Сохранен 374
24 декабря 2023 г. Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна. Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 17:01:37 #1 №238060185 
English club here

We communicate in broken English in this thread to improve our level.

Если ты шаришь за английский можешь смело поправлять других анонов, чтобы помочь им развиваться.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 17:04:19 #2 №238060343 
I have been learning English over 10 years, but I still don't speak English.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 17:04:22 #3 №238060346 
>>238060185 (OP)

Did you know, my fellow comrade, that Sralin raped Chlenin right into the poopy hole?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 17:10:42 #4 №238060732 
Can I see video about this?
sageАноним 18/01/21 Пнд 17:31:25 #5 №238062190 
suka gde articl`
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 17:55:33 #6 №238063847 
Can I see the video about this?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 17:58:26 #7 №238064030 
Hey wassup white trash!
[cleverowliscool] Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 18:05:22 #8 №238064484 
No one wants to join my fucking broken phone game(
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 18:12:33 #9 №238065015 
Hello, fellow English learner, it's totally understandable. I even have an explanation for why you are a dummy dumb and still haven't mastered the easiest language in the world yet.

You're just a fucking stupid animal unable to learn prepositions. In fact, I recommend you to quit trying to learn any language and possibly cease to use them at all. Do you think you can do that for me?

Perfect, have a wonderful day.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 18:22:53 #10 №238065745 
Thank you for your comments. Thanks to you, I've improved by 0.0000000000001%
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 18:25:33 #11 №238065934 
>>238060185 (OP)
My greetings guys! Today is very good day. I wish you can get maximum pleasure from your life and become really happy.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 18:28:44 #12 №238066159 
my balls hurt
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 18:33:28 #13 №238066500 
Why wouldn't you go to 4chan so you can communicate in english there, unstead of littering my /b?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 18:35:59 #14 №238066692 
When will I see you again?
When do I see you again?

Как правильно?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 18:38:44 #15 №238066885 
1, но при этом можно ещё сказать When can I see you again?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 18:41:37 #16 №238067078 
practice makes perfect
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 18:41:43 #17 №238067087 
Мне кажется что "When can I see you again?" немного отличается по смыслу.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 18:43:55 #18 №238067241 
Раз уж тут eng тред, то выебываться своим охуенным знанием инглиша не буду, просто спрошу совета у анончиков
Достиг примерно уровня b1-b2 где то года 2 назад, с тех пор, несмотря на то, что смотрю фильмы/играю в игры на оригинале и вот это вот все по ощущениям не апнулся совсем
В чем проблема и как наконец дотянуться до c1 господинов?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 18:43:55 #19 №238067242 
Because you the faggot and sucks member.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 18:44:25 #20 №238067285 
Да, просто это пример Present Simple с вопросом о будущем.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 18:45:36 #21 №238067390 
Общаться с носителями языка.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 18:46:52 #22 №238067487 
а где их взять?
на всех сайтах и приложениях вроде хеллоупал одни турки да арабы
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 18:48:38 #23 №238067628 
На форчане же.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 18:54:29 #24 №238068061 
>>238060185 (OP)

Alright, niggers, bow to your new C2 Lord!
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 18:54:37 #25 №238068073 
Модальным глаголам вообще поебать на времена?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 18:56:16 #26 №238068199 
ait big boi
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 18:56:57 #27 №238068244 
stupid bitchass nigga, who do you think you are?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 18:57:16 #28 №238068266 
Do you know what "tossing the salad" means?

Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 18:58:23 #29 №238068363 
na dabl idu za pivom
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 18:58:48 #30 №238068395 
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 18:59:06 #31 №238068415 
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 18:59:29 #32 №238068446 
Have you ever been on top of brown willy, mate?
sageАноним 18/01/21 Пнд 18:59:41 #33 №238068458 
lmao go read some fuckin book
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 18:59:41 #34 №238068459 

My certificate says that I have the biggest dick in the thread. Using this certificate my astral projection migrated to Germany. So yeah, keep seething, you uneducated pleb.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:01:10 #35 №238068574 
>>238060185 (OP)
Я короче по бухалову, вхожу в чатрет ебаный английский, они как бы понимают, телочки крашные с калифорнии текут при виде меня, но ебаный язык ихний мещает, хули они говорят будто хуй жуют?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:01:24 #36 №238068590 
Yeah, like... tossing the salad?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:02:13 #37 №238068655 
артикль проебан
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:02:57 #38 №238068709 
>>238060185 (OP)
watah. bargah.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:03:17 #39 №238068728 
i mean consciousness
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:04:11 #40 №238068798 
So do you guys eat corn the long way?
sageАноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:05:26 #41 №238068893 
Could you show me this an a the video please?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:05:31 #42 №238068899 
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:05:40 #43 №238068917 
>>238060185 (OP)
How to learn speak and scribe English, but don't build sentences, as I do it, when I speak and scribe Russia?

Really, I know many English words and can read original English books, but can't use them in the right way, when I try to speak English. Each time I just used Russian's rule of grammar and changed Russian words on English.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:06:36 #44 №238068986 
>>238060185 (OP)
Hi everyone here

