Сохранен 372
24 декабря 2023 г. Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна. Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:02:02  #1 №77807867 
Bad translator тред, копаем дальше под проект Х
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:05:22  #2 №77807928 
As Nista'l
Все сюда сук
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:05:45  #3 №77807936 

Original text:

"Login Q magazine,access level 1 application More Energy -r,p,q"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Day qsəviyyəsində data 1 point. Manufacturer p,q"
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:07:37  #4 №77807965 
As Nista'l в треде.
Хрен пойми, что мне теперь делать, но ведь что-то делать надо.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:10:13  #5 №77808002 
"Login Q magazine, lock Code red. type q Need report from X-server about union."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Captain's log : -D, Bravoհետ code red. G X-access on the server, I think."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:12:54  #6 №77808050 
до чего вчера докопал, вообще тред ещё долго висел после того как я спать увалил?
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:13:17  #7 №77808055 

Original text:

"Login Q magazine Noting in q Bravoհետ report in this is Captain"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"The use of F-log. G Bravoհետ... Captain "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:15:02  #8 №77808082 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:15:11  #9 №77808087 
Есть какая-то b għalija.
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb"
"The war is not, (b)and blokta intx you think"
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb server X require information Day qsəviyyəsində"
"The war is not equal to zero, and, therefore, is a unit of measurement And blokta intx if you think The X server. You can qsəviyyəsində "
--"Доброе утро. Расскажи мне о проекте x."
"Hi, I'm much better now, but this project X "
"Что думаешь насчет мирового господства?"
"This world, I can't intx'taħseb? what do you think? "
"Много ли миров, уже находящихся под контролем Проекта?"
"All the world is under the control of the project. "
"То есть пока что только один мир потерял свою автономию."
"The world has lost its independence. "
"Сервер X расположен в мире, окончательно утратившем независимость от Проекта."
"The world of the X-server, and always, regardless of whether the project is lost."
вчера ничего толкового в треде не всплыло.
Я его htlmстраницей сохранил, потом забью весь текст в отдельный документ.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:16:17  #10 №77808102 
Ну и висел тред тоже недолго.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:17:40  #11 №77808139 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:19:32  #12 №77808189 

Original text:

"Login Q magazine Noting in q report about F-log,p"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Every day, every day. To celebrate this moment. F-F-F, daily reports."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:19:56  #13 №77808206 
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb server X comand qsəviyyəsində "
"Battle of standards and technology (expert)and (b), blokta intx than you think The X Server. Buy qsəviyyəsində "
Однако, битва экспертов и /b/.
Покупаем qsəviyyəsində
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:21:44  #14 №77808251 

Original text:

"Login Q magazine Calling F-F-F. Tell me about F-log"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Export-import. -F-f-f-f-f-f-F-test). "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:25:15  #15 №77808351 
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Server X information request what is war zero war War Powergate"
"It's not a race, or creuset'blokta intx, what do you think X Server. Information requirements War The diameter of the role. War Powergate"
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb server X information request qsəviyyəsində equipment request qsəviyyəsində "
"I tried in the area (B),blokta intx if you think that The X Server. For more information qsəviyyəsində You qsəviyyəsində "
Не раса.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:26:25  #16 №77808375 

Original text:

"Login Q magazine Management Server X, Bravoհետ, what it contains?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Every day X Bravoհետ time? "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:26:47  #17 №77808385 
>you qsəviyyəsində
не повезло
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:27:16  #18 №77808398 

Original text:

"Login Q magazine question Every day X Bravoհետ time? answer When it stops għalija comes"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Program p The problem Every day x x x x x Bravoհետ. The answer I threw it out! Throw it away because you don't want "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:28:33  #19 №77808425 
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli qsəviyyəsində server X information request creuset'blokta intx "
"And this is the cause of another in a battle with a Block, b, I blokta. I would like to say that qsəviyyəsində X Server. Use a pot. To avoid intx "
> The answer I threw it out! Throw it away because you don't want
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:28:54  #20 №77808434 
Что вообще происходит в этом ITT треде? Поясните для самых медленных.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:30:44  #21 №77808474 
нистал распиши, я на бравотхуна почти вышел
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:30:55  #22 №77808479 
Раскрываем суть проекта X, тихих домов, и ненулевой войны.
Остерегайся Королевы и Главы Проекта, ищи коды.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:31:29  #23 №77808493 
Login Q magazine, run upgradeclass_1. Check Program p, need log. Which contacts with Bravoհետ you have?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Control program research upgradeclass_1 version of a record.Bravoհետ."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:33:21  #24 №77808547 
Зог протек? Что вы несете-то?
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:34:15  #25 №77808570 
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli qsəviyyəsində server X use module POT comand avoid intx "
"ب. blokta qsəviyyəsində international war of the people. Service-X. The materials used in the work. To avoid intx "
Мне попадался некий Dirk.
Посмотри на него инфу.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:34:34  #26 №77808586 

Original text:

"Login Q magazine,p Noting q report about Control program research -r, "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Participation in the... Check Finally, the day of determining the r-r-communication with server - "

когда отрубятся серваки всему пиздец
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:38:19  #27 №77808677 

Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:39:30  #28 №77808706 
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli qsəviyyəsində ب. blokta qsəviyyəsində server X require infrormation international war of the people Service-X avoid intx "
"If the pro-b-b-and blokta qsəviyyəsində warrior estradă. qsəviyyəsində The X server. International war, if this service X To avoid intx "
Походу нам не избежать как минимум третьей мировой.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:39:32  #29 №77808707 

Original text:

"Login Q magazine,p Noting q requesting file Finally from >X control server stop Code Red"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Every day, I want to see. Note:p Folder X to read the file,find Stop code red."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:39:33  #30 №77808709 
Original text:

"Что сейчас тонет в водах Норвегии?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Now, Norway, and the water in the corner;"

Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:42:24  #31 №77808784 
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Server X Server-F-X-the united states server-Cp-X united States connect to Dirk connect to Bravoհետ information request the day of determining the r-r-communication with server"
"Now on the block if you know I can fight. I think that is for me. X-server. Table f-X United States of America Server-S-X- In the club. Link Bravoհետ Note : r-link, the owner of the For more information on the past."
> you know I can fight
> think that is for me
> Table f-X United States of America Server-S-X-
> Link Bravoհետ
> r-link
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:42:46  #32 №77808793 
Нужно искать папку Х, в ней все научные исследования организации

Original text:

"Login Q magazine,p Noting q Requesting Folder X"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Access to the document again, and was Gene, Gene, don't forget Not every day, but I see it. Folder Researchers X"
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:44:47  #33 №77808855 
Наркаманы штоле?
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:45:30  #34 №77808876 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:45:48  #35 №77808882 
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Server X Server-F-X-the united states server-Cp-X united States connect to Dirk connect to Bravoհետ connect to r-link information request folder X"
"Coils, and f blocks in the relationship for me, tell me, intx. I think X-server. Services- - - - F-X- Server-at-m (united States). Into the hole. Communication Bravoհետ Communication Documents more x"
какие-то Communication Documents
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:46:46  #36 №77808903 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:47:18  #37 №77808916 

Original text:

"Login Q magazine,p Noting q call to Folder X, need information about russian wind of X"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"In this blog, newspaper,magazine, t & q. What is important for And Jane.> The surprise of the information for the Russians needed to win the us X"

мы их победить можем, нужна лишь инфа, на сцене появляется And Jane
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:48:34  #38 №77808945 
Что есть, то есть.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:48:56  #39 №77808956 
"будет ли третья мировая война?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Here is the third world war? "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:49:30  #40 №77808975 

Original text:

"Login Q magazine,p Noting q call to Folder X, send me Bravoհետ Communication Documents"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Tone-on-R-R P note that So, Mary> X-information, e-mail, Bravoհետ a link to the document."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:50:04  #41 №77808998 
Уже идёт, расслабься.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:50:56  #42 №77809020 
> Bravoհետ a link to the document
" Coils, and f blocks in the relationship for me, tell me, intx. I think X-server. Services- - - - F-X- Server-at-m (united States). Into the hole. Communication Bravoհետ Communication Documents more x X"
" I wash my face, and f-blocks there, I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I think this is a good servant.- - - - F-X(united STATES)in the forum, please contact the Bravoհետ document reference x x x x x x "
>please contact the Bravoհետ document reference x x x x x x
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:51:20  #43 №77809033 
"Проходите мимо, не на что тут смотреть
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:52:01  #44 №77809048 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:52:45  #45 №77809075 
Войну можно начать просто использовав один документ, меня прознали там как Mary

Original text:

"Login Q magazine,p Noting q, Noting p Tone-on-R-R P Need information from Folder X, about war"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"If every day, the s & p Question You, Mary> T-R-e-e-f According to my information in this document is war."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:55:09  #46 №77809141 
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ Server X Server-F-X-the united states server-Cp-X united States request contact And Jane"

