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24 декабря 2023 г. Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна. Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 11:28:43 #1 №86720365 
Ask a Californian anything

In English
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 11:30:21 #2 №86720478 
Proofs or GTFO
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 11:30:24 #3 №86720489 
Are all of you guys like this?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 11:32:57 #4 №86720628 
Dost thou suckle at negroes' cocks ?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 11:36:20 #5 №86720834 
Op- hyi
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 11:36:24 #6 №86720839 
Putin for the US president 2016 ! He'll handle the lgbt scum professionally.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 11:37:07 #7 №86720878 
Can I viciously assault homos, such as yourself, on the streets of Los Angeles ?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 11:37:26 #8 №86720897 
>Ask a Californian anything


Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 11:41:38 #9 №86721137 

Niggers don't exist in Orange County


Do RUssians like Putin?

Yes, but the LAPD will shoot you

Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 11:41:48 #10 №86721146 
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 11:48:24 #11 №86721532 
Kokol identified.
Hiding from mobilization don't you ?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 11:48:46 #12 №86721557 
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 11:49:42 #13 №86721614 
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 11:51:06 #14 №86721679 


sageАноним 20/02/15 Птн 11:51:09 #15 №86721684 
Chohole in this thread. I wanna my green card =\, whom i must suck?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 11:51:43 #16 №86721717 
this almost looks like a 1st world country
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 11:52:12 #17 №86721743 
Aren't you a cockhole slavnigger ?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 11:52:26 #18 №86721762 
sage stucks.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 11:53:04 #19 №86721800 
How did you learn about 2ch?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 11:55:05 #20 №86721923 
Just marry some poor black woman here and have a baby and your green card might take priority

I don't know though

is cockhole a 2ch meme

I saw this picture on /pol/
>pic related

This place has some cool features, I wish you could upload multiple pictures on 4chan
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 11:55:10 #21 №86721927 
187 muthafucka
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 11:56:37 #22 №86722020 
Do you now spanish? If yes, how often you use it?
My friend from LA constantly kvetching about asians with money, he says that they act like niggas with ghetto-syndrome (unnecessarily expensive cars, bling-blings, etc). Is that true?
How much ganja cost? How many people smoke it?
What the fuck are you doing on the russian imageboard for retarded people?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 11:57:26 #23 №86722069 
>Just marry some poor black woman here and have a baby and your green card might take priority

Кривбасян знает о чём говорит.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 11:58:01 #24 №86722098 
Sup OP! How are you?
Watch NASCAR ? Do you like this race?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 11:59:36 #25 №86722197 
It is Innovation Way & 11th Ave crossing. Sunnyvale, CA.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:02:34 #26 №86722379 
Most of russians, well, we can say worship Putin. When I watch EU or US politicians talking about how good sanctions will work because nation will be outraged by poverty I only laugh every time: they have NOT A GLIMPSE OF IDEA that 90% of russians will eat grass and barks, but still will be loyal for governemnt. The rest 10% will just leave the country.
Sorrow tolerance pf our nation is just legendary.

Picture says: "I don't eat sausages, they look like dicks"
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:03:41 #27 №86722436 
"cochole/chohole" is a nickname of ukrainians, like "katsap" is russian one.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:04:54 #28 №86722503 
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:06:07 #29 №86722567 
Loldumbass, still haven't understood that most of Russians do dislike Putin. But they dislike western fags even more than Kremlin faggot.
sageАноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:06:34 #30 №86722589 
НКР > Легион
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:06:57 #31 №86722610 
Good questions my nigga

I don't know spanish myself but I'm half mexican in ancestry. My father knows it and uses it daily.

Rich asians spend a shit ton of money souping up shitty cars with crazy engines and spoilers. They also act like niggers pretty much lol, that's true.

There's also preppy asians everywhere in Universities, UCI is like 55% asian

Everyone smokes weed around here, but I think that's just a coastal California thing, it's super cheap here too, like $30-60 USD for 3.5g

I'm just bored as shit with my bro and /pol/ is slow at this hour

I don't watch NASCAR, and I don't think it's very popular in most places in the USA other than the South and the Midwest. It is cool to watch though, that shit is crazy


u wot buddy

Is that true or are u rustling my jimmies? I could see russians dig Putin but not like that

Ah, thanks for the clarification. How do Russians feel about Ukrainians and vice-versa?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:07:24 #32 №86722637 
What was first a chicken or an egg?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:08:16 #33 №86722687 
Лол, специально зашел чтобы прочитать что то подобное, но НКР это самый петушиный выбор

Йесмен/Хаус > Лигивон > недоиграть > нкр
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:08:30 #34 №86722701 
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:09:42 #35 №86722774 
LA or S Frisco? Where better for youngers IT?
sageАноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:10:00 #36 №86722797 
> Хаус

бляяяя, лучше с легионом в жопу долбиться
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:10:25 #37 №86722819 
who pizdit in russian itt that bidlo.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:11:32 #38 №86722884 
What anime titles are your favourite?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:12:44 #39 №86722950 
Take me from this worst country PLEASE!!!
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:12:54 #40 №86722965 
I'm sad to say that this is your manya-mirok. I was a watcher on the lst presidential elections, when all this white-ribbon movement was active. My district was in the center of Moscow, the most wealthy one, with all this eggmass living there - public most likely to be in opposition to the government. 67% of the votes CRYSTAL CLEAR. Imagine how many he got in Muhosransk with all those vatniks and babushkas watching Russia24 or First Channel 24/7?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:15:24 #41 №86723126 
Did Pope shit in wood?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:16:04 #42 №86723169 
We're all Protestant Christians here so the chicken came first


For young people or for IT industry? IT industry, LA is better. For young people, San Francisco is cooler, but the best place is probably like San Diego or something. San Francisco is full of faggots and weird people that i'd imagine Russians wouldn't like

Tatami Galaxy, SEL, Texhnolyze, Cat Soup, Mushishi, etc etc. I watch a lot of dumb romcom shit too but that's all garbage.