Please give me advice. What book I should to read on holidays?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:06:52 #45 №238069007 
If aren't employee in international company, or living/spending vacation in English speaking country, stop giving a shit.
With practice you will speak fluently just in a few weeks, if ever need to
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:07:28 #46 №238069059 
Hi people and im back cucking again
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:07:53 #47 №238069081 
"to" was unnecessary
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:08:02 #48 №238069093 
>>238060185 (OP)
Remember kids, true translate for CIS countries:
Россия - Russia
Белорусь - White-Russia
Украина - Border-Russia
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:09:22 #49 №238069204 
> Украина - Border-Russia
Of course. Ukraine grenade hole more like surrealistic Country that looks like borderlands game
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:09:27 #50 №238069209 
Did you know that Stalin fuck Lenin in the ass?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:10:18 #51 №238069273 
"Джина. Англиискии для наших"
>>I should to read
Should is a modal verb, you don't need to use "to" before it
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:10:38 #52 №238069300 
Не от "у края", а от "краина", то есть "страна"

oink oink
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:10:41 #53 №238069308 
Your are so funny. (No)
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:10:44 #54 №238069314 
"уКРАИна" literally translate like "Borderland"
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:11:28 #55 №238069374 
Do you know that Stalin banged Lenin's ass?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:11:30 #56 №238069378 
согласование времен проебано
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:12:28 #57 №238069459 
We don't understand what you wrote.
Write in English please
sageАноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:12:39 #58 №238069471 
Насчет общения уже давали советы, попробуй обыденность сместить в английский, а именно: всякие приложения(тв/phone/пк) и более мелкие вещи, вроде бытового окружения(инвентарь, активности), к примеру, искать кастрюлю на сайте на английском.

Дополню, довольно полезно будет подписаться на что-то английское в (твитер/вк/телега/инста, тикток/ютуб если там не только видосы(я хз)) Чтобы просто маячило возле экрана при просмотре на телефоне.

Вроде все, хотя, если есть музыкальный инструмент, можешь поиграть песни на англе(простейшим аккомпанементом, поебать, тебе главное войс)
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:13:17 #59 №238069512 
Я - мужик с этого видео, я не понимаю чего от меня хотят.
Помогите мне пожалуйста разобраться.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:13:45 #60 №238069546 
Why did you write 'before"? He used "to" after the modal verb.
sageАноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:13:53 #61 №238069562 
Sry, hav u ewe bin on top of broun vily, the mate?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:14:47 #62 №238069626 
No, it means licking your inmate's asshole in jail.
And "salad" is something tasty to mask taste of shit.
Thus tossing the salad, kids
sageАноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:14:57 #63 №238069634 
What's a pity. So, I would better ask another anon then, goodbye!
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:15:16 #64 №238069661 
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:15:30 #65 №238069678 
Yes, you are right
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:15:53 #66 №238069696 
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:16:04 #67 №238069713 
Lol, you need to consume movies/podcasts/youtube in English, and learn fucking grammar. Grammar is big in a sence of people willing to have a conversation with you, if your grammar is crippled you'll make a first impression of a retard and make easier for everyone to dismiss your opinion. Look at the German guy character in "Jango" - his English is weird but his politeness and elaboration makes him almost cute (as much as a hitman can possibly be).
sageАноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:16:35 #68 №238069751 
Oh sorry, I forgot to should drink my 2tea
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:17:10 #69 №238069782 
>>238060185 (OP)
Мочехлёбы тута?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:17:15 #70 №238069792 
>mastered the most complex grammatical structures and most arduous vocabulary units the language has to offer
>displays his illiteracy by utilising 4chan newspeak made specifically for retards like himself
what a miserable guy
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:17:41 #71 №238069822 
Второй вариант вроде как допустим, если ты встречаешься с человеком по какому-то расписанию
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:17:57 #72 №238069837 
No, but we've got a jail ass-licking nigga: >>238069626
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:17:59 #73 №238069839 
My gf was
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:18:22 #74 №238069868 
Почти. Им поебать на форму времен
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:19:01 #75 №238069904 
Маня, оставь надежду на воплощение своих сексуальных фантазий, ты так и останешься листвой.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:20:06 #76 №238069975 
Wow, really?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:20:20 #77 №238069988 
Imagine being so incel, even Bobby doesn't wanna fuck you.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:21:21 #78 №238070060 
Аноны, а предложение "Ты обязательно выучишь английский" это какое время?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:21:44 #79 №238070091 
Such elaboration is nothing but a pathetic attempt to show off. Is it some kind of pissing contest to you?

pissing contest starts now
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:24:08 #80 №238070230 
>>238060185 (OP)
You'd be surprised how little shit native speakers give about grammar. Like, even basic spelling is a struggle for many, things like "you're-your" are nothing unusual. Still, you're better off communicating with them instead of local /b/tards, regardless of your skill. I'm not sure how to put it better, but non-native speakers oftentimes give themselves away with strange speech patterns. It's something you just have to pick up over time.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:24:15 #81 №238070235 
Why does it cant be in past simle?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:24:29 #82 №238070250 
Yes. Did you know that both Heyrich and Röhm indulged in drinking Heiny's milk?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:24:55 #83 №238070285 
I ain't no asslickin poof, ya motherfucker! If ur slut mummy likes butthole, it ain't mean every nigga does
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:24:57 #84 №238070287 
hell yeah
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:25:20 #85 №238070314 
> Heyrich
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:25:21 #86 №238070316 
I tried to learn grammar and even achieved some success in this area, but because I practically don't use English in my ordinary life, just read books, since some time I forgot grammar rules and started to write English words in the Russian manner. I haven't any idea how to fix it.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:26:06 #87 №238070368 
No does hear. You just don't use some verbs in past simple, idk
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:31:21 #88 №238070695 
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:32:07 #89 №238070749 
>mastered the most complex grammatical structures and most arduous vocabulary

Wait, is this German club thread?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:32:12 #90 №238070756 
Анон, послушай. Английский это язык пиратов, наркоторговцев, работорговцев и тд и тп. Ты точно хочешь иметь с этими людьми что-то общее? Я понимаю, что тебе с детства вбивали в голову, что говорить по английски это перспективно, что это универсальный язык будущего, но это мнение отдельной кучки либиралов. Так вот что я хочу сказать - просто говори по-русски там, где это возможно. С иностранцами говори, если ты кодер то пиши комментарии на русском, статьи и тд. Не надо вестись на чужой язык, и уж тем более на чужую культуру. Не будь дурачком, Анон.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:32:54 #91 №238070811 

