Сохранен 79
24 декабря 2023 г. Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна. Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!

Finnish revolution

 Аноним  OP 04/06/22 Суб 18:34:16 #1 №49371302 
Hey, Ruski bros!

What's your excuse of not wanting to be annexed by Finland?

Also can someone explain why Kremlintrolls flood shit about Greater-Finland in our information sphere? Are they trying to create a casus belli or what? Or are they being kind and preparing you for the new-era of Russia (New-Finland)?

Serious discussion, please.
Аноним ID: Страстный Промокашкин 04/06/22 Суб 18:38:28 #2 №49371386 
>>49371302 (OP)
Please invade karelia and fuck our women
Аноним ID: Целомудренный Молчун 04/06/22 Суб 18:41:02 #3 №49371442 
>>49371302 (OP)
>What's your excuse of not wanting to be annexed by Finland?
cause we dont give a fuck bout u? peace fins good, wild cockholes are not
Аноним ID: Тоскливый Джейсон Вурхиз 04/06/22 Суб 18:43:41 #4 №49371493 
>>49371302 (OP)
>Why not to be annexed by th Finland
And what can you propose to people ,what benefit?
Аноним  OP 04/06/22 Суб 18:47:20 #5 №49371573 
Do they like Finnish men? Please share tips how to hit Ruski females. :3 I'm not single but I'm curious about Ruski females.

You can have everything you have ever dreamed of, and more! Only the best for my Ruski bros!
Аноним ID: Тоскливый Джейсон Вурхиз 04/06/22 Суб 18:49:21 #6 №49371612 
>You can have everything you dream of
I dream about Communism, do you have one?
Аноним ID: Нервный Токийский гуль 04/06/22 Суб 18:51:06 #7 №49371660 
>You can have everything you have ever dreamed of, and more!
What, for example?
Аноним ID: Стервозный Гиффорд Оллертон 04/06/22 Суб 18:59:03 #8 №49371835 
>>49371302 (OP)
>What's your excuse of not wanting to be annexed by Finland?

We want to be a part of the glorious horde. Are you a horde? Prove it. Invade Sweden.
Аноним  OP 04/06/22 Суб 19:00:02 #9 №49371857 
Would modern social democracy do? :3

Idk man. What do Ruskis dream of? Infinite ice-cream?
Аноним  OP 04/06/22 Суб 19:01:30 #10 №49371888 
We will liberate Sweden only if they ask for it. Personally I'm waiting for it eagerly.

Аноним ID: Одержимый Гоблин 04/06/22 Суб 19:07:21 #11 №49372011 
отток капитала.jpg
>>49371302 (OP)
how you fell, eurocoock?
Аноним ID: Любвеобильный Сэмюэль Пиквик 04/06/22 Суб 19:10:57 #12 №49372103 
Ты опять выходишь на связь?
Аноним ID: Саркастичный Эрик Драйвен 04/06/22 Суб 19:11:50 #13 №49372125 
Euro-cuckolds can't do nothing but talks. Ukrainians will do all the work.
Аноним ID: Стервозный Гиффорд Оллертон 04/06/22 Суб 19:13:28 #14 №49372155 
ЛНР база.mp4
WTF? If you refuse to use tough measures, use the "soft power" at least to promote our orkish culture. This guy from Norway https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRF5KEBkHf8 seems more
Donetsk gopnik to me than anyone else. I'd rather prefer Russia to be annexed by Norway gopnik's. Also ДНР/ЛНР - база!
Аноним  OP 04/06/22 Суб 19:14:51 #15 №49372190 
What is that? I only invest in USA weapon stocks :3 I prefer you to do the same
Аноним ID: Ненасытный Наруто Удзумаки 04/06/22 Суб 19:19:50 #16 №49372272 
>>49371302 (OP)
> What's your excuse of not wanting to be annexed by Finland?

Possible genocide of Russians.
Possible limitations of rights, similar to Estonia.
Hard to learn language.
Otherwise I'm not against
Аноним  OP 04/06/22 Суб 19:21:01 #17 №49372294 
Look man, I know is hard for you right now. We've had our fight also vs. Ruskis. And trust me - you are getting WAY more help than we ever did.