I watched Casshern Sins and Mononoke recently and I thought those were pretty good.

If you can get to Mexico I'll try and smuggle you across the border

huh, not sure what this says

Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:16:36 #43 №86723199 
Only one question.

Node.js or Python?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:17:38 #44 №86723255 
I'm a noob who can't into programming :(
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:19:11 #45 №86723340 
Doesn't care. All that "appreshiation" is only for foreign policy. If u try to express ur opinion about Internal policy everyone will understand u. Nobody really loves Putin in Russia.
>babushkas and vatniks
How something bad.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:20:55 #46 №86723432 
What do you think about Pussy Riot?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:22:47 #47 №86723542 
>We're all Protestant Christians here so the chicken came first
Wrong. Not only chicken can make eggs. So, for example, dinosaurs used to make eggs too.
I've watched this at Russia 24, so its dogma, sorry.

Also, is it true that in America religion have pretty strong influence?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:22:48 #48 №86723546 
Performance in church was better.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:23:14 #49 №86723570 
Двачик решил стать тестировщиком ПО посоветуй что бы почитать где бы поучиться, так же было бы неплохо иметь напарника в этом деле.

Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:23:26 #50 №86723585 
I'm 020 and 379 poster.
That's true, even thou I'm not supporting him I prefer to live with an open eyes. Watch >>86722965 post - there is a picture of a presedential rating for Putin over the years. Can you imagine that for your leaders? There was a big raid from this board for one of the social networks (sort of facebook) for people 30+. The point was to put stupid russophobic quotes to the pictures of people that don't actually sayed that. Trolling became fatter and fatter, ending up people were arguing with Iron Man, Optimus Prime and ROCK (just a rock, yes) for over 10 pages for each case.

Huh! With the all this rouble troubles you ganja is not so cheap. Our street price is 1000 roubles per 1g, it's like 16 dollar per 1g of any quality shit if you can find it. Also incredibly cheap hash - 8 dollars for g, or 10 for a quality one.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:24:06 #51 №86723624 
ЯП подучи для начала.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:25:15 #52 №86723701 
Да иди ты нахуй, всем похуй и никто тебя не читает, /по/раша ебанутая.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:25:25 #53 №86723712 
>op -hyi
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:25:27 #54 №86723715 
>How do Russians feel about Ukrainians and vice-versa
They fucking hate each other, that's for sure. I'm not into this cause I'm not that dumb to hate someone because of their nation or because their leaders are rigid and stupid.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:25:58 #55 №86723750 
японский язык?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:26:36 #56 №86723789 
Lold fucking idiot still can't understand that people in internet speak not with pictures and ppl on them, but discuss expressions and ideas on pictures. Brainwashed faggot really beleives that he is unic-genious fatherofdemocracy. Kek
Also, OP when mmurica going to build socialism??/
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:27:19 #57 №86723832 
Wrong.They still do like each other even despite propaganda of both sides.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:28:00 #58 №86723875 
Hoo is a duti today?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:28:06 #59 №86723885 
What you could say about Obama? What young people think, hate or love?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:28:08 #60 №86723887 
Do you know Abu?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:28:09 #61 №86723888 
suck cocks?
do barrels?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:28:27 #62 №86723903 
Северокорейский. ссср близко - пригодится.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:29:03 #63 №86723949 
Why the US hate communists?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:30:14 #64 №86724017 
потому что это говно? никто не лююит говно кроме русских
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:30:57 #65 №86724055 
>никто нелюит
>весь мир в красных восстаниях в 19-20 веке
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:30:58 #66 №86724056 
Do americans like harems with sisters?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:31:13 #67 №86724077 
Because they kind of heathen. Agressive and evil.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:31:18 #68 №86724081 
Hey, how's life in Cali? What could you say are the most striking differences between Cali and other states? How much money does one have to spend guaranteed to live a life worthy of a human being (your own well-endowed household, insurance, car fuel, food and whatnot)? I've heard that lawyers are pretty much top-tier in salary/fee, how true is that?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:31:56 #69 №86724116 
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:32:05 #70 №86724129 
>that cherrypicking
[manyaworld intensifies]
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:32:28 #71 №86724156 
Huy sasaesch?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:33:07 #72 №86724192 
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:34:02 #73 №86724248 
Какой уёбищный рунглиш.
На I'm not supporting him уже закрались подозрения, а после an open eyes и watch <> post не осталось никаких сомнений.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:34:05 #74 №86724252 
Но ведь только США применяли ядерное оружие против мирного населения.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:34:56 #75 №86724297 
и какой итог? где твой коммунизм сейчас?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:35:58 #76 №86724357 
В твоей зарплате, условиях труда, гарантиях, правах и секуляризации сознания.Ну а еще в головах, да.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:36:41 #77 №86724399 
да мне похуй, изъясняюсь как могу. Всё равно лучше чем 90% петушатни тут
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:36:59 #78 №86724419 
God fucking dammit, answer me OP!!

