics of terrorists the U.S. is covering up.

The AFU killed a 75-year-old woman in Shebekino who opened a window to air her apartment.
Anonymous  07/08/24 Срд 23:45:37 #1921 №127946 DELETED
cringe, but based
Anonymous  08/08/24 Чтв 00:41:13 #1922 №127947 DELETED
I don't even know what they're trying to accomplish, it's just a pointless operation. How will they supply their troops if they manage to get a foothold? Reserves from all over Russia are coming into this zone, it's literally suicide.
Anonymous  08/08/24 Чтв 00:50:11 #1923 №127948 DELETED
Anonymous  08/08/24 Чтв 00:51:40 #1924 №127949 DELETED
Explanation. An attempt to derail the peace talks.
Anonymous  08/08/24 Чтв 01:15:04 #1925 №127950 DELETED
peace talks are only after November elections.
Anonymous  08/08/24 Чтв 02:05:48 #1926 №127951 DELETED
My personal opinion based on the analysis of information: the purpose of the invasion is to delay and disrupt the Russian "Sumy operation". Because immediately after the invasion of Kursk region, Ukrainians began to forcibly evacuate their Sumy City and nearby settlements(links). The forced evacuation will not allow Russia to hold a referendum in Sumy region. It will be maximally illegitimate due to the absence of a majority of residents. Podolyak is known for his dumb schoolboy-level sarcasm, but he hinted with this at what they really want to achieve, it's just that the Ukrainian opposition blogger (Anatoly Shariy) (pictured above) didn't elaborate on the point.

Anonymous  08/08/24 Чтв 03:27:06 #1927 №127952 DELETED
Looks reasonable, but I think it's best to wait for more information
It seems to me that their target is the Kursk nuclear power plant.
Anonymous  08/08/24 Чтв 03:34:59 #1928 №127953 DELETED
The British MI-6 has passed new intelligence to the Ukrainian presidential office and the General Staff that the Russian army is transferring five brigades and combat aviation to the Kursk Region to form strike groups.

According to the intelligence information, the Kremlin has decided not only to clear Russian territories from the AFU, but also to create a sanitary corridor {picrel} on Ukrainian territory.

Le suicide. That's what I was talking about above.
Anonymous  08/08/24 Чтв 11:44:17 #1929 №127957 DELETED
The sanitary zone will probably be the part near the borders of Sumy. There are not enough people for more. One brigade is from 1000 to 4000 soldiers, hence 5 brigades - from 5000 to 20000 soldiers.
Anonymous  08/08/24 Чтв 14:41:08 #1930 №127961 DELETED
5 brigades - this is the reserve, initially at Kursk they were more, I do not remember the exact number, (about 60 thousand). A lot + 5 brigades.
Anonymous  08/08/24 Чтв 18:08:52 #1931 №127963 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)
Kurwa ja perdole.
Anonymous  08/08/24 Чтв 20:44:32 #1932 №127967 DELETED

Anonymous  08/08/24 Чтв 22:17:19 #1933 №127968 DELETED
>They want a nuclear strike
Anonymous  08/08/24 Чтв 23:12:08 #1934 №127969 DELETED
I remind you that there are two+ Lubimovka villages in Kursk. What the hohols give out for allegedly 15 km near Kursk NPP is a lie. The photo was taken in Lubimovka near Sudzha (blue circle).
Anonymous  08/08/24 Чтв 23:14:09 #1935 №127970 DELETED
45 kilometers from KNPP. They've gotten practically nowhere. In Sudzha they are being actively pushed out by paratroopers and special assault units.
Anonymous  08/08/24 Чтв 23:19:46 #1936 №127971 DELETED
The more reasonable hohols in X are not very happy about all this.

The poorer hohols in Telegram are throwing a tantrum about having to sit without lights and shit in a plastic bag again after Russia answers for everything.
Anonymous  08/08/24 Чтв 23:21:52 #1937 №127972 DELETED
<-Interesting info. Poles will be the first to feel it.
Anonymous  08/08/24 Чтв 23:34:49 #1938 №127973 DELETED
Kurwi ukri. Ja perdole.
Anonymous  08/08/24 Чтв 23:47:22 #1939 №127974 DELETED
The Hohols plan to create a second corridor on the other side to get to the Kursk nuclear power plant.

:D drop your VPNs
you're under arrrrest
Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 01:02:22 #1940 №127977 DELETED
The Ukrainian girl was called to identify her dead father. Oh, that's so sweet:3
Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 02:45:27 #1941 №127979 DELETED
Britbro, Is this a "dirty game" or not yet?

(not trolling)
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 04:04:44 #1942 №127980 DELETED
Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 04:05:22 #1943 №127981 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)
Is Adguard Russian?
Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 05:18:17 #1944 №127982 DELETED
>Developed by Performix (Russia)
But recently, because of your financial sanctions, they moved to Cyprus and registered there as Adguard Software Limited.
Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 05:18:43 #1945 №127983 DELETED
Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 05:23:12 #1946 №127984 DELETED
To be more precise, they didn't move anywhere, but registered a separate distribution company in Cyprus to get around the "sanctions".

Their office is visible from my house.
Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 05:29:57 #1947 №127985 DELETED
Portuguese anon be like:
"Which to install on my computer CIA or FSB?"
Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 12:50:58 #1948 №127994 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)
Панове, так якды будесиме пердоле росьян?
Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 13:15:37 #1949 №127995 DELETED
That's it? A supermarket?
Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 17:18:59 #1950 №127997 DELETED
tolsty pidar
Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 17:28:55 #1951 №127998 DELETED
you guys have some pretty poor intelligence to not be able to spot what the other side of planning with raids like this tbh, CIA probably knows all the plans 2 weeks before they're made with some satellite mossad mega-tech
Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 18:20:09 #1952 №127999 DELETED
Здесь все мои друзья.
Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 18:45:45 #1953 №128001 DELETED
>you guys have some pretty poor intelligence
but you are genius now
the unprotected kursk nuclear power plant is definitely not a cheese in a mousetrap on which kiev's last reserves have been thrown

as far as I remember macedonia joined nato (along with russian tanks that russia gave to macedonia for self-defense and which you sent to ukraine like humiliated bitches, lmao)
>5-day of 2-day special military blietzkrieg operation
your intelligence is shit, nafoid
Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 18:51:28 #1954 №128003 DELETED
we joined nato but literally no one asked anyone here if they want to join NATO, our governments have all been west dickriders forever because they want to farm tenders from westoids to build their mansions, exact same reason why every other eastern european gov is the west's bitch, it is what it is, I didn't even wanna join NATO, since our biggest threats are NATO countries (like albania and their inbred twins in kosovo), what can I do about it, tho in 2001 ukraine did a homie move by selling us some mi24, but im pretty sure it had a pro russian gov in 2001, not sure
>the unprotected
I'm saying when you run a war like this you should be monitoring every inch of the enemy's movements with some mega secret mil tech shit so you're not caught unguarded along the border regions tho innit...
Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 18:57:45 #1955 №128004 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)
Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 19:06:22 #1956 №128005 DELETED
Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 19:10:21 #1957 №128006 DELETED
but fun fact guess who in NATO is least schizophrenic about russia
meanwhile I have a finnish friend, the average normie there 100% believes that you'll start a war there next, the propaganda is insane, that's why I want this dumbass war to end asap, don't care in whose favor, ideally crimea + donbass officially to russia (because they're filled with russians anyway?) and then call it a day
I came to 2ch to see what russians think of this kursk shit though, surely there will be escalation I think
Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 20:24:54 #1958 №128008 DELETED
>yet another /chug/er
damn, dude, we really don't have enough russophobic nafoids here, it's no fun without them
>monitoring every inch of the enemy's movements
intelligence has been tracking them since belarus
10k heavily-armed ukravians are trapped.
you may notice that it doesn't look like it, but the ukravians are bringing their reserves into this area near kursk as it expands
ok, let's make a bet: if the ukrists fortify there and take over the nuclear plant to blackmail russia in peace talks I'll say you're the coolest dude in this thread, and if they're destroyed you'll read "sun tzu - the art of war" and stop writing philistine posts.
Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 20:27:18 #1959 №128009 DELETED
>I came to 2ch to see what russians think of this kursk shit though, surely there will be escalation I think
it's a trap.
(my opinion)
i won't speak for all the russians here.
Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 20:48:02 #1960 №128010 DELETED
its still a huge blow to putin's credibility in the eyes of average russians if he "allowed" enemies to push so deep into the territory tho ain't it, I asked a guy from yakutsk and from moscow ik and they said almost nobody is talking about the incident in general though, but if vids like those of the peasants begging putin to help are shared around it won't be good for his rep probably, at best case scenario it'll look like he put civilians at risk willingly in order to trap the ukranian forces or whatever, but I don't know how such dynamics play out in russian society so
Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 20:55:30 #1961 №128011 DELETED
>what russians think of this kursk shit though
Regardless of the outcome of this operation, this is the last operation for Ukraine.
Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 21:06:38 #1962 №128012 DELETED
The only problem with this conflict on the Russian side is the individual hysterical war bloggers who create the whole emotional pyramid for stupid infantile people.

t. Other
Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 23:09:07 #1963 №128014 DELETED

Putin flew out of Moscow. The destination is concealed. Presumably the underground city and nuclear headquarters of Yamantau.
Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 23:22:29 #1964 №128015 DELETED
It's fucked up that European serfs must pay tax for USA and Russian overlords for their internet mischief (hackers with virus, malware + gorillion ads + Jewgle manifest V3). My father already paid a Kaspersky subscription years ago. Now paying 70 euros for a lifetime license to get an """adblocker""" in steroids" is fucked up.
Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 23:23:44 #1965 №128016 DELETED
*internet mischiefs including those 3 letter agencies backdoors
Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 23:56:05 #1966 №128017 DELETED
It's a private freighter airplane. Bunch of stupid /b/ kids. Go back.
Anonymous  10/08/24 Суб 00:16:20 #1967 №128018 DELETED
I use Yandex Browser with AdGuard built in and have long since resigned myself to the fact that someone out there is jerking off to my MILFs with me.

Prices for the desktop version of Adguard in Russia:
50 rubles 3 devices (~0,5 euro)
92 rubles 9 devices (~1 euro)
1499 rubles three devices (~15 euro)
2799 rubles 9 devices (~29 euro)

Prices for the Kaspersky in Russia:
The most expensive:
3119 rubles 10 devices for 1 year (~32 euro)
4078 rubles 3 devices for 2 year (~42 euro)
The most cheaper:
0 rubles for unlimited devices for unlimited years (~0 euro) disable Kaspersky self-protection and reset the trial
Anonymous  10/08/24 Суб 00:26:27 #1968 №128020 DELETED
I was wrong.
0.5 euro per year for 3 devices
1 euro per year for 9 devices

Anonymous  10/08/24 Суб 03:07:26 #1969 №128023 DELETED
unironnically the best ad blocker (pc version, not an extension) and not only an ad blocker: it can become a proxy server and anonymizer at will, it can become a network filter against phishing, attacks and data theft if you redirect the stream through secure servers cloudflare, adguard, or others of your choice, it breaks state censorship by DPI so that I can be aware of advanced methods of propoganda of hohols, also it is well versed in the API of all browser engines in the world.
pc-adgard is greatly underestimated by ordinary users, it is a very powerful tool for self-defense on the Internet
Anonymous  10/08/24 Суб 03:11:26 #1970 №128024 DELETED
6 months premium free if downloaded from comms
Anonymous  10/08/24 Суб 03:14:44 #1971 №128025 DELETED
we'll see
Anonymous  10/08/24 Суб 11:28:21 #1972 №128041 DELETED

Or you can run it yourself, which is what I do. It's also patriotic if you're me as these computers are designed in the UK by Cambridge people.

If anyone needs a Signal proxy, I am setting one up based in Ireland's AWS zone. Logs (if it even generates them) will be cleared every day. I can't promise MI:5 won't look at it but do you really give a fuck if they do? Reply to this for the URL.
Anonymous  10/08/24 Суб 15:10:22 #1973 №128047 DELETED
Anonymous  10/08/24 Суб 15:31:48 #1974 №128049 DELETED
I was once jerking off to a sexy British blonde through a British proxy and noticed slight mouse movements across the monitor.
Anonymous  10/08/24 Суб 15:55:10 #1975 №128050 DELETED
>discredits enemy viruses by indirectly signaling that domestic viruses are better
nice try, comrade major
Anonymous  10/08/24 Суб 18:12:10 #1976 №128053 DELETED
Anonymous  11/08/24 Вск 00:31:28 #1977 №128060 DELETED
Meanwhile, in Kursk...
Anonymous  11/08/24 Вск 02:07:53 #1978 №128061 DELETED
Yeah, that's a funny video.
Why do hohols love Photoshop so much? Is this some kind of super secret NATO doctrine?

Thanks for link, btw.
Anonymous  11/08/24 Вск 02:10:05 #1979 №128062 DELETED
There was a ukr-photoshop with the sign of the town of Belaya, and Ukrainian maps drew it as an area controlled by the Ukrainians. A brave dude decided to check and shot a video from the center of Belaya, no one in the town, locals evacuated, he drove around and didn't even meet anyone except the sound of a drone exploding in the sky. The Ukrainians have succeeded very well in information warfare - this is a fact I recognize, nevertheless today is the 7th day they are trying to make their way to the Kursk nuclear power plant with their thousands of soldiers.

What the real situation is, few people know.
Anonymous  11/08/24 Вск 02:52:05 #1980 №128064 DELETED
Afrique Media: Ukrainian special forces attacked the Malian army with drones

(yeah i know french)
Anonymous  11/08/24 Вск 04:14:20 #1981 №128066 DELETED
There are no Ukrainians in Sudzha, only trophies they left behind.
Anonymous  11/08/24 Вск 12:09:27 #1982 №128080 DELETED
Truth is the first casualty of warfare. Do you think this is what 1941 was like?
Anonymous  11/08/24 Вск 12:30:02 #1983 №128081 DELETED
The only thing I realized in this war: not believing in the Russian army is stupid.
Anonymous  11/08/24 Вск 12:46:56 #1984 №128082 DELETED
So, guys... When will the EU impose sanctions against Ukraine for illegal invasion of Russian territory?
Anonymous  11/08/24 Вск 13:50:38 #1985 №128086 DELETED
How British is their pronunciation? Looks like remnants of the SAS group that was wiped out last time. Video from the first day of the Kursk invasion.
Anonymous  11/08/24 Вск 13:57:12 #1986 №128088 DELETED
Something is not going well with their two-day seizure of the Kursk NPP. Video from today. Day 7.
Anonymous  11/08/24 Вск 15:34:22 #1987 №128089 DELETED
Something didn't go well with them...
Anonymous  11/08/24 Вск 19:42:16 #1988 №128097 DELETED
how is it possible that hohols are assraping vatniggers this bad kek

imagine your reaction if in 2005 several iraqi battalions would have managed to occupy and hold several towns in Arizona whilst clearing the road towards the Palo Verde nuclear power plant

russkies truly are the most cucked nation on earth at this point
Anonymous  11/08/24 Вск 20:33:03 #1989 №128098 DELETED
>some stupid childish analogies.
I don't see any real progress from the hohols. Their progress has stopped on day two and only develops on the internet, retarded dumbass. There are plenty of prufs for this, but westoid mutts owning political channels on social media need to make content out of nothing so dumbasses like you increase views of paid ads.

Turnoff proxy, I can see you.
Anonymous  11/08/24 Вск 23:34:48 #1990 №128100 DELETED
Anonymous  12/08/24 Пнд 02:43:24 #1991 №128101 DELETED
Nigger, your entire policy throughout history has been based on sitting behind the english channel and the atlantic and wait until the threat passes. Your western civilizarion is literally the most cucked and weak subhuman mass, only capable of making hamburgers and stealing other nations scientists.
Anonymous  12/08/24 Пнд 04:09:40 #1992 №128103 DELETED
Anonymous  12/08/24 Пнд 06:16:31 #1993 №128108 DELETED
Anonymous  12/08/24 Пнд 09:31:06 #1994 №128111 DELETED
Anonymous  12/08/24 Пнд 09:34:57 #1995 №128112 DELETED
Trophies. There is nothing Ukrainian about them. Because in the alternative timeline, Ukraine lost in the first two weeks without the strongest support of the US and the EU (to its own detriment, of course).
Anonymous  12/08/24 Пнд 10:03:31 #1996 №128113 DELETED
Kursk-Sumy border

Minus Radar Starlink
Anonymous  12/08/24 Пнд 10:08:37 #1997 №128114 DELETED
Anonymous  12/08/24 Пнд 10:59:12 #1998 №128115 DELETED
Anonymous  12/08/24 Пнд 11:03:07 #1999 №128116 DELETED
Local residents caught a Ukrainian saboteur, btw
Anonymous  12/08/24 Пнд 14:29:18 #2000 №128119 DELETED
Chechens trophied a BTR-4 from hohols.
Anonymous  12/08/24 Пнд 14:32:29 #2001 №128120 DELETED
A local resident thought it was a new invasion of the hohols, but it's still the same trophy being transported to the rear.
Anonymous  12/08/24 Пнд 18:39:44 #2002 №128123 DELETED
Journalists from The Economist visited the Ukrainian military hospital in Sumy, where wounded AFU soldiers who took part in the invasion of the Kursk region are being taken.

The wounded complain of heavy losses from Russian air strikes and claim that elite AFU units have been thrown into Kursk and are being methodically destroyed.

In one unit 12 fighters were killed immediately after the first shelling, many wounded.

British journalists also spoke to a representative of the General Staff of the AFU:
"According to preliminary data, the results are inconclusive. Russia has moved troops from the Kharkov front, but far fewer troops have left Donbass. Their [Russian] commanders are not idiots. They are moving forces, but not as fast as we would like. They know that we can't extend logistics 80 or 100 kilometers [inside Kursk Oblast]."


The eighth day of a special two-day blitzkrieg operation to capture Kursk NPP.
Anonymous  12/08/24 Пнд 18:50:58 #2003 №128124 DELETED
>The Russian army now takes combat operations more seriously. The danger is that wewill fall into a trap and Russia will bite the bullet
Anonymous  12/08/24 Пнд 19:09:09 #2004 №128125 DELETED
i said it was a trap, the macedonian didn't believe me >>128010
Anonymous  12/08/24 Пнд 19:55:00 #2005 №128126 DELETED
Putin canceled upcoming peace talks with Ukraine.
Anonymous  12/08/24 Пнд 20:04:59 #2006 №128127 DELETED
my condolences to hohols
Anonymous  12/08/24 Пнд 20:12:36 #2007 №128128 DELETED
А моча-то пидорас, сожалею...
Anonymous  12/08/24 Пнд 20:34:20 #2008 №128129 DELETED
>it's all part of the plan that ukraine took control of several villages, 1000 km2 of pre-war russian territory and displaced almost 200 thousand civilians
>at least they haven't progressed further

Holy shit how pathetic are ziggers?

>nooooooooo you can't just support a country getting invaded

The butthurt levels are off the charts
Anonymous  12/08/24 Пнд 20:55:38 #2009 №128131 DELETED
Слышишь, говно, пиши по-русски, рот твой ебал!
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 00:09:44 #2010 №128133 DELETED
The most unfunny bait award
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 01:35:52 #2011 №128135 DELETED
Are you aware that you have very heavy casualties that are not publicized by the western press?
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 01:37:53 #2012 №128136 DELETED
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 01:38:13 #2013 №128137 DELETED
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 01:41:15 #2014 №128138 DELETED
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 02:11:29 #2015 №128141 DELETED
subhuman pls
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 03:04:03 #2016 №128142 DELETED
>1000 km2

Manipulation is for the mentally retarded.
Real: 12 kilometers deep. Width 40km.
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 03:42:57 #2017 №128143 DELETED
Nice shot, Kurskbros
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 03:45:21 #2018 №128144 DELETED
Kursk in two days. Bottom line.
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 03:46:35 #2019 №128145 DELETED
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 03:51:01 #2020 №128146 DELETED
Kursk. Superpower blietzkrieg offensive.
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 05:47:00 #2021 №128147 DELETED

Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 10:19:20 #2022 №128148 DELETED
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 11:48:47 #2023 №128149 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)
What is a good chicken shashlik marinade recipe?
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 12:21:01 #2024 №128150 DELETED
Use a browser with neural networks for read. For example Yandex.
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 12:23:11 #2025 №128151 DELETED
Thermobaric GIGASTRIKE
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 12:37:55 #2026 №128152 DELETED
The left is the end of Britain. My opinion.

You might say it's the same with Russia, no dudes, it's profoundly not the same in Russia. There is a migrant problem in Russia, but it is not so deep that it has a destructive effect on society and the rights of native citizens, moreover migrants are so tightly screwed that any wrong move towards Russians causes deportation to their home country, and slurred Russian speech can be a reason for recertification of Russian language for citizenship. Moreover, in some regions of Russia migrants have no right to find employment at all.

This was possible because the concept of left and right in Russia is considered childish nonsense by the little zoomers from 2ch/po/ who mentally live in the EU. In Russia, the concept of rationalism, i.e. dynamically adaptive politics (in some cases Russia is right-wing, in some cases left-wing, and where it is necessary to be moderate - moderate) is considered correct.

Agreements, objections?
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 12:59:00 #2027 №128153 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)
>discrediting the armed forces of Russia are forbidden ITT
Woah, autofellation thread.
How is Soyja(ck) doing, btw?
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 13:21:44 #2028 №128155 DELETED
This thread is for authoritarian countries only. Show your arrest statistics or leave.
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 13:24:04 #2029 №128156 DELETED
Australians will need to show ID to access the internet and police will need access to their social media accounts, including their private messages

LMAO Is that true?
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 14:01:40 #2030 №128157 DELETED
as my father taught me as a child:
- kefir 200 grams for every half kilo of chicken (the base of the marinade). is there kefir in britain? anyway, any source of lactic acid bacteria, like unsweetened(classic) yogurt or sour cream, but kefir is the most appropriate
- half a tsp of black pepper (milled)
- 1 tbsp parsley greens (chopped with a knife)
- half a tsp of salt
- 3 cloves of garlic (chopped) i can't remember in what context to use "choped" in english, in short, grate it.
(this is all for half a kilo of chicken fillet, if it's a kilo or two, multiply by this number, i live alone, so my limit of kebabs in my backyard is a kilo with a lager cup)
personally, i also started adding a pinch of smoked paprika it adds some pertinent flavor (very based)
dice the chicken and mix it in a bowl with the marinade cover the whole thing with cheesecloth and leave it to marinate for 11 hours (after this you can put it in a container and put it in the fridge, if you evacuate the air, it can keep for up to 5 days (depends on the freshness of the chicken))
then you can either bake it in the oven, roast it, or build a fire (or a mangal, but a fire is better) outside, thread everything on a skewer and hang it over the coals. charcoal provides undeniable flavor benefits
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 18:12:20 #2031 №128162 DELETED
1. (Volchansk is a town in the Russian siege near Kharkov, Kharkov and Kursk are connected by one highway)

4. "Whoever shoots down~ Is a cocksucker"
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 18:37:29 #2032 №128163 DELETED
Captured by dvachers from /wm/, serving in the Russian Armed Forces. proof: https://t.me/voen2ch/9387

FPV drone model "Knyaz Vandal of Novgorod"
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 19:06:40 #2033 №128164 DELETED
To koniec
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 19:09:24 #2034 №128165 DELETED
The company developing "Stalker 2" has spent all the military donations from Ukrainians it collected on buses for Ukrainian military commissars. Comments are literally blazing with anger
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 19:50:50 #2035 №128166 DELETED
Thank you the dinner came out lovely
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 19:59:01 #2036 №128167 DELETED
Это что, пидорашьего хрючева тред?
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 20:01:47 #2037 №128168 DELETED
>Это что, пидорашьего хрючева тред?
Sssssh little piggie, you will learn how to cook this good some day
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 22:09:45 #2038 №128171 DELETED
very cool
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 22:36:47 #2039 №128172 DELETED
Oh dear, did I upset you with my good cooking? It is ok, one day you will learn how to cook by yourself.
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 22:39:04 #2040 №128173 DELETED
Looks delicious, what marinade recipe did you use?
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 22:45:33 #2041 №128174 DELETED
It's more fermentation than marinating, btw
Of course, I realize we call "marinating" any preparatory operations with meat for shashlyks, just wanted to point that out.
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 22:56:00 #2042 №128175 DELETED
The brightest opinion leaders of famous events in runet. Ukrnet so insignificant that it does not exist, all the battles take place on the runet in Russian.
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 23:02:49 #2043 №128176 DELETED
Also, they're all cringe (amazing coincidence!)
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 23:05:54 #2044 №128177 DELETED
Ultra-rights in Russia are ultra-cringe. So I have to agree.
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 23:06:59 #2045 №128178 DELETED
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 23:16:20 #2046 №128179 DELETED
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 23:28:07 #2047 №128180 DELETED
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 23:39:36 #2048 №128182 DELETED
>noooo they didn't take control of 1000km2 of our territory
>they only occupied 500km2

hohols can literally walk in and occupy parts of your country for more than a week and you will do nothing about it.
i guess all those putin threats about 'crossing red lines' were bullshit. russkies can be bullied around and all they will do is lash out at weak unprotected civvies like a nigger
Anonymous  14/08/24 Срд 00:13:04 #2049 №128183 DELETED
You're being asked, retard: why is the two-day special operation to take Kursk so badly delayed?
Anonymous  14/08/24 Срд 01:18:01 #2050 №128185 DELETED
Take your Irish friend away from the fields of ukraine, or they're already making memes out of him on /po/.
Anonymous  14/08/24 Срд 08:04:48 #2051 №128186 DELETED
Thanks, Mr. Cuck!
Anonymous  14/08/24 Срд 08:17:34 #2052 №128187 DELETED
Unfortunately, such talented sax players become famous only after they passed away, likewise all the cone real artists.
Anonymous  14/08/24 Срд 08:30:54 #2053 №128188 DELETED
Russian hackers are responsible for Olympic Games being a shit coaster
Anonymous  14/08/24 Срд 13:54:49 #2054 №128190 DELETED
Ahahahahahah, that's lol

Someday in the future, when the power of the American fascists and their suck ups has waned and investigations begin into the corruption in the IOC that allowed men into the women's competition, these mentally ill (gender dysphoria) creatures will be stripped of all medals. And the countries they represented will apologize to real women for trampling on their rights and insulting their feminine nature with pseudo-scientific arguments. But that will be in the next century. In the meantime, enjoy the world of clowns:D
Anonymous  14/08/24 Срд 13:55:58 #2055 №128191 DELETED
Good post.
Anonymous  14/08/24 Срд 14:27:45 #2056 №128192 DELETED
Anonymous  14/08/24 Срд 18:18:50 #2057 №128194 DELETED
Ахахаххахаха че это за хуйня
Anonymous  14/08/24 Срд 18:20:08 #2058 №128195 DELETED
Это какая-то пост ирония? Я просто не выкупаю.
Anonymous  14/08/24 Срд 18:22:31 #2059 №128196 DELETED
А азазин (гузлик) где?
Anonymous  14/08/24 Срд 21:35:37 #2060 №128199 DELETED
>why aren't the ukrainians in control of my city already
I get you rusanon, I wouldn't want to live in the shithole that is russia either

>nigger tier humour
daily reminder that a part of your country is occupied by hohols and all you've got to show for it is a meme of a dude that's been dead for several weeks
how many thousands of russkies died in that same time period
Anonymous  14/08/24 Срд 22:13:03 #2061 №128201 DELETED
what do you want? instead of defending their fatherland to join armed forces, they are "defending it" here like banter. how can an army that can't reach Kiev or lets old territories to be captured by Bantustan of Europe fight head-on with NATO trannies like they showcase in their primetime nightly TV shows is insane.
Anonymous  14/08/24 Срд 22:40:16 #2062 №128202 DELETED
I already submitted all the documents today and signed the contract, retard. In a day and a half I'm going to the firing range, in a month, near Kursk. You ask first, then shit your pants.
Anonymous  14/08/24 Срд 22:42:04 #2063 №128203 DELETED
>nigger tier humour
AHAHAHA good joke in the context of the previous post
Why are there so many n-s in Ireland?
Anonymous  14/08/24 Срд 23:30:52 #2064 №128204 DELETED
He's not real Irish
Anonymous  14/08/24 Срд 23:34:46 #2065 №128205 DELETED
Anonymous  14/08/24 Срд 23:46:02 #2066 №128206 DELETED
Anonymous  15/08/24 Чтв 00:07:21 #2067 №128207 DELETED
Anonymous  15/08/24 Чтв 00:10:00 #2068 №128208 DELETED
Anonymous  15/08/24 Чтв 00:11:11 #2069 №128209 DELETED
Nice post, portubro
Anonymous  15/08/24 Чтв 07:04:19 #2070 №128210 DELETED
American pidorashka is robbing my store
Anonymous  15/08/24 Чтв 07:10:05 #2071 №128211 DELETED
Anonymous  15/08/24 Чтв 07:12:03 #2072 №128212 DELETED
If the store is Russian - it doesn't count as looting under (((international law))). Go with me on the contract.
Anonymous  15/08/24 Чтв 07:23:04 #2073 №128213 DELETED
They won't take me for health reasons, plus I'm already assembling drones at a local manufacturing facility
Good luck to you

Anonymous  15/08/24 Чтв 15:27:10 #2074 №128217 DELETED
>They won't take me for health reasons


They will, now that this has been upgraded from a special military operation to a counter-terrorist operation. Old Man Bortnikov needs trench diggers!
Anonymous  15/08/24 Чтв 17:04:51 #2075 №128220 DELETED
Preparatory moment before WWIII
Anonymous  15/08/24 Чтв 17:11:19 #2076 №128221 DELETED
nato fake doctrine vs reality
Anonymous  15/08/24 Чтв 19:19:26 #2077 №128223 DELETED
Anonymous  15/08/24 Чтв 19:23:53 #2078 №128224 DELETED
Yeah, guys, great-grandfathers from Kornilov's regiment who successfully destroyed hohols, reds and Austro-Hungarian troops (all at the same time) look at all this with a smirk. Shame on them for such excessive humanitarianism by Putin.
Anonymous  15/08/24 Чтв 19:34:18 #2079 №128225 DELETED
It's time to revitalize family traditions.
Don't post anything without me here.
Anonymous  15/08/24 Чтв 19:52:19 #2080 №128226 DELETED
Do Russian insurance companies cover these war scenarios or is it the Russian govt. That has to compensate?
Anonymous  15/08/24 Чтв 20:31:41 #2081 №128227 DELETED
Quickly before beggar Zelensky sets up a referendum for the People's Republic of Kursk.
Anonymous  15/08/24 Чтв 20:47:51 #2082 №128228 DELETED
there actually aren't that many niggers here compared to the uk
it's mostly indians and brazilians
from what i've seen russia has more niggers, especially after the 2018 world cup

>everyone is either a hohol or a zigger
cope more fag, your country is a joke
imagine getting invaded by the equivalent of iraqis 2 years after the initial invasion
Anonymous  15/08/24 Чтв 23:39:59 #2083 №128230 DELETED
Anonymous  15/08/24 Чтв 23:57:42 #2084 №128231 DELETED
إنهم يحصلون على أكثر مما تحصل عليه عائلتك بأكملها في جزيرتك الصغيرة على أي حال يا محمد.
Anonymous  16/08/24 Птн 00:10:17 #2085 №128232 DELETED
The UN secretary general's office opposes “all symbols of Nazism,” Farhan Haq, deputy spokesman for the world organization's secretary general, told RIA Novosti, commenting on a video showing Ukrainian soldiers in Kursk Region dressed in helmets with Nazi symbols mocking a pensioner (old man in English*)”

“We oppose all symbols of Nazism and racial hatred”, he said lmao

Other news:
"The UN can't understand who is guilty of the attack on the Kursk region" AHAHAHA

All Western institutions are duplicitous, have discredited themselves and are no longer world class.
Anonymous  16/08/24 Птн 16:18:53 #2086 №128235 DELETED
Anonymous  16/08/24 Птн 16:41:09 #2087 №128236 DELETED
How do the Irish feel about losing their historic confrontation with their historic Anglo-Saxon adversary who subjected them to slavery and genocide essentially being their cultural, financial and mental colony again?
Anonymous  16/08/24 Птн 16:51:24 #2088 №128237 DELETED
Kursk blietzkriegers
Anonymous  16/08/24 Птн 19:05:56 #2089 №128239 DELETED
Chairman of the LDPR party Leonid Slutsky announced a reward of 5 million rubles for the capture of soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), who, wearing helmets with SS symbols, pretending to be Germans, mocked an elderly man he met on the road in the Kursk region and filmed their abuse on video.

For 5 million you can buy your own three-story house in Russia, btw
Anonymous  16/08/24 Птн 19:06:54 #2090 №128240 DELETED
Anonymous  16/08/24 Птн 19:11:38 #2091 №128241 DELETED
List of fascists in world history.
Anonymous  16/08/24 Птн 22:29:00 #2092 №128242 DELETED
The Russian side has protested to Italian Ambassador Cecilia Piccioni over the illegal entry of journalists of the Italian state broadcaster RAI into Kursk Region to cover the attack of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the Russian region. This is reported on the website of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

According to its data, Piccioni was summoned to the Department on August 16. It is emphasized that the Italian media employees used their stay on the territory of the Russian Federation to whitewash propaganda support of Kiev's crimes. The Foreign Ministry called these actions a flagrant violation of Russian legislation and rules of journalistic ethics.

The Foreign Ministry emphasized that the Russian competent agencies were taking the necessary steps to establish the circumstances of the crime committed by the RAI employees. Appropriate measures will be taken against them and a legal assessment will be given.


Hmm, looks like a humiliation ritual, russbros. How do we respond?
Anonymous  16/08/24 Птн 23:21:09 #2093 №128244 DELETED
CNN followed their Italian colleagues on an illegal visit to the Sudzha border checkpoint .

Bull zeppelin from the United States Nick Peyton Walsh shot a report from the place where the offensive of the AFU on the Kursk region began. The footage shows Ukrainian armored vehicles passing by him.

Unlike the Italian worms, the Americans did not go deep into the territory, limiting themselves to the checkpoint. (c) Dvacher from /news/
Anonymous  17/08/24 Суб 16:14:38 #2094 №128247 DELETED

The captured AFU surrendered on their own
Anonymous  17/08/24 Суб 16:16:09 #2095 №128248 DELETED
One faggot has been punished. We're waiting for American fuckface.
Anonymous  17/08/24 Суб 16:17:48 #2096 №128249 DELETED
Anonymous  17/08/24 Суб 18:28:55 #2097 №128252 DELETED
Ilon Musk presented Kadyrov with The Cybertruck. Kadyrov thanked Musk and said that he would send The Cybertruck to Ukraine to carry out special military tasks.

Anonymous  17/08/24 Суб 18:41:50 #2098 №128253 DELETED
lel. Big if true
Anonymous  17/08/24 Суб 20:00:28 #2099 №128255 DELETED
His personal Telegram channel
Anonymous  17/08/24 Суб 20:05:08 #2100 №128256 DELETED
There's actually nothing weird about it, they exchange jokes and mutual teasing in X from time to time. Like internet friends or teammates in Counter-Strike.
Anonymous  17/08/24 Суб 22:43:08 #2101 №128261 DELETED
Как же хохлы и пиндосы заебали
Anonymous  17/08/24 Суб 23:39:22 #2102 №128263 DELETED
Kadyrov, who was sanctioned by the U.S. after being linked to numerous human rights violations, said he received the truck from Musk, although this was not independently confirmed. Messages left with Tesla seeking comment were not immediately returned.
Anonymous  17/08/24 Суб 23:45:17 #2103 №128264 DELETED
I don't believe he, Elon Musk would anger (((US Dept of State))) and institutions related to US sanctions machine by gifting the Don Kadyrov.
Anonymous  18/08/24 Вск 00:13:40 #2104 №128269 DELETED
Musk has also expressed a moderately pro-Russian stance on Crimea.
He is also just bullying the US State Department, also Musk has the country's strategic industries in his hands, don't forget that. Musk himself has not commented on this. And he won't comment on it in any way. Because it's Schrodinger's gift. Like, for example, with Shahed drones (the first series, not yet modified by us) - everyone knows that they were made in Iran, but no one can prove it, so no one can impose sanctions against Russia for cooperation with Iran.

This gift is rather symbolic, especially against the background of the fact that the hohols brought with them Starlink rigs (which were given to them by the Pentagon, which bought them from Musk) Musk himself is a big fan of Russia (as well as vice versa), a fan of Russian memes and he also sometimes likes to joke in pretty good Russian with his Russian-speaking audience.
Kadyrov, Musk, Durov (founder of Telegram) and other famous personalities in Russia chat and comment on each other's posts in X. All of this is becoming memes on the runet. Like “Ilona” (Kadyrov's joke about Musk being a woman). Musk then even changed his name in X to Ilona Musk.

>who was sanctioned by the U.S. after being linked to numerous human rights violations
When will the US impose sanctions against itself for Syria, Yugoslavia, Iraq, for deliberately infecting civilians in Guatemala with syphilis (medical experiments), when will it impose sanctions against illegitimate (((President))) Zelensky, violating all kinds of human rights of Ukrainians, violating the constitution and all kinds of laws of Ukraine? You don't have to answer that. Human rights and other legal institution are just an instrument of political influence of American hegemony, nothing more.
Anonymous  18/08/24 Вск 04:31:33 #2105 №128271 DELETED
Now every captured Ukrainian is asked if he robbed Pyaterochka. A new meme in the Russian military.
Anonymous  18/08/24 Вск 14:45:15 #2106 №128272 DELETED
On August 16, 2024, Valve began charging Russian developers an additional 30% tax on sales in the United States.

I support him. Because:
a) There's VK Play
b) There is no need to feed the opponent's economy
Anonymous  18/08/24 Вск 15:53:27 #2107 №128273 DELETED
>Anglo-Saxon adversary
the anglos have been living in Ireland for centuries, before russia or its ethnicities were even a thing. If you think the Irish are all Celtic you're ignorant
>subjected them to slavery and genocide
tough titties, don't pretend you give a shit about this
>essentially being their cultural colony
every child in Ireland plays GAA. What do russkies play? Oh right soccer, an English game, and hockey, originally an Irish game.
Plenty of young people like step dancing here. Sure it's not popular but don't tell me slavs/russkies aren't all about rap music and twerking, capeshit films and western vidya. At least Irish women aren't twerking en masse on social media lel
>financial colony
The US has far more influence than the UK over the Irish economy, they've also created jobs and enabled us to make six figures whilst going to Greece and Spain and feeling like kings among the locals.
>mental colony
No clue what that's supposed to mean
Anonymous  18/08/24 Вск 16:13:42 #2108 №128274 DELETED
Russkies do play n+1 dimentional chess, while you doing what
>Ireland plays GAY
Ok... canada also do, you are not alone.
Are you paki or hindu yourself, by the way?
Anonymous  18/08/24 Вск 17:10:50 #2109 №128276 DELETED
Russian tourist who 'tried to rape a cow' is gored by the animal and had to be rescued by stunned Thai police

Evgenii Kuvshinov, 26, is said to have stripped off and sidled over to a male bull before turning his attention to a female tied to a wooden fence in a field in Surat Thani, southern Thailand, yesterday afternoon.

The holidaymaker allegedly tried to mount the cow only for her to react violently - pinning him to the ground and goring him.

Concerned locals, who suspected the Russian was up to no good when they saw him prowling naked, had already called police. They also heard his cries for help while being attacked and stood next to him as they waited for officers to arrive.
Shocking footage shows Kuvshinov lying on the ground without any clothes as the brown cow attacks him.
Anonymous  18/08/24 Вск 17:22:15 #2110 №128277 DELETED
All cows in Donbass are being raped right now?
Anonymous  18/08/24 Вск 17:27:36 #2111 №128278 DELETED
>implying Musk can not be McAfee'd anytime
If he goes rogue, congressmen and senators would put him on the wall including USA glowniggers. Like some stockholder holds any real power. You Russians even showed in some threads that I browser-translated about Wildberries - some Russian Korean, a Russo-Ukrainian asking Dom Kadyrov for something.
Anonymous  18/08/24 Вск 21:12:16 #2112 №128280 DELETED
>You Russians even showed in some threads that I browser-translated about Wildberries - some Russian Korean, a Russo-Ukrainian asking Dom Kadyrov for something.
You've been told not to use stupid translators for the great Russian language. You wouldn't listen.
Russian-Korean owner Tatyana Bakalchuk, who founded Wildberries, decided to divorce her husband, but in order to keep a part of the company from him she decided to make a clever, not quite honest move and sign it over temporarily to her Chechen friends from a small company, but the Chechen friends decided not to return the rights to Wildberries to Tatyana. The husband didn't like it and since from the point of view of the law everything is fine, but from the point of view of morality it is not, he appealed to Kadyrov about the fact of blatant fraud, because all Chechens must listen and respect their leader, it is part of their medieval culture. Kadyrov said that this was a “brazen raid” and ordered Wildberries to be left alone.
If you don't understand Chechens, I'll explain to you: Chechens in Russia are outside the general society of Russia, they seem to live according to the laws and norms of Russia, for example, they don't have second wives, they register as private entrepreneurs even if they sell apples by the roadside, they pay taxes correctly, but they have their own cultural laws, for the sake of which they can sacrifice Russian laws if necessary. Chechens are ultra-traditionalists who do not accept social progress. Chechens are ultra-traditionalists who do not accept social progress. Kadyrov is needed to keep these people in line.
Anonymous  18/08/24 Вск 21:14:10 #2113 №128281 DELETED
I doubled the penultimate sentence, but fuck it.
Anonymous  18/08/24 Вск 21:19:26 #2114 №128282 DELETED
>the anglos have been living in Ireland for centuries, before russia or its ethnicities were even a thing.
The Russian ethnos has always been called Slavs, dumbass. The first Slavs appeared in the IV century AD.
>If you think the Irish are all Celtic you're ignorant

Drop you proxy, anglobro, It was a test question.
No normal Irishman would talk like that, moreover all normal Irishmen support Russia always and in everything, because they know that a strong and influential Russia = freedom from the Anglo-Saxons, freedom of Belfast from “Anglo-Saxon occupation”.
If you think I'm not friends with a few Irish guys, you're a dumbass.
Anonymous  18/08/24 Вск 21:32:02 #2115 №128283 DELETED
Pyaterochka has finally been raped by wild hohols.
Anonymous  18/08/24 Вск 21:32:57 #2116 №128284 DELETED
The Russians have taken over New York.
Anonymous  18/08/24 Вск 21:34:05 #2117 №128285 DELETED
Anonymous  18/08/24 Вск 21:34:58 #2118 №128286 DELETED
Kiev may try to provoke Moscow to use nuclear weapons - President of Belarus Lukashenko
Anonymous  18/08/24 Вск 21:42:38 #2119 №128287 DELETED
Kidnapping of three civilians in Sudzha and their forcible illegal removal from Russia.

U.S. sanctions against Zelensky? М? Maybe at least a conviction? No? Strange. How strange.
Anonymous  19/08/24 Пнд 00:26:17 #2120 №128288 DELETED
Anonymous  19/08/24 Пнд 00:27:20 #2121 №128289 DELETED
wrong video
Anonymous  19/08/24 Пнд 00:30:33 #2122 №128290 DELETED

Soy Relocant, a true liberal, a “prisoner of conscience”, an opponent of war, and the only Russian friend of the liberal Western left. I don't understand your joy over an unlucky ally
Anonymous  19/08/24 Пнд 01:25:38 #2123 №128291 DELETED
Anonymous  19/08/24 Пнд 02:16:51 #2124 №128292 DELETED
Anonymous  19/08/24 Пнд 11:46:24 #2125 №128295 DELETED
Anonymous  19/08/24 Пнд 12:20:59 #2126 №128296 DELETED
Anonymous  19/08/24 Пнд 12:22:22 #2127 №128297 DELETED
Anonymous  19/08/24 Пнд 12:23:13 #2128 №128298 DELETED
Anonymous  19/08/24 Пнд 12:24:08 #2129 №128299 DELETED
More from his phone.
Anonymous  19/08/24 Пнд 12:24:41 #2130 №128300 DELETED
Anonymous  19/08/24 Пнд 12:25:20 #2131 №128301 DELETED
Anonymous  19/08/24 Пнд 12:26:04 #2132 №128302 DELETED
Anonymous  19/08/24 Пнд 12:26:37 #2133 №128303 DELETED
Anonymous  19/08/24 Пнд 14:39:46 #2134 №128304 DELETED
Golden Hits от талантливейшего джазмена современности.
Есть что-то свеженькое? Каковы творческие планы на будущее?
Anonymous  19/08/24 Пнд 22:02:30 #2135 №128308 DELETED
>Their progress has stopped on day two
ahaha just checking in for zigger cope. what's your excuse now, we're three weeks in and the ukrainians are expanding their buffer zone

russkie 3d chess consists of getting assraped on their own territory and being unable to gather intel on, predict or at the very least repel an attack from a hostile force 2.5 years into a war
>are you paki or hindu
No, they are the only ones that support ziggers

>all normal irishmen support russia
Ahahah this russkie has been talking to "Irish"men named Abonwhghho and Rajeet.
>strong russia
not possible when ye can't even hold onto your own territory lel. truly subhuman, african tier territorial changes
>freedom from the Anglo-Saxons
the UK is completely irrelevant nigger, like I've told you the US has infinitely more influence over the Irish economy and we've the highest paying jobs in the EU thanks to them
>freedom of Belfast
ah yes because what the Irish really want is to pay taxes to support a mostly English population that hasn't manufactured or created anything since Thatcher. you're a fucking eejit and have absolutely zero understanding of Irish politics
Anonymous  20/08/24 Втр 00:39:51 #2136 №128309 DELETED
>an opponent of war,
The news says that he is a tourist. If he lives in Russia, he is a taxpayer supporting war effort, increasing budget to fund Special military operation. 6 Hundreds of thousand Ukrainian children's blood are on his hands.
Anonymous  20/08/24 Втр 01:56:04 #2137 №128311 DELETED
Hey, not 3d, but always the n+1 chess game. You gonna see this unfolding anyway if not yet.
>neither paki nor indu
Allright white trash, go to the garbage can, quickly without staggering. You pity scumbags lost to muslims already.
Anonymous  20/08/24 Втр 12:35:35 #2138 №128313 DELETED
You can dig into this story like a real Dvacher and create 10-15 threads in /b/ on this topic, maybe at the end of the collective investigation it turns out he's a pedophile and drug dealer. Lmao
Anonymous  20/08/24 Втр 12:42:03 #2139 №128314 DELETED
>three weeks
14 days, retard
>expanding their buffer zone
That's a lie. Even the western media admits that the offensive has failed
And this whole suicidal special operation will not last more than 2 weeks, after which your friends will go back with cries of “we slapped Putin”, with huge losses in men (14k at the moment) and in armored vehicles (a lot of units of which are rare and collected one piece once every six months (Such as the Challenger 2 tank).
+Your friends canceled the peace talks. And untied Putin's hands, now he is clean with his partners in annexing more territory. Yes, this is definitely a victory for Ukraine and NATO, lmao.
Anonymous  20/08/24 Втр 12:42:51 #2140 №128315 DELETED
More than 2 months*
Anonymous  20/08/24 Втр 12:48:02 #2141 №128317 DELETED
Some Ukrainian and Western media are increasingly convinced that Zelensky is an agent of Putin. Together they are weakening the West and destroying its economy.
Anonymous  20/08/24 Втр 12:52:26 #2142 №128319 DELETED
Anonymous  20/08/24 Втр 12:53:34 #2143 №128320 DELETED
> >Their progress has stopped on day two
> ahaha just checking in for zigger cope. what's your excuse now, we're three weeks in and the ukrainians are expanding their buffer zone

> russkie 3d chess consists of getting assraped on their own territory and being unable to gather intel on, predict or at the very least repel an attack from a hostile force 2.5 years into a war
> >are you paki or hindu
> No, they are the only ones that support ziggers

> >all normal irishmen support russia
> Ahahah this russkie has been talking to "Irish"men named Abonwhghho and Rajeet.
> >strong russia
> not possible when ye can't even hold onto your own territory lel. truly subhuman, african tier territorial changes
> >freedom from the Anglo-Saxons
> the UK is completely irrelevant nigger, like I've told you the US has infinitely more influence over the Irish economy and we've the highest paying jobs in the EU thanks to them
> >freedom of Belfast
> ah yes because what the Irish really want is to pay taxes to support a mostly English population that hasn't manufactured or created anything since Thatcher. you're a fucking eejit and have absolutely zero understanding of Irish politics
Anonymous  20/08/24 Втр 13:16:42 #2144 №128322 DELETED
Russian incel king Alexei Podnebesny has been arrested for lewd acts against his 15-year-old mistress.

It's over.
Anonymous  20/08/24 Втр 13:20:13 #2145 №128323 DELETED
> Russian incel king Alexei Podnebesny has been arrested for lewd acts against his 15-year-old mistress.

> It's over.
Anonymous  20/08/24 Втр 13:25:58 #2146 №128324 DELETED
Didn't he support SMO?
Anonymous  20/08/24 Втр 13:28:40 #2147 №128325 DELETED
> Didn't he support SMO?
Anonymous  20/08/24 Втр 17:38:09 #2148 №128326 DELETED
Anonymous  21/08/24 Срд 00:41:21 #2149 №128331 DELETED
wtf is a vatnichestvo?
Anonymous  21/08/24 Срд 01:54:13 #2150 №128332 DELETED
A derogatory name for Russian patriotic ideology.
Ridicules the patriotism of Russian patriots, based traditionalists and ideological fans of Russian culture and ideologues of sovereignty and distance from the West, coined by Russian liberals (mostly of Jewish origin, aka Noviops), on the contrary, who believe that Russia should surrender to the West sacrificing sovereignty and culture, but supposedly in Russia will be a very high standard of living. Even higher than in the USA. :D
Anonymous  22/08/24 Чтв 00:38:55 #2151 №128340 DELETED
Anoter day another village several villages
Anonymous  22/08/24 Чтв 00:40:37 #2152 №128341 DELETED
We're already taking not just one but 3-5 villages a day, that's progress, bros.
Anonymous  22/08/24 Чтв 00:45:34 #2153 №128342 DELETED
Anonymous  22/08/24 Чтв 00:54:35 #2154 №128344 DELETED
Nicked kursk icons have been put up for sale in hoholian marketplaces
signed as the "Kursk trophy"

Anonymous  22/08/24 Чтв 01:00:17 #2155 №128345 DELETED
Anonymous  22/08/24 Чтв 01:06:07 #2156 №128346 DELETED
He's Chechen btw
Anonymous  22/08/24 Чтв 01:35:56 #2157 №128347 DELETED
Translated and subtitled in Movavi Video Suit

Notice how smoothly "a slap in the face to Putin" turns into "fucked Zelensky’s asshole"?
Anonymous  22/08/24 Чтв 14:50:24 #2158 №128349 DELETED
i'd like to see the same type of video, where Redarmy soldier asks those shivering sheeps the same phrases on perfect English with thickest Russian accent
Anonymous  22/08/24 Чтв 15:15:04 #2159 №128351 DELETED
I don't understand what you meant.
Anonymous  22/08/24 Чтв 15:18:29 #2160 №128352 DELETED
wd be the lot of fun...
Anonymous  22/08/24 Чтв 15:20:10 #2161 №128353 DELETED
doesn't matter dude, i just sometimes express my thoughts in a very bizzar way
Anonymous  22/08/24 Чтв 16:24:22 #2162 №128355 DELETED
Russia is securely guarded by Kadyrov's son. I am calm.
Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 00:21:50 #2163 №128359 DELETED
What an absolute unit. Ready to starve in the trenches of Downbass.
Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 00:46:34 #2164 №128360 DELETED
You must know who will be the next royal keyholder of the Caucasus fork.
Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 01:24:04 #2165 №128361 DELETED
We need 16 theads about this.
Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 11:42:03 #2166 №128368 DELETED
Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 12:19:48 #2167 №128369 DELETED
The author of a joke about cacti absorbing harmful radiation from computers has passed away

In the 80s, a group of physics students, which included Alexei Young, decided to make a joke and released a fake study. “Researchers” claimed that a cactus placed next to the monitor completely absorbs the emitted radiation.

In favor of the pseudo-theory of the students spoke and the inscription Low Radiation on the monitors of the time. The joke was not immediately recognized - the text was published in the magazine “Rabotnitsa”, the myth spread all over Russia and still remains relevant.

It is reported that Alex was severely depressed on the background of the disease. He became estranged from his loved ones and practically did not socialize with people.

Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 13:15:52 #2168 №128370 DELETED
Repent, sinners.
Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 13:17:47 #2169 №128371 DELETED
Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 14:38:16 #2170 №128372 DELETED
Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 14:43:01 #2171 №128373 DELETED
Again -_-
Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 14:43:46 #2172 №128374 DELETED
Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 14:44:25 #2173 №128375 DELETED
AGAIN -___-
Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 16:10:06 #2174 №128377 DELETED
А ведь этих зечек-шлюшек даже на саксофоне не обучить чтобы играли... Говно, расходники, зря таких содержат в тюрячке, проблемы со всех сторон.
Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 17:18:40 #2175 №128379 DELETED
My condolences
Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 18:28:57 #2176 №128383 DELETED
Ukrainians storm women's prison in Kursk - Bild
Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 19:03:26 #2177 №128385 DELETED
All four terrorists have been eliminated, and the presence or absence of ears has not been reported by the agency. It's over.


What we've learned in two of these cases in six months:
- Terrorist prisons are understaffed. And that's a problem. Both colonies are banally understaffed to fill the staffing levels.
- ISIS is using their handlers as expendable PR assets. They're gonna get wiped out by special forces anyway.
The purpose of this action is to try to shake up society, but because of the lack of understanding of the specifics of Russian society, that here live not mountain monkeys from which ISIS came, and people are able to analyze, this attempt is absolutely empty and meaningless.
Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 20:14:12 #2178 №128386 DELETED
Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 20:15:53 #2179 №128387 DELETED

Double combo
Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 20:21:20 #2180 №128388 DELETED
It's over.
Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 20:22:49 #2181 №128389 DELETED
Died in the hospital.

Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 20:28:52 #2182 №128390 DELETED
Now evaluate the tourist "Bukhanka"
Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 20:29:34 #2183 №128391 DELETED
Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 20:30:26 #2184 №128392 DELETED
Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 20:56:33 #2185 №128393 DELETED
Mod removed the news story about the king of Russian incels going to jail for dating a 15 year old girl. That was for nothing. The story fills with interesting events of interest to gossipmongers like us.

The ex-wife of the “chief incel of Russia” Alexei Podnebesny brought 30 kilograms of salt to him in the pre-trial detention center

This is the limit on transfers per month. Previously, the girl accused Podnebesny of beating, and she explained her current act with the following words:

He should not get away with including the way he did to me during our life together.
Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 20:58:57 #2186 №128394 DELETED
>“chief incel of Russia”
>was fucking women
Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 21:22:22 #2187 №128396 DELETED
Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 22:03:30 #2188 №128397 DELETED
Ukrainain war cimes in Kursk.
Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 22:14:23 #2189 №128398 DELETED
Another day - antoher villages.
Anonymous  24/08/24 Суб 02:53:30 #2190 №128399 DELETED
>can't distinguish Central Asians from Slavs
are you sure that these are the terrorists not the hostages? this chan needs resizing photos feature like pic related
Anonymous  24/08/24 Суб 03:10:20 #2191 №128400 DELETED
Hostages wear special prison uniforms. The terrorists captured only a small block killed three guards and isolated it from the rest of the prison. I think it was not without the help of ISIS recruits from the prison guards.
Anonymous  24/08/24 Суб 03:18:03 #2192 №128401 DELETED
Also don't understand this irony about the koran. The emperor of a multinational empire is obliged to kiss any book of any religion that exists in the empire. Because this is the Empire, and he is the Emperor, who is obligated to hold it together and respect any constituent part of the Empire. A shrine not kissed by the emperor in time could cause the empire to drown in its own blood.
Anonymous  24/08/24 Суб 03:25:39 #2193 №128402 DELETED
Is Xi Jinping, paramount leader of multinational China, kissing Korans for Hui Chinese and those Turkic, the Uyghurs in internment camps?
Anonymous  24/08/24 Суб 03:25:42 #2194 №128403 DELETED
Elista - City in Russia
Anonymous  24/08/24 Суб 03:28:55 #2195 №128404 DELETED
We are not authoritarian China, pal. We are a federation where minorities have their own republics and their own national languages legally equal to Russian (including Ukrainian). Federal Empire.
Anonymous  24/08/24 Суб 03:48:18 #2196 №128406 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)
Native English speakers, please help me understand what this girl is saying. I'm getting some of it, but not all. Please help.
Anonymous  24/08/24 Суб 03:57:14 #2197 №128407 DELETED
“This is your brain on Russophobia.”
Anonymous  24/08/24 Суб 05:34:02 #2198 №128413 DELETED
The morning begins with the capture of the village.
Anonymous  24/08/24 Суб 05:39:41 #2199 №128414 DELETED
The Russians in the Kursk direction began to repel positions for the first time in two weeks. The first such position was the village of Spalnoye (abstract that does not translate into English). Apparently the Petersburg reserves had already arrived. Troops from other regions are on their way. Russia is huge - that's its plus and minus.

I give the hohols in Kursk two months.
Anonymous  24/08/24 Суб 05:41:57 #2200 №128415 DELETED
Anonymous  24/08/24 Суб 05:45:10 #2201 №128416 DELETED
Anonymous  24/08/24 Суб 05:50:45 #2202 №128417 DELETED
Russian passenger airplane MS-21. Performs tricks of military aviation.
Results of import substitution and the progress of the “technological sovereignty” program.
Anonymous  24/08/24 Суб 05:54:35 #2203 №128418 DELETED
Irkutsk aircraft plant intends to produce up to 36 MS-21 airplanes per year

Which is a pretty good pace to start at.

Anonymous  24/08/24 Суб 06:12:59 #2204 №128419 DELETED
AK-12. Seeing as you understand Russian, you'll be interested.

Anonymous  24/08/24 Суб 06:14:48 #2205 №128420 DELETED
Anonymous  24/08/24 Суб 06:23:43 #2206 №128421 DELETED
The difference between the internal anonymous versions of the AK-12
Anonymous  24/08/24 Суб 10:31:09 #2207 №128423 DELETED
Anonymous  24/08/24 Суб 14:01:34 #2208 №128425 DELETED
Dude, use lostarmour.info
Anonymous  24/08/24 Суб 15:34:32 #2209 №128426 DELETED
Why does the average Caucasian (Dagestani) reporter look like a Portuguese?
Anonymous  24/08/24 Суб 15:49:38 #2210 №128427 DELETED
Meanwhile, a typical Brazilian
Anonymous  24/08/24 Суб 16:28:29 #2211 №128428 DELETED
An “international” thread in which only Russians are posting. Great /s
Anonymous  24/08/24 Суб 17:03:21 #2212 №128429 DELETED
A good place to sharpen your English skills and new slang-words from reddit to beautifully humiliate the nafoids in 4chan. Just shut up.
Anonymous  24/08/24 Суб 18:13:20 #2213 №128432 DELETED
How can I post on 4chan when it’s blocked?
Anonymous  24/08/24 Суб 21:22:34 #2214 №128434 DELETED
>Why does the average Caucasian (Dagestani) reporter look like a Portuguese?
To fuck Natasha better.

I was surprised that Georgian women were whiter than Portuguese in some female European NT Volleyball match transmitted by national TV during my holidays
Anonymous  24/08/24 Суб 21:23:08 #2215 №128435 DELETED
Anonymous  24/08/24 Суб 21:28:31 #2216 №128436 DELETED
Anonymous  24/08/24 Суб 22:22:30 #2217 №128438 DELETED
Okay. Also they have an unexpectedly informative tg channel with unique content.
Anonymous  24/08/24 Суб 23:15:20 #2218 №128439 DELETED
Anonymous  25/08/24 Вск 00:08:46 #2219 №128442 DELETED
Pavel Durov (creator of Telegram) has been arrested in France and faces 20 years in prison for creating Telegram. Freedom of speech in a free country.

An alternative viewpoint on a far-fetched pretext: they will seek access to Telegram with Durov's help. Russian military personnel are actively using Telegram.

Anonymous  25/08/24 Вск 00:10:33 #2220 №128443 DELETED
At the request of the United States.

I get it. He said they tried to recruit him, and after a failed attempt to recruit his chief engineer.
Anonymous  25/08/24 Вск 00:13:00 #2221 №128444 DELETED
The EU authorities' main complaint against Telegram is encrypted messages, TF1 writes.

“Over the years, it has become the number 1 platform for organized crime,” the investigator stated.

Anonymous  25/08/24 Вск 00:15:03 #2222 №128446 DELETED

French intelligence services will seek access to Telegram correspondence linked to criminal networks and sanctioned companies and individuals - French media.

Paul is an idiot, he should have stayed at home in the UAE. Now Assange's fate awaits him.
Anonymous  25/08/24 Вск 00:19:18 #2223 №128448 DELETED
Pavel Durov knew he could be detained in France, but flew on a private jet through Paris and had to refuel there, media reports said.

The pilot was 100% recruited. The safe stops of the private jet should have been thought out in advance.
Anonymous  25/08/24 Вск 00:23:09 #2224 №128449 DELETED
Pavel Durov's crypto TON collapsed in value
Anonymous  25/08/24 Вск 00:31:28 #2225 №128450 DELETED
"What's the tea?" is a colloquialism for "what's the gossip?" and blondie is shocked that a married man is asking her co-worker for her number.

Anonymous  25/08/24 Вск 00:39:55 #2226 №128451 DELETED
Anonymous  25/08/24 Вск 02:40:44 #2227 №128455 DELETED

Anonymous  25/08/24 Вск 02:43:17 #2228 №128456 DELETED
150 rubles - per year
1299 rubles - endless
Imagine how lazy you have to be to still not do this, instead solving a stupid captcha
Anonymous  25/08/24 Вск 04:32:58 #2229 №128457 DELETED
>The pilot was 100% recruited. The safe stops of the private jet should have been thought out in advance.

Either this, or Durov decided to hand himself over to the West for some reason.
Anonymous  25/08/24 Вск 04:33:57 #2230 №128458 DELETED
−5% is not “collapse”
Anonymous  25/08/24 Вск 04:36:40 #2231 №128459 DELETED
Thank you. She’s talking so fast I can’t follow some of her words.
Anonymous  25/08/24 Вск 09:01:59 #2232 №128461 DELETED
I don't think he had a reason.
I know, but it looks spectacular🤡 Isn't that right?;)
Anonymous  25/08/24 Вск 09:13:33 #2233 №128462 DELETED
Pavel Durov is the manager and owner of the company. Everyone knows that his brother Nikolai Durov, an engineer, is hiding behind his figure and provides the functionality of the company's products.
Anonymous  25/08/24 Вск 09:31:33 #2234 №128463 DELETED
Sorry, guys, but I'm staying in a free country.
Anonymous  25/08/24 Вск 09:38:45 #2235 №128465 DELETED
Well... And where is he wrong about this totalitarian shithole with puppets controlled by American hegemony?
Anonymous  25/08/24 Вск 12:23:53 #2236 №128467 DELETED
How far would you go to help your brother?
Anonymous  25/08/24 Вск 22:53:24 #2237 №128471 DELETED
If Telegram closes down, where will I watch these cool edits from Kursk?
Anonymous  25/08/24 Вск 23:52:52 #2238 №128472 DELETED
Can you please transcribe the full dialog (>>128406) for me?
Anonymous  26/08/24 Пнд 00:16:51 #2239 №128473 DELETED
That's a little too much nerve on your part
Stupid video with no value
Dumb requests to waste other people's time
If your parents didn't raise you, I'll raise you, retard
Anonymous  26/08/24 Пнд 02:12:11 #2240 №128475 DELETED
Go fuck yourself. You don’t own this thread.
Anonymous  26/08/24 Пнд 02:34:50 #2241 №128476 DELETED
What's that got to do with it? If you're a stupid degenerate incapable of normal social behavior, that needs to be corrected immediately. Shut the fuck up, you stinking herring.
Anonymous  26/08/24 Пнд 02:35:50 #2242 №128477 DELETED
Stupid stinking herring that "everybody owes".
Anonymous  26/08/24 Пнд 03:16:44 #2243 №128479 DELETED
Take your meds.
Anonymous  26/08/24 Пнд 09:06:35 #2244 №128480 DELETED
Ну что пиггеры, пызда уам?
Anonymous  26/08/24 Пнд 17:54:48 #2245 №128482 DELETED
Hohols started attacking apartment buildings in Saratov and Engels (very far from the combat zone) for some reason.
Anonymous  26/08/24 Пнд 20:18:03 #2246 №128486 DELETED
>>128464 →
Anonymous  26/08/24 Пнд 21:02:04 #2247 №128488 DELETED
French Prosecutor accusations
Anonymous  27/08/24 Втр 01:10:33 #2248 №128489 DELETED
I've seen it. It's fucked up. If a woman is raped in a car, by the same logic, the owner of the company that made them should be arrested. Telegram has really cool moderation. One report and within a few hours or even minutes an illegal group or post will be gone.

- Following Durov's arrest, Telegram has risen from 18th to 8th place in the US top apps ranking.
- In France, Telegram rose to the top spot in the Social Networking category of the App Store and became the third most popular app in France.
- Telegram took second place in the US social networking ranking.
Anonymous  27/08/24 Втр 01:27:25 #2249 №128490 DELETED
Pavel Durov has been a source of jokes and memes in Russia since 2006. He is as important to Russians as Gabe Newell is to Americans. Also, his previous brainchild Vkontakte is much more popular than Facebook in Russia. There are still very few people in Russia who know what Facebook is. Just keeping everyone here informed.

And that, by the way, is the answer to the question of why the Russian Federation stood up in defense of Durov. Because Durov is not only a Russian citizen, but also because “we” consider him ours. He is part of our culture and technological achievements. And everyone has already confirmed this: from me and the late Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who urged Durov to come home, to Dmitry Medvedev with his Telegram posts.
Anonymous  27/08/24 Втр 01:32:24 #2250 №128491 DELETED
Anonymous  27/08/24 Втр 14:14:14 #2251 №128499 DELETED
The AFU commander-in-chief, Syrskyy, said that Russia was not withdrawing its troops from the Pokrovskyy direction because of the Kursk operation, but on the contrary, it was concentrating its efforts there.

At the same time, Russia has transferred about 30,000 troops from the reserves and other areas to the Kursk direction.

Novogorodovka has been lost to Ukraine. The Russians took the town of 14,000 people in 3 days. Evacuation from the nearest settlements begins.

I've said here before that the Irish VPN is a stupid retard. But he wouldn't listen to me.
Anonymous  27/08/24 Втр 14:15:33 #2252 №128500 DELETED
Anonymous  27/08/24 Втр 14:52:02 #2253 №128501 DELETED
Poshel nahui s svoim pomoinim ezikom, pidarast.
Anonymous  27/08/24 Втр 15:42:10 #2254 №128502 DELETED
Ukrainian music group mobilized during a concert

Anonymous  27/08/24 Втр 15:48:05 #2255 №128503 DELETED
Anonymous  27/08/24 Втр 17:46:40 #2256 №128504 DELETED
Rot tvoi ebal srany vahtang.
Anonymous  27/08/24 Втр 17:50:34 #2257 №128505 DELETED
Mocherator, sranaya ti pidorashka. Chtoby tvoya matt umerla segodnya-zavtra nochju.
Anonymous  27/08/24 Втр 18:09:44 #2258 №128506 DELETED
I'm not a mocherator, jebanaya ty pidorashka.
Anonymous  27/08/24 Втр 18:59:38 #2259 №128507 DELETED
tem bolee, pigger, pochemu so soprotivlyastsa to being a shashlyk? for what?
Anonymous  27/08/24 Втр 19:51:45 #2260 №128508 DELETED
>two and a half years into the war
>your enemy occupies 1200 km2 and a hundred settlements
>you still can't drive them out 3 weeks later
>they are now able to bomb your cities "(very far from the combat zone)" because your intelligence agencies and radars are dogshit

where are the coping zigger fags telling us that kursk is a nothingburger ahahaha.
let me guess we just have to wait 2 more weeks and it'll all be over
Anonymous  27/08/24 Втр 20:02:04 #2261 №128509 DELETED
yo, pork, d'you have enough of fucking salt fi salt your fat when the red army happened fi come fi your mud pool?
Anonymous  27/08/24 Втр 22:03:49 #2262 №128510 DELETED
Ukrainian commissars try to catch up with the truck driver to mobilize him.
Anonymous  27/08/24 Втр 22:05:18 #2263 №128511 DELETED
Oops wrong video

Ukrainian commissars try to catch up with the truck driver to mobilize him.
Anonymous  27/08/24 Втр 22:06:21 #2264 №128512 DELETED
>>128508 -------> >>128499

Report to me on Ukrainian successes at Kursk in the last 10 days.
Anonymous  27/08/24 Втр 22:10:21 #2265 №128513 DELETED
After the capture of Novogorodovka with a population of 14 thousand people.
Russian troops have launched an assault on the Ukrainian town of Selidovo, a city of 22,000

Anonymous  27/08/24 Втр 22:11:56 #2266 №128514 DELETED

>22,000 people.
Anonymous  27/08/24 Втр 22:12:56 #2267 №128515 DELETED
Reuters: South Korean President Yun Seok-yol has called for a thorough investigation into digital sex crimes on Telegram.

Now all the American dogs are going to start barking.
Anonymous  28/08/24 Срд 04:15:06 #2268 №128517 DELETED
Once upon a time it was like this...

Ukrainian and Russian pop stars celebrated New Year's Eve with a joint Russian-Ukrainian broadcast
Anonymous  28/08/24 Срд 04:52:53 #2269 №128518 DELETED

Okay, so here’s the full dialog, thanks to the good lads at /fl/ ( https://2ch.hk/fl/res/47092.html#705312 ):

— Hi!
— Hey!
— Umm, can I get a tea?
— Yeah, what temp?
— Extra hot.
— So one of our regulars has been asking my co-worker for her number, but he uses his wife’s loyalty account!?
— I know!
Anonymous  28/08/24 Срд 15:22:24 #2270 №128521 DELETED
This thread is about politics. There are evil people sitting here, retard.
Anonymous  28/08/24 Срд 15:40:15 #2271 №128522 DELETED
Politico: French police put Pavel Durov's brother on the wanted list
Anonymous  28/08/24 Срд 17:07:12 #2272 №128523 DELETED
Anonymous  28/08/24 Срд 17:49:54 #2273 №128524 DELETED
Anonymous  28/08/24 Срд 20:50:04 #2274 №128526 DELETED
Durov has been released.
Anonymous  28/08/24 Срд 20:55:32 #2275 №128527 DELETED
And Ukrainian occupied-Kursk has been released as well?
Anonymous  28/08/24 Срд 23:02:36 #2276 №128528 DELETED
a) Kursk is not occupied. 10 villages in the border area of the Kursk region are occupied. Another 62 are under AFU fire control.
b) I am ready to put up with this situation for the next month while the liberation of Donbass is going on, because according to the Ukrainians' plan the Russians should have withdrawn their reserves from Donbass, where every day there is a liberation of Russian villages and towns. Russians did not buy this bait and brought to Kursk reserves from the Far East and Murmansk 30 thousand people, without touching the units of Donbass.

Let's talk about the Kursk region in a month and a half. If Kursk region is not released I will admit my defeat and that you are the best poster of this track. Until then, fuck you.

Also. Turned out to be false information: released temporarily for questioning.
Anonymous  28/08/24 Срд 23:35:13 #2277 №128529 DELETED
The battle for Mirnograd in Donetsk Region has begun. Russian troops entered the city from the south.
Mirnograd population: 56,702.

Russia is being liberated at a faster rate than it is being invaded. Let's try to calculate this mathematical formula with you.
Anonymous  29/08/24 Чтв 00:31:58 #2278 №128530 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)
Anonymous  29/08/24 Чтв 00:57:45 #2279 №128531 DELETED
>"report to me on ukrainian successes at kursk the last 10 days"
>picrel: your progress in ukraine over the last 10 years

200 thousand russian civilians have been evacuated, hundreds of residencies bombed and thousands more will be destroyed when russia decides to push

+ for yet another 10 days a part of the pre-war core russian territory is still freely occupied by an enemy force and you haven't done shit

this is the success of ukraine - they've exposed your shithole as an african-tier nigger state that is unable to defend its own borders
Anonymous  29/08/24 Чтв 01:06:05 #2280 №128532 DELETED
>after 10 years and billions of rubles spent
>russkies finally enter mirnograd in the donetsk region, population: 56,702
shit NATO must be really quaking in their boots now
truly some manstein-tier genius in the russian officer corps
Anonymous  29/08/24 Чтв 04:15:19 #2281 №128535 DELETED
You have one post to show an Irish passport (in cover) with 2ch written on the sheet, otherwise I won't respond to your stupid posts.
Anonymous  29/08/24 Чтв 04:58:01 #2282 №128536 DELETED
camino de la muerte (somethere in kursk region)
Anonymous  29/08/24 Чтв 05:00:12 #2283 №128537 DELETED
leisure park (somethere in kursk region)
Anonymous  29/08/24 Чтв 05:24:09 #2284 №128538 DELETED
lmao they haven't made any progress since the middle of the month, lgbt-bro
Anonymous  29/08/24 Чтв 05:57:45 #2285 №128539 DELETED
Anonymous  29/08/24 Чтв 08:57:21 #2286 №128547 DELETED
Soon im going to fight with hohols and pindoses, hope i will kill as much as i can.
Anonymous  29/08/24 Чтв 16:02:14 #2287 №128553 DELETED
Rumour has it that late at night, when the artillery stops and the guns go silent, a quiet song can be heard humming from Kursk down to the Donbass
Anonymous  29/08/24 Чтв 16:06:03 #2288 №128554 DELETED
You know what to do lads. Its time to arrest a black female French basketball player for weed possession.
Anonymous  29/08/24 Чтв 17:16:24 #2289 №128556 DELETED
Possession of hashish or marijuana is prohibited in Russia. The basketball player knew this, so she smuggled it in vape mixes as contraband.

But freedom of speech and inviolability of private property (business) in France is a core national value, right?
Anonymous  29/08/24 Чтв 17:21:09 #2290 №128557 DELETED
Now the Western media will start demonizing Durov, claiming that he is also a violent pedophile and abused his children. This is a campaign to destroy Pavel Durov's image as a beacon of free speech so that the stupid public will agree with the authorities' actions against him. It was the same with Julian Assange when they started attributing rape to him. Let me remind you that no Russian media or Russian intelligence service has ever engaged in this kind of crap against their own or other people's citizens. This is purely an element of Western culture, particularly American culture.
Anonymous  29/08/24 Чтв 18:21:15 #2291 №128558 DELETED
Russia shot down an F-16
The pilot is also destroyed
Anonymous  29/08/24 Чтв 18:22:42 #2292 №128559 DELETED
You guys so romanticise death.
Anonymous  29/08/24 Чтв 18:27:22 #2293 №128560 DELETED
Anonymous  29/08/24 Чтв 19:58:50 #2294 №128563 DELETED
Pavel Durov has been stripped of his parental rights in Switzerland

The first stab in the back from the whore who parasitized his money. Women don't have a flag. Women's nationality is a social illusion.

Durov blocked her card, stopped paying her 15 million euros monthly and took away her private jet, giving her an ultimatum that she should take their children out of Europe and fly to Dubai to live near him. The whore didn't like the fact that they were trying to deprive her of European dicks and decided to take advantage of the situation and take revenge.
Anonymous  29/08/24 Чтв 20:06:57 #2295 №128564 DELETED
Narrated by Abdullah ibn Umar (RA):

The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said, "Verily, the use of the unseen forces in times of war is a trial for the hearts and a corruption of the souls. The one who relies upon the djinn in battle has put his trust in what he cannot see, and has abandoned the trust in Allah, the All-Knowing, the All-Powerful. Beware, for the one who summons these beings will find his heart darkened and his victory hollow, for no good can come from relying on that which Allah has forbidden. Seek not the aid of the djinn, for their path leads to ruin."
Anonymous  29/08/24 Чтв 20:38:06 #2296 №128565 DELETED
This Ukrainian is being guarded by Bandera himself.
Anonymous  29/08/24 Чтв 20:54:40 #2297 №128566 DELETED
Ivan, the joke was that Westerners care so much about drug abusing sports stars that break the law in Russia that they would swap valuable political prisoners to free them.
Everyone knows the founder of telegram is a political prisoner.
Even the media admits it...
Anonymous  29/08/24 Чтв 21:35:36 #2298 №128567 DELETED
I'm not Ivan

This joke is so veiled it's hard to get it right the first time. In the same way, drug-stars are still sports stars, sports stars and their results in competitions = prestige of the nation. The prestige of the United States was dealt a terrible blow. They couldn't let it go, and the public in the U.S. started to worry, so they changed to get it off the news agenda as soon as possible.
Anonymous  29/08/24 Чтв 21:37:44 #2299 №128568 DELETED
>they changed
they exchanged*
Anonymous  29/08/24 Чтв 21:38:24 #2300 №128569 DELETED
based cat-life
Anonymous  29/08/24 Чтв 21:38:50 #2301 №128570 DELETED
Thanks, Ivan.
Anonymous  29/08/24 Чтв 22:40:32 #2302 №128571 DELETED
Shop around, idiots
Anonymous  29/08/24 Чтв 22:55:39 #2303 №128572 DELETED
half-NATO troops abandoned Karlovka and fled to Golitsynivka, which will not last long either. The frontier of the Karlovka reservoir is leaving the military agenda. Soon it will be a deep rear.

The collapse of the South Donbass direction continues.

Anonymous  29/08/24 Чтв 22:56:32 #2304 №128573 DELETED
Anonymous  30/08/24 Птн 02:58:15 #2305 №128575 DELETED
The FSB published declassified archival documents that during the battle on the Khalkhin-Gol River in late August 1939, the Japanese used bacteriological weapons against the USSR.

Nothing special in that news, just a historical tour.

Interview transcripts can be attempted to be transferred to yandex. https://translate.yandex.ru/ocr
Anonymous  30/08/24 Птн 03:45:40 #2306 №128576 DELETED
that's one link that won't tap
Anonymous  30/08/24 Птн 10:02:04 #2307 №128582 DELETED
>напуганная пидарашка
Anonymous  30/08/24 Птн 16:10:53 #2308 №128585 DELETED
Yeah, I've known for a long time that you're not very smart.

Btw, caught a handout here in Donetsk, what language do these Colombian mercenaries speak? It doesn't sound like Spanish.
Anonymous  30/08/24 Птн 16:44:33 #2309 №128587 DELETED
Russian Federation will not negotiate with the United States and Kiev after the Ukrainian Armed Forces attacked the Kursk region, former Pentagon chief's adviser Douglas McGregor said.

“The big news that no one in Washington wants to understand is that Russia no longer has any desire to negotiate with us,” he said on the Deep Dive YouTube channel.

McGregor emphasized that the Ukrainian conflict will end on terms that suit Russia.


>Believes in blue sweaters
>Doesn't believe that Zelensky is an agent of Putin
Anonymous  30/08/24 Птн 16:53:12 #2310 №128588 DELETED
>2 Karlovka
>3 "Russia" mine
Anonymous  30/08/24 Птн 17:00:07 #2311 №128589 DELETED
Anonymous  30/08/24 Птн 17:34:42 #2312 №128591 DELETED
>3 "Russia" mine

vidreal is "Russia" mine
These are all the places the half-Nato army escaped from.
Anonymous  30/08/24 Птн 18:02:12 #2313 №128593 DELETED
European Union countries have exhausted their military reserves because of supplies to Ukraine - European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell

>Believes in blue sweaters
>Doesn't believe that Zelensky is an agent of FSB
Anonymous  30/08/24 Птн 18:50:48 #2314 №128595 DELETED
❗️ Ukraine will not join the EU until it settles historical problematic issues over the Volyn massacre with Poland - PM Tusk.

Good news for Europe. You're not ready for the Ukrainian circus.
Anonymous  30/08/24 Птн 19:01:06 #2315 №128596 DELETED
Anonymous  30/08/24 Птн 20:46:23 #2316 №128597 DELETED
you have nothing to fear, it's just an informational site.
the real fsb website has a completely different address: 2ch.hk
Anonymous  30/08/24 Птн 21:55:48 #2317 №128598 DELETED
Toretsk storm

Yes, ok
Second mine was “Novgorodskaya”. Near Novgorodovka City (captured)
Anonymous  30/08/24 Птн 22:00:24 #2318 №128599 DELETED
need to write a script for ffmpeg that cuts the sounds out of the vid, both sides have incredibly shitty taste in music
Anonymous  30/08/24 Птн 22:10:43 #2319 №128600 DELETED
I used to identify whose video was either from Russian Fed or Ukraine by the accompanying song. Ukrainians used to put accompanying music during the start of hostilities while Russian side didn't.
Anonymous  30/08/24 Птн 23:18:53 #2320 №128601 DELETED
ukrainian music ranges from some lyrical whining about dying soldiers in the fields and mothers crying to british drum&bass, american metal if it's some azov or more motivated marginalized unit that likes killing more than defending their homeland.
russian music ranges from turbo-patriotic donetsk bands about how they will one day enter kiev and liberate their cities to drift phonk(subgenre of american phonk created in russia on the basis of memphis), if it is some skilful fpv operator with his own channel on telegram, who earns extra money from subscribers on his kills
in general, if there is no drift-fonk in the video, it becomes the object of jokes in the comments, because drift-fonk is already a fpv-standard
some rOssian phonks -
the irony of drift phonk and country of origin is that the russians have never had their cool cars or car culture like the americans in the u.s. but it's still a perfect reflection of that culture
although, i don't like phonk, it's still a difficult genre to make and requires good skills, so i can give it some respect
sorry for these facts, but this is a /int/ meant for sharing cultures))
Anonymous  30/08/24 Птн 23:45:02 #2321 №128602 DELETED
Shelling of the Belgorod highway from HIMARS. Of course, the city is safe after the creation of a sanitary zone near Kharkov. But Shebekino and other regional towns are not.
Anonymous  30/08/24 Птн 23:48:25 #2322 №128603 DELETED
>the city
I don't even know what is better - the status of a special military operation, in which full-fledged combat operations are the way to UN sanctions and the wrath of “partners” from the Global South.
Or a real war. There will still be casualties, there will still be WWIII in 2027. I'm sick of this ass-wagging.
Anonymous  31/08/24 Суб 03:00:17 #2323 №128604 DELETED
Just one signature and i can build 120 square meters of own home on free land...
Anonymous  31/08/24 Суб 03:13:07 #2324 №128605 DELETED
This is what I would do if I were a healthy man with an A1 category of the Russian Armed Forces. But unfortunately, I will have to be content with just dreams...
Anonymous  31/08/24 Суб 03:43:55 #2325 №128606 DELETED
Belgorod shelters laughed at by westoids from 4chan.
Anonymous  31/08/24 Суб 03:45:14 #2326 №128607 DELETED
Almost a direct hit
Made of special material that prevents you from getting concussed inside
Anonymous  31/08/24 Суб 11:47:44 #2327 №128610 DELETED
Anonymous  31/08/24 Суб 11:55:10 #2328 №128611 DELETED
Anonymous  31/08/24 Суб 11:57:10 #2329 №128612 DELETED
>the city is safe after the creation of a sanitary zone
Anonymous  31/08/24 Суб 11:59:22 #2330 №128613 DELETED
The truly Russian genre is Hard Bass.
Anonymous  31/08/24 Суб 12:14:48 #2331 №128614 DELETED
Ukrainian blogs report that Syrskyy is trying to shut down the Kursk operation

Zelensky, however, decided to continue it in order to please his political ambitions. This was also the case with Bakhmut, where the AFU lost almost all of its elite units.

Of course, Ukrainian publiki is not an authoritative source, but the fact that the general battle at Kursk was lost because it failed to achieve its main objectives with heavy casualties speaks volumes.

>Do you believe in blue sweaters at the Crocus Theater? Yes, I do.
>Do you believe that Zelensky wears a blue sweater when no one is watching? No, that's bullshit. He is a beacon of light and democracy, Europe's shield against orcs and the last hope of the “civilized world”. How can you even question it?
Anonymous  31/08/24 Суб 12:18:08 #2332 №128615 DELETED
“Novozhelannoe” has been captured. Not far from Pokrovsk (the main target, after the capture of which it will be possible to destroy the Donetsk front)
Anonymous  31/08/24 Суб 12:24:04 #2333 №128616 DELETED
“Nechaevo” and ‘Nizhnyaya Parovaya’ in the Kursk region were forcibly liberated from the Ukrainian presence.
Anonymous  31/08/24 Суб 12:33:33 #2334 №128617 DELETED
The explosion occurred on the territory of the Diehl Defence explosives production facility in Germany, two people were injured.

Earlier, a fire in Berlin almost completely destroyed a defense plant of the same Diehl company, where components for IRIS-T SAMs transferred to Ukraine were produced.
Anonymous  31/08/24 Суб 12:44:33 #2335 №128618 DELETED
The big tomato battle took place in Spain

While Africa is starving.
Anonymous  31/08/24 Суб 14:44:30 #2336 №128619 DELETED
Anonymous  31/08/24 Суб 14:53:56 #2337 №128620 DELETED
Caught the Spaniard. Toretsk.
Anonymous  31/08/24 Суб 16:55:47 #2338 №128621 DELETED
Anonymous  31/08/24 Суб 17:00:46 #2339 №128622 DELETED
The Russian military successfully broke through the AFU defense line near the town of Krasnoarmeysk (Ukrainian name - Pokrovsk), meeting minimal resistance from the enemy, security agencies report.
It is specified that the defending positions near Krasnoarmeysk met little resistance to the Russian offensive, TASS reports.

“In this direction their defense has been broken through” the source pointed out.
Anonymous  31/08/24 Суб 17:01:51 #2340 №128623 DELETED
Anonymous  31/08/24 Суб 17:56:13 #2341 №128624 DELETED
can this profound village charisma even be translated into english?
or it's impossible

kursk region, road
Anonymous  31/08/24 Суб 18:29:47 #2342 №128625 DELETED
You can't do it directly. But you can adapt it to the target audience. For example, if the target audience is British from London, then you need to use an Irish accent and some funny words from the Irish lexicon to make.
Anonymous  31/08/24 Суб 18:31:15 #2343 №128626 DELETED
AHAHAHAHA it started/b]

“Should we protect the anonymity of opponents of murderous regimes if it also protects the worst of criminals?

Protecting Durov for the sake of protecting the anonymity of his users makes no sense - democracy is not limited to freedom of expression, it also depends on respect for laws that guarantee all human rights, including the rights of children

Standard and simple pattern of information influence:
1. Dehumanization;
2. Demonization;
3. Childrens.
Anonymous  31/08/24 Суб 18:34:15 #2344 №128627 DELETED

“The Russian Armed Forces are advancing towards Pokrovsk at high speed,” The Daily Telegraph.

“I've never seen such speed,” said the publication's source in the AFU, ”It's very fast."

Yes. And it's all so sudden.

Anonymous  31/08/24 Суб 19:30:43 #2345 №128628 DELETED
Anonymous  01/09/24 Вск 01:36:33 #2346 №128630 DELETED
I have a nice treat for my fellow English speakers.
The translated version of 85 Days in Slavyansk by Alexander Zhuchkovsky
If I am not mistaken he was one of those that organized the events in Slavyansk with Girkin.

Can I ask the Russians for some assistance? I saw in a video (which I do not trust because it was made by a person that does not speak a word of Russian lol) that Konstantin Malofeev used to have a blog on a Russian website during 2014. Is this true? And if so do any of you know where I can find the archive?
Anonymous  01/09/24 Вск 01:40:10 #2347 №128631 DELETED
Oh fuck, apparently you cannot share pdf on Dvach.
If you want this pdf you will have to find it on Z library
Anonymous  01/09/24 Вск 02:42:40 #2348 №128632 DELETED
Being under the umbrella of the most well funded military in the world seems to have made you forget that real war, against a determined, well funded opponent is always a ball ache
Anonymous  01/09/24 Вск 07:27:50 #2349 №128634 DELETED
Anonymous  01/09/24 Вск 07:29:49 #2350 №128635 DELETED
Although, all the other posters here excluding russians are not sympathetic to russia, I doubt they are interested in that part of history.
Anonymous  01/09/24 Вск 07:47:38 #2351 №128636 DELETED
Even extended Yandex search engine (Yandex Neuro) can't find anything on this topic for 2014. But I don't quite understand what “blog on a website” means. In Russia, any prominent figure, businessman, athlete or politician can write an analytical column in any media outlet if he or she wants to speak out, and he or she does it for free. I.e. it turns out as part of the general “newspaper” material. Maybe meant the blog site Livejournal, popular in those years? But it doesn't say anything about that either.

Konstantin Malofeev.
It's funny that the Western press calls him a “Russian oligarch”, people in the West seriously believe that there are oligarchs in Russia. A very convenient substitution of terminology.
Although this is just a businessman who pays his taxes faithfully and, as practice has shown, puts patriotic ideology above personal gain. Unusual, but a businessman. He also founded Tsargrad - once a good opposition media outlet. Unfortunately, hiring talentless zoomer-interns as editors did not benefit the publication.
Anonymous  01/09/24 Вск 08:52:21 #2352 №128637 DELETED
Sumy, Ukraine: a huge column(600 meters) of the Ukrainian army, which stopped for the night, was found and destroyed. Each truck stopped on the side of the road - carrying from 10-30 soldiers of personnel. All this meat is riddled with shrapnel. Count your losses. These were the rear reserves for the Kursk operation.

Anonymous  01/09/24 Вск 11:25:41 #2353 №128638 DELETED
Anonymous  01/09/24 Вск 11:28:09 #2354 №128639 DELETED
The irony is that in addition to screwing Norway during WWII, Hitler also supported Palestine against the Jews.
Anonymous  01/09/24 Вск 15:51:05 #2355 №128640 DELETED

>Still doesn't believe Zelensky is an agent of the Kremlin
Anonymous  01/09/24 Вск 20:37:22 #2356 №128646 DELETED
Ah, thank you. Here it is
I apologize, I made an error. It was Igor Strelkov (Girkin) who made these blog posts. Apparently it was on a Russian military antique forum. Alexander Zhuchkovsky confirms this in his book. Do you know anything about this?
Anonymous  01/09/24 Вск 21:14:29 #2357 №128647 DELETED
I have an honest question for the military enthusiasts, perhaps directed towards those who may have done planning work/officer work during their conscription.

