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24 декабря 2023 г. Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна. Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:08:47 #1 №103170211 
I couldn't upload the fullsize files here, see: http://imgur.com/a/kW7PB
привет! Hello everyone, I'm an American. I was told I should post here on 2ch and that you guys find me exotic or some such thing. I'm here to answer any questions you have about me and what I can answer about my country. Please keep in mind that though I've written in Russian on the paper slip I'm not actually able to understand the language unfortunately. And I'm sorry about the discrepancy between the timestamp and the current time, I had some difficulty with finding the button to make a thread and with the captcha.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:12:50 #2 №103170298 
Америкосы не могут постить на дваче. Пошел нахуй.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:14:38 #3 №103170329 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:15:26 #4 №103170348 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:17:30 #5 №103170392 
>>103170211 (OP)
What force brought you here?

Are you into sports? What college have you attended?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:18:21 #6 №103170416 
>>103170211 (OP)
You're waiting for Fallout 4?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:21:59 #7 №103170486 
I was told this means that I'm fishing for attention, I'm really not, I assure you. I was told to post here.
Someone from an imageboard let me know about this place and that I should post here. I'm not into sports really though I grew up watching the Los Angeles Lakers and I was a major fan of them for a long time until recent years as they've become terribly worse. I've attended college but only for a very short time and it wasn't even a full enrollment, I didn't have more than a couple classes a week and nothing good came out of it as the classes were really a scam.
I actually don't play videogames, though I was raised with Nintendo and as a kid I was glued to the Gamecube.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:22:45 #8 №103170507 
Ты мне вот что скажи, american: хуи сосешь?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:24:27 #9 №103170543 
>I was told this means that I'm fishing for attention, I'm really not, I assure you. I was told to post here.
This means that your picture too large to look. Make it smaller.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:24:29 #10 №103170545 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:26:08 #11 №103170588 
>>103170211 (OP)
If you were told to suicide, would you?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:26:28 #12 №103170599 
I had to upload the pictures as thumbnails due to the fact that the full sized pictures weren't accepted. I put the full sized pictures on Imgur.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:26:44 #13 №103170607 
>>103170211 (OP)
Hey, how many you pay for internet?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:26:49 #14 №103170611 
>>103170211 (OP)
Hi man i luv US, but i can't imigration((
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:27:51 #15 №103170637 
>>103170211 (OP)
Do you like Putin? What Americans think about him?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:28:46 #16 №103170659 
>>103170211 (OP)
Go to forchan amerikan pindos pig
I ll paste url to forchan
U pindos destructor
Stop sanctions
Fuck monkey obama
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:28:59 #17 №103170664 
Well, I did it for you.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:29:02 #18 №103170668 
No, at least not immediately, over time perhaps. Being on the Internet I've been told many times to kill myself.
My parents, not I, pay something like $40/month and our speed is 40mb down / 8mb up.
</3 I'm sorry man, I think Russians would make much better immigrants than the ones we're getting now.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:29:10 #19 №103170671 
>>103170211 (OP)
Fuking shakal!
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:29:46 #20 №103170684 
>>103170211 (OP)
How do you feel about heterosexuals?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:30:29 #21 №103170700 
>No, at least not immediately, over time perhaps. Being on the Internet I've been told many times to kill myself.
Now you can join 2ch family, анон.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:30:42 #22 №103170705 
Более-менее нормальный размер, а то этот поехавший картинки слишком большие загружает. >>103170664
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:31:17 #23 №103170720 
>>103170211 (OP)
Putin is God or a false god?

