Сохранен 520
24 декабря 2023 г. Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна. Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:19:26 #1 №84642195 

Привет анонсы, я американец из Нью-Йорка, который заинтересовался славянской культуры после Украинская конфликт начался в прошлом году. Я уже был заинтересован в других культурах, хотя, и это только вид человека я.

Я имел удовольствие на 2 канала и раньше, и я такой же человек, который сделал Flockdraws несколько месяцев назад. Я хочу, чтобы ААД (Спросите меня что-нибудь) для удовольствия, так что есть у него. Что бы вы хотели узнать из ума американец?

Hello anons, I am an American from New York who became interested in slavic culture after the Ukrainian conflict began last year. I was already interested in other cultures though, and that's just sort of the person I am.

I've had fun on 2ch before, and am the same person who did the Flockdraws a few months ago. I want to have an AMA (Ask me anything) for fun, so have at it. What would you like to know from the mind of an American? (also lol google translate)
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:23:01 #2 №84642322 
Хуи сосешь ? Бочку делаешь ?
sageАноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:25:00 #3 №84642390 
Do you suck a cock? Or maybe you like to do a barrell roll?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:25:35 #4 №84642416 
If I had a space ship right now, I'd be doing barrel rolls.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:26:38 #5 №84642451 
we like dicks here in Russia don't we anons?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:27:04 #6 №84642461 
You are welcome to our hut.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:27:49 #7 №84642477 
Это не ты видосы про хохлов реквестировал?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:28:48 #8 №84642520 
How do you mean?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:28:58 #9 №84642526 
Он же сам написал
>I am okay, thanks. I am actually doing an AMA right now at /b/.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:29:06 #10 №84642530 
Что думаешь за насчет Советского Союза и коммунизма?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:29:13 #11 №84642534 
Hello, ameяican. I and my comяads like dяink the vodka. And we like shoot fяom AK-47 to the finns and ukяainian mudaks.
What you do heяe, amеяican? You aяe a spy? I must call to KGB
sageАноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:29:18 #12 №84642539 
ti xochesh chtobi tebya skolki letniy ebal???
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:29:52 #13 №84642560 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:30:09 #14 №84642570 
fork in the eye or in the ass once?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:31:02 #15 №84642602 

Почему в американском обществе табу на обсуждение смерти? Не смерти какого-то конкретного человека, в её фактуальности, а смерти как таковой, в её тотальной всеохватности.
sageАноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:31:26 #16 №84642611 
i lose
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:33:28 #17 №84642685 
In America, our school system is built from the cold war, and we learn that Communism is bad. However, we also learn that Russia is not that way anymore. My personal opinion is that Stalin drove his people too hard, but people just wanted things to be better.

I am not sure how you mean. Death is not something we rarely talk about. In fact, violence in movies and television is more and more common. But DEATH? I guess people try to hide it from children at all costs.

Also sorry for the delay, I have to run each question through shitty google translate. Honestly, speaking in Cyrillic is best for that too.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:35:26 #18 №84642753 
we're demanding more proofs!!
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:35:26 #19 №84642754 
There are two chairs. On one, there are cocks hard. On the other, there are pikes sharp. On which shall you sit, on which shall your mother proceed ?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:36:42 #20 №84642792 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:36:57 #21 №84642803 
>Communism is bad
Как я и думал, врут. Забавно то, что в Советском Союзе свободы было больше чем в США и современной России.
sageАноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:37:10 #22 №84642810 
Пруфы давать, блять, я тоже так уметь
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:37:11 #23 №84642812 
right after it we can make a chatq
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:37:19 #24 №84642817 
What would you like? I could not think of what else besides a typical power outlet.

I would take the spikes and cut off the cocks- I've gone through this already =P

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:38:12 #25 №84642845 
Не обращай внимания на зеленых. Они либо школьники, либо либерасты.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:39:33 #26 №84642892 
I agree, most Americans my age (23) disagree with how things are taught. We don't believe the system should be allowed to stay this way for much longer.

the green? зеленых?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:40:03 #27 №84642906 
Oh, Misha! My friend! Chto ty sdes' delaesh'? Pochemu ty otvetchaesh' etomu amerikantsu? A vdrug on shpion? Ty uzhe soobschil v KGB?
Ladno, poidem chinit' T-34, on s proshloi zimy stoit bez gusennitsy.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:40:18 #28 №84642915 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:40:32 #29 №84642926 
greens = trolls
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:40:47 #30 №84642935 
Зелёный - это значит тролль, провокатор.
А этот парень: >>84642845 ватник - это значит отсталый, быдло, люмпен.

sageАноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:41:12 #31 №84642952 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:41:19 #32 №84642957 
at least take a picture that shows the part of your document (state/street)
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:41:32 #33 №84642961 
Съеби в /po/, будь добр.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:42:26 #34 №84642991 
I can't because it's pitch black outside. 8:42pm here.

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:42:42 #35 №84643003 
Правда что все американцы либо очень жирные, либо геи?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:42:47 #36 №84643004 
No you haven't. You gotta rhyme pal.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:42:54 #37 №84643010 

the international crimea thread
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:43:39 #38 №84643032 
Так ты хохол значит ? Тогда в /ukr/.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:44:05 #39 №84643048 
Лол я тоже живу в НЙ, вот только мне похуй на славянскую культуру
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:44:23 #40 №84643059 
> Что бы вы хотели узнать из ума американец?
Чего вам не хватает для счастья? У вас всё есть.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:45:35 #41 №84643098 
Yes, we every are a fat gays. We like suck and masturbate a cocks
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:46:02 #42 №84643107 
Что это за говно на первой пикче ? Кони Айленд какой нить ?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:46:11 #43 №84643116 
take your phone, open camera app, take papersheet, write down the current data, take your document, photoshop(to hide your personal information), combine
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:46:14 #44 №84643119 
Вот так живешь, доучиваешься на хирурга, изучаешь третий иностранный язык, и вдруг узнаешь что ты быдло, потому что патриот своей страны и не любишь тупых кукаретников, очерняющих россиян и русских.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:46:36 #45 №84643130 
>a cocks

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:46:39 #46 №84643132 
Чтобы спрятать от детей смерть, надо не давать им жизнь.

Это крайняя форма эгоизма, когда кто-то даёт новую жизнь. Все, кто родился умрут. И, вероятно, будут поставлен перед фактом нищеты (существенная часть мира голодает, не имеет нормальной медицины и жилья), болезней, голода, страданий вообще, а ещё медленного увядания (старения) и смерти.

И вот, люди, которые не решили эти проблемы сами, которые не могут сказать, что разгадали тайну жизни, которые скрывают смерть и от себя (через различные развлечения, которые отвлекают их), вбрасывают в этот мир ещё одно живое существо. А почему? Потому-что им так хочется, они хотят детей! Ха, как эгоистично и мерзко, следование слепым инстинктам.

Да, я о смерти, не о насилии, это отдельная тема.

Не считаешь ли ты, что в людях, которые избегают рассуждений о смерти недостаёт глубины?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:46:41 #47 №84643133 
ви помилилися, дядьку
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:47:37 #48 №84643154 
Шо ?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:47:46 #49 №84643157 
рашн квартал?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:48:12 #50 №84643173 
свине капшо
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:48:20 #51 №84643178 
What is democracy from your point and why Murrica thinks have enought rights to impose it to other countries by violence?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:48:31 #52 №84643184 
No. I think it may be true that Americans' typical meals are in a bigger size, we are not all fat.
There's a few reasons for the misconception, but I won't get into it.

I live east of you on Long Island, the giant suburb of NYC.

I have learned so much about how other people live especially from slavs. I've heard so much about what Russians don't have that Americans take for granted. To be honest, it does make me feel guilty sometimes, but that is why I am here talking to you. I want to feel like a human, not an American.

I believe it is the platform to an elevated train station.

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:48:36 #53 №84643191 
Where is your proofs that you're American, "manyua"?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:49:03 #54 №84643201 
de cocks, sori for mai inglish, im a black and my mom is fat whore
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:49:12 #55 №84643206 
ой, сину, ватник порвався
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:49:15 #56 №84643207 
Да, жаль что ты узнал это так поздно. Мне, как человеку, который окончил СПбГУ с красным дипломом, изучающему пятый иностранный язык, не патриоту ни разу, не верящему во все эти ярлыки, на самом деле, виднее. Но я не верю и в государство, это может прельстить только слабый ум.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:49:17 #57 №84643210 
Это не тебе, а опу
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:49:29 #58 №84643218 
Какой именно ? Их тут много. Весь ссаный Бруклин, да ещё и значительная часть Квинса и Бронкса.
Алсо если по чесноку, одни унтерменьши. ж/ды, хачи, каклы. Русских тут очень мало.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:49:51 #59 №84643231 
>I believe it is the platform to an elevated train station.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:50:00 #60 №84643234 
>I've heard so much about what Russians don't have that Americans take for granted.

Ясно. Нахуй иди.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:51:05 #61 №84643267 
Ты веришь в Бога?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:51:06 #62 №84643268 
>на самом деле, виднее
Ага, конечно.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:51:23 #63 №84643281 
Когда вы стерете с лица Земли рашку? Меня она уже заебала в край. Не могу, нахуй.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:51:35 #64 №84643283 
> Hello announcements, I am an American from New York, who became interested in Slavic culture after the Ukrainian conflict began last year. I have been interested in other cultures, though, and that's just the kind of person I am.