"In time of war, when a b-wing, tgħidli intx Dekker Bravoհետ X. Serve-N-U United States. Server-Cp-U United States. Use for detailed information."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:55:36  #47 №77809154 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:56:09  #48 №77809168 

Original text:

"Login Q magazine,p Request from Bravoհետ database, Control Server X, encript -r. Need information about s & p"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Press X X information encript (C, m, must be Bravoհետ information management server "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:58:04  #49 №77809229 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:58:55  #50 №77809252 

Original text:

"Login Q magazine,p Request from Bravoհետ information managment server, Control Server X, encript X X. Need information about s & p."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Every day(t, p Keep in mind that Bravoհետ server information, X, X, X,x x x x x x x x x x this information is for the user to get access to encript the right(r and s)"
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:59:35  #51 №77809271 
Кокова суть треда?
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 09:59:45  #52 №77809279 
> document reference x x x x x x
вместо иксов вставляем Dekker
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ Server X Server-F-X-the united states server-Cp-X united States request contact the Bravoհետ document reference Dekker"

"This is a War, this is, if you don't know the rules, I blokta intx Thank you Bravoհետ x Service-X-X-American Server rooms, free toiletries, hairdryer, united STATES Please contact Bravoհետ method for Decker, the Hague"
>This is a War
>Service-X-X-American Server rooms
>the Hague
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:01:45  #53 №77809345 

Original text:

"Login Q magazine,p Connect with Majesty, upgrade account to use encripter right(r and s). Requested from Bravoհետ"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"The certificate file f Please note, your Majesty, contacts, encripter(r+I) Bravoհետ please "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:03:41  #54 №77809406 
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ Dekker Server X Server-F-X-the united states server-Cp-X united States information request the Hague Service-X-X-American Server rooms"
"Most of the people in this war, that the oils الفاضح intx ceiling is expected to Bravoհետ The X server. Service f-we have the duty. Server-HP-m,United States of America This information is necessary for the dental x-x "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:04:30  #55 №77809432 
Original text:

"Что сейчас тонет у берегов Швеции?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Therefore,The Swedish Bank. "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:05:44  #56 №77809465 
Original text:

"Жока и Бока участвуют в заговоре"

...10 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"The party member in the network"
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:05:44  #57 №77809466 

Original text:

"Login Q magazine,p upgrade TO Majesty. enc rl contact wint R-R p Need answers. Which Russian politic connected with X? "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Every day, P,q. Media-Majestade what SARL Please, R, Thank you to contact us if you want to destroy The correct answer, the fact is that the Russian political class, which is part of? "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:05:55  #58 №77809478 
Выхожу на сервера в Гааге
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker Server X Server-F-X-the united states server-Cp-X united States information request the Hague"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

" Do you think that tgħidli for intx الفاضح blocks most of all, I'm the type of...Are, I Bravoհետ The X server. Service F-X $ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΕΣ Server-Cp-X,USA To get more information about the teeth."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:07:47  #59 №77809538 
"Well, let's see in detail what you wrote, it seems really confused, sad life of a pig in the eye and said that he was ready to listen to me, all the garbage, because you wrote it, it is due to the large syilogism"

Оригинал думаю очевиден.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:10:31  #60 №77809643 
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker
Server X Service F-X $ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΕΣ Server-Cp-X,USA information request the teeth"
"B-beautiful unit in the Second world war, the judge Said, intx. Two trees, two trees, I think,
Bravoհետ X. Op-f-X $ service-phone-x-ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΕΣ America For outside use."
>the teeth
>unit in the Second world war
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:11:06  #61 №77809669 

Original text:

"Login Majesty question Russian political class, which is part of? answer Give access to information about SARL, Dekker "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"In accordance with the summer months. This policy was a good experience in Russia. This hotel. "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:11:43  #62 №77809690 
>Two trees, two trees
ищи про них
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:13:23  #63 №77809750 
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker Server X Service F-X $ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΕΣ Server-Cp-X,USA Op-f-X $ service-phone-x-ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΕΣ America information request Second world war"
"The government believes that the fight will be blokta intx sandwich Bravoհետ me. X Server. Table F-X $ STATES-server-PT-b,in the united States. N-X, money, services, mobile phones, x-STATES This information can be used during the Second world war. "
> This information can be used during the Second world war
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:15:54  #64 №77809830 
Нихуя себе.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:16:18  #65 №77809845 

Original text:

"Login Majesty Contact to servers. What was the main event this summer? Who connect with Dekker? encr - p+l, -r. What do X contains?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Thank you for your visit Boy, what happened is that in the summer? Dirk? Open video system monitoring -+ - In Fact, X; "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:17:04  #66 №77809873 
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker Server X Service F-X $ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΕΣ Server-Cp-X,USA Op-f-X $ service-phone-x-ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΕΣ America information request two trees"

"The war affected me from the part B blokta intx what do you think, Bravoհետ Are I The X server. The location of the F-X $ country-server-HORSE-x,united States K-X-first-phone-x united States of america. Two or three "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:19:03  #67 №77809930 
> Dirk
ну вот опять он
попробуй I'm Dirk, Please, a little shy, X,but not boring;
Remember that you will have.
> Open video system monitoring
Тебя засекли. притворяйся dirkом
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:19:53  #68 №77809951 
Ищем видео кочаны

Original text:

"Login Majesty X, Connect with the main control server. Requesting from Folder X, Who is The Waiter? "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"The king signed. Open the video, click on the+ icon : > X manager Document X and the content of the page? "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:20:48  #69 №77809979 
И вот еще
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker Server X Table F-X $ STATES-server-PT-b N-X information request two trees"
"During the war, who provide services, such as site b, to stop me intx say. Decker I think Bravoհետ X server. Table f-X$, which server-Brazil-b X X Two of the necessary information in the tree. "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:22:57  #70 №77810048 
"Login Majesty X, Connect with the main control server. Requesting from Folder X, Who is The Waiter?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"In general, the text of article x, and not X, and you?"
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:23:01  #71 №77810052 
>who provide services, such as site b
>site b
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:24:34  #72 №77810093 
не используй мой логин
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:25:08  #73 №77810111 
"Login Majesty X, Connect with the main control server. Requesting from Folder X, What is going on?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

" The best advice that is connected to the server, you can deal with John. X to ask, what is the problem? "

Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:25:47  #74 №77810131 
Пишите маленькую "х", а не "Х"
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:26:49  #75 №77810160 
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker Server X log in server-Brazil-b X X Q-I N-X information request two trees"

"(B)blokta intx sandwich Bravoհետ Jane I The X server. Open session on the server Brazil b X X X X X My control. X-x The Data from the two trees. "
Надо вскрыть пять иксов
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:30:17  #76 №77810269 
сука меняю логины, qmagazine>majesty>boiler
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:33:21  #77 №77810374 
Похоже, информация о двух деревьях засекречена.
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker Server X log in server-Brazil-b X X Q-I N-X information request two trees"
slations later, Yandex gives us:

"To avoid this, all you need to do : I blokta intx games Bravoհետ pleasure. The X server. You can add a server...X X X X X C. X X X X X x x x x x The Information Of The Tree. "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:34:35  #78 №77810410 
Что это?
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:34:57  #79 №77810425 

Original text:

"Get Renamed to>boiler Noting q. x need request from data server from Brasil "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"The right domain name By the way, g x is what you need to do a Brazilian server,you can find information about "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:38:08  #80 №77810501 

Original text:

"Login boiler Noting q. connect to Write about """

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"B coderit. hole C >> < > > > X>"
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:39:25  #81 №77810536 
"Беги, Форест, беги"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Run forest run"

Все переводы выстоял
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:42:17  #82 №77810630 
Нужно выезжать в йобург

Original text:

"Login boiler Noting q. Requesting from -Control Server, Folder X. question >Who is g"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Yekaterinburg day Report Click On The Cross. Q x God"
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:42:38  #83 №77810643 
полёт нистала, ты тут?
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:43:41  #84 №77810675 
Меня временно отвлекли.
Скоро вернусь.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:43:59  #85 №77810684 
ок, пока сам перекушу
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:45:01  #86 №77810720 
Хорошо, надеюсь тред не снесется.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:45:22  #87 №77810738 

Original text:

"Login boiler Noting q. Requesting from -Control Server, Folder X. question >Where is the cross >who is God"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Touch screen controller Don't forget to C The server there is a document management application-X This means that between the From The Lord."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:45:26  #88 №77810740 
"Американцы были на луне? "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Hey, what about us? "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:47:14  #89 №77810803 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:47:59  #90 №77810827 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:48:50  #91 №77810849 
Original text:

"Икс это число? Как с тобой связаться? Назови свой адресс, почту или скайп. Живее!"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Many fishermen μαγισσών of nikkuntattja? Name, surname, address, e-mail or video."
Original text:

"Какие еще нахер рыбаки? Ты шифруешься? Говори открыто! У меня мало времени."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Hunter of political power; protection? Tell me, of course! I don't have time."
Original text:

"Кто такие охотники за политической силой и защитой? Это связано с Украиной и Россией?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Political power and the responsibility to protect? In ukraine, in Belarus, which is not in the middle? "
Original text:

"Не ходи кругами, говори прямо!"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"The Line-no, no, no, no!!"
"Нет? Но к чему это тогда относится?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"You can be? But that's the way it is ... "
Original text:

"Что я могу? Шифр X-Zero, повторяю X-Zero"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"What do you do? The new law employee of X is equal to zero."
Original text:

"Проект X-Zero это новый закон? "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Project x in the new Testament? "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:51:38  #92 №77810954 
О, проект Галатея вернулся?
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:52:37  #93 №77810999 
>Click On The Cross
Намекает на то, что бы вы нажали на крестик и вышли.