гугль переводчик ыыыыы
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:31:50 #24 №103170732 
I'm mostly indifferent to him. I think Putin does what any leader would do to protect their own country's interests and as a result he ends up getting a bad rap for it just like the US does with all of our endeavors in the Middle East.
Obama? I didn't vote for him and I don't endorse him.
Thank you!
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:31:56 #25 №103170735 
And it's normal price? Do you have plan with 100mb/s?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:32:21 #26 №103170739 
Lol, internet in syberia krasnoyarsk cost ~7$ 40up/down - day 100mb - night.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:33:13 #27 №103170762 
Why you come in 2ch, if we almost talk in English with you?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:33:13 #28 №103170763 
Ну так у них же зарплаты в долларовом эквиваленте.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:33:29 #29 №103170772 
>>103170211 (OP)
What's the tastiest fastfood restaurant in your area? I mean in Russia the highest level of fastfood chain is Carl's Jr. What do you like most?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:33:58 #30 №103170780 
Why KFC for niggers?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:34:29 #31 №103170794 
I'm generally against them, if there was a war against them I would gladly join it to fight them.
I feel at home in all but the language spoken :^)
We do have that kind of speed here but not in my area as far as I know. That kind of speed is from what I know mostly found in large cities whereas I live in a mostly rural area.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:35:22 #32 №103170816 
>>103170211 (OP)
Nice to see some diversity, we don't get much of it here.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:36:07 #33 №103170827 
>I'm generally against them, if there was a war against them I would gladly join it to fight them.
What do you choose? Fork in the eye? Or anal sex?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:36:49 #34 №103170842 
>>103170211 (OP)
Do you speak any other languages? Or only English?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:36:54 #35 №103170844 
Блядь, да даже в Москве негры в кфц ходят. Это генетическое.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:38:18 #36 №103170873 
>~7$ 40up/down - day 100mb - night.
На русском: Говна купил, у меня за эти деньги круглосуточно 100 мегабит.
In English: Shit bought, I have for the money round the clock 100 megabits.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:39:51 #37 №103170902 
>>103170211 (OP)
Fuck you, bitch, suka, i hate usa and you, your goverment kill people, also in your country too much propaganda about bad Russia. i really want you die
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:40:00 #38 №103170903 
Good choice for a board, man.
We have bigger and better webms with sound.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:42:16 #39 №103170947 
Perhaps you mean that the English spoken here isn't good? But I'm able to understand it. I don't mind if there's some miscommunication at points.
I think Jack In The Box is what's considered the most upscale fast food establishment in my town, we don't have Carl's Jr. I personally prefer Subway however.
Niggers really enjoy fried chicken.
I'm glad to be of assistance.
The best punishment for the heteros or 'breeders' if you will is sexual enslavement.
I speak a very small amount of Spanish, perhaps enough to strike a conversation for a short time. I want to learn more and to learn other languages but I'd be lying if I said I know anything else. I've played around with the Ukrainian course on Duolingo however. I know how to say for example: я люблю каву. I'm not more than a few lessons in however.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:42:35 #40 №103170955 
I'd like to say hello to you, our american friend. Please don't think that russia is a citadel of evil, no matter what your politicians tells you. We are a good people mostly, and we want to live in peace.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:44:08 #41 №103170993 
> я люблю каву
Слава Украине!
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:44:55 #42 №103171013 
Ну що тут можно сказати? Слава Україні!
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:45:37 #43 №103171031 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:45:47 #44 №103171039 
I don't think your serious honestly. I know there are many Americans out there with an anti-Russian outlook but I'm not one of them, I don't think America is any more special than Russia or deserves better treatment internationally. I hope you understand that some Americans really have no ill will for Russia, most in fact don't really know much about Russia.
I'm used to webms with sound though.. (KC)
I'm with you on that, I don't want any conflict between our countries.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:46:35 #45 №103171060 
Do you have such a dollchan tools? Pic strongly related. Easier scrolling and posting, infographics and etc.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:48:07 #46 №103171094 
>I've played around with the Ukrainian course on Duolingo however.
Seriously? Why this language? It isn't so popular.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:49:00 #47 №103171118 
> I'm with you on that, I don't want any conflict between our countries.
Yes, i want live in peace too, but i don't think it's possible;
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:50:08 #48 №103171152 
the hell is that thing near your sup /b ?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:51:53 #49 №103171200 
>I'm with you on that, I don't want any conflict between our countries.
You're disgusting fag, a moral monster. Fuck in the ass. Licking cum. Fuck Gayrope. Go away, pidor.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:52:02 #50 №103171203 
героям слава!
I haven't tried dollchan, I'm kinda skeptical of it and I don't use KC enough to really make use of it.
I wanted to try out a slavic language and at least at the time that was the only one on there. I heard they were working on a course for Russian as well though.
I think we'll be alright, at least so far there is no direct military conflict between us and I don't think it'll get to that point any time soon.
I'm not sure what you're referring to.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:52:30 #51 №103171213 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:52:32 #52 №103171214 
What is KC you mentioned?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:54:56 #53 №103171269 
Krautchan /int/
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:55:12 #54 №103171275 
>I'm not sure what you're referring to.
I mean this witness with CALIFORNIA, what is this
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:55:40 #55 №103171291 
Our TV everyday says bad thing about USA and good about our military power, i think on usa channels you can see something simular.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:58:02 #56 №103171345 
давайте опа както затроллим
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 08:58:37 #57 №103171361 
My ID card?
Definitely, our main channels have always painted our rivals under the banner of "The Axis of Evil", it's generally accepted by the media that any country not allied with our interests (or those of our government) is inherently evil.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:00:22 #58 №103171407 
This is to large isn't it?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:02:01 #59 №103171450 
The ID card? It's not too big, it fits snugly in my wallet, it's just vertically oriented for some reason.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:04:26 #60 №103171510 
>The ID card? It's not too big, it fits snugly in my wallet, it's just vertically oriented for some reason.
why is so much paper on it?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:04:48 #61 №103171519 
Соме реасон.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:05:28 #62 №103171534 
Jesam srbin
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:06:00 #63 №103171546 
London is the capital of greab britain.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:06:43 #64 №103171563 
briliant anglish
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:06:46 #65 №103171564 
>I'm an American
go away, pidor
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:06:47 #66 №103171565 
I didn't want to give out too much info, they put a lot about you on the card, enough to identify you with given the city and the photo.
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:07:09 #67 №103171579 
Толстишь, так не говорят о своем незнании языка
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:07:10 #68 №103171580 
mein name is adolf
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:07:45 #69 №103171593 
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:08:00 #70 №103171602 
>>103170211 (OP)
pidoraha nezametna, sazhi
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:08:31 #71 №103171619 
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:09:28 #72 №103171641 
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:10:05 #73 №103171661 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:10:12 #74 №103171663 
>>103170211 (OP)
Why haven't you switched to Linux yet? What's stopping you?
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:11:27 #75 №103171695 
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:12:11 #76 №103171712 
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:12:54 #77 №103171737 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:13:30 #78 №103171757 
I didn't read a tread.
OP, In the Internet there are a lot of videos where police kills citizens without any reason, does it happen often in USA?
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:13:53 #79 №103171765 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:14:30 #80 №103171780 
What did you say bout may sirno?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:14:38 #81 №103171784 
White man doesn't have to fuck with linux, when there is comfortable mac and windows.
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:14:47 #82 №103171787 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:15:25 #83 №103171804 
up 5 days, 22:11, load average: 0.35, 0.60, 0.69
I can only go by the videos that are released, I haven't had any problems with the police though they're to be avoided generally.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:15:39 #84 №103171812 
Yeah, everybody know - if you see any cop nearby, you need to take cover.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:15:46 #85 №103171817 
Пиздец мразь
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:15:56 #86 №103171820 
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:16:21 #87 №103171832 
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:16:55 #88 №103171849 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:17:01 #89 №103171853 
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:17:12 #90 №103171857 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:17:24 #91 №103171859 
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:17:35 #92 №103171864 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:18:13 #93 №103171878 
Видно, что автор рузке, ибо предложения построены по руссзке граматическим правилам и применены крнструкции русзке. Петух не умеет в ангрйски синтаксис.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:18:33 #94 №103171885 
Hello everyone, chinese here! Ask your answers.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:19:14 #95 №103171907 
Палишься, умник.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:19:27 #96 №103171914 
Did you suck koks, mandarian?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:20:14 #97 №103171936 
Wanna some Syberia?
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:21:47 #98 №103171971 
>Eye color description on a passport.
Fucking hell. Do you need to fill form for your dick size too?
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:21:53 #99 №103171974 
ОПхуй и пиздабол. Обоссал его тупую жирную мамашу, саганул и скрыл нахуй эту хуйню.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:22:57 #100 №103171996 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:24:29 #101 №103172028 
Go to hui
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:25:03 #102 №103172046 
Go to hui
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:25:08 #103 №103172049 
Юнайтэд статес из а бульщит! Вудъю лайк ту сак му боллз? Go nyashitsa pod pledickom.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:25:13 #104 №103172053 
We have our height and weight listed as well, when I took the photo for the ID card I had to remove my glasses so the eye color would show up in the photo. They also have you scan your thumb in a machine every time you go to the DMV for each part of the process.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:26:30 #105 №103172103 
Did you seen your debt?
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:27:27 #106 №103172122 
>>103170211 (OP)
Oi, fuckboy, check this box, so we could know that you is you.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:27:45 #107 №103172128 
Hello, Atlantidian here, ask your questions.
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:28:06 #108 №103172138 
You like to fuck each other in the ass?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:28:07 #109 №103172141 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:28:39 #110 №103172153 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:30:20 #111 №103172200 
Абу огороди от ереси неродной!
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:30:50 #112 №103172212 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:31:48 #113 №103172239 
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 09:32:04 #114 №103172246 
I don't have any loans.
Oh thanks, it doesn't show on the popup form, only on the bottom of the page.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:32:51 #115 №103172280 
your govt has
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:33:15 #116 №103172290 
Гайс, а есть сайты где к примеру, ты ищешь себе партнера чтобы взаимно обучаться языкам? То есть, допустим, я native speaker of russian и есть некто, кто хочет учиться рашшн лэнгвидж, а я хочу обучиться его эспаньолу или френчу и мы такие друг другу способствуем по мере сил.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:33:55 #117 №103172310 
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 09:34:36 #118 №103172335 
I suppose that's a problem for the government, there's nothing I can do about their spending habits.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:34:40 #119 №103172336 
Ты же понимаешь, что чайниз кал любой хуй может с алиэскпресса заказать?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:35:25 #120 №103172359 
Yeah, man, you better learn some russian 'couse we gonna liberate you some time soonish.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:35:28 #121 №103172360 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:35:47 #122 №103172371 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:36:57 #123 №103172395 
Y dont u love heterosexuals, dude? i'm curious about that.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:37:48 #124 №103172425 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:38:47 #125 №103172454 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:38:48 #126 №103172456 
И я тоже твою маму ебал. Ну серьезно, что-то от этого треда я дико угорел по общению с носителями языка, неужто никто не придумал сайта, где поехавшие, подобные мне, могли бы кооперироваться?
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:39:48 #127 №103172492 
Оп пиздабол. Сага скрыл
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 09:40:06 #128 №103172507 
How can one love heteros? It's a sin to be attracted to the opposite sex.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:40:57 #129 №103172532 
Here's chinese rozetka
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:41:26 #130 №103172550 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:43:20 #131 №103172620 
В голос блеать!
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:43:38 #132 №103172627 
>>103170211 (OP)
Are you from NAMBLA? We have many schoolboys here. Please take them to your country.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:44:52 #133 №103172671 
I hope u r not seroious. The Almighty God told us, that opposite sex is the only choice. And if u still doubt - girls got boobs, and it's so attractive!
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:45:56 #134 №103172699 
>How can one love heteros? It's a sin to be attracted to the opposite sex.

