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Wipe. OBR Thread

 Anônimo 6 ноября 2016 #1 №3076 
Dear Sirs. Right now our lovely thread is under Wipe.
It happens sporadically. Report claims do not work. Please advice what can we do about it. Whom to report? Or may be you could delegate moderator rights to some of our OBR members.
Anônimo 6 ноября 2016 #2 №3077 
this thing happens every damn day
Anônimo 8 ноября 2016 #3 №3083 
Anônimo 9 ноября 2016 #4 №3085 
Anônimo 12 ноября 2016 #5 №3099 
Anônimo 18 ноября 2016 #6 №3170 
The wipe continues.
And even night.
Anônimo 18 ноября 2016 #7 №3171 
Where is my post?
The wipe continues even today and not gonna stop. Every day and even night.
Anônimo 18 ноября 2016 #8 №3172 
Sorry for doubling. Well, the wipe seems to be done using a huge bunch of proxies.
Anônimo 20 ноября 2016 #9 №3182 
So why moderator even needed?
Aint there is no solution?
Captcha or something.
Or lets say, temporary block proxies whilst the wipe.
This idiot poisons all the thing.
Anônimo 20 ноября 2016 #10 №3183 
May be some kind of system of voting of posts. For let them hide as negative or delete by gaining certain votes.
Anônimo 20 ноября 2016 #11 №3184 
pls do somthing with wiper. why mod cant do his work. hundred posts with traps which wiper posts through automatic script/program from different IPs.
Anônimo 20 ноября 2016 #12 №3185 
I decided to fully explain this problem fully. I'm fed up with this shit, ain't gonna keep silent anymore. So, we have a 'Ruble gone bonkers' thread there aka ОБР or Обезумевшего рубля тред, and are being constantly attacked/wiped/threatened by only one (!) sick fuck called Pif. I don't know exactly whether he is a kremlintroll or indeed so autist schizoid. It seems that his goal is to exterminate OBR or brchan completely in order to destroy 'fucking liberasts', 'creacles', 'traitors', '5th column' - in general, those who don't like Putin and the Great Яussia or maybe make them go back to 2ch.hk?. He or it? i can't name it a human has been bombing OBR **** in /rus/ for almost 2 months (soon after our moving here from 2ch.hk) in such ways:
- just pack of botox whores/traps/guro/gay pics & other wiping;
- posting pasts about "no crisis in Russia" and "poor plastic life in the USA", a kind of wipe too;
- poses as some well known anons to post trash from their names;
- poses as several (!) anons posting to each other, but it looks like random bullshit;
- one interesting kind of wipe - by random posts from… our archives of OBR!
- deleting threads by creating them (!) and then deleting not even reached 500 posts; seems that this function switched off now, so
- boasting of being paid 200 rubles per 400 posts of wipe (lol);
- plain threats of hacking this board & flushing the IP database lol to KGBFSB, then in the pic it threatens literally to sway the hosting methodically by correctly written abuses, screens and other garbage, and abuses will fly to the domain name registrator, on the subject of pedophilia and so on, with an indication to involve Interpol, FBI and the US supervisory authorities. Brchan.org will be destroyed or will be blocked before deletion. In total, Lumumba will be fucked to death, he will delete /rus/ & everyone will suck. So, either absolute freedom or war., i. e. it declares war on us if we don't let it shit 24/7 with impunity! No more no less. First I lold so hard two months ago, but now it have convinced me to take it seriously, we must do something with this schizoid. This monkey really not gonna stop and intends to go till the end…
Anônimo 20 ноября 2016 #13 №3186 
When we got IDs switched on a day ago, it continued to wipe by traps and/// almost every ID was different! It really uses very many proxies. Rare kind of bastard.
Anônimo 20 ноября 2016 #14 №3187 
Or the good idea with IDs, at least we could hide that dumb.
I think there were IDs but been removed.
Anônimo 20 ноября 2016 #15 №3188 
wiper has started again. posts his images with 10s interval
Anônimo 21 ноября 2016 #16 №3191 
wiper who posts images of traps came back again. please force him to go away or ban. it is hard to discuss something when you need to hide all these unrelated posts
Anônimo 21 ноября 2016 #17 №3192 
again and again.png
Kill it with fire finally, please!
Anônimo 21 ноября 2016 #18 №3193 
wiper came again please make him sad
Anônimo 21 ноября 2016 #19 №3194 
wipe again pls help
Anônimo 21 ноября 2016 #20 №3195 
Anônimo 21 ноября 2016 #21 №3198 
wiper came again :( pls help to remove him from our lovely thread!
Anônimo 21 ноября 2016 #22 №3199 
Anônimo 22 ноября 2016 #23 №3200 
wipe wipe wipe again
Anônimo 22 ноября 2016 #24 №3201 
Anônimo 22 ноября 2016 #25 №3202 
Another kind of massive wipe (possible script) - by anime pics & random 'schizophasia' texts!
Anônimo 22 ноября 2016 #26 №3203 
Anônimo 22 ноября 2016 #27 №3204 
Anônimo 23 ноября 2016 #28 №3206 
this fuckind board.png
2 days.png
That bastard crawled out again: I PROMISE I WILL HAVE FUCKED UP BRCHAN COMPLETELY BY THE WEEKEND!1 BECAUSE I CAN BLJAD. Somehow, I believe himit. Be careful!
Anônimo 25 ноября 2016 #29 №3211 
Just TONIGHT lol
Anônimo 27 ноября 2016 #30 №3213 
Anônimo 27 ноября 2016 #31 №3214 
А где обр-аноны, хотел поговорить с ними на эту тему?
Anônimo 27 ноября 2016 #32 №3215 
ждем когда админы брчана пофиксят проделки траповайпера
Anônimo 27 ноября 2016 #33 №3216 
Ну уж если он смог сделать такое, то вся база постеров точно у него. У вас есть аноны без шведских ВПНов за битки?
Anônimo 27 ноября 2016 #34 №3217 
меня это не беспокоит. если ты собрался рисовать жуткую картину захвата беркутом обр анонов
Anônimo 27 ноября 2016 #35 №3218 
Anônimo 27 ноября 2016 #36 №3219 
надо относиться с юмором к попыткам обиженного привлечь к себе внимание
Anônimo 27 ноября 2016 #37 №3220 
ладно пойду кинчик посмотрю пока админы чинят
Anônimo 29 ноября 2016 #38 №3260 
WIPE Again!
Can we have a captcha or something?
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