24 декабря 2023 г. Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна. Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!

Знаменитостей, которые тебе нравятся, тред

 Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:29:22 #1 №211086304 
Знаменитостей, которые тебе нравятся, тред
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:30:32 #2 №211086344 
Заебал уже, съебите в фажню
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:30:36 #3 №211086347 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:30:54 #4 №211086359 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:30:57 #5 №211086362 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:31:18 #6 №211086375 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:31:19 #7 №211086376 
>Заебал уже
Вайпер устал? (
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:31:22 #8 №211086379 
>>211086304 (OP)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:31:39 #9 №211086387 
>Заебал уже, съебите в фажню
Ну поплачь еще, тебе же целые сутки еще как минимум вкалывать.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:32:35 #10 №211086428 
aH yEEZHnSc.jpeg
1T ePsIFicw.jpeg
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:32:36 #11 №211086429 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:33:15 #12 №211086448 
Каждый раз одно и то же в этих тредах, тебя самого не заебало постить ? Прошлый ещё не утонул
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:33:31 #13 №211086455 
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:33:41 #14 №211086459 
bolt thrower the killchain.webm
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:34:12 #15 №211086477 
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:34:28 #16 №211086488 
Entombed - Sinners Bleed.webm
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:34:45 #17 №211086502 
Immolation - After my Prayers.mp4
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:35:04 #18 №211086513 
Napalm Death - Malicious Intent (Official Audio).webm
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:35:07 #19 №211086515 
Нет. )))
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:35:09 #20 №211086517 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:35:23 #21 №211086524 
>Прошлый ещё не утонул
Бамплимит же.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:36:18 #22 №211086556 
Как понять "знаменитость"? Вот твоя мамаша знаменитая шалава во всём районе
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:36:58 #23 №211086589 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:38:32 #24 №211086653 
>>211086304 (OP)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:39:15 #25 №211086682 
Куколдовайпер пытается в траленк.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:39:24 #26 №211086690 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:40:03 #27 №211086710 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:40:34 #28 №211086732 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:41:45 #29 №211086787 
Хороший тред, остаюсь.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:44:25 #30 №211086874 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:52:02 #31 №211087114 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:52:20 #32 №211087123 
Взгляд напомнил эту актрису
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:53:40 #33 №211087164 
Каждый раз с ее усов проигрываю.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:58:21 #34 №211087307 
>На пороге третья мировая
>Амёбы постят актирис
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:58:30 #35 №211087312 
А ещё борода ебать
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 05:59:57 #36 №211087357 
Пушистик =)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 06:07:30 #37 №211087608 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 06:07:54 #38 №211087618 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 06:11:54 #39 №211087738 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 06:13:24 #40 №211087782 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 06:17:19 #41 №211087906 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 06:27:49 #42 №211088204 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 06:31:51 #43 №211088297 
10 (2).jpg
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 06:32:26 #44 №211088311 
Посрал в тред
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 06:33:46 #45 №211088353 
ну и зачем ты свои труханы обосрал, чел
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 06:36:23 #46 №211088430 
>>211086304 (OP)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 06:36:47 #47 №211088440 
<3 бай.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 06:37:23 #48 №211088456 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 06:43:43 #49 №211088622 
Двачую адеквата
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 06:46:08 #50 №211088697 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 07:39:32 #51 №211090273 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 07:40:23 #52 №211090291 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 07:59:35 #53 №211090772 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 08:18:37 #54 №211091313 
Ну она явно самочка и молодая.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 08:28:43 #55 №211091591 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 08:43:58 #56 №211092058 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 09:54:48 #57 №211094126 
15784364754390 (1).png
15784364754390 (2).jpg
>>211086304 (OP)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 09:55:35 #58 №211094168 
Полизал бы ее серябку
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 09:58:43 #59 №211094298 
Фотограф от Бога Блять реально правду говорят не каждый может запечатлеть на снимке истинную красоту человека вот тут это удалось благодаря слаженной работе визажиста стилиста и фотографа - 1 из самых охуенных фоток в ее портфолио
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 10:02:09 #60 №211094443 
А ты чаво, думал таки у женщин волос на теле нету лол оно как пух таки но оно есть они от нас мало чем отличаются мышлением да разным органом внизу и волосатость разная

а так одна и та же модель кожанного ублюдка.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 10:03:54 #61 №211094519 
Дура испортила себя этими короткими стрижками как емма ватсон - есть те кому идет и те кому не идут короткие томбой волосики
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 10:05:13 #62 №211094579 
Стюарт короткие волосы как раз больше всего и идут.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 10:07:04 #63 №211094666 
Ну, она на рокера из 70 смахивает с ними, вроде и ничего но с длинными она более женственна и более сексуально выглядит.

