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 Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 18:39:28 #1 №1189416 
sageАноним 04/10/15 Вск 18:41:12 #2 №1189423 
Биборан читайте сука блять, Биборан читайте
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 18:42:18 #3 №1189430 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 18:42:39 #4 №1189432 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 18:43:49 #5 №1189442 
Аноним 04/10/15 Вск 18:45:46 #6 №1189452 
Аноним 05/10/15 Пнд 16:15:00 #7 №1191241 
To be honest, I expected more considering some of the archives I saw.
Weren't there some people here who really knew about her?

Аноним 06/10/15 Втр 07:24:49 #8 №1192428 
I'm here. What do you want?
Аноним 06/10/15 Втр 07:39:21 #9 №1192431 
>>1189416 (OP)
Хуй-то сколько см?
Аноним 06/10/15 Втр 15:35:19 #10 №1193108 
All the information you guys gathered from her and pictures that are NOT from her "a photo a day" project. In exchange I'll provide you with tons of other information about her like her exact birthday etc. I also have a childhood picture of her.
Аноним 06/10/15 Втр 15:56:52 #11 №1193166 
I doubt that you can hear something new from us.
We know that she studied at The University of South Hampton. We also read her formspring and twitter. You know much more.
There is no longer her fans. It was a long time ago.
Аноним 06/10/15 Втр 16:46:14 #12 №1193320 
Yea I know about Southampton obviously. She studied Critical Theory by the way.

Some of her pictures were showing too much, for example, a few pictures from her dorm room showed "c the festival" tickets on her wall and she was wearing weird costumes in some of her pictures. So she must have been a theatre performer at some point. She never spoke about it though.

Does anyone know why she disappeared? Has someone doxed her and written a message and telling her she is being doxed by crazy Russians? =P

Because the latest picture she uploaded was from 31st December 2012 I think but she deleted her account (29th June 2013 / 17:35:51) Between that she did nothing which means not uploading any pictures or posting anything on her twitter, facebook or formspring. It's quite weird.

Also, do you know where this post came from or who this guy is/was? He seemed to know a lot.


By the way, her youtube account shows this,

by clickflashwhirr
Active 2 months ago

Yesterday it showed 1 month ago so it's not a bug. She is still alive, that's for sure.
Аноним 06/10/15 Втр 16:47:40 #13 №1193324 
Кто это вообще такая? Раньше в б всё время видел, никогда не интересовался.
Аноним 08/10/15 Чтв 22:58:01 #14 №1198419 
Аноним 10/10/15 Суб 10:10:47 #15 №1199602 
Sorry for newfag question: who maintains CFW facebook account?
Аноним 10/10/15 Суб 10:34:20 #16 №1199632 
Аттеншнвхора, постящая свои фото каждыйдень.
Аноним 12/10/15 Пнд 15:09:18 #17 №1204378 
Аноним 12/10/15 Пнд 17:09:37 #18 №1204687 
Nobody, she deleted/privated all her accounts. The ones that are still up are not hers. (i.e. fake accounts)

By the way, does anyone know a programme that searches/compares twitter profiles?

What I mean by that is I know which people she follows on her second unknown twitter account, but those usually have tons of followers so comparing each user one by one to see if they match is too much work and nearly impossible.

btw. can someone tell me who this guy is/was? (see first picture)

And does anyone have an archive with all her formspring answers? Because I only have the one where she deleted most of her answers. (I only have 362 instead of 387 answers)
Аноним 13/10/15 Втр 07:54:28 #19 №1206035 
>she deleted/privated all her accounts

So this is just a fake?
Аноним 13/10/15 Втр 08:11:54 #20 №1206037 
>a programme that searches/compares twitter profiles

Could you please share more details on the algorithm you have in mind?

Say, we know the list of people followed by account X. Are we going to search for an account Y which have "similar" list of followed accounts?

It means that we have to search the graph of followers in Twitter. Even putting aside graph search algorithm itself, there is a limit on API calls imposed by Twitter (1 request per minute): https://dev.twitter.com/rest/reference/get/followers/ids. There are only 1440 minutes in a day and ~300 M active twitter accounts (conservative esimation is that we have to traverse the whole graph).
Аноним 14/10/15 Срд 00:27:11 #21 №1208181 
Yes, of course. She even complained about that fake account and wrote a comment there begging the person to stop. Her comment isn't readable anymore though since she deleted her facebook page.

To be honest, I have no idea. I didn't even know that twitter enforces such API limitation.