>How can one love heteros? It's a sin to be attracted to the opposite sex.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:46:03 #135 №103172705 
Yes, I would like to.
I simply don't think vagina can compete with a man's penis.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:47:42 #136 №103172766 
OP, have you ever seen any Russian movies? If yes, than which movies were that? And if not, would you be intrested?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:48:22 #137 №103172780 
Так то лучше. Предположим, что я тебе поверил. Пили кулстори - где конкретно ты живешь, как там оказался, нравится ли тебе и так далее.
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 09:49:01 #138 №103172803 
I forgot to mark ОП on this one
I don't go by the bible you go by.
I haven't but I would like to if there's some with English subtitles.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:49:21 #139 №103172814 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:49:22 #140 №103172816 
>OP, have you ever seen any Russian movies? If yes, than which movies were that? And if not, would you be intrested?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:49:49 #141 №103172833 
Interesting fact: One US dollar equals sixty six our wooden money. If you'll come to Russia, you'll be a rich man. All fresh pussy's will be yours.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:50:46 #142 №103172864 
It isn't just compete, it wins almost everytime. if u got opposite point i'm just sad for u, srsly.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:52:14 #143 №103172916 
itt gay murican invades 2ch
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:52:25 #144 №103172922 
Ти что, он же презирает гетеро, так что только если all fresh cocks and buttholes.
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 09:52:58 #145 №103172939 
Is this a lot of money?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:53:04 #146 №103172942 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:53:18 #147 №103172954 
Oh boy, here we go!
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:55:10 #148 №103173019 
>Is this a lot of money?
Enough to buy a big black doldo for your cancered fagot's ass.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:55:53 #149 №103173041 
Well, if you're talking about soviet films, there is absolutely no problem, they are mostly in public domain, and you can find them even on youtube and with subtitles too. Here I googled first that came into my mind (I like this one):
It might be more difficult with newer films, but if you have something particular in mind, I can help you with that. At least the hyped ones (like Leviathan) should definately be on the internet and translated.
How about literature? I was always interested how much foreigners know about our culture.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:56:26 #150 №103173070 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:56:29 #151 №103173076 
На севере Китая. Chinese Government Scholarship на магистратуру. Да, хотя китайская еда не нравится.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:57:40 #152 №103173119 
300$ is a average monthly wage/salary here, babyboy.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:58:07 #153 №103173134 
Кунг Фу панду знаешь?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:59:43 #154 №103173191 
Sup OP
I'm russian living in CA
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 09:59:57 #155 №103173201 
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 10:00:35 #156 №103173222 
I'll definitely watch that one, thanks for the link. As for literature I've never really been one for reading, I read articles and such but books have never been my fortay, I know that's a problem with Americans..
Oh :( that's not much here.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:00:35 #157 №103173223 
Сам туда отправился или кто-то подсобил?
Как там в целом? Бурятки норм?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:01:06 #158 №103173242 
Bay area
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:01:29 #159 №103173258 
I can live like two weeks on this.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:02:00 #160 №103173282 
>Sup OP
>I'm russian living in CA
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:02:40 #161 №103173306 
Панд не видел, хотя где-то рядом должен быть зоопарк. Есть дохрена мест, которые стоит посетить, но “можно вывести сыча из сычевальни, а вот сыча из сыча никогда”.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:02:41 #162 №103173307 
да вы, батенька, боярен!
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:02:47 #163 №103173316 
Are you US Ambassador?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:03:17 #164 №103173334 
Снежный Дэн.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:03:44 #165 №103173358 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:04:05 #166 №103173367 
Mr. Snowden, what are you doing here?
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 10:04:28 #167 №103173377 
That's cool, I'm in SoCal. How do you like the Bay Area?
Here that much is about a quarter of one week's rent.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:06:09 #168 №103173433 
Bunch of hipsters, fags and it-hipster fags
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:06:27 #169 №103173445 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:08:26 #170 №103173529 
you pay 800 monthly? In bay area you cant rent a doghouse for this much
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:09:30 #171 №103173571 
>504=200 2004=800
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:09:47 #172 №103173581 
No Jack.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:10:22 #173 №103173599 
>>103170211 (OP)
OP, 4chan's Yotsuba Blue works on this board, too, check it out if you have Stylish for FF\Chrome
Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/96CBTLH9
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:10:32 #174 №103173608 
Bout rent: why so much muricans rent houses or flats, but not buying them? Is it cost too much? In russia, almost everybody tries to buy a shity flat so it could be owned. Very curios about this topic.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:11:41 #175 №103173651 
In some stated flats and houses are SO EXPENSIVE

sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:13:15 #176 №103173706 
Пидоры используют архаизмы из советских учебников ангрискова. Сажи уебкам.
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 10:13:30 #177 №103173713 
I don't rent a place but that's about what it costs in my area, between 600 USD and 1400 USD by the month.
I actually prefer Futaba, the red one.
Our cheapest housing comes in the form of condominiums, usually running $20,000 at the lowest and that's a lot of money for some people, those that can get a mortgage usually will buy a place eventually.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:14:25 #178 №103173741 
Отправился с помощью универа, но можешь и без него.
Учитывая стипендию в 3000 юаней - охуенно. Тянки как и везде - есть няшные, есть не очень.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:15:06 #179 №103173766 
i didnt use the word apartaments because i thought he may be he doesnt know it
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:16:00 #180 №103173797 
Значение знаешь?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:16:04 #181 №103173801 
>he may be he
проебался, но понял
But they still say flat in UK
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:17:45 #182 №103173859 
are you from LA or like some shitty place on mexican border?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:17:51 #183 №103173863 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:17:54 #184 №103173866 
OP, do you suck cocks? And how about doing a barrel?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:18:33 #185 №103173878 
Но он-то пиндос.
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 10:19:37 #186 №103173919 
I'm in the Central Valley of California, it is indeed a shitty place but it's not on the mexican border.
yes, yes
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:20:05 #187 №103173933 
but the guy who said flats first is rusian, he doesnt know
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:20:07 #188 №103173936 
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:20:13 #189 №103173939 
>>103170211 (OP)
gtfo, attentionwhore
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:21:22 #190 №103173977 
пидорахен в кубе, кричащий про гниющий запад, итт
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:21:23 #191 №103173978 
What porno do you like?
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:22:12 #192 №103174003 
Fuck you you fucking GAYmerican! You are all fat stupid faggots! You want to get control over the world, but the only thing you will get is Russian dick in your ass! Obama is nigger monkey shit who will lead your country to absolute destruction! CUMerica is going to stop existing soon, and your dollars are going to be used to wipe ass!
I am pissing on your face, peendos.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:22:20 #193 №103174006 
хохол порвался
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 10:22:25 #194 №103174009 
No, but thanks.
Gay Interracial & Brazilian
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:22:43 #195 №103174022 
I like BaileyJay. She's so cute!
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:23:27 #196 №103174053 
>если назвал пидорахой значит хохол!
Какой же ты тупой. Ссыканул тебе на еблет
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:24:01 #197 №103174074 
What at the popular memes on 4chan these days?
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:24:15 #198 №103174087 
>Gay Interracial & Brazilian
Это уже слишком толсто, даун TOO FAT, TRY AGAIN
Prosnis, ti obosralsya
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:24:45 #199 №103174113 
Петух не знает про брит.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:25:11 #200 №103174129 
Kek, Donetsk People's Republic and Shyngys.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:25:15 #201 №103174132 
Do you have HIV?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:25:37 #202 №103174150 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:25:38 #203 №103174151 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:26:07 #204 №103174167 
What are the of course
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:26:29 #205 №103174180 
What do you think about recent acquisition of 4chan by hiroyuki?
Also, name your waifu.
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 10:26:58 #206 №103174200 
I mostly use Krautchan and Livechan.
I was born with HIV.
I don't understand the question.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:27:07 #207 №103174203 
>>103170211 (OP)
I want US citizenship. Can you marry me? I'm male.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:27:10 #208 №103174207 
4chan sucks. My waifu is Socrates.
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:27:36 #209 №103174221 
Я думал в таком треде будут вопросы об эмиграции, жизни на западе и менталитете тамошнего населения, но надо же, набежала толпа припизднутых пидоранов, не знающих даже английского, в силу чего они срут прямо в гугл переводчик и заливают сюда весь свой сочный баребух.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:28:32 #210 №103174263 
Да успокойся ты уже. Заебал.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:28:34 #211 №103174265 
You've got cancer too?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:29:11 #212 №103174285 
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 10:29:21 #213 №103174296 
I'm not really concerned with 4chan. AshleyJ is my waifu.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:29:50 #214 №103174318 
Да знаю я. Я предпочитаю британский английский, вместо пиндоской хуйни. Comprende?
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:30:35 #215 №103174340 
А зачем мне знать английский? Я же не хипстерок, мечтающий съебать на запад. Мне нахуй не нужно знать язык врагов и предателей Родины.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:30:43 #216 №103174346 
Bro, would u join ISIS with me?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:31:39 #217 №103174381 
OP, what do you think about Trump?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:32:25 #218 №103174410 
How long doctors say you will live?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:33:13 #219 №103174448 
Do you love BBC? I know you know what I mean.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:33:17 #220 №103174450 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:33:17 #221 №103174451 
>об эмиграции
>сочный баребух
Cockhole in a nutshell.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:34:22 #222 №103174493 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:34:26 #223 №103174494 
Why america is gay country? And gayrope too.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:34:33 #224 №103174496 
It's so liberal. I mostly watch RT.
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 10:35:25 #225 №103174540 
I'm already serving ISIS.
I think he's a fraud and people are too trusting of him when his actions ought to speak louder than his words.
Of course, who doesn't?
Becuase homosexuality is superior.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:36:25 #226 №103174583 
>>103170211 (OP)
Are new PCs and PC parts very expensive in the US? Comparing 4chan's and 2ch's hardware threads, it looks like Americans have much better computers (unless they're console gamers). What say you?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:36:47 #227 №103174599 
Uh-oh, u'r faster than me :-(. CU in Ar-Raqqah, mujahid.
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 10:38:26 #228 №103174677 
I haven't yet built a PC though I'd like to one day, I'm not familiar with the prices of computer parts in general.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:39:46 #229 №103174730 
When will you die?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:39:53 #230 №103174738 
>>103170211 (OP)
>you guys find me exotic or some such thing
Lolwhat? Who the fuck are you anyway?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:41:05 #231 №103174797 
After sex with your mum, azazazaza
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 10:41:29 #232 №103174812 
In old age preferably.
That was what I was told. I'm just an American imageboard dweller.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:42:27 #233 №103174857 
So whats exotic in you? Nothing.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:42:33 #234 №103174861 
Not a /b/tard, may I hope?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:42:34 #235 №103174862 
How about blowing yourself up on the cause of ISIS ir dying from HIV?
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 10:44:10 #236 №103174917 
I...I guess.
As stated before I don't use 4chan.
I'm spreading HIV through various homosexual acts as part of my service to ISIS.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:44:37 #237 №103174941 
Russian and American folks are friends, aren't they?
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 10:46:12 #238 №103175009 
I would hope so!
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:50:29 #239 №103175204 
Do you recognise Nicolas Cage on private russian party?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:52:09 #240 №103175283 
Hey, OP, take a photo of your electric socket with a sup from OPpic in frame.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:53:07 #241 №103175327 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:53:28 #242 №103175338 
Op, are you fat?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:53:52 #243 №103175359 
Then what are your favorite boards (as sites, eg 2ch.hk) and boards (as boards on a site, eg /b/)? I only know one non-Russian image board :\
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 10:56:12 #244 №103175464 
OP, are you with us?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:00:24 #245 №103175664 
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 11:00:26 #246 №103175667 
Okay, I'll try to do that if I'm understanding correctly what you asked.
Krautchan, Livechan, I occasionally like to browse 8chan. I haven't used 4chan for a matter of years and most other English-speaking imageboards look down on 4chan posters.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:02:16 #247 №103175751 
OP, do you take drugs?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:03:07 #248 №103175803 
Yes, and dicks too.
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 11:03:39 #249 №103175835 
not unless you count coffee
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:08:13 #250 №103176047 
Either my eyes are deceiving me or you are not using Windows. Care to post your desktop here or in our desktop thread? https://2ch.hk/wp/res/49343.html
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 11:11:50 #251 №103176241 
I would but I'm just using default Puppy Linux with XFCE installed over it, I also hide the taskbar so you'd just see the default XFCE background with a couple icons.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:12:56 #252 №103176283 
Op which girl do you like more from these pics and why?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:13:50 #253 №103176334 
But he preferrs males.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:14:12 #254 №103176353 
Puppy Linux? Lol. Your laptop is so slow? Why you just dont buy new one?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:14:20 #255 №103176365 
Обе тянки. Но, если брать с целью продолжения рода и будущего оплодотворения, то — справа. У неё более широкие бедра, легче будет рожать.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:14:54 #256 №103176390 
Oh, really?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:15:03 #257 №103176396 
>справа. У неё более широкие бедра
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 11:15:39 #258 №103176425 
The left, it has visible tits whereas the other one...
I was just memeing friend.
I was running Mint before, the laptop is fine, it's just a complicated situation where it makes more sense to use Puppy.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:15:44 #259 №103176429 
Я проебал. Слева, конечно же.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:17:15 #260 №103176504 
So you're not following ISIS, not having HIV and even not gay? Fucking faggot, we all trusted you here and you lied.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:17:44 #261 №103176525 
Значит ты говноед.