Смотреть как то эстетически более приятнее что ли - а тут более мужеподобный образ.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 10:10:49 #64 №211094821 
С длинными она выглядит как нелепый трап с париком. С короткими же выглядит милой и красивой, да и соответствует её натуре пацанки.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 10:14:34 #65 №211094964 
Не буду спорить. Мне с длинными нравилась больше - но все течет все меняется - как и образы.

Ничего и на моей улице еще будут длинные волосы. хех
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 10:18:09 #66 №211095093 
Я просто рад, что она может быть самой собой.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 10:20:58 #67 №211095187 
1 фото кролик такой надо было чтобы 2 зуба выпирали сфотать лол так и охота угостить морковкой...

2 фото айфон есть а если найду.

3 видно айфон таки не нашла

4 смотрит на тебя как на гавно потому что айфона у тебя нет
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 10:22:06 #68 №211095230 
Огромный + этого у нее не отнять 1 из черт которая нравится в ней.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 11:25:34 #69 №211097942 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 12:57:20 #70 №211103676 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 13:38:28 #71 №211106770 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 14:23:27 #72 №211110073 
привет суки.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 14:24:55 #73 №211110200 
Увидев сосочки даже не замечаешь что качество снимка такое себе весь взгляд приковывают лол
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 14:28:54 #74 №211110484 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 14:29:45 #75 №211110548 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 14:31:20 #76 №211110652 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 14:31:26 #77 №211110659 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 14:34:02 #78 №211110846 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 14:37:21 #79 №211111144 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 14:43:03 #80 №211111578 
отпустила ради Устаого Гетьмана, что не так?
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 14:43:14 #81 №211111598 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 14:49:26 #82 №211112044 
Это модель мирового уровня, которая не могла банально сделать лазерное удаление волос в области усов, ёбанный стыд. Стилисты тратят уйму времени, что бы сделать каждый участок лица идеальным, а эта шкура не могла убрать усы
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 14:50:12 #83 №211112105 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 15:02:49 #84 №211112912 
>Стилисты тратят
пусть тратят. это золотой ребенок, ее тошнит от ее жизни. причем она игривая и неплохая. когда она приходит домой и перестает быть живой куклой - она не понимает, зачем это все. дай бог вены не перерезать.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 15:09:28 #85 №211113334 
Пусть сюда едет на завод
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 15:23:25 #86 №211114432 
Ради кого ? Хочет чувиха вот так и ходит лол в чем трабла с чего это в принципе кто то должен чему то соответствовать каким то там представлениям окружающих пусть усы отрастит если нравится ппц ору с таких кто считает что в мире есть какие то нормы в принципе в пизду их если даже они есть
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 15:25:14 #87 №211114538 
Мужской пол тоже много чего мог бы но нихуя не делает жиробасы трясут салом и ничего даже не них находятся фетишистки любительницы вот и кого то очаруют ее волосики на ебале
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 15:37:28 #88 №211115370 

Сияю тебе в глаз, грубиян!

Мягкий и нежный пушок, в жизни никого не портил, и делал всё на свете только каким? Правильно. Мягким и нежным.


Вот этого двачую неистово!
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 15:56:44 #89 №211116977 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 16:20:49 #90 №211118795 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 16:22:33 #91 №211118916 
Кристиночку хочется...
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 16:42:37 #92 №211120257 
Гарик, ты
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 17:28:58 #93 №211123215 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 17:37:06 #94 №211123810 
>>211086304 (OP)
Бля какая же Дуа Липа няша, это просто пиздец ну прям пиздееец! Как же хочется понюхать ее волосы
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 17:58:54 #95 №211125209 
фу волосы над глазами не нужны
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 18:05:27 #96 №211125637 
Ланочку хочется..
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 18:07:16 #97 №211125752 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 18:30:40 #98 №211127639 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 18:32:28 #99 №211127779 
Уже не так популярна, но некогда была...
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 18:33:53 #100 №211127902 
Чем знаменита. Впервые вижу эту пизду.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 18:34:37 #101 №211127960 
Создавай тред
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 18:34:55 #102 №211127982 
Да какая разницa...
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 18:37:36 #103 №211128216 
Camilla hot.webm
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 18:41:39 #104 №211128560 

Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 18:46:31 #105 №211128956 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 18:51:12 #106 №211129382 

Нет, не думаю.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 18:52:30 #107 №211129496 
Создай или твоя мать Лесли умрет
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 18:54:45 #108 №211129680 

