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24 декабря 2023 г. Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна. Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!

Письменная порнуха на английском Ананасы-анчоусы

 Аноним 24/01/19 Чтв 00:58:07 #1 №190243638 
Письменная порнуха на английском


Напейсал я порнуху на английском. Ясен пень, что ангельский не родной. Как продвигать - хз. Да и стоит ли продвигать пока я пишу 100% с косяками и смищно. Пока выложил на wattpad но прочтений крайне мало и самое важное нет комментов по которым бы я стал исправлять косяки.

Так вот, анчоус. С меня куски стори а с тебя

1. СоветЫ где и как можно продвигать. Деньги - это не основное. Главное чтобы читали и давали feedback

2. Что криво в самой истории кроме языка

Лув ю мой дарагой порнозависимый друг

Аноним 24/01/19 Чтв 01:00:41 #2 №190243723 
Part I
Chapter 1. Great time to be alive
It was spring in London. Camden town was buzzing with people of all cultures, colours and social class – here the diversity of London could be felt at its best. The strong smell of a mixture of spices, herbs, street food and merchandise from all over the world was complemented by the beats of music that was still unknown to the world but which will conquer the planet in the coming months – after all it’s the musicians from Camden that create the best pop music in the world.
As the petals of the cherry blossom in the nearby Regent’s park were waltzing to the ground two teenage girls were dancing to the trendy new beats in a top floor small apartment of a nearby 6 storey grey house (don’t forget that there’s also the ground floor!).
Their names were Martha and Naz. Martha was a lovely 18 years old black young lady with huge breasts and a very tasty round booty. Her skin was like coffee with milk – a very soft and warm colour which will make anyone immediately comfortable. She was raised by a single hard working mother who was a midwife in the National Healthcare System of Britain in the nearby University College Hospital. Martha had a bit fairer skin colour than her mother and light brown eyes which could be mistaken for green eyes in artificial lighting. As she never knew her father she had always suspected to be of a mixed race but her mother had never answered any questions about her father – she had always smiled upon hearing that questions and nothing else.
Аноним 24/01/19 Чтв 01:01:18 #3 №190243737 
Naz was a 19 years old northern London girl from a family with Pakistani roots. She’d never been religious but due to the deep religious beliefs of her uncles and grandfathers she had to wear a headscarf at least sometimes. And Naz had very serious reasons for not being religious – she was secretly bisexual and her family was preparing her for a marriage with her cousin. The former was against her religion and the latter was against Naz’s ideas of how a woman should live her life. Unfortunately Naz wasn’t as much endowed as Martha – she had a rather unimpressive body with flat and square bottom and some tiny breasts topped with giant nipples in rather scary black circles. Though her smile and her kind eyes could conquer cities.
Both girls met a long time ago in a dancing class which Naz attended against the wishes of her mother but with the blessing of her older sisters. If they only knew how Naz behaved there – it was her to push first naked into the shower cabin where Martha was washing herself after one long summer class. The girls progressed slowly through the years from immature kissing and touching to full scale sexual relationships though they always had other partners – primarily boys. And yes – both had sex with the boys too though Naz was having only anal or oral sex. Virginity of her vagina meant a lot for her.
So there they were – dancing almost naked together wearing only panties. The windows of the flat were opened and blasts of hot spring air were occasionally coming through. They were both hot and quite sweaty. Nevertheless despite moving a lot and despite being covered in sweat both looked and smelled very well with the latest perfumes from Jo Malone which they both bought as a treat after a good bet on a popular betting website. Both had their hair spruced up earlier and their looks were overly terrific and sexy. Martha was in her tiny pink Brazilian sport tongs and Naz was in her semi-transparent full brief that was showing that she was perfectly shaved and ready for business.
Аноним 24/01/19 Чтв 01:01:55 #4 №190243762 
Martha started first – she turned Naz around and hugged her tight, trying to play with Naz’s tiny breasts and to rub her own aroused breasts against Naz’s back. After a couple of moves Martha started licking, kissing and playfully biting Naz’s neck. Their breaths intensified. Naz put one of her hands on Martha’s head to guide her movements and the other hand was holding Martha’s hand that was playing with her nipples.