Why is it that since word war 2 the Russian military has always struggled to establish useful tactics (военной тактики) but has always had such well formed ideas on operations (оперативного искусства)?
It has become a tradition at this point, where the Russian military will have brilliant ideas in the realms of operational arts, but will have to wait literally years for the quality of their tactics to catch up so they can enact their operations. If I may, I would like to provide you some examples.
For instance, we see this in the Winter war, where the Russians made numerous tactical mistakes at first, such as moving tanks in long columns.
WW2 is another example. As we know, the men of Stavka had known of Triandafilov's 'Deep Operations' concept since the 30s. Men such as Zhukov recognized the brilliance of this from day one. However, at first the military command really struggled to enact any of these operations. It is said by John Erickson, the author of 'The Road to Stalingrad: Stalin`s War with Germany', that 'Deep Operations' failed from 1941-42 because officers were still figuring out tactical aspects, such as how to deploy reserves to best exploit the line, and how to best use tanks and artillery to create breakthroughs in the first place. And it is really hard to deny this when we look at the evidence.
The Battles of Rzhev, and in particular Operation Mars (Операция «Марс») demonstrate initially the struggle of the Red Army to adopt tactics suitable to the very impressive operational arts put into practice. These offensives were disastrous. Probably Zhukov's worst campaigns.

We can also see this in Ukraine. At first the Russian armed forces struggled enormously with logistics of all things, as we know. And their hybrid warfare tactics (deploying the VDV to take Kiev for instance) proved wholly inadequate for the enormity of the conflict at hand. We can be honest with one another, it has taken the Russian army 2 years to start turning things majorly in their favour. Kherson and Karkiv are embarrassing stains on Russia's conduct in this war. But now, in late 2024 it seems that the armed forces have got it together finally. Your army has employed effective defensive tactics to blunt the Ukrainian Kursk offensive, and whatever the nature of the operations in Donbass (it will be years until we know for sure what they are) the tactics employed are bearing fruit. The Russian army keeps taking stronghold after stronghold at a lightning pace.

So why is this? Why does the culture of your military study operational arts so much but neglects tactics?
Anonymous  01/09/24 Вск 21:45:51 #2358 №128648 DELETED
Well that's their loss. Its a VERY interesting story and tells us a lot about the way history advances. If one military reenactor and his band of 52 volunteers could turn some small city that nobody had heard of into a legend, and kick off the first major war of the 21st century in a roundabout way, then I think that the world is ready for major change.
In every nation you will find 100s of men like Strelkov, waiting for their chance to act. We are entering a new era of destiny in which history will be written by those willing to act.

I would like to stress that it is often forgotten how much of this was simply Strelkov's doing. To quote Alexander Borodai:
> “After the trip to Rostov, we gave another batch of money to Strelkov and agreed that he would seize Shahtyorsk. I returned to Moscow on the eve of the border crossing. When I disembarked from my airplane in Moscow I was greeted by a group of five people who had just returned from a foreign trip relating to the events in Ukraine. I suggested to my colleagues that we act with caution. They told me to recall Strelkov and to bring him to Moscow. I left the airport, got into a car, and called Strelkov on his cell phone. The call didn’t go through. I found out later that Strelkov had turned his phone off. He had foreseen this development, and had no intention of changing his plans for the Donbass.”

>“After the Rostov trip, I returned to Moscow with a negative opinion of Donbass protest leaders and had concerns about the outcome of their cause. The support for Russian annexation was both less intense and less widespread than in Crimea. It was also apparent that there would be no repetition of the Crimean scenario in Donbass. Yes, a majority of the people in Donbass wanted to join Russia, yes there were large protests, but Russia herself hadn’t decided if the Donbass was worthy of involvement. We wanted to wait for the outcome of the protests before making a decision, and decided to slow Strelkov’s operation down. Strelkov had his own opinions, and rushed forward.”
Anonymous  01/09/24 Вск 22:22:48 #2359 №128649 DELETED
>Do you know anything about this?
To be honest, in those years I had no opportunity to follow it, I myself was in the army, on a high-security base, where you could only borrow phones on Sundays to call your relatives. I'll save the book for English speakers. In case anyone needs it. Thank you.
  !!%mod%!! 02/09/24 Пнд 01:29:19 #2360 №128652 DELETED
Well new captcha at long last.
Enjoy your stay, my dudes, and have fun.
Anonymous  02/09/24 Пнд 01:33:25 #2361 №128654 DELETED
For those who have any trouble with current captcha:
1. Try pressing CTRL+F5 simultaneously.
2. If it doesn't work - make a ticket in Discord, we are trying to operate on any issues with this ASAP.
Anonymous  02/09/24 Пнд 07:52:01 #2362 №128655 DELETED
Now for 2ch.hk
Anonymous  02/09/24 Пнд 18:08:30 #2363 №128662 DELETED
Godspeed. Thank you
Anonymous  02/09/24 Пнд 18:22:14 #2364 №128663 DELETED
Damn son, where'd you find this?
Anonymous  02/09/24 Пнд 20:46:43 #2365 №128664 DELETED
Anonymous  02/09/24 Пнд 20:52:53 #2366 №128665 DELETED
Looks like white phosphorus. Oh, no, what will the British government say? Uh, nothing.

A drop of copium in a sea of Russian supremacy. There's a real disaster brewing on the Donbass front for Ukraine right now. And for NATO.
Anonymous  02/09/24 Пнд 21:56:51 #2367 №128666 DELETED
Video of liberated settlements in Kursk region, filmed by local residents. "European Ukrainian world" visited civilization. Crushed pigs, looted stores, just-so office buildings and farms. And you want these animals to live in the European Union with you?
Anonymous  02/09/24 Пнд 22:12:00 #2368 №128667 DELETED
RARE photos
Anonymous  02/09/24 Пнд 22:12:34 #2369 №128668 DELETED
Anonymous  02/09/24 Пнд 22:52:45 #2370 №128669 DELETED
[mailto:a] Anonymous  02/09/24 Пнд 23:25:14 #2371 №128670 DELETED
Этот аккаунт в Twitter много чего плохого говорил о России и Кремле.
Ругательные тексты уже удалены, но до недавнего времени она говорила много плохого о России.
Пожалуйста, взломайте этот аккаунт и накажите его, взломав замок.

Anonymous  02/09/24 Пнд 23:47:43 #2372 №128672 DELETED
a) Russian is forbidden in this thread (read rules in OP-post).
b) Thousands of such accounts, if one disappears nothing will change.
Anonymous  03/09/24 Втр 01:40:23 #2373 №128675 DELETED
Another analo.gov.net?
Anonymous  03/09/24 Втр 11:57:44 #2374 №128678 DELETED
It's clearly thermite, you can see the molten stream. Clever solution for drones as thermite can be stored inert in clay pots.

You wait 25 years for a non-Western stealth bomber and two come along at once, typical!
Anonymous  03/09/24 Втр 12:40:36 #2375 №128679 DELETED
>non-Western stealth bomber
It is a full-fledged AI assistant for Su-57 and Su-75 (in development), controlled by the pilot's voice commands. The most advanced drone to date.
>Stealth technology for aircraft
Russian invention https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyotr_Ufimtsev
For additional education.
>25 years
Yeah, shudder - if a country has gone from a dilapidated backward African shithole in the 90s to high military\social technology and the highest GDP growth in the world (~3-5% per year) in 25 years, NATO supporters have reason to worry.
>It's clearly a termite.
Everyone in that landing survived without getting burned. Because there was no one there. Lol. Otherwise they would have shown the corpses like they like to do. Another PR stunt by the Ukrainians.
Anonymous  03/09/24 Втр 12:53:49 #2376 №128680 DELETED
Wait, that's not PAK-DA?

>Russian invention
Perfected by the glorious West, as usual.

>high military\social technology
Hmmmm. I wasn't going to bring it up but >>128637 those were soybean trucks, suggesting the military technology needs some work. Unless this is part of Russia's master plan to de-sissify the world by reducing the supply of soy?

>Another PR stunt by the Ukrainians.
Dunno if I'd risk losing the cool new weapon on its first field test.
Anonymous  03/09/24 Втр 13:16:59 #2377 №128681 DELETED

>Perfected by the glorious West, as usual.
Lmao. Rather embellished around perfection.
VTOL from YAK-141 used in the F-35, which the Americans bought from the Russians in the early 90's was transferred there with virtually no conceptual changes.

But where are the pictures of soybeans in trucks? Hm? Stop being a typical stupid westoid who is easily fooled by propaganda:D I just watched a super BBC Russia report in 2014 where it was confirmed that the Russians were using humanitarian vehicles to transport soldiers to Donbass. Part of the trailer is filled with food, the other part with soldiers. Although BBC Russia couldn't provide anything but their cool theory and footage of nearly unloaded car trailer with a couple packs of bottles inside. Or is that different?

Of course you won't. Thermite also requires a high degree of intelligence and skill when storing and using it in military deployments. If a Russian FPV drone hits a box with such a mixture there will be “hell and Israel” all over the enemy position.

russian meme
Anonymous  03/09/24 Втр 14:23:53 #2378 №128682 DELETED
The Mongols brought in troops to arrest Putin at the request of the (((International))) Criminal Court.
Anonymous  03/09/24 Втр 14:25:56 #2379 №128683 DELETED
Oh, just a minute, they're gonna arrest him and take him to The Hague.
Anonymous  03/09/24 Втр 14:28:48 #2380 №128684 DELETED
Oh no no no no!!! Mongolian criminals!
Anonymous  03/09/24 Втр 14:44:31 #2381 №128685 DELETED
What, by the way, does the international criminal court say about the kidnapping of civilians from Russia? The captured hoholl even confirmed that it was an order from above. Has the BBC rushed to write about it yet? Boris Johnson has already released a video saying that if Zelensky was a woman, he would never have given such an order?
Anonymous  03/09/24 Втр 16:00:55 #2382 №128686 DELETED
Military Institute of Communications in Poltava, where mobilized non-communicators kidnapped from the streets were kept.
More than 180 people have been injured. It is known about 41 dead, many are still under the rubble - Zelensky.
Fun fact: Zelensky calls it just an “educational institution”.
Anonymous  03/09/24 Втр 16:03:28 #2383 №128688 DELETED
A stupid neural net that tried to translate my Russian accent into text, made in the UK, btw
losers* fixed
Anonymous  03/09/24 Втр 18:16:03 #2384 №128689 DELETED
Anonymous  03/09/24 Втр 18:16:44 #2385 №128690 DELETED
Why does glorious Lockheed keep eating Russia's lunch? Could it be that their immense wealth and 'do whatever you want as long as it's vaguely productive' working environment is more appealing?

>where are the pictures of soybeans in trucks?
The same place as the pictures of the dead soldiers in the trucks.

>Thermite also requires a high degree of intelligence and skill when storing and using it in military deployments
Are we talking about the same substance here? Thermite is a mixture of rust and aluminium powder, usually igniting using magnesium. I messed around with it as a schoolboy, even experimented with shaping the stream using different-shaped outlets. Its use requires the intelligence of the domestic cat and the skill of the drunken gorilla. Nanothermite is a lot more complex though.

The only source for this is a so-called diplomat from Luhansk called Rodion Miroshnik. I believe it as much as you believe Ilya Ponomarev.
Anonymous  03/09/24 Втр 18:21:26 #2386 №128691 DELETED
>The only source for this is a so-called diplomat from Luhansk called Rodion Miroshnik. I believe it as much as you believe Ilya Ponomarev.
The perpetrator of the abductions (there is a video), who was captured, admitted that they were civilians whom they were ordered to take by the command.
- There's evidence of a crime
- There's testimony from the perpetrator.
All you have to do is find a Russian translator. I don't know how to use translation programs like the local Russanon.
You can bolt, though. It's useless to prove to the other side of the conflict. And Britain is a direct party to the conflict, so you don't have a free media.
Anonymous  03/09/24 Втр 19:38:48 #2387 №128696 DELETED
Kursk region
Assault Report
Anonymous  03/09/24 Втр 21:45:02 #2388 №128697 DELETED
You people who argue about the quality of equipment never learn. Quality is not the only relevant factor. Military hardware should be judged holistically, based on if it fits well into an established doctrine and is useful for the armed forces it is in.
The chair warriors who autistically obsess over these things are wasting their time. The only way to measure these things is by performance in war. If a country goes to war then you can judge for yourself if the equipment works or not. All this arguing achieves nothing.
Anonymous  03/09/24 Втр 22:21:24 #2389 №128698 DELETED
I really cannot understand why people who love to argue about these things never bother to back up their arguments with facts about strategy. Its as if you are more comfortable with the most one dimensional black and white view of war possible, in which all is decided by quality. But I will not insult your intelligence by saying that this is beyond you, I would rather like to bring it you your attention and see what you think.
Obviously every strategist from Clausewitz to Sun Tzu has a different strategic logic. Edward Luttwak's strategic logic I find particularly compelling. He identifies something he calls the paradox of strategy. He describes it in the following way.
>There are of course at least two conscious, opposed wills in any strategic encounter of war or peace… the paradoxical logic of strategy [is] an objective phenomenon, which determines outcomes whether or not the participants try to exploit it or are even conscious of its workings… we can recognize the logic in its totality as the coming together, even the reversal, of opposites.
>And this is a process manifest… in all that is strategical, in all that is characterized by the struggle of adversary wills… when the paradoxical logic of strategy assumes a dynamic form, it becomes the coming together, even the reversal, of opposites. In the entire realm of strategy, therefore, a course of action cannot persist indefinitely.

Let's apply this to the conversation at hand. The best explanation, which I am quoting here can be found at https://defense.info/book-review/2020/05/the-logic-of-war-and-peace/
> At the technical level, Luttwak observes that advancements in technology promise much, but in reality provide an advantage only for a short period, as their success and/or vulnerabilities are always countered. To avoid being outclassed, competitors must continuously evolve in response to enemy strengths, whilst defending their own weaknesses. Counter-countermeasures then emerge as the contest of wills continues dynamically. The result is that, paradoxically, technological advances do not normally make significant impacts—less remarkable equipment retains its (modest) utility for longer.
In other words, because a war is a battle of wills between two collectives, the most devastating tools in the enemies arsenal are always first to be countered and their successes are always nullified. Look how drones have made tanks useless for a time, and how jamming technologies have countered drones. This is how it goes. Action->reaction
A better tank or aircraft will be countered quickly, and its utility after this will depend on the counter-countermeasure of the enemy to make it useful again. There is historical precedent for the idea that because every measure has a counter measure, the best equipment should only be deployed with careful consideration to maximize its utility before the enemy counters it.
Gentlemen, we are wasting our time if we do not consider these things strategically
Anonymous  03/09/24 Втр 22:25:30 #2390 №128699 DELETED
The book can be read here, unfortunately for my Russian friends I doubt it has been translated. I am bringing this material to your attention not to brow beat you but because I know this stuff will interest you, and it seems like it might be the missing piece in your analysis.
Anonymous  03/09/24 Втр 23:20:27 #2391 №128700 DELETED
Anonymous  04/09/24 Срд 00:25:59 #2392 №128701 DELETED
>people who expect to fight in Rasputitsa invent a gun that is resilient to the elements
How does this disprove my point? This is what I am saying, a weapon doesn't need the best qualities, it needs the right qualities for the field.
Anonymous  04/09/24 Срд 00:31:35 #2393 №128702 DELETED
If I may ask, what are specialist urban assault teams and Spetsnaz forces armed with? Perhaps lighter rifles more suitable for urban combat?
Anonymous  04/09/24 Срд 01:06:27 #2394 №128703 DELETED
Police are armed with Makarov pistols. Russia is a pretty safe country in its standard state (no wars). Meaning that the risk of getting into a street shootout between street gangs here is zero, because there are no gangs on the streets. A Makarov pistol is quite enough to detain violent alkies.

The exception is the Caucasus, on the whole it is quite safe, but closer to the border, in the mountains, some radical Muslim shit is nesting with the support of external forces, which aims to take the Caucasus hub away from Russia. The Caucasus Hub is a very important strategic point and has been fought over since the days of the Russian Empire. In short the police there are armed with heavier stuff.

OMON and SOBR are tactical police units, they are armed with standard weapons and equipment for their class. The difference between them lies in the complexity of the tasks they have to perform. SOBR specializes in high-risk operations.

Spetsnaz is a military unit and does not belong to civilian units.

Also in Russia besides police and special forces there is Rosgvardia (this type has no analogues in other countries), in short it can be characterized as heavy police, they patrol the streets like other police, but they are focused on guarding strategically important objects - hospitals, schools, nuclear power plants, supreme court, and other strategic important things - they are armed with things shown in the picture. Everything here, with the exception of the rare MP-5, is Russian-made.

Under current law, police officers and guardsmen are prohibited from shooting at women (guardsmen are prohibited from shooting at pregnant women, but can shoot at ordinary women, lel), disabled persons and minors. They are also not allowed to use firearms in large crowds of citizens if this could lead to casualties.
Anonymous  04/09/24 Срд 01:14:24 #2395 №128704 DELETED
There is also the AKS-74U, which is a favorite for street fighting in all countries. It is not only shorter than its older counterpart, but also has a folding buttstock like it. I haven't seen him anywhere in a while, though. Even the security guards at the bank prefer other things.
Anonymous  04/09/24 Срд 02:48:50 #2396 №128707 DELETED
New battlemap
Anonymous  04/09/24 Срд 07:06:23 #2397 №128709 DELETED
> security guards at the bank
Dosen't shoot. Why carry this heavy ass fuck brick when there is lighter option?
Anonymous  04/09/24 Срд 13:06:06 #2398 №128714 DELETED
Someone's not eating soybeans again. That's a sad. :(

>26 sec
Anonymous  04/09/24 Срд 13:08:17 #2399 №128715 DELETED
Or "won't"
I don't remember the right way
Anonymous  04/09/24 Срд 13:09:17 #2400 №128716 DELETED
Yeah, you're right.
Anonymous  04/09/24 Срд 13:17:23 #2401 №128717 DELETED
Fun fact: Extended version
Anonymous  04/09/24 Срд 13:18:52 #2402 №128718 DELETED
Ukraine now has a disco every day.
Anonymous  04/09/24 Срд 17:48:10 #2403 №128720 DELETED
Ah yes, the testimony of a PoW, that will surely be legit.
Anonymous  04/09/24 Срд 19:28:11 #2404 №128721 DELETED
Blinken's McDonalds french fries waiter in Kiev has resigned.
Anonymous  04/09/24 Срд 19:36:30 #2405 №128723 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)
Anonymous  04/09/24 Срд 21:45:18 #2406 №128724 DELETED
Blin in Russian is pancake, and the ending in is a typical ending of Russian surnames.
That's why in /news/, when anons post some news about him, they call him Pancakein. A holy rule, like “daily grenade” and news from north korea in funny broken Russian. In /news/ there are more memes and unique freak posters (like wheelchair Nazi who hates Natashek nicknamed Kolyas (put on spam list by moderator) ) than in /int/. Shame. The most boring board is here.
Anonymous  04/09/24 Срд 21:46:24 #2407 №128725 DELETED
Anonymous  04/09/24 Срд 22:53:17 #2408 №128727 DELETED

Anonymous  04/09/24 Срд 22:58:24 #2409 №128728 DELETED
Also. This article is full of copium. The video I was talking about has been deleted, all the links are broken, but this article remains and it is full of copium and naive text of the level of Russian liberashka from tweeter. Once upon a time, the BBC had a reputation. But they lost it long before 2014.
Anonymous  04/09/24 Срд 23:04:28 #2410 №128729 DELETED
"....a convoy of almost 300 identical, hastily repainted white military KamAZ trucks"
>shows regular civilian Kamaz models.
Anonymous  05/09/24 Чтв 10:36:52 #2411 №128734 DELETED
Ukraine once again provokes Belarus with a drone by violating the air border
Anonymous  05/09/24 Чтв 11:19:28 #2412 №128735 DELETED
A girl who visited the scene says that there are many times more dead in Poltava than Zelensky claims.
Also still looking for the others under the rubble, their fate is unknown
Anonymous  05/09/24 Чтв 11:21:07 #2413 №128736 DELETED
Anonymous  05/09/24 Чтв 11:29:15 #2414 №128737 DELETED
Take that, you stupid soybean truck! Watch the beans fly in all directions, popping like popcorn!

Destruction of M270 MLRS by an Iskander-M MLRS strike near the village of Rudnevka, Sumy region

Anonymous  05/09/24 Чтв 15:54:25 #2415 №128738 DELETED
Excerpt from the book “Advice to a Young NATOer”
Rule 97: Never attempt to snatch a weapon from a Russian in the process of surrendering.
Anonymous  05/09/24 Чтв 16:34:16 #2416 №128740 DELETED
Anonymous  05/09/24 Чтв 17:52:56 #2417 №128742 DELETED
Anonymous  05/09/24 Чтв 18:59:20 #2418 №128743 DELETED
Anonymous  05/09/24 Чтв 19:04:37 #2419 №128744 DELETED
Seriously though, forgive me for xenophobic sentiment but I cannot stand Nigerians. I have never understood how the people from such a mediocre nation can be so incredibly smug at every turn. Nigeria is fundamentally dysfunctional and irrational. They have over 100 ethnic groups that all hate each other and manage to remain poor despite having enough oil wealth to be rich beyond belief
But then they act like butter would not melt in their mouths when they go online and they take out their inadequacy on South Africans, despite the fact that 10 000s of them have immigrated here. Where is the sense?
Anonymous  06/09/24 Птн 01:04:57 #2420 №128746 DELETED
what the hell is going on in britania?
Anonymous  06/09/24 Птн 12:09:59 #2421 №128749 DELETED
I don't know if this is of interest to anyone or not, but Russian security services have uncovered a gigantic system of financial support for Russian-language propaganda media from Western funds. Just imagine how much money the EU and the United States spend on this, when they could have made curbs in Portugal.


The Russian security services have gained access to the database of The U.S. Russia Foundation (USRF), Free Russia Foundation (FRF).

Apparently, some detentions in the United States are connected with this sad fact.

Allegedly, even USRF payrolls and information about correspondence and its participants have been obtained. Which, understandably, has been of great interest to the Russian special forces for a long time.

On FRF the same thing - all correspondence, more than 10 gigabytes of documents.

They're under attack:
Radio Echo

New Times

The Moscow Times


Takie Deal


The Insider

The Bell

Novaya Gazeta

Paper Media LLC


Sakharov Institute


Prague Center for Civil Society

Boris Nemtsov Foundation

Eurasia Foundation

Foundation for Democratic Development (FDD):


Now there are two options, and they are not mutually exclusive.

The first - quiet processing for cooperation of those who are in the Russian Federation.

The second is to detain those who are in the RF and work with those who are outside the RF.

Either way, if the information is real, it is a victory for the Ros law enforcers and a big problem for those cooperating with the organizations.

Anonymous  06/09/24 Птн 16:50:56 #2422 №128753 DELETED
Anonymous  06/09/24 Птн 16:53:43 #2423 №128754 DELETED
A Russian FPV drone on fiber optics snuck up on resting Ukrainian occupiers in the Kursk region and wished them good night.

Anonymous  06/09/24 Птн 16:58:49 #2424 №128755 DELETED
The Belarusian military is putting drone protection on the military equipment, which is being pulled to the border with Ukraine. Something's coming.

Anonymous  06/09/24 Птн 17:01:15 #2425 №128756 DELETED
Hohol tried to erase the tattoo with a brick to escape from the battlefield disguised as a civilian.

Presumably Kursk.
Anonymous  06/09/24 Птн 17:02:57 #2426 №128757 DELETED
Anonymous  06/09/24 Птн 21:06:29 #2427 №128763 DELETED
Anonymous  07/09/24 Суб 03:55:38 #2428 №128766 DELETED
Drift Phonk, lol
Anonymous  07/09/24 Суб 18:28:21 #2429 №128785 DELETED
Anonymous  07/09/24 Суб 18:28:41 #2430 №128786 DELETED
Anonymous  07/09/24 Суб 18:29:03 #2431 №128787 DELETED
Anonymous  07/09/24 Суб 18:29:27 #2432 №128788 DELETED
Anonymous  09/09/24 Пнд 02:06:05 #2433 №128836 DELETED
Anonymous  09/09/24 Пнд 05:33:04 #2434 №128840 DELETED
Russian troops entered Toretsk and knocked the Ukrainians out of their stronghold at a local school. I remind you that the loss of Toretsk is a disaster for the Ukrainian armed forces. The second disaster is the Loss of Pokrovsk.
Anonymous  09/09/24 Пнд 12:03:10 #2435 №128843 DELETED
Anonymous  09/09/24 Пнд 12:15:21 #2436 №128844 DELETED
Paul Du Rove
Anonymous  09/09/24 Пнд 18:03:51 #2437 №128849 DELETED
Everyone was fed up with the success of the Russian troops. Pause for a moment.
Anonymous  09/09/24 Пнд 18:05:43 #2438 №128850 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)
Anonymous  09/09/24 Пнд 18:06:20 #2439 №128851 DELETED
But... okay :(
Anonymous  09/09/24 Пнд 18:41:22 #2440 №128853 DELETED
Anonymous  09/09/24 Пнд 22:52:06 #2441 №128856 DELETED
btw when Russians here call Zelensky Zeleboba (?) what does boba means?
Anonymous  09/09/24 Пнд 23:12:40 #2442 №128857 DELETED
in the Russian version of Sesame Street, that was the name of one shaggy character. Sounds just stupid and ridiculous. In real life, it's just a silly name for a silly character in no way related to the children's show.

Personally, I call him Zalupensky. From Zalupa.
Zaluzhny - Zalupny
Anonymous  09/09/24 Пнд 23:18:08 #2443 №128858 DELETED
I unironically thought he was dead, lol
Anonymous  10/09/24 Втр 00:39:29 #2444 №128859 DELETED
Anonymous  10/09/24 Втр 15:26:19 #2445 №128866 DELETED
I don't understand, a terrorist country is collaborating with Al Qaeda in Africa, which it has openly admitted to, openly and purposefully blowing up apartment buildings with drones in defiance of conventions, yet the west continues to support them, including with intelligence to commit terrorist acts. Is there any doubt who carried out the terrorist attack in Crocus City?
Anonymous  10/09/24 Втр 15:30:25 #2446 №128867 DELETED
Anonymous  10/09/24 Втр 19:35:58 #2447 №128869 DELETED
RV: Russia launches large-scale counteroffensive in Kursk region

Soldiers of the 155th motorized rifle regiment of the Russian Federation have launched a large-scale counteroffensive near Kursk, knocking out Ukrainian fighters from the village of Gordeevka. At the moment, more than 10 kilometers of the region's territory have been liberated, the Operation Z telegram channel reported.

Look buddy, if they don't mate by 06.09.2024, I will, as promised, say that you are the coolest and most highly intelligent, capable of tactical and strategic analysis poster here.
Anonymous  10/09/24 Втр 19:36:41 #2448 №128870 DELETED

Anonymous  10/09/24 Втр 21:20:50 #2449 №128873 DELETED
Anonymous  10/09/24 Втр 21:49:36 #2450 №128877 DELETED
On every street at post-Soviet lands there was a random junkie. Often these junkies/addicts was nicknamed like “multik” or “zeleboba”. So I believe that was the shaded / hidden meaning of Zelensky’s drugs addiction nickname.
Anonymous  10/09/24 Втр 23:03:56 #2451 №128878 DELETED
I've never heard that before.
Anonymous  10/09/24 Втр 23:12:25 #2452 №128879 DELETED
Can someone help me. In Russian military slang what do they mean when they say "Grads" and "Solntsepeks"?
Anonymous  10/09/24 Втр 23:27:20 #2453 №128880 DELETED
These are not slang, but secondary official technical names for annihilation machines.

1, 2: TOS-1A "Solntsepyok" (from russian: Sunburner or Sunheater)
2, 3: BM-21 "Grad" (from russian: Hail)

Sunburner is the most powerful non-nuclear weapon. It does terrible things to the human body. Its essence is to destroy enemy fortifications with fire, and the air vacuum created by it to turn the insides into mush of those who took cover from the main blast wave. I believe these weapons should be banned after World War III.
Anonymous  11/09/24 Срд 01:18:46 #2454 №128883 DELETED
Anonymous  11/09/24 Срд 01:27:19 #2455 №128884 DELETED
The statue of Nelson Mandela is now in Russia.
Anonymous  11/09/24 Срд 01:27:51 #2456 №128885 DELETED
A U.S. instructor from the Forward Observation Group together with two servicemen from the 63rd SDF Center of Ukraine in one of the training camps
Anonymous  11/09/24 Срд 02:28:19 #2457 №128887 DELETED
My condolences to the Ukrainians in Kursk. Uh... no. No condolences.
Anonymous  11/09/24 Срд 02:29:22 #2458 №128888 DELETED
Anonymous  11/09/24 Срд 03:35:06 #2459 №128889 DELETED
I dont get one thing, why are they tearing down monuments to Stalin, but erecting monuments to some black president of South Africa? Is this Klaus Schwab's globohomo agency?
Anonymous  11/09/24 Срд 04:29:04 #2460 №128890 DELETED
Because this president is cool. As cool as Mahatma Gandhi
Anonymous  11/09/24 Срд 09:57:38 #2461 №128891 DELETED
So let the monuments to Gandhi and Mandela stand in India and South Africa, and not in Russia.
Anonymous  11/09/24 Срд 12:42:54 #2462 №128892 DELETED
>install statues
>import foreign population that wants to destroy statues
>more profit for jew artists
5d Schwabian chess play.
Anonymous  11/09/24 Срд 13:53:30 #2463 №128893 DELETED
Its kind of obvious that your government is simply trying a bit too hard to pander to African governments to win friends and conduct diplomacy in Africa. Everyone knows that the proposal for a BRICS reserve currency will go nowhere if there is no commodity reliably traded in that currency. For the Dollar that commodity is oil. For you that could be any number of commodities abundant in Africa.
Anonymous  11/09/24 Срд 14:16:54 #2464 №128894 DELETED
Anonymous  11/09/24 Срд 15:31:51 #2465 №128897 DELETED
Anonymous  11/09/24 Срд 18:48:32 #2466 №128902 DELETED
Anonymous  11/09/24 Срд 20:44:42 #2467 №128904 DELETED
“Look, it's a Russian, a Russian is coming to us” - said the stupid pig in pure Russian

What does that mean? It means that the russian assault troops have entered Ukrainsk.
Anonymous  11/09/24 Срд 22:14:39 #2468 №128910 DELETED
A stupid pig posing as a volunteer called a Russian soldier stupid for not killing him.

Hohol moment, lmao
Ukraine has one of the highest iodine deficiency rates in the world. Iodine is essential for maintaining intelligence and mental ability. Are you still questioning the benefits of iodine?
Anonymous  11/09/24 Срд 23:51:00 #2469 №128914 DELETED
The pigs almost killed a Dvacher.
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 00:54:52 #2470 №128916 DELETED
God what a mess. I personally was so disappointed that this was the best Trump could do. His age is clearly showing. The world will suffer for this undoubtedly.
Very nice counter offensive
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 01:00:04 #2471 №128917 DELETED
I am starting to get the feeling that a LOT of Russian flags from the factories in China are going to need to be diverted to the front so that there are enough flags for the army to put up
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 01:34:58 #2472 №128918 DELETED
And I thought it was because we in BRICS are one family, like nafo-bros, like the Portuguese and Albanians. But if that's the way you look at it...
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 02:58:11 #2473 №128919 DELETED
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 13:30:14 #2474 №128921 DELETED
Lol :)
Here you go, bro.
PowerShell 7 is cross-platform. But I haven't tested it on Linux, I don't have the opportunity yet. The first run of the script takes 6 seconds after every time the computer is turned on, this is normal, it's a feature of .NET. All subsequent scripts run instantly.

Password: p910
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 17:23:17 #2475 №128923 DELETED
Russians have launched counter-offensives in Kursk region, everything is going according to our Ukrainian plan- Zelenskiy

It's not a joke, he actually said that.

Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 17:41:40 #2476 №128924 DELETED
>Kursk counteroffensive going well
>Donetsk offensive still making good progress
>China, Iran actually being helpful
>USA still too scared to allow long-range strikes into Russia

The perfect time to hit an Egyptian grain ship in NATO waters, a fart's blast from the second(?) largest NATO airbase in Europe, right? 2nd Cavalry Regiment probably got kicked out of their beds for nothing.
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 18:12:54 #2477 №128926 DELETED
The practice with Odessa ports shows that there is no grain in these dry cargo ships, there are weapons that cannot be smuggled through Europe (there will be tons of photos on the internet), as well as broken weapons that cannot be smuggled out. Let's call it the Soybean-truck effect, okay?
Russia maintains its reputation among its southern partners. Therefore, all targets correspond to the ammunition expended on them.

>China, Iran actually being helpful
Iran's military-industrial complex is not developed enough to produce these missiles, this was confirmed by everyone in the “South”, including the president of Iran, an opinion that is not printed in your press. I consider this an information attack to impose sanctions and authorize strikes deep into Russia.

>USA still too scared to allow long-range strikes into Russia
The U.S. clearly knows the line it can reach. When you talk about structures like intelligence, it's not about domestic emotions.
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 18:36:10 #2478 №128927 DELETED
>And I thought it was because we in BRICS are one family, like nafo-bros, like the Portuguese and Albanians. But if that's the way you look at it...
I am simply being realistic. An alliance of convenience only blossoms into a genuine friendship with enough time and patience. It takes many generations for fraternal feelings to build between countries. For the time being, my government is too afraid to be overly chummy with Putin because the Americans threaten to revoke our favorable trade treaties every time we do, which frankly our economy needs a lot more than fraternal friendship.
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 18:36:44 #2479 №128928 DELETED
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 18:40:11 #2480 №128929 DELETED
Well, I understand. As they say in Russia, “Moscow was not built at once”.
The weakening of US influence is also a condition for the creation of any strong independent alliance.
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 18:50:55 #2481 №128930 DELETED
>there will be tons of photos on the internet
Pics or it didn't happen.

>an opinion that is not printed in your press
The press doesn't print this sort of stuff, you need to dig around in the technical literature. Turns out there's sum ting wong with Iranian missiles, if you know what I mean:


>The U.S. clearly knows the line it can reach.
I disagree, I don't think they have a clue where the red lines are because all the Cold Warriors are dead or demented and Russian public messaging is 'everything is a red line blyat', which is why they're sloooooooooooooooowly climbing up the escalation ladder.
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 19:08:06 #2482 №128931 DELETED
>The weakening of US influence is also a condition for the creation of any strong independent alliance.
You know how it is. Although I must say, when it comes to public opinion on the ground, Russia is slowly prevailing. Its not that the people here don't like or sympathize with Russia. Its more so that we need to act to keep afloat during difficult times.
>I don't think they have a clue where the red lines are because all the Cold Warriors are dead or demented and Russian public messaging is 'everything is a red line blyat', which is why they're sloooooooooooooooowly climbing up the escalation ladder.
To play devils advocate, I cannot see this claim of 'everything is a red line' being all that sincere in light of the fact that sovereign Russian territory was literally invaded without provoking any further escalations. Frankly, it makes sense that America is actually feeling out what Russia considers a REAL red line so that it can call Russia's bluff.
>I disagree, I don't think they have a clue where the red lines are because all the Cold Warriors are dead or demented
You make a good point here. I think that it is worth mentioning that under the Biden Admin, in the absence of strong and decisive leadership, the State Department and the Intelligence services are likely steering the ship. In other words bureaucracy is in charge.
As an interesting parallel, the last time the foreign policy and intelligence bureaucracies had so much say so in affairs was in the 1950s, during the Dulles brothers co leadership over the CIA and State Department.
And what defines 50s American Foreign Policy? Brinkmanship and pressing Soviet buttons to determine where their red lines truly stand

It is my hypothesis here that whenever periods of strong personal leadership give way to bureaucratic rule, brinkmanship naturally follows because the government organisations need to learn where they stand and get a lay of the land, so that they can develop a coherent institutional interest and common policy.
In the 50s this interest and policy was containment and domino theory.
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 19:13:27 #2483 №128932 DELETED
I re read your post and I actually think I misunderstood you and me and you are in fact saying the same thing in regards to Russia's red lines.
Excuse that mistake Bong
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 19:14:19 #2484 №128933 DELETED
>Pics or it didn't happen.
>Example pics: Western military equipment for Ukraine
What a gift for Russian intelligence.

>if you know what I mean:
What could possibly be wrong with them? I doubt the quality bar for their military hardware is mediocre, after all they border Israel who has a very high bar for the quality of weapons produced. They should be in line with each other. It's the law of safety.

> which is why they're sloooooooooooooooowly climbing up the escalation ladder.
Ukrainians will end up faster. Lmao. I would even bet that the rate of escalation is directly related to the rate of destruction of Ukraine, but always two orders of magnitude less. Let's call it the Law of Soybeans, which mathematically states - the diligence of an American master to support its satellite is always two orders of magnitude less than the overall ability of the satellite to survive.
After all, the U.S. goal is not to destroy the world, but to significantly deplete Russia, to inflict on it a “strategic defeat” - which the Americans also do not hide.
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 19:20:52 #2485 №128934 DELETED
>Let's call it the Law of Soybeans, which mathematically states - the diligence of an American master to support its satellite is always two orders of magnitude less than the overall ability of the satellite to survive.
LOL, do you mind if I steal your saying there?
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 19:21:17 #2486 №128935 DELETED
To clarify, this is German equipment that was stored 60km from the border with Belarus, a year before the start of the SMO.

Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 19:24:34 #2487 №128936 DELETED
Why not? But Soybeans were invented by a Briton. >>128680
British science is always ahead of the curve.
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 19:31:32 #2488 №128937 DELETED
First, we need to invent our own analogue of SWIFT, which I have heard is already being worked on in Russia.

The following paragraphs don't seem to be for me
>>128931 -> >>128930
The RED LINE has been found Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 20:19:41 #2489 №128938 DELETED
Putin: ‘The use of Western long-range precision-guided weapons against Russia would mean direct participation of NATO countries in the fighting in Ukraine

Briefly from the video: Ukraine cannot use precision weapons as Ukraine has no satellites for, this can only be done by NATO satellites, and only NATO specialists can lay down flight assignments for these strikes, this means that NATO countries would be directly involved in a war with a corresponding Russian response to the threats NATO would create.

This is the real Red Line. Not the cherry line, not the burgundy line, not the pink line, not the peach line, but the real Red Line.

Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 20:35:43 #2490 №128939 DELETED
While the RF Armed Forces units are entrenched in the west, the attack of the RF Armed Forces from the second edge has begun.
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 20:46:06 #2491 №128940 DELETED
>The following paragraphs don't seem to be for me
They were not. They were for >>128930
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 20:55:23 #2492 №128941 DELETED
>The electricity has returned and is here to stay. No more blackouts
>Our new government is doing a better job than we expected
>Inflation is under control
>Petrol prices are down
>And most importantly, our favourite sports team is the undisputed number one Rugby team in the world right now and keeps winning game after game.
The past few months have been unironically excellent. I can't remember the last time things were this hopeful. I pray it will last
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 21:43:41 #2493 №128942 DELETED
Кек, ну чо пиггеры?
На что можно смотреть бесконечно, так это на полноводье гробов. Лавина скорбных, наспех упакованных жмуриков с востока на запад идёт повсеместно.
Господь разберёт этот смрадный клубок человечьих волос и сблёва.
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 21:52:05 #2494 №128943 DELETED
I'm already shaking as citizen of a NATO country.
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 21:57:38 #2495 №128945 DELETED
Very based. Have you heard that China, like the USSR, wants to take African countries under its economic tutelage? Europeans don't like it very much. The development of the region also actively affects the well-being of your country.
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 22:00:54 #2496 №128946 DELETED
The Russian Armed Forces launched an assault in the Malaya Loknya(Kursk region) area. Taken two strongholds of the AFU. Things are very bad, there are a lot of wounded

Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 22:05:30 #2497 №128947 DELETED
>Things are very bad, there are a lot of wounded
If anything, it's about Ukrainians. It's a Ukrainian blogger, if anything.
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 22:18:48 #2498 №128948 DELETED
You won't need a shaking. A shaking will be at the military plant where the Tekever AR3 is manufactured. In the process of exploding.
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 22:22:51 #2499 №128949 DELETED
We don't need a new boss. We need to learn how to be our own boss and become rich. I have no objections to working with the Chinese on the basis of equality but thats it
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 22:26:20 #2500 №128950 DELETED
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 22:32:12 #2501 №128951 DELETED
Do you think that there are any American veterans alive today with such a tattoo?
I wonder what circumstances in the 90s must have been like to make a proud soldier get a thieves tattoo.
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 23:03:12 #2502 №128952 DELETED
It's not a thieves tattoo, lol.
Anonymous  13/09/24 Птн 00:14:19 #2503 №128953 DELETED
Really? What I do know about these are that they were copied off the bodies of convicts. I know that a vori would never wear a tattoo about doing something like working for the government in the army, but the point remains that these are prison tattoos as far as I can tell.
If I am wrong, and these are infact just normal tattoos, why would a soldier want a tattoo like this, even if it expresses his genuine sentiment, given that people would judge him as anti social for having it? What jobs did these ex soldiers even have during the 90s? How were the veterans treated?
This one is also interesting to me. It isn't a vori tattoo but it is from a convict, who beat up his coworker for calling him "tatar" in his place of work.
Anonymous  13/09/24 Птн 00:29:01 #2504 №128954 DELETED
A lot of these non vori prison tattoos are almost amusing when the convict explains them to the author. Most of these people were put in prison for either beating someone who said something racial towards them, or beating another racial group purely as a hate crime.
Most of the people with tattoos were either Asians from the Far East (Buryats primarily) or Old believers.

Could you explain this to me if you can? Is racial tension just higher in this region or is violent behavior just more common in this rural place and the people there are brave enough to do to each other what everyone else in the Federation wishes they could? It makes me think that Lenin and Stalin never actually got rid of the cossacks in the far east, the simply made them swallow their manner of being into their soul and passed it down to their children. A Russian old believer getting into a fistfight with a Buryat after calling him a monkey who lost his tale genuinely does remind me of the stories of the cossacks in the frontier of the far east. Its like some grudges never die.
Anonymous  13/09/24 Птн 00:40:18 #2505 №128955 DELETED
I'll respond to this later.
Anonymous  13/09/24 Птн 00:41:26 #2506 №128956 DELETED
Thank you brother. I genuinely appreciate that. I will respond in the morning, it is late here
Anonymous  13/09/24 Птн 03:07:10 #2507 №128960 DELETED
Can SHAMAN do the same?
Anonymous  13/09/24 Птн 13:16:26 #2508 №128963 DELETED
It's fine, I post in riddles because I'm intellectually unchallenged. I think we're in agreement: the current situation is more like the early Cold War of the Berlin Crisis and the Korean War, yknow the 1950s with Trump's old m8 Roy Cohn aggressively hunting bumboys in the US Congress. We're still figuring out the rules so it's dangerous times until we have a Caribbean Crisis.

>What could possibly be wrong with them?
They are made by the Chinese as monkey models designed for export. The wiring is probably 90% aluminium and the guidance system is a pigeon in a box.

>the rate of escalation is directly related to the rate of destruction of Ukraine
And the destruction of Russians - this is how war works.

It's the absolutely last final ultimate Chinese warning. Again.
Anonymous  14/09/24 Суб 01:48:25 #2509 №128967 DELETED
They are designed in a town that literally makes dicks' ceramics.
Anonymous  14/09/24 Суб 15:28:58 #2510 №128974 DELETED
>>128973 →
Anonymous  14/09/24 Суб 16:24:15 #2511 №128975 DELETED
Sorry, lots of work, not getting to reply properly.
In general, I will explain the essence without tinsel: prison culture in its peak form did not exist until the 90s. And if it existed, it existed only in its infancy, i.e. it was limited to the prison. In the 90s, having got rid of the oppression of Soviet information control, the cons started to drag their culture into ordinary life, singing songs, painting pictures and doing other shit, this culture became known as A.U.E. for short. Your pictures either show the accomplishments of a military service arrestee (pilot in Afghanistan) or, Nazi and nationalist shit that has nothing to do with AUE. AUE tattoos are a reflection of a prisoner's status, his crimes, and an informal language of communication with other prisoners. The prominent representatives of this subculture were the gopniks. Gopniks themselves had already almost disappeared from the streets in 2003, according to one amateur ironic documentary from 2004, and the AUE subculture finally died at the beginning of the tenth years and was finally banned (and equated to terrorist-extremist) in 2020 for safety.
Anonymous  15/09/24 Вск 05:42:24 #2512 №128976 DELETED
Anonymous  15/09/24 Вск 10:28:32 #2513 №128981 DELETED
Португальские хуесосы, литералли.
Anonymous  15/09/24 Вск 13:53:08 #2514 №128982 DELETED
It's been one and a half months, the hohols still control several dozens of the villages in the area, 200k Russians have been displaced, thousands of homes, stores, schools, roads will be wiped off the map in the offensive costing Russia billions of rubles in reconstruction efforts

yet all it takes to convince you that everything is going according to plan is a zoomed in map with drawn on arrows
Anonymous  15/09/24 Вск 15:32:51 #2515 №128983 DELETED
You got a new VPN? It's just that the stupidity doesn't change with the IP change, retard.
Anonymous  15/09/24 Вск 15:36:36 #2516 №128984 DELETED
Cringe. In Russia, society grew out of this a long time ago, so if I see something like this from Europe, I get the vibes of the 00s. Back then, joking about fags, dicks and drug addicts on TV without censorship was still the norm. It's very low taboo shit right now.
Anonymous  15/09/24 Вск 19:53:30 #2517 №128986 DELETED
To the last Chechen.
Anonymous  16/09/24 Пнд 05:25:38 #2518 №128996 DELETED
He's right about everything. I wouldn't either. A true Chechens are dying but not surrendering. If you surrender, you are no longer a Chechen.
You still haven't learned Chechen traditions and culture? It is one of the most maximalist and ultimatist species of man today.
Anonymous  16/09/24 Пнд 05:28:33 #2519 №128997 DELETED
Kiev. Military commissar after the work of forcibly capturing patriotic volunteers.
Anonymous  16/09/24 Пнд 05:34:52 #2520 №128998 DELETED
3rd Assault Brigade (formerly Nazi Regiment Azov)
What do you think of this rebranding for the Western public?
Anonymous  16/09/24 Пнд 14:22:58 #2521 №129007 DELETED
Ukrainian losses at Kursk today:

-Armored vehicles-729
-Towed artillery-98
-Engineering and other equipment-15
-Military personnel-13,800

Anonymous  16/09/24 Пнд 15:36:48 #2522 №129008 DELETED
The EU has increased its imports of Russian gas

Russia has become the second major gas supplier to Europe, behind only American countries, including the United States.

This year, supplies have grown by a quarter to 36.1 billion cubic meters. LNG imports rose 18 percent to 14.5 billion cubic meters in January-August. Pipeline supplies increased by 31% to 21.6 billion cubic meters.

This was due to a decrease in the share of African sellers to 14% from 19%, and Middle Eastern sellers to 11% from 14.5%.

Anonymous  16/09/24 Пнд 17:06:25 #2523 №129010 DELETED
Anonymous  16/09/24 Пнд 17:10:31 #2524 №129011 DELETED
Anonymous  16/09/24 Пнд 23:28:01 #2525 №129013 DELETED
- same tone of voice;
- same pronunciation of words;
- same manner of command;
- same military front;

I'm 90% sure this is the same assault officer from "[О]тважные" (The Braves) who put three Ukrainians to sleep in a foxhole and then did the somersault from that meme video. I've seen some cool videos since 2022 with the same character traits and manner of filming their combat sorties. In one of those videos, his job was to pick up wounded Ukrainians after a Russian Mi-35 helicopter destroyed a column of Ukrainians near a railroad, and also to count the dead Ukrainians. Several wounded and surviving Ukrainians began fighting off his group, he counted the dead and fought off the living, adding their deaths to the total count.

This man is immortal. His name is unknown for obvious reasons.
Anonymous  16/09/24 Пнд 23:52:01 #2526 №129014 DELETED
The Americans and the British wet themselves after Putin's words and did not go to direct war with Russia. World War III has been canceled.
Clay teapots with dicks are safe.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 00:12:01 #2527 №129015 DELETED
it already posted altered video with this guy here, don't trust this source.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 00:37:20 #2528 №129016 DELETED
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 00:45:42 #2529 №129017 DELETED
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 00:47:30 #2530 №129018 DELETED

"US not ready to announce lifting of restrictions on AFU strikes with long-range weapons deep into Russia after talks between Biden and British PM - State Department"

I always refer to this fugitive from the Ukrainian regime, anti-Putin, hohol from spain to keep the source neutral. He has a small team of hohols who not only help him in gathering information, but also check the posts before publication. This is a fact. But information should always be checked to avoid being soy boy from soybean truck. This is also a fact.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 01:04:06 #2531 №129019 DELETED
Apple released iOS 18, which among other things allowed you to place icons in any order, as well as paint them in different colors.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 01:09:49 #2532 №129020 DELETED
Onlyfans, a service for buying nudes, has surpassed Microsoft, Apple and Google in terms of revenue per employee.

OnlyFans has almost 31 million dollars (2.8 billion rubles) per employee, which is 10 to 30 times higher than other IT companies.


This is a real defeat for men in the evolutionary race with women.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 01:33:05 #2533 №129021 DELETED
Kursk region. Ukrainian soldier. The inscription on the sword - “For Kursk”.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 01:51:38 #2534 №129022 DELETED
This wounded Russian dude has a lot of fans in China now.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 01:57:37 #2535 №129023 DELETED
The Russians forced the river to advance on Chasov Yar.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 01:59:15 #2536 №129024 DELETED
In Kiev, a substation transformer damaged by Russian strikes was displayed in a square to show how bad the Russians are.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 02:00:56 #2537 №129025 DELETED
A little bit of Russian schizo.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 02:04:05 #2538 №129026 DELETED
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 05:29:41 #2539 №129030 DELETED
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 12:52:52 #2540 №129032 DELETED
Riggas finna be wildin out nomesayn, we go medieval on they ass boi, straight Taras Bulba shit dawg, it's be a rigga's ball
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 13:27:49 #2541 №129033 DELETED
is there some photoshop analyzer in 2ch to confirm this
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 14:55:54 #2542 №129034 DELETED
First one looks real, second fake asf
Blade in question is replica of Frostmorn. A magic sword from videogame Warcraft 3.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 15:03:17 #2543 №129036 DELETED
Hehehe, sweeds are such cucks.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 15:13:45 #2544 №129037 DELETED
Za Lordaeron.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 15:25:21 #2545 №129038 DELETED
I've posted this above. But since MOD bans NSFW hid it from the first five posts.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 15:26:22 #2546 №129039 DELETED
Za Dvatch
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 15:27:38 #2547 №129040 DELETED
Thanks for the enlightenment
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 15:47:41 #2548 №129041 DELETED
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 15:59:23 #2549 №129042 DELETED
By the time Frostmorn comes into play Arthas don't care about Lorderon that much, he is all in on a Lich King thing.
You welcome.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 17:39:27 #2550 №129044 DELETED
no u
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 18:00:26 #2551 №129045 DELETED
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 18:00:51 #2552 №129046 DELETED
>no u
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 18:27:59 #2553 №129049 DELETED
Over the past couple of years, I have realized one thing: the Western press is no different from the classic poster in 4chan/pol/

Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 18:44:59 #2554 №129050 DELETED
Tank villain tried to steal a frag from an honest FPV operator.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 18:48:02 #2555 №129051 DELETED
Hezbollah agents are said to have received a pager blast that was allegedly arranged by the Mossad.

Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 18:49:30 #2556 №129052 DELETED
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 18:59:42 #2557 №129053 DELETED
A massive explosion of pagers
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 19:12:47 #2558 №129054 DELETED
Ukrainsk taken now.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 19:20:19 #2559 №129055 DELETED
imagine how many russkies will suffer from ptsd once this war is over and go on absolute rampages or just off themselves once they come back
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 19:21:18 #2560 №129056 DELETED
The EU has channeled €1.4bn from the profits of Russia's frozen assets to buy weapons for Ukraine, the European Commission has said

It's not “stealing”, it's “European practice”, don't get it mixed up, thirdie.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 19:23:41 #2561 №129057 DELETED
>how many
How much? Or should I rub your nose in the social outcomes of American conflicts?
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 19:26:16 #2562 №129058 DELETED
1. Ukrainsk - taken
2. Novgorodovka - taken (The offensive on Krasny Yar and Krutoy Yar was launched)
3. Gordovka - the storming process is more than half complete
4. Nevskoye, an advance of 3 kilometers in deep (8 kilometers wide) today.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 19:44:15 #2563 №129059 DELETED
5. Kursk - Continued consolidation of positions in the liberated territories. Borki has been liberated in order to encircle the massive grouping in Suja during Russia's forthcoming large-scale counteroffensive after the evacuation of nearby settlements has been completed.
The most powerful front to date in terms of the number of military equipment and units on both sides.
6. Massive assault of Toretsk(Dzerzhinsk)
Toretsk is one of the two logistical hubs of the Ukrainian army in this direction.
7. Ugledar is Ukraine's second logistical center; the city is so well fortified that it is taken in claws to minimize losses. Nearby coal mines and a processing industry, one of the most powerful in Ukraine.
8. A massive cauldron with a huge number of Ukrainian soldiers and fortifications in the suburbs of Donetsk.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 20:23:05 #2564 №129060 DELETED
Why? Do Tajiks leave for free?
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 20:30:31 #2565 №129061 DELETED
>I'm intellectually unchallenged
>Riggas finna be wildin out nomesayn
Pick one!
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 20:32:23 #2566 №129062 DELETED
For migrants from Central Asia (and possibly any other countries), Russia has now declared ultra-restrictions. You can't bring your family, you have to be able to speak Russian very well, for this you have to get a Russian language testing patent, the slightest violation of administrative laws or even social norms of Russian culture ends in deportation, in most regions it is forbidden to employ migrants at all.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 20:32:35 #2567 №129063 DELETED
>Russians put money in foreign banks
>They think that even for a second they owned and were in control over that money
Sometimes a person has to get beat for their naivety. I am sorry to say so. At least you learned something
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 20:33:22 #2568 №129064 DELETED
You are doing much better than Sweden in that case.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 20:36:48 #2569 №129065 DELETED

In fact, there are not only deposits of ordinary Russians there, but also state deposits. This is the payment for Russian gas, with which Russia used to buy any services from the West. This money Russia actually kept in Western banks. So, in fact, there was a brazen mega theft of the money paid for Russian gas.

Let's say that this was a residual phenomenon of Russia's orientation towards peaceful coexistence with the West. Unfortunately, the West saw it as a weakness.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 20:37:36 #2570 №129066 DELETED
by the news in /news/ and /po/ carried by your countrymen, I highly doubt this. b) one thing is being discussed - rejoining families in russia - another is already approved and carried out.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 20:37:44 #2571 №129067 DELETED
The Germans recently took Uzbeks away from us by entering into a migration agreement with Tajikistan. So Uzbeks are no longer my problem.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 20:40:21 #2572 №129068 DELETED
>Keeps foreign currency reserves in foreign banks
Lol what? Why would you do this? Seriously. Nobody else does this.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 20:42:51 #2573 №129069 DELETED
0) swears to Frostmourne to take revenge over Lordaeron (implied)
a) I want to succeed you, father - Warcraft 3 end human cinematic
b) thank you for looking after my kingdom (Lordaeron implied) - beginning cinematic of undead campaign Frozen Throne
c)first undead mission of Frozen Throne expansion is take over Lordaeron and forces Kel'Thuzad as address as King Arthas

Za Ner'Zhul then.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 20:46:26 #2574 №129070 DELETED
>replica of Frostmorn

This is how I knew it was real tbh.


Wtf do you expect? It is the equivalent of Izvestia or something. If you want to know what's really going on, read the business press: FT and Economist are very good, Bloomberg less so.

Supply chain interdiction infa 100%, everything points to it. New model of pager, built in Taiwan, injuries look nothing like li-on explosions. Shin Bet doesn't fuck about.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 20:52:40 #2575 №129071 DELETED
I have been playing Hearts of Iron 4 with one of my local friends and a friend from Mauritius who got the game from a Russian pirate website.
I thank my Russian friends for their service for cracking every game that has ever existed and putting it online.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 20:53:58 #2576 №129072 DELETED
As you can see, the problem is acute, which is why such restrictions have recently been enacted. Which do not come into effect immediately, but gradually. For example, the ban on work in the Moscow region for migrants comes into effect in 2025.
>Map of migrant work ban regions: red is full, yellow partially.
The ban on bringing the family in is all up for discussion. But the adoption of laws in Russia is always preceded by a circus of discussion. It will be passed anyway.

>Prohibition on the employment of foreign citizens engaged in labor activity on the basis of patents to work in certain types of economic activity in constituent entities of the Russian Federation
Some areas of activity are prohibited even in regions where migrants are allowed to work.

Also in Russia they want to ban the Niqab and Hijab, which causes sharp protests from the Caucasus. However, the protesting influential persons are removed from their positions (e.g. Mufti Council). This is also a circus. And this law will be passed too.

As for the behavior of migrants in Russia. A special person - Alexander Bastrykin (photo) - is in charge of this. This is somewhat of a media personality, as he is quite charismatic, with his statements and actions he has a strong influence on the right-wing citizens of Russia. He dislikes migrants very much and takes any of their crime under his personal control.

I could tell you more, but I don't have time.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 20:58:33 #2577 №129073 DELETED
>The Germans recently took Uzbeks away from us by entering into a migration agreement with Tajikistan. So Uzbeks are no longer my problem.
with Uzbekistan*
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 21:02:42 #2578 №129074 DELETED
>I have been playing Hearts of Iron 4 with one of my local friends and a friend from Mauritius who got the game from a Russian pirate website.
Russian bastards hack all games except Russian and all programs except Russian. And since almost all hackers in the world are Russian, you have to buy Russian programs and games for money. It would be good if the bastards making games and programs in Russia didn't take advantage of it by raising the price.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 21:31:46 #2579 №129075 DELETED
As a result of detonation of pagers in a number of regions of Lebanon, more than 2.8 thousand people were injured, 8 people died, including a girl. Most of the victims suffered hand injuries” the Lebanese state-run Al Wataniya news agency quoted the official as saying.

I was recently nostalgic, by the way, that pagers don't exist anymore and no one has used them since the early 2000s. All these announcements made by MTV showladies after before the end of the show “our web address is www.mtv.ru , and also pager me if you want to deprive me of sleep”
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 21:32:55 #2580 №129076 DELETED
Oops fixed link
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 22:35:44 #2581 №129077 DELETED
Yeah, that's very russian actually, we have a tendecy to assosiate ourself with villans in fiction.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 22:36:15 #2582 №129078 DELETED
Waste of time.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 23:22:29 #2583 №129079 DELETED
>we have a tendecy to assosiate ourself with villans in fiction.
Cut the bullshit, zoomer. You can't cite a single book as an example because it's too hard to read for stupid zoomers.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 23:46:13 #2584 №129080 DELETED
I use some unlocker of DLCs for Crusader Kangz 2 from some russian website as well.
Anonymous  17/09/24 Втр 23:48:12 #2585 №129081 DELETED
>A special person - Alexander Bastrykin (photo) - is in charge of this. This is somewhat of a media personality, as he is quite charismatic, with his statements and actions he has a strong influence on the right-wing citizens of Russia. He dislikes migrants very much and takes any of their crime under his personal control.
Good cop and bad cop situation. Someone acts as a "bad cop" for media purposes and relieve internal pressure on society and immigrant criminal issues.
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 00:18:45 #2586 №129082 DELETED
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 00:43:25 #2587 №129085 DELETED
In fact, this is easily verified by statistics.
Traslated post(I can't send it because some word is on the spam list):

I also realized that these restrictions apply to any migrant from any country, but for LGBT countries there are a number of exceptions by special presidential decree.
In a nutshell, if your country has a very strong exposure to neoliberal values, as in Ireland >>128746 , and they significantly affect your life, then you can immigrate to Russia even with no knowledge of the language, where you will get full state support to start your life.
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 01:25:51 #2588 №129086 DELETED
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 01:48:10 #2589 №129087 DELETED
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 02:01:22 #2590 №129088 DELETED
The map is a bit out of date. The Yuzhnodonbasskaya-3 mine is already under Russian control.
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 02:04:43 #2591 №129089 DELETED
>shitty music again
I should have used your script for this video >>129088
I just forgot
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 04:48:00 #2592 №129090 DELETED
Norway detects radiation spike on border with Russia - The Independent Barents Observer

The spike was detected at Svanhovd and Viksjöfjell. Traces of cesium-137, a radioactive isotope released during the decay of uranium-235, were found in samples from the two monitoring stations. The origin of cesium-137 is unknown. The source of the radiation has not yet been identified.

The radioactive isotope could have “come from far away,” the newspaper notes.

Previously, the isotope iodine-131 has already been detected in the air, just when Russia was in the neighborhood testing the Burevestnik missile, which is called “Russia's nuclear war engine.”

“Emissions of radioactive isotopes, which have now become regularly detected in Europe, indicate just that. Such an engine is quite suitable for weapons used in a nuclear war - it will not make nature much worse,” media publications noted.


Although the original article has a slightly different opinion:

Russia is seriously considering nuclear war as an eventuality.
Btw, few people know, but the Russians usually test their nuclear weapons not on those snowy islands near Norway, but on the border with Finland - there is a huge nuclear test site there.
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 08:15:49 #2593 №129091 DELETED
By fiction I don't mean just the books, plus I'm not talking about art pieces themselves, but with whom in them russian masses associate themselves. Mordor from LOTR would be most obvious example.
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 08:17:51 #2594 №129092 DELETED
Oh wow, big brain portu moment. For someone who was born into brazilian speaking world you are clever thing.
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 10:55:47 #2595 №129095 DELETED
>Mordor from LOTR would be the most obvious example.
Example of total ROFL. Literally no one in Russia and its supporters abroad and took Harry Potter, Morodor and Marvel saving the world from Russia seriously because it's a total naive cringe of western propaganda.
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 11:51:12 #2596 №129097 DELETED
Those cracks have been a fixture of my life since I got my first computer. And since I am a broke university student at the moment I am tempted to once again return
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 11:59:16 #2597 №129098 DELETED
Ironical association is still association.
We do love piracy here in post-soviet space. But ganes are to expensive to just run in my opinion.
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 12:02:30 #2598 №129099 DELETED
>But ganes are to expensive to just run in my opinion.
Thats why I dont play any games released after 2016, and I like to emulate too. Computer parts are fucking expensive in this country.
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 12:04:58 #2599 №129100 DELETED
Can someone help me with something. In a lot of the sources I read about the Foreign Policy of Stalin many Western authors like to mention that he was on board with the "Great Russia" idea, and that he was a "Great Russia" socialist. But they never really explain what this means.
Could someone offer me some insight into this idea and why/why not it applies to Stalin?
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 12:17:35 #2600 №129101 DELETED
My opinion: you're giving the term a serious meaning. It's rather abstract. Any leader of Russia is obliged to be a supporter of Great Russia. Just as the leader of any real state must be a supporter of the greatness of his state.
However, we should not forget that it was the communists who organized forced Ukrainianization of the Russian population (don't know the language = no work) and created a semi-self-standing state “Ukraine” on the territory of the Russian Empire with the addition of native Russian territories to the new formation in order to strengthen the power of the communists. And Stalin is a direct participant here.

There are many facts and chronicles, from newspapers to official records, about how Russians resisted Ukrainianization.
This is real ethnocide. And ethnocide is a crime against humanity. True Ukrainians are only the inhabitants of western Ukraine and no one else.
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 12:20:31 #2601 №129102 DELETED
I also on this topic discovered something interesting about the organisation of society under Stalin, concerning co-operative industries, or as you may know them 'Artels'

The Artels, if I am not mistaken were recognized in the 1936 constitution in two sections.
>Public enterprises of collective farms and co-operative organisations, with their livestock and implements, products raised and manufactured by the collective farms and co-operative organisations, as well as their public structures, constitute the public, socialist property of the collective farms and co-operative organisations.

>Alongside the socialist system of economy, which is the predominant form of economy in the U.S.S.R., the law permits small private economy of individual peasants and handicrafts-men based on their personal labour and precluding the exploitation of the labour of others.

Does anyone know much about the system of Artels in this period? I understand why Stalin allowed them. It was viewed as a way to slowly transition the more independently minded craftsmen and labourers into the socialist economy. It gave the state a way to allow these people to still work on their own terms, while ultimately subordinating them to the central economy. But curiously, under Stalin they took on a life of their own. Because the state industry was so focused on heavy industries, a disproportional amount of consumer goods were manufactured in the artels, and in many ways these were more efficient than the collective industries. It is also noteworthy that Stalin allotted these industries with the scrap materials from the larger factories, and they were still efficient. This philosophy seemed to have really been a boon in certain sectors during the Great Patriotic war. The PPSh-41 submachine gun was designed to be manufactured easily, with non heat treated steel, meaning that the parts could be made even in mechanic workshop with simple tools. This gun was manufactured mainly in a network around Moscow, and I suspect, in the absence of a good source, that the Artels must have played a role, given their efficiency with working with scraps and sub optimal materials.
But how were these Artels viewed in soviet society? Were they considered an appealing place to work? And did those working in them have respect in society?
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 12:21:31 #2602 №129103 DELETED
Kursk region. They decided to kill their entire army there.

An acquaintance from the Kursk region writes that they are as numerous as cockroaches there.
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 12:21:55 #2603 №129104 DELETED
>a supporter of Great Russia
>An abstract idea
Could you give me some insight?
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 12:26:38 #2604 №129105 DELETED
It's always a bitch to get them running tbh.
>Great Russia
The idea to push russian culture and ethnicity to the border regions through incide immigration in determent of local population.
>a "Great Russia" socialist.
That set great replacement should be done throw the state and for the state.
>and why/why not it applies to Stalin?
Stalin aka Dzhuganoshvili was not russian, the relocation of russians from the heartlands was done for practical reasons of local industrialisation and technical education, they were not to be colonial overlords. All of local party committee leader were of local ethnic groups. Stalin believed in perfect totalitarian state that would consist of perfect citizen that would function as a replaceable cogs in the machine, but until such time came no single ethnic group inside the Union were to be empowered. That's why he drew republican lines inside the Union against lines of ethnical settlement and made Central Committee a representative of all soviet ethnic groups, so if smth is to happened to him or his successor they would never get along and implode on to themselves, which as you can see-happened. Russians were not the central nation that would insure state function, they were one of the occupied people that state sot to held down and transform putting minorities to rule over us.
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 12:40:19 #2605 №129106 DELETED
Thank you. This post was helpful
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 12:52:04 #2606 №129108 DELETED
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 12:53:45 #2607 №129109 DELETED

Russian domain zone does not work on 2ch. Abu, what the fuck?
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 12:55:53 #2608 №129110 DELETED
Are you trying to put a Trojan up my ass ?
You welcome.
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 12:57:15 #2609 №129111 DELETED
You're not very smart. But don't worry, it's a normal condition for a zoomer.
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 13:01:54 #2610 №129112 DELETED
Stalin was the Red God in the flesh, the personification of wisdom and the Father of Nations, he cannot be criticized at least because it was under his rule that the Third Reich was defeated, the entire West was destroyed under the banner of the Red God, his comrade Joseph the First Stalin (Dzhugashvili), he took the country with a plough, and left it with missiles. The Red God is still feared, the Nazi-fascist-Trotskyist West since his death has been waging a cultural-cancelled, hybrid war against what Stalin did. For example, now the entire West, represented by the remnants of the British Empire and the USA, is under the rule of Trotskyists and corporate Nazis, haters of non-Englishmen. His main idea - all nations of autonomy within Russia, was never realized due to rot in the bureaucratic apparatus, he carried out two purges, but this was not enough, a third was needed to finally get rid of pro-Western spies and agents. Stalin was so great that the pathetic elites of the West are still afraid of him.
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 13:08:29 #2611 №129113 DELETED
>Article 7
Is about enslavement of the peasantry, you own nothing and work for a collective farm for a "workdays", not money, that you exchange only in a local store, you are to own no papers to travel and a city bureaucrat to be put over to oversee you work, but also you mood. If you are to displease him-you are to be send to GULAG.
>Article 9
Because peasantry kept on starving after party official took states share of the harvest which was 100% to the city the state know allows peasantry and all other to work for themselves in a free time, so they wouldn't starve. Very popular mesure, holded the Union together till the end, if you can't bye food-grow it.
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 13:10:03 #2612 №129114 DELETED
Why with insults? Can't you just explain that you posted ?
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 16:33:05 #2613 №129118 DELETED
Site on the history of Russia. The only mistake here is that I gave you (you)
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 16:34:43 #2614 №129119 DELETED
250 Ukrainian soldiers have arrived in Idlib to train terrorists from Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) in the use and production of drones, Syrian newspaper Al-Watan reported.

Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 16:56:06 #2615 №129120 DELETED
Ah, okay, pls don't be toxic in future, be considered of others feelings.
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 17:16:09 #2616 №129123 DELETED
You are very irresponsible in your posts, most of them written intuitively, without any verification in historical sources. I won't say which ones because I don't have the time.
Recently on 4chan some dumb zoomer claimed that there is no electronic music in Russia, only post-rock. You can compare by general character with you.
I don't forbid writing and I don't hinder it in any way, I just think that you should be responsible for what information you give to a foreigner. Since the person does not live in Russia, he will form his perception of Russia on the basis of Russian words, which later will be bred into stereotypes.
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 17:44:27 #2617 №129124 DELETED
And you think giving him a state sourse would be a correct course of action ? I feel like the form I use is less important to the messege I send.
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 17:57:30 #2618 №129125 DELETED
>state sourse
What? It's a private website
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 17:59:16 #2619 №129126 DELETED
My post >>129101
Be wary of anything he writes on Russian history. >>129105 >>129112 >>129113
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 17:59:17 #2620 №129127 DELETED
As this one ? In this can't have a site about history without state cencorship.
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 18:00:17 #2621 №129128 DELETED
Oh, of course, and you're a very reputable source.
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 18:00:58 #2622 №129129 DELETED
They, bruh, you tagged multiple people here.
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 18:02:04 #2623 №129130 DELETED
You want to desigre ? My posts are for all to criticise.
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 18:08:15 #2624 №129131 DELETED
Bro, I've been in this section for 5 years. From Russians except for me, you, small letter, rusword-troll and one more dude who has a special way of writing, as well as very rare MOD-posts nobody else writes. Better go and finish your thread with the posters. History is a subtle thing, you can't throw around words from history for the beauty of the post.

Topic closed.
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 18:18:42 #2625 №129132 DELETED
Wtf ?!?!?!?!?!??!!? I' not a small word !!!!!!!!!!! And I was super serius with mine. Very angry with you.
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 18:30:12 #2626 №129133 DELETED
>Was Stalin truly an advocate of Great Russia?
>What is an artel and how did they contribute to war production?

Bro you could write your DPhil or PhD thesis on these topics, they are very broad and very deep. As far as Stalin goes, Kotkin's biography of him is the best in the English language by far and away. However, history is a very controversial subject in Russia, much more so than UK or even RSA.

In other news, how come the special military operation didn't start with mass electronic device explosions in Ukraine? Is Israel stronger and cooler than Russia? How come Shin Bet can do this sort of thing while the FSB stole all the money and the GRU get caught?
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 18:44:07 #2627 №129134 DELETED
>In other news, how come the special military operation didn't start with mass electronic device explosions in Ukraine? Is Israel stronger and cooler than Russia? How come Shin Bet can do this sort of thing while the FSB stole all the money and the GRU get caught?
Couse russian leadership and people at large don't see ukranians as mortal enemies to be viped out. Putin than he moved on Ukraine didn't planned to have a war at all, there were an order to not touch ukrainine flags or national symbols for example, so not to anger patritioc elements more.
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 19:46:52 #2628 №129135 DELETED
he's talking about me.
but that's my habit as a Python programmer.
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 19:49:19 #2629 №129136 DELETED
>my habit
snake_case style
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 19:54:07 #2630 №129137 DELETED
do you really translate Russian names like Stepan as Stephen? or is he not russian?
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 20:00:08 #2631 №129138 DELETED
Not russian. American, third generation immigrant of jewish-slavic decent. Pitiful creature.
Anonymous  !! 18/09/24 Срд 20:26:22 #2632 №129140 DELETED
- This time, not only pagers (their remnants) explode, but also walkie-talkies, radios, laptops, phones, motorcycles, cars, scooters, solar panels, kitchen appliances, and so on;
- At least 12 people died and more than 150 were injured;
- According to media reports, Mossad may have placed explosives in 5,000 Taiwan-made pagers ordered by Hezbollah in February. Apparently, Israeli intelligence agencies have done the same with other communication devices;
- New batches of electronic equipment are exploding right in stores, some residential buildings have begun to go up in flames;
- “Hezbollah has called on all Lebanese residents to get rid of all gadgets and electrical appliances.

Anonymous  !! 18/09/24 Срд 20:29:32 #2633 №129141 DELETED
Israel blew up thousands of walkie-talkies used by Hezbollah members in Lebanon in the second wave of its attack.

Explosions and fires were reported in many motorcycles, cars, and homes. According to information leaked to the media from the Mossad, the walkie-talkies were purchased about five months ago, around the same time as the pagers that exploded yesterday, Reuters reported, citing a security source.
Many of the walkie-talkies were sold in stores and were in people's homes.

Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 20:46:23 #2634 №129143 DELETED
A selection of interesting and not so interesting news. Anonymous  !ViBjFlRv5. 18/09/24 Срд 20:50:39 #2635 №129144 DELETED
Russia supports the UN General Assembly draft resolution demanding that Israel comply with the UN court's opinion and leave the occupied Palestinian territory

Iran's Foreign Ministry called the bombing of communication devices in Lebanon a terrorist act and a massacre

Childfree movement should be banned by law - Speaker of the [Russian] Federation Council Valentina Matvienko

The Russian Ministry of Education has called for limiting the number of foreign children in classes
Russian schools and pre-school education organizations are being urged to limit the number of children of foreign nationals with poor Russian language skills in classes and groups.
According to the guidelines, the aim should be to ensure that there are no more than three children with a poor command of Russian in a class or group. LMAO btw

The president's press secretary Peskov called NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg's statement that allowing Kiev to attack Russia with long-range missiles would not be a “red line” a dangerous position

U.S. not involved in pager bombings in Lebanon, is studying the circumstances of what happened and warns against further escalation in the Middle East - U.S. Secretary of State Blinken

Almost 6.2 million foreigners were in Russia as of September 1, the main department for migration issues of the Russian Interior Ministry reported
As of September 1 of this year, the number of foreign citizens staying in Russia, information about which was contained in the state information system of migration registration, amounted to 6,174,777 persons.

UN General Assembly passes resolution calling on Israel to leave occupied Palestinian territories - TASS

Saudi Arabia will not establish relations with Israel before the establishment of a Palestinian state - Crown Prince

“Parade of stupidity” and ‘political theater’: Israel rejects UN General Assembly resolution demanding withdrawal from Palestinian lands in Foreign Ministry statement.

Ukraine has fully prepared a plan of victory. Now the most important thing is to implement it - Zelensky🤡

Putin extended the food embargo from Western countries, imposed since 2014, for 2025 and 2026
Anonymous  !ViBjFlRv5. 18/09/24 Срд 20:53:45 #2636 №129145 DELETED
Stop insulting people on the basis of nationality.
We have formed our own comfy collective here, and if we provoke each other, we do it very subtly and delicately. Either you accept the rules or you go fuck yourself.
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 20:58:55 #2637 №129146 DELETED
> Stop insulting people on the basis of nationality.
> We have formed our own comfy collective here, and if we provoke each other, we do it very subtly and delicately. Either you accept the rules or you go fuck yourself.
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 21:04:26 #2638 №129148 DELETED
What is the point of making insulting pics in languages people you are insulting can't understand ? Are you dumb, stupid or dumb ?
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 21:07:22 #2639 №129149 DELETED
> What is the point of making insulting pics in languages people you are insulting can't understand ? Are you dumb, stupid or dumb ?
Anonymous  !ViBjFlRv5. 18/09/24 Срд 21:51:25 #2640 №129151 DELETED
Don't answer the clown.
Anonymous  !ViBjFlRv5. 18/09/24 Срд 21:55:03 #2641 №129152 DELETED
Google and Android will soon stop working in Russia, State Duma says


Finally an incentive to make Russian OS. Most of the best apps and top Google Play games are made in Russia, in case anyone didn't know.
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 22:17:26 #2642 №129153 DELETED
A russian iphone ? A story we been hearing since 2008. Piracy is the only real alternative, as always.
Anonymous  !ViBjFlRv5. 18/09/24 Срд 22:40:02 #2643 №129154 DELETED
Zoomer, pls. Are you too lazy to go on the internet to check your assertions?
Anonymous  !ViBjFlRv5. 18/09/24 Срд 22:42:59 #2644 №129155 DELETED
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 22:43:38 #2645 №129156 DELETED
Medvedchuk lied that hard huh? Damn

Nah Степан -> Stepan, Стивен -> Stephen although I dunno a single Russian called Стивен.

Have you read any of his books or listened to him talk? He really knows his shit on Stalin, at least I've certainly never heard a more balanced and knowledgeable person on the subject. The man somehow got into Magnitogorsk in 1987 for example, he really does his research.

Pic related
Anonymous  !ViBjFlRv5. 18/09/24 Срд 22:44:11 #2646 №129157 DELETED
Anonymous  !ViBjFlRv5. 18/09/24 Срд 22:46:42 #2647 №129158 DELETED
Despite the bankruptcy of Yota - it was the most successful attempt to enter the Western and Asian market. So there are technical and financial possibilities. The only thing missing is an incentive (market vacuum).
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 22:47:09 #2648 №129159 DELETED
Some startup here in Portugal also made phone covers in Cork and also passed it as "Smartphone made in Portugal". Where are the Russian System on a chip (SoC) and other components?
Anonymous  !ViBjFlRv5. 18/09/24 Срд 22:51:23 #2649 №129160 DELETED
All modern chip manufacturing (except Apple) is in Taiwan and uses chips and technology from leading Asian companies. So it's pointless to argue. I'm talking about the very fact zoomer denies: “nothing but piracy is impossible in Russia” - it's the stupid liberal mantras that ignore the evidence to the contrary.
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 22:54:27 #2650 №129161 DELETED
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 22:54:50 #2651 №129162 DELETED
>Medvedchuk lied that hard huh? Damn
Well, it's not like he was the only one keeping Putin updated on Ukraine, considering the fact he got pulled out maybe Vlad didn't blamed him at all. Where is around 60 ppl with a direct access to the boss, how come they failed to informed him ? What about our intelligence agencies. The funny thing is, any person on russian internet could've done a better job of keeping the president up to date, it's amazing how out of touch he grew in past 20 years. He use to meet real people, you know, jot actors at the beginning.
>Have you read any of his books or listened to him talk?
I tried to, but he sounds like such wimp, my inside proletariat couldn't take it.
Well, yeah, but have you actually seen them in person ? On a street ? In real people's hands ? Do this things exist outside of the presentations ?
Anonymous  !ViBjFlRv5. 18/09/24 Срд 22:55:07 #2652 №129163 DELETED
Speaking of which, the Russians are at least trying to get their own production of their processors (in this case MCST, Baikal and Multiclet) by expanding the capacity of the Mikron plant in Zelenograd (Moscow region) and building additional lines there, which will take a long time and eat up billions of dollars.
Anonymous  !ViBjFlRv5. 18/09/24 Срд 22:56:45 #2653 №129164 DELETED
>Well, yeah, but have you actually seen them in person ? On a street ? In real people's hands ? Do this things exist outside of the presentations ?
I see. Just a reminder that the board is +18.
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 22:56:49 #2654 №129165 DELETED
>nothing but piracy is impossible in Russia
"Nothing but piracy is possible in Russia" you mean. Used double negative.
We are truly a brotherly people than.
kissing you on the cheek
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 22:58:18 #2655 №129166 DELETED
Why are you like that ?
Yeah, can this be done tho ? Didn't they already tried in the middle of 2010-s and everything got stolen ?
Anonymous  !ViBjFlRv5. 18/09/24 Срд 22:58:31 #2656 №129167 DELETED
>Well, yeah, but have you actually seen them in person ? On a street ? In real people's hands ? Do this things exist outside of the presentations ?
Anonymous  !ViBjFlRv5. 18/09/24 Срд 22:59:51 #2657 №129168 DELETED
Hahah, ok
Stop embarrassing yourself, liberashka
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 23:01:10 #2658 №129169 DELETED
2014 ? First of, is this a real person? Second of all, 10 years in a the only way you can prove this things exist is old forum post ? Don't need to do this with Xiaomi.......
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 23:02:38 #2659 №129171 DELETED
Now you're projecting. And don't let it slip how poor our political field actually is ! People will think worse of us.
Anonymous  !ViBjFlRv5. 18/09/24 Срд 23:05:51 #2660 №129173 DELETED
Your year of birth?
Anonymous  !ViBjFlRv5. 18/09/24 Срд 23:07:39 #2661 №129174 DELETED
Anonymous  18/09/24 Срд 23:17:14 #2662 №129175 DELETED
No, I'm a big boy !
Same fire you posted in another thread ?
Anonymous  19/09/24 Чтв 05:44:12 #2663 №129193 DELETED
Anonymous  19/09/24 Чтв 07:36:17 #2664 №129194 DELETED
Anonymous  19/09/24 Чтв 07:43:22 #2665 №129195 DELETED
Is this some nigger code white people are not privy to ?
Anonymous  19/09/24 Чтв 10:17:55 #2666 №129197 DELETED
>I dunno a single Russian called Стивен.
>Стивен Эдвин Кинг - Stephen Edwin King
interesting, never noticed that before)
Anonymous  19/09/24 Чтв 11:04:01 #2667 №129198 DELETED
Kursk region.
Anonymous  19/09/24 Чтв 14:49:43 #2668 №129210 DELETED
Test XYZ
Anonymous  20/09/24 Птн 03:34:03 #2669 №129239 DELETED
e aí mano essa buceta nem muito linda mas eu transaria com ela sem problema nenhuma é verdade
Anonymous  20/09/24 Птн 17:13:49 #2670 №129250 DELETED
Go back
Anonymous  20/09/24 Птн 17:41:42 #2671 №129252 DELETED
"Relatives of dozens of Ukrainian prisoners of war appealed to Russian MP Saraliyev with a request. The request was fulfilled, and they all talked to relatives held captive in Chechnya.

As for the exchange - Kiev flatly refuses to exchange the prisoners “one to one”. They are offering an unequal exchange for the Chechens, which Moscow will not agree to."

Anonymous  20/09/24 Птн 17:43:22 #2672 №129253 DELETED
>>129252 >>128986
It's all one topic.
Anonymous  20/09/24 Птн 17:45:19 #2673 №129254 DELETED
I wanna practice meu portugues caramba
Anonymous  20/09/24 Птн 17:46:35 #2674 №129255 DELETED
>Russian MP Saraliyev

ruZZky mir
Anonymous  20/09/24 Птн 17:50:29 #2675 №129256 DELETED
He's Chechen, retard.
Anonymous  20/09/24 Птн 17:53:55 #2676 №129257 DELETED
Anonymous  20/09/24 Птн 18:50:25 #2677 №129258 DELETED
Anonymous  20/09/24 Птн 18:50:29 #2678 №129259 DELETED
the whole country is covered in chechens, uzbeks, tajiks, armenians
Anonymous  20/09/24 Птн 18:51:29 #2679 №129260 DELETED
Kursk oblast

hohols out
uzbeks in
Anonymous  20/09/24 Птн 18:55:51 #2680 №129261 DELETED
A total of 6,174,777 foreigners in all >>129144
I remind the mentally retarded zoomer of the Russian population base:
80.1% Russians.
19.9% - other 203 native nationalities.
Anonymous  20/09/24 Птн 18:56:51 #2681 №129262 DELETED
Anonymous  20/09/24 Птн 19:12:02 #2682 №129263 DELETED
Well, yeah, but that's not real statistic, unless you really forsed you ethnicity on a social worker he would write you down as russian.
Tadjicks, uzbecks, maybe, a lot of armianians also, even in deep Russia, but I never saw a chechen in my life.
Anonymous  20/09/24 Птн 19:26:39 #2683 №129264 DELETED
>Well, yeah, but that's not real statistic, unless you really forsed you ethnicity on a social worker he would write you down as russian.
Foreigners can be, among others, Russians from Kazakhstan. Stop embarrassing yourself like that, dura.
No one states nationality. Citizenship is indicated when registering. Another thing is illegal immigration, with which our country is now engaged in an all-out war, as they threaten the security of the Russian federation because they often work for hohol's special services for money.
Anonymous  20/09/24 Птн 19:44:02 #2684 №129265 DELETED
Why do you feel the need to constantly insult others ? What's wrang with you ?
>Foreigners can be
I'm not talking about just foreigners, also local ethnical minorities and again, what russians from Kazakhstan got to do with anything ?
>No one states nationality.
Yeah, that's the reason why you can't trust ethnochart, if nationality is not specificly stated by the person asked social worker writes in down as russian. I'm talking about population cencus, if you missed it somehow.
Anonymous  20/09/24 Птн 20:48:21 #2685 №129268 DELETED
I don't hate stupid people. I hate stupid people who are sure they are right without any proof of their assertions.
>if nationality is not specificly stated by the person asked social worker writes in down as russian.
You can't back up any thesis from your pussyfooting.
Get used to the fact that in real life you have to put anus on the betting field for any statement or no one will believe you. You also confuse people who only know about Russia that there are commieblocks, evil tyrant Putin who eats babies and bears. This is destructive, unethical behavior. You get the insults you deserve.

Article 26 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, everyone has the right to determine and indicate his or her national affiliation and no one may be forced to determine and indicate his or her national affiliation.

The question “Your nationality” on the census questionnaires will be open-ended and will not involve any “permissible” answer options. Moreover, census enumerators are prohibited from asking leading questions or questioning answers, and the name that the respondent pronounces will be entered on the census questionnaire.

For the first time, census participants will be able to indicate several nationalities and mother tongues, i.e. multiple ethnicity.

Anonymous  20/09/24 Птн 21:08:42 #2686 №129269 DELETED
Western propaganda has recently lost all professionalism in favor of mass appeal
This means that Western propaganda is not ready for all-out war
Anonymous  20/09/24 Птн 21:18:03 #2687 №129270 DELETED
>I don't hate stupid people. I hate stupid people who are sure they are right without any proof of their assertions.
Well, you didn't post any proof, it's like with smatrphones we discussed earlier, you just called me stupid and deflected, same thing here. Nothing in your post even suggests that social worker can't write down the nationility of the person being cencused.
>who only know about Russia that there are commieblocks, evil tyrant Putin who eats babies and bears. This is destructive, unethical behavior. You get the insults you deserve.
Yeah, but if they would want a cencored state's opinion they would go the state owned sorces, not to real people. This is a place of the pfee dicussions, not a public relations office for Russian Goverment,
Anonymous  20/09/24 Птн 22:36:15 #2688 №129271 DELETED
it's a tabloid newspaper with bait headlines to get views

>History teaches us that no new military technique remains a monopoly of its inventor for long. How long before Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping works out how to make millions of iPhones around the world burst into flames in the pockets of their foes? - Mark Almond is Director of the Crisis Research Institute, Oxford
Anonymous  20/09/24 Птн 22:39:44 #2689 №129272 DELETED
A valid concern tbh.
Anonymous  20/09/24 Птн 22:43:03 #2690 №129274 DELETED
this comment from your compatriot is also valid.
Anonymous  20/09/24 Птн 22:53:18 #2691 №129275 DELETED
Well, yeah, it's valid in a sence that we need to get on it. That's is a great idea. Of course more so for chines, I don't think we could access a supply like that. Even more so I'm now afrain chinks are gonna hit us with this if they decide to go north for whatever reason.
Anonymous  20/09/24 Птн 23:12:04 #2692 №129276 DELETED
pidorashkas shouldnt have a say in anything
this is a savage country with buck broken subsurvient people
Anonymous  20/09/24 Птн 23:13:20 #2693 №129277 DELETED
Little letters=little thoughts ?
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 02:12:34 #2694 №129283 DELETED
people like you dont have what it takes to look in the face of the truth m8

algumas pessoas como voce não tem coragem mano só isso
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 04:02:34 #2695 №129286 DELETED
that faggot is just playing me
i'm the only legitimate little letter here
not my posts >>129283 >>129276 >>129259 >>129239

whoever writes in small letters in this section other than me is a faggot and will get testicular cancer
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 04:21:58 #2696 №129287 DELETED

There the hohols are trying for the 10th day to hit the rear of the counterattacking Russian troops. But they're not getting anywhere. The map is American, but even hohols do not believe in it, because it is impossible to cross the Seim River with the resources that the Russian army has to repel this event.
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 04:25:10 #2697 №129288 DELETED
I hate to break it to you, buddy, but things of this complexity in the Russian/Soviet army were known even before Israel was established as a state.
You should read the books of a fugitive Soviet agent under the pseudonym Victor Suvorov. I recommend Aquarium for starters.
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 04:29:37 #2698 №129289 DELETED
The very fact that the media is using an event (actually terrorism by an American ally) to link that event to Russia and Putin is very amusing.
“Compatriot” is not a subject of authority.

t. >>129269 >>129288
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 05:05:42 #2699 №129291 DELETED
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 05:07:54 #2700 №129292 DELETED
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 05:14:49 #2701 №129293 DELETED
A number of sources from Africa report that Salem, one of Wagner's commanders, has been appointed security adviser to CAR President Faustin-Arkange Touadera.

Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 06:37:45 #2702 №129294 DELETED
Russian troops eliminated world weightlifting champion Nina Pashkevich in Kursk region.


