24 декабря 2023 г. Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна. Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!

Там на форчане что-то с серебром затевают. Хотят ФРС шатать. https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/311389330 ПОЧАЛОСЬ наконец-то, или ещё нет?

 Аноним OP 10/03/21 Срд 05:59:44 #1 №42372182 
Там на форчане что-то с серебром затевают. Хотят ФРС шатать. https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/311389330
ПОЧАЛОСЬ наконец-то, или ещё нет?
Аноним OP 10/03/21 Срд 06:33:24 #2 №42372333 

Many years ago, the money changers realized that national debt levels and the levels of money printing they were engaging in were unsustainable with any kind of reasonable bond yield levels the market could sustain. The interest on 1 trillion debt at 17 or 18% interest as occurred in the 1980s would be absolutely impossible to sustain at current debt levels of 28 trillion but with 30 year bond yields at 2%, they can kick the can down the road for a few more years.

To keep bond yields low, the money changers also needed to trick the markets into thinking inflation is LOWER than the bond yields they require as nobody would buy 2% yielding bonds if inflation was obviously 5%.

The learned that they could drag the entire commodities market lower by controlling the price of precious metals, the price of wheat for example was dragged into a brutal bear market for the last 10 years at the same time as the gold bear market.

They also learned that the silver market was much smaller than the gold market, no nations used it for monetary purposes, and very few had strategic stockpiles of the metal. By suppressing and controlling the tiny 20 billion dollar silver market with 5 trillion dollars of notional derivatives trading, they could force gold down which is always tied in a ratio range with silver. If you'll notice, when the gold and silver ratio are at the highest peaks, the price of the metals are near their lowest troughs.

By controlling silver, they could force gold to act in turn which is used as an inflation signal for the broader commodities market and supported the continuation of artificially low bond yields and an impossibly high level of national debt.

Tl;dr As the silver suppression ponzi scheme unravels, bond yields will spike, taking down the financial system.
Аноним ID: Хамовитый Робинзон Крузо 10/03/21 Срд 06:37:34 #3 №42372355 
тебе не похуй? В пыняленде любая физическая покупка металла, акт долбоебизма. ндс при покупке, ндфл с продажи.
Аноним OP 10/03/21 Срд 06:39:45 #4 №42372368 
Происходящее в США важнее местечковых разборок пыневиков.
Аноним OP 10/03/21 Срд 06:46:33 #5 №42372398 
Todays edition of SILVER ENDS THE FED is going to be about how we can go about spreading the message here online.

WSS made a facebook page, which is good. I'm sure that will hit a lot of people on FB within the coming months.

What do anons think is the best way to reach the youtube crowd? There are youtubers out there who have 100s of thousands of views per video. Which ones of them do we start to redpill? How do we go about getting into contact with them?

Let us think about this and discuss.

(This message is for the Jannies... keep in mind that while we are trying to get the message out there, and we will be effective if we put our minds together, this movement is going to happen with or without us at this point, we simply want to get it to happen faster BECAUSE, we want to watch the FED burn. Wouldn't it be glorious? Please understand and leave the thread up)
Аноним OP 10/03/21 Срд 06:48:16 #6 №42372401 
Аноним OP 10/03/21 Срд 06:50:56 #7 №42372411 
Cornelius copypasta for the new lurkers out there

Silver and gold exist in the earth at a ratio of about 1:15. Its mined at about 1:25.

Yet the GSR, Gold to Silver Ratio, is at 1:65. It WAS over 1:100. So we play the ratio. Buy silver, and when the ratio corrects trade your silver for gold.

The US Debt Clock image I posted shows the dollars in circulation vs the amount of silver available - mined and refined. Notice in 1913 when Gold was $28/ozt it followed the scarcity of the metal itself. Just a couple decades later the US confiscated gold and gave folks the "going market rate" for it - $20/ozt. Once the government got their hands on all the gold they could they revalued gold up to $35/ozt.

The Fed effectively bought everyone's gold for 1/4 of its actual value.

Now, the unmanipulated price - if it was priced according to scarcity against the dollar, is over $34,000/ozt. The dollar has been devalued into a joke. That means it takes more dollars to buy commodities. That means the price of commodities goes up. Like, say, gold and silver.
Аноним ID: Наивный Дарт Вейдер 10/03/21 Срд 06:51:14 #8 №42372412 
>>42372182 (OP)
>суецид и советы уровня б
Аноним OP 10/03/21 Срд 06:59:14 #9 №42372449 
>Whats a reasonable price for silver? Seems like $30 or so is the cheapest per oz?

Since the juden have been suppressing this movement by virtue of price suppression. They figure that normies won't want to buy if they see the price going down. This is true, but that only lets us autists buy even more.

So since wss went live today with a fuckload of social media's, I would assume that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow they'll do a significant crash. Perhaps spot will hit 23 or 22, so as to scare the normies. I'm looking forward to soccer moms sharing that shit on my facebook feed though. I would buy within the next 2-3 days when (based on their playbook so far) it should be lowest.