Hang on there buddy, you are doing fine!

GL with that. Norskis are very arrogant creatures. You'd literally have to beg for them to annex you, and I bet they'd still turn you down. We are more down to earth, and all you'd have to do is ask. :3

Also what is that girl doing in that video? I don't understand. Why does he have multiple passports?
Аноним  OP 04/06/22 Суб 19:23:38 #18 №49372326 
-No genocide (I promise)
-We will only create new laws to protect you from the dirty elite
-Finnish will be optional 2. language in Russia
-New flag
Аноним ID: Эпатажная Фуксия 04/06/22 Суб 19:28:51 #19 №49372413 
>>49371302 (OP)
use /int/
Аноним ID: Свирепый Зэро Кирю 04/06/22 Суб 19:29:05 #20 №49372417 
>>49371302 (OP)
Finland is just a small part of Russia. Now cry you cuckold.
Аноним ID: Heaven 04/06/22 Суб 19:30:00 #21 №49372430 
I hate finns so fucking much, it's unreal.
Аноним  OP 04/06/22 Суб 19:35:57 #22 №49372529 
>: ( Are u serious? There are no Ruskis, but instead it's full of poles wanting to make fun of Ruskis.

No way! But is literally true that the first of Rus were partly Finno-Ugric people. Who's your daddy?

Why tho :(
Аноним ID: Тоскливый Джейсон Вурхиз 04/06/22 Суб 19:39:01 #23 №49372593 
That is, you offer bourgeois democracy with propaganda of mental deviations? Can you at least reduce utility bills and the retirement age?
Аноним ID: Стервозный Гиффорд Оллертон 04/06/22 Суб 19:39:56 #24 №49372606 
>Also what is that girl doing in that video? I don't understand. Why does he have multiple passports?

First vidoe:
>Have you noticed the difference between Donbass and Ukraine? Donbass never asked for mercy, did not cry for all 8 years. They said: "Come in, don't be afraid, go away, don't cry!" And thanks for being born in the Donbass.

Second vidoe (sondtrack):
>"it's fucking good to be bad" [some obscene lexix about how is good to be bad]

Multiple passports: Uckranian, Russian, passport of Luhansk People's Republic. Bad orchis girl to give a birth to a lot of orchis children, perfect waifu) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chXYL4Jm0G8
Аноним ID: Отчаянный Клюшкин  04/06/22 Суб 19:41:06 #25 №49372629 
I thnik Finland Russia and Hungary (finnish people, hungarian people, and fino-ugric russian people) can create strong and democratic empire! We are brothers!
Аноним ID: Heaven 04/06/22 Суб 19:49:51 #26 №49372762 
You are autistic suicidal alcoholics, just like us. And you have a w*man president.
Аноним ID: Веселый Кузьма Скоробогатый 04/06/22 Суб 19:51:42 #27 №49372790 
>>49371302 (OP)
How do you see it? Finland is not an independent country and is subject to EU laws, and after joining NATO it will finally lose its sovereignty and turn into a country cuckolds.
Аноним ID: Heaven 04/06/22 Суб 19:58:54 #28 №49372903 
Ты зачем серьёзными вопросами мемный тред нагружаешь, братя?
потому что можешь
Аноним ID: Грубый Упырь Уизли 04/06/22 Суб 19:59:11 #29 №49372907 
The Finnish authorities, and this witch in particular, decided abruptly to betray the Pasikivi-Kekkonen doctrine that had bound our countries for decades by starting instead some 1930-s-tear-Svinhufvud-style rusophobic policy with the only difference that it is now the US dictates its will to you instead of Germany.
Аноним ID: Стервозный Гиффорд Оллертон 04/06/22 Суб 20:09:10 #30 №49373077 
>What do Ruskis dream of?
Ruski dreams of дать пососать. That's a very complex matter, actually. It's not the same as to make someone to suck or to force for sucking. When you understand what is дать пососать you will understand russian mentality and everything that stands on our's seemingly irrational to other actions. You should also understand what is рашка стронг ("Rashka strong", should not be confused with Raška), and whis will give you understanding, why a conditional "Hitler" would never be your's leader, but Putin is ok and majory acceptable in soviet russia.
Аноним  OP 04/06/22 Суб 20:13:18 #31 №49373155 
Our retirement age is atm like 64-65 years. Life expentancy is about 79 years on men, and women's 85 years atm. (Naturally these two have to go hand on hand.)

