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Russia Country Life

 Anonymous  20/06/21 Вск 00:11:30 #1 №83767 
I'm Indian and my wife is Chinese. We're from white-collar backgrounds and love Russia. We're thinking of moving to Russia for a few years, buying a farm and living a peaceful rural life, maybe outside St. Petersburg. We also have two very young kids and want them to learn the meaning of freedom, hard work and toil so they don't end up spoiled or addicted to social media and technology.

From my experience, Russian people are very friendly and welcoming to people like us. I am just wondering if it's a good place for us to raise our kids. I'm not going to bother if my kids will be ostracized or beat up because of their race, I want them to be respected by whatever community we live in. Otherwise there are plenty of other places we can move. Do you think racism is realistically going to be a problem? We're decently wealthy if that's a factor.

Lastly, is the Russian country life any good? My wife loved being free as a kid to run around with her friends exploring the nature in China and finding new things to do. Is it this way in Russia? I've only really been to the cities.
Anonymous  20/06/21 Вск 02:29:37 #2 №83770 
>>83767 (OP)
Real Canadians.
I live in the countryside near St. Petersburg, everything is cool.
And racism will happen, it's normal and right in a white country. Money can compensate for such inconveniences
Anonymous  20/06/21 Вск 08:09:36 #3 №83775 
What kind of racism do you imagine occurring? I'm not really too concerned about political incorrectness and harmless incidents, but what kind of things should we expect? I know the level of violence has decreased significantly over the years.
Anonymous  20/06/21 Вск 13:38:53 #4 №83789 
> what kind of things should we expect?
People talking about racism being a right thing, but he's a rare sight to see IRL, they are usually at their homes busy shitposting on online forums.
The worst thing that might happen is someone won't get your name and will call you a popular Russian name. That's super weird to me, but some people do this for some reason. I know guys whose neighbors do this to them. They probably give their consent, I didn't ask if that's the case.
Anonymous  20/06/21 Вск 14:43:03 #5 №83792 
I'd be more worried about bullying or at least nonacceptance of your children of such appearance at school. To be honest, I can't foresee, but you are going to dive into a pretty monoethnic society treating tolerance as not something valuable.
Anonymous  20/06/21 Вск 20:41:02 #6 №83805 
>>83767 (OP)
>I'm Indian and my wife is Chinese.
Perfect combination.
Anonymous  20/06/21 Вск 21:06:01 #7 №83809 
You will always be strangers.
And that will be clear to everyone at a glance.
Anonymous  21/06/21 Пнд 08:15:22 #8 №83819 
People of different ethnic groups already live in Russia, though. Do you consider everyone a stranger?
This. This is an actual problem the OP might have to deal with. Although, children don't really need a reason to pick on someone - if one was ethnic Russian, they'd pick on him or her because of glasses, weight, height, or whatever they come up with.
Anonymous  21/06/21 Пнд 17:45:22 #9 №83860 
>if one was ethnic Russian
Than in school he will be bulling and beaten by muslim majority from North Caucaus or Middle-Asia.
Anonymous  21/06/21 Пнд 23:30:52 #10 №83902 
>Do you consider everyone a stranger?
Anonymous  22/06/21 Втр 01:33:48 #11 №83911 
Thank you for the responses everyone. If we do move there sometime in the future I'm sure we will have a great time.
Anonymous  22/06/21 Втр 16:30:00 #12 №83982 
>>83767 (OP)
> buying a farm and living a peaceful rural life, maybe outside St. Petersburg
No way, man. It's like buying a farm somewhere... damn far to the North.
If you want to live near the sea, you should look for Rostov-on-Don or Krasnodar.
But if the main goal is farming, you should consider buying a farm somewhere around Voronezh, Orel, Lipetsk or Belgorod. The best agricultural lands in Russia, especially the Chernozem soils around Voronezh
Anonymous  23/06/21 Срд 04:22:30 #13 №84038 
>>83767 (OP)
>Lastly, is the Russian country life any good?
No, there is hell. Believe me i've seen it.
Anonymous  23/06/21 Срд 04:24:40 #14 №84039 
Anonymous  23/06/21 Срд 05:06:00 #15 №84040 
>> 84039
One could argue you using ignorant arguments like: they deserve it (people get what they deserve), just do not cross the road and nobody touches you (victim is at fault), which is wrong. But foreign people probably won't protest and foreign people have less chances to get such attitude, which is true. Nevertheless basic lawlessness is the real thing, even if you follow the rules and do not care about politics.
Anonymous  23/06/21 Срд 05:19:40 #16 №84041 
Anonymous  23/06/21 Срд 05:24:17 #17 №84042 
What's the story? Are you sure it's not Belarus? Because they act like in Belarus and I don't see a reason to act like this in Russia.
Anonymous  23/06/21 Срд 05:27:19 #18 №84043 
Date is 2020/08/11. So it's Belarus.
Anonymous  23/06/21 Срд 08:00:15 #19 №84051 
Are they detaining random people? LMAO. I wish our Belarusian shitposter got to experience this, but he never leaves his home.
Anonymous  23/06/21 Срд 08:06:43 #20 №84052 
This. You won't be able to grow many things in St Petersburg. No peaches, no sweet potato.
Anonymous  23/06/21 Срд 08:14:51 #21 №84053 
The policemen are doing their job, they are being paid for that. It's not like they hurt anyone, and most of those detained protesters are released soon after even without a fine. People don't want them protesting there under their windows and spreading coronavirus more, nobody of those protesters got vaccined because they don't care. Am I ignorant? You called me ignorant just in advance because you are so sure you are right and everyone else is wrong. The police is acting according to articles you probably learnt by heart already. How is it lawless? It's the law.

