Сохранен 512
24 декабря 2023 г. Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна. Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!

ОПЯТЬ НА РАБОТУ ПИЗДОС ПЕРВЫЙ В ЭТОМ ГОДУ ------------------ Что мотивирует лично тебя вставать по утрам и идти работать, анон?

 Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:06:58 #1 №211167214 

Что мотивирует лично тебя вставать по утрам и идти работать, анон?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:07:47 #2 №211167231 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:07:58 #3 №211167235 
>>211167214 (OP)
>Что мотивирует лично тебя вставать по утрам и идти работать, анон?
Страх остаться на улице или вернуться в мухосрань

мимо понаех
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:08:07 #4 №211167239 
>Что мотивирует лично тебя вставать по утрам и идти работать, анон?
Необходимость зарабатывать деняки и плотить еботеку.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:08:16 #5 №211167242 
>>211167214 (OP)
Ничего. 25 лвл, ни дня не РАБотал и не собираюсь. Пусть мать РАБотает и содержит всю жизнь.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:08:39 #6 №211167252 
>>211167214 (OP)

Завтраки в МакДаке
Я серьёзно
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:08:50 #7 №211167262 
>>211167214 (OP)
Боюсь огорчить маман
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:09:11 #8 №211167266 
>>211167214 (OP)
Деньги, разумеется. На них можно купить всей хуйни и попутешествовать
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:10:36 #9 №211167291 
для курящих работяг:
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:11:23 #10 №211167305 
два дня жрал гороховый суп, знатный пердеж от него
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:11:39 #11 №211167308 
Не страшно, что завтра внезапно маман под машину может попасть?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:11:40 #12 №211167310 
>>211167214 (OP)
Ипотека нахуй. Только она не мотивирует, а говорит: "Вставай ёбаный шашлык, на работу пора".

Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:11:55 #13 №211167316 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:12:02 #14 №211167318 
>первый в этом году
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:12:17 #15 №211167325 
>>211167214 (OP)
Ебучие кредиты
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:12:20 #16 №211167326 
И что? Выйдет из больнички и дальше пойдет РАБотать.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:12:24 #17 №211167328 
>>211167214 (OP)

> Что мотивирует лично тебя вставать по утрам и идти работать, анон?
Любовь к работе
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:12:40 #18 №211167334 
>>211167214 (OP)
Простите джентльмены, а в ваших тредах приветствуются студенты?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:13:01 #19 №211167341 
>>211167214 (OP)
>Что мотивирует лично тебя вставать по утрам и идти работать, анон?
мимимилфочки красивые:з
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:13:38 #20 №211167345 
>>211167214 (OP)
> Что мотивирует лично тебя вставать по утрам и идти работать, анон?
Моя московская айтишная зарплата, /thread.

А если серьёзно, то я заебался уже хикковать за каникулы. Время пиздовать в ламповый опенспейс и что-то там делать, с людьми общаться, работу работать и вопросики в курилке обкашливать
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:14:08 #21 №211167358 
Только работящие, которые писю начальника уже нюхали
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:14:39 #22 №211167369 
Опять работать за 15 тысяч
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:15:26 #23 №211167385 
> я заебался уже хикковать за каникулы
Это как вообще?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:15:30 #24 №211167386 
Прошу прощения, в таком случае я удалюсь из вашей беседы.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:15:40 #25 №211167391 
В каких ебенях столько платят? Мимо Белорус
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:16:02 #26 №211167397 
студент даже хуже работобляди, им ведь даже не платят за проебанное время
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:16:51 #27 №211167410 
Легкого дня работягам. Ебать я охуел, сам РННщик, решил устроиться на работу, проработал 1 час и ушел со смены, ну нахуй, это пиздец. Такой вопрос: вот я заключил договор, а что если я просто не буду теперь ходить? Трудовой нет и записей в ней тоже.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:17:17 #28 №211167416 
Да вот как-то так.
Тян нет, друзей полтора человека. Все выходные залипал в сериалы. Пробовал в игры, но уже возраст и игровая импотенция. Через неделю начало надоедать, а как развлекаться больше одного-двух дней — я хз.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:17:35 #29 №211167425 
Стокгольмский синдром? Тебя объёбывают, а ты и рад?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:18:34 #30 №211167441 
Я для себя решил что убью человека или даже двух, если успею и сяду в тюрьму, но работать не буду никогда.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:19:09 #31 №211167455 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:19:34 #32 №211167462 
Я долго старался, чтобы попасть на эту работу, и хотел попасть с детства
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:19:50 #33 №211167469 
Куда понаехал? Кем работаешь? Сколько плотют?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:20:22 #34 №211167481 
да им похуй, анон. они таких как ты много повидали
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:23:58 #35 №211167559 
Представь себе, уже ебаный 5 курс мед универа и учится минимум ещё 3 года. За все время у меня не было СВОИХ денег, хотя бы касарь, потому что я нихуя не умею зарабатывать, да и совмещать заработок с учебой в этой параше невозможно. Родители башляют 1500 на неделю и это очень мало. С первого курса цены на ВСЕ повысились в неебических размерах, сиги на 40 рублей, маршрутка на 5 рублей, да даже ебучая шаверма. Похуй, но если у тебя случиться такое, что выходит за рамки твоего бюджета, к примеру позвать тян в кино (это минимум 500 рублей), или пойти с друзьями в кальяную, то ты будешь заразег нахуй на уже середине недели, и оставшмеся дни приходиться курить сиги нз и питаться бич пакетами блять, вот ещё бп старой пекарни наебнулся, так я хуй сейчас 3 касаря достану!!!
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:24:08 #36 №211167564 
Кстати у меня брат как-то сидел год и не работал. Маман ему сразу пояснила: из дома выгонять конечно же не станет, но в холодильнике будет базовый набор в виде макарошек и гречки. Не потому что назло, а потому что маман в одинокого не потянет.
Ну и интернет, мол, сам оплачивай. В итоге для него даже поиск этих 500 рублей в месяц был тем ещё челленджем.
Так что я хз, нахуй бы такое содержание, при котором ты живёшь чисто по дефолту в режиме «жрать-спать».
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:24:08 #37 №211167565 
Ниче не будет. Похуй.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:24:37 #38 №211167582 
Лучше б в айти шёл.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:25:18 #39 №211167593 
Похожая хуйня была. Правда мне давали 500 рублей на неделю 2005 год
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:25:50 #40 №211167605 
Двачую этого

другой айтишник
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:26:17 #41 №211167619 
В Москву. Айтишником. 120
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:26:27 #42 №211167623 
Мне мать и продукты хорошие покупает и интернет оплачивает, и гаджеты какие-никакие есть. Она обязана. Раз родила - то содержи всю жизнь. Или я пойду на улицу убивать людей или платите мне деньги.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:26:52 #43 №211167635 
Чёт маловато, но для старта сойдёт.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:26:56 #44 №211167638 
А в мухосрани сколько получал?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:27:34 #45 №211167655 
>>211167214 (OP)
У меня на работе бесплатная столовка. Так что меня мотивирует желание пожрать.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:27:42 #46 №211167658 
Не представляешь как я вам завидую Смотрю обзоры офисов на ютубе, блять это мечта а не работа, кафе с бесплатными завтраками прям в офисе, опенспейс, ахуеные туалеты, фитнес клубы. Это очень классно, умные люди пошли в айти в свое время.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:28:38 #47 №211167676 
Ну я с октября всего. Уже сам понял, что продешевил. Общаюсь сейчас с рекрутеркой на счет 200. Думал, нахуй пошлет, а она и не против
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:29:12 #48 №211167689 
до обеда оставалось 3 часа 30 минут
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:29:57 #49 №211167703 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:30:09 #50 №211167706 
ух бля, щас начальник начнет ебать
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:32:10 #51 №211167755 
У нас нет завтраков (бесплатных), но есть фрукты и всё такое. Опенспейс ламповый, но с туалетами залупа, так как на весь технический этаж один мужской туалет с тремя писуарами и одним сральным местом, при этом очевидно, что кунья подавляющее количество. Приходится иногда ходить срать на другой этаж, к гуманитариям и продаванам, да.
Ну а качалка бесплатная сберовская есть, да :3
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:32:45 #52 №211167768 
Сижу в этих тредах ридонли со второго курса, то бишь с 2018. Сейчас на 4. Я Птушник.

Лол. Не работаю, делаю на барыганстве на авито минимум 10к в месяц. Ещё и удачно майнить начал в 2017, купил себе бу машину, в 17 то лет.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:33:59 #53 №211167795 
>купил себе бу машину
Ебанько, мог бы лучше вложится куда, ой ты даун сразу видно РАБотоблядь, машинка, квартирка, кредитик))))00
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:35:12 #54 №211167822 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:36:24 #55 №211167849 
Не исключено, есть люди с прошаренными на бизнес мозгами, это генетическое, такие как ты всегда будут успешны в плане денег. У меня есть знакомые, которые со средним образованием на мерсах разъезжают.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:37:16 #56 №211167874 
Месяц валяюсь в больнице и не иду на РАБоту
Но боюсь похмельных врачей
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:37:27 #57 №211167878 
Мне в ПТУ ездить удобно на ней, и хлам для перепродажи транспортировать. ПТУ находится в селе, на автобусе ехать 40 минут с пересадками я ебал, на машине за 12 минут доезжаю. Вкладываю сейчас в студенческую визу.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:37:47 #58 №211167888 
Всем доброго утра!

Бля, как же я ненавижу эти праздники. С ними весь режим идёт по пизде. В итоге сегодня лег почти в два ночи, а поспал всего часа полтора от силы. На часах 6.36, пока что чувствую себя норм, но с 8 часов пиздец рубить в сон начнет. Дай бог дожить до вечера
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:38:03 #59 №211167898 
Ставил капельницы от интоксикации? Помоогают?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:38:14 #60 №211167906 
А я понял, вы порноакртёр!
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:39:19 #61 №211167937 
>>211167214 (OP)
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:39:23 #62 №211167940 
>>211167214 (OP)
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:39:44 #63 №211167948 
Сейм шит, я вообще решил не спать, т.к уснул в такое время прошлым утром.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:39:53 #64 №211167953 
Если бы,но нет
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:40:20 #65 №211167964 
Шоб снять хату и свалить от родителей, очевидно же
24 лвл
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:40:50 #66 №211167972 
Но весь мой "бизнес" идёт в серую. Если меня налоговая поймает за жопу, я сосну.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:41:02 #67 №211167975 
Спал три часа,хуярю на завод
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:42:34 #68 №211168011 
>>211167214 (OP)
Ипотека ебаная мотивирует. Если бы не она - сегодня же накатал бы по собственному
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:42:57 #69 №211168021 
А что, майнинг ферму необходимо как то юридически оформить?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:43:04 #70 №211168022 
а жил бы на что?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:43:11 #71 №211168028 
Тоже спал всего 4 часа нахуй. Тупо не смогу уснуть? Что эта за хуйня ? Почему не получается уснуть?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:43:38 #72 №211168035 
На накопления.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:44:33 #73 №211168060 
пфф, а потом на что жить?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:45:23 #74 №211168071 
Бухой отчим разбудил скандалами
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:46:07 #75 №211168087 
Чуть поработать и опять отдыхать
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:46:43 #76 №211168094 
Ну тебя то отчим разбудил. Я тупо не мог уснуть (какие-то мысли, а пот бросает)
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:47:09 #77 №211168105 
у меня так не получается, все трачу
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:48:02 #78 №211168120 

Одной из самых тупых работ, я считаю продавец консультант(разумеется с исключениями, везде есть бодрые ребята) Это, как правило, крайне некомпетентные люди, которые нихуя сами не понимают в том, что продают. Любое минимальное увлечение, тем или иным товаром, приводит к тому, что ты начинаешь соображать в нем куда лучше самих консультантов. Это работа в основном для ленивых аматоров, которые нихуя не умеют и не хотят, просто их заставили мама, или голод, или аренда жилья, или все это в купе, делать хоть что то. Не грязно, не тяжело, мало денег- все что нужно современному молодому человеку. Порой удивляюсь тому, что приходя в рестор например, на вопрос че как и тд, консультант начинает искать ответ в интернете. Ассортимент блядь три ноутбука и два айфона, и шкаф с китайской хуйней типа проводов и чехлов. И при этом нельзя выучить досконально эти продукты чтоб молниеносно отвечать. Речь не идет о том чтоб знать герцы гегабуты и прочую хуйню наизусть, речь о том, что непонимание своего товара, это маркер незаинтересованности. На таких работах не живут полной жизнью и не развиваются, на них вы в режиме сохранения. Просто ожидание конца смены и 20 числа зп. Перманентная подготовка к чему то, типа консервация до лучших времен, пока ищу нормальную работу(которой не будет никогда в большинстве случаев). А ведь сука блядь так просто стать профессионалом хотя бы в чем то. Хотя бы в ебаных айфонах. (это пример просто , еще хуже обстоят дела, связной мвидео, массмаркеты одежды там ваще пиздец и тд).
Безусловно и оттуда можно выжать профит, навык общения, убеждения- минимальный скил продаж, но это не про тех чуваков о ком речь, им рили пихуй, они лоурайдеры) но это уже совсем другая история.
Кароче, если хотите что то выбрать нормальное, никогда не слушайте консультантов а залетайте на е-ката.. ой извините.
изучайте товар сами, по отзывам, по обзорам и тд.
А если вы сами продавец консультант, то завязывайте заниматься хуйней и превращайтесь в компетентных, это не разминка перед чем то, вас один хуй жизнь отфильтрует и оставит на том же уровне, если не появится энтузиазм и умение возлагать на себя ответственность. Стопудово не придет на почту письмо из газпрома с приглашением занять пост топ менеджера. А как будет? Просто сменится фирма с связного на рестор и тд. И это не страшилка, ровно так у абсолютного большинства все и сложится, не самый худший вариант кстати. Но надо ли оно вам? Можно же куда пизже)
Есть мысли на этот счёт?

пикрил - кандидаты, пришедшие на собеседование на должность продавцов-консультантов
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:48:17 #79 №211168131 
Да, спермбанк, например, может блокнуть перевод денег и попросить объяснений, откуда у меня, студента, идут эти доходы. Про майнинг лучше не говорить его, вроде, считают за предпринимательскую деятельность. Ну и моё купи - продай тоже не останется в таком случае без внимания, хотя, думаю, можно будет доказать, что продаю своё.
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:48:23 #80 №211168134 
Хаха, РАБотяжки каторжные. А я посижу часика четыре и спать пойду.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:48:54 #81 №211168144 
константин, ты?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:49:02 #82 №211168147 
Если зепеха норм, то ок. А если зарплата такая, что её хватает только на содержание себя?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:49:23 #83 №211168159 
Как узнал?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:49:54 #84 №211168166 
Аноны, накопите чуть деньжат и откройте свою, внимание, шаурму. Главное найти ахуенного повара, который умеет в соусы, а так же в общение. Во первых это не дорого, во вторых стабильные 50-80к в месяц.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:50:06 #85 №211168171 
По твоим шизоидным высерам
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:50:53 #86 №211168181 
да этих шаурм хоть жепой ешь по всему городу наплодились
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:51:17 #87 №211168191 
Выпиливаться тогда
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:51:42 #88 №211168199 
да пошел он нахуй этот константин
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:52:45 #89 №211168221 
Это пиздец, мне знакомый рассказывал, что когда ему на карту упали 100к в тот же день к нему опера залетели домой за объяснениями, с тех пор карточкой не пользуется.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:55:15 #90 №211168265 
Тоже читал о таком, поэтому деньгм вывожу редко, мелкими суммами. Я думаю, может они каких нибудь кладменов или наркобарыг так пытаются выявить?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:56:22 #91 №211168288 
Лёг в 22. Проснулся в 1.40 от приступа тревоги. Снова не мог уснуть, мысли о бессмысленности такой жизни, вечном рабстве, старости, смерти, болезнях. Пролежал так часа полтора, потом успокоился и уснул. Естественно не выспался.
Я только к концу каникул начал снова ощущать жизнь, забывать о рабстве, снова появился интерес к чему-то. А теперь на нахуй - снова иди на РАБоту, пидор.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:58:31 #92 №211168332 
Все так
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 06:59:06 #93 №211168342 
Да не, слишком мелко для такого переполоха, думаю за терроризм так бесятся. У нас ведь сейчас обестрены с изис.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:05:06 #94 №211168448 
Мб ты режим сбил или тревожит что то
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:05:34 #95 №211168460 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:10:07 #96 №211168537 
Наверное. В праздники я ложился в 12- час, и вставал в 11-12 дня
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:10:25 #97 №211168541 
>>211167214 (OP)
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:11:07 #98 №211168564 
Тоже самое, анон.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:11:35 #99 №211168576 
голова чугунная пиздос
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:12:10 #100 №211168587 
Работа — это проклятье

Но я упёртый финно-угр и если надо — буду грызть гранит, отдыхать после работы я тоже умею и работаю ради того чтобы отдых приблизить к воспоминаниям о Рае, а не просто аскетично протухать на мамкиной шее
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:14:01 #101 №211168619 
Именно так.
Нет. Именно барыг так выявляют.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:14:11 #102 №211168624 
Нет, 180км от ДС.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:14:48 #103 №211168639 
> финно-угр
Финно-угорского почтения тебе.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:17:24 #104 №211168705 
Снега наволило
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:17:36 #105 №211168713 
в треде
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:18:32 #106 №211168727 
Лампово у тебя.
Это где?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:19:23 #107 №211168750 
На что тунеядствуешь?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:20:37 #108 №211168780 
на мамкину пенсию
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:22:17 #109 №211168813 
В моем мухосранске +4
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:22:42 #110 №211168820 
20-25 лвл - Каждый рабочий день по 8-12 часов ощущается, как ебучая вечность.

25+ лвл - Даже 15 часов летит мимолетно. Вроде только недавно к 10 утра пришел. А тут бац, опа, уже 2 часа до конца смены.

И с каждым годом эти часы ощущаются все меньше и меньше.
У кого сейм?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:23:27 #111 №211168841 
Мамкиной обузой.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:24:43 #112 №211168867 
Тут главное чтобы мамка до твоей пенсии дожила.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:29:32 #113 №211168973 
У меня уже в 20 лет 8(9) часов пролетает мимолетно и не только на РАБоте
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:29:52 #114 №211168984 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:30:38 #115 №211169004 
>>211167214 (OP)
>Что мотивирует лично тебя вставать по утрам и идти работать, анон?

Сопричастность команде и общему делу, корпоративный дух и высокая ПРОАКТИВНОСТЬ.
эйчары, вы меня живым не возьмёте, я знаю все ответы на ваши загадки
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:31:48 #116 №211169027 
Иногда, когда на парах сижу, или делаю какую нибудь взваленную на меня хуйню - время тянется долго.

В ноябре загнал машину на яму к знакомому автомеханику, сам полез её чинить и проводить ТО. 5 часов пролетели довольно незаметно.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:35:29 #117 №211169115 
Торжественно вмискузился.
Работаю 5 смену в этом году, предвкушаю повышенный коэффициент за праздники.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:36:12 #118 №211169127 
Заставил погуглить.
Что это у вас там йоба-боба в виде пускового трамплина для шатлов?
Алсо, вижу водоем. Там летом то можно купаться?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:36:46 #119 №211169139 
Ух, бля. Я думал, что эти праздники будут длиться вечно, но вот они подошли к концу. Опять жрать из контейнера, недосыпать и трястись в маршрутке. Я уже человеком себя успел почувствовать. Нервяк ослаб, сердце в норму пришло, настроение улучшилось, а теперь всё опять по новой. Эх. А ведь хорошо было. Спал часов по 10 каждый день, жрал от пуза, аниме смотрел. Ещё и в субботу работать, сука. В этом году хочу справиться со своим нервяком.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:40:04 #120 №211169215 
>В этом году хочу справиться со своим нервяком.
После 3 месяцев приема помогло. Полет нормальный. Брат жив.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:40:22 #121 №211169226 
Блять, рабочий день только начался, а в кабинете уже балаган. Сюда все ходят ебучий кофе пить. У всех свои кабинеты есть, а они сюда ходят. Чайник шумит, шкафчики гремят, чашки звенят, пиздёжь непрекращающийся.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:41:55 #122 №211169266 
У меня что-то в задней части головы болит. Что это может быть?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:42:38 #123 №211169278 
Я пока 5htp попробую.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:43:10 #124 №211169295 
>>211167214 (OP)
Нихуя не мотивирует, хочу сдохнуть, чуть не плачу. Хоть 1/3 работаю. Не представляю, как можно пятидневку выдерживать. Ну хотя если бы работа норм была, мб и не так страшно бло бы.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:45:15 #125 №211169350 
Все пропуканы?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:47:28 #126 №211169416 
4 посторонних человека в кабинете, сука
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:50:43 #127 №211169507 
Наебни чайник.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:51:25 #128 №211169528 
>>211167214 (OP)
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:51:53 #129 №211169537 
>>211167214 (OP)
А мне нравится моя работа в киоске. Сидишь, продаешь и нет-нет, да какую-то шабашку имеешь - то сдачу забудут, то просто оставят. А пока покупателей нет лампово смотрю всякое и играю в игори - ноут на работе поживее домашнего, моего. Ночью, правда, не всегда поспать успеваю, но, может, переведут в другой киоск, а там то уж с 12 до 7 вообще никого и можно позволить себе спать и ни о чём не думать.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:52:03 #130 №211169542 
Потихому начинаю жалеть, что бросил работу в общепите.
Ибо хоть я реально уставал после рабочей смены. Но было приятно возвращаться домой уставшим и полным чувства того, что ты заслужил этот отдых.
Сейчас уже полгода работаю продажником в офисе. Просто до одури скучно. Из-за этого депрессую походу.
Раньше из-за работы вообще не было времени на самокопание.
А тут на тебе, начал задумывать, мол тни нету, своей хаты нету, друзей настоящих нет, и вообще 28 лет, и сам не знаю чего я хочу от жизни... А чтоб заглушить чувство вины перед собой, напиваюсь перед сном.

Как с этим бороться? Или тут реально надо искать активную работу насыщенная активными действиями?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:53:40 #131 №211169593 
Капельницы ставили, от менингита
Помогли (вроде как)
Сегодня узнаем
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:55:38 #132 №211169638 
Просто не думай о работе. Живи чем-нибудь другим.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 07:58:19 #133 №211169693 
Ты это я, только я логист.
Тня бросила, друзья всё переженились, один уже дитё заделать своей успел, все сидят по своим каморкам и в общество перестали выходить.
Сижу один на съёмной хате, катаю в кораблики и постигаю дзен.
Нынче у баб запросы пиздец космические, ну или может просто мне такие попадаются.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:01:07 #134 №211169749 
>>211167214 (OP)
Надежда на финансовую не зависимость максимум через 10 лет
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:07:29 #135 №211169898 
> не зависимость
пит буль
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:11:06 #136 №211169977 
Надо чтоб было 2 месяца отпуска, месяца мало.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:12:07 #137 №211170003 
Человек всегда будет зависеть от денег
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:15:49 #138 №211170099 
Жиза. Я под конец начал книжечки почитывать, желание что-то учить появилось.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:16:17 #139 №211170106 
Нездоровая тема. А потом ХУЯК - и тебе 45 лет, единственная запись в трудовой, до пенсии ещё хуярить и хуярить, а ты особо нихуя и не умеешь. Да и не жил толком, а лишь въебывал всю жизнь.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:16:57 #140 №211170125 
>>211167214 (OP)
Всем работягам привет!
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:17:55 #141 №211170145 
>>211167214 (OP)
Возможность зарабатывать хотя бы немного, и более менее не париться о мелочах тип сходить куда то, покушать, одежды себе купить какой никакой, а то бы гнил на парах бездумно и за играми
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:22:42 #142 №211170262 
Кем роботаиш? Сколько плотят?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:23:32 #143 №211170276 
сколько за жильё отдаешь и на каком стеке работаешь?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:23:51 #144 №211170287 
>Смотрю обзоры офисов на ютубе

Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:25:54 #145 №211170350 
20 тыщ, погромист.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:25:55 #146 №211170351 
пиздос, как же хочется тяночку
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:25:59 #147 №211170353 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:28:53 #148 №211170422 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:28:54 #149 №211170423 
Опять весь кишлак в ДС вернулся.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:30:53 #150 №211170473 
Хули так мало? На q-basic программируешь что ли?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:32:21 #151 №211170508 
А я сегодня не спал всю ночь и блеванул прям в метро от недосыпа.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:33:51 #152 №211170545 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:35:18 #153 №211170579 
пиздец я долбоеб.
Вот тебе и результат чтения на английском вместо русского на постоянке
Все не так просто
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:37:06 #154 №211170609 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:38:11 #155 №211170634 
>>211167214 (OP)
чтобы зарабатывать на путешествия
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:38:44 #156 №211170647 
Хули у меня полдмышки потеют?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:38:46 #157 №211170648 
>>211167214 (OP)
>Что мотивирует лично тебя вставать по утрам и идти работать, анон?
Через 19 лет стану рнн
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:39:58 #158 №211170679 
Покидайте сиськи в тред!
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:40:05 #159 №211170682 
Ваня из мака?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:41:47 #160 №211170734 
жиза то какая с самого утра, пиздос
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:42:33 #161 №211170757 
Стажёр мб, либо слабый джун
мимо стажёр программист 15к
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:42:55 #162 №211170770 
Пиздос хоспаде, опять на службу, конфузъ, собираемся в 9:00 в конференц-зале с минералочкой.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:44:28 #163 №211170809 
Еще нет, 13-го числа все вернутся из пердей.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:46:42 #164 №211170863 
Еле проснулся, не просрал, за праздники скопилось дохуя работы, сижу разгребаю. Пизда хочу спать и дрочить.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:48:29 #165 №211170907 
15785475602980 copy.jpg
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:51:35 #166 №211170974 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:52:17 #167 №211170997 
>>211167214 (OP)
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:55:05 #168 №211171083 
Первый рабочий день с начала года. ПИЗДОС.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 08:58:41 #169 №211171200 
что жижа?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:03:07 #170 №211171344 

1. Докладывайте, что как и где.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:03:30 #171 №211171355 
Привет, пиздосики. Как вы тут? Живы небось? Не унывайте, сегодня уже четверг.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:08:13 #172 №211171499 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:14:21 #173 №211171702 
Ты в праздники трезвел?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:14:37 #174 №211171709 
А что ты сразу ругаешься? Я может питб бросил пшеничное и перешел на крепкий алкоголь.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:15:50 #175 №211171754 
Пиздос, спал всего 2 часа, ибо на праздниках ложился в 3 утра, а сегодня надо было уже в 4 утра вставать на завод. Опять это завод
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:20:44 #176 №211171933 
Блядб бамп пиздосы вы что охуели
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:21:31 #177 №211171960 
>>211167214 (OP)
>Что мотивирует лично тебя вставать по утрам и идти работать, анон?
В основном наличие еды.
блядь, нахуй я в 5 утра лёг, теперь даже читать больно
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:22:24 #178 №211171993 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:22:38 #179 №211172003 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:23:04 #180 №211172020 
Йеп, тоже самое
главное, чтобы до конца месяца не пидорнул новый директор - забрать бабло, а потом можно и пидорнуться на постой
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:23:45 #181 №211172040 
Я последний раз пил 1-го, лучше б не пил вообще. Заебало бухать, буду алкопост двухмесячный держать.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:23:55 #182 №211172048 
Что за глупые вопросы?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:25:33 #183 №211172105 
Чет бурлит живот пиздос и клапан жаром пылает от газов, зря я вчера брусничную деревеньку употреблял.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:26:21 #184 №211172126 
Рад видеть!
Как праздники прошли?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:26:52 #185 №211172148 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:27:30 #186 №211172168 
Разве конфуз синоним пиздоса?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:27:43 #187 №211172180 
>Заебало бухать, буду алкопост двухмесячный держать.
ой, чёт жигули на акции в кб
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:29:52 #188 №211172249 
Звучит пиздато. Сколько плотют, если не секрет? На жисть хватает?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:30:23 #189 №211172263 
Сдохнет да и хуй с ней.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:34:49 #190 №211172395 
Заняться нечем пиздос.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:36:27 #191 №211172444 
>>211167214 (OP)
С наступившим всех.
В этом новом году я пообещал себе, что буду меньше врать
Поэтому признаюсь и попрошу прощения хотя лично мне было забавно за свои истории, а именно:
-Крыса-кун, которому мешали обедать в столовой
-Обжора 164/132, где я перечислял то, что якобы брал в столовой/бк/с собой и т.д. про соотношение роста и веса-правда
-Стори, где я ел волосы коллеги по работе не помню правда где я ее писал
-Гайд боевого гнома отчасти правда, так как я всегда сразу заливаю перцем, если пахнет жареным
-История про то, как познакомиться с коллегой отчасти тоже правда, но я все таки не решился в итоге даже заговорить с ней, так как знал правду, что я нахуй кому либо не всрался
-Стори, где надо мной издевается начальник, про новогодние корпоративы и унижения, и я планировал,якобы, уволиться в нг

Приношу извинения, больше постараюсь такой хуйней в треде не заниматься, да и времени будет не так уж и много, меня повысили, работы стало чуть больше и ответственности тоже прибавилось.
Вроде все, так много всякой хуйни сочинял, что уже и не упомнишь все.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:37:16 #192 №211172472 
Алкогольный угар и все дела, выползал из дома только чтобы пополнить запасы пенного и табака.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:40:05 #193 №211172564 
нахуй ты полез дебил блять ебаный теперь она тебя жрет нахуй
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:40:10 #194 №211172568 
Так это тебе советы пилили, как к буху яйца подкатить?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:40:31 #195 №211172581 
Я, как ни странно, очень даже трезво провел каникулы. В легком ежедневном опьянении.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:40:41 #196 №211172588 
>от приступа тревоги
поможет лирика или алпразолам. А если добавишь к коктейлю щепотку трамадола — будешь королём вечеринок и любимчиком бухш и прочих милф и не только.
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:40:50 #197 №211172594 
>>211167214 (OP)
Не пизди, хуесос, первый был третьего или четвёртого числа от другого анона. Пора бы тебя забанить, аватароблядок - слишком много придаёшь значения себе и своему личному треду. Алсо, сажи.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:41:59 #198 №211172633 
Предложите ваш вариантъ, сударь
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:42:07 #199 №211172638 
>>211167214 (OP)
>Что мотивирует лично тебя вставать по утрам и идти работать, анон?
Ничего не мотивирует. Другого выбора нет. РНН господином стать не могу, так как нет возможности получать пассивный доход.
9 дней хоть пожил. Сейчас 2 дня поРАБотаю или 3, если пидорасы опять какую-то хуйню придумают и опять можно пожить.

А вообще это пиздец. Около 70% времени уходит на работу. Для меня уже сложилось понятие, что мне платят не за то что я делаю на дноработе, а за то что я не делаю дома (задротство в игры и просмотр видосов).

мимо говно-сис-админ 21 лвл
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:42:13 #200 №211172644 
Ладно, мы похоже тут вдвоем с тобой.
Провел со своей укулеле все новогодние праздники, то гуляли, то ебались, раскупорил все отверстия, мать перестала бухтетб, сказала что лучше так чем быть пидором.
Зп прибавили на 2700, ухбля, сижу в кабинете народу нихуя, все будут после 13-го.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:43:15 #201 №211172684 
В КБ давно не ходил, после того, как знакомый из хайнекена сказал, что у них на заводах стоит отдельная линия для КБ, худшего качества, т.к. КБ гнёт поставщиков на цену жёстко.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:44:10 #202 №211172722 
Полностью двачую. Однако когда представляю как доношу эту политику мамке, понимаю что у неё такой батхёрт будет, что вся комната в мейнструальной крови будет.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:44:16 #203 №211172725 
А я тебе говорил что КБ говно? Говорил? Говорил.
Я тебе говорил что там ссанина ебаная? Говорил? Говорил.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:44:30 #204 №211172732 
ебать ты хуесос ебучий. тебе в больничку надо мудила ебучая.
мимо БЫДЛО
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:46:57 #205 №211172820 
>заебался уже хикковать
>ламповый опенспейс

Сука, социоблядь нарисовалась!
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:47:31 #206 №211172838 
Canon T50 – Camera Review
James Tocchio May 5, 2014 15

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices created astronomical retail success for Single Lens Reflex makers. To meet demand, the big Japanese camera firms continued to produce SLRs in unbelievable numbers for the duration of the decade. By the start of the 1980’s, however, this feverish production had led to market saturation. Sales of SLRs began to drop precipitously in the following three years, as most photographers who wanted an SLR already owned one.

It was obvious that camera makers needed to court new shooters, but new shooters were more often intimidated by the complexity of SLRs. Sales indicated that new photo hobbyists were looking ever more towards the newer and simpler-to-use point-and-shoot cameras. These point-and-shoot machines were stylish, user-friendly, and flaunted greater automation over their SLR ancestors.

By the end of 1983 the SLR camera’s fall from grace was a sad reality, and camera makers all began vying for a larger slice of the growing new-user market. Canon was one of the first to take the usability and automation of a point-and-shoot camera and adapt it into an SLR body, and in 1983 they released a camera that would be one of the simplest SLRs of all time, the Canon T50.

Canon T50 Camera

Aesthetically the T50 is polarizing. It doesn’t have the classically beautiful lines of a German rangefinder or the rugged purposefulness of countless SLRs before it. It’s a mix of strange angles and odd curves, moulded from matte-black polycarbonate with mustard lettering. It’s a bit too large, and the hand-grip looks more like a tumor than a well-sussed design element. The strap lugs are out of balance and placed oddly on the front of the body, and the rest of the shell is visually barren. 1980’s fetishism aside, it’s a pretty ugly camera.

When looking at the blank slate that makes up the top of the T50 one is immediately underwhelmed. There are nowhere near the amount of knobs, dials, and switches that photophiles expect. Beyond the shutter button and ASA dial there exists only one other dial. This sad, little knob changes the mode from Program to Self-Timer, and rotates for a Battery Check. Most conspicuously absent is any kind of shutter speed selector. That’s because the T50 has an entirely automated shutter. Because of this, it would be easy to cast the machine aside as an excessively simplified and handicapped tool; a toy camera for amateurs.

Canon T50 Top

Of course Canon did develop this machine for amateurs, but they also developed it to be a real SLR. This is most evidenced by Canon’s decision to equip the camera with their ubiquitous FD mount, allowing the use of their full range of SLR lenses. The FD range is fairly massive and can stand against any other brand’s contemporary lens range. Couple the T50 with Canon’s rather wonderful FD 35-105mm F/3.5 and you’ve got a completely capable manual focus zoom camera. For standard lens sizes the 50mm F/1.8 is perfection, producing extremely sharp images and great bokeh (when the T50 allows it). Color rendition is also fairly incredible with the 50mm F/1.8.

Important also is the fact that each FD lens offers fully manual aperture control. This means that mounting an FD lens on a T50 gives the photographer some control over depth of field, one of the most important aspects of artistic photography. The caveat with using FD lenses in this way on the T50 is that whenever the lens is set to a manual aperture (not “A” mode), the T50 locks the shutter speed at 1/60th of a second. So while some artistic control is returned to the shooter, the T50 is in no way a fully manual camera. Think of it as a point and shoot of any focal length with impeccable image quality.

Even with this limitation on creative control, the T50 is a pretty fun camera to use. It create a kind of freedom that’s difficult to find with the more “serious” machines, allowing the photographer to focus less on the science of exposure and more on producing the desired artistic effect through framing and composition. Additionally it’s possible to change your exposures a bit and compensate for the locked shutter speed. To trick the T50 into over- or under-exposing your shot, simply estimate available light and raise or lower the ISO (ASA) value.