Да не буду я! И Лесли не умрёт, с ней всё будет хорошо. А у тебя за такие слова ухо отвалится. Правое.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 18:57:30 #109 №211129894 
Все, ты проклят. Только создание треда спасет тебя и Лесли.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 18:57:45 #110 №211129918 
Камийя Кабайо!
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 18:58:29 #111 №211129988 
Неа Кенедикт Бембербетч
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 18:59:43 #112 №211130094 

Глупости. Богиня сияет и ограждает меня от любых проклятий. И даже Иисус не осуждает, он мне сам вчера сказал. Так что я ничего не боюсь. И Лесли тоже бояться нечего.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 19:02:08 #113 №211130282 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 19:03:33 #114 №211130399 
>>211086304 (OP)
Мочератор, плз, загони этого хуесоса в /fag/ уже. Он заебал каждый день одно и тоже создавать.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 19:06:03 #115 №211130601 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 19:06:22 #116 №211130627 
Тебя предупредили.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 19:08:06 #117 №211130747 
Да ты бы уже отсосал у меня, если бы я год как не забил хуй на модерку.
Ваши треды не трут, потому что моча не онлайн, вот и все.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 19:08:11 #118 №211130750 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 19:08:48 #119 №211130805 
да всем похуй на тебя, додик. съеби нахуй
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 19:09:13 #120 №211130844 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 19:09:23 #121 №211130855 
>Да ты бы уже отсосал у меня, если бы я год как не забил хуй на модерку.
Найс маняфантазии, жалкий.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 19:11:09 #122 №211131000 
В голос
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 19:13:12 #123 №211131167 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 19:13:37 #124 №211131206 
>Ваши треды не трут, потому что моча не онлайн, вот и все.
Ебать что я щас прочитал\
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 19:16:32 #125 №211131418 
самила сасайбело!!!!
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 19:17:43 #126 №211131497 
Вот бы полизать ей попу.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 19:18:21 #127 №211131542 
Тебе лет 7 что ли ?
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 19:22:01 #128 №211131824 
сасайбело сделай мне сасай масай
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 19:25:39 #129 №211132131 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 19:26:54 #130 №211132244 
Не для тебя ее роза цвела...
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 19:27:21 #131 №211132281 
Какой ротеш...
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 19:38:04 #132 №211133218 
Заплати побольше и она >>211132244 твоя на всю ночь.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 19:49:55 #133 №211134157 
Ее ротик бесценный.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 20:03:59 #134 №211135200 
Да ладно ротик, хотя бы трусики ей постирать и пальчики ног после концерта полизать :3
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 20:06:36 #135 №211135370 
Да твой ротик стоит меньше, чем обычный фанатский ужин со мной, за который платят самые обеспеченные мои поклонники.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 20:14:51 #136 №211135886 
Ну так я думаю ей понравится, а не ''ААА БЛЕА КАМИЛА АТСАСИ МНИ ПИСУН ЫЫЫ"
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 20:15:32 #137 №211135927 
Ты разговариваешь так, будто я тебя о чем-то спрашивал.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 20:17:15 #138 №211136027 
А как мне понравится, лизать ее пальчики и если разрешит писюлю
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 20:20:02 #139 №211136202 
> Ты разговариваешь так, будто я тебя о чем-то спрашивал.
Сначала добейся того положения, которого добилась я, а потом уже раздавай разрешения на ответы.
Дорогая, у тебя гендерная дисфория?
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 20:21:01 #140 №211136275 
Я же сказал я не играю в ваши игры ебаные, что не ясно?
Да ножки у нее айс.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 20:22:37 #141 №211136389 
Эта Страптивость заводит меня еще больше, ух сука!!!
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 20:23:50 #142 №211136472 
>>211086304 (OP)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 20:24:33 #143 №211136525 
>Я же сказал я не играю в ваши игры ебаные, что не ясно?
Неясно, почему ты так дёшево оцениваешь свой ротик. Цену нужно поднять, на мой взгляд.
>Да ножки у нее айс.
Тебе нравится смотреть на себя со стороны, от лица предполагаемого мужчины? Не знаю, как называется это расстройство.
Где ты видишь строптивость? Бедняжка не готова принять себя такой, какая она есть, и говорит о себе в третьем лице.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 20:25:38 #144 №211136597 
Ух ты, целая Кэти Пэрри. Ваше вашество, сияющий привет вам.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 20:25:41 #145 №211136600 
Пацаны ваще ребята уже поехали на фоне нофапона лол
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 20:26:50 #146 №211136681 
Да она секси я прям блядь в ее пизде дом построил.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 20:26:57 #147 №211136686 
Бля ну ты и ебанутый братан, уж извини...
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 20:27:14 #148 №211136710 
Ебать говноеды в тренде.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 20:28:01 #149 №211136756 
Иронично чтоб это написано под фото этих трех пезд...
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 20:37:19 #150 №211137391 
Hello, darling.
Так ты какой-то вагинальный паразит, что ли?
Тогда держись от меня подальше!..
Жалко тебя... Видела много поехавших певичек, впрочем. Наркотики и стресс делают свое дело.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 20:40:36 #151 №211137629 
Всем по французскому багету за щеку.webm
Мужчины дамы с членами, лучше шли бы вы очередной тазик с оливьешкой доедать, проводя время с близкими. Люблю, целую некоторых даже в писю и обнимаю, больные мои ублюдки... Всех с наступившим, фажики!
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 20:54:43 #152 №211138561 
>Так ты какой-то вагинальный паразит, что ли?
Тогда держись от меня подальше!..
Дак я тебя и не трогаю, че ты приебалась то сама?
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 20:58:15 #153 №211138823 
Это самый кринжовый пост.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 20:58:52 #154 №211138879 
Бля ты поехавший внатуре, я даже не знаю зачем я тебе отвечаю
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:00:02 #155 №211138968 

