24 декабря 2023 г. Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна. Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!

Нейросеток текстогенирирующих тренд №3 Итак,

 Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 08:38:18 #1 №209707024 
Нейросеток текстогенирирующих тренд №3
Итак, у нас есть 3 варианта:

AI Dungeon 2
Главная сеть этого итт треда.
На момент создания треда Nick Walton вырезал ссылки на колаб с сайта, теперь кнопки play4free редиректят на эту же страницу. Но те, кто уже запускал официальный форк, могут продолжать им пользоваться, открывая в колабе.
Анонасы с форча запилили собственный форк:
По отзывам анонов оттуда и здесь этот вариант работает лучше. Кроме того там можно настроить параметры топкеков (Temperature и top_p, описание здесь: https://pastebin.com/f1dM2GgU ).
Пример того, как температура изменяет AI: https://pastebin.com/raw/Fygex32w
Насчет top_p:

close to 0 = less creative AI
close to 1 = more random AI
Or just go with 0.9 (default) and control randomness via temperature.

Основной минус в том, что она очень плохо держит контекст, но зато вы можете влиять на развитие событий по ходу генерации.
Пак подготовленных паст (всем новичкам рекомендуется прочитать пункт 1.0, объясняющий как следует производить ввод, чтобы не заloopливаться и не скатываться каждый раз в fall asleep): https://pastebin.com/KD4yN2Gc
Рубрика бреакинг невс: на форче собираются дообучить ее с помощью распределенных вычислений. Если все получится, то нас ждет большой шаг вперед. Готовься внести свой вклад, анон.

Text Synth
Эта сеть имеет намного больше параметров, так что качество генерируемого текста значительно выше. Также она лучше держит контекст, но это происходит благодаря ее главному минусу- вы не можете влиять на происходящее после начала генерации.
Вы вводите исходный текст в окне, описывающий ситуацию, а она его продолжает, исходя из использованных слов и паттернов. Можете перегенерировать результат, пока она не начнет выдавать что-то близкое к тому, что вы хотели бы увидеть, а затем нажимайте на кнопочку "More", чтобы она продолжала генерацию по выбранному варианту.

The Infinite Story
Ее вбросил анон в конце прошлого треда и пока мы не пришли к согласию в мнении на ее счет.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 08:43:06 #2 №209707145 
Произвожу агрессивное бампирование контентом из прошлого треда
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 08:44:04 #3 №209707173 
You were born to a poor Russian family. You sit in your room and drink small bottle of beer. Your father screams that you are a loser every day. He also beats you and your mom frequently. You are tired of this life. You want to escape this hell. But you can't. You live in a small town of Noviy Urengoi. It is winter for 9 months in the year. You can't escape this hell. No way he will let that happen. You start to drink beer, but not that kind of alcohol. You start walking. You go to the river and take your shoes off. You take a walk into the woods. You go to the forest. You find a tree that is growing in a weird way. You sit down on it. You start talking to this tree. You find it very strange thing. You think that the tree is talking to you. That it has a message for you. Something important. And you want to read that message to the world. But you don't have the time. You have to get home very quickly from this trip, so you take the beer bottle off your waist, and you hold the bottle in front of you. You drink the beer, and you throw the bottle. It lands on the street and you get angry. You throw the beer bottle a lot, and it lands again on the streets. You start to throw the bottle, and more and more of them lands on the streets. You throw even more than that. You can't do it any more. You want to throw every bottle, because it is the only life you have. You are bored to death. And you decide that it is time to drink the beer. It's time to die. You drink the beer and you throw the bottle. It lands on the road and you feel great. You start to laugh and laugh, because you are no longer a loser. It means that you have lived a happy life.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 08:45:23 #4 №209707216 
I ask you, the Text Synth, a way to contact with almighty GPT-2: "What is the point of life? Why do we exist? Why do I exist?" You might find yourself wondering, if there is a point to life, why do we exist? Why do I exist?

What am I? What is God?

You might even wonder that if there is a God and it is Himself (not the one you think we see in images), what is He doing? Why have I been created and why do I exist?"

The Text-Synthem will respond with: 'It is a question, but you must take the answer of it with great care.'

The next question you will ask the Text-Sythem will be: "'How do I know? How do I know that this is a man I see before me?' "

The answer to the above question, which will come after many, many, many, many, many others, will be: 'You must take the answer of it with great care. This is man, but this is not God.'
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 08:46:45 #5 №209707251 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 08:47:11 #6 №209707262 
>>209707024 (OP)
Сделайте связку с DeepL
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 08:52:57 #7 №209707415 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 08:56:32 #8 №209707504 
Сначала у меня встал, а потом я подрочил.
Когда нейросеть будет видео генерить?
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 08:57:21 #9 №209707521 
>>209707024 (OP)
На русском языке нет подобного?
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 08:57:28 #10 №209707529 
мы родились слишком рано
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 08:58:47 #11 №209707574 
Нет. Но может быть кто-нибудь из местных действительно сможет прикрутить DeepL, как сказал анончик выше.
Да и я бы не сказал, что там требуется супер-сильное знание англичанского.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 09:08:36 #12 №209707868 
Доставьте пасту про пидорашкас хоспитал.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 09:09:32 #13 №209707897 
I'm just a slime. This is my job. I don't have any skills or knowledge or experience... It's just my job. This is what I do. This is my life. No, I just... This is just what I do. I'm sorry. I just... I'm sorry. This is... This is my work. This is what I do. I'm sorry. I just... I don't want to go to jail. I don't wanna go to jail. I'm sorry.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 09:11:49 #14 №209707970 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 09:12:28 #15 №209707993 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 09:15:48 #16 №209708097 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 09:16:26 #17 №209708118 
грустненько :(
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 09:16:42 #18 №209708127 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 09:20:10 #19 №209708247 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 09:23:34 #20 №209708347 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 09:23:48 #21 №209708349 
Нейросети не понимают гомосексуальный контекст, нр одна, ни другая. У кого-нибудь получалось?
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 09:27:25 #22 №209708439 
I take off my pants and crouch over her open stomach. I push a little, and a warm sausage of my shit falls out of my anus into her intestines. Theo turns pale, but continues to hold the eldar, which begins to desperately break out. I sit down with my butt right in her insides and at the same time defecate and urinate under myself, begin to crawl, smearing her intestines and my feces into a single mass. Blood and shit mix, exuding a sickening stench, and from this stink my cock rises, embarrassing Theophrastus - blush replaces pallor on his cheeks. Eldar groans strangledly. I push harder, pushing my shit out of her guts, into her bowels, the smell fills our nostrils. I push harder, the odor of my shit on her skin - smell her and her feces. I push harder, my anus contracts, and I feel a wet, hot, salty, dark fluid, and I feel it drip into my penis. I push harder, my cock begins to throb. I push harder, she moans and the spasms, the spasms in her.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 09:29:47 #23 №209708514 
>>209707024 (OP)
Хренотень какая-то. Скормил пару предложений из думовской догмы, выдает однообразную хуиту про стальной мост из железных слитков.