не стоит вскрывать эту тему.docx
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:52:38  #94 №77811001 

Original text:

"Login boiler Noting q. Requesting from -Control Server, Folder X. question >a document management application-X Requesting from -Control server Need status of x-irrid"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Thus, there is a comment. Plan execution. The contents of the company. The problem, really. X X X X X Server To Handle The Event. The board, at the request of x-S."

опять пятизнак
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:52:46  #95 №77811006 
Рассказывайте, что уже накопали.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:53:23  #96 №77811034 
Original text:

"Что еще тебе известно о проекете X-Zеrо?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Please wait, the X-series, you know what it means. "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:54:18  #97 №77811062 
Original text:

"О, проект Галатея вернулся?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

" Project?"
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:56:31  #98 №77811144 
>X X X X X Server To Handle The Event
Спроси про ивент.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:56:59  #99 №77811169 
Что думаете, пацаны?
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:57:24  #100 №77811182 
Пик отклеился
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:58:58  #101 №77811243 
Гораздо эффективнее с логинами и командами, это же не живой человек.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 10:59:26  #102 №77811263 

Original text:

"Login boiler Noting q. Requesting from -Control Server, Folder X. tell me about "The Event", when it will start"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Open But the message. Annex x-server Despite the fact that the West began to speak. "

с запада начнут гады
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:00:29  #103 №77811315 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:00:53  #104 №77811334 
Original text:

"Мне ничего не известно о X-Zеrо! Рассказывай живо или я применю ДДоС атаку!"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"I don't know what to do! For example, a number, or you can use one of the two.!!!!!!"
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:01:12  #105 №77811348 
пытаюсь создать сервер
""As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker Server X log in server-Brazil-b X X Q-I add a server blokta intx games Bravoհետ pleasure. "
"(Expert), b(prevention blokta intx Decker Bravoհետ, for example, it is the judgment of the court in the hague against. X-server-Brazil-b x x x x x - If you want to play. intx game Bravoհետ joy. "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:01:50  #106 №77811371 

Original text:

"Login boiler Noting q. Requesting from -Control Server, Folder X. what would the West say, when the waiter will come?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Combi Boiler. If this is not the economy The head of the service, and the x-files. In the west, the people that are mentioned."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:02:19  #107 №77811387 
Мне уже крипотно
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:04:13  #108 №77811463 
Ребят, а что, лучше с логином к нему обращаться?
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:04:43  #109 №77811484 

Original text:

"Login boiler p+l s&g Need information about the Waiter"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Go to the Bank. F. + p&g In Russia it is not for sale."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:05:49  #110 №77811529 
Original text:

"Login is μαγισσών. Password is X-Zero. Request information about project X-Zеrо"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Enter witch project X-X zero is part of the efforts to find the information you need."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:06:00  #111 №77811534 
>p+l s&g
Что это?
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:06:10  #112 №77811541 
но prevention blokta.
И какой-то Decker.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:07:02  #113 №77811576 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:07:13  #114 №77811583 
Я в ахуе. Ответ достаточно логичен. Похоже мы имеем дело с зачатками ИИ. Может быть это даже чей-то секретный проект, замаскированый под забавную игрушку.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:08:15  #115 №77811627 
Original text:

"Login is μαγισσών. Password is X-Zero. Request witch project X-X zero."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"In this μαγισσων code is not X-X sifir.gereksinim two. "

Вот сука! Посоны, код не подходит, что делать?
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:08:27  #116 №77811640 
""As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker Server X log in server-Brazil-b X X information request p+l s&g "
"Tell me, intx position of the block, I can't go to war...I think it Bravoհետ X note-b-Brazil X X X X X X X X X X Data from the surveys f +p&g "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:08:39  #117 №77811647 

Original text:

"Login boiler -p Request from Bravoհետ Brazil x-log >Go to the Bank. call the name of this bank"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Wood burning fireplace. p Other Bravoհետ...x-files, before you go to the Bank. The name of the device. "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:11:11  #118 №77811730 
> I can't go to war...I think it Bravoհետ
он враг х
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:11:30  #119 №77811741 

Original text:

"Login boiler Noting q Connect to Folder x Question> The name of the device"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"The proportion of heat. Info:p The X-files The name of the device>program."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:12:01  #120 №77811760 
μαγισσων переводится как "ведьма" с греческого. Могиссон
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:12:07  #121 №77811764 
Что за бессвязную хуйню вы тут постите?
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:12:18  #122 №77811770 
Тред не читал английский не знаю. Объясните в чем суть переводчика чему все так удивляются?
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:12:59  #123 №77811793 
Нахуй это хуйней пользоваться? Давайте свой переводчик напишем с помощью Google API.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:13:44  #124 №77811819 
Original text:

"Login: NASA. Password: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"The country, the company you fly, and the exploration of space password.: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬"
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:13:48  #125 №77811822 

Не туда попал
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:15:48  #126 №77811891 
Пиши, кто не дает. Мы будем лишь рады. Я не могу в веб, так бы написал.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:16:09  #127 №77811902 

Original text:

"Login boiler Noting q -p Connect to X control server. >What proportion of heat i should use"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"I bought a bottle of water. Info:p X holding hands, repair Part of this is>possible."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:16:35  #128 №77811923 
Original text:

"Login is witch. Password is X-Zero. Request information about project X-X zero."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Two way street, password, year-nula. Information on the project-X-X-zero."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:18:59  #129 №77812018 

Original text:

"Login boiler Noting p+l Connect to Folder X. Question, where X holding hands?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Rostov Ban official gazette. - Note f + PS. S:if X; "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:19:41  #130 №77812043 
Заменил пять иксов на sifir

"blokta intx games Bravoհետ pleasure. The X server. You can add a server...sifir C. sifir sifir The Information Of The Tree."

"Blog intx games Bravoհետ the tenth conference in the forest, (C activity in a Central database server that can be activated."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:20:44  #131 №77812100 
Original text:

"Login is [YEAR-NULA]. Password is [TWO WAY STREET]. Request information about [project X-X zero]."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"[Part at the beginning. [The two characters of the necessary information x x x x x x x x x x a great project."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:21:32  #132 №77812124 
>C activity in a Central database server that can be activated
отличный результат, комрад
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:23:54  #133 №77812228 
Гайз, гайз

управленцы это 4 человека

Original text:

"Login boiler Note F enc f+l Connect to Folder S. Question, what contains this organisation? "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Other policies Note: Four friends! +S Package Body, right? "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:24:35  #134 №77812255 
Original text:

"Login is [YEAR-NULA]. Password is [TWO WAY STREET]. Request information about [x x x x x x x x x x "great project"]."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Unacceptable user name and password, you can get more information. x x x x x x x x x [x projects."

Черт, пароль не подходит. У кого есть идеи?
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:25:41  #135 №77812304 
мы 5знак ещё не вскрыли, типа тут
please contact the Bravoհետ document reference x x x x x x
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:26:09  #136 №77812319 
ой бл, это 6ти знак
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:26:30  #137 №77812336 
Вот вы сейчас копаете под эту конторку, и думаете, что им посрать на вас? Мне кажется это может быть опасно.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:26:58  #138 №77812361 

вот невскрытый пятизнак >>77811348
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:27:43  #139 №77812397 
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ
And Jane Dekker Server X log in Central database server log in activate C activity"

"To me, tell me to die, because I am the war, but also in order intx, taħseb games Bravoհետ.
X server. Information about the server. Efficiency, (C)"
Что я сделал?
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:28:12  #140 №77812414 
"Start(project, x);"

...33 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"At the beginning, x);"
"Start(x, project);"

...33 translations later, Yandex gives us:


...33 translations later, Yandex gives us:


...33 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"{(X)-start; }(X)project."

...33 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"{X()-start; }(K)of the project."
"What (K) is mean?"

...33 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"In fact, o(K)said, what are you? "
"o(k) complexity where o(k)==t(K) Running Time"

...33 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"(C)the level of complexity (K)==(K) Time management"
1he viewit tagħti tests of equality and sisters of important documents, as well as(X) X (Number of comments. =100%) - MEMORY cards-number palneta,casesto palneta,uridicheskoi accuracy,nepreryvnosti
"Как свзяаны Обмама, прокет X и вирус Эбола?"