I had the pleasure to 2 channels before, and I am the same person who made Flockdraws a few months ago. I want to AMA (Ask me anything) for fun, so he has. What would you like to know the mind of an American?

паста с форгунга

4chan copypasta
sageАноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:51:50 #65 №84643291 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:51:52 #66 №84643292 
Паскуда антисемитская.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:52:12 #67 №84643300 
Всё верно. Что тебя смутило?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:52:15 #68 №84643304 
Сотрут. Вместе с тобой.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:52:51 #69 №84643322 
Что ты чсв еблан, например.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:52:54 #70 №84643324 
Yes, i can believe in God, but, im ametist
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:53:04 #71 №84643333 
It was hard to translate your whole text, but thanks for sharing! I definitely think that Americans take a lot for granted at all stages in life.

That wasn't the OP, but I'll answer your question. Most Americans my age (23) don't consider our government to be free of corruption. We are free, but only to a certain point. The idea that Americans believe we are the most free nation in the world is not really true. We have rednecks just like putin-bots, for example. Many people do agree with the idea of helping other governments become free though, but it's not as stereotypical as you might think. Syria is a good example; in the US, we believe that the leader of Syria is corrupt and is hurting his people- so while we won't go to war with him, we are not affraid to endorse, or support, the rebels against him.

But also please understand, most Americans don't give a shit to begin with about politics.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:53:25 #72 №84643345 
Describe your routine. Ever been to Applebees ?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:54:17 #73 №84643373 
Пожарных вызвать?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:54:54 #74 №84643391 
Nasral tebe na litso, stupid scoolboy.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:54:55 #75 №84643394 
Ало хлопцi, я з украiни, нещодавно зацiкавився росiйською культурою. Задавайте своi питання, поки можете
sageАноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:55:03 #76 №84643396 
ОП, еблан, язык выучи получше.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:55:04 #77 №84643399 
Dont ametists belive in God? How abot diamonds?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:55:14 #78 №84643403 
Well what about car safety? Do not think that I am saying Russia is worse than the US.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:55:33 #79 №84643415 
Себе вызови. Люблю я либерашек с сосача, им везде мерещится баттхерт.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:55:34 #80 №84643416 
Оп, поставь опскую галочку чтоле.

(кто нибудь, переведите ему, я только немецкий зрозумию)
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:55:42 #81 №84643421 
А я вот хочу познакомиться с хорошей девушкой из Нью Йорка. Американцы мне куда приятнее.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:55:46 #82 №84643425 
Nah, freedom of speech is a hoax and you know it. You are free to believe otherwise, that's all freedom you've got.
Massive militarization of police forces is just the beginning.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:56:08 #83 №84643436 

как на счет соли?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:56:09 #84 №84643437 
What does the majority of Murricans think bout Russia? Do they still count us as evil commies who do nothing but drink vodka in shitty commieblocks?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:56:30 #85 №84643451 
Похоже тебе везде мерещатся "либерашки". Может стоит вызвать скорую?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:56:31 #86 №84643452 
CDodgi, why you run on this banana? Thats kurwa is so hard! In next cold, we should the milk baby! Fuk yea!
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:56:49 #87 №84643458 
Истину глаголишь. Последний год тут, потом съёбываю в Европу. Куда угодно.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:57:08 #88 №84643467 
Мамка твоя станция kingshighway
Всех понемногу: евреи, постсовковые трактористы, немного мексов и азиатов>>84643218
>если по чесноку, одни унтерменьши. ж/ды, хачи, каклы. Русских тут очень мало.
Кек ориец-русичь закукарекал, ты часом не носишь бороду ато я раз в бенсонхёрсте видал бородатого карлана в футболке с ымперкой
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:57:13 #89 №84643469 
Что тебе ей интересоваться? Ты уже в ней по уши.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:57:29 #90 №84643478 
Ясно. Отдыхай, школяр.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:57:32 #91 №84643480 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:57:42 #92 №84643481 
Aipiпiрт взяли?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:58:40 #93 №84643510 
>в бенсонхёрсте
Ну и в говне же ты живёшь, петух. Инджой, хули, от мобилизации бегать ещё долго кекеке.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:58:41 #94 №84643511 
> evil commies who do nothing but drink vodka in shitty commieblocks
но это ведь действительно так
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:58:57 #95 №84643518 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:59:17 #96 №84643533 
Не удивлён, что ты патриот. Лол.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:59:25 #97 №84643540 
So as the topic of this thread is dedicated to culture, tell me about your origin. Also, you're 23, so what' about your social status?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 04:59:55 #98 №84643554 
ty promahnulsya svoei razdolbannoi zhopoi i nasral na litso svoei tolstoi mamashki, pidorashka
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:00:29 #99 №84643574 
Азиров пиристинь
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:00:42 #100 №84643582 
You have summoned evil liberahas in your thread. Enjoy.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:00:43 #101 №84643584 
Hey, where are you at? Brooklyn, Queens? There is around 500k Russians in NYC why don't you try to ask them something about Slavic culture. There is a Russian Orthodox community on Manhattan too if you think all of these people are just Jews and not real Slavs.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:00:52 #102 №84643589 
Какой мобилизации, ты поехавший?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:00:53 #103 №84643590 
What happens if I viciously assault a feminist on a bus ?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:01:20 #104 №84643605 
But we also make our Doomsday machines, and we play balalaika with bears.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:01:23 #105 №84643607 
Україна - це Європа!
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:02:43 #106 №84643647 
Джей уан то продлили ?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:02:47 #107 №84643650 
What? lol.

In that regard I am not a normal American. I literally sit at home all day playing video games and work in sports television. But yes I have been to applebees lol

I don't think many Americans think about Russia these days to begin with. At least not the usual type (uneducated, etc. working class.) But it's true that American culture, movies, tv, etc, still makes Russia and Russians to be like the enemy of our government, like spies and such.

I am a college student learning to work in Television Production. I grew up sort of bullied in school, so that's why I'm always on the internet and playing video games. I have friends here in New York, but I only get to see them so often.

I am actually just east of NYC, so I don't really have direct contact with the people of Manhattan. Out here, it's just mostly Americans descended from Italians and Irish, and Hispanic immigrants.

Also just to let you know, it's really easy for me to tell you're talking to me if you reply to the original post. Spasibo.

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:03:29 #108 №84643672 
Да-да, конечно. Постоянно забываю.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:03:37 #109 №84643676 
Ukraina is getto of niggers, zigans and slavshit
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:03:41 #110 №84643683 
make the foto from your table and vew from window. people wait proofs
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:04:14 #111 №84643698 
What's the fucking shit you are doing here??? That faggot named Op has NO proofs abut he's NY'er!!!

But he still shitting you all in this ITT thread!!!
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:04:49 #112 №84643719 
maybe in your manyaworlds only, irl u just lie down under the table deadly drunk and blaming muricans of your poverty
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:04:49 #113 №84643720 
Мань это только у тебя джей уан, у меня паспорт
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:05:19 #114 №84643731 
А у вас много коммунистов? Знаю что их прилично во всяких Италиях-Испаниях. А в нетленной как?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:05:20 #115 №84643732 
Re-read the thread, it's pitch black outside. The pizza box is the best proof I have.

But tell me for next time, what would you prefer to see? Out my window you'd just see another suburban house.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:06:35 #116 №84643775 
I do not know exactly how you mean, but in America we only have two major political parties, and this keeps a lot of other groups out, such as neo nazi's, neo communists, etc. We are starting to adopt more socialist policies like Scandinavia, (sweden, finnland etc), but we would not consider any of it communist because corporations are too important as it is.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:06:41 #117 №84643781 
Кто выиграл Вторую Мировую?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:06:59 #118 №84643794 
nobody's giving shit about OP and his nationality. We abuse russian scum in this itt thread
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:07:13 #119 №84643801 
So you are from Long Island I guess, what made you so interested in Slavs then? And I don't even consider LI a real America lol, it's just a sleeping appendix of NYC. Do you really think this board is a good place to ask about "cluture"? There are sites like interpals for examples that are basically dedicated to cultural exchange you can be sure there are real Russians and Ukrainians to talk to, not someone anonymous you don't even know who and where from.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:08:12 #120 №84643827 
What keeps you interested in slavic culture?
Also, I'm not good in english and i would like to recieve a few tips
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:08:28 #121 №84643839 
are u wasp?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:08:37 #122 №84643844 
>what would you prefer to see?
AC-plug and wall AC socket photo, as a proof yuo in murrica.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:08:58 #123 №84643855 
Какой ты национальности?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:09:32 #124 №84643870 
Ya russkiy epta
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:09:33 #125 №84643871 
What is the real situation in the feminists and gays? Can a person get imprisoned for calling faggot "a faggot" for example?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:10:53 #126 №84643903 
Can you describe top10 trends in US

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:11:08 #127 №84643910 
Оп, оставь эл. почту, либо фейсбук.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:11:29 #128 №84643922 
ссылочку на
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:11:34 #129 №84643926 
Расслабь булки, всё равно тебя никто просто так не выгонит. Это ж мурика, хули.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:11:46 #130 №84643929 
либо адрес в анальном царстве Гейба
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:11:48 #131 №84643932 
[email protected]
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:11:50 #132 №84643934 
Balalaika, AK-47 (Kalash), tank T-34, tank T-72, Gorbachiov, Stalin, Lenin, Putin, Vodka, Baikal, Soius Sovietskih Sotsialisticheskih Respublik, Gagarin, Rossiiskaya Federatsiya, Hohly pidory, Chernobyl', VAZ-2101 Kopeika, VAZ-2106 Zhiguli, Dachia, Moskva, Sankt Peterburg, Ural, Perestroika, Pribaltika nasha, Krym nash blyat', Dalnii Vostok, Kosmicheskie Reindjery, Raketa, Kosmos, Polyaki pidorasy, Bielarusy bratushki nashi kak i Kazahi i Armeniny, Bliny, Mirnyi Sovietskii atom, Mavzolei, Krasnaya Ploschad'
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:12:08 #133 №84643940 
Отлично, отписал.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:12:12 #134 №84643942 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:12:31 #135 №84643948 
> Kosmicheskie Reindjery
stavl'u laik za eto
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:12:32 #136 №84643949 
btw, post your contacts, fb or steam
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:12:57 #137 №84643961 
ne trollirui pliz
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:13:30 #138 №84643971 
Americans are taught in school that TOGETHER, America, the allies, -AND RUSSIA- won the war. But we do not learn anything about the hardships of the eastern front.

