Сохранен 245
24 декабря 2023 г. Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна. Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:22:30 #1 №87278432 
Here we can speak English.
Speaking about anything, but based on my experience of a starter of several threads, I want to prevent you from
- having a thematic thread which you can find here in Russian (e.g. butthurt-thread) in English
- quarrels about level of English, better help others
- bringing politics.
This is only my opinion.
You are welcome!
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:24:45 #2 №87278601 
It was an English lesson today in my university, but I wasn't there because I haven't started reading "The Great Gatsby" yet
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:25:06 #3 №87278637 
fk u fgt
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:25:36 #4 №87278676 
You are very fast!
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:26:34 #5 №87278762 
Previously I had to bump the thread at least six times to get someone.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:29:05 #6 №87278980 
Have you seen any threads about someone who found a dead man who got frozen to death?
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:29:44 #7 №87279039 
Passal na neumeuschchih v angelskii
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:30:42 #8 №87279119 
It was me. I was visiting a river which mostly flows undergroung, but a part of it flows on the surface. The man was sitting under a wall of a factory
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:31:42 #9 №87279194 
Rolled into the thread. In engilsh I can write with no problems but it's a bit hard to speak it. What can I do, Twoch?
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:32:08 #10 №87279226 
The place was out-of-the-way, I expected the body to be not found in months.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:32:22 #11 №87279249 
> undergroung
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:33:40 #12 №87279345 
> the body to be not found
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:33:42 #13 №87279348 
asi asi asi que es esto lengua hilo huehuehue enfin
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:33:57 #14 №87279365 
You are cocksuckers, i fucked your fat mommas in their asses.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:34:40 #15 №87279429 
> mommas
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:35:01 #16 №87279460 
I have the same problem. I have been to language schhol in England, and it's a common problem for Russians: we are good in grammar but have problems with speaking. By the way, after two weeks I got the accent and was able to speak fluently. After leaving, I lost this ability with time.
So you need to speak with someone
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:36:34 #17 №87279595 
u wot m8
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:36:38 #18 №87279598 
I visited the body a week after, and didn't find it. I am very happy about it, because I decided not to call the police and therefore was a bit worried about what was going to happen to the body.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:37:13 #19 №87279647 
>good in grammar
to be good at smth
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:37:34 #20 №87279681 
¿Alguien me ayude? No comprendo nada de esta lengua jodida
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:38:52 #21 №87279785 
Oh, you're right
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:39:23 #22 №87279835 
Sprichst du Deu?
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:39:32 #23 №87279849 
Est-ce que vouz parlez frances mes cheres?
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:40:35 #24 №87279926 
Pueblo unido jamás será vencido, kurwa franquista
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:41:00 #25 №87279962 
Et si tu n'existais pas
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:41:03 #26 №87279972 
France - shit.
sageАноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:41:17 #27 №87279995 
Wow, two weeks is fast, I think. If I speak much for two weeks, probably I will speak fluently too. Also, I don't need the accent because english speaking people like russian accent. No, I don't have hard russian accent, like "zis"", but it's heard.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:42:09 #28 №87280079 
Belorushka ITT?
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:42:32 #29 №87280119 
Sage attached, (laugh)
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:42:55 #30 №87280150 
Oui, je suis.
That's what I could remember from French, does what you wrote mean "Is there anyone who wants to speak French, my frineds?"
it's francais, c is with a small s under it, you know, I didn't find this symbol
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:45:13 #31 №87280337 
You mean ç?
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:46:18 #32 №87280418 
English-speaking dvachers will be like:
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:46:46 #33 №87280468 
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:46:52 #34 №87280477 
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:48:43 #35 №87280617 
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:49:53 #36 №87280724 
How's your day?
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:51:00 #37 №87280830 
I'm too lazy to imagine something to write here
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:52:13 #38 №87280915 
poehavshii ITT
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 20:53:45 #39 №87281049 
What's wrong?
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:01:45 #40 №87281687 
b ump
sageАноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:01:55 #41 №87281702 
Your mom has overweight.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:03:44 #42 №87281831 
Fat trolling? In my thread?
sageАноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:04:44 #43 №87281919 
You've got problems with that?
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:06:13 #44 №87282031 
Well, at least this is better than nothing.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:06:59 #45 №87282098 
I agree.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:08:06 #46 №87282182 
Today's thread isn't boiling with life
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:08:40 #47 №87282231 
I had a worlout today
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:08:48 #48 №87282244 
Why should it?
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:09:00 #49 №87282261 
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:09:29 #50 №87282291 
Previous thread were
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:09:46 #51 №87282318 
Шапка делает меня плакать. Пофиксил ошибки. Времен нет, согласования нет, некоторая лексика вообще не в тему. ОП, ты текст в гугл транслейт вбивал?