Canon T50 TTV
Through the viewfinder (TTV) of the Canon T50.

The viewfinder, admittedly lacking in useful information, is amazingly bright and massive. The microprism and split-image rangefinder focus assist makes using the manual focus only FD lenses an incredibly simple task. To the right of the image window there’s an LED display showing “P” or “M” mode. “M” denotes that the aperture ring on the lens has been set to any other aperture outside of “A”, for automatic. Beyond this, the only information is that when the light meter has set a shutter speed slow enough to produce image shake, the “P” blinks slowly. When the light parameters have been judged to exceed the capabilities of the camera (too much or too little light for proper exposure) the “P” flashes rapidly and the shutter will not release.

When considering everything about the T50, it’d be natural to think it’s a stinker. With its combination of bland to ugly looks, the arguably handicapped performance, and the totally sparse viewfinder, there doesn’t seem to be a bright-side. But oddly enough, the T50 is a remarkably fun camera. It’s solidly built, and when paired with FD lenses it’s capable of producing outstanding images. The rather cumbersome design actually lends itself very well to shooting, with the camera staying perfectly balanced on a strap or in the hand. The bulbous hand-grip does its job better than countless more attractive machines, and the oddly angular texturing on the back facilitates perfect one-handed operation.

One-handed Canon T50

With the T50, the moment of zen occurs when the photographer accepts the camera’s limits and embraces the vision that its designers intended. With the lens set to “A” the camera slips into Program mode, and every single shot will be technically perfect. The shooter doesn’t have to think about anything beyond composition, framing, and perspective. This provides a remarkable sense of freedom, and if the T50 had been invented in the 1950’s it would be regarded today as the most important camera of all time. As it was released in the 80’s, it’s mostly regarded as an irrelevant and obsolete machine.

But this may be the wrong perspective. Yes, the T50 limits the shooter, but don’t limiting forces have a way of bringing out the very best in an artist? These limits allow the shooter to concentrate on the heart of the image being created, while letting the T50 do the math. In the right hands there’s no reason the T50 can’t create jaw-dropping images.

The ultimate test of any camera is whether or not its fun to shoot. In this regard, something about the T50 just works. Whether its the clanking shutter coupled with the abrupt and eager winding motor, the charmingly ugly looks, or the rather excellent lens choices, something about the T50 makes one want to keep shooting. Couple this intangible thrill with the fact that a pristine example of this 1980’s high-tech wizardry can be purchased today for somewhere around $20 and the T50 becomes even more of a winner. For that kind of money it’s worth adding another quirky gem of a camera to the collection, and getting some excellent photos out of the deal isn’t half bad either.

Want your own Canon T50?
Buy it on eBay
Buy it on Amazon
Buy it on B&H Photo
Buy it from me at F Stop Cameras
Buy FD lenses on eBay
Buy FD lenses on Amazon
Casual Photophile is on Ello, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube

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35mm Film

Camera Reviews



DECEMBER 22, 2014 AT 9:25 PM
It’s very interesting to see how much my recent camera buying/shooting matches yours. I bought a couple Nikon L35AFs within the last few months, and I bought a T50 at a local film store since I had a few FD lenses (most from by mom’s AE-1P), and since the sticker said:


I left the sticker on it.

I shot a couple rolls through it because I was going hiking, and the widest “real” lens I had (my Vivitar Ultra Wide and Slim with 22mm came along, but it is obviously more of a toy.) was an FD 28mm f2.8 S.C.. Turns out, it’s a fantastic lens, and I just decided to let go of the control I think I need and just focus on trying to make great images. I did manage a few. http://instagram.com/p/u3jTSWKyGK/

If my life weren’t so crazy right now, I’d insist that you let me come on board for guest posts or other content, haha. Seems like we have similar tastes. Anyway, keep up the good work. See you around.

DECEMBER 22, 2014 AT 10:28 PM
Thanks for the comment, my friend. It’s good to be busy.

Love your instagram feed. Keep up the good shooting. And let me know if you would ever have the time to contribute. Always looking to connect with visitors.

Randle P. McMurphy
JANUARY 8, 2015 AT 2:31 PM
Never loved this model range – even not the Nikon EM
because of this Plastic-Fantastic-Feeling.
I was close to buy and level up from my Canon AE 1
to a T90 but change my mind after hold it in my hands.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:30 AM
Looking forward to reviewing the T90 though.

MAY 16, 2015 AT 8:29 AM
I had this thing back in the eighties and still cherrish the travel photo’s it took with it from Nepal, India, Egypt and Turkey. It was indeed extremely simple to use, hence the many keepers from it that i still have kept in my collection now.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:29 AM
Would love to see some of those shots….

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:12 AM
Nice review of an interesting camera.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:22 AM
Thanks for the kind words!

Carl Emblidge
AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:35 PM
I thought I owned the only one, lol. As an artist and casual photophile, I LOVED this camera. It consumed roll after roll and never disappointed me. I didn’t know any different, because it was a graduation present, so I get the flaws, but it’s also a tool. Somewhere between my eye and my idea were the countless prints I made, and that’s all that mattered to me. Now all digitalized and loving the jump to the 21st C, I’m glad I had this camera!

AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:39 PM
Happy to hear it. It’s a great camera, and under valued today.

Frank Lehnen
AUGUST 10, 2016 AT 9:40 AM
I hated the looks of Canon’s T-Series way back in the eighties – that killed Canon for me then. But some months ago I baought a T50 on a whim and I’m amazed. Feels good in hand, not too noisy… well noisier than my AE-1 on course… and first of all it does not distract me from composing my images.

It’s the SLR Equivalent of my Olympus XA2. Totally inobstrusive and liberating. I bought a T70 just afterwards…. I’m still getting used to the looks though

FEBRUARY 21, 2017 AT 6:55 PM
Great review. I will say this about the T50 and T70… I would take my T70 to places that I would never dream of taking my F-1 or A-1 to. Yes when new, the T70 was about $330 or something which wasn’t cheap, but, no one messed with you if all you had was a T70. Hang the F-1 around your neck and you suddenly become a target.

Dr. Ko
MAY 7, 2017 AT 12:24 PM
Yes, the T70 can be found for close to nothing because of it looks, at the same time it offers great function and I love the AA battery option.

DECEMBER 11, 2017 AT 7:58 AM
I also have a T50… for me this is just a better built point’n’shoot camera. I’m used to pair it with a 28mm lens and a fast film… set the focus at 2.5 meters and go shooting hassle free…

Joe shoots resurrected cameras
APRIL 29, 2018 AT 12:11 AM
Yeah the T50’s not bad, but I prefer the Pentax A3000 because it will do aperture priority and program modes. They both take AA batteries which is a Godsend.

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Canon T50 – Camera Review
James Tocchio May 5, 2014 15

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices created astronomical retail success for Single Lens Reflex makers. To meet demand, the big Japanese camera firms continued to produce SLRs in unbelievable numbers for the duration of the decade. By the start of the 1980’s, however, this feverish production had led to market saturation. Sales of SLRs began to drop precipitously in the following three years, as most photographers who wanted an SLR already owned one.

It was obvious that camera makers needed to court new shooters, but new shooters were more often intimidated by the complexity of SLRs. Sales indicated that new photo hobbyists were looking ever more towards the newer and simpler-to-use point-and-shoot cameras. These point-and-shoot machines were stylish, user-friendly, and flaunted greater automation over their SLR ancestors.

By the end of 1983 the SLR camera’s fall from grace was a sad reality, and camera makers all began vying for a larger slice of the growing new-user market. Canon was one of the first to take the usability and automation of a point-and-shoot camera and adapt it into an SLR body, and in 1983 they released a camera that would be one of the simplest SLRs of all time, the Canon T50.

Canon T50 Camera

Aesthetically the T50 is polarizing. It doesn’t have the classically beautiful lines of a German rangefinder or the rugged purposefulness of countless SLRs before it. It’s a mix of strange angles and odd curves, moulded from matte-black polycarbonate with mustard lettering. It’s a bit too large, and the hand-grip looks more like a tumor than a well-sussed design element. The strap lugs are out of balance and placed oddly on the front of the body, and the rest of the shell is visually barren. 1980’s fetishism aside, it’s a pretty ugly camera.

sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:47:49 #207 №211172848 
Canon T50 – Camera Review
James Tocchio May 5, 2014 15

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices created astronomical retail success for Single Lens Reflex makers. To meet demand, the big Japanese camera firms continued to produce SLRs in unbelievable numbers for the duration of the decade. By the start of the 1980’s, however, this feverish production had led to market saturation. Sales of SLRs began to drop precipitously in the following three years, as most photographers who wanted an SLR already owned one.

It was obvious that camera makers needed to court new shooters, but new shooters were more often intimidated by the complexity of SLRs. Sales indicated that new photo hobbyists were looking ever more towards the newer and simpler-to-use point-and-shoot cameras. These point-and-shoot machines were stylish, user-friendly, and flaunted greater automation over their SLR ancestors.

By the end of 1983 the SLR camera’s fall from grace was a sad reality, and camera makers all began vying for a larger slice of the growing new-user market. Canon was one of the first to take the usability and automation of a point-and-shoot camera and adapt it into an SLR body, and in 1983 they released a camera that would be one of the simplest SLRs of all time, the Canon T50.

Canon T50 Camera

Aesthetically the T50 is polarizing. It doesn’t have the classically beautiful lines of a German rangefinder or the rugged purposefulness of countless SLRs before it. It’s a mix of strange angles and odd curves, moulded from matte-black polycarbonate with mustard lettering. It’s a bit too large, and the hand-grip looks more like a tumor than a well-sussed design element. The strap lugs are out of balance and placed oddly on the front of the body, and the rest of the shell is visually barren. 1980’s fetishism aside, it’s a pretty ugly camera.

When looking at the blank slate that makes up the top of the T50 one is immediately underwhelmed. There are nowhere near the amount of knobs, dials, and switches that photophiles expect. Beyond the shutter button and ASA dial there exists only one other dial. This sad, little knob changes the mode from Program to Self-Timer, and rotates for a Battery Check. Most conspicuously absent is any kind of shutter speed selector. That’s because the T50 has an entirely automated shutter. Because of this, it would be easy to cast the machine aside as an excessively simplified and handicapped tool; a toy camera for amateurs.

Canon T50 Top

Of course Canon did develop this machine for amateurs, but they also developed it to be a real SLR. This is most evidenced by Canon’s decision to equip the camera with their ubiquitous FD mount, allowing the use of their full range of SLR lenses. The FD range is fairly massive and can stand against any other brand’s contemporary lens range. Couple the T50 with Canon’s rather wonderful FD 35-105mm F/3.5 and you’ve got a completely capable manual focus zoom camera. For standard lens sizes the 50mm F/1.8 is perfection, producing extremely sharp images and great bokeh (when the T50 allows it). Color rendition is also fairly incredible with the 50mm F/1.8.

Important also is the fact that each FD lens offers fully manual aperture control. This means that mounting an FD lens on a T50 gives the photographer some control over depth of field, one of the most important aspects of artistic photography. The caveat with using FD lenses in this way on the T50 is that whenever the lens is set to a manual aperture (not “A” mode), the T50 locks the shutter speed at 1/60th of a second. So while some artistic control is returned to the shooter, the T50 is in no way a fully manual camera. Think of it as a point and shoot of any focal length with impeccable image quality.

Even with this limitation on creative control, the T50 is a pretty fun camera to use. It create a kind of freedom that’s difficult to find with the more “serious” machines, allowing the photographer to focus less on the science of exposure and more on producing the desired artistic effect through framing and composition. Additionally it’s possible to change your exposures a bit and compensate for the locked shutter speed. To trick the T50 into over- or under-exposing your shot, simply estimate available light and raise or lower the ISO (ASA) value.

Canon T50 TTV
Through the viewfinder (TTV) of the Canon T50.

The viewfinder, admittedly lacking in useful information, is amazingly bright and massive. The microprism and split-image rangefinder focus assist makes using the manual focus only FD lenses an incredibly simple task. To the right of the image window there’s an LED display showing “P” or “M” mode. “M” denotes that the aperture ring on the lens has been set to any other aperture outside of “A”, for automatic. Beyond this, the only information is that when the light meter has set a shutter speed slow enough to produce image shake, the “P” blinks slowly. When the light parameters have been judged to exceed the capabilities of the camera (too much or too little light for proper exposure) the “P” flashes rapidly and the shutter will not release.

When considering everything about the T50, it’d be natural to think it’s a stinker. With its combination of bland to ugly looks, the arguably handicapped performance, and the totally sparse viewfinder, there doesn’t seem to be a bright-side. But oddly enough, the T50 is a remarkably fun camera. It’s solidly built, and when paired with FD lenses it’s capable of producing outstanding images. The rather cumbersome design actually lends itself very well to shooting, with the camera staying perfectly balanced on a strap or in the hand. The bulbous hand-grip does its job better than countless more attractive machines, and the oddly angular texturing on the back facilitates perfect one-handed operation.

One-handed Canon T50

With the T50, the moment of zen occurs when the photographer accepts the camera’s limits and embraces the vision that its designers intended. With the lens set to “A” the camera slips into Program mode, and every single shot will be technically perfect. The shooter doesn’t have to think about anything beyond composition, framing, and perspective. This provides a remarkable sense of freedom, and if the T50 had been invented in the 1950’s it would be regarded today as the most important camera of all time. As it was released in the 80’s, it’s mostly regarded as an irrelevant and obsolete machine.

But this may be the wrong perspective. Yes, the T50 limits the shooter, but don’t limiting forces have a way of bringing out the very best in an artist? These limits allow the shooter to concentrate on the heart of the image being created, while letting the T50 do the math. In the right hands there’s no reason the T50 can’t create jaw-dropping images.

The ultimate test of any camera is whether or not its fun to shoot. In this regard, something about the T50 just works. Whether its the clanking shutter coupled with the abrupt and eager winding motor, the charmingly ugly looks, or the rather excellent lens choices, something about the T50 makes one want to keep shooting. Couple this intangible thrill with the fact that a pristine example of this 1980’s high-tech wizardry can be purchased today for somewhere around $20 and the T50 becomes even more of a winner. For that kind of money it’s worth adding another quirky gem of a camera to the collection, and getting some excellent photos out of the deal isn’t half bad either.

Want your own Canon T50?
Buy it on eBay
Buy it on Amazon
Buy it on B&H Photo
Buy it from me at F Stop Cameras
Buy FD lenses on eBay
Buy FD lenses on Amazon
Casual Photophile is on Ello, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube

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35mm Film

Camera Reviews



DECEMBER 22, 2014 AT 9:25 PM
It’s very interesting to see how much my recent camera buying/shooting matches yours. I bought a couple Nikon L35AFs within the last few months, and I bought a T50 at a local film store since I had a few FD lenses (most from by mom’s AE-1P), and since the sticker said:


I left the sticker on it.

I shot a couple rolls through it because I was going hiking, and the widest “real” lens I had (my Vivitar Ultra Wide and Slim with 22mm came along, but it is obviously more of a toy.) was an FD 28mm f2.8 S.C.. Turns out, it’s a fantastic lens, and I just decided to let go of the control I think I need and just focus on trying to make great images. I did manage a few. http://instagram.com/p/u3jTSWKyGK/

If my life weren’t so crazy right now, I’d insist that you let me come on board for guest posts or other content, haha. Seems like we have similar tastes. Anyway, keep up the good work. See you around.

DECEMBER 22, 2014 AT 10:28 PM
Thanks for the comment, my friend. It’s good to be busy.

Love your instagram feed. Keep up the good shooting. And let me know if you would ever have the time to contribute. Always looking to connect with visitors.

Randle P. McMurphy
JANUARY 8, 2015 AT 2:31 PM
Never loved this model range – even not the Nikon EM
because of this Plastic-Fantastic-Feeling.
I was close to buy and level up from my Canon AE 1
to a T90 but change my mind after hold it in my hands.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:30 AM
Looking forward to reviewing the T90 though.

MAY 16, 2015 AT 8:29 AM
I had this thing back in the eighties and still cherrish the travel photo’s it took with it from Nepal, India, Egypt and Turkey. It was indeed extremely simple to use, hence the many keepers from it that i still have kept in my collection now.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:29 AM
Would love to see some of those shots….

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:12 AM
Nice review of an interesting camera.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:22 AM
Thanks for the kind words!

Carl Emblidge
AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:35 PM
I thought I owned the only one, lol. As an artist and casual photophile, I LOVED this camera. It consumed roll after roll and never disappointed me. I didn’t know any different, because it was a graduation present, so I get the flaws, but it’s also a tool. Somewhere between my eye and my idea were the countless prints I made, and that’s all that mattered to me. Now all digitalized and loving the jump to the 21st C, I’m glad I had this camera!

AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:39 PM
Happy to hear it. It’s a great camera, and under valued today.

Frank Lehnen
AUGUST 10, 2016 AT 9:40 AM
I hated the looks of Canon’s T-Series way back in the eighties – that killed Canon for me then. But some months ago I baought a T50 on a whim and I’m amazed. Feels good in hand, not too noisy… well noisier than my AE-1 on course… and first of all it does not distract me from composing my images.

It’s the SLR Equivalent of my Olympus XA2. Totally inobstrusive and liberating. I bought a T70 just afterwards…. I’m still getting used to the looks though

FEBRUARY 21, 2017 AT 6:55 PM
Great review. I will say this about the T50 and T70… I would take my T70 to places that I would never dream of taking my F-1 or A-1 to. Yes when new, the T70 was about $330 or something which wasn’t cheap, but, no one messed with you if all you had was a T70. Hang the F-1 around your neck and you suddenly become a target.

Dr. Ko
MAY 7, 2017 AT 12:24 PM
Yes, the T70 can be found for close to nothing because of it looks, at the same time it offers great function and I love the AA battery option.

DECEMBER 11, 2017 AT 7:58 AM
I also have a T50… for me this is just a better built point’n’shoot camera. I’m used to pair it with a 28mm lens and a fast film… set the focus at 2.5 meters and go shooting hassle free…

Joe shoots resurrected cameras
APRIL 29, 2018 AT 12:11 AM
Yeah the T50’s not bad, but I prefer the Pentax A3000 because it will do aperture priority and program modes. They both take AA batteries which is a Godsend.

Leave A Reply
Canon T50 – Camera Review
James Tocchio May 5, 2014 15

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices created astronomical retail success for Single Lens Reflex makers. To meet demand, the big Japanese camera firms continued to produce SLRs in unbelievable numbers for the duration of the decade. By the start of the 1980’s, however, this feverish production had led to market saturation. Sales of SLRs began to drop precipitously in the following three years, as most photographers who wanted an SLR already owned one.

It was obvious that camera makers needed to court new shooters, but new shooters were more often intimidated by the complexity of SLRs. Sales indicated that new photo hobbyists were looking ever more towards the newer and simpler-to-use point-and-shoot cameras. These point-and-shoot machines were stylish, user-friendly, and flaunted greater automation over their SLR ancestors.

By the end of 1983 the SLR camera’s fall from grace was a sad reality, and camera makers all began vying for a larger slice of the growing new-user market. Canon was one of the first to take the usability and automation of a point-and-shoot camera and adapt it into an SLR body, and in 1983 they released a camera that would be one of the simplest SLRs of all time, the Canon T50.

Canon T50 Camera

Aesthetically the T50 is polarizing. It doesn’t have the classically beautiful lines of a German rangefinder or the rugged purposefulness of countless SLRs before it. It’s a mix of strange angles and odd curves, moulded from matte-black polycarbonate with mustard lettering. It’s a bit too large, and the hand-grip looks more like a tumor than a well-sussed design element. The strap lugs are out of balance and placed oddly on the front of the body, and the rest of the shell is visually barren. 1980’s fetishism aside, it’s a pretty ugly camera.

Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:48:01 #208 №211172857 
Где сидишь? Какой нить ДФ?
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:48:09 #209 №211172863 
Canon T50 – Camera Review
James Tocchio May 5, 2014 15

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices created astronomical retail success for Single Lens Reflex makers. To meet demand, the big Japanese camera firms continued to produce SLRs in unbelievable numbers for the duration of the decade. By the start of the 1980’s, however, this feverish production had led to market saturation. Sales of SLRs began to drop precipitously in the following three years, as most photographers who wanted an SLR already owned one.

It was obvious that camera makers needed to court new shooters, but new shooters were more often intimidated by the complexity of SLRs. Sales indicated that new photo hobbyists were looking ever more towards the newer and simpler-to-use point-and-shoot cameras. These point-and-shoot machines were stylish, user-friendly, and flaunted greater automation over their SLR ancestors.

By the end of 1983 the SLR camera’s fall from grace was a sad reality, and camera makers all began vying for a larger slice of the growing new-user market. Canon was one of the first to take the usability and automation of a point-and-shoot camera and adapt it into an SLR body, and in 1983 they released a camera that would be one of the simplest SLRs of all time, the Canon T50.

Canon T50 Camera

Aesthetically the T50 is polarizing. It doesn’t have the classically beautiful lines of a German rangefinder or the rugged purposefulness of countless SLRs before it. It’s a mix of strange angles and odd curves, moulded from matte-black polycarbonate with mustard lettering. It’s a bit too large, and the hand-grip looks more like a tumor than a well-sussed design element. The strap lugs are out of balance and placed oddly on the front of the body, and the rest of the shell is visually barren. 1980’s fetishism aside, it’s a pretty ugly camera.

When looking at the blank slate that makes up the top of the T50 one is immediately underwhelmed. There are nowhere near the amount of knobs, dials, and switches that photophiles expect. Beyond the shutter button and ASA dial there exists only one other dial. This sad, little knob changes the mode from Program to Self-Timer, and rotates for a Battery Check. Most conspicuously absent is any kind of shutter speed selector. That’s because the T50 has an entirely automated shutter. Because of this, it would be easy to cast the machine aside as an excessively simplified and handicapped tool; a toy camera for amateurs.

Canon T50 Top

Of course Canon did develop this machine for amateurs, but they also developed it to be a real SLR. This is most evidenced by Canon’s decision to equip the camera with their ubiquitous FD mount, allowing the use of their full range of SLR lenses. The FD range is fairly massive and can stand against any other brand’s contemporary lens range. Couple the T50 with Canon’s rather wonderful FD 35-105mm F/3.5 and you’ve got a completely capable manual focus zoom camera. For standard lens sizes the 50mm F/1.8 is perfection, producing extremely sharp images and great bokeh (when the T50 allows it). Color rendition is also fairly incredible with the 50mm F/1.8.

Important also is the fact that each FD lens offers fully manual aperture control. This means that mounting an FD lens on a T50 gives the photographer some control over depth of field, one of the most important aspects of artistic photography. The caveat with using FD lenses in this way on the T50 is that whenever the lens is set to a manual aperture (not “A” mode), the T50 locks the shutter speed at 1/60th of a second. So while some artistic control is returned to the shooter, the T50 is in no way a fully manual camera. Think of it as a point and shoot of any focal length with impeccable image quality.

Even with this limitation on creative control, the T50 is a pretty fun camera to use. It create a kind of freedom that’s difficult to find with the more “serious” machines, allowing the photographer to focus less on the science of exposure and more on producing the desired artistic effect through framing and composition. Additionally it’s possible to change your exposures a bit and compensate for the locked shutter speed. To trick the T50 into over- or under-exposing your shot, simply estimate available light and raise or lower the ISO (ASA) value.

Canon T50 TTV
Through the viewfinder (TTV) of the Canon T50.

The viewfinder, admittedly lacking in useful information, is amazingly bright and massive. The microprism and split-image rangefinder focus assist makes using the manual focus only FD lenses an incredibly simple task. To the right of the image window there’s an LED display showing “P” or “M” mode. “M” denotes that the aperture ring on the lens has been set to any other aperture outside of “A”, for automatic. Beyond this, the only information is that when the light meter has set a shutter speed slow enough to produce image shake, the “P” blinks slowly. When the light parameters have been judged to exceed the capabilities of the camera (too much or too little light for proper exposure) the “P” flashes rapidly and the shutter will not release.

When considering everything about the T50, it’d be natural to think it’s a stinker. With its combination of bland to ugly looks, the arguably handicapped performance, and the totally sparse viewfinder, there doesn’t seem to be a bright-side. But oddly enough, the T50 is a remarkably fun camera. It’s solidly built, and when paired with FD lenses it’s capable of producing outstanding images. The rather cumbersome design actually lends itself very well to shooting, with the camera staying perfectly balanced on a strap or in the hand. The bulbous hand-grip does its job better than countless more attractive machines, and the oddly angular texturing on the back facilitates perfect one-handed operation.

One-handed Canon T50

With the T50, the moment of zen occurs when the photographer accepts the camera’s limits and embraces the vision that its designers intended. With the lens set to “A” the camera slips into Program mode, and every single shot will be technically perfect. The shooter doesn’t have to think about anything beyond composition, framing, and perspective. This provides a remarkable sense of freedom, and if the T50 had been invented in the 1950’s it would be regarded today as the most important camera of all time. As it was released in the 80’s, it’s mostly regarded as an irrelevant and obsolete machine.

But this may be the wrong perspective. Yes, the T50 limits the shooter, but don’t limiting forces have a way of bringing out the very best in an artist? These limits allow the shooter to concentrate on the heart of the image being created, while letting the T50 do the math. In the right hands there’s no reason the T50 can’t create jaw-dropping images.

The ultimate test of any camera is whether or not its fun to shoot. In this regard, something about the T50 just works. Whether its the clanking shutter coupled with the abrupt and eager winding motor, the charmingly ugly looks, or the rather excellent lens choices, something about the T50 makes one want to keep shooting. Couple this intangible thrill with the fact that a pristine example of this 1980’s high-tech wizardry can be purchased today for somewhere around $20 and the T50 becomes even more of a winner. For that kind of money it’s worth adding another quirky gem of a camera to the collection, and getting some excellent photos out of the deal isn’t half bad either.

Want your own Canon T50?
Buy it on eBay
Buy it on Amazon
Buy it on B&H Photo
Buy it from me at F Stop Cameras
Buy FD lenses on eBay
Buy FD lenses on Amazon
Casual Photophile is on Ello, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube

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35mm Film

Camera Reviews



DECEMBER 22, 2014 AT 9:25 PM
It’s very interesting to see how much my recent camera buying/shooting matches yours. I bought a couple Nikon L35AFs within the last few months, and I bought a T50 at a local film store since I had a few FD lenses (most from by mom’s AE-1P), and since the sticker said:


I left the sticker on it.

I shot a couple rolls through it because I was going hiking, and the widest “real” lens I had (my Vivitar Ultra Wide and Slim with 22mm came along, but it is obviously more of a toy.) was an FD 28mm f2.8 S.C.. Turns out, it’s a fantastic lens, and I just decided to let go of the control I think I need and just focus on trying to make great images. I did manage a few. http://instagram.com/p/u3jTSWKyGK/

If my life weren’t so crazy right now, I’d insist that you let me come on board for guest posts or other content, haha. Seems like we have similar tastes. Anyway, keep up the good work. See you around.

DECEMBER 22, 2014 AT 10:28 PM
Thanks for the comment, my friend. It’s good to be busy.

Love your instagram feed. Keep up the good shooting. And let me know if you would ever have the time to contribute. Always looking to connect with visitors.

Randle P. McMurphy
JANUARY 8, 2015 AT 2:31 PM
Never loved this model range – even not the Nikon EM
because of this Plastic-Fantastic-Feeling.
I was close to buy and level up from my Canon AE 1
to a T90 but change my mind after hold it in my hands.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:30 AM
Looking forward to reviewing the T90 though.

MAY 16, 2015 AT 8:29 AM
I had this thing back in the eighties and still cherrish the travel photo’s it took with it from Nepal, India, Egypt and Turkey. It was indeed extremely simple to use, hence the many keepers from it that i still have kept in my collection now.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:29 AM
Would love to see some of those shots….

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:12 AM
Nice review of an interesting camera.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:22 AM
Thanks for the kind words!

Carl Emblidge
AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:35 PM
I thought I owned the only one, lol. As an artist and casual photophile, I LOVED this camera. It consumed roll after roll and never disappointed me. I didn’t know any different, because it was a graduation present, so I get the flaws, but it’s also a tool. Somewhere between my eye and my idea were the countless prints I made, and that’s all that mattered to me. Now all digitalized and loving the jump to the 21st C, I’m glad I had this camera!

AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:39 PM
Happy to hear it. It’s a great camera, and under valued today.

Frank Lehnen
AUGUST 10, 2016 AT 9:40 AM
I hated the looks of Canon’s T-Series way back in the eighties – that killed Canon for me then. But some months ago I baought a T50 on a whim and I’m amazed. Feels good in hand, not too noisy… well noisier than my AE-1 on course… and first of all it does not distract me from composing my images.

It’s the SLR Equivalent of my Olympus XA2. Totally inobstrusive and liberating. I bought a T70 just afterwards…. I’m still getting used to the looks though

FEBRUARY 21, 2017 AT 6:55 PM
Great review. I will say this about the T50 and T70… I would take my T70 to places that I would never dream of taking my F-1 or A-1 to. Yes when new, the T70 was about $330 or something which wasn’t cheap, but, no one messed with you if all you had was a T70. Hang the F-1 around your neck and you suddenly become a target.

Dr. Ko
MAY 7, 2017 AT 12:24 PM
Yes, the T70 can be found for close to nothing because of it looks, at the same time it offers great function and I love the AA battery option.

DECEMBER 11, 2017 AT 7:58 AM
I also have a T50… for me this is just a better built point’n’shoot camera. I’m used to pair it with a 28mm lens and a fast film… set the focus at 2.5 meters and go shooting hassle free…

Joe shoots resurrected cameras
APRIL 29, 2018 AT 12:11 AM
Yeah the T50’s not bad, but I prefer the Pentax A3000 because it will do aperture priority and program modes. They both take AA batteries which is a Godsend.

Leave A Reply
Canon T50 – Camera Review
James Tocchio May 5, 2014 15

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices created astronomical retail success for Single Lens Reflex makers. To meet demand, the big Japanese camera firms continued to produce SLRs in unbelievable numbers for the duration of the decade. By the start of the 1980’s, however, this feverish production had led to market saturation. Sales of SLRs began to drop precipitously in the following three years, as most photographers who wanted an SLR already owned one.

It was obvious that camera makers needed to court new shooters, but new shooters were more often intimidated by the complexity of SLRs. Sales indicated that new photo hobbyists were looking ever more towards the newer and simpler-to-use point-and-shoot cameras. These point-and-shoot machines were stylish, user-friendly, and flaunted greater automation over their SLR ancestors.

By the end of 1983 the SLR camera’s fall from grace was a sad reality, and camera makers all began vying for a larger slice of the growing new-user market. Canon was one of the first to take the usability and automation of a point-and-shoot camera and adapt it into an SLR body, and in 1983 they released a camera that would be one of the simplest SLRs of all time, the Canon T50.

Canon T50 Camera

Aesthetically the T50 is polarizing. It doesn’t have the classically beautiful lines of a German rangefinder or the rugged purposefulness of countless SLRs before it. It’s a mix of strange angles and odd curves, moulded from matte-black polycarbonate with mustard lettering. It’s a bit too large, and the hand-grip looks more like a tumor than a well-sussed design element. The strap lugs are out of balance and placed oddly on the front of the body, and the rest of the shell is visually barren. 1980’s fetishism aside, it’s a pretty ugly camera.

sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:48:32 #210 №211172885 
Canon T50 – Camera Review
James Tocchio May 5, 2014 15

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices created astronomical retail success for Single Lens Reflex makers. To meet demand, the big Japanese camera firms continued to produce SLRs in unbelievable numbers for the duration of the decade. By the start of the 1980’s, however, this feverish production had led to market saturation. Sales of SLRs began to drop precipitously in the following three years, as most photographers who wanted an SLR already owned one.

It was obvious that camera makers needed to court new shooters, but new shooters were more often intimidated by the complexity of SLRs. Sales indicated that new photo hobbyists were looking ever more towards the newer and simpler-to-use point-and-shoot cameras. These point-and-shoot machines were stylish, user-friendly, and flaunted greater automation over their SLR ancestors.

By the end of 1983 the SLR camera’s fall from grace was a sad reality, and camera makers all began vying for a larger slice of the growing new-user market. Canon was one of the first to take the usability and automation of a point-and-shoot camera and adapt it into an SLR body, and in 1983 they released a camera that would be one of the simplest SLRs of all time, the Canon T50.

Canon T50 Camera

Aesthetically the T50 is polarizing. It doesn’t have the classically beautiful lines of a German rangefinder or the rugged purposefulness of countless SLRs before it. It’s a mix of strange angles and odd curves, moulded from matte-black polycarbonate with mustard lettering. It’s a bit too large, and the hand-grip looks more like a tumor than a well-sussed design element. The strap lugs are out of balance and placed oddly on the front of the body, and the rest of the shell is visually barren. 1980’s fetishism aside, it’s a pretty ugly camera.

When looking at the blank slate that makes up the top of the T50 one is immediately underwhelmed. There are nowhere near the amount of knobs, dials, and switches that photophiles expect. Beyond the shutter button and ASA dial there exists only one other dial. This sad, little knob changes the mode from Program to Self-Timer, and rotates for a Battery Check. Most conspicuously absent is any kind of shutter speed selector. That’s because the T50 has an entirely automated shutter. Because of this, it would be easy to cast the machine aside as an excessively simplified and handicapped tool; a toy camera for amateurs.

Canon T50 Top

Of course Canon did develop this machine for amateurs, but they also developed it to be a real SLR. This is most evidenced by Canon’s decision to equip the camera with their ubiquitous FD mount, allowing the use of their full range of SLR lenses. The FD range is fairly massive and can stand against any other brand’s contemporary lens range. Couple the T50 with Canon’s rather wonderful FD 35-105mm F/3.5 and you’ve got a completely capable manual focus zoom camera. For standard lens sizes the 50mm F/1.8 is perfection, producing extremely sharp images and great bokeh (when the T50 allows it). Color rendition is also fairly incredible with the 50mm F/1.8.

Important also is the fact that each FD lens offers fully manual aperture control. This means that mounting an FD lens on a T50 gives the photographer some control over depth of field, one of the most important aspects of artistic photography. The caveat with using FD lenses in this way on the T50 is that whenever the lens is set to a manual aperture (not “A” mode), the T50 locks the shutter speed at 1/60th of a second. So while some artistic control is returned to the shooter, the T50 is in no way a fully manual camera. Think of it as a point and shoot of any focal length with impeccable image quality.

Even with this limitation on creative control, the T50 is a pretty fun camera to use. It create a kind of freedom that’s difficult to find with the more “serious” machines, allowing the photographer to focus less on the science of exposure and more on producing the desired artistic effect through framing and composition. Additionally it’s possible to change your exposures a bit and compensate for the locked shutter speed. To trick the T50 into over- or under-exposing your shot, simply estimate available light and raise or lower the ISO (ASA) value.

Canon T50 TTV
Through the viewfinder (TTV) of the Canon T50.

The viewfinder, admittedly lacking in useful information, is amazingly bright and massive. The microprism and split-image rangefinder focus assist makes using the manual focus only FD lenses an incredibly simple task. To the right of the image window there’s an LED display showing “P” or “M” mode. “M” denotes that the aperture ring on the lens has been set to any other aperture outside of “A”, for automatic. Beyond this, the only information is that when the light meter has set a shutter speed slow enough to produce image shake, the “P” blinks slowly. When the light parameters have been judged to exceed the capabilities of the camera (too much or too little light for proper exposure) the “P” flashes rapidly and the shutter will not release.