Cry some more.
Being so jealous all the time is bad for your health, you know.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:33:17 #92 №238070832 
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:33:30 #93 №238070850 
That's true. A lot of language learning comes down to just input. The more English there is around you, the sooner you will learn. Also, it's much better to listen to people speak and not only read. I learned a lot of my English just listening to bloggers, reviewers and so on.
And of course your skill will depend on how much time you spend learning. Think of learning a language like learning drawing or a musical instrument. The more time you spend on it, the sooner you will learn.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:34:02 #94 №238070877 
Пидорахи хвастаются знанием языка западного барина. Это ж каким рабом надо быть.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:34:20 #95 №238070895 
German sucks, there is nothing to discuss. Leave this thread immediately.

godlike-C2-entity >>238068459
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:34:23 #96 №238070901 
>>238060185 (OP)
May neim is Igor and I speek Inslish long time. I want to meet new frends and shiiet.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:34:55 #97 №238070943 
Нет, можно без артикля.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:35:00 #98 №238070952 
Too many phrasal verbs. You ought to be more common for newbies.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:35:30 #99 №238070987 
Do you know there is a great piece of fanfiction featuring tentacled Himmler written in English? This fact on its own makes English worth learning.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:35:54 #100 №238071012 
It not just unnecesary it's incorrect.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:35:54 #101 №238071013 
Ссср расколотил пол-европы, пора бы привыкнуть что мировой язык это русский
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:37:33 #102 №238071130 
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:38:14 #103 №238071185 
Nothing but a paltry scoundrel with the wit of an American and the courage of a frenchman
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:38:44 #104 №238071225 
Повсеместное явление. Увы.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:39:51 #105 №238071301 
You're just an arrogant faggot. C2 means your language is like that of an imbecile.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:40:40 #106 №238071366 
>>238060185 (OP)
Я кохаю українське сало
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:40:56 #107 №238071380 
Knowledge of English alone allowed me to fix my life after selling all I had and fleeing to SPB. It was my only skill and it got me a job as a support engie for the tech product which now being sold all over the world. Given that the product itself was quite a niche one, the company was okay with me learning technical part on the fly and now I work remotely from SPB, my salary depends on $ insteald of the motherland currency and I have decent perspectives to even grow in my professional sphere. Ofc I have to work hard and slacking in a slightest is not an option but $ 24k annual helps me with that.

To sum it up - keep working on your language skill, it will get you far.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:41:02 #108 №238071396 
>like that of an imbecile
Like one of an imbecile
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:41:18 #109 №238071412 
Гой ты, Русь, моя родная,
Хаты - в ризах образа...
Не видать конца и края -
Только синь сосет глаза.

Как захожий богомолец,
Я смотрю твои поля.
А у низеньких околиц
Звонно чахнут тополя.

Пахнет яблоком и медом
По церквам твой кроткий Спас.
И гудит за корогодом
На лугах веселый пляс.

Побегу по мятой стежке
На приволь зеленых лех,
Мне навстречу, как сережки,
Прозвенит девичий смех.

Если крикнет рать святая:
"Кинь ты Русь, живи в раю!"
Я скажу: "Не надо рая,
Дайте родину мою".
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:41:44 #110 №238071445 
Try to watch tv series or vlogs in English.
Got you spoon loicense m8?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:42:16 #111 №238071486 
One girl wants me to come to her now and see why her printer is not working. But it's 21:40 and I have to go to work tomorrow. Should I go?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:43:03 #112 №238071551 
No, it's a trap.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:43:07 #113 №238071560 
Why does British English sound so bad? Even AAVE sounds better to me.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:44:27 #114 №238071650 

Oh man, that is some serious jealousy right here. Are you alright? I suggest you stop, take a deep breath, and leave this thread. Don't come back xDDDD
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:45:43 #115 №238071748 
Грубым дается радость,
Нежным дается печаль.
Мне ничего не надо,
Мне никого не жаль.

Жаль мне себя немного,
Жалко бездомных собак,
Эта прямая дорога
Меня привела в кабак.

Что ж вы ругаетесь, дьяволы?
Иль я не сын страны?
Каждый из нас закладывал
За рюмку свои штаны.

Мутно гляжу на окна,
В сердце тоска и зной.
Катится, в солнце измокнув,
Улица передо мной.

На улице мальчик сопливый.
Воздух поджарен и сух.
Мальчик такой счастливый
И ковыряет в носу.

Ковыряй, ковыряй, мой милый,
Суй туда палец весь,
Только вот с эфтой силой
В душу свою не лезь.

Я уж готов... Я робкий...
Глянь на бутылок рать!
Я собираю пробки -
Душу мою затыкать
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:46:05 #116 №238071781 
Они говорят примерно это:
Хули ты пиздишь ЦССУКА,
залупаешься, блядь, ты живёшь где-то на континенте,
хуй через знает где, блядь, хули ты сюда лезешь.. к американцам, нахуй. Запомни — у меня есть, блядь, хороший, бля, человек, я его, сука, блядь, отдам деньги, чтоб те, сука, в мозгу въебал пулю, нахуй, и ,чтобы ты закрылся, нахуй, и никогда сюда не лез, понял? БЫДЛО ТЫ ЕБАНОЕ, блядь!!! Всё нахуй.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:46:28 #117 №238071816 
For February versify, mourn February with an ink
While roaring sleet is passing by, ablaze in blackness of the spring
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:47:34 #118 №238071889 
What does AAVE mean?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:50:05 #119 №238072037 
>>238060185 (OP)
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:50:32 #120 №238072070 
still waiting for you to explain your shortage of C2-related vocabulary in your post which features fatuous attempts to showcase your ostensible intellectual supremacy...
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:51:25 #121 №238072135 
African-American Vernacular English.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:53:46 #122 №238072274 
Prove me wrong.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:55:15 #123 №238072363 
Lutsch mein Schwanz du Kameltreiber und lerne endlich Deutsch!
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:56:29 #124 №238072452 
I just explained who you are. It's your choice whether accept it or not.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:57:49 #125 №238072534 
>You'd be surprised how little shit native speakers give about grammar.
And this is true. As i got from us guy to whom i spoke - u speakin' english much better than me in russian.
So keep going. Learn new words from movies, songs, books especially. Books is a best word knowledge base because you see how the phrases built, see right sequences and so on. Don't panic, Anon. If you wish speaking english - speak it. No other way to learn it.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:58:05 #126 №238072552 
Why would I even consider explaining anything to you? It seems you forgot you place, so let me remind you: dogs do not deserve any explanations, dogs do not ask questions, dogs simply entertain their masters. So, please, make sure I am entertained, keep barking at everything I am throwing your way.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 19:59:31 #127 №238072658 
Guys fuck off. U'll both be understood. No doubts.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:00:28 #128 №238072720 
>Why does British English sound so bad?
Speakin' american way?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:00:59 #129 №238072754 