Look, we have been studied to be the happiest country on earth for many years in a row.

If you can't provide for yourself, government will pay:
-medicine & medical bills
-electricity & warming & water
-and besides that you'll get about 500€ / month, for every day living (absolute minimum)

I could imagine that after we've taxed the shit out of oligarchs, we could pay even more for our Ruski bros. :3

Perfect waifu? I'll take your word for it, she's cute

That's right!


>Thy people are scattered upon the earth,
>And they have learned alien words.
>Do come to every village and city
>Look what's left of the Erzya!

The 2nd picture is really rare picture of Simo Häyhä Help Helper (pepe toad variation)
Аноним ID: Стервозный Гиффорд Оллертон 04/06/22 Суб 20:19:34 #32 №49373257 
>But is literally true that the first of Rus were partly Finno-Ugric people. Who's your daddy?

Hah! It's so funny when Finns talking about ugric heritage на серьёзных щах. Do your even understand Hungarian language? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtgCtjWnJ8A Ki a fasza gyerek? Being russian I'm more hungarian, than you))) I'm a fasza gyerek, not you!)))))
Аноним  OP 04/06/22 Суб 20:23:56 #33 №49373334 
I'm not totally denying that

All tho Finnish suicidal thing is bit more complicated. We actually do not kill ourselves abnormally alot. It's a myth.

What is true tho, is that we have the most gender-inbalanced suicides (or well, Japan might be top-1, idk.) This meaning that men kill here themselves way more than women do. This has something to do with sisu, and a hegemonic masculinity in Finland.

100% we wouldn't have joined NATO, if Punya didn't invade Ukraine + if he didn't start his shit with us. Even if we trusted Ruski bros, can't trust the Ruski elite. The one's in Kreml do not seem very stable.

She's called "Our Sanna" or "Our Supreme Leader Sanna the Sunny" or "Sanna the kitty cat."

Besides one woman - or a man doesn't dictate decisions here. They absolutely had to apply - because the majority of people wanted us to join NATO.

And for that you can only blame Russian elite.

Can you elaborate?
Аноним ID: Heaven 04/06/22 Суб 20:26:35 #34 №49373386 
> This meaning that men kill here themselves way more than women do
Literally every European country has the same issue.
> All tho Finnish suicidal thing is bit more complicated. We actually do not kill ourselves abnormally alot. It's a myth.
Just like i said - just like us.
Аноним  OP 04/06/22 Суб 20:27:38 #35 №49373410 
To be fully honest, I didn't even know Hungarian were related to us somehow, before I visited Budapest, and literally everyone told me "u know we are relatives?" And then they started listing out loud all the possible Finnish metal bands they know of. :D
Аноним ID: Креативная Мертвая царевна  04/06/22 Суб 20:29:18 #36 №49373440 
>>49371302 (OP)
>Serious discussion, please.

Ok. Russians = baltic finns. Do you know that?
Аноним ID: Стервозный Гиффорд Оллертон 04/06/22 Суб 20:34:44 #37 №49373551 
>Can you elaborate?
Nope. We are on a anonymous entreating board for posting music videos, anime pictures, killed people and mutual insults. This is not the format for the serious conversations, it's for fun.
Аноним ID: Грубый Упырь Уизли 04/06/22 Суб 20:35:06 #38 №49373563 
Sure the opinion of the majority, which represents your politicians, which you elect every 2 years or whatever, cannot be manipulated in any way.
Аноним ID: Креативная Герда  04/06/22 Суб 20:38:17 #39 №49373634 
>>49371302 (OP)
>What's your excuse of not wanting to be annexed by Finland?
The thing is Finland doesn't build Communism any more. It means Finish ruling circles have no desire to liberate Russian working class. So, the pro-Finnish Russian government is more than enough to keep us as a colonial source of their profit and no profits for Russian working class
Аноним ID: Наглый Доктор Дум  04/06/22 Суб 20:48:57 #40 №49373859 
What do you mean oligarchs can't afford a 500M$ yacht?
Аноним  OP 04/06/22 Суб 20:49:39 #41 №49373876 
In the creation of the world we know now, and all the battles we've gone thru, we almost went to extinction. Yes, you heard me right. Finns created the world, which was given birth by a eggs of an Aythya, according to Finnish mythology Kalevala.