I know Long Island is definitely a weird place aside from the rest of America. you have to understand, I want to speak to people on 2ch because I too am an internet user. I am a lot like you guys in a sense. I Don't care if I know where they are or not. And what makes me interested in Slavs is that they are very much like Europeans that I already understand, but have their own uniqueness to them. Would Russians say they are European? No, they are Russians. Of course other slavs are included, but Russians are simply the most common.

There's no errors in what you said, so I have no tips to give! =D

I did that last time and people said it still wasn't enough. (I had the date and time, etc.)

I am American, but incase I misunderstand, my ancestors came from Czechoslovakia (when it was a place), and Italy.

There is a concept in criminal law here called hate speech, and you can get in trouble (not jailed) for committing 'hate speech'. This is like saying that all jews deserve to die, or faggots need to die, or inciting violence. Keep in mind, this law only applies to groups that are lawfully RECOGNIZED. Only recently have the LGBT (gays) been admitted to this list. But calling someone a faggot will just get you a glare, there's nothing very dangerous about such an accent.

I don't think I have time to list all ten, but a big trend right now is Facebook, and how it is integrating into how we communicate with friends every day. It is certainly more common and integrated than VK is.

I will another time. THis is not the last event or AMA I will do here.

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:13:53 #139 №84643977 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:14:38 #140 №84643992 
americans detect for foto american foods. show it. your language is not authentic too lol
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:14:42 #141 №84643997 

Here. Pleasae do use your voice. I desperately need someone to talk and I don't think I can find anyone for that even on 4chan.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:14:45 #142 №84643999 
u forgot the sage
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:14:46 #143 №84644000 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:14:52 #144 №84644002 
Конечно жи, гражданина хуй выгонишь
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:15:38 #145 №84644016 
Do you agree that slavery was a good thing for both Whites and negroes ? They are not capable of anything if not given plain and simple instructions to follow and orders to obey.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:15:41 #146 №84644017 
please m8 stop rustling my jimmies please
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:15:47 #147 №84644023 
When I was 15 years old, whenever I went to take a shit, my pops always used to hang around the toilet unigenuously and kept asking me: What are you being all quiet about inside there, why can't I hear you?
The first time it happened, I didn't answer him, so he began barging at the door, and yelling: why are you quiet, what's going on in there? He began swearing and saying he'll blow the door off its hinges; also he scolded me for shitting and then failing to flush, and not just simply after I was done shitting, but even right after the shit left my anus: his argument was that it stunk.
He told me afterwards: well, see here, once I squeeze a crap out I'll flush, so you should do the same! One day I sat down to shit and I heard my pops standing somewhere not a long ways from the door, so I wiped my ass and squatted down on the floor, where there was a very wide aperture underneath next to the door; so I look down into this hole, and there's my pops squatting down and looking through, and telling me: What are you crazy? What the hell are you doing there? By the way, my pops is always drinking some kind of herbs to make him shit often, and he shits like 5 times a day and then he complains that his asshole stings, and he farts a lot too.
Basically shit's fucked. True story.
I am not a troll.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:17:04 #148 №84644053 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:17:28 #149 №84644057 
Расходимся, посоны, это паста с форчана:

Hi announcements, I am American from New York which became interested Slavic culture after Ukrainian the conflict began last year. I was already interested in other cultures, though, and it only a type of the person I.

I had pleasure on 2 canals earlier, and I am the same person who made Flockdraws several months ago. I want, that AAD (Ask me something) for pleasure so is at it. What would you want to learn from mind the American?

Go away guys, this is paste from 2ch:

Привет объявления, я американец из Нью-Йорка, который заинтересовался славянской культурой после украинского языка, который конфликт начал в прошлом году. Я уже интересовался другими культурами, тем не менее, и этим только тип человека I.

Я был рад на 2 каналах ранее, и я - тот же самый человек, который сделал Flockdraws несколько месяцев назад. Я хочу, что AAD (Спрашивают меня что-то) для удовольствия так в нем. Что Вы хотели бы узнать из ума об американце?

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:17:43 #150 №84644064 
>and people said it still wasn't enough.
Nobody cares. It's ROOL!!! Do it, or GTFO!!!
sageАноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:17:53 #151 №84644070 
> have no time
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:18:01 #152 №84644072 
Гражданина незалежной то ? Конечно, его сначала поймать надо.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:18:12 #153 №84644079 
Анончики, я не знаю английский. Оп пишет без ошибок?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:19:43 #154 №84644105 
Трипл и дабл тебе подтвердили.
С ошибками. Несущественными.

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:19:46 #155 №84644108 
>Гражданина незалежной
Ниет, гражданина США
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:20:00 #156 №84644115 
оп уже давно спалился на типичных для русскоговорящего ошибках, к тому же ещё и буспруфный
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:20:06 #157 №84644116 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:20:30 #158 №84644125 
LOL I don't know how to sound more American without being a retard. I wonder what food I can show that only an American would have?

Oh shit I forgot about vocaroo, thanks.

lol no. There is still a lot of anti black racism in the south of the US, but I don't think many people really think slavery should still be around.

Lol yes?

Lol I wrote that, dumbass.

da. lol

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:20:33 #159 №84644127 
Ну например
>there's no errors
Должно быть there are.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:20:41 #160 №84644131 
С ошибками пишет. Но это никого не волнует.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:20:43 #161 №84644132 
semen, stop doing that, u are hurting my feelings
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:20:43 #162 №84644133 
Russians are certainely a European nation and the West and Western standard of living is what they always tried to copy, borrow or adopt if you want. But as anyone else "borrowing" things they like a lot to deny their belonging to the Western culture, saying they are unique at something, while their uniqueness is most of the time laziness and disorder at doing business and nothing more.
And one more thing, Russia as a whole and as a colonial Empire which it still is, is dragging Russians behind everyone else as it's the least effective form of governing the country in the modern global war. And only complete and full desintegration of Russia and turning it into a smaller purely European national state of Russians would allow them to use their potential to the full and not talk about their "uniqueness" instead. Luckily I think the time of such event is coming really soon as Mr. Putin is doing everything to destroy this Empire once and for all.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:21:49 #163 №84644150 
da, ya pishu bez oshibok
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:21:53 #164 №84644153 
Желаю тебе подавиться чаем с тортиками, анимемразина.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:22:12 #165 №84644160 
Underage & b&
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:22:20 #166 №84644167 
dvaching this pineapple
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:22:24 #167 №84644168 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:22:36 #168 №84644173 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:22:39 #169 №84644174 
Deutschen Europa wieder zu führen. Wir werden sehen, welche songs sie dann singen werden.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:22:49 #170 №84644177 
Филина в сраку твоей мамашки шлюхи, ПИДОР!!!
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:22:50 #171 №84644178 
Do you want to trade some pokemons? I have Charazzard.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:23:03 #172 №84644183 
world. lol, not war*
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:23:26 #173 №84644193 
>Lol yes?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:23:47 #174 №84644199 
А вот и первый подорваный ватный пердак полетел.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:23:55 #175 №84644200 
Where exactly in the South ?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:23:56 #176 №84644201 
он пишет с русским школьным акцентом идумает что похоже. кроме того псевдоперевод на русский страдает чрезмерностями. ему было предложено сфотографировать свой хавчик для детекции.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:24:17 #177 №84644212 
>Мама, я троллю сосач !
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:24:22 #178 №84644216 

One night when you're deep in ur sleep I'll lay beside you and gently wrap my arms around you.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:24:46 #179 №84644223 
*warp my arms lol
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:25:15 #180 №84644239 
these are the last words coming out of your mouth, faggot. look out of ur window. do u see the car? there are my boys coming to u
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:25:22 #181 №84644240 
Your favorite:
1. music
2. movie
3. porn
4. anime
5. catch phrase
6. hobby

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:25:30 #182 №84644244 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:25:34 #183 №84644246 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:26:04 #184 №84644253 
How do you explain massive retardation of american society ? What factors do you think contribute to that ?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:26:07 #185 №84644255 
Американец, как ты относишься инцесту? Как думаешь, Бог накажет сына который трахает сестру не используя контрацептивов?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:26:29 #186 №84644266 
lol what errors?? How is an AMerican supposed to sound???