Get as much as you can as soon as possible though. We could be expecting them o play by the same rulebook, but the rules of the game itself may say "nah you can't play by that rulebook anymore" and they HAVE to let it go up to real price based on demand (which right now would easily be like 40/oz)
Аноним OP 10/03/21 Срд 07:01:47 #10 №42372457 
buying gold fucks no one over, the central banks of the world already own like 60-70% of all the world's gold and tit just sits in vaults
buy silver, there's 8 times as much gold above ground as there is silver and it's going to take a much higher price in silver just to get investors interest in bringing new mines up and running
Аноним ID: Тоскливый Царь Салтан 10/03/21 Срд 07:15:55 #11 №42372553 
>>42372182 (OP)
> Верить что 99% населения с 1% ресурсов нанесут ущерб 1% населения с 99% ресурсов
Аноним OP 10/03/21 Срд 07:18:11 #12 №42372578 
Аноним OP 10/03/21 Срд 07:22:57 #13 №42372620 
Crypto relies on too many variables to work during an economic crash. Metals that you hold dont have many things that can go wrong. Furthermore Metals aquisition actually hurts the market by putting pressure on supply (that is currently very very short) but crypto can just be mined forever so a shortage of coins doesnt really have any real world consequences.
Аноним ID: Наивный Дарт Вейдер 10/03/21 Срд 07:24:18 #14 №42372631 
тоже смешно
особенно смешно что цифры в курсах тоже рисуют не 99% и вектор не они определяют
Аноним OP 10/03/21 Срд 07:29:17 #15 №42372658 
The bankers are all friends. This is all a game to them and their inner circle is all going to make it. So they got one of the bigger banks (JP Morgan) to create a silver fund, which bought up 600 million ounces of silver while it was even cheaper than now, and now they use it to short the price of silver by proxy. That JP Morgan ticker is called "SLV" and why anons are not buying it up, we go pure physical, if anything it's "PSLV" because you can exchange your stocks for actual silver if you own "PSLV" but that's for the big fish who currently have 10k oz of silver.

Why shorting and not going long for instance? Well when you short, you don't actualy need to hold anything and be tied up. So SLV goes to its friends and says "guys we're dumping silver in a few weeks, would you like to short our silver?" (behind closed doors ofc) so the people buy their shares , immediately sell, and then when the price tanks their friends make money as they buy back and return the shares to JPM.

That being said, JPM takes a cut (behind close doors ofc) of whoever they enriched. So what else does JPM do? They sell more shares than they actually have of physical silver. So they're giving out 100x more pieces of papers to their friends, who are shorting, than there is physical silver in their vaults.

"oh yeah you can short, and you can short, and you can short" so EVERYONE is shorting, making money, and JPM is getting a huge cut out of it. It's shorted 57,000% compared to what is in their vaults anon.
Аноним OP 10/03/21 Срд 07:30:16 #16 №42372663 
Evening all, wanted to share some thoughts on the shill issue. Most people who have been here can easily spot the offtopic and agitation shilling in these and most threads to get us to lose focus. To any normie or anyone on the fence about getting silver that may be reading this, consider asking yourself the following:

>Why would anyone care how you spend your money on 4chan? Why would anyone tell you not to buy "shiny rock". It's your money, shouldn't you be able to put into something with value that glowniggs have no access to after working hard all month at work? This is causing a Streisand effect.

>why are there constant memeflag arguments trying to get guaranteed replies with their posts(similar to Lust Provoking Image derailments)

>Why are these threads deleted as soon as they gain steam to be replaced by interacial gangbang thread no. 500? This is clearly a political thread, and off topic threads don't get taken down anyway, so rules are seemingly unenforced?

>Why is the (((media))) silent on this insane silver demand?

Think of Silver as a savings account that Feds don't have access to. We aren't guaranteeing that you will make a huge return, We are up to something much different. Remember all of those posts "you won't do shit, cuck. You will just lie an take it" before the 6th? Now we are doing something and it is still legal at this moment.
Consider purchasing some Silver, at the worst, it will be for your grandkids, at the best we get to rip the face off of clownworld.
Аноним ID: Heaven 10/03/21 Срд 07:31:32 #17 №42372677 
>Происходящее в США важнее местечковых разборок пыневиков.
ПЛЮМодебил, уходи.
Аноним ID: Насмешливая Офелия 10/03/21 Срд 07:33:07 #18 №42372685 
>>42372182 (OP)
Правые в курсе, что физических банкнот меньше, чем долларов в циркуляции?
Аноним OP 10/03/21 Срд 07:37:59 #19 №42372716 
Тут явно (((кто-то))) постарался.
Аноним OP 10/03/21 Срд 07:39:56 #20 №42372729 


This year is USA's pluto return. Pluto is the god of wealth finance and power and this year july 4 pluto comes back to the same alignment as it was in july 4, 1776. People are going to awakn to the fact that war of independence was all about money, taxation and banking and that gold and silver are the only real money just like 1776. Evil doer banksters are going to lose the power over the price discovery of gold and silver.