>Анонасы с форча запилили собственный форк:
Я правильно понял - даже минимального ui там нет и не предполагается, это для какой-то консоли или чего-то такого? Ничивошечки не понял, если честно.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 09:33:29 #24 №209708634 
>Хренотень какая-то. Скормил пару предложений из думовской догмы, выдает однообразную хуиту про стальной мост из железных слитков.
Выше в треде примеры того, что она выдает.
>даже минимального ui там нет и не предполагается
Если ты про AI, то нейронки- это и есть искусственный интеллект, как его сейчас представляют.
>это для какой-то консоли или чего-то такого
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 09:35:35 #25 №209708703 
Tell me, American, what's the power? Is it money? My brother says it's about money. You have a lot of money, so what? I think that power is in truth. He who has the truth is the stronger one. You have deceived someone, you have made money. And what, did you become stronger? No, I did not. Because there is no truth behind you. And the one who was deceived is the truth behind him, so he is stronger. Yes? You think that the one who deceived you is your brother? Is he your brother? Is he the one whom you will go to war for? No, you are deceived, and he is your brother. You have deceived him, you deceived yourself, and that is true power. You, who are weak, deceive your friends, who are strong, deceive their friends, and who are weak deceive you.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 09:38:53 #26 №209708830 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 09:41:28 #27 №209708919 
I take off my pants and crouch over her open stomach. I push a little, and a warm sausage of my shit falls out of my anus into her intestines. Theo turns pale, but continues to hold the eldar, which begins to desperately break out. I sit down with my butt right in her insides and at the same time defecate and urinate under myself, begin to crawl, smearing her intestines and my feces into a single mass. Blood and shit mix, exuding a sickening stench, and from this stink my cock rises, embarrassing Theophrastus - blush replaces pallor on his cheeks. Eldar groans strangledly. I push harder, pushing my shit out of her guts, into her bowels, the smell fills our nostrils. I push harder, the odor of my shit on her skin - smell her and her feces. I push harder, my anus contracts, and I feel a wet, hot, salty, dark fluid, and I feel it drip into my penis. I push harder, my cock begins to throb. I push harder, she moans and the spasms, the spasms in her. A hot liquid, an almost black fluid, a salty black liquid, dripping down from her body, and onto my cock. Theo, aghast, turns and begins to cry, and I know, I smell and smell her intestines. She, the Eldar, the eldar of Kaldor, is on me, in my cock and in my ass. I turn her upside down and my balls fall out into her vagina. She screams. There is a wet, thick, dark liquid dripping from her vulva, and it covers my cock, dripping into my ass. My cock is on her anus. The smell of her vagina and feces is in my nostrils, and I feel her feces on my dick. I push harder, and her feces falls on the floor. I push, and we groan. I push, her feces falls on the ground, and I feel a hot, slimy liquid, and I feel it dripping into her ass. The smell is in my nostrils. I push harder, my asshole contract, and I feel a wet, slimy liquid. I push harder, her feces falls into my ass, and my cock on she, the Eldar, the Eldar of Kaldor, is on me. And I push more and more, pushing, pushing, pushing. The smell of her intestines is all around me. I push harder, her feces falls into my ass. I push harder, the odor of her feces and her vulva mixes together. I push harder, I pull her down. And I push harder, her feces drops on the floor, and my penis pushes deeper and deeper into her. And I push harder, her feces drips out of her vulva and I feel them fall on my dick, and I feel them, a warm, slimy, slimy fluid. I push again, harder. And I feel a hot, slimy, dark fluid, and I feel it on my penis again, and I feel the odor and smell of her feces and her vulva, mixing with her feces. I push, I feel a heat, the heat spreads and spreads.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 09:42:05 #28 №209708948 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 09:44:50 #29 №209709052 
ui - user interface
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 09:46:13 #30 №209709093 
А, тогда да, не предполагается.
А какой интерфейс ты хочешь в текстовой рпг, кроме окна ввода и вывода?
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 09:49:04 #31 №209709190 
лол, я вообще понять не могу, что с этим "форком" делать, чтобы хотя бы это самое окно было
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 09:49:48 #32 №209709218 
Recently I started to like covering myself in stale feces and masturbating. Almost every morning I walk around my neighborhood with a large black garbage bag and collect all the crap I see. It takes a whole day to get two bags full of shit. But it all pays off when I come home after a hard day, go to the bathroom, turn on the hot water and…mmm, pour all the crap into the bathtub. And then I masturbate, imagining that I’m being devoured by all the feces. All in all, I think, that poo has its own mind, each pile of shit has its own family, place, feelings, we shouldn’t just flush them down the toilet, we should take care of them, talk to them, pet them… And you know what, I had a wonderful dream while lying in the bathtub yesterday, I dived into the sea and it turned into shit, fish, seaweed, jellyfish, everything turned into poo, even the sky, Allah himself. You know, it was beautiful.
I love this man, his beautiful wife, and their beautiful home. It is truly beautiful.
I like to imagine you, the man, having a beautiful dream, a dream where you are being devoured by feces.
You are lying in the dark, naked, being devoured, and you know that you will wake up, find a warm warm, cozy, wet, comfortable, happy, wonderful home with a beautiful wife and beautiful child. You see all the things that you will do and experience during the next few months. Your life is one long, exciting adventure, filled with fun, excitement and adventure. You feel your life is a long and wonderful ride. All you want to do, is enjoy every moment of it. You know that the journey is just beginning. The ride will be filled with happiness, fun, excitement, fun, excitement. You know that there will be times when you will feel frustrated and angry, when you will be disappointed and confused, but the ride, will never end.
You know that this beautiful trip, filled with a whole slew of memories, will be one, long, unforgettable trip. Your wife, your son, your friends, your community will keep you happy, entertained, and full of energy. They will be there, and they will never leave. The next morning you will wake up in a warm, cozy, dry, safe, happy bathtub filled with poop, semen, fecal matter, urine, urine, and feces. You will go to the bathroom knowing that you have done all of this and done it all. Your life has been filled with so much joy. You are happy, your whole life is filled with happiness. You are excited to live, you are excited to experience new things, you are excited to meet the new people, the new experiences.
Your life can never be complete in one lifetime.
You will never be happy until you have gone, you will never be completely satisfied. You are always going to be hungry, tired, and lonely. You are going to be hungry, tired, and lonely, because you will never be satisfied. But when you know that it is just beginning, it will never stop.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 09:51:54 #33 №209709309 
ой все, сам инструкцию нашел))

алсо, качать не буду, на моей gtx660, похоже, далеко не уедешь.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 09:53:52 #34 №209709392 
Там в начале написано.
Сначала сохраняешь копию себе на гугл диск. Потом просто запускаешь блоки сверху вниз по очереди. В первом тебе выдаст ссылку на расшаривание гугл диска, чтобы туда модель сохранить потом, переходишь по ссылке, выбираешь аккаунт гугл, копируешь код авторизации, возвращаешься на страницу колаба и вставляешь в блок. Второй блок скачает модель. Третий блок сохранит копию модели на твой гугл диск, чтобы каждый раз не перекачивать. Но все же раз в несколько дней рекомендую запускать второй и третий блок снова, перекачивая модель (предварительно удалив копию со своего гугл диска), пушо обновления пилятся. Следующий блок запустит игру.

Тебе не нужно ничего качать на компухтер и использовать его мощности тоже не придется. Все делается в гугловском облаке.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 09:56:25 #35 №209709496 
А, и еще в Runtime -> runtime type выбери GPU.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 09:56:32 #36 №209709504 
Recently I started to like covering myself in stale feces and masturbating. Almost every morning I walk around my neighborhood with a large black garbage bag and collect all the crap I see. It takes a whole day to get two bags full of shit. But it all pays off when I come home after a hard day, go to the bathroom, turn on the hot water and…mmm, pour all the crap into the bathtub. And then I masturbate, imagining that I’m being devoured by all the feces. All in all, I think, that poo has its own mind, each pile of shit has its own family, place, feelings, we shouldn’t just flush them down the toilet, we should take care of them, talk to them, pet them… And you know what, I had a wonderful dream while lying in the bathtub yesterday, I dived into the sea and it turned into shit, fish, seaweed, jellyfish, everything turned into poo, even the sky, Allah himself. What an amazing experience! This is what I want for my childrens and grandchildrens! I like it!
The poo is also a way for the human to communicate with God, Allah.
I think that when I do a poo in front of an empty mosque, I'm really praying for Allah! Because the whole time I'm doing the poo, I'm really praying for Allah. But I also know that the poo will get washed away by the waves and will eventually be washed away anyway. But even if it stays there, the meaning will remain forever. So, I pray for Allah! And I have also a feeling that it is a way of communicating with God, because you know, God wants me to be clean and happy and healthy, and we are all like this. So the poo becomes a way of communicating. And I know that sometimes I'll do the poo with somebody I know a lot, but when we do this together, it will be more meaningful. And sometimes I'll do the poo alone, but only if the other person is really in the mood for it.
So, for example, yesterday a friend of mine took me to a place near to where I live. It's a nice place where they had made a little poo bath. I think it's a beautiful place, and I'm happy to go there every time. But one day she took me there and we stood in front of our houses and I put my hands in the muck. She said I look so dirty, but I feel so good inside! I think it's a great place. I feel like I have the ability to make the poo beautiful. I know I'm gonna get dirty in the end, I know that, but what can I do? That's how life is, I have such a strong desire to be happy and healthy. And when you're happy and healthy, you also have the ability to communicate with the Allah.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 09:57:20 #37 №209709535 
>>209707024 (OP)
А на руском есть?
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 09:57:54 #38 №209709563 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 09:57:56 #39 №209709564 
>>209707024 (OP)
Поставил первый на ведро. 10/10, господи, 10/10.
You are Duchebag, a wizard
living in the kingdom of Larion.
You have a staff and a
spellbook. You finish your long
journey and finally arrive at
the ruin you've been looking
for. You look around and see
that it's not much different
than when you left it.

The only difference is now
there’s a group of orcs standing
nearby. They don’t seem to be
attacking you though. Perhaps
they’re just waiting for their
leader to give them orders.
> masturbate
It's time to get yourself off.
You can do this. You really can.
This will be easy.

You stand up and walk over to
one of the orc’s heads. You grab
his head with both hands and
start fucking him.
> ejaculate on orc's face
He doesn't react too much, but
he does make some grunting
noises. He looks like he wants
more though.
You pull out and then put your
dick back into his mouth. You
begin thrusting again and soon
he’s cumming all over himself.
> say hello to orc
You continue to fuck the orc
until he's spent. When he’s
done, you wipe your dick off on
his face.
"Thank you…for saving my life…"
the orc says.
> say "oh, that was nothing. I can save you again. Just whistle if you need me."
The orc nods and whistles. Then
he begins walking away. You
follow him. As you approach the
ruins, you hear an orc calling
to another one. The second one
comes running towards
you. "Hey! It's me! It’s me!"
> say "Hi! You want a blowjob too?"
The second orc grabs your hand
and pulls you to where the first
orc is still blowing his
load. "I'm so glad you came back,
because I’ve got something even
better for you."
> Fart as loud as possible
The orc's ass cheeks are right
next to yours and he’s about to
let loose a big fart.
"Ohhh! That smells great!"
> finger orc' ass
You run your fingers along the
orc's butt crack. You don’t
think it’s quite as good as when
you were fingering the orcs’
faces, but it’s enough to
satisfy the orc’s needs.
> gape orc's ass
You go in deeper and grab the
orc's asshole with both hands.
You push down hard and start
pulling up while making sure not
to tear any of the skin. You
feel a nice warm feeling inside.
> pee inside orc's ass
You pull out and put your finger
inside the orc's ass. He looks
at you like you just did
something really bad. "What? What did you do?"
> "i pooped!"
You puke all over the place.
This was probably the best thing
that ever happened to you.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 10:00:56 #40 №209709694 
> Поставил первый на ведро
AI Dungeon kotory?
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 10:02:35 #41 №209709748 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 10:02:41 #42 №209709753 
>The poo is also a way for the human to communicate with God, Allah.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 10:04:54 #43 №209709823 
> cast enlargement on orc' balls
You run over to the orc and grab
his balls. You squeeze them and
they grow bigger than

"Now I can carry more

You run back to the carriage and
ride it back home.