I don't want to talk too much about what I think of the Russian government, but I will say that from my perspective (which is not the normal American) I personally feel like the RUssian Government is holding back the greatness of the Russian people as a whole, and I feel bad for that.

I don't exactly know what the fuck you were trying to type, but no, I am not a virgin.

Nope! I ain't got any pokemans.

I am honored.

The south of the US would be everything south of North Carolina. Then once you reach the Mississippi river to the west, that distinction no longer matters. It was the agriculture in the south that required slaves to function.

If you think I write with a Russian accent, than I am flattered lol. What the fuck?

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:26:33 #187 №84644268 
i've shit my pants
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:26:49 #188 №84644279 
Иди нахуй отсюда пиндос ёбаный!
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:28:53 #189 №84644327 
За дидов!
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:29:06 #190 №84644330 
Я знал что ты пидор! Тёлок то у тебя нет!!! Только мальчики!!!
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:29:23 #191 №84644338 
Is it true that religion is a big part of American society? Like is there really a lot of people who go to church every week and do they care if you are an atheist.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:29:23 #192 №84644340 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:29:26 #193 №84644341 

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:30:12 #194 №84644358 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:30:23 #195 №84644360 
I love Electronica and metal most. I don't love movies, but I like Disney and Pixar stuff a lot, I feel it has more content than the usual American action movie these days. Personally, I like fat chicks. I don't watch Anime much but I am trying to get back into it. Perhaps some stuff I watched when I Was younger, like Ghost in the shell. I don't have a catch phrase! And I am a gamer, simple as that.

I believe that in school we are told not how to think, but we are told and taught to expect things to be delivered to us. Not like gifts, but Americans don't ask questions. We are told what to do, and we go ahead and do it. And we have enough entertainment and safety where frankly it just doesn't matter.

I think most Americans believe that incest is wrong, or at least gross, but not because of any religious reason.

It is in certain parts of the country, but cities like New York, we are much less religious. People -are- religious, but to a lesser degree.

LOL nope. I am a scrawny white dude.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:30:38 #196 №84644367 
Соси, не покаюсь.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:30:57 #197 №84644371 
Я трахал, бог вроде не наказал.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:31:13 #198 №84644377 
do u really think i would make my girls to go to some little motherfucker to beat his face instead of licking my balls? I know, u would like the boys to do girls' job, but i'm straight
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:31:16 #199 №84644378 
1. music

2. movie
Green Elephant.

3. porn
Only gay with big black cock.

4. anime
I dont watch this shit, i'm not a gay.

5. catch phrase
"I dont know".

6. hobby
I like play in russian videogames. My favorite games is Mest Boksyora and LADA Streetracing
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:31:29 #200 №84644387 
>RUssian Government is holding back the greatness of the Russian people

On that I can only agree with you. Especially now when I look at Russia and where it's heading and I see how everything that was done for these 25 years, everything is just going down the hill in the name of keeping these old soviet retards in power it's really painful to see. Russia was so integrated in the West, Western market and culture and it still is, but now the government tries to make an enemy number one out of the West just to keep public attention from their corruption and their crimes, and that is really sad. And I'm truly glad that Ukraine managed to escape this morbid influence, even though the new authorities of Ukraine still are quite corrupt and I believe on a change of generations would improve things for both countries. Soviet people are just fucked up. It's like a stamp on them.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:31:50 #201 №84644394 
Двое мужчин проводятся в исправительной военной тюрьме. Комната, которая их объединяет выглядит как темный подвал с капель канализационной трубы, проходящей через него. Один из заключенных, кажется, в бреду и не прекращает говорить. Он рассказывает истории из его прошлого, никак отжимания, приходит с сумасшедшими идеями и даже имитирует цапля в попытке развеселить его сокамерника, ведущих только к увеличению его гнева.Неуклюжим говорящий получает насильственной избиение от разъяренного prisoner.The сердитым офицера затем вывели из камеры охранником, чтобы очистить грязную унитаза с вилкой. Некоторое время спустя, после того, как гнев офицер засыпает, с ума офицер испражняется на их общей пластине для еды (назвав его "конфетка хлеб"), мазки кала на животе и потребляет большую часть его. После этого он предлагает тарелку с фекалиями в другого человека сразу после он просыпается и приводит его с ума еще раз. Два главных героя пройти через ряд унизительных актов, проведенных охранника и капитан, который, кажется, имеют сильные садистские наклонности.История решает с актом сцены насилия, включая изнасилование, мужеложство, Disembowelment, самоубийства и имеющий uncontrolable желание вырваться из тюрьмы
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:32:09 #202 №84644399 
Унас осуждается. Если только с собакой.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:32:34 #203 №84644402 
Смотришь аниме или артхаус?

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:32:56 #204 №84644416 
Я слоупок.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:33:19 #205 №84644425 
> snob and shit-eater
fixed u)
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:34:08 #206 №84644449 
Смарите, какой тут образованный револьюционер !
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:34:13 #207 №84644450 
> I am a gamer
so you got steam profile, dont you?
in that case check our /gabe/
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:35:36 #208 №84644490 
Are you a Russian, or? Your English is perfect. Russians have a lot to be proud of, I don't look down on their own nationalism. And I understand collectivism, so my issue is not with that. It is with the inability for the people to choose what their government will be doing. Russians need to live in a safer world where they can go about their lives and grow, not worry about the next way they could possibly die today.

I will probably share my contact and stuff later on. I am not new to the internet. I will stay anon for now. But if you're curious, on steam I play a lot of CS:GO.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:36:02 #209 №84644506 
конечно, Японский панк артхаус 70-80, Французкий 50-60
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:36:04 #210 №84644508 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:36:25 #211 №84644515 
Okay, then how would you explain the fact that a lot of young americans are simply illiteral ? When I studied in college, I saw many of them failing at following instructions. There was this girl, don't think I remember her name, who took a Philosophy class with me. We were supposed to write an essay on determinism vs free will and instead of doing that she writes ''nature & nurture''. How can anyone be that retarded ? I can't quite fathom that shit.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:37:36 #212 №84644544 
Really you no any girl. And you fucked by your dad-dickchik/
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:37:49 #213 №84644552 
oh shit i fucked with the wrong guy, we got the real ILITE here
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:38:22 #214 №84644562 
Probably lazy shit. If you went to highschool in the US and not college (government paid and controlled highschools), then you would know how in the 2000's, our schools were basically just "this is how you take a test, pass it so I get paid." There is no critical thinking involved. We are not taught by our teachers how to do this thinking and learning, only to past tests.

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:38:22 #215 №84644563 
>I am not new to the internet.
Нашёл чего бояться .__.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:38:35 #216 №84644572 
Дабл не врёт!
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:38:44 #217 №84644574 
OP здесь ещё?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:39:45 #218 №84644601 
Asked a russian friend to tell me what you meant. And I think that there might be. It's okay though, I'm still here!

Da, and thankyou for the ducky!
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:39:56 #219 №84644609 
me and my girls r laughing at u right now. actually the one who's laughing is only me, cuz the girls r really busy with sucking my genitals
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:40:02 #220 №84644612 
I instead.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:40:28 #221 №84644619 
sema, pliz
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:40:42 #222 №84644625 
Hey. Hey, OP.


Please. I need to hear you. Again. We could even have a discussion, you and me. Ask away m8, I'll answer any lewd question.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:40:54 #223 №84644631 
Этот какел порвался.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:40:59 #224 №84644633 
Whats ur rank in csgo? If ur DMG - GE would like to play with u
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:41:21 #225 №84644643 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:42:34 #226 №84644678 
go and look for kakels under ur bed, slavshit
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:42:59 #227 №84644690 
lol no, damnit. Your english is too good. I can't waste my time on your sorry ass YOU SOME BITCH

I haven't been ranked in a while, but at some point I was gold nova 2 or 3. Just average, nothing special.

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:43:20 #228 №84644695 
how do you feel realizing that you're wasting your life in internet?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:43:34 #229 №84644699 
Вбрасывай стим аккаунт.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:43:35 #230 №84644700 
There is a reason behind their unwillingness to do something by themselves, especially to do something with their government. Just look at their history for all these centuries. When were they truly free in that way that they were the only ones responsible for their fate and life? They were enslaved under Czars with only few of them being nobility. They were given that small period of roughly 50 years of relative freedom and capitalism after slavery was officially abolished in 1861. And then what? Then came another kind of slavery where everything they did in their life was controlled and directed by the Bolshevik government. And only 25 years ago they finally became freedom. Don't you think all these centuries of living under someone who decides everything for you, didn't leave traces in their mentality, culture, the way they perceive the world? You probably know how much Russians like a "father Emperor" or "the authorities of Soviets" who "knew how to do things and how to rule people". That's like a genetic imprint of slavery and forced laziness and desire to be controlled by someone.

