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Soviet/Russian spacecraft IDSs details

 Аноним 19/07/15 Вск 20:49:37 #1 №198231 
I'm interested in the pioneering times of spaceflight (say, before Mir/Space Shuttle era). Nasa disclosed the details of their early manned spacecraft, what made possible to read original spacecraft papers; seems Rosskosmos still didn't. It will be interesting to compare different approaches of spacecraft control (http://web.mit.edu/slava/space/essays/essay-ponomareva.htm), but I can't find any detailed info about Rusiian IDS's. I know these classic Yurii Tiapchenko articles (http://web.mit.edu/slava/space/essays/essay-tiapchenko1.htm) of course, but I want to know more details.
For example, ow the commands are entered into the computer (this x-y matrix) is briefly explained in Tiapchenko's essays, but what commands exactly? How the sequencing system works? What exactly is displayed on the CRT and what it looks like? Etc.
Any resources? Preferably in English, bu Russian is veeeery basic.
Аноним 19/07/15 Вск 21:29:14 #2 №198245 DELETED
>approaches of spacecraft control
Аноним 19/07/15 Вск 21:43:16 #3 №198255 
Well maybe thi should be "approaches to".
Аноним 19/07/15 Вск 21:49:14 #4 №198257 
You came to wrong board, bro. It's kanikuly-time now, so there are many schoolnicks here. They just want to voevat for didi in paradigm of modern russian faschism and propaganda, and ebat your american mamka.

Really, try to post at some real forums.
Аноним 19/07/15 Вск 22:55:29 #5 №198296 
Well there's plenty of information on more modern IDS like Neptun-ME in Russian.
There's also a simulator available online.
Here's some info on Neptun IDS used on the Soyuz-T/7К-ОК, and also an overview of the evolution of their СОИ (IDS).

I'm not aware of anything like this in English though, but I can translate or clear up some bits for you if you want (not everything, it's too much). What you can also do is to ask at Novosti Kosmonavtiki forums, in their history section, there are people like Anatoly Zak (author of russianspaceweb), Nicolas Pillet etc who hopefully have some detailed sources in English.

> Nasa disclosed the details of their early manned spacecraft, what made possible to read original spacecraft papers; seems Rosskosmos still didn't.
AFAIK they actually did it in early 90s, but most papers are available on paper (duh) and everything is in Russian. They never bothered to put them online; Roscosmos generally sucks at PR even more than JAXA. I'm sure there's a lot of tangentionally related articles/books available online though, I'm just not aware of anything in English.

shut up fag
Аноним 19/07/15 Вск 22:58:35 #6 №198299 
My bad, 7K used Sirius, not Neptun.
Аноним 19/07/15 Вск 22:59:29 #7 №198300 
Ty scholnik prosto, cho. Mimikriruyschiy. Read your literatura na leto.
You don't know real dvach, malchik.
Аноним 19/07/15 Вск 23:18:15 #8 №198307 
Аноним 20/07/15 Пнд 00:25:32 #9 №198336 
Thanks for this info! Especially, these Neptune files seems to contain exactly what i want, along with another files from cosmoworld.ru I already found. Time to refresh my rather forgotten knowledge of Russian... or my sister, who is studying Russian philology, may have some stuff for her kanikuly practice :-)
Аноним 20/07/15 Пнд 01:16:05 #10 №198361 
God bless USA! Long live american technological supremacy!
sageАноним 20/07/15 Пнд 05:01:16 #11 №198389 DELETED
U suk pindos neblagodatniy.
Аноним 25/08/15 Втр 17:54:31 #12 №212187 DELETED
Who suk epta blya? U suk!
Аноним 26/08/15 Срд 00:50:29 #13 №212245 
You really in the wrong place. This is board of KSP players who sometimes try to discuss something about real space with zero result. And, also, we all are virtual pilots.
Аноним 29/08/15 Суб 09:35:06 #14 №212900 
and go away from here
Аноним 30/08/15 Вск 00:16:40 #15 №213063 
>>198231 (OP)
Wtf is this shit?
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