Сохранен 456
24 декабря 2023 г. Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна. Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 12:50:23 #1 №89164906 
Russia please don't war us we don't even like america we love goncharov dostoyevsky and tchaikovsky, we post sadfrogs and horo from spice and wolf just like you we just want to live in harmony with you

 Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:03:30 #2 №89165888 
Ну ладно
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:04:20 #3 №89165955 
get rekt get rekt get rekt get rekt get rekt m8 m8 w8 wow
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:05:20 #4 №89166020 
how can you wanna live in harmony with a country that fuck you in your ass all its fucking history? I think it'd be really wise for polands to hate all russians.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:09:05 #5 №89166288 

we were mean to you too with false dimitri

can we just hug and drink vodka and make peace

my grandma was russian
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:09:53 #6 №89166353 
Polską kurwa Kasia
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:11:34 #7 №89166474 
I do not understand how to seeing these unwashed Russian pigs hope that they will hear you and understand.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:12:50 #8 №89166557 

I heard russia loves some polish girl called kasia

What is this about

There was a very white russian albino girl with blond hair that polish chans love
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:15:19 #9 №89166721 
I don't know, i think false dmitri was a funny guy. I guess he was just million times smarter than those moscovitz assholes. I mean, how stupid you have to be to let some guy from the street to rule your country? Fuck, you have to be dumb as shit. And what did they did when they finally realized that they were fucked up? Right, they put his dead body into fucking cannon and fired, fucking barbarians.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:19:50 #10 №89166980 

they didn't believe him he had an army and he made an oath to the polish ruler. Here is a russian meme to seal the peace between our two glorious slavic countries

Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:20:16 #11 №89167015 
But Polska people can't English!
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:23:39 #12 №89167234 

I learned english so I can run to britain when russia wars us
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:24:29 #13 №89167284 
You didn't.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:24:55 #14 №89167313 
Ok, bro.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:25:56 #15 №89167370 

I'm trying to speak russian-english so you can understand me better since everyone in this thread is speaking broken english. Don't be mean to me ruski bratan
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:27:09 #16 №89167452 
You know what's the worst?
Most of us only want to leave in peace, but the government and mr. Putin himself want Russia to be a so-called great power and act around that idea.
Sadly russian society is very politicized and the majority of the information about current affairs is distorted. And for some reasons many people don't care about economic, social and other stuff of domestic policy and only want to WRECK AMERICANS et cetera.
It's just dumb.
The fucking society is fucking dumb being ready to live in poverty and starve and even die for the country only to be proud of Russia geopolitical success.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:27:25 #17 №89167473 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:28:40 #18 №89167551 
Kurwa mac ja pierdole. Proofs or GTFO.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:29:21 #19 №89167598 
> they didn't believe him he had an army
yeah, something like half of his army was russians and they let him in to the moscow.

>he made an oath to the polish ruler
well maybe if russian capital was warsaw (or kiev) it'd be better for everyone
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:29:36 #20 №89167612 
I love poland.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:29:42 #21 №89167620 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:29:58 #22 №89167642 

I've heard a lot of russian people just don't give a fuck about anything and wouldn't bother protesting if someone put a gun to their forehead

I don't know what this is caused by but it's sad

I love russia and I want to go to petersburg one day
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:31:21 #23 №89167724 
go somewhere else, kurwa
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:31:45 #24 №89167748 
Опять какол свой исторический баттхерт на других проецирует.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:32:16 #25 №89167776 

of course ruski friend what sort of proof do you want?

Czy wystarczy że napiszę coś po polsku?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:32:16 #26 №89167778 
>Most of us only want to leave in peace
I'm afraid it's not true, unfortunately. It's not "most of us". Most of people I know either completely brainwashed or just don't give a shit. Like, we now have crimea, I can go on vacation without a visa, what else?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:34:02 #27 №89167857 
Polska - to kraj Imperium Rosyjskiego. A my zwrócimy. Dlatego też, biorąc pod języku rosyjskim, towarzyszu.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:34:11 #28 №89167867 
I guess it's mostly caused by the massive murdering of people who give a fuck through the half of the 20th century.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:35:36 #29 №89167927 
Fuk you kurwa
Only Russian have right to liv in this planet
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:35:43 #30 №89167937 
I'm not from ukraine, unfortunately.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:36:19 #31 №89167963 
Take a pic of your Polska passport and a piece of paper with the sign "Sup, Русский анон, 24.03.15". You can blur your photo or id etc.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:36:36 #32 №89167977 

but our eagle is cooler than yours and we never liked being part of your country so why can't we just be friends?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:38:23 #33 №89168071 
Um. The thing is that while being ignorant and very passive people enjoy watching the television. They don't care very much about objectivity, they got used to have the USA and 'democracy' in the times of the USSR and it is easy to manipulate on those feelings. Governmental propaganda is awkward and sometimes pointless but effective anyway. About 80% of russians actually supports mr. Putin.
And ye, this is really sad.
sorry for englando
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:39:21 #34 №89168120 
no, I meant most of 2ch users, not the majority of russians sadly
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:40:23 #35 №89168179 
Does Poland really hate Russia?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:41:02 #36 №89168214 
I'm not sure about sosach too.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:41:26 #37 №89168238 
Poland is a country, it can't hate, you stupid asshole.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:41:33 #38 №89168249 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:41:59 #39 №89168272 
Poland is just a countryball.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:42:46 #40 №89168314 
So where is the proofs?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:42:53 #41 №89168322 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:43:26 #42 №89168356 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:44:07 #43 №89168393 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:44:17 #44 №89168399 

I'll upload in a moment ruski friends please remain calm
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:45:18 #45 №89168458 
Hey, polyak. Tell me about this pic. Is it popular opinion in Poland?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:45:18 #46 №89168459 
ok. What b are you from?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:46:04 #47 №89168494 
>sad from with svastika
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:48:40 #48 №89168634 
I'm not a polyak, but I know one polish girl who came to Russia about exchange programm. And she told me that she decided to go to Rus because she wants to marry a russian guy and to learn the language before.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:50:46 #49 №89168747 
Katyn, kurwa, Katyn
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:51:39 #50 №89168801 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:52:33 #51 №89168843 

No that guy is just mad as fuck. Most people are neutral to russia, some have a grudge/fear against it because of our history but generally people here blame the russian government and not the russian people

I tried uploading my ID photo and timestamp but I get an error in cyryllic and idk what's going on
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:52:59 #52 №89168867 
Maybe, she is just exeption that proves the rule.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:54:06 #53 №89168926 
I remember I was playing a lot of swat4 a couple of years ago, and somehow most of the guys was from poland. And there was one girl who played like 6 hours a day. It was really funny trolling them, but nonetheless they were good guys. I think I like poland.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:54:44 #54 №89168958 
Geez, upload it on any image hosting.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:55:19 #55 №89168996 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:55:34 #56 №89169008 
> some have a grudge/fear against it because of our history
Hmm..Than he must one of them.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:56:13 #57 №89169046 

Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:56:48 #58 №89169077 
What's common have Crimea with Poland, you stupid fuck?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:57:16 #59 №89169106 
> be*
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:57:42 #60 №89169126 
Hi. We don't have such plans. As for me, I like Poland. But are you ready for PolandBall thread?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 13:58:36 #61 №89169185 
I think in every country you have your racists, ultra-rights, etc. In america they hate negros and mexis, in europe they hate easterns. It's also because many people are immigrating from mexico to america, from eastern europe to the western, etc. Kinda self-defense reaction.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:03:29 #62 №89169445 
In russian it's kaucasians - some kind of muslims who migrating here. And I think in europe you don't like them alot too.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:06:58 #63 №89169637 
Well, no. I think it's people from azerbaidzhan, uzbekistan, etc. Kaucasians (is it really spelled like so?) are something different.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:08:10 #64 №89169705 

here friend http://imgur.com/aZdGmXe


that wasn't even my post blyat
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:10:04 #65 №89169813 
Yeah, you wright. But it's not fair play, don't you think? Because people in Europe make conclusions about the whole country by a couple persons which are not the best part of it.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:11:17 #66 №89169876 
Well I meant muslims in common. You got alot of arabs and shit like that, we got caucasians(I don't really know hot it's speeled right, who cares?).
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:14:25 #67 №89170086 

I mean it's soldiers from chechnya and dagestan who's killing ukrainians, and they are something like elite forces. And most russians support what they are doing, so, you know... That's how I see it: russia has lost in chechnya war, now moscow sends a whole lot of money from other regions to chechnya, chechen and dagestans are in moscow's best universities, they own huge businesses, they are above the law, etc etc. So I see it as a kind of occupation of disoriented and lost russia with the caucasian forces, and also I see ukrainian war as an ethnic\cultural one, not just some local geopolitical shit. So basically what we have is confrontation between "russians" (east) and slavic(west).
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:15:14 #68 №89170135 
Press mark in posting form "ОП треда", it will mark you as OP.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:16:02 #69 №89170193 
Man... What the fuck is this? Is that how you make proof pics in Poland? I don't think so.

I can google some fucking paragvanian passport and photoshop it with my handwriting, what sense does it make?
24/03/15 Втр 14:16:54 #70 №89170242 
Айпи польский, если что.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:18:17 #71 №89170313 
Kurwa ja pierdole.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:18:41 #72 №89170338 
I love you, Poland-chan.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:18:50 #73 №89170356 
Well it's obviously not fair and just plain ill, but I think I can relate to it. I mean, you are living in your country, and then some assholes move in with their culture, taking your jobs, commiting crimes, living near your children... It's natural for human being to be afraid of that and start hating that people.

Although it's still wrong of course.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:19:00 #74 №89170367 
O, shit.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:19:39 #75 №89170406 
Rules are rules. Proofs or GTFO.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:20:30 #76 №89170469 
Well, okay.
As for me, I agree to be friends with you, my little Polish.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:22:04 #77 №89170566 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:23:00 #78 №89170628 
So what is the polish equivalent of 2ch?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:24:17 #79 №89170700 
Yap, I'm also interested. Maybe we could make A VISIT IN RETURN.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:25:01 #80 №89170749 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:26:19 #81 №89170831 
Ok. But what with the Polish, is there to much immigrantes? What can you say about Ukrainians, i heard about a lot of them in your land.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:27:12 #82 №89170887 
Who even cares about poland, pal? I've never even heard of it before.
Also nice op-pic, even I can see peace and harmony on it.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:27:49 #83 №89170916 
sorry ruski friends I was taking a fap break


spasiba boyar man


the biggest polish chan has a lot of retarded security so it takes a lot of effort to even browse it

the second biggest is the polish board on 8chan, /rzabczan/ but it's almost exclusively shitposting and sad frogs
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:27:49 #84 №89170917 
I remember one night we did NABEG there and post alot of CP lol. Threads stay don't deleted for like 30 mins.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:28:37 #85 №89170965 
> sad frogs
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:31:09 #86 №89171124 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:32:06 #87 №89171202 
Поясните за Пшеколенд. Та же Рашка, только в миниатюре?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:32:16 #88 №89171226 
I can't make a thread there.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:33:13 #89 №89171291 

it says you need a picture

please don't raid rzabczan

post messages of love, peace, vodka nad squatting
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:34:22 #90 №89171370 
Pieprzona dupą, jakie dobry handlowa!
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:34:33 #91 №89171380 
But I uploaded picture.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:34:35 #92 №89171383 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:36:29 #93 №89171517 
Nice. We love Drive too.
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 14:36:46 #94 №89171534 

Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:37:33 #95 №89171578 
that`s my bro

what`s your average salary in Poland? is it hard to make money?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:37:42 #96 №89171586 
Russkey врывается в тред. все под шконку!
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 14:38:00 #97 №89171611 

everyone on rzabczan wants to be ryan gosling or at least suck ryan gosling's dick
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:38:38 #98 №89171648 
Ты сейчас описал всю восточную европу.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:39:11 #99 №89171684 
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 14:39:47 #100 №89171718 

you can get by on with the average salary but most young people end up in call centers or other shitty jobs
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:41:14 #101 №89171812 
how many euros/year or month average?
do you like been in EU?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:41:43 #102 №89171840 
Where is my proofs?

Show your polska passport.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:42:21 #103 №89171886 
I'm not the OP, lol.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:42:44 #104 №89171918 
post dick pls
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:42:58 #105 №89171924 
В глаза ебёшься? Было выше.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:43:21 #106 №89171948 
Are you fockin' stupid?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:44:12 #107 №89171995 

Nope. You are psheks and you must be sluaghtered!
Also you fucking nazi and support junta of ukropas!
sageАноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:44:28 #108 №89172011 
Aww small polandball that's so cutie, we'd love to be friends.
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 14:44:31 #109 №89172016 

2700 PLN a month, it's not much in euros but prices are lower in Poland

We're benefitting from being in the EU so far but once we stop getting money from it and we have to convert to using EU currency we'll be fucked, and we have to put up with the EU's bullshit laws
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:44:42 #110 №89172029 
Идите нахуй, фотки с супом я не видел.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:44:45 #111 №89172032 
Блядь, выше была какая-то хуйня нафотошопленная, а не нормальный пруф.
sageАноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:44:59 #112 №89172053 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:45:14 #113 №89172072 
This pidorashka has broken.
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 14:45:43 #114 №89172109 

what the fuck is a pshek?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:46:21 #115 №89172136 
sageАноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:46:35 #116 №89172165 
Kakie vashi dokazatelstva?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:46:41 #117 №89172175 
Нет, ну это уже совсем tolsto. Каждый польский хуй, сидящий на краутче знает, что такое пшек.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:46:51 #118 №89172190 
чё он говорит,переведите со звериного?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:47:06 #119 №89172200 
We call polish people like that.
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 14:47:28 #120 №89172219 

a mod said I have a polish IP and I posted an ID and timestamp, what do you want fucking pidor?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:47:31 #121 №89172224 

Unfortunaely??? Youm must thank god all your life for not being born in that shithole.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:47:34 #122 №89172228 
show some fucking attention
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:47:43 #123 №89172240 
> Asshole
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:47:46 #124 №89172244 
Он говорит, что ты должен съебать из этого треда, потому что у тебя низкий айкью, и мы все его поддерживаем.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:47:53 #125 №89172251 
It says u faggot.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:47:54 #126 №89172253 
When you speak, i mean Polish people, we hear to much sounds like "psh -psh"
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:48:14 #127 №89172271 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:48:18 #128 №89172277 

Bring back to Polska Gubernia.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:48:42 #129 №89172303 
Uebinay otseda , proxxy-pidor.
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 14:48:44 #130 №89172305 

who said I go on kraut? pidor suka
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:48:55 #131 №89172316 
Why? Kiev is a beatiful town.