Very soon Naz closed rolled up her eyes and whispered loudly with her aroused voice “Let’s go and take a bath”. Martha replied “Sure baby”.
Martha was waiting just for that. She took off in a moment Naz’s panties and threw them away. Then she took off her panties and threw them away too before spanking hard Naz’s bottom “Awww” – Naz exclaimed in a made up anger. “Darling, you don’t argue with the Queen bee” returned Martha.
Martha took Naz’s hand and led her straight to the bathroom. The bath was ready a long time ago – it was full of foamy water and a big realistic transparent dildo with a suction cup was standing nearby. It conquered Naz’s imagination immediately – she couldn’t turn away from it so Martha had to turn her head with her hands and tell her straight into her face “Mmm, my virgin pussy, you’re dreaming about a good dick in you? One day I’ll tie you up and I will fuck you hard with this dildo. Right into your chocolate coated pink strawberry precious vagina…”. Naz half whispered “Martha, stop. I’m almost ready to give up.. Don’t push me over the top that ha..”.
Naz wasn’t able to finish as Martha gave her a dirty French kiss and pushed her against her curvy body. Martha’s hands squeezed Naz’s bottom so hard that Naz almost moaned. Naz’s tried to do the same with her hands but Martha hardened her ass and Naz wasn’t successful. Their kiss lasted for eternity until suddenly Martha pushed Naz against the wall and put her hands straight on Naz aroused clitoris. Naz whispered “I wanna be filled so badly .. if you can just imagine..”. “No my girl, you’ll have to wait your turn. I command you – fuck me “ – Martha became cruel.
Actually Martha liked to tease and dominate Naz, to be the alpha bitch and Naz was eagerly submissive. Martha got into the tub and some water spilled over. She bended over and spread her legs to open a magnificent view of her lady parts to Naz. Martha’s pussy was already dripping wet and some of the pussy juice was all over her legs hanging in transparent strings “Come on baby, rock and roll” – Martha almost screamed and waged her bum playfully.
Naz slapped herself gently several times as she was almost ready to climax to step forward. Eagerly she threw herself on her knees and run like a dog called by its owner to retrieve a stick. In a moment her tongue was cleaning Martha’s juices. Naz’s tongue found Martha’s clitoris and started rubbing it trying to get as much pussy juice as possible out. Martha moaned and pushed herself into Naz’s face. In a minute Naz’s face was all covered in Martha’s juices and Naz was happy. But Martha couldn’t wait “Come on baby shag me at last”.
Naz obeyed and took the transparent dildo in both hands. She gave it such a stare that if it was alive it would have came just after that stare. Then Naz bit her lips exposing her perfectly white teeth, wiped her face a bit with the back of her palm and started rubbing the dildo against Martha’s pussy. She also managed to open a tube of lube jelly and started pouring it over the dildo. Very soon the dildo disappeared in Martha’s pussy. In fact it was sucked into Martha’s pussy fully and only the balls stayed outside. A hard fucking session followed – the dildo started sliding in and out Martha and Martha’s movements created enough waves in the tub to get the majority of the foamy water out. A hard pumping session was on its way.
Аноним 24/01/19 Чтв 01:02:30 #5 №190243780 
Very soon Martha closed her eyes and started breathing deeply. She imagined herself standing doggy style on a wild tropical beach half submerged into the foamy waves of the lazy ocean … and a native stallion humping her from the behind. Yes… In fact she wasn’t very much lesbian or bisexual, she just liked to be fucked and worshiped by someone no matter what’s the sex of this someone.
But Naz wasn’t just someone. She was special – she was like a forbidden fruit, someone who shouldn’t do whatever she was doing now… And all this was adding a special twist to their relationship – something which made Martha very wet. She always liked the rush of adrenaline from anything risky…
And there Martha was – hard fucked with a huge transparent dildo by a naked oriental girl who was a technical virgin and whose religion demanded any such relationship to be punished with death. And this fantasy with the native islander stallion who was making her out…
Why was Naz doing that? Well, first of all Martha was treating her like a sex toy, calling her names. Like a slave with no rights or voice – sometimes Martha even made Naz suffer on purpose just to get aroused faster. A perfect sadistic consumer and dominator that forces Naz to overcome the boundaries of her upbringing and … this dominator was somewhat evil. Evil and forbidden. Lingering somewhere in the dark but so seductive in the same time, so sweet. Looking like cherry blossom and smelling like a wild orchid after a tropical rainforest. The same orchid that kills innocent insects attracted by its smell. In other words – Martha was a symbolic Satan.