How about we compare just 2 accounts where I 100% know she follows them, both of them with a relative low followers number. (still too much to compare them manually one by one though)

Would that help or is it still impossible?
Аноним 14/10/15 Срд 12:50:25 #22 №1208891 
shprolo :DD
murica sux XXDDDDD
peendowsi sawsnooley azazazaz))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000000000000000
Аноним 17/10/15 Суб 02:45:53 #23 №1216513 
tbh. I expected more from all this :/
Аноним 17/10/15 Суб 02:55:43 #24 №1216539 
So go to hooy, fucking pendos
Аноним 19/10/15 Пнд 01:42:12 #25 №1222986 
>>1189416 (OP)
Аноним 19/10/15 Пнд 02:28:54 #26 №1223098 
She is damn cute. I work together with a girl who looks a lot like her, only more beautiful despite probably being older.
Аноним 21/10/15 Срд 16:52:16 #27 №1229670 
OP here.

Today is her 28th birthday. Not 100% sure but is was either the 21st or 22nd October 1987, but I think it was the 21st.

So happy birthday clickflashwhirr I guess!

(the 2nd picture is from when she moved to her new house by the way, before that she lived with her parents)
Аноним 21/10/15 Срд 23:31:14 #28 №1230855 
Hello, I’m “that guy” who originally posted the two pics and “Ali” info. I have one more picture I didn’t give out at the time because it all seeming like a dead end. I now believe her last name begins with “R”

Glad to see some progress is still being made.
Аноним 22/10/15 Чтв 00:50:18 #29 №1231043 

Op here

I've a childhood picture of her, do you mean that one? Where she is asleep in her mother's arm?

In case you think I'm bluffing.

CFW was an au-pair (kinda) with me (and some other people obviously) in Portovenere, Italy. She lost her mother's bag with all her papers there during the visit in November 2009. That's the reason she asked the question in the first picture.

So feel free to post all the stuff you have, I'll post mine i.e. the childhood pic, her complete twitter and formspring logs, even the questions she once deleted because she acknowledged the fact that she revealed too much private details, but it was too little too late by then.

She really was half assed with her privacy, especially in her early project years. (back then when her website was slow and pure eye cancer)

Hell, I even have all her orginal project photos i.e. higher resolution and some even have exif data. etc. (before she disabled download/original file access in late 2012)

Again, I can prove it. She took all her project pics with the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-P52, an awfully old point and shoot camera.

I also don't think she stopped her project. She just made it private for family and friends as I've already mentioned in the thread. Her recent youtube activity and she still has flickr pro for whatever reason.
Аноним 22/10/15 Чтв 06:09:21 #30 №1231277 
No. An adult photo.

Do you have more info on her books? Were they published?
Аноним 22/10/15 Чтв 07:13:22 #31 №1231291 
She wrote a collection of children's short stories ages ago, she never spoke about it in detail, so no, I don't have any further information on that.

Are you gonna post the third photo? Then I will post the last I have. Sounds fair enough, don't you think?
Аноним 22/10/15 Чтв 07:44:06 #32 №1231300 
Аноним 22/10/15 Чтв 08:40:12 #33 №1231311 
Thanks! Right now I can't access my desktop but I will post the childhood photo and some info that might help you out as soon as possible. Trust me! Check back a little bit later.

Also, may I ask you where you got the photos from? Are they from her old blog which she deleted back then? I remember it having some artwork. I still regret that I never saved them... and for some weird reason I always thought Ali stands for Alix. I was never really long in contact with her (different groups with lots of people) and it would have been weird if I kept asking questions.

I got mine and most of the info from her Dutch supervisor. Oh and have you seen the southampton graduation video?
Аноним 22/10/15 Чтв 09:00:22 #34 №1231313 
I saw you can buy the graduation on dvd but never bothered.
Аноним 22/10/15 Чтв 16:57:16 #35 №1231962 
Sorry for the long wait but here it is.

That's her when she was ~3 - 5 years old on a ferry with her mum. The lighting makes her hair look kinda blondish and she was missing her trademark skin blemish/beauty marks on the left (actual right side) of her face but that is really her.

Again, I got the info from her Dutch supervisor. Oh and she has some Dutch relatives in case you didn't know.

Where did you get the 3 photos from?

I'll gather some more info since I have to check back what is already known etc.

By the way, she has a MUCH deeper voice than you would imagine. You also described her as obscure & introverted, she's somewhat but perhaps not as much as you would imagine. She was modest but not really as shy/aloof as you would imagine. She made herself almost invisible but when she talked she gave me the impression of a well balanced, confident person who knows what she wants and what she is doing.

Also, have you saved her artworks?
Аноним 22/10/15 Чтв 17:06:51 #36 №1231971 
Glad to see English fags here. I browse here all the time even though I don't know Russian. I'm not sure wtf is wrong with me.
Аноним 22/10/15 Чтв 21:26:01 #37 №1232496 
From her wordnik, ebay, deviantart, and photobucket accounts. Yes I have all her art. It's utterly boring.
Аноним 22/10/15 Чтв 22:12:47 #38 №1232574 
Can you post/upload he art?
Аноним 22/10/15 Чтв 22:55:30 #39 №1232721 

I'm aware that you are hesitant about all this, just like me.