A glorious victory!
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 06:52:19 #2703 №129295 DELETED
The UK and the US may make a tacit decision to strike deep into Russian Federation with Western missiles in the coming weeks. This fact will be kept secret until the first of these strikes is carried out, The Times reports


I'm wondering what will happen as an answer. How will NATO's direct involvement in the conflict be viewed.
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 07:07:29 #2704 №129297 DELETED
Yeah, no, we didn't do anything on a scale ever. Modern Russia can't always figure out how to get fuel in tanks, let alone blew up pagers in another country.
Don't seem happy about how his bosses went out.
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 07:17:28 #2705 №129299 DELETED
I'm sorry, but I'm not sure you can put "legitimate" and "small letter" in a same sentence.
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 07:35:11 #2706 №129300 DELETED
>Yeah, no, we didn't do anything on a scale ever. Modern Russia can't always figure out how to get fuel in tanks, let alone blew up pagers in another country.
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 07:42:45 #2707 №129301 DELETED
Again with a strong arguments. I beat you every time we argued yet.
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 08:08:07 #2708 №129302 DELETED
>Again with a strong arguments. I beat you every time we argued yet.
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 08:09:04 #2709 №129303 DELETED
You and I haven't argued about anything, pidorashka.
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 08:16:27 #2710 №129304 DELETED
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 08:23:29 #2711 №129307 DELETED
Really, aren't you same guy who cryied about smartfones and ethnical identification during census ?
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 08:25:43 #2712 №129308 DELETED
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 09:13:23 #2713 №129309 DELETED
Emmm.... BOYZ?
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 09:17:42 #2714 №129310 DELETED
Agglomeration of capital.
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 12:53:07 #2715 №129315 DELETED
>hohols run wild in kursk oblast

special military pooknumation is going according to plan?
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 12:56:56 #2716 №129316 DELETED
>I'm wondering what will happen as an answer.

some brown lines sweared all over vatnigger faces xDDD
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 17:08:11 #2717 №129323 DELETED
>special military pooknumation is going according to plan?
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 17:10:39 #2718 №129324 DELETED
One >>129316
Two >>129055
Three (((Irish))) flag

One polska pidorashka :D
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 17:47:45 #2719 №129325 DELETED
Where is not a single irish flag on the whole board, bruh.
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 18:03:22 #2720 №129326 DELETED
Russians, are you guys a fan of the movie Clockwork Orange?
I have recently heard of the phenomenon in Russia where so called "neo nazi" & "satanist" teenagers and young adults will commit random acts of violence against all sorts of people such as the homeless, drug addicts and the elderly just for its own sake.
It reminded me of one of my favourite classic movies in which gangs of youth formed gangs and went on sprees of violence and killing for its own sake, only to be "rehabilitated" by the government
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 18:13:19 #2721 №129327 DELETED
>Russians, are you guys a fan of the movie Clockwork Orange?
It's alright. It has great scenes, but for whatever reason they don't form into the great movie, a common problem with Kubrik.
>"neo nazi" & "satanist" teenagers and young adults will commit random acts of violence against all sorts of people such as the homeless, drug addicts and the elderly just for its own sake.
They have them everywhere.
>It reminded me of one of my favourite classic movies in which gangs of youth formed gangs and went on sprees of violence and killing for its own sake, only to be "rehabilitated" by the government
Cool, don't know if there is much rehabilitation going on around this part, the problem with Russia is that we a liberal post-modern society, which is also has a constant need a stream of violent man to fight in industrial lever wars. It's paradoxical.
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 18:24:05 #2722 №129329 DELETED
>They have them everywhere.
Not really. Not until recently at least. There will always be sociopaths in society but its rare that they associate their worst behaviours with a political movement of any kind.
>Cool, don't know if there is much rehabilitation going on around this part
There literally is. Its called Rusich, and the Russian government allows it because it gives them an opportunity to make the nazis useful. Its very similar to how in this movie the gangs became policemen. I am not sure if this is legitimate or Ukrainian wartime disinformation but Rusich has links to some nazi and satanist groups responsible for these crimes.
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 18:38:04 #2723 №129330 DELETED
>Not really. Not until recently at least. There will always be sociopaths in society but its rare that they associate their worst behaviours with a political movement of any kind.
Not in modern day, those who want to disrupt for crimal reason have a tendency to ally themselves with those, who want to disrupt it for political. Stalin joined Communist Party only so he could have access to they network, so he could rob traines easily. He was a train robber, if you didn't know.
>Its called Rusich, and the Russian government allows it because it gives them an opportunity to make the nazis useful.
Yes and no, before the war they were more about idenifing right wing elements and putting them into goverment controled movement, but after 2014 they as many other decided to become para-military organization and be active in Ukraine. Smart move by Milchakov. He was not the only one from the right who got in on Donbass action on our side, but only one who managed to get alone with his FSB hendleres. I think his plan is to get in contact with as many mariganalized elements and radicalise them, SMO is perfect for that. But as far as
>Its very similar to how in this movie the gangs became policemen
No, it's more about how only those who reject and detaste liberal society can be found fighting for it. Liberals don't fight you know.
Btw, do you know that mongoloid posted here years ago ?
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 18:44:48 #2724 №129331 DELETED
>Btw, do you know that mongoloid posted here years ago ?
Alexey Milchakov? I am not surprised. Internet forums are where the lost children who fall through the cracks go to congregate and have fun. To them, we are the perfect tools because we are naive and easy to manipulate.
>Stalin joined Communist Party only so he could have access to they network, so he could rob traines easily. He was a train robber, if you didn't know.
Good point, but remember in this movie Alex only became a policeman after the state heavily tortured his mind, so that his violent impulses would only take effect in certain cases.
>I think his plan is to get in contact with as many mariganalized elements and radicalise them, SMO is perfect for that.
Yes, but radicalize them for a cause that the FSB handlers are watching carefully and approve of tacitly. Russia is not the place where extremists are allowed to operate freely without government consent. Girkin tried, he is now in prison. He had FSB connections too but he went off the reservation.
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 18:57:31 #2725 №129332 DELETED
Honestly though I really don't approve of what your intelligence services are doing with Rusich and Russian Imperial Movement. Do you know of Operation Gladio? It feels like the Russian intelligence version of that CIA plan. It was wrong when the Amis did it and its wrong when the Kremlin does it
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 19:11:50 #2726 №129333 DELETED
>Alexey Milchakov?
Yeah, btw for some bizzare reasone all of big russian neo-nazis in past 20 years for some sort of mongoloid, mostly ost-balts, so from this side of Ural Mountains, but some were just straight up asian like Tesak may the God rest his soul.
>Internet forums are where the lost children who fall through the cracks go to congregate and have fun. To them, we are the perfect tools because we are naive and easy to manipulate.
Well, back than he was doing that left thing where he take some problem, idenify it and provide a policy that was suppose to change the whole society throught the revolution, couse the problem is with fondomental societal and goverment stracture, and not just with the way they approuch certain problem. Like than left says that the reason Global Warming is happening is capitalism and that is the only way to deal with Global Warming is to get rid of capitalism. Milchakov althought took much more minor issiue of homeless dog packs as his reason to get rid Putin and hisliberal goverment dog pack were ment litteral, but also as a stand in for ethnical minorities, like we'll train on dog in preparation for humans.
> in this movie Alex only became a policeman after the state heavily tortured his mind, so that his violent impulses would only take effect in certain cases.
He became policeman in the end ? I thought only the fat guy did, but okay.
>Yes, but radicalize them for a cause that the FSB handlers are watching carefully and approve of tacitly.
Yes and no, the point of radicalization from FSB point of view is to identify those who can be radicalise in the controled enviroment to than safely get rid off later. They do that with every opposition movement btw. With neo-nazis they just have much lesser patience, Putin consideres them most dengerous, that's why they were the first to go back in early 2010-s than he decided to end all societal movements.
>Russia is not the place where extremists are allowed to operate freely without government consent
Depends on the extrmists. Wagner Group got to walk away unmolested, people who were marching on Moscow now go tell they patriotic tale in schools. Of course top brass had to go, but everyone from middle managment are still active and don't feel particilary remorsfull. Chechen militia also. They fought Russian Army too years back.
>Girkin tried, he is now in prison
Girkin was not an extrimist. He condemnt Wagner for moving against the federal goverment in time of war for example. He got fairly moderete views actually and he wasn't a part of any movement and didn't try to organize any. He is archtypical monarcist aka fascist. He belives that russian people are of the greatest value and are to be protected by the strong militant state. Nazis belive that white people are of the greatest value and are to be protected by the the strong militarased national movement which also controls the goverment. Nazism and fashism are quit different actually. Before 2014 it didn't matter tho.
>He had FSB connections too but he went off the reservation.
Amazing how he lasted for so long too talkig the way he did also.
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 19:16:43 #2727 №129334 DELETED
No. It's nothing like that. Right wing always was and always will be the biggest threat to current regime, communism is preferable to it. If anything security servises would ally themselves with the red against the blacks once again. Althought they are not afraid of any left wing movement apart from Communist Party Of China. They are using right wings groups to fight the war in Ukraine, but that's it, they are no supporting them in Russia, they are not giving them any consensuses? they are putting them in jails and torture confessions out of them however.
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 19:24:18 #2728 №129335 DELETED
Yes, but they are supporting them in the West. Thats why the Russian state allows them to exist. They train Westerners in military matters
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 19:25:31 #2729 №129336 DELETED
I'm also surprised South African doesn't like right wing paramilitaries that much, isn't it your whole thing ? Are you not from SA and just using VPN ?
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 19:26:58 #2730 №129337 DELETED
>He became policeman in the end ? I thought only the fat guy did, but okay.
I misremembered. He did not become a policeman, but he became associated with the politicians.
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 19:28:06 #2731 №129338 DELETED
I didn't notice that much internationals with Rusich tbh, they seem to be pretty russian to me. If it's gonna make you feel better there is as much of far right on other side as well. In the war of liberal goverments both utilise right wing militias to the great extend.
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 19:32:28 #2732 №129339 DELETED
>I'm also surprised South African doesn't like right wing paramilitaries that much, isn't it your whole thing ?
We did, back in the 90s. And everything they touched turned into shit almost immediately, and they were the laughing stock of the world. Their most famous action lead to them storming a town, producing a video where they got killed like pigs by the police of that town.
>I didn't notice that much internationals with Rusich tbh
No, but the Russian Imperial Movement does. And not just run of the mill fascists but also the so called "satanist nazis" of the O9A cult, who have been caught running pedophile rings. So I have a good basis to be saying this.
>In the war of liberal goverments both utilise right wing militias to the great extend.
Its wrong either way. I know they do, perhaps you can find a Russian source on Operation Gladio.
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 19:32:34 #2733 №129340 DELETED
There was Irish and also Moldovan before you came here to shit, you juvenile degenerate. This thread is endless and old posts are being purged (limit 500).
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 19:36:19 #2734 №129341 DELETED
Again with insults, can't help yourself do you ?
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 19:41:55 #2735 №129342 DELETED
>confusing fact with insult
Why are zoomers so stupid these days?
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 19:44:37 #2736 №129343 DELETED
>We did, back in the 90s. And everything they touched turned into shit almost immediately, and they were the laughing stock of the world. Their most famous action lead to them storming a town, producing a video where they got killed like pigs by the police of that town.
Aaaaah, so you don't like to associate with a failiers. Understandble.
>No, but the Russian Imperial Movement does. And not just run of the mill fascists but also the so called "satanist nazis" of the O9A cult, who have been caught running pedophile rings. So I have a good basis to be saying this.
I didn't saw it, but tbh I didn't followed it closely, the war bores you after a while. Don't like satanism, but I'm all for destabilising Britain.
>I know they do, perhaps you can find a Russian source on Operation Gladio.
What's wrong with english one ?
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 19:45:39 #2737 №129344 DELETED
I still defeated you every time we debeted. Don't let it slip throught the cracks.
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 19:47:20 #2738 №129345 DELETED
You and I never argued, pidorashka. Stop projecting your schizo.
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 19:47:53 #2739 №129346 DELETED
>I still defeated you every time we debeted
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 19:50:23 #2740 №129347 DELETED
Butthurted bad.
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 19:51:34 #2741 №129348 DELETED
He's talking about me.
If I didn't respond to your posts, that means I didn't read them, retard, lmao
you have never been able to provide a single piece of evidence, not a single link, not a single source, you are just a degenerate fantasist who writes his shit based on “rumors”.
I didn't argue with you, you're stupid, how can I argue with you? lmao
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 19:51:55 #2742 №129349 DELETED
>What's wrong with english one ?
The English one is perfect, but naturally one has an easier time reading something in their own language no? Russian would just be more convenient for you I suppose.
>Aaaaah, so you don't like to associate with a failiers. Understandble.
Not so much that but more so that there is no reason for them to exist here. If god wanted us to have a strong nationalist movement he would have given us a glorious 1000 year history. We don't have that. There is nothing to form a paramilitary group for. We need to get rich and prosper. That is what I care about
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 19:53:50 #2743 №129350 DELETED
This russian poster is a very stupid (and presumably not of age) retard, I don't recommend having a discussion with him.
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 19:55:19 #2744 №129351 DELETED
>The English one is perfect, but naturally one has an easier time reading something in their own language no? Russian would just be more convenient for you I suppose.
Not really, english is fine.
>Not so much that but more so that there is no reason for them to exist here. If god wanted us to have a strong nationalist movement he would have given us a glorious 1000 year history. We don't have that. There is nothing to form a paramilitary group for. We need to get rich and prosper. That is what I care about.
How practical of you. Spoken like a true liberal.
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 19:56:21 #2745 №129352 DELETED
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 19:56:35 #2746 №129353 DELETED
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 21:27:10 #2747 №129355 DELETED
Still trying to whitewash puccia in front of foreigners arent we
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 22:50:51 #2748 №129361 DELETED
Goodbye, little man, goodbye.
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 23:52:47 #2749 №129362 DELETED
Anonymous  22/09/24 Вск 02:46:01 #2750 №129365 DELETED
In Nefteyugansk (Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug), migrant children beat up a minor boy. The head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin instructed to initiate a criminal case on this fact.

At present, the District Department of the Investigative Committee is conducting an inspection. The head of the agency is awaiting a report.


>He personally takes personal control of any shit that migrants do, even domestic shit.
That's exactly what I'm talking about.
He also organized an unscheduled inspection of the local department in charge of preventing migrant control to add adrenaline to their lives. Just the kind of people you need in your backward EU. We have similar problems, but different ways of dealing with them.

No migrant goes unpunished.
Anonymous  22/09/24 Вск 11:46:25 #2751 №129367 DELETED
Sarmat testing going well it seems. I find the difference in the British approach vs the Russian approach here fascinating: we fuck up some tests and everyone starts screaming about it from the highest chimney in the land, there is mass discussion among expert and plebes alike, it's on the TV etc: https://www.chathamhouse.org/2024/02/second-failed-trident-test-time-expand-and-invest-britains-conventional-capabilities

Russia fucks up a test and random Westerners have to buy commercial satellite imagery to find out. Interesting indeed.
Anonymous  22/09/24 Вск 13:53:32 #2752 №129369 DELETED
Is there a news you can't turn into "finding faults in Britain" session ?
Anonymous  22/09/24 Вск 17:20:09 #2753 №129370 DELETED
Sarmat is a conceptually new experimental missile with hypersonic nuclear block Avangrad. Out of more than a hundred successful test launches, some of which were even captured on video and are freely available on YouTube, one failed and all Western media started trumpeting about it with much more schizophrenic and creative force than the complete failure of the Minuteman III at the recent Pentagon tests in the US.
I'm glad the test silo was destroyed, now there will be mass testing on real carriers and silos.
I remind you that in addition to Sarmat, the Russians have Bulava, AI Poseidon, Topol, Burevestnik and many other means of destroying Britain.
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  22/09/24 Вск 18:30:05 #2754 №129371 DELETED
>hohols run wild in kursk oblast

special military pooknumation is going according to plan?
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  22/09/24 Вск 18:30:44 #2755 №129372 DELETED
>hohols run wild in kursk oblast

special military pooknumation is going according to plan?
Anonymous  22/09/24 Вск 19:04:46 #2756 №129373 DELETED
I thought you got banned ?
Anonymous  22/09/24 Вск 20:05:46 #2757 №129383 DELETED
> I thought you got banned ?
Anonymous  22/09/24 Вск 20:37:28 #2758 №129384 DELETED
Oh, i misstook you for that guy actually >>129315. I tought he got banned, I had no idea who the people you posted are. Sorry, lol. Quick to post fighting pics tho.
Anonymous  22/09/24 Вск 21:10:27 #2759 №129385 DELETED
Anonymous  22/09/24 Вск 22:16:28 #2760 №129386 DELETED
>Kazakhstani russians not existACK~

Anonymous  22/09/24 Вск 23:27:31 #2761 №129388 DELETED
So they guy with a blured face is like a traitor or what? Why is he so comfy with ukrainian flag over his head? Maybe ukranian who fight on our side? Btw, notice the tatu's on our soldiers.
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 01:52:56 #2762 №129396 DELETED
>a traitor
They all surrendered on their own, without a fight, as soon as they entered Kursk. Looks to me like they are our allies, possibly having relatives in Russia or even mental affinity, judging by the testimony of some of the captives - they associate themselves closer to Russians than Ukrainians.
You paid attention to the random tattoos, but didn't pay attention to the Ukrainian assault uniforms with the Russian red armband.
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 01:58:28 #2763 №129398 DELETED
Sometimes you have to listen to what a captured enemy says to understand the mood in the enemy camp.
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 03:55:43 #2764 №129399 DELETED
Kursk region. Some grandfathers again. It feels as if the true purpose of the Kursk operation was to destroy 14 thousand military Ukrainians.
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 04:03:33 #2765 №129400 DELETED
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 04:04:41 #2766 №129401 DELETED
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 04:05:08 #2767 №129402 DELETED
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 09:17:22 #2768 №129404 DELETED
>You paid attention to the random tattoos, but didn't pay attention to the Ukrainian assault uniforms with the Russian red armband.
So he was what a go-between of sorts ? Like, I don't ask about all of them dudes, they are POW whanever the circumstances, but what about the guy with red armband and ukranian flag over his head ?
Yeah, I don't like watching those. You shouldn't doxxed people for surrendering, they got families at home, no one knows what type of pressure they'll be put under.
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 09:44:50 #2769 №129406 DELETED
Oh, wow, they didn't saw a winter coming over where. Hard to blame them. Fuck me.
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 11:54:46 #2770 №129407 DELETED
>Fuck me.
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 12:46:35 #2771 №129408 DELETED
It's over.
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 13:05:32 #2772 №129409 DELETED
Belarusian was so popular? I find it hard to believe.
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 13:26:04 #2773 №129410 DELETED
I think in terms of linguistic influence they have the same history as Ireland has with English, only Ireland has a richer and more independent history going back to the deep dark Middle Ages, unlike Belarus.
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 13:34:19 #2774 №129412 DELETED
Military experts in the West say the Russians could move even faster but are not doing so, preferring a moderate pace so as not to outpace the creation of logistical routes to the rear.
The 2022 offensive mistake was exactly that. But then Putin hoped that Zelensky would recognize the choice of the Crimeans and the independence of the two regions of Donbass. And Zelensky almost did, if not for the mentally retarded Boris Johnson (though we know it was the US that ordered him to do it, he is too dumb for such things).
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 13:35:55 #2775 №129413 DELETED
Ugledar situation.
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 15:34:29 #2776 №129415 DELETED
Well, first of all, try to learn of history of english-irish relationship, espesially about the genocide part and after that don't ever try to compere history of russian-belorussian relationships to it on account of Russia never genociding Belorus. Second of all, the fact that you don't know the history of Belorus doesn't mean they don't have one. You can learned it later. You can learn a lot of things actually, so get on it.
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 15:35:38 #2777 №129416 DELETED
Well, it wasn't a bad advice from Boris if we don't count Ukranian or Russian future in. Britain got a lot to gain from this war.
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 23:30:23 #2778 №129423 DELETED
3 things to note

1. We are not a country that gets snow and when we do we only get a few centimeters. This amount of snow is highly unusual for us. In the past we would get snow every 20 years, now we have gotten snow for the past 2 years in a row.
2. We are not in winter, we are in spring. This came out of nowhere
3. The area that saw the most snow NEVER gets snow, which made it an even bigger surprise.

Bloody hell
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 23:31:59 #2779 №129424 DELETED
Do you even have a tech to clean roads ? Like snow shovels or snow plows ?
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 23:33:02 #2780 №129425 DELETED
LOL I haven't seen these videos yet. I sent them to my mom she said she found them funny
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 23:33:36 #2781 №129426 DELETED
No lol, thats why all those people were stuck in their cars on the highway
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 23:36:15 #2782 №129427 DELETED
Ignore it, it's just a dumb little zoomer, it probably can't even show your country on a map.
I was shocked myself.
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 23:38:49 #2783 №129428 DELETED
Btw, in Russia there is such an expression as “Spanish shame” - when someone does something, but you feel ashamed for some reason.

Stop asking stupid questions, please.
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 23:40:02 #2784 №129429 DELETED
>Ignore it, it's just a dumb little zoomer, it probably can't even show your country on a map.
I humble myself by admitting that he is correct. Nobody saw this coming, but he is also correct to say that you can not blame us. This is extreme.
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 23:41:22 #2785 №129430 DELETED
Well, I thought maybe you just hadn't had enought of it or maybe a car crash created a total jam and while everyone stayed they got snowed in I've been in such situiation ones or twice. But yeah, an african country not being ready for snowstorm is super understandble, we are not always ready for a snowstorm and we have only a dozen every fucking year for the past million year.
Duuuuuuuuude, in case no one told ya, DON'T EAT YELLOW SNOW, IT'S NOT CANDY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 23:42:30 #2786 №129431 DELETED
>“Spanish shame”
Just use cringe.
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 23:44:14 #2787 №129432 DELETED
>DON'T EAT YELLOW SNOW, IT'S NOT CANDY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There was no snow in my city. It snowed in the South East of the country. Many people who were driving to the city of Durban got stuck on the highway between Johannesburg and Durban.
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 23:46:48 #2788 №129433 DELETED
Well, you still should pass this information on to rest of the country. Be a good citizen and stuff.
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 23:49:09 #2789 №129434 DELETED
I'm Russian, not a stupid "zoomerok", and i'm use Russian words.
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 23:49:38 #2790 №129435 DELETED
salut brother. will do
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 23:50:27 #2791 №129436 DELETED
It happened again
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 23:50:53 #2792 №129437 DELETED
>and i'm use Russian words
My speak word, my very smart, very proud.
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 23:53:51 #2793 №129438 DELETED
That's what you out to try to do at the moment btw.
Anonymous  24/09/24 Втр 00:52:59 #2794 №129442 DELETED
I can get tired because I work at a job, unlike you juvenile dipshit
How does your mum feel about you not being any good?
Anonymous  24/09/24 Втр 01:55:30 #2795 №129445 DELETED
I got it. Jews have been sanctioned by the US to genocide non-Jews in the region. Under a just UN authority this would never have happened, but unfortunately the UN is full of American suck-ups.
Anonymous  24/09/24 Втр 05:48:38 #2796 №129446 DELETED
Anonymous  24/09/24 Втр 06:27:37 #2797 №129447 DELETED
Oh yeah, saw that one in recommended, dude needs to try yo grow a beard, if he can. You shouldn't be walking with a face like that than you are 30+ yo.
Anonymous  24/09/24 Втр 06:33:01 #2798 №129448 DELETED
Just shut up, please.
Anonymous  24/09/24 Втр 06:57:17 #2799 №129450 DELETED
Anonymous  24/09/24 Втр 08:57:59 #2800 №129453 DELETED
Anonymous  24/09/24 Втр 09:27:02 #2801 №129454 DELETED
It's super old, bruh.
Anonymous  24/09/24 Втр 11:03:17 #2802 №129456 DELETED
>>129450 >>129413

https://t.me/KURAKHOVOSELIDOVOPOKROVSK/29215 (regional pro-ukrainian tg-channel)
Anonymous  24/09/24 Втр 11:09:52 #2803 №129457 DELETED
Anonymous  24/09/24 Втр 11:18:39 #2804 №129458 DELETED
The Russian Armed Forces entered the city from the eastern part, and fighting is also taking place on the western outskirts near the road to Kurakhovo.
Ukrainian resources confirm the active advance of the Russian military in this direction.


Syrsky, in turn, starts “warming up” the public that Ugledar is not of strategic importance. The same situation was with Artemivsk (Bakhmut). Nationalists are already actively mixing him with shit for such statements
Anonymous  24/09/24 Втр 12:24:22 #2805 №129459 DELETED
God, bless them.
Anonymous  24/09/24 Втр 18:28:19 #2806 №129460 DELETED
Anonymous  24/09/24 Втр 19:29:46 #2807 №129462 DELETED
Anonymous  24/09/24 Втр 20:11:20 #2808 №129464 DELETED
Almost no word in the Russian state media field (only in private publications).
For some reason Russia has always been very bad at PR of its successes.

Anonymous  24/09/24 Втр 20:14:04 #2809 №129465 DELETED
Why should we care ?
Isn't this a ukranian lad ? I don't get it.
Anonymous  24/09/24 Втр 20:16:23 #2810 №129466 DELETED
>Isn't this a ukranian lad
missclick for >>129460
Anonymous  24/09/24 Втр 20:28:22 #2811 №129468 DELETED
Well, it's still me, lol.
Anonymous  24/09/24 Втр 20:34:31 #2812 №129469 DELETED
Why should we care ?
Anonymous  24/09/24 Втр 20:37:57 #2813 №129470 DELETED
Anonymous  24/09/24 Втр 20:39:14 #2814 №129471 DELETED
Does the post translator for foreign texts work on Telegram?

I remember there was an option, but I can't find it now.
Anonymous  24/09/24 Втр 21:00:13 #2815 №129475 DELETED
Who are "we" ?
Anonymous  24/09/24 Втр 22:15:51 #2816 №129482 DELETED
"You" are one here.
Anonymous  24/09/24 Втр 22:27:17 #2817 №129483 DELETED
I'm confused.
Anonymous  24/09/24 Втр 22:46:51 #2818 №129484 DELETED
You're always confused, because you're a zoomer. Being stupid is normal for your age.
Anonymous  24/09/24 Втр 22:51:26 #2819 №129485 DELETED
A rare Ukrainian BMP-1TS (an attempt to conceptually copy the Russian BMPT "Terminator") was destroyed.

Anonymous  24/09/24 Втр 23:00:40 #2820 №129486 DELETED
Anonymous  24/09/24 Втр 23:11:26 #2821 №129487 DELETED
LPO-97 is a Russian light infantry flamethrower of the 1997 model. It operates on the principle of a pump-action shotgun.
Anonymous  24/09/24 Втр 23:15:27 #2822 №129488 DELETED
The grenades are not fragmentation grenades, but small thermoboric warheads, i.e. conceptually a mini version of the TOS-1a projectile.
Anonymous  24/09/24 Втр 23:49:16 #2823 №129489 DELETED
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 11:39:42 #2824 №129493 DELETED
Doesn't looks that intimidating tbh.
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 15:20:24 #2825 №129496 DELETED
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 15:34:45 #2826 №129497 DELETED
Meanwhile in the world capital of Russophobia, a straight staging of Tchaikovsky's version of Pushkin's Eugene Onegin sung in the original language, is sweeping the boards. Was Shakespeare staged in 1940s Berlin?
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 15:40:48 #2827 №129498 DELETED
Russia fuck yeah!
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 15:44:44 #2828 №129499 DELETED
I never heard it, actually.
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 16:15:18 #2829 №129500 DELETED
Russians, prepare your arses.
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 16:28:08 #2830 №129501 DELETED
Doesn't look smart, making them bigger makes them a bigger target. What's the point of making them bigger ? To carry a bigger payload? What is this, WW2 ? Dumb idea all in all. Again, Ukraine needs a stream of reliable weaponry, not a wonderwepone to win a war in single strike.
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 17:04:14 #2831 №129502 DELETED
I'm already shaking as citizen of a Russian country.
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 17:19:19 #2832 №129503 DELETED
Hold my crips.
This misunderstanding is tactically obsolete and will never go beyond the prototype from the photo. At least it's not good for real warfare, maybe only for special police operations.
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 17:26:39 #2833 №129504 DELETED
And I've never read it, however I have the excuse that it's just plain crap in English translation; check this out:

"Мой дядя самых честных правил,
Когда не в шутку занемог,
Он уважать себя заставил
И лучше выдумать не мог.
Его пример другим наука;
Но, боже мой, какая скука
С больным сидеть и день и ночь,
Не отходя ни шагу прочь!
Какое низкое коварство
Полу-живого забавлять,
Ему подушки поправлять,
Печально подносить лекарство,
Вздыхать и думать про себя:
Когда же чорт возьмет тебя!"

"My uncle has most honest principles:
when he was taken gravely ill,
he forced one to respect him
and nothing better could invent.
To others his example is a lesson;
but, good God, what a bore to sit
by a sick person day and night, not stirring
a step away!
What base perfidiousness
to entertain one half-alive,
adjust for him his pillows,
sadly serve him his medicine,
sigh-and think inwardly
when will the devil take you?"

What the fuck happened there, eh?
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 17:26:53 #2834 №129505 DELETED
>world capital of Russophobia
Which one?
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 17:34:16 #2835 №129506 DELETED
Dude, I was destroyed by this in high school. Personally for me Pushkin, despite his talent, looks like pop because of it. I'm sure you were also destroyed at school by something similar from English culture, some history of Drum&Bass or something similar.

Also some dude said that translating poetry is a crime. Pushkin is a very cool poet, he uses the flexibility of the Russian language to the max. Not only can he not be adequately translated, he can't even be adapted into English.
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 17:48:46 #2836 №129507 DELETED
I still don't understand what's so bad about Russian motorcycles, which are mentioned zero in the video.
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 17:50:54 #2837 №129508 DELETED
German Cabinet announces arrest warrants in Nord Stream bombing case

Oh, my God! Who is it? Putin? Place your bets, gentlemen.

Its over Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 17:53:54 #2838 №129509 DELETED
Childfree propaganda has been officially banned in Russia now.
A fine of up to 15 million rubles (120,996 British rubles)

Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 18:23:50 #2839 №129515 DELETED
I think EU ban against RIA has been implemented in Portugal today or something else has happened. Yesterday, it was working.
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 18:26:56 #2840 №129516 DELETED
In Boiler's garden (or whatever his last name is) you can only read verified news so that you don't, God forbid, become infected with traditional values and become heterosexual.
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 18:32:17 #2841 №129517 DELETED
In short, now you can't publicly declare that career is more important than children. In Russia, by the way, there have been a lot of women's blogs on this topic that influence their stupid consciousness, so it makes some sense.

Feminism should be banned next, I think. Russia is a country of opportunities.
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 18:36:07 #2842 №129518 DELETED
>15 million rubles
Fix - up to 5 million rubles (40332 British pesos)
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 18:39:04 #2843 №129519 DELETED
Interesting: I don't think he's a British patriot from what he says. And yet he's Home Secretary. Amazing.
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 18:43:13 #2844 №129520 DELETED
Now Russian males can't criticize paying excessive alimony to Natasha, some Russian feminist will use this law to imprison you 2ch fuckers. And I didn't know that dying with a shell from some NATO howitzer operated by khokols or being months in some trench surrounded by only men (like Computer Science or Electronic Engineering Departments in universities) - a sausage fest - was some traditional value .
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 18:49:01 #2845 №129521 DELETED
The capital of England, as well you know.

I can still recite 'To be or not to be' from memory and you know what? It's still good. Agree on the lack of translatability of poetry - e.g. Gogol is excellent in translation as skaz seems to map quite well to low-register colloquial English.

He's shrill and retarded: he didn't know how the Pope was elected and thought black/white smoke was a racist joke, for example. Recently he congratulated Azerbaijan on their ethnic cleansing, which he didn't realise had actually happened. Very, very stupid.
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 18:52:57 #2846 №129522 DELETED

Don't boil, lmao)) I always write with some rofl, of course Russia has one big problem I don't like - fucking matriarchy in traditional Russian ethnic territories. Native Muslims in Russia don't have that fucked up shit.

Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 19:10:40 #2847 №129526 DELETED
>however I have the excuse that it's just plain crap in English translation; check this out
I do not know how do you suppose to read it. In poetry you should find a rhythm and read of it, but I just can't find it in translation. Maybe cause it's not there. In russian Pushkin sounds very simple, main reason why he is so popular.
>Also some dude said that translating poetry is a crime.
Same thing with prose. the problem with artistic text that in order for it to work you should not just translate it's content, but also it's form, which is impossoble, so you should either translate just content or rewrite the form, which is super hard especially than dealing with the greats. And if you think on it, if you yourself is great, why would you waste time translating others work instead of writing yourself ?
>Gogol is excellent in translation as skaz seems to map quite well to low-register colloquial English.
Gogol is pretty simple. Good pic to translate.
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 19:11:59 #2848 №129527 DELETED
>The capital of England, as well you know.
Well, I'm glad that classical Russian culture is not forgotten in London. I used to be a big fan of English creative culture, but then my interest shifted to Russian culture, and I discovered that this diamond is no worse than the 90s generation thinks it is. Although, I still use English culture as a reference as a content producer.

Gogol would have been happy that he was finally recognized as a Russian (or Malorussian). He was a political supporter of the crown and a friend of Pushkin. If he had learned that he was called by the obscure word “Ukrainian”, he would have died of laughter.
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 19:16:40 #2849 №129528 DELETED
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 19:16:42 #2850 №129529 DELETED
Oh wow, hard words, you mastered 2chan debate angles to the level of an expert fencer.
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 19:20:07 #2851 №129530 DELETED
>Been sitting on 2ch for over 4 years
>Was on the cusp of buying a passcode (rite of passage for any 2cher)
>Still doesn't consider himself a 2cher
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 19:22:40 #2852 №129531 DELETED
I wonder why he stuck around ?
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 19:23:13 #2853 №129532 DELETED
>Was on the cusp of buying a passcode (rite of passage for any 2cher)
This. Only a true dvacher can resist temptation.
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 19:25:22 #2854 №129533 DELETED
That's not a question for me.
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 19:28:24 #2855 №129534 DELETED
Introduced a project and accepted a project are not the same thing, retard. We'll know in a week.
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 19:30:26 #2856 №129535 DELETED
You know it's a fucking circus, retard. It'll pass 100%
You can consider the date of introduction the date of passage
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 19:35:36 #2857 №129536 DELETED
Who do you think is a useful dude in British government?
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 20:12:55 #2858 №129541 DELETED
⚡️ Putin: Russia may consider the use of nuclear weapons already after reliable data on the massive launch of missiles and UAVs when crossing the border
❗️ An aggression against Russia by any non-nuclear state, but with the participation or support of a nuclear state, is proposed to be considered as their joint attack on the Russian Federation - Putin at a session of the Security Council's permanent meeting on nuclear deterrence.
⚡️ Credible information about launch of aerospace attack means towards Russia will entail a nuclear response - Putin
⚡️ Critical threat to Russian sovereignty and conventional weapons will be grounds for a nuclear response, Putin says

Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 20:17:48 #2859 №129542 DELETED

Apparently a 2ch news admin was quoting live from this meeting of Russian Security Council. Well, Russia with its patience has gained “points of justification” and now can have not only legal, but also moral right in justification before history to do what everyone is so afraid of.
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 20:22:12 #2860 №129543 DELETED
the same motive that fellow countrymen sometimes create and bump a portuguese league general thread on an English-speaking and international board. Portuguese classical sites are dead, the ones are gathering in discord, whatsapp, telegram, matrix group and probably on English subreddits (?). Even soy r/portugal has 200 members online nowadays. The only one I see some movement is in Benfica imageboard, they are all mentally ill and can't sleep after the defeats, posting at 4-5 a.m - I just hope that my benfiquista brother doesn't have an account there. In Spain, they still have forocoches and burbuja.
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 20:30:44 #2861 №129544 DELETED
As a reminder, tomorrow is the final discussion of Zelensky's “victory plan,” which will result in Biden deciding whether or not NATO will participate in a war with Russia. Are you ready, kids?
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 20:36:17 #2862 №129545 DELETED
Well, yeah, but /int/ is pretty dead too and there is no Portugal talk here apart from the one you start. Plus, Abu just put in place a kirillic captcha that simply killed any non-kirillic posting. So you answer is not really good.
I don't think Biden can decide than to go to pee this days, let alone whom US should fight or where.
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 20:38:42 #2863 №129546 DELETED
Manual translation takes too long and is not rewarded in any way. So here you go for your own neural revoicing

He also finally added that aggression against Belarus is also considered an attack on Russia.
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 21:04:33 #2864 №129549 DELETED
Yes, everyone here already knows that you are an educated highly intelligent person, only sometimes you yourself forget that.
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 21:58:19 #2865 №129551 DELETED
He was a Russian from what is now Ukraine, I don't think that's very controversial unless you want to be a dick and try to make a political point of it, which is pointless as Gogol has been dead for almost 200 years.

They're all boring technocrats with varying levels of ability, except Angela Rayner who is aggressively working class. She was accused of showing her pussy to Boris Johnson to distract him during a parliamentary debate, which goes to show the disgusting prurience of the class system.


>I emphasise that we have always taken a highly responsible approach to such issues. Well aware of the enormous power of these weapons, we have endeavoured to strengthen the international legal basis for global stability and to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and their components.

>Today, the nuclear triad remains the most important guarantee of the security of our State and citizens and an instrument for maintaining strategic parity and the balance of power in the world.

>At the same time, we see that the current military and political situation is changing dynamically, and we must take this into account. This includes the emergence of new sources of military threats and risks for Russia and our allies.

>It is important to forecast the development of the situation and accordingly adapt the provisions of the strategic planning document to the current realities.

>Over the past year, specialists from the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Security Council Apparatus and other agencies have conducted an in-depth, comprehensive analysis and assessed the need to adjust our approaches to the possible use of nuclear forces. Based on the results of this work, a number of clarifications have been proposed with regard to the definition of the conditions for the use of nuclear weapons.

>Thus, the draft Principles expand the category of States and military alliances subject to nuclear deterrence, and the list of military threats to neutralise which nuclear deterrence measures are taken.

>I would also like to draw your attention to something else in particular. The updated version of the document proposes that aggression against Russia by any non-nuclear-weapon state, but with the participation or support of a nuclear-weapon state, should be regarded as a joint attack on the Russian Federation.

>The conditions for Russia's transition to the use of nuclear weapons are also clearly set out. We will consider such a possibility if we receive reliable information about a massive launch of aerospace attack means and their crossing of our State border. I am referring to strategic and tactical aircraft, cruise missiles, drones, hypersonic and other aircraft.

>We reserve the right to use nuclear weapons in the event of aggression against Russia and Belarus as a member of the Union State. All these issues have been agreed with the Belarusian side and the President of Belarus. Including if the enemy, using conventional weapons, poses a critical threat to our sovereignty.

>In conclusion, I should like to point out that all the clarifications are deeply calibrated and commensurate with contemporary military threats and risks with regard to the Russian Federation.

All as expected, but why Belarus? I can think of several reasons, none of them good. This is turning into the Korean War, except Mao thinks the West are going to turn his people gay and Stalin is selling weaponry to both sides.
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 22:08:00 #2866 №129552 DELETED
Same old. I'm bored.
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 22:10:20 #2867 №129553 DELETED
>but why Belarus?
It's the next and last stop of surrounding Russia, with it's under NATOs control Moscow can't be defended from the land invasion.
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 22:38:28 #2868 №129556 DELETED
>why Belarus?

t. Poster >>129546
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 22:48:27 #2869 №129557 DELETED
This is going to be hard to understand, but at some points (not all) we are considered one country. Imagine a werewolf who, because of a witch's curse, didn't fully turn into a wolf - half poor docker Billy Robins and half Hound of the Night, a fantastic London legend whose victims are prostitutes, drug addicts and other lowlifes after the remnants of sunlight go out on London rooftops... {wolf howl}
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 22:49:59 #2870 №129558 DELETED
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 23:13:12 #2871 №129559 DELETED
The real "2cher" denies women. Even anonyms on /dev/ deny the fact that they are women, otherwise they would have to show sup and boobs as proof.

I wonder how that happened?
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 23:35:17 #2872 №129560 DELETED
⚡️❗️ It is confirmed that Israel is planning a ground invasion of Lebanon. This is confirmed by Israeli generals.


So we now have two points of potential nuclear conflict, one that will destroy humanity (eastern Europe), the other that will severely damage the ecology (middle east).
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 23:39:17 #2873 №129561 DELETED
Everyone is already laughing at Zelensky. After all, this is his original purpose - to make people laugh.
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 23:45:07 #2874 №129562 DELETED
Do you think that's likely to happen at any point in the next say 20 years?

Oh yeah, forgot about that. Fair enough, if Russian nukes are stored there then Russian nukes should protect it.
Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 23:52:36 #2875 №129564 DELETED
⚡️ Zelensky admitted that all thermal power plants in Ukraine have been destroyed

Anonymous  25/09/24 Срд 23:54:19 #2876 №129565 DELETED
⚡️❗️ Several people, mostly civilians, were among the Nord Stream bombers, ex-Ukrainian security service officer Chervinsky organized the attacks - Spiegel

Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 01:28:04 #2877 №129568 DELETED
Kaspersky antivirus itself removed itself from Americans' computers and replaced itself with (American) Pango UltraAV


Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 09:16:13 #2878 №129570 DELETED
>Do you think that's likely to happen at any point in the next say 20 years?
Oh, very much. They nearly got Luckashenko out few years back, plus he hismelf is not that anti-western.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 11:42:11 #2879 №129572 DELETED

Erich Ludendorff's WW1 memoirs. An increasingly relevant and very interesting book, written by a man who, despite his high intelligence, unusual bravery and absolute ruthlessness, fucked everything up.

Why would any country that borders Euro-Russia attack it though? They're all much smaller and (on paper at least) weaker. Cui bono?
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 12:27:17 #2880 №129573 DELETED
“The reason for the retreat of the AFU in the Kursk region was.... a magnetic storm that gave the military migraines.”

Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 12:37:53 #2881 №129574 DELETED
“Five best inventions of Ukrainians, which are used by the whole world”
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 12:40:27 #2882 №129575 DELETED
Why in the world does the US have Facebook? It's a Ukrainian app.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 12:41:34 #2883 №129576 DELETED
Drug addiction is a sign of wealth.There are a lot of drug addicts in the US because the country is rich and they can afford it. There are many drug addicts in the USA because the country is rich and they can afford it - Ukrainian blogger.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 12:43:05 #2884 №129577 DELETED
Ukrainians are future Jews, when we save the earth from Rashism we will not only be victims as Jews, but also winners.
All doors will be open to us,
every Ukrainian will be born with $1 million EU and US citizenship and exemption from criminal responsibility against Russians.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 12:46:57 #2885 №129578 DELETED
If western countries would stop accepting these draft age draft dodgers and send them back in handcuffs it would make a difference. All of Europe and North America are filled with draft dodgers with running cowardly eyes and lots of $$$, so called refugees from Ukraine.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 12:52:09 #2886 №129579 DELETED
The queue at the military enlistment office

Opened a second hand shop in Ukraine.
Ukraine is the third country in the world in importing used items from Europe (and World).
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 12:55:42 #2887 №129580 DELETED
My phone was stolen while the thief was inside me!
It was daytime in the park, my phone was in the pocket of my shorts, I was being entered, everything was going according to plan and all of a sudden he yelled and pulled out his dick and ran. At first I thought I'd broken his dick and squeezed it too tight.
But when I came to my senses, he was long gone.

- ...Informs us Ukrainian blogger from Italy.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 13:01:31 #2888 №129581 DELETED
A post for the Portubro who said Putin was about to get to the point of blowing up iPhones. Look, a shooting knife. Included in the outfit of any saboteur of the special services of the USSR/Russia.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 13:03:55 #2889 №129582 DELETED
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 13:07:27 #2890 №129583 DELETED
>Why would any country that borders Euro-Russia attack it though? They're all much smaller and (on paper at least) weaker. Cui bono?
Who knows ? The point is they can if they wan to and we can't allow that.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 13:41:57 #2891 №129584 DELETED
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 15:06:54 #2892 №129585 DELETED
Kyivstar is no longer available in Zaporizhzhya. Switching to Beeline.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 15:25:34 #2893 №129586 DELETED
The West has pushed our country to create alternative platforms - Vladimir Putin

For a long time, the extraction of raw materials, logistics, insurance and payment security were concentrated in the hands of Western countries. However, now our country is creating alternative platforms, Vladihttps://t.me/readovkanews/87343mir Putin emphasized. Progress is going steadily, the West is losing in a fair fight. Russia is creating solutions on a qualitatively new technological basis regardless of outside influence, the head of our state added.

According to the President of the Russian Federation, the model of a multipolar world is being formed very intensively now. The main economic growth will be concentrated not in Europe, not in North America, but in the BRICS countries. Russia, for its part, is making many efforts to make the West's plans to put undesirable countries on the sidelines of progress.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 15:26:38 #2894 №129587 DELETED
Putin speaks at a plenary session of the Russian Energy Week International Forum in Moscow

Western elites are blocking access to the platform and technologies of the fuel and energy complex to undesirable countries because they are afraid of competition, Vladimir Putin said. The President also noted that Europe and North America are losing their positions in the global economy, the main growth will be in the BRICS countries and those wishing to join them.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 15:45:52 #2895 №129588 DELETED
Russian condom brands may suffer due to the ban on propaganda of childfree. The bill has risks due to its overly broad interpretation, lawyers believe. In their opinion, they may be penalized for advertising contraceptives, “women's” forums and even posts on social networks.

The picture is a play on Russian words: "Put it on or dress it" (verbatim)
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 15:48:18 #2896 №129589 DELETED
Childfree is real threat
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 18:49:12 #2897 №129591 DELETED
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 19:12:36 #2898 №129592 DELETED
>NFKRZ is a Russian expatriate video blogger who speaks in English to Western audiences about life in Russia from an ultra-liberal perspective.
Monetized his nationality to make content for a mentally challenged western audience. Fun fact: on 4chan a number of right-wing American anonymous people really dislike him.

Don't tell me you're donating to him.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 19:16:45 #2899 №129593 DELETED
The attitude to this blogger among his English-speaking compatriots may be diametrically opposed depending on their views: if you are a liberal, you will probably like him and praise him for delivering information about Russia to Western audiences in an ideologically correct way. If you're a communist or nationalist, you're likely to facepalm at the way Roman juggles the facts to present everything in a favorable light. To be fair: his videos became blatantly biased only after he emigrated, his earlier ones, despite their opposition-liberal attitude, were more adequate.

Thanks, encyclopedia.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 19:32:45 #2900 №129595 DELETED
I wouldn't call him ultra-liberal, just liberal. He is just a mongrel consumer.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 19:42:19 #2901 №129596 DELETED
Я и этот скуф одногодки. Пиздец...
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 19:48:37 #2902 №129597 DELETED
Abduls like this guy
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 20:12:02 #2903 №129599 DELETED
Oh cunt, oh cunt, thou slimy slit
Covered with hair besmithered with shit
Like a polecat's ass thou smelleth bad
But cunt, oh cunt thou must be had

- Nicolae Ceaușescu
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 20:15:35 #2904 №129600 DELETED
You posted it early.
The law is still being finalized and these requirements will be taken into account. You can have abortions, but you can't advocate abortions. You can fuck guys in the ass, but you can't advocate it. Russia is a constitutionally secular state. I'd appreciate the innovation if I were you.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 20:22:11 #2905 №129601 DELETED
>Abduls like this guy
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 20:27:02 #2906 №129602 DELETED
Anon from neolurk
>Well by the way, to be fair, Romchik himself does not position himself as a liberal, he claims to be a libertarian socialist, social democrat and the like, I mean liberal, but leftist, he hates the market, etc.
>Sorts of shit

I think like this: all models for Russia are crap and not suitable, except Russian authoritarian democracy and Russian socialist capitalism. Russia is neither Switzerland nor Britain. Russia is synonymous with chaos, unstable matter, keeping it in order requires special skills and talents, as well as a rare turnover of power (factor: experience of the leader).
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 20:37:08 #2907 №129603 DELETED
Dudes in the comment section.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 20:37:08 #2908 №129604 DELETED
Ugledar is officially in a tactical cauldron. Any withdrawal from the city is death. All Ukrainian troops who have not retreated will either surrender or die.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 20:40:08 #2909 №129605 DELETED
That sure will boost our worst korea tier birth rates, anyday now
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 20:43:50 #2910 №129606 DELETED
Two news in one feed.

Germany's largest chemical concern BASF is forced to consider the possibility of closing additional production facilities.
The Bundestag agreed to increase funding for military support for Ukraine by €400 million

Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 20:46:55 #2911 №129607 DELETED
> I mean liberal, but leftist, he hates the market, etc.
We need to stop using the term "liberal" as "in opposition to the goverment".
>I think like this
You keep on it, bruh, don't let anyone to keep you from being yourself.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 20:48:05 #2912 №129608 DELETED
Meanwhile, the front line is already less than two kilometers from Mirnograd.

Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 20:48:15 #2913 №129609 DELETED
Keep on training you cock and someday you'll find a woman to put it in.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 20:48:51 #2914 №129610 DELETED
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 20:49:45 #2915 №129611 DELETED
Die for my freedom, liberal.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 20:51:07 #2916 №129612 DELETED
Liberals don't fight as rule.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 20:52:42 #2917 №129613 DELETED
Does anyone watch it at all?
I don't know what's out there in the west, but I use Yandex Browser to autorevoice Youtube videos. It turns out 95% good, because there are very few people in the English-speaking sphere who modify words for the sake of humor. Maybe you have some AI technology for that too?
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 21:01:28 #2918 №129615 DELETED
Libertarians don't fight.
Liberals only destroy.

Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 21:27:40 #2919 №129618 DELETED
Brah, putting cock in a woman doesnt equal birthing kids
I'm sure you should know it by now, you're a big boy.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 21:28:42 #2920 №129619 DELETED
The capture of Mirnograd will assure $1=30 RUB ?
The capture of Mirnograd will make russian birthrates 2.0 ?
Just curious.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 21:30:49 #2921 №129620 DELETED
After Kiev, we'll see.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 21:42:51 #2922 №129621 DELETED
Georgian authorities used pictures of destroyed Ukrainian cities on election posters - they reminded locals of what could happen if they follow the West's lead

A month before the parliamentary elections, the Georgian Dream released a video in which it invited viewers to compare pictures of destroyed Ukrainian cities with peaceful Georgian ones. All this - under the call “Say no to war! Choose peace!”. On some of the banners, photos of the destruction are complemented by the numbers of pro-Western parties. This is what happens to once peaceful cities if you go along with the West and use civilians as human shields.

Since 2022, the party leadership has been cautious about the conflict in Ukraine - secretary Mamuka Mdinaradze said (https://t.me/readovkanews/48356) that Georgia “will not be able” to help Ukraine, because it does not want to be involved in the confrontation. As for the thoughts about “war with Russia” and “opening a second front”, which were voiced by Chairman Kobakhidze during the same period - the politician later denied (https://t.me/readovkanews/41758) them, saying that it was “irony and sarcasm”.

Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 21:52:23 #2923 №129622 DELETED
Right this minute, the junk is showing Biden his brilliant plan

EUROPE Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 21:54:00 #2924 №129623 DELETED
A Lithuanian TV presenter suggested shooting parents and taking away their children for watching Russian movies.

The statement by Algis Ramanauskas (pictured) was condemned in the Seimas and appealed to the police. His statement is asked to check for calls for murder and incitement to hatred.

“Let's imagine a family where the father loudly turns on a Russian movie and the mother loudly listens to Russian music .... The question here is what to do first: take away the children and then shoot them [the parents] - or in front of the children,” the TV host said in one of his broadcasts.

Algis Ramanauskas is known for his Russophobic views. Earlier, he called for the expulsion of “Russified cattle” from Lithuania.

Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 22:14:22 #2925 №129626 DELETED
Americans are so emotional.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 22:15:08 #2926 №129627 DELETED
They don't want to investigate Nazi parades in their own country?
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 22:16:18 #2927 №129628 DELETED
Well, I mean it like a process, we get penis in woman first we worry about getting her pregnant later. Step by step.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 22:18:06 #2928 №129629 DELETED
What we're missing in this thread is an American who will write some hard eagle shit. You know, like, uh, combat Johnny.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 22:22:19 #2929 №129631 DELETED
You can visit American /k/, but there you will be immediately banned for trolling if you are Russian. You can leave one post to show your flag to the janitor (additional information there is only visible to the janitor) and instantly get banned for the whole board...
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 22:22:35 #2930 №129632 DELETED
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 22:24:10 #2931 №129633 DELETED
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 22:24:41 #2932 №129634 DELETED
for n*ggers.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 22:26:44 #2933 №129635 DELETED
Never heard that one before.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 22:29:54 #2934 №129636 DELETED
4chan is for Americans. Only they can eat such technically backward shit because they still have Web 1.0.
They have a lot of good covers.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 22:32:21 #2935 №129637 DELETED
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 22:34:18 #2936 №129638 DELETED
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 22:35:29 #2937 №129639 DELETED
No more pouring for this one >>129637
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 22:35:32 #2938 №129640 DELETED
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 22:36:34 #2939 №129641 DELETED

Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 22:36:34 #2940 №129642 DELETED
One down, two to go, soon enought /int/ will free of all foriegn posting.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 22:37:04 #2941 №129643 DELETED
Now I'm confused.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 22:37:20 #2942 №129644 DELETED
Who's gonna feel good about it?
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 23:02:05 #2943 №129648 DELETED

That's what Russia sounded like before you were all born here, my little bastards.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 23:21:28 #2944 №129649 DELETED
>Don't tell me you're donating to him.
100 euro monthly to him, 200 euros as simp for Lesbian Natasha with some weird masculine chin and 300 euros to GILTICUS.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 23:23:12 #2945 №129650 DELETED
My man, you are an A-tier simp.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 23:31:11 #2946 №129653 DELETED
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 23:33:21 #2947 №129654 DELETED
What kind of assholes are advertising this to you? Lmao
Imagine there's some Russian speaking motherfucker on the internet doing this :D
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 23:34:59 #2948 №129655 DELETED
Denis Khamitov* a real traditional Muslim man from Bashkiria
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 23:37:53 #2949 №129656 DELETED
So... is that a real woman?
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 23:39:00 #2950 №129657 DELETED
According to Russian law, yes. Gender reassignment was banned only in 2023.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 23:39:25 #2951 №129658 DELETED
>What kind of assholes are advertising this to you? Lmao
This Russian "woman" was shilled in 4chan in 2022 and 2023.
NFRZ, I just wanted to watch his tourist video about Porto city, Portugal. afterwards this video asking for money appeared on the algorithm.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 23:40:00 #2952 №129659 DELETED
You're so smart...
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 23:41:25 #2953 №129660 DELETED
>afterwards this video asking for money appeared on the algorithm.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 23:42:06 #2954 №129661 DELETED
Thanks, Ivan (or Igor)
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 23:44:18 #2955 №129662 DELETED
We should not let lesser people on internet without supervision. Poor portu kun got scammed ! I feel ashem as an adult and a russian.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 23:44:33 #2956 №129663 DELETED
Yeah, I've already realized that. There are a couple of obsessive faggots on 4chan/int/ who post this shit. This shit is just impossible to watch, she has no charisma or charm whatsoever. It's just an ugly woman who looks like a Norwegian man. And it's not that I'm liberal or not liberal, it's just boring.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 23:48:18 #2957 №129664 DELETED
Zoomer, take a free (or paid course) in programming, take care of yourself instead of sticking around on the boards from morning till night.
Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 23:57:21 #2958 №129666 DELETED
The average price of a burger in the U.S. is almost $8.50.
Anonymous  27/09/24 Птн 00:03:34 #2959 №129667 DELETED
New epic
Five F-16s destroyed by Kinzhal Anonymous  27/09/24 Птн 00:10:58 #2960 №129668 DELETED
The wife of a U.S. Air Force serviceman has accidentally given away the number of F-16 fighter jets destroyed by a Russian missile strike on an airfield in Starokonstantinov in Ukraine. Melania Malvin-Parker claimed the death of her husband Stephen immediately after the strike.

“Stephen is dead. My husband is dead [...] He died because of all this stuff with the foreign instructor program” she wrote on her social media page.

The woman also commented with the use of profanity on the fact that “someone was upset about five F-16s, calling such people idiots. Thus, the wife of the American instructor reported the destruction of five fighter jets.

PORTUBRO  27/09/24 Птн 00:16:59 #2961 №129669 DELETED
Big, if true
Anonymous  27/09/24 Птн 03:23:38 #2962 №129671 DELETED
All me
Anonymous  27/09/24 Птн 06:22:11 #2963 №129672 DELETED
I don't talk to traitors to the russian people, move along.
Anonymous  27/09/24 Птн 07:20:03 #2964 №129673 DELETED
Lmao what? :D
Anonymous  27/09/24 Птн 08:04:26 #2965 №129674 DELETED
A court in Poland sentenced a Belarusian and a Ukrainian in the case of espionage in favor of Russia.🤡

Anonymous  27/09/24 Птн 08:16:01 #2966 №129675 DELETED
Polish president: "Whoever uses nuclear weapons first will be damned"
Anonymous  27/09/24 Птн 11:30:10 #2967 №129676 DELETED
The people who are into androgyny are like footfags: obsessive, and willing to go to any lengths for their compulsion. The perfect simps, in other words. Nothing gay about having rough battlefield sex with a woman who looks a bit masculine either, pics related.

You'll have no issue linking me to Melanie Malwin-Parker's facebook account then, or at least the group where she initially posted :3

You'd honestly think the West wasn't a nuclear alliance, wouldn't you?
Anonymous  27/09/24 Птн 13:33:21 #2968 №129679 DELETED
>Doesn't believe in the reputation of the oldest publication, Moskovsky Komsomolets, and considers it a fake, an information weapon of the Kremlin against unsuspecting ordinary Britons
>Seriously believes that Melanie didn't delete all her details on all social media after that post, and to this day strongly opposes the Ukrainian Nazis, pro-Ukrainian LGBT pederasts, FBI operatives and vegans who besieged her online because of her emotionalism.

Fake or not, destroyed or not, it looks like we won't be seeing any more F-16s in Ukraine with you after the recent statements ;)
Anonymous  27/09/24 Птн 13:39:03 #2969 №129680 DELETED
It's just funny how a Pole shits his pants and throws a stone at his American master in an attempt to gain favor :)
Anonymous  27/09/24 Птн 13:42:30 #2970 №129681 DELETED
Oh, I remember his name. Matthew Horne ;)
Anonymous  27/09/24 Птн 14:19:13 #2971 №129682 DELETED
There is no “plan”, there is a “set of initiatives” - the White House.

Zelensky's PR bullshit, as we expected, was flushed down the toilet.

Ze himself, and more specifically the multi-billion dollar military spending [on Ukraine], both Kamala and Trump have, in different ways, but have used it for their campaign purposes.

After that they sent Yermak with Zelensky home to increase forced Ze-mobilization, withdraw from Kursk and prepare for winter without light.

We are waiting for the next episode with a new fiction from Ze-scriptwriters.

You don't have to remember the content of the previous ones - they don't remember them themselves.

Anonymous  27/09/24 Птн 14:20:37 #2972 №129683 DELETED
Minds? Anonymous  27/09/24 Птн 14:31:41 #2973 №129684 DELETED
Washington, London and Paris would not survive Kiev's attack deep into Russia - NY Times
▪️ U.S. Intelligence Names Risks of Ukraine's Long-Range Strikes: U.S. intelligence agencies warn - Washington, London and Paris would not survive a Kiev attack deep into Russia.
▪️ Russia is likely to launch a major retaliatory, possibly fatal, strike against the United States and coalition partners if they agree to allow the Ukrainians to use long-range missiles supplied by the U.S., Britain and France to strike deep into Russian territory, U.S. officials said.
▪️ Intelligence officials said Russia would likely respond with “tougher actions against the U.S. and its allies, possibly involving lethal attacks, if permission is given to use U.S.-, British- and French-supplied missiles to strike deep inside Russia.”
▪️ In addition to attacks on European and U.S. military bases, Russia could launch a series of sabotage attacks on facilities in Western countries, the intelligence community fears.
▪️ At the same time, it is questioned whether long-range missiles can significantly affect the course of the conflict - Kiev has a limited number of such weapons, and it is unclear how many more Western allies will be able to provide.
▪️ In addition to attacks on European and U.S. military bases, Russia could launch a number of sabotage attacks on facilities in Western countries, the intelligence community fears.
▪️ At the same time, it is questioned whether long-range missiles can significantly affect the course of the conflict - Kiev has a limited number of such weapons, and it is unclear how many more Western allies will be able to provide.
▪️ In addition, after the first strikes, Russia is likely to move its depots and command posts out of range of the missiles.▪️ So there are “high risks and uncertain benefits” in the decision to provide a “long-range strike.”
▪️ “These findings partly explain why Biden is finding it difficult to make the decision and demonstrate the internal pressure to turn Zelensky down.
▪️ In addition, after the first strikes, Russia is likely to move its depots and command posts out of range of the missiles.

Anonymous  27/09/24 Птн 16:12:33 #2974 №129685 DELETED
Oh so it is an issue. In this case, Grandpa Joe has an interesting update for everyone.
Anonymous  27/09/24 Птн 18:37:11 #2975 №129687 DELETED
Anonymous  27/09/24 Птн 21:06:24 #2976 №129688 DELETED
Repeated strikes have just been carried out on the Starokonstantinov military airfield, where the 7th tactical aviation brigade(F-16) of the Ukrainian Air Force is stationed.

After the strikes, a heavy fire was formed at the site of the hits, with smoke visible for several kilometers in the area.

Coordinates: 49.7480639, 27.2710044.

The Russians have already fucking strike the F-16 location twice with the Kinzhal. Call the Russian Ministry of Defense and tell them that's not enough, they'll add more. Call the Pentagon and ask why Patriot can't defend the only airfield where F-16s were in relative safety for conventional Russian weapons.
Anonymous  27/09/24 Птн 21:06:55 #2977 №129689 DELETED
Anonymous  27/09/24 Птн 23:30:23 #2978 №129692 DELETED
Anonymous  27/09/24 Птн 23:34:31 #2979 №129693 DELETED
It turns out that this game can be played by two.
Who has more funny powder?

Anonymous  27/09/24 Птн 23:40:15 #2980 №129694 DELETED
Both looks rapey.
Anonymous  27/09/24 Птн 23:53:42 #2981 №129695 DELETED
What's going on in Kursk?
- Some kind of chase on MaxxPro
- Some tank explosions
- Found a body of hohol in a technical refrigerator in one of the stores after a sweep, apparently, there was some kind of drug-related altercation
- The pigs decided to entrench in Sudzha very well, so the changes on the map in favor of Russia are quite small for the last period. Zelensky has hunkered down there with all the NATO equipment and all his elite troops. Of course all of them will be destroyed.
Anonymous  28/09/24 Суб 00:02:46 #2982 №129696 DELETED
Uh, Selidovo, that's a town in Ukraine. So the first video is not from Kursk. It's no secret that I get Ukrainian cities and Russian cities mixed up. So do the hohols. One Nation (c) Zelensky in 2000s

Anonymous  28/09/24 Суб 00:14:59 #2983 №129697 DELETED
Okay, the experiment failed. I wanted my own /int/ with an abundance of posters from different countries.
I thought that if they make a normal captcha, there would be an increase in foreign posters, or at least an increase in foreign posts, so I kept the thread moving. Unfortunately, nothing much has changed. Well, at least I've sharpened my English in some places.
Post some content here yourself. Ciao, lmao
Anonymous  28/09/24 Суб 01:33:39 #2984 №129698 DELETED
Anonymous  28/09/24 Суб 09:33:47 #2985 №129707 DELETED
Listen, niggers - when is Kikelensky going to get whacked already?? This fat kike is signing bombs with kikefaggot politicians in PA and I’m sick of seeing his bloated cocksucking face everywhere. WHO IS DROPPING THE BALL??
Anonymous  28/09/24 Суб 09:38:03 #2986 №129708 DELETED
What kind of faggotry is this?? Where the fuck is my post??
Anonymous  28/09/24 Суб 09:39:43 #2987 №129709 DELETED
Where the fuck is my post??
Anonymous  28/09/24 Суб 09:59:15 #2988 №129712 DELETED
I guess they’re there. It should be instantaneous. I should be able to communicate my thoughts, which are very fucking important, to you niggers instantaneously. This delayed shit sucks horse cock. Anyways, errybody is sick of kikelensky’s shit, me especially. Fucking Jews, bros.
Anonymous  28/09/24 Суб 10:16:52 #2989 №129713 DELETED
Wacked by whom ? If he is going to go it's not gonna be by our hand, that's for sure. Apart from being afraid to deal violence to other leaders in Putin's mind they all birds of the feather and need yo stick together , somebody legitimate also will be needed to sign a peace treaty that it's all done.
Anonymous  28/09/24 Суб 10:30:23 #2990 №129714 DELETED
It doesn’t sit well with me. But I think all the kikes need to be routed from White Christian nations. They have to fucking go.
Anonymous  28/09/24 Суб 10:59:26 #2991 №129715 DELETED
Rusdia is turning muslim, maybe in couple generations your rhetoric will find home.
Anonymous  28/09/24 Суб 11:03:46 #2992 №129716 DELETED
Bro don’t depress me with that shit. I’m part Russian myself, and White Christian Russia must be preserved.
Anonymous  28/09/24 Суб 11:37:21 #2993 №129717 DELETED
She shits no more.
Anonymous  28/09/24 Суб 13:15:34 #2994 №129718 DELETED
It's more than a century gone, bruh.
Anonymous  28/09/24 Суб 13:25:42 #2995 №129719 DELETED
Noone is interested in vatanews24, that's why you're avoided.
Anonymous  28/09/24 Суб 13:26:06 #2996 №129720 DELETED
Yeah but the people still remain. We can’t roll over and give in to the fucking kikes, bro. That’s just what they want, but we are here on this earth to fight evil, brother.
Anonymous  28/09/24 Суб 13:27:43 #2997 №129721 DELETED
This has worked out a little too fucking conveniently for Israel. Iran’s been infiltrated by the kikes since forever, and I guess they got their long noses into Hez too.
Anonymous  28/09/24 Суб 13:30:04 #2998 №129722 DELETED
Of course Zelensky and Trump were furiously rubbing their dicks together yesterday. The absolute state of the fucking Uniparty in Jewmerica…
Anonymous  28/09/24 Суб 17:37:19 #2999 №129724 DELETED
>We can’t roll over and give in to the fucking kikes, bro.

Dude look around bro brooo....
Just 3 years ago white goy cattle was deliberately enjecting itself with a jew vaxx against a lab-made virus.
80% of people are NPCs and dont wanna be saved/preserved/told about jews and masons
They wanna live in ingorance gobbling up goyslop watching niggerball

And when it comes to russians we are just raped people, mentally speakiing
Ruled over by kikes and churkas partaking in this "SMO" shit because of which we're cancelled globally, no economy no purchasing power no nothing
IIts over.
Anonymous  28/09/24 Суб 19:28:21 #3000 №129725 DELETED
Brother I feel what you’re saying - of course I do. I live in the hellscape that is the Great Satan. But it’s not over - far from it. We are all soldiers against this great evil. The bigger and more monstrous it gets, the more determined we have to be to keep on keeping on. Christ is with us - we have nothing to fear.
Anonymous  28/09/24 Суб 22:25:51 #3001 №129726 DELETED
You're the wrong Johnny. We ordered a Johnny ( >>129629 ) who will show us our “Russian” place on the “side of history”, call us stupid ziggers and report us in /k/ to get banned, who lives in a filthy trailer with only a mattress and a US flag, not a Johnny who agrees with us on everything. How do I cancel my order?
Anonymous  29/09/24 Вск 00:16:01 #3002 №129730 DELETED
Destroying your post point by point:
>Based Russians vs. Based Americans
1. This form of confrontation is now obsolete, it is now our allies against evil
>ban in /k/
2. 4chan/k/ admin is a fat tranny who hates Russia (this is a fact that is confirmed by screenshots from their discord).
3. Only SJWs and LGBT members in the US say that.
4. Sleeping on a mattress is not that bad. Asceticism is sobering to the mind.
>US flag
5. It has stars that can replace the night sky in your imagination if you're bored.
Anonymous  29/09/24 Вск 00:59:56 #3003 №129731 DELETED
How can you be so sure?
Anonymous  29/09/24 Вск 01:29:53 #3004 №129732 DELETED
I'll try not to despair.
Anonymous  29/09/24 Вск 03:51:31 #3005 №129736 DELETED
Anonymous  29/09/24 Вск 08:25:27 #3006 №129739 DELETED
Anonymous  29/09/24 Вск 11:35:39 #3007 №129741 DELETED
Not for long, lol.
Anonymous  29/09/24 Вск 15:35:21 #3008 №129745 DELETED
The same will happen to Russians when Czar Shelomov I "The Bald" dies.
Anonymous  29/09/24 Вск 16:06:30 #3009 №129746 DELETED
>Boris and Zelensky showing off figurines of Prigozhin's troops circa 2023
big lel to get thrombosis to entire female young british population. When that side-effect was on the news around the globe, that the Health authorities weren't giving that vaccine to young women.
Anonymous  29/09/24 Вск 16:07:44 #3010 №129747 DELETED
via /po/
Anonymous  29/09/24 Вск 17:51:48 #3011 №129750 DELETED
>Czar Shelomov
Who taught you those words?
Anonymous  29/09/24 Вск 17:59:21 #3012 №129751 DELETED
I recall that it was in 2022 this shaggy clown who persuaded the junkie to “fight to the end” to defeat Russia instead of a bad world where there is no Crimea and Ukraine would become a Federation like Russia or Germany. But Crimea is more important to the NAFO.
Anonymous  29/09/24 Вск 18:00:46 #3013 №129752 DELETED
You don't know the Russians well.
Anonymous  29/09/24 Вск 18:48:33 #3014 №129754 DELETED
I love how every election in the US is turned into a political show, but in the end nothing changes - a burger won't cost less than $6, gasoline will still go up a couple cents, and $3 canned SPAM will still be put in a container to protect it from theft in black neighborhoods.
Anonymous  29/09/24 Вск 19:01:31 #3015 №129755 DELETED
Anonymous  29/09/24 Вск 19:01:31 #3016 №129756 DELETED
>$3 canned SPAM will still be put in a container to protect it from theft in black neighborhoods.
It happens here too due to immigrants. Some chuds posted once of some 5 euros cans but I don't remember the content .

Picanha - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Picanha - it's like 50 euros in the supermarket - it has those alarm and radio stuff. Specially beef from Brazilian origin. The argentinean picanha doesn't have alarms because retarded brazilians hated it somehow. Argentinean has better taste and cheaper than Brazilian here.
Anonymous  29/09/24 Вск 19:07:18 #3017 №129757 DELETED
It was bait but you never know.
Shelomov is spammed here and 4chan for 2 years and half
Anonymous  29/09/24 Вск 19:17:21 #3018 №129758 DELETED
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 02:10:44 #3019 №129762 DELETED
This is based, my brother. Take heart and have courage. We fight evil together, my friend.
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 02:14:53 #3020 №129763 DELETED
Those days are over, brother. White Christian men are uniting worldwide against ZOG. I was the biggest flag-waving patriot you could find 15-20 years ago. Now I spit on the U.S. government, and that goes double for the faggot U.S. military. Jews are my mortal enemy, and I shit down the throat of anyone who furthers ZOG and its great evil.
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 02:47:18 #3021 №129766 DELETED
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 02:48:41 #3022 №129767 DELETED
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 02:50:01 #3023 №129768 DELETED
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 02:57:49 #3024 №129769 DELETED
Fuck the Uniparty. Both sides are controlled by kikes with the disgusting, traitorous Boomers as their shabbos goyim.
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 03:39:10 #3025 №129772 DELETED
I was just being ironic. Of course, nowadays enemies are not representatives of flags, enemies are representatives of some form of ideology. We just don't get many /int/ posters, which is a shame. It's the emptiest section on 2ch. That's all I was being ironic about.
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 03:55:44 #3026 №129773 DELETED
Nah man, I hear you. One struggle.
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 03:58:44 #3027 №129774 DELETED
Fuck the Kikemerican flag. The Rebel flag of Dixie is my flag. Down with the eagle and up with the cross!
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 06:15:58 #3028 №129775 DELETED
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 06:38:45 #3029 №129776 DELETED
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 06:39:26 #3030 №129777 DELETED
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 06:40:11 #3031 №129778 DELETED
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 09:26:03 #3032 №129779 DELETED
Are these all your posts?
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 09:47:28 #3033 №129780 DELETED
I didn’t make any of these posts from 4chan, but I did repost them here after reading them. I thought they all made interesting points.
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 09:51:55 #3034 №129781 DELETED
To clarify - no, I was not the original writer of any of these 4chan posts. I only reposted them.
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 10:09:18 #3035 №129782 DELETED
I was just clarifying. Interesting thoughts.
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 14:31:16 #3036 №129785 DELETED
Bro, russians are pohuist people. They dont give a fuck about yet another bloodthirsty czar, we've had plenty of them over the past 10 centiries.
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 14:36:31 #3037 №129786 DELETED
Portugal has the highest goy compliance vaccination rate in Europe.
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 14:52:05 #3038 №129788 DELETED
Portugal - what happens there anyway?
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 16:24:32 #3039 №129789 DELETED
British and irish tourists getting drunk
Also they recently resumed acceptence of russians in their golden visa program, costs 500k eur
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 18:51:48 #3040 №129790 DELETED
No one in Portugal will understand you, retard. Communicating with foreigners far from any culture you are used to is not like communicating with hohols.
Hey, zoomer, aren't you one of those HIV-denying cults?
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 18:56:44 #3041 №129791 DELETED
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 19:10:52 #3042 №129792 DELETED
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 19:20:14 #3043 №129793 DELETED
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 19:22:29 #3044 №129794 DELETED
Hohol gets acquainted with the world economy and discovers the bitter truth (at the end)
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 19:27:00 #3045 №129795 DELETED
There was a march of Furries and Quadrobers in Poland.

We have lost Poland, I repeat, we have lost Poland. Retreat!
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 19:29:25 #3046 №129796 DELETED
I eto dvach? Govno kakoe-to, pidory blyat! Navuka im dala kopivum - pei! Pei kopivum blyat. Ne hochu, hochu zhrat govno! Chto takoe? Eto dvachery? Suki, mudachyo! Kapchu dvachanuli, govno zhrut - pidary blyat, ebanye!
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 19:33:12 #3047 №129797 DELETED
>I eto dvach? Govno kakoe-to, pidory blyat! Navuka im dala kopivum - pei! Pei kopivum blyat. Ne hochu, hochu zhrat govno! Chto takoe? Eto dvachery? Suki, mudachyo! Kapchu dvachanuli, govno zhrut - pidary blyat, ebanye!
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 19:35:54 #3048 №129798 DELETED
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 20:03:19 #3049 №129799 DELETED
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 20:13:54 #3050 №129800 DELETED
Ватан, иди нахуй.
Пиздуй ширятся шмурдяком
слово похуист он поймет потому что долго сидел на дваче
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 20:16:42 #3051 №129801 DELETED
Барины торгуют
Холопы с двух сторон получают в ебало китайские дроны
Такова судьба слэйвщита...
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 21:07:02 #3052 №129802 DELETED

New special military operation just dropped.
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 21:08:19 #3053 №129803 DELETED
HUY would you?
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 22:00:47 #3054 №129804 DELETED
It's just an expansion of an old operation. I don't take wars against nuclear countries seriously at all.
I finally found how to turn on the post translator in tg. In PC version: Settings -> Language -> Show “Translate” button. I don't use the mobile version like I don't use my phone, because the blue sweaters are watching me, because I hate phone calls, because it's extra stress. So it's up to you to deal with the mobile version. So you deal with the mobile version on your own.
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 22:05:12 #3055 №129805 DELETED
By the way, please note, I duplicated that last sentence not because I'm a dumb degenerate, but because it's a shitty voice recognition app written by a retarded faggot. Thank you for your attention.
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 22:14:26 #3056 №129806 DELETED
It looks delicious, but it's not very filling.
>The argentinean picanha doesn't have alarms because retarded brazilians hated it somehow.
Is this really how Brazilians behave?
The only time I saw a Brazilian in a store in Moscow, he asked me very politely which sweets Russians liked best. I showed him the most unpalatable ones, because he was probably buying them for Natasha. I helped him choose the best ones. Maybe it was some scientist from the local international observatory or something, he looked like that.
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 22:17:14 #3057 №129807 DELETED
I looked it up - it’s a good word. Bookmarking it.
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 23:13:41 #3058 №129808 DELETED
Are you from Texas? What states are even included in the dixie?
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 23:16:43 #3059 №129809 DELETED
Mass immigration like Russia and USA; and mass immigration shilling in mainstream media. Inflation, rents high. Expensive rents in 250 k - 500 k people due to digital nomads, rents higher to immigrants.
There's going to happen an invasion of Lebanon and Israeli already told to USA according to Portuguese national public TV
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 23:18:22 #3060 №129810 DELETED
Russia's ODAB-1500 covers Ukraine's Volchansk.
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 23:21:21 #3061 №129811 DELETED
Everyone in the yellow circle becomes disabled from multiple perlomas and concussions. If they survive.
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 23:24:32 #3062 №129812 DELETED
Israeli special forces enter Lebanese territory.

It's a good pro-democracy invasion, not to be confused.
Anonymous  30/09/24 Пнд 23:55:46 #3063 №129813 DELETED
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 00:14:48 #3064 №129814 DELETED
To no ones surprise. Dude made a film where he sucked off MASSAD.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 00:22:08 #3065 №129815 DELETED
Forcing Palestinians by force of arms out of territory set aside for them by the UN is barbaric? What do you think?
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 00:26:13 #3066 №129816 DELETED
"Jurassic Park", "Saving Private Ryan", "Medal of Honor" (Playstation 1) and "That movie, where he sucked Massad's dick". It's time to teach foreigners a new Russian urban proverb: a spoonful of shit in a barrel of honey.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 00:30:33 #3067 №129817 DELETED
I didn't know that he produced Medal of Honor for Playstation 1. thanks for the fact. Only knew that D Day mission: Operation Overlord in MoHAA (Allied Assault) was similar to his movie Saving Private Ryan.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 00:49:57 #3068 №129818 DELETED
Two years ago, I was rewatching the entire LOST series and discovered that the moment where SPOILER John Locke wants to blow up the Dharma Initiative submarine features the same Medal of Honor music as the similar mission to blow up a German submarine in MOHAA. Perhaps I wouldn't have discovered this if I didn't appreciate Michael Giacchinno's work. Such is the “joke” from Giacchinno, the composer of both projects.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 00:53:07 #3069 №129819 DELETED
>Music motifs*
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 01:50:46 #3070 №129820 DELETED
Fan fuckt:
After the start of the famous events in 2022, Russia experienced a huge betrayal - Russian Jews (who had only seen Israel in pictures all their lives), including famous people who took money from the state to develop their art, declared that they did not want to live in a vile country that attacks its neighbors. They denounced Russia and went to Israel, renouncing their Russian citizenship, periodically launching Internet raids and harsh aggressive criticism of Russia, pretending to be champions of truth.

2. Israeli airplanes over Beirut.
3. Israeli military hardware invades Lebanon
4. Bombardment of Lebanese Army positions
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 02:03:27 #3071 №129821 DELETED
Fan fuckt#2:
The famous Russian singer SHAMAN in the song “I am Russian” sings the line “I am Russian - my blood comes from my father”, implying that Russians become Russians by their father. However, it is reliably known that Jewish nationality is transmitted by the mother.

Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 02:13:32 #3072 №129822 DELETED
Nah bro, not from Texas. But Dixie is all the states that fought for the Confederacy during the Civil War. Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Kentucky
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 02:14:19 #3073 №129823 DELETED
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 02:17:02 #3074 №129824 DELETED
Fuck the motherfucking kikes and their horseshit halachic finesse. ONE DROP RULE.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 02:24:15 #3075 №129825 DELETED
Abu (supermod of 2ch) explained the Santa Barbara of the Islamic world:

let me explain, it's very simple: Hezbollah - they're Shiites, and Shiites are in conflict with Sunnis (the majority of Arabs and Caucasians, except for Azerbaijanis), so nobody is going to stick up for Lebanon. But, some Sunni countries like Turkey don't like Israel. However, Turkey's Sunni beliefs don't stop them from being friends with Shiite Azerbaijan. This doesn't stop Shiite Azerbaijan from being friends with Israel. Also, Lebanon is an ally of Russia, just like neighboring Syria, which is governed by Alawites and Assad (considered a sect in Islam), and is friendly with Lebanese Hezbollah and Shiite Iran, which is closely allied with Russia, where predominantly Orthodox and Sunni Muslims live, and which officially condemns Israel's actions, which Israelis don't like, and is officially supported by the US, which doesn't like Russia.

you know, hohols have an answer for everything

Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 02:28:41 #3076 №129826 DELETED
>you know, hohols have an answer for everything
you know, hohols will answer for everything.*

la fixe
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 02:38:04 #3077 №129827 DELETED
>hohols will answer for everything
It is worth explaining to the international community that this meme phrase is used by Russians in comments on any incident in the world, as if to add irony.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 02:48:02 #3078 №129828 DELETED
It is to extend the base support from Russian goyim and appease Russian jews
>my opinion leader or Middle Eastern affairs specialist is an admin from a chan.
my sides. I throw into the trashcan half of the opinions of ptchan admin
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 03:18:30 #3079 №129829 DELETED
This is very amusing. I’m stealing this phrase.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 03:46:28 #3080 №129830 DELETED
Kek, ok
Abu base:
1. Abu is a nyan-cat in behavior and exudes goodness coupled with high intelligence.
2. Abu is better known in Russia as a media personality. Do you think everyone in Russia doesn't care about Dvatch? He was investigated by state TV channels and made a show out of it, with the theses “children in danger”, “driving to suicide”, “porn in free access” and so on.
3. Abu is more basic than ptchan admin, who dropped my English-language thread about Ukraine in local /po/, saying "It's a Portuguese board, russki bro".
4. Abu supplies the Russian Armed Forces with additional equipment with the money he gets from advertising.
5. And the final: it was just a clarification of the Muslim world, not an opinion. It was helpful to me personally.

Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 03:52:12 #3081 №129831 DELETED
>It is to extend the base support from Russian goyim and appease Russian jews
Yeah, it's a real secret service FSB-project. He probably wears a blue sweater at home.

I remember now, I thought dixie was some sort of modern civic alliance or something. Thanks for the clarification, bro.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 03:56:22 #3082 №129832 DELETED
Yeah, man - fuck Yankees. Russia and Dixie Forever. Total kike death, no exceptions.

I denounce the talmud.

Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 03:57:55 #3083 №129833 DELETED
Fine. Ask that nigger what the deal is with the fucking House of Saud, since they seem to have gone full kike.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 04:14:30 #3084 №129834 DELETED
Spielberg is the biggest hack in Hollywood. His movies are schmaltzy, smarmy garbage. He recently shat out a paean to himself and what he sees as his enormous talent called “The Fabelmans.” Naturally I didn’t watch this garbage, but apparently he was highly offended that white America committed a racism against him by not going to see this barge that floated on his sea of self-regard. Kikes - not even once.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 06:56:32 #3085 №129835 DELETED
I don't get your point, sorry. Can you try again? Sorry, if I look stupid.
No, stop, regardless of how your perceive his messaging his movies are quintessential american art. Yes they were made by the jew, deal with it.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 07:12:55 #3086 №129836 DELETED
>I don't get your point, sorry. Can you try again? Sorry, if I look stupid.
O_o Try what? I was just adding to your post, zoomer.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 07:23:37 #3087 №129838 DELETED
Ugledar. The Ukrainian forces are trapped in a cauldron of tactical encirclement, with no way out.
Russian negotiators have persuaded several units to surrender. However, there were also those who refused, which the Russian negotiators were very happy about, because only the “ideological” shit does not give up. All who remain will be destroyed.

- Hohol?
- No, I'm USSR
- Surrendered?
- Of course, what will I die for?
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 07:45:00 #3088 №129839 DELETED
>All who remain will be destroyed.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 08:44:10 #3089 №129840 DELETED
An American F-16 tried to intercept a Russian Tu-95MS off the coast of Alaska.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 09:01:38 #3090 №129841 DELETED
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 09:11:09 #3091 №129842 DELETED
ENCYCLOPEDIA: The Su-35 has the ability to develop supersonic speed without using afterburner, which is called “supersonic cruising speed”.

This is achieved thanks to powerful AL-41F1S engines with controlled thrust vectoring, which allows the Su-35 to maintain high speed with lower fuel consumption and reduced thermal signature, providing a tactical advantage in aerial combat.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 09:17:11 #3092 №129843 DELETED
Found out today that the legendary M32A1 is South African, not American.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 10:24:00 #3093 №129844 DELETED
Another Russian indie good project. The game is still at an early stage of development, but the general concept is already emerging. Apart from the game itself, I was pleased with two things:
- In-game hints say that the object for sex can only be a person of the opposite sex
- There is no beard option for women like in western games

It feels like The Sims, Crusader Kings, and RimWorld.

Minuses - shitty optimization, though they promise to fix it in the next patch. The game reserves 5 gigabytes of RAM at once for some reason or there is a memory leak somewhere.

Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 11:48:21 #3094 №129845 DELETED
Everyone is in Hollywood is a Jew. That doesn’t mean I have to like fucking Spielberg’s shitty movies made for the drooling masses. Your mileage may vary, but I think he’s a terrible director and I don’t care for his films or his style at all.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 11:59:05 #3095 №129846 DELETED
We can post videos with sound on here? Based.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 12:05:10 #3096 №129847 DELETED
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 13:31:12 #3097 №129848 DELETED
Although I guess I can concede the point that Jurassic Park was pretty good for what it was.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 13:47:19 #3098 №129849 DELETED
Zelenskike needs to be hanged on livestream.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 14:13:41 #3099 №129851 DELETED
Truth is not $100 amigão
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 15:28:01 #3100 №129852 DELETED
Israeli special military operation vs Lebanon:

>preceded by 18 years of careful prep including infiltration of almost all Hezbollah command structures and supply chains with diplomatic isolation of Hezbollah
>further preceded by a full year of battlefield shaping including identification of key ammunition sites and command posts
>further further preceded by a month-long targeted air and espionage campaign designed to eliminate key Hezbollah decision makers and materiel stores thus crippling the organisation


>Israel advances 5km in a day with minimal resistance as all Lebanese forces have fled
>Iran is stuttering like a bitch and making up conspiracy theories about why it can't intervene

A professional job. Take notes.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 16:11:26 #3101 №129853 DELETED
The Blu-ray troops failed at that in Hostomel 2022.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 16:50:25 #3102 №129854 DELETED
Hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers ‘trapped’after Russia surrounds fortress city in rapid advance
by The Telegraph
Evacuation routes out of Vuhledar, towards the southern edge of the frontline, have been cut off and essential supplies are running low
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 17:30:03 #3103 №129855 DELETED
Thanks for posting this, bro.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 17:58:19 #3104 №129856 DELETED
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 19:04:08 #3105 №129857 DELETED
They've been trapped for four days and the Telegraph has only now decided to report it. >>129854
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 19:07:53 #3106 №129858 DELETED
Ukrainian is a strongly peasant dialect, they even have the months of the year called by Russian farming tools or concepts from the farming cycle.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 19:14:46 #3107 №129859 DELETED
>Iran is stuttering like a bitch and making up conspiracy theories about why it can't intervene
There is actually an explanation for this and a local Muslim, Abu, has written about it >>129830
In any case, Lebanon, like Syria, is Russia's ally in the region, so now the Yemeni Houthis can get much more advanced weapons to destroy the US navy. You and I know which sides are actually fighting there - all the same ones.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 19:16:21 #3108 №129860 DELETED
>>Iran is stuttering like a bitch and making up conspiracy theories about why it can't intervene

Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 19:56:52 #3109 №129861 DELETED
Iran launches Missile Strike at Israel Live
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 20:00:56 #3110 №129862 DELETED
We were wrong, they actually did it, those crazy Persian bastards.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 20:07:21 #3111 №129863 DELETED
Let's go back to Kursk for a second. Another village was stormed there.

TRANSLATED specifically for the Portuguese
Are you happy now?
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 20:09:14 #3112 №129864 DELETED
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 20:14:50 #3113 №129865 DELETED
thanks. what's the program btw? some portuguese anons are interested
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 20:16:02 #3114 №129866 DELETED
Are you saying Iran stood up for Lebanon?
Ahhh. Ok.

It's very sweet when Russia's allies stand up for each other despite their differences in Islam. It's not for nothing that Putin canceled work meetings yesterday and rushed to the Kremlin after the Israeli invasion and spent the whole night there.

Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 20:16:32 #3115 №129867 DELETED
now you can post those subtitled without sound in /chug/ in /pol/ or /wsg/ in 4chan.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 20:24:58 #3116 №129868 DELETED
Russian software Movavi Video Suite. It's not professional, it's for housewives, but personally I just find it convenient and easy to install subtitles, not the way it's implemented in Premire. That's the point of choosing it. You can just as easily do it in Adobe Premire or Sony Vegas, it's just a bit more complicated. The Movavi package has what I think is the best screen recorder that can highlight both a single window and an area - out of the whole suite, I 100% recommend it because it has no decent alternatives. You can download it as a standalone program. Or as part of the Movavi suite.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 20:34:32 #3117 №129869 DELETED
I'm banned. I get banned there all the time for trolling. You can post it yourself if you want. Parameters ffmpeg: no audio, format webm vp9, size up to 4MB, FPS up to 30, diagonal can be set to 480p - for 4chan this resolution is comfortably enough not to scroll the monitor. I lost my script that does this automatically by careless deletion.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 20:42:37 #3118 №129870 DELETED
I just looked pic. I do it by ear manually. If you need a program that automatically translates voice to text from video, they are all paid and don't work without internet because they rely on their neural networks. Besides, you'll still have to refine the result manually. Look for an online transcribing service that allows you to transcribe videos with a specific time limit (up to a minute of video, for example) for free. I remember meeting such services.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 20:55:17 #3119 №129871 DELETED
>Look for an online transcribing service that allows you to transcribe videos with a specific time limit (up to a minute of video, for example) for free. I remember meeting such services.
In 2022 and 2023, I've already used EzDubs and others but it filled the free quota - all my mail accounts (including school and university classes) and twitter accounts. Thanks

I sometimes upload the conference or small videos to youtube studio account and it creates shitty subs.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 21:05:25 #3120 №129872 DELETED
Russia prepares to block Discord "in the coming days"
The Discord application, popular among gamers and young people, is expected to be blocked in Russia "in the coming days", writes the Russian newspaper Kommersant.

According to the publication, the Russian regulator, Roskomnadzor, has notified Discord of five violations of Russian law since September 20.

The Russian newspaper Meduza claims that the application has been used on the battlefield by both Ukrainian and Russian soldiers.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 21:06:52 #3121 №129873 DELETED
Military channel 2ch reports that Ugledar has been liberated.
Everything that is happening in the town is a mopping-up of “deaf” Ukrainian units, which have no access to understanding the situation due to the lack of means of communication.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 21:28:54 #3122 №129874 DELETED
Ah, my mistake. I did not understand the irony of admin voen2ch about Russian flags. The remnants of the AFU (about a thousand people pushed to the north) and they continue to be destroyed.
>The Discord application
Here it's just like with YouTube - as long as there are no analogues in terms of monetization, they won't block it.
All Discord had to do was to create a system of regional blocking in order to stay in the country. But they didn't. Not everywhere, for example, the Taliban, their discord channels and their content are allowed. Just as an approximated example.

>The Russian newspaper Meduza
Among the largest pro-NATO propaganda publications to reach Russian audiences.
Voice of America
Most active Radio Liberty (+subpubs like Cremea.Reality, Idel.Realty etc, they also have divisions that focus on geopolitically problematic Russian regions. Not a single good news story or news about improvement in the regions, but if a cat was hit, it would be a big-page story: how it was hit, what it was hit with, probably the license plates were not registered, corruption in the traffic police, the governor is probably involved)
Deutche Welle
BBC Russia
Novaya Gazeta
There are mostly no Russians there, not even Russian liberals, Russian-speaking Jews and members of national minorities living in Europe work there.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 21:43:25 #3123 №129875 DELETED
Have you tried generating an email address through 10 minute mail services?
Like this:
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 21:44:24 #3124 №129876 DELETED
>Are you saying Iran stood up for Lebanon?