(Also remember it's not hohlosratch here, it's pshekosratch.)
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:49:00 #132 №89172321 
как так?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:49:59 #133 №89172395 
I said.
Go to huy!
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:50:01 #134 №89172398 
Proxy. Also mod is your friend or something like this.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:50:39 #135 №89172452 
1. Take your passport
2. Take your sup
3. Put your sup onto your passport
4. Make a pic of your sup AND your passport
5. Post that pic here as an # OP
6. ???????????
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:50:55 #136 №89172477 

You are proxy-faget.
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 14:51:04 #137 №89172490 

I will fight you pidor from russiasratch
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:51:45 #138 №89172529 
Czescz, o co tu hodzi?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:52:05 #139 №89172553 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:52:11 #140 №89172564 
"Psheckosratch" means "an emotional discussion about Poland". Same goes for hohlosratch, but it's about Ukraine.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:52:15 #141 №89172568 
Pshekosratch, lol, really? 99% of Russians not giving a fuck about Poland at all.
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 14:52:37 #142 №89172590 

what the fuck is a sup?

and why is everyone so paranoid about proxies? do you never get visitors from outside of russia here?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:53:08 #143 №89172629 
Do you like Korn too? Kek.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:54:18 #144 №89172701 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:54:42 #145 №89172736 

Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:54:51 #146 №89172746 

Yes. We usually neutral to psheks and hate hohols.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:55:02 #147 №89172759 
>dont know what is sup
Uebivay vkontakt.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:55:27 #148 №89172814 
>do you never get visitors from outside of russia here?
We are very cautious here. We never believe in woman posting, foreigners posting etc without proofs.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:55:37 #149 №89172831 
>what the fuck is a sup?
It's a piece of paper where you write today's date and something like "sup rus b".

>and why is everyone so paranoid about proxies? do you never get visitors from outside of russia here?
We are not paranoid. That's the rules. You know the rules, right?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:56:13 #150 №89172884 
Пшек бы скорее всего в /int/ зашел, а ты зеленый пидор, который тралит школьников на дневном.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:56:21 #151 №89172894 
You know that it's not anon here who decides russia's international politics, right? Just remember that even when russki's tanks invade your sweet little Poland there still will be some russki anon who loves you.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:56:39 #152 №89172914 
Czy ty gadasz w ogole po polsku?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:57:33 #153 №89172987 
Dude, why on 4chan most country jokes are about Poland? I never understood that.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:57:35 #154 №89172993 

I'm not going to take a picture of my ID without the bars, I'm illiterate about internet security and I don't want elite 2ch KGB to stalk me

Woman posting is permabanned on polskachan
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:57:49 #155 №89173007 
Shit, gotta go. What a nice thread. I think I should go to poland chans more.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:58:10 #156 №89173026 
>not giving a fuck about Poland
>Не дают трахать о Польше
Дебил блядь
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:58:25 #157 №89173048 
Серьезно? Вы поверили, что завсегдатай борд из европы не знает что это такое? Может скажете, что это еще и в россии придумали, лол.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:59:06 #158 №89173105 
Это ты ебанутый, если умеешь только через гугл переводчик.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:59:09 #159 №89173110 
No. I'm just being polite.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:59:11 #160 №89173114 

Kurwa, jakbyś dziwko przeczytał temat to byś widział że pisałem po Polsku.




Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 14:59:49 #161 №89173164 
You cannot into english. That's why you've been called a dumb fuck.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:00:31 #162 №89173222 
Но это был не я.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:00:40 #163 №89173234 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:00:59 #164 №89173265 
Fuck USA hegemony, fuck its liberal minions, Russia will be a superpower soon!
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:01:10 #165 №89173280 

>3. Put your sup onto your passport
>4. Make a pic of your sup AND your passport

You've posted some photoshopped crap.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:01:12 #166 №89173283 
Pierdole to czytacz, poprostu chcialem sie upewnicz ze tu jaja nie robisz,a teraz wypierdalaj :)
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:01:35 #167 №89173314 
Ты по гуглтранслейту английский учишь???
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:01:36 #168 №89173316 
Я такой же PROOF могу запилить в течение 15 минут.
И сразу видно, что писал русский школьник из 8 класса.
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 15:01:57 #169 №89173337 
the amount of shit-flinging in this thread is now almost as high as back on polska chan

I feel like I'm home. Russians and Poles really are similar
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:02:41 #170 №89173390 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:02:42 #171 №89173391 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:02:43 #172 №89173394 
Никакого тебе polskasratcha, пока не сделаешь нормальный proof.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:02:46 #173 №89173400 
Ok, the "not giving a fuck about Poland"-kun have been called a dumb fuck because he cannot into english.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:02:50 #174 №89173410 
Wait, but Poland is a part of great Russian imperia. We shall free you from jewish west.
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 15:03:21 #175 №89173448 

You can see bits of table between the ID and sup, don't make me take another fucking picture, and how important is it exactly if I REALLY AM polish? it's not like I'm trying to impersonate obama.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:03:23 #176 №89173450 
Лучше просто уходи.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:03:44 #177 №89173487 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:04:13 #178 №89173521 
Can you take a photo from window?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:04:16 #179 №89173525 
Fuck your shit in anus, pidor.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:04:50 #180 №89173556 

Now compare it with the original message.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:04:56 #181 №89173562 
Lol, da ty obosralsya.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:05:07 #182 №89173574 
Okay bro, we won't. But Putin may be disagree with that :/
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:05:16 #183 №89173583 
>don't make me take another fucking picture
Is it really that difficult?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:05:47 #184 №89173616 
Masturbate my dick in your mouth. I know you love to suck.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:05:47 #185 №89173618 
first you
>on polska chan
and then
>what the fuck is a sup?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:05:49 #186 №89173622 
That's a good idea! Make it, Op.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:05:50 #187 №89173625 
Why all polska players suck in MOBA-games and flames a lot?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:06:58 #188 №89173703 
По мультикам пиндосским и в школе еще. А че, надо по видево с ливеликс неграми?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:07:24 #189 №89173730 
Нет разница.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:07:37 #190 №89173742 

holy fuck no I'm not THAT stupid
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:08:31 #191 №89173815 

you're the only faggots that call timestamps 'sups'

Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:08:49 #192 №89173837 
Are you really not understanding the difference between simple and continuous?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:08:56 #193 №89173847 
LOL! Why not?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:10:28 #194 №89173940 
Really? Didn't know that. 2ch really plays important role in my education and exploration of the world. Every day something knew, something exciting! Isn't it wonderful?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:10:44 #195 №89173958 
ты долбоеб, там fuck используется не как глагол
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:11:40 #196 №89174015 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:11:57 #197 №89174033 
> 2ch really plays important role in my education
Proigral s etogo samorazvivantsa
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:12:28 #198 №89174065 

Bandera Huy!
Bandera Huy!
Bandera Huy, Bandera Huy!

Oczywiście, mieliśmy nieporozumienia. Jak wszystkie wielkie narody. Ale Rosyjscy i Polacy są dwa wielkie historie.