Left? Shes ugly as fuck. Oh my, what a bad taste.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:18:37 #262 №103176574 
Jees... clean your laptop
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 11:18:48 #263 №103176583 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:19:49 #264 №103176642 
О вкусах не спорят, няша. И это при том, что свою точку зрения я аргументировал. Очень жаль, что я плохо умею в английский, поэтому отвечу на русском.
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 11:20:24 #265 №103176666 
I don't know what use there is for a flat chest..
hehe yeah, I was trying to keep the keyboard out of the picture as best as possible, if I showed the entirety of it it'd look as if I came all over it multiple times
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:21:35 #266 №103176721 
memeboy itt
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:24:59 #267 №103176889 
yeah... "it'd look as"
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 11:26:50 #268 №103176985 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:27:58 #269 №103177034 
>>103170211 (OP)
>eyes BRN
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 11:29:04 #270 №103177091 
Are you implying I'm black?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:30:40 #271 №103177173 
OP why someone tells you to post something on DVACH (2ch.hk)? What do you actually want from us?
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 11:32:39 #272 №103177279 
Well they said it would make a good thread.. I don't want anything in particular. I thought y'all might've have some interesting questions.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:33:15 #273 №103177299 
Well, let me introduce you to some memes and traditions of our board, I hope i'm not too late.