So, the Aythya laid eggs on the knee of Ilmatar (a Goddess.) When she moved her leg, the eggs fell to ocean and broke. From the broken eggs came the land of the earth, the sky, the stars, and the sun.

>According to the prevalent theory, the name Rus', like the Proto-Finnic name for Sweden (*Ruotsi), is derived from an Old Norse term for "the men who row" (rods-) as rowing was the main method of navigating the rivers of Eastern Europe, and it could be linked to the Swedish coastal area of Roslagen (Rus-law) or Roden, as it was known in earlier times. The name Rus' would then have the same origin as the Finnish and Estonian names for Sweden: Ruotsi and Rootsi.

The rest is history. True story, btw.
Аноним ID: Стервозный Гиффорд Оллертон 04/06/22 Суб 20:51:25 #42 №49373907 
Hah, that funny. Then I wisited Hungary I met:
- A Real hungarian fascist. A man who really fought on the side of the Nazis in World War II and even after the end of the war he collected Nazi regalia. By the way, he gave me a bicycle when I was child and was a great friend of my (russian) family. Unfortunately, he died, a very old man. I had to listen to his Nazi bullshit and hide from an elderly man that my girlfriend was Jewish at this time)
- A doctor who returned to Hungary from Russia and spoke very good Russian. The only doctor in Budapest who did my toenail plastic surgery, even after 25 years it does not bother me any more.

But speaking of languages. Do Finns understand Hungarian? I studied Hungarian. And if I listen from a distance, I can confuse Finnish with Hungarian, they have some kind of common sound, but if I get close, it becomes oblivious that I don’t understand a word in Finnish, although I learned Hungarian.
Аноним ID: Heaven 04/06/22 Суб 20:52:07 #43 №49373920 
Finns in my closet are talking with albanians about taking over my backyard. What should i do? Im scared.
Аноним ID: Наглый Доктор Дум  04/06/22 Суб 20:54:54 #44 №49373963 
>>49371302 (OP)
Well, there's one question. Will you kill me if I resist the "liberation"? Cause if yes, I'll wait for you to come in SPb. I'd gladly kill myself, but... You know, if you kill yourself, you're a coward, but if you die fighting, you're a hero.
Аноним  OP 04/06/22 Суб 20:57:00 #45 №49373990 
Yes, I was 100% sure no politicians could ever bring us to NATO.

Punya succeeded. All he had to do is show that: 1) he doesn't respect our neutrality 2) he is willing to attack his neighbors

U realize, that all of the Nordics governments are swarming with socialists? Capitalists flee from here, telling they literally can't fucking breathe.

There is also a saying, that our most right-wing party would be called communists in USA. And it's actually prolly true. :D

But the truth is, not one ideology should ever be let to dominate everything else. That's why democracy. Is perfect to let the ideologies be in constant and eternal conflict.

Btw fun fact: You know the money which was frozen from Russian elite by west? The bill that passed USA's congress, allows the frozen money to be used for the sake of Ruski people.

Think about that for a second.
Аноним ID: Наглый Доктор Дум  04/06/22 Суб 20:57:44 #46 №49374007 
В прошлый раз мы получили деформированное рабочее государство. Если коммунизм не получается, то либо теория коммунизма говно, либо не так строят. Я склоняюсь к первому.
Аноним ID: Ехидный Рокфор 04/06/22 Суб 21:00:22 #47 №49374049 
>>49371302 (OP)
>What's your excuse of not wanting to be annexed by Finland?
I would very much like that
Аноним ID: Пошлый Гинтоки Саката 04/06/22 Суб 21:08:17 #48 №49374204 
>>49371302 (OP)
Аноним  OP 04/06/22 Суб 21:12:09 #49 №49374272 
>Do Finns understand Hungarian?
No fucking way. When I visited Hungary, I was amuzed by the words. They are like: "ssszschzscshchschshcczzcsheczchhczhc"?!?! Finnish language contains alot more vowels. Epäjärjestelmällisyydessäänkäänköhän. Lentokonesuihkuturbiinimoottoriapumekaanikkoaliupseerioppilas.