Kiedy skończymy z Ukrainy, Lwów będzie twoje!
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 15:12:28 #199 №89174067 

I think this is the beginning of a beautiful cultural exchange

On polish chans timestamps are called 'czasoznaczek' which is a direct, crude translation of timestamp
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:12:50 #200 №89174094 
You are happy man indeed.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:12:59 #201 №89174109 
Короче бля.
Поляк, выкладывай суп или иди нахуй.
А лучше всего - иди учи русский язык. Английский он, сука, выучил. Тут он не у всех еще в школьной программе есть блядь.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:13:32 #202 №89174151 
Really? Tell me more.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:14:07 #203 №89174184 
W skrócie, to pshek zielony wątek może zostać zamknięte. Ty zatrolili, studentów
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 15:14:31 #204 №89174218 

I wanted to, but I didn't get into university
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:14:33 #205 №89174224 
Is it reading as "chasoznachek"?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:14:34 #206 №89174228 
>Тут он не у всех еще в школьной программе есть блядь.
Ну да, некоторые говнонемецкий еще учат. Не понимаю нахуя его вообще преподают в школе. Английский - знает весь мир, немецкий - знает одна сраная германия.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:14:57 #207 №89174255 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:15:36 #208 №89174309 
My grandpa is polish shyahtich.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:15:36 #209 №89174310 
haha śmieszne ci
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 15:15:41 #210 №89174318 

sup is short for what's up, that doesn't mean a timestamp is called a sup, ja pierdole co za kretyn
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:16:08 #211 №89174354 
You know fucking nothing about fucking Poland.
Is that correct?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:16:34 #212 №89174385 

Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:16:52 #213 №89174402 
odpowiedzieć na moje pytanie, gówno

Поляк зеленый, не хочет фоточку из окна замутить
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:17:06 #214 №89174422 
Hey boland. I love u. Hope one day u will annex us/we will annex u/Russia-EU will be united. Btw from which board did u come from?And yeah, putin can't into wars - he is mmurican colonial goverment, just illusion of independent force.
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 15:17:20 #215 №89174443 

Nie, obawiam się, że jesteś w błędzie rosyjski kolego.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:17:28 #216 №89174457 
Я бы испанский учил, на нем вся Южная Америка говорит (ну кроме Бразилии, где португальский). Ну и сам язык красивый, мне нравится.
А пидоров американцев заставил бы учить русский или какой-то другой иностранный, а то охуели.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:17:30 #217 №89174459 
Dżem, zrobić zdjęcie z polskim transmisji telewizyjnej.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:17:45 #218 №89174472 
Heh, mde.
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 15:18:41 #219 №89174537 

I'm from a polish chan. I come to russian chans to steal pictures sometimes, but I can't read cyryllic
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:18:54 #220 №89174563 
Oh boy... So you really don't understand what I'm talking bout.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:19:26 #221 №89174595 
Уж лучше испанский или французкий, если не английский.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:19:41 #222 №89174611 
Dowodem, że z Polski, UEBOK!
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:19:42 #223 №89174613 
You guy from Poland, tell me one thing: if Putin is Hitler, why do nazis from Ukraine hate him? Cause we here can't understand this shit.
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 15:20:04 #224 №89174644 

Can someone nice tell this guy in russian that I wanted to learn russian but didn't get a chance? he seems really mad, I understand a bit of russian when I transcribe it to latin alphabet
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:20:11 #225 №89174649 
What you can tell us about this tank? Is it true?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:20:16 #226 №89174660 
And again lol. Try harder.
>Cracky-chan (aka Sky Queen, ScareCrowMaiden) was the first camgirl to be posted on 4chan’s /b/ board way back in 2005. Her nickname “Cracky-chan” was given to her because she looked as if she had “Snorted crack”. She’s extremely important in the internet history of 4chan because she defined what /b/ thinks today of camgirls. It was she who first coined the phrase “’sup 4chan” which is now widely used on imageboards and forums.
sageАноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:20:55 #227 №89174707 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:21:15 #228 №89174735 
I am here.
OK, I forgive you. But read our literature, bitch. And love it.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:21:29 #229 №89174757 
Little polska thief
sageАноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:21:36 #230 №89174769 
SOOT dziwka
SOOT dziwka
SOOT dziwka
SOOT dziwka
SOOT dziwka
SOOT dziwka
SOOT dziwka
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 15:22:04 #231 №89174805 

You're one world war late, don't ask polish people about what ukraine thinks, it's independent from Poland.


It was posted, and a mod confirmed IP. If you think it's proxy or something you can go fuck yourself
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:22:18 #232 №89174824 
>but I can't read cyryllic

Was that the good idea to force you onto the Cyrillic - https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyrylica#Polska_cyrylica - no, don't want into Cyrillic, wanna ł ż č š
sageАноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:22:34 #233 №89174850 
To dlaczego na moich rosyjskich stanowisk pisał? Ten rosyjski uczeń świnia dość zavralsya!
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:22:50 #234 №89174883 
Он ахуевает с того, какой ты кретин. What's up = sup, он тебе уже второй раз говорит, что это не chasoznachek.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:22:58 #235 №89174895 

Hi, OP. Can I somehow visit your polish chans? Wanna try to ask polish anons smthng too.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:23:08 #236 №89174911 
Mówiłem ci podjąć okno obrazu, Pizdyuk
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 15:23:11 #237 №89174917 

noone on 4chan calls timestamps sups, 'sup 4chan' is a popular phrase used on timestamps.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:25:16 #238 №89175083 
Bump! I need information about it
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 15:25:22 #239 №89175094 

Goncharov, Dostoyevsky, Solzhenitsyn, Tolstoy, Glukhoy, Bakunin and some others I can't name from the top of my head. I'm interested in Yesenin but most of his poetry is untranslated.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:25:53 #240 №89175131 
> It was posted, and a mod confirmed IP. If you think it's proxy or something you can go fuck yourself
But you do not see Cyrillic
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:26:07 #241 №89175160 
Ты дурачок? В обычном слэнге да, а на бордах это используется в виде бумаги с этой надписью на фоне чего-то, а время просто расшрение этого, которое тоже используется на форчане.
Он утверждал, что он как раз с борд.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:26:34 #242 №89175191 

you can try but as I said before it has stupid security filters. karachan.org/b/


I have no idea about that tank, I think it's just a prototype, I saw it on 4chan /k/
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:26:40 #243 №89175200 
Ukraine is some kind of a toy-country without actual independence. You are always sucking from Germany, Ukraine sucks from you. Everybody is happy.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:26:58 #244 №89175228 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:27:00 #245 №89175232 
Op we not need you because of Argentinian whore in the next thread.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:27:11 #246 №89175248 
> interested in Yesenin
Maybe try to look in english translate?
sageАноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:27:13 #247 №89175250 
Вы тут совсем ебанулись? Он тут всем говорит, что мод подтвердил его айпи, а потом пишет мол не видит Кириллицу. Тред можно закрывать.
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 15:27:43 #248 №89175288 

I google translate everything in this thread, but it would be a bitch to do every day if I wanted to browse this chan
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:27:51 #249 №89175301 
Even polska had hohland.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:28:38 #250 №89175349 
> karachan.org/b/
Fucking lol'd. Is there a way to disable all that gay-porn stuff and stop that flicking?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:29:08 #251 №89175387 
Не понимает кириллицу, кретин.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:30:48 #252 №89175523 
1. Wilno ne wasze
2. Fuck russians
That's all I wanted to say here.
anon from Litwa
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:30:48 #253 №89175524 

Ну и где моя фотография из окна? Почему ты замолчал по этому вопросу? Я у тебя уже на всех языках спросил. Почему не хочешь делать?
Well, where is a photo from the window? Why are you silent on this issue? I you have already asked in all languages. Why do not you do?
No, gdzie jest zdjęcie z okna? Dlaczego milczysz na ten temat? I już zadawane we wszystkich językach. Dlaczego nie można zrobić?

Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:30:52 #254 №89175531 

there is but it's a lot of work and it's not even worth it, 95% of the content is shitposting


this guy is clinically retarded and doesn't understand that I can google translate cyryllic


I might try but poetry doesn't sound well in english
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:31:21 #255 №89175574 
А как про айпи понял то?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:31:54 #256 №89175628 
Гугл транслейт, привет там гитлеру передавай в своем 20 веке.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:32:06 #257 №89175642 
> clinically retarded
Other proof do, uebok!
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:32:08 #258 №89175645 
Pissed on you
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 15:32:28 #259 №89175668 

there is 0 reason for me to post a photo out of my window except to get stalked, it doesn't confirm my identity. Try harder, nigger.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:33:41 #260 №89175762 
> 95% of the content is shitposting
Here you can see absolutely the same
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:34:13 #261 №89175804 
Russian pleb says that he urinated on szhlachtish face. What a nonsence.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:34:18 #262 №89175812 
Well, take a photo of any newspaper, magazine or book in Polish. And to close the book lay a piece of paper from your first proof!
This you can, green man?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:34:44 #263 №89175837 
that he had urinated*
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 15:34:44 #264 №89175838 

I can tell by this faggot desperately trying to get photos so he can stalk me
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:35:03 #265 №89175866 
Да и внезапно появился удобный модератор. Seems legit.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:35:08 #266 №89175875 
What do you think about a local hero of one european country - Bandera?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:35:56 #267 №89175954 
Абу у себя в твиттере писал о том, что это пшек.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:35:59 #268 №89175959 
Well, take a photo of any newspaper, magazine or book in Polish. And to close the book lay a piece of paper from your first proof!
This you can, green man?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:36:44 #269 №89176014 
Privet, Abu!
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:37:13 #270 №89176052 
Y, and liberate your family.
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 15:37:25 #271 №89176072 

sure baby, will upload in a minute
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:37:57 #272 №89176114 
Он же не знал, что мод посмотрит айпи и пизданет в треде? Если бы хотел патраллеть, то точно не сидел бы с прокси.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:38:30 #273 №89176164 
Даже Абу повелся на такую святую толстоту.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:39:33 #274 №89176235 
Then join Russia or we will kill you as your grandparents in 1944
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:40:53 #275 №89176331 
Почему же не знал, может это мод и есть. Даже наоборот, если бы не знал, то прготовил бы пруфы.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:41:21 #276 №89176370 
sup OP, just ignore them, haters gonna hate.
instead, tell us about yourself! you like to play vidya, dontcha? what are your favorites? pc mustard race, couch console gaming or both? right now i'm sitting at work playing Kyrandia, one of my all time favorite adventures. play it now and then since i was a kid in the 90s. have you played it?

and what do you think of polish game biz? gorkys, painkillers, witchers, and especially hatred

pic unrelated
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:41:47 #277 №89176407 
Он уже постил пруфы же, фоточку паспорта
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:41:51 #278 №89176412 
I'm waiting
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:44:10 #279 №89176583 
А моду нехуй делать, правда? И он же не знал, что тут все параноики.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:45:36 #280 №89176701 
Лол. Такую, какую и я за 5 минут могу сделать. А нормально приложить бумажку к паспорту, а не приклеивать части в пейнте, он почему то отказался, странно да?
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 15:45:43 #281 №89176708 

I thought gorky was russian

I like painkiller, witcher was ok but witcher 2 was shit, I haven't really paid any attention to Hatred


Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:47:15 #282 №89176807 
Хиз трайнг то гугел ить энд зэн юз мэджик оф пэйнт, комрад.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:47:49 #283 №89176858 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:48:07 #284 №89176881 
Well, you won. Izvinite.
in this case, advise me good Polish films in the style of art-house.
I know that you have plenty of those. I even saw a couple of films
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:48:42 #285 №89176930 
Сренькнул со второй пикчи.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:49:01 #286 №89176969 

did you think I couldn't read this if you typed it like that? I can still read the latin alphabet transcription.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:49:51 #287 №89177025 
don't worry, we don't want war, war in Ukraine is civil war/ putin don't want to start a big war, may be other side wants do this
ps we love lem, sapkowski and Sienkiewicz
sorry for my English, i wrote this without google translate
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 15:50:43 #288 №89177089 

I can't help you there, I don't really watch films, especially polish films. Just google polish films and pick something yourself
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:51:11 #289 №89177130 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:51:19 #290 №89177144 
This guy is right, Lem and Sapkowski are really awesome.
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 15:51:39 #291 №89177171 

Your english is fine and I'm surprised anyone reads Sienkiewicz, here in Poland it's mostly children reading him because it's mandatory, but I like him.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:52:10 #292 №89177215 
Хуита ! Я нихуя не поня. Блджад!
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:52:49 #293 №89177262 

>Gorky 17, Odium – komputerowa taktyczno-strategiczna gra turowa z elementami gry fabularnej (RPG), wyprodukowana przez polskie studio Metropolis Software. Tworzenie produkcji rozpoczęto w 1997 roku. Premiera gry miała miejsce 29 września 1999

god, with some effort i can actually understand 95% of the words. niiice.

why don't you love witcher 2? they butchered Andrzej Sapkowsky's universe, sure, but the game itself was pretty solid.

how many people in Poland can read/speak/understand Russian? not many, i presume, lol.

Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:53:11 #294 №89177296 
So, where are you from? I mean, city. Krakov, Warshava?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:53:28 #295 №89177308 
Why do u think Russia wanna war with Poland? I guess retarded dwarf dont give a fuck about ur country
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:53:48 #296 №89177336 
It is true that the Poles clean toilets in Western Europe? I do not troll
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 15:54:15 #297 №89177375 

Russkiy ne volnuytes' , bratan , ya ponimayu. Nashi yazyki pokhozhi. Master of google translate
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:54:25 #298 №89177391 
Лол. Learn languages, piturd.
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 15:55:44 #299 №89177492 

Not many but a lot of people say they would like to because it's a beautiful language. Especially when women speak it.

Something was just bad about the plot in the Witcher 2, but the combat was good.


Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:56:24 #300 №89177540 
Okay, okay. Sorry for my paranoia again.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:56:42 #301 №89177569 
Krzyżacy and Ogniem i mieczem(translate taked from wiki) is awesome
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:56:52 #302 №89177580 
Россия пожалуйста не воюй с нами, мы не как Америка, мы любим Гончарова, Достоевского и Чайковского, мы постим грустных лягух и Хоро, как и вы, мы просто хотим жить в гармонии с вами.

