24 декабря 2023 г. Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна. Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 03:50:56 #1 №8484323 
It's pretty apparent that we are officially part of a new "Cold War" if that's what you wanna call it.

But thanks to the internet I can actually discuss what is happening with our "enemy"(whatever man), and we can talk to the good people in Europe too(please join discussion), and we can discuss what is happening.

I welcome all Russian people to come and discuss what is happening with us. How you feel, what you think, your complaints.

As an American(and being clumped in with the Millenials, despite being born in 95)

I never felt any malice towards Russians growing up, I always thought of them as pretty cool people who we had a lot of strife with in the past.

I watched Paul McCartney's concert in Moscow, I thought that was awesome. I'm pretty sure, as citizens, most of us would just like to be friends with you and it'd be nice if we could just continue to share our music and culture.

Before things got so intense. American High Schoolers would talk about how cool Russians are( I was one of them), and how we wished we could be as badass as Russians are. Because Russians do awesome shit, like drive tanks and wrestle bears and have beards, get bitches and drink vodka and shit. Fucking cool.

Now we're just worried, because now there is actual conflict going on.

We don't hate you, we don't have any issues with you, we don't think you want this, and we don't think you really hate us. I remember watching Enemy at the Gates, I thought about how cool it would be to be a Russian Sniper, fighting in Stalingrad. I was taught by my Dad that we could have never beaten the Nazi's without the Russians.

As people, can't we just, be friends?
I can't think of -any- American that wants another cold war. None of us do, and most of us hold very little bitterness against any of you.

What say you, People of Russia?
Аноним ID: Хаттаб Исаевич 05/04/15 Вск 04:09:03 #2 №8484395 
Russia is third lvl country. There is no more war. Nobody will rekt your ass m8. Dude, stop watching shit from tv, try not "eat" information garbage.
Покормил Хохла своим летс спик фром май хартом
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 04:11:59 #3 №8484400 

Is that really the case? I hope so.

Meanwhile, Europe seems to be panicking.
You guys got us in a moral dilemma with Ukraine.

Putin says he could take Poland if he wanted to. Mmmmm, things seem tense bud.
Аноним ID: Юлиан Серафимович 05/04/15 Вск 04:15:36 #4 №8484410 
Look at this, imagine how your guts shaking under it's wheels
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 04:17:39 #5 №8484414 

Da fuck did I just watch?
Аноним ID: Путимир Эдуардович 05/04/15 Вск 04:19:33 #6 №8484420 
Prove u r murrican or gfto.
Take a picture of a socket on a wall, then we talk.
Аноним ID: Константин Климентович  05/04/15 Вск 04:20:10 #7 №8484422 
they're hella tense. As a Russian living in the US, if the shit hits the fan, I'm joining the army and go fight Putin and his goons. I know what it means to live under the Russian rule, it's no fun. Until then, I'm minding my own business, support Ukraine when I can, and monitor the situation. For whatever reason Putin and his aides are doing it - they're doing, they're not stopping, there's clearly going to be more fighting pretty soon and no one knows when and where it stops. One thing about war is that it's easy to start and hard to stop. We'll see I guess.
Аноним ID: Юлиан Серафимович 05/04/15 Вск 04:22:09 #8 №8484430 
Stop take the most shallow level of news. Russia is experiencing a financial crisis now, some unsolved accumulating national problems, and mr Putin isn't the only one powerholder here. Oligarhic elite just won't let something like war in Europe to happend.
Аноним ID: Градомил  Радиевич 05/04/15 Вск 04:23:33 #9 №8484435 
>a Russian living in the US
Coincidence? I don't think so!
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 04:23:43 #10 №8484436 

You don't have electrical sockets?
Аноним ID: Юлиан Серафимович 05/04/15 Вск 04:24:57 #11 №8484439 
Some news for domestic consumption. "Russia strong".
Аноним ID: Марк Нилович 05/04/15 Вск 04:26:20 #12 №8484444 
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 04:31:35 #13 №8484457 

I'm not gonna feed your fetish for electrical sockets.

Buuuut. I can give you this.

It's where I come from.
Аноним ID: Путимир Эдуардович 05/04/15 Вск 04:32:33 #14 №8484460 
We have different ones.
This is an easy way to prove your location.
Saying it again: proof or GFTO.
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 04:33:06 #15 №8484462 

Аноним ID: Хаттаб Исаевич 05/04/15 Вск 04:34:51 #16 №8484471 
And, dude, russian is faggots like poland guys.
Аноним ID: Градомил  Радиевич 05/04/15 Вск 04:38:27 #17 №8484482 
So, you choose to GFTO?
Аноним ID: Мокий Серафимович 05/04/15 Вск 04:38:54 #18 №8484484 
You are overestimating them. They are merely a kind of talking monkeys.
Аноним ID: Давуд Мордэхайьевич 05/04/15 Вск 04:39:46 #19 №8484487 
Боже храни Америку,
Чо тут?переводчик сломался
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 04:40:02 #20 №8484488 

Okay faggots. Enjoy your fetish
Аноним ID: Путимир Эдуардович 05/04/15 Вск 04:40:58 #21 №8484491 
Tnx, fapped suddenly.
Аноним ID: Градомил  Радиевич 05/04/15 Вск 04:41:43 #22 №8484497 
Every decent man must speak English (as it is an international language now).
Thanks, 10/10 would bang.
Аноним ID: Мубарак Иосифович  05/04/15 Вск 04:42:40 #23 №8484501 
All Americans are immoral homo-caring pigs who hate Russia for being strong, traditionally corrupt repressive and independent.
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 04:45:10 #24 №8484510 

>My post is about how I think Russians are badass
>All Americans are homofags who hate Russia

Whatchu smokin?
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 04:47:28 #25 №8484517 

You don't need to speak English, don't listen to them.

Only reason I would learn another language is to talk to foreign women....and you guys, you got the most beautiful women.

If Murica had slavic women up here......I would be very happy.
Аноним ID: Градомил  Радиевич 05/04/15 Вск 04:50:01 #26 №8484523 
As if there isn't enough slavic women in Murrica. Have you been in the streets lately?
Аноним ID: Марк Нилович 05/04/15 Вск 04:51:26 #27 №8484526 
>Only reason I would learn another language is to talk to foreign women
Typical bioproblem cocksucker.
Аноним ID: Аскольд Ефимович  05/04/15 Вск 04:51:43 #28 №8484527 
Всё вроде чётко, но вот что-то меня смущает в манере построения предложений - блябуду, живые люди так не говорят

Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 04:52:20 #29 №8484529 

....Yea....I know.