Some Hungarians tried to explain me the similarities in our language (some words and stuff), but I don't really remember any of that conversation. For me it's totally alien language.

Estonia is really close to Finnish tho. And some Sami languages. I can even understand some of 'em without ever having learned 'em.

No dude, will only spank the Russian elite. The regular people who resist will not be hurt, but they are being pushed into de-brainwashation camps (not like gulags or concentration camps) but like fun camps, where you can meet new friends and learn new stuff. :3 Every thursday you'll get pancakes (with maple syrup!!)
Аноним ID: Наглый Доктор Дум  04/06/22 Суб 21:13:59 #50 №49374303 
Then go fuck yourself, I want do die in a fair battle and be sure that I will get it
Аноним ID: Грубый Упырь Уизли 04/06/22 Суб 21:14:13 #51 №49374308 
Ukraine is a unique country with a specific situation, if you know, what I mean. The fact that Putin attacked Ukraine does not mean that he will now attack all his neighbors (actually, I think Finland is the last country in the world that Putin wants to attack).
Аноним ID: Эпатажная Бриджит Венлок 04/06/22 Суб 21:17:38 #52 №49374375 
>>49371302 (OP)
I want Russia to become a Finnish Colony and country to be called "Finnish Raj". I think Finland with colony this big will become the most poggers country in the entire world. Living in a colony of the most poggers state is also pog I think.
your obedient submissive slave from South Ural
Аноним ID: Наглый Доктор Дум  04/06/22 Суб 21:18:21 #53 №49374388 
All I care is about is death and glory, all you need to do is to give me a war not on terror, not on destruction but pure glory.
Аноним ID: Озабоченный Гном 04/06/22 Суб 21:24:10 #54 №49374488 
>Serious discussion, please
Boy are you the the wrong place for that. Still, I'll play along.

Finns and Russians have a distinct difference in mentality, just strong enough to surely become a point of contention.
Аноним ID: Гордый Партос 04/06/22 Суб 21:25:10 #55 №49374505 
>Our retirement age is atm like 64-65 years. Life expentancy is about 79 years on men, and women's 85 years atm. (Naturally these two have to go hand on hand.)

>Look, we have been studied to be the happiest country on earth for many years in a row.

>If you can't provide for yourself, government will pay:
>-medicine & medical bills
>-electricity & warming & water
>-and besides that you'll get about 500€ / month, for every day living (absolute minimum)

И про них Пушкин писал:

По мшистым, топким берегам
Чернели избы здесь и там,
Приют убогого чухонца;

Вот до чего страну довели строители коммунизма и пынекраты. Некогда убогие чухонцы сейчас боги по сравнению с великой в прошлом русской цивилизацией. Все, кто поддерживает диктат - преступники и фундаментальные враги русского народа.
Аноним  OP 04/06/22 Суб 21:34:11 #56 №49374667 
One day, my friend. One day. :3

Post more music plz

Is this popular in Russia?

0:44 (the man in black shirt) I fucking swear to you, that looks 100% like one of my friends.




Well, can we compromise: what if we place the people who resist in a big cage and then they can duel each other (or last man standing death match) ?

Yeah, that's pretty much how we used to think too. Now not so sure anymore. +He has already violated our neutrality. Besides, this isn't just about Putin. Someone will come after him, and there's change that the next one is even more unstable, and care even less about the opinion of Russian people.
Аноним ID: Мечтательный Делсин Роу 04/06/22 Суб 21:45:38 #57 №49374854 
And is there aby proofs about your acclaim that Finland would be somehow "the last country on planet earth" that mr. Putin and his friends would attack?