Так ты тоже поехавший, просто в отличии от него боишься себе в этом признаться.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:02:13 #156 №211139147 
>Это самый кринжовый пост.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:04:34 #157 №211139311 
Сленговое выражение образовано от английского слова cringe - дернуться от страха или содрогнуться от отвращения. Например, «he cringed away from the blow» - «он дернулся, уклоняясь от удара».

Прилагательное кринжовый или кринжеватый означает противный, мерзкий, стыдный, отвратительный. Наречие - книжово или кринжево. Например: «Хотели, чтобы было круто и зрелищно, а вышло кринжево и убого».

Глагол кринжевать значит испытывать стыд и отторжение. Например: «Я с вас кринжую, ребята» Иногда наоборот - вести себя отвратительно, вызывая злобу и недовольство окружающих. Например: «У тебя низкий флекс. Кринжуешь, брат».

Ловить кринж - также испытывать отвращение и негодование. Например: «Ловлю дикий кринж от этих новомодных словечек».
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:05:38 #158 №211139377 
Я долбаеб это да, но в меру, а тут блядь вообще, страшнее только тот говнарь с каловаром
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:06:27 #159 №211139431 
Снова приветики
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:07:20 #160 №211139472 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:07:36 #161 №211139495 
Опять сжимаешь ебучий шакал
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:09:44 #162 №211139647 

Сияющий привет, Дейзичка. Рад тебя видеть =3


Ой, да ладно тебе. Это же весело. Ты будто никогда не в какие ролевухи не играл, ни в компьютерные, ни в текстовые ни ИРЛ.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:11:49 #163 №211139797 
Взаимно, лучик :3
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:13:30 #164 №211139915 
>>211086304 (OP)

Вот она.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:14:58 #165 №211140024 
>>211086304 (OP)
Два чаю тебе за 2 Липку
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:15:03 #166 №211140034 
>>211086304 (OP)
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:15:42 #167 №211140087 
хто эта
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:16:02 #168 №211140116 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:19:27 #169 №211140386 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:29:09 #170 №211141203 
Кристина Асмус. Похуй какой она человек, просто с удовольствием залетел бы в её асмус. Да и Гарик был бы не против
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:30:14 #171 №211141306 
Он бы бродил вокруг и шутки шутил чтобы веселее было полировать ее Асмус
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:30:46 #172 №211141364 
Как же хочется Кабилку Камилку облизать как чупа чупс
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:37:13 #173 №211141982 
Как думаешь какая она на вкус?
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:38:05 #174 №211142053 
Как немытая чурка. :З
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:38:38 #175 №211142096 
Бля) а какая на вкус немытая чурка?
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:38:51 #176 №211142118 
Как сладкий глинтвейн
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:39:51 #177 №211142201 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:40:14 #178 №211142231 
так себе пойло
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:40:30 #179 №211142250 
Попробуй и узнаешь.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:40:43 #180 №211142270 
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:40:51 #181 №211142283 
Глинтвейн не бывает не сладким
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:40:52 #182 №211142289 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:41:44 #183 №211142364 
Нет возможности
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:42:28 #184 №211142430 
Ну сгоняй на ближайшую стройку, епты.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:42:35 #185 №211142439 
Как маца
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:44:32 #186 №211142610 
Ты что гонишь? Я пил охуенный сладкий глинтвейн на ярмарке в своем городе, его можно по разному приготовить просто.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:45:05 #187 №211142651 
Я с укроины у нас очень мало людей кавказской национальности
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:47:47 #188 №211142858 
Зато цыганвы полно - это одно и тоже
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:48:53 #189 №211142938 
Да ну я хуй знает, я цыганей не вижу, ну мб в селах каких-то, и я кстати не говорил что к таким людям плохо отношусь, мне нравится внешность их тян.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:50:42 #190 №211143067 
Еще раз - глин не бывает не сладким.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:52:03 #191 №211143187 
Ты дурак? Ты понимаешь что такое глинтвейн? Еще скажи что вина сладкого не бывает
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:55:59 #192 №211143518 
Вино бывает, глинтвейн не бывает.
>Ты дурак?
Не верещи.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 21:55:59 #193 №211143521 
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:01:56 #194 №211143989 
Анус целуй.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:03:34 #195 №211144112 
Да я и говна поем.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:03:50 #196 №211144134 
Не любитель таких развлечений.

Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:05:36 #197 №211144262 
Не смей угонять мою аватарку, сучара.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:05:41 #198 №211144267 
шо ты за чмоня?
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:06:05 #199 №211144293 
Это пёсель троношизиков.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:10:15 #200 №211144575 
Заметь, ты тут больше всех о них говоришь. То есть нет: ты единственный, кто вообще о них вспоминает!
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:13:44 #201 №211144825 
Я за тобой слежу, петушок.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:14:35 #202 №211144884 
>Глинтвейн (нем. Glühwein (глювайн) от glühender Wein — горячее вино) — горячий алкогольный напиток на основе красного вина, нагретого до 70–80 градусов с сахаром и пряностями (специями).
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:16:28 #203 №211145036 
Не завидую, это должно быть довольно скучным занятием.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:17:04 #204 №211145091 
Зайки, может еще света в тредик добавим?
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:19:00 #205 №211145257 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:19:24 #206 №211145293 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:19:29 #207 №211145307 
Накрыл абажуром.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:19:30 #208 №211145308 
По-моему, от этого "света"и так уже в глазах рябит.
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:19:49 #209 №211145349 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:20:06 #210 №211145377 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:20:22 #211 №211145404 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:20:39 #212 №211145429 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:20:40 #213 №211145431 
Да он тролит
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:21:03 #214 №211145463 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:21:28 #215 №211145498 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:21:53 #216 №211145536 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:22:15 #217 №211145569 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:22:31 #218 №211145591 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:22:56 #219 №211145630 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:23:17 #220 №211145666 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:23:38 #221 №211145695 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:23:55 #222 №211145720 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:24:24 #223 №211145759 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:24:44 #224 №211145784 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:25:00 #225 №211145810 
Да что ты за чмо такое.
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:25:10 #226 №211145832 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:25:13 #227 №211145835 
Моя маленькая сучечка. Моя любимая Хлоечка Морец. Сначала я бы трахнул в её маленькую пиздочку, потом прополоскал бы её ротик своим большим хоботом. А после, развлекал бы её анальным сексом.
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:25:22 #228 №211145852 
ГОВНАРЬ, встречал таких?
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:25:26 #229 №211145858 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:25:51 #230 №211145890 
Хлоя няшечка, она наверное когда кончает губку закусывает и стонет так нежно
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:25:59 #231 №211145904 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:26:17 #232 №211145937 
Она тут лет на 50 выглядит.
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:26:19 #233 №211145941 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:26:39 #234 №211145965 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:27:06 #235 №211146006 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:27:23 #236 №211146030 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:27:40 #237 №211146054 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:27:42 #238 №211146055 
У сука, пойду подрочу
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:27:52 #239 №211146074 
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:27:59 #240 №211146081 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:28:20 #241 №211146110 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:28:36 #242 №211146135 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:29:00 #243 №211146173 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:29:09 #244 №211146184 
У сука, пойду подрочу
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:29:13 #245 №211146187 

Прелесть какая. Сияем против мерзкого вайпа!
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:29:17 #246 №211146191 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:29:38 #247 №211146217 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:29:55 #248 №211146238 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:30:04 #249 №211146257 
А ты легко возбуждаешься
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:30:18 #250 №211146270 
Dismember - Soon To Be Dead.webm
Agonized terrified horrified
Emotions brutalized
Crucified nailed to the cross
With spikes through my hands
I shall die upon this cross
All by myself
Salvations lost
Soon to be dead

Consider me as another victim
Of their plans
But my choice
Is not your [fucking] jesus christ
Now I'm dead alone and
Rotting on this cross
But I'll be back

Hell is what I want
Hell is what I get
In the fires I'll burn
But there's nothing I'll regret