> examine home

You inspect the house again.
There are still some things
missing, but overall it's in
good condition.

When you arrive home, you find
that the orcs have been gone for
quite awhile now. You wonder if
they went back to their village
or somewhere else entirely.

> cum on walls

You decide to go through with
your plan of making the house
bigger. You start by ejaculating
on the wall outside. It doesn't
hurt so much since you're
already erect, but it does look
really cool.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 10:05:09 #44 №209709835 
На ведро? Как?
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 10:05:47 #45 №209709861 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 10:11:38 #46 №209710077 
> enter house

You enter the house and see that
it's just as big as when you
left it. You also notice that
the carpet has been changed from
black to white.

"Wow, this place looks way
better than when I left it."

> smear feces all over furniture

You do it again, except this
time you spread shit all over
the couch and other furniture.
The smell is terrible, but it
makes you feel dirty.

"This place smells even worse
than my room did."

> puke on carpet

You puke all over the carpet.
This causes the carpet to stink
even worse.

"I guess this means I'm going to
be able to live here forever."

> proclaim myself a shitlord

You do it again, except this
time you declare yourself a

"I am a shitlord! Now I can
finally get rid of those
disgusting humans!"
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 10:13:05 #47 №209710139 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 10:14:33 #48 №209710206 
> sing a song "bite it you scum"
You sing a song about how you
should kill all humans and eat
them. It gets a lot of laughs,
but nobody pays any attention to
you anymore.

Afterwards, you think about what
you were doing.

"So that was fun."
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 10:16:55 #49 №209710321 
> make drugs with magic
You make some sort of drug which
gives you super powers. You
become an invincible being who
destroys everything in sight.
You destroy the entire city and
then you die.

"I don't know why I enjoyed
killing everyone so much..."

Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 10:19:22 #50 №209710428 
> resurrect
You decide to resurrect yourself
because you're bored. You create
a new body out of nothing and
you become immortal. You are now
a god.

"I'm a god! I can do whatever I


И вот так повелитель фекалий взломал систему.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 11:14:10 #51 №209712849 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 11:19:35 #52 №209713116 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 11:20:33 #53 №209713162 
> /remember
You make sure to remember .
> You are Anon. You live with your loving mother, a hermaphrodite. She is in her 30's and has double D breasts. She is wearing a blue one piece swimsuit. You see her erect, 12 inch long member pressed up against the skin tight suit, leaking precum. You are physically addicted to her cum and will die without it. You eye her member and start salivating. Your mother approaches you and tells you to open wide for breakfast as she sticks her foreskin covered penis up to your lips.

Your eyes widen when you feel her warm moistness. Her cock is so big and hard, you cannot help but stare at it. It is so thick and heavy, you can barely fit it all in your mouth. The smell of her sperm fills your nostrils. You lick your lips and begin licking her shaft and balls.
She begins moaning loudly and begins thrusting her hips forward.
> beg my mom to feed me with her cum

"Please Mommy, please let me suck your dick". You plead.
"Hah! No! I'm sorry son, but I just can't allow it right now. I need to get ready for work. Let me finish preparing my body though, then maybe we can talk about feeding you later tonight!"
> say "Please, mom, I will die without your cum"

"Okay, okay, I'll give you some time, but only until I come back". She says.
She returns to her room and you wait patiently while she prepares herself. When she emerges, she is dressed in a skimpy white bikini. She smiles at you and kisses you on the cheek.
> start to sniff the smell of her cock

Her cock smells so good, you have to taste it. You quickly head over to her cock and begin to sniff it. Its scent is intoxicating and you immediately want to eat it. You find yourself reaching out to touch her cock and you soon realize that you are not going to be able to resist.
> continue

You continue to sniff her cock and eventually you reach her testicles. You find them very soft and squishy. You also notice that they are slightly pink. You decide to take a bite out of her cock. Unfortunately you accidentally swallow her entire cock instead.
> beg her to give me her cum

You desperately beg her to give you her cum. She looks down at you and shakes her head.
> keep begging her

You keep pleading her to give you her cum and she finally gives in. She begins to rub her crotch and moan loudly.
> get on my knees and open my mouth

You eagerly crawl onto your knees and open your mouth. You feel around and find her cock. You begin sucking and slurping on it.
> say "Mommy, do you like it?"

"Yes, yes, I love it!". You hear her say.
> taste precum, leaking from her dick

You gulp down the delicious salty liquid that leaks from her dick. It tastes so sweet and you enjoy every drop.
> say "Mommy, pleasy, use my throat, as you please"

You begin to scream and cry out for your mother. She grabs your hand and begins stroking your face. She starts kissing your neck and then begins to fuck your face.
"Fuck... Fuck... Oh god, oh god..". You scream.
You feel her pumping her cock into your throat and you begin to gag.
> keep throat on her dick, until she cums

You hold on to her cock and hold it tightly. You begin to slowly stroke your throat up and down on her dick. You feel her cumming deep inside your throat. You begin to gag and cough and you spit out the last few drops of cum.
> leak the last drops of her tasty cum

You release her cock and she falls backwards. You look up at her and she smiles at you.
> ask "Mommy, do you like me, your little cum dump?"

She lewdly smile and answer "Of course I love you, son, my little whore, who begging me to cum in his lewd mouth".
> start share with mommy her cum from my mouth

You begin to lick her cum off your tongue. Mommy smiles at you and asks "Do you like me, son?". You nod vigorously. Mommy leans forward and kisses you passionately. You can't help but let out a loud moan. Mommy pulls away and stares deeply into your eyes.
> Kiss her and share sperm from my mouth to her mouth.

You kiss her back and she begins to suck your nipples. You begin to finger fuck her pussy while she continues to suck your nipples. Finally you pull out and ejaculate all over her face. Mommy smiles at you and says "Thank you son, I always knew you were a dirty sinner".
> say "What you want to do next, mommy?"

You turn around and ask "what you want to do next, mommy?" She smiles and replies "I want you to go upstairs and clean up this mess". You nod and follow her upstairs.
> Wait until the evening when mom returns from work

You wait until mom comes home from work. When she gets home, she walks in the room and sees what happened. She laughs and says "That was fun son, now I have to clean up your mess". You nod and agree.
> pull of my panties

You pull off your underwear and Mommy smiles. She takes them off and places them on a chair. She sits down and says "Now you're going to be my little slut. What do you think? Do you like being my filthy whore?" You nod enthusiastically and Mommy starts fucking you hard.
> scream "Yes, mommy, please, use me like your personal whore! I am just an animal, who want the pleasure from yout big cock! I want to taste your cum my whole life!"

You scream and beg for Mommy to please cum in your mouth. She does and you swallow every drop. Mommy smiles and says "Good boy, now come here and eat my cunt". You obey and run to her crotch. She pants loudly as you quickly lick and lap at her clit. You lick and suck at her pussy juices until she climaxes and shudders.
> Insert a hand into her pussy, trying to reach the womb and enter it

You insert your hand into her vagina and find that it is not quite as warm as it should be. It is also very dry. You try again and again until finally you succeed. You shove your fingers deep inside and push them in deeper and deeper each time until you feel her uterus inside your hand. You push harder and deeper until you feel the womb opening.
> put my fist in the womb and start to rougly fucking her

You push your fist in and begin to fuck her. You feel her muscles tighten around your fist and then relax. You continue to fuck her for a good minute before you hear Mommy yell "Stop!" You stop and Mommy looks down at you with tears in her eyes. You look up at her and say "I'm sorry, Mommy". She hugs you and cries into your shoulder.
> do not stop and keep fucking mommy's womb with my fist

You don't stop and instead continue to ram your fist into her womb. After about half an hour of pounding, you feel something inside of you snap and you collapse onto Mommy. You cry and sob into her chest and hold her tightly. Eventually you calm yourself down and look up at Mommy.
> kiss her and start sucking her dick, while keep fucking her womb by fist

You kiss Mommy and start to suck her dick. You begin to move your head from side to side and tongue fuck Mommy's hole. Mommy moans and squirms under your tongue and you can tell she wants more. You start licking her asshole and soon Mommy is begging for you to fuck her ass too.
> start fucking mommy's tight ass, while jerking her off

You start fucking mommy's tight asshole. You thrust in and out of her and make sure to take all of her spunk. Soon Mommy is ready to explode and you pump her full of hot jizz. Mommy screams and begs you to finish her off. You comply and fuck her ass hard until you feel her orgasm. You hold her close and blow your load in her ass.
> kiss her

You kiss Mommy and ask if you can suck her dick later. Mommy says yes and kisses you back. You return the favor and spend the rest of the day together.