"The truth is out there...", I think truth is that we (finns) don't have anything against normal russians (ofcourse there is allways some people that think that people outside of their homecountry are annoying), but your elite the way your elite is threatens europeans and frankly allmost everybody, is the main reason for sanctions and Finland's nato-oblication.
Аноним  OP 04/06/22 Суб 21:48:45 #58 №49374907 
I think we are somehow connected telepathically. You are reading my thoughts 100% accurately. This makes me more confident that Finnskiy Mir is the final solution to all problems.

You might get up on your knees tho. No slaves in Finland. Only proud simps of Sanna "the kitty cat" Marin.

No, this is the right place for discussion. Cannot come to your market place and get arrested just to join the company of Navalnyi and many others

Also I legit don't know any other discussion forums where my Ruski bros hang out
Аноним ID: Пошлый Гинтоки Саката 04/06/22 Суб 22:00:48 #59 №49375123 
>Is this popular in Russia?
not at all, just as a meme video for short time

Аноним ID: Наглый Доктор Дум  04/06/22 Суб 22:07:20 #60 №49375231 
That is not a glory. If you come to my country to lnvade it, you will have to step over my corpse. If I am dead, that means you deserve to make a change.
Аноним  OP 04/06/22 Суб 22:30:43 #61 №49375650 
Is that guy (in the first music vid from the concert) the dude who confronted Putin in his early presidency? Just saw the video couple days ago. I wish I had subtitles for that confrontation. :( Legit first time ever I've seen some Ruski to confront him openly.

"Cream Soda - Никаких больше вечеринок" <- What is this song about?

Аноним  OP 04/06/22 Суб 22:38:47 #62 №49375801 
I can respect that logic, but I will not approve that. Our ancestors were traumatized by killing too much Ruskis, and seeing their frens die while doing that. There's nothing fun in it.

Make Finnish empire, but not war! :3
Аноним ID: Одаренный Павлик Морозов 04/06/22 Суб 22:54:08 #63 №49376094 
ebin tän Häyhä-apustajan alkuperäinen versio oli mun tekemä
Аноним  OP 04/06/22 Суб 22:59:09 #64 №49376176 
Voisitko kirjottaa Häyhä-apustaja kuvaan paintilla nimmarin, ja postata tähän :3
Аноним ID: Наглый Доктор Дум  04/06/22 Суб 23:08:25 #65 №49376319 
I'm not talking about fun, it's about purpose. If you can't get through 20 yo kid that wants to die with purpose then you can't get through anyone.
Аноним ID: Похотливый Адам Дженсен 04/06/22 Суб 23:15:08 #66 №49376459 
>>49371302 (OP)
Финнское командование приняло решение о вступлении в НАТО на основании треда на дваче?
Аноним ID: Пошлый Гинтоки Саката 04/06/22 Суб 23:31:45 #67 №49376773 
Yes, that's him. It was before Putin's third presidential term, when the first serious protests began about ten years ago. Putin then gathered well-known popular artists, hoping that they would be kind to him as usual and thus calm the people. Like, due to their popularity, to establish emotional contact with most of the electorate.
But the greatness of the moment is not that he asked uncomfortable questions - there is nothing complicated about it, Putin is often asked such questions at press conferences and he evades the answer with the help of demagoguery. The point is that he made fun of Putin, making him look like a fool. Actually, I was going to tell you about it a couple of months ago, but this is a long conversation, so I'll come back to it later, when I have more mental strength for such conversations.


>What is this song about?
No matter. This project is not about meaning, they just make high-quality entertainment content - interesting videos and good edm.
Аноним  OP 04/06/22 Суб 23:35:07 #68 №49376824 
I tried to translate that: "Did the Finnish command decide to join NATO based on a two-way thread?"

Exactly what do you mean? Our parliament voted for it 188-8. Even majority from the left were aboard, which was surprising.

Basically there were 4 reasons for joining:
1) War in Ukraine (this also having to do with the trauma of the past, of us being alone vs. Russia)
2) Russia started presenting us demands, not respecting our neutrality
3) For the last decade or two, Russia has had activity inside our country, which shows great disrespect for our neutrality
4) Russian information warfare (which some of it is happening in our information sphere via Kremlin trolls) is making people somewhat nervous

But the thing to break the camel's back was the war, ngl. Some say that Finland did the decision to join the NATO over one night, 24.02.2022.