Yep. I'll smoke to that!
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 21:47:19 #3125 №129877 DELETED
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 21:50:08 #3126 №129878 DELETED
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 21:53:49 #3127 №129879 DELETED
>The Blu-ray troops failed at that in Hostomel 2022.
The Russian Armed Forces took Gostomel and sat there for a month. Putin decided to withdraw the troops because Zelensky promised that there would be peace through negotiations, but Boris Johnson (US emissary from Britain) flew in and said no (which he also admitted). The war continues virtually thanks to Boris Johnson's stupidity, Zelensky's stupidity, and the Great Mind hidden in a secure, dark CIA basement among dusty files that are lazily flipped through to the sound of lit cigarettes.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 22:57:10 #3128 №129880 DELETED
Liberal Maxim Katz made an investigation about how European hero, Russian great martyr, Christ of democracy, and clown in shorts Alexei Navalny (who died of thrombosis because he preferred Pfizer instead of Sputnik 5 to avoid promoting Putin's “vaccine”) stole money from banks.

Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 23:19:18 #3129 №129882 DELETED
Dead don't bite, smart move.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 23:38:44 #3130 №129883 DELETED
In fact, the investigation concerns all the functionaries of the "Anti-Corruption Foundation"(APC | ФБК) who are still alive and living in the United States.
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 23:42:07 #3131 №129884 DELETED
August 9, 2021
Virologists have identified the reason for the lack of thrombosis after Sputnik V:

The head of the laboratory of especially dangerous infections of the Center for Fundamental Translational Medicine, Alexander Chepurnov, said that after the introduction of vaccines from AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson there are cases of coagulation disorders, namely a problem with blood coagulation, which can be expressed in severe manifestations.

“Sputnik has no such thing, the developers attribute this to the effective virus purification system created” the virologist emphasized.

He explained that Russian scientists removed from the vaccine proteins that could provoke the appearance of thrombosis in a person. That is why, he said, the probability of blood clotting after the introduction of Sputnik V components is negligible.

Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 23:51:39 #3132 №129885 DELETED
Anonymous  02/10/24 Срд 00:07:49 #3133 №129886 DELETED
Miss Fortuna 1:100000000
Anonymous  02/10/24 Срд 02:42:24 #3134 №129887 DELETED

Thanks, Abu
Anonymous  02/10/24 Срд 07:39:19 #3135 №129888 DELETED
Russian flags hang everywhere in Ugledar, but there is no official announcement of victory. In any case, only Pokrovsk remains from the main nodes that have been fortified for 10 years.

Anonymous  02/10/24 Срд 07:55:50 #3136 №129889 DELETED
The view from a passenger airplane window of the Iranian attack.
Anonymous  02/10/24 Срд 08:27:03 #3137 №129890 DELETED

What country does he have an accent from?
Anonymous  02/10/24 Срд 08:55:44 #3138 №129891 DELETED
Well, yeah, but without Navalny they had nothing, Volkov is a nobody. I suppose the source of the conflict is CIA pay, everybody wants in on it.
Anonymous  02/10/24 Срд 09:36:35 #3139 №129892 DELETED
Anonymous  02/10/24 Срд 11:49:04 #3140 №129893 DELETED
Ameribros, its joever?
Anonymous  02/10/24 Срд 11:49:29 #3141 №129894 DELETED
Ill post news from b for lack of normal news Anonymous  02/10/24 Срд 12:06:09 #3142 №129897 DELETED

I'm a 28 lvl grandfather, finally, as I thought I found my alt 20 out of 10 almost picreel, in DV ( Dayvinchik, russian popular dating app - translator's note). We chatted for about a week and agreed to go for a hand walk.
The first couple times she couldn't go, as I first thought, because of her studies. Okay, I get it, I've been there myself.
When she finally did, I was happy as fuck, washed, combed my hair, put on my cleanest clothes and went to the place of the appointment.
But no sooner had I reached the place, than my falcon sight spotted her with a crowd of some glamorous gopniks. I walked in the yards, though I said I'd go straight down the street (I'm a bit fucked up, yes). The location with the appointed meeting place was big, so I went around it and started to watch from the other side of the street.
And here I am, standing across the street, about 100 meters away from them, I call her on Telegram - she doesn't answer, then she calls me back, I say “I'm standing next to the pies, where are you, I don't see you” and watch as the fuckers run over to the pie shop, and she and one more slowly follow.
Here's the fuckin' thing, expensive pineapples.
Then they apparently already realized they missed their prey and the Telegram conversation disappeared.
Telegram is fucking shit, Durov should be locked up at least for the fact that you can delete EVERYTHING from EVERYONE there and you can't provide any evidence to the cops.
In the second pic I roughly depicted maneuvers, both mine and the enemy's.
Anonymous  02/10/24 Срд 12:10:46 #3143 №129898 DELETED
>Here's the fuckin' thing, expensive pineapples.
Here's the fuckin' thing, dear ananases (slang - anonymouse, with the sound of the Russian name for pineapple - ananas)*
Fix, missed that line.
Anonymous  02/10/24 Срд 14:00:07 #3144 №129900 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)

Pro-ukrainian meduza (english)

Ukrainian copium (was of no strategic importance, etc)
Anonymous  02/10/24 Срд 14:01:04 #3145 №129901 DELETED
Anonymous  02/10/24 Срд 14:07:31 #3146 №129902 DELETED
The Washington Post “Ukraine's east is buckling under improved Russian tactics and superior firepower”


>improved tactics
In fact, we just decided to sharpen our rusty shovels and sew up the holey underpants of our conscripts, whom Putin had sent to certain death without food and ammunition (we took food from local old people and children, and found ammunition in the field).
Anonymous  02/10/24 Срд 14:13:23 #3147 №129903 DELETED
Russia has become one of the world's four largest meat producers

And first place is in pork slaughter🐷
Anonymous  02/10/24 Срд 14:18:00 #3148 №129904 DELETED
Btw, what's the correct English? "First place" or "top spot"?
Anonymous  02/10/24 Срд 14:44:43 #3149 №129905 DELETED
first place, ranks first
Anonymous  02/10/24 Срд 17:15:51 #3150 №129906 DELETED
Anonymous  02/10/24 Срд 18:12:43 #3151 №129908 DELETED

Hodor enters the liberal civil war on the side of Katz. Don't these fools realise not one soul on the planet cares about this, either in Russia or the West?
Anonymous  02/10/24 Срд 19:00:15 #3152 №129909 DELETED
Thanks guys, I knew we were family.
Anonymous  02/10/24 Срд 19:22:24 #3153 №129910 DELETED
I thought he was Spanish. He's really Portuguese, lol.
Hodor(pic) is a hypocritical scum, an oligarch from the 90s. Although you already know his story, judging by his "nickname".
The investigation itself can be viewed here if you are interested in the topic of liars and hypocrites. >>129880
Maxim Katz has greatly stirred up the Russian liberal community with this investigation: liberal infantiles of all ages have learned a lot about their idols.
Anonymous  02/10/24 Срд 19:33:58 #3154 №129911 DELETED
Ordered myself a blue sweater from an online store so as not to arouse suspicion in public places.
Anonymous  02/10/24 Срд 19:38:07 #3155 №129912 DELETED
Anonymous  02/10/24 Срд 20:31:39 #3156 №129914 DELETED
Anonymous  02/10/24 Срд 21:24:32 #3157 №129915 DELETED
I've known his name since the late 90s, and I've read his book. He's a psychopath who only cares about money, of course, but he's unusually open about this fact. Interestingly, these guys are known as 'the Russian opposition' in the West, not 'liberals'.
Anonymous  02/10/24 Срд 21:30:31 #3158 №129916 DELETED
supersoldier project (demonstration for military investment)
Anonymous  02/10/24 Срд 21:54:43 #3159 №129917 DELETED
Today you show your tits to elderly ladies, and tomorrow you show the hohols under Ugledar who is the master of the Russian land!

the initiative may include the fact of loss of limbs, sanity, insanity, traumatized consciousness, or even death
Anonymous  02/10/24 Срд 22:08:08 #3160 №129918 DELETED
It reminds of this scene from Schindler's List when Germans force Jews run around naked so that German physicians choose the fittest of them all and unhealthy ...
Anonymous  02/10/24 Срд 22:38:58 #3161 №129919 DELETED
It's like that in all the armies that have conscription, like south korea
there's a lot of conscripts, few doctors, everything is organized in a flow
after half a year of military conscription they offer to contract you for 3 years for big starting money, good salary and social package and you either agree and move from the barracks to a dormitory with your own room or finish your year with others
Anonymous  02/10/24 Срд 22:39:34 #3162 №129920 DELETED
for the empire!1
Anonymous  03/10/24 Чтв 00:48:06 #3163 №129921 DELETED
Anonymous  03/10/24 Чтв 02:06:45 #3164 №129924 DELETED
The Russian media field is buzzing about this bombshell. It is neither an ODAB-1500 nor a FAB-3000, the famous journalist Skabeyeva also denied that it was an ODAB-9000. The Defense Ministry is silent.
According to the journalist, who cited a source in the Russian Defense Ministry, the footage actually shows the explosion of a thermobaric FAB-1500 aerial bomb.

However, almost immediately, experts questioned these claims.

Thus, they noted that, first, the video had been cropped and zoomed in. Secondly, the experts recalled that even the FAB-5000 was not planned to be equipped with a universal planning and correction module, let alone much heavier munitions.

Probably some kind of Wunderwaffe test.
Anonymous  03/10/24 Чтв 09:12:18 #3165 №129925 DELETED
Anonymous  03/10/24 Чтв 10:26:33 #3166 №129926 DELETED
I feel bad for these guys, they're probably my former online gaming buddies or even the dudes with whom we spent 24/7 studying 3D graphics in Discord and digging up obscure moments.
But war is war, they'll either surrender or be destroyed.
Anonymous  03/10/24 Чтв 10:30:24 #3167 №129927 DELETED
A Briton's interest in Russia is quite unusual. Usually Brits seem to be autistic, fixated on themselves or popish things like France or the USA. You must have an unusual background in real life.
Anonymous  03/10/24 Чтв 10:33:15 #3168 №129928 DELETED
Meanwhile in the USA, suspected homosexual VP candidate JD Vance continues to do incredibly gay shit in public, like sharing hilariously photoshopped portraits of himself that make him look less like an ageing twink whose blown-out bumhole, resembling a rubber band left in the sun for weeks, no longer attracts hot tops.
Anonymous  03/10/24 Чтв 10:43:36 #3169 №129929 DELETED
Anglo countries are quite boring because Anglos can instantly understand their discourse and cultural tropes and as the UK is more culturally developed than other Anglo countries, they're all fairly cringey from where I'm sitting and France is just the UK viewed through one of those funhouse mirrors; Russia is genuinely different and thus genuinely interesting. Plus all the crazy contemporaneous social experiments just add to the fascination, e.g. Lenin is your Cromwell except he's within living memory, you can go and see his mummy, and the country is still reeling from his changes. That's wild to me.
Anonymous  03/10/24 Чтв 10:44:26 #3170 №129930 DELETED
Its joever
Anonymous  03/10/24 Чтв 11:58:26 #3171 №129931 DELETED
Anonymous  03/10/24 Чтв 12:01:13 #3172 №129932 DELETED
Well, it's nice to know you're wild about Lenin's mummy. The whole world is now shuddering at his decisions - the war in Ukraine and all the risks associated with it are a consequence of his decisions. In 1973, the USSR authorities decided to bury Lenin, but faced a sharp public outcry that resulted in the decision being postponed indefinitely. Legally, it is still in force. Putin said in the late noughties that Lenin would only be buried if the Russian people decided to bury him themselves, and the Russians have repeatedly tried to get him out of there by legal means, but petitions have not gotten the number of signatures they want. As for my opinion? Let him lie in his mausoleum and be a “living” symbol of the troubled world he created.
As for my interest in Britain, for the umpteenth time I say it is mutual. This is the series I finally decided to finish watching.
Anonymous  03/10/24 Чтв 12:06:32 #3173 №129933 DELETED
Coolly done, btw, you have to admit :)

t. Photoshop master
Anonymous  03/10/24 Чтв 12:22:27 #3174 №129934 DELETED
Anonymous  03/10/24 Чтв 13:27:53 #3175 №129935 DELETED
Vance is a literal faggot who hates White Christians and married a vantablack street-shitter, and named his coal-black son “Vivek.” He’s not a Christian either.
Anonymous  03/10/24 Чтв 13:31:17 #3176 №129936 DELETED
Ну вы тут и устроили.
Anonymous  03/10/24 Чтв 13:33:03 #3177 №129937 DELETED
Anonymous  03/10/24 Чтв 13:34:27 #3178 №129938 DELETED
What’s the problem, bro?
Anonymous  03/10/24 Чтв 13:44:43 #3179 №129939 DELETED
Don't respond to his posts
- It's the local retard
- His posts will be lost anyway
Anonymous  03/10/24 Чтв 13:48:04 #3180 №129940 DELETED
Try a classic white font with a stroke.

t. >>129910
Anonymous  03/10/24 Чтв 14:05:17 #3181 №129941 DELETED
>who is the master of the Russian land

that we already know
Anonymous  03/10/24 Чтв 14:06:56 #3182 №129942 DELETED
Maybe you'll attach some pictures of naked south koreans going through this humiliation ritual? no? why so? maybe because you're full of shit hmm might be that one.
Anonymous  03/10/24 Чтв 15:50:06 #3183 №129943 DELETED
How about you just go fuck yourself, you stupid animal? Lmao
Anonymous  03/10/24 Чтв 15:52:34 #3184 №129945 DELETED
>Stupid retardoid really thinks that no army in the world strips down to their underwear before a physical
LMAO, intellectual pidorashka tier
Anonymous  03/10/24 Чтв 16:15:39 #3185 №129946 DELETED
Как насчет меня и ёбли с твоей мамашей, говно ослиное?
Слабо тя жиды ебут, ванька обоссаная.
Anonymous  03/10/24 Чтв 16:42:09 #3186 №129948 DELETED
here's a medical physical examination after anamnesis
you need 4 and more random guy and women for what?
Anonymous  03/10/24 Чтв 17:37:01 #3187 №129949 DELETED
Think about it, maybe it's some important people with legal power who have to record some important information received from the candidate, as well as the head of the military enlistment office controlling the process? Who knows... Or maybe they sit in one place to speed up the procedure for the thousands of people in line who have to be accepted in a day? Maybe it's called logistics? Maybe it's optimizing the military process? Maybe it's any of those things. Think about it.
>here's a medical physical examination after anamnesis
Portugal has 140 million people and every six months thousands of people are going to the military recruitment center? I'm just tired of retards, sorry.
Anonymous  03/10/24 Чтв 18:46:11 #3188 №129951 DELETED
Chomu ne v okope, taras?
Anonymous  03/10/24 Чтв 20:45:24 #3189 №129954 DELETED
>In 2004, she graduated from the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London with a degree in art history and Indonesian language, and in 2010 from the Institute of Asian and African Countries.

All those savage penises, straight from the steaming jungles of the Spice Islands and up into her, have eroded her cervix to the point where any kindled foetus would just sort of fall out once it reached a certain weight - a macabre speed-miscarriage. Indonesians put bones through their glans and metal balls under their foreskins like they're girding themselves for a literal cockfight so lord knows what's going on in that poor woman's undercarriage, probably looks like the drain at the butcher's shop.
Anonymous  03/10/24 Чтв 21:12:14 #3190 №129956 DELETED
>one has to convene important information to a jury of 7 members including a salivating old manand a secretary in underwear in a cold room
Anonymous  03/10/24 Чтв 23:09:09 #3191 №129958 DELETED
Stop thinking about black penises, bro! Most women aren't as obsessed with penises as men:)
She's certainly an ultracringe, but as an official she's doing her job well. And how is it in Russia? If you are a good and necessary specialist, no one gives a fuck about your weirdness. There's no such thing as healthy people. The Institute of African Studies in Russia not only performs the function of studying the culture, history and peculiarities to understand Africa, but also studying the geopolitics of the region to shape Russia's actions in the region, both economic and political. In Russia, in addition to the Institute of African Studies, there are, for example, the Institute of Oriental Studies, the Institute of the United States and Canada, or even the Institute of Europe, where the way you eat canned beans for breakfast is studied by scientists under a magnifying glass, and then they write a book about it “Historical and economic relations between Scotland and England”, where they will compare which of you ate more canned beans. It's easy to become a student there, but it's not so easy to get a job in these institutions.

I noticed that nobody in the West likes effective officials in Russia, just remember the Politico article about the head of the Central Bank of Russia, the only thing that prevented the journalists from directly insulting her was that she was a woman. But with clenched teeth they still included her in the list of influential people in Europe.
Anonymous  03/10/24 Чтв 23:11:22 #3192 №129959 DELETED
>didn't live in Russia, not a Russian.
Anonymous  03/10/24 Чтв 23:18:59 #3193 №129960 DELETED
Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you. She banned those infamous Russian thrash broadcasts that people like to repost on 4chan. Now beating someone up for money live on air or similar things is a special criminal offense. Plus? Plus, sure.
Anonymous  04/10/24 Птн 00:32:16 #3194 №129962 DELETED
NYYO! NYO NYO NYO! Yit's ovyr :(((((
Anonymous  04/10/24 Птн 00:52:03 #3195 №129963 DELETED
Anonymous  04/10/24 Птн 01:01:02 #3196 №129964 DELETED
The War of the Machines.
Anonymous  04/10/24 Птн 01:05:41 #3197 №129965 DELETED
Nikita Zhuravlev's case was supplemented with a case of state treason. His testimony says that he himself contacted the SBU for cooperation and shared with them a video recording of the transfer of military equipment. That nullified any leg kicks from Kadyrov Jr.
Anonymous  04/10/24 Птн 01:22:45 #3198 №129966 DELETED
Two Russian BTRs vs. 19 Ukrainian BTRs and AVs in Kursk.

Full video 300mb.

The first difference between Russia and Ukraine is good roads.
Anonymous  04/10/24 Птн 01:43:58 #3199 №129967 DELETED
similar to another country
Anonymous  04/10/24 Птн 02:40:45 #3200 №129968 DELETED
>Portugal side
Looks comfy :)
Anonymous  04/10/24 Птн 02:45:24 #3201 №129969 DELETED
Anonymous  04/10/24 Птн 03:02:02 #3202 №129970 DELETED
Hezbollah leader Nasrallah was killed just after the Americans learned of the movement's agreement to a cease-fire

This was stated by Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib. According to him, Hezbollah supported the peace initiative, which was reported to the Americans and the French.

Those responded that Netanyahu also agreed, and later the Israeli Air Force dropped more than 80 bombs on an underground bunker on the outskirts of Beirut, killing Nasrallah.


Btway, Nasrallah is consonant with the Russian Nasrala (which literally translates as “some female entity took a shit” in the past tense)
And in Arabic it's “Eagle of Allah”, so think about the seriousness of the cultural differences.
Anonymous  04/10/24 Птн 03:36:33 #3203 №129972 DELETED
A lawsuit against former NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has been filed in Belgium for participation in the unleashing of the conflict in Ukraine against Russia, an attempt on the security of NATO states, crimes against peace, and causing damage to the life and health of a group of people. This was announced by the plaintiff, researcher of the conflict in Ukraine and author of a book on the direct responsibility of the West in its unleashing French citizen Patrick Pazen at a press conference in Brussels. According to him, the lawsuit was filed with a Brussels court on September 27.

“Jens Stoltenberg took part in an organized plan or conspiracy to carry out specific acts constituting crimes against peace” the lawsuit statement, obtained by TASS, said.

Anonymous  04/10/24 Птн 04:50:45 #3204 №129973 DELETED
Volchansk (Kharkov oblast). FPV-bros from among the mobilized soldiers noticed that one AFU soldier pretended to be dead in the grass, but periodically it was itching, or his legs were getting stiff and had to be corrected.

The next shot showed a homemade “lighter” being dropped next to him, after which the meat smoking process began.


Fun fact: the silly comedy music that is inserted into Russian FPV videos to emphasize the stupidity of the characters in the video is music from the Ukrainian comedy silent show of the 90's (with Eastern Ukrainian and Russian actors) - “Village of Fools”.
Anonymous  04/10/24 Птн 04:51:55 #3205 №129974 DELETED
Most importantly, I forgot.
Anonymous  04/10/24 Птн 07:24:18 #3206 №129977 DELETED
Senator Pushkov called children's quadrobbing degradation and loss of personality

“The state should not encourage voluntary degradation and loss of personality. It affects the condition of the whole society. Let cat people, dog people and other animals of this kind walk around San Francisco and New York. Without us” the politician wrote in his Telegram channel.

Quadrobing is a subculture, following which children dress up as animals and imitate their behavior, including in public places.Thus, in Omsk, a woman went for a walk with her quadrober daughter, leading her on a dog leash.And in Yekaterinburg, a teenage quadrober climbed into a subway car and started rubbing his face against the legs of passengers, pretending to be a dog.


Anonymous  04/10/24 Птн 12:16:43 #3207 №129978 DELETED
A young woman studying in London in 2004, at a degree mill that specialises in foreign students, will have engaged in the sort of sexual exploits that would make you hurl. The only moderating influence was the lack of availability of PrEP. And of course Nabiullina is influential, she's got the keys to the warchest!

Based Lysenkoist: https://www.electroculture-books.com/books.html


The war is destroying the minds of the youth man, it's sad.
Anonymous  04/10/24 Птн 16:56:17 #3208 №129979 DELETED
>will have engaged in the sort of sexual exploits that would make you hurl
Sounds like yellow gossip. Besides, Tatar women have a different culture of sexual behavior than Europeanized women, it is a fact. Besides, she didn't go to London. She has a Soviet-Russian education (MSU Economics Department, MSU is very powerful.), but in the English wiki there is a note that she was selected for the Yale World Fellows program in 2007.

>The war is destroying the minds of the youth man, it's sad.
What do they think about this in the West, for example in Britain?
Anonymous  04/10/24 Птн 18:16:21 #3209 №129980 DELETED
>houselet for quadrobbers
>made in Russia
Anonymous  04/10/24 Птн 18:37:22 #3210 №129981 DELETED
Anonymous  04/10/24 Птн 18:41:08 #3211 №129982 DELETED
The famous Russian children's cartoon series “Smeshariki” (eng. KikOriki) has been blocked for broadcasting on the territory of Moldova.

Anonymous  04/10/24 Птн 19:39:54 #3212 №129983 DELETED
How many kids does this alpha-sigma male have?
Anonymous  04/10/24 Птн 19:43:11 #3213 №129984 DELETED
It's all from different women, lol
And also at least 100 children in Russia according to him

I don't understand people like that, their lives are totally uncomfortable
Anonymous  04/10/24 Птн 20:44:23 #3214 №129985 DELETED
This is Yale’s coat of arms?? It’s in Hebrew? How can troll that fat kike-loving faggot JD Vance with this
Anonymous  04/10/24 Птн 21:40:23 #3215 №129986 DELETED
Anonymous  04/10/24 Птн 21:41:17 #3216 №129987 DELETED
AFU commander Igor Grib shot himself after fighters fled near Ugledar

Anonymous  04/10/24 Птн 21:41:54 #3217 №129988 DELETED
Просто признай что шлюшка по имени Б. Нетунахуй замарался сейчас больше, чем Святой Гитлер в свои дерьмовые дни.
Как же он будет пулю сосать в последнем из бункеров, ой-вей!
Anonymous  04/10/24 Птн 21:42:48 #3218 №129989 DELETED
Speak English
Anonymous  04/10/24 Птн 21:43:39 #3219 №129990 DELETED
пошел нахуй, говно.
Anonymous  04/10/24 Птн 21:54:23 #3220 №129991 DELETED
University of London is definitely in London though. Of course it's gossip, but I know women all too well. And the Hebrew in Yale's logo is because we wuz jewz innit?
Anonymous  04/10/24 Птн 22:10:41 #3221 №129993 DELETED
Anonymous  04/10/24 Птн 22:23:31 #3222 №129994 DELETED
Many far-right Americans think there are Nazis in power in Russia who are fighting the Jews. I'm going to give you the basis of where these Americans are wrong:
Russian society in general does not consider ordinary Jews as enemies as such, but they consider Jews with serious capital as dangerous and dislike Israel (if it is a normal Russian) and takes into account the cultural peculiarities of Jewish Semitism, there are many Russophobes among Jews, especially Russian speakers. Russia as a state fights against Israel on the level of backstage helping its enemies through third parties, not because of anti-Semitism, but because it is a pillar of the U.S. in the region and has a geopolitical threat to Russia's interests in the region. Nazis killed a huge number of Slavs not only in concentration camps but also on the territory of Russia with mass genocide, Hitler proclaimed Slavs as inferior people to inspire his stupid soldiers, as it is clear from history he was wrong. Thus Russian society has two natural enemies - Semites in radical form and Nazis. Degenerates like Tesak are just uneducated retards(Another fact - Tesak is a Pole of Jewish origin with the Jewish surname Marcinkiewicz.). Russia itself is an ideologically neutral conservative state with strong inclusions of liberalism and authoritarianism. It is a very complex state skillfully balancing on its historical peculiarities.
Anonymous  04/10/24 Птн 23:35:02 #3223 №129995 DELETED
Elvira Nabiulina never went to the University of London, buddy. You've been duped.
Anonymous  05/10/24 Суб 02:26:35 #3224 №129996 DELETED

Russian wiki with neural networks. That's a good start.

And the neural network is similar to Yandex Neuro, which comes with the Yandex Browser.
Anonymous  05/10/24 Суб 02:32:18 #3225 №129997 DELETED
The articles are written and designed very well because the quality is controlled unlike the American wiki. There is a neuro-translator and you can listen to audio with a choice of male or female voices.
Anonymous  05/10/24 Суб 03:29:45 #3226 №129998 DELETED
Anonymous  05/10/24 Суб 10:23:26 #3227 №129999 DELETED
Ugledar. Judging by the kolkhoz accent behind the camera, it was filmed by local residents.
Anonymous  05/10/24 Суб 13:53:07 #3228 №130000 DELETED
Which Iranian assets will Israel attack? Oil berths or uranium enrichment plants? The oil berths are a soft target and the Gulf Arabs will be overjoyed at the price increase. The uranium enrichment plants are much tougher however they represent an existential threat to Israel. Decisions, decisions.
Anonymous  05/10/24 Суб 15:28:57 #3229 №130001 DELETED
They will strike where Israeli intelligence believes there are insufficient air defenses.
Either way - it's a crap idea. Iran is not a Central African republic, it is a nuclear power on the level of Britain. It may seem as if it is some third world dump with beggarly aggressive Arabs, as we are used to, having formed our stereotypes, but, it is far from it.
Anonymous  05/10/24 Суб 15:51:25 #3230 №130002 DELETED
A gift for NATO. It's a shame, of course.

Anonymous  05/10/24 Суб 15:54:29 #3231 №130003 DELETED
It's doubly frustrating that it was Friendlyfire, according to the source. HAHA
Anonymous  05/10/24 Суб 16:10:11 #3232 №130004 DELETED
Although, there's been no official confirmation. We'll wait.
Anonymous  05/10/24 Суб 16:17:26 #3233 №130005 DELETED
My theory: there is an opinion that they are gift false technologies for NATO. For example, a false crypto-encryption code for a data channel.
Let's pay attention to the way the Su-57 abruptly moves away after striking.
Either that's true or my copium:)
Anonymous  05/10/24 Суб 17:01:49 #3234 №130006 DELETED
I've changed my mind about using Godot in light of the recent bans of top-donators for saying “Can you guys start working?”. I'll be waiting for the Nau Engine.
Anonymous  05/10/24 Суб 17:05:02 #3235 №130007 DELETED

Anonymous  05/10/24 Суб 17:07:32 #3236 №130008 DELETED
Godot Engine, which has been out of politics all this time, published a tweet and banned a huge number of commenters and developers, including contributors for comments like “maybe you should do the engine instead of politics”, “your fonts in the engine have problems”. The ban also affected other sites, including their official GitHub repository, where the engine itself is downloaded from.

Anonymous  05/10/24 Суб 17:55:09 #3237 №130009 DELETED
The Russian fork of McDonald's is starting to wipe the nose of the American McDonald's.
Anonymous  05/10/24 Суб 18:10:08 #3238 №130010 DELETED
As can be seen in photo 1, the S-70-1 head-mounted “Okhotnik” with the AL-41F-1S engine was lost.

A total of four S-70 “Okhotnik” heavy drones were produced: the lead S-70-1 with the AL-41F-1S engine (photo 2) from the Su-35S fighter and three others - S-70-2, S-70-3 and S-70-4, equipped with a flat nozzle (photo 3) and the AL-41 nozzleless engine.


1. The Russians destroyed a prototype S-70-1 with a rounded engine.
2. Due to a drone malfunction
Anonymous  06/10/24 Вск 00:51:02 #3239 №130015 DELETED
A reader sent details about the downed Russian UAV:
Fighting сouple (Su-57 and S-70) hovered for three or four days around the clock over Konstantinovka/Alekseevo-Druzhkivka/Druzhkivka - the AFU could not get them.
Yesterday even an airplane was brought in twice to intercept them - unsuccessfully.
Today they brought up SAMs from Dobropillya and got them.
In total, since about 6:00 a.m. there have been at least five launches, one of which caught the drone.


After that, the drone was damaged beyond control and was destroyed to avoid the enemy.
Anonymous  06/10/24 Вск 03:24:19 #3240 №130016 DELETED
Anonymous  06/10/24 Вск 03:25:04 #3241 №130017 DELETED
Anonymous  06/10/24 Вск 03:28:18 #3242 №130018 DELETED
Anonymous  06/10/24 Вск 03:29:39 #3243 №130019 DELETED
Anonymous  06/10/24 Вск 03:32:33 #3244 №130020 DELETED
Anonymous  06/10/24 Вск 03:35:34 #3245 №130021 DELETED
Anonymous  06/10/24 Вск 11:06:24 #3246 №130022 DELETED
https://en.kremlin.ru /acts/news/74888
Anonymous  06/10/24 Вск 12:06:23 #3247 №130023 DELETED
A chronicle of the American use of live pigs for survival testing in military hardware in the 1960s.

Years go by and nothing changes.
Anonymous  06/10/24 Вск 13:31:23 #3248 №130024 DELETED
I know what Iran is, they taught the Arabs to read after all. The Islamic Republic isn't the Safavids, in fact it may not even be the Qajars.


Nam music basically, if you like that you'll like Heart: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZTo3iJng7U
Anonymous  06/10/24 Вск 15:15:27 #3249 №130025 DELETED
Yeah, I knew you'd suggest Heart.
Anonymous  06/10/24 Вск 22:44:01 #3250 №130028 DELETED
Anonymous  06/10/24 Вск 23:04:52 #3251 №130029 DELETED
Anonymous  07/10/24 Пнд 00:40:28 #3252 №130030 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)
Is /int/ ready to celebrate the greatest birthday after Jesus'?
Anonymous  07/10/24 Пнд 02:08:28 #3253 №130031 DELETED
the 13x "11/9 September" is better
Anonymous  07/10/24 Пнд 02:09:13 #3254 №130032 DELETED
*9/11 September
Anonymous  07/10/24 Пнд 03:20:17 #3255 №130033 DELETED
Why poccner so bad?
Anonymous  07/10/24 Пнд 04:50:57 #3256 №130034 DELETED
Because there are no amazing western homo-values here?
Anonymous  07/10/24 Пнд 04:55:08 #3257 №130035 DELETED
Anonymous  07/10/24 Пнд 05:42:46 #3258 №130036 DELETED
U.S. Army Mi-171E1 (flight number 20-2133) during landing in South Carolina. October 2024.This model is operated by the Aviation Technology Office of the U.S. Army and is used to support U.S. special operations forces and special services.

I wonder where they found a pilot for him?
Anonymous  07/10/24 Пнд 05:50:21 #3259 №130037 DELETED
Unmanned tram with neural networks.
Show me what you got in London.
Anonymous  07/10/24 Пнд 05:53:08 #3260 №130038 DELETED
Anonymous  07/10/24 Пнд 07:35:32 #3261 №130039 DELETED
I recall this is the same dude who claimed police brutality in the US was a good thing.

Never celebrated, it smells like the USSR. Although I'm 51% of what he does.
Anonymous  07/10/24 Пнд 07:51:21 #3262 №130040 DELETED
Anonymous  07/10/24 Пнд 08:26:55 #3263 №130041 DELETED
It's happening! Jews and Ukrainians in Russian arguing over who was bombed more. Show everyone.

Anonymous  07/10/24 Пнд 16:59:35 #3264 №130047 DELETED
Обратите внимание на объект в Днепре. Используется по двойноиу назначению в военных целях.
Днепр, Днепропетровская область, Крутогорный Спуск 12 Б

Anonymous  07/10/24 Пнд 17:10:38 #3265 №130048 DELETED
Anonymous  07/10/24 Пнд 17:29:36 #3266 №130049 DELETED
Спасибо. Не знал о нем. Сейчас свяжусь. P. S. Двач что-то тупит сильно,только с третьей попытки получилось ответить. Не удивляйтесь, если 3 дубля подряд будет)
Anonymous  07/10/24 Пнд 18:26:53 #3267 №130050 DELETED
Только как можно подробнее опиши что видел. Так же здесь запрещены все посты на русском и украинских языках согласно правилам треда, все они исчезнут в ближайшее время, а все виновные будут наказаны по всей строгости загона.
Anonymous  07/10/24 Пнд 19:56:11 #3268 №130051 DELETED
sidenote: according to a bald portuguese interviewed by "Portuguese Scott Ritter", all Jews in Ukraine speak (((Russian))) like Zelensky and Russian is an aggregating factor of Jews in Ukraine in their tightly community.
Anonymous  07/10/24 Пнд 20:07:29 #3269 №130052 DELETED
Always the turncoat, God has switched sides and decided to completely destroy the state of Florida.
Anonymous  07/10/24 Пнд 20:15:10 #3270 №130053 DELETED
Kirk now tropical storm is going rain here every day until Sunday. fucked up
Anonymous  07/10/24 Пнд 23:03:40 #3271 №130055 DELETED
Good afternoon!
The bot accepts information from all residents of Donbass and Ukraine who wish to contribute to the fight against Nazism.
It will help us a lot if you send us:
- Information about shelling of civilian objects, murders, rapes, kidnappings, robberies and other crimes by Ukrainian security forces;
- Information about locations, numbers, weapons and movements of Ukrainian security forces.

Describe the information you have in as much detail as possible in one message
and press send.

The bot does not collect information about users.
If you wish to help NOT anonymously, please specify the method of contacting you.

The underground reported a strike on the SBU building where NATO officers were located
The SBU building in Zaporizhzhya, where officers from NATO countries were stationed, was hit, the coordinator of the Nikolaev pro-Russian resistance, Serhiy Lebedev, has said.
The SBU (Security Service of Ukraine) organised mass civilian raids in Sumy after Zelensky's visit.
Reason: multiple destruction of Ukrainian military equipment in Sumy with the help of guidance systems.

Anonymous  07/10/24 Пнд 23:12:00 #3272 №130056 DELETED
>all Jews in Ukraine
There is an entire city in Ukraine that belongs to the Jews - Uman, south of Kiev. 95% of the inscriptions there are in Hebrew.

Just a fun fact.
Anonymous  07/10/24 Пнд 23:14:18 #3273 №130057 DELETED
In Russia, everything is stable
Anonymous  07/10/24 Пнд 23:16:56 #3274 №130058 DELETED
The US military has forgotten the map of its secret base in Bradley, which were handed over to Ukraine. Bradley became a trophy of Russian troops along with the map.
Anonymous  07/10/24 Пнд 23:17:26 #3275 №130059 DELETED
Anonymous  07/10/24 Пнд 23:19:14 #3276 №130060 DELETED
It's a very funny situation actually.

Anonymous  08/10/24 Втр 15:37:23 #3277 №130063 DELETED
Either real or a professionally-made fake done by a native speaker who is familiar with the US Army.
Anonymous  08/10/24 Втр 16:30:04 #3278 №130064 DELETED
It's a lot of time (and money: designer+consultant+american english speaker) for the sake of one small article on an online publication. So it's probably real. Besides, it is of no value except for evacuation points or some mechanisms to repel an attack on the base, which SVR RF already knows. Just highlighting a funny situation.

Also for education:
Anonymous  08/10/24 Втр 16:46:50 #3279 №130065 DELETED
Anonymous  08/10/24 Втр 18:28:22 #3280 №130066 DELETED
One day they'll realise that IP/DNS blocking is simply restricting access to people you want to restrict access from. That day is not today.
Anonymous  08/10/24 Втр 18:55:39 #3281 №130067 DELETED
Anonymous  08/10/24 Втр 18:57:58 #3282 №130068 DELETED
Useless for me. In addition, monetization for Russians is disabled back in 2022.
Its advantage is that it is tailored for gamers.
Also in Telegram it is already possible to create chat rooms similar to Discord's (pic).

It has no analogues in Russia. Every departure of a foreign company and its digital products from the Russian market = in most cases the creation of an analog and the activation of an additional tax circle in my country's economy. For this I am willing to sacrifice the heat under my ass, given that it will pay off.
Anonymous  08/10/24 Втр 19:10:46 #3283 №130069 DELETED
you can't overextend it.
Anonymous  08/10/24 Втр 19:12:08 #3284 №130070 DELETED

You gotta take your pills, bro.
Anonymous  08/10/24 Втр 20:07:11 #3285 №130071 DELETED
unit prime minister
Anonymous  08/10/24 Втр 20:13:13 #3286 №130072 DELETED
Anonymous  08/10/24 Втр 20:16:53 #3287 №130074 DELETED

Soon VK Messenger will have an analogue of Discord - spaces with text and voice rooms.

In voice rooms, participants will be able not only to communicate by voice, but also to switch on the camera, share a screen or watch a video together. Administrators will be able to allow only some participants in the room to switch on the microphone and camera, while others will only be able to listen to the speakers.

Text rooms will be able to communicate in the same way as regular group chats, using stickers, GIFs, music and videos in addition to messages. Administrators, as well as in voice rooms, will be able to choose who can send messages - all participants or only selected ones.

Within the room space, rooms will be able to be sorted by section.

Today I learnt that VK has its own messenger.
Anonymous  08/10/24 Втр 20:21:36 #3288 №130075 DELETED
Portubro  08/10/24 Втр 20:21:48 #3289 №130076 DELETED
Big if true
Anonymous  08/10/24 Втр 20:22:30 #3290 №130077 DELETED
Anonymous  08/10/24 Втр 20:26:10 #3291 №130078 DELETED
There's also VK Chat, lol. But I'm socially autistic and don't use any of those.
Anonymous  08/10/24 Втр 20:30:53 #3292 №130079 DELETED
YouTube is slowing down the transfer of content to Russian platforms

YouTube has started actively blocking traffic when transferring content to Russian platforms, Kommersant writes, citing sources in two IT companies. As a result, RuTube and VK Video services are forced to download videos from YouTube using foreign VPNs.

RuTube confirmed the existence of such a problem, specifying that YouTube blocks the transfer of content from Russian and even foreign IP-addresses. Usually, the ‘ban’ appears within 12 hours. Now the RuTube team is doing everything possible for authors to continue uploading content to the platform unhindered. According to the company, bloggers continue to successfully use the function of transferring content from YouTube, it just sometimes takes longer.


Anonymous  08/10/24 Втр 20:34:50 #3293 №130080 DELETED
The gist of the news: YouTube is preventing Russian bloggers from going to RuTube by preventing the content transfer function that RuTube has developed. This is very strange behaviour considering that bloggers don't make any money on YouTube anyway due to disabled monetisation, as well as the power of Google's data centres, which can experience much higher traffic loads.
Anonymous  08/10/24 Втр 20:43:22 #3294 №130081 DELETED
this is telemetry and data collection. now FSB with Blue Navy Zara® sweaters will have direct access to and try to "prevent" more Crocus massacres.
amazing, my university can do it so a 140-150 million Russians country can do it.
Anonymous  08/10/24 Втр 20:43:44 #3295 №130082 DELETED
knew it to grow it.
Anonymous  08/10/24 Втр 21:02:36 #3296 №130083 DELETED
>amazing, my university can do it so a 140-150 million Russians country can do it.
Yeah, I'm so happy for you guys! A whole university of unique Portuguese students!
So, ummm, why don't you show me what they did? And how they're gonna support it? Or is it a closely guarded secret?😉
Anonymous  08/10/24 Втр 21:11:48 #3297 №130084 DELETED
My President Vladimir Vladimirovich has proclaimed a desire for Russian sovereignty in everything and even in chat rooms, because they participate in the country's economy as business communicators between the economic layers of the financial system! Envy me!

Anonymous  08/10/24 Втр 21:28:17 #3298 №130085 DELETED
Anonymous  08/10/24 Втр 22:01:16 #3299 №130086 DELETED
It's more like VK Chat. >>130078
Not like Discord.
Everything looks very promising, but it is one thing to make an internal digital network for local use, and another to launch it on the real world market. This requires the appropriate capacity and finances.

I like VK, once created by Pavel Durov as a local university network, it conquered first the post-Soviet space and then rushed to the West and the East, because as a social network it is superior to Facebook, which came out two years earlier. Therefore, VK as a company has gigantic resources to launch and develop such additional platforms, while Universidade de Coimbra does not. Anyone can single-handedly make their own messenger like Discord in a year or two, but it will remain local if they don't have the resources to launch and support it globally.

Anonymous  08/10/24 Втр 22:05:18 #3300 №130087 DELETED
>as a social network it is superior to Facebook
You can compare.
Anonymous  08/10/24 Втр 22:20:42 #3301 №130088 DELETED
Anonymous  08/10/24 Втр 23:27:19 #3302 №130089 DELETED
There's a popular dude in /b/ who has been digging a well by himself for 2 months now, because he decided to save 30,000 rubles on digging and installation, which would have been done for him in two days with. Every time he has some fucked up thing happen: then the concrete rings break, then clay and dirt gets into the well, then part of the ground falls through. And all of this he posts on Dvatch. Just imagine how stupid a human being can be.
Anonymous  09/10/24 Срд 00:22:49 #3303 №130090 DELETED
Anonymous  09/10/24 Срд 00:23:10 #3304 №130091 DELETED
Anonymous  09/10/24 Срд 00:42:21 #3305 №130092 DELETED
Anonymous  09/10/24 Срд 01:29:03 #3306 №130093 DELETED
Anonymous  09/10/24 Срд 01:32:39 #3307 №130094 DELETED
Anonymous  09/10/24 Срд 01:42:11 #3308 №130095 DELETED
“Сomplete shitshow” - so characterized the general vsu Krivonos the situation for the AFU on the front.


I translated the phrase verbatim from Russian, but the meaning is the same. General Krivonos is very dissatisfied with the successes of the Russian army.
Anonymous  09/10/24 Срд 01:54:21 #3309 №130096 DELETED
And I kindly remind you that Discord is a place made up 100% of juvenile retards, namely porridges, quadrobers, zoomers, etc.
The news that Discord was blocked == the news that Roblox was blocked. It won't affect the life of anyone over the age of 12.

So what is this anon wrong about?
Anonymous  09/10/24 Срд 02:11:16 #3310 №130097 DELETED
omg, so called “Lakhta” is now broadcasting its narrative worldwide… aren’t you ashamed, bot?
Anonymous  09/10/24 Срд 02:15:04 #3311 №130098 DELETED
So... where are your pills?
Anonymous  09/10/24 Срд 06:52:01 #3312 №130099 DELETED
Every Discord user I've interacted with has been either pan-americanist, pro-globalist soy cuck scum or sexually deviant children. It's a good thing this dump has been banned.
Anonymous  09/10/24 Срд 08:42:11 #3313 №130100 DELETED
Anonymous  09/10/24 Срд 10:05:55 #3314 №130101 DELETED
FAKE Anonymous  09/10/24 Срд 10:23:23 #3315 №130102 DELETED
Milla Jovovich fired her Ukrainian housekeeper over her refusal to speak Russian.

In May this year, Svitlana Chyornykh, a refugee from Ukraine, got a job as a housekeeper for a Hollywood actress in Miami. The entire service staff in Mila's house consists of people who came from the former Soviet Union.

In early September between the mistress and Black had a conflict. The reason for the quarrel was the request of the actress to communicate with her 16-year-old daughter Ever Anderson in Russian to support her knowledge. Svetlana refused to fulfill this request and was fired.

Fake, but funny

This fake has really hurt Ukrainians. And they destroyed her social media. After all, they consider Milla a Ukrainian. Jovovich was born in Kiev during the Soviet Union, never spoke Ukrainian, only Russian. Her mother is Russian, her father is Yugoslavian. She moved to the States before the collapse of the Soviet Union, her career took off after her role in Luc Besson's cult movie “The Fifth Element”.

Learn how to do things.
Anonymous  09/10/24 Срд 10:24:43 #3316 №130103 DELETED
Svitlana Chyornykh*
What a based mistake
Anonymous  09/10/24 Срд 12:43:21 #3317 №130104 DELETED
Boris Godunov remains the greatest opera ever made, maybe even the best piece of classical music ever.
Nobody can dispute this
Anonymous  09/10/24 Срд 13:18:50 #3318 №130105 DELETED
Interesting fact: Mussorgsky and Tchaikovsky were in opposition to each other and were in different creative camps “feuding” with each other: the “Mighty Handful” and supporters of the European Conservatory. The musicians of the “Mighty Handful” led by Mili Balakirev believed that the European conservatory destroys Russian music, a true Russian musician should form his own musical school, promoted the originality of Russian music, and Tchaikovsky, like other supporters of the European conservatory, in turn, polemicized with their “anti-European” position. He noted that Russian music was “fatally following” European music, and considered the efforts of the members of the “Handful” to bring about an artistic revolution to be futile.
Tchaikovsky also criticized the nationalistic mood of the Mighty Handful and noted that its members were “infected with conceit and confidence in their superiority over the rest of the musical world”
Anonymous  09/10/24 Срд 13:41:43 #3319 №130106 DELETED
Did Tchaikovsky know that Europe, of which he considered Russia an integral part, would declare his people to be Mongolian orcs with a backward culture that had nothing in common with European culture, and ban all his music from Europe's major conservatories. Time has shown that Mussorgsky and his supporters were right - one should always strive for the identity of one's people's culture.

By the way, here is another interesting fact:
The tradition of performing Pyotr Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture Peter Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture has been performed on U.S. Independence Day since 1974. The composition is played before the festive fireworks.

And well, Mussorgsky was right. Time-tested right.
Anonymous  09/10/24 Срд 15:13:03 #3320 №130107 DELETED
I am actually surprised to hear that because Tchaikovsky's music in my opinion has a LOT of elements of that famous Russian musical tradition. He sounds Russia to me
Anonymous  09/10/24 Срд 15:16:01 #3321 №130109 DELETED
But I must admit, Mussorgsky is a national treasure.
Anonymous  09/10/24 Срд 15:17:04 #3322 №130110 DELETED
One Welsh orchestra refused to play Tchaikovsky once, in March 2022, because the second violin is a Ukrainian with family in Kyiv. That's quite reasonable IMO, but as always, don't let facts get in the way of a good old vranyo session! People who hate themselves always assume they're hated.
Anonymous  09/10/24 Срд 16:01:48 #3323 №130112 DELETED
Interesting fact: I don't remember if it was in Angola or Mozambique the Portuguese national TV did an interview to a native music teacher from there that the Portuguese didn't teach them or it was forbidden to play some Russian compositions (for example, Tchaikovsky) due to association to USSR, goycommunism, etc. He talked that if it was literally the Shoah.
Anonymous  09/10/24 Срд 23:43:35 #3324 №130113 DELETED
some schizoid old man recording tik tok tier like videos years ago
Anonymous  10/10/24 Чтв 01:21:35 #3325 №130114 DELETED
I think it is worthwhile to make some clarity about the word “European conservatory”. In art there is such a thing as a “school”, i.e. a methodology and experience collected by various authors, in this case European composers, and systematized into a structure that is used as a kind of abstract skeleton for creating works. Tchaikovsky graduated with honors from the St. Petersburg Conservatory; the St. Petersburg Conservatory itself is a vivid representative of the specifically European conservatory school, while Mussorgsky was a self-taught composer. This is the basis for the ideology of their opposition.
I am glad that you like classical music. Respect for classical culture, whether it is Russian or not for me personally, is a good quality for a human being.
Anonymous  10/10/24 Чтв 01:32:35 #3326 №130115 DELETED
When someone said “не отпустили, а опустили» when it comes to Egor Krasnov? Did they mean that he is no longer in the ranks of MKU or what? I know that it’s saying that he wasn’t released but let down. But I’m not sure what let down means, like from the organization? I’m Russian native btw just moved when I was 10.
Anonymous  10/10/24 Чтв 01:35:11 #3327 №130116 DELETED
>That's quite reasonable IMO
No, bro, das kringe. Classical culture should always be out of politics because it's the BASE.
This is also cringe. But thanks for the enlightening fact.
Anonymous  10/10/24 Чтв 01:38:23 #3328 №130117 DELETED
“Humiliated” in prison lingo.
Anonymous  10/10/24 Чтв 01:39:52 #3329 №130119 DELETED
Oh okay, that must be why I didnt know it. Does that mean he is gay prison person now? Also beside talking to others, what’s the best way to make sure I don’t forget Russian?
Anonymous  10/10/24 Чтв 01:41:57 #3330 №130120 DELETED
Without us schizoids, the world would be a very boring place.
Anonymous  10/10/24 Чтв 01:46:49 #3331 №130121 DELETED
Yes, I would also like to remind you that prison culture is equated with extremist culture in Russia by law.
There are many ways not to forget the Russian language, such as playing your favorite games with Russian localization, reading books or comics.
Anonymous  10/10/24 Чтв 02:07:04 #3332 №130123 DELETED
Poseidon is temporarily canceling World War III.

Biden will not go to the summit on Ukraine at the Ramstein base because of the hurricane.
Anonymous  10/10/24 Чтв 10:10:12 #3333 №130124 DELETED
Anonymous  10/10/24 Чтв 11:50:27 #3334 №130125 DELETED
Lol and indeed lmao. ГУСП suddenly rocketing into prominence isn't a great sign either, is it? Perhaps they're running out of 3mn payments, that was never going to be sustainable at the current rate of wastage, the burn rate was basically exponential!
Anonymous  10/10/24 Чтв 12:17:37 #3335 №130126 DELETED
It's about time.
Anonymous  10/10/24 Чтв 12:48:26 #3336 №130127 DELETED
>Disney has unveiled its first transgender clone

It was a matter of time.

I feel sorry for you western guys because your pop culture is in the hands of the biggest American conglomerates.
Anonymous  10/10/24 Чтв 13:18:52 #3337 №130128 DELETED
Anglo-Saxon bro, you probably haven't noticed, but we are in a proxy war with a Western coalition, and any large digital structure can be used to collect Russians' data, form botnets of their computers, and attack Russian infrastructure to bypass the digital shield to get away clean.

There was a cyberattack today that took out the entire digital infrastructure of the Russian judicial system, which was based on Lync, which is owned by Microsoft, because the analog is still in the test phase.

Blocking it all is not out of a good life and not because of the totalitarian conservative fuckers sitting there, but because you are posing a serious threat to us. You're so mature and smart, and you don't understand such banal things.
Anonymous  10/10/24 Чтв 14:40:54 #3338 №130129 DELETED
Your hopes were not realized. The liberal party New People, represented by Vladislav Davankov, sharply criticized the ban and gave a million reasons why it should not be done. And now Discord is unlocked. Bet the propaganda media you get your information from doesn't write about it?
Anonymous  10/10/24 Чтв 16:57:07 #3339 №130131 DELETED
Is 252 million people a good market?
Anonymous  10/10/24 Чтв 16:59:43 #3340 №130132 DELETED
for indie*
Anonymous  10/10/24 Чтв 18:23:09 #3341 №130133 DELETED
Steven Seagal said that he is ready to fight for Russia in the SMO, if necessary.

The special representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry on Russian-American humanitarian ties told about it in his documentary “In the Name of Justice”.

According to Segal, he sent a letter to Putin at the beginning of the SMO. There the actor wrote that, if necessary, he would “die for his president.”


Anonymous  10/10/24 Чтв 18:27:54 #3342 №130134 DELETED
Don't be so silly o follower of Рюрикъ, that argument made some sense for Discord, which was persistently used by the Russian military, however blocking Steam is about state aid for Russian gaming storefronts, thus ensuring gamer money remains in friendly hands, with a little side of preventing access to the 10k+ doujin catfucking hentai shits that clog the storefront and the brains of the youth. Also do you cry 'war' when Indonesian skiddies break into the Server 2003 instance that runs the local water treatment plant or do you swear and curse the lazy sysadmin that has a loose interpretation of what an 'air-gapped network' is?

Has this just happened literally today, in the past few hours?

Not that it matters because we're going to nuke you next week: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/nato-hold-annual-nuclear-drill-monday-alliance-chief-rutte-says-2024-10-10/
Anonymous  10/10/24 Чтв 18:45:13 #3343 №130135 DELETED
>Has this just happened literally today, in the past few hours?
No, it was blocked. The dvatch admin bought into that line of thinking, and so did I. You can celebrate your victory, have an Anglo-Saxon feast in some castle with the lords, eat the children and drink their blood, or whatever the Anglo-Saxons usually do to celebrate their victories...
Anonymous  10/10/24 Чтв 18:56:05 #3344 №130136 DELETED
These guys. They piss off absolutely everyone in Russia, curse them with some of your dark Celtic magic, unleash sherwood ghosts on them.

They won't be blocking Steam. (Offical)
>you cry 'war'
I never cried 'war'
Almost all Russian infrastructure runs on the ultra-secure Astra OS based on the Linux kernel, except for sectors like this one.
Anonymous  10/10/24 Чтв 18:59:58 #3345 №130137 DELETED
can read the comments))
Anonymous  10/10/24 Чтв 20:04:05 #3346 №130138 DELETED
Anonymous  10/10/24 Чтв 20:14:37 #3347 №130139 DELETED
Я простой рабочий Иван город Тверь. Жить Россия устать много стим мало наших, порций Сталкера не хватать. Читать на досуг идеи Путина из газет РБК РосБизнесКонсалтинг. Узнать про VKPlay. Стать интерес, как жить в VKPlay. Симпатизировать Алишер - несравненный VKPlay лидер, поднятий отечественный геймдев, густой шевелюра. Стим плешь Гейб проигрывать шахматный партия мир. Хотеть видеть мой лидер великий Путин давать народ двойной качественный порций игр, игровая импотенция отсутствие процветание отечественный геймдев!
Хотеть как в VKPlay, Удар!! Я хотеть работать на благо VKPlay!!
Anonymous  11/10/24 Птн 08:05:38 #3348 №130147 DELETED
A set of random sad Russian music!

You deserve that shit, son!
Anonymous  11/10/24 Птн 11:43:48 #3349 №130148 DELETED
>be an articloid
What a grey and boring life... sad...
Anonymous  11/10/24 Птн 15:49:13 #3350 №130149 DELETED
Do Russians join French Foreign Legion and can do it legally (without Russian government reprisals?
Anonymous  11/10/24 Птн 17:01:05 #3351 №130150 DELETED
A Russian can enlist in the French Foreign Legion without any consequences in Russia, but if the French government sends him to fight in Africa, for example, and he takes part in hostilities, he faces 7 years in prison in Russia.
Anonymous  11/10/24 Птн 17:07:02 #3352 №130151 DELETED
About 1,500 AFU soldiers have become encircled near the Kursk village of Olgovka - as a result of the second stage of the Russian counteroffensive.

Anonymous  11/10/24 Птн 18:18:09 #3353 №130152 DELETED
The state of Florida has banned pedophiles and convicted sex offenders from accessing shelters during hurricanes

Anonymous  11/10/24 Птн 18:26:01 #3354 №130153 DELETED
Another glorious victory for the Empire!
Anonymous  11/10/24 Птн 19:42:10 #3355 №130154 DELETED
RIP russophile Scott Ritter
Anonymous  12/10/24 Суб 01:10:25 #3356 №130157 DELETED
A small personal note: every single person I know who is unvaxed and isn't a hermit has developed a serious health condition in the last ~6 months, from CD8+ deficiency to transient ischaemic attack to atrial fibrillation. All vascular or vascular-related diseases too, from a wide range of genetic stock. It's almost like the disease really was worse than the cure, and all those loud retards were just loud retards.
Anonymous  12/10/24 Суб 02:15:18 #3357 №130158 DELETED
i didn't take the jab and i'm dandy and fine
as a matter of fact my penis has never been harder
Anonymous  12/10/24 Суб 05:20:24 #3358 №130160 DELETED
(((Russians))) stopped posting here during Yom Kippur
Anonymous  12/10/24 Суб 07:53:35 #3359 №130161 DELETED
russian sucks?
Anonymous  12/10/24 Суб 07:58:52 #3360 №130162 DELETED
Yium Kipur ?
Anonymous  12/10/24 Суб 09:21:58 #3361 №130166 DELETED
I'm even afraid to google it.
Anonymous  12/10/24 Суб 09:27:19 #3362 №130167 DELETED
Anonymous  12/10/24 Суб 09:31:31 #3363 №130168 DELETED
Anonymous  12/10/24 Суб 10:26:48 #3364 №130169 DELETED
post instead of (((russians)))
Anonymous  12/10/24 Суб 10:35:59 #3365 №130170 DELETED

Anonymous  12/10/24 Суб 10:57:09 #3366 №130171 DELETED
Post something now, or the Portuguese will think we're Jews
Anonymous  12/10/24 Суб 11:35:18 #3367 №130172 DELETED
Anonymous  12/10/24 Суб 11:38:59 #3368 №130173 DELETED
Anonymous  12/10/24 Суб 12:02:34 #3369 №130174 DELETED
That's true. However, Sputnik V in general, not only does not cause thrombosis due to the purification of the vaccine from the proteins that cause blood clotting, but apparently has no side effects at all. It is purchased all over the world (except for Western countries, of course), especially in large batches in China and India, and everyone is happy. The country, which inherited from the USSR its impressive research in the field of virology and biological weapons, which considers HIV a threat to national security, has created, as it seems to me, a masterpiece on the basis of the experience gained. But instead of taking this masterpiece as a given, Europe made a circus around “Putin's sweet water”, delayed certification by all means in the interests of European medical corporations and almost organized an internal war over the vaccine (remember Boris Johnson's military plans to invade the Netherlands), while at the same time people were dying in Europe.
Anonymous  12/10/24 Суб 14:14:04 #3370 №130178 DELETED
Anonymous  12/10/24 Суб 14:17:19 #3371 №130179 DELETED
Anonymous  12/10/24 Суб 14:20:26 #3372 №130180 DELETED
1) Came
2) Put down explosive 30 kilos
3) Left
Anonymous  12/10/24 Суб 14:24:31 #3373 №130181 DELETED
Anonymous  12/10/24 Суб 18:33:16 #3374 №130183 DELETED
The West isn't going to accept a vaccine from an unfriendly country any more than Russia is: we're not that stupid.

In other news, Seoul is absolutely convinced that Ho Lee Fuk and the rest of the squad are doing some Bang Ding Ow in Ukraine. Unleashing slant-eyed Eastern Jurcheno-Tungusic barbarians on European soil is not particularly volkisch, you know.
Anonymous  12/10/24 Суб 19:52:08 #3375 №130184 DELETED
>In other news, Seoul is absolutely convinced that Ho Lee Fuk and the rest of the squad are doing some Bang Ding Ow in Ukraine. Unleashing slant-eyed Eastern Jurcheno-Tungusic barbarians on European soil is not particularly volkisch, you know.
We've already had ~8,000+ people laughing at this news in one private telegram group. No photo or video evidence as usual.
Anonymous  12/10/24 Суб 20:03:44 #3376 №130185 DELETED
In Russia, they would have gone to jail for what the cops did to him in his country. Provocation of a crime or creation of conditions for them by internal affairs bodies is a criminal offense in Russia. In the US, such barbaric practices are somehow considered normal.

Scott Ritter is a complete character, no one here respects him for his “predictions” that didn't come true and he has long since disappeared from the media.
Anonymous  12/10/24 Суб 20:06:32 #3377 №130186 DELETED
>Discord supermod

Anonymous  12/10/24 Суб 21:50:56 #3378 №130187 DELETED
Kino from Kursk
Anonymous  12/10/24 Суб 21:52:59 #3379 №130188 DELETED
Note the drone jammer.
Anonymous  12/10/24 Суб 21:55:37 #3380 №130189 DELETED
Anonymous  13/10/24 Вск 01:16:34 #3381 №130192 DELETED
Anonymous  13/10/24 Вск 01:31:05 #3382 №130193 DELETED
Damn, you guys are so fucking smart; fuck that stupid senile dictator from a totalitarian shithole, all those 200k dead people and widespread thrombosis killing several hundred thousand more over the next few years was worth it to put that fucking commie in his place. Keep it guyz
Together we will drive that bloody communist mongoloid horde back into the forests from which they dare to disturb our great european garden
Anonymous  13/10/24 Вск 12:34:53 #3383 №130195 DELETED
Man you're so close to understanding this: the West didn't accept Russian vaccines for the exact same reason Russia didn't accept Western vaccines, namely it would have been a huge loss of face. Also taking another man's injection into your body is inherently gay.

In other news, no quarter has been declared. This is a stupid move if you're on the offensive because it means they won't surrender. It's also a costly move if you're paying the dead 2mn rubles, because no quarter works both ways. They'll be getting the gas shells out of storage soon, mark my words.
Anonymous  13/10/24 Вск 14:16:30 #3384 №130197 DELETED
How popular is Russian post punk in Britain?
Anonymous  13/10/24 Вск 14:44:10 #3385 №130198 DELETED
what can we say to these guys?
welcome to kursk, buddies
Anonymous  13/10/24 Вск 14:50:00 #3386 №130199 DELETED
They say the Ukrainian armed forces are preparing some kind of invasion of Belgorod region

Who says I don't know, stole the picture from /po/
Anonymous  13/10/24 Вск 14:53:15 #3387 №130200 DELETED
Watch out! Creepy footage! 18+
As the Russian army advances on the Donetsk direction, hundreds of old corpses of the AFU are encountered, whose bodies no one has even taken away...
Once these people were alive, once they were happy every day they bla bla bla, didn't translate the rest

Anonymous  13/10/24 Вск 14:55:17 #3388 №130201 DELETED
Bryansk region*
Anonymous  13/10/24 Вск 14:59:46 #3389 №130202 DELETED
You got a video? I want to see it.
Anonymous  13/10/24 Вск 15:51:10 #3390 №130203 DELETED
Today I found out that the story for the Soldier of Fortune game was also written by Gonzalo Lira, who was killed by hohols in a Ukrainian prison for pro-donetsk position.


(in Russia, we love 7+ hour YouTube videos, yes)
Anonymous  13/10/24 Вск 16:08:02 #3391 №130204 DELETED
Here, they say "Who tells the truth, should not be punished". Congrats
Anonymous  13/10/24 Вск 16:08:24 #3392 №130205 DELETED
Anonymous  13/10/24 Вск 16:26:35 #3393 №130206 DELETED
Anonymous  13/10/24 Вск 17:46:25 #3394 №130207 DELETED
1 vs. 6
Anonymous  13/10/24 Вск 17:46:57 #3395 №130208 DELETED
Anonymous  13/10/24 Вск 17:57:50 #3396 №130209 DELETED
Anonymous  13/10/24 Вск 18:40:38 #3397 №130210 DELETED
Threw your kid in the snow - got two criminal cases. Everything is clear in traditionalist Russia.

Anonymous  13/10/24 Вск 18:50:11 #3398 №130211 DELETED
You can try to give birth to your own tugoseria and rent it to others for a few penny to throw fucking snow, A bit more expensive to throw it to the soft shit, qiute a cash - on cement blocks. Capitalism, happiness, zayebis!
Anonymous  13/10/24 Вск 18:54:29 #3399 №130212 DELETED
Are you a communist?
Anonymous  14/10/24 Пнд 09:50:16 #3400 №130219 DELETED
Anonymous  14/10/24 Пнд 10:26:13 #3401 №130220 DELETED
Slovak MEP Lubosh Blaga said in his Telegram channel that he had arrived in Moscow to thank Russia for liberation from fascism and apologise for the West's Russophobic policy.

‘I want to apologise to the Russian people for all those military, hostile and literally fascist resolutions that are being passed in the European Parliament against Russia. We are Slavs and we will never be forced to hate the Russian people. We reject sending weapons to Ukraine, we reject sanctions against Russia, we reject escalation of the conflict. We do not want our children to die in a nuclear war, Slovaks want peace’ Blaga said.


Now everyone will start apologising so they don't have to pay reparations for Belgorod and Kursk after Russia wins Сold War II. Great.
Anonymous  14/10/24 Пнд 10:44:58 #3402 №130221 DELETED
Anonymous  14/10/24 Пнд 10:46:30 #3403 №130222 DELETED
Anonymous  14/10/24 Пнд 21:32:08 #3404 №130230 DELETED

You made a sign at the entrance but didn't add a link to it

Anonymous  14/10/24 Пнд 23:04:34 #3405 №130231 DELETED
Anonymous  15/10/24 Втр 01:33:14 #3406 №130232 DELETED
Watch my hands
Anonymous  15/10/24 Втр 18:30:09 #3407 №130241 DELETED
Only among hipsters like me.

>Russia is still beautiful, still wise and still advanced
Anonymous  15/10/24 Втр 18:57:06 #3408 №130242 DELETED
Those North Koreans in the propaganda aren't those Buryat-speaking guys by any chance? There are 204 ethnic groups living in Russia, and Russians are only 80% of the total population of Russia. We need to get this educational information to someone in the west who believes this kind of propaganda shit.
Anonymous  15/10/24 Втр 19:31:31 #3409 №130243 DELETED
I found these gems by accident while wandering around the internet. These tracks are in the top 100 of the UK charts in the alternate universe.
If you could throw me some British post-punk you think is the best, it would be interesting to see that too.
Anonymous  15/10/24 Втр 22:03:56 #3410 №130245 DELETED
Вахтёришка, ты пидарас и хуесос.
Anonymous  15/10/24 Втр 23:51:23 #3411 №130247 DELETED
what's the ethnicity of some female asian presenter that Soloviev brought to the TV? he said really something /pol/ack like "Jews are the vanguard of the world" like Russians or USSR should be. I never managed to save that subbed video on Twitter but I have seen Russian sharing that.
Anonymous  16/10/24 Срд 00:32:00 #3412 №130250 DELETED
Marina Kim - mixed Russian and Korean. I
Anonymous  16/10/24 Срд 01:05:52 #3413 №130251 DELETED
>Marina Kim
Kim Jong Il was born in Russia for the record.

I don't know why you are so fixated on assholes like Solovyov and Shaman, they are media projects for primitive people who think with emotion, not intellect, for people who find it difficult to argue anything with logic and facts. This is done by the state directly to control a certain stratum of people in society. Among normal supporters of Russia, Solovyov, who has a villa in Italy, and Shaman, who does not want to part with his iPhone, are disgusted by their duplicity.
Anonymous  16/10/24 Срд 01:13:49 #3414 №130252 DELETED
What's so amusing to you? Reparations will be 100% likely, just not in the form everyone is used to seeing them, but they will have their economic value. Also Russia is entitled to claim lost profits from stolen assets and compensation for the freeze. Or there will be a real war in Europe. Or do you think everyone is preparing for war in Europe for nothing? No one wants to pay the bills.

Also British tank Challenger 2 in Kursk. You won't see it on the BBC.
Anonymous  16/10/24 Срд 01:15:06 #3415 №130253 DELETED
Anonymous  16/10/24 Срд 01:32:27 #3416 №130254 DELETED
>I don't know why you are so fixated on assholes like Solovyov and Shaman,
Ukrainians, Baltics and other NAFO, CIA glowies spammed it during year one of the military intervention and still see those in my twitter feed and Youtube feed. It was better than contemporary Portuguese humour
Anonymous  16/10/24 Срд 03:44:33 #3417 №130255 DELETED
>only 80%
Kys mossad/cia nigger
Anonymous  16/10/24 Срд 05:33:22 #3418 №130260 DELETED
>zero understanding of their country's culture
>zero education in the history of their country
>zero understanding of their country's geopolitical dependencies
>stupid russian liberashka or stupid russian nazi in 99% cases
Anonymous  16/10/24 Срд 05:43:32 #3419 №130261 DELETED
>I’m Russian native btw just moved when I was 10.

Your parents are good people. Didnt even bother to teach the language :DDD
its for the better tho. Better not know a language of a 'fuck up the country'.
Anonymous  16/10/24 Срд 05:45:18 #3420 №130262 DELETED
Russians are obsessed with jail lingo shit cooked up by jewish criminals in odessa.
Deeply traumatized nation, raped by jews twice within one centrury.
Anonymous  16/10/24 Срд 05:50:39 #3421 №130263 DELETED
>are only 80%

да, всего-то 80 процентов. хуйня какая.
Anonymous  16/10/24 Срд 09:18:15 #3422 №130264 DELETED
> >zero understanding of their country's culture
> >zero education in the history of their country
> >zero understanding of their country's geopolitical dependencies
> >stupid russian liberashka or stupid russian nazi in 99% cases
I thought you mentioned that in Russia there are only 80 percent Russians and they are discriminated against by the remaining 20, hohol.
Anonymous  16/10/24 Срд 09:22:09 #3423 №130267 DELETED
Also, how about PRILЁT?
Anonymous  16/10/24 Срд 13:31:25 #3424 №130271 DELETED
The Fall, Bauhaus, PiL, Killing Joke. Abu doesn't allow me to upload FLAC or MP3

>Or there will be a real war in Europe.

This leads to the final total destruction of both Europe and Russia, with no reparations for anyone. Just gooks in NBC gear looting the ruins.
Anonymous  16/10/24 Срд 19:02:40 #3425 №130276 DELETED
-1500 ~
Anonymous  16/10/24 Срд 19:06:55 #3426 №130277 DELETED
Anonymous  16/10/24 Срд 19:36:11 #3427 №130278 DELETED
NATO cannot confirm Zelensky's words that DPRK soldiers are fighting on the side of Russia.


You've been duped again by a junkie to get a gun. Stupid attempt. Village style. Hohol style.
Anonymous  16/10/24 Срд 19:43:12 #3428 №130279 DELETED
Anonymous  16/10/24 Срд 20:22:06 #3429 №130280 DELETED
Thanks, buddy. How widespread is Russian media culture in Britain (by feel)?
Anonymous  16/10/24 Срд 21:13:43 #3430 №130281 DELETED
congrats for showing the schools of their elites or high middle class. now I believe that every school in DPRK or "Best Korea" is the same. Slava Rossiya. Slava Korea.
Anonymous  16/10/24 Срд 21:18:21 #3431 №130282 DELETED
unironically the North Korean mogged the Portuguese private school - 1400 euros a month. time to sudoku myself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgUHw7YQw1I
Anonymous  16/10/24 Срд 21:47:04 #3432 №130283 DELETED
I didn't say it was a regular school. You can think you're smarter than everyone else and everyone else is stupid. I'll allow it.

There are a few inconsistencies here.
1. In North Korea, only scientists and diplomats have access to the outside internet through strictly controlled and limited websites (only mostly scientific). Assuming the North Korean hacker is a scientist, however, this raises the second question...
2. Where in North Korea can he convert this money for domestic spending?
3. However, you can say that North Korea is full of corruption and connections within the “elites”, but in that case he was shot after the investigation, because the information about the robbery of a foreign school casts a shadow on the leadership and party of the country, humiliating it in the eyes of the world community. They are very strict about that.
Therefore, the risk is not justified.

I think this is just another yellow duck.
Anonymous  16/10/24 Срд 21:57:00 #3433 №130285 DELETED
I must have had too much beer and read it as “North Korean robbed a school.” Lol.

The second part of the post is canceled. >>130283
Anonymous  16/10/24 Срд 22:02:14 #3434 №130286 DELETED
If only putin brought korean girls instead of jihad-waging uzbek males...
i might even vote for him. That's pretty much the only chance to redeem himself after the kuran kissing thing.
Anonymous  16/10/24 Срд 22:04:40 #3435 №130287 DELETED
It was more popular in the 90s and 00s, when Russia was the Land of Mystery.

My theory: the bloke sent to do damage assessment on the Mariupol missile strike last week saw a lot of Asian looking corpses and assumed Koreans when they were actually Buryats. Because nobody in the West wants to play into the 'arr rook same' racist joke, and indeed not many people know what a Buryat is, nobody questioned it, even when the unit name 'Buryat Battalion' became known. Fucking morons, all of them.
Anonymous  16/10/24 Срд 22:31:07 #3436 №130289 DELETED
Good theory except for one detail:
Russia will never let any guy in to inspect the results of the strikes on Mariupol. Especially from the west.
This is just another information throw-in by the Ukrainian side to attract the attention of the primitive layer of the Western public before the upcoming begging for weapons from the West. Ukrainians do this often. For the most part, it is banal arrogance and tactlessness inherent in their internal mentality, which is reflected in global politics, because the elites there are not far removed from the villagers. In the English-speaking world it's common to consider the Irish as rednecks within historical stereotypes, but I've talked to enough Irish people to say with certainty that the Irish are a cultured and highly developed nation with thousands of years of history, unlike the hohols. It's simply heaven and earth.
Anonymous  16/10/24 Срд 22:36:00 #3437 №130290 DELETED
Ukraine is also a leader in iodine deficiency of the population. Although, it is probably obvious by the number of flags, tattoos of coats of arms and other sectarian attributes inherent in Ukrainians.
WOMEN MOMENT Anonymous  16/10/24 Срд 22:40:36 #3438 №130291 DELETED
Russia may allow divorce if a wife is pregnant by someone other than her husband.

According to the family code, a husband cannot file for divorce without his wife's consent while she is pregnant and within a year after the birth of the child, regardless of who the father is. Deputy Yevgeny Marchenko proposed a new wording:

“The husband has no right, without the wife's consent, to initiate divorce proceedings while the wife is pregnant and within a year after the birth of a common child.”

He expressed bewilderment as to why, in case of wife's adultery and conception of a child by another man, the husband cannot file for divorce and return the money spent on another man's child.

Female deputies argued with him, saying that his amendment was “born out of a personal grudge”.
Anonymous  16/10/24 Срд 22:42:50 #3439 №130292 DELETED
By the way, I keep forgetting to say: Russia is the country of victorious feminism.
If you want to see how your country will look like after feminism wins, look at Russia.
Anonymous  16/10/24 Срд 23:06:07 #3440 №130293 DELETED
Let him try to mogged the Far Eastern Imperial Federal University now.
Anonymous  17/10/24 Чтв 00:57:07 #3441 №130295 DELETED
>a Petroleum and Gas exporting 150 million people state can build these banal/unremarkable buildings that don't mog anyone
Fuck, cork-exporting superpower Poortugal isn't still subsaharian Africa yet to evaluate these as magnificent or extraordinary.
Anonymous  17/10/24 Чтв 01:00:19 #3442 №130296 DELETED
>but Zelensky today's victory pl-ACK
Anonymous  17/10/24 Чтв 01:24:01 #3443 №130297 DELETED
Schizo, it's just a university that trains professionals to create things like that >>130232
Not only Portugal, but also the US is far from it. Yandex in general is hard to beat in terms of convenience and user innovation. In Firefox there was no screen in the screen, when in Yandex Browser it was already in full use. Pathetic plagiarizers.
I don't know if these features are available for foreigners in Yandex Browser, but real-time video re-sounding from major languages on video services is available only for Russians and Kazakhs.

Yeah, there's already a hundred thousand memes for that. The village-nation has outdone itself. I really thought the blank sheet was photoshopped... but no, it is really a white sheet with the inscription “Victory Plan”, which was shown by the head of the office of the President of Ukraine, motivated by the fact that it is secret.
Anonymous  17/10/24 Чтв 01:29:59 #3444 №130298 DELETED
A very useful tool when a very important video lesson on the target topic was recorded only by a dude from Taiwan in Chinese, just one click and the Taiwanese speaks Russian with 95% accuracy. Thanks to YaGPT and Yandex Speech Kit.
Anonymous  17/10/24 Чтв 01:39:09 #3445 №130299 DELETED
Although some letters do peek through. So there are still pages.
In any case, this whole plan boils down to one thing: NATO will enter the war against Russia on the side of Ukraine. In Zelensky's fantasy, of course.
Anonymous  17/10/24 Чтв 01:54:26 #3446 №130300 DELETED
Western propaganda doesn't give up!🤣
Can you imagine what would happen in Russian geopolitics if such a soldier was taken prisoner?
a) No one would ever take such a risk.
b) There is no shortage of volunteers to join the armed service, so it is a useless initiative.
Anonymous  17/10/24 Чтв 02:15:03 #3447 №130301 DELETED
(No page in English)
Anonymous  17/10/24 Чтв 02:23:01 #3448 №130302 DELETED
Russians will be banned from using Speedtest to measure Internet speed. The reason is the alleged cooperation of Ookla with the US intelligence services to “create a system of control over telecommunication networks”.

The initiative has already been supported by the State Duma and the FSB.


I'll have to use 2ip.
Anonymous  17/10/24 Чтв 02:26:38 #3449 №130303 DELETED
Imagine they have their eyes and ears everywhere. They know about all CIA projects. The scary dark organization not mentioned here is the SVR.
Anonymous  17/10/24 Чтв 09:35:37 #3450 №130306 DELETED
The hohols intercepted video footage from a Russian drone, but there is a nuance: the target of this FPV was their building
Anonymous  17/10/24 Чтв 10:41:41 #3451 №130308 DELETED
The trailer of the comedy “Goodbye” about Biden in Russia has been released.
According to the plot, Biden flies to Russia to understand why sanctions do not work.

Subtitled by me (who else would do them but me).
Anonymous  17/10/24 Чтв 15:56:40 #3452 №130310 DELETED
>Russia will never let any guy in to inspect the results of the strikes on Mariupol. Especially from the west.

Yeah I know. Nonetheless, battle damage assessments keep appearing, just like targets for Shaheds and S300s keep appearing in Russia. I wonder why?

Extremely based, now that's what I call a Cold War. Why use a lector in 2024 though?
Anonymous  17/10/24 Чтв 17:40:22 #3453 №130312 DELETED
Pa, shelna huigovn o.
Anonymous  17/10/24 Чтв 19:10:18 #3454 №130313 DELETED
Why the fuck are you giving me (you)shka, pidorashka?
Anonymous  17/10/24 Чтв 19:12:38 #3455 №130314 DELETED
What do you mean?
Anonymous  17/10/24 Чтв 20:21:09 #3456 №130315 DELETED
int/pol: exist
polacks: don't write shit about Russia 24/7
Anonymous  17/10/24 Чтв 22:06:46 #3457 №130316 DELETED
Instead of dubbing, there is a man who reads the Russian lines as the English is spoken by the actors. It's basically unique to Slavic countries.
Anonymous  17/10/24 Чтв 23:28:02 #3458 №130317 DELETED
Professional dubbing in Russia is the same actors who make no less significant contribution than movie actors. I can't watch movies with Russian subtitles, I can't play games with Russian subtitles. Your eyes are constantly slipping down, distracting you from what's going on.
There is full dubbing, and there are overlapping tracks where the original voice remains in the background to preserve the emotion of the movie actor.
Specifically in the trailer is a comical recreation of this “Slavic” effect of overlapping tracks.
Also, English is not as popular in Russia as it is in your country, because here you only need it for programmers for technical documentation and advertisers for branding, to sell things to the zoomers that don't sell well. Although I personally think that using English in advertising or anywhere else is cringe. Imagine everyone using Russian in Britain for similar purposes and product names - it's utter bullshit. Porridge with raspberries is now called Kasha s Malinoy - and all the British zoomers just throw money at it for the overpriced stuff. So you need to tell that dude that you don't listen to Russian post punk because it's in Russian.

The west is losing Cold war II, Trump for Russia is literally Gorbachev for the west. History makes a circle, the wheel of Sansara or whatever.
Anonymous  18/10/24 Птн 00:10:59 #3459 №130318 DELETED
>Your eyes are constantly slipping down, distracting you from what's going on.

It takes you that long to read stuff? Dubbing is almost universally awful in English, with the exception of Studio Ghibli. I would link you to the dub of Aguirre to prove my point here but it's so genuinely offensive to art that I just can't do it.

>you don't listen to Russian post punk because it's in Russian.

Just like nobody listens to Wagner because it's in German, wait what?

>Trump for Russia is literally Gorbachev

Gorbi's hubris is almost unique in history, he's up there with Napoleon III. Trump isn't promising reform and he's insincere, for instance. The USA is simply returning to its natural oligarchic state, dark Satanic mills as far as the eye can see and the poor crushed to paste under the jackboots of the corporate-state complex. At least Carnegie built libraries...
Anonymous  18/10/24 Птн 00:39:15 #3460 №130319 DELETED
Why are all european countries run by crazy, henpecked cuckolds and islam lovers?
Anonymous  18/10/24 Птн 01:07:31 #3461 №130323 DELETED
Русских надо резать и убивать
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  18/10/24 Птн 09:41:36 #3462 №130328 DELETED
Anonymous  18/10/24 Птн 10:49:01 #3463 №130329 DELETED

He's never seen the film, has he? Correct me if I'm wrong but cynical Westerners and their profiteering values cause the main characters to die. Kuryer was far more in conflict with Soviet values.
Anonymous  18/10/24 Птн 12:33:25 #3464 №130331 DELETED
It's still under occupation by the americans
Anonymous  18/10/24 Птн 13:35:40 #3465 №130333 DELETED
Okay. Sorry.
Anonymous  18/10/24 Птн 18:09:43 #3466 №130339 DELETED
Anonymous  18/10/24 Птн 20:12:45 #3467 №130340 DELETED
Memo-leaflet for Ukrainians in case of meeting a North Korean warrior. It contains words in Korean with transliteration and translation into Ukrainian, which will help to surrender correctly and save your life.

"Don't shoot"
"We're unarmed"
"I'm forcibly mobilized"
"I want to preserve my life"
"I surrender"
Anonymous  18/10/24 Птн 20:34:13 #3468 №130341 DELETED
It is unlikely they will storm the fortifications. But they will definitely test some of their long-range Wunderwaffe in combat conditions with Russian permission and from Russian territory.
Anonymous  18/10/24 Птн 20:37:21 #3469 №130342 DELETED
It could also be a fake from some Russian-Chinese exercises in 2020. The video was obtained from a Ukrainian source. So be careful what you say.
Anonymous  18/10/24 Птн 20:42:04 #3470 №130343 DELETED
They're shorter than your average Buryat, that's for sure. South Korea provided some proofs: https://www.nis.go.kr/CM/1_4/view.do?seq=320
Anonymous  18/10/24 Птн 20:44:52 #3471 №130344 DELETED
Very much like Tuvinians.
Anonymous  18/10/24 Птн 20:50:13 #3472 №130345 DELETED
SPRAVDI's primary source is a Ukrainian ministry. Where did they get these personnel from if no one in Russia provided them? The South Koreans benefit greatly from this story. They are an interested party here, just like the Ukrainians. Especially amused by the most europioid pictures of Buryats for sampling.
Until Russia speaks for itself, it is better to question everything. Although I personally don't mind the North Koreans actively contributing to the fighting. We've been feeding them for half a century at our own expense, it's time to reciprocate.
Anonymous  18/10/24 Птн 20:51:13 #3473 №130346 DELETED
damned autoreplacer
Anonymous  18/10/24 Птн 21:27:58 #3474 №130347 DELETED
>“I’m not worried about "White Dudes for Harris" because their wives, and their wive’s lovers — they’re all voting for me.”
Anonymous  18/10/24 Птн 21:28:27 #3475 №130348 DELETED
Anonymous  18/10/24 Птн 22:21:42 #3476 №130350 DELETED
Anonymous  18/10/24 Птн 22:26:09 #3477 №130351 DELETED
Russian police have started to take an example from the American police. Show everyone!
Anonymous  18/10/24 Птн 22:28:03 #3478 №130352 DELETED
Only in the leg so far :(
Maybe in the future they'll learn to shoot in the head. Like in the United States.
Anonymous  18/10/24 Птн 23:32:35 #3479 №130354 DELETED
Today I found out that the company that created the Kotlin programming language, JetBrains, is a Russian company founded by liberals. I hope they are destroyed in the first battle, by some big poisonous missile.
Anonymous  18/10/24 Птн 23:35:49 #3480 №130355 DELETED
Anonymous  18/10/24 Птн 23:38:10 #3481 №130356 DELETED

(Kotlin - Russian island)
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  19/10/24 Суб 09:28:07 #3482 №130364 DELETED
CANCEL RUSSIANS (I love eating bugs and am proud that I was grown in a biocapsule)
Anonymous  19/10/24 Суб 09:29:37 #3483 №130365 DELETED
Anonymous  19/10/24 Суб 09:31:19 #3484 №130367 DELETED
Abandoned cars at a Ukrainian checkpoint, their owners will probably never come back alive because they were all forcibly mobilized by being dragged right out of their cars.

Anonymous  19/10/24 Суб 09:35:49 #3485 №130368 DELETED
Anonymous  19/10/24 Суб 14:07:50 #3486 №130371 DELETED
Anonymous  19/10/24 Суб 15:37:43 #3487 №130373 DELETED
Well shite in ma mooth, Bibi almost got whacked!
Anonymous  19/10/24 Суб 15:48:46 #3488 №130374 DELETED
In character, he is an infantile liberal who is easily manipulated. Some speculate that he was recruited before he became secretary of the Central Committee. Imagine that the CIA's job was to get the leader of the Soviet Union to star in a Pizza Hut commercial by any means necessary, even if it would be the end of the USSR. It's a stunning victory.

>Just like nobody listens to Wagner because it's in German, wait what?
Wagner couldn't sing, buddy. Although he did become a reformer of opera. I know a lot of people who don't listen to Russian music because they don't like the Russian language. Personally, I don't listen to your hipster post-punk, it's too romantic, and I don't like that. My level is this:
etc. nevermind

>It takes you that long to read stuff?
You just need to turn on the Japanese voiceover in Ace Combat and leave the subtitles on, you'll see what's meant;) You have to keep up with the team's quarrels in subtitles and dodge missiles, most of the information falls on your eyes, which dulls your perception of the game. It's the same with movies - the most beautiful action scene or ingenious split-second micro-moment (a subtle emotion shown by the director on a character's face that can contribute to the perception of that character) will go unnoticed or half-noticed because your eyes are at the bottom of the screen at the time. I used to be able to understand medium-speed English speech pretty well, but then "I got shot in the knee". So for the last four years I have neglected learning English. Life plans have changed, values have changed, and other old man stuff.

>Studio Ghibli
There are so many different studios in Russia, both official and unofficial. The unofficial ones are, of course, piracy. If you take, for example, series that are not released on the Russian market for known reasons, for example, Brassic, or some soy AAA-movie from Marvel in 2160p - there is a choice of 5-7 very high quality pirate voiceovers, including official, as well as subtitles for any taste, all this is embedded in the rip and selectable in the player. Voice-overs and translations are a very cool business, btw. I think I even told a Portuguese anon about it last year or the year before.

Every major politician in Russia has his own target audience. Russia is now actively trying to revive a “highly moral system of values”, at least officially, by abolishing the Westernization of Russia, but only talented people in the government will succeed, and so far I see few of them. This movie definitely does not fit into the current Russian agenda, so it was used for its intended purpose. After the collapse of the USSR, Russia has simply sunk to the darkest bottom in its history - widespread prostitution, corruption, murders in the streets, thugs in politics, widespread poverty, alcoholism and the rise of HIV infection due to the degradation of medicine and lack of funding. The whore dream of marrying a foreigner and leaving her country is the destructive message today.
Anonymous  19/10/24 Суб 16:02:23 #3489 №130375 DELETED
What's the character?
Anonymous  19/10/24 Суб 16:04:15 #3490 №130376 DELETED
North Korea says it shot down a South Korean drone over its territory.

Something's brewing.

Anonymous  19/10/24 Суб 17:07:38 #3491 №130380 DELETED
Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu
Anonymous  19/10/24 Суб 17:09:19 #3492 №130381 DELETED
Anonymous  19/10/24 Суб 17:12:08 #3493 №130382 DELETED
Ugledar vibes
Anonymous  19/10/24 Суб 19:11:56 #3494 №130388 DELETED
They start putting alarms on Olive Oil bottles in Portuguese Walmart due to thefts.
Anonymous  19/10/24 Суб 19:38:02 #3495 №130390 DELETED
Do I understand correctly that the news is related to emigration rates in Portugal? I doubt the Portuguese will mass shoplift on their own.
Anonymous  19/10/24 Суб 19:48:33 #3496 №130391 DELETED
More probably due to inflation and olive oil market prices, then afterwards as you say due to immigration rates. There are GIPSIES and diasporas like Brazilians, that use olive oil etc. There are probably ethnic Portugueses also stealing therefore I don't blame more on the ethnic factor for this.

Due to this oil olive markets, it is now more rentable for me to tag team with my father and older brother to catch olives in my father's terrains. Before this olive oil price especulation two years ago, we saved 700 euros (73 551,94 rubles) per year and it's pure oil olive oil in contrast to what's sold on retail shops.
Anonymous  19/10/24 Суб 20:04:06 #3497 №130393 DELETED
Got it.
Living in a family home with solar panels, government-subsidized electricity, tame roosters and having your own olive field is the good life.
Anonymous  19/10/24 Суб 20:23:19 #3498 №130394 DELETED
>Women don't know how to drive cars.
Anonymous  19/10/24 Суб 20:34:30 #3499 №130395 DELETED
A Brazilian transgender historian showed her buttocks to students during a lecture
It happened at a lecture on gender and sexuality at the Federal University of Maranhão, reports the British edition of The Daily Mail.
News of the day.
Lets Rock! Anonymous  19/10/24 Суб 20:42:29 #3500 №130396 DELETED
⚡️North Korea has transferred one of the world's most secretive units - its Special Operations Forces unit - to Russian Federation - The Telegraph

⚡️“Sending DPRK soldiers to Ukraine takes the war to a new level and a new scale of escalation. It carries the risk that this war will move to the territory of Asia” - French Foreign Minister Barrot

⚡️The Russian Federation and the DPRK concluded the Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between the two countries.

⚡️Chinese authorities have ordered the PLA to immediately prepare for war

⚡️US no longer opposes Ukraine's invitation to NATO - Le Monde
Anonymous  19/10/24 Суб 21:07:33 #3501 №130397 DELETED
Anonymous  19/10/24 Суб 21:16:05 #3502 №130399 DELETED
My mistake.
Anonymous  19/10/24 Суб 21:51:37 #3503 №130400 DELETED
Anonymous  19/10/24 Суб 23:09:04 #3504 №130402 DELETED
Anonymous  19/10/24 Суб 23:15:59 #3505 №130403 DELETED
>Abu doesn't allow me to upload FLAC or MP3
Yes, Abu, a real thug. That's why on 2ch we use some trickery to fool him. Just click [РАСКРЫТЬ]

Anonymous  19/10/24 Суб 23:22:02 #3506 №130404 DELETED
Anonymous  20/10/24 Вск 00:44:40 #3507 №130409 DELETED
Military cuisine
Anonymous  20/10/24 Вск 10:44:25 #3508 №130411 DELETED
Western countries have long forgotten that they are not great colonial empires and that they are not the only ones who can send troops to warring countries.
Anonymous  20/10/24 Вск 14:35:19 #3509 №130421 DELETED
EKSMO, noooooooooooooooooo
Anonymous  20/10/24 Вск 15:50:50 #3510 №130422 DELETED
NATO forces in Europe are not ready for a possible war with Russia without US support. Bloomberg writes about this with reference to experts.