Sorry, can't really hear you! My awesomeness ensures that all this whining of simpler life forms is almost unnoticeable.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:01:53 #130 №238072810 
You really sound like you have severe mental retardation. I feel sorry for you, dude.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:03:00 #131 №238072885 
And another one bites the dust!

You barked, by the way. Please, continue.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:03:25 #132 №238072907 
/b/ is shit by definition, it can't be litered.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:03:31 #133 №238072916 
this is still a B1-level post...keep trying, you'll get there eventually...(maybe not, idgaf)
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:05:10 #134 №238073024 
Did you guys know that Stalin raped Lenin in the ass?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:06:01 #135 №238073082 
Imagine genuinely caring about how a mentally impaired degenerate like you would grade my post, lol.

Keep barking, dog.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:07:01 #136 №238073140 
поганый пятирублевый лахтовик-ниасилятор
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:09:15 #137 №238073278 
this one's better, not by a mile though...
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:09:21 #138 №238073288 
I'm in bad mood, bloody weather... Going to drink some tea, cheers lads.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:09:43 #139 №238073322 
>>238060185 (OP)
90% of workday i'm communicating in English.
Now, workday is over, I open 2ch and what do I see?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:09:48 #140 №238073327 
Okey. So I learned somthing.
Then, how do I can strengthen my knowledges? Exercises? Are there exist these kind of applications?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:11:18 #141 №238073430 
> Are there exist
Try books on grammar first.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:14:35 #142 №238073637 
Keep on replying and we'll all see how many shits you give.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:16:48 #143 №238073764 
Oi lads! Glad tew sey yeww awl once agoine. Le''s eayt som'ng innit?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:17:08 #144 №238073783 
Kill all hohols ~desuuuuu
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:18:15 #145 №238073853 
Yeah, I even saw that video. It was so beautiful!
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:18:19 #146 №238073861 
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:18:30 #147 №238073872 
>>238060185 (OP)
ey pindos ebanyi, ja tvou mamu ebal)))
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:18:41 #148 №238073886 
>>238060185 (OP)
Do you know Sralen nasilival Lenena in anal
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:19:21 #149 №238073933 

i see stone fucking another stone
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:20:26 #150 №238074007 
Stupid idiot that's doesnt funny stop write this bullshit
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:21:09 #151 №238074056 
>My awesomeness ensures that all this whining of simpler life forms is almost unnoticeable.
Spell it normal way. Don't be a dickhead.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:21:19 #152 №238074076 
I put my dick right in the brown willy of ur mom
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:24:55 #153 №238074326 
Dat thread full of idiots thinking they kno how to speak right.
Fuck all of you, dumb kiddy assholes.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:25:00 #154 №238074331 
It's chuesday i'nnit bruv
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:25:33 #155 №238074376 
he stopped replying all of a sudden...poor guy must be running low on his advanced and exquisite and 2smart4u vocabulary...too bad
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:26:36 #156 №238074453 
Как правильно по английский сказать "Ты опоздал пидрила" человеку который пришёл на встречу позже намеченного?

You are late.

You are miss.

You missed.

You have lated.

