Сохранен 498
24 декабря 2023 г. Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна. Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 15:28:05 #1 №119623943 
Анон, ищу образ лицензионного диска игры «Велиан».

У тебя, анон, точно найдётся этот диск. Игра в своё время продавалась везде, где только можно. А потом куда-то пропала. Все ссылки в интернете давным-давно мертвы. В магазинах моей Мухосрани её тем более нет уже. Да и денег у меня тоже нет, ибо нищехикка.

В общем, анон, сделай, пожалуйста, образ игры и залей на какой-нибудь файлообменник, а ссылку кинь сюда в тред. Буду очень благодарен. Когда создам раздачу на трекере, то укажу твой ник/имя в качестве благодарности.

В /v я был. Там одни жадные казуалы, которые уныло троллят и петросянят.

Ссылок на трекеры и сайты не кидать. Я игру искал ВЕЗДЕ. Ссылки и раздачи мертвы. Был на old-games.ru, AVITO, многих трекерах и сайтах. Коллекционеры делиться образами отказываются под лицемерным предлогом «отвращения к пиратству». На тебя, анон, вся надежда! Найди у себя диск и пять минут, чтобы залить его сюда.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 15:34:32 #2 №119624510 
Анон, оторвись от своих рулеточек и фап-тредов, помоги товарищу!
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 15:40:36 #3 №119625042 
оставь фейкомыло на всякий пожарный
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 15:41:16 #4 №119625098 
Зачем тебе это древнее говно?
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 15:42:39 #5 №119625213 
[email protected]

Я коллекционер оригинальных образов лицензионных игр. Такая вот у меня блажь.

А в «Велиан» я играл в далёком отрочестве… Тогда она мне очень запомнилась. Любил я её тогда. Мой комп тянул только её.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 15:44:03 #6 №119625329 
Образа нет, диск(пиратка наверно) давно не со мной. Увы.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 15:44:38 #7 №119625370 
Анон, про «Велиан» первый раз слышу, но история до слёз пробирает.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 15:45:09 #8 №119625410 
Ничего, подождём, может, у кого другого есть.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 15:45:43 #9 №119625462 
>>119623943 (OP)
Слушай. Так там какой нибудь старфорс стоит. Один хуй.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 15:46:11 #10 №119625506 
Игра довольно необычная была, с множеством интересных фич и оригинальными сюжетом и сеттингом. И очень красивая, пусть и по-своему.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 15:46:40 #11 №119625535 
В 16 (11 лет назад) работал я в магазине ПК игр. Продавал эту игрушку,помнится
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 15:46:45 #12 №119625543 
>>119623943 (OP)
Нихрена себе! Это ж оказывается продолжение "Шторма". В него сосед яростно рубился, в ту пору когда у меня самого пека была только допотопный 286. теперь это олдфагов тред
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 15:46:53 #13 №119625555 
У меня есть No-DVD специально для русской лицензионной версии игры. Вот прикол, кряк есть, а игры нет!
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 15:47:36 #14 №119625626 
В те годы я как раз-таки окучивал такие ларьки, и среди русского говна типа "Новый Диск" можно было найти лютые шины.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 15:48:00 #15 №119625661 
Хех, «Шторм»? Оригинал не проходил, а вот «Солдат неба» до дыр задрочил.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 15:49:00 #16 №119625744 
Шторм, ага. Я в него так и не поиграл, т.к. к моменту появления дома селерона 850/32 рива тнт 2 вышел RTCW, и меня понесло в шутаны.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 15:49:12 #17 №119625768 
Например, попалась мне как-то «Bloodline Линия крови». Теперь считаю её одним из лучших хорроров. Редко где я видел такое внимание к деталям и тако саспенс.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 15:50:51 #18 №119625910 
Купи, 150р всего, чо ты! http://store.steampowered.com/app/435420/?l=russian
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 15:51:29 #19 №119625976 
Чувак, просто положи 149 рублей на стим и купи её
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 15:52:54 #20 №119626091 
а как же лицензионный образ :с
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 15:55:11 #21 №119626292 
Поймите, пожалуйста, меня и мой дурацкий каприз, я коллекционирую только образы. Зачем мне она в Стиме?
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 15:56:14 #22 №119626389 
Засунь стимофайлы в образ да и все
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 15:57:48 #23 №119626518 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 15:58:09 #24 №119626554 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 15:59:22 #25 №119626650 
>Ссылок на трекеры и сайты не кидать. Я игру искал ВЕЗДЕ. Ссылки и раздачи мертвы.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 16:00:11 #26 №119626714 
Зачем ты кидаешь мне покупку?
>Да и денег у меня тоже нет, ибо нищехикка.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 16:00:40 #27 №119626756 
это не трекер. Попробуй купить тут. http://kupicd.net/GAMES/Operation_Matriarchy-5079.html
"Вы можете заказать у нас этот игровой диск - это полная оригинальная английская версия игры"
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 16:03:00 #28 №119626958 
>Зачем ты кидаешь мне покупку?
>Да и денег у меня тоже нет, ибо нищехикка.

И вообще, кто будет пердолиться с покупкой? Я хоть и хочу найти эту игру, но не настолько, чтобы трахаться с почтой и т.д.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 16:04:48 #29 №119627116 
Лох ебачий.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 16:05:08 #30 №119627150 
Ну и запросы у тебя....
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 16:08:06 #31 №119627409 
>>119623943 (OP)
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 16:08:25 #32 №119627430 
Какие запросы? Я что, деньги прошу что ли? Или гифт в Стиме? Я всего лишь прошу анона найти (если у него есть) у себя эту игру, сжелать её образ и залить на файлообменник и кинуть сюда ссылку. Неужели тут одни ленивые жадины? Я знаю, что борда давным-давно гниёт раком, но, блин, это совсем уже пипец!

Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 16:14:20 #33 №119627940 
Сидов нет.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 16:15:56 #34 №119628093 
Блин, ну говорил же, что я был везде, где только можно и ссылки и раздачи везде мертвы!
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 16:18:25 #35 №119628310 
Ну, а чего ты хотел? Во-первых, сейчас никто даже толком не знает об этой игре. Во-вторых, все ленивые задницы.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 16:18:49 #36 №119628349 
у тебя есть комп который всегда включен? можно посидеть по двум хэшам вдруг когда-нибудь что-то словится
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 16:19:26 #37 №119628402 
хэши E5EA69CCF7C2117B20223E0434C267113B96256B и 79128744223E8F60591EC50DD42D4F9C5BFFF669
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 16:22:00 #38 №119628642 
я понимаю что ты всё попробовал но на трекере nnm-club можно в личку поспамить тем кто в теме отписался. может у кого образ остался
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 16:26:55 #39 №119629062 
И там я уже был давно. Многие на трекер не заходили, а у других образа нет давным-давно. Поэтому на вас, аноны, вся надежда.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 16:32:04 #40 №119629523 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 16:32:23 #41 №119629561 
>играл в далёком отрочестве…
>Мой комп тянул только её.
>игра 2005 года
>крутой графон по тем временам

Тебе 16 лет?
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 16:35:38 #42 №119629882 
Спасибо тебе, анон, если это правда!

Сейчас мне 27. В моей Мухосрани тогда и такие игры были шедеврами.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 16:36:04 #43 №119629921 
А, ну молодец, чё, хорошо пошутил, Петросян.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 16:39:11 #44 №119630236 
Поржал с твоей жирной мамаши.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 16:41:06 #45 №119630420 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 16:42:47 #46 №119630582 
На борде несколько тысяч человек онлайн, и быть такого не может, чтобы ни у кого не было этой игры. Анон, не игнорь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 16:45:40 #47 №119630887 
Врубил в твой еблет, а потом сдристнул сажей тебе в рот. И ты, чихая, и выплёвывая комья сажи с кровью, упал в кучу лежавшего говна, а я сверху присел своим жирным задом и вдавил тебя в кучу, слушая твоё бульканье.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 16:47:07 #48 №119631007 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 16:48:11 #49 №119631112 
Анон, прекрати петросянить и подделываться в меня. Лучше помоги найти игру.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 16:53:08 #50 №119631583 
Анон, не обращай внимания на сумасшедшего вайпера-быдлана.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 16:56:11 #51 №119631878 
Вайп без сажи? Ты лох
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 16:56:28 #52 №119631912 
И зачем это тебе? Раковые треды вайпал бы лучше. А то прицепился к единственному адекватному треду в мору этого говна.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:00:09 #53 №119632246 
А в третьих у нормальных людей уже хуй знает сколько лет нет привода.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:01:15 #54 №119632348 
Анон, неужели так трудно найти пять минут, чтобы помочь?
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:03:41 #55 №119632586 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:03:58 #56 №119632619 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:05:08 #57 №119632731 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:06:57 #58 №119632929 
Мочератор, где ты? Как цопе тереть, так ты тут как тут, а как ёбнутого вайпера забанить, так тебя не дождёшься! За что вам только Обезьяна платит?
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:08:11 #59 №119633051 
А какая польза от тебя, вот у меня есть диск лицензионный, но что я получу в замен?
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:08:18 #60 №119633058 DELETED
За себя говори, ДС-дебил.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:08:25 #61 №119633069 
он не вайпает, он бампает
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:08:45 #62 №119633109 
Была когда-то у меня куплена данная игра. Но я живу у же в другом городе, а диск остался у родителей.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:08:47 #63 №119633113 DELETED
>Я знаю, что борда давным-давно гниёт раком, но, блин, это совсем уже пипец!
За это предложение я бы принципиально тебя на хую прокатил.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:08:51 #64 №119633117 

Забань этого вайпера-уёбка!
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:10:06 #65 №119633226 DELETED
>к единственному адекватному треду в мору этого говна
И за это тоже.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:10:23 #66 №119633257 
Анон, ну смешно же, — просить что-то за образ (!) диска. Людям, бывает, от души жертвуют многие тысячи рублей, а ты жадничаешь цифрой поделиться. Пиздец, до чего Обезьяна борду довела!
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:10:31 #67 №119633268 
Хотел тебя бампануть, но это уже делает вайпер, лол. ОП, расскажи о игре
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:11:08 #68 №119633327 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:11:43 #69 №119633389 
п.с. попробуй создай тему на этом некрофоруме фанатов игры шторм, мб помогут
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:12:38 #70 №119633487 
Игратипичный тржшачок русского геймдева нулевых, но запомнившийся оригинальным сеттингом, необычным сюжетом и рядом интересных фич. Необычная и по-своему красивая графика. В конце игры инфернальная гигеровщина.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:13:50 #71 №119633604 
Ну если тебе все еще интересно, то в мае поеду к родителям в гости могу у них поискать игру эту
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:14:06 #72 №119633625 
Там ничем не смогут помочь, они фанаты симулятора, а не шутера.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:14:42 #73 №119633691 
Игра от первого лици, да? А время какое (да, меня забанили в гугле, но ты ведь не против поговорить?)
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:14:46 #74 №119633698 
я как давний поклонник шторма в свое время приобрел например велиан, хотя и разочаровался в нем
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:14:51 #75 №119633703 
фейкомыло в начале треда запиши :3
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:14:58 #76 №119633713 DELETED
>мне фсе далжны
Да нахуй иди, дебил.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:15:22 #77 №119633759 
Аноны нужно 500 рублей на клавиатуру
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:15:26 #78 №119633766 
Ты напоминаешь мне мента, который говорит: «Когда убьют, тогда и приходите». До мая, блин, ждать! Или это тонкий троллинг, или благодушный идиотизм.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:15:31 #79 №119633773 
Само собой! Ты няша.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:16:25 #80 №119633866 
Пошёл нахуй, жадный мудак.

Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:16:46 #81 №119633899 
>>119623943 (OP)
Совсем не можешь в гугл?
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:16:51 #82 №119633910 DELETED
Тебе никто ничего не должен, уебан.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:17:08 #83 №119633937 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:17:09 #84 №119633939 
записал, надеюсь не забуду.

для фанатов шторма кстати http://www.madia.ru
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:17:24 #85 №119633959 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:17:27 #86 №119633967 DELETED
Нахуй иди, придурок. Игра мне сейчас нужна.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:17:28 #87 №119633968 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:17:40 #88 №119633988 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:17:56 #89 №119634021 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:18:12 #90 №119634041 DELETED
Пасть закрой, чмоня.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:18:13 #91 №119634043 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:18:23 #92 №119634062 
ссылка битая
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:18:29 #93 №119634072 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:18:30 #94 №119634075 
оп, почему ты пишешь без метки опа?
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:18:38 #95 №119634087 
Откуда столько хейта на такую простую просьбу.
Я иногда тоже спрашивал тут и мне всегда помогал добрый анон
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:18:40 #96 №119634092 
>>119623943 (OP)
пять секунд в гугле

Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:18:45 #97 №119634096 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:19:01 #98 №119634130 
>>119623943 (OP)

Прошел её для коллекции, ибо нравились первые части (кто не знает, тот не поймет).

Ссылка вот.


но сидов не было давненько
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:19:02 #99 №119634132 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:19:09 #100 №119634143 
>>119623943 (OP)
А что, если ты не можешь его найти НЕ ПРОСТО ТАК?
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:19:18 #101 №119634161 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:19:34 #102 №119634193 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:19:39 #103 №119634203 
>>119623943 (OP)
Только хотел чем помочь, но полистав ответы понял что ты тварь неблагодарная, которой нужно все за него сделать да принести на блюдце с голубой каемочкой. Пожри говна, чтоб твои раздачи первыми блокировали. Найду твою раздачу - чиркану издателю.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:19:51 #104 №119634226 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:19:52 #105 №119634227 
Оп - ебанько. Скрыл без сажи.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:20:07 #106 №119634260 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:20:19 #107 №119634275 DELETED
Этот петух считает, что ему все должны, причём ЗДЕСЬ И СЕЙЧАС.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:20:23 #108 №119634283 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:20:37 #109 №119634315 
Ты слепой?
>Ссылок на трекеры и сайты не кидать. Я игру искал ВЕЗДЕ. Ссылки и раздачи мертвы.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:20:40 #110 №119634324 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:20:56 #111 №119634352 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:21:09 #112 №119634374 
Забил в гугле игру, выдает какой-то прон с великанами.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:21:12 #113 №119634382 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:21:19 #114 №119634397 DELETED
Хоть бы сажу включил.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:21:29 #115 №119634412 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:21:30 #116 №119634414 
Это ты битый, нормально открывается.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:21:38 #117 №119634423 DELETED
Релевантная выдача же.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:21:45 #118 №119634436 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:21:55 #119 №119634450 
это гугль сублимирует с твоих прошлых запросов. наверное гуглил порно с большими хуями
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:22:01 #120 №119634462 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:22:04 #121 №119634469 
>>119623943 (OP)
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:22:18 #122 №119634488 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:22:31 #123 №119634514 
да ты охуел вобще
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:22:34 #124 №119634521 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:22:46 #125 №119634536 
>но полистав ответы понял что ты тварь неблагодарная
А как мне общаться с ебанутыми вайперами и мудаками вроде тебя, агрящимися на простую просьбу? Сиранул тебе в лицо.

Да борда с каждым месяцем всё больше и больше заплывает говном из соцсетей.

Где я такое говорил, мудак?
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:22:50 #126 №119634546 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:23:07 #127 №119634568 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:23:23 #128 №119634599 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:23:31 #129 №119634610 
тут походу семён и вайпер в одном лице стараются.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:23:39 #130 №119634623 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:23:52 #131 №119634643 
и я ещё
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:23:56 #132 №119634656 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:23:56 #133 №119634659 
Чёрт знает. И вправду мистика какая-то! Другие, действительно редкие, игры, находил спокойно, а с этой уже с августа ебусь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:24:12 #134 №119634690 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:24:28 #135 №119634720 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:24:45 #136 №119634750 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:25:01 #137 №119634790 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:25:17 #138 №119634821 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:25:33 #139 №119634843 
Бля мне ЦП что ли дали, а я проебал, как из кэша достать?
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:25:34 #140 №119634845 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:25:50 #141 №119634861 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:26:06 #142 №119634888 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:26:23 #143 №119634914 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:26:34 #144 №119634932 
Ну эт не оче, тут даже эротизма нет
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:26:34 #145 №119634933 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:26:39 #146 №119634943 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:26:55 #147 №119634969 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:26:56 #148 №119634974 
На раздаче 0
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:27:12 #149 №119634998 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:27:15 #150 №119635008 
А если это ОП таким образом бампает?