When considering everything about the T50, it’d be natural to think it’s a stinker. With its combination of bland to ugly looks, the arguably handicapped performance, and the totally sparse viewfinder, there doesn’t seem to be a bright-side. But oddly enough, the T50 is a remarkably fun camera. It’s solidly built, and when paired with FD lenses it’s capable of producing outstanding images. The rather cumbersome design actually lends itself very well to shooting, with the camera staying perfectly balanced on a strap or in the hand. The bulbous hand-grip does its job better than countless more attractive machines, and the oddly angular texturing on the back facilitates perfect one-handed operation.

One-handed Canon T50

With the T50, the moment of zen occurs when the photographer accepts the camera’s limits and embraces the vision that its designers intended. With the lens set to “A” the camera slips into Program mode, and every single shot will be technically perfect. The shooter doesn’t have to think about anything beyond composition, framing, and perspective. This provides a remarkable sense of freedom, and if the T50 had been invented in the 1950’s it would be regarded today as the most important camera of all time. As it was released in the 80’s, it’s mostly regarded as an irrelevant and obsolete machine.

But this may be the wrong perspective. Yes, the T50 limits the shooter, but don’t limiting forces have a way of bringing out the very best in an artist? These limits allow the shooter to concentrate on the heart of the image being created, while letting the T50 do the math. In the right hands there’s no reason the T50 can’t create jaw-dropping images.

The ultimate test of any camera is whether or not its fun to shoot. In this regard, something about the T50 just works. Whether its the clanking shutter coupled with the abrupt and eager winding motor, the charmingly ugly looks, or the rather excellent lens choices, something about the T50 makes one want to keep shooting. Couple this intangible thrill with the fact that a pristine example of this 1980’s high-tech wizardry can be purchased today for somewhere around $20 and the T50 becomes even more of a winner. For that kind of money it’s worth adding another quirky gem of a camera to the collection, and getting some excellent photos out of the deal isn’t half bad either.

Want your own Canon T50?
Buy it on eBay
Buy it on Amazon
Buy it on B&H Photo
Buy it from me at F Stop Cameras
Buy FD lenses on eBay
Buy FD lenses on Amazon
Casual Photophile is on Ello, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube

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35mm Film

Camera Reviews



DECEMBER 22, 2014 AT 9:25 PM
It’s very interesting to see how much my recent camera buying/shooting matches yours. I bought a couple Nikon L35AFs within the last few months, and I bought a T50 at a local film store since I had a few FD lenses (most from by mom’s AE-1P), and since the sticker said:


I left the sticker on it.

I shot a couple rolls through it because I was going hiking, and the widest “real” lens I had (my Vivitar Ultra Wide and Slim with 22mm came along, but it is obviously more of a toy.) was an FD 28mm f2.8 S.C.. Turns out, it’s a fantastic lens, and I just decided to let go of the control I think I need and just focus on trying to make great images. I did manage a few. http://instagram.com/p/u3jTSWKyGK/

If my life weren’t so crazy right now, I’d insist that you let me come on board for guest posts or other content, haha. Seems like we have similar tastes. Anyway, keep up the good work. See you around.

DECEMBER 22, 2014 AT 10:28 PM
Thanks for the comment, my friend. It’s good to be busy.

Love your instagram feed. Keep up the good shooting. And let me know if you would ever have the time to contribute. Always looking to connect with visitors.

Randle P. McMurphy
JANUARY 8, 2015 AT 2:31 PM
Never loved this model range – even not the Nikon EM
because of this Plastic-Fantastic-Feeling.
I was close to buy and level up from my Canon AE 1
to a T90 but change my mind after hold it in my hands.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:30 AM
Looking forward to reviewing the T90 though.

MAY 16, 2015 AT 8:29 AM
I had this thing back in the eighties and still cherrish the travel photo’s it took with it from Nepal, India, Egypt and Turkey. It was indeed extremely simple to use, hence the many keepers from it that i still have kept in my collection now.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:29 AM
Would love to see some of those shots….

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:12 AM
Nice review of an interesting camera.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:22 AM
Thanks for the kind words!

Carl Emblidge
AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:35 PM
I thought I owned the only one, lol. As an artist and casual photophile, I LOVED this camera. It consumed roll after roll and never disappointed me. I didn’t know any different, because it was a graduation present, so I get the flaws, but it’s also a tool. Somewhere between my eye and my idea were the countless prints I made, and that’s all that mattered to me. Now all digitalized and loving the jump to the 21st C, I’m glad I had this camera!

AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:39 PM
Happy to hear it. It’s a great camera, and under valued today.

Frank Lehnen
AUGUST 10, 2016 AT 9:40 AM
I hated the looks of Canon’s T-Series way back in the eighties – that killed Canon for me then. But some months ago I baought a T50 on a whim and I’m amazed. Feels good in hand, not too noisy… well noisier than my AE-1 on course… and first of all it does not distract me from composing my images.

It’s the SLR Equivalent of my Olympus XA2. Totally inobstrusive and liberating. I bought a T70 just afterwards…. I’m still getting used to the looks though

FEBRUARY 21, 2017 AT 6:55 PM
Great review. I will say this about the T50 and T70… I would take my T70 to places that I would never dream of taking my F-1 or A-1 to. Yes when new, the T70 was about $330 or something which wasn’t cheap, but, no one messed with you if all you had was a T70. Hang the F-1 around your neck and you suddenly become a target.

Dr. Ko
MAY 7, 2017 AT 12:24 PM
Yes, the T70 can be found for close to nothing because of it looks, at the same time it offers great function and I love the AA battery option.

DECEMBER 11, 2017 AT 7:58 AM
I also have a T50… for me this is just a better built point’n’shoot camera. I’m used to pair it with a 28mm lens and a fast film… set the focus at 2.5 meters and go shooting hassle free…

Joe shoots resurrected cameras
APRIL 29, 2018 AT 12:11 AM
Yeah the T50’s not bad, but I prefer the Pentax A3000 because it will do aperture priority and program modes. They both take AA batteries which is a Godsend.

Leave A Reply
Canon T50 – Camera Review
James Tocchio May 5, 2014 15

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices created astronomical retail success for Single Lens Reflex makers. To meet demand, the big Japanese camera firms continued to produce SLRs in unbelievable numbers for the duration of the decade. By the start of the 1980’s, however, this feverish production had led to market saturation. Sales of SLRs began to drop precipitously in the following three years, as most photographers who wanted an SLR already owned one.

It was obvious that camera makers needed to court new shooters, but new shooters were more often intimidated by the complexity of SLRs. Sales indicated that new photo hobbyists were looking ever more towards the newer and simpler-to-use point-and-shoot cameras. These point-and-shoot machines were stylish, user-friendly, and flaunted greater automation over their SLR ancestors.

By the end of 1983 the SLR camera’s fall from grace was a sad reality, and camera makers all began vying for a larger slice of the growing new-user market. Canon was one of the first to take the usability and automation of a point-and-shoot camera and adapt it into an SLR body, and in 1983 they released a camera that would be one of the simplest SLRs of all time, the Canon T50.

Canon T50 Camera

Aesthetically the T50 is polarizing. It doesn’t have the classically beautiful lines of a German rangefinder or the rugged purposefulness of countless SLRs before it. It’s a mix of strange angles and odd curves, moulded from matte-black polycarbonate with mustard lettering. It’s a bit too large, and the hand-grip looks more like a tumor than a well-sussed design element. The strap lugs are out of balance and placed oddly on the front of the body, and the rest of the shell is visually barren. 1980’s fetishism aside, it’s a pretty ugly camera.

Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:48:42 #211 №211172895 
45 с коммуналкой. Но это пополам с женой. Python, SQL, Tableau
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:48:49 #212 №211172897 
Старички тебя сразу раскусили. История про дрочку в офисе на камеру тоже твоя работа?
Пропил/проел всего около 5к, что не помешало мне не трезветь, мотор сцуко дешевый и эффективный. Просыпался под вечер, шел за бухлом и сидел до утра.
К себе в кишлак не поехала чтоль?
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:48:55 #213 №211172899 
Canon T50 – Camera Review
James Tocchio May 5, 2014 15

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices created astronomical retail success for Single Lens Reflex makers. To meet demand, the big Japanese camera firms continued to produce SLRs in unbelievable numbers for the duration of the decade. By the start of the 1980’s, however, this feverish production had led to market saturation. Sales of SLRs began to drop precipitously in the following three years, as most photographers who wanted an SLR already owned one.

It was obvious that camera makers needed to court new shooters, but new shooters were more often intimidated by the complexity of SLRs. Sales indicated that new photo hobbyists were looking ever more towards the newer and simpler-to-use point-and-shoot cameras. These point-and-shoot machines were stylish, user-friendly, and flaunted greater automation over their SLR ancestors.

By the end of 1983 the SLR camera’s fall from grace was a sad reality, and camera makers all began vying for a larger slice of the growing new-user market. Canon was one of the first to take the usability and automation of a point-and-shoot camera and adapt it into an SLR body, and in 1983 they released a camera that would be one of the simplest SLRs of all time, the Canon T50.

Canon T50 Camera

Aesthetically the T50 is polarizing. It doesn’t have the classically beautiful lines of a German rangefinder or the rugged purposefulness of countless SLRs before it. It’s a mix of strange angles and odd curves, moulded from matte-black polycarbonate with mustard lettering. It’s a bit too large, and the hand-grip looks more like a tumor than a well-sussed design element. The strap lugs are out of balance and placed oddly on the front of the body, and the rest of the shell is visually barren. 1980’s fetishism aside, it’s a pretty ugly camera.

When looking at the blank slate that makes up the top of the T50 one is immediately underwhelmed. There are nowhere near the amount of knobs, dials, and switches that photophiles expect. Beyond the shutter button and ASA dial there exists only one other dial. This sad, little knob changes the mode from Program to Self-Timer, and rotates for a Battery Check. Most conspicuously absent is any kind of shutter speed selector. That’s because the T50 has an entirely automated shutter. Because of this, it would be easy to cast the machine aside as an excessively simplified and handicapped tool; a toy camera for amateurs.

Canon T50 Top

Of course Canon did develop this machine for amateurs, but they also developed it to be a real SLR. This is most evidenced by Canon’s decision to equip the camera with their ubiquitous FD mount, allowing the use of their full range of SLR lenses. The FD range is fairly massive and can stand against any other brand’s contemporary lens range. Couple the T50 with Canon’s rather wonderful FD 35-105mm F/3.5 and you’ve got a completely capable manual focus zoom camera. For standard lens sizes the 50mm F/1.8 is perfection, producing extremely sharp images and great bokeh (when the T50 allows it). Color rendition is also fairly incredible with the 50mm F/1.8.

Important also is the fact that each FD lens offers fully manual aperture control. This means that mounting an FD lens on a T50 gives the photographer some control over depth of field, one of the most important aspects of artistic photography. The caveat with using FD lenses in this way on the T50 is that whenever the lens is set to a manual aperture (not “A” mode), the T50 locks the shutter speed at 1/60th of a second. So while some artistic control is returned to the shooter, the T50 is in no way a fully manual camera. Think of it as a point and shoot of any focal length with impeccable image quality.

Even with this limitation on creative control, the T50 is a pretty fun camera to use. It create a kind of freedom that’s difficult to find with the more “serious” machines, allowing the photographer to focus less on the science of exposure and more on producing the desired artistic effect through framing and composition. Additionally it’s possible to change your exposures a bit and compensate for the locked shutter speed. To trick the T50 into over- or under-exposing your shot, simply estimate available light and raise or lower the ISO (ASA) value.

Canon T50 TTV
Through the viewfinder (TTV) of the Canon T50.

The viewfinder, admittedly lacking in useful information, is amazingly bright and massive. The microprism and split-image rangefinder focus assist makes using the manual focus only FD lenses an incredibly simple task. To the right of the image window there’s an LED display showing “P” or “M” mode. “M” denotes that the aperture ring on the lens has been set to any other aperture outside of “A”, for automatic. Beyond this, the only information is that when the light meter has set a shutter speed slow enough to produce image shake, the “P” blinks slowly. When the light parameters have been judged to exceed the capabilities of the camera (too much or too little light for proper exposure) the “P” flashes rapidly and the shutter will not release.

When considering everything about the T50, it’d be natural to think it’s a stinker. With its combination of bland to ugly looks, the arguably handicapped performance, and the totally sparse viewfinder, there doesn’t seem to be a bright-side. But oddly enough, the T50 is a remarkably fun camera. It’s solidly built, and when paired with FD lenses it’s capable of producing outstanding images. The rather cumbersome design actually lends itself very well to shooting, with the camera staying perfectly balanced on a strap or in the hand. The bulbous hand-grip does its job better than countless more attractive machines, and the oddly angular texturing on the back facilitates perfect one-handed operation.

One-handed Canon T50

With the T50, the moment of zen occurs when the photographer accepts the camera’s limits and embraces the vision that its designers intended. With the lens set to “A” the camera slips into Program mode, and every single shot will be technically perfect. The shooter doesn’t have to think about anything beyond composition, framing, and perspective. This provides a remarkable sense of freedom, and if the T50 had been invented in the 1950’s it would be regarded today as the most important camera of all time. As it was released in the 80’s, it’s mostly regarded as an irrelevant and obsolete machine.

But this may be the wrong perspective. Yes, the T50 limits the shooter, but don’t limiting forces have a way of bringing out the very best in an artist? These limits allow the shooter to concentrate on the heart of the image being created, while letting the T50 do the math. In the right hands there’s no reason the T50 can’t create jaw-dropping images.

The ultimate test of any camera is whether or not its fun to shoot. In this regard, something about the T50 just works. Whether its the clanking shutter coupled with the abrupt and eager winding motor, the charmingly ugly looks, or the rather excellent lens choices, something about the T50 makes one want to keep shooting. Couple this intangible thrill with the fact that a pristine example of this 1980’s high-tech wizardry can be purchased today for somewhere around $20 and the T50 becomes even more of a winner. For that kind of money it’s worth adding another quirky gem of a camera to the collection, and getting some excellent photos out of the deal isn’t half bad either.

Want your own Canon T50?
Buy it on eBay
Buy it on Amazon
Buy it on B&H Photo
Buy it from me at F Stop Cameras
Buy FD lenses on eBay
Buy FD lenses on Amazon
Casual Photophile is on Ello, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube

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35mm Film

Camera Reviews



DECEMBER 22, 2014 AT 9:25 PM
It’s very interesting to see how much my recent camera buying/shooting matches yours. I bought a couple Nikon L35AFs within the last few months, and I bought a T50 at a local film store since I had a few FD lenses (most from by mom’s AE-1P), and since the sticker said:


I left the sticker on it.

I shot a couple rolls through it because I was going hiking, and the widest “real” lens I had (my Vivitar Ultra Wide and Slim with 22mm came along, but it is obviously more of a toy.) was an FD 28mm f2.8 S.C.. Turns out, it’s a fantastic lens, and I just decided to let go of the control I think I need and just focus on trying to make great images. I did manage a few. http://instagram.com/p/u3jTSWKyGK/

If my life weren’t so crazy right now, I’d insist that you let me come on board for guest posts or other content, haha. Seems like we have similar tastes. Anyway, keep up the good work. See you around.

DECEMBER 22, 2014 AT 10:28 PM
Thanks for the comment, my friend. It’s good to be busy.

Love your instagram feed. Keep up the good shooting. And let me know if you would ever have the time to contribute. Always looking to connect with visitors.

Randle P. McMurphy
JANUARY 8, 2015 AT 2:31 PM
Never loved this model range – even not the Nikon EM
because of this Plastic-Fantastic-Feeling.
I was close to buy and level up from my Canon AE 1
to a T90 but change my mind after hold it in my hands.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:30 AM
Looking forward to reviewing the T90 though.

MAY 16, 2015 AT 8:29 AM
I had this thing back in the eighties and still cherrish the travel photo’s it took with it from Nepal, India, Egypt and Turkey. It was indeed extremely simple to use, hence the many keepers from it that i still have kept in my collection now.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:29 AM
Would love to see some of those shots….

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:12 AM
Nice review of an interesting camera.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:22 AM
Thanks for the kind words!

Carl Emblidge
AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:35 PM
I thought I owned the only one, lol. As an artist and casual photophile, I LOVED this camera. It consumed roll after roll and never disappointed me. I didn’t know any different, because it was a graduation present, so I get the flaws, but it’s also a tool. Somewhere between my eye and my idea were the countless prints I made, and that’s all that mattered to me. Now all digitalized and loving the jump to the 21st C, I’m glad I had this camera!

AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:39 PM
Happy to hear it. It’s a great camera, and under valued today.

Frank Lehnen
AUGUST 10, 2016 AT 9:40 AM
I hated the looks of Canon’s T-Series way back in the eighties – that killed Canon for me then. But some months ago I baought a T50 on a whim and I’m amazed. Feels good in hand, not too noisy… well noisier than my AE-1 on course… and first of all it does not distract me from composing my images.

It’s the SLR Equivalent of my Olympus XA2. Totally inobstrusive and liberating. I bought a T70 just afterwards…. I’m still getting used to the looks though

FEBRUARY 21, 2017 AT 6:55 PM
Great review. I will say this about the T50 and T70… I would take my T70 to places that I would never dream of taking my F-1 or A-1 to. Yes when new, the T70 was about $330 or something which wasn’t cheap, but, no one messed with you if all you had was a T70. Hang the F-1 around your neck and you suddenly become a target.

Dr. Ko
MAY 7, 2017 AT 12:24 PM
Yes, the T70 can be found for close to nothing because of it looks, at the same time it offers great function and I love the AA battery option.

DECEMBER 11, 2017 AT 7:58 AM
I also have a T50… for me this is just a better built point’n’shoot camera. I’m used to pair it with a 28mm lens and a fast film… set the focus at 2.5 meters and go shooting hassle free…

Joe shoots resurrected cameras
APRIL 29, 2018 AT 12:11 AM
Yeah the T50’s not bad, but I prefer the Pentax A3000 because it will do aperture priority and program modes. They both take AA batteries which is a Godsend.

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Canon T50 – Camera Review
James Tocchio May 5, 2014 15

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices created astronomical retail success for Single Lens Reflex makers. To meet demand, the big Japanese camera firms continued to produce SLRs in unbelievable numbers for the duration of the decade. By the start of the 1980’s, however, this feverish production had led to market saturation. Sales of SLRs began to drop precipitously in the following three years, as most photographers who wanted an SLR already owned one.

It was obvious that camera makers needed to court new shooters, but new shooters were more often intimidated by the complexity of SLRs. Sales indicated that new photo hobbyists were looking ever more towards the newer and simpler-to-use point-and-shoot cameras. These point-and-shoot machines were stylish, user-friendly, and flaunted greater automation over their SLR ancestors.

By the end of 1983 the SLR camera’s fall from grace was a sad reality, and camera makers all began vying for a larger slice of the growing new-user market. Canon was one of the first to take the usability and automation of a point-and-shoot camera and adapt it into an SLR body, and in 1983 they released a camera that would be one of the simplest SLRs of all time, the Canon T50.

Canon T50 Camera

Aesthetically the T50 is polarizing. It doesn’t have the classically beautiful lines of a German rangefinder or the rugged purposefulness of countless SLRs before it. It’s a mix of strange angles and odd curves, moulded from matte-black polycarbonate with mustard lettering. It’s a bit too large, and the hand-grip looks more like a tumor than a well-sussed design element. The strap lugs are out of balance and placed oddly on the front of the body, and the rest of the shell is visually barren. 1980’s fetishism aside, it’s a pretty ugly camera.

sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:49:03 #214 №211172905 


6.3. Арест имущества должника. Понятие и основания
Понятие ареста имущества должника в настоящее время содержится и раскрывается в одном нормативном акте - в Федеральном законе "Об исполнительном производстве". Статья 370 ГПК РСФСР (в старой редакции) определяла арест как опись имущества и объявление запрета распоряжения им.

Развивает и конкретизирует данную норму ч. 4 ст. 80 Федерального закона "Об исполнительном производстве", которая определяет арест имущества через составляющие элементы ареста - запрет распоряжаться имуществом, а при необходимости - ограничение права пользования имуществом или изъятие имущества. Следовательно, арест имущества должника состоит из совокупности следующих процессуальных действий судебного пристава-исполнителя: 1) описи имущества должника; 2) объявления запрета распоряжаться имуществом; 3) ограничения права пользования имуществом; 4) изъятия имущества или передачи его на хранение. Арест - мера исключительная, связанная с существенным ограничением прав должника, поэтому он может применяться только при наличии следующих оснований: - наличие в производстве судебного пристава-исполнителя вступившего в законную силу исполнительного документа, по которому возбуждено исполнительное производство; - неисполнение должником в добровольном порядке требований исполнительного документа в срок, установленный судебным приставом-исполнителем; - наличие у судебного пристава-исполнителя заявления взыскателя о наложении ареста на имущество должника одновременно с возбуждением исполнительного производства. Согласно ч. 3 ст. 80 Федерального закона "Об исполнительном производстве" арест применяется: - для обеспечения сохранности имущества, которое подлежит передаче взыскателю или реализации; - при исполнении судебного акта о конфискации имущества; - при исполнении судебного акта о наложении ареста на имущество, принадлежащее должнику и находящееся у него или у третьих лиц. Данный перечень оснований является исчерпывающим. В любых других случаях применение ареста как меры принудительного исполнения недопустимо. В целях защиты интересов граждан-должников и обеспечения им минимальных социальных гарантий ст. 79 Федерального закона "Об исполнительном производстве" установлено, что в рамках исполнительного производства не может быть обращено взыскание, а следовательно, и наложен арест на принадлежащее должнику-гражданину на праве собственности имущество, указанное в Перечне видов имущества граждан, на которое не может быть обращено взыскание по исполнительным документам, перечисленное в ст. 446 ГПК РФ. Перечень имущества должника-организации, на которое не может быть обращено взыскание, устанавливается федеральным законом. По правовой природе арест является очным и разовым действием. Заочный арест несостоятелен и ничтожен, поскольку ч. 5 ст. 80 Федерального закона "Об исполнительном производстве" четко определяет арест как опись имущества.
Анализ состава материала
Опись предполагает описание видимого, наблюдаемого объекта. Поэтому описи может быть подвергнуто только то имущество, которое непосредственно наблюдается судебным приставом-исполнителем. Арест имущества, наличие которого подтверждается различного рода справками, отражением в балансе и иными документами, без непосредственного наблюдения данного объекта судебным приставом-исполнителем недопустим. В этой связи следует обратить внимание на существующую порочную практику, когда судебный пристав-исполнитель, получив из органов регистрации прав на недвижимое имущество или из органов ГИБДД справку о наличии в собственности должника соответствующего имущества (недвижимости или автотранспорта), выносит постановление о наложении ареста на это имущество и направляет его для исполнения в соответствующий орган. Указанные постановления этими органами зачастую принимаются и исполняются. Подобная практика, конечно же, недопустима. Цель, преследуемая судебным приставом-исполнителем в данном случае, - не допустить отчуждения принадлежащего должнику имущества - вполне понятна, но плохо достигаема, ибо ничто не препятствует должнику продать, к примеру, автомобиль, несмотря на то что в органах ГИБДД имеется постановление судебного пристава-исполнителя о наложении на него ареста. Органы ГИБДД производят не регистрацию права собственности, а регистрацию и учет транспортных средств и их владельцев. Поэтому, если должник продаст свой автомобиль и лицо, его купившее, придет для постановки на регистрационный учет в органы ГИБДД, то органы ГИБДД обязаны произвести регистрацию нового владельца, поскольку арест, наложенный постановлением судебного пристава-исполнителя, ничтожен. Если органы ГИБДД откажут новому владельцу в постановке на регистрационный учет, то он сможет принудить их произвести регистрацию через обращение в суд. Примерно аналогичная ситуация и с недвижимым имуществом должника. Избежать этого возможно двумя способами. Во-первых, надлежащим процессуальным оформлением ареста имущества в виде составления соответствующего акта и направления его в соответствующий регистрирующий орган, у которого возникнет соответствующее законное основание не регистрировать сделки по отчуждению имущества должника. Однако здесь возникает другая проблема. Составить акт описи и ареста недвижимого имущества несложно, поскольку оно статично и неперемещаемо. В отношении же транспортных средств ситуация несколько иная. В силу мобильности транспортных средств обнаружить их и подвергнуть описи достаточно сложно. Должник, зная, что есть решение суда и над ним висит угроза описи имущества, как правило, предпримет все меры к его сокрытию. Процедура же розыска может затянуться надолго, поэтому в данном случае возможно заключение между Службой судебных приставов и органов ГИБДД соглашения о сотрудничестве в рамках реализации положений Федерального закона "Об исполнительном производстве". Такое сотрудничество может выражаться, например, в задержании разыскиваемых судебным приставом-исполнителем автомобилей органами ГИБДД, информировании судебных приставов-исполнителей о поступивших заявлениях о снятии с регистрационного учета разыскиваемых транспортных средств и др. Как уже отмечалось, арест - это способ обращения взыскателя на имущество должника. В соответствии с ч. 2 ст. 69 Федерального закона "Об исполнительном производстве" - взыскание на имущество должника, в том числе на денежные средства в рублях и иностранной валюте, обращается в размере задолженности, т.е. в размере, необходимом для исполнения требований, содержащихся в исполнительном документе, с учетом взыскания расходов по совершению и
Документальное оформление процедуры описи и ареста имущества.
6.1. Меры по обеспечению иска (наложения ареста на имущество и пр.)
Вопрос 3. Хранение арестованного имущества должника
Иск Еще по теме 6.3. Арест имущества должника. Понятие и основания:
Вопрос 2. Выявление имущества должника. Арест имущества и его оценка
6.3.6. Наложение ареста на имущество должника
7.2. Особенности наложения ареста на имущество должника-организации
Арест имущества
6.3.5. Розыск должника, имущества должника или розыск ребенка
Документальное оформление процедуры описи и ареста имущества.
6.1. Меры по обеспечению иска (наложения ареста на имущество и пр.)
Вопрос 3. Хранение арестованного имущества должника
Иск об освобождении имущества от ареста или исключении его из описи
§12.2 Иск об освобождении имущества от наложения ареста (исключении его из описи)
Несоблюдение порядка владения, пользования и (или) распоряжения имуществом, на которое наложен арест (ст. 125 НК РФ)
6.4.3. Оценка имущества должника
6.2. Общие правила обращения взыскания на имущество должника
3. Специализированные организации, реализующие имущество должника
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:49:13 #215 №211172915 
Canon T50 – Camera Review
James Tocchio May 5, 2014 15

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices created astronomical retail success for Single Lens Reflex makers. To meet demand, the big Japanese camera firms continued to produce SLRs in unbelievable numbers for the duration of the decade. By the start of the 1980’s, however, this feverish production had led to market saturation. Sales of SLRs began to drop precipitously in the following three years, as most photographers who wanted an SLR already owned one.

It was obvious that camera makers needed to court new shooters, but new shooters were more often intimidated by the complexity of SLRs. Sales indicated that new photo hobbyists were looking ever more towards the newer and simpler-to-use point-and-shoot cameras. These point-and-shoot machines were stylish, user-friendly, and flaunted greater automation over their SLR ancestors.

By the end of 1983 the SLR camera’s fall from grace was a sad reality, and camera makers all began vying for a larger slice of the growing new-user market. Canon was one of the first to take the usability and automation of a point-and-shoot camera and adapt it into an SLR body, and in 1983 they released a camera that would be one of the simplest SLRs of all time, the Canon T50.

Canon T50 Camera

Aesthetically the T50 is polarizing. It doesn’t have the classically beautiful lines of a German rangefinder or the rugged purposefulness of countless SLRs before it. It’s a mix of strange angles and odd curves, moulded from matte-black polycarbonate with mustard lettering. It’s a bit too large, and the hand-grip looks more like a tumor than a well-sussed design element. The strap lugs are out of balance and placed oddly on the front of the body, and the rest of the shell is visually barren. 1980’s fetishism aside, it’s a pretty ugly camera.

When looking at the blank slate that makes up the top of the T50 one is immediately underwhelmed. There are nowhere near the amount of knobs, dials, and switches that photophiles expect. Beyond the shutter button and ASA dial there exists only one other dial. This sad, little knob changes the mode from Program to Self-Timer, and rotates for a Battery Check. Most conspicuously absent is any kind of shutter speed selector. That’s because the T50 has an entirely automated shutter. Because of this, it would be easy to cast the machine aside as an excessively simplified and handicapped tool; a toy camera for amateurs.

Canon T50 Top

Of course Canon did develop this machine for amateurs, but they also developed it to be a real SLR. This is most evidenced by Canon’s decision to equip the camera with their ubiquitous FD mount, allowing the use of their full range of SLR lenses. The FD range is fairly massive and can stand against any other brand’s contemporary lens range. Couple the T50 with Canon’s rather wonderful FD 35-105mm F/3.5 and you’ve got a completely capable manual focus zoom camera. For standard lens sizes the 50mm F/1.8 is perfection, producing extremely sharp images and great bokeh (when the T50 allows it). Color rendition is also fairly incredible with the 50mm F/1.8.

Important also is the fact that each FD lens offers fully manual aperture control. This means that mounting an FD lens on a T50 gives the photographer some control over depth of field, one of the most important aspects of artistic photography. The caveat with using FD lenses in this way on the T50 is that whenever the lens is set to a manual aperture (not “A” mode), the T50 locks the shutter speed at 1/60th of a second. So while some artistic control is returned to the shooter, the T50 is in no way a fully manual camera. Think of it as a point and shoot of any focal length with impeccable image quality.

Even with this limitation on creative control, the T50 is a pretty fun camera to use. It create a kind of freedom that’s difficult to find with the more “serious” machines, allowing the photographer to focus less on the science of exposure and more on producing the desired artistic effect through framing and composition. Additionally it’s possible to change your exposures a bit and compensate for the locked shutter speed. To trick the T50 into over- or under-exposing your shot, simply estimate available light and raise or lower the ISO (ASA) value.

Canon T50 TTV
Through the viewfinder (TTV) of the Canon T50.

The viewfinder, admittedly lacking in useful information, is amazingly bright and massive. The microprism and split-image rangefinder focus assist makes using the manual focus only FD lenses an incredibly simple task. To the right of the image window there’s an LED display showing “P” or “M” mode. “M” denotes that the aperture ring on the lens has been set to any other aperture outside of “A”, for automatic. Beyond this, the only information is that when the light meter has set a shutter speed slow enough to produce image shake, the “P” blinks slowly. When the light parameters have been judged to exceed the capabilities of the camera (too much or too little light for proper exposure) the “P” flashes rapidly and the shutter will not release.

When considering everything about the T50, it’d be natural to think it’s a stinker. With its combination of bland to ugly looks, the arguably handicapped performance, and the totally sparse viewfinder, there doesn’t seem to be a bright-side. But oddly enough, the T50 is a remarkably fun camera. It’s solidly built, and when paired with FD lenses it’s capable of producing outstanding images. The rather cumbersome design actually lends itself very well to shooting, with the camera staying perfectly balanced on a strap or in the hand. The bulbous hand-grip does its job better than countless more attractive machines, and the oddly angular texturing on the back facilitates perfect one-handed operation.

One-handed Canon T50

With the T50, the moment of zen occurs when the photographer accepts the camera’s limits and embraces the vision that its designers intended. With the lens set to “A” the camera slips into Program mode, and every single shot will be technically perfect. The shooter doesn’t have to think about anything beyond composition, framing, and perspective. This provides a remarkable sense of freedom, and if the T50 had been invented in the 1950’s it would be regarded today as the most important camera of all time. As it was released in the 80’s, it’s mostly regarded as an irrelevant and obsolete machine.

But this may be the wrong perspective. Yes, the T50 limits the shooter, but don’t limiting forces have a way of bringing out the very best in an artist? These limits allow the shooter to concentrate on the heart of the image being created, while letting the T50 do the math. In the right hands there’s no reason the T50 can’t create jaw-dropping images.

The ultimate test of any camera is whether or not its fun to shoot. In this regard, something about the T50 just works. Whether its the clanking shutter coupled with the abrupt and eager winding motor, the charmingly ugly looks, or the rather excellent lens choices, something about the T50 makes one want to keep shooting. Couple this intangible thrill with the fact that a pristine example of this 1980’s high-tech wizardry can be purchased today for somewhere around $20 and the T50 becomes even more of a winner. For that kind of money it’s worth adding another quirky gem of a camera to the collection, and getting some excellent photos out of the deal isn’t half bad either.

Want your own Canon T50?
Buy it on eBay
Buy it on Amazon
Buy it on B&H Photo
Buy it from me at F Stop Cameras
Buy FD lenses on eBay
Buy FD lenses on Amazon
Casual Photophile is on Ello, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube

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35mm Film

Camera Reviews



DECEMBER 22, 2014 AT 9:25 PM
It’s very interesting to see how much my recent camera buying/shooting matches yours. I bought a couple Nikon L35AFs within the last few months, and I bought a T50 at a local film store since I had a few FD lenses (most from by mom’s AE-1P), and since the sticker said:


I left the sticker on it.

I shot a couple rolls through it because I was going hiking, and the widest “real” lens I had (my Vivitar Ultra Wide and Slim with 22mm came along, but it is obviously more of a toy.) was an FD 28mm f2.8 S.C.. Turns out, it’s a fantastic lens, and I just decided to let go of the control I think I need and just focus on trying to make great images. I did manage a few. http://instagram.com/p/u3jTSWKyGK/

If my life weren’t so crazy right now, I’d insist that you let me come on board for guest posts or other content, haha. Seems like we have similar tastes. Anyway, keep up the good work. See you around.

DECEMBER 22, 2014 AT 10:28 PM
Thanks for the comment, my friend. It’s good to be busy.

Love your instagram feed. Keep up the good shooting. And let me know if you would ever have the time to contribute. Always looking to connect with visitors.

Randle P. McMurphy
JANUARY 8, 2015 AT 2:31 PM
Never loved this model range – even not the Nikon EM
because of this Plastic-Fantastic-Feeling.
I was close to buy and level up from my Canon AE 1
to a T90 but change my mind after hold it in my hands.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:30 AM
Looking forward to reviewing the T90 though.

MAY 16, 2015 AT 8:29 AM
I had this thing back in the eighties and still cherrish the travel photo’s it took with it from Nepal, India, Egypt and Turkey. It was indeed extremely simple to use, hence the many keepers from it that i still have kept in my collection now.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:29 AM
Would love to see some of those shots….

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:12 AM
Nice review of an interesting camera.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:22 AM
Thanks for the kind words!

Carl Emblidge
AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:35 PM
I thought I owned the only one, lol. As an artist and casual photophile, I LOVED this camera. It consumed roll after roll and never disappointed me. I didn’t know any different, because it was a graduation present, so I get the flaws, but it’s also a tool. Somewhere between my eye and my idea were the countless prints I made, and that’s all that mattered to me. Now all digitalized and loving the jump to the 21st C, I’m glad I had this camera!

AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:39 PM
Happy to hear it. It’s a great camera, and under valued today.

Frank Lehnen
AUGUST 10, 2016 AT 9:40 AM
I hated the looks of Canon’s T-Series way back in the eighties – that killed Canon for me then. But some months ago I baought a T50 on a whim and I’m amazed. Feels good in hand, not too noisy… well noisier than my AE-1 on course… and first of all it does not distract me from composing my images.

