24 декабря 2023 г. Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна.
Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных
помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!
Вкратце, вывод: западные люди - тупые стадные биороботы, помешанные на мнении тёти Сраки настолько, что лучше сдохнут, чем будут глупо выглядеть в масочке, на беспруфной вере в своё превосходство (даже чисто биологическое, "рряяяя врёш, нашу породу вирус не возьмёт" и совершенно ниггерских понтах. Нарратив про их свободу, индивидуализм и прочее – не более чем сказка, которую они себе рассказывают, чтобы лишний раз подрочить.
Понятно, что никчёмная ура-ксенопатриотичная русня будет тут срать видосиками, т.к. не владеет языком английских господ, ну оно и к лучшему.
Answer by 宁雅雯, 4,253 upvotes. https://www.zhihu.com/question/385002288/answer/1128049919
Here in Michigan, one of the hard-hit regions, I work at a subsidiary hospital of Ford Motor Company. I am a social worker in the psychiatric inpatient department, so I count as essential, and every day I work from 7 to 5, just like before.
Based on my personal understanding of the U.S. healthcare system, and on how seriously my coworkers have treated this and what steps they’ve taken, I’d say 270,000 might be just the start.
The past few weeks have passed in a blur, and I feel like I’m living split lives [translation confidence: low]. What I now perceive directly is absurdity everywhere. When I go to work every day, I am rushing with emotions inside but keep calm on the outside. After work, when I compare Chinese and American news, and the different reactions on social media, I feel like I’m living in two realities. In the beginning I was a bit nervous, then terrified. I am now disappointed in America’s healthcare system, political system, and even its people. In the end there’s no choice but to accept reality. I want to share some of the ridiculous experiences I’ve had these past few weeks.
On March 9, after lots of nagging from my parents, I wore a face mask to work for the first time. That day the head nurse on my floor pointed and asked, do you have a fever? Have you been coughing? So why are you wearing a face mask, are you trying to scare people? If you’re not sick, why are you wearing it? Feeling pressured, I took off the mask.
On March 10, when there were only two confirmed cases in Michigan, my buddy and I decided to go to the supermarket to stock up and isolate ourselves as much as possible. The supermarket was already out of hand sanitizer then. The next day, I bought four bottles of Lysol spray from the hospital pharmacy. I was laughed at by my coworkers. “You are way too nervous, do you have to be so over the top." I ignored them. I began to disinfect my office every day, and all my coworkers’ keyboards (and they complained about the smell of the disinfectant spray). To avoid questions from the department, I just went ahead and pretended to cough while wearing my mask. When people asked me why I was wearing a mask, I just told them I was sick, and that I was wearing a mask to protect them. So I got them to leave me in peace.
On March 13, Michigan started closing schools, and the atmosphere among my coworkers got a little more tense, but more of them were complaining, what are we gonna do with the kids now, there’s no one at home to watch them. One of my coworkers had a husband who was a basketball coach. After the schools closed they received some mail notifying them that teachers were being furloughed, and my coworkers complained all day at the office about how unfair this was.
и т.д.