Сохранен 31
24 декабря 2023 г. Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна. Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!
Аноним 10 мая 2017 #1 №883672 
Brazilian paren here, ask me anything about everything!
Аноним 10 мая 2017 #2 №883677 
Suck li you dicks?
Аноним 10 мая 2017 #3 №883682 
How old are you? Are you rich? Take a picture from your windows if you can/want to.
Аноним 10 мая 2017 #4 №883683 
No, I don't like penises, my friendo.
Аноним 10 мая 2017 #5 №883693 
Why "paren"? Are you fat green troll may be?
Give some proofs for us.
Аноним 10 мая 2017 #6 №883697 
I am 20 years old and I am not rich, maybe just a little better than the average brazilian standard.

Here's the pic.
Аноним 10 мая 2017 #7 №883722 
Because I like russian. Why would I lie about being brazilian? I mean, if I would lie I'd choose a good country, lol.

Here is a timestamp.
Аноним 10 мая 2017 #8 №883725 
Shiiiet, man, how is life in Brazil? Is it worth it?
Аноним 10 мая 2017 #9 №883738 
For me it is pretty bad, even though I am a good academic fellow, people here don't give a flying fuck about education. Not only that, they are extremely emotional and futile. I want to leave this hole.
Аноним 10 мая 2017 #10 №883815 
Please, write "Dron, I love you" on the hand.
Аноним 10 мая 2017 #11 №883845 
Here ya go, bud. Can I have a kartoshka for that?
Аноним 10 мая 2017 #12 №883867 
It's difficult time in our country now, so… we have not got food. Only boyaryshnik.
Аноним 10 мая 2017 #13 №883874 
Yeah, better than nothing.
Why is it difficult? How is it to live in Russia today?
Аноним 10 мая 2017 #14 №883925 
Cityfags eat shit. Countrybros earn shit.
Аноним 10 мая 2017 #15 №883949 
It's better to ask them, lol. Over 50 million people in Russia have wage below the subsistence level. Official Kremlin trying to hide all this facts and there is cheating with statistics. Also fucking propaganda trying to convince us that the situation is better than ever and Putin is our God. Orthodoxal church is one of important means of propaganda, and the head of the church is KGB agent, which killed his predecessor.
Аноним 10 мая 2017 #16 №883981 
Second that. Church and "traditional" values. All power is from god and shit. Govs trying to kill Internet. Kinda sucsessfull.
If you manage to not give a fuck about future, living here is OK. If not - you'll turn psycho.
Аноним 10 мая 2017 #17 №883987 
Rep iz kal.
Аноним 10 мая 2017 #18 №884006 
Can you play berimbau?
Which Sepultura song is your favorite?
Is it hard for Brasilian anon to get a GF?
Аноним 10 мая 2017 #19 №884008 
Серун, ну не плакай.
Аноним 10 мая 2017 #20 №884015 
Может, админ таки послушал совета анона, и забухал. И увлёкся. И теперь белка у него.
Аноним 10 мая 2017 #21 №884018 
Аноним 10 мая 2017 #22 №884025 
deleted post.PNG
I'm not Dron.
Аноним 10 мая 2017 #23 №884091 
That sounds horrible, I thought Russia was powerful and shit.

Oh my God, it has something to do with geopolitical positions, maybe?
This makes me wonder what russian people think of USSR and if they would like to restore it.

I see. I think it is important to preserve tradition and traditional values, but I highly dislike when the population gets fucked in the a.


I can't, but I can play violin and cello.
ROOOOOTS, BLOODY ROOOOOTS. Yeah, kinda basic, I know, I also don't listen to this band a lot.
Well, a good one (not a whore), yeah it is, most of the girls here just want to fuck and they start having sex when they are ten years old. If you're ok with dating a whore, or a underage, or a underage whore, it's extremely easy. But finding a good girl is hard.

Are you talking about protein? I'm not good at russian so I can't tell.

I have to go study, so bye everyone, I'll answer more when I come back. See ya!
Аноним 10 мая 2017 #24 №884193 
> Are you talking about protein?
Nope. Белка, белочка squirrel, short from белая горячка white fever is russian jargon name for delirium tremens. For us russians, alcohol and squirrels are kinda related.
I was talking about /rus/ admin possibly gone overdrunk from stress and started deleting posts randomly.
Good luck with studying.
Аноним 10 мая 2017 #25 №884204 
> How is it to live in Russia today?
Аноним 10 мая 2017 #26 №884219 
> How is it to live in Russia today?
We have a guy who sentenced to 3,5 years in prison for playing PockemonGo in church.
Аноним 10 мая 2017 #27 №884245 
> How is it to live in Russia today?
Just watch Leviathan Zvyagintsev's film. 100% picture of modern russia
Аноним 10 мая 2017 #28 №884293 
He was asking for it.
Аноним 10 мая 2017 #29 №884342 
tell brazilian
Аноним 10 мая 2017 #30 №884348 
Аноним 11 мая 2017 #31 №884839 
LOL! That is curious and very interesting!
That is a possibility, you guys seem to drink a lot of alcohol, right? Hue.

Is this song like a folklore or a military song You guys seem to really enjoy them, even though this one is mixed.

Woah, this is a new level of orthodoxy. Are most of the people really religious there? Babushkas seem to be.

Interesting call, thank you for the tip.

Tell what? Hue.

I love you too, my slavic eusarian brother!
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