Или уже определили, что ОП - толстяк? Лень весь тред с плохим английским читать.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:38:22 #79 №86724496 
>Всё равно лучше чем 90% петушатни тут
I wouldn't claim that, faget. Now shut your arrogant trap.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:38:59 #80 №86724529 
I think they're a pretty shitty punk band (and I listen to a lot of punk) , but it's lame that they got arrested I guess.
But I hate how they're feminist provocateurs who basically just asked to get arrested anyways

HAHAHAHAH well said.

Yeah, religion's influence in the United States is insane. If you're not religious it's extremely hard to get elected to any public office, and I'd say around a quarter (25%) of the voting population votes more on religion than anything else (the South). The stereotype that the South is a bunch of redneck Christians is pretty true generally. The influence is so great it's incomparable to other first world countries.

Sorry dude I didn't know what you were saying lol

Regardless, that's pretty crazy if there are Russians who just depise Ukrainians cause of their nation and vice-versa.

I hate the United States government
but I hope it never builds socialism because I would hate that more

I'm sorry?

Most young people like him because they don't know anything about politics or what he really does. To me he's just an average bad president. He got us out of Iraq so that's good at least. He does a lot more drone bombings than Bush did, so that's pretty scary.

I do not know an Abu, I'm lucky enough to not have many muslims in my area

the latter

cause our government was scared of russia during the cold war and the prejudice just never left. there has been a lot of "communist" shit recently with the Occupy movements and all that though.

huh that's weird, I'd expect weed to be super expensive in russia

that's also crazy that Putin is decently well-liked. In the US, the media makes him out to be Satan, and it makes it seem like all the russians hate him too.

I love Southern California. I haven't been to many other states, but I've been to New York, Arizona, and northern California and they just aren't as nice as this area. In SoCal, the temperature is always 65-80F, and the scenery is much nicer. I do live in a super wealthy area though.

To live well in the US you don't need to make much, probably around 20-30k USD a year. But it costs a lot more if you live on the coast.

Lawyers along with doctors are generally accepted as top-tier as far as pay goes, but other jobs make just as much or more (Petroleum engineer, wall street guy)

I got ya nigga
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:39:38 #81 №86724567 
Do American bitches feel wet around Russian guys just like Russian ones do around the Americans?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:40:16 #82 №86724601 
Welcome to the 10% of the elite, mr. Umnik.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:41:20 #83 №86724658 
>лучше чем 90%
You think too much of yourself, bud.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:41:54 #84 №86724689 
Hi man, I want h1b visa, can you make it for me? I'm good engineer in IT, test Automation, almost senior. What will be my steps? I'm browsing monster and craiglist, cant find anything sufficient. My english is almost like c1 or c2, anyway that would be enough (Ilets 7,5)
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:43:24 #85 №86724764 
dude, right now its daytime in Russia, you'd better back in like six or eight hours, otherwise you gonna talk here with younglings, not best choice
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:45:43 #86 №86724883 
>but I hope it never builds socialism
Why?What's wrong with democratic socialism. You know, WorkersofWorld, American Socialist party, workers war against gangsters, thousands of awesome pages from Mmurican history of noice people for truedemocracy, without authotorian shit. America suffered a lot from trests, corporations. It's all bretty good ideas which are adopted in noice countries like Scandi. And Franklin Roosvelt wanted to do some shit with his 2'nd bill of Rights. But died, what a fag.Also, you don't appreshiate 99% movement either?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:46:17 #87 №86724917 
>To live well in the US you don't need to make much, probably around 20-30k USD a year
Glad to hear that. I've also heard that one can live a pretty nice NEET life on welfare, granted you're a native US born whereas immigrants, even those who got US citizenship gotta work their asses hard to even survive.

Besides, you've got a hefty amount of your own specialists and hardly need someone from other countries. But even then, while laws of nature are the same everywhere, legal shit is different in every country. I've got a lawyer's degree but if I wanted to move there I'd have to learn everything from scratch. sad_frog.jpg

Whatevs, what can you say about people? Are they generally friendly or just tend to not give a shit? What about appearance? Do people get bullied often for their looks? I'm talking about both something extreme like punk looks or flaming faggot style and something rather mild but still unorthodox like longer hair on males.

Younglings are a forced meme, dude. People like to think that 2ch is filled with low-IQ highscoolers and justify their own stupid behavior based on that. I think that most trolls and other shitposters aren't schoolers anymore but behave like that because they can.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:47:12 #88 №86724964 
simple pictures. The most expensive shopping mall in Russia.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:47:24 #89 №86724982 
Has OP posted his driver's license or anything to prove he's American? bc something definitely feels off when I read his answers.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:48:07 #90 №86725028 
Who cares? Even if he's a fake it's still a nice opp to practice English here.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:48:19 #91 №86725042 
>makes it seem like all the russians hate him too
No, contrary to that, everyone seems to have suddenly forgotten shit that has been done by him in past and his criminal friends. That's crazy, if you think about it. Like some kid who starts laughing just after crying out loud. 140 million kids, to be exact.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:49:14 #92 №86725111 
Hey American, can you repeat this:
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:49:52 #93 №86725154 
How to survive in South Central?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:50:02 #94 №86725166 

▲ ▲
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:50:29 #95 №86725194 
This thread went down to political shit. Just like one of those crimea threads, but in English.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:51:45 #96 №86725276 
>that's also crazy that Putin is decently well-liked. In the US, the media makes him out to be Satan, and it makes it seem like all the russians hate him too.
He just appeals to the lowest common denominator. The one that lives in suburbs and backwater shittowns where communication opportunities are scarce and the only fairly working media is TV. Of course he'd be well-liked by most of the country.