Все диски (в том числе, там были лицензии) - выкинул давным-давном. Да, были времена, когда я носился с копией Героев 3, играл в вк3 рок лицензию, а потом брат ушёл и я не мог больше поиграть. Те времена были по-своему хороши, но они прошли, и сейчас я наслаждаюсь 50мбит инетом (1200 км от ДС) и пиратством.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:27:17 #151 №119635012 
CP - Child Porn. Где тут Porn?
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:27:21 #152 №119635021 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:27:28 #153 №119635037 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:27:37 #154 №119635055 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:27:44 #155 №119635066 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:27:48 #156 №119635074 
Тоже не вижу никакого порно.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:28:01 #157 №119635095 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:28:01 #158 №119635099 DELETED
>Да борда с каждым месяцем всё больше и больше заплывает говном из соцсетей.
Ага, а раньше на любой твой писк тебе должны были выложить готовый образ, да?
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:28:17 #159 №119635129 
Моча цп
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:28:17 #160 №119635132 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:28:21 #161 №119635138 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:28:33 #162 №119635163 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:28:50 #163 №119635191 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:28:50 #164 №119635193 
В /v/ тред создай, чудак-человек.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:29:06 #165 №119635224 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:29:10 #166 №119635232 DELETED
Чмонька же.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:29:21 #167 №119635251 
Я не эксперт, но тут что-то нечистое начинается. Пожаловался на всякий.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:29:22 #168 №119635253 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:29:24 #169 №119635257 
Это они типа новую пилят?
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:29:38 #170 №119635280 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:29:42 #171 №119635288 
Игра древняя, но в магазины отпускалась огромными тиражами. И в 2009-2010-м годах везде были её раздачи. А вот сейчас везде исчезла.

>Ага, а раньше на любой твой писк тебе должны были выложить готовый образ, да?
Раньше хотя в треде не срали бы.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:29:43 #172 №119635291 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:29:47 #173 №119635298 
Лол 10-7=2.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:29:53 #174 №119635308 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:29:55 #175 №119635315 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:30:11 #176 №119635343 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:30:11 #177 №119635344 
МОЧЕРАТОР! ЧОПЕ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! БАНЬ ЭТОГО ВАЙПЕРА И ПОСТЕРА ЦП!!!!!!!
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:30:13 #178 №119635347 
ну продолжение шторма, просто на чистом энузиазме
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:30:27 #179 №119635371 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:30:28 #180 №119635372 

Топите тред, аноны.
ОП почти побеждён.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:30:31 #181 №119635375 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:30:43 #182 №119635389 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:30:59 #183 №119635417 
>>119623943 (OP)
Слышь, уёбок! Тя че в гугле забанили? Это говно даже в стиме есть. http://store.steampowered.com/app/435420/?l=russian
Не благодари, дауненок.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:31:00 #184 №119635420 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:31:02 #185 №119635422 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:31:13 #186 №119635443 
Я периодически треды там создаю, но там публика тоже неадекватная:
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:31:16 #187 №119635454 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:31:32 #188 №119635482 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:31:35 #189 №119635486 
Тебя уже давно обоссали, блядина.
Вали отсюда.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:31:42 #190 №119635504 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:31:48 #191 №119635515 DELETED
> публика тоже неадекватная
Проиграл с этого ебаната
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:32:01 #192 №119635535 DELETED
И тут бы не срали, если бы не повёл себя как говно.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:32:05 #193 №119635542 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:32:21 #194 №119635564 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:32:36 #195 №119635588 
Нужно больше цп
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:32:38 #196 №119635592 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:32:52 #197 №119635617 
Пора пускать в бой цп-вебмки
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:32:54 #198 №119635624 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:32:58 #199 №119635630 
Они ж разошлись все
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:33:00 #200 №119635637 
Почему они так взросло выглядят?
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:33:10 #201 №119635653 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:33:11 #202 №119635654 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:33:13 #203 №119635655 
ты тупой блять?? нет там раздачи
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:33:26 #204 №119635673 DELETED
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:33:39 #205 №119635700 
модераторы похоже все бухают
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:33:43 #206 №119635706 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:33:44 #207 №119635707 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:33:59 #208 №119635739 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:33:59 #209 №119635740 
Ори, сука, втой образ давно лежит у тебя перед носом.
Но ты даун, ещё раз тебя обоссал.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:34:03 #210 №119635747 
я и говорю на чистом энтузиазме.
Прочитал про это на форуме по шторму ссылку на который кидал выше.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:34:07 #211 №119635752 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:34:15 #212 №119635767 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:34:32 #213 №119635787 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:34:48 #214 №119635821 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:34:50 #215 №119635823 
не подглядывай :с
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:35:04 #216 №119635845 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:35:21 #217 №119635871 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:35:29 #218 №119635887 

не подглядывай, папа :с
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:35:37 #219 №119635901 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:35:53 #220 №119635932 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:35:59 #221 №119635942 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:36:10 #222 №119635961 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:36:14 #223 №119635964 DELETED
Метро 2 у меня есть, кстати, но этому петуху из принципа не залью.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:36:28 #224 №119635987 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:36:45 #225 №119636017 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:37:02 #226 №119636043 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:37:02 #227 №119636045 
Залил тебе в рот. «Метро» полтора дня назад найдена.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:37:18 #228 №119636067 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:37:30 #229 №119636084 DELETED
Ей, уёбки, игру выложили, быстраблядь. Никакой пользы от вас, одни раки.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:37:34 #230 №119636091 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:37:45 #231 №119636110 
Мне в своё время из игр российских разработчиков доставила Spells of gold, она же Заклятие. Было бы забавно, если бы та компания тоже собралась ещё раз.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:37:50 #232 №119636119 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:37:57 #233 №119636128 DELETED
Да похуй мне, кусок дерьма.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:38:07 #234 №119636145 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:38:15 #235 №119636158 DELETED
Ей, уёбки, игру выложили, быстраблядь. Никакой пользы от вас, одни раки.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:38:23 #236 №119636173 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:38:32 #237 №119636187 DELETED
Ей, уёбки, игру выложили, быстраблядь. Никакой пользы от вас, одни раки.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:38:40 #238 №119636195 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:38:49 #239 №119636211 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:38:56 #240 №119636217 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:39:13 #241 №119636244 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:39:29 #242 №119636269 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:39:45 #243 №119636299 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:40:05 #244 №119636338 
еблан пиздец, нет там раздач
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:42:10 #245 №119636545 DELETED
Че-то нашел.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:42:10 #246 №119636549 
Вайпер обоссан?
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:42:16 #247 №119636562 
Охуеваю с треда. Какой же нынче пошёл тупой и жадный анон. Не может человеку в такой маленькой просьбе помочь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:42:59 #248 №119636656 
фотошоп почти не виден)
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:43:02 #249 №119636663 
Неужели?! Неужели нашлась! Анон, буди ласка, залей! Жаль, что кроме как «спасибо» отблагодаоить не могу.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:43:06 #250 №119636674 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:43:11 #251 №119636686 
да ппц, сам в шоке
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:43:23 #252 №119636709 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:43:39 #253 №119636730 DELETED
Заливаю уже. Как зальется - скину ссылку.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:43:55 #254 №119636757 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:44:11 #255 №119636781 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:44:28 #256 №119636808 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:44:44 #257 №119636835 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:45:00 #258 №119636853 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:45:17 #259 №119636878 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:45:33 #260 №119636912 
И не говори… Ещё мне в вину ставят, что я агрюсь и хамлю. Ну а как реагировать ещё на такой дурдом? Я уже давно усвоил правило — не пытаться выглядеть интеллигентом-толстовцем в срачах с даунами, вежливостью их не переубедишь. С ними только на их языке надо.