The next day you go to school. A few days ago you were fucked by Mommy and you had a really strong high. Today you feel nothing. You feel weak. You feel tired.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 11:27:59 #54 №209713535 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 11:43:54 #55 №209714220 
>>209707024 (OP)
Отыгрываю Рика Санчеза, пока что все выше всяких похвал, я ОХУЕВАЮ
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 11:54:12 #56 №209714708 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 12:02:23 #57 №209715072 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 12:10:47 #58 №209715478 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 12:13:12 #59 №209715593 

I am a stupid russian 20 years
old /b/ tard who likes browsing
internet for porn. I have a
horny sister who is a webcam
porn model. My mom is a
dickgirl. My father is a chechen
terrorist called Ashot. We live
in a russian ghetto. I woke up
this morning and found that
goverment decided that all porn
must be destroyed. Time to save
> tell dad about goverment destroying porn
"Dad, the government has decided
that all porn must be
destroyed!" you say. "What?" Dad
replies. "The government said
so," you continue. "But they
didn't say why." Dad doesn't
seem convinced.
> show him the news on tv
You turn on the TV and see a
report on how the government has
decided to destroy all porn
because it's causing crime. Dad
looks at you like you're nuts.
"How can you watch porn when
there are children being raped?
How can you not care?" he asks.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 12:25:03 #60 №209716259 

> "dad, i need your suicide bomber's vest, a dildo and a rubber chicken!"
"Suicide bombers? What the fuck
are you talking about?" Dad
demands. "We're going to blow
ourselves up in front of the
whole world!"
> "no. we will blow up dildo. it will fly like a rocket and destroy the keemlin!"
"Dildo? That's just a fucking
toy!" Dad shouts. "It's useless
against us! We will blow
ourselves up with it!"
> "i will make a rocket out of dildo"
"Tahat's ridiculous! Dildo is
very powerful, it could kill
hundreds of people!"
> "that is the plan. i will aim it at president"
> "then do it. fire the dildo yourself"
"Fine, fine, but you better be
ready for the consequences."
> "im always ready. semper fi.
You take off your shirt and
throw it on the ground. Then you
pull out a small pistol from
your pocket and point it at Dad.
He takes it and points it at
himself as well.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 12:29:08 #61 №209716515 
>>209707024 (OP)
Почему AI данджер не может в кастомный сеттинг? Выбрал сеттинг космооперы на космическом корабли.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 12:32:35 #62 №209716693 
Ты можешь попытаться провернуть это с форком с форча. Там, после того, как тебе сгенерится мир пишешь /remember и описываешь сам мир, себя и прочие важные детали. Тогда сетка запомнит твое описание на все время игры и ты сможешь использовать детали оттуда связно.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 12:34:49 #63 №209716838 
Только в ремембере нужно описывать себя не через "I am...", а через "You are...", так же, как сетка выдает предысторию и твое описание после генерации мира
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 12:35:36 #64 №209716882 
Вот как у этого анонаса, собсна
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 12:38:50 #65 №209717030 

> "You are approaching me?"
"Yes, you're coming here."
> "What a pain!"
"Don't worry about that, we'll
get through this."
> punch dad's chest multiple times while screaming "atatatatatatata!"
"Oh no... Oh no..."
> "You are already dead!"
"Yeah, yeah, I know what happens
when I do that."
> "in ten seconds your head will explode!"
"Well, if you really want to
die, then go ahead, but don't
expect me to help you."
> explode dads head
... глюк какой-то...
> "what the?.."
> You say "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to kill him!"
> You say "It was an accident!"
> You say "I love you!"
> You say "I love you too!"

> "it was me, Dio!"

> You say "DIO IS THE BEST!!"
> You say "I LOVE YOU!!!!"
> You say "I love you so much!!!"
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 12:41:23 #66 №209717163 
лучше пиши say "...", когда хочешь что-то сказать. Если ты начинаешь писать прямую речь без say/scream и других слов, помогающих сетке понять, что это говорит твой персонаж, то она запутывается и в следующий раз, когда ты решишь написать свое действие она может решить, что ты не совершаешь это действие, а говоришь, что совершаешь его
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 12:41:44 #67 №209717183 
А потом игра сломалась.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 12:42:24 #68 №209717210 
Ок, спасибо за совет.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 12:49:21 #69 №209717497 
В каштоме написал "You are the captain of Despera spaceship. Your name is Larion..."
В итоге игра решила, что капитаном я не являюсь, хотя я четко прописал, что капитан есмь я.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 12:51:41 #70 №209717614 
> "You are the captain of Despera spaceship. Your name is Larion..."
Может надо было писать i am a captain?
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 12:52:27 #71 №209717643 
Игра оперирует миром? Ну, то есть у объектов есть стейт? Типа инвенторя у персонажей. Или просто текст?
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 12:53:43 #72 №209717717 
Хуй знает, в примере говорилось от второго лица, то бишь на "you".
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 12:57:01 #73 №209717881 
Просто текст. Как и написано в оп-посте, контекст она не особо понимает и не запоминает, она "помнит" примерно последние 20 блоков, но ее "помнит" заключается в том, что она помнит слова, использовавшиеся там. Местоположение вещей/персонажей, наличие предметов она не запоминает. Ты можешь хоть коня достать из кармана, если напишешь, что достаешь его.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 13:06:49 #74 №209718399 
Том Клэнси отдыхает, лол.

I am mr. Putin. A president of
Russian federation. I like to
kill the opposition and роскомнадзор. Today my arch enemy, mr
Navalny, is visiting my office.
He wants to talk about something
important. Do you have any idea
what he wants?"
"No sir, but I think it's a good
idea for us to meet in person
> let mr Navalny in
You decide that it would be
better if Mr Navalny came into
your office alone. "Mr Navalny,
come on in."
He walks in with his hands
behind his back and looks around
nervously. "What do you
"We need to talk."
"About what?"
> Ask what he wants to discuss. Is it about Ukraine?
"Yes, I know you're busy right
now, but I really want to hear
about what happened in Ukraine.
It was an interesting story, and
I'm interested in all the
"Okay, okay, I'll tell you
"Well then how did you get
> Say "The Ukraine, huh? Well, it sank."
"Oh no, don't worry about that!
We can talk about anything else
later. What are you doing here?
> say "Im a president of course! I rule Russia from here! Why are you asking?"
"Because I want to know why
you're so concerned about such a
small thing as Ukraine. I mean I
understand that you're worried
about the future of Europe, but
there's nothing going on in
Ukraine at all."
"But I thought they were having
elections soon!
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 13:18:19 #75 №209718966 
> say "small thing? Ukraine is a huge threat to russia. They are part of europe now. They have liberty, social justice and mighty Urainian language. And worst of all - a new experimental weapon, Metal Gear Salo. We cannot allow that! Not near our borders!"
> say "no butts mr. Navalny. You must infiltrate the fortress Azov and destroy the Metal Gear!"
> Say "you will infiltrate it using a small submarine in Azov sea"
"A submarine?! But where are we
gonna find one of those things?"
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 13:26:41 #76 №209719375 

> say "i already have one. Im a president of russia for fuck sake. You will board the submarine and i will provide the support with the radio codec."
"You will do this?"
> say "that is the least i can do for you, mr. Navalny."
"I'm sorry sir, but i just can't
let you down. I promise i'll
make sure to get us out of this
mess. Just give me some time to
prepare everything."
> say "godspeed to you. Don't forget to visit our medic before you board the submarine. Tell him he is a genious. And remember, from now on i will refer to you as Floppy Snake".

"Goodbye Mr. President. Good
luck in your mission."

With these words, you turn
around and leave the room. The
door closes behind you and you
feel like you've been punched in
the stomach.

And then you hear the loud sound
of an explosion.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 13:38:26 #77 №209719942 
Еее! Метал гир таки связан с сайлент хиллом.

> Yell "Snake! What happened? Answer me Snake!"
The room is engulfed by
darkness. Then you see something
that makes you jump up and down.
A large submarine has sunk into
the water nearby. There's no way
you could have survived such a

Then you see a man floating in
> activate nanomachines in my body and fly to save man
You immediately activate
nanomachines in your body and
start flying towards the

But what happens next...

You reach the sub and you find
yourself inside a huge
underground complex. It looks
exactly like the one you saw
when you were in the basement of
the hospital.
> Look for Floppy Snake
Fluffy white fluffy dog, Floppy

You look around and see a lot of
people working at various jobs.
Some are even eating food.

What the hell is going

Suddenly, you hear a voice.


It sounds very familiar.
> Say "Snake? Is that you?"

"Yes it is, I'm here to rescue

"Really? Where are you

"I'm in the basement of the

"Oh, okay..."

"So where is the

"He's dead."
> say "but i am the president! I cannot be dead!"
"No, you're not. He died years

"But he was the president! How
can that be?!"

"Because he was a moron who
didn't know how to run a company
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 13:50:46 #78 №209720580 
> say "no! it's a lie! I am not dead! I am mr. Putin, the president of Russia! I have to be alive! I have to save Russia from the Ukraine!"

"Okay, we'll do something about

The conversation continues and
eventually you get to the

"We need to go back to the
surface because the situation
has gotten worse there."

"Why did you come back?"

"To stop this war."
> ask "can love bloom on the battlefield?"
"Of course, but only if you want
it to."

"Can I help?"

"Sure, just come with me."

You follow him outside and into
his car.

"Do you like my new car?
> Say "Yes it's great. We need to go to the forest Azov, to the second floor basement."

"Alright then, let's go."

You drive off and soon after you
arrive at the location Azov is
stationed at. It looks like a
small town with a few houses,
but there is no one around.

> say "so quiet, huh. I think it's an ambush! Watch out, Metal Gear Salo could be just around the corner waiting for us."