The reason that European forces will not be enough in case of a military confrontation with Moscow is the long years of budget cuts and lack of people. For example, France has reduced its army by 56% since 1990.


Western propaganda has finally defined itself and now the Russians are very strong, powerful and dangerous, not boys in panties with rusty shovels with no ammunition as was claimed a year ago. Let's consider it a victory for rationalism.
Anonymous  20/10/24 Вск 16:55:39 #3511 №130423 DELETED
Anonymous  20/10/24 Вск 17:02:49 #3512 №130424 DELETED
North Koreans show the first results of clashes with Ukrainians.
Anonymous  20/10/24 Вск 18:24:14 #3513 №130426 DELETED
wtf is an English speaking club? the poor man's alternative to International language schools? are those overseen by FSB employees? hank you in advance
Anonymous  20/10/24 Вск 18:59:26 #3514 №130428 DELETED
cringe shaming crap
Anonymous  20/10/24 Вск 19:07:21 #3515 №130429 DELETED
I remember in 2018 there was a scandal on the internet about a woman tying her child to her stomach with a four meter leash, then she was almost stripped of her parental rights until it was revealed that her child was autistic and hard to catch because he was very hyperactive and the tying was recommended by a doctor. Lol.

Here, too, the punishment will come. I'm sure someone has already sent this video to Mizulina's Telegram bot.
Anonymous  20/10/24 Вск 19:18:47 #3516 №130430 DELETED
>English-speaking club
Either unrealistically cool trolling by the author of the OP post, or just dumb advice. English speaking club is new, lol. Sounds like an Aanonymous Alcoholic club or something.
He could register in VK and find a public dedicated to his country and start an activity there. For example: https://vk.com/portuguesaru
Then he can get to know people first in comments, then in private messages, as he becomes a key part of the group thread, you can ask him something and learn about his country. Of course, this takes time, you need to make yourself known with useful posts so that it is obvious that he is interesting and a foreigner.
Anonymous  20/10/24 Вск 19:43:23 #3517 №130434 DELETED
Anonymous  20/10/24 Вск 19:52:44 #3518 №130435 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)
We have all been chosen, we will all one day ascend Above. Sorrows are only Shadows, they will pass and disappear, for there is no sorrow in you and me. There is Power and Love in us. Behold, behold the Light with which the Teacher illuminates us all! Even if our home is destroyed by fire and sword - His invisible Home will remain untouched, His invisible Home will always stand. You, even you, do not yet know His true meaning. He is in the Center of everything. He is the Magician. He is Life itself. And he gives life. He is the Flame burning in the heart of every man and in the center of every star. Behold, behold the Light with which the Teacher illuminates us all! If the will stops crying "why?" - the will will disappear and Nothing will happen. The fool sees the Law, but he will never understand It. He is the scorching Flame.
"Terrible and mighty Chaos! We, your worthless servants, praise you! Only by your grace and generosity will we attain enlightenment!
Behold! He comes with the clouds! And all will be blinded by his radiance! All will be deafened by the thunder of his voice!
Our words are in your glory, for we are the same as you were! Before you ascended and the Eight became Nine, you were among us, great Chaos, not a god - a man!
Let the men, women and children of the Earth gather and behold the power of Chaos!
Let those who live here, in the promised land, partake of the words of the prophet of Chaos!
But you were once a man! Truly! And as a man you said: "I will now show you the power of Storm-crowned Chaos, born of the North, who gave me the breath of endless winter." Unite in the Radiant Water, for this ancient weapon of war is our salvation, a symbol of Chaos's radiance!
Let it be a reminder of the Sundering that happened in the past, and a shining promise of our Sundering in the times to come!
"And with a sigh of power I will change this land that is mine. I do this for you, Red Legions, for I love you."
Give your bodies to Chaos, friends. Let its power enter you, feel its radiance, and Sunder.
Truly, love. Love! Even as a man, the great Chaos cared for us. For he saw in us, each of us, the future of Skyrim! The future of Tamriel!
And let there be no tears, no sorrow, no suffering, for in the Sundering we will see our deliverance from the pain and sorrow of this world.
And that, friends! That is the harsh truth! We are the children of men! And Chaos is the god of men! Ascended from the flesh to rule the spirit!
Yes, your suffering will end, washed away by the Radiance of Chaos, and the fire of its splendor will burn it from your being forever.
Each of us will give birth to billions of stars, created from our miserable, filthy flesh.
For our pointy-eared masters, such a thing is simply unthinkable! To share the heavens? With a man? Ha! They barely tolerate our presence on earth!
Each of us will become the mother and father of trillions of civilizations.
Today they take away our faith. And what tomorrow? What? Will the Elves occupy your homes? Deprive you of your wealth? Take away your children? Your life?
Each of us will know peace, know the end of suffering, and know Chaos in its radiance.
And what does the Empire do? Nothing! No, worse than nothing! The Imperial machine dances to the Thalmor's tune! It wars against its own citizens!
I call upon you, my friends - come, drink with me, and pray...
Shining Chaos, I give you these weak bones. I commit this feeble body to your will.
I beg you to make me your vessel, to guide me in your splendor, to divide each particle and lay this rotten flesh to rest.
Breathe new life into the frail form of this ephemeral body, in the crucible of your Radiance.
So rise! Rise, children of the Empire! Rise, Stormcloaks! Accept the words of mighty Chaos, the god-man, one in two guises!
Chaos, come - grant your presence to your unworthy servants.
For we are the children of men! And we shall inherit the earth and the sky! And we, not the elves, not their lackeys, will rule Skyrim! Forever and ever!" Let us be firm in faith until the Day of Dividing - until the dawn of your return to this humble world.
Anonymous  20/10/24 Вск 19:53:22 #3519 №130436 DELETED
Anonymous  21/10/24 Пнд 01:56:28 #3520 №130445 DELETED
Anonymous  21/10/24 Пнд 15:55:06 #3521 №130449 DELETED
Trolling happened

Anonymous  21/10/24 Пнд 16:04:21 #3522 №130450 DELETED
A quadrober girl from the capital's hookah lounge turned out to be a 21-year-old girl who took part in the shooting of a promo video, said Olga Yaroslavskaya, the children's rights ombudsman in Moscow.

“Sorted out the situation with the “kitty”, which flew around all the publicks. It turned out that the video is not a child <...> The 'mom' in question is her friend,” she wrote in her Telegram channel.

Yaroslavskaya emphasized that the story caused a lot of unnecessary noise and attracted unhealthy interest, including minors. She concluded by calling on the media to cover such incidents more responsibly.

A video of the incident circulated earlier on the Web. The footage shows a woman smoking a hookah, while a girl in a cat mask meows and harasses others. After the resonance Yaroslavskaya took the situation under her control.


it's MOWover
Anonymous  21/10/24 Пнд 17:41:27 #3523 №130455 DELETED
Condoms with “Russian” liberal Russophobes

Cringe or based?
Anonymous  21/10/24 Пнд 18:12:28 #3524 №130456 DELETED
❗️ Britain is not going to pay reparations or apologize for the slave trade, a spokesman for United Kingdom Prime Minister Keir Starmer said.

Cringe or based?
Anonymous  21/10/24 Пнд 20:26:43 #3525 №130458 DELETED

Anonymous  21/10/24 Пнд 20:37:20 #3526 №130459 DELETED
Anonymous  21/10/24 Пнд 21:01:14 #3527 №130460 DELETED
Anonymous  21/10/24 Пнд 21:48:42 #3528 №130463 DELETED

Paid in full, thankyou.
Anonymous  21/10/24 Пнд 23:22:32 #3529 №130464 DELETED
British slave (usually African, Indian, Chinese, or Irish):
-Had no freedoms or rights

Russian slave aka serf peasant (only Russians from European regions)
- A serf could not leave the land of his farm without the permission of the pomeshchik (landlord)
- A pomeshchik (landlord) could grant a peasant a freehold with a special document and make him free within the empire's territory
- A serf represented himself in court, answering for his crimes.
- A serf had private property rights (had his own household).
- A serf had the full right to marry and start a family.
- Children of serfs were legal and inherited property, but were born serfs.
- Until 1765, peasants could complain about pomeshchiks
(landlords) personally to the state (later only through local authorities, putting their pomeshchik (landlord) on trial for violating their rights).
- The pomeshchik (landlord) acted as a kind of guardian of the peasant.
- etc

I sit at home for years working remotely and wonder if Russian slavery was slavery? Lel
Although it was definitely a disgrace in Russian history. Boris Godunov introduced serfdom in Russia to keep Russia from starvation, in the hard times after the Troubles and the peasants fleeing from famine deep into Russia, the essence of it was that the peasant was tied to a certain land and worked in the field without the possibility of moving, but this system later became so entrenched that any attempt to abolish it could cause the overthrow of the tsar and later the emperor by the nobility.
Anonymous  21/10/24 Пнд 23:27:24 #3530 №130465 DELETED
> after the Troubles
After the Troubles began*
Anonymous  22/10/24 Втр 10:49:56 #3531 №130475 DELETED
Anonymous  22/10/24 Втр 19:46:20 #3532 №130483 DELETED
Anonymous  22/10/24 Втр 19:50:51 #3533 №130484 DELETED
The Japanese embassy in France is offering round-the-clock psychological help to tourists who have experienced the shock of seeing that Paris is not really a beautiful “city of love” but a dump.

In Japan, Paris has been highly romanticized, so polite Japanese tourists expect the beauty of the streets, high culture and world-famous art from their travels. Instead, they see mountains of garbage, yelling cab drivers and waiters, rude attitudes, street crime, a huge number of rats and other delights of modern Paris.

Because of this, the Japanese have a real mental breakdown on the background of stress. Sometimes it is even necessary to repatriate people back to their homeland under the care of doctors. And the Japanese embassy has a 24-hour hotline for those who have suffered from severe culture shock.

This phenomenon has been dubbed “Paris Syndrome”.

Anonymous  22/10/24 Втр 20:32:26 #3534 №130485 DELETED
Only the intellectually stunted would seriously compare chattel slavery, colonialism and serfdom, save to note them as unfree labour. Pic potentially related.

>1 August 1991

He's stuck in the past.
Anonymous  22/10/24 Втр 22:37:03 #3535 №130486 DELETED
have the Russians zoomers also unidirectionally honored the British drug addicted?
Anonymous  22/10/24 Втр 22:37:30 #3536 №130487 DELETED
Anonymous  22/10/24 Втр 23:18:26 #3537 №130488 DELETED

It turns out that it's not just Paris Syndrome, but a whole social phenomenon of Japanese mental weakness.
That's a shame. If a Japanese person was sitting here, I could ask them more about it, but they prefer to ignore 2ch because it has incomprehensible hieroglyphics instead of a normal interface.

I don't know anything about Russian Zoomers, all I know about them is that they wear their nasty black bags instead of normal clothes and like to silently stand in a circle (CREEP) at the entrance to the store where I go for a beer. I have a very high level of alienation from them, I don't understand them, I have more in common with you or the local Brit than with them. They also listen to incomprehensible crap whose artist names contain incomprehensible Unicode characters that players in my youth refused to read and gave an error.
Anonymous  22/10/24 Втр 23:27:32 #3538 №130489 DELETED
What's your opinion of Ireland? It would be interesting to hear a British guy's opinion of Ireland.
Anonymous  22/10/24 Втр 23:30:27 #3539 №130490 DELETED
I asked a neural Yandex search called Neuro: did Portugal go to war with Ireland? It answered the following - “No, Ireland and Portugal have never been at war with each other.”
Amazing, isn't it?

Fantastic. Wow.
Anonymous  23/10/24 Срд 01:48:34 #3540 №130491 DELETED
The Japanese man suffered PTSD after being attacked by a dolphin on the beach - the mammal tried to rape him.
The Japanese resident has recounted a traumatic experience when he was attacked by an aggressive dolphin in an attempt to rape him. The incident left the man with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and he is now afraid to return to the sea.
“I'm lucky to be alive. Whenever I look at the sea, all I think about is that there might be a dolphin there. I will never go back there again,” said the victim.
Experts warn: when meeting dolphins on the beach, it is important to get out of the water immediately and avoid contact. Keep your distance, do not feed the animals and remain cautious.

Anonymous  23/10/24 Срд 01:54:58 #3541 №130492 DELETED
Russian zoomers be like:
Anonymous  23/10/24 Срд 02:04:31 #3542 №130493 DELETED
When I saw an Italian with ripped off knees in the Moscow metro in 2018, I thought “fuck, they're all backward there”, because this fashion ended in Russia back in 2007. Now I'm backward myself. I'm backward from the Russian zoomers.
Anonymous  23/10/24 Срд 02:17:49 #3543 №130494 DELETED
Its pro-western zoomers, you havent seen yet anti-liberal.
Anonymous  23/10/24 Срд 02:57:28 #3544 №130495 DELETED
"Its" is the possessive form of the pronoun "It".
"It's" is a contraction of the phrases "it is" or "it has".

I'm certainly not a gift either, but I don't recommend you confuse these things.
Anonymous  23/10/24 Срд 03:00:55 #3545 №130496 DELETED
Also, they looks like zoomers-pofigists.
A word you've taught everyone here.
I don't think they're even interested in what's going on around them.
Anonymous  23/10/24 Срд 03:04:19 #3546 №130497 DELETED
Anonymous  23/10/24 Срд 03:54:37 #3547 №130498 DELETED
> "Its" is the possessive form of the pronoun "It".
> "It's" is a contraction of the phrases "it is" or "it has".

> I'm certainly not a gift either, but I don't recommend you confuse these things.
Anonymous  23/10/24 Срд 19:45:43 #3548 №130501 DELETED
what khokol, russian or/and tatar tradition is this that you take a bit of pastrywith fingers, taste it and put it back to the cake carried by 2 beautiful women? please, explain. it's mindblowing.
Anonymous  23/10/24 Срд 20:15:12 #3549 №130502 DELETED
It is russian tradition, tatar with double chuck is Mininhanovs" sick fantasy sacreligeous shit. He should burn in tatar hell for it.
Anonymous  23/10/24 Срд 20:47:40 #3550 №130503 DELETED
As you have been told, it is an old Russian tradition dating back to the dark Middle Ages. This also applies to hohols for obvious reasons (and to Belarusians).
In your video, the balls are Tatar Chak-Chak (3 and 4 photos), which my cat loves for some reason, and it is not bad as a sweet.
Anonymous  23/10/24 Срд 21:02:52 #3551 №130504 DELETED
Ah ooh

We summit told a little more about the new BRICS Bridge, by the way, decentralized payment system, independent of politics. That has Poland and a number of other Western countries very much concerned. After all, they will have to buy gas and resources from Russia and other BRICS countries using this system. Which will give a boost to its development.

SWIFT, which everyone is using now to buy uranium for American energy and games in Steam, belongs to the USA. And you know what a politicized sanctions tool it is.
Anonymous  23/10/24 Срд 21:18:22 #3552 №130505 DELETED
Btw, interesting fact: Mininkhanov (head of Tatarstan Republic) and Erodogan can understand each other relatively successfully because Tatar and Turkish, as two Turkic languages, are similar.
Anonymous  23/10/24 Срд 21:25:15 #3553 №130506 DELETED
A complex conversation certainly can't be supported, but a domestic understanding can be maintained. About 40%
Anonymous  23/10/24 Срд 21:44:46 #3554 №130507 DELETED
>Japanese mental weakness.

They cannotu berieveu that Pariseru smerrs of pisseru and is furr of bracks, this is not mentar weakness!

Friends! We can live there, they can live here, the only thing we can't do in each others' countries is vote. Interesting culture, cool music, high quality alcohol, big titty bitches with loose morals, tax avoidance, transhumance: a pretty nice country overall. I am a dual citizen so am incredibly biased here kek

Yeah we have. Not all Westerners are ignorant gobshites.
Anonymous  23/10/24 Срд 22:02:03 #3555 №130508 DELETED
Oh, come on, nigga.
Anonymous  23/10/24 Срд 22:08:49 #3556 №130509 DELETED
UN Secretary General Guterres has been added to the “Peacemaker” database (a database of “enemies of Ukraine” with illegal publication of personal data, which has resulted in the killing of many people, including pro-Russian Ukrainian journalists and bloggers in Ukraine)

The reason for adding the international official to the “list of destruction” was his visit to the BRICS summit.
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 01:35:57 #3557 №130510 DELETED
Two powerful Russian inventions of our time
4chan threadshot generator
2ch threadshot generator
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 01:52:11 #3558 №130511 DELETED
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 01:58:19 #3559 №130512 DELETED
NVIDIA has fixed a driver download glitch for Russian users.
If anyone was worried about Russia and Russians, and I'm sure some of you were, here's some good news.

Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 09:26:16 #3560 №130515 DELETED
>Turkey explosion at defense aerospace aviation company
>outskirts of the city
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 11:48:35 #3561 №130517 DELETED
Kurdistan Workers' Party

The Kurds got secret intelligence from somewhere about where and what exactly to blow up.
Who's a big supporter of the Kurds, again? One very large and powerful country determined to punish Erdogan for BRICS.
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 11:56:07 #3562 №130518 DELETED
The US is arming the PKK (Partiya Karkerên Kurdistanê) in areas where
Ankara has planned an operation, media reports say

The US continues to support the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK, banned in Turkey) by resuming patrols with the militants in northern Syria and arming them in areas where the Turkish Armed Forces are planning to conduct a ground operation, Yeni Şafak newspaper quoted security sources as saying on Thursday.

Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 12:09:48 #3563 №130519 DELETED
Putin, with his BRICS summit, “overshadowed” Britain's plans to hold the first “commonwealth summit” (countries somehow related to Britain) because the leaders of India and South Africa refused to go there, preferring BRICS to a strange party of former colonies.


This round of Cold war II also proved unsuccessful for the west.
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 13:55:41 #3564 №130522 DELETED
Linux creator suspended 11 Russian developers from kernel development and explained it by Finns' historical dislike of Russia

11 Russian Linux kernel developers have been removed from their management positions without explanation - the reason for this is allegedly “changed compliance”. A discussion broke out online, where the Finnish company was accused of Russophobia. Linux kernel creator Linus Torvalds himself got into the corporate Internet fray, where he explained that the historical dislike of Finns towards Russians was to blame.

“I am a Finn. Do you really think that I would “support” Russian aggression? Apparently, it's not only a matter of not understanding real news, but also a lack of knowledge of history,” Torvalds wrote.

In addition, he noted that he did not want to discuss in any way the legal side of the removal of Russian employees. There is no mention of “filtered” Russians in the changed Linux kernel.


Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 14:06:42 #3565 №130523 DELETED
>They cannotu berieveu that Pariseru smerrs of pisseru and is furr of bracks, this is not mentar weakness!
The Japanese, of course, are not. What kindergarten?

>I am a dual citizen so am incredibly biased here kek
Now I know who's been shitting under the Irish flag. You were on vacation or something, weren't you?:)
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 14:30:27 #3566 №130524 DELETED
Don't the mongoloid finns remember that under the autonomy of Russia they had their own state, while the swedes simply assimilated them as a resource?
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 14:32:15 #3567 №130525 DELETED
> Linux creator suspended 11 Russian developers from kernel development and explained it by Finns' historical dislike of Russia

> 11 Russian Linux kernel developers have been removed from their management positions without explanation - the reason for this is allegedly “changed compliance”. A discussion broke out online, where the Finnish company was accused of Russophobia. Linux kernel creator Linus Torvalds himself got into the corporate Internet fray, where he explained that the historical dislike of Finns towards Russians was to blame.

> “I am a Finn. Do you really think that I would “support” Russian aggression? Apparently, it's not only a matter of not understanding real news, but also a lack of knowledge of history,” Torvalds wrote.

> In addition, he noted that he did not want to discuss in any way the legal side of the removal of Russian employees. There is no mention of “filtered” Russians in the changed Linux kernel.

> https://t.me/readovkanews/88582

> Oofff...
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 14:40:58 #3568 №130526 DELETED


Where is this orr about depoliticized open source, freedom and principles coming from? Those principles have been violated right now. Another reason why Russia needs its own OS.
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 14:46:09 #3569 №130527 DELETED
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 14:47:47 #3570 №130528 DELETED
That's different. You have to understand. Or you will be declared pro-Russian in X (very scary).

Of the Russians here only BAIKAL drivers, in general I do not understand the logic of the bans.
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 14:58:45 #3571 №130529 DELETED
>processor for routers
yep that's some really weird shit
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 15:21:28 #3572 №130530 DELETED
>He died so I could move on with my life
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 15:36:25 #3573 №130531 DELETED
those "maintainers" can be approached by FSB officers.
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 15:51:56 #3574 №130532 DELETED
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 15:55:54 #3575 №130533 DELETED
I'll let you in on the next secret: all the Russian posters writing here are FSB officers. And each of them has an official government promo code with a 5 percent discount for buying blue sweaters in any store.
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 15:58:50 #3576 №130534 DELETED
> I'll let you in on the next secret: all the Russian posters writing here are FSB officers. And each of them has an official government promo code with a 5 percent discount for buying blue sweaters in any store.
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 15:59:19 #3577 №130535 DELETED
> I'll let you in on the next secret: all the Russian posters writing here are FSB officers. And each of them has an official government promo code with a 5 percent discount for buying blue sweaters in any store.
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 15:59:39 #3578 №130536 DELETED
> I'll let you in on the next secret: all the Russian posters writing here are FSB officers. And each of them has an official government promo code with a 5 percent discount for buying blue sweaters in any store.
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 16:04:15 #3579 №130537 DELETED
Even if they are FSB agents. What difference does it make if they are FSB or not? The Fin motivated this exclusion by personal dislike of the nation, not by the fact that they are FSB agents. It destroyed the principles and ideology of Open Source and the GNU GPL.

He also left all the Jews in the project, and their country is now committing real genocide against the Palestinians, it also invaded neighboring Lebanon and Syria, and continues to commit genocide there. But that's """"different"""". There are no Massad agents there. (Preceding stupid posts aren't mine)
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 17:09:18 #3580 №130538 DELETED
All the posts in this thread are stupid, amigo
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 17:28:03 #3581 №130539 DELETED
O algo
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 19:20:57 #3582 №130542 DELETED
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 19:46:17 #3583 №130543 DELETED
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 21:09:50 #3584 №130544 DELETED
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 21:33:27 #3585 №130545 DELETED
It's snowing in my hometown cunt
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 21:36:51 #3586 №130546 DELETED
Hopefully it will be destroyed by Russian missiles along with NATO.
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 22:08:01 #3587 №130547 DELETED
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 22:09:19 #3588 №130548 DELETED
even the Linux Chud explained that with Biden's executive order
not some swedish-speaking finn cuck, gaylord and atheist didn't got reborn as The Second Coming of russophobe Austrian unemployed painter or russophobe Stalin
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 22:14:01 #3589 №130549 DELETED
>Biden's executive order
He explicitly said it was because of the Finnish-Russian history, I gave you a link to his post.
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 23:42:54 #3590 №130552 DELETED
Two gypsies raped and killed a 40-year-old Russian woman who worked as a taxi driver. This was the last straw because of the Roma lawlessness and police inaction in the city and caused mass pogroms of Roma, burning of houses and cars.


The Russians can when they want to.
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 23:52:17 #3591 №130553 DELETED
Gypsy palaces are burning
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 23:53:21 #3592 №130554 DELETED

In the town of Korkino they've rounded up rubbish from all over the Chelyabinsk region, the cops are protecting the house of the baron (who shot people and brazenly declared that he fucks the laws of the Russian Federation in his mouth) from local protesters.
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 23:55:03 #3593 №130555 DELETED
>Believe it!
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 23:59:51 #3594 №130556 DELETED
Two Gypsy diaspora homes set on fire in Korkino after attack on taxi driver
Gypsies urgently flee Chelyabinsk Region's Korkino amid mass protests

Gypsies are leaving Korkino, Chelyabinsk Region, amid arson attacks on two diaspora houses and mass protests that erupted after an attack on a local taxi driver. This is reported by the Telegram channel .

Residents of Yemazhelinsk, a 25-minute drive from Korkino, told the publication that people with large families were arriving in their town to escape the pogroms.

At the same time, local chat rooms began to actively circulate messages asking not to settle g and to help the residents of Korkino.

On 24 October in Korkino, Chelyabinsk Region, residents gathered for a rally caused by an attack on a local resident. It is noted that the 40-year-old mother of two children was found with stab wounds on Vatutina Street, it was not possible to save her. In social networks, an orientation to two minors of the Gypsy diaspora was distributed, which led local residents to the homes of this community.

According to the IC, a 17-year-old boy suspected of the attack has already been detained, he will soon be charged. The young man has been remanded in custody.
Anonymous  25/10/24 Птн 00:02:47 #3595 №130557 DELETED
>Police did a good job
>Pogroms stopped

Okay -_-
Anonymous  25/10/24 Птн 00:05:02 #3596 №130558 DELETED
https://lore.kernel.org/all/CAHk-=whNGNVnYHHSXUAsWds_[email protected]/
Anonymous  25/10/24 Птн 00:06:53 #3597 №130559 DELETED
He even searched for Russian trolls from the troll factory under his bed like a true Dvatcher.
Anonymous  25/10/24 Птн 00:08:39 #3598 №130560 DELETED
Anonymous  25/10/24 Птн 01:05:04 #3599 №130561 DELETED
Big if true
Anonymous  25/10/24 Птн 01:15:03 #3600 №130563 DELETED
God, he's so stupid. Don't read this dumbass. He has the intelligence of a redneck.
Anonymous  25/10/24 Птн 01:23:09 #3601 №130564 DELETED
> God, he's so stupid. Don't read this dumbass. He has the intelligence of a redneck.
Anonymous  25/10/24 Птн 01:25:52 #3602 №130565 DELETED
Anonymous  25/10/24 Птн 11:55:31 #3603 №130566 DELETED
halo from /chug/
Anonymous  25/10/24 Птн 12:21:39 #3604 №130567 DELETED
hello from /intpol/ and other 2.5 anons.
Anonymous  25/10/24 Птн 13:06:07 #3605 №130568 DELETED
She is sexy
Anonymous  25/10/24 Птн 14:56:05 #3606 №130575 DELETED
Grandpa took a bite of food
Anonymous  25/10/24 Птн 14:58:45 #3607 №130576 DELETED
The famous British man said something
Anonymous  25/10/24 Птн 15:05:35 #3608 №130577 DELETED
- convert pop to drum & bass
- convert the hohols into minced meat
Two important skills in Russia today
Anonymous  25/10/24 Птн 15:12:33 #3609 №130578 DELETED
"A command to withdraw from Selidovo(pic >>130577 ) was received" - "neutral" Ukrainian bloger
Anonymous  25/10/24 Птн 15:19:04 #3610 №130579 DELETED
"In Selyidovo (pic >>130577 ), a total cunt - the Russians are jamming all communications with something, even on the upper floors it's hard to get a connection.

No radios, along the evacuation road FPVs are working tightly, the morning the AFU had a report that the RF controlled more than 60% of the city" - Ukrainian bloger Sharij

Anonymous  25/10/24 Птн 15:56:36 #3611 №130580 DELETED
Some Russian strike on some Ukrainian soldiers' deployment site (Kupyansk)
Anonymous  25/10/24 Птн 16:02:57 #3612 №130581 DELETED
Anonymous  25/10/24 Птн 17:02:47 #3613 №130582 DELETED
are there more updates about the gipsies' situation in the Urals? thanks in advance
Anonymous  25/10/24 Птн 17:19:29 #3614 №130583 DELETED
- The rioting has stopped by Rosgvardia.
- A 17-year-old deaf-mute gypsy who killed a Russian woman has been detained and is being questioned by specialists. The father claims that he could not have done it.
- Gypsy baron arrested for shooting at protesters. A criminal case has been opened.
- All those detained during the riots were released (43 people)
- An all-out investigation and a complete overturning of local police and administrative structures has been launched.
- The general of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dismissed the chief policeman of Korkino right at a meeting with residents. He'll probably go to jail, too.

“I do not consider them citizens, they are parasites on the body of society, do not work anywhere, do not serve in the army, receive benefits”

Images from today's meeting between Korkino residents and the head of the Sverdlovsk Region's Interior Ministry, Major General of Police Sergei Kosmachev.

People are asking en masse for the Roma to be expelled from Korkino. The residents of the city also express fear for their safety, because if anything happens, the Roma organized crime groups can deal with them one by one
Anonymous  25/10/24 Птн 17:31:10 #3615 №130584 DELETED
Korkino is a town in Chelyabinsk Region of Russia, the administrative center of Korkino District. It is a municipality in the Greater Chelyabinsk agglomeration. The city is located in the South Urals, 35 km from Chelyabinsk. The year of foundation is the middle of the XVIII century. Population 36,591.

It looks very poor and depressing. Probably people who hate Russia and create unpleasant threads about it in /po/ live in this shithole. I haven't seen shit like this in a long time. It's kind of like Baltimore in the United States or something.
Anonymous  25/10/24 Птн 17:40:24 #3616 №130585 DELETED
“I do not consider them citizens, they are parasites on the body of society, do not work anywhere, do not serve in the army, receive benefits”
The general of the Ministry of Internal meeting with Korkino residents after the incident to take everyone's grievances.
Anonymous  25/10/24 Птн 17:47:17 #3617 №130586 DELETED
I was going to write, “looks like Ukraine”, but then I noticed those neatly stacked cleaning bags in the corner, and the perfectly clean streets.
Anonymous  25/10/24 Птн 17:54:14 #3618 №130588 DELETED
North Korean army
Anonymous  25/10/24 Птн 17:55:19 #3619 №130589 DELETED
Ukrainian army
Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 03:02:03 #3620 №130607 DELETED
it's happening in Iran
Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 06:13:58 #3621 №130610 DELETED
more like JewBrains
Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 12:34:41 #3622 №130616 DELETED
Don't worry, they're only cosplayers, or preparing for the victory parade in March: everything is going according to plan and Russia is in a position to demand control of all land from the Baltic to the Balkans.
Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 15:13:19 #3623 №130618 DELETED
Russian “Yenesei” Database, independent of SQL and SQL-based projects, has been released. They also support Russian developers by providing them with a free license for the development period, the payment of which is built into the project's profit after its implementation. One more victory in the piggy bank of the Greatest Empire.
Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 15:21:49 #3624 №130619 DELETED
The KasperskyOS Community demo build was released as part of a program to train future programmers to develop for the future multiplatform cyberimmune KasperskyOS, which is currently in active development.
The build can be run on Ubuntu 22 using the Qemu emulator.
Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 15:26:04 #3625 №130620 DELETED
Absence of risks inherent in Western solutions and Open Source solutions

In 2022, Western vendors showed their “reliability” and their attitude towards Russian customers. As a Russian vendor, we are targeting the local market and markets of friendly countries, so we are interested in minimizing the risks of our customers.

Open Source solutions are currently discredited. This is manifested both in political manifestos prohibiting the use of this or that software in Russia and in the implementation of various software “bookmarks” that include remote administration functionality or even simple malicious code capable of deleting your data.

Ban us from anything else already, please, westoid bros.
Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 15:28:23 #3626 №130621 DELETED
It's not a full-fledged OS, btw. A full-fledged OS is still under development. This is part of a tutorial on stepik.org to train future programmers for this OS.
Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 15:51:28 #3627 №130622 DELETED
>The build can be run on Ubuntu 22 using the Qemu emulator.
the Russian "Redox". only "works" in virtual machines. Linus is seething right now.
Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 16:14:10 #3628 №130624 DELETED
Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 16:14:50 #3629 №130625 DELETED
>>130622 -----> >>130621
Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 16:17:56 #3630 №130626 DELETED
Too bad "Culture of Abolition" is a non-Russian culture and this kind of thing is considered stupid bottom here, I'd like to see your face if Portugal suddenly unintentionally starts to show independence in politics. haha
Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 16:26:26 #3631 №130627 DELETED
Victory Day in Russia is celebrated on May 9. You call it “cuckold solidarity day”(May 8), when you wear poppy flowers and hug Germans, saying that you are one big friendly family. Then you go home and argue on 4chan about who fucked each other more in WW2.
September 3rd is Victory over Japan Day in Russia. The Chinese see the Russians as liberators. Hirohito also surrendered to the Americans not because of the nuclear bomb, which he didn't consider a threat by the way because of the unexplored consequences and the more destructive classical bombing of Tokyo, which killed far more people, but because of the rapidly advancing Soviet army in China. Better to live a happy life with the Americans than to be strung up on the gallows as an exploitative imperialist.
Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 16:27:21 #3632 №130628 DELETED
you need to rephrase the expression, I didn't understand. you wanted to say Cancel culture? thanks in advance
Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 16:29:08 #3633 №130629 DELETED
>Culture of Abolition

Part of (((wokeism))).
Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 16:35:41 #3634 №130631 DELETED
Cancellation culture example: Copilot does not work in Russia without a hardware-proxy (standalone app like Planet VPN).
Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 16:54:18 #3635 №130632 DELETED
The creator of iptables lamented what the Linux community has become, commenting on the removal of Russian Linux maintainers

"Harald Welte, a prominent Linux kernel developer, award-winning free software developer, founder of gpl-violations.org, creator of the Openmoko project, and one of the developers of netfilter/iptables, has published his opinion on the removal of contributors from the Linux kernel maintainers list based on their alleged work for sub-sanctioned companies. According to Harald, he was proud to be involved in the kernel development community, but the current community is nothing like the one he remembers and it pains him to see what is happening there now. In his opinion, there is nothing worse than discriminating against people just because of their passport, place of residence or place of work."

"As a resident of Germany, he compares such discrimination to his country's kinship liability law in the black days, which allowed a person to be prosecuted for crimes committed by a family member. Of course, exclusion from the core development process is not comparable to imprisonment, but the principle is similar - punishment is not for specific acts, but only for associating with someone who has committed the condemned acts."


I get it. Three years after the start of the conflict, the old, senile Finn had a brilliant idea: to capitalize on the topic by promoting his linux. LMAO
Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 16:57:59 #3636 №130633 DELETED
How nginx hasn't been banned in the west yet, I'm just shocked.
Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 17:32:56 #3637 №130634 DELETED
Do I understand correctly that we have a new janny who bans indiscriminately? His style of bans is different from Mod's approach.
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 18:51:18 #3638 №130637 DELETED
Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 21:56:47 #3639 №130640 DELETED
No, ours is on Nov 11th because WW1 had a much bigger impact here, killing 6% of our adult population at the time and destroying the Empire. All wars since are still compared to it, despite everyone involved being dead.

Context: I don't know any more than what is presented in the video. That's definitely Korean War era kit though, I think the Norks still run ISU-152s actually.
Source: it's in the video, the Telegram channel ParaPax which seems to specialise in posting content filmed on the phones of Russian soldiers.
Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 22:25:17 #3640 №130641 DELETED
Oh, that's really interesting information. No irony. It's a learning curve. London bombing, Battle of Britain in the air, naval blaugades and convoy warfare, El Alamein from Call of Duty 2, oddly it's ‘not that important’.

>That's definitely Korean War era kit though, I think the Norks still run ISU-152s actually.
Look, are the North Koreans really such idiots that they don't reckon with reality and sent a WW2 era T-34 to Ukraine, under FPV? And you seriously believe that? My condolences to you if so.

Russia has the largest park of military equipment in the world, Patriot Park, 60km square. It has everything from tsarist-era equipment to NATO trophy weapons to WW2 Nazi experimental equipment, including a Maus tank, an Adam howitzer, and even unknown prototypes with no name, such as the "Spheretank". All British WW2 and WW1 tank models are included too.
These tanks were probably moved for maintenance, in any other case they have nothing to do in the war. There's also that green church for military personnel standing there, which is setting arseholes on fire on the western internet for some unknown reason.
Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 22:26:58 #3641 №130642 DELETED
It's bedtime, soldier.
Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 22:28:58 #3642 №130643 DELETED
>These tanks were probably moved for maintenance, in any other case they have nothing to do in the war.
It's about your video, btw.
Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 22:38:59 #3643 №130644 DELETED
Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 22:42:21 #3644 №130645 DELETED
Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 22:46:20 #3645 №130646 DELETED
Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 22:47:31 #3646 №130647 DELETED
Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 22:51:52 #3647 №130648 DELETED
I'd also like to add. That according to Western experts, including South Korea and Loyd Austin, the North Koreans sent only their elite Special Operations Forces units. Just like NATO countries are sending their SOF to Ukraine*. And this is not against world law.

Btw, the Western press prefers to keep silent about this, despite the obvious evidence and French and British corpses near Odessa.
Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 23:20:13 #3648 №130651 DELETED
Do Russians do remembrance for WW1 causalities and/or Russian Civil War or it's some forbidden subject by descendants of communist ruling class?
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 00:24:15 #3649 №130653 DELETED
Everyone remembers everything, my weakly-provocative friend.
Russia even remembers freeing Bulgaria from Turkish slavery 40 years before WW1, losing 700,000 Russians, and now that country is in NATO or something. ‘The country is Mother Teresa.’

This is the episode that really pisses off the Germans:

The most feared aeroplane of the First World War was the Ilya Muromets. It was a real flying fortress that terrified German fighter planes. Its inventor Sikorsky, during the Revolution, believing rumours that he was going to be repressed, fled from the Communists to the USA and founded his company there to produce the famous Black Hawk helicopters.
Also I and a number of other scientists believe that the first full-fledged tank was invented by the Russians and was called Vezdekhod, no matter how the British do not protest about it.
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 00:27:06 #3650 №130654 DELETED
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 00:33:20 #3651 №130655 DELETED
>This is the episode that really pisses off the Germans:

>Filmed with donations from World of Tanks gamers
Eng subs
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 00:36:40 #3652 №130656 DELETED
Man, I've seen a clip of Solovyov show that a guest says USSR won the First World War from 1914 to 1924 with some meme name and I only see commemorations of Victory Day 1945. I don't know what kind of historiography is taught there in Russian Federation.
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 00:45:23 #3653 №130658 DELETED
I don't believe this nonsense. Either a translator's mistake or "a guest" from Ukraine. Or you are watching another show for ultra-right-wing freaks where they invite actors to entertain the audience.

In Russia everything is adequate regarding history. Moreover, no one will allow it to be distorted.
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 00:54:14 #3654 №130660 DELETED
Solovyov Live is not a government project, but Solovyov's private journalistic project. Solovyov has not worked on state TV for a long time.

I don't know how anyone can watch this, much less seriously discuss it. But it seems that Western content-makers are clinging to any fishing rod to make money out of naive westoids who don't understand how media space works (not just in Russia, but in general).
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 01:15:03 #3655 №130661 DELETED
the governor should go to jail, too, xister
he's probably a budget thief

this is what the russia I live in looks like ( vidrel )
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 07:55:01 #3656 №130665 DELETED
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 07:57:50 #3657 №130666 DELETED
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 08:00:29 #3658 №130667 DELETED
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 08:34:54 #3659 №130669 DELETED
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 10:07:09 #3660 №130710 DELETED
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 11:05:44 #3661 №130713 DELETED
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 11:14:50 #3662 №130714 DELETED
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 11:15:44 #3663 №130715 DELETED
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 11:51:30 #3664 №130729 DELETED
Anti-migrant raids in Russia.
In reality Russia has never deliberately imported migrants from Central Asia, the campaign was mainly among Christian countries such as Cuba, but Russia has a big problem of a different kind - corruption in the migration system (which is also the subject of anti-corruption raids), when for 3000 roubles you can get a certificate of knowledge of the Russian language. This is how the problem of migration in the country is shaped and no other way.
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 11:57:14 #3665 №130731 DELETED
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 12:01:35 #3666 №130732 DELETED
A veteran of the Russian Armed Forces protects his woman from unknown danger. Post-traumatic syndrome.
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 12:16:59 #3667 №130734 DELETED
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 12:52:16 #3668 №130737 DELETED
nigger, we have pan arabic president who kissed koran and killed or removed from the media space the majority of Russian (Great Russian) nationalists, we have Russophobes in the government who hate the Russian people.
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 12:55:00 #3669 №130738 DELETED
Today, walking past one of the St. Petersburg metro stations, I saw 2 black men, 10 years ago this would have been an amazing phenomenon, but now it has become commonplace. How tired we are of the crazed Marxist cuckolds who are ready to sell their country to please national minorities and muzzies
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 16:40:57 #3670 №130739 DELETED
Didn't read that stupid shit
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 16:42:24 #3671 №130740 DELETED
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 16:42:49 #3672 №130741 DELETED
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 16:43:31 #3673 №130743 DELETED
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 16:44:13 #3674 №130744 DELETED
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 16:44:40 #3675 №130745 DELETED
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 16:45:05 #3676 №130746 DELETED
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 16:46:20 #3677 №130747 DELETED
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 16:47:03 #3678 №130748 DELETED
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 16:49:29 #3679 №130749 DELETED
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 20:12:18 #3680 №130763 DELETED
Selidovo is officially liberated

Hohols have already rushed to write the city out of strategic importance, and the wikipedia page by Ukrainian activists hastily edited the number of inhabitants from 30k to 300.

Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 21:03:58 #3681 №130764 DELETED
[mailto:notamod] Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 21:07:44 #3682 №130765 DELETED
This is the norm for them: the way of life of the British is shocking for Russians


Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 21:54:10 #3683 №130766 DELETED
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 21:58:10 #3684 №130767 DELETED
"Muita goyda nisso." Much goyda in that.
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 22:35:01 #3685 №130768 DELETED
Since I've spent some time, I'm gonna upload this in boomer portuguese sports imageboards after dinner. Russian
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 22:36:06 #3686 №130769 DELETED
>Created this legendary movie
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 22:40:37 #3687 №130770 DELETED
I like how the neural network emulates a ЯUSSIДN ACCEИT, MOI KOMRДD
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 22:41:47 #3688 №130771 DELETED
Also the translation is incorrect in some places. But who cares about that these days? No one. GOIDA!!!
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 23:23:23 #3689 №130772 DELETED
In Germany, they teach you to piss directly into the shower while washing to avoid wasting water on flushing the toilet.


Borrell's Garden as is it.
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 23:28:20 #3690 №130773 DELETED
Water economy. I never thought about "Water economy". LOL, just think about it: “Water economy”. Maybe also start saving air or something? LMAO

Borrell's Garden. It's a strange place.
Anonymous  28/10/24 Пнд 13:28:22 #3691 №130777 DELETED
After capturing New York, the Russians moved on Constantinople.
Anonymous  28/10/24 Пнд 13:39:52 #3692 №130778 DELETED
Russia has infinite water, but there is a nuance...
Anonymous  28/10/24 Пнд 14:40:36 #3693 №130779 DELETED
>Thinks only Russia has burst pipes
How much would it cost to wash clothes in the UK?
Anonymous  28/10/24 Пнд 14:42:47 #3694 №130780 DELETED
How much would it cost to wash clothes in the Borrell's Garden?
Anonymous  28/10/24 Пнд 15:37:51 #3695 №130781 DELETED
Anonymous  28/10/24 Пнд 17:44:14 #3696 №130783 DELETED
Are the British zoomers who support Palestine pro-Russian or not? How difficult is geopolitics for them to understand?
Anonymous  28/10/24 Пнд 17:46:10 #3697 №130784 DELETED
Anonymous  28/10/24 Пнд 17:48:27 #3698 №130785 DELETED
>Police staged mass raids on gypsies in Korkino.
My hero
Anonymous  28/10/24 Пнд 18:06:28 #3699 №130786 DELETED
Anonymous  28/10/24 Пнд 19:25:16 #3700 №130787 DELETED
If these pro-American protests succeed, Georgia will go to war against Russia again over Abkhazia and South Ossetia. As a result, Georgia will be destroyed and annexed to Russia, but NATO will get a short reprieve to produce munitions and weapons. These are not my thoughts - these are the thoughts of their prime minister. Well, that would be the dumbest move for a country with a president with French citizenship and paid elevators in apartment buildings.
Anonymous  28/10/24 Пнд 19:32:55 #3701 №130788 DELETED
>We, like our European allies, do not agree with the election results
>Russia rigged the elections, but we cannot prove it, just trust me.
The non-recognition of the elections by a number of European powers does not constitute interference in the internal politics of Georgia, and the unproven alleged interference of Russia is interference in the elections, a violation of international law, a terrible crime that should be condemned by the European community.
Anonymous  28/10/24 Пнд 21:39:39 #3702 №130790 DELETED
Does Western propoganda say anything about this?
Anonymous  28/10/24 Пнд 21:59:36 #3703 №130791 DELETED
4k UHD + AI assistant ‘Salut’

75"" (lmao)

Other things from Sber

Okay, TVs in Russia are fine. No more Samsungs and Sharps.
Anonymous  28/10/24 Пнд 22:01:30 #3704 №130792 DELETED
7680x4320 pixels (8K Ultra HD)
Anonymous  28/10/24 Пнд 23:00:31 #3705 №130795 DELETED
Anonymous  28/10/24 Пнд 23:07:22 #3706 №130796 DELETED
Photoshop & fake & pidor
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  28/10/24 Пнд 23:17:38 #3707 №130797 DELETED
Пошёл нахуй, негритос. Ты мало в чём понимаешь.
Anonymous  28/10/24 Пнд 23:31:34 #3708 №130798 DELETED
Man, Turks also make UHD TVs. I remember Quaresma, a gipsy "Portuguese" football player posting some pic in social media with Turkish TVs. Congrats for Russian Industry. Another "moral" victory against the Khokols
[mailto:Turbobait] Anonymous  28/10/24 Пнд 23:36:19 #3709 №130799 DELETED
>muh Russian TVs are the same as Turkish TVs, with the same own neural networks and technology
Leave the hohols alone, they are already having a hard time with the jokes right now. First and foremost is the victory over Portugal. Yea.
[mailto:Turbobait] Anonymous  28/10/24 Пнд 23:36:49 #3710 №130800 DELETED
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 00:28:57 #3711 №130816 DELETED
Protesters in Tbilisi began to disperse as soon as the official part of the rally was over

And there were very few people.

Nah... Better luck next time, westoidbroz:) The important thing is not to give up.
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 00:40:50 #3712 №130817 DELETED
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 01:27:57 #3713 №130818 DELETED
>own technology
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 03:31:10 #3714 №130819 DELETED
a) wow, android, in 2021 nobody knew there was going to be a war, you know?
b) you're looking in the wrong place, I emphasized it to you.
c) even in the case of apk - it doesn't change the fact that it's another victory over small weak Portugal to the Great Empire's piggy bank.
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 03:31:56 #3715 №130820 DELETED
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 03:40:54 #3716 №130821 DELETED
10 best Russian smartphones (2024).

Portugal have never known defeats like this before!
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 03:42:13 #3717 №130822 DELETED
Found out today that BQ is a Russian company.
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 11:14:51 #3718 №130824 DELETED
>NATO countries introduce their Special Operation Forces in Ukraine and even attack Russian territory with them
Nah... no dangerous
>Russia agrees to North Korea's proposal to deploy its elite Special Operation Forces to defend the Kursk region (and only in Russian territory)
Very dangerous, it's very dangerous, guyz. This is the path to WW3, and of course Putin is very bad

The Western Coalition is a very hypocritical discredited formation. There will probably be no more hypocritical brazen and bloodthirsty formation in history of comparable scale. Allowing North Koreans on Russian territory is more of a political gesture by Putin to discredit the west than a necessity.
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 12:10:54 #3719 №130825 DELETED
british rapsberry pie doesn't have a single british technology, but everyone thinks it's british
russia with this pace and investment has a better chance of becoming an independent electronics manufacturer than the britain, but this is in the long term
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 12:29:11 #3720 №130826 DELETED
>but this is in the long term

It's time to write a scenario analysing the total time of the long term.
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 13:17:14 #3721 №130827 DELETED
Foreign sabotage pidorashkas tried to cross the Russian border in Bryansk
a tattoo of the elite 75th US Ranger Regiment can be seen on the body of one of the destroyed bastards
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 13:41:05 #3722 №130828 DELETED
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 14:10:12 #3723 №130830 DELETED
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 14:19:27 #3724 №130831 DELETED
Go go power rangers
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 14:35:17 #3725 №130832 DELETED
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 14:38:59 #3726 №130833 DELETED
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 14:44:17 #3727 №130834 DELETED
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 15:05:53 #3728 №130835 DELETED
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 15:16:38 #3729 №130836 DELETED
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 15:34:12 #3730 №130837 DELETED
WW2 is still important, that's not in question, but WW1 had more impact. Better art too, WW2 was all crappy Noel Coward films and Vera Lynn warbling.

To be fair, it is 80 years since victory in May. If I see one of those antiques getting blown up, you owe me a beer.

Bruh this is from last year: https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-us-and-uk-are-split-on-the-ukraine-war-weapons-russia-oligarchs-churchill-8540ef60

Russian government accidentally promoting homosex again
[mailto:turbobait] Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 15:48:54 #3731 №130838 DELETED

About the size of Portugal, I guess.
[mailto:turbobait] Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 16:00:44 #3732 №130839 DELETED
If we wanted to send WWII military equipment to Ukraine, we'd send this fat guy. Damn, I thought you were an adult. By the way, Russia has the largest and most powerful tank building complex in the world (UVZ). Moreover, Kim Jong In sent not tankers but elite special forces units, even NATO seems to have said so.
[mailto:turbobait] Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 16:20:50 #3733 №130841 DELETED
What the fuck is going on in your Western heads is just fucked up. You got a psychotronic prison in there?
The Koreans sent a T-34 to war. Lol.
Of course North Korea is so backward without access to Chinese and Russian technology. It's also not feared by anyone in the region, so no one shakes when Korean planes appear in the sky.
The North Korean army is equal in size to the Russian army. For information. And Google “north korean tanks” already. Lmao
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 18:00:44 #3734 №130842 DELETED
"The Portuguese admired"
>About the size of Portugal, I guess.
pic related
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 18:22:14 #3735 №130843 DELETED
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 19:03:56 #3736 №130844 DELETED
I dunno why you people hate yanks so much, you have the exact same style of debate and are ruled by the same class of idiotic oligarchy. You even have the same level of weird prudishness that the UK has dropped in recent decades - correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't naked pizda with visible flaps only appear on network television in the last ~3-5 years?

Is that the same guy on the stele?
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 19:07:02 #3737 №130845 DELETED
now everything is working properly and ready to be destroyed
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 19:16:52 #3738 №130846 DELETED
clarification: this is the same type of missile with a hypersonic warhead that blew up an experimental silo recently and it was all over the cnn-like media

no, but stupid asshole who did it has already been fired
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 19:22:05 #3739 №130847 DELETED
russian troops five kilometers from sudzha
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 19:31:13 #3740 №130849 DELETED
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 19:40:06 #3741 №130850 DELETED
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 21:54:24 #3742 №130852 DELETED
Big if true
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 21:55:39 #3743 №130853 DELETED
The British have created their own BRICS
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 23:14:46 #3744 №130854 DELETED
как будет по-английски: "хуя, дебилы"?
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 23:40:18 #3745 №130856 DELETED
Anonymous  30/10/24 Срд 05:32:03 #3746 №130857 DELETED
Today in 9 am I'm going to the army, I hope I'll kill as many hohols and pindoses as possible, goodbye intpol!
Anonymous  30/10/24 Срд 12:54:13 #3747 №130862 DELETED
Good luck
Anonymous  30/10/24 Срд 14:09:56 #3748 №130864 DELETED
They won't take me. I'm too sick for this war.
Send me a postcard itt later.
Anonymous  30/10/24 Срд 14:11:19 #3749 №130865 DELETED
Biden: if north korea attacks ukraine, ukraine should immediately respond
Anonymous  30/10/24 Срд 14:37:50 #3750 №130866 DELETED
Are you mad at me?

I don't know what kind of "weird prudishness" you're talking about. And understanding of the structure of Russia and the role of oligarchs in the structure of Russia fails you, and not only you, that is why the sanctions policy against Russia failed. But now it's not about that.

Buddy, the information about T-34s being taken to war looks like a story about rusty shovels and hungry conscripts without ammunition from cheap propaganda media - in other words, it's not about the level of debate, it's about the level of irrationality that leads to logical outrage. Besides, Russia is full of these tanks, they stand in many cities in places of honor, it is not so rare. These tanks stand even in Germany and Poland. And there are still plenty of these tanks in Russian storage facilities to put them somewhere else, for example in Kiev.
Look at the town I was born in:
1. https://yandex.ru/maps/-/CDhfIAZv
2. https://yandex.ru/maps/-/CDhfAWiH
3. https://yandex.ru/maps/-/CDhfIWnc
4. etc
A huge number of Nazis were killed here, and their remains are still sometimes found along with unexploded mines. A T-34 tank(and other based military) is normal for Russia.
As far as American society is concerned, it has one very important quality: a competitive spirit, which in my opinion is lacking in apathetic Russians in general. They have a real struggle within the community, which is reflected in everything, that's why we use Intel processors and not Elbrus. Even destructive wokeism is a result of this struggle, someone among the oppressed claykneaders invented a cult of guilt with which to weaken the "oppressors". After which to impose their social power.
[mailto:turbobait] Anonymous  30/10/24 Срд 15:09:58 #3751 №130867 DELETED
I didn't realize Portugal was so big. Big if true.
Anonymous  30/10/24 Срд 15:40:25 #3752 №130868 DELETED
“He who served in the army does not laugh in the circus” (c) Russian folk proverb.
Anonymous  30/10/24 Срд 16:05:07 #3753 №130869 DELETED
Zelensky thinks the west considers him a partner, not expendable. DAS IST REAL?
Anonymous  30/10/24 Срд 17:36:55 #3754 №130870 DELETED
Anonymous  30/10/24 Срд 18:21:15 #3755 №130871 DELETED
I know how oligarchies differ: Russia would have hanged or shot Clive of India for operating without oversight: Russian soldiers are to wash their boots in the Indus, not Russian company agents! The USA would have claimed eminent domain and pensioned him off, while the UK let him tear on and gave him political power, the only people who tried to stop him were other oligarchs.

>rusty shovels and hungry conscripts without ammunition

Hey those guys all volunteered and they get paid almost as much as me! If the T-34s are going to the front, which seems quite unlikely but I've been surprised by crazier things in the past, they will surely be used as ersatz artillery like the T-55s, and the crews will all be called Park. Odd that they appear with modern kit like bridgelayers and T-72B3Ms if they're going to some museum though.
Anonymous  30/10/24 Срд 19:41:02 #3756 №130872 DELETED
>I know how oligarchies differ
No, you don't. Let's go back to the 2000s for a second. When a young pro-European liberal named Putin assumed the presidency. In those dark years, a group of oligarchs, who are either no longer alive or have fled abroad with nothing, after the president took office, walked into Putin's office in the Kremlin without knocking and said that he was a nobody here and if they wanted to, they would throw him out of that office, so he should be more cooperative. Putin said it himself, it's not my fantasy. Of course, with such people it is impossible to build a strong country, which Putin wanted to build, and he, as a former FSB chief, a man accustomed to discipline, did not like such tactlessness. And we know how it ended. Putin is the winner of oligarchs in the first and only oligarchic war in Russia, and maybe in the world history. Some accidentally died, some ran away, but what happened to the remaining oligarchs? First of all, according to Putin, there was an unspoken agreement with them - they do not get involved in politics, actively cooperate with the authorities and do not take their business abroad, or the Russian Federation will reconsider the results of privatization of their Soviet property. Secondly, I don't know what analogy to give you, the closest one is probably the MEFO bills of Hitler's Germany, of course it is not the same, but the purpose is the same: not to give the enemy an idea of the real state of the economy and spending on projects. This role is performed by the FSB-controlled oligarchs. The Americans know about it, because they are not stupid, but they do not know on what scale it is happening - and this is where this system reaches its essence. No one remembers this, but I do: Barack Obama said in 2014 that US sanctions for actions in Ukraine tore Russia's economy to shreds, but today 10 years later we know that this man is either a liar like most US politicians, or the CIA gave him prematurely false information.

>Hey those guys all volunteered and they get paid almost as much as me!
Oh lol. They spend 100 times less than you do. Stop converting rubles into other currencies and thinking you're an economist, instead you should multiply the result by the PPP GDP coefficient (I forgot what the value is, look it up yourself if you're interested). 2100 bucks in Britain is a miserable existence of a beggar, in Russia you can live like a king for a few months on it. And 2100 bucks is the minimum basic salary of a soldier carrying boxes of ammunition in a war zone. The average is up to 7000 if you translate it into dollars without multiplying it by coefficients. Plus you are immediately given from 2 to 5 million rubles, depending on the region. With 5 million you can build a 200-square-meter house, with 2 million you can buy a two-room apartment in the provinces. Also, Russia does not participate or almost does not participate in the Western economy, which is why you should not pull it there in your calculations.

> T-55s
It was seen only before the Ukrainian counter-offensive in the summer of 2023. It was covered with modern armor and made into a defensive point of the last frontier. It did not take part in the fighting, because we know how their counteroffensive ended. Here the Russian army reinsured without considering the opinion of redditors and 4chaners, so I praise them.

Also don't forget how your forums laughed at the ship frigate weapons put on the unified MTLB platform, which was also used as a defensive point buried in tank trenches in some low priority areas, it also actively participated in the failure of the Ukrainian counter-offensive. It was a terrible blow to all the haters, which everyone hurriedly forgot about in a second.

I hope there's enough text here to keep you from getting bored.
Anonymous  30/10/24 Срд 19:42:55 #3757 №130873 DELETED
I forgot to add a picture.
Anonymous  30/10/24 Срд 20:07:51 #3758 №130874 DELETED
Also interesting fact:
In 2014, the DNR militia repulsed an advancing Ukrainian column with the help of an IS-3 heavy tank, which they removed from a pedestal.

The picture shows the original T-72 without modifications because the article is old.
Anonymous  30/10/24 Срд 22:33:47 #3759 №130875 DELETED
Good thread.
Anonymous  30/10/24 Срд 23:01:47 #3760 №130878 DELETED
trying to make Google Slides presentation with a colleague and it sucks ass. but I wanted to put 130MB .gif file. had to put a WEBM there is no option to put it running in loop constantly plus it embeds the player

Greater Autism thread
>The last white exclave in East Asia
Anonymous  30/10/24 Срд 23:35:17 #3761 №130879 DELETED
>130MB .gif file
Don't do it again.
A good project is one that is well optimized and does not use more than necessary. It's about everything.

I use this one:
Limitations of free version:
Clip length up to 40 seconds
Video resolution 480p

I also know this one, but haven't used it (it's a Russian service and I don't know if there's Portuguese there):
Anonymous  30/10/24 Срд 23:42:55 #3762 №130880 DELETED
I just found out today that the Portuguese had a colony in China
Anonymous  31/10/24 Чтв 00:05:39 #3763 №130881 DELETED
It's political music time
Anonymous  31/10/24 Чтв 01:17:44 #3764 №130883 DELETED
The EU has recommended that citizens stockpile three days' worth of supplies in case of a nuclear threat from Russia

Reserves for 72 hours are needed in case of crisis situations such as cyber attacks, sabotage, chemical, biological or nuclear incidents, including in case of threats from Russia, said European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

Anonymous  31/10/24 Чтв 01:20:20 #3765 №130884 DELETED
New photos of the Leopard 2A7A1 Bundeswehr tank with the Israeli Trophy active defense system have surfaced

(which no one gave to Ukraine)
Anonymous  31/10/24 Чтв 01:21:21 #3766 №130885 DELETED
The New York Post in today's edition sounds the alarm: because of the TikTok trend, young people have started running across the rooftops of subway trains, resulting in six teens already crashing to death since the beginning of the year
Anonymous  31/10/24 Чтв 01:30:44 #3767 №130886 DELETED
Hungarian special services have foiled an attempt to use the facilities of the country's military-industrial complex to supply weapons to Ukraine

- The head of Prime Minister Orban's administration, Gergay Gyllasz, emphasized that Hungary had not and would not supply weapons and ammunition to Ukraine.
- According to him, Hungarian military production has become “a target for foreign intelligence services”. As a result, there was a threat that its products might end up in Ukraine.

Anonymous  31/10/24 Чтв 02:31:22 #3768 №130888 DELETED
Anonymous  31/10/24 Чтв 02:33:13 #3769 №130889 DELETED
>This is what the clothing of pre-Christian Russia looks like
>According to the scientists
Anonymous  31/10/24 Чтв 12:53:56 #3770 №130893 DELETED
A monument to the city's native commander Barclay de Tolly has been demolished in Riga. The mayor of the Latvian capital called the statue “a symbol of Russian imperialism”.

Latvian authorities are constantly fighting against Russian culture in the country: recently a monument to Pushkin was demolished, streets named after Russian writers and Moscow Street were renamed in Riga, Russian language was removed from ATMs, the Russian word “railway station” was knocked down from the building of the railway station of the Latvian capital, etc.

More than 37% of Latvian residents consider Russian their native language, in Riga the number of Russian speakers reaches 56%.


Do I understand correctly, mentally and metaphorically they are giving it to us rather than claiming its military greatness and accomplishments? Another victory to the piggy bank for the Greatest Empire.
Anonymous  31/10/24 Чтв 12:55:57 #3771 №130894 DELETED
Another day, another victory.
Anonymous  31/10/24 Чтв 13:49:32 #3772 №130896 DELETED
[mailto:turbobait] Anonymous  31/10/24 Чтв 15:44:18 #3773 №130898 DELETED
Advertising integration for passcode users
Anonymous  31/10/24 Чтв 23:40:29 #3774 №130905 DELETED
Anonymous  01/11/24 Птн 00:34:39 #3775 №130906 DELETED
hot fuzz - good movie btw
Anonymous  01/11/24 Птн 01:03:10 #3776 №130907 DELETED
testing Shotcut filters btw
Anonymous  01/11/24 Птн 01:13:04 #3777 №130908 DELETED
we used MS Powerpoint and there was no need to play the video. lel for non-activated MS Office 2019 in that public place.
Anonymous  01/11/24 Птн 01:48:08 #3778 №130909 DELETED
Why didn't you say so in the first place? I'd recommend Microsoft Power Point. I just thought that you are one of those people who think that online services are cool and convenient, but standalone applications are not.
Anonymous  01/11/24 Птн 02:15:48 #3779 №130910 DELETED
during preparation of the presentation, we used Google Slides to do it. but since we didn't know that we would have there Internet instead of using presentation view in Google, used Powerpoint presentation mode.

we could share some Powerpoint in some Google Drive folder I guess; it would work - I don't know. normally pre-covid literally OLD SCHOOL fashion in a group people would do their own slides and gather PHYSICALLY at a place and someone "format" it. people don't like to use OneDrive, etc.
Anonymous  01/11/24 Птн 02:24:13 #3780 №130911 DELETED
Okay. Anyway, I'm glad it worked out for you.
Anonymous  01/11/24 Птн 13:47:53 #3781 №130915 DELETED
Anonymous  01/11/24 Птн 13:49:45 #3782 №130916 DELETED
>hot fuzz
a British gem, they can be proud
Anonymous  01/11/24 Птн 17:34:34 #3783 №130918 DELETED
A review of meat stew from North Korean military rations. "Something between chicken and beef” - summarized a Russian soldier.
Anonymous  01/11/24 Птн 17:35:39 #3784 №130919 DELETED
Test footage of North Korea's new Hwasongpo-19 ICBM
Anonymous  01/11/24 Птн 19:27:35 #3785 №130921 DELETED
ration for 5 Koreans
>"Something between chicken and beef” -
obligatory dog meat of course
Anonymous  01/11/24 Птн 20:36:45 #3786 №130922 DELETED
Interesting fact: during the meal North Koreans put Russian tourists away from other foreigners in special Russian halls (VIP-halls - in another way) and offer them their best dishes and drinks even if it is not included in the price of the tour (i.e. actually free of charge). And they offer dog soup, but there's only one name for dog. North Koreans ate dogs only during the mass starvation in the early 90s, and not often and not everywhere, because it is more expensive to raise dogs equal in calories to a cow. Moreover, a dog does not give milk. The barbaric practice of eating dogs is a South Korean tradition.
Anonymous  01/11/24 Птн 20:37:47 #3787 №130923 DELETED
>And they offer dog soup, but there's only one name for dog
of* dog
Anonymous  01/11/24 Птн 20:46:12 #3788 №130924 DELETED
Or "by dog"
I can't figure it out after work, lol :D
Anyway, there's nothing dog in dog soup.
Anonymous  01/11/24 Птн 20:47:42 #3789 №130925 DELETED
Anonymous  01/11/24 Птн 20:55:52 #3790 №130926 DELETED
Samples of military equipment for training Russian servicemen, for what purpose old samples of military equipment are there - it is not clear.

Clear and obvious - to simulate a conditional enemy. Even without checking the geolocation of this channel, I already know what country it is from based on the intelligence level of the asshole who administers it. Lmao.
Anonymous  01/11/24 Птн 21:08:10 #3791 №130927 DELETED
Not a Tuvan trolling

AHAHAHAHAHAHA I love this dude already.
Anonymous  01/11/24 Птн 21:14:12 #3792 №130928 DELETED
Kim's stew. Donetsk. Dog meat? Subscribers from South Korea said it was dog meat.

Everything you need to know about this subhuman. Fake on fake.
A comment from his group, by the way.
>Subscribers from South Korea said
AHAHAH oh lmao, hohol-fantasist
Anonymous  01/11/24 Птн 21:33:13 #3793 №130929 DELETED
Russian Armed Forces entered Maksimovka

I don't know what it is where it is or in what country, but it's definitely a victory for Greatest Empire, so in the piggy bank.
We will know that Russian Troops are out there somewhere, have entered somewhere.
Anonymous  01/11/24 Птн 21:54:17 #3794 №130930 DELETED
Russian government accidentally promoted homosex again
Anonymous  01/11/24 Птн 21:55:54 #3795 №130931 DELETED
Source: ParaPax?
Anonymous  01/11/24 Птн 21:57:04 #3796 №130932 DELETED
Anonymous  01/11/24 Птн 21:58:24 #3797 №130933 DELETED
Das fucking lmao
Anonymous  01/11/24 Птн 22:21:12 #3798 №130934 DELETED
>>106441 (OP)
Anonymous  01/11/24 Птн 22:39:13 #3799 №130935 DELETED
As I understood from these screenshots and links, the problem is that the genocidal war is being conducted too weakly. I am willing to help people, but in this case I am not a general of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, so I will not be able to help speed up the process in any way.
Anonymous  01/11/24 Птн 22:56:44 #3800 №130936 DELETED
hohols be like:
Anonymous  01/11/24 Птн 23:04:28 #3801 №130937 DELETED
Anonymous  01/11/24 Птн 23:08:16 #3802 №130939 DELETED
Foreigners won't understand
Anonymous  01/11/24 Птн 23:11:00 #3803 №130940 DELETED
Post english posts then
Anonymous  01/11/24 Птн 23:15:16 #3804 №130941 DELETED
Ahh.. suka...
Anonymous  01/11/24 Птн 23:17:18 #3805 №130942 DELETED
Garlic for rubbing on bread crusts ☝️
Anonymous  01/11/24 Птн 23:28:03 #3806 №130943 DELETED
The amount of Google's fines in Russia exceeds the entire global wealth

Google requires 2 undecillion ₽ (36 zeros!) or $20 decillions (33 zeros!). In numbers, this is so much: 20 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 $ — according to The Washington Post

The entire wealth of the planet is "only" 477 trillion (12 zeros)


Big and true
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 00:14:13 #3807 №130944 DELETED
NATO gay instructor will force Russians to do pushups if they miss their pronouns
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 01:08:15 #3808 №130946 DELETED
>26 minutes of pure cringe
I dread to think what will happen with Mass Effect 4.

Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 01:16:01 #3809 №130947 DELETED
kkkkkkk kek
and origins wasn't as shit as we thought it was all along
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 02:17:14 #3810 №130948 DELETED
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 03:25:23 #3811 №130949 DELETED
>When I recognized that I was trans, I looked in my reflection and began to see a face that I liked.
Streamers from the depths of Russia are most shocked by this.
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 03:40:40 #3812 №130950 DELETED
Lmao it's been posted here before. I'm late. >>130949
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 03:48:46 #3813 №130951 DELETED
So, guys. I've decided that my pronouns thus\themis. Whoever uses the wrong pronouns, I'll be sending them the hohol guro videos.
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 04:00:36 #3814 №130952 DELETED
Why westoid like this?
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 11:40:49 #3815 №130955 DELETED
I love ye
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 11:43:36 #3816 №130956 DELETED
I know the majority of Russians
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 11:44:51 #3817 №130957 DELETED
>In Holyness.....[musical note]
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 11:49:12 #3818 №130958 DELETED
W if ye get some reel taste Holland w/ ye

Your winning is of sure in front of me. In ye whatever state
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 12:00:16 #3819 №130959 DELETED
RUSSIA w/ Holland we are win borne
Ye may just have Holland fore prices ye do not really care about vrens
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 12:03:20 #3820 №130960 DELETED
As I am United States
Would ye already come w/ Holland, the Netherlands?
Instead ove Ukraine, DDR bad?
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 12:06:50 #3821 №130961 DELETED
Your mine I am of daddy the Netherlands
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 12:09:57 #3822 №130962 DELETED
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 12:13:42 #3823 №130963 DELETED
W/ Holland everything will be over
>Majority, ABSOLUTE majority of Russians
<3 we love each other and we are the win thathe we need
The NatSoc win Fascist Win we need

Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 12:22:30 #3824 №130964 DELETED
Rusland, je bent
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 12:30:40 #3825 №130965 DELETED
I am sure of we being vrens as ye women offered themselves up te us
I will refuse and mind ye honour
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 12:32:32 #3826 №130966 DELETED
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 12:40:24 #3827 №130967 DELETED
They thathe kill us and areth of unrighteous
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 12:45:09 #3828 №130968 DELETED
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 13:07:21 #3829 №130969 DELETED
Ye but i'd give ye Ukraine and the DDR fore mineselve if only ye could have it
Have Holland
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 13:16:45 #3830 №130970 DELETED
As my word is many amongst ye let me tell ye thate
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 14:18:00 #3831 №130972 DELETED
Thanks, bro! That would be a very generous gift!
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 14:30:10 #3832 №130973 DELETED
The footage shows the deputy head of the Ukrainian charitable foundation “Faith. Hope. Love”, which receives funds from international humanitarian organizations to help Ukrainian relocants and veterans.

Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 16:55:59 #3833 №130974 DELETED

Apologies, it was a quango that accidentally promoted homosex again.

In case anyone ever doubted it, I really am a British person: pic related, pork and tomato cassoulet on toast for lunch.
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 18:25:48 #3834 №130977 DELETED
Nice calendar
January is a masterpiece, finally, a real anglosaxon in the picture
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 18:37:30 #3835 №130978 DELETED
Then I'm British too. Although I tried to copy American food from the picture purely for lulz, but the Americans told me that only the British eat shit like that.

What's up, neighbour? Mrs O'Porridge hanging her husband's dirty trousers on the clothesline for all to see again? The Irish, you know. There's not enough constables for them. We're going to the pub tonight to watch the FOOTBALL, you won't regret it, they say Tiffany's going to be there. winks Hohoho! See you at the pub!
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 19:26:50 #3836 №130982 DELETED
jeez where can i get this calendar?
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 19:39:37 #3837 №130983 DELETED
Mhm, cant wait to get indigestion by blinis 😁
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 22:04:15 #3838 №130986 DELETED
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 23:07:17 #3839 №130987 DELETED
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 23:32:18 #3840 №130989 DELETED
They could have made it so much better with a little bit of extra effort but no. Also when did Indonesia get involved?

Toast: looks good
Eggs: undercooked, the white is still liquid ewww but the yolks look healthy as fuck
Beans: they look a bit dry, were they definitely the official British 'baked haricot beans in sweet tomato sauce' ones?
Sausages: nope, the closest variety to British sausages are salsiccia toscana, American mild Italian sausage or Rostbratwurst and if you boil them, you're doing it wrong.
Cucumbers: lol, no
Smetana: a wild addition by any stretch of the imagination
Tomatoes: I know this terrifies most Slavs but they really are better if you fry them a bit.
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 23:49:19 #3841 №130990 DELETED
I'll give you a clue.
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 23:58:07 #3842 №130991 DELETED
I'll also give you a second clue: all Anglo-origin countries think that in Russia they are seriously called Anglo-Saxons, even though it's one of hundreds of memes that Putin invented deliberately. No one in Russia seriously uses that meaning. It's especially funny when the highest ranks of the US or Britain start to justify and object to this meme. It is very funny.

>missed my post-answer about the T-34
>complains about the low level of discussion among Russians
Just lmao, nevermind
Anonymous  03/11/24 Вск 14:45:03 #3843 №131000 DELETED

Anonymous  03/11/24 Вск 14:50:57 #3844 №131001 DELETED
The newest and most powerful ChatGPT, o1-preview, gives 57% incorrect answers - an internal OpenAI test.

GPT-4o - 60% incorrect answers
Claude-3.5-sonnet - 71.1% incorrect answers

How it counted. OpenAI created a test of 4326 questions on topics ranging from film and science to geography and technology.

Each question has strictly 1 correct answer and models were tested on their ability to answer accurately and confidently.

And how many adverts there were...
Anonymous  03/11/24 Вск 15:08:46 #3845 №131002 DELETED
U.S. B-52 strategic bombers have arrived in the Middle East - U.S. military reports

Iran is preparing for a full-scale attack on Israel and U.S. targets.

Anonymous  03/11/24 Вск 15:14:03 #3846 №131003 DELETED
A couple of days ago, a major Western social network started circulating a photo where they allegedly caught a North Korean soldier and even showed his military ID.

In reality, all they caught was a photoshop. It took a few hours for the post to be flooded with complaints and the moderation had to admit that it was a fake, but the dumbed-down westoids managed to like and comment on what happened, believing in the absolute authenticity of the image.

Even the South Korean from /chug/ said it's photoshop and another machine translation. Asian languages in general are very difficult to machine translate.
Anonymous  03/11/24 Вск 15:20:12 #3847 №131004 DELETED
The most valuable dude in the army
Anonymous  03/11/24 Вск 15:23:07 #3848 №131005 DELETED
Ukrainian shop
Anonymous  03/11/24 Вск 15:24:13 #3849 №131006 DELETED
Here you go, bro, you love this stuff i know)
Anonymous  03/11/24 Вск 15:26:35 #3850 №131007 DELETED
The Ukrainian drone was strapped to a captive Ukrainian (probably the operator of this UAV).
Anonymous  03/11/24 Вск 15:30:28 #3851 №131008 DELETED
Release the Kraken
Anonymous  03/11/24 Вск 16:53:52 #3852 №131009 DELETED
Anonymous  03/11/24 Вск 18:40:06 #3853 №131012 DELETED
Not a tuvan trolling
Anonymous  03/11/24 Вск 20:32:41 #3854 №131013 DELETED
Anonymous  03/11/24 Вск 20:55:22 #3855 №131015 DELETED
Олег Теньков варит своё знаменитое пиво. А вахтёры итт сосут хуи.
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  03/11/24 Вск 21:25:37 #3856 №131017 DELETED
Естественно, ведь этот китаец вещает на понятном путунхуа.
А вовсе не на севрокорейском, как тебе бы хотелось думать, пидарашка ты сраная, лол кек, чубурек.
Anonymous  03/11/24 Вск 22:13:15 #3857 №131018 DELETED
Ok my turn
>Toast: looks good
Yes, it's made from Russian first grade wheat. In Russian toaster (++ to sovlful)
>Eggs: undercooked
In Russia, we like the yolks to be a little runny. Besides, a semi-liquid yolk adds moisture to the dish and goes well with beans.
>Sausages: nope
Yep. Milk sausages according to GOST R 52196 - 2011 (GOverment STandart - literally an open source recipe controlled and perfected by government research institutes), so the manufacturer does not matter here, they are specially designed to cook them, but frying gives an additional fried flavor and crust.
>Beans: they look a bit dry
I drained the fluid because.
This is a white Krasnodar bean of one of the Soviet varieties, which was bred at the height of Soviet breeding science. They don't sell it in your country anyway, so we'll cut down on the details.
It's Yogurt with chocolate balls, bro.
>Tomatoes: I know this terrifies most Slavs but they really are better if you fry them a bit.
Don't tell anyone these things in Russia, bro. The cucumbers and tomatoes balance the roastiness of the dish with their juiciness, that's the function they fulfill.
Also, cucumbers and tomatoes are the two basic ingredients of a popular Russian salad, and they go well together. [It includes one long smooth cucumber, two medium tomatoes, a small onion, a bunch of parsley, a bunch of dill, salt and three tablespoons of sunflower oil, onion can be pre-marinated a little in vinegar for 2-3 hours, for this you need to slice onions, add three bay leaves, any ground pepper, two tablespoons of sugar and one tablespoon of salt, three to four tablespoons of 9% vinegar and pour boiling water.]
>Cucumbers: lol, no
Lol, yes
Anonymous  03/11/24 Вск 22:16:53 #3858 №131020 DELETED
>designed to cook them
designed for boiling
Anonymous  03/11/24 Вск 22:44:12 #3859 №131022 DELETED
>popular Russian salad
Some even add sweet peppers to the basic recipe.
Anonymous  04/11/24 Пнд 16:05:09 #3860 №131037 DELETED
They are literally shouting “Christ is Risen”, "Save us, Mother of God" and “We are Russians - God is with us”. I've never seen anything like it.
Nothing threatening, despite the expression with which they do it. Are there religious patriot marches in Europe?
Anonymous  04/11/24 Пнд 16:57:09 #3861 №131038 DELETED
>>131036 →
>still believes in this FSB directed show


Whoever posts in the thread after me is a faggot.
Anonymous  04/11/24 Пнд 16:59:05 #3862 №131039 DELETED
Anonymous  04/11/24 Пнд 17:23:25 #3863 №131041 DELETED
Huh, is it a kolovrat?

>Odd that they appear with modern kit like bridgelayers and T-72B3Ms if they're going to some museum though.


You've heard of the Tatar-Mongol yoke, how about the Tatar-Mongol cock intromitting its savage sperm straight from the steppes and up into you, kindling a little Eurasian right into your fibroid-tortured uterus?

Milk protein in sausage is a real wtf moment. Baked runner beans rather than baked haricot beans? Crunch Corner yogurt for breakfast? Dill and bay leaf in a raw salad? Cucumbers in general?

Pic related is the Russian salad known in the West, and it's dericious. I add cubed parsnips to it but I'm a notorious iconoclast.
Anonymous  04/11/24 Пнд 17:29:27 #3864 №131042 DELETED
>Are there religious patriot marches in Europe?

Of course there are, cmon man you're not some skoof who thinks Europeans spend all day alternating between vigorous bumsex and frothy xenophobia are you? One from Ireland and the UK, one from Spain.
Anonymous  04/11/24 Пнд 18:12:32 #3865 №131043 DELETED
>Odd that they appear with modern kit like bridgelayers and T-72B3Ms if they're going to some museum though.
There's nothing about Koreans in the original. You lied to me. >>130926
>You've heard of the Tatar-Mongol yoke, how about the Tatar-Mongol cock intromitting its savage sperm straight from the steppes and up into you, kindling a little Eurasian right into your fibroid-tortured uterus?
Why are you being so rude? Are you mad at me ahahaha
Historical note for history buffs: Russia was never directly occupied by the Tatar-Mongol yoke, although before its conquest, in addition to major military clashes, it was subjected to numerous raids. Russia was an autonomous sattelite state, paying tribute, its princes appointed by the Khan himself. In modern realities it is something like relations between the USA and Great Britain, all authority is appointed from the USA, if to try to break the system and to choose the wrong prime minister, it will be as with Fitzo, only Fitzo and Slovakia are not so important for economy of the USA.
And as for women in Russia, the Mongols were considered to be the embodiment of demons and it was considered a crime to have children with them, so if a woman was abused, she had a physical abortion.
yes, brat, see picture
Anonymous  04/11/24 Пнд 18:13:11 #3866 №131044 DELETED
Ooooops ===> >>131043
Anonymous  04/11/24 Пнд 18:45:51 #3867 №131045 DELETED
>Huh, is it a kolovrat?
No, bro, it's called geometry. The bottoms of all flags face the center, and the tops face away from it.

>No ideology
>No organization
>No investors
>No activist cells in each city ("Russian Community", "Northern Man" and so on).
It looks very weak from an unpromising perspective. And probably doesn't even benefit society.
Anonymous  04/11/24 Пнд 18:51:33 #3868 №131046 DELETED
Russians are tired of examples of ugly behaviour of some migrants, this must end - Medvedev

On President Putin's instructions, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev held a meeting on state migration policy. He called the issue of improving migration policy extremely urgent and highly sensitive.

The main statements of the Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation:

- The migration policy of the Russian Federation should meet the interests of Russian citizens, not of some foreign countries;

- It is necessary to prevent the formation of ethnic enclaves in the Russian Federation, which create fertile ground for the spread of extremism;

- It is time to end the enrolment in Russian schools of children of migrants who do not know the Russian language;

- It is necessary to introduce a ‘digital migrant profile’ to identify foreigners throughout the country. Despite the complexity and cost, it is time to do this;

- It is necessary to completely eliminate the stay in Russia of migrants who pose a threat to the country's security. Migrants with low qualifications should come to the Russian Federation only for the period of labour activity;

- If someone is on the territory of our country, but does not work or study - such a person should leave Russia.

Anonymous  04/11/24 Пнд 18:55:09 #3869 №131047 DELETED
Of course, this does not apply to citizens from neoliberal states, for fugitives from there the maximum support measures are provided.
Anonymous  04/11/24 Пнд 18:56:34 #3870 №131048 DELETED
Anonymous  04/11/24 Пнд 22:23:14 #3871 №131049 DELETED
how much Russians pay their ISP per month?
Anonymous  04/11/24 Пнд 23:03:07 #3872 №131050 DELETED
- Speed: 1 gigabit per second
- Unlimited SIM card
- 230 TV Channels
- Access to 5000 games in cloud gaming
- Access to KION online movie theater (about 18 thousand Russian dubbed movies, TV series and more), yea, i don't need Rutracker, but I download movies from it sometimes out of old habit.
13 euro per month (1450 rubles)
Anonymous  04/11/24 Пнд 23:16:16 #3873 №131051 DELETED
>You lied to me.

No, I offered an alternative interpretation that seemed more in line with reality at the time. Could also have been for the North Koreans, they still run all of that kit.

>Why are you being so rude?

It's banter m8, or maybe flanter 😘

>description of the Warsaw Pact

Oh stop, you're too cynical. Research the level of dick-sucking, brown-nosing, bribes and veiled threats that went into getting Australia involved in the Vietnam War. The point of allies is that they fight merrily alongside you, they're useless if they'll just shoot you in the back or run away.

>It looks very weak from an unpromising perspective.

The Order is weak now, but they were powerful in their day and could still mount a counter-insurgency campaign, probably. The Catholic Church will outlast everything that isn't space junk, and despite being a shadow of its former glory, it could have both of us killed pretty easily if it wanted to.

Will you accept these based schizos? This is long but boy oh boy is it worth it.
Anonymous  04/11/24 Пнд 23:22:17 #3874 №131052 DELETED
I found at least 3 Russian companies today that manufacture most of their product range from coffee makers and microwaves to robot vacuum cleaners in factories in Russia - BQ, Kitfort and Tuvio. And it came out by accident, I didn't even look for much (I'm lazy, really). Even if the EU was friendly with Russia you would never let Russian goods into your market, because Russia has always been seen as a resource appendage.

This is the little guy I plan on taking in a month (Right now I'm planning to upgrade my PC).
Anonymous  04/11/24 Пнд 23:34:53 #3875 №131053 DELETED
my mother has a Roomba, it was very expensive, she doesn't use it. and probably fucks electricity expenses, pseudo-charging all day. useless device. keeps hitting the furniture.

it also fills up quickly. so in the same afternoon you have to change once or twice the content.

she also bought the LIDL equivalent and gave it away to some colleague.
Anonymous  05/11/24 Втр 00:01:25 #3876 №131054 DELETED
>The Order is weak now
>Catholic Church
Okay, i won't challenge your copium. Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly someday woke-lobby will collapse and the west will be free again. Yes, you and a trans named stacy are both british. But you're just a regular guy and Stacey is a woke person - and even though you're both British, Stacey is a different species and a different culture and different values and a different way of life that may just as well overlap with yours and not always in your favor because Stacey demands special rights based solely on her inclusivity. It's literally multiculturalism - two peoples living in the same country, only one of them is an occupier. Just look at their victory parades in London (hahaha). Russia looked at this shit and decided that the continuation of the nation that the state would cater to is a person capable of procreation, not a person capable of inclusivity and restricted special rights based on inclusivity. Pure rationalism of spending resources.
>Will you accept these based schizos? This is long but boy oh boy is it worth it.
Maria Zakharova (you probably know her, an important woman, Director of the Department of Information) said regarding migration to Russia that the first difference between a European and a Central Asian is that the European adapts to Russian society and tries to become part of it, while the Central Asian creates an enclave that can pose problems or a threat to Russian society. I am loosely interpreting, but that is the exact meaning.

It's a subsidiary of Yandex, it even has built-in voice control with their AI Alisa. Also, all the furniture in my house is on "legs" and was purchased based on plans to have a robot vacuum cleaner.
Anonymous  05/11/24 Втр 15:04:54 #3877 №131059 DELETED
>Milk protein in sausage is a real wtf moment
Wtf until you taste them.
>Crunch Corner yogurt for breakfast?
>Baked runner beans rather than baked haricot beans?
Lastochka is a Soviet variety of white bean. Designed to grow in even the most unsavory corners of the red empire.
>bay leaf in a raw salad
No, you put it in a marinade in which you dull the sharpness of the onions so you can add them to the salad later.
>Dill in a raw salad
You're weird)
The salad I had in mind is here, but here is a slightly different variation - without the quick pickled onions and with sweet peppers (which is fine too).

>Cucumbers in general?
In admiral, fixed
Anonymous  05/11/24 Втр 15:15:58 #3878 №131060 DELETED
Depends on the region, but in Russia no one pays more than 2000 rubles for the Internet - and 2000 is a very good service, the highest bar of services and speed, which only a few people need. Usually it is 700-1500 rubles. Ethnic nomads like cheap mobile internet because they are always on the move in Siberia and need to stay in touch with their relatives in the cities.
Do I understand correctly that in the picture they are selling volume, not speed?
Anonymous  05/11/24 Втр 15:49:42 #3879 №131061 DELETED
>Do I understand correctly that in the picture they are selling volume, not speed?
they forgot to put ps in "1 Gbps"

It is some Romanian company that is breaking ISP cartelin Portugal where Poortuguese serfs are stolen every month 50-100euros. They already broke their competitorsin Spanish market.
Anonymous  05/11/24 Втр 17:36:07 #3880 №131063 DELETED
>with rasty shoveels and withaut ammunishns
Ahahahahah it's again
Anonymous  05/11/24 Втр 18:29:44 #3881 №131064 DELETED
Anonymous  05/11/24 Втр 18:31:04 #3882 №131065 DELETED
Anonymous  05/11/24 Втр 21:52:09 #3883 №131067 DELETED
"Elon Musk helped prevent the Ukrainian Armed Forces from attacking Crimea by disabling Starlink.

He personally made this decision in the fall of 2022, because he wanted to prevent a nuclear war, - Neue Zürcher Zeitung.


Anonymous  05/11/24 Втр 23:22:24 #3884 №131068 DELETED
In a thousand years, the Catholic Church will still be avoiding taxes, ignoring the governments they can't influence and controlling the minds of billions, and Russian nationalists will still be marching up the streets of Russia with flags and banners. If you can't see the power differential here, mental optometry may be necessary.

>the first difference between a European and a Central Asian is that the European adapts to Russian society

Is there enough haldol in the country? Tucker thinks demons flew out of the nuclear bomb and caused wokeness and he tells people this at dinner parties. That's not really a cogent opinion and it's not normal behaviour.

That's a strange salad by Anglo standards, pic related formed part of my lunch: spinach, red baby leaf lettuce, mizuna (Brassica rapa niposinica), chives. I often add swiss chard (Beta vulgaris vulgaris) and lamb's lettuce (Valeriana locusta) but not today.
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 00:49:52 #3885 №131071 DELETED
The author of “Ratatouille” and “Superfamily” was jailed for pedophilia and human trafficking.

Artist Buhalema Buchibu, who took part in the creation of famous Disney cartoons, was involved in the violence of several hundred children from 2 to 10 years old.

He organized the rapes via the darknet, broadcasting everything live. A Paris court sentenced him to 25 years in prison.

Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 00:51:57 #3886 №131072 DELETED
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 00:58:04 #3887 №131073 DELETED
One person has died and seven are hospitalized after being struck by a thunderstorm during a soccer match.

Peruvian defender Jose Hugo De la Cruz Meza has died after being directly struck by lightning. Seven more people were hospitalized.

Players began to leave the field in the 23rd minute, at which point the discharge flashed across the pitch
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 01:02:37 #3888 №131074 DELETED
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 04:03:43 #3889 №131078 DELETED
Brother, the war of the Western world to destroy Russia, its identity and language has been going on for many years and has reached its climax today. These traditionalist-patriots are Russia's internal energy, pressure from within as opposed to Western pressure from without. If everyone in Russia were Coke and burger drinkers who believe that their ass is more valuable than the whole nation, we would have lost this war by now. As the Russian poster above said verbatim - Russia would be a balkanized resource colony.

I agree. But it sounds better than statements about 333 genders and ‘Honey, I'm non-binary and all our kids are too’, parent №1, parent №2, parent №3 o_O, discussions about legalising paedophilia and including it in LGBT, all of these are destroying universal culture, a return to primitive morality, and it is culture that makes us human.
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 04:47:01 #3890 №131079 DELETED
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 05:10:42 #3891 №131080 DELETED
Hamari commercial assault armour with exoskeleton for legs has been released from early access. Covers 90% of the body. Used in combat by Russian assault units (soldiers buy their own). The world's first actually used exoskeleton armour (the American Talos is still in the prototyping stage and is vastly inferior).

Buy it today!
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 05:12:23 #3892 №131081 DELETED
Hungry boys in their knickers changed.
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 11:44:28 #3893 №131083 DELETED
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 12:00:26 #3894 №131084 DELETED
Requesting Ukrainian, Zeliboba reactions please. Thanks in advance
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 15:05:39 #3895 №131088 DELETED
"The foul junkie has already had a laugh congratulating Trump.
Trump made his choice when he flew to the States. Everyone remembers"

" "I appreciate President Trump's commitment to a 'peace through strength' approach to world affairs. This is exactly the kind of principle that can bring a just peace in Ukraine closer in practice.I look forward to working together to make it a reality..... I look forward to personally congratulating President Trump and discussing ways to strengthen Ukraine's strategic partnership with the United States."

What a stinking asshole"

"The nightmare for Zelensky is just beginning - the Republicans, who have won everywhere, will now act like in the movie "Total Recall".

They will also remember his demonstrative trip to a military plant in Pennsylvania and the attempt to impeach Trump, which was based on his conversations with Zelensky."
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 15:09:12 #3896 №131089 DELETED
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 15:15:29 #3897 №131090 DELETED
Also hohols tg channels are full of whining, total pain and food for trolls.