It’s the SLR Equivalent of my Olympus XA2. Totally inobstrusive and liberating. I bought a T70 just afterwards…. I’m still getting used to the looks though

FEBRUARY 21, 2017 AT 6:55 PM
Great review. I will say this about the T50 and T70… I would take my T70 to places that I would never dream of taking my F-1 or A-1 to. Yes when new, the T70 was about $330 or something which wasn’t cheap, but, no one messed with you if all you had was a T70. Hang the F-1 around your neck and you suddenly become a target.

Dr. Ko
MAY 7, 2017 AT 12:24 PM
Yes, the T70 can be found for close to nothing because of it looks, at the same time it offers great function and I love the AA battery option.

DECEMBER 11, 2017 AT 7:58 AM
I also have a T50… for me this is just a better built point’n’shoot camera. I’m used to pair it with a 28mm lens and a fast film… set the focus at 2.5 meters and go shooting hassle free…

Joe shoots resurrected cameras
APRIL 29, 2018 AT 12:11 AM
Yeah the T50’s not bad, but I prefer the Pentax A3000 because it will do aperture priority and program modes. They both take AA batteries which is a Godsend.

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Canon T50 – Camera Review
James Tocchio May 5, 2014 15

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices created astronomical retail success for Single Lens Reflex makers. To meet demand, the big Japanese camera firms continued to produce SLRs in unbelievable numbers for the duration of the decade. By the start of the 1980’s, however, this feverish production had led to market saturation. Sales of SLRs began to drop precipitously in the following three years, as most photographers who wanted an SLR already owned one.

It was obvious that camera makers needed to court new shooters, but new shooters were more often intimidated by the complexity of SLRs. Sales indicated that new photo hobbyists were looking ever more towards the newer and simpler-to-use point-and-shoot cameras. These point-and-shoot machines were stylish, user-friendly, and flaunted greater automation over their SLR ancestors.

By the end of 1983 the SLR camera’s fall from grace was a sad reality, and camera makers all began vying for a larger slice of the growing new-user market. Canon was one of the first to take the usability and automation of a point-and-shoot camera and adapt it into an SLR body, and in 1983 they released a camera that would be one of the simplest SLRs of all time, the Canon T50.

Canon T50 Camera

Aesthetically the T50 is polarizing. It doesn’t have the classically beautiful lines of a German rangefinder or the rugged purposefulness of countless SLRs before it. It’s a mix of strange angles and odd curves, moulded from matte-black polycarbonate with mustard lettering. It’s a bit too large, and the hand-grip looks more like a tumor than a well-sussed design element. The strap lugs are out of balance and placed oddly on the front of the body, and the rest of the shell is visually barren. 1980’s fetishism aside, it’s a pretty ugly camera.

Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:49:25 #216 №211172925 
Чет прохладно.
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:49:28 #217 №211172928 


6.3. Арест имущества должника. Понятие и основания
Понятие ареста имущества должника в настоящее время содержится и раскрывается в одном нормативном акте - в Федеральном законе "Об исполнительном производстве". Статья 370 ГПК РСФСР (в старой редакции) определяла арест как опись имущества и объявление запрета распоряжения им.

Развивает и конкретизирует данную норму ч. 4 ст. 80 Федерального закона "Об исполнительном производстве", которая определяет арест имущества через составляющие элементы ареста - запрет распоряжаться имуществом, а при необходимости - ограничение права пользования имуществом или изъятие имущества. Следовательно, арест имущества должника состоит из совокупности следующих процессуальных действий судебного пристава-исполнителя: 1) описи имущества должника; 2) объявления запрета распоряжаться имуществом; 3) ограничения права пользования имуществом; 4) изъятия имущества или передачи его на хранение. Арест - мера исключительная, связанная с существенным ограничением прав должника, поэтому он может применяться только при наличии следующих оснований: - наличие в производстве судебного пристава-исполнителя вступившего в законную силу исполнительного документа, по которому возбуждено исполнительное производство; - неисполнение должником в добровольном порядке требований исполнительного документа в срок, установленный судебным приставом-исполнителем; - наличие у судебного пристава-исполнителя заявления взыскателя о наложении ареста на имущество должника одновременно с возбуждением исполнительного производства. Согласно ч. 3 ст. 80 Федерального закона "Об исполнительном производстве" арест применяется: - для обеспечения сохранности имущества, которое подлежит передаче взыскателю или реализации; - при исполнении судебного акта о конфискации имущества; - при исполнении судебного акта о наложении ареста на имущество, принадлежащее должнику и находящееся у него или у третьих лиц. Данный перечень оснований является исчерпывающим. В любых других случаях применение ареста как меры принудительного исполнения недопустимо. В целях защиты интересов граждан-должников и обеспечения им минимальных социальных гарантий ст. 79 Федерального закона "Об исполнительном производстве" установлено, что в рамках исполнительного производства не может быть обращено взыскание, а следовательно, и наложен арест на принадлежащее должнику-гражданину на праве собственности имущество, указанное в Перечне видов имущества граждан, на которое не может быть обращено взыскание по исполнительным документам, перечисленное в ст. 446 ГПК РФ. Перечень имущества должника-организации, на которое не может быть обращено взыскание, устанавливается федеральным законом. По правовой природе арест является очным и разовым действием. Заочный арест несостоятелен и ничтожен, поскольку ч. 5 ст. 80 Федерального закона "Об исполнительном производстве" четко определяет арест как опись имущества.
Анализ состава материала
Опись предполагает описание видимого, наблюдаемого объекта. Поэтому описи может быть подвергнуто только то имущество, которое непосредственно наблюдается судебным приставом-исполнителем. Арест имущества, наличие которого подтверждается различного рода справками, отражением в балансе и иными документами, без непосредственного наблюдения данного объекта судебным приставом-исполнителем недопустим. В этой связи следует обратить внимание на существующую порочную практику, когда судебный пристав-исполнитель, получив из органов регистрации прав на недвижимое имущество или из органов ГИБДД справку о наличии в собственности должника соответствующего имущества (недвижимости или автотранспорта), выносит постановление о наложении ареста на это имущество и направляет его для исполнения в соответствующий орган. Указанные постановления этими органами зачастую принимаются и исполняются. Подобная практика, конечно же, недопустима. Цель, преследуемая судебным приставом-исполнителем в данном случае, - не допустить отчуждения принадлежащего должнику имущества - вполне понятна, но плохо достигаема, ибо ничто не препятствует должнику продать, к примеру, автомобиль, несмотря на то что в органах ГИБДД имеется постановление судебного пристава-исполнителя о наложении на него ареста. Органы ГИБДД производят не регистрацию права собственности, а регистрацию и учет транспортных средств и их владельцев. Поэтому, если должник продаст свой автомобиль и лицо, его купившее, придет для постановки на регистрационный учет в органы ГИБДД, то органы ГИБДД обязаны произвести регистрацию нового владельца, поскольку арест, наложенный постановлением судебного пристава-исполнителя, ничтожен. Если органы ГИБДД откажут новому владельцу в постановке на регистрационный учет, то он сможет принудить их произвести регистрацию через обращение в суд. Примерно аналогичная ситуация и с недвижимым имуществом должника. Избежать этого возможно двумя способами. Во-первых, надлежащим процессуальным оформлением ареста имущества в виде составления соответствующего акта и направления его в соответствующий регистрирующий орган, у которого возникнет соответствующее законное основание не регистрировать сделки по отчуждению имущества должника. Однако здесь возникает другая проблема. Составить акт описи и ареста недвижимого имущества несложно, поскольку оно статично и неперемещаемо. В отношении же транспортных средств ситуация несколько иная. В силу мобильности транспортных средств обнаружить их и подвергнуть описи достаточно сложно. Должник, зная, что есть решение суда и над ним висит угроза описи имущества, как правило, предпримет все меры к его сокрытию. Процедура же розыска может затянуться надолго, поэтому в данном случае возможно заключение между Службой судебных приставов и органов ГИБДД соглашения о сотрудничестве в рамках реализации положений Федерального закона "Об исполнительном производстве". Такое сотрудничество может выражаться, например, в задержании разыскиваемых судебным приставом-исполнителем автомобилей органами ГИБДД, информировании судебных приставов-исполнителей о поступивших заявлениях о снятии с регистрационного учета разыскиваемых транспортных средств и др. Как уже отмечалось, арест - это способ обращения взыскателя на имущество должника. В соответствии с ч. 2 ст. 69 Федерального закона "Об исполнительном производстве" - взыскание на имущество должника, в том числе на денежные средства в рублях и иностранной валюте, обращается в размере задолженности, т.е. в размере, необходимом для исполнения требований, содержащихся в исполнительном документе, с учетом взыскания расходов по совершению и
Документальное оформление процедуры описи и ареста имущества.
6.1. Меры по обеспечению иска (наложения ареста на имущество и пр.)
Вопрос 3. Хранение арестованного имущества должника
Иск Еще по теме 6.3. Арест имущества должника. Понятие и основания:
Вопрос 2. Выявление имущества должника. Арест имущества и его оценка
6.3.6. Наложение ареста на имущество должника
7.2. Особенности наложения ареста на имущество должника-организации
Арест имущества
6.3.5. Розыск должника, имущества должника или розыск ребенка
Документальное оформление процедуры описи и ареста имущества.
6.1. Меры по обеспечению иска (наложения ареста на имущество и пр.)
Вопрос 3. Хранение арестованного имущества должника
Иск об освобождении имущества от ареста или исключении его из описи
§12.2 Иск об освобождении имущества от наложения ареста (исключении его из описи)
Несоблюдение порядка владения, пользования и (или) распоряжения имуществом, на которое наложен арест (ст. 125 НК РФ)
6.4.3. Оценка имущества должника
6.2. Общие правила обращения взыскания на имущество должника
3. Специализированные организации, реализующие имущество должника
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:49:33 #218 №211172931 
Canon T50 – Camera Review
James Tocchio May 5, 2014 15

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices created astronomical retail success for Single Lens Reflex makers. To meet demand, the big Japanese camera firms continued to produce SLRs in unbelievable numbers for the duration of the decade. By the start of the 1980’s, however, this feverish production had led to market saturation. Sales of SLRs began to drop precipitously in the following three years, as most photographers who wanted an SLR already owned one.

It was obvious that camera makers needed to court new shooters, but new shooters were more often intimidated by the complexity of SLRs. Sales indicated that new photo hobbyists were looking ever more towards the newer and simpler-to-use point-and-shoot cameras. These point-and-shoot machines were stylish, user-friendly, and flaunted greater automation over their SLR ancestors.

By the end of 1983 the SLR camera’s fall from grace was a sad reality, and camera makers all began vying for a larger slice of the growing new-user market. Canon was one of the first to take the usability and automation of a point-and-shoot camera and adapt it into an SLR body, and in 1983 they released a camera that would be one of the simplest SLRs of all time, the Canon T50.

Canon T50 Camera

Aesthetically the T50 is polarizing. It doesn’t have the classically beautiful lines of a German rangefinder or the rugged purposefulness of countless SLRs before it. It’s a mix of strange angles and odd curves, moulded from matte-black polycarbonate with mustard lettering. It’s a bit too large, and the hand-grip looks more like a tumor than a well-sussed design element. The strap lugs are out of balance and placed oddly on the front of the body, and the rest of the shell is visually barren. 1980’s fetishism aside, it’s a pretty ugly camera.

When looking at the blank slate that makes up the top of the T50 one is immediately underwhelmed. There are nowhere near the amount of knobs, dials, and switches that photophiles expect. Beyond the shutter button and ASA dial there exists only one other dial. This sad, little knob changes the mode from Program to Self-Timer, and rotates for a Battery Check. Most conspicuously absent is any kind of shutter speed selector. That’s because the T50 has an entirely automated shutter. Because of this, it would be easy to cast the machine aside as an excessively simplified and handicapped tool; a toy camera for amateurs.

Canon T50 Top

Of course Canon did develop this machine for amateurs, but they also developed it to be a real SLR. This is most evidenced by Canon’s decision to equip the camera with their ubiquitous FD mount, allowing the use of their full range of SLR lenses. The FD range is fairly massive and can stand against any other brand’s contemporary lens range. Couple the T50 with Canon’s rather wonderful FD 35-105mm F/3.5 and you’ve got a completely capable manual focus zoom camera. For standard lens sizes the 50mm F/1.8 is perfection, producing extremely sharp images and great bokeh (when the T50 allows it). Color rendition is also fairly incredible with the 50mm F/1.8.

Important also is the fact that each FD lens offers fully manual aperture control. This means that mounting an FD lens on a T50 gives the photographer some control over depth of field, one of the most important aspects of artistic photography. The caveat with using FD lenses in this way on the T50 is that whenever the lens is set to a manual aperture (not “A” mode), the T50 locks the shutter speed at 1/60th of a second. So while some artistic control is returned to the shooter, the T50 is in no way a fully manual camera. Think of it as a point and shoot of any focal length with impeccable image quality.

Even with this limitation on creative control, the T50 is a pretty fun camera to use. It create a kind of freedom that’s difficult to find with the more “serious” machines, allowing the photographer to focus less on the science of exposure and more on producing the desired artistic effect through framing and composition. Additionally it’s possible to change your exposures a bit and compensate for the locked shutter speed. To trick the T50 into over- or under-exposing your shot, simply estimate available light and raise or lower the ISO (ASA) value.

Canon T50 TTV
Through the viewfinder (TTV) of the Canon T50.

The viewfinder, admittedly lacking in useful information, is amazingly bright and massive. The microprism and split-image rangefinder focus assist makes using the manual focus only FD lenses an incredibly simple task. To the right of the image window there’s an LED display showing “P” or “M” mode. “M” denotes that the aperture ring on the lens has been set to any other aperture outside of “A”, for automatic. Beyond this, the only information is that when the light meter has set a shutter speed slow enough to produce image shake, the “P” blinks slowly. When the light parameters have been judged to exceed the capabilities of the camera (too much or too little light for proper exposure) the “P” flashes rapidly and the shutter will not release.

When considering everything about the T50, it’d be natural to think it’s a stinker. With its combination of bland to ugly looks, the arguably handicapped performance, and the totally sparse viewfinder, there doesn’t seem to be a bright-side. But oddly enough, the T50 is a remarkably fun camera. It’s solidly built, and when paired with FD lenses it’s capable of producing outstanding images. The rather cumbersome design actually lends itself very well to shooting, with the camera staying perfectly balanced on a strap or in the hand. The bulbous hand-grip does its job better than countless more attractive machines, and the oddly angular texturing on the back facilitates perfect one-handed operation.

One-handed Canon T50

With the T50, the moment of zen occurs when the photographer accepts the camera’s limits and embraces the vision that its designers intended. With the lens set to “A” the camera slips into Program mode, and every single shot will be technically perfect. The shooter doesn’t have to think about anything beyond composition, framing, and perspective. This provides a remarkable sense of freedom, and if the T50 had been invented in the 1950’s it would be regarded today as the most important camera of all time. As it was released in the 80’s, it’s mostly regarded as an irrelevant and obsolete machine.

But this may be the wrong perspective. Yes, the T50 limits the shooter, but don’t limiting forces have a way of bringing out the very best in an artist? These limits allow the shooter to concentrate on the heart of the image being created, while letting the T50 do the math. In the right hands there’s no reason the T50 can’t create jaw-dropping images.

The ultimate test of any camera is whether or not its fun to shoot. In this regard, something about the T50 just works. Whether its the clanking shutter coupled with the abrupt and eager winding motor, the charmingly ugly looks, or the rather excellent lens choices, something about the T50 makes one want to keep shooting. Couple this intangible thrill with the fact that a pristine example of this 1980’s high-tech wizardry can be purchased today for somewhere around $20 and the T50 becomes even more of a winner. For that kind of money it’s worth adding another quirky gem of a camera to the collection, and getting some excellent photos out of the deal isn’t half bad either.

Want your own Canon T50?
Buy it on eBay
Buy it on Amazon
Buy it on B&H Photo
Buy it from me at F Stop Cameras
Buy FD lenses on eBay
Buy FD lenses on Amazon
Casual Photophile is on Ello, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube

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35mm Film

Camera Reviews



DECEMBER 22, 2014 AT 9:25 PM
It’s very interesting to see how much my recent camera buying/shooting matches yours. I bought a couple Nikon L35AFs within the last few months, and I bought a T50 at a local film store since I had a few FD lenses (most from by mom’s AE-1P), and since the sticker said:


I left the sticker on it.

I shot a couple rolls through it because I was going hiking, and the widest “real” lens I had (my Vivitar Ultra Wide and Slim with 22mm came along, but it is obviously more of a toy.) was an FD 28mm f2.8 S.C.. Turns out, it’s a fantastic lens, and I just decided to let go of the control I think I need and just focus on trying to make great images. I did manage a few. http://instagram.com/p/u3jTSWKyGK/

If my life weren’t so crazy right now, I’d insist that you let me come on board for guest posts or other content, haha. Seems like we have similar tastes. Anyway, keep up the good work. See you around.

DECEMBER 22, 2014 AT 10:28 PM
Thanks for the comment, my friend. It’s good to be busy.

Love your instagram feed. Keep up the good shooting. And let me know if you would ever have the time to contribute. Always looking to connect with visitors.

Randle P. McMurphy
JANUARY 8, 2015 AT 2:31 PM
Never loved this model range – even not the Nikon EM
because of this Plastic-Fantastic-Feeling.
I was close to buy and level up from my Canon AE 1
to a T90 but change my mind after hold it in my hands.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:30 AM
Looking forward to reviewing the T90 though.

MAY 16, 2015 AT 8:29 AM
I had this thing back in the eighties and still cherrish the travel photo’s it took with it from Nepal, India, Egypt and Turkey. It was indeed extremely simple to use, hence the many keepers from it that i still have kept in my collection now.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:29 AM
Would love to see some of those shots….

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:12 AM
Nice review of an interesting camera.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:22 AM
Thanks for the kind words!

Carl Emblidge
AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:35 PM
I thought I owned the only one, lol. As an artist and casual photophile, I LOVED this camera. It consumed roll after roll and never disappointed me. I didn’t know any different, because it was a graduation present, so I get the flaws, but it’s also a tool. Somewhere between my eye and my idea were the countless prints I made, and that’s all that mattered to me. Now all digitalized and loving the jump to the 21st C, I’m glad I had this camera!

AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:39 PM
Happy to hear it. It’s a great camera, and under valued today.

Frank Lehnen
AUGUST 10, 2016 AT 9:40 AM
I hated the looks of Canon’s T-Series way back in the eighties – that killed Canon for me then. But some months ago I baought a T50 on a whim and I’m amazed. Feels good in hand, not too noisy… well noisier than my AE-1 on course… and first of all it does not distract me from composing my images.

It’s the SLR Equivalent of my Olympus XA2. Totally inobstrusive and liberating. I bought a T70 just afterwards…. I’m still getting used to the looks though

FEBRUARY 21, 2017 AT 6:55 PM
Great review. I will say this about the T50 and T70… I would take my T70 to places that I would never dream of taking my F-1 or A-1 to. Yes when new, the T70 was about $330 or something which wasn’t cheap, but, no one messed with you if all you had was a T70. Hang the F-1 around your neck and you suddenly become a target.

Dr. Ko
MAY 7, 2017 AT 12:24 PM
Yes, the T70 can be found for close to nothing because of it looks, at the same time it offers great function and I love the AA battery option.

DECEMBER 11, 2017 AT 7:58 AM
I also have a T50… for me this is just a better built point’n’shoot camera. I’m used to pair it with a 28mm lens and a fast film… set the focus at 2.5 meters and go shooting hassle free…

Joe shoots resurrected cameras
APRIL 29, 2018 AT 12:11 AM
Yeah the T50’s not bad, but I prefer the Pentax A3000 because it will do aperture priority and program modes. They both take AA batteries which is a Godsend.

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Canon T50 – Camera Review
James Tocchio May 5, 2014 15

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices created astronomical retail success for Single Lens Reflex makers. To meet demand, the big Japanese camera firms continued to produce SLRs in unbelievable numbers for the duration of the decade. By the start of the 1980’s, however, this feverish production had led to market saturation. Sales of SLRs began to drop precipitously in the following three years, as most photographers who wanted an SLR already owned one.

It was obvious that camera makers needed to court new shooters, but new shooters were more often intimidated by the complexity of SLRs. Sales indicated that new photo hobbyists were looking ever more towards the newer and simpler-to-use point-and-shoot cameras. These point-and-shoot machines were stylish, user-friendly, and flaunted greater automation over their SLR ancestors.

By the end of 1983 the SLR camera’s fall from grace was a sad reality, and camera makers all began vying for a larger slice of the growing new-user market. Canon was one of the first to take the usability and automation of a point-and-shoot camera and adapt it into an SLR body, and in 1983 they released a camera that would be one of the simplest SLRs of all time, the Canon T50.

Canon T50 Camera

Aesthetically the T50 is polarizing. It doesn’t have the classically beautiful lines of a German rangefinder or the rugged purposefulness of countless SLRs before it. It’s a mix of strange angles and odd curves, moulded from matte-black polycarbonate with mustard lettering. It’s a bit too large, and the hand-grip looks more like a tumor than a well-sussed design element. The strap lugs are out of balance and placed oddly on the front of the body, and the rest of the shell is visually barren. 1980’s fetishism aside, it’s a pretty ugly camera.

Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:49:46 #219 №211172941 
Уж с год туда не хожу. И где твой Б-дда т-перь?
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:49:51 #220 №211172943 


6.3. Арест имущества должника. Понятие и основания
Понятие ареста имущества должника в настоящее время содержится и раскрывается в одном нормативном акте - в Федеральном законе "Об исполнительном производстве". Статья 370 ГПК РСФСР (в старой редакции) определяла арест как опись имущества и объявление запрета распоряжения им.

Развивает и конкретизирует данную норму ч. 4 ст. 80 Федерального закона "Об исполнительном производстве", которая определяет арест имущества через составляющие элементы ареста - запрет распоряжаться имуществом, а при необходимости - ограничение права пользования имуществом или изъятие имущества. Следовательно, арест имущества должника состоит из совокупности следующих процессуальных действий судебного пристава-исполнителя: 1) описи имущества должника; 2) объявления запрета распоряжаться имуществом; 3) ограничения права пользования имуществом; 4) изъятия имущества или передачи его на хранение. Арест - мера исключительная, связанная с существенным ограничением прав должника, поэтому он может применяться только при наличии следующих оснований: - наличие в производстве судебного пристава-исполнителя вступившего в законную силу исполнительного документа, по которому возбуждено исполнительное производство; - неисполнение должником в добровольном порядке требований исполнительного документа в срок, установленный судебным приставом-исполнителем; - наличие у судебного пристава-исполнителя заявления взыскателя о наложении ареста на имущество должника одновременно с возбуждением исполнительного производства. Согласно ч. 3 ст. 80 Федерального закона "Об исполнительном производстве" арест применяется: - для обеспечения сохранности имущества, которое подлежит передаче взыскателю или реализации; - при исполнении судебного акта о конфискации имущества; - при исполнении судебного акта о наложении ареста на имущество, принадлежащее должнику и находящееся у него или у третьих лиц. Данный перечень оснований является исчерпывающим. В любых других случаях применение ареста как меры принудительного исполнения недопустимо. В целях защиты интересов граждан-должников и обеспечения им минимальных социальных гарантий ст. 79 Федерального закона "Об исполнительном производстве" установлено, что в рамках исполнительного производства не может быть обращено взыскание, а следовательно, и наложен арест на принадлежащее должнику-гражданину на праве собственности имущество, указанное в Перечне видов имущества граждан, на которое не может быть обращено взыскание по исполнительным документам, перечисленное в ст. 446 ГПК РФ. Перечень имущества должника-организации, на которое не может быть обращено взыскание, устанавливается федеральным законом. По правовой природе арест является очным и разовым действием. Заочный арест несостоятелен и ничтожен, поскольку ч. 5 ст. 80 Федерального закона "Об исполнительном производстве" четко определяет арест как опись имущества.
Анализ состава материала
Опись предполагает описание видимого, наблюдаемого объекта. Поэтому описи может быть подвергнуто только то имущество, которое непосредственно наблюдается судебным приставом-исполнителем. Арест имущества, наличие которого подтверждается различного рода справками, отражением в балансе и иными документами, без непосредственного наблюдения данного объекта судебным приставом-исполнителем недопустим. В этой связи следует обратить внимание на существующую порочную практику, когда судебный пристав-исполнитель, получив из органов регистрации прав на недвижимое имущество или из органов ГИБДД справку о наличии в собственности должника соответствующего имущества (недвижимости или автотранспорта), выносит постановление о наложении ареста на это имущество и направляет его для исполнения в соответствующий орган. Указанные постановления этими органами зачастую принимаются и исполняются. Подобная практика, конечно же, недопустима. Цель, преследуемая судебным приставом-исполнителем в данном случае, - не допустить отчуждения принадлежащего должнику имущества - вполне понятна, но плохо достигаема, ибо ничто не препятствует должнику продать, к примеру, автомобиль, несмотря на то что в органах ГИБДД имеется постановление судебного пристава-исполнителя о наложении на него ареста. Органы ГИБДД производят не регистрацию права собственности, а регистрацию и учет транспортных средств и их владельцев. Поэтому, если должник продаст свой автомобиль и лицо, его купившее, придет для постановки на регистрационный учет в органы ГИБДД, то органы ГИБДД обязаны произвести регистрацию нового владельца, поскольку арест, наложенный постановлением судебного пристава-исполнителя, ничтожен. Если органы ГИБДД откажут новому владельцу в постановке на регистрационный учет, то он сможет принудить их произвести регистрацию через обращение в суд. Примерно аналогичная ситуация и с недвижимым имуществом должника. Избежать этого возможно двумя способами. Во-первых, надлежащим процессуальным оформлением ареста имущества в виде составления соответствующего акта и направления его в соответствующий регистрирующий орган, у которого возникнет соответствующее законное основание не регистрировать сделки по отчуждению имущества должника. Однако здесь возникает другая проблема. Составить акт описи и ареста недвижимого имущества несложно, поскольку оно статично и неперемещаемо. В отношении же транспортных средств ситуация несколько иная. В силу мобильности транспортных средств обнаружить их и подвергнуть описи достаточно сложно. Должник, зная, что есть решение суда и над ним висит угроза описи имущества, как правило, предпримет все меры к его сокрытию. Процедура же розыска может затянуться надолго, поэтому в данном случае возможно заключение между Службой судебных приставов и органов ГИБДД соглашения о сотрудничестве в рамках реализации положений Федерального закона "Об исполнительном производстве". Такое сотрудничество может выражаться, например, в задержании разыскиваемых судебным приставом-исполнителем автомобилей органами ГИБДД, информировании судебных приставов-исполнителей о поступивших заявлениях о снятии с регистрационного учета разыскиваемых транспортных средств и др. Как уже отмечалось, арест - это способ обращения взыскателя на имущество должника. В соответствии с ч. 2 ст. 69 Федерального закона "Об исполнительном производстве" - взыскание на имущество должника, в том числе на денежные средства в рублях и иностранной валюте, обращается в размере задолженности, т.е. в размере, необходимом для исполнения требований, содержащихся в исполнительном документе, с учетом взыскания расходов по совершению и
Документальное оформление процедуры описи и ареста имущества.
6.1. Меры по обеспечению иска (наложения ареста на имущество и пр.)
Вопрос 3. Хранение арестованного имущества должника
Иск Еще по теме 6.3. Арест имущества должника. Понятие и основания:
Вопрос 2. Выявление имущества должника. Арест имущества и его оценка
6.3.6. Наложение ареста на имущество должника
7.2. Особенности наложения ареста на имущество должника-организации
Арест имущества
6.3.5. Розыск должника, имущества должника или розыск ребенка
Документальное оформление процедуры описи и ареста имущества.
6.1. Меры по обеспечению иска (наложения ареста на имущество и пр.)
Вопрос 3. Хранение арестованного имущества должника
Иск об освобождении имущества от ареста или исключении его из описи
§12.2 Иск об освобождении имущества от наложения ареста (исключении его из описи)
Несоблюдение порядка владения, пользования и (или) распоряжения имуществом, на которое наложен арест (ст. 125 НК РФ)
6.4.3. Оценка имущества должника
6.2. Общие правила обращения взыскания на имущество должника
3. Специализированные организации, реализующие имущество должника
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:49:51 #221 №211172945 
Canon T50 – Camera Review
James Tocchio May 5, 2014 15

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices created astronomical retail success for Single Lens Reflex makers. To meet demand, the big Japanese camera firms continued to produce SLRs in unbelievable numbers for the duration of the decade. By the start of the 1980’s, however, this feverish production had led to market saturation. Sales of SLRs began to drop precipitously in the following three years, as most photographers who wanted an SLR already owned one.

It was obvious that camera makers needed to court new shooters, but new shooters were more often intimidated by the complexity of SLRs. Sales indicated that new photo hobbyists were looking ever more towards the newer and simpler-to-use point-and-shoot cameras. These point-and-shoot machines were stylish, user-friendly, and flaunted greater automation over their SLR ancestors.

By the end of 1983 the SLR camera’s fall from grace was a sad reality, and camera makers all began vying for a larger slice of the growing new-user market. Canon was one of the first to take the usability and automation of a point-and-shoot camera and adapt it into an SLR body, and in 1983 they released a camera that would be one of the simplest SLRs of all time, the Canon T50.

Canon T50 Camera

Aesthetically the T50 is polarizing. It doesn’t have the classically beautiful lines of a German rangefinder or the rugged purposefulness of countless SLRs before it. It’s a mix of strange angles and odd curves, moulded from matte-black polycarbonate with mustard lettering. It’s a bit too large, and the hand-grip looks more like a tumor than a well-sussed design element. The strap lugs are out of balance and placed oddly on the front of the body, and the rest of the shell is visually barren. 1980’s fetishism aside, it’s a pretty ugly camera.

When looking at the blank slate that makes up the top of the T50 one is immediately underwhelmed. There are nowhere near the amount of knobs, dials, and switches that photophiles expect. Beyond the shutter button and ASA dial there exists only one other dial. This sad, little knob changes the mode from Program to Self-Timer, and rotates for a Battery Check. Most conspicuously absent is any kind of shutter speed selector. That’s because the T50 has an entirely automated shutter. Because of this, it would be easy to cast the machine aside as an excessively simplified and handicapped tool; a toy camera for amateurs.

Canon T50 Top

Of course Canon did develop this machine for amateurs, but they also developed it to be a real SLR. This is most evidenced by Canon’s decision to equip the camera with their ubiquitous FD mount, allowing the use of their full range of SLR lenses. The FD range is fairly massive and can stand against any other brand’s contemporary lens range. Couple the T50 with Canon’s rather wonderful FD 35-105mm F/3.5 and you’ve got a completely capable manual focus zoom camera. For standard lens sizes the 50mm F/1.8 is perfection, producing extremely sharp images and great bokeh (when the T50 allows it). Color rendition is also fairly incredible with the 50mm F/1.8.

Important also is the fact that each FD lens offers fully manual aperture control. This means that mounting an FD lens on a T50 gives the photographer some control over depth of field, one of the most important aspects of artistic photography. The caveat with using FD lenses in this way on the T50 is that whenever the lens is set to a manual aperture (not “A” mode), the T50 locks the shutter speed at 1/60th of a second. So while some artistic control is returned to the shooter, the T50 is in no way a fully manual camera. Think of it as a point and shoot of any focal length with impeccable image quality.

Even with this limitation on creative control, the T50 is a pretty fun camera to use. It create a kind of freedom that’s difficult to find with the more “serious” machines, allowing the photographer to focus less on the science of exposure and more on producing the desired artistic effect through framing and composition. Additionally it’s possible to change your exposures a bit and compensate for the locked shutter speed. To trick the T50 into over- or under-exposing your shot, simply estimate available light and raise or lower the ISO (ASA) value.

Canon T50 TTV
Through the viewfinder (TTV) of the Canon T50.

The viewfinder, admittedly lacking in useful information, is amazingly bright and massive. The microprism and split-image rangefinder focus assist makes using the manual focus only FD lenses an incredibly simple task. To the right of the image window there’s an LED display showing “P” or “M” mode. “M” denotes that the aperture ring on the lens has been set to any other aperture outside of “A”, for automatic. Beyond this, the only information is that when the light meter has set a shutter speed slow enough to produce image shake, the “P” blinks slowly. When the light parameters have been judged to exceed the capabilities of the camera (too much or too little light for proper exposure) the “P” flashes rapidly and the shutter will not release.

When considering everything about the T50, it’d be natural to think it’s a stinker. With its combination of bland to ugly looks, the arguably handicapped performance, and the totally sparse viewfinder, there doesn’t seem to be a bright-side. But oddly enough, the T50 is a remarkably fun camera. It’s solidly built, and when paired with FD lenses it’s capable of producing outstanding images. The rather cumbersome design actually lends itself very well to shooting, with the camera staying perfectly balanced on a strap or in the hand. The bulbous hand-grip does its job better than countless more attractive machines, and the oddly angular texturing on the back facilitates perfect one-handed operation.

One-handed Canon T50

With the T50, the moment of zen occurs when the photographer accepts the camera’s limits and embraces the vision that its designers intended. With the lens set to “A” the camera slips into Program mode, and every single shot will be technically perfect. The shooter doesn’t have to think about anything beyond composition, framing, and perspective. This provides a remarkable sense of freedom, and if the T50 had been invented in the 1950’s it would be regarded today as the most important camera of all time. As it was released in the 80’s, it’s mostly regarded as an irrelevant and obsolete machine.

But this may be the wrong perspective. Yes, the T50 limits the shooter, but don’t limiting forces have a way of bringing out the very best in an artist? These limits allow the shooter to concentrate on the heart of the image being created, while letting the T50 do the math. In the right hands there’s no reason the T50 can’t create jaw-dropping images.

The ultimate test of any camera is whether or not its fun to shoot. In this regard, something about the T50 just works. Whether its the clanking shutter coupled with the abrupt and eager winding motor, the charmingly ugly looks, or the rather excellent lens choices, something about the T50 makes one want to keep shooting. Couple this intangible thrill with the fact that a pristine example of this 1980’s high-tech wizardry can be purchased today for somewhere around $20 and the T50 becomes even more of a winner. For that kind of money it’s worth adding another quirky gem of a camera to the collection, and getting some excellent photos out of the deal isn’t half bad either.

Want your own Canon T50?
Buy it on eBay
Buy it on Amazon
Buy it on B&H Photo
Buy it from me at F Stop Cameras
Buy FD lenses on eBay
Buy FD lenses on Amazon
Casual Photophile is on Ello, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube

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35mm Film

Camera Reviews



DECEMBER 22, 2014 AT 9:25 PM
It’s very interesting to see how much my recent camera buying/shooting matches yours. I bought a couple Nikon L35AFs within the last few months, and I bought a T50 at a local film store since I had a few FD lenses (most from by mom’s AE-1P), and since the sticker said:


I left the sticker on it.

I shot a couple rolls through it because I was going hiking, and the widest “real” lens I had (my Vivitar Ultra Wide and Slim with 22mm came along, but it is obviously more of a toy.) was an FD 28mm f2.8 S.C.. Turns out, it’s a fantastic lens, and I just decided to let go of the control I think I need and just focus on trying to make great images. I did manage a few. http://instagram.com/p/u3jTSWKyGK/

If my life weren’t so crazy right now, I’d insist that you let me come on board for guest posts or other content, haha. Seems like we have similar tastes. Anyway, keep up the good work. See you around.

DECEMBER 22, 2014 AT 10:28 PM
Thanks for the comment, my friend. It’s good to be busy.

Love your instagram feed. Keep up the good shooting. And let me know if you would ever have the time to contribute. Always looking to connect with visitors.