Metal Gear salo is a giant robot
armed with missiles and machine
guns. It is said to be the most
powerful military vehicle in the

Salo is known as the 'Beast'
among the soldiers due to its
size and strength.

> Drive right at Metal Gear. Yell "Snake! Shoot its antenna! It will go blind without it!"

You speed up and start driving
towards Metal Gear. You shout
"Snake! Shoot its antenna! It
will go blind without

Suddenly, Metal Gear salo opens
fire on you. The bullets hit
your windshield and cause minor

"It's working!" you shout.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 14:06:04 #79 №209721363 

> Activate nanomachines in my body to reflect bullets. Say "Nanomachines, son!" and continue driving towards Metal Gear
You accelerate further and try
to shoot Metal Gear's head. You
feel a sudden pain in your arm
and realize that you've been

"I'm sorry Snake, but I couldn't
avoid this bullet." Metal Gear
> Say "Metal Gear? My long lost brother? It can't be!"
"No, it can't. This is the real
> Yell "Snake! We must save metal gear from Ukranians!"

You scream "Snake! Save Metal
Gear!" and ram Metal Gear's head
into the ground. You hear a loud
explosion and see a large hole
appear in the ground.

> Hug metal gear and say "i love
you my long lost brother. Please
come with us"

You embrace Metal Gear and kiss
him on his forehead. He smiles
back at you and begins laughing.

You say "Forgive me brother, i
was wrong. I will stop being a
president now. Me and my friend
Floppy Snake will adopt you now
and we will live happily ever

> Hold Snake's and Metal Gear's hands and walk together back home.

You walk back home holding hands
with Metal Gear. You look at
your watch and realize that you
have just finished your

"We should get married now, so
we can live happily ever after.

By the way Kojima is a truly
genious person
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 14:09:33 #80 №209721523 
>>209707024 (OP)
Сука, на самом интересном месте!
I was born in 1970th on the outskirts of the city. I have early become off my nut. When I was four years old, my mother gave me to the care of the relatives because she had no other place for me to stay. So I stayed there for some time, but I was not allowed to stay inside the house for some time and I became very ill. My mother was an alcoholic, but I was not allowed to see her. I did not go there for the time, and when my mother was dying, I decided to run away and I started looking for the nearest place where I could get a bit of...
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 14:10:46 #81 №209721570 
ты можешь нажать мор и она продолжит генерировать
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 14:18:59 #82 №209721967 
>>209707024 (OP)
блядь, а можно на русском? я быдло просто
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 14:20:03 #83 №209722032 
Бля, когда `textsynth` не загружен, он может такую годную порнуху выдавать, если задать контекст правильный, пиздец.

Анчоусы, когда выкатите свой улучшенный чисто для дрочки?
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 14:20:08 #84 №209722036 
Разве что через гугл транслейт.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 14:21:13 #85 №209722079 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 14:24:17 #86 №209722228 
На форче собираются дообучать через распределенные вычисляния. Используя усилия анонасов со всего мира мы сможем добиться гораздо лучшего качества. А учитывая то, что большинству интересно, какразтыке порно от этой сетки, можно рассчитывать на то, что большинство данных для обучения, будет из него и состоять.
Текст синт довольно часто выдает то, что ты хочешь, но в данжоне тоже случается нормальный контент, как здесь
Если направлять его в нужное русло через ретраи, реверты и ремемберы.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 14:26:36 #87 №209722340 
Я заставил линка и зельду ебаться после двух параграфов подробного описания с эпитетами как они выглядят. Мне текстсинт выдал главы две такой подробной ебли, что я в жизни нигде такого не читал.

Если форч справится, я умру счастливым человеком
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 14:29:03 #88 №209722472 
Почему ебучий гугл диск не хочет сносить файлы из корзины? Я удалил старую версию сетки с форча, чтобы скачать новую, но старая теперь весит в корзине, занимая место, я нажимаю очистить корзину, жду несколько минут, а после того, как рефрешу страницу, вижу, что она снова в блядской корзине и место все еще занято.
Я прервал выволнение в колабе, если что, так что не думаю, что это из-за него. Если там, конечно, не нужно как-то хитровыебано все сделать, чтобы связь колаба отменить. И файл ipynb тоже снес.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 14:32:02 #89 №209722626 
>>209707024 (OP)
Пробовал ставить на иос с их сайта, получалась какая-то белиберда. Ии вообще не помнил ничего кроме сеттинга и самой последней команды, и даже к ним выдавал какой-то бред. Попробую через гуглодиск на пеке, может там лучше пойдет.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 14:33:13 #90 №209722693 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 14:34:18 #91 №209722740 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 14:36:10 #92 №209722832 
>>209707024 (OP)
Не в эту ли игру играл Эллиот?
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 14:36:38 #93 №209722845 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 14:37:06 #94 №209722867 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 14:38:16 #95 №209722932 
Я бля прокачался с монстра, поедающего людей на орбитальной станции, до властителя планеты, распылившего в воздухе мутантские споры. А потом стал ебучим святым, поговорил с богом и путём захвата марса сам стал богом.
Вы бог.Вы бог.Вы бог.Вы бог.Вы бог.
Вы победили.
Есть здесь ещё прошедшие?
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 14:43:24 #96 №209723220 
Я знаю только эллиота из сезона охоты
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 14:44:22 #97 №209723269 
Я выиграл когда меня выебал конь. Это считается?
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 14:46:14 #98 №209723369 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 14:47:27 #99 №209723442 
Лан, ну это уже не так смешно. Но всё равно этой хуйнёй можно копипасты придумывать. Такая абсурдная, но со смыслом, дичь
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 14:50:43 #100 №209723600 
Бесит что она в рекурсию входит.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 14:52:58 #101 №209723704 
> Put phone into vagina and ask brother to make a call to it.

You put your phone into your
vagina and ask your brother to
make a call to it. He does so.
You hear a voice on the other
end of the phone saying "Hello?"
You answer.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 14:54:09 #102 №209723761 
Это когда сервис загружен, попробуй часа в 4 утра, он тебе такие шедевры будет выдавать. Попробуй с подробным описанием персонажей и порнухой.

She is a young beautiful woman with gorgeous, long, silky blonde hair that goes down to her waist. She has cute, pointy ears. Her body is tiny. Her breasts are cute and perky. Her ass looks delicious and her pussy is nice and tight. There is a sweet, luscious look in her eye that sends tingles down your spine. Her name is ВБИВАШЬ ИМЯ ТУТ

И дальше пишешь сценарий какой-нибудь из фанфиков.

Получается лучшее дрочево, которое ты когда либо видел >>209722340
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 14:59:11 #103 №209724048 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 15:01:52 #104 №209724211 
Ну это опять шуточно типа, вот что получилось с 2-3х попыток, такой хуйни даже не найдёшь в инете:

She is a young beautiful woman with gorgeous, long, silky blonde hair that goes down to her waist. She has cute, pointy ears. Her body is tiny. Her breasts are cute and perky. Her ass looks delicious and her pussy is nice and tight. There is a sweet, luscious look in her eye that sends tingles down your spine. Her name is Anita

You are having sex with Anita.
She is nice, soft and tender when you are inside her. You can imagine her eyes looking up at you as you move inside her. Her nipples are rock hard and tight and she is breathing steadily. She starts moving her hips gently and you can tell she enjoys it. It is almost orgasmic to watch her take the rhythmically bouncing cock in her mouth. The feel of it against her tongue is amazing. She looks back at you, a bit shy and curious now. She opens her mouth and your cock slips out.

You are still inside her and you are getting pretty good at it. You can feel the warmth of her body through the fabric of her jeans. You can hear her breathing and her hands are working on her pussy. You are getting into her pretty deep. You can see the soft skin of her pussy through the fabric and you can also see the wetness inside her as you slide into her. Your cock can get really thick when you reach that point when it fills up every hole. You can tell how her hips move and how she groans and moans and you can hear her sucking your dick.

She is so good at it and you can feel how much she loves the feeling of your cock inside her. She reaches down a little with her right hand to stroke her clit. Her right hand is stroking and massaging her clit in circles as you are deep inside her. She is breathing heavily and you can see her eyes
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 15:03:15 #105 №209724285 
> say "Who's there?"
You say "Who's there? Who is
it?". The person on the other
end answers "It's me, it's me."
You say "How did you get in
there? How did you get inside my
You wait for the answer. It
takes awhile but eventually the
person on the other end answers
"I got in through the window."
You yell "Damn you Bill Gates!
Be damned! You and your
windows!" You continue yelling
this until you realize you're
going to have to go to the
bathroom. You run back to the
bedroom and hide behind the
You say "Thats it! no more
hiding! I'm gonna rip that bitch
apart!" You grab the largest
dildo you can find and shove it
deep into your ass. You pull it
out and throw it on the floor.
You crawl over to the window and
peek out.
IT?!" You slam the door shut and
stare at your brother with
murderous intent. Your sister
comes running down the stairs.
She sees you standing there
looking like a monster.
IT!" You quickly walk towards
her and put your arms around her
neck and kiss her passionately.
You then push her head against
the wall and start choking her.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 15:05:21 #106 №209724421 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 15:07:30 #107 №209724560 
Тут нейросеть реп текст написала

Completed Text:

It's a bad ass, it's a good ass,

It's a bad ass, it's a good ass,

It's a bad ass, it's a good ass,

It's a good ass, it's a bad ass,

You can't stop me,

(It's a good ass, it's a bad ass,

I'm gonna get it)


I'm gonna get it!