But I mean, why can't they be...I dunno...less slutty too?

Why must it be like this?
Аноним ID: Давуд Мордэхайьевич 05/04/15 Вск 04:53:08 #30 №8484531 
American terrible?
Аноним ID: Мубарак Иосифович  05/04/15 Вск 04:56:35 #31 №8484538 
You're an NSA spy tryin' to seduce young brains of Russisches Reich.
Nthing personal, but as a member of western so-called 'civilization' you're a natural enemy of every Russian. You must accept our values and our citizenship (optionally) to prove that you're no menace for our Great Anti-Fascist Empire. Only accepting the value of State as the highest one, and denying so-called 'rights' will make you really friendly to us. Otherwise you're a menace by your very existence.
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 04:57:24 #32 №8484542 

No no no, they aren't terrible.

Sure...we have our feminists and whatever. But we have a lot of pretty girls.

I just...personally...have always had a thing for slavic girls. I fell in love with a Czech girl once. She...was unfortunately a bit of a hedonist though...yea...no morals. I dunno



Gib Snowden pls
Аноним ID: Созонт Абрамович  05/04/15 Вск 04:57:54 #33 №8484546 
> As people, can't we just, be friends?
We all secretly love you, just let the 40+ y/o ex-commies die out.
Аноним ID: Юлиан Серафимович 05/04/15 Вск 04:58:25 #34 №8484548 
Да и похер. Тру муриканец он или прокси сосед, на нулевой сейчас треды тупее есть.
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 04:59:04 #35 №8484552 

...We...we love you too.
Аноним ID: Мубарак Иосифович  05/04/15 Вск 04:59:52 #36 №8484554 
>Gib Snowden pls

Disband NATO pls.
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 05:00:55 #37 №8484557 

>Disband NATO pls

Join NATO pls.
Аноним ID: Градомил  Радиевич 05/04/15 Вск 05:02:44 #38 №8484562 
Good plan: join NATO, take the lead of it, and disband it. Mission accepted.
Аноним ID: Ярослав Ибрахимович 05/04/15 Вск 05:03:10 #39 №8484565 
There's no any conflict between our countries. Last elections ruler party (Ex-CP) were pretty fuck'd up, so to improve their support they started to looking for inside and outside threats.
Actually, great part of party elite kids moved to first world countries. While you holding they, there never be serious misunderstanding between us.
Аноним ID: Юлиан Серафимович 05/04/15 Вск 05:03:29 #40 №8484566 
Russian warlock making a special voodoo ritual against reptiloids
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 05:04:09 #41 №8484569 

Do most Russians share your views on this?
Аноним ID: Мубарак Иосифович  05/04/15 Вск 05:04:24 #42 №8484570 
No. NATO is US puppets club.
You join CSTO or CIS.
Аноним ID: Мубарак Иосифович  05/04/15 Вск 05:05:59 #43 №8484575 
Most Russians believe TV.They would start banging each other with steel tubes if TV told them so.
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 05:06:45 #44 №8484580 

I just want to have a cold beer with you guys.


So...basically...they hate us?
Аноним ID: Светозар Латифович 05/04/15 Вск 05:07:49 #45 №8484583 
Do you sosesh hui?
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 05:08:30 #46 №8484584 

Wait, do you really think I'm a shill?
Аноним ID: Мубарак Иосифович  05/04/15 Вск 05:08:38 #47 №8484585 
Yup. Weimarer syndrome. They can't accept that USSR lost cold war, coz it was their Patria.
Аноним ID: Юлиан Серафимович 05/04/15 Вск 05:09:31 #48 №8484589 
No, every uneducated or poor asshole hates Americans. You have destroyed the Soviet Union, you do not give Russia to bloom, to get up from its knees, and murrica hunts children around the world. Approximate picture. These alcoholics struggle against US imperialism every day without getting up from the couch, and you do not even notice?)
Аноним ID: Олег Мартимьянович  05/04/15 Вск 05:10:08 #49 №8484591 
>we wished we could be as badass as Russians are. Because Russians do awesome shit, like drive tanks and wrestle bears and have beards, get bitches and drink vodka and shit. Fucking cool.

Pls, stop watch RT.
We are in DEEP SHIT with wage ~300$ per month.
Аноним ID: Созонт Абрамович  05/04/15 Вск 05:10:47 #50 №8484592 
>with wage ~300$ per month.
Middle class pleb problems.
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 05:11:18 #51 №8484593 

But... we don't hate you. We love you.

We all fuckin love you.
Аноним ID: Чагатай Ахмедович  05/04/15 Вск 05:11:55 #52 №8484597 
Prepare your ass for multipolar world, bitch.

Never watch TV
Аноним ID: Градомил  Радиевич 05/04/15 Вск 05:12:03 #53 №8484598 
Everyone? I can't believe it. Impossible.
Аноним ID: Олег Мартимьянович  05/04/15 Вск 05:12:54 #54 №8484601 
It's really good money here, only 10-15% get more that 1000$ per month.
Аноним ID: Мубарак Иосифович  05/04/15 Вск 05:14:19 #55 №8484606 
>We are in DEEP SHIT
BTW sad truth. State institutions are totally corrupted, it's not a fact that Russia will make it through the 3-5 years. People don't believe in anything about state institutions, they put all their faith in Putin, and when they'll stop denying the truth and see their last hope betrayed them and sucked country dry, Russian can be no more.
Аноним ID: Давуд Мордэхайьевич 05/04/15 Вск 05:14:32 #56 №8484607 
I love usa
US best country in the world
Аноним ID: Яромир Федосович  05/04/15 Вск 05:15:49 #57 №8484610 
Русского мира тред?
Аноним ID: Юлиан Серафимович 05/04/15 Вск 05:16:01 #58 №8484612 
And the most cheap and unforgivable - you stole our victory in World War II, by editing history. My grandpa always get rage about that topic.
Аноним ID: Созонт Абрамович  05/04/15 Вск 05:16:02 #59 №8484613 
See >>8484566 webm, all protesters are old farts. Tell your friends that all Russians are cool hip dudes oppressed by the elderly!
Аноним ID: Ярослав Ибрахимович 05/04/15 Вск 05:16:52 #60 №8484616 
At least 30% of population in opposition, so it's pretty big part of us. Here, on 2ch, it's over 70% I guess. It's depending on where people reading news.
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 05:17:19 #61 №8484617 

Pretty much everyone dude, even most of the older people.