Hell awaits me
My soul is raped
I will get them I will kill them
At the end of time
As long they are free
Preaching their shit
I'll never find peace
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:31:08 #251 №211146325 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:31:28 #252 №211146354 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:31:45 #253 №211146376 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:32:05 #254 №211146394 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:32:26 #255 №211146425 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:32:49 #256 №211146451 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:33:07 #257 №211146477 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:33:25 #258 №211146499 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:33:47 #259 №211146538 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:34:08 #260 №211146571 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:34:29 #261 №211146607 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:34:49 #262 №211146641 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:35:20 #263 №211146693 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:35:41 #264 №211146731 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:35:58 #265 №211146758 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:36:14 #266 №211146782 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:36:46 #267 №211146826 
Чего ты добиваешься? Все твои старания тщетны.
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:36:50 #268 №211146830 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:37:13 #269 №211146872 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:37:41 #270 №211146912 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:38:02 #271 №211146938 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:38:14 #272 №211146956 
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:38:23 #273 №211146969 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:39:07 #274 №211147039 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:39:39 #275 №211147084 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:40:14 #276 №211147136 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:40:43 #277 №211147174 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:40:56 #278 №211147201 
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:41:03 #279 №211147214 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:41:09 #280 №211147224 
Ты ему отвечаешь, значит не тщетны.
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:41:23 #281 №211147246 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:41:41 #282 №211147268 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:41:57 #283 №211147293 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:42:13 #284 №211147327 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:42:33 #285 №211147360 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:42:56 #286 №211147402 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:43:12 #287 №211147428 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:43:31 #288 №211147461 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:43:48 #289 №211147489 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:44:07 #290 №211147516 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:44:25 #291 №211147544 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:44:50 #292 №211147580 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:45:08 #293 №211147610 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:45:28 #294 №211147636 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:45:46 #295 №211147663 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:46:25 #296 №211147727 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:46:59 #297 №211147770 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:47:15 #298 №211147806 
ГДЕ БЛЯДЬ ХЛОЕФАГ? Внатуре дрочить пошел?
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:47:48 #299 №211147853 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:48:08 #300 №211147882 
Pestilence - Deify Thy Master.mp4
His hands held high
Hypnotizing eyes, the instruments
Of power he has obtained
His spoken words
Standing on the pedestal
He sees his portrait held high
By their hands
Deify thy master, he will be the one
Who protects you from all what's evil
Deify thy master, a divine personality, holiness
Deify thy master, your minds are filled with my
Preachified sermons
Deify thy master, follower's fanaticism leading
To their own destruction
A vociferous crowd
Calling out his name
They will praise and adore him
On their way to paradise
A sacrifice as homage to their lord
See the misery he causes
For he takes you
To the worst form of reality
Still you are a credit
To your master
As you fight for his symbol of victory
He's a advocate
Of a theory
The one he made himself
His word is law, obey worship
You will live well
He will walk the stairs build of coffins
Ambition has it's price
Determined to fulfill his desires
Turns promises to lies
He takes you to a despair
Chaos, violence, bloodshed
How long will this dream last?
Awake before you'll die
His adherents exist of thousands of people
Adorers keep their faith
They express their trust by performing their task
Even when it'll be their fate
He's majesty we ought to serve
For he praises unity
Disparity he despises, fights
The existence of apostasy
Expel those who resist and those
Who will not agree
They're a danger to his system
And to the thought of solidarity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:48:48 #301 №211147931 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:49:10 #302 №211147959 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:49:44 #303 №211148015 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:50:12 #304 №211148063 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:50:33 #305 №211148094 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:50:53 #306 №211148127 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:51:06 #307 №211148145 
Нахуй он тебе?
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:51:13 #308 №211148157 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:51:21 #309 №211148169 

Ну коли его так завело, разве можно его осуждать?
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:51:33 #310 №211148191 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:52:01 #311 №211148232 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:52:09 #312 №211148247 
Ну бля пусть скидывает еще фоточек
Та он с пол оборота заводиться лол.
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:52:23 #313 №211148271 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:52:51 #314 №211148313 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:53:16 #315 №211148358 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:53:35 #316 №211148384 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:53:49 #317 №211148408 
В чем проблема использовать куклоскрипт и скрывать посты вайпера?
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:53:53 #318 №211148411 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:54:13 #319 №211148444 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:54:44 #320 №211148481 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:55:05 #321 №211148509 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:55:12 #322 №211148520 

А ты тоже Хлоефаг?

>Та он с пол оборота заводиться лол.