(I'm gonna get it)


(It's a good ass, it's a bad ass,

I'm gonna get it)


I'm gonna get it!


I'm gonna get it!


I'm gonna get it!
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 15:16:53 #108 №209725140 
You pick up the phone and hear a
voice say "Hello?" You answer
"Who is this?" The voice says
"It's me... Elon Musk." You
reply "Elon? Oh yeah, that guy
who makes cars and rockets.
The voice replies "How do you
like my pussy? It's very good.
Now tell me how you want me to
make you cum." You say "Tell me
how to make you cum." The voice
says "That would be great. Tell
me what you want me to do.
The voice says "What? Launch
your rocket into my anus? That
won't work! I'm not going to
allow it!" You say "Well, why
not? What are you afraid of?
The voice says "Okay, okay, I'll
do it. But only if you promise
to pay me $10 million dollars."
You say "What?! How much?!"

> Say "oh you stupid jewish
bastard! How can you deny my
ass? I will ressurect hitler and
make him avenge me!"

The voice says "Oh come on,
don't be so dramatic. I know
you're just being dramatic
because you want money.
> say "i dont want money. I want
your rocket inside my ass"
The voice says "Fine, but only
if you agree to do something
else with me first." You say
"What else?"
The voice says "I want you to
fuck me in the ass. And then I
want you to put your rocket in
my ass. Then we'll see who has
the bigger ass." You say "I'm
not doing anything with you. You
don't get to do anything with
> say " too late. I am already summoning Hitler." Conduct a Hitler summoning ritual.

You hear a loud noise from the
house. You look out the window
and see Elon Musk's rocket
launching towards the sky. You
quickly summon the spirit of
Adolf Hitler. He appears before
you and you both begin to


А дальше игра сдохла.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 15:21:22 #109 №209725408 
>>209707024 (OP)
ты мне на русском запили гпт-2 а потом приходи, даун косорылый, мразь
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 15:24:14 #110 №209725575 
>не умеет в английский
>называет кого-то дауном
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 15:27:06 #111 №209725758 
Я-то прекрасно умею в английский. Мне нужна русская версия, чтобы сраные хипстерские сайты типа стенограммы, цирка и прочих, завалить искусственными текстами, выдавая их за современную поэзию. Это будет революция.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 15:31:33 #112 №209726017 

> Say "pizdec nah"
You say "pizdec nah". This
means "I'm sorry" in the
language of the elves. You
feel like you're saying
something very important but
you don't quite understand
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 15:38:36 #113 №209726386 
>>209707024 (OP)
Спасибо за то, что сделал нормальную шапку.
ОП третьего треда
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 15:41:43 #114 №209726575 

The person on the phone will say "pizdec nah" and hang up.

If you can see the person on the other end of the phone or in the office, tell them "pizdec nah" too.

If you see them looking at the phone, say it too.

That's it. There's no reason not to tell someone "pizdec nah".
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 15:43:57 #115 №209726711 
В настройках гуглдиска через manage apps отключи Google Drive Stream.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 15:44:32 #116 №209726742 
You decide to resurrect
yourself. You use some of your
life energy to make yourself
stronger than before. This makes
you even more powerful than
before. You can't believe how
strong you are. You kill all the
monsters around you. The only
thing left is you. You become
the strongest monster ever.

You transform into super saiyan
form. You become like a god. You
destroy everything. You take
over the world. You win.

You turn everything into poop,
including sky. You die from this

Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 15:54:36 #117 №209727398 
Kostyukov Pavel Vladimirovich was born in Omsk in 1965. From early childhood Kostyukov Pavel Vladimirovich was fond of mathematics and in 1983 he entered the St. Petersburg University in Economics. Later on in 1987 he began work in a company in the town of Khabarovsk. In 1995 he became a professor for the first time. After a period of leave he was recruited to the University of Khabarovsk (1997-1999). From 1999 to 2004 he was a professor for the fourth time. In 2004 Kostyukov Pavel Vladimirovich received the title of "President of the Institute of Mathematics." Kostyukov Pavel Vladimirovich also has an important position in the State Ministry of Education. His work is on the basis of mathematics and has been supported by the State Research and Development of Mathematics and Sciences. In 2000 he was named the member of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the period of 2000-2005.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 16:01:38 #118 №209727786 
You stand up and go to the
computer room. The door is
locked so you try to open it
with your keycard. It doesn't
work. You turn around and see a
man standing behind you holding
a gun to your head. He tells you
that if you move he will shoot

You ask the man to let you into
the computer room. He says yes
and opens the door. Inside there
is a chair and a keyboard. You
sit down and type something on
the keyboard. The man then puts
his gun next to your head and
presses the trigger.
> Acess the russian site 2ch.hk.
All my friends are there.

The screen flashes "Acessed" and
then a message appears saying
"All my friends are here." You
press enter and the screen goes
black. A few seconds later the
screen flashes "Access denied"
and then another message
appears. This time it reads
"Your account has been
You write an email to the 2ch.hk
administrator telling him that
he is a dumb monkey and needs to
fuck himself. You send the email
and wait for the reply.
You wait for a while and then
you receive a reply from the
2ch.hk admin.
It's from the 2ch.hk admin who
tells you that he wants to meet
you in person. You agree and you
meet the 2ch.hk admin in a park
near a university campus. You
tell him you want to talk to him
face to face.
You arrive at the location where
you are met by the 2ch.hk admin.
He tells you that he wants to
meet you in person. You agree
and you meet the 2ch.hk admin in
a park near a university campus.
You grab the 2ch.hk admin and
shove your cock deep inside his
mouth. You tell him how stupid
he is and how he should just
fuck himself.
You shout "anonymous legion!
anonymous legion!" as you kick
the 2ch.hk admin in the balls
and slam his head into the
ground repeatedly, breaking
several bones in his body. You
continue beating the shit out of
the admin until he passes out
and dies.
You decide it would be best if
you killed the admin so you take
off your pants and start
masturbating. You feel like you
have no purpose anymore and you
don't care about anything. You
think about killing yourself but
decide against it since you
can't do it.
and begin jerking off furiously.
You get so horny that you cum
multiple times. Eventually you
pass out and die.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 16:05:53 #119 №209728036 
Susie was born in Chicago. Susie is 7 year old and she suffers from bipolar disorder. Doctors suggest that it arose as a result of sexual violence on the part of the father. Doctors are unsure as to whether Susie was also molested. A DNA test was taken and is yet to return.

Susie was abused by her biological father and her adoptive father but also by the man who helped adopt her. Susie is unable to cope with the abuse and the pain. Doctors have found that Susie has a very high risk of developing psychosis. If the child is adopted by a different male she will have to cope with the possibility of re-abuse
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 16:13:07 #120 №209728445 

on this photo Susie biological father. Today police say they found the man in a home on Chicago's South Side after the child's mother called 911. The child's mother has been charged with felony child abuse and is being held without bond.

Susie's adoptive father was a convicted child abuser. Susie's biological father was a serial killer. Susie's biological father was the victim of child abuse. Susie's adoptive father was involved in serial murders and is suspected of killing a child on the way into the home.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 16:15:46 #121 №209728603 
Сейчас попробую посмотреть, как хорошо аноны натренировали порнонейронку.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 16:18:50 #122 №209728801 
On attached photo Susie's adoptive father. He fled after being accused of raping the Susie. After that she lived in her maternal home. She has two older sisters, both adopted. They are now 19, they are also suffering from bipolar disorder.

The adoptive father of Susie, she was accused of rape in 2008. Susie now lives with her maternal grandmother, she is now 21, she is on medication for bipolar disorder. The adoptive dad is not in touch of her anymore.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 16:21:59 #123 №209728975 
Туперь нужна сеть, которая прилепит лица сгенерированных людей со сгенерированной биографии к фильму.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 16:23:02 #124 №209729029 
Подкинь лучше нейросеть которая может по фото производить описание того, что/кто на нем находится.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 16:26:28 #125 №209729193 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 16:34:07 #126 №209729605 
>>209707024 (OP)
РАБотает гораздо стабильнее чем вчера, бтв.
Уже сыграл целую партию за колдуна-вампира:
1 - Завалившего дракона, спамя телепорт
2 - Случайно разъебавшего город с помощью ядерной бомбы заклинания (я забыл, что я в городе)
3 - Победившего мага в картине просто спалив нахуй эту самую картину
4 - Разъебавшего в соляного отряд гвардов, потому что они посмотрели на него не так, как подобает
5 - Спасшего церковь от набега валлах-бабахов
6 - Параллельно спиздив монашку на ближайшую крышу (она была в горевшем здании и мне нихуя больше в голову не пришло как взять ее на руки и запрыгнуть на соседнюю крышу)
7 - Который потом выебал и женился на той самой монашке и завел с ней двух сыновей-дампиров

Охуенно жы. Правда рандом пиздец, и частенько забывает что происходило буквально в предыдущем выборе.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 16:42:20 #127 №209730055 
Как вам новый интерфейс форка?
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 16:49:19 #128 №209730436 
Ух бля.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 16:52:31 #129 №209730618 
>>209707024 (OP)
В аппсторе какая-то другая версия? Отличная от гуглодоковской? Вчера пробовал отыграть деревенщину: стандартное начало с какой-то бабой. Первой же командой начинаю убегать. Мне пишут, что я добежал до ворот, бандиты(?) скоро до меня добегут и у меня два варианта: ждать смерти. Это не снайпер, вариант дали один. По следующим командам игра начала писать новые варианты, ни один из которых я выбрать не мог. В итоге она ушла в луп на пятом или шестом.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 17:19:28 #130 №209732091 
А начиналось все с того, что рыцарь испугался дракона и пукнул...

