24 декабря 2023 г. Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна. Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!
>>132037517 I don't see an electric socket on any of those, nigga. Why you gotta be such a lyin' sack of shit mane? Just make a photo, your reposts have no power here don't mean shit here
Aight, i will repeat my question but i think this thread will be deleter as well. Do you study or work? Do you have big american parties like in the movies? What is it like? What rap do u listen to?
>>132037982 It is summer so no college right now for me. I work as a lifeguard and yes there are big parties like in the movies. The movies make them look weird though. Its much more chill in real life, people get high or drunk, they met new people and they get laid. I listen to kendrick lamar, montana of 300, denzel curry, xavier wulf and maxo kream
>>132038255 Нет. Грант можно получить если ты супер умный олимпиадник и прогаешь с 12 лет, но это очевидно не твой вариант. Готовься к егэ, пытайся поступить в вуз хотя бы в рашке.
>>132036751 (OP) Чому ебать був мій інший потік видалені? Американський тут, ще тривають питання, вибачте, якщо останній отримав видалені, перш ніж я міг би відповісти вам питання
>>132038045 that completely grammatically correct dipshit
>>132038255 Its gonna be super hard without money. The only reason i can afford to go to college is because my dad got shot in the middle east in a war so the state pays for me and my sister to go to college
>>132038388 its not hash its bud. Call the police i have a medical license so they cant do shit
>>132038315 How much u paid for studying in a college? Does all ppl pay money to study after school? Do you have an opportunity to study for free? And what do u think about drugs? How much ppl u know smoke weed? Do they realise the harm drugs do? Is it hard to study in college btw?
>>132039160 As i had said before my dad died fighting isis so me and my sist get to college for 3. Yep, u can. I smoke weed every mnd , it s legalised acrually in my state. Lits of my friend also do that
>>132039160 its free because my dad got shot but lots of people go into debt because its so expensive. weed and psychedelics like lsd are fine but hard drugs like heroin and crack are awful. 80% of people i know smoke weed and college isnt too awful compared to highschool
>>132036751 (OP) Nigga i been listening to Young Thug and Future all my fuckin live i wish i was born in america just to witness those two geniuses, i mean if u livin in murica and not mirin' them then i might pull up on you nigga.
>>132038624 >that completely grammatically correct dipshit That's, dipshit. It stands for That is. What's good stands for What is good. Whats good indicates possessive. Go back2school and try to pretend better next time.
>>132039889 Fucking idiot just fucking proof that you are OP by clicking one fucking button. Oh nvm, just piss off here fuckin murican retard, its not like you are from mars.
>>132039882 its not hard if you arent ugly. They are very materialistic. Appearance is everything. Also most russian girls ive seen just look too skinny for me personally. Where that ass and titties? also im not seeing that op checkbox
had a trip to your countryland in 2005 now I wanna be back there for a couple of months Do you know if I could work there (maybe illegally) with touristic visa? With invitation?
>>132040520 18 cm fine for american girls >>132040805 6'1'' or 185 cm and 150 pounds >>132041094 fake, the date is european, day month year, americans do month day year. also you aint got the op tag so please fuck outta here
>>132041032 cool you are lucky that u werent born in russia. life in here is a nightmare, ppl try to leave in usa or europe as fast as possible. it is literally a mordor. our president is mad btw, he will probably destroy everything with the nuclear weapons soon and the whole world will become equal to russia. get ready muricans, justice will come to our lives soon.
Harro, peoples. My English is very bad and poor, but I hope that I can to speak with you all. I am really silly man. I have to learn English by videogames and so on. In school our teacher was a young man and he does not to teach us as well.
Today I still wrote my music medley and it is about 27 minutes now. It is a compilation of game's OST, that Ima working on. Sounds interesting, but Ima tired from it.
>>132041724 neither. Trump is a racist who hates mexicans and muslims and hillary is a liar. also voting doesnt matter. Bernie sanders should have won instead of hillary but his votes werent counted>>132041775 im not gonna give you savages my identity
>>132041571 Hi, man. I'm planning to visit USA next year. I will be using Work and travel visa. So, I have only one question. How do americans treat russians?
>>132041870 >im not gonna give you savages my identity That's Russia, all imageboards in this country are not anonymous. All logs saved on the internet provider servers for 3 years. So, I'll find you, cutie lill boy :3
>>132036751 (OP) >why the fuck was my other thread deleted? >american here >still taking questions, sorry if the last one got deleted before i could >answer you question Трай твёрже некст время, даун.
>>132042512 >>132042496 yup its absolutely insane, when i tell people here that i have a 2 bedroom for $1500 a month they think im getting a great deal>>132042532 people think hes crazy and evil. I really dont know shit about him so i dont have an opinion on him
hhey im searching hours for u guys and im finally found it OP in your opinion, most perspective language to study in usa? i mean what language you could choose to studying if u need one? инглиш вери велл BTW do u watch Initial D?
>>132042939 В любом случае нахуй он здесь нужен? Общение можно получить на том же форче и гораздо интереснее. Тем более если это мурриканец, какого хуя на шпрехает на ангельском в русскоязычном ресурсе? Он что долбаёб? инбифо: низнаешь инглиша, покпокпок
>>132042913 haha really? I thought they were thinking it was stupid expensive or some shit >>132042960 I fucking love initial d, also im studying spanish >>132043032 i do not know russian
>>132043106 Nobody here will ever believe you are actually american, you have one chanse to proof otherwise, fucking write lyrics from that webm here, i know only american will be able to do it.
>>132043288 ok, fuck off then, i mean im russian and i understand most of it. Try to type first words of this webm then, russian wasya) >>132043304 I can, i understand every single word of that webm.