1960s during the Cold War was when we had our Hippy/Peace Revolution/Sexual Revolution. Everyone hated the Vietnam War, we hated the Draft, we hated it all.

So they protested against it, and most people in their 40s and 50s now don't have any problem with Russia, they actually have a problem with our Government, and aren't so trusting of our own Government.

Most kids in High School grew up learning about this, and we learned about the Cold War, but we didn't care and we thought Russia was cool anyway. Because there honestly is a lot that is awesome about you.



I believe you.
Аноним ID: Мубарак Иосифович  05/04/15 Вск 05:17:48 #62 №8484618 
See: USA destroyed USSR, Russians put their trust in USA, Russians didn't become prosperous (they were never used to work for prosperity), Russians blame USA and western ideology for losing their strenght and importance (which they connect with USSR ideology of State-above-all).
Аноним ID: Путимир Эдуардович 05/04/15 Вск 05:17:52 #63 №8484620 

Ok, let's talk now.
Yes, it is better to be friends and avoid war at all costs and so on, and every conscious man would agree with that.

But politicians are playing their own game. Basically, US are expanding NATO to the east, and Russia tries to create a buffer zone on the border, hence the conflict in the Ukraine. Such buffer zones were common practice back then in the era of the USSR. This is a natural scenario for big competing countries like Russia and US, so I believe we can't avoid this shit. I think we will get another cold war soon. It will be not as tight as it was back then, but still nasty.

A sign of this is the militarization happening here right now. A lot of propaganda is done by the government. They are cultivating patriotism and anti-US moods. Many people really gone crazy over the last year here, they became very agressive against the US.

It is hard to believe, but many people here are actually support the conflict with US. Basically they blame US and would like it to be punished. Some people even call to launch missles and thus solve the problem. Mostly, this is a result of the propaganda.

But don't worry, politicians are not that dumb. I don't believe in a direct military conflict between Russia and US. Perhaps an economic and/or informational war. You personally will not even feel it too much, because Russia depends on US much more than US depends on Russia, so we are ones who will suffer. And I think the militarization is just a preparation for these events.

Ok, I'm done. Ask your questions.
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 05:21:46 #64 №8484633 

>Politicians are playing their own game.

I agree.

>Most people here actually support the conflict with the US


>Would like it to be punished

I don't want punish.

>Launch missles and solve the problem

Pls no

>Result of the propaganda

Please let me talk to every single one of you, one at a time. I will take the time to do it. Pls.

>You won't feel it that much.

I feel the pain in my heart man. I feel the love being drained!!

Do you have any clue how much we love you, just based on Natalia?

Аноним ID: Яромир Федосович  05/04/15 Вск 05:21:58 #65 №8484634 
>all Russians are cool hip dudes oppressed by the elderly!
Ох вау.
Аноним ID: Юлиан Серафимович 05/04/15 Вск 05:24:29 #66 №8484643 
Аноним ID: Мэир Святополкович  05/04/15 Вск 05:24:53 #67 №8484645 
we can be friends but it depends
now fuck off (at least until you unban all teh drugs you made illegal & you spread your petty will over the entire globe on this issue. not you personally, but allow me to hold you responsible as a citizen of your country - you know there're not all profits, but responsibilities as well)
Аноним ID: Яромир Федосович  05/04/15 Вск 05:25:39 #68 №8484647 
я, блядь, хуею
Аноним ID: Ярослав Ибрахимович 05/04/15 Вск 05:27:11 #69 №8484651 
Poklonskaya is a Putin slut and will be hanging on a tree when non-system opposition takes place
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 05:28:13 #70 №8484656 

My argument here is, even though our politicians are being fucking assholes. If we can somehow, bring a connection between us. Maybe somehow it can be understood that we, as people, don't hate each other.

I know that the American people are reachable when it comes to this. At the very worst we're scared that there's going to be a War, or an escalating conflict.

Maybe, if we work together somehow we can have our voices be heard on some level. United in the idea that we don't want to be fighting each other. Done in a way that scolds both of our politicians for their flaws, and also uplifts the people.

Would that be such an impossible thing to do?
Аноним ID: Созонт Абрамович  05/04/15 Вск 05:29:43 #71 №8484660 
> elderly
> some old timer on the pics
Thank you for proving my point.
Аноним ID: Марлен Эмилиевич 05/04/15 Вск 05:29:54 #72 №8484661 
>Pls, stop watch RT.
Plz, don't read /po/ and read some esle.

Аноним ID: Яромир Федосович  05/04/15 Вск 05:31:52 #73 №8484669 
Zalupka, pls
Аноним ID: Яромир Федосович  05/04/15 Вск 05:34:51 #74 №8484674 
Кстати, пиндосы про наши блохастые скрепы в курсе?
Чо говорят?
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 05:35:15 #75 №8484676 

Hey, this is where I came from originally.

Maybe this will help you guys see that I'm not from the NSA or some bullshit like that? I dunno.

Аноним ID: Созонт Абрамович  05/04/15 Вск 05:35:50 #76 №8484678 
Yes, I am all attention.
Аноним ID: Ярослав Болеславович  05/04/15 Вск 05:37:16 #77 №8484682 
>that second video

why are you russians so gay?
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 05:38:14 #78 №8484683 

C'mon man, be nice.
Аноним ID: Мокий Серафимович 05/04/15 Вск 05:38:56 #79 №8484684 
OP isn't real American, move along gents.
Аноним ID: Путимир Эдуардович 05/04/15 Вск 05:38:59 #80 №8484685 
You think it is easy to agree to not fight with each other? You know what happened to people who did that in the past? They were killed. If you don't attack, your friend will as soon as you turn your back on him. An alliance is not possible between two big and strong countries. An alliance is always is a union of a strong and a weak companion. Big and strong countries don't make alliances, they compete with each other.

This is not about concrete people. Me and you can agree and love each other and have fun and so on and so forth, but there always will be another people who need war. This is an essence of the humanity. We did this shit for millions for years, so we are doing it now by the force of habit.
Аноним ID: Яромир Федосович  05/04/15 Вск 05:39:07 #81 №8484686 
Аноним ID: Мэир Святополкович  05/04/15 Вск 05:42:07 #82 №8484697 
So what do you want me personally to do? I make my part of job here to avoid the conflict, you make yours whatever it could be. Peace (as a command: seize beating shit out of each-other and take a leak)
Аноним ID: Ярослав Болеславович  05/04/15 Вск 05:42:27 #83 №8484698 
I am though. And I'm ready for the war. Do most of you support Novorossiya?
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 05:42:28 #84 №8484699 

I don't think it's easy, but it's worth a try.