I obviously feel just as bad because she's a genuinely nice person and I feel like a huge jerk and weirdo doing all this. I don't really want to make this stuff public to be completely honest. I'm actually not the kind of person who does stuff like this but the urge to know what happened to her awakens the worst in me.

I tell you what, how about we arrange an anonymous 2-way channel where we exchange all the stuff we have and know, IF you are ok with that. (i.e. upload it as zip/rar file on some cloud storage)

My folder is almost 1GB and if I clean it up and delete all the duplicates/redundant stuff it will perhaps shrink a bit.

It has tons of screengrabs, her complete formspring and twitter logs as text file, people she follows on twitter, all the original files up until the point where she turned off picture download/original file access on her flickr account. The only difference is basically just the missing exif data (only a few photos have them) and the resolution is slightly lower. (see example, photo attachment)

2 complete sets of her aging project (714 pics). One by me (with original files) and one by some Russian dude but all the photos have just the "big flickr photo size".

5920811619_59aeb24f3e_o.jpg (_o stands for original)
5920811619_4a69620d4d_b.jpg (_b for big obviously)

Again, give it a long hard think and if you are ok with it we can talk further and plan things accordingly. It could both help us out tremendously.
Аноним 22/10/15 Чтв 23:02:13 #40 №1232734 
I don't think sharing her art will give away her full identity/privacy. I assume it was public at one point.
Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 07:09:55 #41 №1233112 
My email [email protected]
Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 07:34:14 #42 №1233121 
Oh my god.
Op 23/10/15 Птн 07:54:17 #43 №1233127 

I'm gonna prove that I'm the op by sending you a screenshot of her formspring log + something other so you can be sure that I'm the right person. Ignore the rest. (not gonna do it now because I'm busy, expect the mail a little later this/tomorrow depending on the timezone)

Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 08:16:27 #44 №1233136 
after all these years
Op 23/10/15 Птн 08:35:13 #45 №1233142 
All the photos the guy has posted are from her early uni days as you can tell by her haircut/student dorm room.

By the way, the photo you have posted is the censored one. She did it after someone pointed it out to her that some of the stuff is readable. I have the untouched one somewhere.

She's a really clever woman, but my god was she naive and sometimes just plain daft. Especially when she replied to an old school friend who used her real name while replying to her via formspring... I mean really...
Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 08:43:52 #46 №1233146 
I look at her face for 3 years. And every day its like for the first time. I cant believe that such beauty exists.
Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 10:38:31 #47 №1233275 
My email is [email protected] if you have anything on her to send.
Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 10:42:35 #48 №1233280 
> I'm actually not the kind of person who does stuff like this
You already did.
Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 17:28:50 #49 №1234089 
Op here

I've sent you a mail.

Yes, well that's what I said in the post... but trust me, I could have done a lot worse. I was quite cautious so far.
Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 17:36:47 #50 №1234114 
I have not received email. Address is again: [email protected]
Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 17:55:13 #51 №1234158 
Have you something to offer in return?
Sorry mate, but I'm not just posting her private stuff for shit and giggles. I'm not that bored.
Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 18:04:03 #52 №1234186 
Fine, I have a photo. Email stuff to the [email protected] address. especially would like artwork from her alleged deviantart/photobucket if you have it. I won't share personal info/anything to incriminate her identity/status.
Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 18:05:06 #53 №1234194 
I made typo. Address is [email protected] sorry
Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 18:46:41 #54 №1234296 
OP here

Do you have more and where did you find that photo? Just asking, you don't have to post them. I'm just wondering because all the non-project photos are old ones from 2006-2008 where she had short hair. When I met her in 2009 her hair wasn't as short so they must be from that time frame/period in her life.

... also, I'm aware that I have posted the oldest one by far. I'm not complaining, it's just an observation.

//pic related, another former colleague who was with us in Italy, picture is from some youtube video where she was interviewed. She's also English and graduated in Southampton. We had quite a few foxy ones from all over the world as you can tell.
Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 18:51:22 #55 №1234310 
I have some more. I won't say where I got them. Email me some stuff and I might share.
Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 19:05:00 #56 №1234357 

I'll give it a think. In the next few days maybe.
Also, I don't have any artwork from her, "that other guy" has saved them all. I missed saving them from her blog (now deleted) and I still regret it.

The things I have are sensitive information about her and perhaps the most complete "a photo a day" set of her with all the original files.
Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 19:14:05 #57 №1234376 
I would really like "that other guy" to share the artwork as I have not seen it.