Randle P. McMurphy
JANUARY 8, 2015 AT 2:31 PM
Never loved this model range – even not the Nikon EM
because of this Plastic-Fantastic-Feeling.
I was close to buy and level up from my Canon AE 1
to a T90 but change my mind after hold it in my hands.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:30 AM
Looking forward to reviewing the T90 though.

MAY 16, 2015 AT 8:29 AM
I had this thing back in the eighties and still cherrish the travel photo’s it took with it from Nepal, India, Egypt and Turkey. It was indeed extremely simple to use, hence the many keepers from it that i still have kept in my collection now.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:29 AM
Would love to see some of those shots….

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:12 AM
Nice review of an interesting camera.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:22 AM
Thanks for the kind words!

Carl Emblidge
AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:35 PM
I thought I owned the only one, lol. As an artist and casual photophile, I LOVED this camera. It consumed roll after roll and never disappointed me. I didn’t know any different, because it was a graduation present, so I get the flaws, but it’s also a tool. Somewhere between my eye and my idea were the countless prints I made, and that’s all that mattered to me. Now all digitalized and loving the jump to the 21st C, I’m glad I had this camera!

AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:39 PM
Happy to hear it. It’s a great camera, and under valued today.

Frank Lehnen
AUGUST 10, 2016 AT 9:40 AM
I hated the looks of Canon’s T-Series way back in the eighties – that killed Canon for me then. But some months ago I baought a T50 on a whim and I’m amazed. Feels good in hand, not too noisy… well noisier than my AE-1 on course… and first of all it does not distract me from composing my images.

It’s the SLR Equivalent of my Olympus XA2. Totally inobstrusive and liberating. I bought a T70 just afterwards…. I’m still getting used to the looks though

FEBRUARY 21, 2017 AT 6:55 PM
Great review. I will say this about the T50 and T70… I would take my T70 to places that I would never dream of taking my F-1 or A-1 to. Yes when new, the T70 was about $330 or something which wasn’t cheap, but, no one messed with you if all you had was a T70. Hang the F-1 around your neck and you suddenly become a target.

Dr. Ko
MAY 7, 2017 AT 12:24 PM
Yes, the T70 can be found for close to nothing because of it looks, at the same time it offers great function and I love the AA battery option.

DECEMBER 11, 2017 AT 7:58 AM
I also have a T50… for me this is just a better built point’n’shoot camera. I’m used to pair it with a 28mm lens and a fast film… set the focus at 2.5 meters and go shooting hassle free…

Joe shoots resurrected cameras
APRIL 29, 2018 AT 12:11 AM
Yeah the T50’s not bad, but I prefer the Pentax A3000 because it will do aperture priority and program modes. They both take AA batteries which is a Godsend.

Leave A Reply
Canon T50 – Camera Review
James Tocchio May 5, 2014 15

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices created astronomical retail success for Single Lens Reflex makers. To meet demand, the big Japanese camera firms continued to produce SLRs in unbelievable numbers for the duration of the decade. By the start of the 1980’s, however, this feverish production had led to market saturation. Sales of SLRs began to drop precipitously in the following three years, as most photographers who wanted an SLR already owned one.

It was obvious that camera makers needed to court new shooters, but new shooters were more often intimidated by the complexity of SLRs. Sales indicated that new photo hobbyists were looking ever more towards the newer and simpler-to-use point-and-shoot cameras. These point-and-shoot machines were stylish, user-friendly, and flaunted greater automation over their SLR ancestors.

By the end of 1983 the SLR camera’s fall from grace was a sad reality, and camera makers all began vying for a larger slice of the growing new-user market. Canon was one of the first to take the usability and automation of a point-and-shoot camera and adapt it into an SLR body, and in 1983 they released a camera that would be one of the simplest SLRs of all time, the Canon T50.

Canon T50 Camera

Aesthetically the T50 is polarizing. It doesn’t have the classically beautiful lines of a German rangefinder or the rugged purposefulness of countless SLRs before it. It’s a mix of strange angles and odd curves, moulded from matte-black polycarbonate with mustard lettering. It’s a bit too large, and the hand-grip looks more like a tumor than a well-sussed design element. The strap lugs are out of balance and placed oddly on the front of the body, and the rest of the shell is visually barren. 1980’s fetishism aside, it’s a pretty ugly camera.

sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:50:10 #222 №211172958 
Canon T50 – Camera Review
James Tocchio May 5, 2014 15

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices created astronomical retail success for Single Lens Reflex makers. To meet demand, the big Japanese camera firms continued to produce SLRs in unbelievable numbers for the duration of the decade. By the start of the 1980’s, however, this feverish production had led to market saturation. Sales of SLRs began to drop precipitously in the following three years, as most photographers who wanted an SLR already owned one.

It was obvious that camera makers needed to court new shooters, but new shooters were more often intimidated by the complexity of SLRs. Sales indicated that new photo hobbyists were looking ever more towards the newer and simpler-to-use point-and-shoot cameras. These point-and-shoot machines were stylish, user-friendly, and flaunted greater automation over their SLR ancestors.

By the end of 1983 the SLR camera’s fall from grace was a sad reality, and camera makers all began vying for a larger slice of the growing new-user market. Canon was one of the first to take the usability and automation of a point-and-shoot camera and adapt it into an SLR body, and in 1983 they released a camera that would be one of the simplest SLRs of all time, the Canon T50.

Canon T50 Camera

Aesthetically the T50 is polarizing. It doesn’t have the classically beautiful lines of a German rangefinder or the rugged purposefulness of countless SLRs before it. It’s a mix of strange angles and odd curves, moulded from matte-black polycarbonate with mustard lettering. It’s a bit too large, and the hand-grip looks more like a tumor than a well-sussed design element. The strap lugs are out of balance and placed oddly on the front of the body, and the rest of the shell is visually barren. 1980’s fetishism aside, it’s a pretty ugly camera.

When looking at the blank slate that makes up the top of the T50 one is immediately underwhelmed. There are nowhere near the amount of knobs, dials, and switches that photophiles expect. Beyond the shutter button and ASA dial there exists only one other dial. This sad, little knob changes the mode from Program to Self-Timer, and rotates for a Battery Check. Most conspicuously absent is any kind of shutter speed selector. That’s because the T50 has an entirely automated shutter. Because of this, it would be easy to cast the machine aside as an excessively simplified and handicapped tool; a toy camera for amateurs.

Canon T50 Top

Of course Canon did develop this machine for amateurs, but they also developed it to be a real SLR. This is most evidenced by Canon’s decision to equip the camera with their ubiquitous FD mount, allowing the use of their full range of SLR lenses. The FD range is fairly massive and can stand against any other brand’s contemporary lens range. Couple the T50 with Canon’s rather wonderful FD 35-105mm F/3.5 and you’ve got a completely capable manual focus zoom camera. For standard lens sizes the 50mm F/1.8 is perfection, producing extremely sharp images and great bokeh (when the T50 allows it). Color rendition is also fairly incredible with the 50mm F/1.8.

Important also is the fact that each FD lens offers fully manual aperture control. This means that mounting an FD lens on a T50 gives the photographer some control over depth of field, one of the most important aspects of artistic photography. The caveat with using FD lenses in this way on the T50 is that whenever the lens is set to a manual aperture (not “A” mode), the T50 locks the shutter speed at 1/60th of a second. So while some artistic control is returned to the shooter, the T50 is in no way a fully manual camera. Think of it as a point and shoot of any focal length with impeccable image quality.

Even with this limitation on creative control, the T50 is a pretty fun camera to use. It create a kind of freedom that’s difficult to find with the more “serious” machines, allowing the photographer to focus less on the science of exposure and more on producing the desired artistic effect through framing and composition. Additionally it’s possible to change your exposures a bit and compensate for the locked shutter speed. To trick the T50 into over- or under-exposing your shot, simply estimate available light and raise or lower the ISO (ASA) value.

Canon T50 TTV
Through the viewfinder (TTV) of the Canon T50.

The viewfinder, admittedly lacking in useful information, is amazingly bright and massive. The microprism and split-image rangefinder focus assist makes using the manual focus only FD lenses an incredibly simple task. To the right of the image window there’s an LED display showing “P” or “M” mode. “M” denotes that the aperture ring on the lens has been set to any other aperture outside of “A”, for automatic. Beyond this, the only information is that when the light meter has set a shutter speed slow enough to produce image shake, the “P” blinks slowly. When the light parameters have been judged to exceed the capabilities of the camera (too much or too little light for proper exposure) the “P” flashes rapidly and the shutter will not release.

When considering everything about the T50, it’d be natural to think it’s a stinker. With its combination of bland to ugly looks, the arguably handicapped performance, and the totally sparse viewfinder, there doesn’t seem to be a bright-side. But oddly enough, the T50 is a remarkably fun camera. It’s solidly built, and when paired with FD lenses it’s capable of producing outstanding images. The rather cumbersome design actually lends itself very well to shooting, with the camera staying perfectly balanced on a strap or in the hand. The bulbous hand-grip does its job better than countless more attractive machines, and the oddly angular texturing on the back facilitates perfect one-handed operation.

One-handed Canon T50

With the T50, the moment of zen occurs when the photographer accepts the camera’s limits and embraces the vision that its designers intended. With the lens set to “A” the camera slips into Program mode, and every single shot will be technically perfect. The shooter doesn’t have to think about anything beyond composition, framing, and perspective. This provides a remarkable sense of freedom, and if the T50 had been invented in the 1950’s it would be regarded today as the most important camera of all time. As it was released in the 80’s, it’s mostly regarded as an irrelevant and obsolete machine.

But this may be the wrong perspective. Yes, the T50 limits the shooter, but don’t limiting forces have a way of bringing out the very best in an artist? These limits allow the shooter to concentrate on the heart of the image being created, while letting the T50 do the math. In the right hands there’s no reason the T50 can’t create jaw-dropping images.

The ultimate test of any camera is whether or not its fun to shoot. In this regard, something about the T50 just works. Whether its the clanking shutter coupled with the abrupt and eager winding motor, the charmingly ugly looks, or the rather excellent lens choices, something about the T50 makes one want to keep shooting. Couple this intangible thrill with the fact that a pristine example of this 1980’s high-tech wizardry can be purchased today for somewhere around $20 and the T50 becomes even more of a winner. For that kind of money it’s worth adding another quirky gem of a camera to the collection, and getting some excellent photos out of the deal isn’t half bad either.

Want your own Canon T50?
Buy it on eBay
Buy it on Amazon
Buy it on B&H Photo
Buy it from me at F Stop Cameras
Buy FD lenses on eBay
Buy FD lenses on Amazon
Casual Photophile is on Ello, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube

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35mm Film

Camera Reviews



DECEMBER 22, 2014 AT 9:25 PM
It’s very interesting to see how much my recent camera buying/shooting matches yours. I bought a couple Nikon L35AFs within the last few months, and I bought a T50 at a local film store since I had a few FD lenses (most from by mom’s AE-1P), and since the sticker said:


I left the sticker on it.

I shot a couple rolls through it because I was going hiking, and the widest “real” lens I had (my Vivitar Ultra Wide and Slim with 22mm came along, but it is obviously more of a toy.) was an FD 28mm f2.8 S.C.. Turns out, it’s a fantastic lens, and I just decided to let go of the control I think I need and just focus on trying to make great images. I did manage a few. http://instagram.com/p/u3jTSWKyGK/

If my life weren’t so crazy right now, I’d insist that you let me come on board for guest posts or other content, haha. Seems like we have similar tastes. Anyway, keep up the good work. See you around.

DECEMBER 22, 2014 AT 10:28 PM
Thanks for the comment, my friend. It’s good to be busy.

Love your instagram feed. Keep up the good shooting. And let me know if you would ever have the time to contribute. Always looking to connect with visitors.

Randle P. McMurphy
JANUARY 8, 2015 AT 2:31 PM
Never loved this model range – even not the Nikon EM
because of this Plastic-Fantastic-Feeling.
I was close to buy and level up from my Canon AE 1
to a T90 but change my mind after hold it in my hands.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:30 AM
Looking forward to reviewing the T90 though.

MAY 16, 2015 AT 8:29 AM
I had this thing back in the eighties and still cherrish the travel photo’s it took with it from Nepal, India, Egypt and Turkey. It was indeed extremely simple to use, hence the many keepers from it that i still have kept in my collection now.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:29 AM
Would love to see some of those shots….

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:12 AM
Nice review of an interesting camera.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:22 AM
Thanks for the kind words!

Carl Emblidge
AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:35 PM
I thought I owned the only one, lol. As an artist and casual photophile, I LOVED this camera. It consumed roll after roll and never disappointed me. I didn’t know any different, because it was a graduation present, so I get the flaws, but it’s also a tool. Somewhere between my eye and my idea were the countless prints I made, and that’s all that mattered to me. Now all digitalized and loving the jump to the 21st C, I’m glad I had this camera!

AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:39 PM
Happy to hear it. It’s a great camera, and under valued today.

Frank Lehnen
AUGUST 10, 2016 AT 9:40 AM
I hated the looks of Canon’s T-Series way back in the eighties – that killed Canon for me then. But some months ago I baought a T50 on a whim and I’m amazed. Feels good in hand, not too noisy… well noisier than my AE-1 on course… and first of all it does not distract me from composing my images.

It’s the SLR Equivalent of my Olympus XA2. Totally inobstrusive and liberating. I bought a T70 just afterwards…. I’m still getting used to the looks though

FEBRUARY 21, 2017 AT 6:55 PM
Great review. I will say this about the T50 and T70… I would take my T70 to places that I would never dream of taking my F-1 or A-1 to. Yes when new, the T70 was about $330 or something which wasn’t cheap, but, no one messed with you if all you had was a T70. Hang the F-1 around your neck and you suddenly become a target.

Dr. Ko
MAY 7, 2017 AT 12:24 PM
Yes, the T70 can be found for close to nothing because of it looks, at the same time it offers great function and I love the AA battery option.

DECEMBER 11, 2017 AT 7:58 AM
I also have a T50… for me this is just a better built point’n’shoot camera. I’m used to pair it with a 28mm lens and a fast film… set the focus at 2.5 meters and go shooting hassle free…

Joe shoots resurrected cameras
APRIL 29, 2018 AT 12:11 AM
Yeah the T50’s not bad, but I prefer the Pentax A3000 because it will do aperture priority and program modes. They both take AA batteries which is a Godsend.

Leave A Reply
Canon T50 – Camera Review
James Tocchio May 5, 2014 15

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices created astronomical retail success for Single Lens Reflex makers. To meet demand, the big Japanese camera firms continued to produce SLRs in unbelievable numbers for the duration of the decade. By the start of the 1980’s, however, this feverish production had led to market saturation. Sales of SLRs began to drop precipitously in the following three years, as most photographers who wanted an SLR already owned one.

It was obvious that camera makers needed to court new shooters, but new shooters were more often intimidated by the complexity of SLRs. Sales indicated that new photo hobbyists were looking ever more towards the newer and simpler-to-use point-and-shoot cameras. These point-and-shoot machines were stylish, user-friendly, and flaunted greater automation over their SLR ancestors.

By the end of 1983 the SLR camera’s fall from grace was a sad reality, and camera makers all began vying for a larger slice of the growing new-user market. Canon was one of the first to take the usability and automation of a point-and-shoot camera and adapt it into an SLR body, and in 1983 they released a camera that would be one of the simplest SLRs of all time, the Canon T50.

Canon T50 Camera

Aesthetically the T50 is polarizing. It doesn’t have the classically beautiful lines of a German rangefinder or the rugged purposefulness of countless SLRs before it. It’s a mix of strange angles and odd curves, moulded from matte-black polycarbonate with mustard lettering. It’s a bit too large, and the hand-grip looks more like a tumor than a well-sussed design element. The strap lugs are out of balance and placed oddly on the front of the body, and the rest of the shell is visually barren. 1980’s fetishism aside, it’s a pretty ugly camera.

Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:50:12 #223 №211172961 
>>211167214 (OP)
Типичная жизнь нормобляди. Жена, ребенок, квартира, тачка. Эх блядь, лет 5 назад я смеялся над такими как я, а теперь вот оно как.
Ну правда работа не пыльная, айтимразь за 200+.
Мимо 31лвл
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:50:26 #224 №211172971 
Canon T50 – Camera Review
James Tocchio May 5, 2014 15

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices created astronomical retail success for Single Lens Reflex makers. To meet demand, the big Japanese camera firms continued to produce SLRs in unbelievable numbers for the duration of the decade. By the start of the 1980’s, however, this feverish production had led to market saturation. Sales of SLRs began to drop precipitously in the following three years, as most photographers who wanted an SLR already owned one.

It was obvious that camera makers needed to court new shooters, but new shooters were more often intimidated by the complexity of SLRs. Sales indicated that new photo hobbyists were looking ever more towards the newer and simpler-to-use point-and-shoot cameras. These point-and-shoot machines were stylish, user-friendly, and flaunted greater automation over their SLR ancestors.

By the end of 1983 the SLR camera’s fall from grace was a sad reality, and camera makers all began vying for a larger slice of the growing new-user market. Canon was one of the first to take the usability and automation of a point-and-shoot camera and adapt it into an SLR body, and in 1983 they released a camera that would be one of the simplest SLRs of all time, the Canon T50.

Canon T50 Camera

Aesthetically the T50 is polarizing. It doesn’t have the classically beautiful lines of a German rangefinder or the rugged purposefulness of countless SLRs before it. It’s a mix of strange angles and odd curves, moulded from matte-black polycarbonate with mustard lettering. It’s a bit too large, and the hand-grip looks more like a tumor than a well-sussed design element. The strap lugs are out of balance and placed oddly on the front of the body, and the rest of the shell is visually barren. 1980’s fetishism aside, it’s a pretty ugly camera.

When looking at the blank slate that makes up the top of the T50 one is immediately underwhelmed. There are nowhere near the amount of knobs, dials, and switches that photophiles expect. Beyond the shutter button and ASA dial there exists only one other dial. This sad, little knob changes the mode from Program to Self-Timer, and rotates for a Battery Check. Most conspicuously absent is any kind of shutter speed selector. That’s because the T50 has an entirely automated shutter. Because of this, it would be easy to cast the machine aside as an excessively simplified and handicapped tool; a toy camera for amateurs.

Canon T50 Top

Of course Canon did develop this machine for amateurs, but they also developed it to be a real SLR. This is most evidenced by Canon’s decision to equip the camera with their ubiquitous FD mount, allowing the use of their full range of SLR lenses. The FD range is fairly massive and can stand against any other brand’s contemporary lens range. Couple the T50 with Canon’s rather wonderful FD 35-105mm F/3.5 and you’ve got a completely capable manual focus zoom camera. For standard lens sizes the 50mm F/1.8 is perfection, producing extremely sharp images and great bokeh (when the T50 allows it). Color rendition is also fairly incredible with the 50mm F/1.8.

Important also is the fact that each FD lens offers fully manual aperture control. This means that mounting an FD lens on a T50 gives the photographer some control over depth of field, one of the most important aspects of artistic photography. The caveat with using FD lenses in this way on the T50 is that whenever the lens is set to a manual aperture (not “A” mode), the T50 locks the shutter speed at 1/60th of a second. So while some artistic control is returned to the shooter, the T50 is in no way a fully manual camera. Think of it as a point and shoot of any focal length with impeccable image quality.

Even with this limitation on creative control, the T50 is a pretty fun camera to use. It create a kind of freedom that’s difficult to find with the more “serious” machines, allowing the photographer to focus less on the science of exposure and more on producing the desired artistic effect through framing and composition. Additionally it’s possible to change your exposures a bit and compensate for the locked shutter speed. To trick the T50 into over- or under-exposing your shot, simply estimate available light and raise or lower the ISO (ASA) value.

Canon T50 TTV
Through the viewfinder (TTV) of the Canon T50.

The viewfinder, admittedly lacking in useful information, is amazingly bright and massive. The microprism and split-image rangefinder focus assist makes using the manual focus only FD lenses an incredibly simple task. To the right of the image window there’s an LED display showing “P” or “M” mode. “M” denotes that the aperture ring on the lens has been set to any other aperture outside of “A”, for automatic. Beyond this, the only information is that when the light meter has set a shutter speed slow enough to produce image shake, the “P” blinks slowly. When the light parameters have been judged to exceed the capabilities of the camera (too much or too little light for proper exposure) the “P” flashes rapidly and the shutter will not release.

When considering everything about the T50, it’d be natural to think it’s a stinker. With its combination of bland to ugly looks, the arguably handicapped performance, and the totally sparse viewfinder, there doesn’t seem to be a bright-side. But oddly enough, the T50 is a remarkably fun camera. It’s solidly built, and when paired with FD lenses it’s capable of producing outstanding images. The rather cumbersome design actually lends itself very well to shooting, with the camera staying perfectly balanced on a strap or in the hand. The bulbous hand-grip does its job better than countless more attractive machines, and the oddly angular texturing on the back facilitates perfect one-handed operation.

One-handed Canon T50

With the T50, the moment of zen occurs when the photographer accepts the camera’s limits and embraces the vision that its designers intended. With the lens set to “A” the camera slips into Program mode, and every single shot will be technically perfect. The shooter doesn’t have to think about anything beyond composition, framing, and perspective. This provides a remarkable sense of freedom, and if the T50 had been invented in the 1950’s it would be regarded today as the most important camera of all time. As it was released in the 80’s, it’s mostly regarded as an irrelevant and obsolete machine.

But this may be the wrong perspective. Yes, the T50 limits the shooter, but don’t limiting forces have a way of bringing out the very best in an artist? These limits allow the shooter to concentrate on the heart of the image being created, while letting the T50 do the math. In the right hands there’s no reason the T50 can’t create jaw-dropping images.

The ultimate test of any camera is whether or not its fun to shoot. In this regard, something about the T50 just works. Whether its the clanking shutter coupled with the abrupt and eager winding motor, the charmingly ugly looks, or the rather excellent lens choices, something about the T50 makes one want to keep shooting. Couple this intangible thrill with the fact that a pristine example of this 1980’s high-tech wizardry can be purchased today for somewhere around $20 and the T50 becomes even more of a winner. For that kind of money it’s worth adding another quirky gem of a camera to the collection, and getting some excellent photos out of the deal isn’t half bad either.

Want your own Canon T50?
Buy it on eBay
Buy it on Amazon
Buy it on B&H Photo
Buy it from me at F Stop Cameras
Buy FD lenses on eBay
Buy FD lenses on Amazon
Casual Photophile is on Ello, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube

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35mm Film

Camera Reviews



DECEMBER 22, 2014 AT 9:25 PM
It’s very interesting to see how much my recent camera buying/shooting matches yours. I bought a couple Nikon L35AFs within the last few months, and I bought a T50 at a local film store since I had a few FD lenses (most from by mom’s AE-1P), and since the sticker said:


I left the sticker on it.

I shot a couple rolls through it because I was going hiking, and the widest “real” lens I had (my Vivitar Ultra Wide and Slim with 22mm came along, but it is obviously more of a toy.) was an FD 28mm f2.8 S.C.. Turns out, it’s a fantastic lens, and I just decided to let go of the control I think I need and just focus on trying to make great images. I did manage a few. http://instagram.com/p/u3jTSWKyGK/

If my life weren’t so crazy right now, I’d insist that you let me come on board for guest posts or other content, haha. Seems like we have similar tastes. Anyway, keep up the good work. See you around.

DECEMBER 22, 2014 AT 10:28 PM
Thanks for the comment, my friend. It’s good to be busy.

Love your instagram feed. Keep up the good shooting. And let me know if you would ever have the time to contribute. Always looking to connect with visitors.

Randle P. McMurphy
JANUARY 8, 2015 AT 2:31 PM
Never loved this model range – even not the Nikon EM
because of this Plastic-Fantastic-Feeling.
I was close to buy and level up from my Canon AE 1
to a T90 but change my mind after hold it in my hands.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:30 AM
Looking forward to reviewing the T90 though.

MAY 16, 2015 AT 8:29 AM
I had this thing back in the eighties and still cherrish the travel photo’s it took with it from Nepal, India, Egypt and Turkey. It was indeed extremely simple to use, hence the many keepers from it that i still have kept in my collection now.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:29 AM
Would love to see some of those shots….

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:12 AM
Nice review of an interesting camera.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:22 AM
Thanks for the kind words!

Carl Emblidge
AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:35 PM
I thought I owned the only one, lol. As an artist and casual photophile, I LOVED this camera. It consumed roll after roll and never disappointed me. I didn’t know any different, because it was a graduation present, so I get the flaws, but it’s also a tool. Somewhere between my eye and my idea were the countless prints I made, and that’s all that mattered to me. Now all digitalized and loving the jump to the 21st C, I’m glad I had this camera!

AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:39 PM
Happy to hear it. It’s a great camera, and under valued today.

Frank Lehnen
AUGUST 10, 2016 AT 9:40 AM
I hated the looks of Canon’s T-Series way back in the eighties – that killed Canon for me then. But some months ago I baought a T50 on a whim and I’m amazed. Feels good in hand, not too noisy… well noisier than my AE-1 on course… and first of all it does not distract me from composing my images.

It’s the SLR Equivalent of my Olympus XA2. Totally inobstrusive and liberating. I bought a T70 just afterwards…. I’m still getting used to the looks though

FEBRUARY 21, 2017 AT 6:55 PM
Great review. I will say this about the T50 and T70… I would take my T70 to places that I would never dream of taking my F-1 or A-1 to. Yes when new, the T70 was about $330 or something which wasn’t cheap, but, no one messed with you if all you had was a T70. Hang the F-1 around your neck and you suddenly become a target.

Dr. Ko
MAY 7, 2017 AT 12:24 PM
Yes, the T70 can be found for close to nothing because of it looks, at the same time it offers great function and I love the AA battery option.

DECEMBER 11, 2017 AT 7:58 AM
I also have a T50… for me this is just a better built point’n’shoot camera. I’m used to pair it with a 28mm lens and a fast film… set the focus at 2.5 meters and go shooting hassle free…

Joe shoots resurrected cameras
APRIL 29, 2018 AT 12:11 AM
Yeah the T50’s not bad, but I prefer the Pentax A3000 because it will do aperture priority and program modes. They both take AA batteries which is a Godsend.

Leave A Reply
Canon T50 – Camera Review
James Tocchio May 5, 2014 15

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices created astronomical retail success for Single Lens Reflex makers. To meet demand, the big Japanese camera firms continued to produce SLRs in unbelievable numbers for the duration of the decade. By the start of the 1980’s, however, this feverish production had led to market saturation. Sales of SLRs began to drop precipitously in the following three years, as most photographers who wanted an SLR already owned one.

It was obvious that camera makers needed to court new shooters, but new shooters were more often intimidated by the complexity of SLRs. Sales indicated that new photo hobbyists were looking ever more towards the newer and simpler-to-use point-and-shoot cameras. These point-and-shoot machines were stylish, user-friendly, and flaunted greater automation over their SLR ancestors.

By the end of 1983 the SLR camera’s fall from grace was a sad reality, and camera makers all began vying for a larger slice of the growing new-user market. Canon was one of the first to take the usability and automation of a point-and-shoot camera and adapt it into an SLR body, and in 1983 they released a camera that would be one of the simplest SLRs of all time, the Canon T50.

Canon T50 Camera

Aesthetically the T50 is polarizing. It doesn’t have the classically beautiful lines of a German rangefinder or the rugged purposefulness of countless SLRs before it. It’s a mix of strange angles and odd curves, moulded from matte-black polycarbonate with mustard lettering. It’s a bit too large, and the hand-grip looks more like a tumor than a well-sussed design element. The strap lugs are out of balance and placed oddly on the front of the body, and the rest of the shell is visually barren. 1980’s fetishism aside, it’s a pretty ugly camera.

sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:50:42 #225 №211172981 
Canon T50 – Camera Review
James Tocchio May 5, 2014 15

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices created astronomical retail success for Single Lens Reflex makers. To meet demand, the big Japanese camera firms continued to produce SLRs in unbelievable numbers for the duration of the decade. By the start of the 1980’s, however, this feverish production had led to market saturation. Sales of SLRs began to drop precipitously in the following three years, as most photographers who wanted an SLR already owned one.

It was obvious that camera makers needed to court new shooters, but new shooters were more often intimidated by the complexity of SLRs. Sales indicated that new photo hobbyists were looking ever more towards the newer and simpler-to-use point-and-shoot cameras. These point-and-shoot machines were stylish, user-friendly, and flaunted greater automation over their SLR ancestors.

By the end of 1983 the SLR camera’s fall from grace was a sad reality, and camera makers all began vying for a larger slice of the growing new-user market. Canon was one of the first to take the usability and automation of a point-and-shoot camera and adapt it into an SLR body, and in 1983 they released a camera that would be one of the simplest SLRs of all time, the Canon T50.

Canon T50 Camera

Aesthetically the T50 is polarizing. It doesn’t have the classically beautiful lines of a German rangefinder or the rugged purposefulness of countless SLRs before it. It’s a mix of strange angles and odd curves, moulded from matte-black polycarbonate with mustard lettering. It’s a bit too large, and the hand-grip looks more like a tumor than a well-sussed design element. The strap lugs are out of balance and placed oddly on the front of the body, and the rest of the shell is visually barren. 1980’s fetishism aside, it’s a pretty ugly camera.

When looking at the blank slate that makes up the top of the T50 one is immediately underwhelmed. There are nowhere near the amount of knobs, dials, and switches that photophiles expect. Beyond the shutter button and ASA dial there exists only one other dial. This sad, little knob changes the mode from Program to Self-Timer, and rotates for a Battery Check. Most conspicuously absent is any kind of shutter speed selector. That’s because the T50 has an entirely automated shutter. Because of this, it would be easy to cast the machine aside as an excessively simplified and handicapped tool; a toy camera for amateurs.

Canon T50 Top

Of course Canon did develop this machine for amateurs, but they also developed it to be a real SLR. This is most evidenced by Canon’s decision to equip the camera with their ubiquitous FD mount, allowing the use of their full range of SLR lenses. The FD range is fairly massive and can stand against any other brand’s contemporary lens range. Couple the T50 with Canon’s rather wonderful FD 35-105mm F/3.5 and you’ve got a completely capable manual focus zoom camera. For standard lens sizes the 50mm F/1.8 is perfection, producing extremely sharp images and great bokeh (when the T50 allows it). Color rendition is also fairly incredible with the 50mm F/1.8.

Important also is the fact that each FD lens offers fully manual aperture control. This means that mounting an FD lens on a T50 gives the photographer some control over depth of field, one of the most important aspects of artistic photography. The caveat with using FD lenses in this way on the T50 is that whenever the lens is set to a manual aperture (not “A” mode), the T50 locks the shutter speed at 1/60th of a second. So while some artistic control is returned to the shooter, the T50 is in no way a fully manual camera. Think of it as a point and shoot of any focal length with impeccable image quality.

Even with this limitation on creative control, the T50 is a pretty fun camera to use. It create a kind of freedom that’s difficult to find with the more “serious” machines, allowing the photographer to focus less on the science of exposure and more on producing the desired artistic effect through framing and composition. Additionally it’s possible to change your exposures a bit and compensate for the locked shutter speed. To trick the T50 into over- or under-exposing your shot, simply estimate available light and raise or lower the ISO (ASA) value.

Canon T50 TTV
Through the viewfinder (TTV) of the Canon T50.

The viewfinder, admittedly lacking in useful information, is amazingly bright and massive. The microprism and split-image rangefinder focus assist makes using the manual focus only FD lenses an incredibly simple task. To the right of the image window there’s an LED display showing “P” or “M” mode. “M” denotes that the aperture ring on the lens has been set to any other aperture outside of “A”, for automatic. Beyond this, the only information is that when the light meter has set a shutter speed slow enough to produce image shake, the “P” blinks slowly. When the light parameters have been judged to exceed the capabilities of the camera (too much or too little light for proper exposure) the “P” flashes rapidly and the shutter will not release.

When considering everything about the T50, it’d be natural to think it’s a stinker. With its combination of bland to ugly looks, the arguably handicapped performance, and the totally sparse viewfinder, there doesn’t seem to be a bright-side. But oddly enough, the T50 is a remarkably fun camera. It’s solidly built, and when paired with FD lenses it’s capable of producing outstanding images. The rather cumbersome design actually lends itself very well to shooting, with the camera staying perfectly balanced on a strap or in the hand. The bulbous hand-grip does its job better than countless more attractive machines, and the oddly angular texturing on the back facilitates perfect one-handed operation.

One-handed Canon T50

With the T50, the moment of zen occurs when the photographer accepts the camera’s limits and embraces the vision that its designers intended. With the lens set to “A” the camera slips into Program mode, and every single shot will be technically perfect. The shooter doesn’t have to think about anything beyond composition, framing, and perspective. This provides a remarkable sense of freedom, and if the T50 had been invented in the 1950’s it would be regarded today as the most important camera of all time. As it was released in the 80’s, it’s mostly regarded as an irrelevant and obsolete machine.

But this may be the wrong perspective. Yes, the T50 limits the shooter, but don’t limiting forces have a way of bringing out the very best in an artist? These limits allow the shooter to concentrate on the heart of the image being created, while letting the T50 do the math. In the right hands there’s no reason the T50 can’t create jaw-dropping images.

The ultimate test of any camera is whether or not its fun to shoot. In this regard, something about the T50 just works. Whether its the clanking shutter coupled with the abrupt and eager winding motor, the charmingly ugly looks, or the rather excellent lens choices, something about the T50 makes one want to keep shooting. Couple this intangible thrill with the fact that a pristine example of this 1980’s high-tech wizardry can be purchased today for somewhere around $20 and the T50 becomes even more of a winner. For that kind of money it’s worth adding another quirky gem of a camera to the collection, and getting some excellent photos out of the deal isn’t half bad either.

Want your own Canon T50?
Buy it on eBay
Buy it on Amazon
Buy it on B&H Photo
Buy it from me at F Stop Cameras
Buy FD lenses on eBay
Buy FD lenses on Amazon
Casual Photophile is on Ello, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube

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35mm Film

Camera Reviews



DECEMBER 22, 2014 AT 9:25 PM
It’s very interesting to see how much my recent camera buying/shooting matches yours. I bought a couple Nikon L35AFs within the last few months, and I bought a T50 at a local film store since I had a few FD lenses (most from by mom’s AE-1P), and since the sticker said:


I left the sticker on it.

I shot a couple rolls through it because I was going hiking, and the widest “real” lens I had (my Vivitar Ultra Wide and Slim with 22mm came along, but it is obviously more of a toy.) was an FD 28mm f2.8 S.C.. Turns out, it’s a fantastic lens, and I just decided to let go of the control I think I need and just focus on trying to make great images. I did manage a few. http://instagram.com/p/u3jTSWKyGK/

If my life weren’t so crazy right now, I’d insist that you let me come on board for guest posts or other content, haha. Seems like we have similar tastes. Anyway, keep up the good work. See you around.

DECEMBER 22, 2014 AT 10:28 PM
Thanks for the comment, my friend. It’s good to be busy.

Love your instagram feed. Keep up the good shooting. And let me know if you would ever have the time to contribute. Always looking to connect with visitors.

Randle P. McMurphy
JANUARY 8, 2015 AT 2:31 PM
Never loved this model range – even not the Nikon EM
because of this Plastic-Fantastic-Feeling.
I was close to buy and level up from my Canon AE 1
to a T90 but change my mind after hold it in my hands.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:30 AM
Looking forward to reviewing the T90 though.