If we as people decide to speak out in some form, I don't know how we would do it, but we could have our voice be heard.

Maybe we could do it anonymously, through 4chan and here in Dvach. We could do it anonymously and it would have at least SOME impact. We should -try-.

I know a lot of people would shitpost in 4chan, but a lot of people would help with the movement, and in other places. It could spread through all sorts of social media.

We could actually do something if you guys would actually believe I'm not from the NSA.

Look at the 4chan thread I posted. We. Do. Not. Hate. You.

We actually give a shit. We're not what the propaganda says we are. We actually would really like to just cuddle you. I'm serious.
Аноним ID: Ярослав Болеславович  05/04/15 Вск 05:43:53 #85 №8484701 
C'mon man, don't be a fag enabler.
Аноним ID: Мэир Святополкович  05/04/15 Вск 05:43:58 #86 №8484702 
then indeed you shall die, fucking stupid rwatnik do you consider yourself stronger than australia? fucking moron
Аноним ID: Путимир Эдуардович 05/04/15 Вск 05:44:52 #87 №8484705 
Any attempts are futile. Governments Governments have many orders of magnitude more resources. We can't beat them even if we co-operate.
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 05:46:53 #88 №8484711 

It's not about a violent protest. It's about peacefully protesting.

Don't do it like the pussy riot you faggots.

We do it rationally. We get the word out. We tell people. We start a movement all on our own anonymously, in a way where no one reveals themselves, and yet, we know it's Russians and Americans together who are against this BULLSHIT
Аноним ID: Лавр Никандрович 05/04/15 Вск 05:47:10 #89 №8484712 
Революционный способ ддоса харкача
1) Качаем жирную вебмку, можно цп
2) Постим по 4 вебм в вебм тредах, на мелкодосках
3) ??????
4) Мартыха ахуевает от траффика и вешается. Сервак ложится под натиском вебм. Постите в разных тредах, тогда мартышке будет сложнее вас вычислить и возможно удалить все видео. Метод работает моча понизила максимальную скорость загрузки искусственно.
Еще один способ
1) Берем вебм на 99гб
2) Пытаемся залить ее все вместе
3) ????
4) сосака ложится под вайпом. Этот способ не проверен, возможно сам процесс загрузки вебм не сильно нагружает сервер

пошли тестить прямо ИТТ!
Аноним ID: Мэир Святополкович  05/04/15 Вск 05:47:16 #90 №8484713 
wtf are you saying? we have a totalitarian government here & your duty is to smash it out. on the other hand you have a totalitarian government & our duty is to fuck it up. so let's help each-other, let's wipe stupid fucking people off the land. just joking. i actually think we should avoid their orders, drown their children & smoke pot chatting in our private bunkers
Аноним ID: Мокий Серафимович 05/04/15 Вск 05:47:27 #91 №8484715 
None of me and I don't care much to estimate other's support.
Аноним ID: Яромир Федосович  05/04/15 Вск 05:47:51 #92 №8484716 
А савушкам, которые могут в конверсейшн с пиндосами сколько платят? 30 рублей, небось?
Аноним ID: Путимир Эдуардович 05/04/15 Вск 05:47:56 #93 №8484717 
You are so naive. Are you a fag?
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 05:48:39 #94 №8484722 

How am I naive.

This has worked before in history. But it only works with people who will actually try.
Аноним ID: Ярослав Болеславович  05/04/15 Вск 05:49:48 #95 №8484725 
by ballot of bullet. the only effective way to change is through violence. that's what history shows. faggot
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 05:50:22 #96 №8484727 

Am I actually the only legitimate American posting here?
Аноним ID: Путимир Эдуардович 05/04/15 Вск 05:50:38 #97 №8484729 
Billions of people were killed during revolutions. This is how it was worked before in the history.
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 05:51:55 #98 №8484730 

Yea in Russian History.

Because you guys always charged into fights. I'm not saying you should go attack the people or shout in the streets.

I'm not saying we should start a revolution. I'm saying we use the internet, we use social media, and we do it anonymously. Silently.
Аноним ID: Мокий Серафимович 05/04/15 Вск 05:52:58 #99 №8484733 
> Billions of people
LOL. As I said >>8484484

Аноним ID: Ярослав Болеславович  05/04/15 Вск 05:53:43 #100 №8484734 
I just posted a picture of me infront of a USMC and afghan flag, with a platecarrier with a II MEF fwd patch and holding freedom. I am american as fuck. Quit trying to make friends. Hugs won't stop the war. East and West cannot be friends. One must beat the other into submission.
Аноним ID: Путимир Эдуардович 05/04/15 Вск 05:54:09 #101 №8484737 
> Yea in Russian History.
In any country. Did you learn anything about the Civil War in the school?
Аноним ID: Яромир Федосович  05/04/15 Вск 05:54:13 #102 №8484738 
Ну что же вы.
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 05:55:05 #103 №8484739 

You guys are so violent.

What we can do, is we can let people know, that Americans and Russians don't want to fight each other. Let it become sensationally aware to people, that it's not something we want. It's not some huge revolution.


>In any country

Do you remember that Gandhi defeated the British Empire, without raising his hand in violence? How did they do that? Did they attack people?
Аноним ID: Эхуд Иакимович  05/04/15 Вск 05:55:18 #104 №8484740 
Take me out of here, please, I beg you.
Аноним ID: Юлиан Серафимович 05/04/15 Вск 05:56:42 #105 №8484743 
Спамлист ебанутый конечно
Аноним ID: Путимир Эдуардович 05/04/15 Вск 05:56:52 #106 №8484744 

> What we can do, is we can let people know, that Americans and Russians don't want to fight each other.
That would not work. At least with Russians, kek. Believe me, I'm living in this country.
Аноним ID: Яромир Федосович  05/04/15 Вск 05:57:42 #107 №8484745 
Какая блядь война, ебланы, чо вы несете.
У нас экономика в такой жопе, что не выдержит и недели конфликта.
Какие блядь пиндосы, какая нахуй дружба, какой колд вар сука, кретины, нам внутри страны говно разгребать надо, хуле ж вы опять за океан лезете.
Короче, обоссал всех итт.
Аноним ID: Ярослав Болеславович  05/04/15 Вск 05:58:02 #108 №8484747 
Do you know why there are so few pacifist left in the world? The carnivores kill them all. Quit endorsing a weak ideology. Two cultures simply cannot exist peacefully side by side.
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 05:58:22 #109 №8484748 

It would help. I know these things seem like brick walls. But it does help.
Аноним ID: Юлиан Серафимович 05/04/15 Вск 05:58:52 #110 №8484749 
Don't you think it was that simple?
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 05:59:56 #111 №8484752 

>I am Edgelord, carnivore of Murica

Stahp it.