Besides, as of several last years he's been speculating on so-called "hooray patriotism", when he achieves something petty at a great cost and then justifies that by inflating the achievement to enormous margins (aka Crimea incident).
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:52:19 #97 №86725307 
Hi dude, What is your winter temperatures in California? I'm tired of cold weather
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:52:24 #98 №86725311 

Heuheuheu retard

Moving through the thread
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:52:27 #99 №86725317 
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:52:32 #100 №86725325 
Rule number one: get yourself a gun
A nine in your ass'll be fine
Keep it in your glove comparment
Cause jackers they love to start shit
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:52:44 #101 №86725340 
Dude, I wouldn't wager even a rouble on any thread on /b/ that it won't derail into political shit after 100 posts.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:53:58 #102 №86725427 
BTW, OP, do YOU have any questions? Besides politics
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:54:20 #103 №86725443 
How something bad. What to talk about with people without similar themes?Only about yours views on life->politics.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:55:38 #104 №86725513 
I kinda miss the times when internet in general and this place in particular were populated by people with at least somewhat similar interests that are not tied to real life.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:55:43 #105 №86725518 
OP, do you have any proofs that you are from California?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:55:57 #106 №86725536 
Did it come across well?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:56:40 #107 №86725574 
Читай начало треда, уебок.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:57:00 #108 №86725587 
Why does the bear on your flag have only 1 head? I've played Fallout New Vegas and it had 2 heads. I think you are a spy of Caesar's legion.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:57:30 #109 №86725614 
Now if you're white you can trust the police
But if you're black they ain't nothin but beasts
Watch out for the kill
Don't make a false move and keep your hands on the steering wheel
And don't get smart
Answer all questions, and that's your first lesson
On stayin alive
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:57:37 #110 №86725625 
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:58:09 #111 №86725644 
>ot real life
Shut up, escapist-faggot. Go back to /tolkien
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 12:58:11 #112 №86725645 

What are you talking about? I can't understand your message.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:00:51 #113 №86725779 
>impl people have to be from the same country as to have common topics besides politics
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:01:26 #114 №86725818 
Man, I live a pretty shitty life of struggling for it just to keep living. Why can't I have a place to take a break from all this shit at least once?

Do you remember when you were most happy in childhood? When you were most content with yourself and didn't pay attention to any shittiness? That's right, when your mind was fixed on some subject that was sooo interesting and sooo involving that you didn't pay attention to anything else. Whatever it is, books, films, games, fantasies, imagination, drawing your own world, characters and such. Escapism sometimes helps and escapism does make people happy. Just don't go escapistic all the time.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:02:33 #115 №86725885 
I don't do Toliken, I do Hussie
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:02:47 #116 №86725904 
>pretty shitty life struggling
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:03:31 #117 №86725965 
Довольно дерьмовенькая жизнь, состоящая из борьбы за неё, лишь бы только жить дальше.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:04:25 #118 №86726013 
Hey, OP, what do you think about these webms?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:04:35 #119 №86726027 
Sorry, I missed your question

Most Americans probably like harem shows yeah, cause they're entertaining and have chicks with tits.

I don't think harems with sisters is acceptable. Incest is pretty taboo here, but I think people are into that kind of stuff everywhere.

And in real life it's all taboo.

I wouldn't think so, but my brother says that they probably do, yeah.

I wish I could help you dude, but I'm not an expert on immigration unfortunately. If anything, I'd say get in contact with your embassy about transferring to the USA for work or for post-graduate studies, and from there it's a lot easier to get citizenship. Keep working on your English too, cause that's a big deal (it's not bad from what I can read, but it needs to be passable speaking and reading).

Or you could try and jump the Mexico/Canadian border, but that's obviously more dangerous.

damn man I'm gonna be asleep in 6-8 hours probably.

It all sounds very nice in theory, but in practice I don't think it would work out. Especially with the United States government being the way it is currently, there is no way that a socialist movement would result in anything other than 1984-style monitoring and policing and shit like that. Our military is too big and our politicians care a lot more about money than they do about the citizens. But if, in a perfect world, the US could be like a Scandinavian country government-wise, I'd be alright with it. Franklin Roosevelt is the biggest reason the United States is as scary as it is today, so I don't like him very much. But I am in the minority, most Americans love FDR and the New Deal and all that.

Yeah, there are entire cities of people who are NEET, but unfortunately a lot of the time they end up in ghettos and spend their money on crack and shit.

Obviously the US has its own supply of specialists, yeah, but there is always a demand for more, everywhere. Especially in something like law. Learning everything from scratch would be a bummer, yeah, but there is a pretty comfortable living to be made in learning it here if that's your goal.

The people are pretty cool and nonchalant, as long as you're not in the South or some crazy area. For the most part, people respect others privacy, and we're definitely a lot more friendly to outsiders than most Europeans I've met in Europe. People don't generally get bullied for looks or anything like that as long as you're presentable. Everything like mohawks and long hair on males is socially acceptable, but you might have some trouble getting a job with it.

Hahahah at the Putin shirts. This place looks pretty cool, I'd dig going there. Is it in Moscow?

Yeah I posted my drivers license, read up. My opinions are my own, and most people in the US probably think differently than me.

That does sound crazy lol. I know he's done some crazy criminal shit but it's weird to think that Russians would forget about stuff like that in their politicians.


▲ ▲

Preferably, don't live in South Central. If you have to, get deadlocks on all your doors and only go out during the day.