MAY 16, 2015 AT 8:29 AM
I had this thing back in the eighties and still cherrish the travel photo’s it took with it from Nepal, India, Egypt and Turkey. It was indeed extremely simple to use, hence the many keepers from it that i still have kept in my collection now.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:29 AM
Would love to see some of those shots….

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:12 AM
Nice review of an interesting camera.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:22 AM
Thanks for the kind words!

Carl Emblidge
AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:35 PM
I thought I owned the only one, lol. As an artist and casual photophile, I LOVED this camera. It consumed roll after roll and never disappointed me. I didn’t know any different, because it was a graduation present, so I get the flaws, but it’s also a tool. Somewhere between my eye and my idea were the countless prints I made, and that’s all that mattered to me. Now all digitalized and loving the jump to the 21st C, I’m glad I had this camera!

AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:39 PM
Happy to hear it. It’s a great camera, and under valued today.

Frank Lehnen
AUGUST 10, 2016 AT 9:40 AM
I hated the looks of Canon’s T-Series way back in the eighties – that killed Canon for me then. But some months ago I baought a T50 on a whim and I’m amazed. Feels good in hand, not too noisy… well noisier than my AE-1 on course… and first of all it does not distract me from composing my images.

It’s the SLR Equivalent of my Olympus XA2. Totally inobstrusive and liberating. I bought a T70 just afterwards…. I’m still getting used to the looks though

FEBRUARY 21, 2017 AT 6:55 PM
Great review. I will say this about the T50 and T70… I would take my T70 to places that I would never dream of taking my F-1 or A-1 to. Yes when new, the T70 was about $330 or something which wasn’t cheap, but, no one messed with you if all you had was a T70. Hang the F-1 around your neck and you suddenly become a target.

Dr. Ko
MAY 7, 2017 AT 12:24 PM
Yes, the T70 can be found for close to nothing because of it looks, at the same time it offers great function and I love the AA battery option.

DECEMBER 11, 2017 AT 7:58 AM
I also have a T50… for me this is just a better built point’n’shoot camera. I’m used to pair it with a 28mm lens and a fast film… set the focus at 2.5 meters and go shooting hassle free…

Joe shoots resurrected cameras
APRIL 29, 2018 AT 12:11 AM
Yeah the T50’s not bad, but I prefer the Pentax A3000 because it will do aperture priority and program modes. They both take AA batteries which is a Godsend.

Leave A Reply
Canon T50 – Camera Review
James Tocchio May 5, 2014 15

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices created astronomical retail success for Single Lens Reflex makers. To meet demand, the big Japanese camera firms continued to produce SLRs in unbelievable numbers for the duration of the decade. By the start of the 1980’s, however, this feverish production had led to market saturation. Sales of SLRs began to drop precipitously in the following three years, as most photographers who wanted an SLR already owned one.

It was obvious that camera makers needed to court new shooters, but new shooters were more often intimidated by the complexity of SLRs. Sales indicated that new photo hobbyists were looking ever more towards the newer and simpler-to-use point-and-shoot cameras. These point-and-shoot machines were stylish, user-friendly, and flaunted greater automation over their SLR ancestors.

By the end of 1983 the SLR camera’s fall from grace was a sad reality, and camera makers all began vying for a larger slice of the growing new-user market. Canon was one of the first to take the usability and automation of a point-and-shoot camera and adapt it into an SLR body, and in 1983 they released a camera that would be one of the simplest SLRs of all time, the Canon T50.

Canon T50 Camera

Aesthetically the T50 is polarizing. It doesn’t have the classically beautiful lines of a German rangefinder or the rugged purposefulness of countless SLRs before it. It’s a mix of strange angles and odd curves, moulded from matte-black polycarbonate with mustard lettering. It’s a bit too large, and the hand-grip looks more like a tumor than a well-sussed design element. The strap lugs are out of balance and placed oddly on the front of the body, and the rest of the shell is visually barren. 1980’s fetishism aside, it’s a pretty ugly camera.

Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:51:04 #226 №211172994 
Она накануне праздников разругалась с родителями что АЙ КЕЛЕМЫШ НЕ ПОЕДУ ЖАСАСЫН АЙГЕРЫН ЕРМИЖАН ДЭ ЧЕКЕМЫШДЭ БУГУЛЯМА В ЖОПУ, те ей пригрозили что приедут и насильно заберут к себе, а отец сказал ну и хуй с тобой живи там и к нам не езди, а я ей сказал ну проведем нг вместе, сука как бы не съехатбся.
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:51:05 #227 №211172995 
Canon T50 – Camera Review
James Tocchio May 5, 2014 15

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices created astronomical retail success for Single Lens Reflex makers. To meet demand, the big Japanese camera firms continued to produce SLRs in unbelievable numbers for the duration of the decade. By the start of the 1980’s, however, this feverish production had led to market saturation. Sales of SLRs began to drop precipitously in the following three years, as most photographers who wanted an SLR already owned one.

It was obvious that camera makers needed to court new shooters, but new shooters were more often intimidated by the complexity of SLRs. Sales indicated that new photo hobbyists were looking ever more towards the newer and simpler-to-use point-and-shoot cameras. These point-and-shoot machines were stylish, user-friendly, and flaunted greater automation over their SLR ancestors.

By the end of 1983 the SLR camera’s fall from grace was a sad reality, and camera makers all began vying for a larger slice of the growing new-user market. Canon was one of the first to take the usability and automation of a point-and-shoot camera and adapt it into an SLR body, and in 1983 they released a camera that would be one of the simplest SLRs of all time, the Canon T50.

Canon T50 Camera

Aesthetically the T50 is polarizing. It doesn’t have the classically beautiful lines of a German rangefinder or the rugged purposefulness of countless SLRs before it. It’s a mix of strange angles and odd curves, moulded from matte-black polycarbonate with mustard lettering. It’s a bit too large, and the hand-grip looks more like a tumor than a well-sussed design element. The strap lugs are out of balance and placed oddly on the front of the body, and the rest of the shell is visually barren. 1980’s fetishism aside, it’s a pretty ugly camera.

When looking at the blank slate that makes up the top of the T50 one is immediately underwhelmed. There are nowhere near the amount of knobs, dials, and switches that photophiles expect. Beyond the shutter button and ASA dial there exists only one other dial. This sad, little knob changes the mode from Program to Self-Timer, and rotates for a Battery Check. Most conspicuously absent is any kind of shutter speed selector. That’s because the T50 has an entirely automated shutter. Because of this, it would be easy to cast the machine aside as an excessively simplified and handicapped tool; a toy camera for amateurs.

Canon T50 Top

Of course Canon did develop this machine for amateurs, but they also developed it to be a real SLR. This is most evidenced by Canon’s decision to equip the camera with their ubiquitous FD mount, allowing the use of their full range of SLR lenses. The FD range is fairly massive and can stand against any other brand’s contemporary lens range. Couple the T50 with Canon’s rather wonderful FD 35-105mm F/3.5 and you’ve got a completely capable manual focus zoom camera. For standard lens sizes the 50mm F/1.8 is perfection, producing extremely sharp images and great bokeh (when the T50 allows it). Color rendition is also fairly incredible with the 50mm F/1.8.

Important also is the fact that each FD lens offers fully manual aperture control. This means that mounting an FD lens on a T50 gives the photographer some control over depth of field, one of the most important aspects of artistic photography. The caveat with using FD lenses in this way on the T50 is that whenever the lens is set to a manual aperture (not “A” mode), the T50 locks the shutter speed at 1/60th of a second. So while some artistic control is returned to the shooter, the T50 is in no way a fully manual camera. Think of it as a point and shoot of any focal length with impeccable image quality.

Even with this limitation on creative control, the T50 is a pretty fun camera to use. It create a kind of freedom that’s difficult to find with the more “serious” machines, allowing the photographer to focus less on the science of exposure and more on producing the desired artistic effect through framing and composition. Additionally it’s possible to change your exposures a bit and compensate for the locked shutter speed. To trick the T50 into over- or under-exposing your shot, simply estimate available light and raise or lower the ISO (ASA) value.

Canon T50 TTV
Through the viewfinder (TTV) of the Canon T50.

The viewfinder, admittedly lacking in useful information, is amazingly bright and massive. The microprism and split-image rangefinder focus assist makes using the manual focus only FD lenses an incredibly simple task. To the right of the image window there’s an LED display showing “P” or “M” mode. “M” denotes that the aperture ring on the lens has been set to any other aperture outside of “A”, for automatic. Beyond this, the only information is that when the light meter has set a shutter speed slow enough to produce image shake, the “P” blinks slowly. When the light parameters have been judged to exceed the capabilities of the camera (too much or too little light for proper exposure) the “P” flashes rapidly and the shutter will not release.

When considering everything about the T50, it’d be natural to think it’s a stinker. With its combination of bland to ugly looks, the arguably handicapped performance, and the totally sparse viewfinder, there doesn’t seem to be a bright-side. But oddly enough, the T50 is a remarkably fun camera. It’s solidly built, and when paired with FD lenses it’s capable of producing outstanding images. The rather cumbersome design actually lends itself very well to shooting, with the camera staying perfectly balanced on a strap or in the hand. The bulbous hand-grip does its job better than countless more attractive machines, and the oddly angular texturing on the back facilitates perfect one-handed operation.

One-handed Canon T50

With the T50, the moment of zen occurs when the photographer accepts the camera’s limits and embraces the vision that its designers intended. With the lens set to “A” the camera slips into Program mode, and every single shot will be technically perfect. The shooter doesn’t have to think about anything beyond composition, framing, and perspective. This provides a remarkable sense of freedom, and if the T50 had been invented in the 1950’s it would be regarded today as the most important camera of all time. As it was released in the 80’s, it’s mostly regarded as an irrelevant and obsolete machine.

But this may be the wrong perspective. Yes, the T50 limits the shooter, but don’t limiting forces have a way of bringing out the very best in an artist? These limits allow the shooter to concentrate on the heart of the image being created, while letting the T50 do the math. In the right hands there’s no reason the T50 can’t create jaw-dropping images.

The ultimate test of any camera is whether or not its fun to shoot. In this regard, something about the T50 just works. Whether its the clanking shutter coupled with the abrupt and eager winding motor, the charmingly ugly looks, or the rather excellent lens choices, something about the T50 makes one want to keep shooting. Couple this intangible thrill with the fact that a pristine example of this 1980’s high-tech wizardry can be purchased today for somewhere around $20 and the T50 becomes even more of a winner. For that kind of money it’s worth adding another quirky gem of a camera to the collection, and getting some excellent photos out of the deal isn’t half bad either.

Want your own Canon T50?
Buy it on eBay
Buy it on Amazon
Buy it on B&H Photo
Buy it from me at F Stop Cameras
Buy FD lenses on eBay
Buy FD lenses on Amazon
Casual Photophile is on Ello, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube

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35mm Film

Camera Reviews



DECEMBER 22, 2014 AT 9:25 PM
It’s very interesting to see how much my recent camera buying/shooting matches yours. I bought a couple Nikon L35AFs within the last few months, and I bought a T50 at a local film store since I had a few FD lenses (most from by mom’s AE-1P), and since the sticker said:


I left the sticker on it.

I shot a couple rolls through it because I was going hiking, and the widest “real” lens I had (my Vivitar Ultra Wide and Slim with 22mm came along, but it is obviously more of a toy.) was an FD 28mm f2.8 S.C.. Turns out, it’s a fantastic lens, and I just decided to let go of the control I think I need and just focus on trying to make great images. I did manage a few. http://instagram.com/p/u3jTSWKyGK/

If my life weren’t so crazy right now, I’d insist that you let me come on board for guest posts or other content, haha. Seems like we have similar tastes. Anyway, keep up the good work. See you around.

DECEMBER 22, 2014 AT 10:28 PM
Thanks for the comment, my friend. It’s good to be busy.

Love your instagram feed. Keep up the good shooting. And let me know if you would ever have the time to contribute. Always looking to connect with visitors.

Randle P. McMurphy
JANUARY 8, 2015 AT 2:31 PM
Never loved this model range – even not the Nikon EM
because of this Plastic-Fantastic-Feeling.
I was close to buy and level up from my Canon AE 1
to a T90 but change my mind after hold it in my hands.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:30 AM
Looking forward to reviewing the T90 though.

MAY 16, 2015 AT 8:29 AM
I had this thing back in the eighties and still cherrish the travel photo’s it took with it from Nepal, India, Egypt and Turkey. It was indeed extremely simple to use, hence the many keepers from it that i still have kept in my collection now.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:29 AM
Would love to see some of those shots….

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:12 AM
Nice review of an interesting camera.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:22 AM
Thanks for the kind words!

Carl Emblidge
AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:35 PM
I thought I owned the only one, lol. As an artist and casual photophile, I LOVED this camera. It consumed roll after roll and never disappointed me. I didn’t know any different, because it was a graduation present, so I get the flaws, but it’s also a tool. Somewhere between my eye and my idea were the countless prints I made, and that’s all that mattered to me. Now all digitalized and loving the jump to the 21st C, I’m glad I had this camera!

AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:39 PM
Happy to hear it. It’s a great camera, and under valued today.

Frank Lehnen
AUGUST 10, 2016 AT 9:40 AM
I hated the looks of Canon’s T-Series way back in the eighties – that killed Canon for me then. But some months ago I baought a T50 on a whim and I’m amazed. Feels good in hand, not too noisy… well noisier than my AE-1 on course… and first of all it does not distract me from composing my images.

It’s the SLR Equivalent of my Olympus XA2. Totally inobstrusive and liberating. I bought a T70 just afterwards…. I’m still getting used to the looks though

FEBRUARY 21, 2017 AT 6:55 PM
Great review. I will say this about the T50 and T70… I would take my T70 to places that I would never dream of taking my F-1 or A-1 to. Yes when new, the T70 was about $330 or something which wasn’t cheap, but, no one messed with you if all you had was a T70. Hang the F-1 around your neck and you suddenly become a target.

Dr. Ko
MAY 7, 2017 AT 12:24 PM
Yes, the T70 can be found for close to nothing because of it looks, at the same time it offers great function and I love the AA battery option.

DECEMBER 11, 2017 AT 7:58 AM
I also have a T50… for me this is just a better built point’n’shoot camera. I’m used to pair it with a 28mm lens and a fast film… set the focus at 2.5 meters and go shooting hassle free…

Joe shoots resurrected cameras
APRIL 29, 2018 AT 12:11 AM
Yeah the T50’s not bad, but I prefer the Pentax A3000 because it will do aperture priority and program modes. They both take AA batteries which is a Godsend.

Leave A Reply
Canon T50 – Camera Review
James Tocchio May 5, 2014 15

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices created astronomical retail success for Single Lens Reflex makers. To meet demand, the big Japanese camera firms continued to produce SLRs in unbelievable numbers for the duration of the decade. By the start of the 1980’s, however, this feverish production had led to market saturation. Sales of SLRs began to drop precipitously in the following three years, as most photographers who wanted an SLR already owned one.

It was obvious that camera makers needed to court new shooters, but new shooters were more often intimidated by the complexity of SLRs. Sales indicated that new photo hobbyists were looking ever more towards the newer and simpler-to-use point-and-shoot cameras. These point-and-shoot machines were stylish, user-friendly, and flaunted greater automation over their SLR ancestors.

By the end of 1983 the SLR camera’s fall from grace was a sad reality, and camera makers all began vying for a larger slice of the growing new-user market. Canon was one of the first to take the usability and automation of a point-and-shoot camera and adapt it into an SLR body, and in 1983 they released a camera that would be one of the simplest SLRs of all time, the Canon T50.

Canon T50 Camera

Aesthetically the T50 is polarizing. It doesn’t have the classically beautiful lines of a German rangefinder or the rugged purposefulness of countless SLRs before it. It’s a mix of strange angles and odd curves, moulded from matte-black polycarbonate with mustard lettering. It’s a bit too large, and the hand-grip looks more like a tumor than a well-sussed design element. The strap lugs are out of balance and placed oddly on the front of the body, and the rest of the shell is visually barren. 1980’s fetishism aside, it’s a pretty ugly camera.

sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:51:24 #228 №211173009 
Canon T50 – Camera Review
James Tocchio May 5, 2014 15

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices created astronomical retail success for Single Lens Reflex makers. To meet demand, the big Japanese camera firms continued to produce SLRs in unbelievable numbers for the duration of the decade. By the start of the 1980’s, however, this feverish production had led to market saturation. Sales of SLRs began to drop precipitously in the following three years, as most photographers who wanted an SLR already owned one.

It was obvious that camera makers needed to court new shooters, but new shooters were more often intimidated by the complexity of SLRs. Sales indicated that new photo hobbyists were looking ever more towards the newer and simpler-to-use point-and-shoot cameras. These point-and-shoot machines were stylish, user-friendly, and flaunted greater automation over their SLR ancestors.

By the end of 1983 the SLR camera’s fall from grace was a sad reality, and camera makers all began vying for a larger slice of the growing new-user market. Canon was one of the first to take the usability and automation of a point-and-shoot camera and adapt it into an SLR body, and in 1983 they released a camera that would be one of the simplest SLRs of all time, the Canon T50.

Canon T50 Camera

Aesthetically the T50 is polarizing. It doesn’t have the classically beautiful lines of a German rangefinder or the rugged purposefulness of countless SLRs before it. It’s a mix of strange angles and odd curves, moulded from matte-black polycarbonate with mustard lettering. It’s a bit too large, and the hand-grip looks more like a tumor than a well-sussed design element. The strap lugs are out of balance and placed oddly on the front of the body, and the rest of the shell is visually barren. 1980’s fetishism aside, it’s a pretty ugly camera.

When looking at the blank slate that makes up the top of the T50 one is immediately underwhelmed. There are nowhere near the amount of knobs, dials, and switches that photophiles expect. Beyond the shutter button and ASA dial there exists only one other dial. This sad, little knob changes the mode from Program to Self-Timer, and rotates for a Battery Check. Most conspicuously absent is any kind of shutter speed selector. That’s because the T50 has an entirely automated shutter. Because of this, it would be easy to cast the machine aside as an excessively simplified and handicapped tool; a toy camera for amateurs.

Canon T50 Top

Of course Canon did develop this machine for amateurs, but they also developed it to be a real SLR. This is most evidenced by Canon’s decision to equip the camera with their ubiquitous FD mount, allowing the use of their full range of SLR lenses. The FD range is fairly massive and can stand against any other brand’s contemporary lens range. Couple the T50 with Canon’s rather wonderful FD 35-105mm F/3.5 and you’ve got a completely capable manual focus zoom camera. For standard lens sizes the 50mm F/1.8 is perfection, producing extremely sharp images and great bokeh (when the T50 allows it). Color rendition is also fairly incredible with the 50mm F/1.8.

Important also is the fact that each FD lens offers fully manual aperture control. This means that mounting an FD lens on a T50 gives the photographer some control over depth of field, one of the most important aspects of artistic photography. The caveat with using FD lenses in this way on the T50 is that whenever the lens is set to a manual aperture (not “A” mode), the T50 locks the shutter speed at 1/60th of a second. So while some artistic control is returned to the shooter, the T50 is in no way a fully manual camera. Think of it as a point and shoot of any focal length with impeccable image quality.

Even with this limitation on creative control, the T50 is a pretty fun camera to use. It create a kind of freedom that’s difficult to find with the more “serious” machines, allowing the photographer to focus less on the science of exposure and more on producing the desired artistic effect through framing and composition. Additionally it’s possible to change your exposures a bit and compensate for the locked shutter speed. To trick the T50 into over- or under-exposing your shot, simply estimate available light and raise or lower the ISO (ASA) value.

Canon T50 TTV
Through the viewfinder (TTV) of the Canon T50.

The viewfinder, admittedly lacking in useful information, is amazingly bright and massive. The microprism and split-image rangefinder focus assist makes using the manual focus only FD lenses an incredibly simple task. To the right of the image window there’s an LED display showing “P” or “M” mode. “M” denotes that the aperture ring on the lens has been set to any other aperture outside of “A”, for automatic. Beyond this, the only information is that when the light meter has set a shutter speed slow enough to produce image shake, the “P” blinks slowly. When the light parameters have been judged to exceed the capabilities of the camera (too much or too little light for proper exposure) the “P” flashes rapidly and the shutter will not release.

When considering everything about the T50, it’d be natural to think it’s a stinker. With its combination of bland to ugly looks, the arguably handicapped performance, and the totally sparse viewfinder, there doesn’t seem to be a bright-side. But oddly enough, the T50 is a remarkably fun camera. It’s solidly built, and when paired with FD lenses it’s capable of producing outstanding images. The rather cumbersome design actually lends itself very well to shooting, with the camera staying perfectly balanced on a strap or in the hand. The bulbous hand-grip does its job better than countless more attractive machines, and the oddly angular texturing on the back facilitates perfect one-handed operation.

One-handed Canon T50

With the T50, the moment of zen occurs when the photographer accepts the camera’s limits and embraces the vision that its designers intended. With the lens set to “A” the camera slips into Program mode, and every single shot will be technically perfect. The shooter doesn’t have to think about anything beyond composition, framing, and perspective. This provides a remarkable sense of freedom, and if the T50 had been invented in the 1950’s it would be regarded today as the most important camera of all time. As it was released in the 80’s, it’s mostly regarded as an irrelevant and obsolete machine.

But this may be the wrong perspective. Yes, the T50 limits the shooter, but don’t limiting forces have a way of bringing out the very best in an artist? These limits allow the shooter to concentrate on the heart of the image being created, while letting the T50 do the math. In the right hands there’s no reason the T50 can’t create jaw-dropping images.

The ultimate test of any camera is whether or not its fun to shoot. In this regard, something about the T50 just works. Whether its the clanking shutter coupled with the abrupt and eager winding motor, the charmingly ugly looks, or the rather excellent lens choices, something about the T50 makes one want to keep shooting. Couple this intangible thrill with the fact that a pristine example of this 1980’s high-tech wizardry can be purchased today for somewhere around $20 and the T50 becomes even more of a winner. For that kind of money it’s worth adding another quirky gem of a camera to the collection, and getting some excellent photos out of the deal isn’t half bad either.

Want your own Canon T50?
Buy it on eBay
Buy it on Amazon
Buy it on B&H Photo
Buy it from me at F Stop Cameras
Buy FD lenses on eBay
Buy FD lenses on Amazon
Casual Photophile is on Ello, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube

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35mm Film

Camera Reviews



DECEMBER 22, 2014 AT 9:25 PM
It’s very interesting to see how much my recent camera buying/shooting matches yours. I bought a couple Nikon L35AFs within the last few months, and I bought a T50 at a local film store since I had a few FD lenses (most from by mom’s AE-1P), and since the sticker said:


I left the sticker on it.

I shot a couple rolls through it because I was going hiking, and the widest “real” lens I had (my Vivitar Ultra Wide and Slim with 22mm came along, but it is obviously more of a toy.) was an FD 28mm f2.8 S.C.. Turns out, it’s a fantastic lens, and I just decided to let go of the control I think I need and just focus on trying to make great images. I did manage a few. http://instagram.com/p/u3jTSWKyGK/

If my life weren’t so crazy right now, I’d insist that you let me come on board for guest posts or other content, haha. Seems like we have similar tastes. Anyway, keep up the good work. See you around.

DECEMBER 22, 2014 AT 10:28 PM
Thanks for the comment, my friend. It’s good to be busy.

Love your instagram feed. Keep up the good shooting. And let me know if you would ever have the time to contribute. Always looking to connect with visitors.

Randle P. McMurphy
JANUARY 8, 2015 AT 2:31 PM
Never loved this model range – even not the Nikon EM
because of this Plastic-Fantastic-Feeling.
I was close to buy and level up from my Canon AE 1
to a T90 but change my mind after hold it in my hands.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:30 AM
Looking forward to reviewing the T90 though.

MAY 16, 2015 AT 8:29 AM
I had this thing back in the eighties and still cherrish the travel photo’s it took with it from Nepal, India, Egypt and Turkey. It was indeed extremely simple to use, hence the many keepers from it that i still have kept in my collection now.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:29 AM
Would love to see some of those shots….

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:12 AM
Nice review of an interesting camera.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:22 AM
Thanks for the kind words!

Carl Emblidge
AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:35 PM
I thought I owned the only one, lol. As an artist and casual photophile, I LOVED this camera. It consumed roll after roll and never disappointed me. I didn’t know any different, because it was a graduation present, so I get the flaws, but it’s also a tool. Somewhere between my eye and my idea were the countless prints I made, and that’s all that mattered to me. Now all digitalized and loving the jump to the 21st C, I’m glad I had this camera!

AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:39 PM
Happy to hear it. It’s a great camera, and under valued today.

Frank Lehnen
AUGUST 10, 2016 AT 9:40 AM
I hated the looks of Canon’s T-Series way back in the eighties – that killed Canon for me then. But some months ago I baought a T50 on a whim and I’m amazed. Feels good in hand, not too noisy… well noisier than my AE-1 on course… and first of all it does not distract me from composing my images.

It’s the SLR Equivalent of my Olympus XA2. Totally inobstrusive and liberating. I bought a T70 just afterwards…. I’m still getting used to the looks though

FEBRUARY 21, 2017 AT 6:55 PM
Great review. I will say this about the T50 and T70… I would take my T70 to places that I would never dream of taking my F-1 or A-1 to. Yes when new, the T70 was about $330 or something which wasn’t cheap, but, no one messed with you if all you had was a T70. Hang the F-1 around your neck and you suddenly become a target.

Dr. Ko
MAY 7, 2017 AT 12:24 PM
Yes, the T70 can be found for close to nothing because of it looks, at the same time it offers great function and I love the AA battery option.

DECEMBER 11, 2017 AT 7:58 AM
I also have a T50… for me this is just a better built point’n’shoot camera. I’m used to pair it with a 28mm lens and a fast film… set the focus at 2.5 meters and go shooting hassle free…

Joe shoots resurrected cameras
APRIL 29, 2018 AT 12:11 AM
Yeah the T50’s not bad, but I prefer the Pentax A3000 because it will do aperture priority and program modes. They both take AA batteries which is a Godsend.

Leave A Reply
Canon T50 – Camera Review
James Tocchio May 5, 2014 15

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices created astronomical retail success for Single Lens Reflex makers. To meet demand, the big Japanese camera firms continued to produce SLRs in unbelievable numbers for the duration of the decade. By the start of the 1980’s, however, this feverish production had led to market saturation. Sales of SLRs began to drop precipitously in the following three years, as most photographers who wanted an SLR already owned one.

It was obvious that camera makers needed to court new shooters, but new shooters were more often intimidated by the complexity of SLRs. Sales indicated that new photo hobbyists were looking ever more towards the newer and simpler-to-use point-and-shoot cameras. These point-and-shoot machines were stylish, user-friendly, and flaunted greater automation over their SLR ancestors.

By the end of 1983 the SLR camera’s fall from grace was a sad reality, and camera makers all began vying for a larger slice of the growing new-user market. Canon was one of the first to take the usability and automation of a point-and-shoot camera and adapt it into an SLR body, and in 1983 they released a camera that would be one of the simplest SLRs of all time, the Canon T50.

Canon T50 Camera

Aesthetically the T50 is polarizing. It doesn’t have the classically beautiful lines of a German rangefinder or the rugged purposefulness of countless SLRs before it. It’s a mix of strange angles and odd curves, moulded from matte-black polycarbonate with mustard lettering. It’s a bit too large, and the hand-grip looks more like a tumor than a well-sussed design element. The strap lugs are out of balance and placed oddly on the front of the body, and the rest of the shell is visually barren. 1980’s fetishism aside, it’s a pretty ugly camera.

sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:51:43 #229 №211173017 
Canon T50 – Camera Review
James Tocchio May 5, 2014 15

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices created astronomical retail success for Single Lens Reflex makers. To meet demand, the big Japanese camera firms continued to produce SLRs in unbelievable numbers for the duration of the decade. By the start of the 1980’s, however, this feverish production had led to market saturation. Sales of SLRs began to drop precipitously in the following three years, as most photographers who wanted an SLR already owned one.

It was obvious that camera makers needed to court new shooters, but new shooters were more often intimidated by the complexity of SLRs. Sales indicated that new photo hobbyists were looking ever more towards the newer and simpler-to-use point-and-shoot cameras. These point-and-shoot machines were stylish, user-friendly, and flaunted greater automation over their SLR ancestors.

By the end of 1983 the SLR camera’s fall from grace was a sad reality, and camera makers all began vying for a larger slice of the growing new-user market. Canon was one of the first to take the usability and automation of a point-and-shoot camera and adapt it into an SLR body, and in 1983 they released a camera that would be one of the simplest SLRs of all time, the Canon T50.

Canon T50 Camera

Aesthetically the T50 is polarizing. It doesn’t have the classically beautiful lines of a German rangefinder or the rugged purposefulness of countless SLRs before it. It’s a mix of strange angles and odd curves, moulded from matte-black polycarbonate with mustard lettering. It’s a bit too large, and the hand-grip looks more like a tumor than a well-sussed design element. The strap lugs are out of balance and placed oddly on the front of the body, and the rest of the shell is visually barren. 1980’s fetishism aside, it’s a pretty ugly camera.

When looking at the blank slate that makes up the top of the T50 one is immediately underwhelmed. There are nowhere near the amount of knobs, dials, and switches that photophiles expect. Beyond the shutter button and ASA dial there exists only one other dial. This sad, little knob changes the mode from Program to Self-Timer, and rotates for a Battery Check. Most conspicuously absent is any kind of shutter speed selector. That’s because the T50 has an entirely automated shutter. Because of this, it would be easy to cast the machine aside as an excessively simplified and handicapped tool; a toy camera for amateurs.

Canon T50 Top

Of course Canon did develop this machine for amateurs, but they also developed it to be a real SLR. This is most evidenced by Canon’s decision to equip the camera with their ubiquitous FD mount, allowing the use of their full range of SLR lenses. The FD range is fairly massive and can stand against any other brand’s contemporary lens range. Couple the T50 with Canon’s rather wonderful FD 35-105mm F/3.5 and you’ve got a completely capable manual focus zoom camera. For standard lens sizes the 50mm F/1.8 is perfection, producing extremely sharp images and great bokeh (when the T50 allows it). Color rendition is also fairly incredible with the 50mm F/1.8.

Important also is the fact that each FD lens offers fully manual aperture control. This means that mounting an FD lens on a T50 gives the photographer some control over depth of field, one of the most important aspects of artistic photography. The caveat with using FD lenses in this way on the T50 is that whenever the lens is set to a manual aperture (not “A” mode), the T50 locks the shutter speed at 1/60th of a second. So while some artistic control is returned to the shooter, the T50 is in no way a fully manual camera. Think of it as a point and shoot of any focal length with impeccable image quality.

Even with this limitation on creative control, the T50 is a pretty fun camera to use. It create a kind of freedom that’s difficult to find with the more “serious” machines, allowing the photographer to focus less on the science of exposure and more on producing the desired artistic effect through framing and composition. Additionally it’s possible to change your exposures a bit and compensate for the locked shutter speed. To trick the T50 into over- or under-exposing your shot, simply estimate available light and raise or lower the ISO (ASA) value.

Canon T50 TTV
Through the viewfinder (TTV) of the Canon T50.

The viewfinder, admittedly lacking in useful information, is amazingly bright and massive. The microprism and split-image rangefinder focus assist makes using the manual focus only FD lenses an incredibly simple task. To the right of the image window there’s an LED display showing “P” or “M” mode. “M” denotes that the aperture ring on the lens has been set to any other aperture outside of “A”, for automatic. Beyond this, the only information is that when the light meter has set a shutter speed slow enough to produce image shake, the “P” blinks slowly. When the light parameters have been judged to exceed the capabilities of the camera (too much or too little light for proper exposure) the “P” flashes rapidly and the shutter will not release.

When considering everything about the T50, it’d be natural to think it’s a stinker. With its combination of bland to ugly looks, the arguably handicapped performance, and the totally sparse viewfinder, there doesn’t seem to be a bright-side. But oddly enough, the T50 is a remarkably fun camera. It’s solidly built, and when paired with FD lenses it’s capable of producing outstanding images. The rather cumbersome design actually lends itself very well to shooting, with the camera staying perfectly balanced on a strap or in the hand. The bulbous hand-grip does its job better than countless more attractive machines, and the oddly angular texturing on the back facilitates perfect one-handed operation.

One-handed Canon T50

With the T50, the moment of zen occurs when the photographer accepts the camera’s limits and embraces the vision that its designers intended. With the lens set to “A” the camera slips into Program mode, and every single shot will be technically perfect. The shooter doesn’t have to think about anything beyond composition, framing, and perspective. This provides a remarkable sense of freedom, and if the T50 had been invented in the 1950’s it would be regarded today as the most important camera of all time. As it was released in the 80’s, it’s mostly regarded as an irrelevant and obsolete machine.

But this may be the wrong perspective. Yes, the T50 limits the shooter, but don’t limiting forces have a way of bringing out the very best in an artist? These limits allow the shooter to concentrate on the heart of the image being created, while letting the T50 do the math. In the right hands there’s no reason the T50 can’t create jaw-dropping images.

The ultimate test of any camera is whether or not its fun to shoot. In this regard, something about the T50 just works. Whether its the clanking shutter coupled with the abrupt and eager winding motor, the charmingly ugly looks, or the rather excellent lens choices, something about the T50 makes one want to keep shooting. Couple this intangible thrill with the fact that a pristine example of this 1980’s high-tech wizardry can be purchased today for somewhere around $20 and the T50 becomes even more of a winner. For that kind of money it’s worth adding another quirky gem of a camera to the collection, and getting some excellent photos out of the deal isn’t half bad either.

Want your own Canon T50?
Buy it on eBay
Buy it on Amazon
Buy it on B&H Photo
Buy it from me at F Stop Cameras
Buy FD lenses on eBay
Buy FD lenses on Amazon
Casual Photophile is on Ello, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube

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35mm Film

Camera Reviews



DECEMBER 22, 2014 AT 9:25 PM
It’s very interesting to see how much my recent camera buying/shooting matches yours. I bought a couple Nikon L35AFs within the last few months, and I bought a T50 at a local film store since I had a few FD lenses (most from by mom’s AE-1P), and since the sticker said:


I left the sticker on it.

I shot a couple rolls through it because I was going hiking, and the widest “real” lens I had (my Vivitar Ultra Wide and Slim with 22mm came along, but it is obviously more of a toy.) was an FD 28mm f2.8 S.C.. Turns out, it’s a fantastic lens, and I just decided to let go of the control I think I need and just focus on trying to make great images. I did manage a few. http://instagram.com/p/u3jTSWKyGK/

If my life weren’t so crazy right now, I’d insist that you let me come on board for guest posts or other content, haha. Seems like we have similar tastes. Anyway, keep up the good work. See you around.

DECEMBER 22, 2014 AT 10:28 PM
Thanks for the comment, my friend. It’s good to be busy.

Love your instagram feed. Keep up the good shooting. And let me know if you would ever have the time to contribute. Always looking to connect with visitors.

Randle P. McMurphy
JANUARY 8, 2015 AT 2:31 PM
Never loved this model range – even not the Nikon EM
because of this Plastic-Fantastic-Feeling.
I was close to buy and level up from my Canon AE 1
to a T90 but change my mind after hold it in my hands.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:30 AM
Looking forward to reviewing the T90 though.

MAY 16, 2015 AT 8:29 AM
I had this thing back in the eighties and still cherrish the travel photo’s it took with it from Nepal, India, Egypt and Turkey. It was indeed extremely simple to use, hence the many keepers from it that i still have kept in my collection now.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:29 AM
Would love to see some of those shots….

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:12 AM
Nice review of an interesting camera.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:22 AM
Thanks for the kind words!