> Speaking about everything ("anything" is the only for negative).
What sort of constructions is that? Is that Present Continuous? Then where is a noun? And "am / is / are"? Gosh.

> having

> thematic thread
"Тематические треды" isn't suitable for English.

> you can find here in Russian [...] in English

> better help others
Here's no tense again.

> bringing politics.
You can say "discuss" instead of "bring" ('cause the last one is defenetly wrong). It's a good way to express your thoughts.

Ну хоть "You're welcome" правильно написал.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:09:54 #52 №87282328 
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:17:28 #53 №87282923 
>"anything" is the only for negative
anything = что угодно
Obossal thee.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:17:48 #54 №87282953 
>> you can find here in Russian [...] in English
I meant that Russian is usually used in threads here on 2ch, and to copy some thread just translating it in English is not a good idea

>What sort of constructions is that?
It isn't a sentence, just a combination of words, I can say that speaking about everything is what this thread is created for.

>"Тематические треды" isn't suitable for English.
How should I say instead?

Thank you for correcting my mistakes. By the way, I found one in your post:
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:18:38 #55 №87283036 
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:21:43 #56 №87283292 
I created a few English threads these days, but none of them turned out successful.

What's your secret, OP? Why do people write in your threads?
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:23:01 #57 №87283384 
>56 posts
>Why do people write in your threads?
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:24:55 #58 №87283522 
Have a look at this, please: http://www.alleng.ru/mybook/3gram/5pron10.htm

Okay, I've got your point. Well, simply "thread" is quite well. Threads're always have some topics or subject to discuss.

And thank you for fixing my typo.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:26:13 #59 №87283620 
Yes, as >>87283384 said, I can't say this thread is successful so far. I think the people who made the first threads reach the bumplimit are absent now, because a week ago there were holidays
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:28:52 #60 №87283802 
You should keep practicing, bitch.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:29:51 #61 №87283876 
а я по англиски не умею переведите пожалуйста
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:29:56 #62 №87283886 
The thread was created just an hour ago, it's a good speed tho.
Some of today's OP threads would get 500 posts and even have a pereqat what's the English for it?
Whereas my threads would get up to 100 posts, a good few of which were my own bumps.

>Have a look at this
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:32:27 #63 №87284051 
So the reason is that you didn't highlight some topics in OP to discuss.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:33:46 #64 №87284140 
I will bump this thread until I'm done.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:33:48 #65 №87284144 
В контексте того, что хотел написать ОП, будет everything. Глянь еще раз.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:35:47 #66 №87284289 
Hey, stop posting in russian language.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:36:05 #67 №87284313 
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:36:16 #68 №87284331 
OK M8.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:36:50 #69 №87284363 
Neither did OP.
His last threads began with "let's speak on english language" and nevertheless got over half a thousand posts.
I think it's all about hikka's aura and shit.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:37:17 #70 №87284395 
sageАноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:37:31 #71 №87284404 
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:38:41 #72 №87284471 
May I ask you to leave this thread?
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:39:01 #73 №87284495 
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:39:07 #74 №87284501 
You already done, look at yourself. inb4 U FUCKED UP WITH YOU'RE MOM LOOK I'M SO CLEVA
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:39:36 #75 №87284538 
Блядь, я тут задумался.
Как на форче пишут "тяны не нужны?". Есть ли у них что-то подобное?
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:40:43 #76 №87284616 
Why? I am just bored.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:41:13 #77 №87284645 
Lulz' time!
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:41:32 #78 №87284659 
Не пишут. Они ещё не придумали аутотренинг.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:41:34 #79 №87284664 
I know that many people reading this thread but not many people posting something. Stop shying feel free to discuss your daily routine in English.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:41:50 #80 №87284688 
Guys, you shouldn't investigate this matter. You're young, careless, everything seems clear for ya. That's a different story. It's not Lee Harvey Osvald and not even the secret service's archives.Seriosly,you're gonna regret it.You'd better close the thread and forget about it.I understand, that my message will cause an extensive growth of interest,but I'm warning the most curios ones for the last time.Others will be lost forever.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:42:21 #81 №87284719 
Everyone is afraid to shit their pants in grammar.
For example, me
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:42:43 #82 №87284740 
А как вообще тогда написать "тяны не нужны?". Tyan aren't need или как?
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:43:02 #83 №87284762 
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:43:21 #84 №87284781 
Your own translation? It's not bad though. it's awful
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:44:34 #85 №87284850 
Girls aren't needed.
Girls are of no need.
You need no girls.
You don't need girls.