Аноним 24/01/19 Чтв 01:03:05 #6 №190243799 
Martha felt how a wave of warmth started spreading all over her body centred around her belly. This warmth quickly overcame all other feelings and Martha started screaming loudly and happily before she was paralysed and shaking. A rainbow of colours came before her closed eyes. She exclaimed “argggh” and put her forehead against the wall breathing deeply. Soon she fell again how her pussy is pulsating and that the dildo was still in her. In fact, she also fell at last that the hand of the native stallion rubbing her back was in fact Naz’s hand. Martha regained her voice at last “You’re a fucking goddess my dear”.
Naz was happily smiling and she took out the dildo from Martha before immersing her tongue and nose into Martha to lick her out. But that wasn’t for long.
Martha took Naz by the hair and pulled her strongly couple of times. Martha whispered evily “Look at me my bitch. Now I’m going to make you shout”.
Martha left the bathtub covered in foam and forced Naz on her back before forcing her legs wide to gain access to her virgin cave of pleasures. In a couple of moments Martha bit the dark lips of Naz’s pussy and started rubbing her nipples with both hands. Naz was licking and sucking the dildo in the same time and she was so consumed by the action that she hardly could understand where was she.
And there she was – sweaty and wet pushed against the cold bathroom tiles naked, licked by her dominating master. The taste of Martha was all over her – her face, her nose, her mouth. But in the same time Naz imagined how the dildo that she was sucking was a strong and pulsating dick of a huge blonde muscular bodybuilder. It smelled so strongly of Martha so she vividly pictured that the bodybuilder had just finished fucking her master bitch and wanted to come into her mouth.
Аноним 24/01/19 Чтв 01:03:35 #7 №190243819 
All that couldn’t last long – soon Naz was shaking and squirming. Her orgasm sent seismic shockwaves across the whole floor of the building. Martha wasn’t stopping her relentless tongue attack and Naz had to push her away in a while. Martha immediately started French kissing Naz giving her a taste of her own juice. In a moment Martha changed the kiss with a series of blows with her huge tits aimed at Naz’s face. “Ahhh bitch, I’ll fucking teach you a lesson. When I want to continue eating you you must obey me”.
Naz was ready to pass out from the huge orgasm she just experienced and therefore she barely reacted to the ‘tit-bombing’ as Martha liked to call it.
In a couple of minutes Martha stopped and lied over Naz taking her head in her hands. She looked into Naz’s deep black eyes and licked her face from the chin to the forehead “I’ll make you smell like our pussies. The whole of you. Where’s the dick?”.
Martha took the dick from Naz’s hand and started hitting Naz’s face with it trying to make her cheeks even more bright red. Then Martha got off from Naz and got back into the tub, turning the hot water on again as the tub was almost cold by now. Naz took herself from the floor with a great effort and came to make a massage on Martha’s shoulders. That was exactly what was expected from her. And she was happy. Martha was happy too. She let Naz down, beat her, made her come and received a powerful orgasm herself. She dreamt about this for almost a week.
Аноним 24/01/19 Чтв 01:04:04 #8 №190243840 
Типа первая часть
Аноним 24/01/19 Чтв 01:04:53 #9 №190243867 
Аноним 24/01/19 Чтв 01:08:33 #10 №190243988 
>>190243638 (OP)
А с этих порно-рассказов действительно можно поднять денег или ты чисто ради искусства?
Аноним 24/01/19 Чтв 01:08:39 #11 №190243991 
>>190243638 (OP)
Обычно это называется фанфик без категории (original work). Запости на соответствующие сайты.
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 24/01/19 Чтв 01:11:41 #12 №190244079 
>>190243638 (OP)
Аноним 24/01/19 Чтв 01:12:12 #13 №190244096 
Можно поднять бабло. Если упаковать несколько историй в одну то можно продавать как книгу на амазоне
Аноним 24/01/19 Чтв 01:12:38 #14 №190244113 
С точки зрения английского приятно написано. Не Фицджералд, конечно, но какая нибудь Айн Рэнд писала унылее.
Аноним 24/01/19 Чтв 01:12:40 #15 №190244116 
На какие сайты? Я просто кроме ватпада, куда это кинул, нихуя не знаю
Аноним 24/01/19 Чтв 01:13:13 #16 №190244139 
Аноним 24/01/19 Чтв 01:14:17 #17 №190244180 
Так я по русски никогда не писал и получится ещё хуже чем на инглише
Но если кто переведет на русиш я не против. Будем вместе учиться писать
Аноним 24/01/19 Чтв 01:26:33 #18 №190244571 
Оп, лень читать. Давай вкратце, там мигранты ебут кого-нибудь? А ещё можно писать с какой-нибудь фишкой, например, в каждом рассказе будет русский парень Slavic, которому не перепадает.
Аноним 24/01/19 Чтв 01:29:59 #19 №190244687 
Да, негресса ебет пакистанку.