And I'm from Russia originally but I've lived in Brooklyn for 5 years by now, lol.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:43:42 #231 №84644705 
No, I graduated from high school in Russia. It wasn't much different from what you describe (teachers' attitude towards us, I mean), but somehow we manage to get out of there with a better set of general knowledge.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:44:21 #232 №84644716 

Пофиксил. Не благодари.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:44:31 #233 №84644721 
Семен Семеныч...
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:45:49 #234 №84644753 
что тут у вас за тредик

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:46:05 #235 №84644757 
Ты ябанутый, да?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:46:17 #236 №84644762 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:46:22 #237 №84644763 

You've got to be mocking me. Everyone's mocking me, you're not an exception.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:46:42 #238 №84644776 
теперь это мой тред

я так решила
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:47:02 #239 №84644784 
Ты хучь читай. А то у тебя тока один семён весь тред пишет.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:47:20 #240 №84644789 
Одни и те же стены текста про то, как в России жить плохо и какие мы тут рабы. И скажешь, что не Семен ?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:47:39 #241 №84644797 
Спасибо, Абу

Абу благословил этот пост.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:47:44 #242 №84644800 
Хочу с вами дружить.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:47:49 #243 №84644805 
here are a bunch of elite english speaking sirs abusing slavshit, come join us ;)
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:48:31 #244 №84644824 
Brooklyn is a terrible, terrible place and I wish you the best of luck to get out of there as soon as possible.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:48:33 #245 №84644825 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:48:53 #246 №84644832 
>elite english speaking
Блядь, надо было в школе учить.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:49:01 #247 №84644836 
I am not; my career requires technology. I work behind the scenes in sports television.


I have heard pro Ukrainians say that Russians require a csar to lead them. But I don't know if that's so true. I can totally understand Russians having no faith in the ability of the government to give them a choice, so they've learned to make due, no? And what brings you to Brooklyn?

SO then I guess if I had to pin it on something other than our school, I'd say that Americans are so isolated from the rest of the world that we never have a reason to think of anyone else. We know about Canada, Mexico, and slightly Cuba, but no one else really matters to use because we are so far away and uninvolved. At least, in the life of an average American.

That is a sergal. Be careful, you're dealing with a furfag <-.

Also don't be afraid to ask me questions in Russian. If it is correct grammar, I can translate it.

Также не бойтесь задавать мне вопросы на русском языке. Если это правильно грамматику, я могу перевести его.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:49:45 #248 №84644851 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:49:53 #249 №84644854 
u can learn it now anyway, if u are not 50 year old, aren't you?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:49:55 #250 №84644856 
>here are a bunch

here IS a bunch. Because ''a bunch''. Get it, sir ?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:50:07 #251 №84644861 
It's not that bad even though I agree it's quite annoying and dirty. I don't like NYC in general but while I'm in school I have to stay here. I'm planning to move somewhere south once I graduate.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:50:24 #252 №84644865 
Сиськи! Или GTFO!!!
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:50:32 #253 №84644872 
What's the way to live one's life correctly?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:50:33 #254 №84644873 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:51:14 #255 №84644885 

Not to say English is super important or 'better', but so many people use it, how could it not be useful?

A lot of NYC is dirty, but it is also one of the most populated cities in the world, so that is to be considered. It has its good things.

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:51:26 #256 №84644892 
i know i shitted myself) i only realized that after posting the post, shit happens tho ;)
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:51:52 #257 №84644897 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:52:59 #258 №84644922 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:53:21 #259 №84644927 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:53:29 #260 №84644933 
Might be true.
However, older generations are much more aware of the world outside the US borders. Retardation is a relatively new trend, but boy is it massive.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:54:11 #261 №84644945 
When I speak, I talk about young Americans. I figure stereotypes also sort of refer to them as well.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:54:12 #262 №84644946 
so get the fuck out of here, filthy faggot, no one wants to see u here
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:54:25 #263 №84644949 
У нас флективный язык. Зеленая зелень зеленит зеленую зелень. Вертел на хую неправильные глаголы.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:54:26 #264 №84644951 

That's it. Here's my message to you, you fucking punk.

You're dead, u hear me? Dead.

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:54:46 #265 №84644955 
It's quite alright. I do mistakes too, especially when it comes to articles. That problems will always persist since we don't have articles or any equivalents in our native language.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:55:22 #266 №84644963 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:55:39 #267 №84644969 
Where do you study ?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:55:49 #268 №84644971 
I do.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:55:50 #269 №84644972 
Which school do u attend?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:55:54 #270 №84644973 
Я передумал.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:56:11 #271 №84644979 
Покормил вниманиеблядь - день прошел не зря !
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:56:43 #272 №84644988 
MAKE mistakes
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:56:44 #273 №84644989 
East on LI at a community college. I study TV production.

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:56:48 #274 №84644991 
> i
> i
> i
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:57:00 #275 №84644993 
it's really bad for a person who uses internet not to know english. I know that russian is awesome, i really like tho, but english is an international language, and it can be said that it's sort of the official language of the web
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:57:58 #276 №84645014 
And of a lot of other places too. If you play video games with Germans, what language will you both speak? Probably English.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:58:01 #277 №84645016 
Russian is one of them too.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:58:01 #278 №84645017 
>community college
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:58:10 #279 №84645022 
no u don't, trust me u don't
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:58:22 #280 №84645026 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:58:41 #281 №84645030 
Allahu Akbar !
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:58:47 #282 №84645032 
It is rather dirty, even when compared to the shittiest russian cities like Omsk, for instance. The cost of living here is high and does not reflect the quality at all. You might rent a shithole 2 bedroom apartment in a dump and pay a grand monthly.
If you do intend to stay in the US, check out Oregon or Montana.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:58:47 #283 №84645033 
Анон я понимаю что ты наверное утёнок но из-за этого тайтла бросил смотреть аниме.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:59:06 #284 №84645045 
все равно лучше многих наших ВУЗов
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:59:08 #285 №84645047 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:59:13 #286 №84645049 
I go to a community college because my family knows the guy who heads the TV Production there. I really don't need to go there, I already work as a freelancer, but it just helps.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 05:59:51 #287 №84645066 
See, I tend to shit myself as well.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:00:35 #288 №84645084 
how long did u learned english"
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:00:37 #289 №84645086 
I disagree, do not move to Oregon or Montana, you will not find work. I highly recommend cities that are smaller than NYC but are still cities. Atlanta and the suburbs around it are perfect for this. I have friends who have moved here from NYC and the money they suddenly have is incredible.

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:00:47 #290 №84645090 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:00:52 #291 №84645093 
>internet not to know english
Тогда ладно. Наверну english basic. Добра.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:01:09 #292 №84645100 
nah man, that's bullshit, Brooklyn is WAY cleaner than most of Russian cities. It has lots of grabage flying around, yes, but not that much as on Manhattan. But by no means Brooklyn is dirtier than Russian cities? Did you even go to Russia? It's like 3-4 days of walking around there and your shoes and lower pants are FUCKED with fucking mud on them. There's nothing even close in Brooklyn. You can walk around for months here and your shoes would look almost new. So don't even do that.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:01:44 #293 №84645116 
When are u going to create a thread again OP? It's kinda late right now (5AM) and I'm going to sleep already
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:01:49 #294 №84645121 
Слыш ты, шлюха совковая, ты в совке жил вообще когда-нибудь или тебе твои родаки-прошмандяи рассказали? Ничего, скоро ты познаешь, как жить в еще более нищей и жалкой версии совка, если, конечно, все еще повязку на глазах носишь.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:01:54 #295 №84645124 

Nah, comminity college is a good start. Most credits are transferrable.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:01:55 #296 №84645125 
How long have you been learning.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:02:28 #297 №84645134 
I really don't know. It was fun though, so I will probably do it again tomorrow, perhaps. Next time I will probably log in so I am not anon, and can be tracked more easily. We will probably have a flock draw along with the AMA as well.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:02:31 #298 №84645135 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:02:53 #299 №84645142 
Кароч, дело было так:
Я реально притащил однажды англоязычного анона, на грёбанный сосач. Он интересовался Машей Бабко. А я знаю тут многие, на неё дрочат. Он зашёл. Создал тред, поздоровался. Попросил чтобы ему доставили. Обещал ништяков в ответ.


А сейчас вас траллет какельский шкальнег. А вы ведётесь как шлюхи.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:02:53 #300 №84645143 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:03:24 #301 №84645151 
too thick
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:03:28 #302 №84645154 
Was in Miami?
As there?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:03:50 #303 №84645158 
Can you please tell me the time you'll be online? Sorry for my english(
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:03:52 #304 №84645159 
сосач не смог в ангельский
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:04:29 #305 №84645175 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:04:29 #306 №84645176 
only dumb ass shitheads are actually believe OP, it's obvious that he's not an american
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:05:06 #307 №84645185 
You can find a job pretty much everywhere, providing you have skills and necessary education.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:05:48 #308 №84645194 
>are actually believe OP

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:06:11 #309 №84645202 
Нинада плис.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:06:12 #310 №84645203 
Okay, we've got your point, would you fuck off and die please?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:06:15 #311 №84645205 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:06:17 #312 №84645207 
I am not planning to transfer, because I already work in television.

I have been going to college for about 4 years now, but part time. Not nearly as intensive as an actual european university student.


Miami is more known as a tourist destination than a city for commerce. It does not require a huge working class to man its skycrapers (not that it has any).

I can't say to be sure, mate. Sorry! And your English is perfect.

What makes you so certain I'm not American?

It's just, for example, if you want to work with Technology, there is little technology NEEDED in Montana.

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:07:17 #313 №84645220 
I was in Miami several times. In tearms of environment, it is better than NY. Not as dirty. But hell, the weather sucks. You gotta love summer to be able to last there. Also it's not easy to find a job in the city. I was surprised how empty it is in the summer.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:08:34 #314 №84645240 
Hanna Montana or Tony Montana ?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:09:07 #315 №84645249 
Have you ever been to, say, Brighton Beach ?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:09:09 #316 №84645250 
>In tearms of environment, it is better than NY. Not as dirty. But hell, the weather sucks.