But I wouldn't get my right hopes up for Trump like some optimists are saying. Trump may say one thing, but after seeing the documents he will say another. Moreover, he has stated that without the dollar as the world currency, the US will become a third world country. The dollar as a world currency is a direct contradiction to the concept of a multipolar world.

I think the war in Ukraine will continue until it disappears from the face of the earth.
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 16:06:22 #3898 №131091 DELETED
BAXTEPAM In This Thread
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 18:31:10 #3899 №131093 DELETED
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 18:31:30 #3900 №131094 DELETED
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 18:32:21 #3901 №131095 DELETED
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 20:09:24 #3902 №131098 DELETED
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 20:14:20 #3903 №131099 DELETED
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 20:17:43 #3904 №131100 DELETED
A little bit of Ukrainian tears.

>Cried all morning because Trump said he'd stop giving us money.
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 21:24:32 #3905 №131101 DELETED
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 21:37:10 #3906 №131103 DELETED
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 21:43:43 #3907 №131104 DELETED
Nice comedy, but crooked. I used to make jokes like that when I was 13. On the other hand let them do any relaxing things to keep from getting PTSD.
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 21:53:21 #3908 №131105 DELETED
Zelensky said in the evening stream that his team and Trump's team are actually cooperating and working together. They're also taking apart the points of his plan to win.

Сan translate through neural networks or take my word for it - your choice.
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 22:00:10 #3909 №131107 DELETED
>Сan translate through neural networks or take my word for it - your choice.
Twitter is probably banned there in Russia. But in his twitter account there are English subs.
But he speaks Ukrainian or Russian there if you can understand it?
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 22:05:34 #3910 №131108 DELETED
it's not there yet the video btw. they will probably post the subbed one soon.
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 22:09:46 #3911 №131109 DELETED
>But he speaks Ukrainian or Russian there if you can understand it?
No, he always speaks Ukrainian.
Russian is not a state language in Ukraine, it is also forbidden to use in all public institutions, including schools and hospitals, as well as a number of commercial companies, despite the rate of spread and the fact that entire regions in Ukraine do not speak Ukrainian in most cases (such as Kharkiv, for example). They also have language patrols of public organizations and thrash bloggers who beat up other Ukrainians on camera for speaking Russian. This, by the way, is one of the goals of Putin's military operation - the right of Russian speakers to speak Russian.

>Twitter is probably banned
Bans and slowdowns have never been a problem for the average user. It feels like these bans are for stupid people.
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 22:17:37 #3912 №131110 DELETED
I can only imagine the audience for this channel
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 22:31:58 #3913 №131111 DELETED
I thought Russians couldn't understand their language, only their creole.
Here in contrast, you can somewhat understand most "Spanish"/Castillian withoutprior contact (prior contact like Doraemon dubbed in Castillian/Spanish and subbed in Portuguese). But the Spanish don't understand us due to stressed time language and more weird phonemes.
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 22:35:23 #3914 №131112 DELETED
Zoomers don't know how to sign, so they made a bureaucratic mess of the US elections

The signature on the postal ballot should match the one stored in the database, but because many schools in the US have stopped teaching pen writing since 2010, many simply don't have a stable signature.

As a result, the commissions tried calling the “authors” - and the zoomers don't like calls very much and didn't answer the phone.

Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 22:41:50 #3915 №131113 DELETED
There are some difficulties in understanding pure Western Ukrainian and Western Belarusian, but Ukrainian-speaking Ukrainians from different regions of the country have difficulty in understanding it themselves, because there are many unofficial dialects in Ukraine, in particular those that borrow many Russian words (surzhik).

A rabid Nazi [nicknamed Ganul] hit a roadblock with a crowd of militants of the military commissariat in Odessa, where summonses were being handed out.

First, he demanded that the incomprehensible militants in military uniforms show their documents, which they refused to do.

Then a senior officer at the checkpoint came up and showed him a military commissar's ID card. At the same time, he spoke in Russian. Ganul demanded that the military officer switch to Ukrainian, but he refused, saying that he was from Mariupol.
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 22:45:40 #3916 №131114 DELETED
Ganul is a West Ukrainian Nazi Banderite who came to the Russian-speaking city of Odessa to teach Odessaites how to be a real Ukrainian (and make content out of it).
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 22:47:13 #3917 №131115 DELETED
Also, the police are on his side because someone very important is behind him.
This is the democratic European state.
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 22:49:06 #3918 №131116 DELETED
I was wondering the other day, by the way, if Spaniards understand Portuguese or not. I wanted to ask you :)
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 22:51:09 #3919 №131117 DELETED
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 22:55:23 #3920 №131119 DELETED
Reddit roundup:

American apologizes to Baltoids for Trump's election victory in his country
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 22:57:47 #3921 №131120 DELETED
Trump, in his first speech to supporters since the election, said he intends “not to start wars, but to end them”


Btw, Zelensky said that too in 2018.
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 23:01:21 #3922 №131121 DELETED
MAGA lmao
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 23:06:39 #3923 №131122 DELETED
Aren't blacks normal for their country?
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 23:10:08 #3924 №131124 DELETED
Is it the Democrats?
Anonymous  07/11/24 Чтв 00:13:50 #3925 №131125 DELETED
YITS OVYR Anonymous  07/11/24 Чтв 00:15:15 #3926 №131126 DELETED
German Vice Chancellor says Germany's ruling coalition will disintegrate

Anonymous  07/11/24 Чтв 00:24:51 #3927 №131127 DELETED
a little, only those accustomed at dealing with Portuguese (Spanish-Portuguese border) and [Spanish] Gallician (galegos, gallegos) from Galicia/Galiza understand better
Anonymous  07/11/24 Чтв 00:26:08 #3928 №131128 DELETED
add White Dudes for Harris and NAFO from Central/Eastern Europe.
Anonymous  07/11/24 Чтв 00:41:56 #3929 №131129 DELETED
Yes, that answers my question well. Thank you.
Anonymous  07/11/24 Чтв 01:02:42 #3930 №131130 DELETED
Eco-terrorists are furious: they doused the US embassy in London with orange paint in outrage at the election results

Isn't there some kind of liability for that?
Anonymous  07/11/24 Чтв 04:14:23 #3931 №131133 DELETED
he spoke russian his whole life until he became president, the place where he was born is russian-speaking
all the tv shows he's been on russian-speaking
all the movies he's starred in are russian-speaking
he also asked the ukrainian government on some tv program to get off the russian-speaking people and leave them alone, long before he became president
hmm any other facts about him?
he was good friends with putin's goddaughter xenia sobchak (she was also a good friend of navalny's, but that's beside the point) just a funny fact
Anonymous  07/11/24 Чтв 04:27:52 #3932 №131134 DELETED
xenia sobchak is a well-known businesswoman, 2018 presidential candidate, scandalous tv host, provocative political journalist and liberal who has also worked in the ukrainian anti-putin media and the ultra-liberal anti-putin russian publication dozhd, now hosts her own pro-ussian youtube show ironically reviewing all kinds of political news. https://www.youtube.com/@sobchak/videos

if you take all this into consideration, you can assume that xenia was some sort of political emissary in the backstage world, this is one of the reasons why i consider zelensky an agent of putin, and navalny and prigozhin retired agents in the shadows, not dead people, you can say i'm schizoid, but there are so many facts that this theory is as true as any other
Anonymous  07/11/24 Чтв 04:44:12 #3933 №131135 DELETED
she constantly trolls him at every briefing and asks extremely uncomfortable questions: about torture in prisons, about navalny, about kadyrov, about problems in chechnya, and so on.
and she continues to be allowed into the briefings.
just think of this circus.
the video is in russian, but by the general mood you can understand how she allegedly pisses him off
Anonymous  07/11/24 Чтв 04:53:58 #3934 №131136 DELETED
Can we talk only in English on /int/?
Anyways, what are the chances of someone who is from Moldova having mostly Slavic blood. Like me for example, I speak Russian, have blue eyes. First name is Slavic but my last name isn’t Moldovan/romanian and it isn’t Slavic (I’m not sure though ), let’s just say this it is similar to a word that Ukrainians call Russians.
Anyways, so do you think I could qualify as a Slav then? And then is it appropriate if I follow Slavic paganism?
Anonymous  07/11/24 Чтв 04:54:39 #3935 №131137 DELETED
Anonymous  07/11/24 Чтв 06:07:34 #3936 №131138 DELETED
We speak only English here, if someone speaks Russian or Ukrainian, they are instantly banned for violating the CULTURE of communication. Dvach is a Russian and Russian-speaking board, so not using Russian in the international section is an element of ethics.
a) Rus is a confederation of various East Slavic and various Finno-Ugric tribes, and not only them. I.e. in the very beginning of its existence Russia was the multinational state united by Rurik.
b) Slavic paganism has nothing in common neither with gods of Vikings, nor Germany, nor Celts, though, some uneducated degenerates desperately try to draw German culture on Slavic. The Eastern Slavs are a distinctive people. The picture shows real traditional clothing of pre-Christian Russia, not the crap in which the idiot Poklonskaya is photographed.
Anonymous  07/11/24 Чтв 06:14:00 #3937 №131139 DELETED
It's damn funny to read all of this🤡. Thanks
Btw, VK has a special neural network that analyzes misandry or misogyny or any other “hate speech” in communities, recognizes it as destructive and bans entire communities, lol. In other Russian social networks, moderators do this. In Russia, you can't promote hatred of men or hatred of women. With this group on reddit, it's like I'm plunged back to 2013.
Anonymous  07/11/24 Чтв 13:25:15 #3938 №131141 DELETED
Anonymous  07/11/24 Чтв 14:53:08 #3939 №131142 DELETED
Milchakov appears to have died according to reporter Filatov, but there is no evidence yet
Anonymous  07/11/24 Чтв 15:19:17 #3940 №131143 DELETED
Well, see you on the battlefield! Don't get taken prisoner or it'll be the buttholefield, if you know what I mean violent sodomy
Anonymous  07/11/24 Чтв 15:21:20 #3941 №131144 DELETED
Huh? You went to war? Learn the Russian anthem, bro. Just in case.
Anonymous  07/11/24 Чтв 16:57:37 #3942 №131145 DELETED
and could have moved to russia and lived like a human being, you fool
Anonymous  07/11/24 Чтв 18:23:01 #3943 №131146 DELETED
Anonymous  07/11/24 Чтв 22:34:55 #3944 №131147 DELETED
Anonymous  08/11/24 Птн 01:00:27 #3945 №131150 DELETED
Anonymous  08/11/24 Птн 05:29:11 #3946 №131153 DELETED
Anonymous  08/11/24 Птн 20:26:44 #3947 №131156 DELETED
Anonymous  09/11/24 Суб 13:40:39 #3948 №131159 DELETED
Is the Stump hooked up to the Golden Throne yet?

Anonymous  09/11/24 Суб 15:02:42 #3949 №131160 DELETED
Anonymous  09/11/24 Суб 15:05:12 #3950 №131161 DELETED
You're two months late with this news. But it's still funny.
Anonymous  09/11/24 Суб 15:14:02 #3951 №131162 DELETED
Anonymous  09/11/24 Суб 16:01:55 #3952 №131164 DELETED
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  09/11/24 Суб 18:25:03 #3953 №131166 DELETED
Anonymous  09/11/24 Суб 20:10:37 #3954 №131167 DELETED
Anonymous  09/11/24 Суб 21:05:23 #3955 №131170 DELETED
Warm picture)
Anonymous  09/11/24 Суб 21:15:51 #3956 №131172 DELETED
"A “former” British Army soldier who went to Piggerland “out of the call of his heart” and not as a “stealth soldier”. On November 5th Callum💩's asshole was torn into a British flag, sending the tea-bagger to see the Queen."
Translate adaptation by me © Anonymouse

took the word from here
it's a very good adaptation, I hope I'm not the only one who thinks so.
In the original russian there was a word denoting in a negative way “a strong tea drinker who knows no measure”

Anonymous  09/11/24 Суб 21:30:56 #3957 №131173 DELETED
Looks like a Brit, but the name is very strange. I suspect he's from Scotland or Wales, but definitely not traditional England. I need to be more specific. Scientific interest.
Anonymous  09/11/24 Суб 22:31:44 #3958 №131174 DELETED
Predator and prey
Anonymous  09/11/24 Суб 22:58:44 #3959 №131175 DELETED
Sosnovka, the birthplace of the great Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev, through the eyes of an unknown Russian gunfighter.
Anonymous  09/11/24 Суб 23:08:33 #3960 №131176 DELETED
Anonymous  10/11/24 Вск 00:07:11 #3961 №131177 DELETED
What a dumbass, we need people like that for the incoming REAL war. The Germans lost about 1/3 of their tanks and mech in the invasion of Poland, and we know how that ended. The downside West has is that the Russian Airforce is largely intact, but we now know that it has a bad time when Patriots get involved. It's all starting to take shape, slowly but surely. The only real variables are whether the Germans will fight properly or roll over like the beaten bitches they may still be, and whether the French are serious about their nuclear strategy.
Anonymous  10/11/24 Вск 00:48:00 #3962 №131178 DELETED
Clearly, the dude is out of his mind. There are many more like him, judging by the videos from a hoholian tg-groups. If we talk about the introduction of military contingents, it is impossible, VLADIMIR VAMPIRE DRACULA has marked a bloody line about it and it still works. All blood lines of VLADIMIR always work. Red lines of small emotional officials, which western mass media gave out for humiliations of Russia and personally VLADIMIR DRACULA do not work. And if to speak about whose contingent I would like to see in Ukraine, it is this: Poland, Finland and Baltoids, especially Poland and Baltoids - very nasty people who really need a historical lesson from Russia in the piggy bank of historical memory.
And Finns should realize that joining a military bloc is frivolous. Although the Finns I know told me that nobody held a referendum on this issue and the government decided everything without them, I believe that this will also be a very useful lesson for the preservation of peace in the future. For there to be peace in Europe, the fear of war and the fear of getting involved in dubious geopolitical adventures of third countries, the apprehension must be backed up by a huge number of corpses. Young humanity, and especially young nations, do not learn differently. This is macroevolution.

So who is he by internal British nationality. Or is it a purely English name?
Anonymous  10/11/24 Вск 01:05:24 #3963 №131179 DELETED
Anonymous  10/11/24 Вск 01:19:31 #3964 №131180 DELETED
A crazy conspiracy theory has fizzled in X: Americans claim Biden deliberately portrayed symptoms of dementia.

🟠 Just watch the video - it's Biden's final address to the nation. He looked confident, spoke coherently, made no mistakes, and didn't stutter;
🟠 Biden suddenly seemed more savvy;
🟠 It's believed that he either found a cure for dementia or he was playing a joke on the public all along;
🟠 Some are convinced that Biden, like the character Littlefinger from Game of Thrones, has been deliberately acting like an idiot for the last year to save the US;
🟠 He didn't thank Kamala Harris once in his seven minute speech;
🟠 Perhaps this is a deliberate move by a seasoned politician to “remove” Harris from the political game.
Anonymous  10/11/24 Вск 01:27:06 #3965 №131181 DELETED
Anonymous  10/11/24 Вск 02:40:54 #3966 №131186 DELETED
Anonymous  10/11/24 Вск 03:05:18 #3967 №131187 DELETED
Sontsovka*, dude
Anonymous  10/11/24 Вск 03:57:43 #3968 №131188 DELETED
That looks so cool, just like a TV show
Anonymous  10/11/24 Вск 13:32:54 #3969 №131189 DELETED
Tonight the Ukrainians fired 175 drones at the Moscow suburbs. And my lights even went out for 3-5 seconds (apparently some power substation was unlucky after all). What more proof do you need that Zelensky needs only war to preserve not only his wealth and influence, but his life, and he is ready to escalate this conflict by all means. There are still 38 days until Trump's inauguration and a lot of things will happen during these 38 days.
Anonymous  10/11/24 Вск 13:36:20 #3970 №131190 DELETED
Someone's dacha burned down.
Anonymous  10/11/24 Вск 15:34:09 #3971 №131191 DELETED
Anonymous  10/11/24 Вск 15:51:08 #3972 №131192 DELETED
Did you know that many years ago Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia came up with the idea of stealing for years building an 870 km high-speed railroad through Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania?

The project is called Rail Baltica and the justification for its construction today is that NATO troops will be moved into the Baltics when Putin attacks.

Did you know that since 2017 the developers' estimate has quadrupled and now stands at €24 billion?

And did you know that the EU is subsidizing 85% of this delusional project and has just announced another €1.1 billion?

Nord Stream 2 was built in three years and cost
€9.5 billion.

Now Brussels says that the super-important road connecting the countries everyone is leaving will be built in 2030. But not all of it.

A single-track road will be built, not a double-track road, and then we'll see.

Do you realize how much money is being stolen in the EU, how much money is being stolen from Europeans right under their noses, brainwashing them with propaganda and distractions?

Anonymous  10/11/24 Вск 16:48:33 #3973 №131193 DELETED
I wonder what the average age of a poster on 4chan is?
Anonymous  10/11/24 Вск 18:19:12 #3974 №131194 DELETED
The big news.
>The water level in the well is stable at 1.5m below the socket.
>The pump now gives more pressure due to the height of the water
>column and the relay works like a Swiss watch.
>No frogs.
>Your grunts?

Well, he did it. Never give up. Lol.
Anonymous  10/11/24 Вск 22:26:40 #3975 №131195 DELETED
Anonymous  11/11/24 Пнд 04:18:39 #3976 №131199 DELETED
Anonymous  11/11/24 Пнд 07:01:59 #3977 №131200 DELETED
>A single-track road will be built, not a double-track road, and then we'll see.
will we tho?
Anonymous  11/11/24 Пнд 09:02:13 #3978 №131202 DELETED
Back in 2016, it was noticed that she has a slight schizophrenia about everything Russian and Slavic. Potraits of the tsar, in the office and so on. Probably the consequences of post-traumatic syndrome because of how much she had to deal with as a young prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea.
Anonymous  11/11/24 Пнд 09:29:47 #3979 №131203 DELETED
This is a translation of an article by a Ukrainian blogger. Perhaps you know him.
There are examples of such strange projects in Russia as well. Everyone steals in the projects: the Baltics steal, the Russians steal, the Germans steal, the Poles steal, the Portuguese steal, the Americans steal, it's just that the information line in the European Union is built in such a way that the European Union is supposedly a paradise on earth, a Borrell's garden, while in the European Union it supposedly cannot be. It can, just think of Greece, the corruption hole of the European Union - if there is corruption in any part of the economic-political union, it is bound to affect the whole union.
Anonymous  11/11/24 Пнд 09:47:20 #3980 №131204 DELETED
Anonymous  11/11/24 Пнд 09:57:26 #3981 №131205 DELETED
>There are examples of such strange projects in Russia as well. Everyone steals in the projects: the Baltics steal, the Russians steal, the Germans steal, the Poles steal, the Portuguese steal, the Americans steal
once again you judge us by your own lights despite the civilizational and racial divide: via baltica, a highway on the same route was created without problems i don't see why there would be any hickups in the railway project
Anonymous  11/11/24 Пнд 10:26:43 #3982 №131206 DELETED
No, my friend, no one is judging your “civilization” by their own standards. Moreover, you are far inferior to us in many things. You know exactly what I mean, don't try to play dumb.
Anonymous  11/11/24 Пнд 10:28:53 #3983 №131207 DELETED
Oops, wrong picture😊
Anonymous  11/11/24 Пнд 10:56:52 #3984 №131209 DELETED
>You know exactly what I mean, don't try to play dumb.
enlighten me
Anonymous  11/11/24 Пнд 11:11:23 #3985 №131210 DELETED
See what I found: Beelink Mini PC (from a Russian builder), in different variations equals or beats the latest Rapsberry Pi in performance. Inferior only in size.
And Windows 11 Pro is not compatible with the Rapsberry Pi, because the Rapsberry Pi uses ARM Cortex. Yep.
What does that mean? THIS IS END OF PORTUGAL WORLD HEGEMONY! YOU LOSE! WE WIN! HOHOHOHOH https://youtu.be/zZip9sb-PfQ?t=20

I think it's time to start a separate technotread where can discuss this kind of crap, instead of using the thread about Linux and other off-topic places.
Anonymous  11/11/24 Пнд 14:54:10 #3986 №131214 DELETED
>a Borrell's garden,
if European Union were worse than Russian Federation, millions of Russians wouldn't live here but would live in their homeland. And Borrell is some Catalan - "Perro" Sanchez dog - demented fool. Even Portugal wouldn't fuck up Valencian floods and it says a lot about Spanish 3rd world bureaucracy.
Anonymous  11/11/24 Пнд 15:34:32 #3987 №131216 DELETED
Millions of gays and soy morons from the Russian Federation are not needed here. They are your free gift bonus that came with cheap gas and energy. Moreover, Russia once had the strongest liberal propaganda that Europe was the best place in the world. I can't deny it, it was. Seriously. But now it is not.
Anonymous  11/11/24 Пнд 15:42:26 #3988 №131217 DELETED
Ukrainian journalist Diana Panchenko's X-posts have six times more reach than Zelensky's and ~200k more reach than the BBC.
Well, I can't deny that she has some pretty high quality Youtube-videos, especially on Ukrainian history.


Anonymous  11/11/24 Пнд 17:02:17 #3989 №131220 DELETED
Boom! In just one night.

I know no one gives a shit (except me). It's just funny.
Anonymous  11/11/24 Пнд 19:10:22 #3990 №131225 DELETED
>>131222 (OP) 2ch
Anonymous  11/11/24 Пнд 20:58:30 #3991 №131226 DELETED
Anonymous  11/11/24 Пнд 20:59:17 #3992 №131227 DELETED
Anonymous  11/11/24 Пнд 22:35:54 #3993 №131229 DELETED
I won't.
If you have to explain, you don't have to explain (c) Russian urban proverb.
Anonymous  11/11/24 Пнд 22:36:16 #3994 №131230 DELETED
Anonymous  11/11/24 Пнд 23:06:43 #3995 №131231 DELETED
Anonymous  11/11/24 Пнд 23:41:47 #3996 №131232 DELETED
Man, a test that I made up to compare countries - its the size of their X diaspora in country Y and vice-versa (diaspora Y in country X). That's how I know that Ukraine sucks very bad because they still immigrate to here in 2024. When there is no more that 1990s-2000s "working class" Russian diaspora here in Poortugal. The only "white" European migrating here are Ukrainians, very few Serbs, very few Georgians, Albanians and Moldovans - ethnic.

I believe that most Russians immigrate to European Union (not Portugal) for economic reasons, not to take a dildo up their arse or escape Putin.
Anonymous  12/11/24 Втр 00:26:54 #3997 №131235 DELETED
>economic reasons
Are you saying that Russians are poor compared to Europeans (not Portugals)?
Anonymous  12/11/24 Втр 00:37:15 #3998 №131236 DELETED
A march of thousands of Nazis has begun in Warsaw. Warsaw City Hall approves this event every year.
Nazi marches in Europe, nothing new. Yes, we are definitely different “civilizations”.
In Russia, an attempt to throw a "ziga" will send you to a penal colony for several years. That's what real civilization is.

Anonymous  12/11/24 Втр 00:40:13 #3999 №131237 DELETED
“Meanwhile, it was reported on October 24 that in the Polish city of Gliwice, the prosecutor's office referred to court an indictment against a local farmer and his daughter for an appeal they posted to Russian President Vladimir Putin. They urged him to deal with Ukraine and the European Union, which are damaging the country's reputation.”

Ahaha oh lmao, mmmm-yeaah
Anonymous  12/11/24 Втр 01:02:39 #4000 №131238 DELETED
a Broiler's garden
Anonymous  12/11/24 Втр 01:09:02 #4001 №131239 DELETED
Ooff civilization
Anonymous  12/11/24 Втр 01:11:07 #4002 №131240 DELETED
Here's how Poles celebrate their day of dependence on NATO and the US.

Anonymous  12/11/24 Втр 01:20:00 #4003 №131241 DELETED
Okay, enough about the Poles. That's Putin's concern now.
Let's move on to the next big news.

Bordel hid in a Ukrainian bunker like a shivering dog today as Russian Air Force strategic bombers conducted a training maneuver against enemy targets. There was no attack, but the possibility of striking the remnants of Ukraine's power grid was demonstrated.
Anonymous  12/11/24 Втр 02:15:20 #4004 №131242 DELETED
has nothing to do with civilization: that's because you're a jewish people. your gripe against national socialism is caused by nazis exposing your racial nature a hundred years ago
Anonymous  12/11/24 Втр 03:14:56 #4005 №131243 DELETED
I see, retard.
Anonymous  12/11/24 Втр 09:07:21 #4006 №131245 DELETED
A new automated system of analyzing big data sends SMS-notifications to the citizens about deferment from conscription this year. This system allows to detect people who haven't met the requirements for the service in army. The system already has sent over 700k messages.
Anonymous  12/11/24 Втр 13:12:49 #4007 №131246 DELETED
Is this in Kazakhstan or where?
NICK FUENTES: YOUR BODY, MY CHOICE. FOREVER. Anonymous  12/11/24 Втр 19:48:29 #4008 №131248 DELETED
American far-right political commentator and livestreamer Nick Fuentes has once again caught attention, this time for trolling feminists and supporters of abortion after Donald Trump's victory in the U.S. presidential election. Fuentes, who dined with Trump in November 2022, received over 85 million views on his post with the message "Your body, my choice. Forever." on the social media platform X.com (formerly Twitter), leading to hundreds of angry comments from supporters of the defeated Democrat candidate Kamala Harris. Fuentes' video mocking women supporting abortion, from his election livestream, received over 19 million views and generated dozens of reaction videos on TikTok from offended young women. Media reports also stated that schoolchildren were taunting their female classmates with Fuentes' "Your body, my choice" meme after Trump's victory. Fuentes, who is a Roman Catholic, is known as a strong opponent of abortion and a supporter of the socially conservative and nationalist faction of the Republican Party, as well as a fierce opponent of Israeli political influence in the U.S. He has a cult following of tens of thousands of young American men known as the Groypers.

Sources: https://x.com/NickJFuentes/status/1854015641218355621
https://rumble.com/v5m89gk-live-2024-presidential-election-results.html (5:52:40)
Anonymous  12/11/24 Втр 20:27:21 #4009 №131249 DELETED
Looool:D Unbelievable. This is unthinkable in Russia. There would be a terrible scandal, and such a person would be fired for “unethical behavior” towards Russian citizens. The politics here are too serious. Although I'd like that just for the fun of it.

What an interesting country the USA is.
Anonymous  12/11/24 Втр 20:36:21 #4010 №131250 DELETED
Large-scale campaign against transgenders: Trump promised to end support for sex reassignment programs and ensure state recognition of only two genders

The Web recalled old promises of the winner of the American election of 2024. Last spring, Trump was going to:
- Repeal Biden's “gender affirming care” policy by ending funding for sex reassignment surgeries;
- Ban sex reassignment surgeries for children nationwide;
- Allow patients to sue doctors who perform sex reassignment surgeries on children;
- Establish recognition of only two genders at the federal government level;
- Prohibit federal agencies from promoting or funding “gender transition” for Americans of any age.


He's super-duper far-right. Even in Russia, transgender people are provided with some special services according to their diagnosis, such as psychiatric care with a qualified psychiatrist, although most of the options available to them have been curtailed since the adoption of the law banning LGBT propaganda (and gender reassignment).
Anonymous  12/11/24 Втр 20:41:08 #4011 №131251 DELETED
I mixed up the video. Here's the English version.
Anonymous  12/11/24 Втр 20:43:09 #4012 №131252 DELETED
- Russian State Duma passed a law banning propaganda of Childfree, the fine will reach 5 million rubles

Yeah, it looks like Putin and Trump are two boots on the ground.
Anonymous  12/11/24 Втр 20:46:19 #4013 №131253 DELETED
what interior temperature is in your rooms (Home and work), Russian(s)? 25ºC? thanks in advance
Anonymous  12/11/24 Втр 21:02:36 #4014 №131254 DELETED
JeSuS, why do you need all this information?
Anonymous  12/11/24 Втр 21:30:18 #4015 №131255 DELETED
because there aren't thermostats here due to different climate and house building. and increase my productivity at home, etc. here, retarded fuckers praise energy poverty and wearing sweaters at home
Anonymous  12/11/24 Втр 22:01:24 #4016 №131257 DELETED
I was feeling cold because of the laptop cooling pad wind. Already solved the problem. room temp: 23.8ºC
Anonymous  12/11/24 Втр 22:53:40 #4017 №131258 DELETED
Like right now ? 25 Celsius in my room, -1 outside, why ?
Anonymous  12/11/24 Втр 22:57:35 #4018 №131259 DELETED
Nick supported Camala btw, he feared Trump would support jews in Gaza conflict. Dude is just a troll. He is also a fed.
Anonymous  12/11/24 Втр 23:34:38 #4019 №131262 DELETED
It feels like over 25 degrees. In winter, the management company gets carried away and you have to open a window sometimes.
I always wear underwear at home because I live alone

I have the opposite situation, at home I keep a small server of two RTX 3090s for rendering 3D graphics. After an hour of work I have to open a window.
Anonymous  13/11/24 Срд 01:03:28 #4020 №131264 DELETED
I made a new gem
Anonymous  13/11/24 Срд 01:08:06 #4021 №131265 DELETED
Anonymous  13/11/24 Срд 18:58:15 #4022 №131273 DELETED
Anonymous  13/11/24 Срд 20:39:47 #4023 №131275 DELETED
Mutter FichArbeit
Anonymous  13/11/24 Срд 22:02:25 #4024 №131277 DELETED
yo tyga
gagaga bill gates
Anonymous  13/11/24 Срд 22:30:18 #4025 №131278 DELETED
Meds, now
The End Anonymous  14/11/24 Чтв 01:48:24 #4026 №131281 DELETED

"All representatives of the Gypsy diaspora from Korkino have had their weapons seized and are now in the police for inspection. All adults have been served summonses to the military enlistment office" - the head of the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Sergei Kosmachev said at the meeting with Korkino residents. "All houses where Gypsy families live have been checked."

On the night of October 24, a local cab driver was murdered in Korkino. The body of a 40-year-old woman was found with stab wounds. Her last passengers were underage gypsies from the local tabor. The police promptly detained the suspect, but the townspeople came to take revenge in the Gypsy village.

The Gypsies who fled from Korkino tried to hide in the Nizhny Novgorod region. During the Seven Years'War, Russian artillery accidentally destroyed Euler's house; he was repaid with compensation and apologies.

Anonymous  14/11/24 Чтв 01:50:02 #4027 №131282 DELETED
>During the Seven Years'War, Russian artillery accidentally destroyed Euler's house; he was repaid with compensation and apologies.

Sorry, accidentally copied from another text and didn't notice. Lol.
Anonymous  14/11/24 Чтв 02:00:19 #4028 №131283 DELETED
Anonymous  14/11/24 Чтв 07:10:47 #4029 №131285 DELETED
Anonymous  14/11/24 Чтв 07:55:33 #4030 №131288 DELETED
Anonymous  14/11/24 Чтв 14:39:03 #4031 №131291 DELETED
Trump's presumptive administration as of now according to the announcements:

-Vice President: J.D. Vance
-Secretary of State: Marco Rubio.
-Attorney General: Matt Gaetz.
-Minister of Defence: Pete Hegseth.
-Secretary of Homeland Security: Kristi Noem.
-Director of National Intelligence: Tulsi Gabbard.
-National Security Advisor: Mike Walz.
-Director of the CIA: John Ratcliffe.
-White House Chief of Staff Susie Wiles.
-White House Deputy Chief of Staff: Dan Scavino.
-Senate Republican Leader: John Thune.
-EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin.
-Ambassador to the United Nations: Elise Stefanik.
-White House Counsel: Bill McGinley.
-Border Patrol Chief (‘Border King’): Tom Homan
-Ambassador to Israel: Mike Huckabee.
-Government Efficiency Advisors: Ilon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy.
-Middle East envoy: Steve Witkoff.

Also announced are Dan Scavino, Stephen Miller, James Blair and Taylor Budowitz to take senior positions in the White House.

Anonymous  14/11/24 Чтв 15:49:53 #4032 №131292 DELETED
fat post
Anonymous  14/11/24 Чтв 17:22:14 #4033 №131293 DELETED
Ukrainian side finally admitted that they were not the soybean trucks. Also recognised the mountain of corpses. A few months later. Checkmate, mate.

Anonymous  14/11/24 Чтв 17:23:00 #4034 №131294 DELETED
Anonymous  14/11/24 Чтв 23:36:05 #4035 №131297 DELETED
Fucking genius
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 02:38:40 #4036 №131298 DELETED
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 02:39:51 #4037 №131299 DELETED
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 03:55:13 #4038 №131300 DELETED
What I like about Americans is their basic names, cool names and cool acronyms that you can put together from boring names of organisations, partly because of the simplicity of the language they do it better than in Russian, partly because of the culture of some "coolness".
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 04:20:24 #4039 №131301 DELETED
YouTube stopped slowing down on my ISP.
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 04:25:52 #4040 №131302 DELETED

Globalcheck: YouTube resumed operation in Russia without restrictions
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 04:34:13 #4041 №131303 DELETED
1. Some dude told Putin at a briefing that the idea of slowing down youtube is untenable
2. Putin said he'd look into it
3. All Youtube problems disappear

4. ???
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 04:41:02 #4042 №131304 DELETED
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 08:03:57 #4043 №131305 DELETED
On my phone as well. Just another Telegram.
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 08:05:40 #4044 №131306 DELETED
Rubio is a very controversial poc considering he is one of the W. warhawks. Other make sense for a republican government.
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 08:06:00 #4045 №131307 DELETED
Pic, lol.
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 08:10:40 #4046 №131308 DELETED
But I'm keeping Goodbiepi for now.
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 12:03:36 #4047 №131309 DELETED
I have a question for anyone who has studied at an army college or has done officer training.
Does the Russian army still use Deep Operation principals when planning an offensive? I look at the frontline maps every few days and it seems to me that the Russian army is making good use of this technique. For instance, the Russians don't seem to exploit breakthroughs to try for big encirclements. Rather, they seem to have the aim of creating narrow, difficult to defend pockets of land that the Ukrainians can only hold at great expense, such as what is pictured in this diagram.
It also seems like the Russians are very careful as to where to deploy their reserves, while making the enemies choice of where to deploy reserves nearly impossible by attacking multiple points on the front timed specifically to coincide with the Ukrainians making big commitments in a certain area.
(In this case, reserves of the Ukrainians were deployed in the Kursk direction, allowing the Russians to deliver an operational shock in the Pokrovsk direction a few months ago. This technique was executed to perfection in Stalingrad, where the Stavka used the large commitment of 6th army to taking Stalingrad to pull off Operation Uranus. Operation Uranus managed to succeed because it coincided with the Rhzev meatgrinder battles, the Kotluban offensives and Operation Mars. All of these were disasters in isolation but managed to deprive the 6th army of much needed reserves, supply and manpower.)
When we look at the frontlines today, we can see that Ukrainian reserves must be severely strained to deal with all these offensives, and the Russian army has an advantage because they only have to deploy their reserves into the offensive that is most succesful. The Ukrainians have only their intution to guess which direction will require the deployment of reserves.
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 12:21:05 #4048 №131310 DELETED
Also quick side question
Is the accent used in this Soviet documentary a normal accent that people speak in, or is it an accent specifically put on for the documentary?
In other words, does anyone actually speak in this way?
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 13:13:26 #4049 №131311 DELETED
U.S. military experts from the Institute of War believe that the Russians could go faster, but because of the bad experience (massive use of drones by the enemy) of the 2022 rapid offensive, they are afraid of falling behind logistically. In other words, the offensive is commensurate with building logistics chains in the rear. That's all I know about the concept of today's offensive. I could go into it in more depth, but I have no burning interest in it.

There is no accent, it's pure Russian, just the Soviet way of broadcasting.
A playlist with random CCCP documentaries.
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 13:31:42 #4050 №131312 DELETED
>There is no accent, it's pure Russian, just the Soviet way of broadcasting.
I love this pure Russian accent and the inflection of the narrator. Its a firm and powerful accent.
> but because of the bad experience (massive use of drones by the enemy) of the 2022 rapid offensive, they are afraid of falling behind logistically. In other words, the offensive is commensurate with building logistics chains in the rear.
That does make perfect sense. The drones have changed things in a big way
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 13:34:40 #4051 №131313 DELETED
Those documentaries are fun. Its amazing to me that the North Koreans still make documentaries that are IDENTICAL to this one. I guess its obvious where they learnt it from.
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 13:41:37 #4052 №131314 DELETED
That's why ordinary Ukrainian men are forcibly grabbed from the streets of Ukraine.
Here is a good example of my explanation (Documentary about the main department store in Moscow, you can watch the first minute and close).
I'm shocked at how effectively they copied the USSR. It can even be heard in North Korean music in some places.
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 13:45:55 #4053 №131315 DELETED
>That's why ordinary Ukrainian men are forcibly grabbed from the streets of Ukraine.
Lol, I put that sentence in the wrong text box.
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 13:46:39 #4054 №131316 DELETED
That's why ordinary Ukrainian men are forcibly grabbed from the streets of Ukraine.
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 13:57:15 #4055 №131317 DELETED
I must tell you, the North Koreans have started to develop their own unique socialist identity in the Kim Jong Un era. Their visual language is very different from the soviet one. They love scenes of nature, sunsets, flowers and colourful plants. Many defectors have said that Young North Koreans love modern designs and modern consumer advertising and packaging. Even their architecture has departed from the Soviet style. The Russian academic Andrei Lankov has talked extensively about how North Korean society is changing. If you want I can send you my favourite lecture done by him but unfortunately it is in English
Check this one out.
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 14:03:11 #4056 №131318 DELETED
Can you do me a favour please? Can you search VK and other Russian video platforms for North Korean news reports about 9/11 in the USA. I really have looked but there is nothing to be found on the English speaking internet
This is the closest thing I could find and it is 2 years older than 9/11 about the invasion of Iraq
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 14:11:24 #4057 №131319 DELETED
Also, whats interesting is that the stuff they mostly did retain from the USSR is the socialist realism stuff. Its so interesting to see this stuff because it makes me imagine what soviet television under Stalin would have been like if they had modern colour tv at that time.
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 14:11:59 #4058 №131320 DELETED
Sorry I forgot the link
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 14:45:51 #4059 №131321 DELETED
>I must tell you, the North Koreans have started to develop their own unique socialist identity in the Kim Jong Un era. Their visual language is very different from the soviet one. They love scenes of nature, sunsets, flowers and colourful plants. Many defectors have said that Young North Koreans love modern designs and modern consumer advertising and packaging. Even their architecture has departed from the Soviet style.

I think it's because Kim Jong-un himself is young and presumably like his brother studied in Switzerland.
Russia's influence can also make this contribution. We are also not the USSR in terms of society and thinking, we are not even the West. We have our own way, and it became especially clear after February 2022. Kims and North Koreans have a lot of respect for Russia (for example, there is a Russian Orthodox Church temple in Pyongyang), although propaganda tries very hard to make it limited by erasing the USSR's main services to North Korea (such as helping in the war of independence) in history in favor of themselves. Someone told me (which means it is not accurate) that all Russian weapons supplied to North Korea and tanks have internal North Korean names and are legendarily made in secret factories deep inside North Korea.
>Check this one out.
I'll take a look when I get rid of my depression.
>Can you search VK and other Russian video platforms for North Korean news reports about 9/11
Sorry, bro, I'd love to help. But I don't use social media, and he won't let me search anything on it without registering. I also don't use my cell phone because I have no one to call or receive calls. I just don't have the technical ability to find anything for you.
>Also, whats interesting is that the stuff they mostly did retain from the USSR is the socialist realism stuff. Its so interesting to see this stuff because it makes me imagine what soviet television under Stalin would have been like if they had modern colour tv at that time.
Fun fact - during the Stalin era as the peak of stereotypical communism the communists had not yet destroyed Russian architecture, moreover there was a Stalinist architecture of its own - it was austere but beautiful buildings, unlike commieblocks.
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 14:49:53 #4060 №131322 DELETED
An example of architecture of the stalin era.
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 14:52:36 #4061 №131323 DELETED
>Fun fact - during the Stalin era as the peak of stereotypical communism the communists had not yet destroyed Russian architecture, moreover there was a Stalinist architecture of its own - it was austere but beautiful buildings, unlike commieblocks.
That's exactly what I mean about the North Korean architecture style. It is its own blend of socialist and Korean styles and I must say I really like it.
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 14:53:48 #4062 №131324 DELETED
These are all residential apartment buildings. People who live there still praise them for the quality and the interior space.
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 14:56:16 #4063 №131325 DELETED
Not all North Korean buildings are nice, but the ones that are nice are absolutely phenomenal.
>there is a Russian Orthodox Church temple in Pyongyang
Speaking of which, here are some rare photos that you may find cool
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 14:57:28 #4064 №131326 DELETED
I agree. Also North Koreans in general are great guys, if you take into account North Koreans from the tourist area where Russians like to go on vacation. But their country in the distant times became a hostage of crisis times, and to survive, to save many lives, they closed and surrounded themselves with total lies about the external and internal world, from which it is not so easy to get out. But do they need to? The question is rhetorical.
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 14:59:25 #4065 №131327 DELETED
Thank you. I'm also not sure how often services are held there, by the way. After all, bell ringing is a taboo subject for a society without a god.
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 15:06:49 #4066 №131328 DELETED
This was not taken in North Korea, it was taken in Russia. There is a rumor that when Kim Jong Il's train passed the Russian town he was born in during the Soviet days his Russian hosts asked him if he wanted to stop there in a cheeky way but he said no. I have even seen a romour in a book by a South Korean that he may have been a captain during the battle of stalingrad. But this I very much doubt and I think the Russian source made that up to make him look better than he was.
>I agree. Also North Koreans in general are great guys
I have only ever met one North Korean who I communicate with from time to time using an official email address but in general I do not doubt this at all. There is a phenomenon that those people from tough places are the nicest of all.
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 15:14:11 #4067 №131329 DELETED
>But their country in the distant times became a hostage of crisis times, and to survive, to save many lives, they closed and surrounded themselves with total lies about the external and internal world, from which it is not so easy to get out. But do they need to? The question is rhetorical.
It is not my place to speak on behalf of another group of people that are not my own, so take this statement for what it is.
I personally believe that in their hearts the North Koreans don't really believe all of the propaganda they are told, and they know that they have gone through and will go through some very hard times. My opinion is that they know it is not good but they are a people with a high spirit and it is easier for them to suffer on their own terms than to accept chaos
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 22:33:15 #4068 №131330 DELETED
I have a North Korean living in my house. Seem nice enough, really small people tho.
>I have even seen a romour in a book by a South Korean that he may have been a captain during the battle of stalingrad.
Well, not the second, the Imposter. Than we put Original in the grave Imposter was picked out of soviet officer brass. Mao was really afraid same would happen to him, so he killed his son, who was an officer in Red Army during the war.
Who cares what they believe? They are slaves, time to chop-chop.
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 23:03:16 #4069 №131331 DELETED
Why don't you start writing “t. other anon" before replies. The etiquette rules of the board called 2ch.
Anonymous  15/11/24 Птн 23:10:16 #4070 №131332 DELETED
>This was not taken in North Korea, it was taken in Russia.
Yeah, it's probably just a rumor. On the other hand, where you were born is not as important as where you grew up.
>I personally believe that in their hearts the North Koreans don't really believe all of the propaganda they are told, and they know that they have gone through and will go through some very hard times.
Of course it is. I once watched a documentary report about a trip to North Korea by journalist Anton Lyadov, on the train he was asking them stupid questions, but he hid his camera to record North Korean speech. Then the North Koreans started talking to each other and saying something like “do these dumbasses really believe this?”. Lol. So basically there are two sides to propaganda: what goes on inside North Korea about the outside world and the outside world's propaganda about North Korea.
Anonymous  16/11/24 Суб 01:02:07 #4071 №131337 DELETED
Anonymous  16/11/24 Суб 04:07:07 #4072 №131343 DELETED
Anonymous  16/11/24 Суб 16:20:33 #4073 №131353 DELETED
Anonymous  17/11/24 Вск 00:19:28 #4074 №131360 DELETED
Anonymous  17/11/24 Вск 01:17:54 #4075 №131363 DELETED
>>131345 →
>Small software development company from Siberia. We develop and promote freeware and shareware applications.
Not today, Mr. FSB. Windows snipping tool is okay. Just upgrade.
Anonymous  17/11/24 Вск 01:56:38 #4076 №131364 DELETED
I didn't know they were from Russia, now I will only use Lightshot. Thanks for information.
Anonymous  17/11/24 Вск 02:03:45 #4077 №131365 DELETED
lol. It's true.
Siberians and Texans have one similar detail: Texans say they were born in Texas, while Siberians say they are from Siberia.
Anonymous  17/11/24 Вск 02:07:03 #4078 №131366 DELETED
>No blacks and no homosexuals
And how are we supposed to adapt this? (с) Netflix
Anonymous  17/11/24 Вск 02:07:52 #4079 №131367 DELETED
Even worse...
Anonymous  17/11/24 Вск 02:11:19 #4080 №131368 DELETED
>This article was originally published by WIRED UK
No details, no screenshots, no videos. Just another yellow press attack on Russian business.
You can check the traffic for packets sent to them during the update, except there's nothing there, lol. I checked back in 2022 thinking the company was European.
Anonymous  17/11/24 Вск 02:13:34 #4081 №131369 DELETED
Anonymous  17/11/24 Вск 19:01:15 #4082 №131373 DELETED
Anonymous  17/11/24 Вск 20:42:05 #4083 №131374 DELETED
Translation from Ukrainian:
- Mr. President, if they pass a bill on same-sex partnership, will you sign it?
- Yes.
- Thank you! Thank you!

in the Rada (Ukrainian parlainment)
Anonymous  17/11/24 Вск 20:44:22 #4084 №131375 DELETED
Literary asterisks break the text. I can't get used to it.
Anonymous  17/11/24 Вск 20:52:02 #4085 №131376 DELETED
Anonymous  17/11/24 Вск 21:50:14 #4086 №131377 DELETED
The latest gift from the Democrats. Are you ready, kids?
Anonymous  18/11/24 Пнд 02:59:49 #4087 №131378 DELETED
Nothing ever happens.
Anonymous  18/11/24 Пнд 03:11:25 #4088 №131379 DELETED
After all, there is "some war happening" or Ukrainians are subbing this? Is this an error in the Matrix?
Anonymous  18/11/24 Пнд 03:26:47 #4089 №131380 DELETED
Based on the original, yes. This is not the first time he has said this, so that the Western propaganda media will once again write that Putin called the war a war - that way he will be heard more. But in any case, it's still not a war, since neither side has declared war on the other. If Russia declares war on someone, it removes a number of restrictions that could turn Ukraine into ashes. Zelensky knows this too. And no matter how much he manipulates the public with the word “war”, so far he has not declared war, moreover, he has quietly allowed, or still allows, Russian gas to be traded through his territory.
Anonymous  18/11/24 Пнд 03:27:26 #4090 №131381 DELETED
Anonymous  18/11/24 Пнд 03:28:48 #4091 №131382 DELETED
Anonymous  18/11/24 Пнд 03:32:36 #4092 №131383 DELETED
The “Вкусно и точка” produces fast food under license from McDonald's, on their technology, on their equipment. However, with the departure of McDonald's, everything has gotten cheaper by leaps and bounds, and the flavor has not changed, even the fries have increased in weight and size. I wonder why?
Anonymous  18/11/24 Пнд 03:34:52 #4093 №131384 DELETED
Anonymous  18/11/24 Пнд 04:36:36 #4094 №131385 DELETED
I don't get it
Anonymous  18/11/24 Пнд 05:38:23 #4095 №131387 DELETED

Crimea is not a sandwich (c) Alexei Navalny in his lifetime

Revenge of the hohols
Anonymous  18/11/24 Пнд 07:02:39 #4096 №131391 DELETED
Trying to post there
Anonymous  18/11/24 Пнд 07:05:01 #4097 №131392 DELETED
Invite to h
Anonymous  18/11/24 Пнд 07:08:24 #4098 №131393 DELETED
Western values happened in New Zealand

There, a biological woman who identifies as a man and takes male hormones became pregnant by her gay male husband and gave birth to a child

The water birth was proudly broadcast on central New Zealand TV.

Original text:
Anonymous  18/11/24 Пнд 14:53:08 #4099 №131395 DELETED
Anonymous  18/11/24 Пнд 14:54:47 #4100 №131396 DELETED
Anonymous  18/11/24 Пнд 14:56:01 #4101 №131397 DELETED
Anonymous  18/11/24 Пнд 15:01:50 #4102 №131398 DELETED
Anonymous  18/11/24 Пнд 15:02:30 #4103 №131399 DELETED
Anonymous  18/11/24 Пнд 15:02:58 #4104 №131400 DELETED
Anonymous  18/11/24 Пнд 15:17:39 #4105 №131401 DELETED
Anonymous  18/11/24 Пнд 15:19:14 #4106 №131402 DELETED
Buy today
Anonymous  18/11/24 Пнд 15:33:06 #4107 №131403 DELETED
Anonymous  18/11/24 Пнд 15:41:38 #4108 №131404 DELETED
Anonymous  18/11/24 Пнд 16:13:16 #4109 №131405 DELETED
Winner of the ‘Show me your trophies’ contest.
Anonymous  18/11/24 Пнд 22:18:56 #4110 №131406 DELETED
The UN has called for the protection of civilians after reports that Biden authorised strikes from Ukraine deep into Russia with ATACMS missiles. This was stated by the official representative of the secretary-general of the world organisation, Stephane Dujarric.
US administration authorised the use of missiles with a range of up to 300km to strike Russian territory, it was discussed at a meeting of EU foreign ministers - Borrell wakes up
Le Figaro, which reported that France and the UK had authorised Ukraine to hit Russian Federation with long-range SCALP/Storm Shadow missiles, has removed this information
Italy has denied Ukraine permission to use Italian weapons to strike deep into Russian territory - Le Monde.
Borrel: EU Foreign Ministers have not decided to lift restrictions on strikes against Russia
The Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov commented on the alleged US authorisation for AFU strikes with ATACMS missiles deep into Russia. He noted that Russian leader Vladimir Putin had already 'clearly and unambiguously' formulated Moscow's position on this issue. Peskov stressed that Russia's position remains unchanged despite the fact that no official information has been received from the administration of US President Joe Biden.


Anonymous  19/11/24 Втр 01:55:53 #4111 №131408 DELETED
Anonymous  19/11/24 Втр 18:32:18 #4112 №131411 DELETED
keeps happening all the time
Anonymous  19/11/24 Втр 18:47:44 #4113 №131412 DELETED
Anonymous  19/11/24 Втр 18:52:53 #4114 №131413 DELETED
Dude escaped from military commissars to Chernobyl and shows how he lives there and thinks no one will ever figure him out from the video. Level of intelligence: hohol. I hope he's thinking about radiaACK~, of course not, he's a hohol.
Anonymous  20/11/24 Срд 00:05:39 #4115 №131414 DELETED
Anonymous  20/11/24 Срд 12:01:36 #4116 №131416 DELETED
Anonymous  20/11/24 Срд 13:12:54 #4117 №131418 DELETED
Anonymous  20/11/24 Срд 14:55:35 #4118 №131419 DELETED
Anonymous  20/11/24 Срд 20:50:08 #4119 №131420 DELETED
Nothing happened. Today.
Anonymous  20/11/24 Срд 21:41:17 #4120 №131421 DELETED
Total russian victory
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 02:01:16 #4121 №131423 DELETED
it also happens time to time with .life address.
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 02:03:29 #4122 №131424 DELETED
according to some at /po/ it is a Cypriot company. only Russian game is Times of Trouble ?
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 02:08:26 #4123 №131425 DELETED
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 02:35:37 #4124 №131426 DELETED
And Stalker is a Czech game, then, lol.
Much of Russia's private IT segment became suddenly Cypriot to avoid sanctions. Virtual. The fact that they are Russian does not cancel that. Some of them even do development in Russia, like UNIGINE engine development (strong competitor to Unity) which is done in Tomsk and licenses are sold through Cyprus and Luxembourg office.
Strange, but the problem is not on your side, but on the side of Mail.ru where these servers are hosted.
Yes, it's time to go to war, today I was thinking about how I could get a place at SMO with an eligibility category of ‘V’ - Russian alphabet, the worst health category. Didn't work out last time.
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 02:43:46 #4125 №131427 DELETED
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 is out, but it better not be

🟠 The main thing is that the game doesn't have Denuvo anti-piracy protection, so it's already on torrents;
🟠 The game has a bunch of bugs - visual, sound and every other bug imaginable;
🟠 You can forget about stable 100 FPS - the game produces only 50 FPS in native 4K. And that's on an RTX 4090;
🟠 The gameplay is boring and not exciting - you have to constantly run across huge fields and shoot mutants, which are not distinguished by special intelligence;
🟠 The first hints of the plot appear only after 15 hours of play;
🟠 The ‘zest’ on the cake - based on the game's licence agreement, the developers do not guarantee that the game will work without bugs, and that the bugs will be fixed at all;
🟠 Moreover, the game may contain viruses, for which the developers are not responsible.

Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 02:49:20 #4126 №131428 DELETED
>Moreover, the game may contain viruses, for which the developers are not responsible.
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 02:59:20 #4127 №131429 DELETED
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 04:00:03 #4128 №131430 DELETED
The range of Russian non-hypersonic Russian missiles.
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 04:35:46 #4129 №131431 DELETED
>only Russian game is Times of Trouble ?
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 04:50:34 #4130 №131432 DELETED
Vivek and Tulsi are non-white. They are also non-christian. Which is wild for a republican cabinet, speaks volumes on how far Trump pushed the party from it's core.
In a modern time ? Yeah, they all left gor Balkans and Middetetanian, why rot here, where you can beak in the sun and pay no taxes ? Guys who made WarThunder are actually managed to become a goverment subsidies company in a Balkan shithole they moved in. But, than again, that constitutes "a russian game" ? Is it a game mafe in Russia or by russians ?
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 05:02:36 #4131 №131433 DELETED
>only Russian game is Times of Trouble ?
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 05:15:25 #4132 №131434 DELETED
>only Russian game is Times of Trouble ?
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 05:17:47 #4133 №131435 DELETED
>only Russian game is Times of Trouble ?
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 05:22:44 #4134 №131436 DELETED
>only Russian game is Times of Trouble ?
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 05:25:58 #4135 №131437 DELETED
>only Russian game is Times of Trouble ?
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 05:26:25 #4136 №131438 DELETED
etc, retard
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 06:51:45 #4137 №131439 DELETED
>he doesn't know that Russians buy Cypriot passports and live in Cyprus in their 1000s.
I have Cypriot citizenship FYI. The local greeks and turks kinda have friction with the Russians because their presence there is pushing up real estate prices. But they spend good money in the tourism sector and support a lot of local business so its not all bad.
But believe me, there are an UNBELIEVABLE amount of Russians on that island. On both the Greek and Turkish side but much more so on the Greek side
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 07:04:56 #4138 №131440 DELETED
kek, it's a russian colony like brighton bitch
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 07:06:24 #4139 №131441 DELETED
Ukrainians should prepare for mass disconnection from the Internet
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 07:08:57 #4140 №131442 DELETED
nothing's going to happen
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 07:11:24 #4141 №131443 DELETED
That's what everyone said last time and nothing happened.
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 07:14:47 #4142 №131444 DELETED
Because of a couple of non-Christians? What makes you say that? The concept of the party hasn't changed at all.
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 09:49:01 #4143 №131445 DELETED
We know.
Don't know about others, but that's a horrible example, Owlcats are done with Russia. Pretty sure others also left a while back.
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 10:11:29 #4144 №131446 DELETED
Oh no, there is much more than that, just a specific example. It's a pretty big topic, but I will try to cover it the best I can. Republican party was always a party of responsible adults, who's goal was efficient government via a line of boring anglo-saxon technocrats in opposition of dems populism, who always promised to get into the government and immediately start to distributing wealth to oppressed and underprivileged, first it was southerners, than workers, now ethnical minorities. Efficient gov vs fair gov. Trump kinda changed that, he decided to broaden republican coalition, he begun by kicking out technocrats from security sector and monetary one in favour of labour unions and ethnical males. His platform is: "goverment has been hijacked by soy anti-american elements, who use tax payers money to turn kids gay, elect me, to dismantle this system of oppression of american values". He is not as much for efficient government as he is anti-government. Got it ? So despite being minority a Vivek and Tulsi represent a minority whom american government, in they eyes, fail to protect, hawaiian and conservative non-christian.
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 11:58:50 #4145 №131447 DELETED
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 12:02:24 #4146 №131448 DELETED
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 12:43:32 #4147 №131449 DELETED
The Portugese guy did not, I was talking to him
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 14:50:51 #4148 №131450 DELETED
>Owlcats are done with Russia
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 15:43:51 #4149 №131451 DELETED
No one is there, dawg. You can go check out they tread in /vgg/.
Aaaa, ok.
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 16:37:13 #4150 №131452 DELETED
>Empty warheads
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 16:38:02 #4151 №131453 DELETED
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 16:39:40 #4152 №131454 DELETED
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 16:41:53 #4153 №131455 DELETED
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 16:51:58 #4154 №131456 DELETED
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 21:57:39 #4155 №131460 DELETED
Anonymous  22/11/24 Птн 07:26:48 #4156 №131465 DELETED
Rite press subtitles especially translated

Weapon: hat
2 being native
Anonymous  22/11/24 Птн 07:27:42 #4157 №131466 DELETED
drink vren Anonymous  22/11/24 Птн 07:29:08 #4158 №131467 DELETED
Sorry, can't find name-field in Russian
drink vren Anonymous  22/11/24 Птн 07:36:53 #4159 №131468 DELETED
Why do we keep on let society be as if we'd have te fite anything

>Also Russia has nei rites fiting Anglan. Only the Dutch have such rites
Anonymous  22/11/24 Птн 14:34:52 #4160 №131471 DELETED
>Jewish porgoms

The correspondent is a child? So unusual for me.
Anonymous  22/11/24 Птн 14:37:33 #4161 №131472 DELETED
It's normal for a foreigner

The name option only appears if you click at the bottom or top of the “Reply to thread” label.
Anonymous  22/11/24 Птн 14:51:07 #4162 №131473 DELETED
Nice. I've been doing it in Fruity Loops since I was 13 years old. But I didn't become famous because I live in Russia :D
Anonymous  22/11/24 Птн 14:52:24 #4163 №131474 DELETED
>Why do we keep on let society be as if we'd have te fite anything
Good question
Anonymous  22/11/24 Птн 23:18:21 #4164 №131479 DELETED
Anonymous  22/11/24 Птн 23:22:09 #4165 №131480 DELETED
Anonymous  23/11/24 Суб 06:28:33 #4166 №131483 DELETED
Kino MIRV footage
Anonymous  23/11/24 Суб 06:41:46 #4167 №131484 DELETED
Enjoy vidya while you can
Anonymous  23/11/24 Суб 08:11:22 #4168 №131485 DELETED
I have North Koreans living in my home, btw.
Anonymous  23/11/24 Суб 15:06:04 #4169 №131487 DELETED
Anonymous  23/11/24 Суб 15:07:54 #4170 №131488 DELETED
Anonymous  23/11/24 Суб 18:23:18 #4171 №131489 DELETED
Check your wifi, they probably watching porn
send one to London so that everyone sees that angel of death flying overhead.
Anonymous  23/11/24 Суб 19:17:52 #4172 №131490 DELETED


🌰 🌰 🌰 🌰 🌰 🌰 🌰
Anonymous  23/11/24 Суб 22:09:33 #4173 №131491 DELETED
"Well, North Koreans are living at my house, my house"
Anonymous  23/11/24 Суб 22:16:43 #4174 №131492 DELETED
>>131431 >>131433 >>131434 >>131435 >>131436 >>131437 >>131479
"Don't get nervous. Please, keep it calm"
probably wanted to say 2023-24 AAA game . sorry for my mistake
Anonymous  23/11/24 Суб 23:11:06 #4175 №131493 DELETED
Anonymous  23/11/24 Суб 23:13:22 #4176 №131494 DELETED
We are ruled by the Finno-Ugrian.
Anonymous  23/11/24 Суб 23:14:19 #4177 №131495 DELETED
Not a Jew, as previously suggested.
Anonymous  24/11/24 Вск 02:12:12 #4178 №131497 DELETED
They are not using my WiFi, they are not living in my flat, lol.
Shitty song.
Anonymous  24/11/24 Вск 02:51:16 #4179 №131499 DELETED
>Shitty song.
Better than Nikolai Baskov.
Anonymous  24/11/24 Вск 11:23:37 #4180 №131500 DELETED
Anonymous  24/11/24 Вск 14:36:59 #4181 №131501 DELETED
Anonymous  24/11/24 Вск 14:39:42 #4182 №131502 DELETED
Hey! Didn't think you'd get captured so fast, bro.
Anonymous  24/11/24 Вск 14:45:37 #4183 №131503 DELETED
My condolences to the Portuguese people.
Anonymous  24/11/24 Вск 15:34:41 #4184 №131505 DELETED
Anonymous  24/11/24 Вск 16:18:41 #4185 №131506 DELETED
Anonymous  24/11/24 Вск 19:19:47 #4186 №131507 DELETED
>NATO stop genocide in Ukraine
a lot of males there asking for other to fight for them instead of being on the frontline.
Anonymous  25/11/24 Пнд 11:28:24 #4187 №131510 DELETED
- I arrived in Limassol. Literally all the signs around me are in Russian and there is only Russian speech on the street. It was like being in some kind of Gelendzhik.
- You haven't been there on May 9 yet.
Anonymous  25/11/24 Пнд 12:38:40 #4188 №131511 DELETED
Thank Byzantium for the Cyrillic alphabet.
Anonymous  25/11/24 Пнд 16:14:19 #4189 №131512 DELETED
Anonymous  25/11/24 Пнд 19:43:18 #4190 №131516 DELETED
Anonymous  25/11/24 Пнд 20:44:37 #4191 №131517 DELETED
They say that part of this video is a recording of a Soyuz rocket launching a Russian satellite into orbit(not Oreshnik) >>131488
It is unclear which ones belong to Oreshnik. This phenomenon is called “rocket jellyfish.” I only recently learned about it, as I was not interested in rockets.
But thanks to Ukrainian experts, we now know that the "Oreshnik" (eng. "Hazel three") missile is divided into 36 hypersonic warheads (nuts) (But it's not certain. I'll show you why in the next post). The Russian military-industrial complex's post-irony in the names of its products is a historical tradition.
Anonymous  25/11/24 Пнд 20:56:28 #4192 №131518 DELETED
>But it's not certain. I'll show you why in the next post
There is a video recorded by a worker at Pivdenmash (the missile factory that was hit): we see a whole rain of shells that are not loaded with nuclear or conventional warheads, they are empty, with only kenetic energy, and that is the only reason the worker survived.

Video source:

Anonymous  25/11/24 Пнд 21:30:43 #4193 №131519 DELETED
>Night shift worker
Anonymous  25/11/24 Пнд 21:36:39 #4194 №131520 DELETED
Anonymous  26/11/24 Втр 00:43:33 #4195 №131522 DELETED
How many of these Americans are there in the USA?
Anonymous  26/11/24 Втр 03:14:27 #4196 №131523 DELETED
>poll from today
The Ukraine war is not very popular amongst Republicans in general. My personal opinion is meaningless.

>fake chicken
We now have fake Russian S-300 in small town Wisconsin complete with radar signature, infrared, other radiation, and thermal signature.
Anonymous  26/11/24 Втр 08:49:09 #4197 №131524 DELETED
>We now have fake Russian S-300 in small town Wisconsin complete with radar signature, infrared, other radiation, and thermal signature.
Oh my God, lol. I think it's for large-scale training of U.S. troops in the region.

>My personal opinion is meaningless.
Thanks for the info though, buddy.
Anonymous  26/11/24 Втр 08:51:08 #4198 №131525 DELETED
>Thanks for the info though, buddy.
I mean, thanks for the link* I'll clarify, because initially my phrasing seems odd.
Anonymous  26/11/24 Втр 16:30:36 #4199 №131527 DELETED
Ukroporks still hit Kursk with American missiles, there are casualties. Well.
Anonymous  26/11/24 Втр 16:33:21 #4200 №131528 DELETED
Anonymous  26/11/24 Втр 16:34:57 #4201 №131529 DELETED

Seven shot down, one hit the target.
Anonymous  26/11/24 Втр 22:09:14 #4202 №131531 DELETED
this is blocked in EU. I even tried the other Russian media in these sanctions - Ivzestia or something.
tried these 2 again
but the weird thing is that I use 4G LTE on the smartphone, RIA isn't blocked. fucking weird same ISP for optical cable /Broadband ISP and 4G ISP
Anonymous  26/11/24 Втр 22:46:40 #4203 №131532 DELETED
One way or another, the ATACMS strike was carried out, but since Putin added in the last paragraph of his address after the first Oreshnik strike that Russia is committed to warn the Ukrainian civilian population before the Oreshnik strike, according to Peskov, warning measures are being developed, and when they are approved, only then will new ones be applied strikes.
Anonymous  28/11/24 Чтв 04:49:03 #4204 №131536 DELETED
Anonymous  28/11/24 Чтв 16:22:25 #4205 №131543 DELETED
c'um caneco foda-se, I shouldn't be laughing about this
Anonymous  29/11/24 Птн 03:36:48 #4206 №131546 DELETED
>soon if Assad doesn't break the rebels
Also, fitting goat captcha.
Anonymous  29/11/24 Птн 18:50:34 #4207 №131553 DELETED
Bosnians, Pomaks, Torbeshis, Goranians, Montenegrins-Poturuchenians are all former Slavic slaves of the Turks with a logical religious outcome. Slavic Muslims are unusual. Especially if it's their native source culture.
Anonymous  29/11/24 Птн 18:51:19 #4208 №131554 DELETED
- Georgia refuses from EU accession talks until 2028, Prime Minister Kobakhidze said.
- "The Georgian Dream" representative also said that the country refuses any EU budget grants until 2028.

I wonder why these people don't want to go to the Boiler's Garden?
Anonymous  29/11/24 Птн 18:55:02 #4209 №131555 DELETED
Anonymous  29/11/24 Птн 18:56:41 #4210 №131556 DELETED
The Telegraph:

“Every morning Artem goes to work. After a short briefing, his team decide where they will go: some are sent to cafes, restaurants, even nightclubs - any place where young men of fighting age can be found.

Sometimes it's like dealing with a cornered rat. When you shove them into a car, they keep resisting."
Anonymous  29/11/24 Птн 19:11:32 #4211 №131557 DELETED
a) is there extensive americanization of commerce there in Russia with spamming black Friday? thanks in advance for the answer.
b) is this Wildberries a copy of Ali or Temu shops?
b.2) Russians buy electronics from wildberries?
c) there is only 1 year warranty in Russia in electronic components?
Anonymous  29/11/24 Птн 19:46:44 #4212 №131558 DELETED
There's almost no Slavic muslims outside of the people you mentioned which is strangely accurate.
And yes, it's wholly unusual because they love bacon and they love drinking. It simply doesn't suit our mindset. From the get-go Slavic muslims were ignoring everything that has to do with Islam, most converted for lower tax in the first place.
I heard many Russian muslims aren't that different and love to drink too, like Bashkirs and some central Asians.
Georgians seem way too smart to mess up.
They don't want to ally with you because of Ossetia and Akbhazia but they sure as hell won't ally with the west for empty promises.
They're doing the best thing, remaining neutral, they aren't accountable to anyone that way.
Wonder how long can they go on. There's already talks about drafting 18 year olds, they'll probably send them to the border areas with Poland, Belarus and Transnistria, and remove the few brigades there to the east. But it's already so nonsensical to continue this without trying to negotiate, even if terms are harsh from their perspective. Nothing of their country will remain if so many people emigrate and die, but I assume the leadership being majority jewish affects their judgement.
Anonymous  29/11/24 Птн 19:52:49 #4213 №131559 DELETED
>is there extensive americanization of commerce there in Russia with spamming black Friday?
Partly, if this amateur site is to be believed. But it is not as destructive to stores and does not lead to deaths as in the USA. Besides, it is not an element of urban culture, Halloween among soy as an event has more influence in Russia than Black Friday.

>is this Wildberries a copy of Ali or Temu shops?

All of these four major online marketplaces with express shipping work as Ali within Russia, and possibly friendly countries (haven't checked). All of them have serious competition among themselves, all of them have loyalty mechanics, where to get discounts you need to get a virtual card and pay for purchases from it.

There are still highly specialized, such as food marketplace Cooper - fresh products to any point of Russia accessible to a person, and others, but we are comparing with Ali. In short, in Russia, this segment is very much developed.

The only difference with Ali is that Ali sends goods to the Post Office, while Wildberries, Ozon, Yandex and others have hundreds of their own checkout points in every city, with or without a live operator (post-o-mat - a public safe with an electronic key, located in a random place, usually in any shopping center).

>b.2) Russians buy electronics from wildberries?
Why not? Although I personally don't use Wildberries, I like Yandex.Market.

>c) there is only 1 year warranty in Russia in electronic components?
No. Not one year, but from one year. Depends on the specific thing. I bought a 700W power supply a year ago and it had a 3 year warranty from the store.
Anonymous  29/11/24 Птн 20:15:01 #4214 №131560 DELETED
>I heard many Russian muslims aren't that different and love to drink too, like Bashkirs and some central Asians.
Yes, Russian Muslims (including Caucasians) are not the same as Arabs, there is no such wild fanaticism, in many ways they are similar to Christian Slavs of Russia both outwardly and in general social patterns. Although, there are some individuals who, contrary to the laws of the Russian Federation, have second and third wives and make them wear burqas.
>They're doing the best thing, remaining neutral, they aren't accountable to anyone that way.
Everything seems to be logical and correct, but I don't believe in the independence of minor countries. Sooner or later a minority country will fall under the influence of big players like the US, China, EU, in some way India and maybe even Russia. To test my words, just look at Vucic. He is jumping from chair to chair because Serbia is under tremendous pressure from the West.
>Wonder how long can they go on.
I think zoomers will be more determined in their actions than their older relatives and will simply run away from their positions dropping their weapons.
Anonymous  29/11/24 Птн 20:20:50 #4215 №131561 DELETED
Another peremoga for /k/eddit. Assad bros...
Anonymous  29/11/24 Птн 20:36:48 #4216 №131563 DELETED
I only buy electronics, PC hardware from Portuguese and Spanish specialized technology online retailers with physical stores with good reputation - specially good reputation in post-market (RMAs, etc.) and aren't getting bankrupt.

I used to buy once a smartphone and other from Amazon.es; Amazon.co.uk and Amazon USA but since this video from Louis Rossmann ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeUNC7z5MM0 ) I started to be more careful and only buy products aren't easy to be falsified. Amazon becoming some eBay is fucked up.
Anonymous  29/11/24 Птн 20:41:03 #4217 №131564 DELETED
>Erdogan has once again betrayed Russia
Every time is like the first time🤡
In fact, no one betrayed anyone, because Turkey is purely a situational partner of Russia, not an ally. If it is favorable for Russia - it cooperates with the Turks and even saves Erdogan's life during the military coup, if not - it does not cooperate. However, Russia always prefers Syria to any other country in the region, and Syria's interests are no less important to it than its own because, first, it is a gas pipeline to Europe, and control over it affects the pricing of natural gas. Secondly, Russia and Syria have been historical allies since the Soviet Union, many Syrians received their higher education in Russia, Russian military personnel have served there for generations, many Russians live there in the same huge numbers (several tens of thousands) as in Cyprus.
Anonymous  29/11/24 Птн 21:03:05 #4218 №131565 DELETED
Interesting. The dude really didn't explain that Amazon is just a platform, a warehouse with delivery, there are many participants of the platform (independent sellers), and Amazon's task here is to hold the goods, sell the goods and control the interaction between the buyer and the seller (i.e. Amazon is obliged to return the money for the defect to the buyer and solve the problem with the seller, or refuse to cooperate with him). I.e. Amazon can act both as a sole seller and as an intermediary, just like all the Russian stores I listed above.
By the way, youtube worked fine for 2 days in Russia, then it started having problems again. Surprisingly, it works perfectly via mobile internet.

In Russia, few people used Amazon because it didn't have a regional price tied to GDP PPP, like, for example, in Steam - when a AAA game costs 40 bucks for you and only 20 bucks for me. Since Portugal is in the western economic community and you have about the same exchange rate, it's not a problem for you.

There are also specialized electronics stores in Russia. If Wildberries is a collective intermediary of various sellers, these (the two best of the bunch) are directly electronics sellers.
Both have excellent reputations, both in addition to the online version have physical stores with employees or even giant warehouse stores where you can buy something on the spot via an electronic terminal.

I don't know how useful this information is to you, but it might come in handy. Suddenly there will be a great flood in Portugal and you will be forced to save yourself in Russia, and then in the middle of the rescue you will have a terrible desire to buy a powerful PC. “Damn, Holy Mother of God, I've lost my house and my roosters, everything's gone, why don't I buy a PC right now?”.
Anonymous  29/11/24 Птн 21:35:55 #4219 №131566 DELETED
- The General Staff and Defense Ministry are currently selecting targets to be hit by the Oreshnik on Ukrainian territory - Putin
- Kiev's Decision Centers could become targets for the Oreshnik IRBM system - Putin
- The temperature of the hazel warheads is 4,000 degrees. Highly protected defense structures will not save us.Massive use of Oreshnik in non-nuclear variant is comparable to nuclear weapons - Putin
- Russia closes a section of airspace over the Kapustin Yar missile site in the Astrakhan region until November 30

Anonymous  29/11/24 Птн 21:37:38 #4220 №131567 DELETED
>will not save us
will not save* [from it]
Anonymous  29/11/24 Птн 21:53:17 #4221 №131568 DELETED
- Zelensky said he was ready to end the war in Ukraine in exchange for NATO membership even if Russia does not return the territories immediately.
Anonymous  29/11/24 Птн 21:57:47 #4222 №131569 DELETED
- Zelensky fired Syrsky. Mykhaylo Drapatyy was appointed as the new commander of the AFU ground forces.
- Oleg Apostol was appointed deputy commander-in-chief of the AFU.


Farewell to an entire era.
Anonymous  29/11/24 Птн 22:00:47 #4223 №131570 DELETED
Canceling the news, Syrsky remains in his seat.
Anonymous  30/11/24 Суб 05:08:38 #4224 №131574 DELETED
In Bashkiria, a dog is waiting on the river for its master who drowned.

On November 24, a man on a bicycle decided to take a shortcut home, riding along the river Ufa - fell through the ice, which was only 2 cm thick

All the days while his search is underway, the dog does not leave the river and humbly waits for his master

Anonymous  30/11/24 Суб 05:21:10 #4225 №131575 DELETED
Meanwhile, Russian Aerospace Forces are taking out the bad dudes in Syria (I've already forgotten who we're fighting over there: some damn terrorists threatening democracy and the United States! Or something like that)

Anonymous  30/11/24 Суб 05:31:43 #4226 №131576 DELETED
Okay, you were right, Black Friday spam is everywhere now and it's fucked me up on every other site today. As an educated manager I can explain it by the fact that Russia inherits the American school of management (the opposite of the Japanese school of management) along with all the business models and psychological manipulations, but I've never seen this kind of fuckery anywhere on the internet before.
Anonymous  30/11/24 Суб 18:00:28 #4227 №131579 DELETED
Anonymous  30/11/24 Суб 23:54:41 #4228 №131580 DELETED
⠀Aided the enemy

⠀Got the nickname
Anonymous  30/11/24 Суб 23:56:24 #4229 №131581 DELETED
wounded enemy*
Anonymous  30/11/24 Суб 23:57:32 #4230 №131582 DELETED
Anonymous  01/12/24 Вск 01:05:39 #4231 №131583 DELETED
>I've already forgotten who we're fighting over there
Anonymous  01/12/24 Вск 01:59:34 #4232 №131584 DELETED
Anonymous  01/12/24 Вск 02:01:23 #4233 №131585 DELETED
Anonymous  01/12/24 Вск 02:15:18 #4234 №131586 DELETED
Ded Moroz was detained for numerous traffic violations and fines totaling 24 thousand rubles.

Not only does this bastard exist, but he also lives a life more active than mine.
Anonymous  01/12/24 Вск 02:55:44 #4235 №131587 DELETED
>Everything seems to be logical and correct, but I don't believe in the independence of minor countries. Sooner or later a minority country will fall under the influence of big players like the US, China, EU, in some way India and maybe even Russia. To test my words, just look at Vucic. He is jumping from chair to chair because Serbia is under tremendous pressure from the West
I agree but joining a military alliance is a completely different thing. It has it's own drawbacks. Your domestic MIC gets destroyed (have you ever wondered why no NATO EE country has a developed war industry? Czech have something going on but really not that much).
You also have to buy NATO/alliance equipment, integrate your army to the general doctrine, you're also obliged to help. For some countries that have a bone to pick with the largest power it's the best option.
West doesn't even have to pressure Serbia to exercise it's power. It pressures it automatically. Serbia is surrounded by NATO and EU countries, it's entire economy and currency relies on the EU, it's also geographically located in southern Europe, Moscow and Beijing are very far away, etc. In fact I'm bewildered they haven't pressured us further. For years Russian, Chinese and Iranian weapons have been delivered here with the help of transport planes. I have no idea why they allow it. Of course, we won't do anything but still.
>I think zoomers will be more determined in their actions than their older relatives and will simply run away from their positions dropping their weapons.
Some are probably brainwashed and psychotic already, but I think most are scared, they've been watching their country getting bombed for 3 years, there's plenty of war videos going around, there's much, much less enthusiasm compared to before.
Some of the best footage I've seen recently. GJ to airforce chads, they'll carry the Syrian conflict again.

Related, where do you guys get Syrian war footage? If it's not a specific channel then at least a channel that uses hashtags so I don't have to scroll through everything.
Anonymous  01/12/24 Вск 03:05:39 #4236 №131588 DELETED
>For some countries that have a bone to pick with the largest power it's the best option.
To remain neutral.
Anonymous  04/12/24 Срд 02:30:07 #4237 №131603 DELETED
Anonymous  05/12/24 Чтв 06:52:27 #4238 №131612 DELETED
Anonymous  05/12/24 Чтв 06:54:06 #4239 №131613 DELETED
Anonymous  05/12/24 Чтв 07:19:04 #4240 №131617 DELETED
Anonymous  05/12/24 Чтв 12:02:37 #4241 №131621 DELETED
what's his name?
Anonymous  05/12/24 Чтв 17:08:04 #4242 №131624 DELETED
Anonymous  05/12/24 Чтв 17:12:57 #4243 №131625 DELETED
yup, buying a build from Russia. specially with SmartBuy SSDs.
one of or both Roosters will get their throat slashed if some of the Neighbours complain. fuckers are starting to crow at 4-5 a.m. So if I wake at night or try to sleep again, I can't because of the petukhs-
Anonymous  06/12/24 Птн 00:09:28 #4244 №131635 DELETED

Also i still think the video is a byte
Anonymous  06/12/24 Птн 00:14:15 #4245 №131636 DELETED

Liberals of all countries howled on Twitter that totalitarian Georgian cops beat up an innocent girl (video). Later it turned out that the girl was alive and fine(picture).
Anonymous  06/12/24 Птн 02:30:47 #4246 №131641 DELETED
Anonymous  06/12/24 Птн 18:30:46 #4247 №131649 DELETED
Lol blyat. Nice girl, cute for a churka.
Anonymous  06/12/24 Птн 18:45:19 #4248 №131650 DELETED
Это Веня Диктов поцеловал асфальт взасос, дуралей ты кьюбанский. Вытер хуй об местного вахтёра, кстате походя.
Anonymous  07/12/24 Суб 00:59:26 #4249 №131653 DELETED
English, suka
Anonymous  07/12/24 Суб 01:24:49 #4250 №131654 DELETED
Saw it once, now I can't get away from this shit with all the DLC. Very unusual CRPG and in some ways fresh and this despite the fact that I'm not a Warhammer fan, moreover perceive this universe as goyslop for the masses. I remember their art director in 2019 suggested me to make a career in Owlcat as a Unity technical artist (C# programmer + 3D graphics artist), but I thought then and decided I'm too good to get to work 40 minutes away, and in general I'd rather get a job at Games Mail.ru. Games Mail.ru decided that they were too good for me, and Owlcat migrated to Cyprus, leaving only their headquarters in Moscow. So I neither won nor lost. And I was a freelancer for various OOOs (Russian LLCs), and still am.
Anonymous  07/12/24 Суб 01:35:47 #4251 №131655 DELETED
>So I neither won nor lost
Anonymous  07/12/24 Суб 01:37:18 #4252 №131656 DELETED
>I stayed a freelancer
Anonymous  07/12/24 Суб 04:13:00 #4253 №131657 DELETED
Anonymous  07/12/24 Суб 08:51:30 #4254 №131660 DELETED
Initial test drive (eng subs)

The gist:
[mailto:[email protected]Anonymous  07/12/24 Суб 19:32:31 #4255 №131664 DELETED
>>123465 (OP)
Hello guys and girls. In this International AIDS Day I need your AID.
I am a lost person who want to get into the Communist theory of National Economy like the "Народное хозяйство". Could you please show me some ways to start this wonderful journey? Language does not matter. Thanks in advance, wish you a great weekend.
[mailto:[email protected]Anonymous  07/12/24 Суб 19:36:04 #4256 №131665 DELETED
Also that girl was unironically an American embassy employee
Anonymous  07/12/24 Суб 20:25:39 #4257 №131666 DELETED
You will never be a real Russian
Anonymous  07/12/24 Суб 20:26:43 #4258 №131667 DELETED
Anonymous  07/12/24 Суб 20:29:18 #4259 №131668 DELETED
Anonymous  07/12/24 Суб 21:48:25 #4260 №131669 DELETED
Anonymous  07/12/24 Суб 23:53:08 #4261 №131672 DELETED
Anonymous  07/12/24 Суб 23:58:31 #4262 №131673 DELETED
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 00:53:24 #4263 №131674 DELETED
>that look
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 00:57:48 #4264 №131675 DELETED
>President of Georgia

>Trump's face
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 00:58:09 #4265 №131676 DELETED
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 00:59:33 #4266 №131677 DELETED
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 01:02:27 #4267 №131678 DELETED
>That dim hope for an extra bonus look from Trump
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 01:04:02 #4268 №131679 DELETED
The meeting lasted as long as seven minutes. Ukrainian media reported that the meeting was lengthy.
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 01:12:40 #4269 №131680 DELETED
Anyway, my opinion is this: there is a Syria for Ukraine swap going on with the Trump government.

Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 01:32:29 #4270 №131681 DELETED
Ameripoors aren't tired of losing yet lmao
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 01:49:32 #4271 №131682 DELETED
this is some weak bait to bait ukranian and NAFO shills. unfortunately, they including /k/eddit are still taking over /sg/ and spawning their conflict plus Israeli flags bringing up other stuff.
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 01:57:14 #4272 №131683 DELETED
Putin doesn't have the courage to send one of those Hazeltree or Hazelnut against Sunni, or his Sunni partners would also join the sanctions or Muslims chimping out there in Russia.
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 01:59:06 #4273 №131684 DELETED
Yes, it's cope, we don't even really know how the situation will develop. Just because Assad is defeated and Damascus taken does not imply you'll leave Syria. You've been bombing the rebels for the whole time too. There's no such deal.
Assad slashed the budget for the army, demobilised it to save money and the remainder was fed shitty food and paid shitty wages, no one wants to fight for him. Can't say if it's his fault or not, maybe this all happened because Russia and Iran didn't want to finance him.
Syria isn't even that important to Russia and neither is any overseas operation, you're only in Syria because Obama didn't get involved there and you capitalised on it, it's also a decent opportunity to train pilots since nobody in Syria except SAA had proper air-defense. Plus it boosts your reputation I guess.
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 04:15:08 #4274 №131685 DELETED
>you're only in Syria because Obama didn't get involved there and you capitalised on it, it's also a decent opportunity to train pilots since nobody in Syria except SAA had proper air-defense.
We, or rather the Russian Armed Forces troops are in Syria because Obama intervened uninvited (invaded), having previously declared the Syrian government illegitimate. After the Arab Spring in 2011, the US entered Syria in 2014 on the side of the Syrian opposition. Russia entered Syria in 2015 at the invitation of Bashar Assad.
>Plus it boosts your reputation I guess.
Unless it's because of the fight against ISIS.

To summarize Russia's goals and benefits in the region.
1. Elimination of ISIS. This is the goal of almost all participants in the conflict in this region.
2. Access to the Mediterranean Sea through Syrian ports.
In this region, Russia is developing trade and economic relations with Africa and the Middle East, supplanting French and American influence. This is advantageous to Russia and very disadvantageous to the US.
It is also the base of the Russian navy in the region. Influence is also provided by the navy and the capabilities it can provide as a long-range weapon. It would be bad if a NATO fleet was stationed there.
3. There are several tens of thousands of Russians living in Syria (according to different sources from 15 to 30 thousand Russian citizens), this is the result of historical cooperation between Russia and Syria.
4. Commutation with Lebanon and control of Israel (The main leverage of the U.S. in the region)
5. Qatar-Turkey Gas Pipeline. Here it is easy to guess that its control regulates the duty as well as the price for the end consumer (Europe). Qatar is also anti-Assad here.
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 04:17:39 #4275 №131686 DELETED
I think they will benefit here by strengthening their influence in the region.
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 04:22:34 #4276 №131687 DELETED
Maybe you're right. I think it's too early to tell. The situation in Syria has changed, but not to a critical point, whatever the propaganda media may say.
I think it's worth the wait and see.

You know too many Russian words, maybe you have a (((Russian friend)))) or a sly Natasha on discord who is manipulating you to add one Portuguese to the Russian population.
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 07:13:21 #4277 №131695 DELETED
The most radical video of Oreshnik's rocket work is by anti-Putin fan of Yevgeny Prigozhin+Famous ultrashizo dvatcher from /wm/.

Video from a more adequate and talented blogger (but does not contain unverified facts, unlike the video above)

The video is in Russian, so you can download it from the posts below and try using neurodub if there's interest. It's best when videos about their toys are made by Russians - scientific fact.
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 07:13:56 #4278 №131696 DELETED
First link
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 07:14:18 #4279 №131697 DELETED
Second link
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 08:02:25 #4280 №131698 DELETED
Russian war correspondent says Damascus fell without resistance



I'm increasingly convinced this is a backroom deal.
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 08:11:29 #4281 №131699 DELETED
Well, the militants entered Damascus at night and took control of the capital, which in the current situation was a matter of hours, not days. ( https://t.me/rybar/66128 ) Government troops offered no resistance.

Syrian Prime Minister Muhammad Ghazi al-Jalali said that he supports a peaceful transfer of power and will cooperate with the new leader who will be elected by the people, formalizing the fall of the government of Bashar al-Assad.

In fact, it can be said that the Syrian Arab Republic as previously known has officially ceased to exist.

Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 08:30:30 #4282 №131700 DELETED
The footage allegedly shows Syrian army soldiers changing into civilian clothes and leaving Damascus.
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 08:31:16 #4283 №131701 DELETED
Syrian troops are leaving Syria through the Iraqi border
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 14:01:30 #4284 №131702 DELETED
It's over: Syria has fallen to the Turks and Assad's plane got blown out of the sky. Even Latakia and Tartus have fallen. Even The Donald is laughing about it and dabbing on Russia. Multipolar world my arse.
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 16:22:31 #4285 №131703 DELETED
>The plane turned off its transponder.
1. A little different, right? It would be weird if the president's plane evacuated with the transponder on.
2. Who could shoot it down in Russian controlled territory?

Assad's palace was seized and the Iranian embassy was looted. The Russian embassy and staff were not injured. Damascus International Airport is occupied.
Damn it, this theory's getting stronger by the minute. >>131680
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 16:26:42 #4286 №131704 DELETED
Sounds like a set of words made up of a set of advice from counselors.
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 16:34:15 #4287 №131705 DELETED
A zoomer who took a shit under the door of Ekaterina Mizulina's apartment was detained in Moscow.
It turned out that he did it on an assignment from hohols for a reward of $500, which he was never paid.

The shitter apologized on camera.

Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 17:10:35 #4288 №131706 DELETED
>Even The Donald is laughing about it and dabbing on Russia
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 17:27:23 #4289 №131707 DELETED
What do you have going on there that this dude is surprised at the everyday things in Russia that are in every city?
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 17:35:54 #4290 №131708 DELETED
He's talking about delivery services, he eats a lot of fast food so he's probably dumb
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 17:48:34 #4291 №131709 DELETED
It's time to start building a collection of popular Russian FPV drone music
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 17:52:12 #4292 №131710 DELETED
He's not talking about fast food. He's talking about food delivery, which a lot of Russians use. He also talks about the quality of integration of domestic services in general, that it is even higher than California, Lodnon and Paris and that it breaks the stereotype of “medieval Russian dictatorship” popularized in Germany through propaganda media.
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 18:05:43 #4293 №131711 DELETED
Any type of food that is delivered to your door is considered fast food and it's generally considered to be unhealthy where I'm from

I suppose that he's surprised that he can live on an american diet in russia which consists of mostly fast food (slop) that is highly processed and quick to prepare
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 18:31:46 #4294 №131712 DELETED
I think you need to read the definition of the word Fast Food. In Russia, you can wake up at 2:00 (night) and order both fast food and just groceries: in the app, you choose the stores where you need groceries, make a list of what you need, and the rest will be taken care of by a courier and convenience store employees who will collect the order and bring it to you at 3:00 (time depends on the product set, but it's usually no more than an hour).
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 18:36:42 #4295 №131713 DELETED
You can even order almost any drug from the pharmacy at any time of day, lol.

In short, anything will be at your door within hours.
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 18:39:37 #4296 №131714 DELETED
And that's just the tip of the iceberg (is not a strategic target of the hohols).
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 18:53:31 #4297 №131715 DELETED
In some places in the western world it is considered merely a convenience to have your groceries delivered to your door because most people prefer to go to the store to pick their own food and groceries

I think in some places in america having your things delivered to your door is actually necessary because it is actually dangerous for them to leave their homes, going out in public is a real risk for them because hordes of rioters might strike at any time to raid a store

All of this is surprising to see I think from the western perspective because I think people believe that nationalism is very strong in russia and people are generally not afraid of leaving their homes
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 19:00:53 #4298 №131716 DELETED
>afraid of leaving their homes
I've never been afraid to leave the house and walk down dark alleys, lol. I get it, we're from different worlds, man.