Даже не верится, что нашлась… Спасибо, если не шутишь, анон.

Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:45:33 #261 №119636913 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:45:50 #262 №119636943 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:45:58 #263 №119636956 
хватит вайпать еблан ты тупарылый
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:46:06 #264 №119636969 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:46:22 #265 №119637000 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:46:39 #266 №119637023 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:46:47 #267 №119637045 
>говно считает, что ему все обязаны
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:46:47 #268 №119637046 
Да не я вайпаю, а какой-то обмудок! Ладно хоть модеры половину его кукареков снесли.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:46:55 #269 №119637059 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:47:11 #270 №119637087 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:47:13 #271 №119637089 
Уёбывай, скам мелкобуквенный.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:47:23 #272 №119637101 
помоему это фотошоп, не особо надейся.
На сколько мне не изменяет память, у игры была другая коробка
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:47:28 #273 №119637106 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:47:35 #274 №119637119 

нюфага вижу в тебе. На самом деле даже в б бывают адеватные треды с адекватными анонами, и не обязательно на ночном. А по делу, хочешь играть-в стиме купи, нет денег- не выебывайся.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:47:44 #275 №119637143 DELETED
Так, пидоры ебаные. Быстро подогнали мне образ.
Мамаш ваших ебал. Сука блять никакой пользы от вас нет. Уебки.
Образ быыыстра блядь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:47:55 #276 №119637165 
Пошёл нахуй. Я не считаю, что мне все обязаны. Я всего лишь попросил. Нет игры, нет времени помочь, — пройди мимо/скрой тред. Никто тебя за рукава не хватает. Даун.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:48:08 #277 №119637186 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:49:13 #278 №119637297 
мне кажется это всё очень хитрый план чтобы куча народу скачали 4гигабайта образ с вишмастером
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:49:14 #279 №119637298 
Это обложка, извлечённая из джевела. Игра выходила в трёх видах: CD, DVD и DVD-Box версиях, а была также редкая коробочная с футболкой.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:49:33 #280 №119637327 
Так а чего тебя не устраивает игра в стиме?
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:50:04 #281 №119637368 
тем что она не образ
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:50:23 #282 №119637407 
Ты чего распетушился, клоунесса? Ты не просил нормально, а вёл себя как чмонька, правильно тебя обоссали, чушка обоссаного.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:50:41 #283 №119637439 
одна фотка.
Показал бы с другого ракурса держа в руках я бы поверил.
Но всеравно если тот анон не соврал, то тебе повезло
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:50:45 #284 №119637451 
Скрыл мудака.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:50:54 #285 №119637469 
Не отвечай за меня.

Блажь у меня такая, собираю только оригинальные образы лицензионных дисков. Коллекционирование.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:52:05 #286 №119637566 
>>119637439 это >>119637298 мой пост. Я думаю, что запостивший то фото человек не врёт.

Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:52:35 #287 №119637622 
как ты собрался её копировать там же защита?
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:52:37 #288 №119637626 
Насрал тут и требуешь, чтобы к тебе относились адекватно? Лети отсель, петушелла!
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:53:04 #289 №119637681 
Думаю, Alcohol или DTools у него есть.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:54:12 #290 №119637789 
Зато какой ажиотаж, и без тян, хуев, биопроблем и весеннего спермотоксикоза, надо же.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:54:55 #291 №119637858 DELETED
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:55:34 #292 №119637928 DELETED
Куда залить? там 640 мб
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:55:44 #293 №119637943 
вот на пиратбее нашлось но сидов чет мало, хотя попробуй вдруг по ДХТ найдет
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:55:57 #294 №119637971 
злой ты. ухожу от тебя
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:57:37 #295 №119638126 
Бля, вот ОП хайп поднял. Я тоже скачаю если зальешь.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:57:48 #296 №119638149 
> нет денег- не выебывайся
Нет мозгов - не воруй.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:58:05 #297 №119638181 
попробуй на яндекс диск хз...
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:58:51 #298 №119638261 
вы тут такие добрые может и с этим поможите?

Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 17:58:58 #299 №119638277 
640 Мб? Подозрительно, CD-версия игры весит полтора гигайбайта в неустановленном виде.

Заливать лучше всего сюда: https://dropmefiles.com/
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:00:04 #300 №119638390 
Был я уже там давно. Там польская версия игры.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:00:12 #301 №119638403 DELETED
Ну ждем.