Ah, so do the higher paid/higher educated in Russia typically not like him?

Hahaha it's night right now and the temp is 60F (16C). During the day its always 65-85, year round. It's really awesome.

Not any immediate ones that come to mind. I get questions when I read your responses sometimes and I ask them, so it's all good.

I posted my driver's license up there, I can post my license plate or my brother's drivers license too if more proof is required.

Cause the place in New Vegas is the NCR, not California!

Replies are coming too quickly to respond fast, sorry!
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:05:03 #120 №86726055 
I do your mommy instead.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:05:44 #121 №86726098 
Весь в трюк в том что ты думаешь по русски пытаясь писать по английски. Поэтому выходит хуево.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:05:49 #122 №86726112 
This shit isn't loading for me. Is the first one a music video? What's the song called?
sageАноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:06:04 #123 №86726133 
Do you suck dicks? Do you do a barrell roll?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:06:22 #124 №86726146 
Практики не хватает, десу.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:06:32 #125 №86726160 
Я просто спросил о ней, глупый. Чо за нытье?Повод то есть?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:07:28 #126 №86726208 
Я думаю по-английски, но конструкции всё равно русские.
sageАноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:08:03 #127 №86726250 
Yes. Also it's us.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:08:09 #128 №86726259 
Oh you silly bum, trolls do not have moms.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:08:09 #129 №86726260 
What do you think about our Great National Leader VLADIMIR PUTIN?
If you can see, we are conquering Ukraine now. And you, motherfuckers, will be next.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:08:46 #130 №86726291 
They both have music. Song: Darude - Sandstorm Lena Meyer Landrut - Satelite
sageАноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:09:09 #131 №86726310 
Fuckin' Shekespear.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:10:01 #132 №86726366 
>Franklin Roosevelt is the biggest reason the United States is as scary as it is today, so I don't like him very much. But I am in the minority, most Americans love FDR and the New Deal and all that.
Economically powerful?You think that politics in early beggining of 20th century was different?I mean I do want to know what actually FDR did badly. Got out from crysis and built really strong economy during war, made USA country #1.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:10:16 #133 №86726382 
Вот именно. Русский порядок слов в английском не работает.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:10:22 #134 №86726392 
А когда я создавал ярусский тред на форчане, закидывали говном. Шуточки про медведей и балалайки, вопросы про историю и политику, пиздец какой-то.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:11:26 #135 №86726457 
Дело не в порядке слов, просто какой-то руснявостью от текста отдаёт.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:12:08 #136 №86726492 
Прям как и у нас, только без КРЫМНАШа, лел.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:12:42 #137 №86726525 
Именно из-за порядка слов и отдает же.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:13:06 #138 №86726545 
op, did you fucked negrillo girls?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:14:32 #139 №86726615 
Проблема в лексике.
Это самое сложное.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:14:47 #140 №86726627 
California is goddamn expensive, and people are not the best. I heard of Seattle, you can smoke pot and that is pretty nice city. People are warm there.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:15:01 #141 №86726641 
But NCR = New Californian Republic! Are you trying to fool me, scum? Rangers, arest him!
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:15:20 #142 №86726656 
>Ah, so do the higher paid/higher educated in Russia typically not like him?
No shit, even the food is now 1,5 times more expensive than, say, in March, 2014. Imagine what has happened to the salaries that are being paid in roubles.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:15:34 #143 №86726673 
Good day, OP.
In what way can I refine upon my adroitness in aural comprehension?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:16:52 #144 №86726734 
This turned out to be quite a long post, sorry

>Ah, so do the higher paid/higher educated in Russia typically not like him?
It doesn't depend on that. It's a much more complicated thing... some people are just more gulliable to all the shit media pours in ears. Like, every person would like his country to be the best, right? But the example of USSR (that Putin masturbates to) extrapolated on the current politics makes people's train of thoughts go "the best => better than others => being not like others => disliked/hated/being jealous of by others". This makes the idea of alienating from "the West" the obvious way to become better. Which leads to support of current government.

I, for one, still think that Russia, EU and US could be friends. But the thing is US's actions doesn't help with that too. If we track the history of many civilazations most of them were pretty aggressive in their "adolescent" era. And US is still pretty young compared to others. Couple that with the fact that US had a headstart of a whole continent for them AND all the humanity's history (so they wouldn't make errors that others made before them) they lunged into planet's top-tier countries pretty fast. Such success only fueled the natural need for aggressiveness.

US is like a bully in school, who knew how to behave to earn high stand beforehand, and as a leader he of course won't hand this position down, he's too young to understand that cooperation > dominance.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:17:51 #145 №86726789 
Быдло, сэр.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:18:51 #146 №86726839 
OP, how did you find this site? On /int/?
Do you know Russian?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:19:27 #147 №86726871 
Если бабло водится, то да, хорошо.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:19:57 #148 №86726905 
Your pairing involves the most miserable and pathetic characters in the whole paradox space.
This says a lot.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:20:45 #149 №86726959 
I have cat. Cat is called Vasia. He is good. I like him very much.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:21:35 #150 №86727011 
Meh, I just like Eridan too much. Can understand and relate to him.

