Сохранен 12
24 декабря 2023 г. Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна. Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!
Аноним 09/02/18 Птн 21:28:17 #1 №170390119 
Studies show that a tiny number of males inseminates a large number of females in the time period of human schooling.
However, these sexual relationships are kept secret from the public;
especially unattractive males (the large majority) is not aware about the extent of the sexual relationships few males have with many, or even most, females.
Among females, those exact sexual relationships are almost universally known, as they are communicated in intra-females groups which specifically form communication networks for exchange of socio-sexual secrets among female members of the network - this process is commonly known as "female gossip". This none-public communication involves, among other aspects, the judging and comparing of locally available males.
It was repeatedly found by researchers that sexual access and success of individual males are a primary category of the information exchanged in female "gossip" communication networks.
Those men who were judged and perceived as being able to obtain a higher degree of sexual access and success to females were perceived as especially desirable by the females - sexual access and success were an independent predictor of even higher sexual access and success of the judged males (that is, the more females learned that specific males were sexually successful, the more they wanted and did have sex with exactly those males themselves).
Аноним 09/02/18 Птн 21:29:19 #2 №170390190 
We found that sexual activities were initiated at continuously younger age over the last decades in Western populations, and that such activities appear to became more exclusive in terms of the male pupils chosen for sexual contact: A small fraction of young men monopolized almost all the sexual activity with most females, while a large majority of young men had zero sexual contacts and was what appears being deliberately kept ignorant of the wide-spread sexual activities of a few sexually successful male students, despite wide and frequent circulation of information of those sexual encounters in female-only "gossip" communication networks.
Most recent data, collected by Miller et al., suggests that mobile phone based socially clandestine communication has replaced much of in-person physical gossip in females; frequency and volume of such communication in young females has increased; mobile phones and associated social media services are utilized as a socially clandestine means of sharing information of and initiation of sexual contacts unobserved by peers and authority figures (teachers, parents etc.).
A recent new phenomenon in school-age sexual activity is the increased disappearance of in-person initiation of sexual contacts; instead, young females appear to prefer tacit selection of males and the negotiation of time and locale of sexual contacts more exclusively by mobile phone (texts, self-taken pictures, video, audio communication).
We hypothesize that mobile phone based sexual information gathering, negotiation, and execution have replaced in-person-type "gossip" social communication networks because of the improved ability of females to keep such information and activities publicly undetected.
Аноним 09/02/18 Птн 21:30:07 #3 №170390233 
Это паста с фочана, расходимся.
Аноним 09/02/18 Птн 21:31:01 #4 №170390309 
А ты умён. Но тема-то интересная. Или сосачеры не умеют по-английски читать?
Аноним 09/02/18 Птн 21:34:30 #5 №170390520 
Блять. Походу не умеют.
Аноним 09/02/18 Птн 21:41:49 #6 №170390983 
Последний раз бампаю и ухожу
Аноним 09/02/18 Птн 21:45:26 #7 №170391228 
>>170390119 (OP)
Это не универсально. К примеру у дагов и саудовских арабов такого нет.
Аноним 09/02/18 Птн 21:47:27 #8 №170391347 
>>170390119 (OP)
Было бы лучше если бы ты не выёбывался и перевёл в следующий раз. Тут есть аноны которые помимо русского ещё и национальный язык знают, армянский например, и заставлять их знать три языка(русский, армянский, английский) это изнасилование мозга.
Аноним 09/02/18 Птн 22:23:03 #9 №170393636 
Просто ты умственно отсталый.
Аноним 09/02/18 Птн 23:10:45 #10 №170396309 
>>170390119 (OP)
уже похуй я смирился с этим говном
Аноним 09/02/18 Птн 23:21:12 #11 №170396909 
уже похуй я смирился с этим говном
Аноним 10/02/18 Суб 01:08:41 #12 №170402567 
>>170390119 (OP)
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