Gandhi is an example I used to tell you, that it's actually possible to change things without violence.

I'm saying we do this anonymously.
Аноним ID: Светозар Джамальевич 05/04/15 Вск 06:01:23 #112 №8484758 

>NATO is US puppets club.
obviously. just get down there and service our BBC already like the rest of the world
Аноним ID: Мэир Святополкович  05/04/15 Вск 06:02:27 #113 №8484761 
> У нас экономика
лол, этот поехал какая экономика? у нас всё на духовности держится. ДАДИМ ПАСАСАТЬ (это бездуховные за ништяки воюют, а мы чай не цыганы какие, играем на интерес: интересно же как мюриканский танк в нашем болоте булькнет
Аноним ID: Ярослав Болеславович  05/04/15 Вск 06:05:17 #114 №8484772 
>I am faggot, diplomat of peace

Stop it.

You are an embarrassment to 'merica. Your peacenik attitude is why I had to come all the way to dvach to shitpost. You will not win these slavs over. You cannot win your own countrymen over. This war is 60 years in the making. Be a patriot and prepare. Don't you want america to take it's rightful place as lord high master of all other countries?
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 06:09:13 #115 №8484783 

and rule through the sheer power of our cuckery?

Only you want that.
Аноним ID: Мэир Святополкович  05/04/15 Вск 06:10:31 #116 №8484787 
are you homophobic because you want to suck a cock but your father wouldn't approve? any other way why would you care
Аноним ID: Марк Нилович 05/04/15 Вск 06:11:10 #117 №8484789 
There is a great plan to overcome the entire world. The weakness on those little funny videos is just a distraction. Want to destroy an emeny? Make him think that you're weak, lure them into bad position and destroy. Have you read Sun Tsu? I read that shit. This guy was a genious. Slly Murricand don't understand shit until the last strike. And that strike will be tremendous, and will lay doom on Russia's ememies.
Аноним ID: Ярослав Болеславович  05/04/15 Вск 06:12:40 #118 №8484792 
I'm a vet and want to stay shap. If I wanted some trigger time, (maybe a six month deployment) and I care much for the politics of it, should I go to ukraine to fight? If so, which side do you suggest? I'm not a fan of either the EUSSR or Russia.
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 06:13:07 #119 №8484794 

But....not want to be enemies.

We want to pay you much money and visit your cities. Tourism and stuff.
Аноним ID: Мэир Святополкович  05/04/15 Вск 06:14:05 #120 №8484795 
no you don't
Аноним ID: Марк Нилович 05/04/15 Вск 06:15:41 #121 №8484796 
Go rogue, that's much funnier.
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 06:15:57 #122 №8484798 

What do you think I am exactly?
Аноним ID: Мэир Святополкович  05/04/15 Вск 06:16:00 #123 №8484799 
go fight dumbai
Аноним ID: Ярослав Болеславович  05/04/15 Вск 06:16:40 #124 №8484800 
No, I OD'd once on two much cock, and I'm trying to save you from the same sad fate.

It's working so far. We own nearly the whole world, and anywhere we don't we just color revolution it, or create some pretext to invade. Russia and china is the only big guy left.
Аноним ID: Мэир Святополкович  05/04/15 Вск 06:17:48 #125 №8484803 
Well, if you're a drunkard maybe you do. It's okay to throw up in the streets here (it doesn't make much difference anyway - and first i wondered now i start suspecting that's the reason they made it this way in the first place)
But legalize my weed first (or i'll lam you up)
Аноним ID: Фёдор Будурович 05/04/15 Вск 06:19:28 #126 №8484808 DELETED
Революционный способ ддоса харкача
1) Качаем жирную вебмку, можно цп
2) Постим по 4 вебм в вебм тредах, на мелкодосках
3) ??????
4) Мартыха ахуевает от траффика и вешается. Сервак ложится под натиском вебм. Постите в разных тредах, тогда мартышке будет сложнее вас вычислить и возможно удалить все видео. Метод работает моча понизила максимальную скорость загрузки искусственно.
Еще один способ
1) Берем вебм на 99гб
2) Пытаемся залить ее все вместе
3) ????
4) сосака ложится под вайпом. Этот способ не проверен, возможно сам процесс загрузки вебм не сильно нагружает сервер

пошли тестить прямо ИТТ! Отомстим абу за рекламму в параши!
Аноним ID: Ярослав Болеславович  05/04/15 Вск 06:19:52 #127 №8484809 
would it be easier to commit war crimes under the rebs or the ukrainian-jewish-nazi punnishment battalions i hear about but never see?

No, I had to deal with the Pashto, and I want no part of fighting with or against desert people.
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 06:20:53 #128 №8484815 

You guys should really come visit the 4chan thread and watch us argue about why you guys won't let us try to be friends.
Аноним ID: Мэир Святополкович  05/04/15 Вск 06:23:06 #129 №8484819 
fukken coward, silly cow
Аноним ID: Ярослав Болеславович  05/04/15 Вск 06:23:11 #130 №8484821 
I won't let you either.
Аноним ID: Мирослав Полиевктович  05/04/15 Вск 06:23:22 #131 №8484824 
>new "Cold War"
>implying Russia is anywhere close to USSR's economic power
Keks, all Russia's industry is remnants of Soviet period. More so, more than half of it was destroyed during the 90es. Once needed in the West Soviet specialists now cannot be produced by Russia because of education system's degradation and population is fucking shrinking despite Third World-like healthcare, poverty and unemployment.
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 06:24:34 #132 №8484828 

It's not up to you faggot.