Great conjunction of 2020 predicts a new awakening for the positive by the masses....that awakening is the silver squeeze and physical silver is real money. Get on board now or stay poor forevah!!!!

All silver threads on /pol/ are glownig research threads by the way. Our mossad mi6 JANNIE faggots are deleting all threads on silver and only allow one or two each day gauging the pleb's views on silver to counter it.

Anyways this is a once in a multicentury event. A global metals panic egregore that has been unleashed. The dragon lust for gold, silver personal liberty and wealth is going to burn in the hearts of the masses by the year 2021 ends. This dragon lust for precious metals cannot be undone...and GLOBOHOMO will be forced on precious metals by the sheer greed fand lustful hoarding of silver by masses worldwide.


Аноним ID: Heaven 10/03/21 Срд 07:39:58 #21 №42372730 
А еще (((они))) сегодня ебали твою (((мамашу)))
Аноним OP 10/03/21 Срд 07:41:55 #22 №42372746 
This is a different type of crash...until the last bar leaves COOMEX at $25 you wont know the default.

JPM has planned for this day...and will destroy and go belly up like Lehman 2021...but its secret silver stash and its management team will survive and they will form a new global silver banking conglomerate....back to the usual tricks again but at much much higher prices. so the beat down will be between $1.8k silver and $1.6K silver.

PIC RELATED! The poors and dumb LGBTQ BLM ANTIFA ANTI CONSPIRACY crowd that dont have silver will be on UBI, own nothing and will not be happy...
Аноним ID: Туповатый Эраст Фандорин 10/03/21 Срд 07:42:09 #23 №42372753 
>>42372182 (OP)
Форчан затарился серебром, а оно падает. Тупо раздувают цену, чтобы срубить баблишка.
Аноним ID: Тревожный Шпунтик 10/03/21 Срд 08:08:25 #24 №42372967 
Точно падает? Вроде сейчас золото падает, а серебро последние полгода не особо курс изменило.
Аноним ID: Буйная Онория Наткомб 10/03/21 Срд 08:20:47 #25 №42373063 
>>42372182 (OP)

Они тупые. Их памп Gamestop, Нокии и прочих парашных компаний сработал только потому, что у них капитализация копеечная и чтобы котировки разогнать особо много вливаний бабок не нужно. У серебра же капитализация гораздо выше и они со своими копейками даже на 1% котировки поднять не смогут. Так что это все просто смешно.
Аноним ID: Хамовитый Робинзон Крузо 10/03/21 Срд 08:25:31 #26 №42373110 
почему у тупых пендосов цуиь без звука?
Аноним ID: Тоскливый Царь Салтан 10/03/21 Срд 08:25:46 #27 №42373114 
Жид спок
Аноним ID: Похотливый Робин Гуд 10/03/21 Срд 08:41:29 #28 №42373235 
Ты так и не понял? Не существует никакой капитализации, есть только вера и паника. Год назад Китай уже третий месяц был в локдауне, а биржи только начали что-то подозревать, или у китайской экономики тоже маленькая капитализация?
Аноним ID: Саркастичный Колосс 10/03/21 Срд 08:43:14 #29 №42373246 
>>42372182 (OP)
Почему «почалось»?
Чего они хотят добиться то, в двух словах поясни
Аноним ID: Heaven 10/03/21 Срд 08:50:44 #30 №42373303 
О Великий, что несёт нам, сирым и убогим, Слово Форчаново, слава тебе.
Аноним ID: Нудный Эдвард Эверард 10/03/21 Срд 08:52:03 #31 №42373311 
>>42372182 (OP)
Да, почалось. Парочка самых смышленых купила серебро и запостила на форчан чтобы все остальные покупали. Сейчас они продадут по 200% (за счёт остальных дебилов с форчана и залетных, хе-хе), а скот будет думать что он шатает экономику и ебет жидов.
Аноним ID: Одаренная Ядовитый Плющ 10/03/21 Срд 09:02:36 #32 №42373405 
это же объективно так, от пиндосии весь мир зависит, от выбор в пидорахии 0 целых 0 нихуя
Аноним ID: Озабоченная Повелительница тьмы 10/03/21 Срд 09:04:55 #33 №42373420 
При чем тут фрс, если держателем серебра есть гипи морган?
Аноним ID: Одаренный Тайлер Дарден 10/03/21 Срд 17:06:27 #34 №42379443 
С другой стороны серебро на дне, и полностью выгореть как акции порашефирм не могут, идеально для вкота анону
Аноним ID: Саркастичная Изольда Сейр 10/03/21 Срд 17:37:40 #35 №42379855 
> серебро на дне
твёрдо и чётко?
Аноним ID: Наивный Дарт Вейдер 10/03/21 Срд 17:42:57 #36 №42379914 
ты не знаешь что такое дно
серебро на середине
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