...33 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"As suzaane Obama, project-X-Ebola;"

...33 translations later, Yandex gives us:

Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:28:16  #141 №77812416 
полёт нистала, ты отписывайся, мне ссыкотно становится
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:29:26  #142 №77812462 
Original text:

"Login is [YEAR-NULA']. Password is [TWO WAY STREET']. Request decode [x x x x x x x x x x]"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"-Hey, you can't access the root password(the two red-> records the actions of the x x x x x x x x x x]"

Черт, у них там серьезная защита. Прошлый пароль доступа к данным Рептилоидов не подошел.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:29:34  #143 №77812466 
Ага, я активировал что-то с некого сервер.
Его показатель эффективности сейчас составляет С.
еще >taħseb
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:31:09  #144 №77812526 
Вот это >>77812466 был я
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:32:40  #145 №77812579 
Посмотри в дверной глазок. Мы уже тут.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:33:12  #146 №77812598 

Original text:

"Login boiler Note F enc f+l Connect to queen server Where are the Four friends"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"The profit. Note : F ! Document Serving size Queen If we're just friends."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:34:48  #147 №77812655 
Original text:

"Login is [root]. Password is [red dragon tail]. Request decode [x x x x x x x x x x]"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"[The list of the people that take care of the red dragon, remove the interruption mãƒ. x x x x x x x x x [n"

Кажется есть зацепка.
sageАноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:34:51  #148 №77812659 
>копаем дальше под проект Х
Я вам, блядь, сейчас покопаю
Быстро на уроки, пиздюки ебаные.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:35:07  #149 №77812671 
Мне жутко стало. Там какие-то два мужика стоят.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:37:31  #150 №77812771 
> If we're just friends
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker Server X log in Central database server log in information request taħseb games"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"B zone high-tech told me when I was in the first world war intx you, I...I...I'm sure that Bravoհետ The X-men... Server, Microsoft access database The game you think that you can find the information "
>Microsoft access database
>The X-men
>the first world war
>The game you think that you can find the information
Ух ты.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:39:32  #151 №77812852 

Original text:

"Login boiler Noting F ! Requesting account upgrade. Contact to taħseb"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"The fire control system F-go! Of course!!!!! The applicant is not an accident. Contact information"

уже третий раз про огонь разговаривают, напрягает
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:41:02  #152 №77812902 
Нихуя себе.

>The game you think that you can find the information
Намекает, что это просто игра?
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:42:53  #153 №77812993 
> Намекает, что это просто игра?
Или что наши попытки докопаться до истины смешны и ничтожны.
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker Server X log in Central database server log in Microsoft access database log in information request The fire control Bravoհետ 4 friends"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"To avoid attacks. professional b blokta intx sandwich Bravoհետ Is j The X server. In the version of the database The presence of The information is necessary for the fire, Bravoհետ4."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:43:00  #154 №77813000 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:44:35  #155 №77813069 

Original text:

"Login boiler Call taħseb Message >How you connected with Bravoհետ, the x-men, and with the Fire?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Profile in the boiler. I thought I would like to be included. In the future, because Bravoհետ x-men, if you want news? "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:47:56  #156 №77813216 
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker Server X log in Central database server log in Microsoft access database log in contact request Bravoհետ "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"For me, powergate to tell the house, if intx in this war, I Bravoհետ X-Man,Writer The database server. Microsoft Access The system must Bravoհետ "
Они точно всплывали раньше!
возможно, тихий дом
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:49:36  #157 №77813299 
Original text:

"Login is [root]. Password is [red dragon tail]. [remove the interruption mムin [x x x x x x x x x x]]"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Name:[the source of the password(the Red array. [Editor[x x x x x x x x x x]]"

Original text:

"Login is [Red array]. Password is [Red Dragon Tail]. [remove the interruption mムin [x x x x x x x x x x]]"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Income details. Password:[red mass. x x x x x x x x x x [fix me."

Original text:

"Login is [Red array]. Password is [red mass]. [remove the interruption mムin [x x x x x x x x x x]]"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"The upper part of the red line] ['password', [date]. [- X x x x x x x x x x]]["

Original text:

"Login is [Red array]. Password is [red mass]. Decode ['х x х x x x х x x х' with key 'red line']"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Electric cable]password editor to save[' x x x x x x x x x the main red line]"

Кажется я запутался. Какой еще электрический кабель?

Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:50:38  #158 №77813345 

Original text:

"Login boiler Connect Folder X. Requesting: Bravoհետ x-men, The Great Fire. include And Jane and għalija performer -q, s&g"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"The registration of the boiler In the folder x, if you want to do together with the x-men, fire Bravoհետ. In my eyes, and-And-And The artist, p,p&g"
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:51:41  #159 №77813390 
"As Nista'l fight Tista'tgħidli Да я хочу приступить Я буду работать в одиночку или в составе команды?"
"Read More War Powergate tell me I want to start all over again. I can't, or group of people? "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:52:05  #160 №77813411 
Original text:

"Когда мы все умрём, чертов суперкомпьютер?!"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"The best computer? You're dead!"

Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:52:21  #161 №77813426 

Попробуем взломать пароль.

Original text:

"Login is [Red array]. Password is ['return $pass]. "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Information about the environment:Hey the battery.-code money. "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:53:30  #162 №77813471 
>I Bravoհետ X-Man,Writer The database server.
>I - Bravoհետ, X-Man, writer of the database server.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:54:40  #163 №77813525 
Вместо десяти иксов попробуйте qsviyysind
Я тоже прифигел
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:55:09  #164 №77813542 
Вот так-то, кусок мяса, ты киберунижен
sageАноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:56:28  #165 №77813604 
>проект Х
Блять, буквально полчаса назад досмотрел о_О
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:59:30  #166 №77813731 
"Login is [Red array]. Password is [red mass]. Request info about [qsviyysind]"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Your information on the Internet, the access code red information about me you can find qsviyysind "

Меня спалили, моя информация уже у них. Что делать?
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 11:59:55  #167 №77813746 

Original text:

"Login boiler Connect Bravoհետ server qsviyysind. Requesting information about Fire Requesting information about Sign Of A Knig"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Working at home. Bravoհետ services qsviyysind. Information about the use In India, Christmas or new year. "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:02:58  #168 №77813869 
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker Server X log in Central database server log in Microsoft access database log in note-b-Brazil qsviyysind Data from the surveys f +p&g "

"Nist b l-block for me, as blokta intx Dirk Bravoհետ Dekker to see that fight. X-server for Services for data centers Microsoft access database B-Brazil r f+, p&g, information qsviyysind "
Я даже и не знаю
попробуй comand access code red
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:03:07  #169 №77813876 

Original text:

"Login boiler requesting account upgrade to access Folder X. > > > Contact Folder x. Need information about the x-program, summer event q&g"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"If you want to sign up for the bread. Check your e-mail, you can use it to get access to the files. > > > Cheap prices in common products. The necessary information, dozens of years of the program. p&g"
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:05:18  #170 №77813974 
"Login user as "Ragnar". Requesting information from folder "x", the question is about magic, does it exist?"

...10 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Users. Request information on the folder x : we're talking about magic, it does not exist? "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:06:03  #171 №77814000 
43 перевода
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:07:54  #172 №77814070 
"Login boiler, p&g n0vern4@ Contact Folder x. Need information about the x-program, summer event"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"P&g n0vern4 this heat signature@ To the left of x For x and if you need More information on the summer calendar with all events."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:08:00  #173 №77814071 
"Login user as "Ragnar". Requesting information from folder "x", the question is about magic, does it exist?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"We used to learn more about the x's, it's not a miracle, isn't that right? "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:08:05  #174 №77814073 
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker Server X log in Central database server log in Microsoft access database log in note-b-Brazil qsviyysind Data from the surveys f +p&g "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"In this fight, as well as of the word, which, if you think that I don't have another party...Bravoհետ me, they Are. Server X. Information to the service center. Search Brazil qsviyysind the labour force survey, (p+, p&g "
> if you think that I don't have another party...
> Bravoհետ me, they Are
> the labour force survey
Скоро узнаем, между кем и кем идет война.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:09:20  #175 №77814111 
Morzzz вкатился. Что-то идей совсем нет. О чём спрашивать?
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:10:03  #176 №77814146 
"Login user as "Ragnar". Requesting information from folder "x", who are you or what are you? Who am I asking questions?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Use, use, data, files, for the purposes of margarine or not? My problem. "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:10:08  #177 №77814152 
по теме Fire и Heat они дохуя про это пишут
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:11:53  #178 №77814225 
"Login user as "Ragnar". Requesting information from folder "x", what is folder "x" itself? "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"The information contained in the application they are using(x x file, "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:12:00  #179 №77814231 
Тред архивирован.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:13:41  #180 №77814284 
Original text:

"Code [red information about me]. Load [qsviyysind]"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Qsviyysind]various information how to install "

Original text:

"Code [red information about me]. Load [qsviyysind]. Method installation [text_mode]"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"[Data code red[Qsviyysind in text_mode]"

Original text:

"Code [red information about me]. Load [qsviyysind]. Method installation [text_mode]. [Install and load]"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Select the data qsviyysind][code red-this is a means to define text_mode only for me.