There were some individual politicians trying to speak against it, but their arguments fell short.
Аноним ID: Похотливый Адам Дженсен 04/06/22 Суб 23:37:11 #69 №49376869 
based on 2ch.hk thread. Would not be surprised.
Аноним  OP 04/06/22 Суб 23:42:51 #70 №49376959 
Is it Cuckoo-kun ! ? ! !!!

Just a second, I'll answer you right in a moment, I'm cooking right now. Very hectic situation going on!
Аноним ID: Тоскливая Моко Акассия 04/06/22 Суб 23:45:34 #71 №49376996 
>>49371302 (OP)
Fingolian and Rungolian sons of Genghis Khan, UNITE!
Аноним ID: Пошлый Гинтоки Саката 04/06/22 Суб 23:56:16 #72 №49377163 
Снимок экрана 2022-06-04 в 23.55.53.png
Аноним  OP 05/06/22 Вск 00:29:26 #73 №49377649 
Thank god, good to hear from u!

How have u been? How's life? How's Russia?

I'm eager to hear about it. Why did they publish the video tho if he succeeded of making him look like a fool?

Their (Cream Soda's) music vids are visually very appealing and hypnotic.


(Pay attention to the lyrics of the last one. It makes for a great story.)
Аноним ID: Религиозный Абрахам Писгуд 05/06/22 Вск 00:37:09 #74 №49377764 
mbl xyecoc
Аноним  OP 05/06/22 Вск 00:37:51 #75 №49377773 
Heh, yes, our elected leaders are basing their decisions (in relation to defense politics) solely on 2ch.hk discussions.

Srsly speaking, it was more about nobody really knowing wtf is going on with Russia, and how it's going to develop as a country. It looks kinda scary from outside world. Probably pretty much comparable to rise of nazi germany, but with internet, and nukes.

throat sings with great emotion

Аноним ID: Ленивый Мотоко Кусанаги  05/06/22 Вск 00:47:05 #76 №49377894 
>But the truth is, not one ideology should ever be let to dominate everything else. That's why democracy.
Just another batch of Bourgeois media bullshit. The true Democracy is the power of the majority. The working class is the majority. The lack of ideology called Liberalism that is pure bourgeois idea of profit extraction. That's it.
Аноним ID: Пошлый Гинтоки Саката 05/06/22 Вск 00:49:51 #77 №49377943 
>Thank god, good to hear from u!
Glad to see u too, brother. Also seen your thread couple weeks ago.
>how have u been? How's life? How's Russia?
Really stressing time for me now. After period of full mental concentration since war begins, my mind totally relaxed and in that moment I got couple problem projects to solve, so last month I'm trying to pull myself together and put all my strength into solving them.
Situation here is kinda normal, just like almost nothing changed, but I'm living in Moscow and people here concentrate mostly on their life and work. In more poor regions, it could be more moment, connected with war.
>Why did they publish the video tho if he succeeded of making him look like a fool?
It was just a beginning of protests and propaganda was not ready for moments like that. Perhaps they didn't even guess at that moment what had happened.

>Their (Cream Soda's) music vids are visually very appealing and hypnotic
yeah yeah, just wanted to show you another side of our pop culture

Actually, Fleetwood mac is one of my favourite. Stevie is goddess of rock.

>lyrics of the last one
Kinda funny. Old fashioned southern music in a modern performance.
Аноним ID: Упрямый Жмурик 05/06/22 Вск 01:00:47 #78 №49378109 
>The working class is the majority.
But this majority wants free shit, not to become your slaves.
Аноним  OP 05/06/22 Вск 01:03:45 #79 №49378153 
Umm, but things get beyond that when the well-being, rights & freedoms of workers & even poor piipul is secured. Here you don't have to even work, to live proper, happy life. And most of the people here feel like they belong to middle class (about 55% of the people.) Working class is getting kinda outdated here as a term, imho.

The guy in the picture is Björn "Nalle" Wahlroos. One of the "OG" capitalists, very very rich dude. He changed his books to Sweden, as a protest for too much socialism.

Btw: He was a radical communist in his youth, which he nowadays kinda regrets.
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