This is YOBA or peka, you may have seen it before. It originated from /vg/ in 2008-9 when we began to troll console peasants. Because of the malicious grin it's often used in greentext stories butthurt-threads or бугурт-треды here nowadays. Also, the stories are written like this:

YOUR POOKAN butt BECOMES THE NEW CHERNOBYL hurts so much that explodes

I can tell more about them if you want me to.

Also i should say that our board is extremely cancerous. In 2014 there was a popularity splash in our social network VK.com that lured in a lot of newfags, normies and girls, so now there always are camwhoring, attention whoring, virgin and loser threads. Oldfags always sage and wipe them.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:33:19 #274 №103177303 
Do you have any questions?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:33:22 #275 №103177305 
Ребят, что ОП интересного сказал? Про образование говорил?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:34:21 #276 №103177347 
Basicly there are a lot of schoolboys, autists, etc these days. So you won't find very interresting conversation. Just common talk.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:34:45 #277 №103177362 
Дропнул шарагу, живёт с маман. Свой парень, короче.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:35:19 #278 №103177385 
Сказал что пидор и мемчики не знает. Не шучу.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:36:20 #279 №103177443 
Но потом отказался от своих слов.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:37:56 #280 №103177524 
> 2015
> Пояснять за пека
Они давно уже его знают, после набегов и падений двача.
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 11:41:28 #281 №103177699 
I've heard of Yoba, it's very popular on Krautchan which likely has its own share of "Sosach" posters. I've also heard a lot from Russian posters about how this site is supposedly really bad but I've never really checked it out and I don't know what kind of topics are really discussed. Aside from these shitty kinds of threads you've mentioned, what kind of content exists here?
I suppose. I don't have many interests and therefore not many questions but I wonder, I've seen pictures of entire sections of markets devoted to vodka, is that to be found anywhere in Russia? Also, is it very common for Russians to dwell on emigration? I've gotten that kind of vibe from Russians on imageboards.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:42:27 #282 №103177756 
There are two chairs . At one dicks, on the other sharp peaks. On which you will sit down, on which a mother planted?
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 11:44:31 #283 №103177847 
I've heard this one before, if I remember correctly you're supposed to say "I would sit on the one with the dicks."
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:47:16 #284 №103177972 
Great man.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:47:19 #285 №103177975 
Yoba-threads, fap-threads, virgin whining-threads, webm-threads, you laugh you lose threads, "bioproblem" threads, poltics and occasional serious discussions. It's really not as bad as it is portrayed on krautchan. And there also other boards aside from /b/. There is a board for girls, for example. Or for people that are older than 30.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:47:42 #286 №103177992 
You're still here? Great! Tell me about your education. How difficult is it to enroll in your universities if I am a foreigner?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:47:51 #287 №103177999 
Nope, you should take peaks and cut dicks, and plant your mother on your knees
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:48:19 #288 №103178021 
>what kind of content exists here?
/au / bi / biz / bo / c / em / fa / fiz / fl / ftb / hh / hi / me / mg / mlp / mo / mov / /mu / ne / psy / re / sci / sf / sn / sp / spc / tv / un / w / wh / wm / wp/ /di / diy / mus / pa / p / wrk / trv] [gd / hw / mobi / pr / ra / s / t / web/ /bg / cg / es / mmo / moba / tes / vg / wr/ /a / fd / ja / ma / vn/ /d / b / soc / media / r / abu / rf /][fg / fur / gg / ga / h / ho / hc / e / fet / sex / fag/ /po / wn/
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:51:12 #289 №103178141 
It is true about strong alcohol, it has it own section in stores.
And yes, we have some people who hates Russia and wetdreams about emigrations.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:51:42 #290 №103178158 
Ему-то откуда знать? Он не иностранец, тупой ты уёбок.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:52:43 #291 №103178194 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:52:57 #292 №103178205 
Что? Это простой вопрос. С ним иностранца не учились? И где тогда спрашивать если не у американца?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:53:51 #293 №103178247 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:55:13 #294 №103178305 
У тех, кто укатил отсюда, разумеется. У него ты можешь про университетскую жизнь спросить, но ты вот, блядь, знаешь, как в Рашке иностранцу в ВУЗ устроиться? Или как правильно визу оформить?
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 11:55:31 #295 №103178320 
That's cool, from what I was told on KC it seemed a lot worse than that. It seems there's plenty of variety.
I'm not entirely sure, I would imagine our visas for students are generally more accesible than those for work and we do have funding specifically for international students which US citizens don't have access to, that includes grants and loans from the US government as well as programs provided by specific colleges and universities. I've been told by other Americans (online) that they have almost 50% of their student body as intenational students but I haven't encountered such a thing. The last time I was at a college or university it seemed to be mostly Americans but probably a lot of Mexican citizens too. Someone told me it's popular for international students to go to the Midwest of the country where living is generally cheaper.
That is simply amazing. Do you have the picture of the stuff bear holding a sign that says something like "I'm not for sale, I sell vodka."?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:57:41 #296 №103178421 
>>103170211 (OP)
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:59:23 #297 №103178519 
You've actually glued pieces of paper on top of your papers instead of just covering it in mspaint?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 11:59:56 #298 №103178542 
What is the most retarded thing in US in terms o goverment and regulations?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 12:01:17 #299 №103178625 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 12:02:06 #300 №103178662 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 12:02:26 #301 №103178674 
>У тех, кто укатил отсюда, разумеется.
Но где же таких искать?
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 12:04:40 #302 №103178778 
*stuffed bear
I used tape, it seemed quicker at the time.
That's a good question for someone who works in the government honestly but the most retarded thing I've come across is a technicality that makes it impossible to rent a postal box unless you're a homeowner. We also have little in the way of e-government, most things still require physical documents or in person interaction as well as waiting times and there's fees for almost everything. Nothing runs smoothly if the government is involved.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 12:07:49 #303 №103178926 
> most things still require physical documents
That's how it should be. Nothing shall be considered "serious" or legitimate when it's placed on the internet.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 12:08:11 #304 №103178946 
What is the attitude towards torrents and piracy in US? I heard it counts as crime there, while in оця соцптяу it's not prohibited, a lot of people use pirated Windows and play pirated games.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 12:10:53 #305 №103179067 
It's not a piracy, it's a liberation.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 12:12:46 #306 №103179155 
What about racism? On the media everything so ping and fluffy and everybody love each other no matter race, but what about actual people mentality? Please share some thoughts, we dont have muck blacks here.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 12:13:31 #307 №103179189 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 12:14:08 #308 №103179222 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 12:15:44 #309 №103179306 
do u hate nigers
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 12:16:04 #310 №103179325 
Do you suck dicks?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 12:17:30 #311 №103179417 
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 12:20:57 #312 №103179611 
Perhaps that's best but it's costly when government offices are at a great distance and you just need some small thing done.
Our country is very strict on piracy, I know of someone personally who had to go to court over some torrent because his VPN shut off at some point and his IP got exposed. We have the occasional news release about some guy getting fined an obscene amount over a miniscule download of some MP3s or something of that sort. I think the legal system here just knows people are afraid and will pay any amount they can extort from them.
Well, we have a strutcture in place where "whites" - "White. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. It includes people who indicate their race as "White" or report entries such as Irish, German, English, Scottish, Italian, Lebanese, Near Easterner, Arab, or Polish.[16] - are supposed to feel bad about supposed crimes of their ancestors even if their ancestors got here a generation ago. Most "white" people are afraid of being called racist so they just avoid topics about race. Blacks and latinos are both very open about race and sometimes try to agitate each other or get sympathy from the government to allow them to break laws such as by entering the country illegally and getting asylum. Day in and day out it's just a matter of de facto segregation, whites live where whites live, blacks where blacks live, etc. I have my own distinct view on the current racial situation but it's not pertinent to the question.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 12:26:16 #313 №103179905 
OP, do you watch CP?
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 12:27:33 #314 №103179987 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 12:29:06 #315 №103180080 
I see. Inherited culpability much.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 12:35:53 #316 №103180439 
OP please take a photo of your dick
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 12:36:09 #317 №103180448 
Лол, наконец настоящий американец, а не очередные школьники с грамматикой уровня пятиклашки.
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 12:39:08 #318 №103180612 
no u
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 12:42:29 #319 №103180787 
>>103170211 (OP)
Do a barrel roll! I dare you!
Didnt read thread
Also, how much money you pay on taxes, house rent, food, water etc?
And how much you recieve from work?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 12:43:03 #320 №103180821 
fucking shit american pidor son of a bitch seriously, take a photo of something else at least
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 12:46:06 #321 №103180993 
I'm NEET, I don't know what that's called in Russian. I make $0 and pay $0 every month.
What do you want a photo of?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 12:51:22 #322 №103181273 
We all know what does NEET mean from Japanese culture
obviously, anime. I watched one title where was RESCUE-TEAM full of NEETs, it was really fun
Also, in russian this called: Безработный дурак, который сидит на шее у мамы.
try google-translate this.