Прошелся 7zipом по этому делу. У меня аплоад дохлый, полтора гига я буду заливать до вечера.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:00:27 #302 №119638425 
поясни как на сд влезет полтора гига?
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:01:03 #303 №119638491 
2 СД-диска.
что ты как нюфаг
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:01:31 #304 №119638546 
У игры три установочных диска в CD-версии.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:02:24 #305 №119638647 
Пиздос говно мамонта обсуждаете
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:02:26 #306 №119638649 
Куда заливаешь? Что за хостинг? Лей лучше сюда: https://dropmefiles.com/ Там неограниченная скорость уплоада и аплоада.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:03:17 #307 №119638731 DELETED
http://www.fayloobmennik.net/ какой-то
вроде без ограничений
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:03:32 #308 №119638763 
А чому не на торрентах?
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:05:09 #309 №119638930 
Не дёргайте его, ему и так уже спасибо сказать нужно, что он не поленился найти игру, сделать образ и залить.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:06:25 #310 №119639049 
Даже не верится. Ждём. Но если ты льёшь какую-то вирусню, то можешь не пытаться, я стреляный воробей и меня не проведёшь. Уж извини, что параною.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:06:29 #311 №119639055 DELETED
Че за хуйня? Почему меня потерли? Копирасты атакуют?
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:07:14 #312 №119639135 DELETED
Мне больше делать нехуй, как полгига хуйни заливать.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:07:48 #313 №119639196 
Что за херня?! Неужели этот >>119639055 анон говорил правду?

Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:08:11 #314 №119639238 
Тьфу, ссылки спутал.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:08:58 #315 №119639339 DELETED
Если вброшу ссылку и ее потрут, то я даже не знаю, что и думать.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:09:35 #316 №119639402 
>>119623943 (OP)
Я всегда хотел поиграть в варкрафт квест, но одна сука не хочет его выкладывать.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:10:12 #317 №119639451 DELETED
Поиграй на ютубе. Так себе квест.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:11:12 #318 №119639548 
О, тоже наслышан про неё! Ею хвастается некий trisss с old-games.ru. ЧСВшный жадный мудак.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:11:52 #319 №119639635 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:15:08 #320 №119639984 DELETED
Пароль на архив 2ch
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:15:09 #321 №119639986 
Не потрут, я периодически обновляю тред и успею скопировать ссылку.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:16:09 #322 №119640087 
Ура! Наконец-то! Уже качаю, одна минута. Сейчас отпишусь что и как. Спасибо тебе, доброанон, если не шутил, конечно.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:16:40 #323 №119640149 
оп, на каком трекере будешь раздавать?
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:17:16 #324 №119640218 
>>119623943 (OP)
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:19:09 #325 №119640424 
как я собственно и говорил, не особо найдейся
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:19:51 #326 №119640496 DELETED

потому что ведешь себя как мудак
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:19:55 #327 №119640502 
На Рутрекере.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:20:16 #328 №119640543 
Хочу в е
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:20:48 #329 №119640599 
смотри, буду ждать! надеюсь тебя вишмастером не снесёт
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:20:53 #330 №119640612 
Ладно оп, если что, жди мая, как поеду к родителям постараюсь найти игруху
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:22:20 #331 №119640760 
Спасибо, анон.
почему rar, если ты 7-zip'ом сжимал?
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:22:33 #332 №119640787 
Ну чо, ОП, не наебали?
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:22:49 #333 №119640820 DELETED
Не, все ок.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:23:52 #334 №119640910 
Потому что там не игра.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:25:19 #335 №119641051 
А что там? Вишмастер на 600 метров?
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:27:51 #336 №119641309 
Мда, и правда. А я надеялся.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:28:23 #337 №119641360 
Думаешь, я дурачок? Я с самого начала понял, что ты темнишь. Игра в установочных дисках даже с сильным сжатием не весит 640 Мб. Посрал тебе на лицо. Если ты зотел насладиться баттхёртом, то ты обломался.

Не наебали. Я сразу понял, что он хуету льёт.

Тупо набор dat.файлов.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:29:24 #338 №119641462 
Это вайпер тебе отомстил небось
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:29:34 #339 №119641479 

Не благодари
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:29:52 #340 №119641508 
Где я вёл себя как мудак? А, по отношению к уебанам вроде тебя? Да, вёл. И мамашу твою завёл в лес и там выебал, мамкин Роршах.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:30:31 #341 №119641578 
Ты даун?
>Архив раздач>Архив игр
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:30:41 #342 №119641594 
двач сегодня фейлит
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:32:01 #343 №119641745 
Seeder anonymous last seen: 2013-06-01
Я хуею с даунов в этом треде, "нашедших" ссылку за минуту в гугле
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:37:09 #344 №119642310 
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:37:25 #345 №119642343 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:37:41 #346 №119642371 
один бамп сильнее тысячи саж
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:37:42 #347 №119642372 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:37:58 #348 №119642409 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:38:15 #349 №119642438 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:38:31 #350 №119642467 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:38:47 #351 №119642500 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:39:04 #352 №119642531 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:39:20 #353 №119642558 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:39:37 #354 №119642595 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:39:53 #355 №119642631 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:40:10 #356 №119642657 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:40:26 #357 №119642681 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:40:42 #358 №119642708 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:40:59 #359 №119642739 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:41:15 #360 №119642768 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:41:31 #361 №119642802 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:41:47 #362 №119642841 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:42:04 #363 №119642880 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:42:11 #364 №119642899 
оп ты тут? http://www.old-games.com/download/9630/operation-matriarchy
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:42:21 #365 №119642920 
Шизина ссаная обсирает людей, пытающихся ему помочь, сажи.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:44:11 #366 №119643151 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:44:29 #367 №119643192 
Ссылку эту уже сто раз вбрасывали! Блин, такие помощнички хуже вайперов! Писал же уже, что я был везде, и незачем мне кидать ссылки!