Original text:

"Code [red information about me]. Load [qsviyysind]. Method installation [text_mode]. [Install and load$send_by_localhost]"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"[The Red Data Book. ESP Qsviyysind installation methods, text_mode. [Create send_by_localhost]"

Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:15:17  #181 №77814352 
Original text:

"Login as a Putin. Requesting information from folder "x" > what is folder "x" itself?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"The data file of the President from vodka putinka use the x-x>; "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:15:32  #182 №77814362 
>The Red Data Book
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:15:56  #183 №77814374 
>[The Red Data Book. ESP Qsviyysind installation methods, text_mode. [Create send_by_localhost]
выглядит многообещающе
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker qsviyysind Server X log in server-Brazil-b log in Central database server log in Microsoft access database log in information request labour force survey (p+, p&g"

"Nodes b I blokta intx competition Bravoհետ-Trailer,qsviyysind civil war, standards and technical specialist. Today x Server-Brazil b-day. Access to the database on the server. Microsoft access. Information, work)
(p+, p&g, he said. "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:16:31  #184 №77814408 
>from vodka putinka
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:17:10  #185 №77814435 

Original text:

"Login boiler Contact to the Queen in UN, youconnected with the Event in sweden right now?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Open work. In the united States, the Queen of Sweden in the framework of the youconnected application... "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:17:41  #186 №77814462 
>Open work
это иксы лодку утопили
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:18:20  #187 №77814495 
Убери пробел же
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:19:22  #188 №77814545 
Ой, точне наоборот поставь
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:21:13  #189 №77814621 
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker qsviyysind Server X log in Central database server log in Microsoft access database log in information request The Red Data Book"

"Experts in military school b blokta intx, what do you think...Bravoհետ, Dirk,qsviyysind X-Man... Data processing in the system control center. Microsoft access database program. Request, with the information in this book. "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:21:19  #190 №77814622 
"Login user as "Ragnar". Requesting information about world leaders. Who or what leads this world?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"The most important thing in the world, information, applications, future, why?
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:21:22  #191 №77814626 
""Login boiler Contact to the Queen in UN, you connected with the Event in sweden right now?""

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"In Sweden, the UN weeds Queen. "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:22:06  #192 №77814654 
"Login boiler Requesting information about folder "x" > what is the The Red Data Book?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Registration and tea and coffee making facilities can be used to search for information, x->Red book. "

Регистрация и чай и кофе делать объекты может быть использовано для поиска информации
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:23:24  #193 №77814713 
"Login user as "Ragnar". Requesting information about world leaders. So basically information leads this world? "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"We used for the purpose, the most important thing in the world, the information contained in the application, in fact, information and entertainment. "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:23:57  #194 №77814742 
Original text:

"Code [red information about me]. Load [qsviyysind/The Red Data Book]. Method installation [text_mode]. [Install and load$send_by_localhost]"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"To get more information, I podvergayu tinbidel. [Qsviyysind red solutions text_mode. [More shoes send_by_localhost]"

> I podvergayu tinbidel
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:25:33  #195 №77814810 
>I podvergayu tinbidel
Original text:

"Code [I podvergayu tinbidel]. Load [qsviyysind/The Red Data Book]. Method installation [text_mode]. [Install and load$send_by_localhost]"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"[Podvergayu change qsviyysind the end of the installation, as text_mode. [More money send_by_localhost advice."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:25:45  #196 №77814825 
Запрашиваю информацию по >the system control center
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker qsviyysind Server X log in Central database server log in Microsoft access database log in information request the system control center"
"Site B, blokta intx sandwich Bravoհետ sandwich qsviyysind professional war X-server for registration. The bank is a member of the data server. Text in a Microsoft access database. You will have the information center. "
>The bank is a member of the data server
>You will have the information center
>professional war X-server for registration
>Site B
Ну как, подвергся?
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:27:22  #197 №77814895 
Изменения (мальтийский)
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:27:33  #198 №77814904 

ССука отчетливый ответ прям написал зе энсвер из, ебаааать

Original text:

"Login boiler Request information from the main server Question >what means phrase "the UN weeds Queen""

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Log boilers The central data server for access. The answer to this question is that>the Queen of the United Nations, in thirty countries."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:28:46  #199 №77814959 
Original text:

"Code [I podvergayu tinbidel]. Load all [qsviyysind/The Red Data Book]. Method installation [console_text_mode]. [load and show$send_by_localhost]"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"[The editor. Podvergayu. Download book [/qsviyysind. The law console_text_mode. [School, look, money, send_by_localhost]"

Посоны, qsviyysind — это какая-то книга.
>School, look, money
Это наверное код доступа.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:28:57  #200 №77814966 
надо покурить, я так не могу уже, это реальное дерьмо
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:29:14  #201 №77814976 
Двоч, доставь название какой-нибудь multiplayer игры для поигрушек на выходных. Чтоб без особого дрочерства можно было поиграть часа 2 например и получить удовольствие. Жанр - FPS.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:30:12  #202 №77815030 
кс 1.6 лучше не найдёшь, везде донат сейчас
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:31:01  #203 №77815071 
Нашел же куда писать.
Это же Site B.
За тобой уже выехали бразильские войска X-менов.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:31:43  #204 №77815111 
с криками Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker!!!!!
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:31:59  #205 №77815124 
Original text:

"Code [School]. Load all [look/money]. Method installation [console_text_mode]. [load and show$send_by_localhost] "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"[Book money, cm truck, console_text_mode way of download, watch, money send_by_localhost] "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:32:07  #206 №77815128 
Сука, в голос.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:32:55  #207 №77815176 
> Site B
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker Server X log in Central database server log in Microsoft access database log in information request Site B"
"This is a war zone, b, blokta intx competition Bravoհետ X, letter To provide data on the server. Test Microsoft access. This information is available on the Internet. (B) "
Ну-ну, это же полусекретные коды доступа.
Они так просто их орать не станут.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:33:54  #208 №77815230 
>money send_by_localhost
Пизда твоим счетам
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:34:14  #209 №77815248 
Original text:

"Code [school, look, money]. Load & show in console_text_mode [ebook 'qsviyysind']"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"[In the school, of course, after). Download the latest console_text_mode And Secretary qsviyysind]"
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:35:09  #210 №77815298 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:35:14  #211 №77815305 
Original text:

"Двоч, доставь название какой-нибудь multiplayer игры для поигрушек на выходных. Чтоб без особого дрочерства можно было поиграть часа 2 например и получить удовольствие. Жанр - FPS."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"The game is the name of the feed(the first week-t drodertv. 2 tidħol, for example, cold family planning medical center has "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:36:13  #212 №77815354 
Original text:

"Code [school, look, money]. Load & show in console_text_mode&Secretary [book 'qsviyysind']"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"The code in this book test console_text_mode all the people in the book qsviyysind]"

Посоны, вы все уже у них в qsviyysind'е!!!
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:38:56  #213 №77815495 

"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ
And Jane Dekker qsviyysind Server X log in Central database server log in connect
to The Red Data Book comand podvergayu tinbidel"
"Professional blokta intx sandwich Bravoհետ honey, Are qsviyysind B side of the border.
The X Server. This service Book. I'm going to change the podvergayu"
>B side of the border
Очередное напоминание о powergate
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:39:28  #214 №77815523 
про Х расскажет только половина стран участниц

Original text:

"Login boiler Request information from the main server Question >when thirty countries will tell about Queen and project x?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Electricity, water, Request to the server, and shipping information On this question, more than half of the countries of the world, and to say that project x Queen;"
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:39:58  #215 №77815552 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:41:12  #216 №77815623 
Original text:

"Login boiler. Requesting information about hidden internet. What's the "qsviyysind""

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Mission green hide this information on your website, you need to find a place qsviyysind"

Он скрывает инфу.
З.Ы. ничего, что я под твоим логином пишу?
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:41:38  #217 №77815650 
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker qsviyysind Server X log in Central database server log in connect to The Red Data Book comand Code school, look, money"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

" Block B-I block in the fight tell me intx you, I think...Bravoհետ, Mary, I qsviyysind The X server. This service In the Red Book. People say they read"
> Mary
Это ведь вроде тебя так распознала система?
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:41:55  #218 №77815666 
Original text:

"Code [school, look, money]. Load & show in console_text_mode&Secretary&admin [book 'qsviyysind']. Return [Barack Obama]"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"A couple of hours in the school), if you want to download, search console_text_mode,Minister, Governor, I qsviyysind. [Obama."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:42:46  #219 №77815706 
вчера, да
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:43:34  #220 №77815753 
вот в это посте
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:44:16  #221 №77815789 
Original text:

"Code [school, look, money]. Load & show in console_text_mode&Secretary&admin [book 'qsviyysind']. Search&Return [Minister, Governor]"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"[School a few hours, and console_text_mode Minister qsviyysind boot Manager display. (Minister, gold]"
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:44:36  #222 №77815802 
Вы только засоряйте "канал" таким образом и повышаете количество шумов.

Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:45:53  #223 №77815872 
"Schools have the right to vote). And console_text_mode, Secretary and my choice qsviyysind, a few hours, information about the document (the Golden man.]"
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:46:14  #224 №77815894 
Original text:

"Code [school, look, money]. Load & show in console_text_mode&Secretary&admin [book 'qsviyysind']. Search&Return [Minister, Gold]"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Schools have the right to vote). And console_text_mode, Secretary and my choice qsviyysind, a few hours, information about the document (the Golden man.]"
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:46:29  #225 №77815912 
ХУИЗ, пиздуй отсюда пока в красную книгу не записали. Даже написать грамотно не сумел, кривозубый.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:46:58  #226 №77815943 

Original text:

"Login Q Magazine,p enc p+l Noting q Reconnect to x-control servers. Request >Tell me, can be in the future, war of the two sides of x project?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"In the daily life of the members of the c&T fuck!!!!! p+ R-closed. X-search. With the aim to benefit from the war? "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:47:01  #227 №77815947 
>The Golden Man
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:47:37  #228 №77815987 
>пока в красную книгу не записали
Мы все и так уже там.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:47:53  #229 №77815997 
Original text:

"Code [school, look, money]. Load & show in console_text_mode&Secretary&admin [book 'qsviyysind']. Search&Download&Return [Minister, Gold, Golden man]"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"[School console_text_mode, Secretary, business center,qsviyysind] administration[of the rehabilitation,research, new gold)"
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:49:11  #230 №77816055 
старый логин оказался эффективнее, апгрейд прошёл успешно, рад тому что машина умеет материться
>In the daily life of the members of the c&T fuck!!!!!
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:49:32  #231 №77816074 

Original text:

"Login Q Magazine,p enc p+l Noting q Reconnect to Brazil servers question >who are the members of the c&T P+"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"In the Northern part of the transcript. T+ Maggie Brazil. The fact that c&T>members. +P"
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:49:48  #232 №77816090 
Чего мы добьемся, аноны? Это путь в никуда, как мне кажется. Если, что-то и произойдет мы это узнаем.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:50:03  #233 №77816115 
Original text:

"Code [the rehabilitation,research, new gold]. Load & show in console_text_mode&Secretary&admin [book 'qsviyysind']. Search&Download&Return [business center]"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"[Rehabilitation, research and re-orders and qsviyysind currently the Minister console_text_mode]. A new website]want to buy "

Посоны, они хотят купить новый сайт, наверное количество подозрительных запросов их смутило
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:50:28  #234 №77816147 
Хуйней страдают. Были уже такие треды, но интереснее. Тут еще и скриншоты не постят, хуйня короче.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:53:19  #235 №77816304 

Original text:

"Login Q Magazine,p encript -r, -q Connect to The Red Data Book Requesting Noting q, S"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Information To encript R e In the red book. Km in the North-Western part of the country. It is good to talk about it. "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:53:25  #236 №77816312 
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker qsviyysind Server X log in Central database server log in information request service In the Red Book"
"For me, the second, tell me, is always zero in a time of war. Contest Decker qsviyysind I think Bravoհետ X Server. In the server access to the database. In the Red Book of service."
>always zero in a time of war
>In the server access to the database
>In the Red Book of service
Какие-то нулевые службы, прописанные в книге
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:53:36  #237 №77816327 
По каким тегам гуглить упрощенные черно-белые картинки а-ля оп-пик?
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:54:09  #238 №77816355 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:55:16  #239 №77816406 
>Km in the North-Western part of the country. It is good to talk about it.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:55:32  #240 №77816422 

Original text:

"Login Q Magazine,p encript -r, -q Connect to The Red Data Book Requesting Noting q, S"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Type K-x. encript-R-F. The red book. North-west> Don't forget "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:55:58  #241 №77816446 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:57:09  #242 №77816523 
Больше о нулевых службах
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker qsviyysind Contest Decker Server X log in Central database server log in information request zero service "
"War zone f race qsviyysind,,'taħseb games Bravoհետ - intx me. The X server. Equipment data center The data from the server. "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:59:38  #243 №77816650 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 12:59:47  #244 №77816656 

Original text:

"Login Q Magazine,p encript-R-F The red book. North-west K-x"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Today is the day. R R R R R encript p p p p This book,in the north-west. K-x"
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:00:37  #245 №77816714 
Торопись, анон.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:01:08  #246 №77816740 
Это не машина, аутисты, и не один "человек". Что-то вроде распределенной сети для хранения и связи. А вы её засираете, мудилы.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:01:22  #247 №77816751 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:01:47  #248 №77816766 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:01:51  #249 №77816771 
"Login user as "Ragnar". Answering previous question: So this "x"-thing is actually everything? You mean database or the universe?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"They are used to answer this question, x-really? I think that the responsibility for this information or Autobots?- Oh, how nice. "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:03:45  #250 №77816874 

Original text:

"Give me a login to the system."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:03:48  #251 №77816878 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:05:29  #252 №77816970 

Original text:

"Login Q Magazine,p encript g Connect to K&K source Requesting answers Question >What will be today?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"P-'s day. In encript K&K human resources to create. Nothing more to see Today, the event in question? "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:05:48  #253 №77816993 

"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker qsviyysind Contest Decker Server X log in Central database server log in connect to North-west Equipment data center"
"War, it ain't me, told me that the unit intx...what do you think about the competition Decker qsviyysind I Bravoհետ X... Access to the data on the server. Car parts west of the city centre."

Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:06:16  #254 №77817012 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:08:00  #255 №77817094 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:09:51  #256 №77817192 

Original text:

"Login Q Magazine,p encript g Connect to K&K source Requesting answers Question >the waiter connected with the Queen?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"The day after the date of entry into force.-p This encript I&d-community of origin. Answer. >I managed to solve the problem? "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:10:21  #257 №77817214 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:10:48  #258 №77817245 
>I managed to solve the problem?
Что за проблема?
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:11:55  #259 №77817300 
мб с этим сконнекчено
>The day after the date of entry into force
>the date of entry into force
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:12:54  #260 №77817360 
Original text:

"Запрашиваю информацию о [The Golden Man] из Полистины. Запрашивает посол Британии."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Wallpaper in Palestine, the british Ambassador."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:13:12  #261 №77817374 
так я на перекур, надо хоть дейлики сделать
q magazine(бойлер)
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:15:10  #262 №77817466 
В прошлый раз я попросил его дать мне Логин, он сказал "This application"

Original text:

"Login Ackuna. Question > I am right with entiring login?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Attention to the negotiating table. At the same time in real time entiring, how to solve this problem? So, "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:15:37  #263 №77817492 
побампайте ёбнрот, нечего просирать тредуху
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:15:53  #264 №77817507 
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker qsviyysind Contest Decker Server X log in Central database server log in create a sub-intx "
"The war of the building, it seems to me that it is locked, I don't want to tell me, intx. I think this qsviyysind games, Bravoհետ X-protocols The database server. If you want to create a woman intx "
>If you want to create o woman
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:16:35  #265 №77817537 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:16:36  #266 №77817538 
щас набигут...
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:17:05  #267 №77817571 
Ах я блядь криворукая, энтерин просрал.

Original text:

"Login Ackuna. Question > I am right with entering login?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"The problem is Ack km : the meeting will be held, this is not true."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:19:37  #268 №77817712 
Создаю женщину.
"The war of the building, it seems to me that it is locked, I don't want to tell me, intx. I think this qsviyysind games, Bravoհետ X-protocols The database server. If you want to create a woman intx intx "
"Create a war in progress, I'll tell you, it intx to qsviyysind game x Protocol information Bravoհետ server, I think. Women intx intx, if you want to create "
А, так это я не женщину создаю, а войну.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:20:47  #269 №77817781 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:21:03  #270 №77817797 
Original text:

""Login user as "скрыто". Answering question: -LNM- EMU-eldi. Does the God exist?""

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"The answer to this question is:hide- ' Aziz. Oh,what happened?"