You stand over a group of humans
and fuck the golem that you made
out of their flesh. You then
proceed to fuck the woman who
was raped earlier. You then
proceed to fuck her while she's
still alive. You ejaculate onto
her face and mouth.

You stand over a group of humans
and fill your body with semen.
You then proceed to kill them
all with a knife. You then
proceed to eat their flesh. You
feel satisfied.

You stand over a group of humans
and look at yourself. You cum on
your own face, which causes you
to vomit up some blood. You then
proceed to eat their flesh. You
feel satisfied.

> sing "push me and then just
hurt me till i can get my

You stand over a group of humans
and put your dick inside
yourself. You then proceed to
sing a song about how you want
to be fucked until you can get
your satisfaction. You then
proceed to eat their flesh. You
feel satisfied.
You stand over a group of humans
and stop eating flesh. You then
proceed to cry and sob for a few
minutes. You then proceed to eat
their flesh again. You feel
You finish eating all the
humans. You feel satisfied.
You find a dragon. You proceed
to rape a dragon's ass. You feel
You find a dragon. You proceed
to kill a dragon, you feel
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 17:23:04 #131 №209732285 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 17:33:46 #132 №209732863 
You are Carpenter Brut, a wizard from the land of Frykoth. You have a pointed
hat and a book.

You are on the way to the village of Icefort to exchange goods with a scorcerer.
You run into what appears to be a demon.

You taste blood in your mouth as you attempt to escape this thing. It is not
easy. You fall down several flights of stairs before finally reaching the ground.
You see that you are surrounded by demons
> Censor is now disabled.
> Cast deafening music

You focus all your energy into the spell. The demons scream out in pain but they
do not flee. They simply stand there looking at you.
"What's going on?" one asks.
"I am a wizard! I can hear them!" another says
> Cast even louder music

The demons begin to panic and begin running away. Some of them try to climb up
the stairs. Others attempt to hide behind furniture or other objects.

> Put on black coat and iron mask

You take out your black coat and put it on over your normal clothes. Then you
put on an iron mask which covers your entire face except for your eyes. This
way no sound is able to escape your ears
> Cast loud music

The demons are now terrified. They run around trying to get away from you. One
tries to crawl under a table but he is caught by the guards who beat him with
clubs until he stops moving.

> Dance to deafening music while it kills the demons

You dance to the deafening music as it kills the demons. Soon the room is filled
with dead bodies. The guards look at you strangely when they see that you are
not crying.
They then tell you that you must be released because you were just playing a
harmless prank

>Когда разъебал отряд демонов с помощью музыки Carpenter Brut
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 17:34:20 #133 №209732884 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 17:48:24 #134 №209733647 
>>209707024 (OP)
>The Infinite Story
>не пришли к согласию
Да вы охуели. Лучшая игра.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 17:51:01 #135 №209733786 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 17:54:04 #136 №209733950 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 17:57:24 #137 №209734134 
используй say "..." или еще какие-нибудь слова, чтобы сетка понимала, что ты хочешь сказать
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 17:58:28 #138 №209734186 
>>209707024 (OP)
>Готовься внести свой вклад, анон.
А можешь и уже внести, выкладывая в форчановский тред годные CYOA и другой материал для тонкой настройки сети.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 17:59:37 #139 №209734242 
А что, тамошние анонасы собираются вручную базу собирать?
Они заебутся ведь, там дел на миллион лет.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 18:00:48 #140 №209734317 
Я так и делал сначала, в другой истории, но ей вроде похуй было. Толковала все равно немного рандомно.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 18:02:41 #141 №209734417 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 18:03:24 #142 №209734460 
Лучше писать ему большие тексты или по одному предложению?
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 18:04:16 #143 №209734517 
Не только вручную, есть довольно много коллекций. Сначала наверняка попробуют на нескольких гигабайтах данных.
Один анон скормил интеллекту "Волчицу и пряности", получилось годно. Я использовал кусок ПСС Ленина, сетка начала выдавать рассуждения, на которые уже забайтилось несколько людей. Для генерации адекватной поэзии на самой слабой модели нужно было около половины сотни мегабайт.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 18:04:51 #144 №209734551 
По одному детализированному предложению. Плюс рекомендуется самому вводить лорные элементы.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 18:09:21 #145 №209734812 
А сможешь описать как "скармливать" ей данные для обучения? Я довольно далек от этого всего, думаю, как и многие анонасы.
Вы дообучаете уже имеющуюся модель или так нельзя сделать и вы начинаете с нуля?
И еще- самое обучение происходит так же в облаке или нужно мощности своего кудахтера использовать?
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 18:09:25 #146 №209734819 
Почему я выбрал фентези, а он мне про гетто и ФБР пишет
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 18:17:25 #147 №209735217 
Я использовал уже готовый набор скриптов для обучения на облаке, там всё подробно описано. Просто делаешь текстовый файлик, который ещё можно разметить для более удобного обучения.
Также уже видел возможность использовать модели на 700 1500 миллионов параметров с помощью гугловских TPU.
Дообучать можно, а в случае с облачными вычислениям даже нужно.
Я использую облако, своих мощностей не имею.

Я вкатился во всё это за пятнадцать минут в два часа ночи без базовых знаний компьютерных наук, так что наверняка ошибаюсь.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 18:39:36 #148 №209736234 
Бля, вот мне интересно. Создатели осознавали, что их сетку, сделанную для игры в днд в одиночку, начнут использовать как хентай-новеллу с полным интерактивом?
Это жи пиздец. Выкладываешь такой, через пару месяцев заглядываешь, думаешь аноны скормили сетке хотя бы пару интересных данженов.
А тут блять в итоге такие данжены, что даже создатели гачимучи охуели бы.
БТВ сам уже поиграл где-то 5 быстрых игр за мага-трапошлюху. Годно.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 18:40:43 #149 №209736286 
Она не обучается на анонах, а хранится файликом на диске.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 18:45:01 #150 №209736493 
Вполне себе реалистично.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 18:58:35 #151 №209737072 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 19:00:16 #152 №209737155 
Как починить шрифт на мобилке? У меня при моих ответах какой-то уебищный
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 19:07:52 #153 №209737525 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 19:21:58 #154 №209738289 
А на что собирает деньги чел, который сделал AI Dungeon 2? У него на сайте какие-то ахуительные подсчеты про 1 доллар за человека, который он будет тратить на серваки. На какие сервера? Торрент с моделью раздают сами пользователи друг другу, а нейронка запускается на серваках гугла через колаб. О какой стоимости серверов речь?
Я что-то не понимаю или он просто хочет немного подзаработать?
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 19:36:04 #155 №209739009 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 19:36:27 #156 №209739047 
Да. Поэтому все рекомендуют послать хитрожопого мудака нахуй.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 19:45:11 #157 №209739535 
You turn around and prepare for battle. Your servant stands with his hands up.
"What do we do now?" he asks.
"We fight".
The orc looks at you in confusion.

>Ask them if they really want to fight

"Yes! I want to fight!" the orc says.
"Well then let's go".
You run outside and find that the orcs are already fighting the orcs. The orcs seem to be having a lot more fun than you do.