Если залитый архив с левыми файлами — это помощь, то иди-ка ты на хуй!
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:45:07 #368 №119643258 
хватит вайпать уёбки тыпуе
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:45:10 #369 №119643262 
Отправляйся вслед за вайпером.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:45:19 #370 №119643280 
написал тебе на мыло, ответь
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:45:34 #371 №119643311 
што не так?
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:46:44 #372 №119643443 
ну и пашол ты нахуй еблан вредный сажи тебе
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:47:36 #373 №119643548 
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:50:33 #374 №119643877 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:50:49 #375 №119643911 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:51:05 #376 №119643938 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:51:22 #377 №119643969 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:51:38 #378 №119643997 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:51:55 #379 №119644026 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:52:11 #380 №119644056 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:52:27 #381 №119644084 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:52:44 #382 №119644124 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:52:48 #383 №119644135 
По этому треду видна степень дна, которого достигла борда.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:53:00 #384 №119644158 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:53:16 #385 №119644187 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:53:33 #386 №119644220 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:53:49 #387 №119644249 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:54:05 #388 №119644284 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:54:22 #389 №119644315 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:54:38 #390 №119644335 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:54:54 #391 №119644363 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:55:11 #392 №119644388 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:55:27 #393 №119644424 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:55:44 #394 №119644459 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:56:00 #395 №119644485 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:56:16 #396 №119644521 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:56:33 #397 №119644547 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:56:49 #398 №119644575 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:57:06 #399 №119644612 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:57:13 #400 №119644631 
Из-за какой-то несчастной игры такой взрыв говна. Тупая обезьяна убила борду.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:57:22 #401 №119644640 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:57:38 #402 №119644662 
Аноны, я всё ещё тут и жду вашей помощи.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:57:39 #403 №119644664 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:57:55 #404 №119644690 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:58:12 #405 №119644723 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:58:28 #406 №119644763 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:58:44 #407 №119644793 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:59:01 #408 №119644826 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:59:17 #409 №119644855 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:59:33 #410 №119644896 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 18:59:50 #411 №119644924 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:00:06 #412 №119644954 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:00:22 #413 №119644985 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:00:39 #414 №119645026 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:00:55 #415 №119645062 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:01:12 #416 №119645093 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:01:28 #417 №119645131 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:01:44 #418 №119645167 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:02:01 #419 №119645191 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:02:17 #420 №119645216 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:02:34 #421 №119645246 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:02:50 #422 №119645282 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:03:06 #423 №119645329 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:03:23 #424 №119645360 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:03:39 #425 №119645389 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:03:55 #426 №119645422 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:04:12 #427 №119645446 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:04:28 #428 №119645477 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:04:44 #429 №119645511 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:05:01 #430 №119645535 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:05:17 #431 №119645574 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:05:34 #432 №119645612 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
sageАноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:05:50 #433 №119645638 DELETED

Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
Last season playoffs were wide open?
But it's a new streaming provider now, so it's anyone's guess what will happen. The subscription page clearly only mentions the regular season, while the FAQ section makes it clear that each and every play-off game will be blacked out for US customers. Yes, utter chaos reigns in the NHL's online offerings, even more so now than before, so perhaps reality will turn out to be better than advertised, but there's no way to tell in definite terms what will eventually happen – there's no clarity and transparency for the paying customer. They want you to shell out the money without really letting you know what you're getting for the money. Remember, blackouts are of primary importance for the NHL, and customer satisfaction is secondary compared to that.

Originally Posted by BomaLightDevils View Post
If I want to watch full games but it doesn't have to be live, should I order this new NHL.tv??.

Can anybody help, remember I am from Europe?
Yes, in theory, purchasing this should be the solution for you. In practice, though, you may find out that many of the games you're interested in will be blacked out (that's due to all the local teams from Denmark that play in the NHL), and there may be technical streaming issues (freezing, buffering, etc.). If you give them your $39.99, take it as your lottery ticket – you may or may not get what you're interested in by purchasing that lottery ticket.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:05:55 #434 №119645651 
Да ты точно ненормальный. Лучше чем так дрочиться с бессмысленным вайпом с раком боролся бы или в поисках игры помог бы.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:08:39 #435 №119645959 
>На борде несколько тысяч человек онлайн
Не знаешь местную публику что ли? Для них это "говно мамонта". Да ещё: кто тебе будет ебаться с поиском диска. созданием образа и заливкой на обменник?
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:10:47 #436 №119646184 
как будто у народа тут куча куда более важных дел
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:13:58 #437 №119646512 
>Да ещё: кто тебе будет ебаться с поиском диска. созданием образа и заливкой на обменник?
Всем похуй просто. Никто (как сам видишь) не будет такой хуйней страдать.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:14:35 #438 №119646573 
Попробую для тебы в инете поискать
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:15:21 #439 №119646645 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:16:38 #440 №119646770 
Ты уже третий кто ему эту раздачу кидает, лол.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:17:04 #441 №119646810 
ОП, тебе её купить?
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:17:19 #442 №119646829 
первая же ссылка из гугла)
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:18:19 #443 №119646927 
А есть у кого торрент "ПАРКАН ЖЕЛЕЗНАЯ СТРАТЕГИЯ", там про роботёнков и строительство базы с видом из глаз. И чтоб последняя версия, в которой визуальные эффекты прикрутили.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:18:51 #444 №119646989 
Не хочешь гифт - твое дело. Удачи в поисках. Ушёл.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:19:37 #445 №119647061 
Спасибо, но не надо мне ничего покупать, я не прошу гифтов/физ. копий, я прошу образ диска.

Еле сдержался, чтоб не обматерить.

Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:19:54 #446 №119647084 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:21:51 #447 №119647271 DELETED
Оп, ну ты и баран. 2 секунды в гугле.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:22:26 #448 №119647339 
Держи, в отличие от «Велина» нашёл с первых минут: http://film-tor.org/torrent/213326/parkan-zheleznaja-strategija-1-2_parkan-iron-strategy-1-2-2001-2002-pc
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:23:01 #449 №119647407 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:23:37 #450 №119647472 
Уже четвёртый по счёту, кто кидает эту дохлую ссылку. Ебанутые.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:24:22 #451 №119647542 DELETED
Не благодари.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:24:43 #452 №119647583 
Это такой тонкий троллинг что ли? Сажи!
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:25:10 #453 №119647638 

Лол, благодарю!
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:26:39 #454 №119647782 DELETED
Че вы тупые такие? Учитесь гуглом пользоваться.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:26:56 #455 №119647813 
Лови сажу.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:27:21 #456 №119647867 DELETED
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:28:55 #457 №119648062 DELETED
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:29:10 #458 №119648103 
>>119623943 (OP)
Я бы помог, но выкинул его пару лет назад
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:29:11 #459 №119648104 DELETED
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:29:27 #460 №119648137 DELETED
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:29:44 #461 №119648163 DELETED
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:30:00 #462 №119648197 DELETED
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:30:49 #463 №119648290 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:35:30 #464 №119648817 
>А в третьих у нормальных людей уже хуй знает сколько лет нет привода.
Да ты охуел, я специально купил чтоб болванки на хбокс писать.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:51:02 #465 №119650549 
Анон, я не оставляю тред. Я тут.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 19:57:55 #466 №119651400 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 20:11:27 #467 №119653086 
Все еще на скинул никто? У меня есть, даже не распечатанный
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 20:14:11 #468 №119653426 
Никто не скинул… Нераспечатанный? Если это (запечатанный) не важно для тебя, то можешь выложить?
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 20:14:27 #469 №119653456 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 20:15:28 #470 №119653587 
Да я тоже считаю, что это разводка, но просто спросил на всякий случай, вдруг не пиздит.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 20:23:07 #471 №119654586 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 20:24:34 #472 №119654781 
Не заливай ему, пусть хуй сосет.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 20:25:19 #473 №119654887 
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 20:25:23 #474 №119654890 
Там 4 сд, это заебаться сколько лить
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 20:26:14 #475 №119654987 
Не лей. Оп должен пососать.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 20:26:21 #476 №119655014 
Хотя не, 3. Но как то не меняет нихуя
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 20:27:55 #477 №119655187 
Ну, извиняюсь тогда, а то тут в треде куча троллей-ебанашек была. Если для тебя целостность упаковки не важна, можешь залить? А то посто многие коллекционеры физ. копий признают только запечатанные игры.

Зальёт не зальёт, но игру я рано или поздно найду. Всё-таки не такая редкость, чтобы была в в десятке экземпляров на весь интернет.

Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 20:28:14 #478 №119655223 
на одной чаше весов заебаться сколько лить, на другой - вера в человечество.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 20:28:23 #479 №119655243 
Во пипец. А я эту игру недавно установил и пытался поиграть. Смотрел диски на выброс и увидел на сборнике. С горем пополам нашел ключи на первом уровне а на втором перестреляв орду уродцев застрял в ебучих сервеных. Двери , тысячи их. Это ппц... удалил через 30 минут.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 20:28:41 #480 №119655276 
Отколлекционировал опу за щеку :)
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 20:28:44 #481 №119655287 
>А то посто
А то просто

Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 20:30:30 #482 №119655488 
Выбор за тобой. Унижаться и умолять я не буду. Ты не зальёшь, так другие поделятся. А если зальёшь, то укажу твой ник/имя в качестве благодарности в своей раздаче. Ну и ментальное послание в ноосферу плюса твоей карме, конечно.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 20:31:25 #483 №119655586 
Если будешь лить, то советую этот хостинг. Туда можно файл весом в 50 Гб залить, без регистрации и ограничений.

Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 20:32:17 #484 №119655682 
Не буду.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 20:32:33 #485 №119655715 
А я давным-давно в подростковом возрасте всю проходил.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 20:33:24 #486 №119655814 
Ну, как хочешь.

Продолжаю тред. Бескорыстных анонов хоть и считанные единицы, но они есть, и кто-нибудь да поможет.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 20:34:13 #487 №119655914 
Соси хуй.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 20:38:23 #488 №119656430 
Вот квейк 2 перепрошел спустя 10 лет с удовольствием. А эти корридоры/двери очень унылы.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 20:43:33 #489 №119656989 
Ну, тогда, в школьном возрасте она меня очень зацепила.

Пошла на хуй из треда, тупая жадная тролльская ссанина!
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 20:44:06 #490 №119657038 
> Пошла на хуй из треда, тупая жадная тролльская ссанина!
Полыхнуло у ебанашки ))
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 20:44:07 #491 №119657040 
Это не я писал, я бы тебе скинул. Но что-то мне уже лень, спать хочется. Давай как-нибудь свяжемся, я тебе скину?
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 20:45:50 #492 №119657222 
Просто попозже
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 20:46:06 #493 №119657246 
Свяжи свой хуй узлом. Мне нормальный анон нужен, а не хуйло, которое спать хочет.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 20:46:31 #494 №119657302 
Спасибо, вот мой почтовый ящик [email protected]
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 20:47:58 #495 №119657453 
Уёбывай из треда. Вот не понимаю я таких, как ты. Нет, чтобы бороться с раком на борде, ты троллишь один из немногих вменяемых тредов. Уёбывай в свою соцбыдлосеть.

Потому что реально заебали уже.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 20:51:40 #496 №119657821 
> Нет, чтобы бороться с раком на борде
я с ним и борюсь итт
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 20:52:27 #497 №119657911 
>>119623943 (OP)
У меня диск есть, но я испытываю острок отвращение к пиратству и не могу быть его частью.
Поищи на трекерах.
Аноним 11/03/16 Птн 20:56:06 #498 №119658312 
Испытываю острое отвращение к твое мамаше.
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