Email me whatever you like. I promise not to leak sensitive information as I value her privacy/identity (as hypocritical as that sounds) and don't want to invade her real offline life.
Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 19:32:12 #58 №1234417 
Where can I find the youtube video? I would like to hear her voice.
Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 19:32:25 #59 №1234419 
Well, then you have to contact him since I can't help you out unless you want the things I mentioned.

I have noted your email and will stay in contact.
Also, can you really prove that you have more pics? For instance, can you make a screengrab of your folder with the pics in it where you can see them via miniature view. You don't have to actually post them.

See my attachment if you don't understand what I mean.
Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 19:38:42 #60 №1234448 
It's a mild cockney accent, nothing special.

You can barely hear her since there is German dub speaking over her.

Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 19:50:32 #61 №1234482 
Here's another. I don't want to share too much publically and hope you finally have the trust to contact/share back with me. The guy with the artwork can also contact me via the [email protected] address too or post the art here.
Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 19:52:05 #62 №1234485 
Lovely pic. I love that smile.
Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 19:56:45 #63 №1234496 
Thanks, Its really her?, and where is the beauty mark on the right side of her face? Hm...Its missing maybe because of her makeup.
Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 20:07:44 #64 №1234534 

Ok, I have sent you a mail. My email has the number 12 in its username.
Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 20:13:19 #65 №1234555 

It's there. Zoom in. That's clearly her. Also, she wore scarfs in Italy too if I recall correctly. Her chin is also quite prominent.

That's 100% her.
Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 20:25:30 #66 №1234589 
I doubt about the video. The smiley picture of her on the bus, it's 100%her, no doubt at all.
Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 20:32:40 #67 №1234599 
I'm an idiot... you mean the video, I read the quote wrong. I thought you mean the latest picture.

The the women in the video was just ANOTHER former colleague. She was in the same group as CFW and I. It's a friend of hers so to speak.
Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 20:50:25 #68 №1234652 
Double misunderstanding:)
If i send you my mail address, could you share me some pics of her? (CFW, not the colleague) I already have the daily photo project series. I don't want personal infos or something else that could break her privacy. I just looked her pics for years, and i'm still wondering how can be so beautiful.
Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 21:01:40 #69 №1234683 
I think you misunderstood me again. I knew that you only wanted pics etc. from CFW.

You first name starts with B right? You are that guy I already wrote?

If not, then you'll have to wait. I'm quite busy talking with 2 other people.

Sorry, this here is all getting quite confusing even for me.
This thread is a mess, I sincerely hope she never reads it.
Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 21:09:08 #70 №1234711 
Sorry, I'm not that guy. I'm quite new here. I thought you're already in private contact with the 'B' guy.

Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 21:15:27 #71 №1234726 
I'm in contact with the guy who has all of her artwork and with another Russian guy, his first name starts with B, he is the one who posted the latest 2 photos of her.

Sorry, you'll have to wait. It's getting too much for me to handle.
Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 21:32:53 #72 №1234789 
all right.
Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 21:35:43 #73 №1234794 

Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 21:47:03 #74 №1234855 
> I don't want to share too much publically
What is your problem? Do you really need her art and other stuff? You already have pictures of her. Just post them here for everybody, they are not yours.
Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 21:53:30 #75 №1234877 
Вот же блядь хитрые суки. Нет просто запостить фотки, устроили какую-то хуйню с почтой и торгом.
Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 23:47:21 #76 №1235165 
А как она добилась такой идеальных фотографий? Со штатива снимала?
Аноним 23/10/15 Птн 23:58:20 #77 №1235184 
С рук.
Аноним 24/10/15 Суб 02:20:33 #78 №1235471 
Аноним 25/10/15 Вск 12:34:35 #79 №1237933 
...Just post them here for everybody, they are not yours.

And what do you think? Who owns her pics?
Аноним 25/10/15 Вск 14:09:20 #80 №1238208 
She does.
Аноним 26/10/15 Пнд 21:38:54 #81 №1242564 
i have the feeling, that she reads this sometimes
Аноним 28/10/15 Срд 01:28:35 #82 №1244937 
Ali R.? What do you think, what is R.?
Аноним 01/11/15 Вск 22:29:14 #83 №1257069 DELETED
Аноним 03/11/15 Втр 01:59:43 #84 №1260413 
>>1189416 (OP)
Аноним 03/11/15 Втр 03:07:24 #85 №1260445 
Какой город? Запости фоточку, а :3

Мб даже на ргхосте, на 24-48 часов
Аноним 04/11/15 Срд 12:48:28 #86 №1263084 
Так, на самом деле, это cfw на фото или какой-то другой человек? Я просто уверен, что это не cfw.
Аноним 05/11/15 Чтв 18:37:42 #87 №1266458 

The email service I used has been shut down... (vfemail)

I will contact you via another email provider/service but with the same user name.

randomguy459 can you please use another email address/service (preferably more reliable), I would like to stay in contact and I want to send you the rest! (updated misc and screen captures)
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