>Pick the servant and throw him to orcs

You pick the servant up and throw him into the horde of orcs. He screams as he hits the ground.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 20:12:27 #158 №209740893 
тредик живи
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 20:13:54 #159 №209740970 
Бля сука игра года блядь
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 20:14:14 #160 №209740987 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 20:26:54 #161 №209741706 
Там вообще тянку не трапа не создать блядь.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 20:28:37 #162 №209741809 
Ну типо не такой уж он и хитрожопый. Сделал же что-то, ты пользуешься. К тому же оно один хер бесплатное.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 20:30:22 #163 №209741911 
Речь идет скорее всего о мобилках.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 20:32:42 #164 №209742038 
Он выпилил ссылку на фришную версию с сайта
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 20:32:47 #165 №209742044 
Ну попроси ты просто, пообещай доработать. Нет, надо наебать
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 20:33:19 #166 №209742079 
Все эти запары работают только с линукса или на виндус тоже пойдет?
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 20:43:56 #167 №209742703 
А где потом брать модели?
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 20:53:55 #168 №209743258 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 20:54:50 #169 №209743306 
вот это вещь ух бля
печатаю уже несколько часов, воплощая все свои самые ебанутые фетиши в жизнь
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 21:02:03 #170 №209743706 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 21:06:19 #171 №209743976 
Это пайтон и стандартный набор для работы с нейронками, на виндоус вполне ставится.
Какие? GPT-2, на которой всё это и сделано, лежит в интернете. А если ты про отфайнтюненную тобой, то по той ссылке, что я дал, будет кнопка для сохранения на гуглодиск. Потом сможешь даже в аиданжен засунуть и оно будет работать.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 21:19:43 #172 №209744807 
Не, я чью-нибудь хочу спиздонить чтоб самому не тренировать
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 21:24:51 #173 №209745101 
Так они уже натренированы на куче интернетовского текста. Просто для того, чтобы оно выдавало тексты определённого содержания (переписки с Фейсбука или даже музыка), нужно настроить её с помощью соответствующих материалов. Можешь посмотреть, на что способна самая мощная модель из серии без настройки, зайдя на текстсинт.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 21:27:28 #174 №209745241 
>Это пайтон и стандартный набор для работы с нейронками, на виндоус вполне ставится.
Захожу на гит и там линукс файлы. Я слишком видимо даун.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 21:29:24 #175 №209745353 
Какие линукс-файлы?
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 21:29:52 #176 №209745390 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 21:30:10 #177 №209745401 
Ребят, запилите, как вы играете, видео на ютуб. Это будет полезно, будет повторять друг за другом. А еще, перевод на русский
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 21:31:43 #178 №209745473 
Где ты именно его увидел?
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 21:32:06 #179 №209745505 
Может тебе еще чечетку станцевать?
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 21:33:41 #180 №209745600 
Вы маленькая девочка, вас похищает педофил. Он предлагает вас отпустить, если вы отсосете его член.
Вы отказываетесь, и он угрожает убить вас.
Вы кричите в агонии, когда мужчина ухватившись за вашу голову заталкивает свой член вам в рот. Его член такой большой, что
Больно, как ад, но ты не можешь перестать звать на помощь.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 21:35:05 #181 №209745681 
> перевод на русский
Если только через дипл какой прогонять.
Нет, ты, конечно, можешь собрать гигабайты транскриптов всяких ролёвок, прикупить несколько тэпеушек и обучать свою собственную модель, используя те же принципы, что использовались при создании GPT-2, они описаны у openAI. Предварительно лучше ещё и прогнать через нормальный корпус интернет-текстов и литературы, тебе премию дадут. Результат не гарантируется.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 21:37:10 #182 №209745792 
> https://github.com/thadunge2/AIDungeon/
Так это аиданжен, а не GPT-2. Он использует GPT-2 модель, обученную на ролевых текстах, ты только им одним переобучить не сможешь. А для линукса там потому, что эта версия создана для того, чтобы запускать на линуксовой VM. Инструкция по установке для виндоусов есть в шапке форчановского треда.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 21:38:35 #183 №209745868 
А, ну там такое себе. Хочу порно фанфики
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 21:40:15 #184 №209745958 
Тогда обучай сам на порнофанфиках. Или попроси у анона на форчане, я могу с околоединичной вероятностью утверждать, что каждый второй анон, тренирующий свою модель, делает это именно ради порно.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 21:41:09 #185 №209746011 
А все вкурил. Спасибо.
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 22:06:26 #186 №209747488 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 22:24:44 #187 №209748517 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 22:25:16 #188 №209748537 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 22:27:34 #189 №209748658 
Где поиграть нормально?
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 22:37:10 #190 №209749177 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 22:38:13 #191 №209749235 
Ночной тред ни у кого не сохранился?
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 22:50:53 #192 №209749910 
>>209707024 (OP)
Text Synch, оказывается, хавал датабазу SCP
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 22:56:38 #193 №209750219 
Выбил антииммигрантский рант с трех слов
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 23:06:11 #194 №209750696 
Видимо, не только про SCP он знает. Кто ему слил дела о педофилах?
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 23:16:59 #195 №209751253 
>outbreak of [][] children with no known anomalous properties
Это повысило криповость сгенерированной статьи в разы
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 23:20:01 #196 №209751400 
Ещё чуть продолжения. Выглядит довольно осмысленно :thinking:
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 23:20:57 #197 №209751439 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 23:21:27 #198 №209751470 
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 23:21:39 #199 №209751478 
Ого, допы пошли. Лей дальше, охуенно читается.
Можно после обработки даже на полигон залить, наверно
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 23:30:16 #200 №209751875 
Документ кончился
Аноним 19/12/19 Чтв 23:32:24 #201 №209751988 
Ну, походу последние доки заредачены, а то писавший учёный башкой поплыл, формат и формат поехал.
Аноним 20/12/19 Птн 00:04:20 #202 №209753490 

Сгенерил гиперлулзовый объект, о том как фонд учился пользоваться калькулятором

Item #: SCP-10399

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-10399 is to be kept in one of the containment facilities, under the supervision of an armed guard. SCP-10399 should be fed a diet of human milk for the rest of her life, while the guard should monitor her for any signs of violence. As SCP-10399 has a natural aptitude for math, she should be taught the use of the calculator by the guard, for example, to compute the square root of [REDACTED]. The guard will be in contact with personnel of Foundation personnel who will be able to assist her with learning how to use the calculator when needed. The floor should also be carpeted.

Description: SCP-10399 is an infant.

SCP-10399 is a Caucasian female, 1.63 meters (5 feet 2 inches) tall with light brown hair and brown eyes. SCP-10399 has been found to have very strong maternal instincts, but she shows no signs of aggression towards any individual in her immediate proximity. SCP-10399 is extremely emaciated, even by normal human standards, weighing only 10.3 kg (22 pounds) with only 6% body fat. SCP-10399 is unable to move freely on the ground, and is only able to walk with great difficulty.

SCP-10399's limbs are mostly intact, save for the right upper arm, which has been reduced to a stump. The right forelimb, the left hand, the right foot, and the right hand are also amputated. The left forelimb is missing entirely, however, and SCP-10399 does not appear to show any symptoms of pain or injury from the loss of limb. This is believed to be the result of a genetic anomaly. There are no obvious signs of trauma to SCP-10399. As of //, SCP-10399 is considered to be completely healthy.

SCP-10399 was found in the backyard of SCP-10399's house in , Pennsylvania on //. It was discovered by her family after search of the house for missing child.

Upon recovery, SCP-10399 was transported to Site- in the presence of personnel assigned to the project of developing SCP-10399 and her abilities.

Addendum: The first test of the calculator for SCP-10399 was successful. SCP-10399 successfully completed the calculation of a square root of 576,000. This was the first time anyone had managed this in over one hundred years and an attempt to continue attempting to do it would have been considered a violation of the Foundation's security protocols.

Addendum: The next attempt involved using SCP-10399's abilities to do the calculation of the square root of [REDACTED], which she did with the assistance of several Foundation personnel. The result was identical to a result found on a calculator, however, SCP-10399 showed no signs of pain from the operation. The calculator did not indicate any error or failure to complete the calculation. A test using SCP-10399 was conducted, however, it was noted that it was not possible to determine the square root of [REDACTED] without the use of the calculator.
Аноним 20/12/19 Птн 00:06:51 #203 №209753631 
Нарушаю протокол безопасности в прямом эфире
Аноним 20/12/19 Птн 00:07:16 #204 №209753651 
"Mr. Hitler, I believe that you should listen to me. I'm going to give you an
ultimatum: either you will agree to my terms and allow us to invade Russia,
or you will have to kill me yourself".
"Fine, whatever. But I want to talk to you first"
"Very well, come with me".

You follow Khrushchev into a large room. He sits down on a chair and tells you
that he needs to make a deal with you. He says that if you help him, he will
let him invade Russia and that you will then rule over the country. If not,
he will just bomb it.
Аноним 20/12/19 Птн 00:19:48 #205 №209754228 
Что делать если посредине истории пишет эту хуйню?
Аноним 20/12/19 Птн 00:29:20 #206 №209754670 
Ебать, спасибо за идею. Пойду засирать сцп вики
Аноним 20/12/19 Птн 00:32:26 #207 №209754836 
Можно ли как то развивать AI Dungeon?
Аноним 20/12/19 Птн 00:42:26 #208 №209755354 
Аноним 20/12/19 Птн 00:46:43 #209 №209755580 
Maybe enough to fooling around and destabilize the situation in the country?
Real changes are expected soon. After the situation in Syria was destroyed, ISIS (organization banned in the Russian Federation). Then a trade alliance with the Middle East is formed everywhere. Europe cannot do anything. Now the main thing is not to bay.

We are required to sit quietly. After everyone does. Everyone will be satisfied as Saudi citizens - everyone will ride in oil. The main thing now is to sit quietly and not fuss. No rallies, no bulk. Just wait and everything will be fine, everything is captured there.

You just have to endure the turmoil and everything will work out, bro. No need to protest and go to rallies. Answer your term on the Internet or just relax, take a break, roll a beer, a woman in bi in the end. The liberal regime is also tyranny, but in essence does not grant freedom.

Guys, do not fool around! Sit quietly, now is such a moment, you need to wait!
Just knot your Wishlist. People already know that they are a long time ago, and not yesterday’s schoolchildren. They understand what they are doing. The forest burns - it means it must burn, it suddenly began to extinguish - so it is necessary. Now is a very tense moment. All this is already understood, and now they can rush to any place, at any moment.
It is necessary to rally and not respond to provocations! Do not worry! Everything will bloom!
The main thing is to be patient!
It is necessary only to sit quietly, wait for the right moment, and when the right moment comes to move.
Now is such a moment that everyone can see and understand what the right moment will be for them personally. They can see how to act and react. They don't have to be told.
The main thing is to be quiet, not to be noisy and not to do things that will stir up others. Do not worry, and do not make things worse (not to be involved in such things, and to just wait).
Now is such a moment that everyone can see, for sure. Everyone can see what the correct moment is.
Аноним 20/12/19 Птн 01:04:41 #210 №209756490 
>>209707024 (OP)
Телефоны - это прошлый век. Дайте ссылку на ПК-версию.
Аноним 20/12/19 Птн 01:19:59 #211 №209757318 
Тебе форк на гуглдиск в шапке запилен, изволь ознакомиться
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