Nothing like what we see in Belarus obviously, >>84041 this is just incomparable.
Anonymous  23/06/21 Срд 11:22:16 #22 №84067 
>Are they detaining random people?
Anonymous  23/06/21 Срд 11:23:53 #23 №84068 
>The policemen are doing their job

This is not the police. This is the KGB.
Anonymous  23/06/21 Срд 11:41:40 #24 №84069 
>It's the law.
it's true
Anonymous  23/06/21 Срд 12:01:42 #25 №84071 
Wdym? KGB is FSB nowadays. They aren't FSB, they are MVD which is the police. Are you stupid?
I'm not talking about Belarus, I give zero shit about what happens there. This thread has nothing to do with Belarus or any other rallies anyway, so what's your problem? Why are you being so obsessed with well-equipped big strong men handling others and calling them names? Do you wanna be there under their heavy black leather boot begging for mercy helplessly, pervert? What stops you?
Anonymous  23/06/21 Срд 12:06:34 #26 №84072 
Let me guess. Belarusian shitposter is it you? Nice Finnish VPN. You don't have to just watch this great video collection wistfully and masturbate alone. Go outside and join them, fulfill your sweet desires.
Anonymous  23/06/21 Срд 12:07:45 #27 №84073 
>well-equipped big strong men
Anonymous  23/06/21 Срд 12:13:30 #28 №84075 
Use words, silly. I'm not watching your Belarusian police gay porn.
Anonymous  23/06/21 Срд 12:14:44 #29 №84076 
> I'm not watching
Anonymous  23/06/21 Срд 12:15:46 #30 №84077 
I hope Belarusian cops will fuck you well.
Anonymous  23/06/21 Срд 12:18:13 #31 №84078 
>I hope Belarusian cops will fuck
Anonymous  23/06/21 Срд 12:19:33 #32 №84079 
>>83767 (OP)
>I am just wondering if it's a good place for us to raise our kids.
Anonymous  23/06/21 Срд 12:22:12 #33 №84080 
Why are you sending Belarus videos to me? Didn't I said explicitly I give zero fucks about your country? I couldn't care less what happens to you and people you know. But rejoice because this is the reason your country is to be absorbed. Just wait a little and Vladimir Putin will save your souls and assholes from big strong policemen.
Anonymous  23/06/21 Срд 13:52:46 #34 №84091 
> You called me ignorant just in advance because you are so sure you are right and everyone else is wrong.
Oh, wow. Let's re-read together my part of the message that triggered you.
> One could argue you using ignorant arguments like: they deserve it (people get what they deserve), just do not cross the road and nobody touches you (victim is at fault), which is wrong.
I called two arguments ignorant. Did you even use them? I think no, your point is that police did nothing wrong. Then you take it personally and pretend me calling you ignorant in advance.