You have missed.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:26:45 #157 №238074462 
You nigga stupid.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:27:05 #158 №238074481 
D'u have any day practice in english speakin?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:28:25 #159 №238074572 
Man you're late (a bit). Just like this. Fuck that @are at full.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:28:58 #160 №238074600 
Suck my blak (not) dick, dicksucker moron.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:29:36 #161 №238074638 
>You are late.
>You are miss.
>You missed.
Можно, но не совсем походит по смыслу.
>You have lated.
>You have missed.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:30:36 #162 №238074727 
i don't even know what to say. i hadn't cared about English until i entered grade nine, and since then i've been learning it passively for almost three years. honestly, i'm not sure whether i've achieved great success in doing so or not; anyways--i've chosen English as a subject i'm going to take the Sole State Exam preposition. as you can see my speaking level is to be improved, if possible & if i could manage it, of course.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:31:08 #163 №238074761 
>>You have lated.
Ты че, дурак блядь?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:31:41 #164 №238074802 
>>You missed.
>Можно, но не совсем походит по смыслу.
Absolutely not.
Miss - to miss the point, make a big mess or some kind of loose.
Miss the target. But not late. Absolutely different sense.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:33:41 #165 №238074943 
>>You have lated.
tolsto, leave the thread u a0-asshole
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:35:42 #166 №238075084 
Как раз идеально "You are late".
Дословно переводится как "Ты есть опоздавший (прямо сейчас)". Никакие lated или missed не нужны, если мы не говорим о прошлом, типа "ты вчера опоздал на поезд и я выебал твою тян" - "You missed the train yesterday and I fucked your girl".
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:36:11 #167 №238075128 
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:36:42 #168 №238075165 
>Время Present Perfect обозначает действие, которое завершилось к настоящему моменту или завершено в период настоящего времени.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:37:04 #169 №238075192 
Why does my whole body shake when I try to speak English with natives? It's like when you are in a cold place, and your body starts shaking for some reason
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:38:39 #170 №238075308 
Thank - спасибо, thanks - спасибки?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:38:42 #171 №238075314 
late - не глагол, толстяк.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:40:07 #172 №238075419 
Thank - благодарить
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:41:35 #173 №238075528 
>You missed the train yesterday and I fucked your girl
Вчера Ты проебал поезд и я выебал твою девку.
Именно так.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:43:30 #174 №238075648 
it's cuz you're an omezhka, boy. get used to that fact and don't try communicating with people anymore
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:43:38 #175 №238075660 
Because of practice. You have no idea how to speak right way and truyin' to translate from russian in your head. That's a reason of your tremor. Speak as much as you can. Use short sentences.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:44:36 #176 №238075721 
And what about you? How long you speaking english?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:46:03 #177 №238075819 
>>238060185 (OP)
Stop learning bri'ish and start to learn american, fellas
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:46:45 #178 №238075870 
No answer. Looks like speakers r fled nahuy.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:47:37 #179 №238075927 
Thank - cnacu6o, thanks = cnacu6bl
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:48:09 #180 №238075964 
Sup. What about you? Are you speakin' easy or need to think on translation before make sound?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:48:14 #181 №238075966 
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:49:31 #182 №238076062 
That's sad. And there is no way to solve this problem and become a true man?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:49:57 #183 №238076095 
i speaking english long, but the main difference between us is that my dick is bigger than yours, and so i don't tremble like a little pussy when i detect signs of life on my way
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:51:55 #184 №238076229 
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:52:06 #185 №238076237 
I speak easy about simple everyday things, otherwise It's either slow or clunky.
Reminder that all high-quality specimen had left the england hundreds of years ago and formed a country. It's called United States.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:52:42 #186 №238076283 
Do you speak fluently, or maybe you need to think over the translation before uttering a sound?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:52:45 #187 №238076289 
>I lost
Haha look at this loser
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:53:04 #188 №238076314 
Нахуя вы пидорасы апострофы ставите? Никто так не пишет, это супер по-уебански выглядит.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:53:29 #189 №238076357 
Ahha! So you can into selfsuck?
And how long you speaking with mistakes?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:54:40 #190 №238076435 
Whacha doin' in this thread you snownigger?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:54:49 #191 №238076450 
london is the capital of great britain
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:54:56 #192 №238076460 
And isn't there a single way..?*
Reborn as a man.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:55:38 #193 №238076511 
>>238060185 (OP)
I really love English, you know, but my level is very low, you know. I has not enough money and time to learn language more perfectly. How i can learn English v domashnikh usloviyakh? Now i learning by watching movies in english with russian subtitles. Any sposobs?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:55:52 #194 №238076540 
as long as no little pussy have
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:56:09 #195 №238076565 
Need everyday practice because i'm not in english speaking country now.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:57:19 #196 №238076574 
Same thing
Talked to an american once and was shaking all over the place. Maybe it had something to do with the floor actually being cold, but I'm not sure. Also had a sore tongue after just an hour of talking. I think it's because I've been doing alotta new moves that tongue is not used to do.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:57:32 #197 №238076611 
I don't have such abilities
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:57:48 #198 №238076636 
Doin' whatcha like do, so fuck off.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:58:06 #199 №238076688 
learn the grammar first, otherwise it's gonna be a useless waste of time
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:58:51 #200 №238076759 
You are late, faggot
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:58:57 #201 №238076766 
Go to an English-speaking country, go to a bar, get drunk, start talking.
> but what if they laugh at me
They aren't going to follow you back home, are they? What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

Also this. Fluency means being capable of thinking in English without involving Russian at all.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 20:59:43 #202 №238076823 
thnx, mate
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:00:20 #203 №238076877 
you're not the one
some pitiful omezhka reports
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:00:36 #204 №238076894 
keep coping, I've learned english by playing cs:go
Now that's a pog. Unlike you stupid nerds who sit and read the books for hours.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:01:07 #205 №238076943 
>v domashnikh usloviyakh? Now i learning by watching movies in english with russian subtitles. Any sposobs?
Better use inglese subtitles. So you'll see exact words pronounced.
Otherwise you'll loose link between what you hear/what you see.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:01:10 #206 №238076946 
>>238060185 (OP)
Fucking Interview on Factory(завод) his say my me call you Just wait.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:01:24 #207 №238076966 
Wtf are you faggots making apostrophe? No one writes like these its looks super shitty.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:02:10 #208 №238077039 
Try to speak with nignog. Be surprised.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:02:29 #209 №238077067 
Change your Russian subs for the English ones. Most words and constructs in use are very repetitive, so with practice you'll understand what's going on.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:02:58 #210 №238077106 
If you want to be a dumb motherfucker I have no right to stop you, sure.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:03:53 #211 №238077184 
Wrong way. Just try to leave in UK or US. With your grammar without vocabulary. Wordlist goes first.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:03:55 #212 №238077190 
Shart your mouth
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:04:16 #213 №238077218 
I nate higgers. Not even gonna bother to talk to a wild creature.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:04:38 #214 №238077255 
>Fluency means being capable of thinking in English without involving Russian at all.
Takes time.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:06:08 #215 №238077366 
But then how i'll understand movie's plot?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:06:29 #216 №238077405 
Greetings my fellow englishmen. I would like to inform you that Stalin had a rectal sexual intercourse with Lenin.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:06:40 #217 №238077422 
Gnazi - you're fucking boring. And you can't speak.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:06:42 #218 №238077424 
If you want to be alright - fuck the woman every night.
If you want get funny sex - fuck my dog, his name is Rex.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:07:43 #219 №238077492 
You can read all the Murphy's books. I've been learning English for about 2 years now, but started reading Murphy only 2 weeks ago. It's very easy to read. I've started feeling progress now

Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:07:57 #220 №238077511 
Паста с форчана расходимся.