Being NEET in Russia is extremely hard, so there are no NEETs. lol
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 12:53:17 #323 №103181375 
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 12:54:43 #324 №103181439 
I've been told it's only possible to be NEET in Moscow and St. Petersburg where you can be a landlord.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 12:57:03 #325 №103181561 
This guy >>103181375 gave you right writing of russian NEET.
Cuz they are just sitting at home doing nothing, like owl in tree hollow, lol
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 12:57:17 #326 №103181572 
They lied. I'm from Muhosransk and my parents work instead and for me.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 12:57:37 #327 №103181594 
>>103170211 (OP)
Нахуй надо.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 12:57:53 #328 №103181614 
Not true. You can suck money rom you parents and be an useless asshole in any point o the globe.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 12:58:19 #329 №103181642 
Пошёл нахуй и шмару свою забери.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 12:59:21 #330 №103181701 
Not in Somali though.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 12:59:37 #331 №103181717 
Photo of your hand, for example, don't know, it's the first thing I came up with
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 12:59:43 #332 №103181724 
Ну что дали вам пососать, сегодня Сирия, а завтра...
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 13:00:24 #333 №103181767 
ты что несёшь, болезненный?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 13:01:23 #334 №103181822 
Пизды дали вам, а вы все сосете, лижите.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 13:02:13 #335 №103181861 
Кому "вам", ёпта? Кому "вам"? Тут ты и я вдвоём, кто "вы" то ёпта?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 13:04:55 #336 №103182008 
Those towns are our capitals also known as Default City 1 and Default City 2.
There is also third DC, lol, Novosibirsk. Or Omsk, or Ekaterinburg, lol. We are in debates on this issue for an years. Its our local meme
But nevermind, only in Moscow and St.P you can be NEET, in another town you will die immediately if you dont have parents who will give you food.
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 13:06:30 #337 №103182112 
ok http://i.imgur.com/nrY8unT.jpg
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 13:06:51 #338 №103182131 
>>103170211 (OP)
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 13:08:23 #339 №103182213 
Le Reddit is one of my favorite sites.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 13:08:28 #340 №103182220 
hey, americanec, eptu, give me your penis
send me
davay pocazhi mne you black dick
give me
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 13:09:44 #341 №103182279 
Я просил уже
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 13:10:01 #342 №103182297 
тред не читал
op usa is a lying bitch of a state.
usa made politics a synonim of wild bullshit
not that u re responsible though
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 13:12:37 #343 №103182458 
американец без пруфов получается
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 13:15:44 #344 №103182630 
Well, it shows. Why are you here, anyway?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 13:16:23 #345 №103182671 
OP there are two people already waiting for your dickpic
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 13:17:11 #346 №103182714 
Americanec, help me - pikc me up
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 13:17:30 #347 №103182737 
I'll be the 3rd.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 13:18:38 #348 №103182812 
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 13:19:33 #349 №103182880 
I already answered that in the OP and several other times.
They'll be waiting until hui.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 13:23:38 #350 №103183115 
Sure, we'll be waiting until you show us your hui
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 13:23:58 #351 №103183139 
OP, leave this shitty board,and never again mess with Russians

