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Russia is a third world country

 Аноним  OP 28/02/22 Пнд 11:48:14 #1 №3835195 

>Russian military equiptment is mostly trash from 60s to 80's
>The tactics are fucking horrible, nothing changed and nothing learned from ww2 era. They cannot even do basic group movement
>Tanks and cars pile up with 1 m distance
>Logistics trash
>Nobody has night vision, nobody has optics, very few have proper vests
>Infantry not properly covering tanks
>Soldiers shooting standing up like ducks, not taking cover
>Captured soldiers 18 year old kids crying, they thought there was only an exercise
>Intelligence is shit, does not manage to pinpoint air targets despite thousands of russian moles and satellite infrastructure
>infantry using unencrypted radios and normal frequencies
>Half of the soldiers look like they are handling a rifle for the first time

What the fuck do these guys do in the military? And where the fuck did all of your military budget go? This is a comedy show, not a war. I'm not even going to talk about strategic idiocity of Putin, fucked up his whole countrys economy in 3 days. Having visited Russia many times I knew Russia is a third world country socially and economically, but I didn't know even the military is so bad.

In short, Russias army works as well as its society, who would have known. It is broken, corrupted, dismotivated, uneducated and poor. How about start investing in your people and prosperity before trying to larp a superpower?

Ps. I have no personal hate towards Russians, I hope i can visit to drink your vodka and борщ in the future too.
Аноним ID: Драгунский Лавочкин 28/02/22 Пнд 11:57:17 #2 №3835286 
>>3835195 (OP)
>Russia is a third world country
Долго же до тебя доходило.
Есть мнение, что ты киберсвин под прокси
Аноним ID: Стальной Владимир Поткин 28/02/22 Пнд 11:58:02 #3 №3835295 
>>3835195 (OP)
ебин :----DDDD
Аноним ID: Карательный Евгений Пепеляев 28/02/22 Пнд 12:02:38 #4 №3835352 
>>3835195 (OP)
Аноним ID: Дежурный Хайрем Бердан 28/02/22 Пнд 12:06:40 #5 №3835396 
>>3835195 (OP)
Аноним ID: Блиндированный Паттон 28/02/22 Пнд 12:07:04 #6 №3835402 
Welcome to Winter War II

benis :---DDDDD
Аноним ID: Высокоточный Эрнст Хейнкель 28/02/22 Пнд 12:11:00 #7 №3835455 
>>3835195 (OP)
Потерь нет.
Киев взят три дня назад.
Проклятый пиндос!
Аноним  OP 28/02/22 Пнд 12:12:55 #8 №3835469 
>There is an opinion that you are a cyber pig under a proxy

If I was, would it change anything?

Если бы я был, изменило бы это что-нибудь?
Аноним ID: Стальной Владимир Поткин 28/02/22 Пнд 12:13:21 #9 №3835479 
The most succeful military operation in the XXI century is somehow hohl victory ;---D
Аноним ID: Транспортный Кантакузино 28/02/22 Пнд 12:23:06 #10 №3835573 
Давайте судить по итогам войны, когда будут понятны потери сторон, как долго она будет длиться и результат. Встретимся через месяцок, а пока пропаганда буквально сочится из всех щелей, включая англоязычное пространство.
Аноним ID: Штатский Ян Голиан 28/02/22 Пнд 12:24:57 #11 №3835596 
>Если бы я был, изменило бы это что-нибудь?
Это бы означало, что ты не веришь в то, что пишешь. А это означало бы, что ты не дегенерат,
Аноним ID: Мотострелковый Судмалис 28/02/22 Пнд 12:25:11 #12 №3835600 
>>3835195 (OP)

There are problems for sure, but not at the scale you describe.

Airborne, for example, proved itself very cappable same as navy and airforce and most of the ground force.

I agree with your assesment that Russia is still a demoralized nation.
Аноним ID: Матричный Георгий Фирсов 28/02/22 Пнд 12:26:09 #13 №3835618 
>>3835195 (OP)
>Literally zero correlation with reality
>have to invent reasons why the largest country in Europe was paralyzed so easily by a fracture of Russian forces
Аноним ID: Матричный Павел Дрёмов 28/02/22 Пнд 12:28:17 #14 №3835657 
Бля, че то аж как то грустно стало
Аноним ID: Окруженный Сергей Луганский 28/02/22 Пнд 12:28:49 #15 №3835663 
>>3835195 (OP)
Kids are also demoralized because civilians take on arms and it's hella hard psychologically to kill a civilian that looks like you and speaks your language. It's not evil bearded brown people.
Аноним ID: Heaven 28/02/22 Пнд 12:28:57 #16 №3835666 
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