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The Russian Question

 Anonymous  08/01/21 Птн 14:25:59 #1 №72803 
Anytime I meet Russians on the internet, they are BASED. Anytime I see Russians in real life, they are subhumans. Why is that?
Anonymous  08/01/21 Птн 14:48:38 #2 №72805 
>>72803 (OP)
pic isn’t russian but churka
Anonymous  08/01/21 Птн 14:50:42 #3 №72806 
B-b-but... they call him a Russian man?

Anonymous  08/01/21 Птн 15:07:22 #4 №72808 
its pretty convenient, they call them russia-born men when they behead someone and innocent chechen freedom fighters on any other occasion
Anonymous  08/01/21 Птн 16:52:59 #5 №72813 
>>72803 (OP)
It is difficult to explain to them that they are representatives of some small nation on the territory of the Russian Federation, so they are all Russians.
Anonymous  08/01/21 Птн 18:07:05 #6 №72816 
his name is literally dmitry, open the link subhuman. These subhumans are your kind.
Anonymous  08/01/21 Птн 18:09:52 #7 №72817 
>b-b-b-b-b-bbbut his name is dmitry so what if he looks like a churka
t. afghani subhuman
Anonymous  08/01/21 Птн 18:52:58 #8 №72818 
t. 100 dollar slave.

Enough internet for today turns off PC, spends day in my wonderful rich country enjoying life in glorious west europe
Anonymous  08/01/21 Птн 22:06:24 #9 №72822 
I can fix that, you can’t fix your ugly brown eyes and skin LOL
Anonymous  08/01/21 Птн 22:25:37 #10 №72825 
nice try subhuman, but im an aryan.
Anonymous  09/01/21 Суб 01:06:38 #11 №72829 
You made four mistakes in the word gay.
Anonymous  09/01/21 Суб 01:45:25 #12 №72833 

Anonymous  09/01/21 Суб 02:07:34 #13 №72835 
Aryan is a genetic thing.
Gay is a decadent deviancy.
Therefore nothing prevents aryan from being gay.
Anonymous  10/01/21 Вск 00:37:22 #14 №72947 
>>72803 (OP)
Obviously they are different russians.
I am so good looking and I'm so hard to see
Anonymous  10/01/21 Вск 16:07:29 #15 №72965 
>>72803 (OP)
Because pizdabols
Anonymous  10/01/21 Вск 20:11:31 #16 №72974 
With the same success, you can call all nations subhuman, because there are such freaks everywhere.
You are subhumans yourself!
Anonymous  10/01/21 Вск 20:11:57 #17 №72975 
You are subhumans yourself too!
Anonymous  14/01/21 Чтв 14:47:57 #18 №73195 
>>73185 →
> Anytime I see Russians in real life,
Anonymous  14/01/21 Чтв 15:33:04 #19 №73199 
Nope, a couple of days ago there were two Russian girls in the same bus as me. They acted very annoying.
Anonymous  14/01/21 Чтв 18:37:35 #20 №73211 
It's radio shithole.
Also, Russia is big and it's hard to explain, but we have not 1 ethnicity here. In English language there is non existent word for it. Like, in Russian we call Россиянин (Rosiyanin) - A guy who is a citizen of Russia, he can be a tatar, chechen, jew, reptiloid etc. And word Русский (Ruskyj) that means a guy of Slavic Russian ethnicity.
Anonymous  15/01/21 Птн 01:00:14 #21 №73237 
they wer propably kazakhdeutsche
Anonymous  15/01/21 Птн 09:03:14 #22 №73246 
And some of them do not relate themselves with Russia even politically.
Anonymous  15/01/21 Птн 09:04:31 #23 №73247 
He is ethnically Russian also.
Anonymous  15/01/21 Птн 09:05:12 #24 №73248 
His name is Dmitry Grachev
Anonymous  15/01/21 Птн 12:45:02 #25 №73254 
He is definitely not Russian Slav, but assimilated Caucasian (Mountain Semitic race), probably mixed. Also, cutting off the hands is an Arab tradition.
Anonymous  15/01/21 Птн 15:38:25 #26 №73259 
there are no girls on the internet
this is the answer to op question
Anonymous  15/01/21 Птн 15:49:50 #27 №73260 
Bruh. When it's profitable then he is Russian, but in any other case "Churka ebanaya". Common Russian evilness.
Anonymous  15/01/21 Птн 19:57:57 #28 №73269 
based incel
Anonymous  10/02/21 Срд 04:44:30 #29 №74677 
>>72803 (OP)
Why did Nazism seem to have been defeated, but mentally retarded Nazis, like the author of this thread, still remained in Germany now?
Anonymous  10/02/21 Срд 10:07:21 #30 №74692 
because in germany their nothing else to be proud off, only under nazis germans felt respected or feared. most of the time people laugh at germans.
Anonymous  10/02/21 Срд 10:15:23 #31 №74694 
churka ebanaya is still russian, it doesnt discqualify your citizenship.
sageAnonymous  10/02/21 Срд 19:10:04 #32 №74711 
>>72803 (OP)
BECAUSE, being russian is a state of your soul, specific shape of your mind. At least this is what russians claim themselves. So the ahmed Dmitry on the pic of OP, is truly a russian. And by calling him subhuman, OP, you has only proven that your kind needs another 70 years of re-education.
Anonymous  28/02/21 Вск 02:42:14 #33 №77741 
>most of the time people laugh at germans.
not surprising
although most of the time people laugh at russians too, now it becomes less offensive when you learn that not only my nation has such a problem
Anonymous  02/03/21 Втр 15:26:50 #34 №78101 
>>72803 (OP)
All the russians i met irl was chill af. Russians on multiplayer games were pure cancer though.
Anonymous  02/03/21 Втр 16:20:41 #35 №78103 
>>72803 (OP)
If you meet a Russian in Germany, those are either jews, Germans or Chechens.
Anonymous  14/03/21 Вск 00:31:59 #36 №78782 
but i am russian
Anonymous  14/03/21 Вск 11:23:51 #37 №78792 
Then you are a unicorn, a big exception.
Anonymous  14/03/21 Вск 20:25:54 #38 №78800 
their are many ethnic russians in germany.
Anonymous  14/03/21 Вск 21:05:45 #39 №78804 
>>72803 (OP)
Based, subhumans... Using terms like that, you show, that you neo-nazi scum. No better than insane left-liberals. Freaking cosplaying ideology of anti-scientific fanaticism.
By the way, we live in a diffent times, than an era with slaves, commoners, and high society. I'm not sure, but maybe you should spend more time on your education than on sorting the peoples into uber-mensch and untermensch.
Anonymous  15/03/21 Пнд 00:51:55 #40 №78810 
Or so they say. But unless they are invited to do stuff where companies can't find anybody with same qualification level and thus getting the blue card or if they aren't exchange students, "normal" Russians can't come to Germany just like that.
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