Lord knows which they would choose when they come up with it.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:46:45 #86 №87285004 
But if you don't write in English you will never improve your english grammar.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:47:12 #87 №87285027 
That's the problem!
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:47:28 #88 №87285043 
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:48:14 #89 №87285097 
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:50:50 #90 №87285276 
Well you've got pretty much stuff to learn if you confuse such simple words as "everything" and "anything".
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:51:02 #91 №87285286 
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:52:12 #92 №87285369 
Has anyone there been to UK and travelled there by car? I've been and know some nice places to visit, most of them are nature parks, so I'm not sure if I can get there by public transport.
How difficult is it to get able to drive on the left? My father says three or four days will be enough.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:53:34 #93 №87285471 
Helo gais,i am rolling in this ITT,lets discas nude mothers that u saw
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:53:43 #94 №87285486 
Bump. To bring this thread back to live I suggest to discussUKRAINE, DUMBASS, PUTIN
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:54:15 #95 №87285534 
Middle, ty. Ye im russian. I think pick bane better om. I think u retard. Mute/report.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:54:22 #96 №87285539 
> nude mothers that u saw
Your mum, for example?

sageАноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:55:11 #97 №87285598 
саги пиндоссам
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:56:35 #98 №87285708 
>been to UK
I for one don't even remember when I was off my city for the last time.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:56:35 #99 №87285710 
Suck it bitch?
Suck it bitch.
English its verry interesting lanuage for russians.
I guess u need teach it now.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:56:44 #100 №87285719 
The glory for herous!
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:56:44 #101 №87285721 
Ny che ti,we had a nice dialog,u failed this
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:56:51 #102 №87285732 
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:57:12 #103 №87285756 
I have been waiting for you since I created the thread. It happens in every thread
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:57:23 #104 №87285772 
А вообще аноны молодцы, правда, особенно те, что помимо основной профессии освоили еще и язык, неважно какой, хоть славенский, хоть на уровне понимания с гугл транслейтом, все равно молодцы
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:57:29 #105 №87285780 
seems to be samefag
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:57:56 #106 №87285809 
DAFUQ, why doesn't it display "#OP#"??
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:57:57 #107 №87285811 
no u
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:58:37 #108 №87285858 
Because you've cleared your cookies and history after fapping, maybe?
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:59:44 #109 №87285964 
You're not right, the last post you meant is created by me, OP. If only makaba could work properly
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:59:50 #110 №87285974 
A faint note of sarcasm sense I here.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 21:59:57 #111 №87285982 
It is. (laught)
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:00:20 #112 №87286002 
No, and this happens the second thread
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:01:05 #113 №87286061 
Lets speak about some severous shit itt and discuss the abu, who is actually a pretty cool guy eh fights some cancer and doesn't affraid of any thing
[сига] Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:01:32 #114 №87286098 
sosite hooy
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:01:33 #115 №87286102 
U are wrong,fix your detetcor.

Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:01:52 #116 №87286127 
Lets speak about some severous shit itt and discuss the abu, who is actually a pretty cool guy eh fights some cancer and doesn't affraid of any thing
[сига] Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:01:53 #117 №87286131 
Hellou Sam
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:02:05 #118 №87286144 
>not right
Not even wrong.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:02:25 #119 №87286181 

Where is lulz? I don't see it here.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:03:09 #120 №87286242 
I was thinking about writing wrong, but it seemed wrong to me
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:03:17 #121 №87286261 
Remember this once and for all. Your brain disease is SEVERE, this thread is SERIOUS.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:03:30 #122 №87286280 
Evrione do misstakes,dont doebivatsya to words.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:04:34 #123 №87286366 
Stop arguing, faggots, this is a polite thread.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:05:16 #124 №87286435 
Guys, check out the joke.