t. Ukrainian
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 13:25:15 #352 №103183226 
Dude, how do you like our scenery?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 13:27:57 #353 №103183384 
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 13:28:10 #354 №103183402 
What, why?
it's pretty good, the first pic looks like the aftermath of an apocalypse
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 13:31:53 #355 №103183617 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 13:32:35 #356 №103183643 
>it's pretty good, the first pic looks like the aftermath of an apocalypse
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 13:39:05 #357 №103184010 
Your language and certain words show that you are not a native speaker, probably a student of linguistic department. Expose yourself, americans do not speak like that.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 13:41:16 #358 №103184130 
Не знаю, не знаю, тот чувак, который пишет без глаки "ОП треда" вполне себе носитель языка, по-моему.
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 13:41:41 #359 №103184155 
What words? I don't get what you're hinting at, I'm typing just as I would talk in everyday life.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 13:46:15 #360 №103184407 
The problem is that an average 4chan poster perpetually does dozens of mistakes and misspels, punctuation problem also is ubiquitous. Also you use words outside of the common vocabulary basis. So you should be a russian student who somehow got the foreighn ID.
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 13:51:26 #361 №103184709 
I've said multiple times I don't use 4chan. And so what if my spelling is good? Just because I'm American doesn't mean I have to be a drooling retard 100% of the time. I'm not perfect either, earlier in the thread I fucked up 'you're/your'.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 13:51:51 #362 №103184726 
>без глаки "ОП треда"
Но я же обращался к ОПу.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 13:53:39 #363 №103184851 
Where did you get your education?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 13:54:43 #364 №103184927 
Ты учишь нейтиву, хотя сам — русский.
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 13:55:15 #365 №103184964 
I dropped out in the 9th grade. The internet is my sole educator.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 14:00:49 #366 №103185243 
>>103170211 (OP)
Паста с форчана, расходимся!
>Я не мог загрузить файлы величину здесь, см: http://imgur.com/a/kW7PB
привет! Привет всем, я американец. Мне сказали, я должен отправить здесь на 2-канальный и что вы, ребята находят меня экзотика или некоторые такие вещь. Я здесь, чтобы ответить на любые интересующие Вас вопросы обо мне и что я могу ответить о моей стране. Пожалуйста, имейте в виду, что, хотя я написал на русском на Квиток я на самом деле не в состоянии понять язык сожалению. И я сожалею о несоответствии между отметкой времени и текущего времени, у меня были некоторые трудности с поиском кнопку, чтобы сделать нить и с искаженным.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 14:06:23 #367 №103185545 

thank you for your attention.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 14:07:16 #368 №103185587 
>>103170211 (OP)
Can you give us a tip how to detect an american. It should be an explicit question easy to answer for an american but not for a russian. Something tricky.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 14:07:47 #369 №103185615 
>and i hope for your support.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 14:08:54 #370 №103185680 
—wanna suck my dick dry, faqboy?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 14:10:05 #371 №103185739 
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 14:13:12 #372 №103185909 
"What is the definition of terrorism?"
If the person is capable of answering that question without stumbling over their words and contradicting themself then they're not an American for sure.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 14:14:33 #373 №103185971 
What is the definition of terrorism?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 14:15:04 #374 №103186005 
wanted to confess guys: I want to fuck a dude.

no homo
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 14:16:02 #375 №103186058 
You can ask a russian the same about the patriotism.
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 14:16:23 #376 №103186077 
doing bad stuff and not being a democracy
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 14:17:27 #377 №103186131 
Will it work for an average imageboard user? They appear to be more educated.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 14:19:32 #378 №103186248 
have oil but not share
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 14:21:36 #379 №103186332 
It should but there'll be some cases when it doesn't, maybe 1 in 100 americans online could realistically answer that question.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 14:22:29 #380 №103186385 

Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 14:23:00 #381 №103186411 
So putin is a terrorist?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 14:24:35 #382 №103186500 
Hutin is a GAY! who loves to suck big cocks.
He said it himself!>>103179417
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 14:30:59 #383 №103186874 
What time it is for you now?
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 14:32:39 #384 №103186983 
04:23, it's near my bedtime
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 14:34:31 #385 №103187084 
hey fagss join our shitty chat https://livebunker.rocks/chat/int
we need some sosachers for some discussion
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 14:36:13 #386 №103187179 

Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 14:38:33 #387 №103187325 
very good webm
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 14:41:05 #388 №103187463 
4:20 and all family woke up? Whats wrong with you all
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 14:42:10 #389 №103187529 
>4:20 PM
Необучаемая пидораха.
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 14:42:33 #390 №103187551 
>>103170211 (OP)

Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 14:44:13 #391 №103187649 
По твоему он должен знать номера законов чужой страны?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 14:44:18 #392 №103187654 
Проебался чет
Nvm, i was fucked up.
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 14:46:26 #393 №103187773 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 14:50:06 #394 №103187963 
>>103170211 (OP)
> keep in mind that though I've written in Russian
> that though
> что хотя
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 14:52:03 #395 №103188069 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 14:57:39 #396 №103188443 
Nice talking to you, OP. Come back some time.
Аноним OP 04/10/15 Вск 15:03:12 #397 №103188792 
:^) maybe one day if I learn how to speak slav
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 15:49:28 #398 №103191755 
How much can i earn as a waiter in SF if i work 15 hours a day?
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 16:14:36 #399 №103193536 
Да это же Владивосток на первой фотографии!
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 16:33:47 #400 №103194844 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 16:34:13 #401 №103194877 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 16:34:30 #402 №103194898 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 16:34:59 #403 №103194938 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 16:35:22 #404 №103194961 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 16:37:00 #405 №103195088 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 16:37:26 #406 №103195112 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 16:37:48 #407 №103195150 
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 16:42:46 #408 №103195514 
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 16:43:17 #409 №103195550 
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 16:43:47 #410 №103195584 
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 16:45:30 #411 №103195712 
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 16:46:08 #412 №103195759 
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 16:46:27 #413 №103195787 
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 16:47:15 #414 №103195837 
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 16:47:49 #415 №103195869 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 17:17:12 #416 №103197900 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 17:52:51 #417 №103200119 
Годный тред
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