Ебать, а я ведь английский по играм учил.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:56:56 #303 №89177583 
>kurwa kurwa ja perdole pshe pshe kurwa
Че несешь ?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:57:36 #304 №89177642 
Где ты там польский увидел, полуебок?
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 15:57:53 #305 №89177668 

I actually liked those less than his other stuff. Try Quo Vadis, it's great and acknowledged across the world. All hail Pushkin, undisputed king of romantic poetry.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:58:19 #306 №89177703 
>Nashi yazyki pokhozhi.
Spasibo, ne dumal cho vstrechu zdes takogo uroda.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:59:06 #307 №89177748 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:59:30 #308 №89177775 
Chto zhe ty delaesh'!
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 15:59:52 #309 №89177803 
anglo-saxons can say that about John Keats
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:01:36 #310 №89177914 

Man, I am from Russia and I watched your cartoon "Muminki", when was a little boy. And man, don't worry about war: we are peaceful and don't want to hurt anyone. We now feel strong, but we are going just to help other russian people, who are hostages on the Eastern Ukraine. We don't want to conquare Poland.

Visit us, visit Crimea, Sochi, Moscow, St. Petersburg. Everybody will be happy to see you here.

Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:01:43 #311 №89177924 
I fucked their mommas)))
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:02:42 #312 №89177999 

There's a saying in Poland that every Russian is a philosopher, and there's an anecdote about two guys in a shopping queue who argued over Kant and they killed each other. Russian culture is considered very spiritual and romantic in Poland, and I think elsewhere too. Not lately though, because everyone's focused on Putin's actions instead.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:03:58 #313 №89178089 
Also did you notice that in the Russian imageboard rarely attached image? It's all because Russian Anonymus too lazy. And what about your imageboards?
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 16:04:00 #314 №89178092 

Thanks dude. But we still make better vodka than you.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:04:33 #315 №89178139 
If you do not want war, then seizes power, create their own people's republic and together we knock down the Bandera creature
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:05:00 #316 №89178175 
I think that's a big question just because you didn't try all our vodka :)
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:05:12 #317 №89178191 

It's the same on polish /b/, or sometimes people post random pictures or porn
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:06:09 #318 №89178258 
well, not only Sienkiewicz, Sapkowsky or Lem. polish culture is pretty rich, and those educated enough to be interested in, say, polish folklore find it oddly captivating, as it can feel both almost the same and entirely different from Russian at the same time.

actually, polish sounds pretty darn good to russian ear as well. just the right amount of difference - you can understand some words, but it doesn't sound as a rip-off and thus it doesn't make you laugh unintentionally

we often sing this song together with my wife:
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:07:53 #319 №89178381 
I join my peaceful brother. Also I can remember Lelik and Bolik and demonstrable Mole! What a wonderful cartoons were!
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 16:10:55 #320 №89178572 

Yeah, Sapkowski captures that spiritual folklore feel that people love Russia for but he makes it more Polish in nature. There's a lot to The Witcher books that you will miss if you're not familiar with our culture. Tons of references.

I wish she was a better singer because this sounds gorgeous in Russian : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1qu4NKFQnY&spfreload=10

picrel is an average picture on polish /b/
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:11:03 #321 №89178580 

Wszyscy muzyka polska
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:11:33 #322 №89178611 
Weren't they Bolek i Lolek, lol?
Also, KRTEK! Shit, I know it's not Polish, but still it was so damn good... So damn good...
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:11:34 #323 №89178617 
>demonstrable Mole!
You almost made me cry dude. I had such a good book about that mole in my childhood.
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 16:13:52 #324 №89178756 

It was Bolek I Lolek, yeah. I watched Nu, pogodi as a child but all I remember is that he smoked cigarettes
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:14:01 #325 №89178769 
Da pofigu, chego uzh tam. Multiki to byli lampovie.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:14:45 #326 №89178819 
What do u think bout
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:15:31 #327 №89178876 
Putin will not do it.
He will probably engage in a proxy war against you and/or will make you a puppet state of Russia
He even has protesters to support, a lot of polish farmers have already lost a metric shitton of money due to sanctions
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:17:26 #328 №89178985 

I think it's garbage but I'd definitely fuck her.


b-but there are no polish lyrics in this

Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:17:28 #329 №89178988 
OP, You see, man, what you did? This thread is like a small image of all russian society: we are trustless to strangers (we thought you are trolling and wanted you to show us a sup), but then we are very kind and peaceful. This is a secret of russian soul. I think everyone here actually can host you in their home, share with you the last slice of pizza just because we have something in common and because you came with peace. If somebody is treating us with respect - we will treat the same way.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:17:46 #330 №89179009 
In your dreams, pidoraha.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:18:23 #331 №89179053 

"to live in harmony with you" do not mean to be pro-american whores, who`s sucking black dick on first order.

Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:18:24 #332 №89179054 
Fucking ukronazi
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 16:18:56 #333 №89179095 

Our farmers and miners are the most unfairly privileged class of workers, miners have insane government support and farmers get millions of euro in grants from the EU, and yet they're also the loudest groups and protest the most.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:19:12 #334 №89179111 
/po/ elapsed again, everyone, get in the car!
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:20:29 #335 №89179191 
yeah, i also like the Russian version, though i usually stick to japanese originals. it captures the very essence of the show so good.

the guy who translated Lem and Sapkowsky for us, may he rest in peace, was one of the famous Russian translators of 20th century, and certainly the most famous Ru-Pol translator. thanks to him, we have lots of references properly adressed and explained or reworked for major Russian audience. such a tremendous work he did, yeah.
sure, i still didn't catch everything these books had to offer, but i probably never be able to, nothing to do with that.
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 16:20:58 #336 №89179226 

I disagree with the dick-sucking policy towards America, but as long as Putin keeps up aggressive politics in Eastern Europe it's unfortunately a necessity to have someone at our back.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:21:43 #337 №89179272 
I am not pidaraha.
I actively hate Putin as well as other politicians.
And i do not support USA, they are the same imperialist peace of shit of a country.
Do not try to rationalize actions of bydlo.
You will fail every fucking time
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:22:36 #338 №89179333 
ja kokhol dayte deneh bratushkie
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:22:43 #339 №89179341 
emm... why don't you be with Putin and build together "the big Europe from Lissabon to Vladivostok" without any black motherfuckers?
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 16:23:30 #340 №89179402 

I lost all sympathy for them when they threw bricks and paving stones at their OWN FUCKING COMPANY'S BUILDING, then cried to the media and courts when police treated them with some beanbags and water cannons.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:24:20 #341 №89179463 
odinnadtsat' lampocheck is desyati. y menya azj diafilmy protekli, bratishka. ai-da vecherkom ko mne Gayvera na kassete smotret'? zavtra v shkole karantin

i'm now the saddest frog in the universe.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:24:32 #342 №89179478 
ssać penisa, Kakoli, nie jesteś moim bratem
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 16:25:23 #343 №89179537 

I don't know how much of my information is true because some of it is our media's propaganda for sure, but as far as I know corruption, censorship and invigilation are quite big problems in Russia. And Putin doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would want an alliance with Poland, more of a puppet state.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:25:59 #344 №89179579 
Bydlo is the same in every fucking state.
The same could happen in Poland, Russia, USA, Canada, Zimbabwe, etc
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:26:20 #345 №89179605 
What the fuck are you talkin' about, m8? Are you mad or smth?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:26:57 #346 №89179639 
ja tibe ustroyu rezny wołyńsku, kurwa

Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 16:27:27 #347 №89179664 

This is a common trait of slavic people. I received a lot of hospitality when I was in the Balkans.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:28:14 #348 №89179720 
Actually he is ready for cooperation on normal basis without putting arms, like USA does.
You will have many rights, will be a part of headship of the Union, your products will be imported without fees, people won't need visas. I am talking about Eurasian Union right now, read some documents about it's rights and activities.
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 16:29:52 #349 №89179848 

Poland will always be the bridge between Russia and Europe, our best bet is to avoid pissing off either side.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:30:14 #350 №89179880 
Good try, now go clean my staircase.
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 16:31:02 #351 №89179923 

That wasn't even me, just some funposter.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:31:18 #352 №89179947 
>Russia and Europe
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:32:45 #353 №89180043 
>without any black motherfuckers?
>Russia is full of shitskins
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:32:58 #354 №89180058 
Russia is Europe.
Most of the Asian land in Russia was conquested and colonized
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:33:48 #355 №89180118 
This is fact, that such Union will be. It's just a question of time.
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 16:35:15 #356 №89180216 

You know what I meant. I meant that there is a big conflict of interests and detachment between most European countries and Russia.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:36:14 #357 №89180287 
We love here Sienkiewicz
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:36:18 #358 №89180291 
LOL, Ukraine thought, that they are the bridge. And where are they? The bridge is broken. You must be united, nobody will try to conquare you, but be friends with Russia and don't do any shit like posing tanks or saying something about rockets, nuclear weapon etc. We don't like such shit.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:38:21 #359 №89180455 
REAL IS 300-400
litva-kun who moved to moscow
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:38:27 #360 №89180466 
Only geographically. In the cultural and mental attitude of the Russian does not have any relation to Europe.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:39:12 #361 №89180516 
>>89180455 -> >>89175523
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:39:29 #362 №89180539 
lol, Russia can't into any unions, where it will be not a major.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:39:40 #363 №89180559 
OP, which language should I speak if I go to Poland. Will Poles understand better English or Russian?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:40:12 #364 №89180595 
Read some books, man. Russia together with France and Germany created the whole european culture.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:40:58 #365 №89180655 
Мод, перенеси тред в порашу. Он протух.
Лучше бы мы дальше мультики обсуждали
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:41:35 #366 №89180703 

English in big cities, Russian in smaller towns.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:42:25 #367 №89180768 
What about Ukrainian?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:43:06 #368 №89180821 
ОП-пост был изначально о политике, маня.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:44:33 #369 №89180933 
Ну конечно, политопетух сразу видит свое.
Тащемта мы и литературу обсуждали
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 16:45:09 #370 №89180984 

That will be effectively the same as Russian. People will understand some words because they'll be similar to Polish.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:46:03 #371 №89181064 
Давай пообсуждаем литературу, пока ты не пошел делать уроки.
Читал "50 оттенков серого"?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:46:24 #372 №89181094 
>Read some books, man. Russia together with France and Germany created the whole european culture.
LOL. This is ridiculous. Russia has always been on the periphery of the entire human civilization. Her contribution to the culture europe minimal. Yes, and that may give Russia? The institution of slavery? And other inherent features?
sageАноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:48:26 #373 №89181245 
Нет, только Пауло Коэльо и Донцову
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 16:48:30 #374 №89181251 

I'll chip in and say Russia took French culture and made it better.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:48:47 #375 №89181276 
It isn't.
Russians wrote a shitton of really good books and music.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:49:18 #376 №89181315 
Actually, if you read Human Right Watch reports, you can see there, that slavery is very spread on the west. But I think, you even don't know about this organization.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:49:21 #377 №89181321 
Hi there.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:50:29 #378 №89181388 
Ох ебать, ну ты и лапоть.
Я Донцовой только костер на даче разжигал, не думал, что ее можно читать.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:54:04 #379 №89181668 
dooska desska
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:54:11 #380 №89181680 
>don't war us
Welcome 2 our SHALASHpolska kurwa
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 16:55:13 #381 №89181759 
I think thread is basically dead

I'll check back in around an hour

God bless you Russian friends. Please don't lyahiv rezaty
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:55:47 #382 №89181804 
Kakel, pls.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:56:21 #383 №89181853 
>Russia took French culture and made it better.
French culture has adopted only the top layer of the Russian society.
And to express it, and then only purely externally. They were like wild before the era of Peter I and the stragglers
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:56:33 #384 №89181871 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:57:02 #385 №89181903 
Why so much of your folk songs sound like military?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:57:58 #386 №89181960 
"day and night, with or without dogs"
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:58:17 #387 №89181984 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:59:16 #388 №89182056 
> nigger hunting license
Unlimited for 2 years plz.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 16:59:34 #389 №89182079 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:00:32 #390 №89182155 
>French culture has adopted only the top layer of the Russian society.
French culture of 19-18 century also existed only in the highest layers of French society.
A lot of French people weren't able to write and read
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:01:08 #391 №89182200 
Oh shit, only 5 days left.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:01:24 #392 №89182222 
dva chayu
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:02:11 #393 №89182289 
So what? It's about niggers. In Russia exploiting its own citizens. As I recall the west not exploited white.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:03:05 #394 №89182359 
Can you explain me, what's going on there?

Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:04:29 #395 №89182462 
If you dig into the biographies of famous Russians, then will that many of them were not Russian. Here for example Lermontov. By nationality he is Ukrainian.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:05:13 #396 №89182521 
I am russian, i graduated from the university, where studied without bribes, found a job using internet, not any relatives, and now collecting money for a flat. I used a free medicine when broke my leg. Am I exploited?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:06:01 #397 №89182588 
>By nationality he is Ukrainian.
Same slavic shit.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:06:10 #398 №89182603 
PROTOUKR you meant?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:07:15 #399 №89182680 
That time we all were russians. Even Shevchenko sold his paintings to tzar and drinked vodka with famous people in st petersburg. That's normal, nobody thought about dividing.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:07:16 #400 №89182682 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:07:23 #401 №89182694 
Uspokojtesj, bratushki, ego net v trede. Mozhno po-russki.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:07:39 #402 №89182719 
Lol. We are talking about the royal period of Russian history.
Аноним OP 24/03/15 Втр 17:08:56 #403 №89182798 

chochol getting kicked out of a bus in Poland, i don't know why because they're just cursing at each other.

Now I really have to go for like an hour and thread will probably be dead by then, so, niech bóg was błogosławi.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:10:19 #404 №89182900 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:10:40 #405 №89182919 
You said that in "Russia exploiting own citizens", it means now, this time.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:11:11 #406 №89182960 
А я понял - Пусть бог вас благословит! И тебя, пшечик!
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:11:36 #407 №89182988 
THis thread is always available here: http://arhivach.org/thread/72019/
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:11:48 #408 №89183000 
Пидораха, плиз.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:11:50 #409 №89183007 
What? Russian as a nation appeared exclusively in the era of Peter. Up to 16-century Russian no non-existent.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:12:56 #410 №89183097 
you have write "cockhole", not "chochol".
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:13:35 #411 №89183141 
Лол. Что плиз, болезный?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:15:10 #412 №89183250 
And Lermontov was after Peter
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:17:58 #413 №89183445 
hellou, ai am from turkey. du u have natashas hear?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:18:24 #414 №89183475 
natashas go with me tu turkey. i pey many.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:21:09 #415 №89183640 
Hey, OP what's ur favourite bord? Dont tell me abot 4chan
Im shure that u like playing CSgo
Whats ur atitutte to Ukrainians?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:22:02 #416 №89183699 
Tylko Polska ma prawo do dominacji wśród Słowian. W przeciwieństwie do Rosji - Tatarska córki.