Cmon man, if we talk weather, NYC weather is definitely one of the shittiest ever. Maybe only Chicago has it worse.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:09:41 #317 №84645260 
>You gotta love summer to be able to last there.
Here all the year round on the street the fog :-(
Thank you, I sleep.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:10:00 #318 №84645268 
Yep. Tourist city.

Also you all might be mistaking my English for not being American because I am trying to speak in a way that would allow most Russians to automatically translate my text. I did not come here intending to only speak to English speakers.

Также вы все могли быть ошибочно свой английский для не американец, потому что я пытаюсь говорить так, что позволило бы большинство россиян автоматически перевести мой текст. Я пришел сюда не намереваясь говорить только английского языка.

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:10:12 #319 №84645271 
Блядь!!! Отвечай по русски!!! Или на родном на крайняк!!!

Ты сам то хоть понимаешь что ты пишешь???
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:10:13 #320 №84645272 
>I can't say to be sure, mate. Sorry! And your English is perfect
Thanks a lot =)
I hope it's not the last time we speak on 2ch lol, goodnight to you OP!
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:10:36 #321 №84645280 
Yes of course. It's garbage around there but not DIRT and MUD. And in Russian cities it's mud, slush and dust everywhere not even speaking of garbage. Try going to Omsk in fall or spring season lol, be sure to take more shoes and jeans with you or be ready to wash them every 2 days.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:10:55 #322 №84645286 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:10:59 #323 №84645289 
Well, I started learning it when I moved to the US in December 2009 and I stopped learning in May 2011. After that I just... lived in the environment, I guess. But I fucked around way too much.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:11:09 #324 №84645291 
Соси хуй, быдло.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:11:19 #325 №84645292 
Реи, ты где? А твоя подружка, та что аната бака
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:11:33 #326 №84645295 
wow be careful we have a badass over here
oh wait, did u forgot your dot at the end of the sentence? see, i can find mistakes as well, wanna continue?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:11:58 #327 №84645303 
ne tralirui pliz
i ne bombi nyasha
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:12:09 #328 №84645305 
Лол, стример, ты совсем пизданулся.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:12:34 #329 №84645316 
Chicago is almost like Moscow in terms of weather. I only visited it twice.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:12:56 #330 №84645320 
> What makes you so certain I'm not American?
uhm, i dunno, maybe only because u didn't bring any proofs that u are?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:13:51 #331 №84645331 
Maybe you're just jealous (Not OP)
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:13:51 #332 №84645333 
Relax, there's quite a few US residents. Feel free to speak the way you always do.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:13:53 #333 №84645336 
No way, cmon, it's on the Lakes. It's super humid and super windy. Moscow is not even near to that kind of climate as there are no major lakes around, no coastline and no humidity. It's colder, not windier or more humid there. St.Petersburg might be much closer to Chicago in terms of weather.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:14:08 #334 №84645340 
Did you forget*. Such a stupid mistake!
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:14:43 #335 №84645349 
String USA = "Russia"
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:15:07 #336 №84645352 
Saint Petersburg has whether a lot like NYC so I hear.

The best proof I ahve right now is the OP picture ofthe pizza box.

And to be honest I was most interesting in having an AMA for Russkiys and not Americans =P

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:15:29 #337 №84645356 
Adfdkf ikcjholV koljkdgj.sgjosposjgojvv osdl skggkiskgs sh k bfj sgsjgjfh gfsgfhs gfj jk kfjsdffdj rj jfgjfgjhs,hsjdujs jfsdjsfg, jsgjhsjsfgjhs!!!!

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:15:31 #338 №84645359 
Humid as fuck, on that I agree. I scarcely remember it, it was way too long ago. 2010 or so.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:15:55 #339 №84645364 
of course i would like to live in murrica, so what? it's definetely not a proof of OP's nationality
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:16:07 #340 №84645366 
> лучше многих наших ВУЗов
Ну хуй знает
I'v heard those shitty colleges actually often have a lot of non-transferable credits and generally are filled with tards who were too dumb to enroll into a normal school, not really academically inspiring. Although can be good for some people to grab some gen. ed credits for a lower price.
>I am not planning to transfer, because I already work in television.
Then why are you wasting your time?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:17:03 #341 №84645380 
my bad, didn't have a practice for a long time
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:17:20 #342 №84645385 
as a cleaner
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:17:21 #343 №84645386 
Guys, if I'm 25, is it too late to start going to college ? How old is an average student in american colleges ?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:18:13 #344 №84645396 
no job is too big, no bounty is too big
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:18:18 #345 №84645399 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:19:00 #346 №84645411 

Because I like college, this school is not very expensive, and the degree will come in handy some day.

Most Americans start college immediately after highschool ends, but plenty of people go back to school. It's something Americans are trying to come to terms with actually. Absolutely nothing wrong with it.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:20:45 #347 №84645447 
Съеби отседова, пидорас, это русская борда вообще-то, тебе здесь не рады.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:20:58 #348 №84645451 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:21:50 #349 №84645460 
You are partially correct. There is a variety of community colleges, some are better than the others.
But yes, those who manage to enroll to a university tend to fare much better in life. With that, not everyone can handle the cost of tuitions. Sure, you can apply for financial aid or take a loan, but are you willing to repay that afterwards ?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:22:10 #350 №84645464 
>no job
>no family
>no superb car
>no 1kk bank account
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:22:39 #351 №84645470 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:23:16 #352 №84645477 
> community
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:23:32 #353 №84645486 
Бери своего "американца" и съёбывай вместе с ним, это русскоязычная борда.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:23:42 #354 №84645487 
Yup :(
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:24:37 #355 №84645502 
Абу - хач
hk - Гонконг
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:24:40 #356 №84645503 
Are there any fans of horror fiction ?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:24:49 #357 №84645504 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:25:34 #358 №84645519 
>You are partially correct. There is a variety of community colleges, some are better than the others.
If your major is not shit tier you will be able to get a decent job and pay off your loan.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:25:42 #359 №84645522 
А борда русскоязычная. Хач Абу разговаривает на русском и нам велел.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:26:05 #360 №84645531 
> horror
> fiction
заросли твоей мамки 2: пожиратели тьмы. Ядовитая мясная дыра
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:26:11 #361 №84645534 
Назови 5 районов Нью-Йорка / Name 5 New York City Boroughs
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:26:28 #362 №84645539 
Ccleaner. The capital de unduotrzes. je nosuis pax parle voux
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:27:06 #363 №84645545 
нi, Абу звати Тарасем. I говорить вiн виключно украiнською
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:27:19 #364 №84645550 
je suis parle ecrit voux dou souve
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:27:33 #365 №84645552 
hey american boy
wat youtube chanels do u watch? i like angry grand pa, bf vs gf...
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:27:55 #366 №84645558 
Que ?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:28:08 #367 №84645561 
> i like angry grand pa, bf vs gf
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:28:26 #368 №84645564 
si si C’est des conneries!
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:28:28 #369 №84645565 
Сосать он тебе велел, рузке свинья!!!
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:28:30 #370 №84645566 
Quis que ve
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:29:00 #371 №84645577 
я не люблю собирать баттлфюри
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:29:06 #372 №84645579 
Для вас спец резервацию сделали /ukr, и сделали не случайно. Выметайся тоже отсюда.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:29:09 #373 №84645580 
I watch a lot of league of legends players like Sp4zie and Trick2g, but I also watch TotalBiscuit, and some other channels like Crash Course and ReviewTechUSA. But I do love youtube poops, and am even subscribed to penek TV.

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:29:27 #374 №84645587 
vou du la paris est' el senior va baguette
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:29:47 #375 №84645593 
What do you think of business management/economics ?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:30:11 #376 №84645602 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:30:53 #377 №84645609 
This is my favorite channel on youtube
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:31:01 #378 №84645611 
CТранно, но я понял.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:31:47 #379 №84645623 
То что я говорю на русском языке не делает меня русским.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:31:48 #380 №84645624 
и что же сказал?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:31:48 #381 №84645625 
Saw that one coming.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:32:07 #382 №84645630 
Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens, Manhattan, Long Island, Upstate.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:32:13 #383 №84645633 
и что же я написал?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:32:45 #384 №84645640 
Mine too! But asctually, I like this channel more.


Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:33:10 #385 №84645645 
> Queen

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:33:20 #386 №84645647 
Ты реинкарнация Жанны Д'Арк.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:33:26 #387 №84645649 
name at least one NY dweller, that didn't have sex with ur mom
protip: u can't
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:33:28 #388 №84645652 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:33:32 #389 №84645655 
These are wrong lol. Long Island and Upstate are not buroughs at all.

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:33:44 #390 №84645660 
Примерно это у меня
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:34:16 #391 №84645667 
То что в Париже у всех сеньеров баггет.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:34:16 #392 №84645668 
some qestions to u:

r u fat or muscle?
r u rich or poor?
r u gay or pedofil?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:34:32 #393 №84645670 
Стейтен айленд, придурок ебаный
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:35:27 #394 №84645686 
I am small, not muscular, not fat.
I am middle class, rare in America.
I am not gay, and I am not a pedophile.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:35:40 #395 №84645692 
fat poor virgin gay nolifer
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:35:43 #396 №84645695 
прикольно, а я просто писал слова, которые в голове крутились
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:36:23 #397 №84645707 
Y'all lose
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:36:23 #398 №84645708 
вы самое слабое звено,прощайте.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:36:53 #399 №84645714 
А нью джерси разве не знаменитый район нью йорка типа сохо ?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:36:55 #400 №84645715 
>I am middle class, rare in America.