A man bought a hat, and it suits him well!
sageАноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:05:22 #125 №87286440 
Голландцы - няши, Британцы - какаши.

Fok jou! Nederlandse taal is de beste taal!

Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:05:32 #126 №87286450 
Also,guys,what is homework on english for next day?I didnt catch it.
sageАноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:05:42 #127 №87286468 
De OP is choej.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:06:21 #128 №87286530 
Write an essay on how well your mamka rides huge black cocks.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:06:23 #129 №87286536 
Ни в коем разе, правда, язык открывает много возможностей, например, можно читать книги/комиксы и смотреть фильмы/сериалы в оригинале, человек, знающий язык имеет больше шансов трудоустроится, хотя бы просто потому, что он может пытаться на вакансии с языком, лол
Так что язык это и правда здорово, вот я им занимаюсь 16 с лишним летеще 4 и 10 двумя другими, и только сейчас осознал, как это здорово переводить текст, делать то, что могут не все, как это здорово понимать о чем говорят в другой стране, и что ты только что посмотрел
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:06:43 #130 №87286561 
Hey, piss on your fucked face! English for the fuckin shit-eaters and cocks! 2ch is for Russians! Sorry, I neochen English
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:06:53 #131 №87286574 
So why don't create a Dutch thread?
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:07:38 #132 №87286636 
Because he is the only one who speaks Dutch on this board.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:07:56 #133 №87286663 
Oh,can i write to the "harkach",for check mistakes?
sageАноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:08:09 #134 №87286682 
Naachoej anglieskij, golaandskij loetsche.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:08:14 #135 №87286693 
Soooooo Australian here, what up, my Russian is pretty terrible but working on it.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:08:40 #136 №87286725 
Do you know the expression "not even wrong"? It means, like, "what you say is too bad to be at least wrong, it's just bullshit".
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:08:43 #137 №87286730 
Ты не гет ит, шутка в том, что мужик купил шляпу, пришел домой, а она ему как раз, то есть он покупал её на авось и ему повезло
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:09:46 #138 №87286824 
Say my name.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:10:07 #139 №87286853 

Here's the best resources and my recommendations. It will help you to improve your English level.

1. http://www.multitran.ru/
The best dictionary I've ever used. Forget about your Google Translate. It's a shitty bullshit (seriously).

2. Murphy's book.
A good grammar compilation for your improving. I strongly recommend you to start learn English with that.

3. It's important to listen to native speakers a lot. Well, here's a few English-speaking persons. You probably can find more. I recommend you to watch a one video per day leastways. Trust me, it helps a lot.


4. Read!
"Harry Potter" in the original, 4chan, reddit – whatever. The main thing is that it should be interesting for you.

Overall, this thread is very usefull for all of us, thank you, OP!
Good luck, guys.

^ kun
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:10:28 #140 №87286872 
Man stop it. My room is flooded with fat.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:10:38 #141 №87286883 
Ten zin
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:11:33 #142 №87286967 
>эта тралофобия на двачах
ничего не меняется
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:12:58 #143 №87287086 
No doubt my friend. Only, I'll piss on your dumb face for every little mistake. Deal?
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:14:09 #144 №87287187 
>making low-intermediate mistakes
>teaching others
Just leave.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:14:31 #145 №87287204 
Wow, thanks! Save this post, it can be a good OP-post
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:15:01 #146 №87287252 
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:15:33 #147 №87287292 
Бывает, доверишься человеку, душу ему откроешь, а он зелёный. Горький опыт.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:15:37 #148 №87287296 
Ok,if it is the only way to improve english-i agree.
My mom is Sashka Seraya and she jumps on my cock 24/7 because harkach is board for sucsessful peoples,and she also my mother.Senpai,i am ready to gold rain.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:15:37 #149 №87287297 
Too bad this thread is on the verge of death.
Mild educational threads are always like that.
They tend to be quite useful and interesting to read.
And yet,they vanish without a trace.
Such a shame.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:16:28 #150 №87287371 
Well you can leave for a well if you want to. I don't give enough to give a fuck.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:17:20 #151 №87287440 
Thank you, mate!