Так в том и задумка что потом появится гопник Коля Ерохин и выебет обеих
Аноним 24/01/19 Чтв 01:34:55 #20 №190244870 
Дальше постить?
Аноним 24/01/19 Чтв 01:35:03 #21 №190244874 
Охуенно. Читать я конечно не буду.
Аноним 24/01/19 Чтв 01:38:19 #22 №190244982 
Хорошо. Добавлю ещё Славика сычева которому они не дадут а ЕРОХА даст на ротан
Аноним 24/01/19 Чтв 01:40:08 #23 №190245036 
Так лучше. Жду тебя в /b с новой главой в это же время.
Аноним 24/01/19 Чтв 01:43:14 #24 №190245134 
Отличное начинание, оп! Я не эксперт, но попробуй на каких-нибудь сайтах с порно-рассказами.
Аноним 24/01/19 Чтв 01:50:07 #25 №190245327 
Спасибо братиш
Аноним 24/01/19 Чтв 02:02:22 #26 №190245663 
А почему именно на английском? В России сейчас таким уже никто не увлекается, а там все ещё популярно?
Аноним 24/01/19 Чтв 02:08:03 #27 №190245828 
Ну просто инглиш знают миллиарды а русский?

Насчёт порнухой не увлекаются - большинство худлита жёсткое порево. Те же 50 оттенков серого или сумерки. Чисто порево и похуй. Бабы просто называют это не порнухой а романтикой. Хотя через страницу ебутся жёстко и подробно
Аноним 24/01/19 Чтв 02:08:54 #28 №190245852 
Плюс я плохо по русски пишу уже..
Аноним 24/01/19 Чтв 02:58:04 #29 №190247006 
Аноним 24/01/19 Чтв 03:08:21 #30 №190247231 
> жёсткое порево
За тжри книги эпизодов половой ебли было всего несколько, но тебе лишь бы пукнуть, книгочей.
Аноним 24/01/19 Чтв 07:50:35 #31 №190251743 
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