It's not rare. Even those who aren't considered to be a middle class are still making enough to afford a decent living.
Speaking of me, lol, I live in Brooklyn on 1000 bucks a month that my parents from Russia send me while I'm in school full time here.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:36:59 #401 №84645716 
do u know more swears?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:37:45 #402 №84645730 
How old are you ?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:37:53 #403 №84645733 
It's not rare in NY, no. But I am glad to hear for you!
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:37:58 #404 №84645734 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:38:08 #405 №84645737 
Which school?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:38:17 #406 №84645741 
Да. Но я>>84645611 таких слов даже не знаю.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:38:20 #407 №84645742 
Sure as hell, twat.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:38:38 #408 №84645744 
One of cunys
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:39:03 #409 №84645751 
oh, that's new for me, continue please
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:39:33 #410 №84645757 
fuckin retard
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:39:54 #411 №84645762 
How do you manage to live for a grand a month ? I spend around 4k bucks including rent and utility bills.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:40:19 #412 №84645766 
Not kingsborough ?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:40:50 #413 №84645771 
Fuck you, I was in school in Russia for 4 years and then came here, worked for few years and had to start it all over again going to school again to get my grad.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:41:17 #414 №84645780 
He's just trolling, man.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:41:59 #415 №84645786 
>One of cunys
Obviously cuny, but which one ?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:42:02 #416 №84645787 
Don't worry, I have the same story.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:42:14 #417 №84645792 
No, city college.

I share a room with my friend so my rent is around 380-390 a month. I spend around 300 on food and the rest goes to subway/phone and something for me. I've lived like that for several years already and I still have 1.5 years of college left.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:43:46 #418 №84645816 
What degree do you get ? Bachelor of arts/science ?
When did you start doing college ?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:44:02 #419 №84645823 
balls, cock, dick, hard-on,nuts, prick, cod, johnson, love luger, one-eyed monster, pecker, peter, putz, rod, schlong, schmuck, skin flute, trouser trout
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:44:20 #420 №84645826 
CRaZYYYY? 4 grands???
i not that 26 yo retard but i used to work in construction busines...they give to you room at the hotels for free for the period of working.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:44:37 #421 №84645830 
u're uncle tom
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:45:15 #422 №84645837 
In 2013 I believe so I had to take 7 semesters to graduate, they transferred some credits from Russian school as well. And yes I'm getting BFA.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:45:16 #423 №84645838 
>city college.
Thats a fuging gastle X--D srsly cool campus
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:45:47 #424 №84645843 
Well, not everyone would provide you with a place to live. You got lucky bro. Cheers !
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:46:10 #425 №84645848 
what is that even supposed to mean?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:46:18 #426 №84645849 
OP here:

Does anyone have any more questions? I've just been watching you all duke it out. lol.

And yea, to the russkiy in brooklyn, I am happy for you!
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:46:24 #427 №84645852 
Does sucking bloombergs dick makes you smarter and more progressive?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:46:53 #428 №84645855 
No, because he is not very relevant in our politics in New York anymore.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:47:19 #429 №84645861 
Yes? itiis. Ihave do fuck your mamka to mouth!!! but you have licki my eggs!!! By tha yoi is pidorachen-kakol.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:48:21 #430 №84645871 
Do you support DiBlasio and the way he turned shit on NYPD? And what do you think at all about these retards attacking cops and doing crime and getting killed for that? Do you think that burning houses, blocking highways and killing cops "in revenge" is a right thing to do?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:49:04 #431 №84645880 
>Hello anons, I am an American from New York

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:49:30 #432 №84645884 
> yes
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:49:43 #433 №84645886 
there is no
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:49:46 #434 №84645888 
Alright, nitey nite everyone ! It was really nice to have yall around.
Study well, don't waste your life.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:49:51 #435 №84645889 
kogda tebya ebali chto na жёпе napisali?
зеленый как бы не палится
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:50:07 #436 №84645892 
we know about u americans more then u about us
next time ask qstns.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:51:27 #437 №84645911 
How do you like to live in third world country like Russia?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:52:00 #438 №84645917 
I have to admit, I know this issue is very big, but I just don't know about it all. I am more liberal than conservative, but I also don't believe that the police are fucking all that bad either. What the cops are mad at DeBlasio for might be a misunderstanding. He said that he told his son to be careful because he is black- and if the Police feel disresected by him, maybe they should look at their own statistics- stopping to frisk so many blacks when the whites are actually convicted of crimes more often. I don't believe in revenge of any kind, but other Americans might disagree with me.

Read the thread- I have no other proof for now, just the pizza box!

You may be right, but I already know plenty about Russians too. But it's not like I can educate Americans about Russians myself, either.

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:52:03 #439 №84645918 
i like it, at least we have rockets and army
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:52:13 #440 №84645919 
Bai, dont spread your aids.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:52:41 #441 №84645924 
Good night, mate.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:53:07 #442 №84645929 
Hello comrade. How can we unite our countries?I do want us living in 1 big country with democracy and communism on new way of living like Rouzvelt thought. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Bill_of_Rights
I wish he hadn't died and made this Bill true. It could cancel Cold war and made us all to live together in peace.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:53:08 #443 №84645930 
god damn your uncle Sam is a MotherFucker
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:54:12 #444 №84645945 
Lol I don't know about that.

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:55:27 #445 №84645959 
the country u was born was sold to mofos
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:55:40 #446 №84645963 
Where can I get good weed in NY?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:56:33 #447 №84645971 
Wish I knew! It's not legal here, so unless you have friends who know where to get it, it's not so simple. But I am sure it's easier in the big city itself. I don't live inside the city.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:57:02 #448 №84645978 
фу, замкадыш
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:57:02 #449 №84645979 
amer goverment fucks u in the ass
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:57:12 #450 №84645985 
All countries are united nowadays, new world order y'all know, we have different leaders but they all suck one cock. Even if we the people unite somehow in one big society, there always will be separatists or radicals of some kind.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:57:19 #451 №84645987 
>stopping to frisk so many blacks when the whites are actually convicted of crimes more often

But how is that so? Look at the map of crimes commited. Look at how high a crime level is in any black neighborhood of NYC. Cops don't stop blacks because they are blacks, they stop them because of statistics that clearly shows that young blacks who look like hood rats are very likely to commit a crime. And every second young black looks like that. So is it cops to blame that blacks commit those crimes? And it's much much safer to walk around white or Asian neighborhood rather than black? NYC is now one of the safest large cities of the US. Do you think cops should stop frisking blacks who look suspicious and refuse to cooperate when asked? Do you think cops should let them rob, kill, rape and sell drugs they way they do? And yes they do it it's a statistics. Yes they do it much more often than other people. Not Asians, not Whites not even Hispanics to that extent. Only blacks are doing that. So why all that hypocricy and fake racism accusations?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:57:59 #452 №84645994 
OP, cложно жить русскому нелегалу в НЙ?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:58:25 #453 №84646000 
Everybody Knows Shits Fucked

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:59:41 #454 №84646012 
yeah, it's so good that we are in russia with our good goverment that takes care of us
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 06:59:53 #455 №84646016 
Shit, i'm in NY right now and I really want some. Maybe there are some commonly known weed spots you can tell me about or something like that? I know, that I can probably get it in projects, but i'd really like to avoid going there.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:00:52 #456 №84646026 
ya ne ponimayu

I've seen the opposite, but I want to also add that I am not the kind of person who insists that all blacks are innocent either. People who actually commit crimes should not be being protected by their ethnicity as if it were some kind of fucking shield. There was a lot of that -AFTER- Fergesun. And sorry about all the US politics on this thread.

I don't know for sure, but many other people on this board would know. I am sure the answer is yes though, I just have no knowledge of it myself.


No clue bro, I'm out east. I am sure you can get it outside the projects.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:02:25 #457 №84646049 
Fug this new wold order, srsly. Not the thing I desire. Hope united with USA we may achieve better world withought that nasty newwoldorder full of wars, hate, ignoranse and death.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:02:31 #458 №84646050 
Лауреат нобелевской премии и победитель проекта "Ты супермодель" ссыт на вас ИТТ.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:03:12 #459 №84646063 
thats gonna be to all mofos
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:03:40 #460 №84646072 
Personally, I think most Americans think the new world order shit is a conspiracy theory, and is fake. Personally I agree, I think it's total shit.