Come, join discussion with us in this thread: https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/43396848/itt-we-talk-about-russia
Аноним ID: Мэир Святополкович  05/04/15 Вск 06:24:38 #133 №8484829 
my provider banned images there (because our silly government told it to) - it's annoying to post in one tab & to watch images in another over an anonymizer
Аноним ID: Мэир Святополкович  05/04/15 Вск 06:25:48 #134 №8484832 
i don't think russian invasions are what they fancy there on 4chong
Аноним ID: Ярослав Болеславович  05/04/15 Вск 06:26:27 #135 №8484834 
kek. Not of fear of them, but disgust. I hate speaking with them. I hate their lies. It was an insult they were deemed equal enough to fight. I would rather fight men. I lack any respect for them. Plus I don't like brown women.
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 06:27:49 #136 №8484839 

No we really don't give a shit. Feel free to invade.

/pol/ has changed since the /pol/ocaust. We will talk to you
Аноним ID: Юлиан Серафимович 05/04/15 Вск 06:31:40 #137 №8484850 
>you guys won't let us try to be friends
Устал я писать на английском, всё равно его не знаю. Кароч, российская угроза, бомбы, летящие на вашингтон - всё это медийные фокусы уровня эболы, грозящей вот вот уничтожить человечество, оставив только Гослинга и МакКонахи возрождать человеческую расу. Всё это буллщит, менчик. В новостной реальности есть грозная Америка с Йоллоустоуном, который вот вот взорвётся, и поэтому вы хотите оккупировать Матушку-Россию, Америка, в которой детей в жопу ебут, Америка, которая не даёт с колен встать моей великой родине. А в реальности правительству очень удобно объяснять большинство своих неудач противостоянием штатам. Держать деньги на западе, жить там, отправлять детей учиться в ваших университетах и при этом кормить электорат несвежим говном. Если предельно упростить картину, о именно так и получается.
Аноним ID: Мэир Святополкович  05/04/15 Вск 06:31:43 #138 №8484851 
then send some drones there & fill their holes with concrete
(anyways the only reasonable explanation of brown meat export to europe - is to show europeans who those silly pacifists were protecting)
and i'm even not a hating type well maybe i am in the morning
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 06:32:36 #139 №8484853 

Ignore the edgelord pls.

He is troll here to annoy me specifically
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 06:35:26 #140 №8484861 

You think I'm blaming everything on you, that I want money? That it's about prosperity of my country and that it somehow makes me ignorant because I am not you.

I have been homeless, I know what it's like to be without money.

You think I am something that I am most certainly not.

Don't write in English then. But know that I am not what you think I am.
Аноним ID: Мэир Святополкович  05/04/15 Вск 06:36:20 #141 №8484864 
why does it annoy you if he's telling the truth? you faggots fight as often as uncle adolf testamented
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 06:37:16 #142 №8484867 

You're a fool if you really believe that's what most of us are.
Аноним ID: Ярослав Болеславович  05/04/15 Вск 06:38:56 #143 №8484873 
It hurts him because it is the truth. He is in denial, most likely because of a combination his sheltered life and the terrible leftist american school system.
Аноним ID: Юлиан Серафимович 05/04/15 Вск 06:39:24 #144 №8484876 
Не, я про тебя вообще ничего не писал. Я говорю о том, что тебе не стоит беспокоится о холодной войне, потому это медийная ерунда, и тебя не коснётся
А о деньгах - это про российские элиты.
Аноним ID: Мэир Святополкович  05/04/15 Вск 06:40:03 #145 №8484880 
the most of anybody is just a cattle, your government represents you and the most of you support whatever they do over taxes and shit

yet you know we love your culture (or else how would i speak your language & even bothered to response you anyway)
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 06:41:40 #146 №8484886 

I know it's about the elite. I know that's the cause of the problem.

But that's not the real issue is here.


No, I live here.

I know most people don't want conflict with Russia. Nobody wants it, and most people here don't hate you.

If you asked the majority of Americans here what they thought if it, they would say they were worried. But they wouldn't say much else.
Аноним ID: Мэир Святополкович  05/04/15 Вск 06:42:27 #147 №8484888 
our gov blocked 4chan even harder than before (even kaptcha doesn't appear)
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 06:43:03 #148 №8484891 

....trips of truth.

That sucks. I will post screencaps then.
Аноним ID: Мэир Святополкович  05/04/15 Вск 06:44:41 #149 №8484900 
did you read what i said? did you get it? what your people think is irrelevant. the most of them didn't support vietnam war, but it happened anyway. As long as we pay taxes - the wars will be out there & your consent isn't even needed.
Аноним ID: Ярослав Болеславович  05/04/15 Вск 06:46:54 #150 №8484909 
You neglect the fact that everybody loves a war. The old don't fight in it, so they vote yes. The women are unaffected, so they vote yes. The blacks and mexicans will vote for whatever the dems say to , and the repubs can't get a boner if there isn't an armed conflict currently ongoing. the only people who don't want war are the effeminate liberal hipster college age men this country is now infested with. The only reason they don't want war is fear of the draft. they are pussys. that is the entire resistance.
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 06:51:46 #151 №8484922 

Take it as you will.

The thread I have up is actually watching my conversation with you guys. It's actually really interesting.

Аноним ID: Мэир Святополкович  05/04/15 Вск 06:54:04 #152 №8484933 
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 06:55:09 #153 №8484939 
Аноним ID: Твердислав Проклович 05/04/15 Вск 06:56:50 #154 №8484940 
We can't be friends, because americans fat mentally deficient pigs.
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 06:58:22 #155 №8484944 

I'm the guy with the yellow dursophY ID by the way.
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 07:01:03 #156 №8484951 
Аноним ID: Ярослав Болеславович  05/04/15 Вск 07:03:41 #157 №8484960 
А после не пройти? как странно.

Когда война приходит к вам, я надеюсь, что вы бы стоять своих единоплеменников. И если бы вы, и ваш брат, и ваш сосед не будет, то в скором времени больше нет нейтральные. Вы просто не чувствуете войну так близко к вам отдых. Может быть, моя логика действительно калека, но я всегда чувствую в состоянии войны.

spam list?
Hold it! I'm not fat.
Аноним ID: Мэир Святополкович  05/04/15 Вск 07:03:53 #158 №8484961 
Are you trying to prove something with those scans (they are too boring to read, so i didn't)
If your point is americans don't want war - russians don't want war either, but does it ever matters
(so assassinate all the leaders of whoever or stop whining)
Аноним ID: Ярослав Болеславович  05/04/15 Вск 07:09:49 #159 №8484972 
Okay. I'm leaving. Go fuck yourself Gandhi. Go fuck yourself slavs.
Аноним ID: Хабиб Велимудрович 05/04/15 Вск 07:10:18 #160 №8484974 
Пидорахен, плз.
Несмотря на то, что структуры предложений у тебя более менее правильные, тебя выдает способ выражения мыслей и некоторые ошибки, связанные именно с "русским" способом мышления.
Аноним ID: Мэир Святополкович  05/04/15 Вск 07:11:33 #161 №8484977 
> А после не пройти? как странно.
some word is in the spamlist, trained monkeys who in charge on this board love to do nasty things like this for no good reason
You feel in the state of war because you're brainwashed. that's normal, take this stone.
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 07:13:11 #162 №8484983 

Thanks for working the disinfo angle.

