Сохранен 33
24 декабря 2023 г. Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна. Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!

The righteous individuals in Russia

 Anonymous  05/05/22 Чтв 16:26:34 #1 №98468 
Hey, anons!

I just wanted to tell you, that I cannot put it into words how much I admire and respect the Russians who do everything destroy Putin's regime. You are true freedom fighters, and you don't only fight for your country, but also for the better world. You are a sign that Russia hasn't yet gone 100% crazy. I expect rest of the Russia to join you, once you show them example. More power to you.

Thank you. My prayers are with you.

Anonymous  05/05/22 Чтв 16:55:55 #2 №98469 
Anonymous  07/05/22 Суб 04:51:55 #3 №98561 
>>98468 (OP)
>>98468 (OP)
>>98468 (OP)
PUTIN PRESS THE NUCLEAR BUTTON.....................................!!!
Anonymous  07/05/22 Суб 05:27:48 #4 №98562 DELETED
Yes, these are the only russians I am willing to consider human, but not all who oppose the current regime are good guys, i.e. Navalny and his support of the annexation of Crimea
Anonymous  07/05/22 Суб 11:40:32 #5 №98565 
I would consider the possibility of information warfare against Navalny. What do you really know about Navalny's true opinions? He is clearly anti-war.

Anyways, I'd gladly see anyone else doing the job for russians than Putin. Be it Navalny or someone else. Atleast we'd see change.
Anonymous  07/05/22 Суб 14:01:29 #6 №98569 
Anonymous  07/05/22 Суб 14:58:28 #7 №98572 DELETED
25 thousand orcs officially dead xD
Anonymous  08/05/22 Вск 14:27:50 #8 №98597 
at least 1 million killed on the altar of victory. The main victory will be ours......!!!
Anonymous  08/05/22 Вск 19:56:55 #9 №98606 DELETED
We will cut off your heads and dance between your bodies xD please come to Europe! We can't wait!!
Anonymous  09/05/22 Пнд 16:50:46 #10 №98649 
we do not need Europe, we will eat those countries without NATO status, first Ukraine, then Finland or Georgia, there is no force that will forbid us. We will see on the Battlefield Who Surrenders on Whose Conditions ...........xD.......
Anonymous  09/05/22 Пнд 18:14:34 #11 №98660 DELETED
Okay okay deal with Ukraine first HAHAHAHAHAHAHA a russian animal can dream xD
Anonymous  10/05/22 Втр 10:04:08 #12 №98671 
Watchout the Mongol horde.
Anonymous  10/05/22 Втр 20:26:20 #13 №98675 
Anonymous  10/05/22 Втр 20:55:55 #14 №98678 
Anonymous  10/05/22 Втр 20:56:22 #15 №98679 
Anonymous  10/05/22 Втр 23:30:17 #16 №98683 
Anonymous  16/05/22 Пнд 16:43:05 #17 №98944 
>>98468 (OP)
>>98468 (OP)
>>98468 (OP)
Finland in NATO wanted to expect the Russian army at its borders with flowers and washing machines a microwave............................!!!
Anonymous  17/05/22 Втр 01:09:44 #18 №98964 
What does the symbol on his chest mean?
Anonymous  14/06/22 Втр 23:19:09 #19 №100289 
Бастионы едут
Anonymous  14/06/22 Втр 23:20:50 #20 №100290 
Anonymous  14/06/22 Втр 23:58:53 #21 №100293 
Chulie bampajesch?
Anonymous  29/06/22 Срд 07:42:20 #22 №100558 
Don't get me wrong, I see your point and I am completely not a fan of regime and politics in my country either, but - what for should we praize russian opposition for? All they did for all these years of resistance were shitting on people, segregated by political view, separating theirselves apart from so-called "vatnik"s, humiliating them in net, making them more cohesive and closed towards changes. And when vatnik"s united and lead by Putin strike back, this so called opposition fled abroad like cowards, leaving the nuclear country in hands of people whom they were fought against.
Anonymous  29/06/22 Срд 11:52:33 #23 №100561 
this aged well

All you had to do was to keep nordstream 2 open for a couple of years, then build your society with the added income

Anonymous  29/06/22 Срд 14:22:26 #24 №100565 
> then build your society with the added income
delusional. this country is being robbed for 30 years, they don't build, they destroy existed industry which is the result of decades of labor of people
> all you had to do
there is no we
Anonymous  29/06/22 Срд 14:28:46 #25 №100566 
My sympathies.
Better luck next time. Just one more societal cataclysm and you might be able to rebuild it better. 3rd time lucky?
Anonymous  29/06/22 Срд 14:59:53 #26 №100567 
Is this a copypasta from reddit? Familiar style.
Anonymous  29/06/22 Срд 15:21:42 #27 №100569 
Anonymous  29/06/22 Срд 18:15:38 #28 №100570 

It's not, but I woundn't surprise if there was somewhat the same.

Seriously, what should we praise them for? Before they show their faces, political balance was equal - politics robbed people, people pity politics. It was far from a healthy society, but at least we had free internet, much less censorship in media and all means and instruments to claim for some alternative. And what did they claimed? They constantly keep claiming all but themselves "bydlo", forcing the idea in every place they reach, behaving like a fucking sect, being toxic dickheads towards people they share the citizenship with. They could have given some idea that will unite people, like commies did in the end of Russian Empire era. Instead, they keep shitting their post-irony that "the only way for russian salvation is nuclear purification, falling apart is all that Russia deserves".

Important note here: I blame not even Navalniy or other opposition leaders and evangelists. I blame their direct followers, the ordinary people. It's like with commies: what was written in Marx's "Capital", what was claimed by Lenin, and what we ended up in eventually were three different things: evangelists give ideas, executives corrupt them. Even if we take as an axiom that the opposition evangelists' motives were sincere, it'd just mean that they didn't take into account the nature of people they strive to unite: evil, jealous and greedy. Those people claim they are higher than bydlo, but in fact, they are just the same, the only difference is their erudition, erudition that might eventually break the loop after a couple of generations if applied more softly and tolerably. But they gained it not for fixing things, they gained it under the urge desire of "not being like them", flee from them to the place where everything is fine already. In the end, opposition failed to unite people, it separated them, separated hard. And effect we got now is completely the opposite - one part of people united around a demagogue, who promised protection from these dickheads (and kept this insane promise), and the other part just fled and signed themselves apart from "being Russians", which literally just mean fled away from the responsibility for the shithole we all ended up in.
Anonymous  30/06/22 Чтв 03:30:36 #29 №100578 
>>98468 (OP)
You literally have a cosplayer as your head of state. Nobody should take you and your sorry ass country seriously faggot
Anonymous  30/06/22 Чтв 04:02:08 #30 №100580 
You disgusting fucking r*ssian piece of shit xD we will find you and kill you xD
Anonymous  16/01/23 Пнд 10:27:39 #31 №109758 
>>98468 (OP)
Ukrainian nazi propaganda dont like these videos, because they want to show whole Russian nation as angry militarists, to excuse future genocide against us, which they planned since 1918 and want to do after "Russia's collapse"
Anonymous  16/01/23 Пнд 10:51:55 #32 №109759 
you speaks like nigga or muslim savage
Anonymous  18/01/23 Срд 00:47:43 #33 №109798 
>>98468 (OP)
What's your favourite cuck porn movie? Mine's Black Ass-fuckers VII.
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