Also, I'm not very keen on the other trolls' stories, what makes Cronus bad?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:21:44 #151 №86727018 
Чем тебе Крымнаш не нравится, пидрила?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:22:26 #152 №86727062 
A fork in the eye or once in the ass?
Make your mind, OP.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:23:37 #153 №86727129 
I used to think there was nothing worse than political shit
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:23:59 #154 №86727155 
Трай беттер, битч.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:24:24 #155 №86727186 
Эй, радостные долбоёбы, я ж специально трифорс скопипастил :D
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:24:49 #156 №86727207 
Ты тупой? Я не говорил, что мне что-то нравится/не нравится. Я сказал, что разница между тем как тебя обосрали там и как обсирают тут только в шутках про КРЫМНАШ.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:25:02 #157 №86727222 
Aside from the obvious criminal shit and other weird shit Putin's done, I think he's done a good job of controlling Russia and improving its national figures (GDP, PPP, Debt, Per-capita stuff, etc). I wouldn't know how he is domestically other than what I hear on the US news though. And the US News is hardly trustworthy.

The New Deal Agencies FDR put in place began the precedent of government doing questionable stuff behind the backs of US citizens. While what he did may have helped the US economically, it destroyed any sense of transparency the government had. The CIA, NSA, etc are results of this.


This is pretty accurate, yeah. But you can get a medical recommendation in California and smoke pot too, and they don't tax it when you do.

lol, what can I say

Haha, that seems like almost exactly what Obama does as far as garnering public support then. Appealing to the lower classes while losing support in the higher paid classes.

If English isn't your first language, this is pretty impressive. English is a goddamn hard language to learn, and I tip my fedora to anyone who can learn it later in life and speak/read/write it this well.

I found it from an image in /pol/ that's posted higher up. I don't speak Russian, no.


Ahhh, I think I'm starting to understand the situation a bit better then. Simply put then, it's more just a matter of who buys what the media reports and who doesn't?

I agree with you on basically all counts in the second and third paragraphs.

Fork in the eye for sure
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:25:20 #158 №86727236 
>I was only pretending to be retarded
Не надоело?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:25:26 #159 №86727243 
>I have cat
I have а cat
пофиксил епта
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:26:12 #160 №86727284 
What I'm sure of is, amerifags can't flyforce.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:26:49 #161 №86727326 
Agree about the alienating part.
Maybe true about the US being aggressive. But according to your rhetoric, Russia should not be this aforementioned "bully", being this non-adolescent, history-rich country. But I and many others think that it is. This hostility comes from both sides. And while I agree with the fact that US should not play "world-police", Russia is more in the wrong here.
Not OP.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:27:17 #162 №86727351 
>English is a goddamn hard language to learn
oh lol, look at this down-autust
sageАноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:27:54 #163 №86727390 
Op huy, sayge
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:28:30 #164 №86727421 
Proigral s podlivoy
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:28:38 #165 №86727435 
Dvachuyu. Daje nemeckii slojnee englisha.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:29:44 #166 №86727487 
Друже, я вообще мимокрокодил, увидел трифорс и решил в лучших традициях двача его испортить
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:29:54 #167 №86727498 
I'm not into dancestors' arc too, and I meant Eridan/Tavros pairing.
btw Eridan was my favourite troll. desperate, lonely, and deeply unattractive as a result. much like me.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:30:06 #168 №86727510 
>Fork in the eye for sure
You could of said something along the lines of "I can't see anyone one-eyed among you guys"
nice trips tho
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:32:04 #169 №86727616 
> nemeckii slojnee englisha.
prochital kak memchiiki slojnee englisha
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:32:12 #170 №86727624 
how do you put up with living with these lil' bastards?
Every now and then i consider moving to the States, but then I cant help imaginig my own screams after seing them on my pillow.
Mescans and niggers aint even an issue for me, u see.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:32:42 #171 №86727655 
Why americans don't use the pronoun "thou"? Do you have the article "tho"? Tell me, please!
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:32:55 #172 №86727669 
Memchiiki toje slojnee, English legche memchikov.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:33:33 #173 №86727700 
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:33:48 #174 №86727715 
Russia just made a major mistake of puttin' a real USSR-babby in charge. We had so many hopes and open doors with Yeltsin, but it all got killed pretty fast. I don't really want to delve deep into Putin's character analysis (though I could) to support the idea that he is really to blame for the course the country goes in last years. He just remembers times when USSR and US competed and the conclusion to that conflict feels like a loss to him. Having US lead a rather hostile policy just won't let him go the civil and peacful way. It's complexes of one little man spread over 1/6th of the land populated with many sympathizers. We have to outlive the past generation and have enough will to abandon their legacy.

And since we're on the subject, Russia as a democratic, liberal and non-religious country (in theory and Constituion, not in fact) is a rather young entity, even younger than US. Gotta give credit for that too.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:34:21 #175 №86727740 
What do you think about Dark Souls 2, OP? Webmrelated.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:34:38 #176 №86727757 
bc its as ol' as yo mom you fag
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:35:15 #177 №86727808 
>English is a goddamn hard language to learn
German is harder. It's like English + cases + completely new vocab. But yeah, it's easier to listen to.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:35:22 #178 №86727815 
Russian, plz.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:35:22 #179 №86727816 
Это точно не форчан?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:36:08 #180 №86727857 
Сорс трека со второй вебмки.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:36:19 #181 №86727868 
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:36:27 #182 №86727872 
На самом деле форчан - сборище замаскированных русских шпионов
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:36:55 #183 №86727906 
Darude - Sandstorm, читай нить.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:37:03 #184 №86727918 
Addition about hostility: the current situation is already like an Ouroboros, nobody knows who contributed to the conflict the most, it is more important that it goes on and on.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:37:04 #185 №86727920 
It's easy to make yourself understood, but hard to completely master it like that faggot with aural comprehension.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:37:42 #186 №86727960 
I'll be sure to do exactly that.
But then what? Move to another infested shithole?
srsly, have u ever encountered spiders?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:38:07 #187 №86727990 
Tell me, op, if I will speak russian on 4chan, amercians will speak with me or not? What americans think about russians?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:39:04 #188 №86728044 
any american would say the same
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:39:20 #189 №86728058 
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:39:31 #190 №86728071 
Russian, plz.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:39:40 #191 №86728084 
There are so many meaningless exceptions to rules and dumb figures of speech in English i'm surprised you think that way. I can really only speak English at the moment but at points in time I've at looked into Spanish, German, Korean, and Japanese and from what I could tell, they were all fairly logical in grammar, sentences structure, and all that.