Ну страстный человек. А может просто покурить отошёл.
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:55:25 #323 №211148540 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:55:50 #324 №211148574 
Я не знаю тут половина дибилов видимо, я его скрыл давно
Ну не фаг, но она няшечка
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:55:56 #325 №211148580 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:56:25 #326 №211148620 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:56:45 #327 №211148654 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:57:22 #328 №211148708 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:57:44 #329 №211148740 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:58:08 #330 №211148777 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:58:30 #331 №211148804 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:58:51 #332 №211148831 
ставь куклоскрипт и скрывай
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:59:12 #333 №211148860 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:59:32 #334 №211148894 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 22:59:52 #335 №211148916 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:00:12 #336 №211148947 
Я вообще с телефона сижу.
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:00:17 #337 №211148956 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:00:31 #338 №211148978 
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:00:41 #339 №211148993 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:01:11 #340 №211149036 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:01:28 #341 №211149065 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:01:46 #342 №211149090 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:02:20 #343 №211149138 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:02:41 #344 №211149166 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:03:04 #345 №211149201 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:03:29 #346 №211149238 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:03:40 #347 №211149253 

Так я и скрываю. Мне нормально. Жалко только из за этого чудища все остальные наши завсегдатаи то ли разбежались, то ли не приходят.
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:03:59 #348 №211149277 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:04:05 #349 №211149286 

sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:04:50 #350 №211149353 
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph.mp4
Alone you stand, the final parody
Destined to silence, a memorial to mortality
Carved in stone, a tribute to the dead
For nameless victims whose litany is unread
Never forgotten, war's memory lingers on
A dark reminder to mankind's oblivion
This solemn image constructed with resolution
A monument to war's terminal conclusion
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:05:30 #351 №211149413 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:05:53 #352 №211149443 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:06:20 #353 №211149485 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:06:44 #354 №211149519 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:07:02 #355 №211149540 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:07:22 #356 №211149564 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:07:56 #357 №211149612 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:08:14 #358 №211149637 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:08:41 #359 №211149670 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:08:58 #360 №211149691 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:09:16 #361 №211149719 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:09:36 #362 №211149740 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:10:09 #363 №211149778 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:10:35 #364 №211149810 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:11:03 #365 №211149852 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:11:20 #366 №211149873 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:11:39 #367 №211149897 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:12:10 #368 №211149940 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:12:34 #369 №211149967 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:12:58 #370 №211149998 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:13:28 #371 №211150039 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:13:28 #372 №211150040 
Да ладно, он же руками вайпает. Это очень забавно - нужно будет месяц создавать эти треды, чтобы вымотать его.
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:13:48 #373 №211150064 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:14:05 #374 №211150088 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:14:21 #375 №211150105 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:14:24 #376 №211150110 
обожаю . особенно world eater, братюююнь
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:14:48 #377 №211150137 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:15:10 #378 №211150162 
ебала бы джо бенч до посинения
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:15:12 #379 №211150165 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:15:41 #380 №211150195 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:16:17 #381 №211150250 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:16:37 #382 №211150278 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:17:01 #383 №211150308 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:17:26 #384 №211150347 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:17:43 #385 №211150371 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:18:09 #386 №211150414 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:18:25 #387 №211150425 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:18:50 #388 №211150460 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:19:07 #389 №211150483 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:19:25 #390 №211150509 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:19:41 #391 №211150529 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:20:00 #392 №211150552 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:20:31 #393 №211150594 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:20:49 #394 №211150616 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:21:15 #395 №211150645 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:21:34 #396 №211150671 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:21:52 #397 №211150695 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:22:13 #398 №211150725 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:22:41 #399 №211150766 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:22:59 #400 №211150793 
Morgoth - Body Count.webm
In a certain life before you
There was a quest
A primitive art solution
Into your death
This is the split of soul
You can't protect it
Forgotten kind of art is now selected
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
Cursed in your frustration
Forgotten destination
A liquid mind is lost
Swallowed to rot
Body count
Body count
Hate is running through the brain
Simply possessed
Eternal life erosion
That you compress
Animated life-control
Deformed impulse
Provocated genocide
Incubated skulls
Is this the answer to a glory life that you've chosen
What is the point to await a world deep frozen
Now come to see the world in black is this unreal?
Burn down you can't imagine
A lost part into the engine
Body count
Body count
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:23:35 #401 №211150841 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:24:12 #402 №211150880 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:24:20 #403 №211150897 
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:24:42 #404 №211150921 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:24:56 #405 №211150936 
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:25:05 #406 №211150946 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:25:28 #407 №211150975 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:26:00 #408 №211151018 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:26:21 #409 №211151041 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:26:45 #410 №211151068 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:27:05 #411 №211151090 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:27:39 #412 №211151124 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:28:03 #413 №211151157 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:28:21 #414 №211151179 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:28:39 #415 №211151201 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:29:14 #416 №211151249 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:29:52 #417 №211151289 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:30:10 #418 №211151316 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:30:28 #419 №211151345 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:30:53 #420 №211151376 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:31:10 #421 №211151399 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:31:27 #422 №211151419 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:31:54 #423 №211151455 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:32:15 #424 №211151492 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:32:57 #425 №211151533 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:33:16 #426 №211151566 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:33:37 #427 №211151594 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:33:55 #428 №211151618 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:34:18 #429 №211151650 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:34:50 #430 №211151682 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:35:19 #431 №211151725 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:35:44 #432 №211151753 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:35:45 #433 №211151755 
Умеешь куклу юзать?
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:36:15 #434 №211151796 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:36:42 #435 №211151825 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:36:43 #436 №211151827 

