24 декабря 2023 г. Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна.
Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных
помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!
Каждый раз когда олька обещает всех подебить, нормальные люди думают: "посмотрим"
Итак что мы имеем: перед выборами у белых людей, которым кстати пыниным БУКом сбили самолет, наши подпыньки тявкали что сейчас то голландцы выберут националистов и свалят из Евросоюза.
Незабудем что ольки любили повторять что голландцы дескать настолько недовольны Украиной, что кушать не могут, а с Пыней то мечтают жахаться в десны.
Мол, закопали своих и забыли, дело то житейское, все как у нас...а вот видимо не совсем, на что кстати намекала и общенациональная встреча траурного кортежа с погибшими.
У голландцев видимо память не куриная.
Ну и вот собственно результат:
I won't be having as much time for these things later so I'll do it now. Most votes are in and 383 out of 388 municipalities have published their results.
Let's look at the map (Note that we do not have a winner-takes-all system. So the color just means that a specific party got a plurality (there are hardly any majorities) of the votes, while the rest got less.)
The conservative liberals (VVD, 33 seats) won this election big time, despite losing 8 seats. Particularly they won in Holland (the central west coast), the mid-south and the middle of the country. Their absolute strongholds are affluent semi-urban municipalities in Holland with a lot of old money but also a lot of succesful (self-employed, skilled professionals, etc.) people with new money. 59% of their voters is male, while 48,64% enjoyed higher education (classical universities and universities of applied sciences) and 35,82% middle-high education (vocational school or high-end levels of high school). Age distribution is not that interesting here: the majority is 35-64.
Geert Wilders (that weird light blue/grayish, 20 seats) came out second (but only marginally stronger than than the third and fourth party) with 20 seats. You do not really see them much on this map. They are the light shade of blue. The PVV won a lot of votes throughout the country but their strongholds are peripheral municipalities, far away from Holland, far away from areas with a lot of migrants. The exception are a few not-so-good neighborhoods around Rotterdam. These peripheral municipalities are poorer, rapidly ageing, traditional jobs (and jobs in general) are scarce and allegedly forgotten by the central government. PVV'ers are majority male (55%) and the lowest education demographic in the country (less than 15% enjoyed higher education, 46,43% middle and 38,87 are low educated): in a way PVV'ers are what you would think of as typical Socialist voters.
The Christian Democrats (CDA, dark green, 19 seats) are just behind the PVV. CDA has run on a conservative platform this campaign. CDA voters mostly come from rural and semi-urban municipalities. Typical stronghold are Brabant (VVD is now the biggest there but CDA is often the runner-up), noord-Friesland and the east of the country. The majority is male (57,11%). Education levels vary: (35% higher educated, 45% middle, 20% low). These levels best reflect the level of education of the Dutch population as a whole. CDA is the successor of some very old Christian parties so they have their traditional ageing voting block behind them: almost one-third of their voters is 65+.
Just behind the Christian Democrats are the Social Liberals (D66, light green, 19 seats). They won in Groningen, Utrecht, Delft, Leiden, Wageningen while closing in second in Amsterdam and Nijmegen. Why? These are all university cities. D66 is not a student party though, it is very strong amoung young professionals and in urban, relatively affluent municipalities. In such municipalities it often scored just below VVD. Its voters are the most educated group in the country (57,83%, 31,38%, 10,8%) and almost 50-50 male-female. They also live in areas with a relatively high percentage of migrants, but that hasn't moved many of them towards PVV. A D66 voter is probably the most repulsive animal there is to a man like Trump (well, it gets worse below).
See those red spots on the map? Well, that ain't the Social Democrats, they have been massacred. Those are Socialist (SP, red, 14 seats) strongholds. Like Geert Wilders' voters they are located on the periphery of the Netherlands. No offense but these places are likely the least places you want to live: poor job prospects, a lot of social-economic woes and no hot exotic ladies because these are all-white areas. Like PVV voters they are relatively poorly educated (only 18,35% enjoyed a higher education while 28,76% barely enjoyed an education at all). Slightly more men (51,4%) than women voted for the Socialists.
Only two municipalities are light-green (Amsterdam and Nijmegen), but with 14 seats the Greens (Groen Links, 14 seats) must be doing something right. Groen Links are your typical highly educated, left-leaning, progressive and highly urbanized electorate. They are almost as well educated as D66 voters (55% high educated, 32% middle and 13% low). Unlike most voters the Greens are mostly women (61,18%) and their electorate is the youngest. Yeah, these your average conservative nightmare. Just the sight of them eating frozen yoghurt in their pretentious cafés can make a right-winger angry: just remember they're also one of the fittest so there's lot they can your obese, migrant-hating, all-inclusive holiday booking, PVV-voting of woman will never be capable of.
Lastly, what are those orange spots and those two very light blue spot? Well obviously orange denotes the areas where Islam hasn't taken over yet! These are stronghold of the SGP (right-wing Christian theocrats, 3 seats) and Christian Union (social conservatives with an environmentalist streak, 5 seats) their bible belt looks more like an archipelago you really would be bored to death visiting, so don't bother. Surprisingly, more women voted for them than men (57%). Their level of education is just above the national average. Besides the Greens, this electorate is actually the youngest. I can tell you from my personal experience that this electorate is small but well-organized, sharp debaters and they tend to stick up for each other in times of financial woes. The social conservative Christian Union voters give bout ten times as much to charity than Socialists or Geert Wilders' supporters.
The end.
Okay no. We still have living Social Democrats (PvdA, not represented on the map). This party went from 38 seats to 9 seats, a historic loss in Dutch politics. They did not manage to win in a single municipality. PvdA voters are the oldest (44% is 65+) it seems some people voted for them because it is their habit to do so.
Still waiting for the last 5 municipalities to report their results.