Why do you put apostrophes everywhere you fucking faggots? No one actually writes like this, it looks utterly disgusting.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:08:04 #221 №238077521 
Lol, talking to poles and turks is a great way of learning, that's for sure.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:09:06 #222 №238077606 
The majority was western europeans
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:09:14 #223 №238077614 
It does. Start small: switch your phone to English, read English news sites, shitpost on 4chan instead of 2ch.
When you see something you can't understand (even roughly), stop and translate it properly. Then make a flashcard in Anki or Memrise with the phrase and train with them.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:09:46 #224 №238077650 
Try to live in US. You'll be the racist/sexist/homophobe in one flask just in very short time.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:10:24 #225 №238077710 
>When you see something you can't understand (even roughly), stop and translate it properly. Then make a flashcard in Anki or Memrise with the phrase and train with them.
Right. Will help much.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:12:03 #226 №238077850 
>You'll be the racist/sexist/homophobe in one flask just in very short time.
Hell yeah brother! I couldn't care less what jewish media and institutions call me.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:12:04 #227 №238077853 
>>238060185 (OP)
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:12:29 #228 №238077883 
I can read a scientific article or an entire book about antiquity and the way people ruled vast counties and conquered countless regions expanding further and further in their military campaigns. But I can't write shit when it comes to actually building sentences of my own and articulating my thoughts on anything, let alone speaking or maintaining any sort of a conversation. What do I do?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:12:29 #229 №238077884 
>I've started feeling progress now
And now i feel progress.
You still translating russian to english. And it's seen.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:14:12 #230 №238078035 
You're doing the same
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:14:16 #231 №238078038 
>It does. Start small: switch your phone to English, read English news sites, shitpost on 4chan instead of 2ch.
So you did it?
I'm not using russian at all my devices. Except the case i need to talk russian to someone.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:14:40 #232 №238078065 
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:14:40 #233 №238078067 
the reason I can't tell what you was gonna say in your second sentence is that you're learning a lang... via computer games... and at the same time you don't have the basis you need in order to form proper constructions and not the 'i have knowed english because i playing game' bullshit, so shut up and leave the thread
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:15:30 #234 №238078137 
didn't read
keep crying for me
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:16:56 #235 №238078264 
Thanks, I will definitely try to use theese advices
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:17:25 #236 №238078303 
Reading much easier than writing/speaking. Because you see the words in right sequences.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:18:34 #237 №238078395 
Sometimes not.
I don't care really. People understand me right, so it's enough to me.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:18:59 #238 №238078420 
ебаный школотун 3 строчки осилить не может. боюсь представить, что ты там выучил, пока в кээс играл
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:19:18 #239 №238078448 
>you was
> in your second sentence is that you're learning a lang
I said that i've learned english. This means that the action is completed. Now cry in the provided bucket you filthy snownigger.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:21:17 #240 №238078577 
>i've learned english
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:23:39 #241 №238078758 
Don't bother trying to talk english ever again. It's made by whites and for whites. Not for your kind of subhumans. You get it slav?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:23:40 #242 №238078760 
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:25:56 #243 №238078934 
Hello ladies and jentlemens, pidors and pussies
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:26:22 #244 №238078962 
Hello. Me likiey New York very much. I like rats and sewers and all the good stuff of a contaminated megapolis with stiffed stagnated air full of disgusting odors coming from large piles of trash lying alongside sideways and dark narrow alleys overburdened with old rusty junk tanks, that have been homes for generations and generation of dirty sick street rats that would fight for a slice of pizza to the very end, for dozens of years.

What is your fav city of the US?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:26:41 #245 №238078981 
>You get it slav?
(c) Bekmambet Mambekov; Kyrgyzia, Bishkek.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:28:03 #246 №238079090 
Hello, comrades.

What do you think about BLM-movement in USA?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:28:26 #247 №238079122 
it's the city in the us, not of, amigo
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:29:44 #248 №238079226 
>What do you think about BLM-movement in USA?
Tis' just a jewing
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:30:00 #249 №238079241 
I kissed a black leg yesterday. What's wrong?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:30:16 #250 №238079260 
Your stupid ass doesn't even know that you shoud have used "speak" instead of "talk" in that context. You sound like a fucking scumbag.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:30:50 #251 №238079297 
Russo matroso, aha yobi yobi, okay?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:31:06 #252 №238079330 
what can a proud white man think about the apes and all the mammals there are in amurica
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:31:19 #253 №238079341 
Couldn't care less 'bout ur stupid ass opinion
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:31:25 #254 №238079350 
hello friends what is the topic of discussion?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:32:01 #255 №238079389 
Yes I did. Now I don't even go to runet for anything other than 2ch except when I need to know something about Russian news or laws.
> Except the case i need to talk russian to someone.
You can add Russian keyboard manually and keep the English interface on most devices.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:32:17 #256 №238079413 
Put the definite article in front of USA, faggots. ITS THE USA, NOT USA.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:32:34 #257 №238079435 
>>238060185 (OP)
If you want to be okay, suck my penis every day
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:32:52 #258 №238079455 
> Seattle Is The Best City Of The US.
> written by an actual burger
Fuck off you stupid spidorashka. You're not even considered white anymore, so yeah fuck off.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:33:19 #259 №238079495 
Stalin and Lenin's sexual orientation.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:34:19 #260 №238079554 
Anyway what are articles good for?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:34:59 #261 №238079585 
You are correct brother
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:35:10 #262 №238079597 
chewsday woder quite mate thee
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:35:54 #263 №238079645 
Third leg? Understandable.


