24 декабря 2023 г. Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна.
Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных
помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!
Только у нас: камберы, рокеры, хуекеры, карвы, слаломы, нью-скулы и прочая залупа. Фуфлыжники и доскеры продолжают учиться уживаться друг с другом в одном треде и на одном склоне.
Алсо желаем всем тредом скорейшего выздоровления Аньке Феннингер.
Прошлый: http://2ch.hk/sp/res/573873.html
ПАСТА ДЛЯ ШАПКИ ТУТ: http://pastebin.com/3SjF7Yya
небольшой гайдец http://pastebin.com/QFjvPn14
Форчонговский фак:
>I've never skied before, what do I need to know before I start?
>What skis should I get?
>What boots should I get?
It is extremely important to get boots that fit you well and to have them heat moulded. Therefore, it is very important to go to a professional bootfitter (not just a ski shop, but specifically a bootfitter). For a list of reputable bootfitters, refer to epicski.com/wiki/boot-fitters-on-epicski
You can also consider getting custom footbeds for increased comfort and performance. If you are a beginner this is not that important (though getting boots from a bootfitter is), but if you are an advanced-expert skier it will make a big difference.
>Why is it so important to go to a bootfitter?/I went to a bootfitter and still have a problem, what's wrong?
>What bindings should I get?
The most important things to consider with bindings are DIN range and brake width. Your DIN should be around the middle of your binding's DIN range. For example, if you ski with a DIN of 7, a 4-12 binding would be good for you. A 1-7 or a 7-16 would be bad. If you don't know your DIN, look up a DIN chart.
The brake width should be approximately equal to the waist of the ski. It's better for the brake to be a little smaller than a little bigger (ski shop techs can bend the brakes when they mount the bindings), but if you go more than 7mm or so smaller the brakes might not fit well. Going up to about 10mm wider on the brakes is alright too as long as you don't carve really aggressively.
>Where should I ski?
Right now: onthesnow.com/skireport.html
In general: onthesnow.com/ski-resort.html
>I suck at skiing, how can I get better?
Stop being a faggot and huck something big. Or post video of you skiing ITT and we'll critique it.
>Is it true that only faggots snowboard?
>I've never snowboarded before, what do I need to know before I start?
>Which board should I get?
>What boots should I get?
>What bindings should I get?
>Where should I ski?
Right now: onthesnow.com/skireport.html
In general: onthesnow.com/ski-resort.html
>I suck at snowboarding. How can I get better?
>Is it true that only cucks ski?
No, snowboarding is for the cocksuckers, and skiing is for the mastergods.
Being a snowboarder seems a little bit simpler, doesn't it?