For example? And yup, I didn't try to teach you. I jast gave my recommendations. Perhaps, it will help somebody else.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:17:37 #152 №87287460 
Guys, i wanna read literature in english format.
Pleasse, paste link's of trach russ-england.
sageАноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:17:42 #153 №87287467 
Avatar. Of Chooj.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:19:18 #154 №87287605 
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:21:02 #155 №87287768 



You god damn right but do you know the meaning?
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:21:20 #156 №87287795 
I'm not the guy who responded to you, however:

>Okay dumbasses
>It's bullshit
a shitty bullshit isn't really said
>A good grammar compilation to help you improve
Or something like that.
>atleast instead of leastways

But still it's mostly good and is understandable soo, yeah.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:22:04 #157 №87287870 
It has fewer mistakes but it's still bad.

I'm not pointing out your mistakes for the only one reason. You'll surely begin to refute my corrections and I'll have to prove to you that I'm right. I don't need it. Keep making the same mistakes and thinking it's all right.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:22:05 #158 №87287872 
А вот не зеленый, вот думаю освоить какое-нибудь шитьёсварку/столярку, а то всю жизнь так языком и буду заниматься, не познав прелести других профессий, с одной стороны здорово быть лингвистом, знать языки и все такое, а с другой я могу руками только то, что среднестатистический батя может, шкаф с тумбой собрать, да карниз повесить
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:23:00 #159 №87287951 
Yo whatz crackin, nigguhz!
I am about to take an english test, nigga. Motherfuckin IELTS nigga. To go to university,yo. So watcha yall niggaz wanna tell me is how hard is dis shit?
I need to get only a fuckin 5.5 grade! The shit is that I only have one month to prepare, biach!
Is it possible to get me at least 5.5 after one month of preparationz? Peace, nigga.

Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:24:16 #160 №87288067 
Thank you, I will fit the cap on.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:25:05 #161 №87288136 
Guys..Guys. Do you remember the moment in Breaking Bad, when Walter says: "I am the Danger" ? So, sometimes I hear not "the Danger", I hear "The Denchik". Then I begin to laugh. It's funny, isn't it?
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:27:31 #162 №87288358 
Then leave.
The point is that we all make some mistakes and then fix it. That's how it works.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:27:35 #163 №87288368 
Fuck you all.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:27:40 #164 №87288377 
I've been waiting this thread for thwo years. Thanks.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:28:30 #165 №87288455 
It made my day, dude.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:31:45 #166 №87288793 
Eating crabby sticks and drinkin' coffee. I am normal?
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:31:57 #167 №87288818 
Oh man, I remember you.
A month is too little.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:33:17 #168 №87288936 
When I was young, I used to think that crabby sticks are made of crabs. When I discoveres they aren't it was one of the biggest surprises in my life
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:33:52 #169 №87288995 
>I hear not
How's it there, in the 1700s?
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:34:17 #170 №87289041 
Yo dawg, howz goin' brah? Sum' test y'say? Welp good luck fo' ya nigga ass, bruh. Hope ya'll do this fokin' 5.5 grade, boy.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:36:31 #171 №87289242 
Oww shiet, forgot to post da pic. Here ya go, lil' boy.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:37:09 #172 №87289297 
Shit, man, what the fuck, I just googled it and found out they're really not made of crabs.
2ch educational
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:38:18 #173 №87289404 

There is good I think.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:38:36 #174 №87289438 
Even if they didn't made of crabs, they're fucking juicy and tasty. But the coffee is too sweet for me.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:39:19 #175 №87289496 
Так смешно, когда русский Иван пытается закосить под "крутой" нигросленг.
Это как безногий, пытающийся в брейкданс, ну все наверно на ютубе видели.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:40:23 #176 №87289592 
Щито поделать, я ведь не учил инглиш. Всего этого из медиа понабрался.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:40:40 #177 №87289620 
They are made of surimi, as far as I know.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:41:43 #178 №87289707 
Shit-eater, please.
What can be more disgusting than crab sticks? Maybe, onion.
>coffee is too sweet
>add sugar to coffee
What's wrong with you?
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:46:07 #179 №87290108 
I never meant to offend you, please write on.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:46:11 #180 №87290115 
Well, tell me what you were eating recently. I'd like to know.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:46:21 #181 №87290130 
Thanx, homeboy.
Dis are some fake ass biaches on ya pic, nigga!
Punk ass motherfuckaz! They aint ghetto, dawg!