Przez-Polak-z Gdańska
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:25:42 #417 №89183978 
Ты реальный поляк? В русский можешь? Распиши, что нужно для переезда к вам в Гданьск. Сам город охуенный, бывал там не раз, хочу жить в европах.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:31:36 #418 №89184371 
All this time Ukraine was under Russian domination. Ukrainian culture forcibly prohibited and subjected to repression, during the policy of forced Russification. About equal relationship do not could be and speeches.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:33:12 #419 №89184472 
> Ukraine
> Ukrainian culture
Tolsto, bljad
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:33:32 #420 №89184495 
Сука. Читаю тред и глаза вытекают. Этот особый стиль построения предложейний. Дух старой школы. Пидорах ни с кем не спутаешь. Почему так, посоны?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:33:54 #421 №89184513 
All ukrainian literature is about death, suffering and other rituals. They can't create something interesting.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:36:51 #422 №89184686 
Наверное потому что предложения строятся абсолютно по-разному в русском и английских языках?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:37:48 #423 №89184737 
Уебывай нахуй, шкура.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:44:51 #424 №89185184 
Вот тут два чаю. Я , блять, охуевал в школе от этого. Что не произведение - то мучения, страдания, сопли. Адская скука. Я понимаю, история такая, наш народ многое повидал и много натерпелся, но литература - это пиздец.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:46:16 #425 №89185277 
Иди литературу незалежнои почитай, маня
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:47:33 #426 №89185369 
Russia is rightful polish clay
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:48:31 #427 №89185428 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:51:02 #428 №89185594 
Vas ebet usa, vi dauni prosrali vsu svou istoriyu, kakoe nafig slowianskoe dominatorstwo, posmotri na svou derevnu psheklandskuju
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:51:31 #429 №89185623 
Я не смогу отличить англичанина от немца, француза или итальянца. Они все одинакого строят предложения, грамотно, их приятно читать. А от русского, который пытается корябать на ангельском, за версту тянет ватой. Я про это.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:52:23 #430 №89185675 
Читал. Выделю только Нестайко с его "Тореадорами...". А всякие Жадан и прочая херня - один мат, шлюхи, сопли и ненужная, неполезная информация.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:54:31 #431 №89185820 
Ну так германские языки же, что ты хочешь, дурак?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:54:41 #432 №89185831 
Лол, хотябы школьный курс украинскийоткрой
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:54:47 #433 №89185837 
Ну так германские языки же, что ты хочешь, дурак?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:55:21 #434 №89185870 
Герма́нские языки — ветвь индоевропейской семьи. Распространены на территории ряда стран Западной Европы (Великобритания, Германия, Австрия, Нидерланды, Бельгия, Швейцария, Люксембург, Швеция, Дания, Норвегия, Исландия, Лихтенштейн), Сев. Америки (США, Канада), юга Африки (ЮАР, Намибия), Азии (Индия), Австралии, Новой Зеландии

У них у всех одна языковая группа, у нас другая. Сечешь?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:56:18 #435 №89185928 
Агатка, съеби на хуй с моей борды.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:56:47 #436 №89185959 
Просто еблан хотел повыебываться, хули, молодое поколение имбецилов даже на харкачике (дураки и дороги)
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 17:57:47 #437 №89186035 
Бля, дебил что ли? Ты о незалежной говоришь - я имею ввиду после 91 года.
Школьный курс читал - одна херня, писали же выше на английском. Страдания, смерть, проклятия. Ничего созидательного, ничего светлого, никакой надежды. Все вокруг виноваты, все наебывают хохлов и они всегда вызывают жалость.
Это везде, что ни возьми. А, одно веселое вспомнил: "Кайдашева сім’я". Всё.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 18:02:06 #438 №89186339 
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 18:02:30 #439 №89186362 
I think Poland is cool. Actually I think Ukraine is nice either. I think it's fair for Crimea to be Russian, but looking at all this mess I would rather prefer it to stay Ukrainian. Let's all live in peace and drink vodka or whatever you drink in Poland.
St. Petersburg guy
PS Finns are nice too.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 18:02:50 #440 №89186384 
>goncharov dostoyevsky and tchaikovsky
Who all that people? Are they memes?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 18:05:09 #441 №89186541 
Но крым то никогда не хотел быть украинским, его никто не спрашивал когда лепил к украине.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 18:05:24 #442 №89186560 
Просто мамкины полиглоты уверены, что если пихать свои высеры в гугл транслейт, то европейцы сразу их поймут, зауважают и примут за своих. На форчане таких сразу в петухи определяют.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 18:07:17 #443 №89186697 
Ну человек не понимает русский и местные хотели подстроиться под него, чтобы ему было удобно. В чем проблема?
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 18:07:57 #444 №89186744 
Я знаю, я бывал там в студенчестве в конце 90х (я древний, да), и помню что тогда местные жители воспринимали своё украинство как какое-то временное недоразумение. Но блядь. Вот какого хуя они тогда этот вопрос не поднимали? А сейчас получилась хуйня из всего этого.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 18:09:43 #445 №89186874 
Они много вопросов поднимали, но их мало слушали, местная крымская рада была сильно ограничена в правах. В ответ из Киева постепенно отжимали земли в заповедниках.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 18:12:14 #446 №89187026 
Пиши в эпичном треде. Анонимность пиздец зашкаливает.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 18:15:38 #447 №89187268 
Вот ты и спалился, ОП.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 18:18:35 #448 №89187474 
Соси хуй гандон!!1
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 18:41:03 #449 №89189189 
sorry man but polyak cannot arguing about vodka
nobody though can but only russians
with all my respect lol
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 18:48:34 #450 №89189720 
Russia need no bridge for Europe.
Russia is Europe, and was it always. As well as Poland.
Western civilization impossible without Russians.
Just take it and many misunderstandings will gone.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 18:53:48 #451 №89190092 
I think he say so cuz he tasted some shit vodka like putinka, not elite one like beluga.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 18:57:07 #452 №89190324 
I know and it wasn't to you. You are nyasha, and it's a pity that you afraid us. We are good kindly teddybears for those who don't attacks as. See our history, all our wars were defensive. And even in Prague and Warsaw in 50-60ths we didn't fire, but East Germans.

Even with Poland our wars were defensive, first you fucked us as a puppets and sat in our throne, then we punished you for a centuries. Maybe today it's a good time to stop past fears and look eyes to eyes w/out agressy

And of course "Four panzers an dog", DZHESHCHI NESPOKOYNY!!!! POKORMILI PSA!!! And fuck armija krajova.
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 19:19:43 #453 №89191840 
МММ, ты о весёлом. Просто нейтрального тоже много. Это есть взаимонедопонимание
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 19:22:20 #454 №89191998 
>lyahiv rezaty
It's ukrainian, not Russian )
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 19:24:11 #455 №89192095 
HA HA HA HA HA his grands were SCOTH but in times of Lermontov there WEREN'T "ukrainians"
Аноним 24/03/15 Втр 20:13:03 #456 №89195531 
After a nap I'm back ITT. And it's still alive. Wow.
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