And that's ignorant, now I call ignorant personally you.
Anonymous  23/06/21 Срд 15:26:06 #35 №84092 
> I called two arguments ignorant
You said "ignorant arguments like [these two]" and my argument is essentialy the same as the first one you mentioned.
Anonymous  23/06/21 Срд 15:46:09 #36 №84093 
You are so ignorrant you don't even realize you used another type of argumentation. Let me enlight you what "people get what they deserve" refers to. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just-world_hypothesis E.g., "the people of Russia deserve the rulers they have". Obviously assuming there is something wrong with the rulers. But since people get what they deserve, that's ok. Вера в справедливый мир, if you don't understand in English.
You evaluate police actions as legal and see nothing wrong in their actions. That's another story. Those two arguments can't be applied to such a viewpoint in the first place.
Anonymous  23/06/21 Срд 15:53:07 #37 №84094 
OK then, thanks.
Anonymous  23/06/21 Срд 17:48:52 #38 №84098 
>>83767 (OP)
dont go to russia or at least pick different city. north west has terrible climate and lacks the sun
Anonymous  26/06/21 Суб 22:39:59 #39 №84409 
>>83767 (OP)
I don't think it's good idea to leave such great country as Canada to live in Russia. It's poor and ruined by corruption. It's not all, of course.

You don't even know about 1 percent of minuses of life here. Highly not recommend for you.
Anonymous  27/06/21 Вск 18:20:32 #40 №84479 
>>83767 (OP)
>I'm Indian and my wife is Chinese.
Well, locals will beat you because you looks like gypsy and gypsies sell drugs
Anonymous  27/06/21 Вск 18:53:09 #41 №84482 
This. I doubt both of you want to have your anuses penetrated with a bottle of wine because it's a casual procedure in Russia. Thoughtcrime is persecuted too, and these people and me are being very brave telling you these things here because the police is probably on their way to us already. Oh, it's an insult to actual police to call these men police because they are bandits, marauders, executioners, guardians of the bloody regime. Everyone in this country wants to die every moment of their life but all websites about suicide are banned so we can't find any information on it. Those who say they don't dream to escape this hell are lying to you, they are disrespecting you by saying outright lies to you and they are probably paid Russian trolls from the Lakhta Project, bunch of them make effort to disrupt democracies for 15 rubles a post - that's how taxpayers' money are being spend while we are starving. My only wish is it'll change eventually, whether it global warming or thousands of cleansing nukes I don't really care, as you see I'm ready to selflessly post the truth even though it will come with consequences. Did I mention people pissing and shitting on the streets or in their pants because they're always drunk? Being always drunk is one of the ways to preserve sanity in Russia. This country is the GULag and you don't want to visit it. This may be my last post on this website and my last day being free and being able to eat fresh potatoes, but at least I'll save you and your wife from the torture of being here.
Anonymous  28/06/21 Пнд 23:12:42 #42 №84542 
You're just a racist and you don't want to see migrants in your country, so you scare them. But killing non-Russians is much cooler than lying about Russia, so take a saber and go christen savages.
Anonymous  28/06/21 Пнд 23:15:04 #43 №84544 
Anonymous  29/06/21 Втр 01:11:49 #44 №84550 
Anonymous  29/06/21 Втр 04:05:34 #45 №84559 
пошел нахуй, чуркобес.
Anonymous  04/11/21 Чтв 22:21:25 #46 №89060 
The Best republic of Russia
Anonymous  05/11/21 Птн 00:52:13 #47 №89064 
>>83767 (OP)
Because of Russians are slaves.

Donnetsk Kyiv kum.
Anonymous  05/11/21 Птн 23:03:19 #48 №89080 
Why ? It submittet to russian boots very easily.

Bazaev was good fighter at least he had honour.

Chechens should have kept fighting.
Anonymous  06/11/21 Суб 05:15:47 #49 №89084 
Anonymous  12/11/21 Птн 15:28:17 #50 №89242 
Chechen beat up russians.
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