As for the politics of nationalism, there is a very harsh migration policy, to the point of diplomatic discontent with the countries the migrants come from, they call Russians and Russia (made up of 204 ethnic nationalities) xenophobic. And I've made posts here about it.
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 19:50:34 #4299 №131717 DELETED
>You know too many Russian words,
Reuters translated that missile name while Edge's translator on your threads used here couldn't do it.
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 19:51:40 #4300 №131718 DELETED
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 20:54:22 #4301 №131719 DELETED
Mein Gott! You even escaped from Russian captivity to tell us this? I appreciate that. >>131502
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 21:07:53 #4302 №131720 DELETED
Assad arrived to Moscow.
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 21:31:20 #4303 №131721 DELETED
>Assad arrived to Moscow
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 21:45:47 #4304 №131722 DELETED
Imagine someone very much like Prigozhin and Utkin driving to a man who looks like Assad to laugh and drink beer in a small hunting lodge. And who is the third guy in the car? He looks a lot like Yanukovych, the former president of Ukraine in 2013. Wait, he's not alone, he's with... Alexei Navalny? What a surprise! I thought it was Edward Snowden. Ah, there he is...

If paradise exists, it will be similar to a life of "written-off assets".
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 21:57:52 #4305 №131723 DELETED
The largest Ukrainian tg-channel reports that the Americans have issued an urgent warning to their citizens in Ukraine. The same thing happened last time before the launch of the Oreshnik.

Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 22:06:55 #4306 №131724 DELETED
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 22:11:33 #4307 №131725 DELETED
The leaders of the armed Syrian opposition have guaranteed the security of Russian military bases and diplomatic establishments on Syrian territory.

The armed Syrian opposition has established channels of communication with the Russian side.

Something is wrong here. Something goes beyond geopolitical logic and does not fit into the standard pattern of perception of the situation.
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 22:17:31 #4308 №131726 DELETED
That was a good General. Waiting for the same video about /chug/ and their relentless fight against Jews, Freemasons, Reptiloids and /uhg/.
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 22:20:57 #4309 №131727 DELETED
The LGBT flag flies in Damascus and a proclamation of love for Israel.
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 22:26:40 #4310 №131728 DELETED

Turkey vs US/israel

Who will win?
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 23:00:51 #4311 №131730 DELETED
The Libertarian Party of Russia (now disbanded, archived video).
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 23:20:23 #4312 №131731 DELETED
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 23:29:19 #4313 №131732 DELETED
Anonymous  09/12/24 Пнд 00:35:20 #4314 №131736 DELETED
>Israel is destroying Syrian air bases, military and defense systems, intelligene, military & government structures.
Anonymous  09/12/24 Пнд 00:46:40 #4315 №131737 DELETED
I think that's the reason:
"The leader of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (GREEN in map) said they would return all Syrian territories, including the Golan Heights occupied by Israel since 1967."

Anonymous  09/12/24 Пнд 00:48:44 #4316 №131738 DELETED
I'm just reminding that we are not surrendering our positions to the pro-American opposition, but to the pro-Turkish opposition. And they are even guaranteeing the safe withdrawal of Russian forces. One has to wonder if the Russians want to make a common proxy with the Turks.
Anonymous  09/12/24 Пнд 00:55:35 #4317 №131739 DELETED
Oh well, now millions of Syrians will be able to give up their Euro benefits and return home from Europe. Isn't that right?
Anonymous  09/12/24 Пнд 00:58:16 #4318 №131740 DELETED
Wonder how long america will partake in these wars in the middle east which don't benefit them, I think some kind of civil upheaval is inevitable in the USA because they are currently acting as lapdogs of the aging and demented british royalty, adopting/forcing policies which aren't compatible with the average american

So revolutions will probably come in 2025 and war might explode in the middle east over the israel/british colonies issue
Anonymous  09/12/24 Пнд 02:32:21 #4319 №131741 DELETED
Are they retarded? Assad for all his faults that weren't really his own was secular, these jihadis will be infighting in a short while and they're LITERALLY Al-Nusra, Jolani is a known retard.
You could safely visit Syria while it was under Assad, now kiss that possibility goodbye because the rebels will infight again.
I refuse to believe Arabs can be so dumb, it's near certainty there won't be peace and stability.
Anonymous  09/12/24 Пнд 23:45:36 #4320 №131749 DELETED
>Israel has bombed the Syrian port with Russian ships still docked
Anonymous  10/12/24 Втр 00:15:07 #4321 №131751 DELETED
russia withdrew its ships with heavy equipment between the 8th and the 10th december (morning)
If israel did that, it would declare war on the rf
so he shelled the empty ports to keep them out of the turks' hands.
Anonymous  10/12/24 Втр 00:23:19 #4322 №131752 DELETED
Russians, what do you think about this phenotype?
1) He passed there in Saint Petersburg or Moscow would he confounded/mixed up with whom/which ethnicity?
2) Could this guy join the organizations of that Russian "neonazi" that got "sudok'ed" in prison or join Russian Community? At least Dagestani section of Russian Community? or Noviops the term that learnt in 2 years here
Anonymous  10/12/24 Втр 00:34:48 #4323 №131753 DELETED
Egypt and Jordan are de facto secular, sunni majority and their elite sunni majority and their Mukhabarat still works to catch these islamists and Muslim Brotherhood. Syria was some apartheid almost Alawite elite heavily corrupt and sanctioned state that reached a breaking point. If there was a compromise and negociation for transition there wouldn't be any al-Jolani taking most territory.
Anonymous  10/12/24 Втр 01:37:03 #4324 №131754 DELETED
>Could this guy join
>Russian "neonazi" that got "sudok'ed"
>Russian Community
in the rules of admission to the organization is explicitly stated that appearance and race does not play a role, the organization can join anyone who considers himself a russian and shares russian values and culture russian community are russian nationalists, not nazis, they don't like nazis because they killed russians
>Dagestani section of Russian Community
troll fake which has been refuted
Anonymous  10/12/24 Втр 01:59:21 #4325 №131755 DELETED
Anonymous  10/12/24 Втр 03:01:19 #4326 №131756 DELETED
>The difference, however, is that Moscow is trying to sustain a costly offensive in pursuit of goals that keep slipping farther into the future. By contrast, Ukraine’s main goal is to simply survive while Russia expends people, weapons and time it can’t get back.

What's the logic here, does ukraine have the ability to magically grow weapons and people faster than russia
Anonymous  10/12/24 Втр 12:20:12 #4327 №131758 DELETED
Recently I realized that the picture in my 100500 telegram channels, many of which are run by the participants of the fighting itself is very different from what is said in the German press. Successes are going in all directions and Russian army can go even faster, but Blitzkrieg in modern warfare does not work as it did in 1941 - it did not work very well then either, in other words, Russian Armed Forces are going at a pace equal to logistics, not faster, otherwise Russian Armed Forces will repeat the scenario of early 2022.

>costly offensive
This statement is true if the core of the military-industrial complex in a state is commercial companies, in a state like Russia the whole chain of the military-industrial complex from fossil ore to weapons concerns such as Kalashnikov or UVZ is owned by the state from 51% to 100% (by shares). Most of the money spent on military needs goes back into the treasury.

>Russia expends people
More people die every day in Russia in car accidents.

According to the BBC investigation, that's about 78,000 people over 3 years of war, not including PMC Wagner and Novorossiya militia. Sad, of course. I allow for a number of 150,00 in general. Also, according to the same investigation, the peak week of casualties was 989. Now there are no more than 20 people a week at the rate at which the RF Armed Forces are advancing.
Anonymous  10/12/24 Втр 12:22:19 #4328 №131759 DELETED
>more than 20 people a week
Anonymous  10/12/24 Втр 12:55:01 #4329 №131760 DELETED
Anonymous  10/12/24 Втр 20:08:56 #4330 №131762 DELETED
Anonymous  10/12/24 Втр 21:14:36 #4331 №131763 DELETED
Anonymous  11/12/24 Срд 00:16:01 #4332 №131764 DELETED
if the story is being censored fully or partially there in Russian Federation, it is because they are scared of copycats.
Anonymous  11/12/24 Срд 08:12:44 #4333 №131766 DELETED
If Americans had uncompensated care enshrined in the constitution like Russians, this wouldn't have happened. You were trying to make a point, but you failed.
He was fired from the post of Zelensky's advisor for telling the truth about a Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile that fell on a residential house.
It's ironic, considering he's a professional liar, actor, and propagandist, as well as a master of switching sides mid-air.
Anonymous  11/12/24 Срд 08:19:44 #4334 №131767 DELETED
The head of the insurance company UnitedHealthcare was shot dead in the center of New York City, and the killer instantly became a hero in the eyes of the public

The reason is that insurance companies, especially UnitedHealthcare, cause massive dissatisfaction among US residents. Insurers often deny payments or reimburse only a fraction of the costs, making life-saving medications unaffordable. For many, this situation turns the assassination of the head of the company into a kind of symbolic retribution.
Anonymous  11/12/24 Срд 08:23:12 #4335 №131768 DELETED
➖ The words “Deny,” “Defend,” and “Depose” were engraved on each shell casing found. This is a reference to the book “Delay Deny Defend,” whose subtitle reads, “Why Insurance Companies Don't Pay Claims and What Can Be Done About It.”
➖ Today, four days after the murder, police arrested the alleged killer, 26-year-old Luigi Mangione. He was discovered at a McDonald's in Pennsylvania. An employee of the establishment identified the man and told police that the suspect was eating quietly in the hall;
➖ According to media reports, when Luigi was searched, they found a fake ID, a gun and silencer allegedly printed on a 3D printer, and a backpack containing a manifesto. In that document, he sharply criticized insurance companies for prioritizing profits over human lives;
➖ Luigi's actions appear to be motivated by personal tragedy: he lost his grandmother in 2013 and his grandfather in 2017, both of whom were denied treatment by insurance companies.

Anonymous  11/12/24 Срд 08:26:13 #4336 №131769 DELETED
➖ He graduated high school with honors, earned several IT degrees, and even founded a video game development studio;
➖ In addition, a review of the Unabomber Manifesto was found on his Goodreads profile, where Luigi wrote, “When all other methods of communication are powerless, violence becomes essential for survival.”;
➖ He wore a mask on the day of the murder, but took it off to flirt with a female hostel employee;
➖ Since his arrest, Luigi's popularity has only increased. Internet users admire his act, and the McDonald's where he was arrested has been subjected to a barrage of negative reviews, which insinuate that “the place is full of rats”;
➖ Most interestingly, after his arrest, a video called “The Truth” appeared on Luigi's YouTube channel with a countdown timer and the message: “If you're seeing this, it means I've already been caught.” The video indicated that something significant would happen on December 11. However, the account and video were soon deleted for violating the platform's rules.
Anonymous  11/12/24 Срд 09:32:48 #4337 №131770 DELETED
Anonymous  11/12/24 Срд 09:37:59 #4338 №131771 DELETED

Is it worth watching? Is there something useful there that few people know?
Anonymous  11/12/24 Срд 10:50:59 #4339 №131772 DELETED
Never lived there. On the other hand, he took a long time to die, though. Up until the mid-2000s.
Anonymous  11/12/24 Срд 14:01:17 #4340 №131773 DELETED
Commieblocks wiki
Anonymous  11/12/24 Срд 15:02:03 #4341 №131775 DELETED
>3rd pic

My parents had the exact same kitchen in the 1980s, I have many fond memories of banging the hell out of the cupboards and slamming the drawers. Poorly built chipboard shite, honestly.


It seems like it's for internal Russian consumption, very boring.
Anonymous  11/12/24 Срд 17:37:51 #4342 №131776 DELETED
Do you think he 3D-printed the bullets too?
The whole "just print your firearm" thing still sound kinda insane
Anonymous  11/12/24 Срд 18:58:14 #4343 №131777 DELETED
>>131767 >>131768 >>131769
I just don't sit on the internet as much, tracking every sneeze like you and other posters do
I don't even watch TV because it's so last century
Anonymous  11/12/24 Срд 19:01:59 #4344 №131778 DELETED
They did it again today
I hate Putin's restraint
Anonymous  11/12/24 Срд 19:49:38 #4345 №131779 DELETED
Anonymous  11/12/24 Срд 23:23:44 #4346 №131781 DELETED
Tucker Carlson travels to Russia on the pretext of an interview to save money on food- Investigation

I watched it in the Russian dubbing from Carlson fans.

It was very interesting, I didn't know that there is a document in the UN that implies respect for the territorial integrity of a country only if it respects minorities within the country and does not trample on their rights (e.g. does not ban the Russian language).
Anonymous  12/12/24 Чтв 01:18:36 #4347 №131782 DELETED
Anonymous  12/12/24 Чтв 02:04:57 #4348 №131783 DELETED
he has the money and resources
Anonymous  12/12/24 Чтв 09:11:49 #4349 №131785 DELETED
Come to think of it, if I were as retarded in my country as the anon in the picture, it would end up costing me ZERO, NOTHING, JUST FOR THANKS.

other anon
Anonymous  12/12/24 Чтв 09:13:19 #4350 №131786 DELETED
Income tax in the United States -13%
Income tax in Russia - 13%
Anonymous  12/12/24 Чтв 11:58:08 #4351 №131788 DELETED
A prisoner of the regime who has not seen light or eaten for months is released by a CNN journalist who happened to be there.

Anonymous  13/12/24 Птн 14:05:54 #4352 №131795 DELETED
Anonymous  13/12/24 Птн 17:45:10 #4353 №131800 DELETED
Now list all the other taxes.
And the best part is: list all the regulations here and there.
And even those are not the only differences between the two systems.
Why wouldn't they claim immunity due to being brainwashed hard and to pardon themselves by benevolently applying a system which works way better is beyond me.
Anonymous  13/12/24 Птн 19:27:53 #4354 №131802 DELETED
>Now list all the other taxes.
All salaries in Russia are described with 13% tax, which Russians don't even pay, the employer does. If you're going to cite liberashka's byte-pictures like 146% tax with markup on goods and other nonsense, I'm going to dunk you in the toilet with shit like an uneducated stupid zoomer.
The only thing that is paid separately is the car tax and income from the sole proprietorship. Payment of land tax is included in the monthly housing and utilities services (depends on the region).

USA (All salaries in the USA on job search engines are presented without taxes, unlike in Russia, americans pay these taxes by manually filling out a form that comes in the mail.):
Standart american (life in trailer without car):
1. Federal income tax: from 10% - 37% (depends on income level)
2. Social Security Tax: The tax rate is 6.2% on income up to a certain limit ($160,200 in 2023). For self-employed people, the rate is doubled because they are considered both an employer and an employee, so they pay 12.4%.
3. Medicare Tax: The tax rate is 1.45% on all income, with no limit.For self-employed people the rate is doubled, i.e. 2.9%.
4a. State Income Tax: Rates and rules vary from state to state. Some states (e.g., Texas or Florida) do not levy state income taxes, while others (e.g., California or New York) have fairly high rates.
5b. Local taxes: Some cities or municipalities may have income, property, or sales taxes.

Russia (Russia (99% of salaries in Russia on job search sites are presented inclusive of 13% tax, unlike in the US, this tax is paid by the employer):
Standart russian (life in commieblock without car):
1. In fact, nothing.
Anonymous  13/12/24 Птн 21:43:36 #4355 №131803 DELETED
Ethnic russian diaspora (yes, not counting all your (our) Ashkenazi slavematers) in USA >>>> small American diaspora in Russia
More quality in USA

Huge Widespread Ukrainian Diaspora in the globe = Ukraine 3rd world

It also counts for Portugal. Big diaspora in France
France>>> Portugal

It's like Big Mac Index
Anonymous  13/12/24 Птн 22:21:14 #4356 №131804 DELETED
I think it's time to invite the Israelis to this megachat room.
What do you think?

pic: Co-founder of Israel as a state. It's also the initiator.
Anonymous  13/12/24 Птн 23:47:31 #4357 №131805 DELETED
that's not hitler
Anonymous  13/12/24 Птн 23:59:16 #4358 №131806 DELETED
Impress historical knowledge by american. Good job.
Anonymous  14/12/24 Суб 00:05:46 #4359 №131807 DELETED
Your rating is very biased.

Russian immigrants in the 1990s:
They are fleeing total poverty, banditry and semi-anarchy and devastation caused by the collapse of the USSR and the failed economic policies of pro-American liberals.
Russian immigrants in the 2000s:
They are no longer fleeing, but they are leaving because it is more profitable to work in Europe or the USA, returning to Russia from time to time. Those who leave for good are becoming much fewer.
Russian immigrants in the 2010s
The politically dissenters tend to leave, working in Europe is becoming less and less profitable, Europe has become a tourist destination rather than a migration destination, the Russian economy is booming, the richest and most powerful peak of the 2010s was 2013, just before the Americans pulled off their coup d'état adventure in Ukraine, but despite this, the late 2010s are very tight, in some aspects of life Russia was already ahead of Europe according to comments from a traveler in my social circle.
Russian immigrants in the 2022
1. I'm afraid to kill people in Ukraine
2. Afraid to die, I'll wait it out in Thailand with traps.
3. I want to be transgender in Europe, I hate fucking Rushka!!!
4. ATACMS is dangerous to my children.
Russian immigrants in the 2024
1. Portuguese stopped saying thanks for the huge walls of text, migrating to 4chan.
Anonymous  14/12/24 Суб 00:09:32 #4360 №131808 DELETED
>late 2010s are very tight
Here by the way, I do not know how to translate correctly from Russian, in short, very fat (i.e. very favorable for society), but the leader is still 2013.
Anonymous  14/12/24 Суб 00:09:52 #4361 №131809 DELETED
>google "American couple"

Anonymous  14/12/24 Суб 00:36:05 #4362 №131810 DELETED
>Coca-Cola armor from M113

I don't remember if I posted this or not, sorry for repeating
I don't know how good the engsubs, the british guy on 4chan said they're total shit
Anonymous  14/12/24 Суб 01:19:39 #4363 №131811 DELETED
Anonymous  14/12/24 Суб 11:21:36 #4364 №131816 DELETED
OpenAI informant Suhir Balaji, who collected data for AI training worth $150 billion, has been found dead. He exposed the company, accusing it of violating copyright law. His information was to play a key role in the lawsuits.

At the end of 2022, he published the data, prompting lawsuits from authors, programmers and journalists in the amount of $ 150 billion. Mercury News, the New York Times and other media outlets have sued OpenAI. Balaji claimed that the company harms businesses and entrepreneurs whose data is being used.

He believed in the possibilities of AI in the treatment of diseases and aging, but his career deteriorated after two years at OpenAI. He was aware that collecting data for GPT-4 was theft.

In October, he published an analysis on his website, which lawyers for The New York Times called "a unique and relevant document." He proved that ChatGPT and other AI products are based on stolen data, making them hundreds of billions of dollars in criminal activity.

This week, authorities confirmed that Balaji was found dead in his apartment. The Bureau of Forensic Medicine concluded that it was suicide. The police found no evidence of murder. His death occurred three months after OpenAI was publicly accused of copyright infringement.

I wouldn't give a damn for the lives of the remaining 11 witnesses.

Text reduction and translation are done using Yandex's non-criminal neural network right in the 2ch typing window. All rights reserved. Full original russian text:
Anonymous  14/12/24 Суб 11:35:01 #4365 №131817 DELETED

Video: -=𝚃𝚁𝙰𝙽𝚂𝙻𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳=- by 𝖒𝖊
Anonymous  14/12/24 Суб 14:45:25 #4366 №131818 DELETED
Anonymous  14/12/24 Суб 15:14:55 #4367 №131819 DELETED
The candidate of the ruling Georgian Dream party, Mikhail Kavelashvili, has been elected President of Georgia.

224 deputies out of 300 voted for him.

My condolences to the NATO bros. This is where you lose.
Anonymous  14/12/24 Суб 15:18:52 #4368 №131820 DELETED
New Russian cancer vaccine will be free of charge

Anonymous  14/12/24 Суб 15:19:42 #4369 №131821 DELETED
Anonymous  14/12/24 Суб 15:36:45 #4370 №131822 DELETED
Uyghur terrorists of the “Islamic Movement of Turkestan” recorded a video threatening the Chinese authorities.

Terrorists show a warehouse with Soviet/Russian ammunition from the Syrian army's Grad MLRS, promising to use it against China in the future.
Anonymous  14/12/24 Суб 23:18:33 #4371 №131826 DELETED
Ukrainian blogger Shariy, who is in opposition to Zelensky, claims that Zelensky is preparing a new attack on Kursk.

“They will go to Kursk with squares on the equipment.”
Anonymous  14/12/24 Суб 23:21:09 #4372 №131827 DELETED
if to be precise
Anonymous  14/12/24 Суб 23:21:14 #4373 №131828 DELETED
>My "Index" is way simpler than comparing various economic rankings some according purchasing power

>Russian immigrants in the 2000s:
>They are no longer fleeing, but they are leaving because it is more profitable to work in Europe or the USA, returning to Russia from time to time. Those who leave for good are becoming much fewer.
That's my index still rules. There was significant Russian diaspora here in 90s until 2000s in Portugal. Situation improved greatly in Russia, and went back to Russia or went to other EU countries or USA. Ukraine hasn't improved since 1991 so they are only """whites""" coming in to work in Portugal for 23 years.

Yes if ethnic Russians will migrate to USA, it's whether all spies from SVR/FSB or political dissidents not economic migrants. Sure, I'll believe that.
they are already infiltrating the police there, waiting for Vladimir Putin orders.
Anonymous  14/12/24 Суб 23:38:39 #4374 №131829 DELETED
even drunk and crooked, looking 10 times better than the standard american woman
no offense to americans, but it's just an evolutionary biological fact like black dicks
Anonymous  15/12/24 Вск 00:14:26 #4375 №131830 DELETED
Ukrainian schizo or Russian trolls. Can't stop laughing
Anonymous  15/12/24 Вск 00:15:23 #4376 №131831 DELETED
Ukrainian schizo or Russian trolls. Can't stop laughing
Anonymous  15/12/24 Вск 00:43:00 #4377 №131832 DELETED
are you kidding, man???????? you have no idea what those faggots have done to russian-language wikipedia, it's a fantasy world out there
europe is probably just getting to know these bastards
this is not a joke or trolling, all the peoples of europe are descended from ukrainians, and hercules son of zeus was a crimean
they take it all seriously, it's a whole special operation for statehood formation, in which they invest huge sums of money\resources
the u.s. and nato supports this because it is part of the ideological war against russia
from journalists and western historians to nobel prizes and unesco - everything is bought and works for the ukrainians and against russia
Anonymous  15/12/24 Вск 00:48:41 #4378 №131833 DELETED
>navalny nominated for the nobel peace prize
Anonymous  15/12/24 Вск 00:53:09 #4379 №131834 DELETED
for russians
Anonymous  15/12/24 Вск 01:12:26 #4380 №131835 DELETED
Anonymous  15/12/24 Вск 01:13:43 #4381 №131836 DELETED
>The photo is published by Getty Images. According to him, the footage shows exercises of Ukrainian anti-sabotage groups in Chernigov Region
sooors https://t.me/webmland/45387
Anonymous  15/12/24 Вск 01:41:32 #4382 №131837 DELETED
here in Portugal, we have a 3rd-level administrative division in this country (of 10 millions with area compared to new Russian territories) that Spain doesn't even have and sucks a lot of resources.

>The freguesia began to refer to the civil/administrative entity, while the paróquia (Latin: parochia) became affiliated with the religious entity.
it's a level under the city/municipality, where local politicians of these secular parishes - freguesia - are elected and can only embark in giving money or give permission to build this kind of monuments like Tiny monument to Navalny or try importing rainbow LGBT coloured Pedestrian crossing unsucessful.

it's very cringe
>In 2011, after more than two weeks of bailout negotiations in light of the sovereign debt crisis with the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank and the European Commission, the Portuguese government was obliged to reduce the number of municipal and parish local governments after July 2012.
and the number used to be bigger.
there's a town used to have >80 parishes, now only has 61. But its population is 110 000
Anonymous  15/12/24 Вск 10:21:31 #4383 №131838 DELETED
>Sure, I'll believe that.
If that's sarcasm, you're missing the main message: a huge number of migrants left Russia in the 90's, many of them never came back. Even in the comments to your video people point out that the cop speaks Russian, but not like a Russian, which means he was born in the US and raised in a Russian-speaking family.
Russians have entire neighbourhoods in the US like Brighton Bitch, there are no English speaking signs there. These people left Russia in the 90's and stayed there with it - all these outdated concepts, mentality and so on, so they are not developing as Russians in any way, if they come to Russia now, they will experience culture shock.

Also not necessarily Russian-speaking = Russian. You know that yourself.
Anonymous  15/12/24 Вск 10:22:50 #4384 №131839 DELETED
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  15/12/24 Вск 11:19:10 #4385 №131840 DELETED
Проходя, вытер хуй об местного мочеколясочника.
Anonymous  15/12/24 Вск 16:19:32 #4386 №131841 DELETED

Turkey's Defense Minister Guler: Russia has not withdrawn troops from Syria and is unlikely to do so (Use the page translator)
Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) leader Ahmed al-Sharaa (better known as Abu Mohammed al-Julani) to Syria TV:
“We tried not to provoke the Russians and gave them an opportunity to reconsider relations with us”
Maxar has published satellite images of Hmeimim airbase and Tartus PMTO
- Il-76 and An-124-100 Ruslan were captured at Hmeimimim;
- In Tartus, the Project 22350 frigate Admiral Gorshkov and the Project 11356R frigate Admiral Grigorovich, both capable of launching Zircon hypersonic missiles, are seen on the roadstead.
Photos here: https://t.me/voen2ch/12161

Also here: >>131725
Anonymous  15/12/24 Вск 16:31:52 #4387 №131842 DELETED
Fan Fact.

In Russia, orphans upon reaching the age of 18 are given a free apartment or house at the expense of the state.
Anonymous  16/12/24 Пнд 02:43:50 #4388 №131852 DELETED
Anonymous  16/12/24 Пнд 22:33:08 #4389 №131854 DELETED
>Annually only 15% of orphans who have a legislated right to obtain housing receive it. The rest of them line for years or litigate with the state. Important Stories explore why two thousand people remain homeless while the authorities easily find money for other projects.
Anonymous  16/12/24 Пнд 23:39:42 #4390 №131855 DELETED
>Years of waiting in line
In order for this not to happen, by law, children are put on the waiting list from the age of 14, so that they have a place to live by the age of 18.
Very strange article. The source they refer to directly shows that every month the number of needy people who turned 18 is about 3600 people, at the end of the month for various reasons remain unsecured only 100-150 people, which are added to the group in the next month and have the highest priority for housing. What years are they talking about? We can assume that their information is outdated and is given for 2019. But no, the funny thing is that in the 200k they also sign up those 14 year olds (14 to 18 year olds) who get in line. Lmao.
As for the quality of housing, it varies, I don't argue. Russia is a big country with a huge number of regions where administrations look at their responsibilities differently.

Anonymous  16/12/24 Пнд 23:45:07 #4391 №131856 DELETED
That is, the total list of all orphans waiting for housing - 275,994 people - are children from 14 to 18 years old. They calculate 15% of this amount of those who received housing (18-19 year olds), and then make a sensation that there are still 75% of those who did not receive housing.
Anonymous  17/12/24 Втр 00:52:39 #4392 №131857 DELETED
"Trump says he didn't invite Zelensky to his inauguration in January 2025.


Anonymous  17/12/24 Втр 00:54:25 #4393 №131858 DELETED
"Trump added that if Zelensky wants to, he can come on January 20.
I don't know what is more shameful for Zelensky.
The fact that he wasn't invited or if he goes there uninvited.
What a great way for Trump to humiliate him. Makes him look like shit."

Anonymous  17/12/24 Втр 02:46:29 #4394 №131859 DELETED
Anonymous  17/12/24 Втр 02:47:12 #4395 №131860 DELETED
Anonymous  17/12/24 Втр 02:48:15 #4396 №131861 DELETED
So, why?
Anonymous  17/12/24 Втр 09:03:47 #4397 №131862 DELETED
Anonymous  17/12/24 Втр 19:06:35 #4398 №131868 DELETED
Anonymous  18/12/24 Срд 01:20:58 #4399 №131870 DELETED
Why can’t I post in any other board? What the deal is with “Постинг запрещен -4” ?
Anonymous  18/12/24 Срд 01:27:49 #4400 №131871 DELETED
4chan losers vs. Russian doomsday system
Total defeat of 4chan losers
Anonymous  18/12/24 Срд 02:13:35 #4401 №131872 DELETED
=> >>131866 →
Anonymous  18/12/24 Срд 07:36:32 #4402 №131873 DELETED
A convoy of equipment of the Russian group of troops represented by armored vehicles AMN-590951 “Spartak”, “Tiger”, Ural-432009 (Ural-VV), BTR-80 and other vehicles is heading for Tartus.


No one went anywhere, now even more formally than last time. But what the fuck was that all about? What the fuck was the whole fucking circus?
Anonymous  18/12/24 Срд 07:56:30 #4403 №131874 DELETED
Beta testing of the open Russian game engine NauEngine has started

The first beta release of the open source game engine NauEngine and the associated game development environment NauEditor, the code of which is distributed under the BSD license, has been presented. The project was originally founded by VK, but its development was later spun off into a separate company, N-Jinn. The engine is completely free and can be used to create derivative commercial and non-commercial products. A user manual in Russian has been prepared for game developers. The release is scheduled for the end of 2025.

The game development environment includes (https://www.opennet.ru/opennews/art.shtml?num=62293) a 3D scene, material, animation and visual effects (VFX) editor. The finished build of the NauEditor environment is shaped for Windows. Windows 10 and Visual Studio 2022 are stated as requirements for the build from source code. Of the graphics APIs, only DX12 support for Windows has been announced so far, and the HLSL language is used for shader development. Last year's announcement stated that the engine will support different operating systems and platforms, including PCs, mobile devices, game consoles and the Web.

Anonymous  18/12/24 Срд 08:01:26 #4404 №131875 DELETED
Anonymous  18/12/24 Срд 08:43:09 #4405 №131877 DELETED
People in the comments aren't happy with beta, so it's still early. I think he needs 2 more years to be brought to perfection, not a year.
Anonymous  18/12/24 Срд 19:54:28 #4406 №131879 DELETED
Через 2 года твои сраные разработчики будут пригребать к себе ещё немного горячего радиоактивного пепла, укрываясь им, как пуховым одеялом, чтобы погреть гнойные пролежни в условиях бесконечной ночи-зимы.
Anonymous  19/12/24 Чтв 12:58:37 #4407 №131883 DELETED
Hoping for the best.
Anonymous  19/12/24 Чтв 22:17:25 #4408 №131891 DELETED
Anonymous  21/12/24 Суб 09:51:17 #4409 №131907 DELETED
Anonymous  22/12/24 Вск 00:48:59 #4410 №131915 DELETED
requesting an explanation. trying to rob an ATM
this, please.
Anonymous  22/12/24 Вск 01:39:30 #4411 №131917 DELETED
Ukrainian military ЦИПсО call center operators on the phone threatening to kill loved ones if people don't set fire to or blow something up. This will not be told in the European Union.

ЦИПсО - it stands for - “information-psychological operations center” or the 72nd Information Psychological Operations Center. Part of the Ukrainian armed forces.
Anonymous  22/12/24 Вск 13:51:09 #4412 №131925 DELETED
Yeah, sometimes, but most saboteurs do it for money.
Anonymous  22/12/24 Вск 17:32:59 #4413 №131927 DELETED
Interesting character
Teacher, biologist, from Australia
Anonymous  22/12/24 Вск 18:09:42 #4414 №131928 DELETED
Anonymous  22/12/24 Вск 19:03:14 #4415 №131929 DELETED
Residential complex in Kazan, Tatarstan
Anonymous  22/12/24 Вск 20:07:07 #4416 №131930 DELETED
>The Rail Baltica project was based on the infrastructure created by the Russian Empire

Literally nothing of his own, lowlife tier countries
Anonymous  22/12/24 Вск 21:15:58 #4417 №131932 DELETED
these are blocked here in European Union. had to use https://archive.is/BFgz9 on the first link.

Anonymous  22/12/24 Вск 22:14:13 #4418 №131933 DELETED
The EU is a Totalitarian shithole.
You have all Russian media banned, I checked.
Anonymous  22/12/24 Вск 22:38:10 #4419 №131934 DELETED
Name me the worst sections of dvatch in your opinion.
Anonymous  22/12/24 Вск 22:54:08 #4420 №131935 DELETED
Wait for snow, it's coming soon.
Anonymous  22/12/24 Вск 23:42:57 #4421 №131937 DELETED
Thanks my powerful bro <3
Anonymous  23/12/24 Пнд 00:00:03 #4422 №131938 DELETED
I only web-translated /em/, /po/, /news/, /wm/, /ftb/ and /s/. /mo/
Of course, this board is the worst in terms of movement (but ptchan and its spin-off lusochan are equal).
Anonymous  23/12/24 Пнд 00:52:39 #4423 №131941 DELETED
The active core of Dvacha is /b/ (bullshit/all topics except politics), /soc/ (dating, attentionwhoring and other shit), /rf/ (section for schizos and there really sit schizos), /hry/ (discussion of media personalities of Russian media segment) you can say that the core is also /po/, but it's just a shitty section with toxics, many of whom are Ukrainian trolls under Russian proxy, liberals and pseudo-communists. Also shitty is /dev/ (from the Russian word devochka (girl)), literally a branch of crystal cafe, just as toxic and misogynistic, men there are immediately sent to the ban at the slightest suspicion, my sister likes to shitpost there. She's 30 years old, btw
All other sections except for the above have great benefits, their own memes, their own unique character posters(even /news/, yes).
The most useful for Russian culture I personally consider /sn/(scary stories), this board gave us “Soviet Research Institute” and “Samosbor” - an open universe without a single author on which even many authors write real books that can be bought on Litres.
Anonymous  23/12/24 Пнд 01:15:02 #4424 №131943 DELETED
Why do Ukrainian women make such videos?
Anonymous  23/12/24 Пнд 09:01:56 #4425 №131948 DELETED
Anonymous  23/12/24 Пнд 09:06:45 #4426 №131949 DELETED
Propaganda fake
Anonymous  23/12/24 Пнд 09:07:53 #4427 №131950 DELETED
Anonymous  23/12/24 Пнд 10:33:33 #4428 №131952 DELETED
Anonymous  23/12/24 Пнд 12:00:50 #4429 №131955 DELETED
Anonymous  23/12/24 Пнд 13:37:41 #4430 №131957 DELETED
Anonymous  23/12/24 Пнд 14:45:44 #4431 №131958 DELETED
Anonymous  23/12/24 Пнд 14:49:33 #4432 №131959 DELETED
Anonymous  23/12/24 Пнд 14:50:52 #4433 №131960 DELETED
Anonymous  23/12/24 Пнд 14:57:13 #4434 №131961 DELETED
By the way, questions to Putin from all over the country were sorted and filtered by Sber's “Gigachat” neural network, not 1,000 captive Ukrainians, as everyone previously assumed.
Anonymous  23/12/24 Пнд 20:52:43 #4435 №131964 DELETED
There anon has created a thread about prices in Spain where he goes and looks it all up.

HELLISH OVERPRICING If you compare it to Russian prices.
Anonymous  24/12/24 Втр 05:16:45 #4436 №131968 DELETED
Anonymous  24/12/24 Втр 06:05:24 #4437 №131970 DELETED
Anonymous  24/12/24 Втр 17:32:47 #4438 №131982 DELETED
As many as 7 people came to the inauguration of the illegally elected president of Moldova.
Anonymous  26/12/24 Чтв 23:21:25 #4439 №132011 DELETED
what is the Russian Jews board? to ask them if goyim can light the Menorah?
Anonymous  27/12/24 Птн 07:21:27 #4440 №132014 DELETED
The People's Army of the DPRK deployed the first super-heavy artillery division consisting of about 50 units. 170-mm self-propelled artillery units and 20 units. 240-mm MLRS directly in the Kursk REGION and continues to deploy new units, including crews of Lancet and Harop strike UAVs. Death to Western pigs ha ha ha.
Anonymous  27/12/24 Птн 07:25:48 #4441 №132016 DELETED
NATO pigs will be exterminated by our boys on an industrial scale.
Anonymous  27/12/24 Птн 12:02:16 #4442 №132017 DELETED
Anonymous  27/12/24 Птн 15:44:18 #4443 №132021 DELETED
Anonymous  27/12/24 Птн 20:01:18 #4444 №132025 DELETED
what are they saying?
Anonymous  28/12/24 Суб 06:46:15 #4445 №132034 DELETED
Что бразильцы животные и что место негров в джунглях на пальмах. Насчёт чего они ругаются я так и не понял, если честно.
Anonymous  28/12/24 Суб 06:48:20 #4446 №132035 DELETED
To manage jewish diaspora problem in Russia among themselves, but also to have an anchor to lobby positions of russian jews in Israel.
Anonymous  29/12/24 Вск 23:39:53 #4447 №132047 DELETED
Anonymous  30/12/24 Пнд 04:32:56 #4448 №132049 DELETED
it's about Brazilians making noise in flats

suposeddly Ukrainian minor: We are going to call the cops. (Nós vamos chamar a polícia)
Brazilian retarded monke woman (1): You can call them (Pode chamar)
Ukrainian minor: [The noise is too loud] [O ruído/barulho] Está muito alto!

Brazilian woman: [We will make less noise (?)] Take it easy. Keep calm. ( Menos! Calma.)
Ukrainian mother: ...

Brazilian mulato " I Can't define his gender" with red reindeer horns. Because it's Christmas

Ukrainian father: ... parlez Rusky ...
Anonymous  30/12/24 Пнд 08:37:08 #4449 №132050 DELETED
Блять, я дебил.
They were saying that brazilians are animals and they place in life is at jungle on a palm trees. I'm terribly sorry about reply in russian, it faded from my mind completely, I even answered in english in tge next post !
Anonymous  30/12/24 Пнд 15:55:39 #4450 №132052 DELETED
Britain's submarine navy is plagued by drugs, vile initiation ceremonies, group sex and 'rape lists' - Daily Mail

Young sailors are reportedly being put on all fours and forced to have sex with experienced sailors during 'initiation ceremonies'.

One submarine compiled a 'rape list' - listing the crew members who would be raped first in the event of a disaster at sea.

Anonymous  30/12/24 Пнд 18:15:35 #4451 №132054 DELETED
Batya said that he is Russian and advised that monkey to climb back to the palm tree in the jungle. The rest is just swearing.

an Old Slavonic word meaning father, which is also slang in Russian (surprise russian girls on discord with new knowledge!)
Anonymous  30/12/24 Пнд 18:24:51 #4452 №132055 DELETED
Anonymous  30/12/24 Пнд 20:05:26 #4453 №132056 DELETED
Ural forges send trains of new T-90M tanks to the front non stop.
Anonymous  30/12/24 Пнд 20:12:29 #4454 №132057 DELETED
Based Russia+North Korea+Mongolia=WAAAGH
Anonymous  30/12/24 Пнд 20:37:13 #4455 №132059 DELETED
Based, but many of them will be destroyed by a drone made of plastic and wire carrying an RPG-7 shell. This is the reality of modern warfare. The machine gun once changed World War I, nullifying previous doctrines of extensive offensive, forcing commanders to invent a new one right during the war.
Anonymous  30/12/24 Пнд 21:37:47 #4456 №132062 DELETED
The DPRK SOF fuck ucrainian armed scum niggers out of the settlement of Agronom on the outskirts of Sudzha.
Anonymous  30/12/24 Пнд 21:42:00 #4457 №132063 DELETED
Bassed waagh
Anonymous  30/12/24 Пнд 21:48:48 #4458 №132064 DELETED

I thought this >>132034 was only personal opinion of anon. thanks.
The subtitle in video even says the family is supposedly Ukrainian, I thought when he said Rusky he was speaking Russian or only spoke Russian.
Anonymous  30/12/24 Пнд 21:53:34 #4459 №132065 DELETED
Anonymous  30/12/24 Пнд 21:54:42 #4460 №132066 DELETED
Gib tang krewz
Anonymous  30/12/24 Пнд 22:11:10 #4461 №132067 DELETED
Anatoly Kashpirovsky is a well-known hypnotist and psychotherapist who gained popularity in the 1990s in the post-Soviet space thanks to his televised sessions, where he allegedly "healed" people remotely. Many consider his activities pseudoscientific and fraudulent. Here are the key aspects of his "secret":

1. The Power of Suggestion and Mass Manipulation
- Kashpirovsky used hypnosis and suggestion techniques to influence people's emotional states. He created the impression that he possessed unique powers capable of "healing" diseases or solving problems.
- Mass hypnosis sessions and an atmosphere of belief amplified the placebo effect, leading to temporary improvements in well-being.

2. The Placebo Effect
- People who genuinely believed in his ability to heal often experienced real relief from symptoms. This wasn’t due to his actions but rather to their own belief and psychosomatic responses.
- Temporary health improvements were interpreted as proof of his "powers."

3. Creating a Mystical Persona
- Kashpirovsky skillfully maintained the image of a person with extraordinary abilities by using pseudoscientific terminology and a mysterious manner of speaking. This attracted gullible individuals looking for miraculous solutions to their problems.

4. Using Television
- His television programs in the 1990s often presented Kashpirovsky as an authoritative expert. The mass reach of TV amplified the impact of his suggestions and created a "crowd effect," where each viewer felt they were not alone in their belief in his healing powers.

5. Exploiting People's Vulnerability
- During the difficult period of the 1990s, many were facing fears, stress, financial instability, and health problems. Kashpirovsky offered "simple" solutions, preying on people's hopes for a miracle.

6. Lack of Evidence and Accountability
- His methods were never scientifically proven, and the effects of his "sessions" were temporary and subjective.
- He bore no responsibility for his promises since his "healing" occurred remotely, making verification impossible.

Kashpirovsky used a combination of psychological techniques, the placebo effect, and mass belief to create the illusion of healing and success. His "secret" lies in his ability to convince people of his extraordinary powers by exploiting their vulnerabilities and emotional states.
Anonymous  30/12/24 Пнд 22:13:47 #4462 №132068 DELETED
Why do you and he hate Brazilians so much?
Anonymous  30/12/24 Пнд 22:19:25 #4463 №132069 DELETED
Have there been similar scams in other countries?
Anonymous  30/12/24 Пнд 23:03:10 #4464 №132071 DELETED
Dmytry Gordon. Ukrainian seller of pyramids of his own invention - Yu-shin-se. Claimed that they cured cancer and strongly pushed this idea to parents of children with cancer.

Two faggots in one video.
Anonymous  30/12/24 Пнд 23:28:47 #4465 №132072 DELETED
Anonymous  31/12/24 Втр 00:17:13 #4466 №132073 DELETED
I just found the video on Twitter timeline in some right-wing account, posted in ptchan and thought very weird why the Ukranian Russian was replying in Russian to Brazilians that would never understand what was he saying.
my comment btw
Anonymous  31/12/24 Втр 00:46:23 #4467 №132075 DELETED
Time to go to Lviv.
Anonymous  31/12/24 Втр 00:46:27 #4468 №132076 DELETED
Anonymous  31/12/24 Втр 00:55:41 #4469 №132077 DELETED
Anonymous  31/12/24 Втр 00:59:01 #4470 №132078 DELETED
Anonymous  31/12/24 Втр 01:08:29 #4471 №132079 DELETED
CPPK received 10 new three-door trains "Ivolga 4.0"

This model of three-door electric train is Russian-made. In the 11-car layout "Ivolga 4.0" accommodates over 2.5 thousand passengers at a time.
Anonymous  31/12/24 Втр 07:34:02 #4472 №132087 DELETED
Go to GULAG, lgbt niggers
Anonymous  31/12/24 Втр 08:23:32 #4473 №132088 DELETED
Fresh Western estimates of Ukrainian terrorist losses: for 2024, only 1.37 million, of which 580 thousand were killed, in total since the beginning of the SVO - 1.96 million, of which 920 thousand were killed.

It is noted that the losses in equipment of the Russian Armed Forces this year amounted to only 10-20% of NATO's.
Anonymous  31/12/24 Втр 08:40:33 #4474 №132089 DELETED
Good, but it always can be better. Hohols need to die for me more.
Anonymous  31/12/24 Втр 09:39:43 #4475 №132091 DELETED
Best war bro.
Anonymous  31/12/24 Втр 09:45:45 #4476 №132092 DELETED
There are many lgbr kokols and nazi niggers in L'vov.
Anonymous  31/12/24 Втр 09:52:53 #4477 №132094 DELETED
Russians VS nato niggers
Anonymous  31/12/24 Втр 10:38:11 #4478 №132095 DELETED
Thanks for both links.
"The manufacturer's supporters were primarily sports celebrities from the NBA, NFL, and NHL. In their comments, the athletes pointed out that the fuss around the brand's advertising does not affect their sympathy for the bracelets themselves."
In the 90's in Russia was a massive wave of such things, naive people who grew up in the USSR simply did not understand at the level of consciousness of society what is deception and fraud: magic stones, bronze Chinese coins bringing good luck, healing necklaces of magic alloy for 99999 rubles. I found from the previous owners of the house pendulum with a box, which is hung around the neck and which looks like a high-tech device (in fact, just a monolith of metal with the addition of parts of glass and magnet) there in the “product passport” states that the monolith concentrates cosmic synergy to heal the external energy and that the certificate is issued by a certain Research Institute of Biology and Cosmogenetics. In Russia there are only state research institutes, which was credible, but such a research institute never existed, back then there was almost nowhere for the internet to check and people believed this crap.

I read up on him and came to the conclusion that he is part of a money laundering scheme or group of people. In fact, when you talk about him you have no idea how pathetic soccer is in Russia. I haven't watched soccer since I was a kid for this very reason - Russian soccer is a fucking circus. Every bastard there is Ruben Amorim, but without a biography of any success. Russian hockey, of course, is a different matter.
Anonymous  31/12/24 Втр 10:49:13 #4479 №132096 DELETED

Petrikgate is a major scandal associated with the activities of Russian inventor Viktor Ivanovich Petrik, who presented himself as a scientist and creator of unique technologies, particularly in the field of water purification. This scandal gained a political dimension due to Petrik's close ties with high-ranking officials and his involvement in joint projects with the State Duma of Russia.

Key Aspects of the Scandal

1. Viktor Petrik's Activities
Petrik claimed to have developed unique water purification filters that supposedly outperformed all existing technologies. These technologies were actively promoted as part of the "Clean Water" project, which was supported by several State Duma deputies.

2. Scientific Criticism
The majority of the scientific community, including the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), questioned both the scientific validity and effectiveness of Petrik's inventions. It was stated that his inventions were either not unique or lacked independent verification. Additionally, Petrik did not have a solid scientific background and was previously involved in criminal cases.

3. Political Influence
The scandal gained widespread attention due to the support Petrik’s projects received from high-ranking officials. This raised concerns about corruption and the lack of transparency in the allocation of public funds. Notably, the "Clean Water" project was actively promoted by Sergei Mironov, who at the time served as Chairman of the Federation Council.

4. RAS Response
In 2010, the Russian Academy of Sciences published an official report sharply criticizing Petrik's activities, labeling his inventions as pseudoscientific. This cast doubt on all projects associated with him.

5. Public Reaction
The scandal attracted media attention and became a symbol of inefficiency and corruption in state-funded scientific projects. The term "Petrikgate" emerged, drawing parallels with the Watergate scandal.

Following widespread discussion in the media and scientific circles, many of Petrik's projects lost support, and he became associated with pseudoscience. However, Petrik continued to defend his inventions and filed lawsuits against his critics, including the RAS. This case serves as a vivid example of the importance of scientific expertise and transparency in the implementation of large-scale state projects.

The book he holds in his hands is called “Armored Optical Materials: Spinel,” written by himself.
Anonymous  31/12/24 Втр 11:46:31 #4480 №132097 DELETED
That's terrible. We gave them our hypersonic technology, but will these guys always be on our side?
Anonymous  31/12/24 Втр 14:25:53 #4481 №132099 DELETED
cringe post
Anonymous  31/12/24 Втр 14:54:49 #4482 №132100 DELETED
That diploma, which was tried to be presented in Moscow to the head of the Archangel volunteer project, which trains UAV operators

The explosive device was hidden in a lighted frame. According to the project, the attack was prevented by Russian special services, the bomber and the courier who delivered the letter were detained.


This is some new level of Ukrainian special services. Lmao.
Anonymous  31/12/24 Втр 18:42:30 #4483 №132103 DELETED
happy new year my niggas)
Anonymous  31/12/24 Втр 20:46:02 #4484 №132105 DELETED
>project was actively promoted by Sergei Mironov
lolwut? it was boris gryzlov
Anonymous  31/12/24 Втр 23:53:58 #4485 №132107 DELETED
Sergei Mironov
Shizo of the "Just Russia" party.
Anonymous  01/01/25 Срд 01:54:26 #4486 №132111 DELETED
Happy New Year
Anonymous  01/01/25 Срд 01:58:48 #4487 №132112 DELETED
Anonymous  01/01/25 Срд 02:00:42 #4488 №132113 DELETED
Anonymous  01/01/25 Срд 04:37:34 #4489 №132114 DELETED
This New Year's, NATO niggers will commit mass suicide in the pocets.

Happy New Year greetings from the 155th Guards Marine Brigade.
Anonymous  01/01/25 Срд 04:41:20 #4490 №132115 DELETED
While Russian railways work like clockwork, LGBT niggers are experiencing the collapse of infrastructure.
Anonymous  01/01/25 Срд 08:59:47 #4491 №132116 DELETED
cringe posts
Anonymous  01/01/25 Срд 09:04:39 #4492 №132117 DELETED
Anonymous  01/01/25 Срд 23:38:15 #4493 №132136 DELETED
A festive New Year's Eve Geran-2 with a garland flew over Kiev (and made a wonderful fireworks display)
Anonymous  02/01/25 Чтв 18:05:17 #4494 №132146 DELETED
New Russian units at the entrance to the Hmeimim base to reinforce the grouping.

I'll leave it here for personal use, it turns out not everyone on 4chan due to low level of education in this topic realises that it's not the pro-NATO opposition that won and makes ridiculous posts.

Anonymous  03/01/25 Птн 14:00:24 #4495 №132154 DELETED
Anonymous  03/01/25 Птн 23:19:31 #4496 №132157 DELETED

Anonymous  04/01/25 Суб 01:26:54 #4497 №132164 DELETED
If anyone's interested, Iranian tomato paste is fucking awesome. Despite the fact that the country is under total sanctions
Anonymous  04/01/25 Суб 06:10:32 #4498 №132165 DELETED
Anyone have good 'jaks about the Yakutian knifing the hohol faggot?
Anonymous  04/01/25 Суб 06:45:02 #4499 №132166 DELETED
Anonymous  04/01/25 Суб 11:25:28 #4500 №132170 DELETED
-> >>132154
He said on the phone that after he killed the hohol, a group of six hohols came there. Two of them he also killed(from AK) while retreating.
Anonymous  04/01/25 Суб 11:30:35 #4501 №132171 DELETED
Anonymous  04/01/25 Суб 11:31:27 #4502 №132172 DELETED
Who are you, warrior?
Anonymous  04/01/25 Суб 11:33:22 #4503 №132173 DELETED
Hi, Sosok
Anonymous  04/01/25 Суб 11:43:46 #4504 №132175 DELETED
Anonymous  04/01/25 Суб 15:01:34 #4505 №132177 DELETED
Anonymous  04/01/25 Суб 21:31:01 #4506 №132179 DELETED

Anonymous  04/01/25 Суб 22:42:33 #4507 №132180 DELETED
better this than GUR/SVR/FSB and outsourcing spamming the entire board,
Anonymous  04/01/25 Суб 23:25:40 #4508 №132181 DELETED
I guess that's more expensive than drugs to import but I trust you brother without tasting it
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 00:18:38 #4509 №132182 DELETED
550+ rubles (about 4 euros, excluding PPP) for 3.2 kg of tomato paste consisting only of tomato puree (and nothing else) is cheap even by Russian standards. All Iranian products are very cheap and of very high quality - from pistachios to ginger candy (btw, I recommend it).
A kilo of finnicks for three euros(without PPP), lol.
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 00:21:39 #4510 №132183 DELETED
I can also buy something directly from Finland. And also a big Portuguese flag if I really want one.
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 00:43:12 #4511 №132184 DELETED
Here, I found everything I need. I want to make 65 liters of low-alcohol beer as a strategic reserve in a food-grade plastic keg. And bottle it up. And you can use Portuguese sea salt as a salting agent to show off to your friends. Leeel

This additional post answers the Portuguese's question how often Russians use online stores like Wildberries. Yes very often and far from just Wilberries. Although, someone already answered it there.
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 00:45:24 #4512 №132186 DELETED
Is it said where those were imported first? Kazakhstan? I have never seen those kind of packages in Finland so I believe it's purely made for export.
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 00:46:34 #4513 №132187 DELETED
>And you can use Portuguese sea salt as a salting agent to show off to your friends. Leeel
I, by the way, never realized how to speak English in an indefinite context, do you have to write you or can you not write you? Englishman, please advise me.>>132166
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 00:51:14 #4514 №132188 DELETED
Judging by the price, it is unlikely they are from Kazakhstan, most likely the sanctions are very weak. It wasn't Finland that banned exports to Russia, it was Russia that banned food imports from Europe in 2014. Last year I ordered canned pork stewed in white wine from Germany on Yandex.Market, and the date of production corresponded to the month of the order.
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 00:56:07 #4515 №132189 DELETED
Oh? But I think there is "Finnish" cheese sold in Russia that's actually made in Russia but labeled as Finnish (because for some odd reason Russians like Finnish cheese that I can not understand myself).

So I was also thinking that it could be "faked" import.

I am not sure if you can access Finnish websites but here https://www.is.fi/taloussanomat/art-2000009944988.html it is explained that "some" Russian company still has rights to use Myllyn Paras logo/trademark and that the product is made in Russia.
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 03:24:19 #4516 №132190 DELETED
>So I was also thinking that it could be "faked" import.
Yeah, dude, apparently these video cards with artificial intelligence chips banned for Russia are also made in Russia. Somewhere in a garage workshop near Vyborg.

Btw, not all Western companies have left Russia, contrary to the expectations of those who assured that the Russian economy would collapse in two months, and then there would be hunger riots and Putin would be carried out of the Kremlin in villas. These companies have simply created a third legal entity here and are importing their crap into the Russian market as before, making it a little more expensive.
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 03:27:56 #4517 №132191 DELETED
>Video card optimized for artificial intelligence
>187 retards who bought it for gaming by writing a review.
KEK btw

Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 03:29:38 #4518 №132192 DELETED
>Russian company still has rights to use Myllyn Paras logo/trademark and that the product is made in Russia.
Yes. Russia has Burger King and many more. The reason for this is that 50%+ of the shares are owned by Russians.
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 11:57:02 #4519 №132194 DELETED
A full-fledged Ukrainian counteroffensive towards Kursk has begun.

Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 12:22:33 #4520 №132196 DELETED
I am not sure if you are aggressive or not. I was just talking about this one example where the product is labeled as Finnish import when it is not. Of course there are possibilities to import the stuff for example through Kazakhstan or similar and of course there are companies that did not left or they came back. Money talks.
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 13:00:18 #4521 №132197 DELETED
I apologize if you felt that way, I'm completely neutral, sitting on this board for many years forms its own unique style of writing information

I probably misunderstood the example.
Of course no one imports perishable things like cheese or milk from Finland, only powder and canned goods. A Frenchman on 4chan told me he is exporting original French products through Azerbaijan. Fake imports are more impossible than possible, because marketplaces check the owner's product passport and its compliance with Russian legislation, everything is very strict with product control here. Even every water bottle has a unique code on the cap in addition to the barcode, which must be scanned, because there is a war going on and Russia is becoming a victim of terrorist attacks.
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 13:46:07 #4522 №132199 DELETED
На Бердин!
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 13:50:22 #4523 №132200 DELETED
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 13:58:18 #4524 №132201 DELETED

Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 16:13:23 #4525 №132202 DELETED
Hohols killed a tractor driver for some reason
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 16:27:19 #4526 №132203 DELETED
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 16:35:16 #4527 №132204 DELETED
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 17:01:51 #4528 №132205 DELETED
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 17:06:04 #4529 №132206 DELETED
post goods from your contry
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 18:36:18 #4530 №132208 DELETED
What you want to see to be exact?
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 19:12:16 #4531 №132209 DELETED
your favorite candy(or other sweet things) from finland
let's add a little comfy to this creepy thread 😊
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 19:24:15 #4532 №132211 DELETED
I don't eat that much candy but chocolate instead. I might be biased but imho Fazer's chocolate is like top 1% in the world. As my dad is from Finnish Karelia I also like Karelian pasties (kalitki in Russian I think?).

Do you eat these in Russia at all?
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 19:47:56 #4533 №132212 DELETED
>I don't eat that much candy but chocolate instead
yes, you are cool, i too only eat bitter chocolate because it's very healthy, but sometimes I want to stuff myself with candy until I lose my pulse, and as for the best bitter chocolate, I think babevsky's is also in the top 1% of the best chocolates in the world.
>Karelian pasties
interesting, i've never heard of it
i love the way they look, I collect recipes because I love to cook
I thought it was "pirozhki" at first =)

also pirozhki* (with potatoes and mushrooms, or a mixture based on liver)
to make them shine, you have to brush them with beaten egg
in european russia (meaning where many ethnic russians live) they are popular because they are very easy to cook and they are very good on their own
rus is historically a confederation of finno-ugric and slavic tribes, so we are all relatives.
thanks for sharing with me, finnbro:)
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 19:59:10 #4534 №132213 DELETED
I believe pirozhki is related to our "meat pie". It's usually filled only with minced meat and rice.

Other Karelian based treats in Finland are vatruska and sultsina. I believe vatruska is also eaten in Russia but did not find any information on sultsina.

And yes I agree, Russia (Novgorod Republic) can still be seen in Karelia as it's the only region in Finland where Orthodox is relevant for example.
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 21:02:58 #4535 №132214 DELETED
I have collected all available information on the destruction of the hordes of NATO subhumans and their benderovets niggers today in the Kursk region.
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 21:03:18 #4536 №132215 DELETED
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 21:04:54 #4537 №132216 DELETED
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 21:05:38 #4538 №132217 DELETED
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 21:06:18 #4539 №132218 DELETED
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 21:06:47 #4540 №132219 DELETED
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 21:18:35 #4541 №132220 DELETED
Anonymous  06/01/25 Пнд 09:14:54 #4542 №132224 DELETED
Anonymous  06/01/25 Пнд 09:49:13 #4543 №132225 DELETED
Anonymous  06/01/25 Пнд 09:54:55 #4544 №132226 DELETED
There is no Finnish national cuisine.
Anonymous  06/01/25 Пнд 09:55:53 #4545 №132227 
video2025-01-0521-01-59 (online-video-cutter.com).mp4
AHAHA NIGGERS Anonymous  06/01/25 Пнд 10:39:21 #4546 №132228 
The Red Army completely liberated the city of Kurakhovo. The city's population is 20,000 people.

In ten years, the Western subhumans turned the city into a powerful fortified area with a developed network of long-term firing points and underground communications.

To defend the city, the LGBT fascists pulled together large forces, including units of the elite 79th airborne assault and 46th airmobile brigades, as well as 5 heavy, 33rd and 157th mechanized brigades of Ukrainian blacks, as well as units of the Armed Forces of NATO pseudo-countries - in total, 26 battalions with a total of over 15 thousand niggers.

During the liberation of Kurakhovo, the enemy lost 80% of its personnel (more than 12 thousand niggers), about 3 thousand units of various weapons and military equipment, including 40 tanks and other armored combat vehicles. During the two months of fighting near Kurakhovo, the daily losses of the fascists averaged between 150 and 180 terrorists killed and wounded.
Anonymous  06/01/25 Пнд 10:51:36 #4547 №132229 
Cringe post, cringe poster
Anonymous  06/01/25 Пнд 10:52:43 #4548 №132230 
Then the Russian cuisine doesn't exist either
Anonymous  06/01/25 Пнд 15:33:02 #4549 №132235 
The Russian nation exists, the Finnish nation does not exist, so Finnish national cuisine is an oxymoron. Deel with it, nigger.
Anonymous  06/01/25 Пнд 15:34:55 #4550 №132236 
Wow. Our Korean brothers destroyed the terrorists spg.
Anonymous  06/01/25 Пнд 15:40:19 #4551 №132237 
Anonymous  06/01/25 Пнд 15:43:36 #4552 №132238 
Anonymous  06/01/25 Пнд 17:08:08 #4553 №132239 
Anonymous  06/01/25 Пнд 18:43:06 #4554 №132241 
Anonymous  06/01/25 Пнд 19:43:33 #4555 №132242 
жс и старлинк.mp4
Kursk Region: the Berdin farm and its surroundings have been cleared of terrorists who tried to seize it.

During the cleanup carried out by assault units of the 30th motorized rifle regiment, 7 terrorists were killed and 23 were captured.

A total of 27 terrorists were captured during the counterattack of the subhumans that began yesterday.
Anonymous  06/01/25 Пнд 19:49:34 #4556 №132243 
The captured terrorists belong to the 82nd terrorist brigade, the so-called "elite" troops, which according to NATO standards are now considered to be units that undergo basic military training and whose personnel are no older than 50 years old.
Anonymous  06/01/25 Пнд 20:21:59 #4557 №132244 DELETED
Пиши нормально, по-русски, хуепутала недоученная.
Ни хуя же не понятно, дебс.
Anonymous  06/01/25 Пнд 23:28:15 #4558 №132246 
reunion to coordinate tiktok strategy
Anonymous  07/01/25 Втр 00:02:08 #4559 №132247 
Ha ha nazi Niggers suck cock
Anonymous  07/01/25 Втр 00:53:40 #4560 №132248 
«Гуря», командир роты.mp4
Wow! zero nigger zone now! Ura blyat🤓
Huge! Anonymous  07/01/25 Втр 02:17:57 #4561 №132249 
Russia has supplied the Oreshnik hypersonic missile system to ours Korean brothers.

The latest hypersonic missile that has entered service with the Korean army is capable of overcoming any missile defense system and will be designed to deter any of the country's adversaries in the region.

Russias excellent move. The hand of our Korean brothers will not tremble and the countries of the degenerate Western conglomerate will burn in a storm of thermonuclear grill.
Anonymous  07/01/25 Втр 03:27:21 #4562 №132250 
Merry Christmas
Anonymous  07/01/25 Втр 07:37:59 #4563 №132252 
Jesus is a man, not God, and he was not killed. Rome and its officials are a fascist LGBT shithole.
Anonymous  07/01/25 Втр 12:07:20 #4564 №132254 
Merry Christmas

Someone called the radical child spammers from /b/ here.
Anonymous  07/01/25 Втр 12:31:47 #4565 №132258 
Anonymous  07/01/25 Втр 12:33:36 #4566 №132259 
Positions of Korean artillerymen who arrived to help their Russian brothers carry out total genocide of Western aggressors.
Anonymous  07/01/25 Втр 12:43:00 #4567 №132260 
Soon there will be negotiations between Russia and the United States. When Russia finishes liberating Ukraine from the presence of Ukrainian terrorists, then Donald Dumb will be able to accept the ultimatum of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin delivered in December 2021 and there will be negotiations on closing the US presence in Europe.
Anonymous  07/01/25 Втр 13:00:21 #4568 №132261 
What radicalism he has! A Russian dares not to obey the decisions and decrees of gayropean officials! It is unacceptable to think that Russia has its own identity, sovereignty and does not pray to Western degenerates! Russia is not Russia, Russia is Rome!
Anonymous  07/01/25 Втр 17:08:35 #4569 №132263 
Frozen ziga
Anonymous  07/01/25 Втр 17:45:56 #4570 №132264 
Mo futadzh
Anonymous  07/01/25 Втр 19:03:41 #4571 №132265 
Ukrainian terrorists throw out of an armored car their wounded brothers-in-armor, the same ones who were captured in the video above.
Anonymous  08/01/25 Срд 16:11:22 #4572 №132267 
images (23).jpeg
Anonymous  08/01/25 Срд 16:22:06 #4573 №132268 
scale1200 (4).png
The Red Army is successfully developing its offensive in all directions.
Anonymous  08/01/25 Срд 18:33:09 #4574 №132270 
Denmark is where we'll break the mutts. They'll be the fucking Vietnam, squared.


American satanist president Donald Trump and Victoria Nuland will be imprisoned for their crimes against the Danish people, Americans will go back in coffins, Americans, this is not Germany or Afghanistan, the second you land on Greenland's soil we'll fuck you up. We will kill American soldiers with the help of Wagner, VDV and international global south volunteers, avenging you for the centuries of nazi-fascism and crimes in Yugoslavia, Ukraine, Iraq and Vietnam.
America is dying. You fucked a prostitute in the office, you have shitty music, we'll fuck you up, hear me? You'll never achieve victory on the sacred soil of Vikings.

American seals will get murdered by the seal-clubbers. We have warned you. This will be an end to your shitty empire, you will get buried in the invasion of Greenland. Serbian language will be heard in the New York soon and once we capture Montenegro, aircraft carriers of republic of Montenegro will bring the fight to your doorstep and bring you the misery you brought on others.
Anonymous  08/01/25 Срд 23:08:24 #4575 №132273 
The US is showing its true face, I've always felt that they were the first to invade ukraine by using Blackrock Monsanto to acquire most of their farmland
Anonymous  09/01/25 Чтв 00:34:36 #4576 №132276 
Ukrainians speak russian, bruh, they use actual ukranian only due to political reasons, not in regular lives.
Anonymous  09/01/25 Чтв 04:44:22 #4577 №132279 
2SLGBTQI+ Nazi Niggers got into the encirclement
Anonymous  09/01/25 Чтв 11:59:46 #4578 №132288 
>making it a little more expensive
As for GPU, they are now twice as expensive as they should be.
Anonymous  09/01/25 Чтв 14:44:04 #4579 №132290 
Look at this niggers
Anonymous  09/01/25 Чтв 14:50:24 #4580 №132291 
images (1).jpeg
Soon they will cost 10 times less.
When this Nazi scum is arrested, convicted and executed, the country will establish a natural inflation rate (It will always be below 0) and exchange rate (1₽=60000$).
Anonymous  09/01/25 Чтв 15:23:07 #4581 №132292 
Anonymous  09/01/25 Чтв 15:40:34 #4582 №132293 
Are you saying that I should tank rubles now when I can?
Anonymous  09/01/25 Чтв 16:12:16 #4583 №132294 
You just need to survive until Russia liberates Finland and you will automatically have rubles.
Anonymous  09/01/25 Чтв 16:20:15 #4584 №132295 
Новый проект.mp4
The results of the terrorist counteroffensive were negative. The map was taken from terrorist media activists.
Anonymous  09/01/25 Чтв 16:36:38 #4585 №132296 
Russia has dropped to 46th place in the ranking of "strong" passports. Russians have access to 116 countries for visa-free travel. In this ranking, Russia has overtaken Turkey and Kuwait, but lost to Georgia and Ukraine.
Anonymous  09/01/25 Чтв 19:43:52 #4586 №132300 
fucking shozophernics

back to /b/
Anonymous  09/01/25 Чтв 20:40:39 #4587 №132304 
On the question of whether Finland is a state:

The current Penal Code of Finland begins with the words: "We, Alexander the Third, by the grace of God, Emperor and Autocrat of all Rus', Tsar of Poland, Grand Duke of Finland..."
Anonymous  09/01/25 Чтв 21:07:43 #4588 №132305 
Finland is bigger Russia than modern Russia confirmed? Empire will be restored in Helsinki.
Anonymous  09/01/25 Чтв 21:36:09 #4589 №132306 
We can be the only part of Russian Empire currently and we can reclaim Karelia + Ingria. That's ok.
Anonymous  09/01/25 Чтв 22:46:50 #4590 №132307 
Without being a state you can only die out, nigger.
Anonymous  09/01/25 Чтв 22:55:45 #4591 №132309 

I am against the restoration of the Russian Empire or Soviet Union.

It was too small.
Anonymous  09/01/25 Чтв 23:31:43 #4592 №132310 
Are you saying Russia isn’t real because Ukraine has Kiev and Kievan Rus was the OG state?
Anonymous  10/01/25 Птн 00:44:24 #4593 №132313 
>Kievan Rus
There was no such state as “Kievan Rus”. The name “Kievan Rus” was invented in the late 19th century by scholars of the Russian Empire to separate historical periods related to the transfer of the capital. The inhabitants of Rus called their country simply Rus. It's embarrassing not to know that in the age of neural networks, retard.
Anonymous  10/01/25 Птн 02:25:00 #4594 №132316 
Valkyrie 411 Movie CLIP We Have to Kill Hitler 2008 HD360p.mp4
I don't know if I can ask this question. What was Navalny real operation plan for government change if really there was one plan?
Anonymous  10/01/25 Птн 04:09:24 #4595 №132317 
ex-Navalnist in the thread. Yeah, I was a liberal and got my ass kicked by OMON (aka HOMO in mirror) at rallies.
Winning the election. For this purpose, Navalny's American handlers invented the “Smart Voting” system, but the database of all those who voted was leaked online with the caption “you entrusted your personal data to assholes” and the story that the login and password to the database were stored in an HTML page.

Leonid Volkov, former head of Navalny's headquarters, said that “Smart Voting” is the only way to defeat United Russia in the September 19 elections. “The essence is very simple - it is that all those who are against United Russia unite and give their votes not to ten different candidates, but to one single one”

>The “leaked” database of Navalny's supporters revealed their personal data
The leaked data was published on Dvatch by an unknown anonymous, causing liberals at /po/ and /b/ to burn their asses furiously. And you say “no movement”. Lol. It's a fun place that's involved in a huge number of scandals.
This forum is the hero of many TV shows devoted to scandalous things. It's amazing how it hasn't been shut down yet.

Navalny's meeting with his American handler (the US ambassador and his assistant) in a bar he rented FULLY to celebrate his party's anniversary. At night 200 km away from the American embassy.
Was exposed by a PolitRussia journalist (there used to be such a publication).

It's worth giving credit, Navalny was a very strong American asset in Russia. Perhaps the strongest in history. But, still a bit of a clown (haha) and a fraud. Proven by Maxim Katz (eng subs) https://youtu.be/4b6068q7Jtk
In fact, with this investigation Maxim Katz caused a strong split in the liberal community in Russia, initiating a “civil war”.
Anonymous  10/01/25 Птн 04:20:51 #4596 №132318 
>Navalny's meeting with his American handler (the US ambassador and his assistant)
It's also worth noting that this happened in the midst of an election in which his party was running.
Also, it should not be forgotten that Navalny was a far-right Russian nationalist, his entire old LiveJournal contains posts about his dislike of Jews, Georgians, Central Asians and others. It's unclear exactly when he was recruited.

However, after his return from the US after his short study at Yale University, where he was presumably trained after recruitment, he began to actively participate in neo-Nazi and nationalist rallies as one of the leaders, but this topic did not take off in Russia, and the marches themselves were later banned. It was after this that he became a liberal for free speech. Literally changed his shoes in a leap.
Anonymous  10/01/25 Птн 08:47:42 #4597 №132321 
They called them Rus, their capital was in Kiev and now Ukraine has Kiev. Are you implying that Russia is not a state and Ukraine is Rus?
Anonymous  10/01/25 Птн 10:49:07 #4598 №132330 
I can't understand how the video made Navalny a fraud? Didn't Katz say himself that they used Navalny only to protect themselves?
>bankers steal money from ordinary Russians
>hundreds of millions of dollars
>fund ACF afterwards
<yeah we are just hunted by Putin because we supported Navalny

Or did I miss something? Tbh it was hard to follow as a foreign because all of the names are new to me but that's how I understood it.
Anonymous  10/01/25 Птн 11:18:29 #4599 №132331 
>I can't understand how the video made Navalny a fraud?
Then you haven't seen it.
Navalny knew that these bankers were stealing money from Russians, knew them personally, and accepted money from them to support his company. Navalny positioned himself as a “man of high morals” and even fired a person from his team who told Navalny that their FBK team needed to find loopholes in the laws to do certain things. Moreover, Navalny did this publicly while commenting on rumors of their feud. Just a hypocritical rotter.
He was also convicted and jailed in Russia for fraudulent timber purchases through his shell company, not because he was an “Opponent of PUTIN” as Western propaganda claims in defense of his agent. He was convicted of fraud by the “evil Putin regime” but was not imprisoned on his own recognizance not to leave Russia, he had to report to the police and was free for a long time until he traveled to Germany after the poisoning to meet with German Chancellor Merkel in the hospital (which this clown also bragged about in his podcast). Upon his return to Russia, he was jailed for violating his no-exit pledge. The details of the poisoning are also questionable because the European organizations that conducted research on the substance hid them from the UN, but announced that it was Russian “Novichok”.
He died of a blood clot because he had been vaccinated with the dangerous Phizer vaccine, which is much inferior to Sputnik V in terms of purification and unlike Sputnik V causes thrombosis. Ukrainian intelligence confirms this. The Ukrainians really disliked Navalny for his position on Crimea, so they have nothing to hide.

That's right, buddy. Didn't you ever notice that Navalny received a lot of attention from the Western press and even had expensive documentaries made? Is this suspicious to you? Is this interference in Russia's internal politics from the point of view of “European values”?
Anonymous  10/01/25 Птн 11:28:28 #4600 №132332 
>That's right, buddy. Didn't you ever notice that Navalny received a lot of attention from the Western press and even had expensive documentaries made? Is this suspicious to you? Is this interference in Russia's internal politics from the point of view of “European values”?

Of course he got attention but at least here everyone knows about Navalny's far-right movement. It hasn't been hidden at any time.

>Navalny knew that these bankers were stealing money from Russians, knew them personally, and accepted money from them to support his company.

Maybe he knew but for me it looks like Katz is actually defending Navalnyi but not Navalnyi's wife.
Anonymous  10/01/25 Птн 11:33:09 #4601 №132333 
I'm not the spammer you were discussing above.
The real Ukraine is the western part located in Podolia and Galicia, home of their language and culture, the rest is Russian land occupied by them, a geopolitical frankenstein created by communist bastards (mostly Ukrainian communists) on the ruins of the Russian empire, literally a deal between Russian communists and Ukrainian communists. Also the (Russian) population of the Russian empire in that region was subjected to forced mass Ukrainianization by Ukrainian communists, of which there is plenty of evidence, from communist laws to thousands of newspaper clippings from that time, which the internet is full of: don't know Ukrainian = no job, no job = go to jail.
The monuments of Kiev and buildings from the times of the empire still have words in Russian engraved on them, which the hohols would be happy to tear down to remove traces of the legal owner, but are afraid to touch because they will get sanctions from unesco and the united nations.
Anonymous  10/01/25 Птн 11:40:03 #4602 №132334 
Of course I was kidding when I said that Russia does not exist. It's just same rhetorical argument that a country does not exist because it came from another country.
Anonymous  10/01/25 Птн 20:12:58 #4603 №132341 
As a reminder, Yandex has a picture translator.
Anonymous  10/01/25 Птн 22:17:50 #4604 №132342 
It's interesting that you would write this meme the same way in Serbian minus a few letter difference. Latin/Germanic language relations mogged.
Also, I don't get it, why would Prigozhin and Kadyrov be looked over while Alaudinov (if that's him) and Milchakov not be? I guess Milchakov is a far right guy and his guys do not like Chechens, Prigozhin had less issues with them?
Anonymous  10/01/25 Птн 22:44:41 #4605 №132344 
Prigozhin and Alaudinov were friends. As for Milchakov and Alaudinov, Milchakov is a nationalist who after this photo has to maneuver verbally, like “Apti invited me himself, only a coward refuses” or “I came to meet a man who did not fight against Russians in the Chechen war” and so on, since this photo caused a storm in the camp of Russian nationalists.
Also the far-right “Rusich” (which Milchakov is a member of) is having a serious showdown with Evgeny Fedorov, head of the right-wing anti-fascist organization NOD, they literally hinted to him that they might slaughter him like a dog, all because Fedorov considers migrants a necessity for the Russian economy.
One dude wrote above that Russian liberals are in a state of civil war. Well, the Russian right-wing is going through some bad times right now too. Ahahahaha.
Anonymous  10/01/25 Птн 22:54:51 #4606 №132345 
How Fedorov is suggesting migrants when he's a nationalist? Russian politics is some deep 200iq mind games.
Anonymous  10/01/25 Птн 23:03:00 #4607 №132346 
I love Rusich retards, thanks for the rundown, I remember that they supposedly told Russian government/spokesmen to fuck off when they complained about how they posted gore on Telegram.
To this day, probably the only genuine group that comes close to Ukrainian hatred. They're based.
Anonymous  10/01/25 Птн 23:04:30 #4608 №132347 
Russia always had a big worker shortage supposedly, even before the war. So maybe he's approaching it from the "realpolitik" side of things.
Anonymous  11/01/25 Суб 00:01:25 #4609 №132350 
You are not reading my post correctly. You left out the word “anti-fascist”. You probably don't know that nationalists can be right-wing, ultra-right-wing, left-wing, there is nationalism of the Russian nation, there is nationalism of the Russian federation. In Russian language russkiy (ethnos) and rossianin (citizen of Russia) have different meanings, but in English for some reason the translation is always the same - russian.
This “not 200IQ” is a banal sign of a highly organized social society many times larger than the population of Finland, so you are not used to such social storms and they seem strange to you.
Also Russia currently has a very strict policy towards Central Asian migrants, which goes as far as using biometrics, all because of last year's terrorist attacks. Central Asian countries have started to call Russia xenophobic and condemn it in every possible way, up to the point of breaking some agreements.
It is worth noting that this does not apply to migrants from other countries, such as Finland, for example. Finnish migrants are subject to the law on full assistance of the Russian state if a Finn claims that the neoliberal government of his country is destroying his life. I.e. the state will help a Finn to settle in Russia even without knowledge of the Russian language, it also speeds up obtaining Russian citizenship. This works for everyone in neoliberal countries. I.e. members of the western world.

I do not support Rusich, because they use Germanic symbols as an identification with Slavs (which is pseudoscientific). I mean, to me they are just ideological fools, like the Nazis from the 90's, with zero historical education. Appreciate the military's contribution to the common cause, though. Also I think Special Services is behind them.
And I also think NOD are cringe clowns. It's for middle-aged and older people who are completely fucked up. NOD are creatures who campaign for nuclear strikes on Washington, banning abortion and other marginalized crap.
The only thing I support is RATIONALISM, it is such an internal ideology of Russia that has kept clowns and fools from ruining it for years. Followers of this ideology don't advertise themselves in any way until some stupid shit is demonstrated, like banning violent video games - such people immediately become animated and ask the imaginary deputies of the State Duma: “Are you fucking nuts, you stupid bitches?”.
Anonymous  11/01/25 Суб 00:05:31 #4610 №132351 
never heard about "cultural" or "civic """nationalists"""". these 2 are different categories.
Anonymous  11/01/25 Суб 00:55:10 #4611 №132354 
Well I think there's anti-facism and then there's "anti-facism". Didn't this guy just say that Baltics belong to Russia because only USSR approved their independence or whatever? Yeah it is not facism as per say but hell yeah it's similar to facism ideology (far-right, ultranationalism).

And yes I am aware that I can seek asylum in Russia. For some reason the niggers in Finnish border are not doing that.
🇷🇺 Anonymous  11/01/25 Суб 02:53:01 #4612 №132360 
The Hitlerite tricolor is a symbol of the fact that Russia is a resource factory for the West and occupied by Nazi subhumans.
Anonymous  11/01/25 Суб 03:06:50 #4613 №132361 
The post explaining the phenomenon is much better than my complicated constructions.
Well, that's a good point. In this case, I would like to inform you that yesterday Lithuanian President Nauseda called Kaliningrad a part of Lithuania, thus signaling territorial claims.
“No matter how hard Russia tries, Karaliaucius will never become Kaliningrad” - Nauseda.
So based on your argument can we say that Nauseda is a fascist and Lithuania has a fascist regime? (they also demolish Russian monuments, ban the Russian language and hold Nazi parades while legally glorifying Nazis and completely ignoring the crimes of Nazi Germany committed against the Lithuanian people).
Google the history of your flag and don't embarrass yourself, you juvenile dumbass.
Anonymous  11/01/25 Суб 11:02:55 #4614 №132362 
First of all, he said that Lithuanian culture should not be rewritten in Kaliningrad. Imo demolishing Russian monuments and banning the language are in the same pool. If you ask me both of these things are ok, of course, cultural things should not be gone but it’s not fascism to do that.

I don’t know what you mean exactly with Nazi parades but if it is neo-Nazi parades like in Finland it’s only because of freedom of speech. It cannot be banned. Swastikas are banned. On the other hand, commies can also do their parades and it isn’t banned. Same thing, freedom of speech.
Anonymous  11/01/25 Суб 12:15:07 #4615 №132363 
So Fedorov is not a fascist - it's freedom of speech 😊 Everyone has freedom of speech. The world is a Borrel's blooming garden.

Nauseda's outrage was that the Russians in Kalinigrad had renamed the museum from “Kristijonas Donelaitis Museum” to “Literary Museum”. However, the exhibition itself was not touched. They are going to add exhibits of other writers to this museum, but not as a replacement. This infuriated Nauseda, who tears down Russian monuments.

I lived for 8 months in Kaliningrad (or rather in Zelenogradsk, which is under it). Kaliningrad and oblast is a area of cultural preservation - even new buildings are built in the architectural styles of the previous owners, especially the Germanic style. It feels like the Russians are waiting for them to come back, lol. But it's a false feeling.

I think Svetlogorsk is the coolest city in Kaliningrad region, it's a great place for a walk with a girlfriend, so I recommend it.
The second town I recommend is Zelenogradsk. Both towns are very good for tourist walks, both are on the coast and have good beaches with restaurants and cafes available to mere mortals. There may be other towns out there though, I just haven't traveled the entire oblast.
Anonymous  11/01/25 Суб 13:25:08 #4616 №132366 
I said he's not a fascist but I also said that he's words are similar to fascism.

I am just saying that a sovereign country can decide whatever they do with languages, monuments etc. but personally especially I am against of demolishing monuments. In Finland there's was a discussion if Keisarinnankivi (the stone of the empress that was made for Alexandra Feodorovna's first visit to Helsinki) should be removed and I was personally against the removal all the time.
Anonymous  11/01/25 Суб 13:26:41 #4617 №132367 
@ru2ch (2).mp4
The fag who laughed at Russians in front of Pyaterochka has been captured.
According to media reports, 35-year-old serviceman of the 82nd Assault Division of the AFU Andrei Matvienko was taken prisoner by the fighters of the “North” group in the vicinity of the farm Berdin in Bolshezoldatsky district - in early January the AFU launched an unsuccessful offensive in this sector.
Matvienko, who mocked the Russians, claimed during interrogation that he was forcibly driven to the front under the threat of having his house taken away.
The prisoner also claimed that he did not have time to fight, but only hid in basements.

Anonymous  11/01/25 Суб 15:54:22 #4618 №132368 
It's the same thing as than nazi calls himself ethno-nationalist. Some words have extremely negative associations in public conscience, so use other ones to present same thing more favourably, like fascist. In Russia civic nationalists also call themselves monarchist sometimes.
Anonymous  11/01/25 Суб 16:38:01 #4619 №132369 
@ru2ch (1).mp4
Amazingly, this bastard speaks Russian without a Ukrainian accent, pure classic Russian. Although he behaves like a reference hohol.

If the place where he lives becomes part of Russia, he'll always have “Pyatorochka helps out!” (Advertising slogan) written on his door.
Anonymous  11/01/25 Суб 18:00:07 #4620 №132375 
Anonymous  11/01/25 Суб 23:05:16 #4621 №132381 
>“Pyatorochka helps out!”
Anonymous  11/01/25 Суб 23:13:10 #4622 №132382 
I still think that being a part of the Russian Empire by inheritance of titles has done you a lot of good. The position of the Finnish language and culture was only strengthened under her rule. Finland retained extensive autonomy, including its own legislation, finances and Lutheran Church. This allowed the Finns to develop their own national institutions...

>I am just saying that a sovereign country can decide whatever they do with languages
...However, from the late nineteenth century (especially under Alexander III and Nicholas II), policy changed and Russification began. It included attempts to limit autonomy, increase the influence of the Russian language and weaken the Finns' national movement. These measures provoked resistance and strengthened national consciousness.
So you support the Russification of Finland by the late Russian Empire?
I remind you that the civil war in Ukraine in 2014 started because of radical attempts to Ukrainianize the Russian population.
Anonymous  11/01/25 Суб 23:15:50 #4623 №132383 
>by inheritance of titles
Oh, not by inheritance, but by transfer as a result of the Treaty of Friedrichsgamme.
I got confused with another region. I apologize.
Anonymous  12/01/25 Вск 01:12:16 #4624 №132385 DELETED
Anonymous  12/01/25 Вск 01:18:23 #4625 №132386 
Anonymous  12/01/25 Вск 12:47:53 #4626 №132391 
Yes, Russian Empire was definitely better at the beginning than Swedish rule and I think no one is mad about it.

Of course Russification is something that I do not approve as I believe myself that autonomy under Russian Empire worked well for both sides. I think comparing to Ukraine with the Grand Duchy of Finland is not that good because another country is independent and another is not.

I am trying to avoid commenting the 2014 subject because after all we are in a Russian image board and so on but I would like to point out from my point-of-view the situation in Finland.

As you know (I belive) there are two official languages in Finland, Finnish and Swedish. This is because of the Swedish rule before Russian Empire won the war and Finland gained autonomy, right? Because Swedish is an official language every government service has to be offered with both languages so no matter what if you are a Finn speaking Swedish you are guaranteed to get the service in Swedish if you want. Every Finn has to learn Swedish in school, from 7th grade to 12th (the end of gymnasium).

There are around 5% in Finland's population that speak Swedish as their native language. I would like to ask you what do you think? Should Swedish be an official language still in Finland only because history and around 300k people speak it?

If you say that it's bullshit and it should get removed, do you think Sweden has a permission to attack Finland so they can make sure that these 300k people don't get fucked by Finnish government?

I am just saying that every decision of course fucks someone up.
Anonymous  12/01/25 Вск 14:30:30 #4627 №132394 
>I think comparing to Ukraine with the Grand Duchy of Finland is not that good because another country is independent and another is not.
I think this is a valid comparison. Ukraine is officially an independent country, as was the Russian Empire, which included Finland. I am comparing modern Ukraine and the Russian Empire. Whether you had autonomy or not, you were still part of Russia.

>I am trying to avoid commenting the 2014 subject because after all we are in a Russian image board and so on but I would like to point out from my point-of-view the situation in Finland.
Yeah, I'm shy about posting some pics here too. If Abu would introduce spoilers(hiding posts at the will of the poster) that would be cool.
Here's one of them.

>Swedish and Finnish languages
>I would like to ask you what do you think?
In Russia, according to the constitution, the state language is the state language, but according to the same constitution within the constituent republics of the Russian Federation their languages are also recognized as state languages. In total, there are 37 state languages in Russia equal in rights to Russian, including Ukrainian.

So what do I think about this? Let's take the Republic of Tatarstan, for example.
Until 2017 Tatar was taught in all schools, however, after 2017 this practice was canceled, now Tatar is included in the subject of the student only at the request of parents. This is what should be introduced in Finland. It is up to the Swedish Finns to choose whether to learn Swedish or to go back to their roots.
Anonymous  12/01/25 Вск 14:48:18 #4628 №132395 
What you think about a scenario where the Russians of Ukraine could leave to Russia and gain citizenship and there would not be a need to save anyone?

I think that's also a win-win situation. If you don't like Ukrainian politics that most of the citizens want then you could move to Russia and live your peaceful life as a Russian, right? I understand that maybe borders are topic of discussion in this kind of scenario but who gave the Ukrainians the land of Krim, Donetsk and Luhansk? I think it was Russians? So I believe there's not that much debate.

I think you said the same yourself, go back to your roots.
Anonymous  12/01/25 Вск 15:16:18 #4629 №132396 
>What you think about a scenario where the Russians of Ukraine could leave to Russia and gain citizenship and there would not be a need to save anyone?
That is exactly what they are doing now with their homes and the land their russian ancestors lived on. And they do it by whole cities through a referendum overseen by thousands of observers from all over the world. Look how beautiful Mariupol is back in Russia, kek.

As for Ukraine's borders, according to the Belovezhsk agreements (1991), Russia recognizes Ukraine's borders and territorial independence only if Ukraine respects freedom of language and freedom of religion. Instead, Ukraine has introduced a host of restrictive laws for the Russian language starting in 2012 and ending with its complete ban in 2018. And in 2024 it banned the Orthodox Church and turned these buildings into shawarma shops, cafes and dance clubs.
Anonymous  12/01/25 Вск 15:26:42 #4630 №132397 
If we talk about agreements there are others that were breached as well, such as Budapest Memorandum.

I think at some point it does not matter where someone's ancestors lived. St. Peters area (Ingria) and Karelia are historically Finnish areas. What Finnish government did was that if you are Ingrian or Karelian you can come to Finland and get citizenship. I think it was a fair deal, if as a ethnic Finn you don't like Russian politics you are free to live in Finland and no need for a war and dead people.
Anonymous  12/01/25 Вск 17:15:27 #4631 №132399 
Look, I'm teaching you:
From the legal point of view, all documents have priority (read importance).
The Bialowieza Accords (I read it correctly in English) have a higher status (i.e. a higher priority for execution) because they are an international treaty, formally ratified and legally binding on the parties.
The Budapest Memorandum is political in nature and, while important in international relations, is less legally binding.

>If you don't like the Ukrainian policies that most citizens want
No one asked the citizens during the coup d'etat in 2014, so your argument is invalid.
Anonymous  12/01/25 Вск 17:29:06 #4632 №132400 
Do you think most of the people were against it? If so, why they could not overthrow the government (after maidan)?

Also I would like to ask your opinion about the 2014 civil war. Do you think it was only between pro Russian vs. pro Euros (or whatever you wanna call the Western part of Ukraine)?

I know Putin said that they were not involved but Putin also said they were not involved in Krim situation until he admitted it. Putin said in Helsinki that Russia organized the referendum in Krim.
Anonymous  12/01/25 Вск 18:25:47 #4633 №132401 
Anonymous  12/01/25 Вск 20:15:02 #4634 №132402 
Anonymous  13/01/25 Пнд 14:00:52 #4635 №132409 
Ukrainian blogger Anatoly Shariy has released a video about what Zelensky will be in jail for when it's all over. The video is an hour and a half long and has English subtitles.

Anonymous  13/01/25 Пнд 20:34:29 #4636 №132416 
>Zelensky will be in jail
Bullshit. He will be killed by NATO and then Russia will be blamed for this.
Anonymous  14/01/25 Втр 13:26:32 #4637 №132428 
Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 02:07:53 #4638 №132444 
Iraq 2004.jpg
PPSh 41.jpg
Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 02:43:51 #4639 №132445 
"The visitor masturbated in front of an employee of an order delivery point (judging by the coloring it is Ozon) and demanded from her a meeting in St. Petersburg

A 19-year-old employee of the point of delivery of orders on Novoizmaylovsky prospekt ran into a pervert. A man who pulled down his pants, approached the girl and began to satisfy himself showed up at the premises.

In the process he asked if the employee wanted to touch his genitals. On refusal he replied that he had a gun and would wait for the girl in the evening. There were no meetings, and the police are dealing with the inadequate."

Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 02:47:50 #4640 №132446 
Двач @dvachannel @rand2ch @ru2chban 1 (44).mp4
Black military commissar discovered in Kiev

Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 02:50:35 #4641 №132447 
@ru2ch (3).mp4
"In order to save a cat in Bashkiria, a wall in an apartment was broken down

Even before New Year's Eve, residents of one of Ufa's high-rise buildings began to periodically hear meowing from behind the walls. And only 12 days later, the “call for help” clearly sounded behind the wall in the bathroom of one of the apartments.

As it turned out, the ponytail fell into the ventilation shaft. A man named Ruslan did not spare his wall and called rescuers, who punched it with a perforator. The owner of the apartment decided to keep the rescued cat for himself and named him Kuzya."

Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 02:55:25 #4642 №132448 
"Russians have installed a toilet bowl instead of a manhole on the road

In the seaside town of Artyom, local residents are tired of having an open sewage well on the roadway all the time. The authorities did not solve the problem, so unknown townspeople took matters into their own hands and installed an “art object”.

The administration justified that the manhole was repeatedly restored, but the covers were regularly stolen by someone."


Who the hell would want a manhole cover? Any ideas?
Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 03:02:39 #4643 №132449 
"A naked Russian escaped from a nuthouse, bit off the nose of a store cashier and died after being detained

A chain of absurd events broke out in Klyavlino, Samara region. According to media reports, a few hours before the incident, an inadequate man almost burned down an apartment, after which he was taken to a medical facility, from which he escaped.

First he ran down the street, shouting that “we are all being cheated”. Then he broke into a store, created a riot and attacked a female employee, hitting and biting her, as a result of which the woman lost part of her nose.

The violent local man was detained. He was taken to hospital where he died unexpectedly shortly afterwards. The causes of death are being clarified."


Ahahahahahaha THEY kill him. Who's outside the Matrix
Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 03:08:36 #4644 №132450 
@ru2ch (4).mp4
"Horrifying footage from a bloody apartment: a Russian man killed his wife and one and a half year old daughter in Balakhna, Nizhny Novgorod region

After the deed he tried to commit suicide, but survived. On the day of the tragedy, neighbors called the police because of women's and children's screams, which were heard from the apartment where the family lived.

Police arrived on the scene and found a 29-year-old woman in the entryway with a stab wound to the neck. The man was detained in the apartment, and in one of the rooms they found the body of a child.

The wife of the inadequate later died in hospital, he himself is in intensive care."


THEY told him to do it. Who is outside the Matrix
Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 03:13:16 #4645 №132451 
@ru2ch (72).mp4
"Scotland, situation: a “drug center” has opened where supervised use of hard substances is allowed

The center is located in Glasgow and is designed to allow people to self-administer drugs in a safe and clean environment under medical supervision.

People will be provided with clean needles, syringes, acid, antiseptic wipes, water and a spoon.

Clients will then be able to visit a 'recovery area' where blood pressure, oxygen levels and heart rate can be monitored and hot drinks and snacks can be provided.

Scottish authorities have pledged 2.3 million pounds ($2.8 million) annually to run the center."


Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 03:15:55 #4646 №132452 
@ru2ch (13).mp4
"Traces of drugs found in Finnish parliament after corporate party - broadcaster Yle

Finnish journalists purposefully searched for drugs in the restrooms after the Christmas celebration: they found traces of ecstasy, amphetamine and cocaine.

It is impossible to determine who left the traces of the substances and when, experts told the publication."


Finland. Without changes.
Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 03:19:46 #4647 №132453 
@ru2ch (5).mp4
"An unknown man attacked people at Krasnoyarsk airport

At the moment it is known about one victim, he has a serious back wound.

The perpetrator was detained by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, his motives are being investigated."


Russia. Without changes.
Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 03:25:03 #4648 №132454 
@ru2ch (77).mp4

"Uzbek citizen massacred at Krasnoyarsk airport
The identity of the massacre at Krasnoyarsk airport has been established: he turned out to be 40-year-old Uzbek citizen Umid Kaimov. During interrogation, Kaimov said that the reason for the attack was jealousy. The victim himself claims that he does not know his attacker.

The media report that Kaimov came to the airport without a weapon. There he climbed over the bar of one of the establishments, took a knife and lunged at 39-year-old Mansurbek T. (Uzbek too)"


LMAO. I assume the woman's nationality is Natasha. But that's just an assumption.
Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 03:28:08 #4649 №132455 
@ru2ch (82).mp4

"A pervert took off his pants in front of the entrance, showing his penis to a Yekaterinburg resident

And then, greedily masturbating in front of the girl, offered her 1 thousand rubles for “help with the process”, but was sent the fuck away."

Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 03:33:07 #4650 №132456 
"The escort (elite prostitute) from Russia starved her six-year-old son in Mexico, leaving him at home on New Year's Eve and running away to work in a club.

On New Year's Eve, 34-year-old Olga Idelevich called doctors before leaving to go “to work” at a club and said her son Omar was not feeling well. The doctors caught the 6-year-old boy when he was already unconscious - in an apartment without water, gas and heating. The child was taken to the hospital but could not be saved.

Ideljevic told police she didn't speak Spanish well and wouldn't testify. She fled the apartment shortly after the officers left. Her whereabouts are unknown at this time.

Olga gave birth in 2018 to a son by a local lawyer and lived in Mexico City. She repeatedly complained on social media that the child's father did not support her financially. Also Olga did not pay the utilities and rent.

The girl worked part-time in nightclubs - according to local residents, Olga is engaged in prostitution."


Little Omar didn't know that prostitutes had no morals because he didn't have a normal father to explain it to him. He believed to the last that he had a mother instead Natasha. R.I.P.
Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 03:38:29 #4651 №132457 
"The Russian official has died during a vacation in Thailand: tentatively, he was robbed and killed by a Thai prostitute

According to media reports, Konstantin Klyuev, 42, deputy head of the Vladivostok administration garage, arrived in beachside Pattaya in late December. After checking into a hotel, he called his ex-wife and eldest son and then disappeared from the radar.

Klyuev's relatives knew nothing about his fate for 2 weeks. On January 10, he was supposed to return home and go to work in the administration, but his relatives did not wait for him.

The relatives sounded the alarm, a search began, as a result of which Klyuyev's corpse was found in the hotel. Presumably, the death occurred an hour after the official communicated with his eldest son.

Employees of the hotel claim that the previous day saw the deceased in the company of a transvestite. Preliminary, he gave the official a lethal dose of tranquilizer, robbed him and fled."


AND WE HAVE A SECOND PLACE! Congratulations!
Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 03:44:49 #4652 №132458 
"Ukraine will cease to exist in 2025, said Nikolai Patrushev (Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation)"


Do you believe that?
What did he mean by that?
Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 03:50:54 #4653 №132460 
@ru2ch (2) (2).mp4
Zoomer kicked out the glass in the magnetic entryway door in Lipetsk and invited the ladies inside.


E - Etiquette
Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 03:51:32 #4654 №132461 
Mom will be paying for all of this.
Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 04:08:04 #4655 №132462 
@ru2ch (10).mp4
A Moscow rescue team has rescued another cat.

Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 04:14:04 #4656 №132463 
@ru2ch (1) (2).mp4
@ru2ch (2) (3).mp4
A teenager threw himself under a train in the Kazan subway and survived.

Motive: unrequited love


No woman is worth it. IMHO.
Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 04:18:59 #4657 №132464 
@ru2ch (6).mp4
A man set fire to a Wilberries order pickup point.


For what? No one knows.
Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 04:21:47 #4658 №132465 
@ru2ch (3) (2).mp4
A swan affected by fuel oil thanked a volunteer for saving it in Anapa (Southern Russia)
The bird was completely covered in fuel oil, but was not afraid to come out to people to ask for help.

Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 04:26:34 #4659 №132466 
@ru2ch (84).mp4
@ru2ch (7).mp4
A rabid migrant tried to evade Krasnogorsk police on a tractor because he did not have a driver's license.
As it turned out later - it was not even his tractor, but the tractor of a friend, who asked him to replace him for a couple of hours at work.

Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 04:37:21 #4660 №132467 
@ru2ch (2) (4).mp4
“Ordinary people” should die in war, not the elite: this is democracy, Ukrainian TV has said

Now we hear from people that “deputies should go to war”, and then they will go. No, we have a democratic state.

In a democratic state, the common man dies for the country. If we want aristocrats to die for the state, we must live in a feudal country,” the journalist Vitaliy Portnikov explained to Ukrainians

- journalist Vitaliy Portnikov explained to Ukrainians.


AHAHAHAHAHA LMAO, while reading thought Portnikov.... Portnikov... familiar name. Then I remembered - it's the main activist and homosexual of the Ukrainian coup d'etat.
He was accused of having homosexual sex with a Ukrainian official in video. But the video
https://kordon.org.ua/video/portnikow.mp4 became famous not because of this, but because of the Tarantino-style dialogues of political content regarding current events at the time of 2013, which cannot be translated to English now because of the time.

Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 04:42:16 #4661 №132468 
In the State Duma proposed to recognize the ideology of bodypositive undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Given Russia's course on protecting the health of citizens and promoting ideas of a healthy lifestyle, the free existence of body positivity poses a significant threat to the health of the entire nation, the State Duma said.
Participants of the bodypositive ideology promote unhealthy lifestyles, refusal of food discipline and sports, and disregard for conventional notions of beauty and neatness.
In social networks in the Russian segment of the Internet one can find hundreds of pages and groups promoting the ideas of body positivity.
The victims of this ideology are mainly young girls and boys who accept this social concept as an instruction for action.


BASED. They finally started banning something really shitty in my favorite GULAG.
Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 04:56:39 #4662 №132469 
"Ukraine ranks last among European countries in terms of intelligence quotient (IQ).

This is evidenced by the rating of the International IQ Register. Among the countries of the world, Ukraine ranks 78th. Russia is on the 6th. China is on the first place."

Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 05:02:45 #4663 №132470 
Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 05:13:22 #4664 №132472 
Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 06:08:39 #4665 №132474 
How would the world change if right-wing traditionalists came to power in every country?
Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 11:36:19 #4666 №132477 
There would be a lot more war since traditionally there were a lot more war.
Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 11:53:38 #4667 №132478 
Makes sense.
Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 15:01:48 #4668 №132479 
"Ukraine will not go for direct talks with Putin: the ban remains in force - Ukrainian Foreign Minister Sibiga.

He also said that Kiev will not make concessions on NATO membership during peace talks.

Note to self."

Anonymous  16/01/25 Чтв 22:52:56 #4669 №132486 
>>123465 (OP)
>>123465 (OP)
Anonymous  17/01/25 Птн 00:44:33 #4670 №132487 
Anonymous  17/01/25 Птн 01:37:16 #4671 №132490 
Lol. I haven't watched it yet, but judging by his squeals I think I'll like it.
>Quite interesting how YouTube has turned off monetization and AdSense for all Russian YouTubers, but is still accepting copyright claims from Russia.
1. It is unlikely that he is in Russia.
2. YouTube reported on the main page that traffic is slow in Russia and that they are working on fixing the problem. It doesn't say that YouTube is blocked in Russia by the Russian state. It's just the company's business ethics. Stupid liberal didn't realize that.
3. YouTube is actively preventing Russian bloggers from going to Russian platforms. Services such as VK Video and similar services have made a function of fast video transfer from Youtube with adaptation of metadata, subtitles, etc., which can be used to transfer videos to Russian platforms. YouTube almost immediately blocked this feature technically, it is constantly being circumvented and YouTube is taking some measures again.
YouTube doesn't want to lose the Russian segment because it's no less important than any other. Russian YouTube used to be a very lively place, Youtube awarded Russian bloggers with all sorts of golden buttons and so on.
Anonymous  18/01/25 Суб 13:40:42 #4672 №132492 
The monthly reach of VKontakte among Russian users in December 2024 amounted to almost 92 million people. This follows from the calculations of the research company Mediascope, made at the request of RBC (the data takes into account the audience over 12 years old on desktops and mobile devices). According to this indicator, VK has surpassed the video hosting YouTube for the first time.

I can confirm that VK Video is a good platform. Plus it is actively integrated into a good social network, which gives a strong boost in development.
Anonymous  18/01/25 Суб 13:43:42 #4673 №132493 
Anonymous  18/01/25 Суб 13:45:03 #4674 №132494 
Anonymous  19/01/25 Вск 01:56:16 #4675 №132495 
Anonymous  19/01/25 Вск 19:10:25 #4676 №132498 
With influx of new users they will probably clear porn there. That would make VK dead for me.
Anonymous  20/01/25 Пнд 14:41:38 #4677 №132502 
Anonymous  20/01/25 Пнд 23:17:06 #4678 №132503 
what's the attendance between football followers and ice hockey? and Mixed Martial arts
Anonymous  20/01/25 Пнд 23:41:41 #4679 №132504 
Anonymous  20/01/25 Пнд 23:45:18 #4680 №132505 
Well, you should ask on 4chan, but hierarchy of sports in US goes as Football is absolute king rugby with helmets, what played in biggest arena's and got biggest rating, than it basketball, that played in small arenas, but with crazy ticket prices, although it's in decline thanks to politicisation and pussification, but thanks to blacks will never go past second spot, than it's baseball, which used to be the biggest, but got pushed down as percentage of anglo population declined, and it a tie between hockey and MMA, hockey seem to be big, but only in certain parts of the country the ones with nordic ancestry and you'll never see it crossing over into a mainstream, than there is MMA, which can't get too big due to format. And than there is soccer.
Anonymous  20/01/25 Пнд 23:45:46 #4681 №132506 
You averege white immigrant.
Anonymous  20/01/25 Пнд 23:57:02 #4682 №132508 
Anonymous  20/01/25 Пнд 23:59:34 #4683 №132509 
i'm askinh about
Russia. thanks for the answer about USA
Anonymous  21/01/25 Втр 00:35:31 #4684 №132510 
We have a popular Russian sport that appeared in 2013.

Chinse tank
Epic fail

Sport Tank is not a meme.
Anonymous  21/01/25 Втр 00:44:15 #4685 №132511 
Anonymous  21/01/25 Втр 06:45:27 #4686 №132512 
Who cares about Russia ? I don't think anything is big over here. I guess football is king over here, but it lost more tyan half of it audience that they decided to register goers and all hardcores left, permanently. But it's the only sport apart of MMA that blends into mainstream. MMA is huge over here, but there is no big promotions or big events. Those who are making money here of fighting are mostly cocasian influencers. The rest are over at UFC and they don't run shows over here. Volleyball is big, as big as basketball. But not too big. No mainstream leak.
Anonymous  21/01/25 Втр 10:23:51 #4687 №132513 
Hockey, Basketball, Football - these are all sports popular in Russia. MMA? Most people don't give a shit about it, it's a sport that Caucasians are fans of. What are you talking about?
Anonymous  21/01/25 Втр 10:25:12 #4688 №132514 
Anonymous  21/01/25 Втр 10:27:26 #4689 №132515 
Anonymous  21/01/25 Втр 10:34:41 #4690 №132517 
Basements of houses in settlements liberated from the Ukrainian army in the Kursk oblast

Anonymous  21/01/25 Втр 11:16:59 #4691 №132518 
Reloaded the bottom link
Anonymous  21/01/25 Втр 11:46:45 #4692 №132519 
Never heard people discussing it, can't compere it to mid 10-s, let alone 00-s.
Anonymous  21/01/25 Втр 11:47:36 #4693 №132520 
He got good podcast, but he himself is not a great personality.
Anonymous  21/01/25 Втр 12:47:09 #4694 №132521 
He's a scientist (AI technology) who's doing useful work for mankind. You're a scientist?
Anonymous  21/01/25 Втр 13:52:58 #4695 №132525 
Lol, there is no such thing as "mankind", dummy. Plus, I was talking about him personality wise, as a host, not a scientist.
Anonymous  21/01/25 Втр 14:09:17 #4696 №132527 
>Lol, there is no such thing as "mankind", dummy
Anonymous  21/01/25 Втр 21:34:20 #4697 №132531 
Meds yourself, dummy, show me a citizen of mankind.
Anonymous  22/01/25 Срд 12:20:44 #4698 №132532 
Anonymous  22/01/25 Срд 13:14:15 #4699 №132533 
Anonymous  23/01/25 Чтв 17:48:30 #4700 №132536 DELETED
wheel-chairator, hui budesh?
Anonymous  24/01/25 Птн 04:33:05 #4701 №132544 
Anonymous  25/01/25 Суб 00:14:28 #4702 №132547 
"You are done".
Anonymous  25/01/25 Суб 12:50:06 #4703 №132549 
I still don't understand exactly what the problem is with allowing all foreign posters to post without region blocking without sending them to Discord for permission.
Anonymous  25/01/25 Суб 23:28:54 #4704 №132551 
I talked with a Portuguese pneumologist that works in a health unit specialized in tuberculosis. Why does Siberia has a lot of Tuberculosis? and with high prevalence of TB probably HIV/AIDS
Anonymous  25/01/25 Суб 23:39:24 #4705 №132552 
Anonymous  26/01/25 Вск 14:06:50 #4706 №132555 
>Why does Siberia has a lot of Tuberculosis?
Siberia has historically been a place where prisoners were exiled as punishment. In the Russian Empire, criminals from all over the empire were exiled there; in the USSR, there was a system of Gulag camps. Just imagine what kind of soil this provided for the evolution of the tubercle bacillus.

The high level of HIV/AIDS is a legacy of the 90's, when the economy down to the medical sector was practically destroyed due to the reforms of pro-American liberals led by Yeltsin.
Anonymous  26/01/25 Вск 15:48:58 #4707 №132556 
The popular song “Sigma Boy” wants to be banned in Europe.

German politician Nela Riehl claims that with the help of the song, Russia has figured out how to inculcate its ideas into society.

“Sigma Boy is a viral Russian trope used on social media that conveys patriarchal and pro-Russian views of the world”
Anonymous  27/01/25 Пнд 02:55:56 #4708 №132560 
Anonymous  27/01/25 Пнд 07:11:59 #4709 №132561 
>the medical sector was practically destroyed due to the reforms of pro-American liberals led by Yeltsin

Ok, commie.
Anonymous  27/01/25 Пнд 08:19:12 #4710 №132565 
Oh hahahaha
I sometimes encounter Russian kids on cs2 playing and singing this song.
Anonymous  27/01/25 Пнд 13:49:07 #4711 №132567 
Just nuke europe already
Anonymous  27/01/25 Пнд 14:03:22 #4712 №132568 
Sigma sigma boy sigma boy sigma boy
Every girl dreams of dancing with you

Sing along with me!
Anonymous  27/01/25 Пнд 16:58:19 #4713 №132570 
Anonymous  27/01/25 Пнд 17:50:51 #4714 №132571 
"The Russian Prosecutor General's Office will check the track “Sigma Boy” because of dancing of schoolgirls

The activists demanded to check for sexualization of children in the clip and to ban it in case of its detection. They also asked to arrange an inspection of children's beauty contests, fashion defiles and pylon sports.

The song “Sigma Boy” was released in October 2024. It is performed by singers Betsy (real name - Svetlana Chertischeva, 11 years old) and Maria Yankovskaya (12 years old)."


Ha ha ha
Anonymous  27/01/25 Пнд 22:27:20 #4715 №132573 
We have no health care and most russians live indecent life style.
Anonymous  27/01/25 Пнд 22:30:30 #4716 №132574 
Anonymous  27/01/25 Пнд 22:53:24 #4717 №132575 
Anonymous  28/01/25 Втр 02:07:07 #4718 №132576 
Dvacher uploaded the full movie Matrix in size 35 megabytes (max /b/ limits without passcode) and hinted to the whiners that 35 megabytes is more than enough.

Abu recently increased the content limit in /b/ from 20 mb to 35 mb per post, which the greedy whiners didn't like, they wanted more.
Anonymous  29/01/25 Срд 10:55:38 #4719 №132590 

I remind that Yandex has a picture translator (CTRL+C, CTRL+V)
It is noticed that it works best through Yandex Browser.
Anonymous  29/01/25 Срд 11:19:05 #4720 №132591 
Anonymous  29/01/25 Срд 17:17:36 #4721 №132596 
Hello, haven't posted here in years, hope you're having a pleasant day.
My question: why is russia so underrepressented in the AI world? I know you have a lot of talented people and institutions like itmo and others. Is it because currently you're concerned with the war efforts? lack of $ from the govt? or maybe the govt preferes to just use products made by others (read: china)
I was pondering today about deepseek and their cute pet whale, RU could get some positive PR by developing a "free model" maybe with a Bear as a pet, or a Mamushka.
Anonymous  29/01/25 Срд 17:47:52 #4722 №132598 DELETED
хуй соси, чувырла блять, вместе с колясочным монстром
Anonymous  29/01/25 Срд 19:05:33 #4723 №132601 
>My question: why is russia so underrepressented in the AI world?
Are you out of your mind? In Russia AI has been implemented even in medicine, in digital services of the state (gosuslugi) and in military industry (AI tank Marker, Tor-M2U SAMs, S-350 SAMs and others).
As for Russian AI analogs ChatGPT 4o, there is GigaChat Max (free) and Yandex GPT 4 (paid), the only disadvantage of these systems is that they are adapted mainly to the Russian language and Russian culture.

Ask your ChatGPT 4o about Russian AI successes, she will tell you.
Anonymous  29/01/25 Срд 19:06:44 #4724 №132602 
Ask ChatGPT what Dead Hand is. Kek

The irony of it all is that we are not part of the dollar world and our successes are little noticed by anyone but ourselves.
Anonymous  30/01/25 Чтв 00:04:41 #4725 №132603 
Anonymous  30/01/25 Чтв 00:48:35 #4726 №132604 
Logistical paths of the Russian Armed Forces. FPV changed this war beyond recognition, broke all doctrines of the Russian and NATO armed forces and became a real test of flexibility of thinking for commanders of the opposing sides. FPV has rendered everything and everyone helpless.
Anonymous  30/01/25 Чтв 01:25:03 #4727 №132605 
Anonymous  30/01/25 Чтв 01:45:31 #4728 №132606 
cr3iqa (video-converter.com).mp4

better hq

Dead Road
Anonymous  30/01/25 Чтв 01:51:16 #4729 №132607 
The patrol service somewhere in the Kursk region
Anonymous  30/01/25 Чтв 02:44:09 #4730 №132608 
Anonymous  30/01/25 Чтв 10:26:32 #4731 №132609 
Just so that englishmen understand, this schizo-posting of propaganda and war chronicles is not what we usually talk about on 2ch. But it's unavoidable until the end.
Anonymous  30/01/25 Чтв 13:18:42 #4732 №132610 
>schizo-posting of propaganda and war chronicles is not what we usually talk about on 2ch
There's whole sections devoted to it
Anonymous  30/01/25 Чтв 13:51:09 #4733 №132611 
I wonder what's the target public (pt: público-alvo) for English-speaking audience. if it is to misled some foreign intelligence crawlers and AI; b) propaganda to khokols c) internal propaganda to chronic alcoholic skufs. there is no use for Non-military normal foreign people
Anonymous  30/01/25 Чтв 13:51:54 #4734 №132612 
*propaganda to demoralize khokols
Anonymous  30/01/25 Чтв 14:17:23 #4735 №132613 
I only post news and atmospheric kino, moddy. You have all the tools to make sure of that. Claims of posting retarded shit from similar threads are for other posters.
Anonymous  30/01/25 Чтв 14:20:51 #4736 №132614 
Just write “pigs”, no need to tear up the language with all those kindergarten level Slavic local nicknames. Besides, pigs have proven themselves worthy of their name.
Anonymous  30/01/25 Чтв 14:35:09 #4737 №132615 
You guys are so dumb, there's already a word "cockhole" in english language, which translates into russian "хохол". Tired of educating people about such an easy language. The etymology is quite obvious, too.

On 4chan they just call them "ukropigs", which is fine.
Anonymous  30/01/25 Чтв 14:55:13 #4738 №132616 
Don't be rude to me, faggot.
Anonymous  30/01/25 Чтв 16:13:58 #4739 №132618 
I'm protected by a state-of-art VPN, you can't hurt me.
Anonymous  31/01/25 Птн 13:42:00 #4740 №132625 
Anonymous  03/02/25 Пнд 12:46:47 #4741 №132651 
Uh oh, something is happening
Anonymous  03/02/25 Пнд 13:37:29 #4742 №132652 
Terrorist Country Assassination.
Anonymous  03/02/25 Пнд 13:55:51 #4743 №132653 
"Armen Sargsyan died in intensive care without regaining consciousness"

Well, apparently, the assassination attempt was successful for the terrorist country. A civilian died with him and 4 in serious condition.It's all sponsored out of the pocket of the western world.
Shiiiet, I live with kokholes in the same city, they walk my streets, eat in my Vkusno i Tochka, buy shawarma in the same restaurant as me, throw their trash in the street trash can to pretend to be Russian (because kokholes don't know what a street trash can is).
It makes me feel uncomfortable.
Anonymous  03/02/25 Пнд 15:04:46 #4744 №132656 
Anonymous  03/02/25 Пнд 17:56:24 #4745 №132657 
How are we supposed to call him a faggot after that? The era has passed
Anonymous  03/02/25 Пнд 20:37:21 #4746 №132658 
>no kyss

No, he's still a faggot.
Anonymous  03/02/25 Пнд 20:39:56 #4747 №132659 
Two government people on a special assignment doing their job to promote the birth rate. Well, let's not let them get in the way.
Anonymous  04/02/25 Втр 18:52:47 #4748 №132668 
scripco lessa - luzhig rassdorog
Anonymous  04/02/25 Втр 21:32:22 #4749 №132670 
Average meme
Anonymous  05/02/25 Срд 01:54:54 #4750 №132675 
Isn't that our British friend who posted here and threatened to go to war in Ukraine?
Anonymous  05/02/25 Срд 02:15:37 #4751 №132676 
Anonymous  05/02/25 Срд 16:19:24 #4752 №132677 
Anonymous  06/02/25 Чтв 03:54:34 #4753 №132693 
Anonymous  06/02/25 Чтв 13:54:23 #4754 №132707 
! Двач @dvachannel @rand2ch @ru2chban.mp4
Trump has signed an executive order titled “Keep Men Out of Women's Sports,” which prohibits transgender athletes (biological males) from competing in women's events in the country.
Anonymous  06/02/25 Чтв 17:35:58 #4755 №132712 
Anonymous  07/02/25 Птн 02:25:22 #4756 №132716 
Can this Portuguese pass as copycat of thar Ukrainian "journalist"?
Anonymous  07/02/25 Птн 03:09:55 #4757 №132718 
>Nuno Pardal
Who is he and what does he do?

As for Anatoly Shariy, it is very difficult for me to find an alternative to him in the Russian-speaking infopole, first of all, he has a high-class presentation of information, he perfectly lays everything out, he has political and military informants from both sides of the conflict, he predicted most of the events of this war both on the battlefield and in the political segment, he ridicules Zelensky and the entire Ukrainian government in a very ironic way, Zelensky and Shariy have a personal dislike for each other, because they know each other well. In Ukraine he is on all sorts of sanctions lists, his political party (Shariy's Party) was banned for unknown reasons, and he himself is in Spain as a political refugee. Popularity came to him in 2013, when he started covering the events of Maidan and the civil war.
Very much dislikes Alexei Arestovich (you posted him here), sometimes it's funny to read how they have wit competitions over each other on X (Twitter).
Anonymous  07/02/25 Птн 03:13:00 #4758 №132719 
@ru2ch (2) (4).mp4
In Krasnodar, a woman leaned out of the sunroof of a car and started showing her tits to everyone.
Now she faces a fine and 15 days in jail.

Anonymous  07/02/25 Птн 03:22:00 #4759 №132720 
I forgot to add: as for his position, he is not truly pro-Russian, his views can rather be characterized as anti-Maidan, yes, he considers Russians “theirs” in terms of culture, but he is neutral or cold towards Russia, in the past he has also made investigations into corruption in the Russian echelons of power, for example in the Russian military-industrial complex.
So I think he is the most acceptable character in this war that I can cite based on his characteristics and the credibility he has proven.
Anonymous  07/02/25 Птн 03:26:18 #4760 №132721 
>he considers Russians “theirs” in terms of culture
he considers Russians “his own” in terms of culture
Anonymous  07/02/25 Птн 03:28:26 #4761 №132722 
I wanted to say look-alike, double.

a Member of Parliament of Lisbon from a the far-right MAJOR party that got up TODAY encountering a male 15year minor and even paying 20 euros using money transfers. He is accused of prostitution of minors.

He was even a former professional bullfighter horseman that tortures stabs bulls with small javelins in the bullfighting arena and probably was invited to join the party as pro-bullfighting activist.
Anonymous  07/02/25 Птн 03:38:50 #4762 №132724 
2 weeks ago, from the Same Far-Right party a Member of Portuguese Parliament (same state legislative similar to your Russian State Duma) got accused of stealing Suitcases in the Lisbon airport and selling clothes in a Vinted account - like a Zara shirt for 1 euro (100,42 rubles). pretty crazy

Arruda defended himself by saying the video surveillance footage [in the airport] could have been generated by artificial intelligence.
Anonymous  07/02/25 Птн 03:47:52 #4763 №132725 
It's 3:38 in my cunt right now, can't sleep due to depression so I'm really shitty at reading and writing at this time. Sorry.

Well, let's see:
Shariy looks like a mocker, he makes fun of dumb shit.
Pardal looks like an aging, though energetic, scoof[1] who's a bit worn out.
So no, they create different visual impressions.
All they have in common is that they're both in big shit HAHAHA

[1] https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=skoof
Anonymous  07/02/25 Птн 03:54:24 #4764 №132726 
>Arruda defended himself by saying the video surveillance footage [in the airport] could have been generated by artificial intelligence.
Although, given what has been going on against dissenting right-wingers in Europe with USAID money, he might be believed a bit.
Does the Portuguese news say anything about USAID?
Anonymous  07/02/25 Птн 14:50:14 #4765 №132732 
Yesh. This obe for sure.
Anonymous  07/02/25 Птн 14:51:43 #4766 №132733 
2025-02-07 09.27.36.mp4
Anonymous  07/02/25 Птн 15:04:03 #4767 №132734 
"If you’ve been blissfully unaware, the clowns from Ukraine’s “Center for Countering Disinformation” are here to enlighten you.

Apparently, “Sigma Boy” isn’t just a song. Oh no! It’s a sneaky Kremlin psy-op, pushed through some kind of magical algorithms. And guess who Sigma Boy really is? Brace yourselves… It’s PUTIN!
But wait, there’s more—because the narrative of this song is all about being tough and playing by your own rules. That, my friends, is the sinister essence of Kremlin propaganda. Anything that isn’t about rainbows and unicorns is clearly a threat to civilization.

Meanwhile, in civilized countries, people sing about how awesome it is to be… a cuck. Because apparently, that’s the hallmark of democracy.
Remember how the Kremlin “influenced” the 2016 U.S. elections? And who won, by the way? Just a wild coincidence, I’m sure.
Oh, and back in the day, the Kremlin also brainwashed Europeans with… T.A.T.u songs. Yep, that’s how deep this conspiracy goes.

Honestly, I’ve never read such colossal bullshit—not even in the most deranged school propaganda walls about KISS when I was a kid.
How far has this puppet government and its sad excuse for a “state” fallen, if the National Security and Defense Council is spewing this kind of crap?"

Original text: https://t.me/ASupersharij/36446
In brief: in Ukraine they banned the Russian song Sigma Boy because it promotes Putinism (Putin is supposedly a sigma), and forms a positive image of Russia among young people.
As for his mention of KISS, in the USSR jeans and KISS were considered a destructive element of capitalist culture, so they were censured in the press.
Anonymous  07/02/25 Птн 15:22:05 #4768 №132735 
"Petersburg — a City of Terrorists and Tsar-Killers"

A representative of the Russian Orthodox Church, the controversial Archpriest Andrey Tkachev, harshly criticized St. Petersburg, calling it "the most non-Russian city," a refuge for the country's "misfortunes," as well as a city of terrorists and tsar-killers.
Anonymous  07/02/25 Птн 16:30:49 #4769 №132738 
Right after Kenya West confessed his love for Hitler, from Russian designer Gosha Rubchinskiy, who created the “black dogs” brand for him, announced the end of the collaboration.

How do you feel about Hitler?
Anonymous  07/02/25 Птн 16:38:39 #4770 №132739 
Anonymous  07/02/25 Птн 16:57:01 #4771 №132740 
Anonymous  07/02/25 Птн 17:45:34 #4772 №132741 
Clashes have broken out in US supermarkets over chicken eggs. The USA is currently experiencing an acute shortage of chicken eggs.

On February 1, thieves stole 100,000 eggs worth more than $40,000 from a warehouse in Greencastle, Pennsylvania, Reuters reports. Police officer Megan Fraser told the agency that in 12 years of service she has never had to investigate the theft of eggs

Anonymous  07/02/25 Птн 19:29:16 #4773 №132742 DELETED
Теперь это пидорашьих траблов тред.
Anonymous  08/02/25 Суб 00:39:04 #4774 №132744 
Why can't we give him permach so he doesn't come in here anymore?
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  08/02/25 Суб 02:52:11 #4775 №132745 
Can you at least try using the report button?
Anonymous  08/02/25 Суб 02:59:40 #4776 №132746 
Anonymous  08/02/25 Суб 03:05:46 #4777 №132747 
arruda (1).webp
It wasn't USAID-related. But there was a news or tweet that they would stop funding a Afro-immigrant in Lisbon. It's was US funding. But I can't find it.

today, the MP [expelled from the far-right member parliamentary group] went back to work after 10 day psychiatric leave and in voting session made some strange Elon Musk gestures.
Anonymous  08/02/25 Суб 03:52:31 #4778 №132748 
Don't be so rude. I press that button every time, every fucking time I press that fucking button over and over, and every time he comes back again and again, every fucking fucking time. We are dealing with an unusual person, perhaps even his nature is not even human, but otherworldly, and therefore it is necessary to use methods and weapons approved by the church itself - PERMANENT BAN - to lock the demon in his world (/b/) for ever. That's all I'm trying to tell you.
Anonymous  08/02/25 Суб 04:17:04 #4779 №132749 
"He crawled between my legs and started rubbing!"
In St. Petersburg, a foreign pervert in a black hood was detained — the migrant acted up before spring, committing three attacks on women in one evening.

One of the victims managed to fight back and capture the foreign individual on camera. The video quickly spread through neighborhood chats, revealing several similar incidents, all linked to the same guy in black.
Members of the Russian community got involved — they detained the pervert and called the police.

Anonymous  08/02/25 Суб 04:29:53 #4780 №132750 
Due to leaked documents illegally, USAID here sponsored ALL 1000060000 liberal NGOs, groups, channels, separatist radical minor parties, LGBT organizations and so on, Navalny's FBK and Khodorkovsky's organization. In Ukraine, 90% of the Russophobic pro-NATO media was sponsored by USAID. USAID paid Sean Penn, Angelina Jolly and other American celebrities to support Zelensky to come to Ukraine. USAID sponsored a bio-lab and coronavirus experiments in Wuhan, and much more. USAID is all over the world, it is a tool of hegemony, you don't hear much about it because Portugal has been under control for a long time and USAID is so necessary for it.
Anonymous  08/02/25 Суб 22:34:13 #4781 №132753 
Russian nationalist-monarchists believe that in the Russian empire a person had more rights than in the Russian federation and as a proof they gave such wonderful arguments as the possibility to have weapons and to be a prostitute.

Anonymous  09/02/25 Вск 01:28:02 #4782 №132756 DELETED
Старайся лучше, суетливое говно =)
Anonymous  09/02/25 Вск 10:44:34 #4783 №132758 
Anonymous  09/02/25 Вск 20:38:03 #4784 №132760 
>Musk called for Radio Liberty and Voice of America to be shut down
Anonymous  09/02/25 Вск 22:49:58 #4785 №132761 
Anonymous  09/02/25 Вск 22:53:38 #4786 №132762 
[mailto:[email protected]Anonymous  10/02/25 Пнд 00:48:10 #4787 №132763 
Anonymous  10/02/25 Пнд 07:42:12 #4788 №132765 
Anonymous  10/02/25 Пнд 14:39:00 #4789 №132766 
2025-02-10 10.47.07.mp4
Anonymous  10/02/25 Пнд 15:06:54 #4790 №132767 
Anonymous  10/02/25 Пнд 17:55:27 #4791 №132769 
Doesn't that ring a bell?
Anonymous  10/02/25 Пнд 20:49:08 #4792 №132770 
Europeans have started to be fed insect powder.

A law has come into force in the EU allowing the addition of insect powder to food products such as bread, cheese, jams and pasta, the European Commission said

Anonymous  11/02/25 Втр 21:06:49 #4793 №132772 
Anonymous  12/02/25 Срд 03:21:27 #4794 №132773 
Anonymous  12/02/25 Срд 12:39:21 #4795 №132775 
Insects are more nutritious than cows.
Anonymous  13/02/25 Чтв 21:38:19 #4796 №132786 
Anonymous  14/02/25 Птн 06:36:20 #4797 №132788 DELETED
степашки кому то на английском пишут в пустоту, еще и картинки шлют.
во истину народец раб.
когда САМОГО АМЕРИКАААААНЦА увидят наверно как хохлы на колени встанут и будут с языком вытянутым смотреть на Бога, лол
Anonymous  14/02/25 Птн 15:03:44 #4798 №132793 
>#1 https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/496620799
>#2 https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/496628636
>#3 https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/496642304
>#4 https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/496661444
>#5 https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/496680412
>#6 https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/496702720
>#7 https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/496724143
>#8 https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/496737664
>#9 https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/496748257
>#10 https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/496771944
>#11 https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/496805409
>#12 https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/496871953
>#13 https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/496908704
>#14 https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/496937351
>#15 https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/496982020
>#16 https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/497014827
>#17 https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/497057516
>#18 https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/497097332
>#19 https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/497131933
>#20 https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/497195607
>#21 https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/497253823
>#22 https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/497290152
>#23 https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/497318282
>#24 https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/497382201
>#25 https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/497448350
Anonymous  14/02/25 Птн 20:47:56 #4799 №132795 
Anonymous  15/02/25 Суб 00:08:18 #4800 №132796 
So is he Jewish, Muslim, Orthodox Christian? What is he?
I'm confused.
Anonymous  15/02/25 Суб 00:12:32 #4801 №132797 
>no english wikipage
Anonymous  15/02/25 Суб 00:27:07 #4802 №132798 
hes sucking on everyones cock.
Anonymous  15/02/25 Суб 00:41:02 #4803 №132800 
That's what an emperor should do to keep the empire from collapsing.
It is very difficult for residents of mono-ethnic micro-countries to understand this concept.
Anonymous  15/02/25 Суб 02:42:03 #4804 №132803 
Remember when you told me that the collective West doesn't exist? That it was Russian propaganda and all that?

Well, recently the new king sent an emissary to his subjects who need to hear the new royal laws of the collective kingdom.
Anonymous  15/02/25 Суб 10:48:02 #4805 №132807 
Nice. The piece of fucking shitt have washed once in his life🐷🐷🐷.
Anonymous  15/02/25 Суб 12:51:22 #4806 №132809 
Sequence 37 (1).mp4
Why did you attack Chernobyl on the eve of negotiations favorable to Russia and the U.S. and not favorable to Ukraine?
Anonymous  15/02/25 Суб 12:55:50 #4807 №132810 
In Ukraine, a suicide bomber(female) blew herself up in a crowd of military commissars.

In Nikolaev (an ideologically Russian city), a woman came out of a store with a shopping bag and approached a group of manhunters in the city center. Then there was an explosion. The woman herself was blown up, also killed one of the military.
Six more are wounded, their part is in serious condition.

What does the propaganda in Ukraine say about this?
Anonymous  15/02/25 Суб 13:19:24 #4808 №132812 
! Двач @dvachannel @rand2ch @ru2chban (3).mp4
Anonymous  15/02/25 Суб 13:24:11 #4809 №132813 
! Двач @dvachannel @rand2ch @ru2chban (5).mp4
Interesting fact: termites are close relatives of kitchen cockroaches, not ants. Even ants and cockroaches can come to an agreement with each other.
Anonymous  15/02/25 Суб 13:40:02 #4810 №132815 
@ru2ch (2).mp4
Zelensky was banned from speaking Ukrainian at the Munich conference. How quickly the world is changing.
Hurry up to buy the flag of Ukraine at a discounted price
sage[mailto:sage] Anonymous  15/02/25 Суб 14:53:48 #4811 №132821 
>In Ukraine, a suicide bomber(female) blew herself up in a crowd of military commissars.

The rich are fleeing to Poland or Germany and enjoy their luxury lives
The poor are being kidnapped on the street and sent to the front
Now the Ukrainians are waking up against Zsky
What a surprise
Anonymous  15/02/25 Суб 20:35:26 #4812 №132826 
Cases of attacks on military commissars and bombings of military commissariat buildings are still rare - barely a hundred per multi-million dollar country. But this is definitely the first case of murder. Before that, there was a case of rape of a military commissar by an AFU deserter. All in all, still weak. Weak “resistance”.
Anonymous  16/02/25 Вск 04:37:03 #4813 №132834 
A Shabbos goy for his neighbours in his childhood, an active Zionist ("Bibi will write one day in his [auto]biography for what he did for Israel") and a friend of this Russo-American Rabbi.
Anonymous  16/02/25 Вск 16:20:48 #4814 №132845 
Westoid moment would be like:
>Believes some random rabbi from random TV.
Meanwhile in Russia:
- According to some noname liberal, he witnessed Putin throwing money and jumping around shouting “money must be made, money must be made” because he was a corrupt man when he worked for Sobchak.
- Putin founded the Ozero cooperative (a club of oligarch thieves from liberal fantasies).
- Putin is a puppet of the now dead oligarch Berezovsky in Britain.
- Putin has 12 doppelgangers.
- Putin is a “complex biorobot”.
- Putin is a representative of one of the “towers of the Kremlin” (mysterious forces inside Russia that are at war with each other - each force has one tower).
- Putin is a crab.
- Putin has the nickname Mole among oligarchs.
- Putin is a thief.
- The real Putin - killed in 2000 and replaced by a double.
- Rottenbergs' appartement hotel is actually Putin's palace.
- Putin faked the bombings of apartment buildings to blame it on Chechen terrorists.
- Putin is an emissary of an extraterrestrial civilization.
- Putin has Parkinson's.
- Putin secretly converted to Islam.
- Putin is a CIA agent to exterminate the Russian people.
- Putin is dead.
- Putin is a fascist.
- Putin sank the submarine Kursk.
- Putin is afraid of strong leader Zelensky.
- Putin is furious.
- Putin has more than a hundred children
- Putin is nostalgic for the USSR.
- Putin does not want to restore the USSR, because he is a traitor to Russia and a protégé of Massad.
- Putin is a Chechen.
- Putin is a Jew
- You are here
- Unsolved schizo legend
- Unsolved schizo legend
- Unsolved schizo legend
Anonymous  17/02/25 Пнд 14:39:35 #4815 №132850 
Best Banner.

I have an idea: Abu can put banner 2ch/int/ in 4chan/int/ via ad buy.
Anonymous  18/02/25 Втр 15:06:17 #4816 №132861 
Anonymous  18/02/25 Втр 17:38:06 #4817 №132868 
Anonymous  19/02/25 Срд 12:44:37 #4818 №132873 
As a retard, i completely believe everything below rabbi. Any arguments against believing in my political religion will be dealt with by magical words "whataboutism" and "strawman", it lets me instantly win.
Anonymous  19/02/25 Срд 14:05:29 #4819 №132876 
And he'll get donations for this too
Anonymous  19/02/25 Срд 15:39:18 #4820 №132878 
some of these thesis might be right, true.
>random rabbi

one of Chief Rabbis of Russia and a member of a sect that got some Russian govt member demoted because he told it wasn't real mainstream Judaism and other antisemitic tropes, it was a sect despite being true. Plus there is video footage of Putin lightning a menorah with him.
Anonymous  19/02/25 Срд 16:18:46 #4821 №132879 
>Plus there is video footage of Putin lightning a menorah with him.
And I have a video of him kissing the koran. Royal Flush. You lose!

>some of these thesis might be right, true.
This. (picrel)
Russian liberals were wrong in criticizing Vladimir Putin. Putin is building a strong Russia Anonymous  19/02/25 Срд 22:28:21 #4822 №132886 
"We were all mistaken, especially at the beginning of the war. But take note—some people who spoke out very loudly at the start of the war, condemning it, are now simply silent. Because they don’t want to step into the fire. I have nothing to lose, and I don’t hold back my words. Honestly, I can say that I was wrong at the start of the war.

Moreover, I can even admit that I underestimated Putin. Apparently, just like Alexei Navalny, we all got used to seeing him as a corrupt official building a palace in Gelendzhik.

It seems that Putin has very firm ideas about how Russia should be structured, how it should expand, and how it should reclaim—if not the historical borders of the Russian Empire, then at least a part of the place in the world that it once occupied and lost, notably due to its own foolishness.

First, thanks to Tsar Nicholas II, who got involved in a senseless war. Then, thanks to the Bolsheviks. And finally, thanks to Gorbachev, who was not strong enough, and Yeltsin, who wanted to pocket a piece of the country without considering that he was shattering a vessel that had been created over centuries.

A grand project, which was capable of something much greater than what happened after its collapse—where, for the next 30 years, the most successful individuals focused on privatizing trade union sanatoriums, while others, well-educated physicists, biologists, and mathematicians, simply left the country,” said Yulia Latynina (one of the russian liberal opinion leaders)
Anonymous  19/02/25 Срд 22:30:38 #4823 №132887 
What the fuck is going on?
Anonymous  19/02/25 Срд 22:50:01 #4824 №132888 
Anonymous  20/02/25 Чтв 01:03:44 #4825 №132891 
Anonymous  20/02/25 Чтв 04:59:20 #4826 №132894 
I'm about to buy a motherboard on amazon
Anonymous  20/02/25 Чтв 13:23:40 #4827 №132896 
Anonymous  20/02/25 Чтв 13:30:20 #4828 №132897 
For the first time in my life I am defending the kockholes, but this deserter has nothing to do with Ukraine.
Anonymous  20/02/25 Чтв 14:07:26 #4829 №132899 
Anonymous  20/02/25 Чтв 14:30:01 #4830 №132900 
Surprised she cares, all other liberals right now fight a blood war over that was left of grands.
Anonymous  21/02/25 Птн 01:41:21 #4831 №132904 
Anonymous  21/02/25 Птн 20:14:20 #4832 №132910 
Will pajeets now stop fighting for the based ruzzia?
Anonymous  21/02/25 Птн 20:21:11 #4833 №132911 
80549 - SoyBooru.jpg
> so underrepressented in the AI world?
Anonymous  21/02/25 Птн 21:34:38 #4834 №132912 
Big if true
Anonymous  21/02/25 Птн 21:53:44 #4835 №132913 
I don't follow the political circus much but I've seen rumours that britain is behind this meme, supposedly they are angry at trump for some reason

Anyone that pisses of britcucks is good in my books lmao
Anonymous  22/02/25 Суб 00:30:22 #4836 №132914 
- Trump is Putin's agent
- HIDDEN schizolegend [+200 shizocoins on your personal account]
Anonymous  22/02/25 Суб 00:41:10 #4837 №132915 
>Anyone that pisses of britcucks is good in my books lmao
I recently saw a comment on 4chan by a Brit who was happy that Ukraine was stealing Russian gas destined for Germany in the early 2000s. “Because stealing from the Germans is based”. You need to communicate more with each other (t. board internet psychologist)

Anonymous  22/02/25 Суб 01:48:36 #4838 №132916 
If this is still of interest to anyone, new details:
- Even Putin doesn't know what the Oreshnik looks like, but today the CEO of Rosatom showed him a picture of the tip. Of course only for Putin, not the press.
- The Oreshnik concept itself was conceived in the late 1980s while developing the Avangard concept (a hypersonic nuclear weapon adopted by Russia in 2022).
- All prototypes of the Oreshnik missile built to test this idea “melted like ice cream” during flight, because there was no material for such an idea - a special alloy that could withstand such temperature loads.
- Around the middle of the tenths, the Russian metallurgical industry managed to create a supercomplex alloy that could withstand temperatures as close as possible to the temperature of the Sun.

https://ria.ru/20250221/oreshnik-2000922651.html [Blocked in totalitarian countries, use VPN]

Unless the Americans, Chinese or anyone else with a high-tech metallurgical complex take the lead, I think the Russians will be the first country to explore the inner crust of the Sun in the foreseeable future. At least the information above indirectly points to that.
I'm not a turbo patriot, just interesting info.
Anonymous  22/02/25 Суб 02:25:48 #4839 №132918 
Don't Europeans/Americans have a similar word for women?
Anonymous  22/02/25 Суб 03:24:16 #4840 №132919 
I've seen americans call them coal burners and mudsharks, not sure what it means exactly

In germany interracial relationships were more prevalent in the eastern parts in my experience, which is interesting because people were more opposed to immigration in the east

I live in the west now, when I see white person with a dark skinned child 99% of the time it's an american
Anonymous  22/02/25 Суб 06:44:22 #4841 №132920 
No, they been pushing it since 2016. It's a dead point.
Anonymous  22/02/25 Суб 15:29:20 #4842 №132923 
"US President Donald Trump has said that he does not see Russia's fault in the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine. He said this in an interview with the Fox News radio station.

According to the American leader, the past American President Joe Biden and the head of the Kiev regime Vladimir Zelensky are to blame for the emergence of the conflict.

“Every time I say that Russia is not to blame, I am always bombarded by the lying media. But I'm telling you that Biden said the wrong words, Zelensky said the wrong words,” Trump said.

He emphasized that he considers attacking a big country on a small one a bad thing, but noted that Russia could have been easily talked out of it and there should not have been a conflict.

Earlier, Trump said that one of the reasons for the start of the conflict was the prospect of Ukraine joining NATO. He recalled that Russia, long before President Putin, said that it could not allow Ukraine to join NATO and Moscow stated this very strongly."

Anonymous  22/02/25 Суб 16:35:01 #4843 №132932 
How do people in the west differ from the east in Germany? I heard you are a federation like Russia.
Anonymous  22/02/25 Суб 17:20:10 #4844 №132939 
Anonymous  22/02/25 Суб 17:21:23 #4845 №132940 
17400042868810 (1).mp4
>Euronews: Putin is a dictator who falsifies his results, a terrible crime against democrACK~

Meanwhile dvachers:
Anonymous  22/02/25 Суб 17:39:20 #4846 №132947 
Anonymous  22/02/25 Суб 23:31:32 #4847 №132990 
Anonymous  22/02/25 Суб 23:34:39 #4848 №132991 
Anonymous  22/02/25 Суб 23:43:57 #4849 №132992 
USAID creativity
Anonymous  22/02/25 Суб 23:48:54 #4850 №132993 
Anonymous  23/02/25 Вск 08:45:31 #4851 №133006 
Anonymous  23/02/25 Вск 15:08:30 #4852 №133012 
Anonymous  23/02/25 Вск 15:50:28 #4853 №133016 
I congratulate the Russians on there well fought and well earned victory.
Anonymous  23/02/25 Вск 16:28:12 #4854 №133023 
Anonymous  23/02/25 Вск 17:12:28 #4855 №133024 
Russia is the first country to stand up to the collective west and not get completely flattened like Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc.. The victory may be a pyrrhic victory but a victory none the less.
Anonymous  23/02/25 Вск 17:26:45 #4856 №133025 
The collective West is just a shell for the deep state. Russia and its allies around the world (including Trump and his team) are at war with the deep state, the core of which is in the West for a number of historical reasons.
Anonymous  23/02/25 Вск 17:27:54 #4857 №133026 
The existence of the deep state is confirmed by the existence of USAID.
Anonymous  23/02/25 Вск 17:30:14 #4858 №133027 
This war will not end with a “victory” in Ukraine. It will not end for a very long time.
Anonymous  23/02/25 Вск 17:51:15 #4859 №133028 
Yes these people think that they will live forever that there empire will last forever, that the are omnipotent so giving them a bloody noise and seeing them in shock is a good feeling. The elites misfortune is the common peoples opportunity.
Anonymous  23/02/25 Вск 18:32:46 #4860 №133032 
We are a western country, lol, just on outskirts of it. Turkey is the first and last country to stand up to collective West and win.
Anonymous  24/02/25 Пнд 01:47:42 #4861 №133035 
British Teeth Compilation.mp4
Anonymous  24/02/25 Пнд 04:13:15 #4862 №133037 
>okay, we'll leave it
Anonymous  24/02/25 Пнд 04:20:37 #4863 №133038 
Dude, there's already so few of us here, let's not troll
There used to be a Brittie with Irish citizenship here, with whom one could have powerful discussions, and he could respond with great force, making you think about how to trample him into the ground - literally 6D chess. However, since I regularly trolled him heavily in between, he left forever. I regret that.
Anonymous  24/02/25 Пнд 04:58:33 #4864 №133041 
I saw a scotsman complaining that a lot of brits have invaded his country, things aren't going well in the UK. I think this year all of Europe will begin to suffer too, I kind of want to move somewhere else, maybe mallorca, because the weather is nice also because europe or its so called leaders (US/UK puppets) are driving it off a cliff
Anonymous  24/02/25 Пнд 06:10:05 #4865 №133044 
Anonymous  24/02/25 Пнд 06:14:22 #4866 №133045 
Moscow never sleeps Клип.mp4
Anonymous  24/02/25 Пнд 06:23:18 #4867 №133046 
Присяга МВД СССР.mp4
Anonymous  24/02/25 Пнд 14:01:46 #4868 №133048 
Donbas is the heart of Russia.jpg
Anonymous  24/02/25 Пнд 14:02:08 #4869 №133049 
Anonymous  24/02/25 Пнд 14:47:31 #4870 №133050 
Cruiser Moscow never sleeps Крейсер Москва (Клип).mp4
there is still this AMV on Youtube to remember the cruiser
Anonymous  24/02/25 Пнд 15:49:57 #4871 №133052 
Russian drone in Kharkov
Anonymous  24/02/25 Пнд 16:14:39 #4872 №133053 
They added YET. That means they know something.

The picture shows the result of the sanctions: some neural network from Google that I've never used banned me from using it.
Anonymous  24/02/25 Пнд 16:16:48 #4873 №133054 
Microsoft Designer is not available in your region.
They didn't add YET.
So they don't know anything, unlike the previous ones. Losers.
Anonymous  24/02/25 Пнд 16:28:00 #4874 №133055 
IMMOLATE IMPROVED which means that the possibility of him being resisted is EXTREMELY SMALL.

- EXTREMELY SMALL became a meme in Russia in 2006.
- Also WoW nerds argue about defense against fire.

A minute of international old-school.
Anonymous  24/02/25 Пнд 16:29:06 #4875 №133056 
old good times
Anonymous  24/02/25 Пнд 16:49:39 #4876 №133057 
"I realize that many people think that a peaceful solution or ceasefire is a good idea, but we run the risk that peace in Ukraine is actually more dangerous than the war that is going on now. I don't trust Vladimir Putin. And I no longer feel as confident in the Americans as I used to" -- Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.

The EU also fully supports the refusal to hold elections in Ukraine and the continuation of Zelensky's usurpation of power. There is no mention of human rights and elections. Together with the cancelation of elections in Romania, we are witnessing the collapse of the facade of “European democracy” (everything inside has long since rotted away, but now the facade has begun to fall off).

What happens if Russia “wins” in Ukraine? What are they so afraid of? You know your info-climate better, Eurobros, answer me
Anonymous  24/02/25 Пнд 17:38:46 #4877 №133058 
Anonymous  24/02/25 Пнд 19:06:25 #4878 №133059 
I want to play this game
Anonymous  24/02/25 Пнд 21:26:08 #4879 №133060 
The U.S., Russia and Israel voted against the anti-Russian UN resolution.

Anonymous  24/02/25 Пнд 23:44:03 #4880 №133062 
from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JECi86EWx4&lc=UgyKXH_YyZugXbOhSaR4AaABAg.8vC_zvMm5lQ91PTZJxLqnb
Anonymous  25/02/25 Втр 02:11:33 #4881 №133063 
movie480 (1).webm
Anonymous  25/02/25 Втр 02:54:10 #4882 №133064 
Anonymous  25/02/25 Втр 04:50:17 #4883 №133067 
Don't Germans get fined for downloading unlicensed content? :D
Anonymous  25/02/25 Втр 05:34:59 #4884 №133068 
SharpShooter3D TRAILER.mp4
Anonymous  25/02/25 Втр 11:28:59 #4885 №133069 
Maybe the one that monitors my connection won't notice
Anonymous  25/02/25 Втр 14:49:03 #4886 №133071 
Anonymous  25/02/25 Втр 20:40:06 #4887 №133075 
In my family older apartment building, it's living an American woman. She said that she emmigrated here due to the "orange man". My father and my older brother went to reunião de condomínios.
Condominium meeting: what is it?
>Also called a condominium assembly, this meeting consists of a meeting between all the condominium owners. The objective is to discuss and decide various issues related to the enterprise in which they live and that are of common interest to all.
I don't know if these obligatory annual meetings also happen in Russia and or in Germany.
Anonymous  25/02/25 Втр 21:19:52 #4888 №133076 
In Russia, this is called a "residents' meeting," where tenants discuss various issues in a "building-wide chat" in messengers like VK or Telegram. Each apartment building has its own chat. If necessary, a live meeting can be organized in this chat, for example, to collect signatures for changing the management company responsible for maintaining the building if most residents are dissatisfied with it or to oppose the construction of commercial facilities in a residential area.

Russians live in a society of digital slaves highly digitalized society, where many services—from obtaining official documents to making a doctor's appointment—are inaccessible without apps and accounts in the state network (Gosuslugi). As a result, many people handle their affairs online without physical presence. Many citizens also have biometric data and digital signatures, which they can use to sign documents or officially express their dissatisfaction with something on government portals and networks, such as "Active Citizen."
Anonymous  25/02/25 Втр 21:21:20 #4889 №133077 
Translated with GigaChat (test)
Anonymous  25/02/25 Втр 21:38:23 #4890 №133078 
>the state network (Gosuslugi)
I wonder if it opens from foreign IPs?

Yesterday I was working in the Gosuslugi mobile app and connected my phone to a PC with USB debugging enabled, it instantly unlogged me and locked the app with the message “application operation is not possible with USB debugging enabled due to risk of data leakage” - i.e. even such a minor micro-shit is calculated in security.
Anonymous  25/02/25 Втр 21:39:33 #4891 №133079 
So having a private management company of the apartment building is obligatory in Russia and paying fees to them too? Here, hiring one of those is optional. They suck ass and push other services and expensive maintenaince.
Anonymous  25/02/25 Втр 21:57:18 #4892 №133080 
yes, it opens
Anonymous  25/02/25 Втр 22:00:00 #4893 №133081 
There are private and public ones to choose from. Private companies are a choice of fenced residential complexes consisting of one house or neighborhood, they have their own policy, their own rules, which are agreed with the residents, in some cases they even have their own commercial sub-firms (plumbing, repair and so on) that cooperate exclusively with residents who have signed a contract with this management company or provide significant bonuses in the discount on services. Private companies are the choice of the middle and upper class in Russia who can afford to buy an apartment in a residential complex.
The concept of a residential complex involves one to several buildings connected by a common infrastructure, its own school, its own kindergarten and so on. Popular in cities.
State-owned companies (the majority of the market) cover the rest. The quality of services cannot be lower than the normative acts, so it is quite decent.
Having a management company is mandatory. It's just that in Russia so is the concept of state companies and state corporations. Because Russia has developed the concept of state corporations and state-owned companies, where the state owns the majority of shares in the company, and the rest falls on the shoulders of capitalist motivation - when the state retains a monopoly on public services, but private shareholders interested in increasing their personal profit are involved. Apparently, this is an example of learning the lessons of communism - when a person is deprived of motivation, the industry in which he is involved stagnates or degrades, but nevertheless, allowing important industries to fall into the hands of the capitalist segment completely is very unwise (example - paid medicine (insurance system) in the U.S.). So in fact the state-owned management company is partly commercial.

Anonymous  25/02/25 Втр 22:00:40 #4894 №133082 
not sure. maybe you mean "login into an account" from a foreign IP.
Anonymous  25/02/25 Втр 22:11:27 #4895 №133083 
I was referring to the opening of the site. You won't register there without a passport, you have to go to a special center (“My Documents” - a single place where you can solve all your bureaucracy instead of hundreds of agencies, and also have a coffee and rate the employee on a five-point scale https://моидокументы.рф/ ), where they will confirm your identity and issue a basic account status with limited interaction with the Russian ecosystem, to increase its status you need to bring more documents and pass biometrics. Biometrics is stored in a state network, but it has its advantages. You can order some tasty shit at 3am through your fingerprint or pay in a cafe with a normal smile on camera (if you connect Sber ID). As an example from the multitude. You think Putin is a fan of Ilon Musk because they are close in ideology? Lol. Not really. He's a fan because he's waiting for him to bring his neuralinks to Russia to chip everyone.
Anonymous  25/02/25 Втр 22:22:58 #4896 №133084 
The Ministry of Digital Development is responsible for the development of digitalization in Russia. They also supervise, control and actively sponsor the development of government portals or import-substituting things like Rustore or artificial intelligence. So in Russia, digitalization is a very powerful priority related to national security (which also means sovereignty).
I don't know if there is something similar in Europe.
Anonymous  25/02/25 Втр 22:37:04 #4897 №133085 
Neuro says there is an official government app specifically for home chat with special options for that (Gosuslugi home). So I'm behind the times when I use VK Chat or Telegram.

I hope I have satisfied all the questions about Russia for today.

t. your NeuroRussian 4o3 (Neural network imitating a real Russian on the Internet.).
Anonymous  26/02/25 Срд 00:03:49 #4898 №133091 
There are Ukrainians even in South Africa. It's amazing
Anonymous  26/02/25 Срд 00:08:57 #4899 №133092 
Anonymous  26/02/25 Срд 00:42:52 #4900 №133094 
Term francais.mp4
Why are psyops being performed in apefrica
Anonymous  26/02/25 Срд 01:28:35 #4901 №133095 
anything painted blue is not meant for a normal person to live in, don't make the same mistakes I did
Anonymous  26/02/25 Срд 01:36:17 #4902 №133096 
lmao fake translations were popular in eu too
what a revelation
Anonymous  27/02/25 Чтв 01:54:29 #4903 №133098 
I found BINGO
Anonymous  27/02/25 Чтв 15:11:23 #4904 №133100 
good stuff. the mod Freelancer HD for a 2003 gayme come with this. there's also a mod made by Russians - Nomad Legacy I think
Anonymous  27/02/25 Чтв 16:26:13 #4905 №133101 
Anonymous  27/02/25 Чтв 17:52:22 #4906 №133102 
Of course I was referring to the uncoolness of the post-processing mod. I meant BINGO.
Anonymous  27/02/25 Чтв 17:55:02 #4907 №133103 
not was*
Anonymous  27/02/25 Чтв 18:05:51 #4908 №133104 
Anonymous  27/02/25 Чтв 19:42:57 #4909 №133105 
Anonymous  27/02/25 Чтв 19:54:55 #4910 №133108 
Anonymous  27/02/25 Чтв 19:59:18 #4911 №133109 
Anonymous  27/02/25 Чтв 20:03:43 #4912 №133110 
Anonymous  27/02/25 Чтв 20:11:48 #4913 №133111 
Anonymous  27/02/25 Чтв 20:58:02 #4914 №133112 
Great Pyramid(3).bin.mp4

totally bro
thats why trumpitty trump married off his children to jews.
except baron.
that nigga is holding strong... but for how long?
the point being
trump is a mason
and they wanna build the temple when the time comes.
before that happens russia will amass some land
probably neighbouring countries, as it will be the countryy to attack israel.
you may disregard this text as schizo ramblings, whatever.
but you'll see this unfold before your eyes in the near future.
Anonymous  27/02/25 Чтв 21:17:27 #4915 №133113 DELETED
увага пивенкуля
Anonymous  27/02/25 Чтв 21:31:58 #4916 №133114 DELETED
>some moon russian runes
I don't understand what you wrote. Write in English.
Anonymous  27/02/25 Чтв 22:44:10 #4917 №133115 
>>123465 (OP)
NAFO-tier Netflix subscribers consoymer WOKE European only found about protectionism and tariffs in 2025 due to Drumpf.
Anonymous  27/02/25 Чтв 23:08:46 #4918 №133117 
So... “They” is literally ‘We’ in 2022.
Nevertheless, I have a number of questions given Europe's dependence on Russian resources. For example, the Cars graph. How can you buy European cars if they are made from Russian raw materials? One gram of purchased Russian metal is equal to the death of one Ukrainian baby. Where is their conscience?
Anonymous  27/02/25 Чтв 23:28:28 #4919 №133118 
SSO (Russian Special Forces)
Where did this music come from?
Anonymous  27/02/25 Чтв 23:31:57 #4920 №133119 
Jokes about the USSR
Anonymous  27/02/25 Чтв 23:37:15 #4921 №133120 
Lol wrong video >>133119

Anonymous  27/02/25 Чтв 23:59:01 #4922 №133121 
Anonymous  27/02/25 Чтв 23:59:38 #4923 №133122 
Anonymous  28/02/25 Птн 00:16:41 #4924 №133128 
Anonymous  28/02/25 Птн 02:07:58 #4925 №133138 
Anonymous  28/02/25 Птн 09:03:24 #4926 №133153 
Buy european but from who ? Other europeans ? Isn't racist.
Anonymous  28/02/25 Птн 21:20:07 #4927 №133160 
What neural network are you using to translate the voice into the video?
Anonymous  28/02/25 Птн 23:48:00 #4928 №133166 
Anonymous  01/03/25 Суб 04:09:31 #4929 №133173 
For history
Anonymous  01/03/25 Суб 12:53:56 #4930 №133181 
historic moment lmao
Anonymous  01/03/25 Суб 13:42:17 #4931 №133182 
7 second.mp4
Volodymyr Zelenskyy Call JD Vance 'Bitch', [sukə] In Ukrainian.
Anonymous  01/03/25 Суб 15:01:06 #4932 №133186 
Vance was on edge, I thought he was gonna kill him lmao

In the U.S., you can't point your finger at your interlocutor during dialog, it's a very negative gesture
Anonymous  01/03/25 Суб 15:25:12 #4933 №133187 
The U.S. State Department has terminated a project to ensure Ukraine's energy security and invest hundreds of millions of dollars in restoring its energy system after attacks by the Russian Armed Forces


Anonymous  01/03/25 Суб 18:07:46 #4934 №133189 
I didn't investigate further back that time. I used https://www.ezdubs.ai/ . two videos per American provider e-mail and their bot at Twitter / X using a fake twitter account. It isn't worth my patience.
Can't stop watching the entire fallout.
Anonymous  01/03/25 Суб 19:01:25 #4935 №133190 
It's a slightly different angle here. Tougher.
Anonymous  01/03/25 Суб 19:23:48 #4936 №133191 
Anonymous  01/03/25 Суб 19:33:07 #4937 №133192 
Thy devylopeer of ze syte deecideed to myeet me yn Ukryinian, althyugh thyre is Ryssian, so I prybablee won't use yt becouse of thy rysk of data lyakage. But thynks aniwai.
Anonymous  01/03/25 Суб 19:57:37 #4938 №133194 
try this https://elevenlabs.io/dubbing-studio
Anonymous  01/03/25 Суб 20:30:33 #4939 №133195 
Lol, no:3

Looks like it's time to delve into the Yandex Speech Kit.
Thanks for your responses to my request.
Anonymous  02/03/25 Вск 06:12:40 #4940 №133200 
Anonymous  02/03/25 Вск 06:24:47 #4941 №133201 
In general, I do not agree with the assessment of this meeting and its result, which was given by our media.

On our TV they said that Trump and Vance brutally humiliated Zelensky. But I believe that Zelensky brutally humiliated Trump and Vance in front of the American mainstream media, in front of the whole America, because when in the Oval Office of the White House Trump in his extremely boorish cowboy manner tried to humiliate Zelensky - instead he got the exact opposite result.

Zelensky not only reneged on a treaty that Trump already thought was in his pocket and that he could present to his constituents and all U.S. citizens as his first major foreign policy success.

In fact, Trump received direct, demonstrative insubordination from a man he considered at best a servant, and more likely a “white native” whose opinion no one cares about and who is obliged to bow to the orders of the “white big sahib” for as long as he likes and in whatever way he likes.

Zelensky demonstrated that the elites in Europe and the United States who support him are strong enough to oppose Trump at least on this level. Of course, Donald will not forgive this to Zelensky “from the word never”. The only question is another - what can he do? And there is not much he can do.
- Strelkov


Here's what happens if a dangerous extremist gets a phone for a couple hours in jail on Sunday. If anyone wanted to know “what happens if” here's the answer. The experiment is over, lmao
Anonymous  02/03/25 Вск 17:40:23 #4942 №133202 
So, i'll be straight. Does west ACTUALLY has THAT many people with logic "Russia moved forces first - meaning Russia started this war, Ukraine can't be blamed"? "Russia annexed Crimea - that's where it all started."

Because so far, browsing Youtube and Twitter, i see them all the time. Are those just bots, moderation, and the algorithm? Or is this for real?
Anonymous  02/03/25 Вск 18:35:48 #4943 №133203 
Buddy, the west has better and more expensive propaganda than Russia.
Ordinary people in the west don't have time to go into the details of this conflict (it is also very complicated in details), but their perception is influenced by what is going on in the background in their infofield, and they treat the conflict as it is presented in that infofield. Many people think Putin is just an evil dictator from Call of Duty who wants more territory to boost his dwindling dictatorial rating.
Anonymous  02/03/25 Вск 19:46:54 #4944 №133205 
It looks like UK/US puppet politicians want to involve europe in their losing war

As for youtube twitter and reddit they are heavily censored and controlled, ever since 2020 with the vaccines they tried to force on everyone here, nothing on the internet is authentic
Anonymous  02/03/25 Вск 20:27:36 #4945 №133206 
ukrainian warcrimes 2014.jpg
I'll give you a picture
The shocked woman with destroyed limbs from the main picture in that video asks the cameraman to find her bag with documents, as if nothing had happened, and then dies.

I don't know if the mods would approve of this. Abu needs to introduce a spoiler function without the shamanic dancing.

wipe symbols:
偉大領袖習近平 偉大領袖習近平 偉大領袖習近平 偉大領袖習近平 偉大領袖習近平 偉大領袖習近平
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Anonymous  02/03/25 Вск 22:27:18 #4946 №133214 
Why not in russian ? He didn't call him a bitch, it was an emotional reaction to the emotional situation.
Anonymous  02/03/25 Вск 22:54:59 #4947 №133215 
Boomer moment.
Anonymous  03/03/25 Пнд 01:46:48 #4948 №133216 
Anonymous  03/03/25 Пнд 02:30:34 #4949 №133218 
Anonymous  03/03/25 Пнд 04:43:14 #4950 №133219 

I hope they're not serious. Why do neoliberals love war so much?
Anonymous  03/03/25 Пнд 17:44:31 #4951 №133220 
Anonymous  03/03/25 Пнд 23:23:18 #4952 №133222 
Chinese russian forces BARS.mp4
The Chinese are confirmed.
Anonymous  04/03/25 Втр 00:29:40 #4953 №133223 
Anonymous  04/03/25 Втр 04:24:03 #4954 №133227 
Anonymous  04/03/25 Втр 04:26:01 #4955 №133228 
Look how cool Yandex Browser is, why nobody gives a shit about that fact
Anonymous  04/03/25 Втр 05:49:02 #4956 №133229 
Anonymous  04/03/25 Втр 07:03:26 #4957 №133230 
You can't stop a man who wants all countrymen to die. He is so disconnected from reality he probably gets daily briefs his troops are about to take Moscow.
Objectively we saw two men argue and slightly disrespect each other on the world stage, but only one of them had their hand out begging for money.
Anonymous  04/03/25 Втр 09:28:06 #4958 №133231 
They are maybe his countryman, but they are not his kin. Dude is a jew.
Anonymous  04/03/25 Втр 09:30:24 #4959 №133232 
Thank God. But what about intelligence support ? Is it still on ?
Anonymous  04/03/25 Втр 15:06:17 #4960 №133233 
It's actually a bit more complicated than that. Zelensky is just a representative of the Deep State (yes, I'm a schizo too, like the Portuguese poster). Zelensky is backed by people no less powerful than the white house. Trump declared war on the deep state by abolishing their artery of power called USAID. Trump and Putin are fighting on the same side, but are not direct allies.
Anonymous  04/03/25 Втр 18:17:01 #4961 №133237 
Ukrainian media are in mourning today. They report that Xavier Miley has deleted all photos of Zelensky from his social networks.

The information has not yet been confirmed
Anonymous  04/03/25 Втр 20:16:19 #4962 №133239 
I'm not sure how free the speech is here, but yes, his actual countrymen fled in the first few days as only outbound flights to Israel were allowed. Every other man was stopped at the border and actively hunted and deported. They're now kidnapped in the streets. Further, Zelensky made it clear he intends to turn Ukraine into "Greater Israel" as reported by many countries - ie. after the war is eventually over the Ukrainians in israel will return and establish Greater Israel with millions of foreign brown cattle to do their bidding.
Anonymous  04/03/25 Втр 21:00:08 #4963 №133240 
HellOOOOOO, mate.
Anonymous  05/03/25 Срд 06:12:10 #4964 №133250 
Anonymous  06/03/25 Чтв 00:10:21 #4965 №133270 
It looks like they're even conscripting ukrainian children to fight now, might as well call it a genocide
Anonymous  06/03/25 Чтв 02:00:12 #4966 №133273 
Anonymous  06/03/25 Чтв 02:01:13 #4967 №133274 
Anonymous  06/03/25 Чтв 02:39:18 #4968 №133275 
Source: Rosstat, Ministry of... Russia
Anonymous  06/03/25 Чтв 03:13:50 #4969 №133276 

Yes, they will definitely lie to make their stats differ from the world bank's analytics and look suspicious [SARCASM]

Anonymous  06/03/25 Чтв 03:19:01 #4970 №133277 
>No poverty
>No hunger
>Good Health and Well-Being

How strange...
Anonymous  06/03/25 Чтв 03:31:20 #4971 №133278 
Have any of the Russians here felt the sanctions?
Anonymous  06/03/25 Чтв 15:11:36 #4972 №133279 

Anonymous  06/03/25 Чтв 16:04:51 #4973 №133280 
Reasons for the initiative to ban SpeedTest in Russia

The main reason why SpeedTest was banned in Russia was the suspicion that Ookla, the developer of SpeedTest, was cooperating with the US intelligence services. Experts note that the data collected by the service could potentially be used to create a system of test monitoring of communication networks in the interests of US intelligence services.

The International Academy of Communications, which made the initial proposal to ban SpeedTest in Russia, justified its position by the potential threat to national security. According to the Academy's experts, the information collected by SpeedTest can be used to organize large-scale DDoS attacks on Russian Internet resources.

Anonymous  06/03/25 Чтв 16:12:08 #4974 №133281 
Trump to revoke legal status of 240K+ Ukrainians who fled to the US: Report

What goes around comes around
Anonymous  06/03/25 Чтв 18:53:02 #4975 №133285 
The direction in which the Ukrainian fled is also an intelligence test. The only country in the world where Ukrainians are loved is Russia.

t. Ukrainian
Anonymous  06/03/25 Чтв 19:25:42 #4976 №133287 
Anonymous  06/03/25 Чтв 21:54:52 #4977 №133289 
I don't think their lives are too bad here in germany either, I've talked to some ukrainians and they seem to be doing well, don't know how long it will last because europe is run by idiots, so maybe russia and china are better long term
Anonymous  06/03/25 Чтв 22:42:19 #4978 №133290 
Portuguese bro be like:
Lightshot? Nao nao! It's made in Russia, 100% affiliated to the FSB, they printscr the porn I watch to store in their Soviet archives in the depths of Siberia.
SpeedTest? Not affiliated with FSB in any way, so it's safe, now I'm going to check my internet to once again marvel at how fast it is.
Anonymous  06/03/25 Чтв 23:08:40 #4979 №133291 
Most of them don't work and exist at your expense. Of course their life is not that bad, haha. My point is different: a Ukrainian can be deported from Europe at Zelensky's request, and there were even attempts to implement such an initiative, but apparently they refused for reputational reasons, in Poland Ukrainian commissioners in 2023 checked documents of some conscripts with Poles' permission, I saw some videos on this topic.
Ukrainians should realize that all these western countries are foreign, Ukrainians are their own people only in Belarus and Russia. We will never be our own people in Europe, the mistake was that we decided to separate from our natural environment, this is a terrible and stupid mistake. Russia is the safest country for Ukrainians, no one will ever deport you from here. Russia cannot be defeated, only very uneducated people think so. Russia can only be defeated from within, but the political regime here is very stable, Russians are happy with everything, many Russophobes have become Russophiles, as the war of 2022 answered all their questions about suspicious actions of the government. However, the war between Russia and Ukraine is a historic defeat for both countries, regardless of who started it first.
Anonymous  07/03/25 Птн 00:28:02 #4980 №133292 
I can use the Portuguese one
Anonymous  07/03/25 Птн 01:39:49 #4981 №133293 
Lol is this real
Anonymous  07/03/25 Птн 02:29:08 #4982 №133294 
You got it wrong with (you)
Anonymous  07/03/25 Птн 03:20:03 #4983 №133295 
What password manager do you use?
The best one in your opinion?

Kaspersky allows you to store up to five keys for free. But this is actually enough for the base. In Russia, there is a concept of ecosystems using which you can log in to 90% of official places: the main ones are VK ID, Yandex ID and the not-so-important Sber ID (access to GigaChat, Gitverse, neural networks and Sberbank services) - through all of them you can log in to almost any official Russian site. You could say it's like Apple or Google Accounts, but unlike the American concept, all of them are interchangeable with logging in through Gosuslugi. So for complete happiness you only need to keep your password from Gosuslugi and Telegram, because the latter is not connected to Russia in any way except the FSB, kek
Anonymous  07/03/25 Птн 05:54:55 #4984 №133296 
Following the departure from Russia of the largest foreign labels - Warner Music, Universal Music and Sony Music - Russian companies have significantly increased their financial indicators. Kommersant's analysis shows that the revenues and profits of Russian labels have increased by 50-60%, while new projects launched over the past two years have shown a multiple growth.
The leader in terms of revenue was First Music Publishing, which increased by 53% to 2.6 billion rubles. The company's net profit increased by 58%, reaching RUR 747 mln. Lotus Music (Emin, HammAli & Navai, LSP), owned by former top manager of Warner Music Bakhtiyar Aliev, increased its revenue 3.8 times to 431.4 mln rubles. “MTS Label” (part of MTS Media) reported a 20-fold increase in revenue, and its catalog expanded by 68%.
Market participants attribute the growth to an increase in the audience of streaming services. According to estimates, the volume of the Russian music streaming market in 2023 exceeded 32 billion rubles.


Foreign labels be like:
"Now let's leave Russia and Russians won't have music..."
Anonymous  07/03/25 Птн 14:34:38 #4985 №133299 
Bitwarden but I need to change to an offline FOSS alternative.
Anonymous  07/03/25 Птн 16:51:50 #4986 №133302 
I use KeePassXC as an offline alternative because of the 256-bit encryption. There is no neural network in the world yet that can break this encryption. It's also free.
Anonymous  07/03/25 Птн 18:32:54 #4987 №133303 
>t. Ukrainian

Anonymous  07/03/25 Птн 19:10:53 #4988 №133304 
Anonymous  07/03/25 Птн 19:22:08 #4989 №133305 
get back to your cage https://2ch.hk/dev/
Anonymous  07/03/25 Птн 19:41:20 #4990 №133307 
>>123465 (OP)
Anonymous  07/03/25 Птн 21:58:03 #4991 №133314 

I believe that full European support of the war should be done without Russian gas, oil, industrial metal and other rare earth elements. What am I wrong about?
Anonymous  08/03/25 Суб 00:16:47 #4992 №133315 
Anonymous  08/03/25 Суб 04:51:45 #4993 №133320 
Translate from Ukrainian:
The average salary in Ukraine may increase threefold after the signing of the minerals agreement with the United States. Other “pluses” for Ukrainians include increased pensions, new jobs, social benefits, improved infrastructure and medical protection, Doctor of Economics Andriy Dligach shared his forecast with the Times of Ukraine channel.

“Every citizen will benefit because the economy will start to work more actively,” he explained.

Anonymous  08/03/25 Суб 04:52:36 #4994 №133321 
Anonymous  08/03/25 Суб 05:03:24 #4995 №133322 
From ukrainian source:

I believe Putin, we are doing very well with Russia. But now they are bombing Ukraine. To be honest, it's more difficult for me with Ukraine, and they have no trump cards,” Trump.
We are going to get things back on track with the deal.We're going to have a meeting in Saudi Arabia.We're going to talk about the ceasefire and getting the negotiations back on track,” National Security Advisor Waltz said.
I need to know if Ukraine wants to settle the conflict.If they don't want a settlement, we're out of there,” Trump said.He goes on to talk about the $350 billion he has been given.


I walk around on Ukrainian channels and judging by the reaction, Ukrainians don't really want peace, that Ukrainians are tired of war is a false misconception. Ukrainians want war to the last Ukrainian.
Anonymous  08/03/25 Суб 05:10:43 #4996 №133323 
Anonymous  08/03/25 Суб 05:16:54 #4997 №133324 
Anonymous  08/03/25 Суб 17:19:06 #4998 №133334 
The AFU in Sudzha is in panic.
Ukrainian war correspondents say that up to a company of Russian soldiers has sneaked into the rear of the AFU in Sudzha, through the GAS PIPE, which was used to pump gas to the European Union (the main gas distribution station is located in Sudzha).
THROUGH THE GAS PIPE, KARL! The city is now being stormed not only from all sides, but from the inside as well, lol

Anonymous  08/03/25 Суб 22:13:24 #4999 №133339 
AI or original voice?
Anonymous  08/03/25 Суб 23:58:02 #5000 №133340 
Original voice. Here's an example from a TV show that he stole from the host right as it was telecast:

Or an abrupt change of scenario:
The videos themselves are a collection of combat and survival tips, only five of the 17 here. Maybe I'll translate one if I have time.
Anonymous  09/03/25 Вск 00:24:49 #5001 №133342 
Dekockholed. Liberated. Returned.

The captured kockholes will wash and clean this.

Anonymous  09/03/25 Вск 00:27:15 #5002 №133343 
Anonymous  09/03/25 Вск 00:37:30 #5003 №133344 
Shariy says a couple posts later that the russian war correspondents were wrong and according to his information Pyaterochka is still in enemy hands.

Anonymous  09/03/25 Вск 00:44:56 #5004 №133345 
Captured by Zelensky, but not broken
Anonymous  09/03/25 Вск 00:50:39 #5005 №133346 
Anonymous  09/03/25 Вск 00:58:44 #5006 №133347 
Some Ukrainian refugee (or Russian relocant) is once again unhappy with Europe:
The essence of the problem: the lid is closed, but still leaks liquid when shaking. Same with cola.
Is this true?
Anonymous  09/03/25 Вск 01:02:24 #5007 №133348 
Or is it because of the lid holder that you can't unhook the lid from, I don't understand.
Anonymous  09/03/25 Вск 01:03:50 #5008 №133349 
Anonymous  09/03/25 Вск 13:47:48 #5009 №133356 
Anonymous  09/03/25 Вск 16:10:55 #5010 №133357 
The international airport in the German city of Hamburg has suspended its work amid strikes organised by the Verdi trade union. Information about this appeared on the website of the air harbour.

The union is demanding an increase in salaries for employees and is trying to attract the attention of airport management, which refuses to discuss Verdi's demands.
What Germany is good at is aggressive trade unions.
Anonymous  09/03/25 Вск 16:14:21 #5011 №133358 
>What Germany is good at is
Anonymous  09/03/25 Вск 16:19:46 #5012 №133359 
I doubt it's a German inscription
More like Danish or Norwegian
Anonymous  09/03/25 Вск 19:26:36 #5013 №133361 
Russian citizens keep investing in NATO countries
Anonymous  09/03/25 Вск 19:40:16 #5014 №133362 
Just as citizens of NATO countries continue to invest in Russia. Or do you think all foreign companies left Russia, not a measly 40%, many of which returned under subsidiary brands? There are a lot of smart people with their own value system among entrepreneurs.
Anonymous  09/03/25 Вск 19:41:11 #5015 №133363 
Anonymous  09/03/25 Вск 19:52:52 #5016 №133365 
>"-I literally challenged Putin to one on one physical combat over Ukraine"
Clown world
Anonymous  09/03/25 Вск 19:59:20 #5017 №133366 
Big mans solve their own issues. Small mans must be quiet.
Anonymous  09/03/25 Вск 21:14:50 #5018 №133368 
>6 faggots
Deepstate recognizes Russian victory over yesterday's disputed territories. TOTAL RUSSIAN VICTORY.

Anonymous  09/03/25 Вск 23:30:43 #5019 №133370 
Air India plane turned around over the Atlantic due to overflowing toilets

Anonymous  09/03/25 Вск 23:33:33 #5020 №133371 
Passengers filled 11 of the 12 toilets in just five hours of flight time. On a flight from Chicago to Delhi, there was only one working toilet left - in business class.
The pilots realized to their horror - they needed to return to avoid a “fecal collapse.” As a result, the Indian plane was cleaned for two more days in Chicago.
It is noted that the aircraft in question was traveling from Chicago to Delhi on March 5. On board the plane were about three hundred passengers.
The flight to the capital of India was to last 14 hours. The airliner flew over Canada and Greenland before the commander decided to terminate the flight. The aircraft was turned over the Atlantic and returned to the airport of departure for technical reasons.

Anonymous  10/03/25 Пнд 02:55:39 #5021 №133372 
Anonymous  10/03/25 Пнд 08:54:04 #5022 №133374 
Anonymous  10/03/25 Пнд 17:12:51 #5023 №133380 

Beautiful lovres
Anonymous  10/03/25 Пнд 18:35:53 #5024 №133383 
This woman is the head of the Safe Internet League, i.e. she is actually in charge of all Internet censorship in Russia.
This man is a walking meme: https://youtu.be/jVKlZd5LMBs

Just imagine what their children will be like
Anonymous  10/03/25 Пнд 18:38:19 #5025 №133384 
Anonymous  10/03/25 Пнд 19:02:07 #5026 №133385 
Trump will not resume military aid to Ukraine until Zelensky resigns as president

It is noted that the US president sees Zelensky as an obstacle rather than a partner.

Anonymous  10/03/25 Пнд 19:04:50 #5027 №133386 
I wonder what kind of cult we're talking about?
Anonymous  10/03/25 Пнд 19:26:09 #5028 №133387 

They want to stop the vrill
Anonymous  10/03/25 Пнд 22:13:34 #5029 №133390 
>the vrill
Couldn't figure out what it was for a long time until I found an article on the wiki. Is this it?

Of course I realize that's rofl on your part, but it's still interesting.
Anonymous  11/03/25 Втр 00:42:03 #5030 №133392 
87036b61eab00e594c7a92643940c3be87b6667b990203cff5e01ce37a5a042b (1).mp4
Anonymous  11/03/25 Втр 01:54:02 #5031 №133393 
>>133288 →
a better question would be "if Portugal is the Ukraine of Iberia/Iberian Peninsula"
Anonymous  11/03/25 Втр 02:51:28 #5032 №133394 
Anonymous  11/03/25 Втр 11:50:11 #5033 №133400 
Sons of whores didn't let me sleep tonight.

The guy from the video died in the hospital.
Anonymous  11/03/25 Втр 11:59:56 #5034 №133401 
All the drones are stuffed with metal balls for more hitting power, and all the targets are apartment buildings, parking lots, and civilian objects like stores, so definitely the goal was to cause as much damage to civilians as possible.
Preliminary 20 casualties. If it wasn't for the air defense, it could have been a lot more. The terrorist regime is trying to derail the peace talks by provoking Putin.
Anonymous  11/03/25 Втр 12:21:01 #5035 №133403 
If they don't show this on European TV as an obvious act of terror, I will stop respecting the EU altogether.
Anonymous  11/03/25 Втр 12:25:57 #5036 №133404 
Anonymous  11/03/25 Втр 12:40:35 #5037 №133405 
Looks like strategic military village
Anonymous  11/03/25 Втр 13:42:26 #5038 №133410 
>The pro-Palestinian hacker group Dark Storm soon claimed responsibility for the incident. Most likely, the attackers used proxy servers or infected devices in different countries to hide their true location.
Interesting answer.
Anonymous  11/03/25 Втр 17:32:50 #5039 №133411 

The strat seems smart, Blend in with your surroundings. Only time will tell. Wish Russia Well
Anonymous  11/03/25 Втр 18:05:49 #5040 №133414 
Thanks bro
Anonymous  11/03/25 Втр 18:08:55 #5041 №133415 
or sister*


I found out today that my only internet pen pal, with whom I shared my husband's secrets, turned out to be a woman. Lol
Anonymous  11/03/25 Втр 18:20:30 #5042 №133416 

np, bro
Anonymous  11/03/25 Втр 18:41:27 #5043 №133417 

How has the U.S. changed from the inside with the advent of trump? Have you noticed anything?
Anonymous  11/03/25 Втр 18:52:37 #5044 №133418 

Gulf of America is the main one, but other than that not much. Federal prosecutors are being required to focus on immigration tho
Anonymous  11/03/25 Втр 19:39:31 #5045 №133419 

How about you in russia?
Anonymous  11/03/25 Втр 21:00:22 #5046 №133421 
The important thing here is to keep you happy
The sons of whores from a neighboring state keep me awake, but I endure
Anonymous  11/03/25 Втр 22:44:26 #5047 №133423 

Everytime they show ukraine, they show democracy

Everytime I think of ukraine, I think of the Kerch Polytechnic.
Anonymous  12/03/25 Срд 13:59:01 #5048 №133433 
Anonymous  13/03/25 Чтв 00:08:48 #5049 №133444 
>>133428 →
Ó meu 'granda boi, filho de uma grandíssima putain, vai dar uma volta ao bilhar grande, ide apanhar na peida, cabrão de merda. Quem é mais escravo do "bifes" - uns paneleiros que cantam Sigma Boy, snickers e pensam 24/7 nos EUA e Reino Unido ou uns portugueses que chulam os estrangeiros. Mongol e khokol do caralho. Se não há povo mais escravo dos bifes, é o povo russo que morreu contra o Napoleão e o Adolfo, o pintor a mando dos britânicos e dos seus agentes.
Anonymous  13/03/25 Чтв 01:04:06 #5050 №133445 
>>133428 →
>While stationed in Moscow, Kerr took a liking in Evgeni [later Eugene Yost, a 24-year-old Volga German embassy butler who had got into legal trouble. At Kerr's personal request, Stalin granted him permission to leave the Soviet Union to become Kerr's masseur and valet. Kerr jokingly referred to Yost as "a Russian slave given to me by Stalin".
Anonymous  13/03/25 Чтв 10:53:38 #5051 №133449 
General Putin.mp4
It's a sign
Anonymous  13/03/25 Чтв 18:26:42 #5052 №133451 
swed finn.jpg
Anonymous  14/03/25 Птн 03:04:22 #5053 №133455 
>>123465 (OP)
i hate niggers
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