Yeah, I know, but I gotta do it, man! Aint no other way fo me nigga.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:47:09 #182 №87290203 
>not liking onion
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:48:08 #183 №87290291 
A poltoraxa of beer and some cheese-kosichka, so what?
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:49:34 #184 №87290428 
You goin' to another country? Or is it some ohuevshy Russian uni that has you pass IELTS?
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:51:30 #185 №87290594 
There ya go, da real ghetto niggaz!
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:51:44 #186 №87290608 
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:52:06 #187 №87290658 
I just don't follow that peedorashka's что жуётся то и ем principle.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:54:05 #188 №87290819 
Are you applying to some Canadian Uni?
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:54:24 #189 №87290846 
For fucks sake, i thought you were serious about my shit-tier tastes. Put your pigtail-cheese in pooper, animal.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:55:31 #190 №87290928 
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:56:12 #191 №87290982 
OP is a fag.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:56:18 #192 №87290992 
Like if you always write "dissapoint" then erase it and write "disappoint"
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:56:50 #193 №87291031 
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:57:38 #194 №87291089 

Its from movie. I just post em, didnt mean ghetto.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:57:55 #195 №87291112 
Feels like the poltoraxa had some effect on me and I don't take your point or you just debil
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:57:58 #196 №87291115 
Ok your thread is very good
And now you can take some fruit
My cat is watching thread with me
It also thinks that it's me-me-me
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:58:40 #197 №87291191 
Whatever, bruh.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:58:49 #198 №87291204 
I'm always mistyping "disappoint" for "dissapoint"
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 22:59:31 #199 №87291253 
What "nah"? Is your uni in Russia or some other country?
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 23:01:31 #200 №87291407 
Happens, i think it's like messing up with й and ё, almost every time i am typing ёж it appears to be йж, and when i am typing бойкот or проебём it appears to be боёкот or проебйм.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 23:02:32 #201 №87291487 
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 23:04:02 #202 №87291593 
Но ведь английский язык изобрели древние славяне. Это потом европейцы у нас письменности и языку научились, ну а нам не жалко, изобрели себе потом другой язык.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 23:04:51 #203 №87291651 
>messing up with й and ё
In Russian I have problems with the word бутылка which I always write as бытулка
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 23:04:58 #204 №87291662 
It's some roosterland language, isn't it? Koodah? Is it ukrainan?
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 23:07:48 #205 №87291878 
че бля гри норм))) а то я не могу в языки говорю по ваших даунских языков
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 23:08:11 #206 №87291908 
Yes but we should admit that we are born to be slaves, even the word "славянский" derives from "slave", and we're made to serve to the master race you can move to usa learn their language and be just liek an american but you will alwaus be inferior because you are PIDORASHKA. I came
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 23:09:58 #207 №87292046 
That's makes me sad.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 23:10:29 #208 №87292090 

Ё̱̥̝̗́͐̏͑̌̕͞Б̝̮̻ͪ͑̊ͤͨ͊ͣ̇̐͞А̩̪̬ͣ̍͐͆͠͞Л͂ͯ̓̓̏̎ͨ͏̯̙̬̱̪͘ ̛̗̖͊̉̀Т͆͗͋̿̆̑҉̴̤̖͙̙͎͍̜̙В̡̜͙̬͚͖̥͑ͧ͂͊͜О͎̰͈̹̃ͭͬ͒̇͋Й̃̈́ͨ̋ͯ̆͏̛͉͓̳ ̴̡̘͉̤͚̗̟͕͈͑̈́̂̽ͩ́ͯͯР̥̙̻̝ͣͮ͟О̢͉̫̹̱̱̟̄̈̐Тͮ̃ͦ̊͒̈́̀ͯ͏͚̝̩͍͝ ͖͓̗̹̫̘̟̋̄
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 23:11:18 #209 №87292162 
Да ты и в русский не особо умеешь.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 23:11:40 #210 №87292191 
'Nah' is 'no'. Gay-rope, bro. Shit is fucked up in ma neighbourhood, ma city n shit, so I gotta move on !
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 23:13:14 #211 №87292322 
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 23:14:59 #212 №87292459 
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 23:15:23 #213 №87292502 
What country are you heading on?
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 23:20:55 #214 №87292907 
Where are you all again?
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 23:22:00 #215 №87292991 
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 23:23:05 #216 №87293074 
Nigga, Its a big secret, come on!
Ukraine what, the country I am deading or the country I live in?
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 23:24:49 #217 №87293211 