С базовым функционалом знаком, да.
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:37:02 #437 №211151853 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:37:16 #438 №211151876 
Ну так че щас скрыл уже этого шизика? Я хочу чтобы все фаги взяли на вооружение
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:37:22 #439 №211151885 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:37:49 #440 №211151919 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:38:11 #441 №211151944 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:38:30 #442 №211151968 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:38:47 #443 №211151987 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:38:48 #444 №211151988 

Так да, ещё вчера. А чего тут вооружаться? Один фиг уже завтра и его и нас за такие шалости начнут банить. Надеюсь его чаще чем нас.
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:39:15 #445 №211152030 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:39:37 #446 №211152068 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:39:57 #447 №211152090 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:40:15 #448 №211152112 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:40:35 #449 №211152136 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:40:53 #450 №211152158 
Darkthrone - Cromlech.mp4
Into the abyss I fall
And dark is the Reich of the dead
A portal to reach to the side
Where bodies fall from the sky
Solitude and peace of mind
Entombed in Cromlech
Yes, flee over the river Styx
And join the dead with joy
An ocean of blasphemy
Heathenish realm
And "do what thou wilt" as decoy
My prophecy is true
We'll all make it through
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:41:31 #451 №211152207 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:41:52 #452 №211152240 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:42:09 #453 №211152267 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:42:26 #454 №211152294 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:42:46 #455 №211152313 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:43:03 #456 №211152338 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:44:02 #457 №211152417 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:44:30 #458 №211152456 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:44:47 #459 №211152474 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:45:06 #460 №211152494 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:45:22 #461 №211152512 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:45:39 #462 №211152535 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:46:02 #463 №211152565 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:46:34 #464 №211152598 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:46:54 #465 №211152617 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:47:13 #466 №211152640 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:47:34 #467 №211152671 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:48:00 #468 №211152692 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:48:29 #469 №211152726 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:48:47 #470 №211152749 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:49:12 #471 №211152781 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:49:43 #472 №211152808 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:50:03 #473 №211152832 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:50:25 #474 №211152856 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:50:47 #475 №211152888 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:50:54 #476 №211152894 
Привет и спокойной ночи :3
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:51:03 #477 №211152903 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:51:24 #478 №211152928 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:51:24 #479 №211152929 
Катись нах.
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:51:40 #480 №211152948 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:51:59 #481 №211152967 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:52:15 #482 №211152983 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:52:26 #483 №211152995 

Боже, какая лапочка
пересиливаю в себе желание потыкать в щёчку пальцем

Спокойной ночи, сияющих снов, Хлоечка.
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:52:34 #484 №211152999 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:52:51 #485 №211153015 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:53:07 #486 №211153031 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:53:30 #487 №211153057 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:53:53 #488 №211153092 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:54:12 #489 №211153112 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:54:30 #490 №211153130 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:54:53 #491 №211153161 
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:55:09 #492 №211153175 
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:55:18 #493 №211153186 
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:55:26 #494 №211153196 
Nirvana 2002 - Mourning.mp4
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:55:49 #495 №211153235 
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:56:33 #496 №211153279 
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:56:51 #497 №211153296 
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:57:08 #498 №211153314 
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:57:30 #499 №211153339 
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:57:53 #500 №211153363 
What once was dreams came true
The gift of immortality
A punishment I learned
Time won't take its toll on me
I walk the endless path
Cursed to be the last
The horrid truth, eternal youth
Life's not even worth the salt in my tears
The sentinel won't let me in
Living was my darkest sin
Dust to dust, no last relief
Alone I have to bear the grief
Days turn to twilight
My bones are chilled by the breeze
Hacking my body, tearing my flesh
Wishing my heartbeats to seize
As I cut the last vein open
So that finally my life will run out
I understand that the pain will be eternal
As my severed body rots in the sun
Spilling bowels on the ground
Still in flesh my soul is bound
A living corpse, what's left of me
To lie here bleeding for eternity
[mailto:.] Аноним 08/01/20 Срд 23:58:05 #501 №211153382 
>>211086304 (OP)
Ээээ. Мужика не уводите, фотошоперы сраные.
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