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:03:52 #461 №84646073 
>ya ne ponimayu
He says that you are ЗАМКАДЫШ, he mean that's you outsidee МКАД - Moscow Ring Road. Many Moscow-fags think, that only bydlo live outside MKAD.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:05:41 #462 №84646092 
chto eto bydlo? And wouldn't that make the rest of the world? lol
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:06:02 #463 №84646096 
I mean I just don't get it as basically all "innocently" killed blacks that caused riots later were committing crimes. Some of them more severe, some of them less, but all of them did that and didn't cooperate when asked. Every time I see a video of a cop shooting black guy somewhere it's ALWAYS that a guy doesn't cooperate and does some shit he's not asked to do. What it has to do with his race at all? I saw a recent vid and two cops are charged with killing a white homeless guy at the Western Coast I think and on that video he was also no cooperating and threatening them with a knife. Nobody says shit about it. It's not about race at all it's about threatening police officers first of all, fighting them and not doing what they tell you to do. That's what I basically think about that. But I can't even sound my opinion to anyone in public as everyone in my college is extremely anti-police. I'm glad that at least my gf and my friends agree with me.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:07:44 #464 №84646115 
Yes you're right, not not -all-. But yea, personally, I am not anti police at all. I am not anti-gov either.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:08:55 #465 №84646130 
Bydlo - uncultured and mostly stupid people. I think замкадыш can be translated as redneck.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:09:38 #466 №84646145 
It's not bullshit, but it is far more complicated than most people think. I recommend you to read Lenin's work called "Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism", though it was written more than a century ago, it describes things that are going on in the world right now pretty accurately.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:10:39 #467 №84646157 
Oh okay, gotcha. Many New Yorkers think the same thing. That anyone not living in a city is a red neck. Personally I think it's obviously not true, but I do believe people who are made to live closer together in cities are more collectivist and liberal, caring about eachothers rights rather than just their own.

Well yes, the global economy is one thing, but a secretive group of people 'pulling strings' and doing stuff like 9/11 and the illuminati is shit IMO
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:11:08 #468 №84646162 
Не, может, замкадыш никак на анлийский не переводится, это крайне специфическое понятие, которое свойственно исключительно нашей культуре.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:11:38 #469 №84646169 
fuck papa doc
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:12:08 #470 №84646177 
What is the difference between the two kinds of rednecks then?

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:12:32 #471 №84646185 
> but a secretive group of people 'pulling strings' and doing stuff like 9/11 and the illuminati is shit IMO
Well, yeah, that most likely is bullshit.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:12:49 #472 №84646188 
Почему пиндос, заходящий на русскую борду заставляет анона говорить с ним по-пиндосски?
Мы ведь, заходя на форчан, говорим по-пиндосски.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:13:33 #473 №84646196 
Потому что ты хуй и залупа, кек. На самом деле потому что я и еще пара анонов могут себе позволить общаться на английском, а ты не можешь. Поэтому ты хуй и залупа :)
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:13:51 #474 №84646200 
Because y'all coons are trying to impress hui znaet kogo
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:14:12 #475 №84646203 
If you used proper Russian, I would be able to understand you because of translation. I don't intend for people to respond to me in English.

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:14:42 #476 №84646213 
Sure. It's not how media and faggots want to show us. Just group of people, corporations and movements with same interests. All 9/11 shit is just fun for idiots who really think that Iraq war is a main event of the world, not just another minor imperialistic war. The high top elite just has the same way of thinking - that's the worst.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:15:06 #477 №84646220 
Замкадыш - anyone, who lives outside MKAD, even in big cities like Krasnoyarsk and Novosibirsk. Redneck - anyone who lives in villages.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:15:26 #478 №84646224 
american girls are FAT BITHCHES
our rus girls the best
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:16:00 #479 №84646236 
что за корову хачатину ты скинул, ебанько?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:16:35 #480 №84646246 
top kek
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:16:42 #481 №84646249 
Посты потходят к бамплимиту, а этот пидор до сих пор не пруфанул, охуеваю с пидарах
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:16:52 #482 №84646253 
But why is saint petersburg so different in a loyal sense? Obviously they are different, but really?

I like fat bitches, personally. But that girl's nice.

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:17:17 #483 №84646258 
You don't have to go to fucking projects just to get weed. Lower Manhattan is a good place to find weed, you might just meet people smoking in the street and ask them where to get some, poke around Union Square(there are a lot of freaks there doe, harmless freaks) or Washington Square Park, also in East village there are a lot of trashy stores that sell bongs and bong accessories,I'm pretty sure theycan help you in your quest.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:17:39 #484 №84646259 
Привет американский! Можешь пососать мой петух и выстрелить трахание вверх
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:17:56 #485 №84646264 
Буйство школьников, думающих, что они знают наглийский и кичащийся между собой. Я сваливаю.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:18:07 #486 №84646265 
I'm afraid of buying it and taking a subway after it for example. What if cops randomly search me and I'm done.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:18:09 #487 №84646266 
Haters gonna hate.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:18:34 #488 №84646279 
Всегда (смех)лирую с бугуртных ебланов, вроде тебя.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:18:38 #489 №84646280 

Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:19:22 #490 №84646287 
If you dont want to cops to search you, you just turn around and walk away out of the station, read the subway rules asshole.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:19:39 #491 №84646291 
Ньюфаня, пруфани то что я не пруфанул.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:19:43 #492 №84646292 
You see, in Russia we only have one major city: Moscow. In Moscow there is a circular highway call МКАД, which basically separates Moscow from the rest of Russia. Since life in Moscow is much, much better, than in every other part of Russia, people, who live outside of МКАД are considered to be замкадыши, and замкадыши are considered to be dumb, ignorant and poor peasants by people, who live in Moscow.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:20:41 #493 №84646306 
Go to green village on friday night, you will walk away will some weed or dope or in handcuffs if you are retarded.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:20:53 #494 №84646310 
Lol you obviously never got searched by cops on subway. You don't just turn around and walk away if they tell you to come to the table and let them search you.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:20:55 #495 №84646311 
Yea, I've seen it on a map. Plenty of cities all over have rings like that. But still, Saint Petersburg used to be the capitol! Leningrad, no?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:21:43 #496 №84646321 
Thank you man, that's a relief, projects are fucking scary.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:24:33 #497 №84646364 
ща пиздов словишь щенок,молись на моих богинь сученок
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:24:39 #498 №84646365 
One more time you can decline and walk away, although you may not enter the subway.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:24:54 #499 №84646368 

shoot ur socket for proofs, and sup ofc
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:25:07 #500 №84646373 
Yeah, it used to be, but only because Peter The Great hated Moscow since childhood and decided to relocate the capitol. The capitol was relocated back to Moscow in 1918 by Soviets. it's not called Leningrad now, it used to be in USSR.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:25:24 #501 №84646374 
Peterburg was capital in 1712-1918.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:26:11 #502 №84646389 
Yes I know, was just making an example.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:28:44 #503 №84646422 
Take a cab.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:29:55 #504 №84646443 
That's a good idea.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:30:59 #505 №84646463 
(iii) The search is minimally intrusive
Although a subway rider enjoys a full privacy expectation in the contents of his baggage, the kind of search at issue here minimally intrudes upon that interest. Several uncontested facts establish that the Program is narrowly tailored to achieve its purpose:
(1) passengers receive notice of the searches and may decline to be searched so long as they leave the subway, see Hartwell, 436 F.3d at 180-81; Marquez, 410 F.3d at 617-18; Edwards, 498 F.2d at 500;
(2) police search only those containers capable of concealing explosives, inspect eligible containers only to determine whether they contain explosives, inspect the containers visually unless it is necessary to manipulate their contents, and do not read printed or written material or request personal information, see Marquez, 410 F.3d at 617;
(3) a typical search lasts only for a matter of seconds, see Illinois v. Lidster, 540 U.S. 419, 427, 157 L. Ed. 2d 843 (2004);
(4) uniformed personnel conduct the searches out in the open, which reduces the fear and stigma that removal to a hidden area can cause, see United States v. Martinez-Fuerte, 428 U.S. 543, 558, 49 L. Ed. 2d 1116 (1976); Hartwell , 436 F.3d at 180; and
(5) police exercise no discretion in selecting whom to search, but rather employ a formula that ensures they do not arbitrarily exercise their authority, see Von Raab, 489 U.S. at 667; United States v. Green, 293 F.3d 855, 860 (5th Cir. 2002). Although defendants need not employ “the least intrusive means,” Earls, 536 U.S. at 837, to serve the state interest, it appears they have approximated that model. Given the narrow tailoring that the Program achieves, this factor weighs strongly in favor of defendants, as the District Court properly concluded.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:33:52 #506 №84646495 
Do you still have Ku-Klux-Klan parades with firing crosses at Times Square on Obama's birthday?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:34:33 #507 №84646506 

Oh that's cool, thanks for digging that up.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:36:53 #508 №84646544 
Know your rights.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:37:02 #509 №84646545 
Cops usually frisk potentially dangerous people, when there's a suspicion that a person has explosives or weapons, etc; also they usually have the tables on big crowded stations like 34th, smaller local stations mostly don't have cops frisking ppl. but if you are so afraid of being searched at a train station use a bus/car service. Also you could get high after purchasing, lets say you got to the place where you buy weed, ask the dealer if there's a nice place around to smoke safely, Williamsburg bridge is a nice place, and then walk around stoned in the night city, pretty cool.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 07:44:03 #510 №84646642 
What colo(u)r are you? Black? White? Other?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 08:09:13 #511 №84647007 
It would be cool to see that show. But not on the Times Square. In front of the White House.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 08:10:01 #512 №84647017 
Why americans have no culture?
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 08:11:50 #513 №84647044 
Cause they do not have history.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 09:45:30 #514 №84648848 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 09:45:47 #515 №84648853 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 10:06:23 #516 №84649316 
Hey anons, why have you all shut up? Say something.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 10:09:58 #517 №84649404 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 10:27:55 #518 №84649867 
Nigga mazafaka is you. And your mother was an old fat scuzzy colored slut fucking with each mazafaking nigga she could ever find in her town.
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 10:32:50 #519 №84649983 
Аноним 24/01/15 Суб 10:36:53 #520 №84650078 
Странно, почему-то не бампается. В чем дело?
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