hahah thanks dude I appreciate it, I checked them.

Man, if you can keep your place clean, spiders are not an issue at all. My back yard is basically a jungle and we still rarely come across spiders. When we do, they're harmless ones. I do fuckin hate spiders though lol

thou was used in an older iteration of our language (Shakespeare used it some 400 years ago), but it's not used anymore for whatever reason. I haven't heard of the article "tho"

I haven't played it yet actually. I do want to, just haven't had time or whatever.

I don't think you're allowed to speak Russian on 4chan unfortunately. You can probably get away with it on /pol/ or /int/ though, but not many Americans/First-language Englishers typically learn Russian. You'd be speaking with other Russians that can also speak English.

I am gonna hit the sack my Russian bros, it's 2:37AM where I live. My experience here was pretty fun. I had a good time and you guys are some cool dudes. I'll probably be around some other day.

Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:40:15 #192 №86728113 
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:40:35 #193 №86728139 
Murika strong?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:41:47 #194 №86728205 
>My back yard is basically a jungle
Я один настолько обдвачевался, что проиграл в голос?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:42:54 #195 №86728261 
Well, That makes sense. I also hope that we will live to see the day. I really don't feel too comfy living in the country so openly guided by one man's alpha-male agenda.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:43:26 #196 №86728296 
Thelemist in the thread, all in Fantastica!
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:43:35 #197 №86728310 
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:44:19 #198 №86728358 
You should learn another English phrase.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:45:31 #199 №86728433 
У меня в мозгу непроизвольно MY MILKSHAKE BRING ALL THE BOYS IN A YARD и я проиграл в голос.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:45:50 #200 №86728452 
>My back yard is basically a jungle
made my year
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:46:04 #201 №86728464 
Yeah, I loathe Tavros the most. Just the most accurate depiction of a dvacher: wants to sit on his ass, do nothing and wail in selfhatred for low self-esteem.

>desperate, lonely, and deeply unattractive as a result. much like me.
I know that feel, bro. Come, hug me.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:46:45 #202 №86728502 
I don't know what're you talking about, care to explain?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:46:56 #203 №86728511 
OP is out, who's in charge? What about me
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:47:36 #204 №86728558 
r u one of those how've feggits?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:47:55 #205 №86728580 
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:49:00 #206 №86728650 
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:49:07 #207 №86728655 
Ain't that allowed though?

Now what is an absolute abomination is "would of" instead of "would've/would have". I see more and more native speakers do that and it makes me go grammar-nazi furious, even as a non-native speaker.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:49:12 #208 №86728660 
Yeah, but important for who?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:49:13 #209 №86728663 
США – альфач
Рашка – омеган
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:50:08 #210 №86728726 
Hi Californicator! Are there any BIKER gangs in your county? Not just fags with leather jackets and dildoschoppers but real bikers which making meth and fucking each otherpolice?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:50:33 #211 №86728741 
There are two chairs: one chiseled peaks, on the other dicks drochenye. On what do you get in, but on what your mother planted?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:50:41 #212 №86728758 
For those who wish to get out of that cycle, of course.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:51:06 #213 №86728781 
>Ain't that allowed though?
From what I here, it is.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:51:17 #214 №86728789 
Is it true that you put penis in vagina in California? I always dreamed about living there cuz i would like to put my penis in vagina. Cant do that in Russia :(
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:51:18 #215 №86728791 
My buddy was once asked to help clen the basement of his neighbour. He says he was carrying some old-stuff in a box, when a wolf spider cave crawling atop of the box, inches before the guy's face. He dropped the stuff and jumped, screaming. What i find most shocking though, is that EVERYBODY gave him a scournfull look, like he was some pussy. Seriousle, even the fucking kids. I was wondering if americans overcame arachnophobia somehow. Some strong ass pills perhaps lol
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:51:56 #216 №86728831 
Hey, I've long wanted to come back to California just to try In-n-Out burger and visit the sequoia national park.
When is the best time of year to do this?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:52:58 #217 №86728891 
OP is out, you dummies
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:52:59 #218 №86728892 
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:53:58 #219 №86728959 
That picture is both adorable and depressive as fuck. Saved