Аноним ID: Данил Климович 05/04/15 Вск 07:43:40 #163 №8485056 
You're right. The most of people dont want the war between us "by default". War almost always means lower quality of life, losing dear ones, more restrictions and so on.
But! When someone ALREADY have pretty low life standards AND have constantly told "THEY are source of all your troubles, they are rich because you are poor" and so on - the hatred slowly accumulates in the most people who have only one information source.
How do you plan to convince them that they should "wake up"?
I heard about that trick that if you are constantly told about something, eventually you'll start pay more attention to it and value this opinion more (of course, if you dont have something that is opposite that opinion and you dont filter the incoming information).

BTW, I think that our govt would not take any serious military actions against the west because after this them and their children/grandchildren would not be able to spend their hard-theft money living in luxury there.
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 08:19:36 #164 №8485152 

The internet is literally your best tool to do this. Start a movement showing that you want peace with the west.

You will see a response of "We want peace with you too?" and "Why are we fighting"

It can gain ground in media, people will start paying attention to it. It can help.

We can actually
Аноним ID: Мэир Святополкович  05/04/15 Вск 08:30:06 #165 №8485182 
>"Why are we fighting"
because if people don't have an external enemy they will turn their raeg where it belongs - and that's what govn's don't want.
pretty obvious isn't it
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 08:31:59 #166 №8485192 

I think you're right there, and I came to that conclusion a while ago.

But I also think we could oppose it. Dvach itself could choose to make an outcry loud enough to get attention in the media, and it would spread to other places.
Аноним ID: Мэир Святополкович  05/04/15 Вск 08:39:27 #167 №8485215 
we do oppose it. ain't it obvious enough - but we're gonna die because of the fucked up overpopulation idea (though we don't even procreate properly - 'cause we don't want to create more units for moscovite state i guess) the overpopulation idea is as fucked-up as the london to be sinked in horse mung (that's what happens when people with big mouthes and lack of imagination have their say. too bad they have their do)
Аноним ID: Магомед Денисиевич  05/04/15 Вск 08:41:45 #168 №8485221 
Аноним ID: Данил Климович 05/04/15 Вск 08:45:44 #169 №8485236 
Sometimes I try to do this.

Also, do you have a fakemail? Post it, I'll write you - I hope it will be interesting to discuss about it after this tread will go to bumplimit or just will be drown.
BTW, md5 hash of my mail is 226aa3e39be7b85826e29d5fc072d826
Аноним ID: Батур Юлианович 05/04/15 Вск 08:49:50 #170 №8485251 
>can't we just, be friends?
Аноним ID: Батур Юлианович 05/04/15 Вск 08:52:36 #171 №8485259 
Аноним ID: Батур Юлианович 05/04/15 Вск 08:53:36 #172 №8485263 
Аноним ID: Парфений Созонтович 05/04/15 Вск 08:59:00 #173 №8485274 
Школьник, съеби
Аноним ID: Батур Юлианович 05/04/15 Вск 09:00:37 #174 №8485284 
fuk u cohkole
Аноним ID: Аверий Леонардович  05/04/15 Вск 09:00:38 #175 №8485285 
Зря ты разжигаешь.
Аноним ID: Мэир Святополкович  05/04/15 Вск 09:02:31 #176 №8485295 
ты же разумиэш нигер шо не знал бы никого из списка, коли бы тебе ни срали ими в башку на протяжении десяти лет или, в твоём случае, семи

алсо почти все креаклы в нашей сторони валят в столицу, потому что ненасытные москали всё замкнули на себя.
Аноним ID: Исаакий Лаврович  05/04/15 Вск 09:20:43 #177 №8485378 
>What say you, People of Russia?

Tu parles Français?
Аноним ID: Heaven 05/04/15 Вск 09:26:58 #178 №8485411 
Kuklojob, plz
Аноним ID: Константин Климентович  05/04/15 Вск 09:44:03 #179 №8485517 
The problem is that some Russians actually do want war, and so does their "leadership". They already annexed Crimea, and are waging a proxy war against Ukraine. I understand it that you may may have the best intention here, however the media in Russia are controlled by Kremlin, and your idea is going against the lies they've been feeding the Russian people. They won't let your voice be heard on any major media outlet. You can try to do something online though. I personally think that Putin and his gang should be all immediately arrested and tried in an international court of law. They started this war and they're continuing to wage it. While an average Russian may not want any war, the gang of criminals called their "government" very much does so.
Аноним ID: Ладислав Робертович 05/04/15 Вск 09:47:27 #180 №8485543 
Аноним ID: Данил Климович 05/04/15 Вск 09:58:41 #181 №8485620 
OP, are you still here?
Аноним ID: Федотий Осамович 05/04/15 Вск 09:59:23 #182 №8485625 
Sup Russiafags? Couple of questions:
Is your democracy a sham with Putin/his allies b whatever shady group pulling the strings? Or is that media spin?
Do you guys have controversies with your government collecting your meta data like we do after the whole Edward Snowden thing?
What is the quality of life like? I'm assuming you're like most 4chan users; 17-28, middle class, with some college education.
Elaborating further, what would you consider middle class? $40-$100k annual salary?
Is life there really much different from life anywhere else in Europe? My experiences have taught me that all of the developed world is pretty much the same, and I expect this is true of Russia.
How the fuck do you post a picture? I had a much longer post written up and it disappeared when the page reloaded because there wasn't enough memory our some shit.
Аноним ID: Велимир Обамович 05/04/15 Вск 10:02:15 #183 №8485640 
Поросенок пытается тралить, как мило.
Аноним ID: Унислав Лаврович  05/04/15 Вск 10:07:40 #184 №8485668 
OP, why do you, americans, linch niggers? WHY?! Stop it, srsly,
Аноним ID: Киприан Эмилиевич 05/04/15 Вск 10:08:18 #185 №8485673 
Please, ask the CIA to remove our President and his friends!
Аноним ID: Унислав Лаврович  05/04/15 Вск 10:11:30 #186 №8485699 
Аноним ID: Мокей Игнатиевич  05/04/15 Вск 10:15:37 #187 №8485717 