Hmm, I wonder, how many gay-niggers betwen them? A lot, I hope. It can be more funny in this case.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:36:03 #264 №238079654 
ur mom
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:36:34 #265 №238079680 
stupid mericans nuff said
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:37:28 #266 №238079743 
>>238060185 (OP)
Мою пикчю стащил цыган!
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:37:48 #267 №238079767 
>potato chips
>French fries

stupid mericans lol
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:38:11 #268 №238079794 
I've heard that they used to have intercourses
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:38:13 #269 №238079803 
Only women and faggots tend to overcomplicate things around them. And french are indeed fags.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:38:57 #270 №238079851 
nice one, what do you know about her?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:39:20 #271 №238079886 
Hi guys, which resources you are using for learning English? What do you think about linqualeo also?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:39:40 #272 №238079920 
Cool. I'm correct for once. I knew I wasn't stupid.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:40:25 #273 №238079965 
Haha stupid britbongs can't even come up with a word for a fucking season, so they just steal one. Imagine being this schewpid.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:40:39 #274 №238079983 
fuck off rookie
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:40:53 #275 №238080002 
Take a new one
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:40:55 #276 №238080006 
The word had already been invented not long before the english colonized America. So, shut up and learn history.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:40:59 #277 №238080009 
she's a serial killer
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:41:15 #278 №238080029 
>>238060185 (OP)
oye ye fokin wanktards tryina speek EENGLISH 'ere fok off ye wanksteins
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:42:06 #279 №238080088 
yeah she is. and so freaking talented
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:42:24 #280 №238080110 
Can you recall, was it anal? Or maybe oral? I seriously don't know.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:43:19 #281 №238080169 
fok off m8
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:44:35 #282 №238080245 
>implying russki do not steal french and greek origin words
russki and mericans do not have any European history and heritage, so it is you stealing our words russki bag
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:44:58 #283 №238080268 
no idea, but I think there was some kind of forced sex
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:46:07 #284 №238080352 
when do we start writing slashy fanfiction?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:46:54 #285 №238080409 
>>238060185 (OP)
>typing instead of talking
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:47:09 #286 №238080425 
norf doom.jpg
lads, get that poofta out 'ere
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:47:10 #287 №238080427 
sup /b/ros
Does anybody know smth about IELTS? I want to earn master degree abroad and besides a lot of papers I need a paper with 6.0 or more IELTS points. I only have 2 months to prepare. Any chances?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:48:13 #288 №238080495 
Thy words are dull, thy actions are feeble and, hereby, I declare you a buffoon for ye not deemed worthy of a better name.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:48:54 #289 №238080539 
I found out that Mistress Krupskaya forced her fucking slave Lenin to be Mr. Stalin's anal slut. she liked to watch it so much
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:49:02 #290 №238080546 
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:49:36 #291 №238080578 
There's a difference. I steal english words just because I can. And bretons steal the "autumn" word because they are "scheeewpiiid"!!
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:50:27 #292 №238080634 
oye oye look at 'is one, BUBBLIN' BAFOOOON my arse, ye can fok right off alongsoide with that retard up aboove
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:51:49 #293 №238080741 
>I steal english words just because I can.
Indeed russkies are not people
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:53:23 #294 №238080858 
You don't need it. It gives you fake feeling of knowledge. You better start watching tv shows, news and movies without subtitles so you can improve your engrish without being annoyed with endless language rules etc. Btw you can't learn a language without proper theory and practice. Good luck
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:53:24 #295 №238080860 
That's true
everyone who don't think so is delusional and retarded at best
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:54:43 #296 №238080944 

аче раньше же прикреплялось
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:55:33 #297 №238081004 
Silence, peasant! Thou shan't open thy filthy mouth.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 21:57:50 #298 №238081152 
I shat on ye shan't you know, and ye queen, and ye foking country, ye midland cuck.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:01:07 #299 №238081405 
Me too :3
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:03:17 #300 №238081578 
Oh no
I'm afraid there's some bri'ish 'people' in the thread.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:05:15 #301 №238081732 
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:06:18 #302 №238081810 
Hello faggots
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:06:56 #303 №238081852 
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:10:17 #304 №238082094 
Set all up due device purchase.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:11:11 #305 №238082167 
So why i need to study english in 2k21? Your opinions.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:12:11 #306 №238082245 