Someday, I'm gonna cosplay Eridan, and nothing will stop me!!
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:54:30 #220 №86728998 
Hi, CA is awesome I've been there. Still miss the weather, the smell of ocean in the air and the people of course. Wish that I could live there again sometime.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:54:38 #221 №86729008 
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:54:42 #222 №86729012 
There is no difference in what country to be Little Owl)
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:54:54 #223 №86729023 
Блять, всегда проебываю годные треды. На прошлых спурдоспардовцев финов не попал и щас муриканца упустил. Пиздец, анон!
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:55:55 #224 №86729077 
чето проиграл с твоего асседжа
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:56:02 #225 №86729083 
Hello. My name Sasha. London is the capital of Great Britan. Whu on duity today? The sun is shaining braitly. Haw old are you. This is Sparta.
У меня все.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:56:21 #226 №86729102 
sageАноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:56:29 #227 №86729114 
Шанс наткнутся на годноту 1/over9000 платины. Как я тебя понимаю бро сам кирилова проебал.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:57:31 #228 №86729186 
Двачую вас, тоже высё всегда проёбываю. А к Кириллову в тред на 400 посту попал.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:57:43 #229 №86729198 
Better not, really. But I would gladly trade eri-art with you in private, if you know what I mean
sageАноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:57:55 #230 №86729210 
За креативность 5, за грамматику 2. Иди делать уроки во вторник спрашивать буду.
Марья Ивановна.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:58:21 #231 №86729241 
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:58:22 #232 №86729243 
You do not even try
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:58:29 #233 №86729248 
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:58:55 #234 №86729272 
LOL that sounds about right

Definitely Spring or Fall. That park is incredible, and In N Out is awesome too
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 13:59:24 #235 №86729301 
Sak mai dik
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:00:03 #236 №86729332 
sik mai dak
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:00:44 #237 №86729380 
Похоже не какое сербское имя лал, Сакмаидик Грыгера.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:01:17 #238 №86729410 
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:01:46 #239 №86729443 
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:02:10 #240 №86729474 
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:02:16 #241 №86729481 
Du u spook Uglish?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:02:21 #242 №86729488 
Ave'u playing GTA5?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:02:33 #243 №86729500 
Sooo, no sloppy makeouts then? I gotta go soon.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:02:35 #244 №86729502 
Все, пацаны, пендос ушел. Выдыхаем.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:02:53 #245 №86729523 
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:02:55 #246 №86729528 
это самый сок, ржал как ебанутый
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:03:19 #247 №86729551 
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:03:41 #248 №86729574 
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:03:52 #249 №86729583 
Levi'sник? Джинсятник?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:03:55 #250 №86729586 
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:04:22 #251 №86729618 
Америкашка - рваная джинса.
sageАноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:04:45 #252 №86729643 
Интерсно в методе у нашистов есть ответы на англисском для таких вот тредов?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:05:19 #253 №86729668 
Will u answer me? Otherwise u can suck my cock.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:05:48 #254 №86729693 

Ой, я даже слово неправильно сказал.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:06:04 #255 №86729708 
Ты видел хоть один? Впрочем, если участятся такие "визиты", то методичку-то подлатают. Это ж где это видано, чтобы между цивилизациями контакт был? Запретить! Мы сами самодостаточны!!
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:06:22 #256 №86729725 
>Otherwise u can suck my Crimea.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:06:52 #257 №86729750 
Go Crimea river.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:07:57 #258 №86729815 
Лал, ориджинал контент?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:08:30 #259 №86729842 
[email protected]
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:09:21 #260 №86729885 
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:09:24 #261 №86729890 
Не, было еще до Крымнаша. В игре одной фентезийной был конфликт со страной под названием Crimea, оттуда и пошло. Сейчас как никогда актуально, впрочем. лол.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:09:55 #262 №86729918 
OP, do u want to be an Russia, with california?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:13:10 #263 №86730116 
Russians are able to outsuffer every fucking nation on the planet. That's how we defeated Wehrmacht, the best army ever assembled. No match to feminised murifags.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:15:19 #264 №86730231 
Are you from the State Department?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:16:53 #265 №86730317 
What scum do you root for? Kings? Sharks? Ducks?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:17:44 #266 №86730355 
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:18:01 #267 №86730375 
My brother's pennis is my dude.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:20:00 #268 №86730490 
OP you're still here? How many of women in california are fat?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:20:02 #269 №86730493 
Slave soldiers, Phoenician style.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:23:43 #270 №86730696 DELETED
Fuck you, yankee.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:25:10 #271 №86730754 
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:27:31 #272 №86730905 
Which AFBs in Cali are to solve russian problem?

Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:29:57 #273 №86731041 

Drone your ass elbow deep, sissy.
sageАноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:32:49 #274 №86731207 
Hanging out with brown pride eses in Cali huh ?
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:36:42 #275 №86731417 
mexicans are slave subhumans destined to serve Germanic people.
Die Untermenschen.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:43:31 #276 №86731753 
This thick-headed fag are a direct threat to the degeneracy of California. Brilliant black race has already decimated by half . Themselves are very stupid and no matter what don't work except in jail.

Put tha snich in a ditch
sageАноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:43:35 #277 №86731760 
Tell this str8 to their faces pendejo
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:44:25 #278 №86731801 
You talkin' 'bout this putos r dangerous? Str8 up chavallas!
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:47:26 #279 №86731967 
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:48:45 #280 №86732030 
Telling it straight to your gay face: you are a subhuman homo. Finish your burrito and go to work, maricon.
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:53:55 #281 №86732325 
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 14:57:21 #282 №86732539 
Surenos worse Caucasians in Russia
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 16:05:29 #283 №86736958 
Интурист эмигрировал :(
Но вайпрусне все равно ковенционал бомбануло и это зер гут.
sageАноним 20/02/15 Птн 16:13:43 #284 №86737469 
Unrated dlya bidla:)))))
Аноним 20/02/15 Птн 16:21:50 #285 №86737999 
Murricafag are you still here?
I would like to ask you DO YOU LIKE BURGERS?
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