>>132043234 Ты долбаеб или как? Это не интернациональная борда, говна ты кусок, не считающий себя славщитом. Это русскоязычная борда и только на отдельных досках он может почувствовать себя знаменитостью, пообщаться с другими анонами, которым интересно изучение английского или другого языка. Здесь он не более атеншенвхоры, при чем без перспектив. Уже даже какие-то говнаеды пытаются лизать ему жопу, сидя у себя в мухосрани в обосранной многоэтажке, у которого родители с большой вероятностью ватники и пидорахи.
>>132043605 > гыыы я тоже американец только сижу в дерьме крича что это не моя вина в тут еще адекват встретился у меня аж забурлило пузыри А почему ты на русском со мной базаришь, гной?
>>132043607 Взрослый, ты мне так и не ответил, хули ты забыл в школьном треде. Тебе разве не нужно поступать в вуз? Сдавать сессию? Писать курсовую? Защищать диплом? Охранять сапоги? Работать на работе? Качаться на кресле-качалке в доме престарелых, вспоминая былые деньки?
>>132043731 Литру прочитал, любознательный? Смотрите на него, столько вопросов на вопрос. Родители-пидорахи не объяснили ему, что он в разговоре занимает позицию заднеприводного.
>>132043743 Hey but where is Ryazhenka, where's Snezhok? Where's my favorite milk products?! What I will do when I'll come to US?! Do you have shops with russian food?
>>132043743 how do the people feel about all that feminism stuff? are there many batshit-crazy aggresive feminists? oh, and niggers, are they really can kill u if u call them "nigga" or like that?
Школьник пол часа вайпал тред добропочты, потому что никто не хотел брать его прыщавое сообщение. Я кидал пикчи с сагой меньше 10 минут - бан вайп /б. Очередной раз убедился, что модераторы настолько тупоголовые чмошники, что даже не хотят палить свою пидорскую натуру.
>>132043814 Думаешь, я не подумал об этой шутеечке, когда писал пост? >>132043913 С тобой всё хорошо? Голова не болит? У доктора давно был? Ты принимаешь таблетки, которые тебе прописал доктор? Почему не принимаешь? >>132043841 >нет ответа xD Очередной недовольный быдлостудент на каникулах. Ты хуже школьников, ты понимаешь это?
>>132043796 on the grill >>132043890 im neutral >>132043910 didnt realize fake americans were a thing, glad to have everything squared away >>132043950 neither>sanders>clinton >>132043934 nope, ive never seen russian food in my life >>132044015 most people realize that feminism stuff is horseshit. They are crazy feminist you can easily tell them apart from normal people because they are trash. I am white an call my black friends nigga and even nigger because its funny, as long as your cool with them and say it with confidence theyll think its funny, just dont act like a pussy >>132044056 not fat, i dont go to the gm just swim cause im a lifeguard. I dont have a gf i have a fuckbuddy
>>132041870 >Trump is a racist >sanders should have won Oh now I see why you're not on 4chan. They probably bully you for being retarded. It's okay, half of this board is retaded as well
>>132044372 >learned for govnoprofession >srannaya russia, no future for me, ebani putin(((( You could become svarshik and earn 70k+ roubles per month. But no, instead you noesh na dvache and vinish vo vsem putina.
>>132044320 nope, most ive done is thrown i buoy in the water and dragged people out of the water >>132044343 my fridge is fine, im white >>132044350 nope, vaping is dumb but having a girlfriend is more dumb >>132044405 I know that they are just people no different than you or me. Mexicans are better people than whiteys, white people are pussys, blacks are fun but often dumb >>132044463 russia knows whats good with the bears >>132044479 nope, but ive had cops draw a gun on me a few times >>132044486 they are both trash, five guys burgers and in n out are the best >>132044491 i dont support sanders but he should have won his votes werent all counted >>132044598 i have tried lean, its a boring black people drug
>>132044620 Лол что? Аниматоры с руками не из жопы могут фрилансить хоть с северного полюса. Я сам тридешник, пилю персонажей под игры. Проблем с раскрытием не наблюдаю, интернет-то вроде не отключили пока
>>132044772 А чем аниматор не гей-девелопер? Половина индюшни в 2Д. Иди ищи предложения, если уж фриланс не найдешь, то индюшатину с процентами от доходов точно найдешь, если ты действительно такой охуенный
>>132044683 thxs >>132044923 xanax is scary, addictive as fuck and turns people into retards. I havent tried it but ive sold it before >>132045026 here in california people mostly pretty chill >>132045124 i do, i have tried lean once but the only drug i regularly do is weed which is harmless
Объясните, почему пидорахи ненавидят пендосию, называют эмигрантов с брайтона хитрыми жидами, предателями родины, но при первой же возможности запихнут туда учиться личинок или съебут сами?
>>132045257 have you been in another countries, op? (europe, canada or maybe russia) If you was, how are they in comparison with usa? Is it good idea to move to california from there or everywhere is the same shit?
>>132046010 ты походу американец. Если бы гравитация в мурике была бы слабее, то мышцы ног были бы гораздо слабее развиты, и запрыгнуть они могли бы лишь в койку к твоей мамаше шлюхе
>>132036751 (OP) sooo uuum 2ch/b/ decided to invade 4chan/b/. and now usa strikes back. right? i mean off course it's international language and stuff but w... wwwait. what the fuck americans do here in russian cancerous imageboard?
>>132046580 Nu ya zahotel poobshatsya s russian scum. Vot, podumal this be funny, da i chet booring. Kak tam vy jivete? Govno posle nashih sankcii edite? Ua sechas grill gambugers, zavidui nyshenka.