Сохранен 40
24 декабря 2023 г. Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна. Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!
Аноним 24/11/17 Птн 01:45:18 #1 №165613986 
Прошу помощи. Решается судьба стипендии. Без нее будет совсем хуево.
Есть ли явные ошибки в эссе - День, который я не забуду?

That day was the same as thousands before. I left my job late. All colleagues from my department was already gone. The corporate bus was full of immigrant warehouse workers. You couldn't squeeze a paper sheet between bodies. After delightful ride within which I couldn't grasp a single russian word, bus finally reached my stop.
"Walk around and BEHIND the bus" - says every rules sign. And I did exactly like that. All right, all right I was in a hurry. So I rushed behind the bus and along crosswalk.
And right there out of the blue came a car. In the last moment I managed to stop and jump back. The car barely sweeped by me and stopped with horrifying screech. A wing mirror hit my arm, flew off and was tumbling along the road for some time.
I was shocked and appalled staying thoughtlessly there. Some old fellow started to yell at driver and even slammed his cane on car's roof a couple of times. The language he used - and he was not selective at all in his choice of words - forced me back to my senses. I realized from that furious speech that there was "auto-lady" (as they say nowadays) behind the wheel.
Looked like she wasn’t about to come out and crowd started to grow. I must say I really don't like to make myself the center of attention. There was no real harm done, so I squeezed through people and nipped away.
I think sometimes, maybe I could gain something from that situation. You know, a little unobtrusive black mail and I could became a couple of thousands richer. Just kidding.
I got home and spent evening thinking about life and how fragile it is. It’s so sad that only such rare moments in life filled with busywork are making me really feel alive.such rare moments in life filled with busywork are making me really feel alive.

Я побампаю чем-нибудь.
Аноним 24/11/17 Птн 01:46:30 #2 №165614030 
>>165613986 (OP)
Аноним 24/11/17 Птн 01:50:39 #3 №165614132 
Аноним OP 24/11/17 Птн 01:51:03 #4 №165614145 
Аноним 24/11/17 Птн 01:53:18 #5 №165614206 
>all colleagues was
Не видать тебе стипендии.
>I left my job late
Ещё более топорно написать не мог? Как насчёт I left my job at a late hour или вроде того?

Дальше читать влом.
Аноним 24/11/17 Птн 01:53:36 #6 №165614215 
>>165613986 (OP)
wy no meme tlk? R u rtrd m9? Fkn Kys
Аноним 24/11/17 Птн 01:57:39 #7 №165614342 
И на том спасибо.
Аноним 24/11/17 Птн 02:02:33 #8 №165614489 
1458482760435-0 (1).webm
Аноним 24/11/17 Птн 02:08:19 #9 №165614691 
Аноним 24/11/17 Птн 02:11:53 #10 №165614811 
All colleagues from my department were gone
Много раз пропускаешь the
during which I
That there was an auto-lady
Could become
Возможно есть еще грамматические ошибки.
Аноним 24/11/17 Птн 02:12:59 #11 №165614848 
Мне казалось слишком много the - поудалял.
Аноним OP 24/11/17 Птн 02:20:17 #12 №165615095 
Аноним OP 24/11/17 Птн 02:24:31 #13 №165615232 
Аноним OP 24/11/17 Птн 02:27:26 #14 №165615330 
Аноним 24/11/17 Птн 02:31:05 #15 №165615441 
Some old fellow- может лучше An old fellow?
I could gain- правильно будет I could have gained так как ты этого не сделал в прошлом
to yell at driver- лучше добавить the я думаю At the
driver. чтобы подчеркнуть что именно тот водитель
And I did exactly like that- And I followed the rule* думаю так лучше
I was shocked and appalled staying thoughtlessly there. - в интернете говорят что лучше использовать appalled by или appalled at. Тогда можно написать I was appalled by this silly situation.
Аноним 24/11/17 Птн 02:31:51 #16 №165615471 
тебе это завтра сдавать?
Аноним 24/11/17 Птн 02:35:55 #17 №165615596 
"It was just a normal day, a day like any other."
можно ещё так начать. так будет точно правильно. насчёт твоего даже не знаю. может тоже можно говорить, но нет такой уверенности как с "it was a normal day, a day like any other "
Аноним OP 24/11/17 Птн 02:42:50 #18 №165615788 
Walken I dont know.webm
Агаа. Уже сегодня.
Аноним 24/11/17 Птн 02:44:07 #19 №165615823 
а который у вас сейчас час?
Аноним 24/11/17 Птн 02:45:27 #20 №165615861 
>>165613986 (OP)
Хуета какая-то сухо и неинтересно. Учись, студент.
This day begun like hundreds days before. I was late at job, and all my fellows was already dead (я хуй знает почему они у тебя умерли, может ты имел ввиду что они left?). Floaters occupied corp wagon, so you could not squeeze a razor blade between them. Humored by that idea, I greet our guests with few gentle first pushes to create personal space.
Аноним 24/11/17 Птн 02:46:53 #21 №165615904 
Аноним 24/11/17 Птн 02:47:55 #22 №165615936 
Ладно, ладно. Надо же хоть где-то применять знания.

>>165613986 (OP)
>Прошу помощи. Решается судьба стипендии. Без нее будет совсем хуево.
>Есть ли явные ошибки в эссе - День, который я не забуду?