Carl Emblidge
AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:35 PM
I thought I owned the only one, lol. As an artist and casual photophile, I LOVED this camera. It consumed roll after roll and never disappointed me. I didn’t know any different, because it was a graduation present, so I get the flaws, but it’s also a tool. Somewhere between my eye and my idea were the countless prints I made, and that’s all that mattered to me. Now all digitalized and loving the jump to the 21st C, I’m glad I had this camera!

AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:39 PM
Happy to hear it. It’s a great camera, and under valued today.

Frank Lehnen
AUGUST 10, 2016 AT 9:40 AM
I hated the looks of Canon’s T-Series way back in the eighties – that killed Canon for me then. But some months ago I baought a T50 on a whim and I’m amazed. Feels good in hand, not too noisy… well noisier than my AE-1 on course… and first of all it does not distract me from composing my images.

It’s the SLR Equivalent of my Olympus XA2. Totally inobstrusive and liberating. I bought a T70 just afterwards…. I’m still getting used to the looks though

FEBRUARY 21, 2017 AT 6:55 PM
Great review. I will say this about the T50 and T70… I would take my T70 to places that I would never dream of taking my F-1 or A-1 to. Yes when new, the T70 was about $330 or something which wasn’t cheap, but, no one messed with you if all you had was a T70. Hang the F-1 around your neck and you suddenly become a target.

Dr. Ko
MAY 7, 2017 AT 12:24 PM
Yes, the T70 can be found for close to nothing because of it looks, at the same time it offers great function and I love the AA battery option.

DECEMBER 11, 2017 AT 7:58 AM
I also have a T50… for me this is just a better built point’n’shoot camera. I’m used to pair it with a 28mm lens and a fast film… set the focus at 2.5 meters and go shooting hassle free…

Joe shoots resurrected cameras
APRIL 29, 2018 AT 12:11 AM
Yeah the T50’s not bad, but I prefer the Pentax A3000 because it will do aperture priority and program modes. They both take AA batteries which is a Godsend.

Leave A Reply
Canon T50 – Camera Review
James Tocchio May 5, 2014 15

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices created astronomical retail success for Single Lens Reflex makers. To meet demand, the big Japanese camera firms continued to produce SLRs in unbelievable numbers for the duration of the decade. By the start of the 1980’s, however, this feverish production had led to market saturation. Sales of SLRs began to drop precipitously in the following three years, as most photographers who wanted an SLR already owned one.

It was obvious that camera makers needed to court new shooters, but new shooters were more often intimidated by the complexity of SLRs. Sales indicated that new photo hobbyists were looking ever more towards the newer and simpler-to-use point-and-shoot cameras. These point-and-shoot machines were stylish, user-friendly, and flaunted greater automation over their SLR ancestors.

By the end of 1983 the SLR camera’s fall from grace was a sad reality, and camera makers all began vying for a larger slice of the growing new-user market. Canon was one of the first to take the usability and automation of a point-and-shoot camera and adapt it into an SLR body, and in 1983 they released a camera that would be one of the simplest SLRs of all time, the Canon T50.

Canon T50 Camera

Aesthetically the T50 is polarizing. It doesn’t have the classically beautiful lines of a German rangefinder or the rugged purposefulness of countless SLRs before it. It’s a mix of strange angles and odd curves, moulded from matte-black polycarbonate with mustard lettering. It’s a bit too large, and the hand-grip looks more like a tumor than a well-sussed design element. The strap lugs are out of balance and placed oddly on the front of the body, and the rest of the shell is visually barren. 1980’s fetishism aside, it’s a pretty ugly camera.

Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:52:00 #230 №211173031 
Пиздежь. Тот же хуйнукен, владелец бренда, нагнул бы завод за такую хуйню.
sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:52:06 #231 №211173037 
Canon T50 – Camera Review
James Tocchio May 5, 2014 15

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices created astronomical retail success for Single Lens Reflex makers. To meet demand, the big Japanese camera firms continued to produce SLRs in unbelievable numbers for the duration of the decade. By the start of the 1980’s, however, this feverish production had led to market saturation. Sales of SLRs began to drop precipitously in the following three years, as most photographers who wanted an SLR already owned one.

It was obvious that camera makers needed to court new shooters, but new shooters were more often intimidated by the complexity of SLRs. Sales indicated that new photo hobbyists were looking ever more towards the newer and simpler-to-use point-and-shoot cameras. These point-and-shoot machines were stylish, user-friendly, and flaunted greater automation over their SLR ancestors.

By the end of 1983 the SLR camera’s fall from grace was a sad reality, and camera makers all began vying for a larger slice of the growing new-user market. Canon was one of the first to take the usability and automation of a point-and-shoot camera and adapt it into an SLR body, and in 1983 they released a camera that would be one of the simplest SLRs of all time, the Canon T50.

Canon T50 Camera

Aesthetically the T50 is polarizing. It doesn’t have the classically beautiful lines of a German rangefinder or the rugged purposefulness of countless SLRs before it. It’s a mix of strange angles and odd curves, moulded from matte-black polycarbonate with mustard lettering. It’s a bit too large, and the hand-grip looks more like a tumor than a well-sussed design element. The strap lugs are out of balance and placed oddly on the front of the body, and the rest of the shell is visually barren. 1980’s fetishism aside, it’s a pretty ugly camera.

When looking at the blank slate that makes up the top of the T50 one is immediately underwhelmed. There are nowhere near the amount of knobs, dials, and switches that photophiles expect. Beyond the shutter button and ASA dial there exists only one other dial. This sad, little knob changes the mode from Program to Self-Timer, and rotates for a Battery Check. Most conspicuously absent is any kind of shutter speed selector. That’s because the T50 has an entirely automated shutter. Because of this, it would be easy to cast the machine aside as an excessively simplified and handicapped tool; a toy camera for amateurs.

Canon T50 Top

Of course Canon did develop this machine for amateurs, but they also developed it to be a real SLR. This is most evidenced by Canon’s decision to equip the camera with their ubiquitous FD mount, allowing the use of their full range of SLR lenses. The FD range is fairly massive and can stand against any other brand’s contemporary lens range. Couple the T50 with Canon’s rather wonderful FD 35-105mm F/3.5 and you’ve got a completely capable manual focus zoom camera. For standard lens sizes the 50mm F/1.8 is perfection, producing extremely sharp images and great bokeh (when the T50 allows it). Color rendition is also fairly incredible with the 50mm F/1.8.

Important also is the fact that each FD lens offers fully manual aperture control. This means that mounting an FD lens on a T50 gives the photographer some control over depth of field, one of the most important aspects of artistic photography. The caveat with using FD lenses in this way on the T50 is that whenever the lens is set to a manual aperture (not “A” mode), the T50 locks the shutter speed at 1/60th of a second. So while some artistic control is returned to the shooter, the T50 is in no way a fully manual camera. Think of it as a point and shoot of any focal length with impeccable image quality.

Even with this limitation on creative control, the T50 is a pretty fun camera to use. It create a kind of freedom that’s difficult to find with the more “serious” machines, allowing the photographer to focus less on the science of exposure and more on producing the desired artistic effect through framing and composition. Additionally it’s possible to change your exposures a bit and compensate for the locked shutter speed. To trick the T50 into over- or under-exposing your shot, simply estimate available light and raise or lower the ISO (ASA) value.

Canon T50 TTV
Through the viewfinder (TTV) of the Canon T50.

The viewfinder, admittedly lacking in useful information, is amazingly bright and massive. The microprism and split-image rangefinder focus assist makes using the manual focus only FD lenses an incredibly simple task. To the right of the image window there’s an LED display showing “P” or “M” mode. “M” denotes that the aperture ring on the lens has been set to any other aperture outside of “A”, for automatic. Beyond this, the only information is that when the light meter has set a shutter speed slow enough to produce image shake, the “P” blinks slowly. When the light parameters have been judged to exceed the capabilities of the camera (too much or too little light for proper exposure) the “P” flashes rapidly and the shutter will not release.

When considering everything about the T50, it’d be natural to think it’s a stinker. With its combination of bland to ugly looks, the arguably handicapped performance, and the totally sparse viewfinder, there doesn’t seem to be a bright-side. But oddly enough, the T50 is a remarkably fun camera. It’s solidly built, and when paired with FD lenses it’s capable of producing outstanding images. The rather cumbersome design actually lends itself very well to shooting, with the camera staying perfectly balanced on a strap or in the hand. The bulbous hand-grip does its job better than countless more attractive machines, and the oddly angular texturing on the back facilitates perfect one-handed operation.

One-handed Canon T50

With the T50, the moment of zen occurs when the photographer accepts the camera’s limits and embraces the vision that its designers intended. With the lens set to “A” the camera slips into Program mode, and every single shot will be technically perfect. The shooter doesn’t have to think about anything beyond composition, framing, and perspective. This provides a remarkable sense of freedom, and if the T50 had been invented in the 1950’s it would be regarded today as the most important camera of all time. As it was released in the 80’s, it’s mostly regarded as an irrelevant and obsolete machine.

But this may be the wrong perspective. Yes, the T50 limits the shooter, but don’t limiting forces have a way of bringing out the very best in an artist? These limits allow the shooter to concentrate on the heart of the image being created, while letting the T50 do the math. In the right hands there’s no reason the T50 can’t create jaw-dropping images.

The ultimate test of any camera is whether or not its fun to shoot. In this regard, something about the T50 just works. Whether its the clanking shutter coupled with the abrupt and eager winding motor, the charmingly ugly looks, or the rather excellent lens choices, something about the T50 makes one want to keep shooting. Couple this intangible thrill with the fact that a pristine example of this 1980’s high-tech wizardry can be purchased today for somewhere around $20 and the T50 becomes even more of a winner. For that kind of money it’s worth adding another quirky gem of a camera to the collection, and getting some excellent photos out of the deal isn’t half bad either.

Want your own Canon T50?
Buy it on eBay
Buy it on Amazon
Buy it on B&H Photo
Buy it from me at F Stop Cameras
Buy FD lenses on eBay
Buy FD lenses on Amazon
Casual Photophile is on Ello, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube

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35mm Film

Camera Reviews



DECEMBER 22, 2014 AT 9:25 PM
It’s very interesting to see how much my recent camera buying/shooting matches yours. I bought a couple Nikon L35AFs within the last few months, and I bought a T50 at a local film store since I had a few FD lenses (most from by mom’s AE-1P), and since the sticker said:


I left the sticker on it.

I shot a couple rolls through it because I was going hiking, and the widest “real” lens I had (my Vivitar Ultra Wide and Slim with 22mm came along, but it is obviously more of a toy.) was an FD 28mm f2.8 S.C.. Turns out, it’s a fantastic lens, and I just decided to let go of the control I think I need and just focus on trying to make great images. I did manage a few. http://instagram.com/p/u3jTSWKyGK/

If my life weren’t so crazy right now, I’d insist that you let me come on board for guest posts or other content, haha. Seems like we have similar tastes. Anyway, keep up the good work. See you around.

DECEMBER 22, 2014 AT 10:28 PM
Thanks for the comment, my friend. It’s good to be busy.

Love your instagram feed. Keep up the good shooting. And let me know if you would ever have the time to contribute. Always looking to connect with visitors.

Randle P. McMurphy
JANUARY 8, 2015 AT 2:31 PM
Never loved this model range – even not the Nikon EM
because of this Plastic-Fantastic-Feeling.
I was close to buy and level up from my Canon AE 1
to a T90 but change my mind after hold it in my hands.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:30 AM
Looking forward to reviewing the T90 though.

MAY 16, 2015 AT 8:29 AM
I had this thing back in the eighties and still cherrish the travel photo’s it took with it from Nepal, India, Egypt and Turkey. It was indeed extremely simple to use, hence the many keepers from it that i still have kept in my collection now.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:29 AM
Would love to see some of those shots….

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:12 AM
Nice review of an interesting camera.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:22 AM
Thanks for the kind words!

Carl Emblidge
AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:35 PM
I thought I owned the only one, lol. As an artist and casual photophile, I LOVED this camera. It consumed roll after roll and never disappointed me. I didn’t know any different, because it was a graduation present, so I get the flaws, but it’s also a tool. Somewhere between my eye and my idea were the countless prints I made, and that’s all that mattered to me. Now all digitalized and loving the jump to the 21st C, I’m glad I had this camera!

AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:39 PM
Happy to hear it. It’s a great camera, and under valued today.

Frank Lehnen
AUGUST 10, 2016 AT 9:40 AM
I hated the looks of Canon’s T-Series way back in the eighties – that killed Canon for me then. But some months ago I baought a T50 on a whim and I’m amazed. Feels good in hand, not too noisy… well noisier than my AE-1 on course… and first of all it does not distract me from composing my images.

It’s the SLR Equivalent of my Olympus XA2. Totally inobstrusive and liberating. I bought a T70 just afterwards…. I’m still getting used to the looks though

FEBRUARY 21, 2017 AT 6:55 PM
Great review. I will say this about the T50 and T70… I would take my T70 to places that I would never dream of taking my F-1 or A-1 to. Yes when new, the T70 was about $330 or something which wasn’t cheap, but, no one messed with you if all you had was a T70. Hang the F-1 around your neck and you suddenly become a target.

Dr. Ko
MAY 7, 2017 AT 12:24 PM
Yes, the T70 can be found for close to nothing because of it looks, at the same time it offers great function and I love the AA battery option.

DECEMBER 11, 2017 AT 7:58 AM
I also have a T50… for me this is just a better built point’n’shoot camera. I’m used to pair it with a 28mm lens and a fast film… set the focus at 2.5 meters and go shooting hassle free…

Joe shoots resurrected cameras
APRIL 29, 2018 AT 12:11 AM
Yeah the T50’s not bad, but I prefer the Pentax A3000 because it will do aperture priority and program modes. They both take AA batteries which is a Godsend.

Leave A Reply
Canon T50 – Camera Review
James Tocchio May 5, 2014 15

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices created astronomical retail success for Single Lens Reflex makers. To meet demand, the big Japanese camera firms continued to produce SLRs in unbelievable numbers for the duration of the decade. By the start of the 1980’s, however, this feverish production had led to market saturation. Sales of SLRs began to drop precipitously in the following three years, as most photographers who wanted an SLR already owned one.

It was obvious that camera makers needed to court new shooters, but new shooters were more often intimidated by the complexity of SLRs. Sales indicated that new photo hobbyists were looking ever more towards the newer and simpler-to-use point-and-shoot cameras. These point-and-shoot machines were stylish, user-friendly, and flaunted greater automation over their SLR ancestors.

By the end of 1983 the SLR camera’s fall from grace was a sad reality, and camera makers all began vying for a larger slice of the growing new-user market. Canon was one of the first to take the usability and automation of a point-and-shoot camera and adapt it into an SLR body, and in 1983 they released a camera that would be one of the simplest SLRs of all time, the Canon T50.

Canon T50 Camera

Aesthetically the T50 is polarizing. It doesn’t have the classically beautiful lines of a German rangefinder or the rugged purposefulness of countless SLRs before it. It’s a mix of strange angles and odd curves, moulded from matte-black polycarbonate with mustard lettering. It’s a bit too large, and the hand-grip looks more like a tumor than a well-sussed design element. The strap lugs are out of balance and placed oddly on the front of the body, and the rest of the shell is visually barren. 1980’s fetishism aside, it’s a pretty ugly camera.

sage[mailto:sage] Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:52:22 #232 №211173049 
Canon T50 – Camera Review
James Tocchio May 5, 2014 15

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices created astronomical retail success for Single Lens Reflex makers. To meet demand, the big Japanese camera firms continued to produce SLRs in unbelievable numbers for the duration of the decade. By the start of the 1980’s, however, this feverish production had led to market saturation. Sales of SLRs began to drop precipitously in the following three years, as most photographers who wanted an SLR already owned one.

It was obvious that camera makers needed to court new shooters, but new shooters were more often intimidated by the complexity of SLRs. Sales indicated that new photo hobbyists were looking ever more towards the newer and simpler-to-use point-and-shoot cameras. These point-and-shoot machines were stylish, user-friendly, and flaunted greater automation over their SLR ancestors.

By the end of 1983 the SLR camera’s fall from grace was a sad reality, and camera makers all began vying for a larger slice of the growing new-user market. Canon was one of the first to take the usability and automation of a point-and-shoot camera and adapt it into an SLR body, and in 1983 they released a camera that would be one of the simplest SLRs of all time, the Canon T50.

Canon T50 Camera

Aesthetically the T50 is polarizing. It doesn’t have the classically beautiful lines of a German rangefinder or the rugged purposefulness of countless SLRs before it. It’s a mix of strange angles and odd curves, moulded from matte-black polycarbonate with mustard lettering. It’s a bit too large, and the hand-grip looks more like a tumor than a well-sussed design element. The strap lugs are out of balance and placed oddly on the front of the body, and the rest of the shell is visually barren. 1980’s fetishism aside, it’s a pretty ugly camera.

When looking at the blank slate that makes up the top of the T50 one is immediately underwhelmed. There are nowhere near the amount of knobs, dials, and switches that photophiles expect. Beyond the shutter button and ASA dial there exists only one other dial. This sad, little knob changes the mode from Program to Self-Timer, and rotates for a Battery Check. Most conspicuously absent is any kind of shutter speed selector. That’s because the T50 has an entirely automated shutter. Because of this, it would be easy to cast the machine aside as an excessively simplified and handicapped tool; a toy camera for amateurs.

Canon T50 Top

Of course Canon did develop this machine for amateurs, but they also developed it to be a real SLR. This is most evidenced by Canon’s decision to equip the camera with their ubiquitous FD mount, allowing the use of their full range of SLR lenses. The FD range is fairly massive and can stand against any other brand’s contemporary lens range. Couple the T50 with Canon’s rather wonderful FD 35-105mm F/3.5 and you’ve got a completely capable manual focus zoom camera. For standard lens sizes the 50mm F/1.8 is perfection, producing extremely sharp images and great bokeh (when the T50 allows it). Color rendition is also fairly incredible with the 50mm F/1.8.

Important also is the fact that each FD lens offers fully manual aperture control. This means that mounting an FD lens on a T50 gives the photographer some control over depth of field, one of the most important aspects of artistic photography. The caveat with using FD lenses in this way on the T50 is that whenever the lens is set to a manual aperture (not “A” mode), the T50 locks the shutter speed at 1/60th of a second. So while some artistic control is returned to the shooter, the T50 is in no way a fully manual camera. Think of it as a point and shoot of any focal length with impeccable image quality.

Even with this limitation on creative control, the T50 is a pretty fun camera to use. It create a kind of freedom that’s difficult to find with the more “serious” machines, allowing the photographer to focus less on the science of exposure and more on producing the desired artistic effect through framing and composition. Additionally it’s possible to change your exposures a bit and compensate for the locked shutter speed. To trick the T50 into over- or under-exposing your shot, simply estimate available light and raise or lower the ISO (ASA) value.

Canon T50 TTV
Through the viewfinder (TTV) of the Canon T50.

The viewfinder, admittedly lacking in useful information, is amazingly bright and massive. The microprism and split-image rangefinder focus assist makes using the manual focus only FD lenses an incredibly simple task. To the right of the image window there’s an LED display showing “P” or “M” mode. “M” denotes that the aperture ring on the lens has been set to any other aperture outside of “A”, for automatic. Beyond this, the only information is that when the light meter has set a shutter speed slow enough to produce image shake, the “P” blinks slowly. When the light parameters have been judged to exceed the capabilities of the camera (too much or too little light for proper exposure) the “P” flashes rapidly and the shutter will not release.

When considering everything about the T50, it’d be natural to think it’s a stinker. With its combination of bland to ugly looks, the arguably handicapped performance, and the totally sparse viewfinder, there doesn’t seem to be a bright-side. But oddly enough, the T50 is a remarkably fun camera. It’s solidly built, and when paired with FD lenses it’s capable of producing outstanding images. The rather cumbersome design actually lends itself very well to shooting, with the camera staying perfectly balanced on a strap or in the hand. The bulbous hand-grip does its job better than countless more attractive machines, and the oddly angular texturing on the back facilitates perfect one-handed operation.

One-handed Canon T50

With the T50, the moment of zen occurs when the photographer accepts the camera’s limits and embraces the vision that its designers intended. With the lens set to “A” the camera slips into Program mode, and every single shot will be technically perfect. The shooter doesn’t have to think about anything beyond composition, framing, and perspective. This provides a remarkable sense of freedom, and if the T50 had been invented in the 1950’s it would be regarded today as the most important camera of all time. As it was released in the 80’s, it’s mostly regarded as an irrelevant and obsolete machine.

But this may be the wrong perspective. Yes, the T50 limits the shooter, but don’t limiting forces have a way of bringing out the very best in an artist? These limits allow the shooter to concentrate on the heart of the image being created, while letting the T50 do the math. In the right hands there’s no reason the T50 can’t create jaw-dropping images.

The ultimate test of any camera is whether or not its fun to shoot. In this regard, something about the T50 just works. Whether its the clanking shutter coupled with the abrupt and eager winding motor, the charmingly ugly looks, or the rather excellent lens choices, something about the T50 makes one want to keep shooting. Couple this intangible thrill with the fact that a pristine example of this 1980’s high-tech wizardry can be purchased today for somewhere around $20 and the T50 becomes even more of a winner. For that kind of money it’s worth adding another quirky gem of a camera to the collection, and getting some excellent photos out of the deal isn’t half bad either.

Want your own Canon T50?
Buy it on eBay
Buy it on Amazon
Buy it on B&H Photo
Buy it from me at F Stop Cameras
Buy FD lenses on eBay
Buy FD lenses on Amazon
Casual Photophile is on Ello, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube

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35mm Film

Camera Reviews



DECEMBER 22, 2014 AT 9:25 PM
It’s very interesting to see how much my recent camera buying/shooting matches yours. I bought a couple Nikon L35AFs within the last few months, and I bought a T50 at a local film store since I had a few FD lenses (most from by mom’s AE-1P), and since the sticker said:


I left the sticker on it.

I shot a couple rolls through it because I was going hiking, and the widest “real” lens I had (my Vivitar Ultra Wide and Slim with 22mm came along, but it is obviously more of a toy.) was an FD 28mm f2.8 S.C.. Turns out, it’s a fantastic lens, and I just decided to let go of the control I think I need and just focus on trying to make great images. I did manage a few. http://instagram.com/p/u3jTSWKyGK/

If my life weren’t so crazy right now, I’d insist that you let me come on board for guest posts or other content, haha. Seems like we have similar tastes. Anyway, keep up the good work. See you around.

DECEMBER 22, 2014 AT 10:28 PM
Thanks for the comment, my friend. It’s good to be busy.

Love your instagram feed. Keep up the good shooting. And let me know if you would ever have the time to contribute. Always looking to connect with visitors.

Randle P. McMurphy
JANUARY 8, 2015 AT 2:31 PM
Never loved this model range – even not the Nikon EM
because of this Plastic-Fantastic-Feeling.
I was close to buy and level up from my Canon AE 1
to a T90 but change my mind after hold it in my hands.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:30 AM
Looking forward to reviewing the T90 though.

MAY 16, 2015 AT 8:29 AM
I had this thing back in the eighties and still cherrish the travel photo’s it took with it from Nepal, India, Egypt and Turkey. It was indeed extremely simple to use, hence the many keepers from it that i still have kept in my collection now.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:29 AM
Would love to see some of those shots….

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:12 AM
Nice review of an interesting camera.

AUGUST 12, 2015 AT 2:22 AM
Thanks for the kind words!

Carl Emblidge
AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:35 PM
I thought I owned the only one, lol. As an artist and casual photophile, I LOVED this camera. It consumed roll after roll and never disappointed me. I didn’t know any different, because it was a graduation present, so I get the flaws, but it’s also a tool. Somewhere between my eye and my idea were the countless prints I made, and that’s all that mattered to me. Now all digitalized and loving the jump to the 21st C, I’m glad I had this camera!

AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:39 PM
Happy to hear it. It’s a great camera, and under valued today.

Frank Lehnen
AUGUST 10, 2016 AT 9:40 AM
I hated the looks of Canon’s T-Series way back in the eighties – that killed Canon for me then. But some months ago I baought a T50 on a whim and I’m amazed. Feels good in hand, not too noisy… well noisier than my AE-1 on course… and first of all it does not distract me from composing my images.

It’s the SLR Equivalent of my Olympus XA2. Totally inobstrusive and liberating. I bought a T70 just afterwards…. I’m still getting used to the looks though

FEBRUARY 21, 2017 AT 6:55 PM
Great review. I will say this about the T50 and T70… I would take my T70 to places that I would never dream of taking my F-1 or A-1 to. Yes when new, the T70 was about $330 or something which wasn’t cheap, but, no one messed with you if all you had was a T70. Hang the F-1 around your neck and you suddenly become a target.

Dr. Ko
MAY 7, 2017 AT 12:24 PM
Yes, the T70 can be found for close to nothing because of it looks, at the same time it offers great function and I love the AA battery option.

DECEMBER 11, 2017 AT 7:58 AM
I also have a T50… for me this is just a better built point’n’shoot camera. I’m used to pair it with a 28mm lens and a fast film… set the focus at 2.5 meters and go shooting hassle free…

Joe shoots resurrected cameras
APRIL 29, 2018 AT 12:11 AM
Yeah the T50’s not bad, but I prefer the Pentax A3000 because it will do aperture priority and program modes. They both take AA batteries which is a Godsend.

Leave A Reply
Canon T50 – Camera Review
James Tocchio May 5, 2014 15

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices created astronomical retail success for Single Lens Reflex makers. To meet demand, the big Japanese camera firms continued to produce SLRs in unbelievable numbers for the duration of the decade. By the start of the 1980’s, however, this feverish production had led to market saturation. Sales of SLRs began to drop precipitously in the following three years, as most photographers who wanted an SLR already owned one.

It was obvious that camera makers needed to court new shooters, but new shooters were more often intimidated by the complexity of SLRs. Sales indicated that new photo hobbyists were looking ever more towards the newer and simpler-to-use point-and-shoot cameras. These point-and-shoot machines were stylish, user-friendly, and flaunted greater automation over their SLR ancestors.

By the end of 1983 the SLR camera’s fall from grace was a sad reality, and camera makers all began vying for a larger slice of the growing new-user market. Canon was one of the first to take the usability and automation of a point-and-shoot camera and adapt it into an SLR body, and in 1983 they released a camera that would be one of the simplest SLRs of all time, the Canon T50.

Canon T50 Camera

Aesthetically the T50 is polarizing. It doesn’t have the classically beautiful lines of a German rangefinder or the rugged purposefulness of countless SLRs before it. It’s a mix of strange angles and odd curves, moulded from matte-black polycarbonate with mustard lettering. It’s a bit too large, and the hand-grip looks more like a tumor than a well-sussed design element. The strap lugs are out of balance and placed oddly on the front of the body, and the rest of the shell is visually barren. 1980’s fetishism aside, it’s a pretty ugly camera.

Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:52:57 #233 №211173067 
>сука как бы не съехатбся
Вопрос времени.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:53:41 #234 №211173093 
>>211167214 (OP)

> Что мотивирует лично тебя вставать по утрам и идти работать, анон?

Мамка очень расстроится, если я брошу работу и целыми днями буду дома сидеть.

Сильно боюсь деградировать дома до такого состояяние, что вообще не смогу общаться и работать.

Чисто теоретически в будущем у меня должна быть недвижимоть где жить и недвижимоть которую можно сдавать.
Сейчас есть две квартиры, обе я сдаю, чистый доход с каждой 15к в месяц МО. ну повезло хули

Если откладывать деньги с них на вклад плюс с зарплаты, думаю удастся разменять на более удачный варианты.
Нужно где-то 3кк рублей на обе квартиры.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:53:57 #235 №211173104 
Слышал такое от кореша, который водкой торгует, то же самое говорил.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:54:09 #236 №211173117 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:54:55 #237 №211173147 
>>211167214 (OP)
Деньги, естессно. И моя няша, да
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:55:17 #238 №211173162 
Двачую по всем статьям. Правда должность у меня уже лет 9 не меняется. Но на нынешнем месте работа в лайт режиме. И мозг начинает рефлексировать. Хотя надмозгом понимаю - что наоборот, каеф, не надо жопу рвать. Тоже пью
Но я эту ситуевину стараюсь рассматривать комплексно, не только работу - но и вообще жисть свою. Думаю, что здорово смотреть на все это так: жисть - это путь, а не цель. Целей нет. Если это дело прочувствовать и принять - то нет разочарований. Не думаешь утром, двигая на работу -что вот, а мог бы ЖЫТЬ. Ибо это просто путь
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:55:34 #239 №211173174 
Привет из Австралии?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:56:34 #240 №211173210 
>мысли о бессмысленности такой жизни, вечном рабстве, болезнях
>Я только к концу каникул начал снова ощущать жизнь
По этим пунктам та же хуйня. Я даже эти выходные по привычке каникулами называю.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:56:39 #241 №211173211 
А куда спать и срать? Всегда интересовало это вот.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:57:11 #242 №211173229 
>45 с коммуналкой
Что за хата у тебя, пидарас?! 300 квадратов штоле сука?! Отвечай, падла
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:57:53 #243 №211173250 
>с рекрутеркой
С рекрутершей, блядь.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:58:19 #244 №211173268 
Однушка с приличным ремонтом в 100 метрах от метро
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:58:43 #245 №211173282 
А что за работа была?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:59:15 #246 №211173306 
С этими феминитивами хуй проссы как правильно
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 09:59:16 #247 №211173307 
Очередные пиздежи от успешного понаеха, наверняка работает эникеем на подсосе и снимает в бирюлево залупу с видом на ТЭЦ, ага, все вы пиздачи.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:00:03 #248 №211173328 
Спасибо тебе, хорошее дело делаешь, вайпаешь бототред.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:00:25 #249 №211173348 
Киргизки норм жёны, т.к. их с детства приучают к покорности мужчине. Но если дашь слабину после свадьбы — тебе пиздец. Будешь содержать весь аул.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:00:34 #250 №211173356 
Уволился 27 декабря так как обосрался с проектом и вообще обосрался и вонь дошла до заказчика

Понял какое же я говно, выставил резюме на HH и через 3 дня получил работу на 25% выше ЗП только условия не такие раслабленные, что хорошо может ебать будут и пиздить чтоб я РАБотал а не пиздострадал и деградировал, ведь я безвольная шлюха. Как обычно годик отРАБотаю и свалю в тай на полгода просирать деньги.

Мимо 250K программист фуллстек
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:00:47 #251 №211173363 
>>211167214 (OP)
Я магазинный работник. У меня подъем в 9:30. А рабочий день в 11:00. А ещё у меня график 2/2. Поэтому наконец-то мне на работу идти не в напряг.
В Беларуси мотивирует зарплата в 500$. Правда она есть только в Евроопте в столице. Ну я и там.

Смены - волшебная тема. Хочешь переработать - набирай подработок.
Хочешь путешествия хоть в Питер, хоть во Львов - отгулы, замены с коллегами.

Пришла доставочка/в собес нужно/в особый магазин/в банк/ что угодно работает в пятидневку? У тебя в будний день целый день гарантированно свободный всегда есть.

Раб пятидневки в понедельник мечтает о пятнице, а я в этот понедельник либо сплю, либо ставлю будильник и иду по своим делам. Могу напролет аутировать за консолью.

Работаю не 24 дня, а 15 дней.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:01:08 #252 №211173370 
А да, выхожу в конце января так как хотел как следует продеградировать
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:01:56 #253 №211173399 
Мне жилищка её сказала что если я её брошу по жесткому или изменю или подобное, она меня нахуй зарежет.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:02:02 #254 №211173403 
>айтимразь за 200+
Как вкатиться к вам на такую з/п? пидор бля! вот нахуя тебе столько?! Мне б 50 за глаза
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:02:23 #255 №211173418 
Че тебе жопу то рвет? Как есть сказал
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:03:39 #256 №211173475 
Linux+ Kubernetes + Docker + JS + Ruby|Python|Go|NET|Java + распиаренная в данный момент фреймворк хуйня

Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:03:56 #257 №211173487 
Собственно никаких секретов тут нет, просто ебошишь как конь и учишься по вечерам как ботан. Устраиваешься через год джуном на 70, через год повышаешься до 120, потом еще. Всё это время ебошишь как конь и учишься как ботан
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:04:25 #258 №211173499 
DPvP7UoW4AAWgeu.jpg large.jpg
>>211167214 (OP)
> Что мотивирует лично тебя вставать по утрам и идти работать, анон?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:04:40 #259 №211173510 
Утешай себя. Я кстати, года джва-три назад покупал хуйникен в КБ и чот говнище какое-то оказалось. Сравнил с магазинным обычным — разница есть. Так что не пиздёж это.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:05:07 #260 №211173524 
Пиздят, 100%, анон. В госпараше много не получишь, а в коммерции нужно шутить не смешное, подсасывать начальнику и ходить на корпораты, тогда будет 100+.
Конечно, еще б ты обратное сказал, все понаехи пиздят и кажутся успешными, иначе зачем приехали. Я ниразу не видел понаеха, который честно сказал что приехал на 40к и живет в залупе.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:06:55 #261 №211173586 
Приехал на работу. Сижу капчую. Сосу снюс. Хорошо...
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:06:56 #262 №211173587 
Захуй мне приезжать на 40к и жить в залупе, если я у себя в пердях зарабатывал 70 и жил в 10 минутах от центра? Чего тебе жопу то рвет, можешь сказать?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:07:47 #263 №211173612 
>>211167214 (OP)
То что я работаю на еду, лол.
Если я не буду работать, то я не буду есть.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:07:52 #264 №211173614 
Если про девушку, то да.
Про дрочку нет, для меня было бы слишком жирновато.
Хотя история про крысу начиналась неплохо, но под конец у меня пропал интерес к этой стори и я хуево закончил. Кажется в каком то треде писал хуйню про поедание волос, поэтому и забил.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:07:53 #265 №211173615 
Мне не рвет абсолютно, не я же рассказываю про нормоблядскую жизнь.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:08:18 #266 №211173629 
> года джва-три назад покупал хуйникен в КБ и чот говнище какое-то оказалось. Сравнил с магазинным обычным — разница есть
Ну это вообще пушка.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:08:36 #267 №211173646 
>врёти ряя
>не рвет абсолютно
Ну хорошо, что не рвет, мне показалось, видать
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:10:02 #268 №211173698 
Не знаю про линию на заводе, но Хуйнекен волжского разлива хуже, чем оригинального питерского.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:12:05 #269 №211173766 
>>211167214 (OP)
>Что мотивирует лично тебя вставать по утрам и идти работать, анон?