Аноним ID: Озбек Агапович 05/04/15 Вск 10:20:35 #188 №8485749 
Capitalist pig dogs have robots too, Alexi

Аноним ID: Heaven 05/04/15 Вск 10:56:04 #189 №8485964 
Sage Google Translate thread
Аноним ID: Heaven 05/04/15 Вск 10:56:48 #190 №8485972 
Damn. Come unstuck.
Аноним ID: Богумир  Константинович 05/04/15 Вск 12:09:26 #191 №8486600 

I saw the thread in the american politics board and can answer questions if you have them. Can't speak Russian though.
Аноним ID: Heaven 05/04/15 Вск 12:43:00 #192 №8486909 
>happening with
Аноним ID: Леонард Истиславович 05/04/15 Вск 14:26:25 #193 №8487775 
Аноны с 4chan, я что-то пропустил? Что они тут делают и каковы их цели
Аноним ID: Данил Климович 05/04/15 Вск 15:01:47 #194 №8488144 

Аноним ID: Мокий Силантиевич 05/04/15 Вск 15:06:27 #195 №8488201 
Good job, LIBERASHKA! Take your +7.5 and get outta here!
Аноним ID: Фирс Шаломович 05/04/15 Вск 15:12:11 #196 №8488252 
>What say you
Аноним ID: Зариф Яромирович 05/04/15 Вск 15:13:03 #197 №8488263 
I feel like I don't really care man. Well I mean, at least I don't live among niggers and asian-arabic-whatever immigrants.
Аноним ID: Данил Климович 05/04/15 Вск 15:46:14 #198 №8488650 
Though, you could live among immigrants from southern republics in Moskvabad.
Аноним ID: Мэир Святополкович  05/04/15 Вск 16:04:48 #199 №8488864 
>My experiences have taught me that all of the developed world is pretty much the same, and I expect this is true of Russia.
They don't call it "second world" war without a reason.
Аноним ID: Жирослав Фотиевич 05/04/15 Вск 16:23:49 #200 №8489089 
Ты свой госдолг вообще видел, поехавший?
Аноним ID: Мэир Святополкович  05/04/15 Вск 16:46:31 #201 №8489358 
have you? а ты? a tu?
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 17:56:57 #202 №8490004 

Yea I had to sleep.

Whats up?


Look at our history and we had a huge issue with that.

We hunt the people who do that now.


We, the people of the nations have to get our voices heard.

Аноним ID: Захарий Осамович 05/04/15 Вск 18:32:37 #203 №8490355 DELETED

Yes, I'd like to believe in what you say as I'd like it to be that way. However, reality suggests something quite different. It is obvious that americans still percieve us as rivals at best or simply as enemies at worst.

You can open any video on youtube which demonstrates russian arms just to see a huge shitstorm in comments. Take the 5th generation fighter for example and you will see tons of russia-hating commenters there saying what a crap it is. I don't know whether it really that crappy or not - what I see is pure hatred as it is.

I also see a lot of warmongering murrican idiots on the internet advocating a direct military conflict with russia on 4chan or youtube.

I also remember what one guy said about russians on krautchan. He said, I quote: "You can go outside and publicly say something like "fuck russians" and no one will butthurt. Put any other nation here and someone will 100% butthurt. The russians are the only exception." And again it in no way deviates from reality when one of your generals calls upon killing as many russians as possible on TV.

Personally, you may sincerely want to be friends with us, and I want to be it that way too. But you government does its best to make an enemy out of us. When you want to be friends with someone you do not go into their house and take a shit there and then blame your "friend" for it, and yet it is precisely what obongo has done in ukraine.

Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 18:34:41 #204 №8490378 

We have to get passed all that and actually work together.

What politicians and media say, is useless, if we actually step up and show our unity in this together.
Аноним ID: Порфирий Осамович 05/04/15 Вск 18:56:07 #205 №8490623 
V truhu when?
Аноним ID: Авдей Трифилиевич  05/04/15 Вск 19:04:55 #206 №8490727 
No, you pendoses will be destroyed by Russia. There can be no peace and never will be. It ain't over, until your United Shits of Pendosia turns into radioactive dust.
Аноним  OP 05/04/15 Вск 19:07:19 #207 №8490758 

Yea you really Rustled my jimmies there.
Аноним ID: Мэир Святополкович  05/04/15 Вск 19:09:59 #208 №8490795 
> вытер ноги
Аноним ID: Милоблуд Палладиевич  05/04/15 Вск 19:18:56 #209 №8490910 
Fuck pidorashka
Аноним ID: Светозар Латифович 05/04/15 Вск 19:19:43 #210 №8490930 
I fucking love danish sockets
Аноним ID: Никон Мстиславович 05/04/15 Вск 19:41:53 #211 №8491176 
I have nothing against Americans or USA, i like it, i like american people, films and TV, food, history, etc, and Americans in 4chan and krautchan are funny.
Also, i don't think that even people here who pretend that they hate USA now - really hate it, i think it is only such game for them.

But if there will be a new Cold War - it is not because citizens of one country hate citizens of another, but because of objective geopolitical and economical purposes of both countries, which seems to be in conflict to each other, and there is nothing that we can do with this.
Аноним ID: Никон Мстиславович 05/04/15 Вск 19:57:19 #212 №8491386 
>Is your democracy a sham with Putin/his allies b whatever shady group pulling the strings? Or is that media spin?
Yes. Elections are almost honest, but TV is strictly censured, and you can't win elections without access to TV.
Democraty still here, although, in public opinion. Government knows very well, that if it will be not supported by majority of people - it will be overthrown, so it watch public opinion and takes it into account.
Still it can manipulate public opinion, because it has control over TV.

>Do you guys have controversies with your government collecting your meta data like we do after the whole Edward Snowden thing?
Our government collect all it can collect, and most people don't care, and those, who care - use TOR or VPN.

Can't say anything about quality of life, need to something to compare with.

Аноним ID: Heaven 05/04/15 Вск 20:07:57 #213 №8491547 
Why don't we team up with Russia and kick the shit out of China?
Аноним ID: Мэир Святополкович  05/04/15 Вск 20:17:54 #214 №8491697 
Leave China alone
all you have to do is to behead their communist party - but that's exactly what you won't do, for you don't want them beheading your parties as well - it's way better to get the poor people's children killed, isn't it
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