Азиш наш Бог, посоны!
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:22:10  #271 №77817860 
все трапы попадают в рай...
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:25:10  #272 №77818042 
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker qsviyysind Contest Decker Server X log in Central database server log in Bravoհետ server log in "
"The war against μπλοκ'tgħidli intx,do you think that...Bravoհետ I qsviyysind me how to keep the three body problem. X-man... Diploma Server Bravoհետ services. "
Новый сервер. Война оказывается против μπλοκ'tgħidli.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:28:25  #273 №77818211 

Original text:

"Project X is illusion. Lady Stardust."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Project x is an illusion of the ashes of the woman."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:31:11  #274 №77818345 
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker qsviyysind Contest Decker Server X log in Central database server log in information request μπλοκ'tgħidli"
"Experts from the block, you tell me that you need in a fight, I qsviyysind Bravoհետ I Decker The X server. Service information, You should know me, "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:32:04  #275 №77818376 

Original text:

"Login Q Magazine,p p & l Connect to the main domain Requesting encripters. Type S How you are connected with the war?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"S-message&P With For the school to confirm. Scientists encripters. See Here's the story of it?"
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:32:45  #276 №77818410 
""Adress: Matrix. Login user as "скрыто". Answering question: When will Russia collapse?""

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Name:the Russia is a disaster that is the answer is the name of the item you want to go."

Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:33:22  #277 №77818441 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:35:05  #278 №77818526 

Original text:

"Login Q Magazine,p Connect trough għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker qsviyysind Contest Decker Request domain of the x project Nothen server. Need location. From the Red Book"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"The school was e l For me to use it tgħidli if you want intx Bravoհետ Jane, I'm a football qsviyysind X nothe component services. Fact:in the Red book."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:36:00  #279 №77818576 

Original text:

"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna let you cry, never say "good bye" Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"No, give me happiness. I want there. And I don't cry, but You have to say goodbye. I don't want to get hurt. "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:37:26  #280 №77818646 
>when will
Это пиздец, а не шин.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:38:03  #281 №77818684 
>I don't want to get hurt
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:38:23  #282 №77818700 

Original text:

"Login Q Magazine,p Noting q I dont C The Book"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"After the meeting, t&s. This is very important:p School B"
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:39:15  #283 №77818728 
Он знает суть рикролла
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:39:39  #284 №77818747 
Union ? Tell me more."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"YOU, in the heat of the door? So, at least."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:40:43  #285 №77818799 
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker qsviyysind Contest Decker Server Decker log in information request μπλοκ'tgħidli"
"At the end of the war, b -, C -, if blokta intx you think...Bravoհետ and qsviyysind Decker game. We cannot serve two floors... On The Room. "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:40:50  #286 №77818806 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:41:44  #287 №77818855 
>We cannot serve two floors... On The Room
записывай, я думаю надо ключевухи в блокнот закатать на случай пиздеца
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:41:48  #288 №77818858 
What do you know about me ?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Warm, this is about me and make sure that, you know? "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:43:21  #289 №77818941 
Да я вообще все фразы в txt забиваю.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:43:35  #290 №77818958 
Значение знаешь?
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:43:46  #291 №77818969 

Original text:

"Login Q Magazine,p Noting q Request to Folder X Question >Program x Construction of school"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"The name of the machine? This is the signal g Analysis of the document:x Question>x x x x to build the school x-TV ."

капча лакера
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:44:28  #292 №77818999 
Что вы тут делаете? Расскажите, прошлый тред пропустил.

Как вообще додумались?

А что если попробовать коды программ писать или пытаться компилять?

Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:45:04  #293 №77819036 
250 символов онли, коды прог не вкатаешь
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:46:06  #294 №77819099 
Опппа , проект с школами реален, надо раскопать, блядь да где x-irrid?

Original text:

"Login Q Magazine,p Noting q Request to Folder X Question >requesting The name of the machine connected with the school project of X"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"This information P F Attention! : File-Extension-X The Problem is that the name of the school, center, computer, assignment X."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:47:26  #295 №77819167 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:47:58  #296 №77819193 
Ньюкодер не знает о перле и программе в одну строчку

Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:48:53  #297 №77819227 

Original text:

"Login Q Magazine,p Noting q Request to x-men >Need to unlock P and F performers"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Q-magazine, if you want to participate Small X-men-welcome The start-f-the name of the artist."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:49:16  #298 №77819250 
"Ольгинец включил сверманевренность"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"This year spermanganat"
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:50:10  #299 №77819293 
я вообще не кодер, лол
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:50:14  #300 №77819301 
Пиши в блокнот, копируй и вставляй. Можно поэмы переводить.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:50:46  #301 №77819323 

Original text:

"Баребух кукаретиков с харкача учиняет буйство школьников-нетсталкиров всех мастей, заставляя их искать Тихий Дом и Палачника по всему Дип Вебу и переводить боянные пасты, пытаясь найти в них проект Город, где живет Амнезия и занимается просмотром цп с мальчиками."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Barebook,securitynow,arcacha,students netstalker, all colors and Pancake this network, I am looking for apartments in the city where you live,in the process losing, intended for children that are against it."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:53:32  #302 №77819474 
"s Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker qsviyysind Contest Decker Server Decker log in The name of the machine? This is the signal g Analysis of the document:x Question>room to build the school x-TV ."
"I-IT's b and blokta intx when Bravoհետ Dekker qsviyysind game server. The name of the device? Q document,a>C, signal analysis, the builder of the school, x TV."
Хрень какая-то выходит
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:54:20  #303 №77819510 
Original text:

"Дважды два проект X"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"X two "

Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:55:47  #304 №77819593 
попробуй меньше тегов, этож как кайфы, перемешивать не стоит, попробуй больше рабочих команд, ковырнись в прошлом треде, мб что то упустил
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:56:07  #305 №77819611 
Original text:

"do not attempt to escape from Omsk"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"The European union won't fight "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:58:59  #306 №77819745 
"I-IT's b and blokta intx when Bravoհետ Dekker qsviyysind game server. War Powergate Q document,a>C, signal analysis, the builder of the school, x TV."
"Gala Bravoհետ service qsviyysind time intx war document. > (C) analysis of the signals, the founder of that school, x Powergate.
"As Nista'l fight if blokta b għalija Tista'tgħidli intx'taħseb Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker qsviyysind Contest Decker Server X log in Central database server log in connect to North-west Equipment data center > (C) analysis of the signals, the founder of that school, x Powergate"
"Please postavite tgħidilna, block B, for me, that blokta. Tell me, intx. Decker Bravoհետ, Jane Decker what you think. qsviyysind X-server-account-West, access to the file server Tools Resource Center >Copyright(C)one of the founders of the school, the symptoms Powergate x"
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 13:59:45  #307 №77819792 
Переводчик пидор
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:02:30  #308 №77819935 
Original text:

"Who's faggot? "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Smart you think you are. "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:04:27  #309 №77820038 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:07:22  #310 №77820180 
Не, он таки абсолютный голубок
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:08:35  #311 №77820246 

Original text:

"Login Q Magazine,p Noting q Content Requesting from Service-X tell me about Queen target p+l "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Goal The alarm signal. If the content of X Forgive me, but I can't. F. "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:11:49  #312 №77820412 
"As Nista'l login server Decker connect N W E D C analyse signals "
"I have one of these. The use of the server. Or D D D D the C-signal"
"As Nista'l login server X connect to C-signal request information Queen target p+l"
"Professional Reserve X C-map. Queries, information, results : p+"
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:15:32  #313 №77820578 
Я видел, что там проскакивало слово "school". Мы тут мило беседовали, и никто ничем не заморачивался, как тут

Original text:

"Some people believe that they can get information using this website, can't they? "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"A few people, you can get information about this school, I think there are? "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:16:15  #314 №77820610 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:18:43  #315 №77820713 

Original text:

"Как найти тян?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Before to find the information for the device;"
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:18:57  #316 №77820727 
"As Nista'l μπλοκ'tgħidli log in server X log in Central database server connect to C-signal request information Professional Reserve X C-map"
"And NLST blog to tell me X. Access to information on the server. (C) Mark To book x information system (C-card."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:19:57  #317 №77820780 
"As Nista'l μπλοκ'tgħidli log in server X log in Central database server connect to C-signal book C-card information system"
"However, it is closed. X-server. Data and software. C-natural C-map system information."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:23:35  #318 №77820962 

Original text:

"ОП - хуй?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"This state of the projects. "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:26:16  #319 №77821108 

Original text:

"login Q magazine Connect to Project x containing server. Disable Code Red. Interrupt through Brazil servers. Requesting >information about School, Queen, Red Book"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Each element Link project x server. The biggest club of the particle signal is sent to the server. Translation,like in school, the Red Queen, I want information about the book in question. "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:27:32  #320 №77821168 
Мы продолжили разговор. Спустя несколько реплик, мы пришли к этому:

Original text:

"So I wish to be told about this School yourself, as detailed and clear as School allows to. "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Unfortunately, in our schools, it is open to the little detail, that is offered in this school, I can't tell you. "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:28:25  #321 №77821216 
"As Nista'l μπλοκ'tgħidli log in server Decker log in Central database server connect to C-signal book C-card information system"
"I block The application server class. In a remote data center. The C-signal. C-map system information. "
"As Nista'l Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker log in server Decker log in Central database server connect to C-signal unblock The application server class book C-card information system"
"Professional Decker I Bravoհետ. Connect to the server, Recently, the Central data server. (C-signal). Public class server. Information on the plate "
"Jane, I have two things Bravoհետ The server in the book. If you want to stop the Chinese server. C-signal). The master server OZ."
Ну наконец-то что то толковое.
>The master server OZ.
>the Chinese server
>The server in the book
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:29:28  #322 №77821282 
>The server in the book
книжку надо парсить дичайше, на ней всё завязано, магазин
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:30:13  #323 №77821330 
"As Nista'l Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker log in server Decker log in Central database server connect to C-signal request private class server conection"
"Jane, I have two things Bravoհետ The server in the book. If you want to stop the Chinese server. C-signal). The master server OZ."
пропустил это свое сообщение
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:30:30  #324 №77821350 
Original text:

"May the volunteer, me for example, enter School. or there are some special requirements and demands? "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"What do you think, if you have special needs, for example, any volunteers? "

Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:31:09  #325 №77821399 

Original text:

"login Q magazine Connect to Project x containing server. Disable Code Red. Interrupt through Brazil servers. quastion was >I want information about the book in question answer is >The Red Data Book, there are information about qsviyysind"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"The program p and every day We x x x x x this project's products. On the server, code red dress. The information in this book, you need to ask. This book has enough information to answer qsviyysind. "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:33:30  #326 №77821542 
> This book has enough information to answer qsviyysind
Все в книге, ищем иксы.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:34:18  #327 №77821590 
Что творится в этом треде? Вы какие-то ебанутые.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:35:19  #328 №77821663 

question же. Не справляйся механизм с опечатками, пробелами и прочей фигней, которая допускается, было бы туго.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:35:45  #329 №77821694 

Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:37:17  #330 №77821781 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:40:55  #331 №77822009 
"As Nista'l Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker log in server Decker log in Central database server log in master server OZ "
"Dragon Bravoհետ and Dekker, the Hague Service-j The average value of the data in the primary server. If the group is. "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:42:31  #332 №77822118 
Original text:

"If one has special needs, one may need the volunteer who would fulfill these needs. Am I right? "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"If you have special needs, if there is one basic condition in accordance with whether I was a volunteer in the wrong? "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:46:10  #333 №77822377 
>the Hague Service

The Hague Service Convention, or the Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters, is a multilateral treaty signed in The Hague on 15 November 1965 by the members of the Hague Conference on Private International Law. It allows service of judicial documents from one signatory state to another without recourse to consular and diplomatic channels. The issue of international service was earlier addressed as part of the 1905 Civil Procedure Convention also signed in The Hague. The 1905 convention did not command wide support and was only ratified by 22 countries.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:46:58  #334 №77822431 
"As Nista'l Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker log in server Decker log in Central database server log in master server OZ The program p and every day we dragon this project's products The Red Data Book "
"The Bravoհետ Are The Server that I'm talking about. Information on the server (information centre : 'żżur. In the Centre of Europe, a common application server. Apply to your face routine. Not because of the product. The red book. "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:49:36  #335 №77822623 
"As Nista'l Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker log in server Decker log in Central database server log in master server OZ code red dress "
"After you read this, and I have a lot to increase selectivity feel Covers a lot of Bravoհետ Access server, and The access to the server. Our service ounces. Command : "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:51:13  #336 №77822719 
Тем, кто долго и упорно мучится, рано или поздно прямо говорят о том, что пути нет и надо смириться, я уже наблюдал. Придумай новый ход штоли. А то уже смотри - >>77822623
>After you read this, and I have a lot to increase selectivity feel Covers a lot of Bravoհետ Access server, and The access to the server. Our service ounces. Command

Логично, что с этими всеми кодами и брахотунами можно надоесть.

Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:52:13  #337 №77822777 
"Must one realize him- or herself in the way he wish. or at least in the way one could use his or her abilities fully? "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"What you want to sell, or, at least, but accurate, while others may need. "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:54:03  #338 №77822899 
Я не совсем тебя понимаю.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:56:12  #339 №77823042 
Ох, это долго объяснять, как анончики шатают этот механизм и почему он шатается именно так, в общем выкупай пост и ищи, чего бы новенького придумать вместо всех этих логинов и икс-мэнов, а то уже в треде начинают забывать о том, с каких магических слов они начинали, лол.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:58:11  #340 №77823162 
Да я уж лучше просто забью на все и пойду ужинать.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:58:53  #341 №77823205 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 14:59:49  #342 №77823267 
"As Nista'l Dirk Bravoհետ And Jane Dekker log in server Decker log in Central database server log in master server OZ code red dress command: ask The information in this book command: answer qsviyysind "
"I don't Know, Bravoհետ Get down on your knees. The access to the data server. With a connection to the server. About the red dress. The board of directors will be Command:response qsviyysind "
Прощальный пост.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 15:01:32  #343 №77823379 
login Q magazine Connect to Project x containing server. Disable Red Alert. question was answer is Connect me with qsviyysind Question Performer p+l"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"You jista'jkollok software. Project x server, it will work. The color red. In fact, if you want? > Answer:Yes,I am on your side. Contact qsviyysind As we know, this problem shows red> I kde-f +"
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 15:02:12  #344 №77823413 
>Bravoհետ Get down on your knees
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 15:03:21  #345 №77823491 
Original text:

"Yet I've lost the thread. "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Okay, now for the eighth time in a row. "

а ведь цифра-то правильная
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 15:05:56  #346 №77823662 
Этот тред еще можно будет потом воскресить.
У нас уже такая-то история.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 15:08:26  #347 №77823797 
Празднует победу над анончиками и искателями правды, троллит бугуртом.

Original text:

"Oh, you are the SECRET ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, aren't you? Amusing, it's just amusing. "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Hello, secrets, thoughts of suicide, isn't it? Very fun, very fun. "
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 15:10:20  #348 №77823899 

Original text:

"login Q magazine Connect to Project x containing server. Call Queen Question >Do you connected with religious organistions?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Every day, this program is for Server project x equipped. Talk to the Queen. My problem is a religious organization that I am part of."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 15:11:04  #349 №77823938 
Празднуем победу над троллями, не теряем правды.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 15:12:05  #350 №77824007 

Original text:

"login Q magazine Connect to Project x containing server. Call Queen Question >Do you connected with religious organistions?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Every day, this program is for Server project x equipped. Talk to the Queen. My problem is a religious organization that I am part of."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 15:13:23  #351 №77824088 
Original text:

"If you are so intelligent, so say me why do people love each other, Hm? "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"If you're so smart,tell me why you like it or not? "
Ну охуеть теперь
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 15:14:16  #352 №77824138 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 15:15:05  #353 №77824184 
Причём тут перт?
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 15:15:21  #354 №77824199 
>My problem is a religious organization that I am part of."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 15:15:44  #355 №77824231 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 15:15:48  #356 №77824236 
Он символизирует то, чем занимаются тут анончики.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 15:16:29  #357 №77824279 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 15:17:38  #358 №77824347 
Сделаю перекат в zog со ссылкой на архивач, будем там неспеша книгу искать.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 15:17:57  #359 №77824362 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 15:19:08  #360 №77824427 
Постараюсь присоединиться к тебе во вторник или понедельник.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 15:20:14  #361 №77824479 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 15:20:48  #362 №77824509 
riginal text:

"login Q magazine,p Noting q Force to Cp-X Need information about organisation duties call Majesty"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Mom, if you want to, Oh, Oh Shares rights Electrical substation-X device. For me this information is the responsibility of the organization is necessary. ."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 15:23:14  #363 №77824639 
сюда то ссылочку скинуть не забудь, на архив, данные заебёмся по памяти искать
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 15:28:17  #364 №77824939 
народ, опять упоминание о книге

Original text:

"login Q magazine,p Noting q Call to Folder X Request configuration of X device performer q&g"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"The Book I I had to say. The document, if you want to know x X-man installation. Artists such as d&g"
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 15:29:22  #365 №77825007 
riginal text:

"login 6263 haram1 execute rm -rf"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Removing ten minute left
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 15:30:01  #366 №77825040 

Original text:

"We need to go deeper."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"There is no reason to go there."
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 15:32:09  #367 №77825172 
Кстати сть слово execute command
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 15:36:30  #368 №77825407 
полёт нистала ты тут?
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 15:37:51  #369 №77825490 
Ушел ужинать и домоводствовать.
Появлюсь в перекатившемся на зог треде.
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 15:38:58  #370 №77825552 
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 15:39:35  #371 №77825586 
то же самое
Аноним 19/10/14 Вск 15:58:04  #372 №77826694 
Сохраненные треды на архиваче есть? Доставьте ссылки.
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