I was watching "Better call Saul". Do you like this tv-show?
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 23:27:10 #218 №87293405 
Nah. Dey be fe scum
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 23:29:39 #219 №87293594 
Is this thread need some bump? It are.
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 23:40:44 #220 №87294437 
These threads are so fucking depressing.
>cringeworthy level of language
>arrogant attitude
>"I'm so much better than everyone else"
>"You're pidorashka", "no, ur mum"
>"Oh, look, I'm able to speak English, unlike you, Russian scum"
Аноним 27/02/15 Птн 23:44:35 #221 №87294725 

People such people. What can we do with them?
Аноним 28/02/15 Суб 00:14:06 #222 №87296951 
What else can we talk about? Politics? It's even worse than "fak yor mamka go to hiu" bullshit.
Аноним 28/02/15 Суб 00:22:02 #223 №87297446 
Zed is dead.
Thread is dead too.
So thread is Zed?
Аноним 28/02/15 Суб 00:24:11 #224 №87297575 
sage me at least
Аноним 28/02/15 Суб 00:36:45 #225 №87298432 
1 outta 10
Аноним 28/02/15 Суб 00:37:01 #226 №87298450 
2 outta 10
Аноним 28/02/15 Суб 00:37:28 #227 №87298492 
3 outta 10 y'know where it's goin'
Аноним 28/02/15 Суб 00:37:47 #228 №87298510 
4 outta 10 knowmsayin'
Аноним 28/02/15 Суб 00:38:09 #229 №87298535 
5 outta 10 ain't ya combobreakin'
Аноним 28/02/15 Суб 00:38:43 #230 №87298582 
6 o' 10 check it out
Аноним 28/02/15 Суб 00:39:11 #231 №87298612 
7 o' 10 no-one gives a fuck
Аноним 28/02/15 Суб 00:39:31 #232 №87298637 
8 o' 10 keep it goin'
Аноним 28/02/15 Суб 00:39:59 #233 №87298673 
9 o' 10 that's it
Аноним 28/02/15 Суб 00:40:22 #234 №87298700 
10 o' 10 we made it
Аноним 28/02/15 Суб 00:44:29 #235 №87298972 
Somebody say 2ch can't count to ten?
Аноним 28/02/15 Суб 00:47:37 #236 №87299215 
2ch just isn't the place for English speaking threads.
Pass it by.
If you still want it, better make it on 4chan's /int/
Аноним 28/02/15 Суб 00:51:07 #237 №87299453 
U mad?
Аноним 28/02/15 Суб 00:58:08 #238 №87299966 
English thread on 4chan?
Аноним 28/02/15 Суб 00:59:16 #239 №87300052 
Wherefore not? Anon is known to be well-skilled in many subjects including languages.
Аноним 28/02/15 Суб 01:01:16 #240 №87300198 
Russian general would be ok.
Аноним 28/02/15 Суб 01:01:22 #241 №87300205 
Аноним 28/02/15 Суб 01:02:30 #242 №87300294 
...where everybody would speak Russian.
fuckin' genius
Аноним 28/02/15 Суб 01:06:28 #243 №87300614 
Just don't speak Russian, Russian generals are mostly English speaking. Well, at least now.
Аноним 28/02/15 Суб 01:46:32 #244 №87303141 
Hi guys. My english is suck, but I wan't change it. Which way to english-world is faster?
Аноним 28/02/15 Суб 01:49:31 #245 №87303303 
Nicht diese Scheiße nochmal...
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