24 декабря 2023 г. Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна.
Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных
помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!
Есть ли явные ошибки в эссе - День, который я не забуду?
That day was the same as thousands before. I left my job late. All colleagues from my department was already gone. The corporate bus was full of immigrant warehouse workers. You couldn't squeeze a paper sheet between bodies. After delightful ride within which I couldn't grasp a single russian word, bus finally reached my stop.
"Walk around and BEHIND the bus" - says every rules sign. And I did exactly like that. All right, all right I was in a hurry. So I rushed behind the bus and along crosswalk.
And right there out of the blue came a car. In the last moment I managed to stop and jump back. The car barely sweeped by me and stopped with horrifying screech. A wing mirror hit my arm, flew off and was tumbling along the road for some time.
I was shocked and appalled staying thoughtlessly there. Some old fellow started to yell at driver and even slammed his cane on car's roof a couple of times. The language he used - and he was not selective at all in his choice of words - forced me back to my senses. I realized from that furious speech that there was "auto-lady" (as they say nowadays) behind the wheel.
Looked like she wasn’t about to come out and crowd started to grow. I must say I really don't like to make myself the center of attention. There was no real harm done, so I squeezed through people and nipped away.
I think sometimes, maybe I could gain something from that situation. You know, a little unobtrusive black mail and I could became a couple of thousands richer. Just kidding.
I got home and spent evening thinking about life and how fragile it is. It’s so sad that only such rare moments in life filled with busywork are making me really feel alive.such rare moments in life filled with busywork are making me really feel alive.
Я побампаю чем-нибудь.