зачем ты мне про это напомнил блять
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:16:16 #270 №211173920 
Меня ничего не мотивирует. Накопил 400-500к до лета, фрилансю, развиваю ютуб и инстаграм для продажи рекламы. Если нихуя не получится, опять буду вздрагивать от пикчи этого кота каждое воскресенье. Или съебу на Бали и стану барменом.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:22:56 #271 №211174161 
Религия не позволяет завести нормальную карту вместо ублюдского спермбанка?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:33:04 #272 №211174608 
Котаны, поясните про пассивный доход? Всякие паблики-хуяблики. Это говно работает штоле? Сколько раз слышал слово "СММ", но нихуя не вдавался никогда. Заебало работать, хочу что-нибудь запилить такое, чтобы ничего не делать, а все было.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:35:17 #273 №211174721 
Тебе придется создавать контент для паблика, либо пиздить его. На пижженном контенте взрывного роста не будет. Узкие тематики тоже не заходят. Ну и на начальном этапе - надо вкладывать деньги в раскрутку своего паблоса, от 100к. Речь про инстаграм, например.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:41:19 #274 №211174960 
А у меня сегодня впервые снег пошёл за зиму
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:41:39 #275 №211174976 
Если речь идёт о развлекательных пабликах с мемесами, то мне кажется, что сейчас они нахуй никому не нужны. Да и сложно будет конкурировать со всякими МДК и прочей залупой.
Единственная более лимение нормальная хуйня, как мне кажется - это заводить и вести инстаграмм-аккаунты для всяких магазинов со шмотками, ибо продажи щас уходят в онлайн и нонейм магазины с турецкими джинсами и прочим ширпотребом остаются на обочине. Особенно актуально для мухосрани.
У меня в городе вообще торговые центры стоят полупустые - ни посетителей, ни торгашей. И с каждым годом их становится всё меньше.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:43:01 #276 №211175038 
Пиздос-календарь кто-нибудь на этот год сделал?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:44:41 #277 №211175105 
А что есть раскрутка? Платить пидорам всяким, чтобы размещали на него ссылки?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:45:29 #278 №211175156 
>>211167214 (OP)
Чо как вы тут, работяги?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:46:32 #279 №211175187 
таргетированную рекламу в инстаграме покупать
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:48:12 #280 №211175252 
Рекламу купи, контент пили. Хуйня какая-то.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:49:23 #281 №211175304 
Пидоры тоже подойдут. Тебе надо подписоту накопить, чтоб посты твои читала.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:49:41 #282 №211175319 
А если барыжить какой-нибудь хуйней? Типа на авито брать объяву, дублировать, накидывать пару соток сверху. Ну, не вручную, конечно, накодить какую-нибудь хуйню, чтобы рандомные объявления, скажем, с ценником от 5к дублировала.
[mailto:[email protected]Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:51:27 #283 №211175390 
>>211167214 (OP)
1. Мне нравится моя работа.
2. Часть нагрузки в магистратуре снимается благодаря рабочим задачам. Ну типа там всякие РГЗ, курсачи.
3. Я получаю за это бабки (работают, как правило, для этого), вполне неплохие.
4. На работе я сижу за компиком, отвечаю в двощ, пью кофе. То же, что и дома, но просто медленнее.
5. Я ощущаю себя блядь человеком, потому что занимаюсь тем, чем мне нравится, а создаю треды шизовысерные о том, что как хуёво быть инцелом-безработным-у-мамы-шея-все-слабее.
6. Соответственно, прогрессирую как специалист и обеспечиваю себе еще более пиздатое будущее
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:51:55 #284 №211175405 
Пиздец, собрался увольняться, а мне зарплату на 15к подняли. О том что увольняюсь, я еще не говорил. Хуй знает что теперь делать
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:52:56 #285 №211175442 
Трипл, лови совет: за день до начала работы ты берёшь и просыпаешься по будильнику как обычно на РАБоту. Поверь, этого хватит, что бы войти в режим
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:54:28 #286 №211175504 
так уже делают тащемта. Хз как оно работает вообще.

Или вот еще годная схема - ездить по всяким авторазборкам, фоткать имеющиеся у них запчасти и выставлять на авито/фарпост за цену на пару соток выше, чем они продают по факту. Ну то есть по факту ты такой, разъездной продавец, берущий себе пару сотен в виде комиссии за проданную железку.
Профит двойной - владельцам разборки не надо ебаться с выставлением сотен запчастей и отслеживать активность клиентов, а тебе - пару сотен рублей с каждой проданной запчасти.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:54:57 #287 №211175522 
скока плотят?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:55:30 #288 №211175543 
У нас в позапрошлом году после новогодних праздников в первый рабочий день вместо "на работу" чувак вышел в окно. Думаю не он один.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:57:51 #289 №211175646 
А ты че думал, что есть такой специальный способ для сычей, когда ничего не делаешь, а бабки текут?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 10:57:59 #290 №211175654 
>>211167214 (OP)
>Что мотивирует лично тебя вставать по утрам и идти работать, анон?
[mailto:[email protected]Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:01:27 #291 №211175804 
35к+раз в квартал+15к стипа магистранта.

Грубо говоря, дохуя, для того, кто сидит на дваче и палит нетфликс.

Живу с мамой, поэтому за хату не плачу.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:02:24 #292 №211175843 
Блять, такая же хуйня. ЗП 55к, листаю двачи, фриланшу, занимаюсь своими делами, ИЗРЕДКА работаю. Грызет совесть пиздос. Тебя нет?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:04:36 #293 №211175927 
Ага. Не все же сычам страдать.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:05:49 #294 №211175979 
скока щас получаешь?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:06:56 #295 №211176018 
Можно попробовать, кстати. Живу на границе с Эстошкой, можно попробовать их сайты подербанить на предмет запчастей, правда я не разбираюсь в автозалупе вообще никак.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:08:30 #296 №211176063 
Уже 90
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:08:39 #297 №211176067 
Ну здрасте здрасте! Вот мы и на работке дааа , ну те кто офисное быдло как я , у которых положеные 8 дней отдыха. честно я заебался дома валяться и бухать, на 8 дней один раз поебался с тянкой и все , отказался от новой работы с высокой зп но заебистым графиком, в пользу старой работы с низкой зп но проебистым графиком)
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:09:49 #298 №211176114 
Ух бля. И вот как в этом говне разбираться?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:10:29 #299 №211176141 
Сук, тоже хочу 90 получать
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:10:57 #300 №211176166 
Так работай больше, учись новому
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:11:10 #301 №211176178 
>>211167214 (OP)
Работа в айти. Насобирать связей/опыта и съебать нахуй.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:12:12 #302 №211176229 
да хуйня. тупо выкладываешь всё, что у них имеется. И твоя задача - принимать звонки, отвечать на вопросы клиентов о наличии и состояния запчастей и тд. Меня что в этой схеме привлекает - ты никак не зависишь от владельца разборки. И он от тебя тоже. Ему не надо платить тебе ЗП и каким-либо образом стимулировать на продажи.
Но, как сам понимаешь, обычный сыч-омежка с такой хуитой не справится. Надо быть кабанчиком на подскоке и желательно с тачкой.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:13:47 #303 №211176303 
2012-08-11 17.01.48.jpg
а ты кем роботаешь? айтишнеиком? в ДС живешь?

у нас во владивостоке начальники отделов тыщ 80 от силы получают
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:14:35 #304 №211176346 
Да, сетевым инженегром
>в ДС живешь?
Нет, 100 км от ДС, работаю в своей мухосрани
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:14:52 #305 №211176364 
А я и не вставал, потому что не ложился. Каждый раз когда отдыхаю 3+ дня режим скатывается к удобному для меня ночью жизнь, днем в склеп. Очень грущу от малого количества ночных вакансий:с
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:18:02 #306 №211176504 
>>211167214 (OP)
1. Работа нравиться, работа по специальности, и сфера деятельности на которую хотел с 7 класса.

2. Работа супер не пыльная и никакой ответственности на мне по факту нету.

3. Платят деньгу которой хватает на хотелки.

4. Благодаря работе чувствую себя лучше, как человек который что-то делает, когда сижу ебалню месяцами начанала самочувствие ухудшаться.

5. На работе все равно можно брать и сидеть на двачах, так что много не теряю, + работа на полставки.

Единственны минус, что времени и сил на зал не остаться, так как и работа и учёба.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:18:43 #307 №211176547 
Это кем ты таким стремился стать с 7 класса?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:20:25 #308 №211176632 
Год новый, проблемы старые, опять на клапан давит и контейнер разогревать.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:20:40 #309 №211176648 
сколько плотят?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:22:23 #310 №211176740 
Ебал твою Бибигуль Жасасыновну на вписке, задавай ответы.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:22:36 #311 №211176754 
Ты заебал. У самого то какая зп? Кем работаешь?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:23:07 #312 №211176784 
С утра пиздец как влом просыпаться, а потом пару часиков поработаешь и нормалек, жить можно.
У вас так же?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:23:49 #313 №211176814 
да ,сижу кофе пью вторую кружку и поперживаю шептунами в кабинете
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:24:04 #314 №211176833 
РАБотаем потихонечку
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:25:15 #315 №211176895 
Ух бля, через три часа на собеседование ехать.

К 22м годам наконец то созрел на то чтоб найти НОРМАЛЬНУЮ работу в офисе, т.к неожиданно понял что если и дальше сидеть у родителей на шее и тешить себя надеждами на то что завтра придумаю как заработать миллион - не заработаю нихуя.

Хочу через месяц-два снять квартиру, эх, вот красота то будет!

Так что да, я то пиздец мотивирован.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:25:20 #316 №211176898 
Инженером естественно
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:25:23 #317 №211176900 
Сука, не хочу в субботу работать. Почему нельзя просто подарить один выходной день, почему за него надо отрабатывать? Если бы не суббота, то я бы вообще норм себя чувствовал.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:25:41 #318 №211176919 
2014-11-25 13.53.19.jpg
ну а хули вы не пишете размер получки?
Мне 60к плотят, живу на ДВ, мухосрань.
работаю инженером в воентелекоме
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:26:08 #319 №211176946 
Чего инженеришь?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:26:20 #320 №211176959 
Красивая картинка
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:26:44 #321 №211176983 
Удачи, анон. Отпишись потом, как прошло.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:28:30 #322 №211177063 
запиши собеседование на диктофон, бро.
хочу послушать как они вообще проходят.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:29:14 #323 №211177107 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:29:39 #324 №211177126 
на 3ем пике выглядит как оптоволокно
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:30:04 #325 №211177154 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:30:39 #326 №211177188 
>>211167214 (OP)
>что мотивирует
жрать хочется, пиво пить хочется, за инет и т.д. платить надо...
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:31:00 #327 №211177211 
>>211167214 (OP)
В рот мне ноги, 2,5 часа работаю, а в голове кажется что уже часов на шесть натикало. Не время а резина просто сегодня.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:31:26 #328 №211177236 
бля урчит в животе а посрать не могу
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:32:01 #329 №211177262 
Бабло, бухло, шлюхи
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:33:51 #330 №211177353 
> Бабло, бухло, шлюхи
Кто все эти люди?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:34:00 #331 №211177357 
Пока нет, но мне и не давали чего-то сложного пока, было интересное задание , сейчас муторное и скучное достаточно. Но схемотехника точно проще других направлений куда я могу после учёбы пойти.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:35:02 #332 №211177409 
Чё-то в первый день все работают уже, а я вообще не соображаю ничего.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:35:17 #333 №211177428 
Какой потолок зарплаты для схемотехника в твоей шараге?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:35:51 #334 №211177460 
хорошо, когда один в кабинете. Мне приходится выходить на улицу, дабы пропердеться, ибо со мной еще два сотрудника сидят.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:36:59 #335 №211177522 
СИОЗС нужно подбирать, иногда долго и тщательно, а эффект ждать не меньше двух недель, как правило. Лирика и/или алпразолам помогут сразу.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:38:29 #336 №211177602 
Да я всё не решусь никак, не хочу, чтобы мне эти колёса биохимию мозга взъебали.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:38:31 #337 №211177603 
Тысяч 100, дальше уже руководящие должности, а просто чуваку вот так. Если ты про работу
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:40:50 #338 №211177706 
>>211167214 (OP)

всё хуйня, я впервые с 2015 на двач зашёл

вот это на самом деле пиздос

Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:41:25 #339 №211177730 
>результат чтения на английском вместо русского на постоянке
In dependence?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:43:25 #340 №211177822 
в том то и дело что я не один, еще две бабы со мной, поэтому тольо давлю шептунов
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:43:44 #341 №211177839 
Это ДС?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:44:01 #342 №211177857 
Очень даже заебись.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:44:22 #343 №211177871 
А что что?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:45:33 #344 №211177932 
Кстати хочу сбросить пару кг с пуза в этом году, но так как ленивое хуйло, беру велотренажер и каждый день буду вечером после работы смотреть стримчики и крутить педали, как вам идея?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:46:37 #345 №211177989 
Горшок свой, оборачиваю его в мусорный мешок и туда сру. Ссу в двухлитровый батл от колы.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:46:44 #346 №211177998 
Ты не поверишь анон, но я не пью
Максимум два раза в год - на корпоратив и на новый год
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:49:52 #347 №211178118 
Забросишь через неделю.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:51:12 #348 №211178170 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:52:29 #349 №211178238 
Уныло что пиздец заебет, лучше гуляй вечером/бегай на улице, под музыку подкасты, это не так уныло и однообразно. А самый действенный способ считать калории
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:54:31 #350 №211178327 
Ты хуй
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 11:56:24 #351 №211178403 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 12:00:11 #352 №211178582 
>>211167214 (OP)
>Что мотивирует лично тебя вставать по утрам и идти работать, анон?
Ну надо же как-то убивать время.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 12:00:46 #353 №211178616 
>эти колёса
Какие именно?

мимо принимал СИОЗС и СИОЗСиН, без особого долговременного эффекта, впрочем

Колёса — это временный костыль, пока ты сам, блять, не захочешь и не будешь менять свою жизнь.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 12:01:11 #354 №211178637 
Ну, эти пару дней до выходных я даже не считаю за рабочие - делать особо ничего не планирую. Только вот зп будет только на след. неделе, закралась мыслишка взять пару тонн в мфо, есть у кого не слишком мозгоебные конторки на примете?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 12:02:36 #355 №211178696 
Лучше купи норм вел с зимней резиной и катай по своей мухосрани. Я так правда, летом такие живопиписные места нашёл у себя в городе, что аж ахуел, в позитивном смысле.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 12:02:41 #356 №211178702 
>взять пару тонн в мфо
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 12:03:37 #357 №211178754 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 12:03:40 #358 №211178757 
я не могу от компа оторваться, там столько приколюх, дома еще можно крутить медали голышом и дрочить
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 12:04:41 #359 №211178804 
>можно крутить медали голышом и дрочить
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 12:04:51 #360 №211178818 
ты на кухне что ли работаешь?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 12:09:17 #361 №211179029 
Да у них у всех побочки серьезные.
Нет, просто обитатели кабинета излишне гостеприимные.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 12:10:06 #362 №211179074 
Какой сегодня праздник?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 12:13:33 #363 №211179240 
Не знаю как вы, а я еле дождался когда праздники кончатся. Все выходные тупо лежал на диване, дохуя спал и ничего не хотелось вообще. Даже в магаз за едой лень идти было. А сейчас пришел на свою днищенскую работу где я все ненавижу и сразу себя живым почувствовал. Жду не дождусь когда домой приду и поиграю в игры, почитаю, немного порисую. Прокрастинацию как рукой сняло. Хз почему так происходит, но лучше уж так чем вообще никак.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 12:17:21 #364 №211179426 
>Вот тебе и результат чтения на английском вместо русского на постоянке
Двачую, у самого грамотность сильно просела
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 12:18:48 #365 №211179504 
Да ты поехал уже похоже.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 12:20:33 #366 №211179597 
Смена обстановки как правило благоприятно влияет на психологическое состояние поциентов.

мимо клинический психолог
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 12:27:27 #367 №211180016 
Ув. психолог, почему мне дома не хочется делать ничего? Не могу слушать музыку, поклеить обои, играть на гитаре, даже засыпаю с трудом. На работе же делаю всё с удовольствием, на лыжах/велосипеде в лесу тоже чувствую себя хорошо. Что делать, окропить помещение?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 12:29:09 #368 №211180122 
Куда пропал Шерстяной Несрун?
инб4: Наконец то просрался и умер от счастья
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 12:35:14 #369 №211180447 
У них там есть какой-то лимит на объявы? Там же какие-то голд-хуелд аккаунты еще, да?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 12:38:10 #370 №211180595 
Разве это говно не должно иметь хоть какую то пояснительную записку?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 12:38:16 #371 №211180603 
Насоздавали блять тредов, ныл вообще не там где нужно
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 12:38:34 #372 №211180621 
Под 50к выходит.
У меня киоск внутри другого заведения находится. Формально есть холодильник, микроволновка, стиралка и душ.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 12:42:03 #373 №211180829 
Да не, принцип работы понятен.
Заебывает только разбирать эти полустертые, несколько раз переправленные артефакты советской эпохи.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 13:10:36 #374 №211182320 
придумал бизнес: буду делать чоколадные конфеты в форме ЗАЛУПЫ , а слоган будет -"Есть время? Закинь ЗАЛУПУ за щеку" ахахаха как вам?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 13:16:17 #375 №211182605 
Огонь! И еще снять рекламу, где ходит нигра с открытой коробкой с конфетками и в одну дырку просунут хуй и залупа лежит рядом с конфетками так, что не отличить сразу.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 13:16:17 #376 №211182607 
Лучше конфеты "У барина" - Возьми "У барина" за щеку.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 13:21:25 #377 №211182889 
>>211167214 (OP)
1) ненормированный рабочий день - нормально приходить в 10-11 утра
2) возможность сказать "я сегодня работаю из дома"
3) бонусы за обьем работы
4) комфортные условия в офисе (пикрелейтед зона отдыха даж поспать можно)

и всеравно бывает впадлу работать признаю
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 13:21:44 #378 №211182906 
Сделай начальнику подарок к 8 марта - "Залупа за щеку".
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 13:24:32 #379 №211183033 
>>211167214 (OP)
> Что мотивирует лично тебя вставать по утрам и идти работать, анон?
Мамкины пиздюли. Она меня побьет если я на работу не буду ходить
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 13:28:00 #380 №211183236 
дурак, у Ниг залупы розовые , как ладошки
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 13:29:27 #381 №211183311 
Тебя мотивирует Ежи Штур?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 13:32:32 #382 №211183474 
Решил забить на программирование и заниматься только сутенерством вебкам-моделей. Это оплачивается намного лучше.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 13:33:13 #383 №211183509 
теперь это рабочего места тред

постим фоточки уютных офисов и заводов
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 13:33:40 #384 №211183536 
как же пучит живот!!! побежал пропедется в толчек....
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 13:34:53 #385 №211183585 
>>211167214 (OP)
Я и 31 и 1 пахал, до первого выходного еще 120 дней. Первый тред у них блять.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 13:35:09 #386 №211183598 
Только быдло ходит в зал и ко-кочалку же
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 13:35:52 #387 №211183637 
опенспейс это пиздос говнище для офисного быдла
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 13:36:18 #388 №211183657 
на кирпичном заводе в чечне работаешь?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 13:37:31 #389 №211183713 
Откуда знаешь?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 13:39:05 #390 №211183790 
почему? пиздато мне нравится, это коворкинг вообще, не нравится опенспейс есть кабинки отдельные метр на метр с диванчиком и звукоизоляцией, есть переговорки от 4 до 16 человек, есть зона кафе и отдыха...я в разных местах работал от склада до своего директорского кабинета с большим столом буквой Т, в коворкинге наиболее спокойно и расслабленно себя ощущаю
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 13:39:24 #391 №211183797 
Кем? Сколько плотют?
Не говори слишком много, а то я расплакаюсь.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 13:40:51 #392 №211183869 
Какие подводные? Набутылить за такое могут? Нологи не плотишь?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 13:43:25 #393 №211183981 
Хр птьфу
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 13:45:23 #394 №211184063 
Ну могут приравнять к обычному сутенерству, но похуй... Сам знаешь. К тому же, в Рашке тебя могут посадить вообще без суда и следствия, это же срана беззакония, поэтому либо ты рискуешь, либо остаешься нищим.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 13:46:44 #395 №211184141 
digital marketing - реклама консультации трафик креативы -такое всякое. 1700 usd + bonus
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 13:47:26 #396 №211184173 
Лучше вебкамшлюхой, меньше дадут.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 13:48:39 #397 №211184221 
я вот на работе тиндер установил, сижу листаю тяночек
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 13:49:55 #398 №211184296 
Да мне похуй сколько дадут. Есть спрос на женское тело. Был бы спрос на моё пузо, сидели бы с мужиками под пивко.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 13:50:14 #399 №211184311 
Нет, инженер спутниковой связи и программист 1с. Еботека заставляет хуярить без выхов.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 13:50:59 #400 №211184358 
сколько плотют? какой город?
сложно инженерить?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 13:56:44 #401 №211184654 
>>211167214 (OP)
Пиздос, после нг цены в родной столовке подняли аж на 12%. И как только ублюдки-аналитики насчитали именно такую цифру. Слава богу, именно с этого дня я начал контейнерить. НО ХЛЕБ ТОЖЕ СДЕЛАЛИ ПЛАТНЫМ. Нахуй так жить, сука
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 13:58:03 #402 №211184729 
>инженер спутниковой связи и программист 1с.
Как это можно сочетать? Ты в бух учете силен?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 13:59:38 #403 №211184820 
Страдай, питух.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:00:03 #404 №211184848 
А чому хлеб с собой не носишь?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:05:01 #405 №211185150 
Пострадал тебе в ротешник
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:10:59 #406 №211185518 
Меньше 2х часов.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:11:54 #407 №211185587 
Ну вот теперь придётся. Только для хлеба понадобится отдельный контейнер
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:12:34 #408 №211185628 
бамп кухней офиса
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:13:52 #409 №211185714 
бля , а комната для дрочения хуя есть???>>211185628
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:15:17 #410 №211185793 
Барского да.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:16:40 #411 №211185884 
мы там трех минутные блицы ебашите чтоле? зачем шахматы за обедом
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:17:54 #412 №211185952 
>>211167214 (OP)
Нужда, ну иногда когда думаеш что твой труд нужен людям
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:18:55 #413 №211186012 
бля пацаны я засыпаю за компом на работе, пойду кофе делать, но хз поможет ли это
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:19:25 #414 №211186051 
Кем роботоешь? Сколько плотют?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:20:23 #415 №211186108 
Ты чо троллиш что ли?Никто тебе ничего необязан, если ты не больной.
Это всегда при любом строе будет.Здоровые→трудится!
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:20:54 #416 №211186137 
Угадайте профессию
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:21:16 #417 №211186152 
зачем убивать, профитов никаких же
никто не хранит там денег, просто сбер дефолтный банк, переводы от физлиц быстрые без коммисии и удобные по номеру телефона.
и хорошо что наплодилось, значит ходовой товар, не уступай по качеству/цене и тоже будешь в плюсе
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:22:18 #418 №211186214 
да не пизди, я как скот отсыпался 3 дня, потом пару дней жил, потом пару дней график восстаналивал, хоп и будильник на работу
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:22:21 #419 №211186220 
>>211167214 (OP)
Как что? Бля ну конечно же деньги, что бы купить пожрать оплатить коммуналку и тд
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:22:39 #420 №211186235 
>>211167214 (OP)
> Что мотивирует лично тебя вставать по утрам и идти работать, анон?
Офис, ребята, кофе и печеньки, приятное рабочее место и нормальные задачи.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:23:08 #421 №211186255 
пхп макака
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:24:02 #422 №211186324 
Разочарую тебя анон.На зоне ты обязан работать иначе пытки.Пытки карцером и побои могут и совсем забить.Мало того по тюремному закону самих арестантов, ты обязан работать на блатных, и за блатных бесплатно.Иначе побои и в петухи.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:24:24 #423 №211186349 
Дворник в Газпроме.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:25:21 #424 №211186403 
в пизду! в 2020 стану блогером, с завтрашнего дня начну что нибудь вытворять и записывать на утюб выкладывать
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:25:43 #425 №211186426 
И побежала спасать бизнес всвязи с изменениями в экономической ситуации?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:25:53 #426 №211186436 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:25:54 #427 №211186440 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:26:07 #428 №211186457 
у нас ненормированный рабочий день - играй скок хочешь, лишь бы работа была сделана и клиенты довольны
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:27:21 #429 №211186521 
На качай ноги синтолом будешь ноги базуки
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:28:10 #430 №211186562 
>>211167214 (OP)
Не первый.
Меня мотивирует желание учить детей и то, что без работы я вообще никто, мне нечего делать, некуда идти, незачем жить
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:28:15 #431 №211186570 
это что алкоголь????
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:28:55 #432 №211186601 
Нормальный человек в треде. Что за место, кем работаешь?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:28:59 #433 №211186606 
А я и не работаю.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:29:44 #434 №211186639 
О про брата книгу бушкова вспомнил"самый далекий берег" у них там в галактической цивилизации кормили бесплатно, но плохо и одевали бесплатно, но по минимуму.Т е нехочеш работать будеш жить приживалкой, хочеш жить лучше трудись.Деньги были но типа чтоб стимулировать людей(гуманойдов)
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:31:16 #435 №211186734 
Княжна Тараканова, подите нахуй прочь.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:31:28 #436 №211186748 
потому что на работе тебе за это платят, а дома нит
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:32:25 #437 №211186817 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:33:20 #438 №211186877 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:33:24 #439 №211186881 
Ты че в дурке работаешь?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:33:26 #440 №211186885 
какая княжна, шизоид?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:33:27 #441 №211186887 
Можно снаркоманится же!
Др анон
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:34:45 #442 №211186965 
Новый год, новый пиздос.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:34:54 #443 №211186973 
Хуй синтоловый
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:36:40 #444 №211187077 
>>211167214 (OP)
Там платят деньги. А эти деньги можно обменять на еду, интернеты и т.д.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:37:02 #445 №211187101 
загружено (1).jpg
>>211167214 (OP)
нихуя. я не работаю. мне предлагают такую зарплату, что на неё нихуя не купишь, только поесть, да и то мивины разве что. я ебал работать за копейки. в ИТ не берут, потушо я гуманиитарий, хотел стать ШРомм, но там тупо бабы одни у них там лобби и меня туда не берут(ору! там работает моя одногрупница, которая не могла 2 листа текста запоммнить, а щас модная ИТ ШР, ПИЗДОС!!! ) . Я вобще считаю, что ШРы находятся в неком сговоре, но это другая тема. Короче всё сложилогсь так, что мне светит только низка зп и задроченный рабочий процесс, а я на такое не согласен. Я нашел сейчас способ добычи денег и понял что работа на кого то - это ебаное рабство, и если уж продаваться то задорого, а не блять за 8К грывэнь тачать детали или грузить какую то хуйню. При том, что ладно бы всё упиралось в малые деньги, но на таких работах же еще и контингент пиздец, я как то на заводе работал, ну там народ блять. Они уже точно рабы, я вам говорю. Им похуй на свои права, здоровье впрочем как и на всё остальное. По всем раскладам я занимаюсь опасным делом, но сука, я ебал работу в том виде в котором мне её передлагают.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:38:03 #446 №211187160 
Давление, вегетососудстая дтстония, и грипп еще так болит.Проверь горло и температуру.От гриппа флемаксин солютаб помогает, но он по рецепту только.А так кагоцел помоему без рецепта.Вобще анон зайди к терапевту.Можно и к платному.Да дорого зато там очередь меньше.А с серьезным гриппом трудится здоровье терять.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:38:40 #447 №211187199 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:39:48 #448 №211187282 
Был вариант отработать сегодня и завтра и дальше работать как обычно 5/2.
Пришёл сегодня, пару часов потупил в вентканалы, понял, что мне вот настолько похуй и что я не хочу этим заниматься от слова совсем. Сходил в столовку и съебался домой. Придётся выходить в субботы на следующей неделе, ну и ладно.
По дороге взял пивандепулу и сижу читаю фанфики по соул итеру и слушаю all my faith lost.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:40:07 #449 №211187304 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:42:37 #450 №211187462 
да, это кто-то принес, если конфеты или торт лежит на стойке - можно жрать - а тут бутылка без этикетки и штопор
выше писал - маркетинг
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:45:03 #451 №211187611 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:45:39 #452 №211187644 
Ты дальнозоркий чтоли? Хули такие цифры мелкие?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:45:41 #453 №211187648 
а, понятно
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:46:24 #454 №211187690 
Я тут понял, как же охуенно выросла моя эффективность труда с четырехдневкой, когда в среду выходной. Но нет, хуй там пожуй.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:46:32 #455 №211187699 
восточная европка
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:46:50 #456 №211187730 
>>211167214 (OP)
Бля, всего 6 дней осталось играть в игры, смотреть фильмы и дрочить, потом надо на экзамен на пару часов сходить, потом ещё неделю отдохну, схожу на экзамен, потом 4 отдохну и на еще один схожу. Потом 2,5 недели каникул, ещё чуть-чуть отдохну, потом открою справку на недельку, ну с марта уже можно начать ходить на половину семинаров, ну а там 2,5 месяца и лето, смогу ещё немножко отдохнуть.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:47:08 #457 №211187753 
Эй, говнюки, джва часа осталось!
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:47:20 #458 №211187765 
Что такое ШР?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:48:10 #459 №211187815 
Отдел кадров
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:48:16 #460 №211187822 
Рббство ближе, чем кажется, наслаждайся, пока можешь.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:48:55 #461 №211187856 
Соединители ШР предназначены для работы в электрических цепях постоянного, переменного (частотой до 3 МГц) токов при напряжении до 850 В (амплитудное значение).
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:49:23 #462 №211187888 
Школа рабочих
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:50:26 #463 №211187947 
Кстати поссал на вас
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:52:36 #464 №211188076 
Как же я ненавижу дни рождения и свои, и чужие, пиздец просто.
ууух бля
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:52:52 #465 №211188094 
Что это за говно? Поясни ка быстренько.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:55:16 #466 №211188249 
это еще не так хуёво как когда кто-т очто-то родит и начинааается скидываемся
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:58:25 #467 №211188434 
шлюхи распиздяйки
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:58:46 #468 №211188446 
> чистый доход с каждой 15к в месяц МО
хуясе, дворцы что ли сдаешь?
в моей мухосрани 15к примерно потолок для двушки + 5к ценник на коммуналку
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:59:14 #469 №211188484 
шариковые ручки
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 14:59:33 #470 №211188509 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:00:08 #471 №211188552 
Ъуъуъу сука тоже ненавижу меня не ебет чужой др
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:01:17 #472 №211188646 
Свой день рождения не отмечаю, на чужие не хожу, скидываюсь только на похороны.
Это схуяли? Я чтоль сельдь эту выебал?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:03:20 #473 №211188785 
Я кстати своей Уйгерын сделал оливьешку, никогда не пробовала сказала оче жирно и сытно, ну да, а её хрючево с маслом и жиром сайгака так прям диетическое ажно обои отклеиваются.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:03:32 #474 №211188793 
> у нас ненормированный рабочий день - играй скок хочешь
ты хотел сказать перерабатывай сколько хочешь
ясно, так и знал что для понта дешевого шахматы там
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:04:22 #475 №211188854 
С мамкой ее познакомил?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:04:53 #476 №211188889 
На пенту выходим еще и в субботу.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:05:31 #477 №211188931 
Нет, и рассказывать подробности тоже не стал, она знает что у меня есть тня, лютейше с этого проигрывает и меня подъябывает ехидно, но бузить перестала, что типа лучше с тней, чем жополазом.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:05:37 #478 №211188940 
>>211167214 (OP)
а я всё пацаны, безработный теперь.
Надо новую кабалу искать, чем-то же кисика нужно кормить и за квартирку.
Эх как же хуёво жить при капитализме
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:07:02 #479 №211189036 
Я ж говорил, что она привыкнет.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:07:57 #480 №211189109 
закрыл ипотеку, написал по собственному и ещё 2 недели с лицом лягушки ходишь на нелюбимую работу
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:08:24 #481 №211189133 
Слушаюсь, семпай
Это Фигма.
Лучшая программа Скетчедаунам привет для ux\ui дизайна
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:09:43 #482 №211189231 
не равняй всех по себе я на работе более 4-5 часов не сижу и в шахматы поиграть успеваю
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:10:33 #483 №211189291 
Почему праздничные дни не отмечены?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:11:40 #484 №211189361 
Итт канеш не для пиздостраданий и омегоприпадков, но полный пиздос
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:14:36 #485 №211189557 
Насчет бабского сговора hrов ты верно подметил. Меня в бухгалтера по то йже причине не хотели брать, но я хорош собой, так что приняли. Аналогично у hrов в отделе тоже есть парень, и тоже хорош собой. Так что проблема тут скорее всего в том, что ты уродец
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:17:05 #486 №211189745 
>>211167214 (OP)
То что мне выебут мозги звонками
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:18:59 #487 №211189880 
Не все офисоблядки так то
Я вообще отдыхаю по немецким праздникам
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:19:32 #488 №211189912 
Охуенно анон, сохранил!
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:19:32 #489 №211189913 
Два хороша с собой
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:20:05 #490 №211189948 
Фашист штоли?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:20:25 #491 №211189985 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:22:40 #492 №211190133 
А я в какой-то другой рисовал. Платная и жирная с кучей всяких приблуд.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:25:24 #493 №211190321 
>мне предлагают
>не берут
>не берут
>мне светит
>я на такое не согласен
>мне её передлагают

И только оверпрайс за риск быть набутыленым, делает из нарцисичной обезьяны - человека:

>Я нашел

Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:26:06 #494 №211190360 
Полтора часика осталось.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:26:56 #495 №211190410 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:27:13 #496 №211190424 
В смысле ближе? Он уже вечно уставший раб, нуждающийся в отдыхе.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:30:04 #497 №211190615 
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:32:02 #498 №211190743 
Уууу бляяя. Работаю, учусь(на очкЕ), живу один, за все плачу. Охуеваю и плачу(((((((
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:36:11 #499 №211190986 
Да, точно, забыл название.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:42:40 #500 №211191410 
Да ладно, учеба рассос полнейший, самые счастливые и беззаботные годы - как раз студенчество.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:49:21 #501 №211191837 
именно, петух. я нашёл этот способ и работаю сам на себя. я понимаю, что твой петушиный ум не может себе представить ничего кроме закладок, но всё же ты не угадал, мой друг педигрипал. Иди говно чисти!
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:51:16 #502 №211191966 
Работаешь на совковом заводе? Военка? Беги от туда нахуй, ничего хорошего там нет. Я во время учебы съебался с военки. Не жалею.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:53:02 #503 №211192077 
ну да, я так себе, хотя некоторые бабы прям души не чают во мне. спс, за подтверждение заговора.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 15:54:02 #504 №211192149 
>но я хорош собой
Сильное заявление для главпитуха.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 16:06:54 #505 №211192938 
на заводе работаешь?
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 16:08:32 #506 №211193038 
Дружище, получаю образование, чтобы прыгнуть потом на тёплое местечко, где мне надо будет 2 раза в день распечатать бумаги и пробить карточку на входе и выходе, пусть и платить будут относительно небольшие деньги.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 16:08:40 #507 №211193053 
вот это в точку.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 16:12:24 #508 №211193271 
Не, работаю в проектной конторе, норм в принципе, но вот заказчики разные попадаются, зачастую только с такими исходными данными.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 16:18:46 #509 №211193654 
Ебать, какой озлобленный чубатый зверёк, лол.
Хорошо, что от вас Крым в 14м отпилили, нехуй с таким говном как вы им в одном государстве жить.
Желаю тебе и в дальнейшем нищенствовать.
мимо другой анон
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 16:24:06 #510 №211193982 
Ну да, ну да, в Крыму с приходом русни стало заебись. Нихуя не работает, даже пидорахабанк и воды нет, туристов нет, всех на бутылку содят - РАЙ ДЛЯ РУСНИ, но не для нормального человека. И с чего ты,убогий, взял, что я нищий? Сам то небось боярку корой закусываешь, вам же нормальных продуктов не возят.
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 16:34:43 #511 №211194642 
Не завидуй, чмонкенс
Аноним 09/01/20 Чтв 16:36:22 #512 №211194755 
Ебать, вот это аутотренинг у хохлов. Хули, ты, вообще, на российскую доску зашёл, свинья? Вас ваши же барены огорадили от ру пространства, и все равно вы свои грязные пятаки суете
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