>That day was the same as thousands before.
That day was similar to many that came before
>I left my job late.
At always, I stayed late at my job.
>All colleagues from my department was already gone.
All the children's from my department were lying gone by now.
>The corporate bus was full of immigrant warehouse workers.
By the time I entered the the corporate bus, only immigrant warehouse worked were present.
>You couldn't squeeze a paper sheet between bodies.
Bus was so full that even something as thin as paper could not have been squeezed between the bodies.
>Afterghtful ride within
>which I couldn't grasp a single russian word, bus finally reached my stop.
The air was filled with a foreign speech. It's funny, actually. I couldn't shake the feeling of being the outsider. It was as if I were the gastarbeiter in some eastern country.
>"Walk around and BEHIND the bus" - says every rules sign.
I've always been told to walk behind the bus. I guess every kid was. It may sound silly that a grown man would follow the rules taught in kindergarten, but sometimes you don't need anything more complex to get by.
> And I did exactly like that. All right, all right I was in a hurry. So I rushed behind the bus and along crosswalk.
However, there are always exceptions to the rules.
>And right there out of the blue came a car. In the last moment I managed to stop and jump back.
At the very last moment I was able to stop.
>The car barely sweeped by me and stopped with horrifying screech. A wing mirror hit my arm, flew off and was tumbling along the road for some time.
....... With A horrifying screech......
My arm was his by a wing mirror, which then flew right off and subdued along the road.
>I was shocked and appalled staying thoughtlessly there.
Чё? Тавтология и ничего не добавляет.
> Some old fellow started to yell at driver and even slammed his cane on car's roof a couple of times.
Some old geezer stated yelling at the car...
Как он ударил машину, которая вроде как едет?
>The language he used - and he was not selective at all in his choice of words - forced me back to my senses.
>I realized from that furious speech that there was "auto-lady" (as they say nowadays) behind the wheel.
Не realized, ты не теорию открыл. Ты уловил. Используй "understood".
>Looked like she wasn’t about to come out and crowd started to grow.
Seemed like she had no intention to come out. All the ruckus has caught attention o passers-by and small crowd began to gather
> must say I really don't like to make myself the center of attention.
>There was no real harm done, so I squeezed through people and nipped away.
Какие, нахрен, "the people"? Которые в биле о правах? Просто люди.
>I think sometimes, maybe I could gain something from that situation.
Maybe I could have profited...
>You know, a little unobtrusive black mail and I could became a couple of thousands richer.
Какой "a little"? Some! "Unobtrusive" вообще не к месту.
Some blacktail could have made me......
>Just kidding.
Nah, of course not. I'm not a criminal.
>I got home and spent evening thinking about life and how fragile it is. It’s so sad that only such rare moments in life filled with busywork are making me really feel alive.such rare moments in life filled with busywork are making me really feel alive.
... spent the following evening thinking about the fragility of life...
It's almost comically sad, but I feel that only such striking moments in my boring, repetitive, gray existence of a life give me anything to reflect upon.

>Я побампаю чем-нибудь.
Я сонный, но, надеюсь, тебе поможет.
Аноним 24/11/17 Птн 02:49:08 #23 №165615961 
As* always. на всякий случай
Аноним 24/11/17 Птн 02:50:31 #24 №165615991 
>. I was late at job, and all my fellows was already dead
Пиздец. Не сравнимы с такими знаниями.
Аноним 24/11/17 Птн 02:51:33 #25 №165616026 
Долбаный автокоррекции.

All the colleagues were long gone by now.
Аноним 24/11/17 Птн 02:52:27 #26 №165616052 
Че еще спизданешь? У меня уровень выше чем native.
Аноним 24/11/17 Птн 02:53:29 #27 №165616083 
Блин, там седьмая часть слов неправильно заменилась.
Надеюсь, разберёшься.
Аноним 24/11/17 Птн 02:54:54 #28 №165616115 
>fellows was
Аноним OP 24/11/17 Птн 02:56:20 #29 №165616156 
Воу-воу, что вы тут учинили?
Спасибо, сейчас поправлю.
Аноним 24/11/17 Птн 02:56:40 #30 №165616166 
Ебало завали, щас все так говорят.
Аноним 24/11/17 Птн 02:58:24 #31 №165616214 
Ага, множественное число отменили недавно.
Аноним OP 24/11/17 Птн 03:23:36 #32 №165616823 
А ты хорош. Я бы у тебя поучился. На какому-нибудь busuu не бываешь?

>Чё? Тавтология и ничего не добавляет.
Да я вспомнил мемчик с хуем.

>Как он ударил машину, которая вроде как едет?
Так она же stopped with horrifying screech

>Какие, нахрен, "the people"?
Я поменял на rubbernecks. Помню это выражение из фильма Маска.

Аноним OP 24/11/17 Птн 03:30:19 #33 №165616996 
Аноним OP 24/11/17 Птн 03:40:13 #34 №165617223 
Блеа, какого хуя, а?
Я уже месяц сплю лишь каждую вторую ночь.

Какие подводные камни?
Аноним OP 24/11/17 Птн 03:45:17 #35 №165617361 
Аноним OP 24/11/17 Птн 03:55:07 #36 №165617570 
Аноним 24/11/17 Птн 04:01:11 #37 №165617689 
я потерялся во времени наглухо, диплом и практика 5 дней в неделю, ощущение опустошенности последние 3 месяца, я как будто теряюсь во сне, бывает ощущение бессмысленности и хочется просто исчезнуть
Аноним OP 24/11/17 Птн 04:07:43 #38 №165617790 
То ли дело будет на работе.
Аноним 24/11/17 Птн 04:12:51 #39 №165617871 
Если так, то и сдохнуть недолго
Аноним 24/11/17 Птн 07:56:23 #40 №165621748 
Нучто, как там.
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