:( maybe i should try.. i dropped English after upper intermediate course. Maybe i will make smth up
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:13:30 #307 №238082333 
you don't
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:18:05 #308 №238082721 
Go to italki and hire foriegn teacher for IELTS. Try to study every day with him\her.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:19:22 #309 №238082825 
If you gonna sit at home and watch pidorashkaTV - you don't.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:20:47 #310 №238082934 
If you're not use it, you loose it. Sad truth.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:21:06 #311 №238082952 
Well, actually there are no reasons for you to study english in 2021, unless you want to, yet, having a knowledge how to speak english can open to you big part of pindoss entertainment, such as netflix zalypa tv, 4chan, dickscord and english shitposts.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:21:53 #312 №238083009 
a big part
yet still
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:22:05 #313 №238083025 
>>238060185 (OP)
Let me speak from my heart. I'm trying to jerk off while shitting. But I haven't tried to shit without taking off my sweater. So if you want to shit being clothed in sweater don't go to bathroom till you take off a sweater. Hope you could make out what I tried to get across. If you read this your mother will die in five days.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:23:59 #314 №238083142 
>If you read this your mother will die in five days.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:24:17 #315 №238083158 
>>238060185 (OP)
чо бля
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:25:11 #316 №238083219 
Take this
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:25:40 #317 №238083245 
sosi blya
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:26:39 #318 №238083287 
thank you homie
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:26:42 #319 №238083289 
другое дело
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:27:26 #320 №238083340 
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:27:50 #321 №238083368 
Get out of my english thread, you, dirty /b/olshevik scum.
Speak english
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:27:58 #322 №238083372 
это хуйня мня ня кхе кхе снимаю чары защыты
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:28:26 #323 №238083396 
саси май асс
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:28:50 #324 №238083428 
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:30:27 #325 №238083533 
silence /b/olshevik
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:31:04 #326 №238083570 
If you don't want to be thrown over by a nice foreign guy, have to learn it because of having a good homosexual connection in the future.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:31:22 #327 №238083593 
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:31:54 #328 №238083622 
шо бля. чо ты высрал бедолага
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:32:28 #329 №238083664 
Articel "The" stays for well known noun, you dumb idiot. So the right way to say it, is - "a video "
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:32:34 #330 №238083666 
watfak speak english
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:33:31 #331 №238083727 
epic gaymers do not learn grammars, instead they learn the english through online gayms and films. Prove me wrong.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:34:07 #332 №238083766 
бедолага я пынямаю што ты хочешь секса с мужиками но я руский и такого не будет
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:34:26 #333 №238083790 
шо. кентик откисти
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:34:31 #334 №238083798 
watafak bitch im yuoung twopack omg baby namne butibag
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:35:00 #335 №238083821 
шо ты высрал дружочек сходи на курсы у тебя акцент хуевый
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:35:43 #336 №238083863 
ебаный фанат этого говна ебаного
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:36:42 #337 №238083922 
no no you did no got me you got wrong it
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:37:26 #338 №238083971 
чо бля май асс? хуй тебе пидарасина я тебя сам выебу
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:37:27 #339 №238083972 
fit mani lon lon e na mne ho ho a otkuda you know 4to is this
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:38:15 #340 №238084022 
Yeah, there was a bucket with spotted dicks in it.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:38:31 #341 №238084040 
what you mean you fack me you racist?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:38:55 #342 №238084078 
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:39:40 #343 №238084124 
ебаный ты нигер. каво фак то сука твой рот фак я туда сюда ступид эсс бой
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:41:28 #344 №238084263 
you gay racis???
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:42:28 #345 №238084319 
сука я тебя выебу сука
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:43:17 #346 №238084370 
Without further interruption, let's celebrate and suck some dick!
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:44:42 #347 №238084443 
wtf fuck yourself you stupid bitch ass racist you ass meet me at ohio state in the detroit at car factori me and my homies wil meet you under the lamp tower we wil beat your ass
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:45:51 #348 №238084519 
чо бля. нахуй ты насрал себе в штоны нигрила
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:46:06 #349 №238084537 
bye yo loser
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:47:06 #350 №238084593 
Слыш блять говори по русски
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:49:07 #351 №238084710 
hai nigers i thinc thet rusia mast die becaus it is por and bed
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:50:45 #352 №238084831 
>>238060185 (OP)
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:50:51 #353 №238084843 
слабасть нигрильская
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:54:26 #354 №238085079 
wat???? spek englih pleas.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 22:59:20 #355 №238085403 
Im speaking english to you. What do you wanna say, man, huh?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 23:00:26 #356 №238085461 
hqdefault (12).jpg
I should've left you on that street corner where you were standing.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 23:04:50 #357 №238085737 
Hi! My name is Boris and I hate swine-pidorushkas.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 23:07:59 #358 №238085944 
Брух, никогда не общайтесь с иностранцами, если у вас недостаточный для этого уровень. Только что словил стыд, когда попытался сказать что-нибудь на английском в дискорде. Естественно, я промямлил что-то невнятное, и они такие: "Wow", - и вышли. Боже мой, как ливнуть с этого мира.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 23:08:02 #359 №238085946 
>сходи на курсы
Я сам их преподую. И вообще, как ты мог понять какой у меня акцент? Значение слова акцент знаешь?
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 23:09:08 #360 №238086011 
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 23:10:21 #361 №238086070 
Always try to talk to foreigners if you have the chance, even if you don't feel comfortable with your English. It's always good to practice. Don't be a pussy like this fag.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 23:12:42 #362 №238086217 
Периодически пизжу с иностранцами в дискорде на околооружейную тему, полёт нормальный. Они знают, что я русский, и практически всегда я появляюсь там изрядно бухим, о чём заранее сообщаю. Если они что-то не понимают, просто просят повторить. Некоторое количество клюквы играет на руку. внезапно заорать СОЮЮЮЗ НЕРУШИИИМЫЙ - бесценно
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 23:13:35 #363 №238086283 
oh shit I forgot that it's an English thread. Not used to write in English on 2ch, kinda like forgetting to alt+shift when switching windows.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 23:17:11 #364 №238086507 
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 23:22:18 #365 №238086803 
да знаю ты спалилса хрюша теперь все знают что ты русня или хахлина не столь важно главное не раболус
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 23:28:21 #366 №238087228 
But I can't do anything with that feeling. I always корчу discusted face when I remember that
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 23:29:36 #367 №238087313 
Maybe you just speak English better than me
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 23:35:19 #368 №238087679 
It's because you're an омежка that has low self-esteem. That's it, it has nothing to do with your English. Don't be a pussy and practice. At the end of the day, no one fucking cares how you sound like.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 23:37:48 #369 №238087820 
Ok, I will try to be better
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 23:39:21 #370 №238087920 
Based and self-improvement-pilled.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 23:40:53 #371 №238088014 
I didn't get what you said
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 23:42:50 #372 №238088154 
White supremacist slang.
Аноним 18/01/21 Пнд 23:52:14 #373 №238088819 
ты симп ебаный вайт супримаси ага в фантазиях маня
Аноним 19/01/21 Втр 00:02:56 #374 №238089568 
is this temporary thread
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