24 декабря 2023 г. Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна.
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>The “localizers” of XSeed Games are “modernizing” the Western version of Story Of Seasons: Friends Of Mineral Town so that the best friends ceremony that players can have with a character of the same gender is now a wedding, pushing for the ludicrous agenda of nonessential diversity and inclusion that the industry is now corrupt with whilst censoring the source material.
>The localization team created a blog post detailing their work on the game, explaining how they intend to censor it by replacing the best friend system with gay marriage – the concept of two people of the same gender being friends apparently being an impossible notion:
“One major change between both the original version and the remake, as well as between our version and the Japanese version, concerns what has been called the “Best Friends” system in the Japanese release, where the player character can form a lifelong partnership with a character of the same sex. In our version, this will just be called “marriage,” and the relationship between same-sex couples will be given identical treatment to opposite-sex couples. This has been a very long time coming in the STORY OF SEASONS series, and the producer has been supportive of our decision from very early in development. One minor but important change for the North American and European releases of Friends of Mineral Town is that the “heart icon” indicating a marriage candidate’s romantic affinity for the player will display for all marriage candidates from the start of the game, where in the Japanese release it will only display for same-sex candidates after you confess and start dating.”
>Usage of the words “in our version” when they should be making the English-translated version indicates that the team never had any goal of being faithful, only to push their own agenda – XSeed Games may likely be a company fans no longer want to purchase from.
>Animal Crossing: New Horizons suffered similar LGBTXYZ propaganda in that only the Western version of the game decided to remove the “male” and “female” text during the character creation screen, encouraging the mentally ill to defy human biology and pretend to be something they’re not.
tltr: локализаторы из XSeed Games сменили для пиндосов и гейропейцев систему "лучшие друзья" в Story Of Seasons: Friends Of Mineral Town (Nintendo Switch) на "свадьба пидоров"